Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1898, Part II, Page 18, Image 18

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Ail * iTllm-iiiiMilN for I h rue on i HIM n
Mill li - Inlien until 12 in. for Ilic
vi'iilnu unit until HiSO ( or niiirnliiK
nnil Sntiilnpilltlonn. .
Ilnlrn , I | . .2ia unril flrnt Innerflont
Jc 11 noril Ihi-ri-nflrr. Nothing taken
for IIMN ( him ! ir.c' for ( lt rtritt ln ter-
tlon. Thi'NimlvcrllftriiiuntM limit tic
M , liy iM-finentliiK n iiuni-
cbcch , ran Imvo niimvem ml-
to n iiiiinlnTfil letter In care
if Tlic Her. Ant. . .ITS HO nililremtoil
it III lie ilcllvrrril on preaeiitntlon of
tlic * clieoU only.
BTENOGRAI'll 1311 of experience and thoroughly -
oughly competent waits position ; young
man with best references. Address h 10 ,
Bee A 218
A STENOGRAPHER When you want ono
please mil tip the Uemlnpton typewriter
ofllcu. 1619 Fnrnam st. ; telephone 1573.
A M9S7 N17
\\ANTED , position by young Uuiy us
stenographer. Address 1113 S. 23th St.
A-M475 Nl
PTI5AI > y , sober young single mun , wants
work. i experienced In dairy , or farm
wurk Addnsa F 20. lcc. ! A-516 30 *
TOt \f pliyslclnn , graduate , registered ,
< -ompeteni and energetic , three- years prl-
Mill' pnutlrn , would llko a position. Ad
dress F 20 , I3ee. A-613 30 *
THOROUGHLY comiietent lady stenogra
pher desires position. F 43 , Uoe.A
A 025 SO *
t-AI.ESMEN for cigars ; $125 n month and
expenses , old firm ; experience unneces
sary C. C. Bishop & Co. , St. Louis , Mo.
TAILORS attend Dyhr's cutting school.
318 S 18 B-9SID ° r2 |
1'ni'NO men to learn barber trade ; only file
lo S we. ks retiulred ; we glvo our graduates - |
atos employment till they receive In
wages as much as they pay for tuition
and expends learning. St. Louis Bar
ber college , Odd Fellows' blrig. . Dodge and
Itth , Omaha. I'rof. Randolph , Instructor.
IJ MC90 N9
WANTED , we have steady work for a few
good liufctlers of good habits and appear-
niir-o IV F. Adunia Co. , 521 So. l th St.
B 2.JO N22
WANTED-Young man for bookkeeper and
odli o work. In r'ply give references ,
ng and full particulars. Address P. O.
i7r iwr 925. B-fr" w
WANTED , energetic man or woman for
outside work ; good pay weekly. Hawks
Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , WIs.BMIC1N27
B-MIC1N27 *
WANTED , 15 messengers , must have
wheels. A. D. T. Co. , 1302 Douglas.
B 46S-30
MAN" or woman of energy and business
abllliy to travel for established firm : $50
n month and all expenses. P. W. Hlegler
& Co , 322 Dearborn St. , Chicago. III.
B M4sl 30 *
ANTED , agent to travel ; must have
$100.00 cash. Address F 15 , Be" .
B-M17S 31 *
A\/NTKI > . sewer men at northeast corner
of stork yards , South Omaha , isntz &
r-aitlnll. B-M476 30 *
GOOD men to distribute 5,000.000 pieces adv.
mutter big wages ; enrlose stamp. Mfrs.
Ailv Co. . Dept. A. E. , 114 W. 34th St. ,
New York B
\\ANTliD-A 1 salesman to sell the best
tire pxt'n'nilsner known. P'ttsburg ' Flro
Extinguisher Co. . Plttsburg. Pa. U
WANTKD. colored lad , IB to 23 years of
age. for porter and general heln on sleep
ing car ; fair wages and steady position
for rlrht party ; preference to party who
can sing or piny musical Instrument.
Address , with reference , J. Frank Plcker-
tns , general delivery , Council Bluffs ,
Iowa. B-MW sn *
YOU will never got ahead working for a
salary : start n business at home for your-
K < Mt write us for particular ! ) and sec bow
easily It can be done. Address Hall &
Co . Box 793 , Marlon , Ind. U 520 30 *
ENERGETIC salesman ; school supplies ;
country work : J100 salaryand extras. R.
O. Evans it Co. , Chicago. B 519 30 *
GOVERNMENT positions ; don't prepare
for any civil service examination without
ser'ng ' our Illustrated catalogue of Information
mation ; sent free. Columbian Corre
spondence College , Washington , D. C.
B-318 30 *
\\ANTED. reliable man to distribute cir
culars and samples , good pay. Union
\d\ertlslng Co. , Rothschild Bldg. , Phila
delphia. 13-517 30 *
ANTED , salesmen : salary paid weekly ;
experience unnecessary. Permanent.
Brown Bros. Co. , Chicago. B
\ ANTED , engineers and firemen send 2b
cents for a 21-pago pamphlet contaln'ng
a list of questions asked by an examining
board of engineers. Address Geo. A. / Seller
ler , bookseller , 18 So. Ith St. , St. Louis ,
MI Mention this paper. B
CKNTI.EMFN can earn money tit liomo ;
can devote whole or part time : no can
vassing , send stamp for particulars. Nov
elty , box 1531 , Boston , Mass. B
WANTED , men to learn barber trade ; free
transportation to our colleges nt Chicago ,
SI Louis or Minneapolis ; S weeks com
pletes. outtU of tools presented ; wagea
Saturday from start ; steady positions
guaranteed ; wo have contracted to place
SOa irradmitos as hospital barbers , also
old graduates out of omplovment. wrlto
at once Call or address Moler Barber
College representative , 11 Croighton Blk. ,
1rith and Douglas , Omaha. B 502
GOVERNMENT positions ; thousands of
a ) Olntir" > ' 't'J to bn * . * 1p"I * nr"U- '
lars concerning positions , salaries , etc. ,
furnlsh"d five , by Nat i Corn'nru !
Insftuto , Di'pt. C. E. , Washington , D. C.
B-501 30 *
BUY goods salesman wanted on commis
sion country trade ; must carry other
lines to ii'tiko It pay. Chestnut , Penn &
Street , 209-13 Ionic St. , Philadelphia.
B 199-30 *
AVANTKD. reliable men find women In
e\cry town to work for us ; neat , steady
employment ; good wages ; no deception :
mi dui'iv send us your address and wo
will send vou work Immediately. Ail-
Or ss S'nintard Art Mfg. Co. , 112 Weft 23d
St . N. w York City. B
" \\11Y work for others when you can have
a buslii' * a of your own at slight expense ?
For particulars and list money making
f < i-rrniUis address Williams & Co. Sioux
CHv , la B-533 30 *
ANTED , men and women In every town
to ni-ll the Nfw Eellpso Shirt Bosom
Km'tchcr and Ironing Board , the grandest
s-11 T oii earth. N. Scholl , Mnnufin'ti'ror ,
C'hlllicothe , Ohio. B 503 30 *
our Specialties In Dry Good ? for spring
ir.i'lo on commission. Address with full
Vurt'iulars , The Purnell Dale Mills. Box
MO. Phlla. 1I-SOO SO *
PAI AHY or slilo line to traveling furniture
salesmen to sell spring beds and kindred
goods tn middle and western territory v
Address V 31 , cam Lord & Thomas. Chi
cago. B-502 30 *
Pt'PlMNO manufacturing concern wants
rcsnnriHihl. hustler with small capital In
every city , county and state In the union
to handle sub-agents , introducing their
new spec laities jurt out , unlvrsallv re
quired ; Immense protlts. Address ( Nlcn-
staedi ) , 30 Broadway , N w York City.
B-501 30 *
Sv ANTED. Intelllccnt people fir nial ! on.\-r
liustnegM at home ; succ s gu.irinteel ;
Hiimll capital r nnlred ; send stamped rn-
vplonr for rmrt'culnrs Homo Supply Co. ,
Uox f > 3 , Indianapolis , Ind. H KO SO *
AVANTFD. bookkeepers not to miss seeing
lutcst Invention , the Arlthmachlne , ex
hibit 7M. west end Liberal Arts building.
Ilpnrv Frcdman. author and Inventor. 113
LaSalle st. . Chicago. B-570 30 *
$10000 1'ER month and expenses ; must have.
donifi fxperlrnco In liquor business : send
H lf-addressed envelope to Liquor Dealers'
Supply Co . Kansas City , Mo. B 390 30 *
WANTED , registered dentist In Neb.j
Ht'inlv Job. Charles Bcnton , 1145 O st. ,
Job. H-M59I 1 *
sT\LESMKN to sell otllco Hpeclalties ; line.
Bide lines$5 a day ; u ed by all mer
chants. Model Mfg. Co. , box B. South
B ml. Ind. B-MS92 N29
TAILOR want-il at oncu for pants ami
vest liddy IJros. , Fremont. Neh ,
U-M 20 JO *
POSITIONS secured-It Is HIB policy of
Doyles' school to secure positions for Its
gradUAte * . atul U has not failed to do so In
a single Instance. . Included In the short
hand course ar typewriting , mimeo
graphing , Indexing. letterllllng , letterpress
copying , manifolding , business correspond.
mce. spflllng and punctuation. There Is a
demand for this class of olllcc help when
well trained. Money spent for a practical
shorthand education payu a big return on
the Investment. Boyles1 school Is the
only one In the city presided over and
directed by an expert reporter , actually
engaged In the practice of the shorthand
profeKslon ; and this school has more calls
for competent young men and women
than It can supply and more than all thd
other schools of the kind In the city com
bined. Get circulars. Bee building. .
C CW 30 *
WANTED , ISO girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. 876.
* " "
WANTED , experienced hotel housukeepcr.
E 67. He * . C-M351 30 *
WANTED , girl for general housework.
2020 Emmet. C-M3 C
WANTED , at once , good piano player.
Apply afternoons at 115 No. 9th St. , City.
C M452 30 *
WANTED , good , neat girl for general
house work , In smalt family. Muat bo
good cook. 1610 Fifth avenue , Council
Bluffs. C-MIG5 30
WANTED , competent girl for general
housework. 1131 So. 30th Ave.C
C 4C9-30
OIRL for general housework. Mrs. D. II.
Goodrich , 1117 8. 29th avc. C M4S6 31
EXPERIENCED lady for canvassing ;
references required. F 17 , Bee.CM435
C-M435 30 *
PRIVATE family , comfortably situated
will lake for the winter two couples or
some gentlemen ; bountiful table ; rates
moderate but not cheap ; roforcnces. Ad
dress F IS. Bee oHlce. C MIVT.W
WANTED , a good German girl for general
housework , or mlauio-uncii mnj iu . . . .o
for children. Corner 22nd and N. South
Omaha. C M521 31 *
LADIES to nmbroldjr ; good paying , ea'y
work s nt to your home ; addressed en
velope for sample and materials. Em
pire Embroidery Works , 2.1 Dunne St. ,
Ntw York City. C-50C-30 *
LADIES to work'for us at their homes the
year round ; no canvassing ; city or
country : particulars by mall. Hill Mfg.
Co. , HI Park Place , Now York.
C-505-30 *
LADIES wanted for profitable home work ;
no canvassing ; easy , fascinating. For
particulars send stamp to Novelty , box
1531. Boston , Mass. C-
FinST-CLASS girl for general housework.
702 S. 29th St. C-M523 Nl
LADIES everywhere to mall circulars , sam
ples and copy letters at home ; reply with
stampctl envelope. Peerless Co. , South
Bend , Ind. tj 591 30 *
GIRL , general housework. 2S2I Leaven-
worth st. C MC07 !
CHOICE houses and cottages all over city ;
Jo to $75. Fidelity , first floor , N. Y. Life.
HOUSES. Benewa & Co. , 106 N. 15th St.
HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxto'n block.
A FEW cottages. 436 Board Trade.
( ID 158
FURNITURE and leasehold of a 7 and 13-
room modern flat for sale ; bargain ; good
location ; rent low. Bemls , Paxton block.
D 151
ALWAYS moving household goods and
pianos. Omaha Van & Storage Co. , 1511V4
Farnam. Tel , , 1559. D 154
BENEWA'S residence to rent , 3230 Burt.
HOUSES , stores. Bobbins , 1802 Farnam.
COTTAGE on easy payments. 04 Bee Bids.
D MS61
HOTEL down town ; 16 rooms ; good condi
tion ; convenient to all car lines ; rent
$45.00 a month. The Byron Reed Co. , 212
S. 14th St. D-110
HOUSES Chas. E. Benson. 310 Range bide.
D M7S2Jan. 13 *
FURNISHED cottage. Lost Angeles. Cat.
1512 Davenport , Omaha. D MDGl
FOR RENT , 10-room modern house and
barn , with largo shady grounds.
John W. Bobbins , Agt , , 1802 Farnam st.
MAGGARD'S Van & Storage. 121 N. 15th.
Tel. 14D6. D M3I1 N22 *
KOUNT55E Place , house. 2012 Emmett. 9
rooms , $30. J. J. Gibson , 514 First Nat'l
Bank Bldg. D-MI33 31
FOR RENT Farmers' Home , Webster
street , between 16th and 10th ; boarding
house , and large barn. Inquire at 50f N.
Y. Life Building. O M4 2
FOR RENT , 7 rooms , brick , 509 8. 29th ,
$15.00. Selby , 334 Board of Trade.
D M460
8-r. modern , SSth and Jones ; nicest part
city ; largo yard , trees , etc. 801 Bee bldg.
6-room , 27 n'r Dewey ave. , $1S. G04 Bee bVlg.
AN excellent house and barn and large lot
facing south tn Kountze Place , cheap.
Apply early. F 25 , Bee. D 622 30 *
FOR RENT , 10-room rnoder" ' " ' * " < vn
town. Brennan-Lovc Co. , 219 S. Ifith st.
D-559 30
HOUSES are In demand for quick rental ;
list with J. H. Parrotte. Douglas block.
U-M301 30
NICELY furnished S-room house , modern
conveniences , walking distance ; refer
ences. 2701 Howard. D M563 N5
FURNISHED S-room house , modern. In
choice location , to rent for winter or
longer on low terms to responslblw party.
Address F 35 , Bee. D-MKS5 Nl *
FOR RENT. 10-room furnished house , nil
So. 24th st. D 5S4 30 *
3-room house. 1403 Pierce st.
4-room cottage , pantry , geol cellar , burn.
line grape vineyard , plum grove -nd i
small Irult ; buildings in excellent repair ; !
KW per month. !
r > rooms , Sil Moor , 1713 Georgia avo. , $ '
Now house , 6 rooms , all conveniences , 2iti !
anil Dodge. J22.50.
n-room Hat. 2914 Farnam ht.
0-room house ut 2213 Sewartl ? . , wnter. gis
and bath , $22.6i ) .
R. C. PETERS & CO. .
U. S. Natl. Bans Bide * .
IJ " 52 " 0
FOR RENT , 10-room modern brick , 1031 S.
Hftth ave. ; 10-room detached house , 1741 S.
2Hh st. ; 7-room modern cottage , 3414 N.
27th St. : 6-room cottage. 3402 N. 27th st.
W. D. Mead , Jr. , 3111 N. 27th st.D
D 573 30 *
FOR RENT , 11-room nil modern house near
Hanscom park. J. H. Sherwood , 423 N. Y.
Life. D-MCOO Nl
FOR RENT , 9-room nil modern house , with
barn , near Hanscom park. J. II. Sher
wood , 423 N. Y. Life. D-M602 Nl
THE BENEFIT HOUSE. 21st and Plnkney"
bts. , fitly daintily furnished rooms ; one-
nquaro from the Arch of the States-
everything new and llrst-clnsa ; terms rea
sonable. E 157
NICE rooms , warm , central. 1512 Daven-
I'o-'t E M2 2 O29
VERY desirable steam-heated front rooms ;
transient or permanent. Enquire nt Flat
S. Davidge Bldg. . corner 18th and Far
nam Sts. Good reference required.
STEAM heated rooms , reasonable. 2009
Harney St. B 396 Novi.4 *
FURNISHED rooms ; modern. KSO Harney.
E 41S NovS *
NICELY furnished rooms for gentlemen
In private family. 1701 Capitol "v.nue"
west postolllce. Era ; Kov2 *
NICELY furnished front room with alcove.
1137 So. 2Sth at , E M474 SI *
TWO furnished rooms , one. with alcove :
with or without board. 509 8. 25th Ave.
K 491 SO *
NICELY furnished rooms ; steam heat ,
J5K Howard. E-526 30 *
( Continued I
WELL heated rooms with or wdlioul
board , for families and olngle gentleman.
Franck's hotel , 320'4 ' N. 16th street. Rates
r , unonnble. E I9S
FOIt RENT , furnished rooms with steam
heat for families and single uentlemen
at Midland Hotel , 16th and Chicago sts.
Rates reasonable. EM-52J Nl *
NICELY furnished southeast front room ;
private family. 702 S. 29th st. E-M521 Nl *
FOR RENT , furnished room ; modern. S23
8. 231M ave. M-527 Nl *
.1 KLNISHED rooms for man and wife ;
rent taken In board. 319 N. 17th.
13 221
ONE or two furnished front rooms , 2S2I
Leavenworth st. E MOOS 1 *
ELEGANTLY furnished rooms for tran
sients , steam heated ; reasonable prices ;
flat 1 , Davidge building , opposite city
hall , corner ISth and Farnam streets , llrst
landing. Ask for Mrs. Jeffries.EM596
E-M596 31 *
TAKE down that "for sale" or "for rent"
sign In your window. The Bee reaches
more people In a day than will pass your
window in a month ; and they consult
tl" > so columns when they want to buy or
rent. F S65
THE MERR1AM , first-class family hotel ,
25th and Dodge St3. F-15is
FtTRNlSHED rooms with board , 257(3 (
Harney. 1A-MS24 ; N14 *
FOR RENT , rooms with board ; terms rea
sonable. Mrs. Atkins , 1C30 Kyner Ave.
F M217 tO *
HANDSOME large rooraa with board ;
steam ; references. 202 N. ltn.K
K M402 V *
ELEGANT steam heated rooms with
board ; finest location In city. 1909 Cap-
ItolAye. F M4K 31 *
THE CAPITOL , 1722 Capitol Ave. , re titled
and reopened by Nov. 15. Apply on
premises or 21W Locusl St. F 193 N *
WANTED , to boirrl on" or t" ' " n-'i = M at
Hanscom park ; references. F30 , Boo.
NICCLY furnished room with hoard , for
two gentlemen ; pf/atd 'family ; Norlh
side ; gas , heal and "bath. F " 2 , Bee.
F-M32 Nl *
NICELY furnished front roopi , with board ,
all modern conveniences , pear Hanscom
park. F 37 , Bee. F MC01 Nl
CHOICE furnished rooms , modern , co.i-
trally located , in private- family : board If
desired. F 40 , Ben. . F M614 Nl *
NICELY furnished rooms , ftteani boat , free
baths , $1.50 per week and up. Klondike
hotel. 16th anil Webster sis. F MC27
A NICELY furnished room with board ,
suitable for two. In private family. Ad
dress F 21) ) , Bee. F 538-30 *
4 OR 6 CHOICE locations , one floor ; pri
vate bath ; references necessary. C 36 ,
Bee. O M298
FOR RENT , two large front rooms , un
furnished. 1710 N. 2 th St. G 494 30 *
TWO pleasant unfurnished rooms ; modern
conveniences , first-class location. 531 S.
ISth ave. O-529 30 *
DESK room. Q. G. Wallace , 313 Brown Blk
1 159
NICR store , Corner 34th and Hamilton. Ap
ply 2518 Caldwell. 1 160
IN U. S. Nat'l Bk. Bid * . Inq. 604 Bee. Bldg.
3-STORY and basement brlcfe store buildIng -
Ing , 1005 Farnam , 22x100. Inquire 314 First
National bank building. t 11305
FOR RENT 4-story building and base
ment , steam heat , elevator , dynamo , cen
trally located on I-Inrncy street. Redlck
Bros. & Co. , 318 S. 16th. T 395 30
WANTED , reliable 'salesmen for line of
lubricating oils and greases ; commissioner
or salary. Quaqer Oil & Implement Co. ,
Cleveland , Ohio. J 507-30 *
AGENTS WANTED to sell ready-made
novelty signs (11x14 ( Inches ) ; 75 per cent
profit. Val. Schreler Sign Works , Mil
waukee , WIs. J 535-30 *
AGENTS , a whirlwind , "Storv of ttio
Philippines , " by Murat Halstead , Just pub
lished ; outfit free. Patriotic Pub. Co. , 120
Randolph St. , Chicago. J 53G-30 *
AGENTS for Perfection SclMieattng Hair
Curler ; eleganl holiday gift ; fast seller :
large profits ; sample 50e ; for circulars and
exclusive territory wrlto Standard Speci
alties Co. , Times Bldg. , New York.
_ . . J-
LADY AGENTS If you want the best-
money maker you must have Our Hygela
Electric Corsets the standard for twenty
years. Address Western Corset Co. , St.
Louis , Mo. j _
AGENTS , $5.00 to $10.00 a day to introduce
our pure "Asbetoa" wicks ; Just patented-
givlner light fully equal to electricity
and lasting from 8 to 10 years. Dept S
45 , Fire-proof Safety Wick Works , Colum
bus , O. j _
PUHTRAIT agents save big money getting
our wholesale prices on portraits and
frames. The Grove Art Co. , 295 Fifth
Ave. , Chicago. J
WANTED , four first-class salesmen to sell
best merchants for holiday trade ; $50
weekly and expenses. Address , wlth ref
erences , 1C11 Manhattan Bldf. , Chicago.
J-531 20 *
AGENTS , stop working for others ; have
a business of your own ; try our plan.
For particulars and list monrv making
receipts , etc. , address William's & Co.
Sioux Cltyj la. J-M2 30 *
AGENTS on salary or commission ; the
greatest agents' seller ever produced ;
every user of pen and Ink buys It on
sight : 200 to 50u per cent prollt ; one
agent's sales amounted to jftjo In six
days ; another $32 In two hours. Monroe
Mfg. Co. , X 16 , La Crtsse , Wis ,
J 531 30 * ,
ONLY perfect bath cabinet : greatest seller.
R. M. Irwln , St. Louis , Mo. , Nashville ,
Tenn. J-530 30 * |
AGENTS , $3.CO to $10.00 a day to Introduce !
our pure "Asbestos" wicks ; just patented ; i
giving light fully equal to electricity I
and lasting from S to 10 yars. Dept 4x5 ,
Fire-proof Safety Wick Works , Colum
bus , O. j _
AGENTS to sell our cut-price Christmas
publications ; 50c book , 15c : $1.00 book , 2jc-
Jl.'O book , 50c ; $250 book , 75c ; credit
given , freight prepaid , outllt free. Fer
guson Publishing company , Vine street
Cincinnati , Ohio. J 579 30 *
SALESMEN. $200 per month guaranteed
selling Brooks' Oil Gas Generators for
generating gas from coal oil for heating
or cooking stoves , ranges , furnace or
steam boilers : no smoke , odors , dust , coal ,
kindling or ashes : territory free. . Hrooka
Burner Co. , Cincinnati , O. J 57S 20 *
AGENTS , $37.50 weekly ; rollablo mon
wanted to handle the newly Invented
Regal gaslight burner ; fits any lamp ; no
chimney , no tmoke ; sample free ; wrlto
for terms. Royal Mfg. Co. , Cincinnati , O.
J-605 30 *
WANTED , 3 or 4 unfurnlslrd rooms with
steam heat , by gentleman and wife ; cen
tral location ; references exchanged. Address -
dress E S3 , Be ? . K-M3U
PLACE your housts for rent with my
agency ; have more applications than
houses , O. G. Wallace , 313 Brown block.
K 116
WANTED , 3 or t unfurnished rooms for
.light housekeeping ; heat ; mod.rn ; centrally -
trally located ; by Nov. 1st. F 12 , Bee.
K 147 30 *
HOUSE of S to 12 rooms , ivcat or south
west part of city , thoroughly modern ,
with stable. Bemls , Paxton block.K .
K M190
THREE to live furnished rooms , suitable
for light housekeeping ; within mil and
MIH Sts , Dodge anil Jones ; four adults ,
pay well for right place ; permanent F
19. Bee K-510-30 *
SINGLE man wants unfurnished room
heatJd , ? tate locution ami price. Ad
dress F 21 , Bee. K M539-5 *
( Continued. )
WANTED , board for two with two adjoin
ing looms. Address F 33 , Bee.K53730
WANTED , first-class furniture for 6 or S
looms. Must be cheap. K 39 , Bee.
K M5i',4 Nl
BY MAN and wife , . " , or 4 unfurnished
rooms for light housekeeping. F U , Hco.
K-Mf.12 Nl *
WANTED , two rooms furnished for light
housekeeping : modern. Address W. W.
M. . 2129 Wlrl si. K-613 30 *
'U ANTED. Iwo rooms with modern con
veniences In central location with board
for four gentlemen. Address F 42 , Bee.
WANTED , furnacc-lieatcd room near car
line by dressmaker employed during day.
Refersnces exchanged. Address F 35 , Bee.
K-BS8 30 *
IF YOU arc In need of anything try tha
Want Columns of The Bee ; they will
bring vuu what you want. N S67
THF BEST HOME : $2.000 will buy on easy
terms. 1 om no agent. X Cl , lieu.
HIGHEST price for pecunrthnnd household
goods. Largo lots specialty. Brown , 712 N.
16th. N-Mlra N3
ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. .
In largo or small quantities. Chicago
Furniture Co. , Tel. 2KIO , 140G-S-10 Dodge.
N M435 N27
RANCHES and farma ; want description ,
price and terms of ranches or good
farms owners desire to dispose-of ; do you
desire to buy , sell ov exchange ? money
to loan on farms. Henry C. Smith , Falls
City , Neb. N M4SI 30
WANTED to buy , house and lot , northern
part of city preferred. Address F 27. Bee
olllce. N 195 30 *
AVANTED TO BUY , house and lot for $1,200
cash. State size. Address F 28. Bee.
N-G13-30 *
WANTED TO BUY , good base burner with
oven. Address F 23 , Bee. N 542-30 *
WANTED , second hand furniture ; must bo
In mod condition and cheap. Address F
31 , Bee. N 541-30 *
WANTED. 5 to 10 acres v/lth or without
house , near Benson car ln ( ; will pay
c > ash ; must be cheno. n. C. Peters ft Co. ,
U. S. Natl. Bk. Bldg. N-TiSl 30
WANTED , lunch counter and dlsho Must
be cheap. Address F 38 , Beo. N 567 20 *
HIGHEST prices paid for 2il hand furnU
ture , stoves carnets. etc. Boston Furni
ture Store , 721 N. 16th. N 599 N5
CHICAGO Furniture Co. will sell furnlturo
and stoves below cost ; cot beds , 73c ;
mattresses , 50c ; pillows , 20c. 1403-10 Dodge.
0J74 N8
BEST and cheapest stoves and furniture
sold nt small profits ; highest prices paid
for good goods. D. Brodkey. 110 S. 14th.
FURNITURE wanted ; five carloads at
on-e. The highest cosh paid for same.
Don't miss us. Will handle goods to suit
owner. C0.1 North 16. 13. E. Atherton , the
auctioneer. O M464 30 *
UPRIGHT piano In first class condition ,
cheap for cash ; sewing machine , house-
bold goods. 2301 Leavenworth St.
O 1C6-30
FOR SALE , square top oak office desk
cheap. Charles D. Thompson , 314 Kar-
bach blk. O 571 30
Thursday , Nov. 3. 2036 Farnam St. The
entire furniture of the Farnam Terrace
hotel , consisting of bedroom sets , Iron
beds , folding beds , mattresses , rocking
chairs , tables , crockery , carpets , rugs
oak counter , safe , etc. , everything now
and of good quality. Sale to commence at
10 a. m. E. E. Atherton , Auction er.
O-M5C9 N3
FOH 30 days you can buy best and cheap
est carriages , buggies and phaetons , newer
or secondhand. A. J. Simpson , 1409 Dodge
P M225 N22
OAK boards , $18 per m. ; also cheapest slat
cribbing. SOI Douglas street. Q 165
B. HAAS , Florist , 1813 VJnton St. . Tel. 776-
plants , cut tlowers , bouquets , hall , resi
dence , wedding and grave decorations.
Orders by mall or express promptly filled
2ND-HAND safe cheap. Derlght , 1116 Far'ni
Q-M331 N2-J
HOG , poultry and lawn fences ; all wire ; Is
best. Wire Works. 14th and Harney.
FOR SALE , ten R.I.P.A.N.S. for 5 cents ,
at druggists : one gives relief. Q 169
MACHINE tools , engines , pumps , etc. , for
sale or trade ; machinery built or re
paired Sprague Machine Works. 1216
Jones St. Telephone 15S5. Q M227 30 *
SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. . mixed paints ,
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. . 1613
Dodge street , Omaha. Q M121 N1S
WOOLF ZACHARIA'S , 1207 Farnam. Plan
ished Steel Peninsular Ranges , $22.50 to
$40. Heaters sold cheap. Q MSS7 Fb24
BOSTON furnlturo store removed to 721 N.
16th ; furniture , stoves , etc. , below cost.
Q-M1H5 N4
2ND-HAND typewriters cheap , lllfi Far'm.
Q-M332 N22
BUFFALO horns , Indian relics. 1114 Far'm !
Q-M330 N22
FOR $ j.OO , pawn ticket for diamond ring ;
cost 140.00 ; In pawn for $18. E 16 , Bee.
FOR SALE A 30x50 barn , sills 10x10 , can
be moved without being torn down. In-
qulro Mercer hotel. Q 400 31
LADIES , clean you kid gloves with Mil
ler's glovcrlne , for sale only by Thompson ,
Beldcn & Co. , headquarters for gloves and
folo agents for the genuine Foster lacing
gloves , all the most desirable shades.
Gloves fitted and warranted. Q 509-3(1 ( *
PHONOGRAPH and graphophono owners
sending ram ; and address will receive free
our booklet entitled "How to Make
Records. " It gives valuable Information
and covers years of experience. We
manufacture new style reproducing and
recording horns. Our records have world
wide reputation. Hawthorne ft Slifblc ,
602-60I-C06 Chestnut St. , Phlla , Pa.Q50S30'
REFRIGERATOR , block , 2 rakes , for a
butcher , nearly new , great bargain. HOti
So. 6th St. , Harney Street car.
car.Q51530 *
FOR SALE. Gabl'r piano , good repair , $10.
3012 Sherman Avc. Q-M5I4-31 * . i
GLASS show cases used for exhibit of re
volutionary relics In Nebraska building.
Mrs. Hall , 33S Bee bldg. Q-M577 31
IF RATS AND MICE annoy yon write
S. S. Mfg. Co. , Chicago , 111. , for sure ex
terminator. Q 5S8 30 *
GOOD square piano for sale cheap : make
offer. Address Piano , Bee olllce. Council
Bluffs , lu. Q-4MI 30 *
TWENTV-FIVE cents will buy the latest
publication Illustrating the U. S. and
Spanish navies , naval commanders , etc. ;
almost 200 photographic reproductions ,
with a largo map of the East and West
Indies , at the etllce of The Bee. If or
dered by mall , address Navy Photograph
Department Omnl" < B " P < rn
FOR SALE or rent , one 2-ftro hotel range
and carving table. Apply to M. J. Frunek
Midland Hotel. R-497
ANOTHER wonderful seance.v"l tie held
ut Patterson hall , 17th and Farnam , by
Milton , the medium , Sunday night ut S
p. m. ; skeptics , scoffers and know-alls es
pecially Invited ; collection , lOc ; private
sittings dally ; all affairs of life , Uisluuss
ami ( Untune ; satisfaction or no charge.
1C23 Dodge , cor. 17th. Hours , 9 a. m. to 8 '
p. in. ; open Sundays pama Mourn ; read
ings by mall. S-.MIS9 30 I
ANOTHER npo of those wonderful ( lower
feances will bo hold In Patlcrson block
Tuesday , Nov. 1 nl S p. in. by Edna E.
Long , Ihs greal ( lower medium. Light
Feanco as usual Wednesday eve. ; circles
formed for development. Headings dally.
Room 4. 8-M5S9 N2
( Continued. )
So all Oinnh.i speaks of the famous Mim\
Gylmer , palmist and life reader ; this
marvelous woman nun the powir to lift
th mystic veil from off the tuture , to ex
pose the hidden myslu-les of the past ; In
the. simple lines of your hand she sios
your entire life ; can tell you thlncs ) that
have been , that are and are to be ; her
adIce , based upon this knowledge , Is of
Incalculable benefit ; consult her In strict
est conlldencc ; Mme. Gylnicr has bt-en
hero more than a year ; the public knows
her , the press endorses her ; she Is no
stranger no fakir ; money refunded If nut
satlstuttory. Hours , 9 to 7:30 : ; Sundays ,
10 to 4 p. m. ; parlors , 1C03 Dodge , opp.
now P. u. s-597 30
MME. Gylmer , genuine palmist , 1603 Dodge.
S-M444 N3
MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant. fGS N. ICth.
S-MS01 D13
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
VIENNA fortune teller , 18 years ticro. 1411
Howard. S MSOO N13
SMITH , Room 2 , UMi N. 15th Street.
T393 N2l
BATHS , ladles only. Mrs. Porter , 203 Douglas -
las block. T MC91 Nil
LAURA Ellison , baths , massage & mag
netic treatment. 119 N. 16 , R. 12 , upstairs.
' Attendant. T " 21 N21
LILIAN HOWARD , new mapsaco and
bath ; Australian treatment. R , 19 , 1623
Farnam Htrtet. T Mu.a 3. I
MRS. DR. LEON , electric massage bath
parlors ; restful and curative. . 417 8. llth ,
upstairs. M 603 5 *
BEATRICE HARLOW. Elegant massage.
baths , Egyptian treatment. 1701 Leaven-
worth. T M617 31 *
VIAVI CO. , 316 Bee building. U-171
A LARGE map of the world , one of Cuba
and another of the West Indlfs ,
$30 RUPTURE cured for $30. No detention
from business ; G years in Omaha. Caller
or write for circulars. Empire Uupturo
Cure , 932-933 New York Life bldg. , Omaha ,
Neb. U-172
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and
during conllnunlent ; babies adopted ; ex
perienced physicians In atlendnnce. 113U
N. 17lh si. . Omaha. U M5SO
MASSAGE , elpctrlc and magnetic baths.
New Hyglennlo Institute , 220 Boo Bldg. ;
tel. 1716. U-M171
PILES oured In 7 to 10 days , without pain ;
ono treatment does the work ; call or
send tor circulars. The Empire Pile Cure ,
932 New York Life building , Omaha.
SUPERFLUOUS hair , moles , etc. . perma
nently removed by electricity ; references.
Mrs. Cronyn , 10 Crelghton block. U
LADIES' Turkish baths. Mme. Post. 319'A
S. 15th. U-M312
BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 319V& S. 15th.
U M313
DR. J. ROY , chiropodist ; corns removed ,
2Se up ; new method ; no knife , painless op
eration ; 23 yrs. experience ; 12 yr * . in
Omaha ; warts , moles and superfluous hair
removed by electricity. Frenzer Blk.
HOW doctors , dentists , pharmacists , com
petent undergraduates can soon gradu
ate. Box 19G , Chicago. U 918 N15 *
STORM windows , wood turning , band saw-
Ing. Hamilton Bros. , 28 & Dav'pt. Tel. 117 ! > .
THE Omaha Social Club , only one In the
city , a permanent institution ; honorable
Introductions made ; correspondents
furnish-d ; strangers welcome. 311 Kar-
bach Blk. , 15 & Douglas. Allle Turney.
Mgr. U 176-NS
HITTER'S hospital : confinement cases
taken ; babies adopted. 2214 Seward ,
Om iha ; tel. 2231. U M974 NIG
BOOKBINDING Burkley Printing Co.
U-M324 N22
MISS MAYER , leading manicure , chiropo
dist and hair dresser. 400 Paxton block.
Business for sale. Entering medical col
lege. U M316 N22. '
LADIES In poor oJrcumstance ? can receive
free attendance In confinement by apply
ing to the Crelghton Medical College.
( Telephone 1167. ) U 399 Decl
HALF soles and heels , 40c. 605 N. 10th.
U-MS14 N14
CRIMSON Rambler roses ; three yean ) old ;
bloomed this season : exlra line ; $1.00 ;
will planl and warrant. Address 2C23
Hamilton St. , city ; express prepaid on
out of town orders. U M479 30 *
ALL persons afflicted with fever or
milk leg address Specialist , F 16. Bee.
U M477 31 *
HOMES wanted , two orphan boys , one of
then colored , 13 years of ago , wanl Homes '
on a farm ; three baby boys , ages 4 , 5
and 9 months , respectively ; one little girl
about 5 years of age. A. W. Clark , Child
Saving Institute , 50G So. ISth Street.
SEND relf address-d envelope and I'll loll
you how to cure drunkenness w'thoiit the |
patient' ! ) knowledge ; don't send money
Mrs. May Hawkins , Grand Rapids , Mich ,
Lock Box 131 13. T. U 510-30 *
NUDE IN ART , taken from nature , 16
beautiful colored pictures , all nudes , 25c.
French Art Co. , 219 So. 6th St. , Philadel
phia. Pa. U
SINGER sowing , good as now , cheap for
cash. Neb , Cycle Co. , cor. 35 & Harney.
U M556 Nl
TEETH should not be neglected ; they
nlto"'d ' be r\\-"n \ prompt nt'entlon. See W.
N. Dorward , Denllsl , room 4 , Conllnental
block. 15th and Douglas Sts. Tel. 130.
n--M' " > > " > < !
AFFECTIONATE unencumbered , hand
some widow , xqulsi'e Mi > ur 'npr ' !
generous , Independently wealthy seeks
loving husband. "Reality , " 135 Hast taih
St. , N. Y. U-550-SO'
YOUNG LADY. 23. very pretty , noble
modest and affectionate , at pres-ml wnl-
to-do and will full h Ir to ' ? 1,0i > o s s
perfect happiness In marriage. O , care
Berger , 131 13. 25th St. , N. Y.
U-549-30 *
ACCUMULATED fortune through my own
efforts ; have overvthln I'fe's ' li'-"r.- .1. . .
sires , week now life partner. Klondyko ,
209 E. 51st St. , N. Y. U 3IS-3U-
REFINED widow with means desires to
marry an honorable gentleman to care for
her and her Interests. Address Miss A. G.
1062 Third Avc. , box ! 3 , N. Y.
U-316-30 *
DISTINGUISHED gentleman posfcsses a
beautiful home and $100.VK ( ) , will corres
pond with an nffectlonato. si" " " " " iHy
under 40. object matrimony. Address L.
C. , 1062 Third ave. , box 23 , N. Y.UE17
U-E17 30 *
K1TTIE REYMAN , call on Alllo this even
ing sure. U 573 30 *
MASSAGE , baths. Mme. Smith , 11SH N.lsT '
U-M576 N29 * j
A COUPLE of prepossessing girls wanted
for cigar store In the best mining town
In the west. For particulars ndJresu Kobt.
Ashland , Diamondville , \ \ vo.
vo.UM593 Nl *
YOUNG business man , educated , would
marry young Indy of good character ,
health , appearance , education and some
m ' .ins. Address In full confidence M. E. ,
box 374. Denver , Colo. U-4UO 30 *
WANTED , choice fnrm and rltv loans R.
C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat'l Bank Bids.
$100.000.00 special fund lo loan on flrslclass
Improved Omaha property , or for build
ing purposes. Fidelity Trust Company.
W 176
5 % per cent money. Bemls , Paxton block.
_ _ _ mM '
$1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved i
property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 i
Farnam St. W-17S |
0 PER CENT city and farm loans. Garvln
Bros. . 1613 Farnam St. W 179
ANTHONY Loan ft TruH Co. . 115 N , Y. L. ;
quick money al low rates for choice farm
lands' In lowi , Northern Missouri. East- '
crn Nebraska. W ISO J
( Continued. )
MONEY to loan on Improved Omnlin real
estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 8. loth.
MORTGAGES. Wallace. 213 Brown Bloc ! : .
G per cent money ! F. D. Viai1 , 16 .V Dougi
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
$50,000 CHEAP eastern money for western
Investment. Send for free circular. In-
vegtors' Directory. N. Y \V-1S3
" " '
$10 TO $10,000 TO IOAN ON
ete.a lowest rates In
Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs.
No removal of goods ; strictly confidential ,
you can pay the loan off at any time or
In nnv .imounts.
BUY good notes and loan on good rlml-
tels ; 10 per cent per annum , C. R. Glover.
302 Kurbach : notary public ; iloedK. mort
gages , leases legally exerutud. X Mtofl
M.'NEY ' loaned on pianos , furniture , Jew
elry , horses , cows , tic. C F Reed , 319 S 13th
X-.M3I7 N2H
MONEY loaned salaried people holding
permanent pos'tlons ' with re.Mponslblo con
cerns upon their own name , without
security ; easy payments. Tolman , R. 700 ,
N. Y. Life Bldg. X-185
MONEY loaned on llfn Insurance policies ,
pianos , furniture , warehouse receipts ,
jewelry , horsefl , cows , etc. Duff Green ,
room 8 , Barker nil : . X M1S6
SULPHUR Springs Sanitarium soon ready
for business ; splendid chance for doctors.
Call Saratoga Hotel , Inquire Plert' .
FINE business for sale. n. 1. 1521 Dodge.
Y-M1S7 N20
FOR SALE OR RUNT , a mammu-tuntiK
business established 14 years. Owner
wants to retire. Address E CO. Bee.
V-M'ilO 30
WANTED , partner : I want a sober , ener
getic man with $250 to manage business
in Omaha ; $15 per week wages and one-
half Interest In the business ; peimanent
situation ; this Is n good business itianic ;
references required. Address H. WHmer-
Ing. Pcorla , 111. Y M410 N4 *
GRIST mill , $1,000.00. Whltoalde Co. . III. ;
clear. Grist mill , $10,000.00 , S. E. Nob. ;
$3,000.00 mtg. Grisl mill , $7,000.00 , S. E.
Nab. ; clear ; either of the above ou good
terms or will take good farm. Henry ( J.
Smith , Falls City , Neli. Y-.MIS2 3' ' )
FORMING company to invest In Cuba and
Porto Rico. Wrlto C. H. Scovllle. Ona-
tonna , Minn. , for particulars.
Y 192 N2 *
CHICAGO company wants capable man
with some capital to establish and carry
on branch hotiHo : staple line ; very dtsira-
blo ; $150 per month and expenses and
share of profits : good for $4,000 per year
or more ; applications to receive attention
must state financial condition and availa
ble cash capital , and nl'o nnmr two I'onrt
references. For particulars address
Henry Wade , Boyce Building , Chl , . . M
Y-r.12-30 *
\\UJvAT is due for an advance : If you
want to moke money from It write us
for a secure plan of Investment. Hughes
Information and Invistment Company. C3-
C5 Wall St. , New York. Highest refer
ences. Y 511-20 *
IFuU are steklng an Invistmenl which
Is absolutely safe and which pays more
than GO per cent yearly In monthly pay
ments. Wrlto to W. H. Dunlap & Co. , 131
Monroe St. , Chicago , and get prospectus
of Its security plan of Investment , In
which your money is safe and profits cer
tain , and your money doubles each year.
Representatives wanted every ? ' ' " " " '
Y 514 20 *
START a mall order business at home.
Particulars for stamp. Ormond Co. , Chi
cago. Y
CHARTj- for companies from $12 up ; dif
ferent states ; no taxes ; no liability ;
shares sold ; capital procured ; companies
organized. Interstate Law Asso. , 40 Wall
St. , N. Y. Y-
DRY goods and clothing stock , a complete
country store ; will take part cash , bal
ance r ul i state , farm or city property.
For partculars address P. O. Box 114
Omaha , Y-552-3Q *
WANTED PARTNER , young man who can
invent $150.00 for * < Interest in a perman
ent business and Is willing to hustle ; can
clear $100 per month with Incn oslng
profits. Address F 22 , Beo. Y 557-30 *
CIGAR Ftore with established trade for
sale at a bargain. 1315U Farnam.
Y 5S3 30 *
AVANTED , partner In manufacturing ; $150
to $300 required. Address F 31 , Bee.
Y 574 30 *
FOR SALE , dwelling , store building , stock
general merchandise. Enquire of John W.
Moore , Plckrell , Neb. Y 387 30 *
FOH KKNT. the dining room of Lange
hotel ; none but firm-class , reliable parties
need apply. G04 So. 13th. Y M616 N5
FOR EXCHANGE. S. W. corner 24th and
Dodge St. . 107x125 feet , two cottages to
exonango for property In California , San-
Francisco preferred. The O. F. Davis
company , 1505 Farnani St. X M211 N15
LOS Angeles cottage for Omaha. 1512 Dav
enport , Omaha. Y. M9G2
320 ACRES western Nebraska land , sutablo
for stock ; trade for merchandise. Ad
dress J , 3109 Burt St. , Omaha. i' 467-3 *
GENL. MDSE. ; $7,000.00 genl. milse. , Co.
seat , N. E. Kansas , wants to dispose of
at once ; $5,000.00 genl. mds . , Co. scat , S.
E. Neb. ; $5,000.00 genl. mclse. , S. E. Neb. ,
good country ; either of above for sale or
will take land If It suits n * part pay ; If
you wish to buv. neil or exchange write
me. Henry C. Smith , Falls City , Neb.
X.-M1S3 30
A WELL Improved 10-acro tract close In lo
trade for house and lot or vacant lots. J.
H. Sherwood , 123 N. Y. Life. 55-60330
$28,000 of gllt-edg d Inside. Omaha property
to trade for good land. Hick's Real Es
tate Co. , 1602 Farnam SI. X 622 30 *
HOUSES , lot" , farms , lands , loans ; also
lire insurance , Bcmlt-1 , 1'uxton Block.
HAVE you some lots to Fell ? Now is Ihe
llmo to dispose of them : let the people
know that you witnt to dispose of them.
The Bee reaches the people who b-ive the
money. IIK-J65
FOR SALE , dfslrable residence lots , 124x
130 ; In first-class location ; ten minutes'
walk frrm court house ; cheap for cash.
Address O 61. Bee. RE-IS ! )
BARGAINS In houses , lots , farms' : Bale or
trade. J. N. Frenzer , opp. old P. O.
9-ROOM modern house. Inq. 624 S. 2Gth ave.
HK-250 O2S *
BEST and cheapest 200-ncro farm In Ne
braska , near Omaha , at half its appraised
valuation. W. A. Beldcn , 2502 filondo St. ,
Omaha. Neb. RE-M537 N6
FOR SALE , cheap for cosh , the furniture
and bar of a 35-room hotel In Cedar
Rapids , Neb. ; the only hotel In town doIng -
Ing a good business. Call or wrlto. C. W.
Hatflcld , Cedar Haplds , Neb.REMI30
RE-MI30 30 *
FOH SALE or Irade , SO acres and ICO
acres good land within one mile ot R. R.
town In Eastern Nebraska : will trade for
second-bund furniture. Mrs. P. C. Marsh ,
Nebraska Sod house , Exposition grounds.
RE-MJ70 31 *
FOR SALE , lot cor. 21st and Castellar.
6G by 91 ; a snap. K .A. PeUrson , Bla'r ,
Neb. RE-111-Nov 18 *
FOR SALE , the modern house located at
HO North 33rd street , at $6.500 ; terms to
milt at 6 per cent. Address 13. J. Street ,
Kansas City , Mo. RE-MS 30
FOR SALE , four lots and a nice. , large
house with barn anil everything com
plete. Cor. 37th and Valley Stn. , Omuhn.
RE-351-30 *
CHEAP , B room cottage , lot , trees , city
water , gas , barn ; party leaving city.
Owner 3W2 So. ISth. RE-553-30 *
OHEAT bargain. Nice 6-room cottage for
quick sale at $975. Ilk-It's Real Kslate
Co. . 1602 Farnam St. UK 621 30
( Continued. )
CHEAP homes to rnlonlnts or others. Will
sell " 3,0110 acr. " < all In one body , or lit
traotr to stilt , fur a I liral rash payment ,
with S per rent nn drtVrrrd payments.
This land Is bounded on south by Nuecea
river , In PAH Patrlt In county , Texas , aim
consists of black wixry. black sandy ami
lUht sandy soil well supplied with water
and ten wlnilin 11s. About smo acres In
cultivation , ulth nine good tenant IUIUOM ,
It Is noted for grapes , melon ? , e.irly veg
etables and cotton. Oranges , peats ami
other fruits can be raised. The San An
tonio A ArutisaH Pass R. R. pa-isr.i
through this tract. Town Mathls Is prin
cipal shipping station , alro a siding on
the river. Maps furnished If desired. 1
also offer another tract of 1,97:1 : acres on
San Antonio river , tioltnd county , Texas-
very rich land SCO tierce-all valley land ,
In cultivation , seven tenant houses ; ell- V
mute line and healthful , with good * ua
breeze on both tracts.
T. H. MATH IS. Rockport , Aransas county ,
Tens. UK-MStW N2t
FARM 3PO acres , 2.1 miles southwest Omaha.
Improved : If taken by Nov. 1 $12.50 per
ncrn. Lynmn Waterman , S22 N. Y. Ufa
Hldg. u T. ' - tiir.n 30 *
FOR SALE , 10 acres right 'adjoining South
Omaha , choice land with railroad track
age , etc. , only J110 nn aero. Hick's Real
IMato Co. , 1002 Farnam SI. RE-G23 30 *
FOl'M ) .
ONE roan ill horned cow , weight about SOO
His. ; the owner of that cow can call at
33d and Vlnton Sts. , Omaha. S. P. An-
ders'n. Found M45S 30 *
MATHEWS school for dancing. S13 Putitli
13th. Rates reasonable. Call or wrlto for
particulars. 30 nS *
MR. AND MRS. MORAND , 1510 Harnoy"
St. , now open ; lessons for children and
adult * For terms please call. Always open.
S16 N15
MORAND'S assemblies every Wednesday S
p. m. ; oprnlng assembly. November 2 ; you
are Invited ; new dances , orchestra ; ad-
mlrslon. 2. " > r ; private lorsons day nnil
evening ; waltz and 2-step guaranteed , $3 ,
197 N20
VAN SANT'S school , 717 N. Y. Life. Night
school from Sepl. 20. 134
AT OMAHA Bus College , ICth & Douglas.
SHORT-HAND , up-to.tlate , taught by court
reporters. Boyles' School. 403-3-7 Bee bide
. -19C
WANTED. $3.000 loan on 20 acres InsliH
city limits , 3 or 5 years. Box 915 , City.
355 30 *
WANTED , to borrow of private parties for It
pin- year $100 on clmtlle security : will J
keep" property InsureiMn party's 'favo'r !
Address 2210 N. 21st , basement. C72 30 *
ALL women who can't raise family should
consult the renowned German specialist.
Dr. 1'rioH , 1513 Dodge St. LUlers 2 cents.
-M.IH N23
LADIES. Dr. Bcraud's Princess Periodic
Pill. are safe , always sure and rollablo :
get the best : send 4c stamps for "Suro
Relief for Ladies , " sealed by return mall.
Princess Chemical Co. , Dept. G2 , Blblo
House , N. Y. 513 30 *
LAJn'Sr ? ; . Clllchestcr's English Pennyroyal
Pills ( Diamond brand ) are the best ; saf .
reliable ; take no other ; send 4c stamps ,
for particulars , "Relief for Ladles , " in
letler by return mall ; at druggists. Chl-
cheater Chemical Co. . Philadelphia. Pa.
JOE YOUSEN , the tailor , Boyd theater
-701 N10
MAX FOGEL alters Indies' Jackets. S07 S.
17th. TOT N10
OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co. , oak , hick
ory , ash , cypress , poplar , etc. , 13 & Calif.
WK SOLICIT and furnish positions fc-
stenosraphcrs free. The Smith-Premier
Typewriter Co. , Telephone 1281. 199
UPHOLSTERING. Lundcen. 1523 Leav'th.
222 Nov29
KARLTNG'S shop , 1220 Harney. Tel. 2031
668 N29
H. MAROWITZ loans money. 418 N. 16.
ALL mirror work done. 70S N. 16th.
-747 Nil
OMAHA Rubber Stamp Co. . 215 So. 13th. \
Phone 1025. Write for catalogue. 4
159 N19 f
MASONWORK Jobwork. E. Healy,1822 Clark
-124 N2G
SCHOOL for cure oTthcsc dofecls. Julia
E. Vaughn. 306 N. Y. L. bldg. 122 N18
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 90S-
SIC Jones .general storage and forwarding
OM. Van & Storage , 15111. ; Farnam. Tel. 1509
-Ml 63
GOOD care ; $1.50 per mo. W. F. Snyder
69th & Leavenworth : write SI I S. 26th at !
-4S3 N3
I3Yis tested free. Optlcnllnstltuto , She-ely
block. _ ; oi N30
GOLD , Mlver and nlckelplatlng. get your
U 61' , " 0,1 ; nlukclplatcd. Omaha Plallnr
Co. , 1302 tnrnain , entrance on lath.
-315 Nil
FKKNCn. German. Span.Hh , $2 per month. "
I'rof. Chatelaln , 301 Boyd IheatCK
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2N22
J. R. MAXCY & CO. , auctioneers room Sit
Paxton block , want your auction sales of
real estate , merchandise , furniture , live
stock , etc. 197
WAIT for stove slaughter at auction , No.
CO , " No. 10th ; 200 .stoves ; cook stove ranges
and heater ; must go Saturday , Nov. 5.
Sale commences at 10 u. m. E. 13. Ather
ton , Auctioneer. M 566 N4
WANTED , everybody to know thai Maxcv
& Co. , llremed auclloirers , at 210 N. 16th
St. , and room 519 , Pnxton block , want
your sales of merchandise , furniture or
anything you have for sale , and will In
sure better results than any other auc
tioneer in city. We mean It. J R
MAXCY & CO. , Auctioneers. M 565 3l
WORK guaranteed. Lawrence Cycle Co. ,
11D N. 15th. 229 N22
REMOVAL sale of bicycles and sundries :
tlr H and Snil-hand wheels a specialty
oxvrythlne at cost. Louis Flescher 313-1J
- > 1l' : ' ' - .li N29
ACCORDION pieTtlng , plnklns and cert
Ing done. Miss Curler , 207 Dc > uglus blo'-lc '
_ _ _ , _ , _ --S8 N9
WESTERN Plating Works. 1112 Dodce. Btl