( J THE OMAHA DAILY IIHIS : SITXDAY , OCTOJ313H 30 , 185)8 ) , I COUNCIL BLUFFS- . MI.MJU M Hamilton's shoe store , 412 DronJwny. Stockcrt Carpet Co. , 205-207 llwjr. Moore's food kills worms nnd fattens. Dell O. Morgan , drugs , 142 Ilrondwny. Vf. C. Estcp returned yesterday from a bualncsa trio to DCS Molnus. C. n. Jacnuctnln & Co. , Jewelers and op- tlclann , 27 South Mnln street. Ex-United Stntea Deputy Marslml "Wash" Eller of Atlantic vns , In tlio city yesterday. Thcro belns no cases ready for trial JuilRo Smith yesterday adjourned district court until November 7. J. C. Dlxby , hentlng and sanitary engineer. Plans nnd specifications for liratlng. plumb ing and lighting. 202 Main. Council niuffs The Theosophlcal society will meet this nffcrnoon at 3 o'clock In room No. 10 , Odd Fellows' temple. The subject will bo "The- osophy. " Hon. Smith MoPhorson of Ue < l Oak was ( n the city yesterday on Ills way to Atlantic , where ho addressed a republican meeting last nlKht. Al Mown , Jailer nt the county Jail , Is taking a tcn-dav vacation In Nebraska , bis place In the meantime being filled by Deputy Sheriff Slcad. Don't you think It must bo n pretty good laundry that can plcnso FO many hundreds of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , " 724 Broadv/ay. Jens Jensen , a former subject of Den mark's kln , was urnntod his naturalization papers by JwlRo Aylesworth In the district court yesterday. All members of lodge No. C , Switchmen' * Union of NVrtli America , -requested to meet nt Knlrhts of Pvthlas boll In the Mer- rlam block this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Lieutenant Frank M. Comptcn leaves this morning for Snn Francisco to reloln his regiment , the Fifty-first Iowa volunteers , which IB under orders to sail for Manila about Wednesday. Two case. " nf whooping cough In the Jnlhn famllv. 107 Poutli Twontv-tlilnl htrect , wore reportPd to the Uonnl of Health yesterday. Jnnn Tracy rf lOfi Fifth avrnuo was reported trt bo suffering from measles. Them Is no truth In the report that Miss Olla Took has given up ber art \\orle to tlo- vole all of her time to literary pursuits. She still maintains , her painting studio nnd has no Intention of abandoning It. "A Night nt the Circus" will bo the at traction tonight at the Dohany theater. This play had n run of 400 nights In New ork City. The special scenery nnd elaborate cos- tumcD are some of Its strong features. The Ministerial nsBorlntlmi of the cltv will meet tomorrow mornliiR nt 10'30 o'clock In the pnstor'n study of the First Prcsbvterlan church. Rev. A. Llttierland will lead n paper on the "Benevolent Character of Punishments. " Word was received hero last nlebt that n. .1. Aldrlch of Avoca bad been killed by the nock Island flyer. Mr. Aldrlch was the father-in-law ot Sam Frum , n former resi dent of tbls city , nnd was well known In Council Bluffs. The funeral of the late William II. nonan will leuvo the residence , 101 ! ) North Eleventh street , this afternoon nt 1:30 : o'clock. Serv ices will bo held nt St. Francis Xavler's church nt 2 o'clock and Interment will bo In the Catholic cemetery. William Kelly and Hufus Moon , two voung lads chnrced with tbrowlnir hrlddnta at Clmrles Vance , tun driver of a delivery wagon , were up before Justice Vlrn yester- dav , hnlf the neleliborhno < l whrrn the parlies live bolne subnopnaed to tell their version of the nffnlr. After rending the bovs a half- hour lecture on the Inlnultv nnd danser of throwing stones , Jn llco Vlen Imposed n fine of J.r > nnd mats , which ho suspended during coort behavior. The Citizens' State Imnk attached some fortv Iinnd of cattle tiolnncrlnc In II. F. Pallev to secure a judgment obtained In the district court on u nrimlss"rv " "to for J1.P72.SO , Dniley cnl'sled ' In the First Ne- ln" > Vn volunteers nnd li now with his regi ment In Mnn'ln. ' nnd the cattle Imvn be n npclpcted. Dallpv now being n non-resident of the ? tate and the fact thot the cnttlo were not bolne property looked after caused the bank to foreclose. P vslcal perfection , the secret of beauty. Cnll "i send for "Vlavl MeHsnge. " Vlavl Co. , 326 ViC-iim Block. N. Y. Pi'imbln1 ; mmnnny. Tel. 250. Attention Is called to the advertisement clsev hero In this paper of Hrnry II. N'an llrunt , with a new line of goods. Jfi.Ofl shoes for $3.50 nt Hamilton's , 412 U road way. Nothing nicer for supper than good , fresh oysters. See Sulllvnn , the grocer , for them. Take a loik nt those men's suits for $7.00 at Metcalf & Metonlf'3. rinirfliOIIN. . At St. Paul's church this morning the rector , Rev. L. P. Mcnonald , will sppak on "Ollmpses of the Rener.il Convention. " he bavins recently returned from the general convention of the Kplscopal church In Wash ington , I ) . C. In the evening lie will preach on the subject , "All Saints. " Ilev. U. Venting , pastor of the First Bap tist church , announces as the subject of his sermon this morning , "Tho Grand Opening up of Artts'an ' Wells. " At the evening servIce - Ice ht > will preach on "The Science of Heavenly Chemistry. " Sunday school will bo at noon nnd the meeting of the Baptist Young People's unlpn at 0:30 : p. m. Services at Grace Kplscopal church today will be 03 follows : Holy communion. 8 a. m. : Sunday school , 10 a. m. ; morning prayer and sermon , 11 o'clock ; evening prayer , 7:30 : o'clock. At the First Congregational church the pastor , Ilev. J. W. WlUon. will preach In the morning on "Tho Astounding Require ments of Christian Morality , " and In the evening on "Tho Inspired Disciple Con trasted With the Uninspired. " All services will bo ns usual. The pastor , Ilev. Alex. Llthcrlaid : , will preach tbls morning at the Second Presby terian church on "God's Plan for Man" and In the evening on "God's Achievement for Man. " At the Fifth avenue Methodist church the pastor , Ilev. G. P. Fry , will preach at 10:30 : a. m. on "The Messiah's Kingdom" and at 7:30 : p. m. on "Human Responsibility. " Class meeting will be at 0:45 : a. m. ; Sunday school nt peen ; Junior league meeting at 3 p. m. ; Epworth league meeting at 6:30 : p. m. The mid-week service on Wednesday evenings commences nt 7:45 : o'clock. Itcv. G. W. Snyder , the pastor , will preach today both morning nnd evening at St. John's English Lutheran church. His morn ing subject will bo the "Reformation. " Sun day school will be at noon and the Young People's meeting at 7 p. m. You can get the finest upholstering In the city nt Stockcrt Carpet company , 205-207 llroadwny. Watch for further announcement of bazaar nnd supper to bo given by Congregational ladles Thursday and Friday , November 3 and 1. Sulllvnn handles high grade oysters. These deslrlnc conies nf the Jubilee udl- tion of The D.illv Dec can secure them nt the Council Bluffs office nf The Bee. K. Marsh used Cole's Hot Blast heater last winter , Men's Biilta only $7..r > 0 at Metcalf & Met- lalf'n. They're xtrn cnod. HlmMlll Mltl.llIK November 21. 25 , 20. We offer three Buck Junior ranges to the little glrU under 11 ) -enrs old baking the best pan of biscuits. it our store , on a Buck's steel range. Mothers thould assist In preparing. Cnll for par ticulars at store. COLU & COLE. Klein's place , 112 Brcxxdway , Isn't the only tore In town where you buy fruits , but It Is the one \\lioro you can get the best on the market. HIGH SCHOOL BEATS TABOR Long Qamo Ends with a Touchdown Just Before Tirao. LOSERS DEBARRED FROM THEIR POINTS Touchdown DlnulliMVPil by Jlcferec llrcuilNO of HIT Sldf I'lit- of u Very Ijlvcly Context. The Tabor collegians went down In defeat yesterday afternoon before the High school Inds on the gridiron at Union Driv ing park by a score of G to 0. The game was a hotly contested ono from start to finish and neither side apparently had any advantage of the other until Just before time was called on the second half that Dyar , for the homo team , made the star play of the day , securing a touchdown after running through the entire field. Ono disagreeable feature of the game was the manner In which the crowd nt times refused to keep back of the lines and seriously Interfered with the players. The game wna witnessed by n fair-sized crowd made up almost entirely of friends of the home team , as the rootnrs which \vcre expected to accompany the Tabor men failed to show up. Tabor won the toss and chose the north goal. Barnard kicked off to Genung , who returned ten yards. Then ensued n series of line plays during which Tabor gained from two to flvo yards on every play , bring ing the ball In close proximity to Council Bluffs' goal , where It was fumbled. Council Bluffs got the ball nnd took It one yard , Dietrich for two and Graham for one nnd then It was fumbled. Tabor getting the ball. Tabor used three plays over tackle and Council Bluffs got the ball on downs again. Council Bluffs lost five yards when Dynr made another ten-yard run and the ball was once more fumbled. Tabor gained ten yards nnd the ball went to Council Bluffs once more on downs. Then followed n fifteen-yard loss for Council Bluffs till Barnard fell on the ball , leaving the ball In Council Bluffs' ten-yard line. Laird then made n touchdown for Tabor which was dis allowed by the referee , who decided It was an off Bide play. Chamberlain takes the place of Dietrich at right tackle , Dietrich going to left end and Richmond out. On the next play Council Bluffs was allowed five yards on Tabor's offside play. Dietrich , Baldwin and Dyar advanced to Tabor's twenty-five yard line when tlma Is called for thi ! first half , neither side having scored and the ball being In Council Bluffs' posses sion. sion.Tabor Tabor kicked off for thirty yards In the second half , Chamberlain returning fifteen yards. Dyar took the ball seven yards louml the right end , then there was nn exchange of punts by which Council Bluffs gained ten yards , stiH having possession of the pigskin. Graham bucked the center for three yards and then punjed thirty yards , Askln getting the ball for Tabor and came back ten. De Kay is substituted for Barn ard , who twisted his knee cap. Tabor then commenced once more Ita tactics of buckIng - Ing the line , but only gained about ten yards on account of the good blocking and tackling of Graham nnd Rlckmaii. Council Bluffs then finally secured the ball on downs on their own twenty-five yard line. Right hero Dyar made the longest run of the game , twenty-five yards , and but for being tackled by Askln would have made n touch down. Severaf plays by Chamberlain , Dyar and Graham then brought the ball to within a yard of Tabor's goal. Dyar ran out of bounds one-half foot from goal line , which was followed by a Ilftecn-mlnuto wrangle. Tabor was then given the ball and Council Bluffs held them until they were forced to punt. The punt was only fifteen yards when Council Bluffs secured the ball and on the very first play Dy , r aecurcd the ball and went through the whole field , securing a touchdown. D > ar failed to kick goal. Tabor kicked off , Rlekman catching the ball and returning Ilvo yards ; Graham bucked the center for two yards , when tlmo was called with the ball In possession of Councir Bluffs on their forty-yard line. Score , f > to 0. The lineup was as follows : Council Bluffs. 1'onltii n. Tnbor. Klchtnond left end Washington Holln left tinkle Hall Ilanrhett left guard Homing Wlrklmm center Walton Illekman right suunl Foss Chamberlain . . . .right tnokle West Baldwin right i-nd Day Human ! ciimrturbnck Awkln Dyar loft halfback B. Hull Grnlmin fullback Laird Butts right halfback. . . . Gcodfcllow Miss Julia OJllccr. tencher of piano , 533 Willow avenue. Fall nnd winter term. Carpets , oilcloth ? , linoleums nt way down prices. Stockert Carpet company , 205-207 Broadway. Davis , drug , paint nnd glass man , has the most complete stock of window glass In the city nnd makes the lowest prices. Don't need to go without n new suit ns long as those suits for men at J7.GO last at Motcalf & Metcalf's. The exposition closes tomorrow , but Sulli van's great oyster sale will last all winter. Those deslrlnc conies of the Jubilee edi tion of The Daily Boo can secure them at the Council Bluffs olllce nf The Bee. SOCIAL EVK.VI'S OF THIS IAST WJJI3IC People Ilimy KntfrtiiliiliiK' Tliclr The past week In Council Bluffs has been marked by n dearth of social functions , everybody bolng busy entertaining friends and relatives who arc here to take In the last days of the big show across the river. ' In Catholic elides tlio fair and bazaar , for the benefit of the sisters In charge of I Saint Francis' academy , which closed last I night , lias secured undivided attention , with ' the result that It proved a success both financially and socially. Tom Farnsworth leaves for San Francisco this morning to rejoin the Fifty-first Iowa volunteers and during his absence his wife will remain with her parents. Mrs. Farnsworth and her two daughters leave this week for California , where they will spend the winter. The engagement of Miss Loulso 1'llicrt of DCS Molnes nnd Mr. Edward Everett of tbla city Is announced , the wedding to take place In the near future. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Beno , Jr. , hove taken apartments at the Snyder residence on South Seventh street , where they will be at homo to tholr friends after this week. Mrs. Daniel McKcnzIo of Living Springs expects to leave for Boston this week and from there will go to Canada , where she will remain fnr the winter , Rev. and Mrs. R. Knox of Cook avenue have as their guests the Misses Verne Paul and Lulu Lewis of Hnrlan , In. , and Mrs. Connolly of McCook , Neb. Mrs. A. R. Gleson of Lebanon , Mo. , ac companied by ber granddaughter , Mies Mil dred Hobba , U visiting her daughter , Mrs. n. D. Fuller of Harrison street. Mrs. Mary K. Jordan of Rock Island , III. , 1s tlio guest ot Rev. G. W. Snyder and fam ily on South Seventh street. Mrs. Jordan was for many years the soprano singer in the church at Davenport when Rev. Sny der waa pastor. Last Monday nt the resilience of the bride's parents occurred the wedding of Mr Henry Btltturfleld of Des Molnes nnd Muu Ccrtlo Kills ot tbls city , Rev. Myron C. Wnddcll of tlio Broadway Methodist cliurcli ofllclalliifj Mr and Mrs. DUtcrfield left the same night for DCS Molnes , where they will make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Fncs of Seventh nvcnua are cntcrtalnlnc Miss Bcdn Wood of Mil waukee and Miss Blanche Kllgorc of Oak Park , III. , and Mr. nnd Mrs. H. C. Van Brunt of Lingford , S. D. Dr. and Mrs. V. L. Troynor had ns their guest tbo last week Mrs. C. S. Clark ot Milwaukee. Mr * , F. G. Florence of Holloway , Mich , , Is visiting her brother , J. A. Kelly , and family , of Fifth uvenue. Mrs. Tulle.8 } . Is entertaining Mrs. R. M. Osborno of Chicago. Mrs. J. C. Bray Is entertaining Mrs. C. S. Allen and daughter of Lincoln , Neb. Jatncs DItmnrs of Cameron , Mo. , Is the gutst of Mr. nnd Mrs. G. G. Balrd ot Mill street. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Mlllnrd nro entertain ing Mrs. Lilian Perry of Manning , La. Miss Augusta Duwe of Superior , Neb. , Is the uuest of Miss Mabel Benucr ot Wash ington avenue. Klcln'n cigars mnko his store n , popular place for the boys. Ho keeps only tbo best brands ot smokers manufactured. Experienced and high grade work Is what has made the Bluff City laundry the best In tbo stnte. Fish are cheaper than fresh meats. At least Sullivan sells them that way. A Kersey overcoat for $5.00. See Metcnlf & Metcalf. For oyster suppers Sullivan is prepared to (111 ( orders on short notice. Motcnlf Metcalf nro selling Kersey over coats for $5.00. If you want oysters call 'phono 101. That's Sullivan. Nothing ever seen In Council Bluffs like these Kersey overcoats at Metcalf & Met- calt's. The pumpkin at Cole's will be opened November 1. Have you guessed bow many seeds in It ? Tbo winner gets an Air Tight , wortb $6.00 , free. Don't phlver and shako with the cold when you can get ono of those Kersey overcoats at Metcalf & Mctcalf's for $3.00. This Is the tlmo of year when oysters nro relished. Sullivan sells the best on the mar ket. Ladles wanting fine medicinal wines and liquors call Jnrvls Wlno Co. , 225 Main street , upstairs. Lady in attendance. Those desiring conies of the Jubilee edi tion of The Dally Boo cm secure them at tha Council Bluffs olflco of The Bee. MSTI2.V TO ItRI'UIlMCAX Olt.VTOllY. Voters Turn Out nt Doliuny Opcm IloiiHe fur CitiiiitnlKii h | ) < * iiUliip ; . The first republican meeting of the pres ent campaign In this city was held last night at the Dohany opera house , the speakers being E. A. Wilson of Des Molnes , deputy state labor commissioner , better known as "Brakoman" Wilson , and Hon. G. M. Lam- bcrtson ot Lincoln , Neb. The attendance was very fair. Colonel C. G. Saunders called the meeting to order In a short ad dress eulogistic of the administration of President McKlnley and the wonderful vic tories of the American army nnd navy In the late war wltb Spain. In opening Mr. Wilson showed that the country had profited Iby a republican ad ministration and that the prosperity that two years ago had been promised was ob servable In every part of the continent. Two years ago It had ( been promised , he said , that If a republican president would be elected the country would have a protective tariff and that promise , like all others that had been made , had been fulfilled. Under the Dingley measure sufficient revenues were coming In to carry on the government and the United States was today no longer a debtor nation as It had 'been ' under the democratic administration. The trade bal ance was in favor of the United States and that without the free and unlimited coinage ot silver or the consent ot any other nation on earth. Ho showed that under tbo Dingley bill the duty placed on Imported wheat and bar ley had resulted In the farmers of Iowa nnd other states getting a price for their wheat and barley that was more than twice the price they were receiving before the duty was Imposed. Every one , ho said , rejoiced that William McKlnley was president of the United States and thnt William Jen nings Bryan was a colonel In the volunteer army. Ho expanded on tbo operation of Gresh- nm's law In case of n country going to a silver basis and concluded bis speech with refuting democratic statements with reference - once to the McCleary ( bill. Mr. Lambertson , although suffering from a bad cold , sustained his reputation as one of tbo foremost speakers of this section of the country. Two years ago In his address In this city ho said ho had made a number of prophecies In the event of President McKln ley being elected and tonight bo could truth fully aay that every one of those piophecles had come true. On every side were striking signs of prosperity. Two years ago no one realized thnt this country was on the verge of war with n great European nation , bur It came nnd the results have been most mar velous. Out of that war will come some of the greatest questions that this country has ever been called upon to face. The great question that Is to bo decided at the polls this election Is , Shall the administration of President-McKlnley bo sustained ? Regard ing the question of territorial expansion the speaker said that If left to President McKln > ley. supported by a republican ndmlnlstrn. tion , there was no doubt that It would be snttlcd to the satisfaction of the people nnd wltb credit to the nation , Snnp Shots , a beautiful souvenir of the exposition , containing reproductions of nil the prominent buildings , together with a bird's-eye and ( jenernl views of the grounds , can bo had at the Council Bluffs olllce of TheHco for 25 cents. It Is Just the thing to send to your friends nt n distance. Eat oysters nnd get strong. Buy 'em nt Sullivan's nnd get the best. men's suits for J7.CO won't last long nt such n low price , so be In n hurry about getting nround to make your selection. Met calf & Metcalf , Main and Pearl streets. Walter Johnson , lawyer , notary , Sapp blk. Collections rondo everywhere In U. S Sullivan , the grocer , has solid packed oysters. If you want an overcoat for $5.00 see these Kcrteys at Metcalf & Metcalf'a. Do you want ft mess of fresh fish or some oysters ? If you do Just stop nt 343 Broad way and t > eo Sullivan about It. Fish nnd oysters nnd oysters nnd fish. Sullivan , tbo grocer. Part 3 of The Bro's photogravures of the exposition Is now ready and can bo had at the Council Bluffs nmcc Collector and salesmen wanted by the Singer Manufacturing company , 329 Broad way Fees Gas and Gasoline Engines r.li-vnlor Mncliliirry of All Id ml * . Sail on us or write for prices & dcm rlptloms. iiAVii ) im.tniiUY .t co. . Council lllull * . Io vn. G.W.PangleM.D , TUB GOOD SAMARITAN 25 YEKR'S EXPERIENCE , Kcuilcr of DlHcaticn of ucii and women. PROriUHTOR OK T1IK World's lloibul l > li [ > rii ary of Mcrtlclnt : Catarrh of Head , Throat mid Lutitfa , . til K > o and iar : , 1'IU nnd Apnplvxy , llrnrt. I.'vur nnd Kldnoy Discuses , Diabetes. IlrJglil'a 1. icnse , Hi Vltui Dunce Illioiiimitlsm , Bcrof'ila , Dropsy cured without tupplnir , Tniio Wurint removed , all chronic Nervous mm I'rlvato DIsuiiscs , LOST ( SVDILEil 1C Olll > ' Physician who win OI r nlLldi properly riirc * Y1'IIMH without destroying teeth and bones. No tuer- cuiy or poison inlncrnl need. The only I'hyslclan 7Ilo cantull what alii you without asking a question 1ho80 nt u distance semi for question blank No. 1 for nan ; No a lor women. All cnrivnpondenco strictly uoulldonllal Hcdtclm scut uy express. Address nil letters to G. W. PANGLE , M. D. , 555 Ilroiulwnjr , COl'NOII. ULITrS. IA C2T Send E-ccnt. BIJIIIID forrrnlr HANDSOME For the Dining Room from No use to be without art in your home when you can buy so cheaply now. COUNCIL BLUFFS PAINT , OIL & GLASS CO. 1 and 3 Fourth Street , Council li tiffs , la. COLE5 HOT BLAST THE ORIGINAL gives tlie clean liness and even heat with soft coal , as hard coal in Ease Burners. The Hot BlnstDrnft , 'jrus ' unil saves the alf of soft coal. Soft coal equal to bard COM I. I used Cole's Hot Blast. No , 160 , from December , ' 07 , till spring. It Is na clean us any wood stove I ever used. Often n grape bnsket full of coal lusted from one evening till the next. It was steady , even luat. Flro only went out once during the winter and thut wn ? our fault. It nuver smoked nndnlls and celling nro clean ntt If I burned wood. It Is the best stove I ever Baw. JIi-s. II. G. JleeU , 1S2S Ninth uve. COLE MAXUl'AlJllTO ' CO. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA. . CHICAGO , ILL. Milton llugurs , Atnt ; , Omaha. Neb. THE NEUMAYER JACOB NBUMAYBIt.PROP. .01. 200 , , g\ iU , Uioudway , Conn 11 BlulTA Rates , $1 25 per day ; 70 rooms. Ffrst-clnsj It eveiy respect. Motor linn to all dcpotM. f ocul nKonoy for tbo Celebrated St Lou A. B. C. Beer. First-class bar In con nection. V If you do not have a safe , send for my safe catalogue and prices , Do not delay as a safe is a necessity. You cannot afford to be with out one. I handle the National and Union Steel Fire Proof Safes. Council Bluffs , JAS. HARRINGTON , Lessee & MQC. Sunday , October 30 , the Blc Farcical Suc cess , J NIGHT ftT THE Special scenery , pretty girls , elaborate costumes. Kour hundred nights In New York. Two big bands and concert orchestra. Watch our street parade. Prices 75c , BOc , 35c and 25c. Seats on sale Friday morning nt Sellers' drug store. Snt'CluI Announce * me nt. 80 acres good land for sale In Putnam county , Florida , one mile from Kcnka. Will trade for Council Bluffs property. ICO acres good laud In Brulo county , So. Dak. , six miles from railroad. Will trade for Council Bluffs oropcrty. Wo have several houses for rent In desirable locations. Several farms for sale on easy terms. Wo have for sale an 8-roora house , with stable , locnted on lot CG feet fiont In finest residence portion of the city. This property can be bought at u bar gain If taken nt once. Small fruit farm for sale at a low price. Now Is the tlmo to invest In a homo If vou want ono. Heal estate values are low , but ore picking up with Increased sales. We have a number of small residence properties tbat can bo boupsht nt low prices. Remember that wo nre making loans and writing fire Insurance at as low a rate as any one else , and we would bo pleased to bo favored with a share of your business. LOUC3EB & LOUOBB. No. 102 South Main Street. Council Bluffs. la. BELL FUEL With Enameled Oven Doors. FAVORITE BASE BURNERS , COLE'S ' AIR-TIGHT HEATERS , Cole's ' Hot Blast Heater for Soft Coal , WE SELL ON EASY PAYMENTS 41 Main Street , Council Bluffs. to look over our stock of stoves. We can suit you wo can suit your neighbor. Do not wait until it is too late. We are agents for ART GARLAND UASEIIURNEUS Imvo one-third larger nlr Hues than any other , they are beautiful In Jealsa , they nro economical , the nickel does not 'irnlsh and will not crack. UMI'IHB WOOD HCATURS the best looking nnd most dur.iblo cast top nnd bottom nlr tight. OKM , UOT ULAST for soft coal or wood. OKRM\N HKATUIl Tbo best soft coal stove innJe , a parfcot baseheatcr , will not smoke nor KM. U consumes nil smoke. DBVOL'S SIIEFT IHON AIR TIGHT for wood the stove you need for this tlmo of the year. MAJIWna STEKL AND MALLEABLE IRON RANGES Dako quicker , use less fuel nn 1 hold fire longer than any otunr ratine. The tops are malleable Iron , they do nut v nrp or craclc. No repair bills to pay It you buy n Majestic. hardware SOI Ilro'idwny , I'lionc 87. SMST \m \ LANDS Improved land in Io\vu can be purchased at low figures. \Vc have bargains in Fruit Farms and G.irJen Lands. Money to Loan on Farms nt n pur cent interest. City Property in COUNCIL ULUFFS FOR SALIJ. DAY & HESS , 39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. \ This fall take notice that we have a full line of Velvet Carpets Axttiinster Carpets , Moquette Carpets , Tapestry Brussels Carpels , Three-ply All Wool Ingrain Carpets , Columbia All 'Wool ] ngra in Carpets , Linen Avarp , Pro Brussels Ingrain CarpetsTwo-ply All Wool Extra Super Ingrain Carpets , Union Extra Super Ingrain Carpets. Union Super Ingrains. Herculean Ingrains ; Also a full line of mattings , oilcloths , oilcloth rugs , lin oleums , grass rugs , moquotte rugs , window shades , lace cur tains , portieres , rope portieres , fishnet door drapes , uphol stery goorls and everything that belongs in our lino. Bring the correct measurements of your rooms. Prices guaranteed to be as low as any house in the west. 400-402 Broadway , Council Bluffs- When you start out , to buy a pair of HIGH GRADE WINTER SHOES instead 9f putting a five dollar bill in your pocket , just bring THREE AND A HALF and come to Hamilton's. Wo sell the best shoes I I made for ladies and men for THREE FIFTY. Wo have them in all widths and all the latest styles and tannage of leather. Ladies' hand sowed cork solo walking boots for S3.50. Look in our windows for the correct thing in shoemaldng. Store , 412 Broadway , Council Bluffs. For the last eighteen months wo bav o had n BtnndlriR offer for J5 00 a haart for nny bunch of sboatg dying with cholera or worms nfter being fed on their stock food for six months. Five cents a pound for any bunch of chickens dying with roun or cholera If being fed on \A \ i's Champion Poultry Food. Ten cents cacb for every louse or who found In poultry bouse nfter trcatlns t ft coat of Moore's ' Death io. Lice. Hundreds of dealers are selling Moore 'n Roods nnd wo will pay any person . ' 25.00 who will llnd us n man that over claimed from us any part of tbls offer Write for prices and statements. CO , , Iowa