Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1898, Page 12, Image 12

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Changes Contemplated by the Company in
Ita Winter Arrangements.
- - - -
boulli Oninlin to lln\e the Mint I3t-
tennlve Improvement * home \ MT
MmTnlUftl Of , lint Noth-
Si-tMcil Aim tit Them ,
Now that the exposition has closed , and
the Incident crowds disappeared , the Omaha
Strcut railway Is preparing to rearrange Its
service In the city. First of all the extra
lines which have been maintained from
licavenworth street and from Howard street
to the exposition , along the North Twenty-
fourth street and Sherman avenue lines
respcctUcly , will be discontinued. Next the
Podge stit-ct line will within a few days
foil back to Its old terminus at Twentieth
and Lake streets. The extra servlco on
the two regular exposition lines will be
maintained possibly for at least a week
longer until the demand of the traffic drops
back to Its normal condition.
Whllo thu company has had Its hands full
during the summer trying to meet the call
for cnrs to accommodate the tremendous
crowds In attendance at the exposition , It has
not neglected preparations for the winter.
It has ordered twenty closed bodies on the
Btylo of the double door cars which have
been used on the park line and the Fnrnam
Htrect line during the past year , und most of
these will bo mounted on the motors now
used on the new long open cars which hauled
their thousands to the exposition during the
summer. These bodies wore expected before
this time , but have not yet appeared. They
will soon bo hero anil will bo put In use as
Boon as they can bo prepared. They will
probably be used on the Farnam nnd Park
lines , and with those already on hand will
fully equip lines with the best cnrs In
the service.
Sinitli Onmlin OetM Iletter Service.
The South Omaha line Is not being for
gotten. The company Is rebuilding the trail
ers to bo used , putting on wider platforms ,
which nro closed up high with an opening
through the guard rail just wide enough for
a man to slip through sideways , which Is
oxpcctcd to prevent one from falling through
It In case of accident. The trucks will bo re
arranged , making the car as easy riding as
nny In use in Omaha , with the possible ex
ception of the new cars. Some of these
are now belne used on this line and have
given excellent satisfaction. The leader or
motor car on this line Is also being rebuilt.
The platforms are being made larger , and
carpeted seats will be experimented with for
the first tlmo on that line , nnd the little
stoves , such as were being used on the bet
ter cars lost winter , will bo placed In thcso
cars. The Interior finish will be better than
ever before.
The Walnut Hill service Is already about
cm good , so far as cars are concerned , as It
can bo made , and the Dodge street line ,
owing to the hills , cannot bo changed much
ns to cars , further than to repair the mo
tors to prevent their breaking down so frc-
quent'y. The best of the cars remaining
will bo fitted up In good shape for use on
the Harney lines and the stubs In different
parts of the city.
The company Is now experimenting with
fenders. It has four or live different styles ,
one of which Is now In UPC. The others will
be attached to cars wlth'n ' a few days for
trial.and after a thorough test the style
which gives the best satisfaction will be
adopted and all the cars will be equipped
with them. The use of the fender , it Is be
lieved , will go a long way toward preventing
many of thu accidents which occur along
the lines.
Viv Mil I'M I'ntler | ) | N ( < IIMNI > II.
The question ot new lines Is also being dis
cussed Just now among the directors of the
company , Inspired , probably , by the phenom
enal business done during the period of tlic
exposition. None of these schemes will be
carried Into effect before next year , If then ,
but what to many ot the directors appears
as the most practical scheme , and which at
this tlmo possibly stands the best bhow of
being put through , Is that of doing away
with the Lake street stub , and running thu
Dodge htreft cars over that line. It would
not require n great deal of building to no-
rompllsh this. j.ul. while It would not tomt
Under the head of a new line , It would
establish u direct service with the city whlcli
would doubtless be appreciated by the rcsl-
d.ents In the northwest quarter. Anothei
director wants the line extended out Nortl :
Thirtieth to Prospect Hill cemetery , bin
nn officer of the company says that , while
this line was one of the possibilities of tlu
future , when It was built , ho thinks It wll
start from Cumlng street , west of Twenty
fourth , nnd go through territory which nov
has no servlco. There nro other scheme ;
talked of , but as there Is no Immedlati
prospect of their being carried out It I :
hardly worth the while to mention them.
The now car barn which Is being bull
nt Twenty-fourth street nnd Amen avenui
Bhould bo completed by December 1 , accord
ing to the contract , but the company does no
expect to be able to use It before January 1
"When It Is finished It will be used to stor
the Twenty-fourth street and Shormai
nvcnuo cars , and possible those from Dodg
street , wlille unseasonable cars will t >
Htori'd In the space vacanted by the trnnsfc
of these- cars from other barns.
MetKlejolm Meetlntr.
Assistant Secretary of War Mlcklejoh
will speak at the grand rally to be held 1
South Omuhn Tuesday evening , November 1
at Blum's hull. This Is the only opportunlt
that the voters will have to hear Mr Melklc
John In this vicinity and a rousing meetln
is anticipated by nil
Comnilixliiii MPII llniiillliiK .Muntly
I'rull , but Still VoKHahlr *
I'ltnl n llt-nity Hull- .
The commission men report that prices are
holding to nbout the name figures that have
ruled for the last two weeks. They are pay
ing moat of their attention to fruits , cspa-
clally apples , at present and are not hand
ling a great amount of vegetables.
Potatoes are still coming In from Western
Nebraska anil South Dakota of good quullty.
The tarly Ohlos are selling at frum 40 to
I , " cents a bushel. A quantity of onions are
on the market. They nro mostly homegrown
grown and are bringing from 35 to 10 cents
a bushel. Nebraska celery Is selling at
from 20 to 35 cents a hunch.
There are apples In of nearly every va
riety Hen Davlses , russets , winter reds ,
pannocks , wlncsapfl and pippliui. The
greater portion of them are coming from
New York and Wisconsin , which son nt
$3. 0 a barrel. Iowa , Missouri and Nebraska
arc furnishing some , the prevailing in Ice be
ing from $3 to $3.25. The season for Cali
fornia fruit In about over and the end of the
New York grapes Is approaching. The lost
will be In next week.
There has boon a greater demand for
game BO far this season than ever before.
Pralrlo chickens are bringing from Sl.oO to
$5 a dozen , teal ducks from $1.E > 0 to $1.75
and mallard ducks from $3 to $ .1.fiU. The
iiuall season will begin Tuesday , the 1st of
November , when the game laws go out of
force. The prictr will range from $1.50 to
$1.75. There Is more poultry on the market
than there Is a demand for. Spring chick
ens are Helling for 6 cents a pound and old
chickens for 6 cents.
Dr. null's Cough Syrup IB the best mcdl-
olno fur pulmonary troubles. One bottle will
convince you of Its excellence. Try It.
Inhibitor * ' IJieiirnlon.
The exhibitors nt the Transmlsslsslppl Ex
position having : pres"ed n desire to visit
the wonderful Black Hills before returning
to their far away eastern and southern
homes , arrangements have been made for n
special low rate excursion from Omaha on
Friday , November 1 ,
Macr | A. M. Wheeler , Who has been In
charge of the Now York building on the ex
position grounds during the summer , will
accompany the party , and the representa
tives of the Fremont. Elkhorn & Mlswnirl
Valley railroad ( Northwestern line ) will BOO
that everything possible Is done to make this
trip a pleasurable one nnd long to be re
membered by nil who go.
The Black Hills Is n most Interesting
study , with Its mountainous scenery , won
derful caves , romantic legends , rich mineral
deposits nnd the wonderful Hot Springs In
the southern hills. At Hot Springs Is thp
largest plunge bath In America , with water
tit a temperature of 92 degrees the yea-
round , just right for bathing ; fine hotels.
After n hard summer's work there Is no
better place than the Hot Springs of South
Dakota and the Black Hills district for n
person to go for rest nnd recreation.
The very low rate of $16.10 , Omaha to Hot
Springs nnd return , has been secured , and
exhibitors or their friends who wish to take
advantage of this excursion , leaving Omaha
at 3 p. m. , Friday , November 4 , should at
once notify Major A. M. Wheeler , New York
building , Transmlsslsslppl Exposition , or G.
F. West , city passenger and ticket agent ,
Northwestern line , 1101 Farnam street.
General Passenger Agent.
Oninlin to Oilmen.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail
way has Just placed In service two inag-
nlllcent electric lighted trains between
Omaha and Chicago , leaving Omaha dally
at 5:43 : p. m. , arriving Chicago at 8:25 : n. m.
and leaving Chicago 6:15 : p. m. and arriving
Omaha 8:20 : a. , m. Each train Is lighted
throughout by electricity , has buffet smok
ing cars , drawing room sleeping cars , dinIng -
Ing cars and reclining chair cars and runs
over tlin shortest line nnd smoothest road
bed between the two cities.
Ticket office , 1B04 Furnam street , and at
Union depot.
Try to Stop rroNocntloii.
An effort Is being rrudo by the frle-nds o !
William Dates , the electrician who Saturdav
night attempted the life ot Una Tuckrr , a
former sweetheart who has ot late spurned
his advances , to have Miss Tucker drop
the case against him.
| When she appeared In the police court yes
terday Bates' frlendi were there awaiting
her. They prevailed upon her not to file
r a complaint against Bates , but to return to
1 her home and talk the matter over with her
aunt. She did so , after telling County At-
i torney Honing that she would return Tucs-
I day morning to inform htm of her decision.
I Bates is still locked up In the city Jail
1 and Is very repentant. He say a his threats
against Miss Tucker wore made while under
the Influence of liquor.
KitrrnilH Ml.o WildIIre * .
You can't keep a good thing down. Newf
of It travels fast. When thing" - "the
best" they become "the best selling. " Abra
ham Hare , a leading druggist ot Bellev I1"
0. . writes : "Electric Bitters are the bin
selling bittern I have ever handled in inj
20 years' experience. " You know why'
Most diseases begin In disorders of stomach
liver , kidneys , bowels , blood and nerves
Klectrle Hitters tones up the stomach
regulates the liver , kidneys , and bowels
purifies the blood , strengthens the nerves
hence cures multitudes of maladies. I
builds up the entire system. Puts new lifi
and vigor Into any weak , sickly , run-dowi
man or woman. Only BO cents. Sold b ;
Kuhn & Co. . drugglsls ; guaranteed.
YOU CAX.MJT 110 . \\YTIII.\0 Cf.SB
If \ < n Want to fo Kn t
except tak the "Northwestern Line" I
you desire a fast daylight trip bctweei
Omaha nnd Chlciurn , because no other llni
runs a daylight train. Leaves Omaha 0:40 a
m. , arrives Chicago S'lB same evening. Clos <
connection with eastern lines. A good train
Emphatically YES.
City ofllce. 1401 Farnam.
Her Grand European hotel now open , nie
gant rooms , ladles' and gents' cafe and grll
room. Cor 16th and Howard.
The way to go
to California
Is In a tourist sleeping car personally conducted via the Bur
lington Route. You don't change cars. You' make fast time.
You see the finest scenery on the globe.
Your car Is not BO expensively finished , nor so fine to look
at as ft palace sleeper , but It Is just as clean , just as comfort
able , just as good to ride In AND NEARLY $20 CHEAPER ,
The Burlington excursions leave Omaha every Thursday ,
reaching San Francisco Sunday and os Angeles Monday. Porter
with each car. Excursion manager with each party. For folder
giving full Information , call at
Ticket Olfice : New Depot :
1502 Farnam St. 10th & Mason Sts.
Telephone ' .251) ) . Telephone 128 ,
) nmlm roller " \Vntcli fur the Aplicnr-
nncc of u Mnn Who In Mlotrtr
Coming Thin AVny.
The police arc watching for the appearance -
anco In Omaha of a very plausible and suc-
t'Rsful check worker , who IB duo to arrive In
ho city within the next day or BO. Ho left
Uirora , III. , several days ago for Omahn. It
le has arrived ho has not shown his hand
BE yet.
The fellow goes under the name of Ralph
J. Griffith and Is In the company of a very
stylishly dressed woman , who IB only Itnown
as Maude. Qrlfllth received $200 nt Aurora
jy being Identified at the Aurora National
iank by Rev. James Knox of Aurora , whoso
acquaintance he made on his arrival In Att
orn through a letter of Introduction near-
ng the forged signature of Rev.V. . AV.
turns of Oak Park , Chicago. From Aurora
Griffith went to Cedar Rnptda , la. , and them
forged the name of L. C. Goodman , the son
of an Aurora manufacturer , to a check for
$200 drawn on the Aurora National bank. Ho
s supposed to bo working his way to Omaha
iy easy stages. Chief Whlto was notified of
his coming by Chief of Police Michaels of
For broken surra" s , sores , insect bites ,
turns , skin diseases , and especially pike ,
hero Is one reliable rerrcdy , DeWltt's \Vltch
Jazcl Salve. When you call for DeWltt'a
ion't accept counterfeit or frauds. You will
tot be disappointed with DeVVItt'f Witch
tazcl Salve
The Only ilnllriuiil to
Vlth a daylight train. Leaves
Omaha 6 10 a. m. every day ,
arriving Chicago the same
veiling at S 15shon close connections
ro made with all lines
beyond. This train Is CO year *
head of the times and Is proving
mmcnscly popular with Omaha
icople. Other flying
rains leave for Chicago at 4:65 : and 6:85 :
o. m. dallv , fliv tlokpt nfflce ,
1401 Farnnm St. .
"Tho Northwestern Line. "
One of the admirable features of Ko fpr and
Hal's well-known extravaganza , "Gayest
lanhattnn , " which Is the attraction for next
'rlday nnd Saturday at the new Boyd thrn-
cr. Is the excellence of the musical element
f the performance. The score of the piece
s by W. II. Batchdor , who IB very favorably
mown as the composer of several popular
burlesques. It Is written In a happy vein
and Is bright with tuneful and lively airs.
The gem of the first act I ? the solo "Susie
Smith from Troy , " sung by Miss Jean Me-
Imoyle , with n chorus of eight young women ,
At the Boyd theater on Wednesday and
Thursday the great dramatic success , "Hu
manity , " with Its elaborate scenic surround-
tigs nnd thoroughbred horses and foj
lottnds , will bo presented for the first time
Ills reason here. The play Is ono of great
nterest and strength , It Is said , the com
edy being particularly well developed anil
.he climaxes most thrlllingly worked out.
TinTrnciiilcro. .
The Trocadero bill this \ vok Is compO'Pi
of eight of the strongest vaudi UI ' at'-.v
lions the profe-slon nffor-JT oni Init itlght'i
audience , which occupied the entire tfatlnj
capacity of the house , were tiro'.t'e in O.i li
compliments for each number on the pro'
gram. The diminutive little comedian , Arthm
Junn , assisted by Miss Mattle Nlch Is
n their clever llttlo sketch , "The Soubrettt
and the Bell Boy , " completely capture 1 the
audience. Miss Pearl Hlght , In her imlta-
: ions of Annlo Held , deserves all the prala :
.ho critics have given her and * ho irmaln-
ler of the program Is certi'nly ' worthy i
.he applause which greeted each presenta-
tlon. Every afternoon at 2Sn. : Night a\ \
A ( irowlnBT
C. N. DIETZ has opened an uptown lumbei
offlce In the rooms formerly occupied by tin
Union National bank , at the southeast cornel
of Sixteenth and Dodge streets.
rcfiented by
GOULD DIETZ , Secretary and Treasurer
will Jointly occupy these offices. This wll
not make any change In the retail office o
VICTOR WHITE , Manager , will re
alii his present location In the Board ol
Trade building , 1C03 Farnam street.
SHERIDAN COAL will be sold at botl
Uetuihllriiii MoctliiK In Fifth AVnril
The Fifth Ward Republican club will meel
In Mallory's hall , 807 Kyncr street , Tues
lay evening , November 1 , at 8 o'clock p. m
lion. W. F. Gurlcy and others will speak
The public Is cordially Invited.
C. M. RYLANDER , . President.
City Hull Cloned.
On all entrances to the 3lty 'nil ycsterilnj
morning were posted signs to the effect tha
the building uaa closed on account o
Omaha day at the exposition and all thi
office dcors within were securely locked
During the course of the morning ono of th
ntter.dants In each otllco were down : i
open mall , but at no time were the olficc
open. No city business of any characte
was transacted.
The committee of the whole meeting o
the city council which takes place regularl ;
rn Monday afternoon has been declared o <
for the week. No other scheduled meet
Ings are down for the day.
To All Prlnc-liml 'VVontprn Point Vli
Union Tactile.
TWO trains dally. 4:35 : p. in. and 11:55 : p. n
Denver and Colorado points.
TWO trains dally , 8:50 : a. m. and -1:35 : p. ir.
Utah and California points.
ONE train dally , -1:35 : p. m.
Utnli , Idaho , Montana and Oregon points.
For full particulars call at City Ticke
onico , 1S02 Farnara St.
IliilcN for Comity Committee.
In accordance with n resolution adopte
by the republican county committee lai
Saturday afternoon , Chairman Rurbank ha
appointed Kd Taylor of the Sixth ward , Y
C. Akin of the Ninth , W. A. Paunders of th
Fifth , Henry Inman of the First and Henr
Wlttee of Chicago precinct as a commlttc
to draw a set of rules for the government <
the county committee. Also upon the advlc
of the county committee Chairman Durban
has reappolnted George Sherwcod as nn oil
dltlonal member of his executive commltte
from South Omaha , and J. H. Adams of th
Fourth ward as another member of the sam
Mortality .StutUtlcH ,
The following births and deaths were re
ported to the health commissioner durln
the twenty-four hours ending at noon yes
terday : '
Births J. W. Bowman , 230S Cumlnt
girl ; Jerry S. Taylor , 112 South Twenty
Llghth , boy
Deaths B. F. Self. Leonardtown , Md. , 2
years , typhoid fever ; Lllllo Thompson , Thlr
tecnth and Capitol avenue , 26 years ; Gladl
Adams. 1055 South Eleventh , C weeks.
The postmaster hero has received no In
structtons regarding the continuance of th
i service nt the exposition grounds , and It wl
be suspended after yesterday. The official
i hope the day may yet bring orlo's fror
Washington authorizing the service to b
I continued for a couple of weeks ,
' The commissioner of Internal revenue ha
I decided that a quit claim deed which doe
not represent a real value of over $25 I
I not subject to tax under the new rovenu
law ; but where the value of the Interei
| conveyed by the deed Is more than $25 :
should bear a npeclal revenue stamp.
L I C. 11. Newton has reported for work agal
' - after his regular vacation ,
John Woodruff Is taking his annual vaw
II tlon of tvo weeks , and during his abaenc
his work will bo looked after by 8ub tltul
Bartloy. .
In Bplte ot Mayor Ensor's Inclination to
pposo the closing of business houses here
osterday nearly nil the prominent places
closed at noon In order that the employes
might have an opportunity of attending the
losing exorcises at the exposition. The
lacking houses \ > orlcJ for a couple ot hours
luring the forenoon , but all but the regular
\atchmen and a few others needed left at
icon. At the stock yards It was the same.
The work WHS rushed through and by noon
most of the men were through for the day.
1 was a holiday hero In every sense of the
vord , notwithstanding the fact that the
mayor refused to Isstio n proclamation.
As was expected , the attendance at the
ichools was light and the teachers hurried
o the exposition ns soon after thu closing
ioura as possible.
Molklejolm Speak * Tonight.
At Blum's hall tonight Hon. George D.
Uelklejohn , assistant secretory of war , will
: alk on the Issues of the day. The re
publicans of this city are making arrange
ments for a rousing turnout and It Is ex-
iccted that the capacity of the hall will be
: csted. Several thousand handbills are to
10 distributed today at the packing houses
so that every man employed here may bo
notified of the meeting tonight. The ro-
lUbllcnn commltteemen are alert and are
doing everything possible for the cause.
From Wednesday on Captain Austin will devote -
vote all of his tlmo to the work in hand , he
laving obtained a leave of absence from hie
MoKcrii In .lull.
Joseph McKcrn Is In Jail , charged with
jolng a suspicious character. U Is asserted
jy the arresting officer , Hartley , that the
prisoner worked a scheme on a stranger
whereby he was benefited to the extent ot
2.40. The stranger was hero looking for n
lob In the packing houses and McKcrn Is
oportcd to have agreed to furnish him with
i Job provided he was given a certain sum.
The stranger , who goes by the name of John
Doe , asserts that ho gave McKcrn the money
and was then turned down. U Is expected
that McKern will bo given a chance to ex
plain matters to Judge Babcock today.
That U Strcut Loop.
It was stated .yesterday by persons sup.
posed to be In a position to know that tin
building of the loop around Twenty-slxtl
and Q streets would commence In a few days
A part of the old Emmett street line li
Omaha Is being torn up and It Is understooi
that the rails will 'bo used In laying the lee |
line here. The street railway has the per
mission of the council to occupy the street :
needed and It Is expected that the work wll
bo pushed as soon as the exposition rusl
Is over.
Ilonril of Kdncntloii Matter * .
The next meeting of the Board of Educa
tion will bo held on Monday evening , No
vember 7. H was thought by many that thi
board would meet lost night , but on accounl
of It being a holiday the meeting was postponed -
poned for one -week. At the next meetlnf
Architect Davla will make his report on thi
condition ot the new buildings and a fina
settlement with the contractors Is lookec
for providing the plans and specification ;
have been compiled with.
Stock Itrcclpifi.
A comparative statement of the live stocV
receipts for the ten months ending yester
day shows 697,167 cattle , 1,628,050 hogs ant
962,323 sheep. This Is an Increase over th (
same period , of" time of last year of 8,82i
cattle , 306,572 hogs and 438,624 sheep. Tin
total receiptsfor , the , year up to date num
ber 3,206,552 hcaiLof stock.
. ionNp.
Ell H. Doud ani | ivlfe of Boone , la. , an
visiting trelnds hejo for a 'ay or two.
A forty hours' ' devotional service com
menced at St. Agnes' church Sunday night
Ellis W. Skelton and wife , Thirteenth am
O streets , announce the blrtu of it daughtt r
Henry C. Richmond left yest-rc'ay for ;
few days' visit with friends out In the state
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Brcomfleld , Twenty
flxth and P streets , report the birth of i
Miss Grace Maxwell of the local telpplioni
exchange has gone away on a month's vaca
Patrick L. Hugbe.s , at one time a membei
of the city council here , but now locatei
In the east with the Cudahy company. Is ,
visitor In the city.
There will be a meeting of Phil Kcarne
post , No. 2 , Grand Army of the Republic
this evening. Business of Importance wll
come up nnd all members are urged to b
Memorial services will be held this after
noon at the First Presbyterian church eve
the remains of Mrs. F. I. Gilbert. Re\
Dr. Wheeler will conduct the service an
the church choir will sing. The remain
will bo forwarded to Wisconsin for inter
A week or two ago Major Ed Hughes
chief of the Louisville , Ky. , fire departmen
visited the city and was shown through th
Hammond plant by Captain Austin. Upo
leaving Major Hughes promised to send Car.
tain Austin a present and yesterday the lai
tor received by express a Jug of tine old Ken
tucky whisky.
At the close of the services at the Fin
Presbyterian church on Sunday evening Ai
mand A. Tlbbets was married to Mrs. Edit
A. Bayes. Rev. R. L. Wheeler performln
the ceremony. The groom Is ono of th
esteemed and popular young men of th !
city , while the bride Is equally ns we
known , both having lived here for a numbc
of years. After December 1 Mr. and Mr
Tlbbcta will bo nt home at Mlllard , Neb.
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup will not inak
now lungs , but It will euro Incipient coc
Port Arthur Itoutr.
On November 1 and 15 the Port Arthu
route will sell round trip tickets to mo.
all points south at half faro ( plus $2.00
Commencing November 1 winter tourh
tickets will be placed on sale to all \vlntc
re'wts. All Information at Port Arthti
route office , 1415 Farnam street ( Paxto
hotel block ) , or write Harry E. Moores , C
P. and T. A. . Omaha. Neb
Oninlin MuniifnctiirlnK IntcrrNtn I
the I.rnil.
The Carter Whlto Lead company ot Omah
and Chicago received against all competitor
a gold modal , first award on best white leai
Tlir Xt' v Mrrci'r Hotel.
We have stoani heat In every room an
fifty baths.
Will make a low rate for desirable board
ers for the winter.
Is vvlmt everybody is alter In holcctin ;
beer for homo consumption.
Cabinet Beet
, ' Hns these to u creator decree than an ;
I other beer. And HO snid the judgus ( it
' nwardH at the exposition when the ;
puva it
Tiie Highest Award Possible
Think of This When Yon Order
The next case of boor for your homo
1007 Jackson St. Oninlin
i\lii-rt Will tic Sent to to
LI * an Int rMluntlim of ( iniiM
In t MO O IT TluTi1.
NEW YORK. Oct , 31. A dltpalch to the
lernld from Washington S.IJB. Orders h.ivo
iecn given to Commander E. C. Pcndlcton ,
.upcrlntendeiit . of the gun tactory , to pro-
ted to England to Inspect the newest mcth-
ds pursued there In the construction of
guns , mounts , torpedo tubes , etc. He will
r o Investigate undof-water discharge tubes
or torpedoes for the battleships Maine ,
Missouri and Ohio , and the latest Improve-
ncnts of the six-Inch rapid-firing gun. In
his gun the powder and projectile are eep-
rated. It Is the Intention of the ordnance
jureau to equip no more protected or un-
irotccted cruisers with topedo tubes , the
uthorltles being pretty well convinced there
s .no necceslty for them. Water discharge
ubes will bo supplied to armored cruisers
iiHl battleships.
Captain Charles O'Neil's recommendation
hut n uniform caliber of small arms bo
adopted for use in the army , navy and maIne -
Ino corps has attracted considerable at-
cntlon. It Is expected that Secretary Long
vin endorse a bill providing for co-opera-
Ion In the present army and navy to obtain
i uniform arm. It Is not believed that any
great objection would be raised by the navy
o Increasing the caliber of Its gun so that
cartridges manufactured for them 'might be
used for the Krag-Jorgenacn.
"I life on the ocean \\nve" and a quart of
Cook's Imperial Champagne , extra dry , Is
ho nemo of happiness.
Gold medal first award on Buggies , Car
tages and Wagons. Exposition goods for
nlo at a baragln. Transportation Building.
.Inlnger & Metcalf Co.
Dully TrtMiMin-y Statement.
WASH1NTON , Oct. 31. Today's statement
of the treasury shows : Available cash bal
ance , $304,178,301. Gold reserve , $240,615-
o I -3
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Sherman's ' Eucalyptus Asthma Cure ,
This preparation Is a combination of Herbs
and Ualsams. which have the effect of rclax-
ng those particular forms of muscular con
traction which effect the respiratory organs ,
nnd are known under the specific name ,
Asthma. Phthisis , nnd Shortness of Breath ,
Spasmodic or Difficult Breathing.
lu Croup , Coughs , Colds , Whooping
Jough , Etc. , among children , generate the
vapor from a saucer or plate , and blow It
towards the child , BO that it will be Inhaled
( the child need not be awakened If asleep ) .
Breathing the vapor -will soon loosen the
secretions , the cough will bocorao loose and
free , loose Its harbh character and soon
: ease altogether. Use the remedy liberally
und confine the vapor to the room.
Kor Whroplng Cough. Among all the
remedies on the market for Whooping
Sough there in not ono that can equal
Sherman's Eucalyptus Asthma Cure. Some
cf the herbs forming this preparation hav
ing been used for scores of years f.r this
purpose. The method of inhalation of vapor
from the burning compnund Is a rational and
effective ono when used as directed Imme
diately above.
Price of "Sherman's Eucalyptus Asthma
Cure" 50c per can. Samples free.
Sherman & McConneiiDriig Co
Mlilille of Itloclt.
ir ii St. , OMAHA , MOII.
You may have a course of medical
treatment for
* of all kinds at the
JShepard Medical institute
New York Life Bldg. , Omaha , Neb ,
Diseases of the Icings , Stomach ,
Kidneys , Nerves and Ulood. Uefer-
ence , by permission , to 5,000 cured
patients The largest medical ofllces
and practice In the west. The Omaha
H e , leading dally , says : "Tho Shepard -
ard Medical Institute In entirely relia
ble In a professional and business
way. Dr. She-para und his associates
have gained and fully maintained a
loadlne reputation In the treatment
of chronic UlHciu-ca. The public may
safely trust them. "
WRITF F'or testimonials from
TV ' I i L. ministers , teachers , bum-
nwts men , farmers , etc. . telling how
they wt re cured at homo through the
Mall System.
Rnni' "Tho New Treatment ;
DUUrv How It Curoo. " Is sent free
to nil who write. It Is n clean inedlral
work for tlip whnlr fnnillj to read
and la of Krcut value to all who seek
better health. Rook and Consultation
Blanks sent fri-o to all Inquirers.
Medicines sent everywhere Statn
your case and Bend for opinion and
lowest terms. Charges low. Con-
tatlon free , personally or by letter.
.Vcn' ( ( ti'a > " "
\\lth you something to
rrmemlii r the exposition
nothinK nicer than ono
ono of our
V Spoons
Ours Is the oin > inl
spoon IH mnnufnetuml
Iiti us nnd htiH the "com-
incite" heart on the nan-
ill He sure uii'l eel thor
r Kht one.
680 , W , Ryan & Co
1UU South 10th Ht'
Now tluit the Exposition is a thing of the past wo
want to say just a word to our city customers who
have boon so tolerant during the busy time. We
have been busy.Ve have been uncomfortably busy
at times. Wo realize that wo have not been able to
give as much time and attention to customers as we
would like and frequently , perhaps , you have had
just cause for complaint. Wo wish to say that , com
mencing with today , we will bo prepared to take bet
ter care of our patrons , and to give their favors the
care aud attention wo usually give. Commencing to
day , also , we will commence to open up now goods ,
in every department , and from now on you may expect -
pect to read of unusual doings at the store that is
always unusually backward to promise and unusually
prompt to redeem. Tomorrow we will have a little
story about ties new ties.
L' m ' * ! ' Tlis Exposition
0 Conlinues
The exposition of the best ready-to-wear clothing
at Ilayden Bros , will be continued and increased.
On Tuesday you can select from 300 covert top coats
nt1.75. . They come in two shades of light colored
coverts , are trimmed artistically , stylishly linedand
strictly all wool , worth and sold elsewhere at $7.50.
This special shipment will be sold Tuesday at $4.7f > .
An eastern manufacturer has just closed out to us
775 fine kersey overcoats , made to retail at $2f > . An
elegant assortment , in blue , brown and black , Skin
ner's satin yoke and Skinner's satin sleeve lining ,
warranted to wear at least two years , fancy worsted
body lining , panel backs , the new cut and new
lengths , very fashionable , warm , well fitting ,
shape holding garments , on sale here Tues
day and as long as they last for $12.50.
This is the best value in overcoats ever put /
on sale. /
Men's frieze ulsters secured by us below manW
ufacturer's cost will be offered at special \
prices this week a splendid line in blacks ,
browns and oxfords , goods that are actually
worth and sold elsewhere at 810 , $15 and
$18 you can buy here for § 5 , $7.50 and $10.
Trunks and Valises.
Anything you want in this line you can find
here. Lowest prices and promptest delivery.
All sizes and styles.
Hats and Caps.
The new blocks in all the fashionable shades are here
to pick from. A regular § 1.25 fedora on sale at 75o.
Men's $1.50 derbies and fedoras on pale at § 1. Men's
winter caps in great assortment at 25c , 35c , 45c and
65c. Worth 40c to $1-
Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha.
Oriental Goods
In the . .
Streets of All Nations.
Owing to the death of my brother I will close out all
my Turkish , Egyptian , Soudanese , Algerian and
East Indian goods at auction , commencing
Tuesday morning , 10 o'clock
In Streets of All Nations. Admission Free.
Sales at 10 a. m. and 2:30 p. m.
, vfADE : ME A IVAW !
A.LIJVrrtou * JtUfatcjt Falling Hem *
ft7la [ > otenc7 , HloflpleasncMietc. . ciD r < l
liv Abaio or othsr icewiM : onu In-lr
crollouB , 'Jfiry ijtiirlttv aiut lurtlv
nctoro It Vltnllt7 In old or young , alul
Ittainauforstucly buelnnfttior mnrrlajf * .
.i'r T nt InucItT cnj Consumption It
taknn la tiuio. Tbelrn o ulinrt InmOitlalo improro.
mont and ffect o l.'UUE nbore all other fall In.
> I < C opoa hatlns the cepnlns Aim Tablets. Tlicr
uivacarDiltliouiandsaDil ulllcurcsoo. tvorlre B ros *
Itl'A rrrltt n coiranKw to tUnct n euro r
cuihcufocr rotund the money rrlco" . . . . . ; , ?
packazai or six i < krc ( ( nil 'rcatuiintl for flip , lit
mall , la plain wiuprr. nnnn ruc'll'tot rrii-o. ( Ircalur
Kor sale in Uiuuh.i. Nib. > Ja I'orayth ,
202 N IGth Kuhn A. fu 1- l > " 'l l 'UKlas ,
In Council UluffH by O Jl Hrown. Drus'st
TrcJU all Forms ol
12 Ytrt in Oitulu.
Cfnn.iit.5n Frte. Bookfrtt ,
0PceUtha. ( Farnam SU
> i , " " OMMM. HF"
For an up-to-date
Western Newspaper
Read The Omaha Bee
TEfcTHjXTACTfcD ; ( 2b GEM'S.
-PA.N7.BS3- . 0Rt mSUll
Uli Floor llrown Itlk. , 10th nnd Douxlii
Gold Aloy lil.lng $1.00
Cold Filling $1.00 and up
Go.d CMYDS $5.00
Set Teeth $5.00
nestle til $7.50
! ! IlliMJ for unnatural
iU'rlniril" , linUiiiiuailunt ,
Irritation * ur
Of llfllCOUI IIIHIllir DI-l.
r < tiiiUft4 , Hti'l ' not aitrla *
rr " 'nt
' ' ' MT fpulrt , for
l.M. Use
Wooilbury's Wondhury's
Facial Soap Facial Cream
Inxtanl re 11 fir udilni ; , tired foci. < > \ .
cct-"i\i- ' | jfrnplrul"n , offenstv * oilur und It-
rlUllons , in.iKcn thf xkln unvi-t RIK !
In ilthv 8uul JO c < nts fcr Jlratity Hook ,
nnd rerr v funi | < lo of earn , fri'e. JOII %
u woonm'itv. m smt w. rhicuKo. and
utri Chemlrul llldSt. ; . Louis.