TUD OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATTItDAV , OOTOJiEU 20 , 1808. , f SPECAlNOIiCESi. ) Atlvrrt Iftcnirntft ftir tlicmf column * i will lu : liiKcn until Im. . for the vtcnliiur nml iinlll HiSO for morning mid Sun < lay edition * . Rale * , 1 _ - _ _ < . n woril Hrnt Inxcrtloni , le it wnril IhiTiMifIcr. Nothing ; tnkc-u for IUNK Hum a.-i for tin * Hrnt IIINCT- ( lon. Tin-no ndviTlliiriiU'iilH mimt tic run connrciillvi > l ) . AilvortlftorM , l > r rciiiiextliiu 11 iiiilu- Iii-i-ril clicoU , din linviiiiiHwern nil- Iri-NNPil to n iniinJiorril loiter In cnr - nt The Il ' - . Aiih.tom an aililrt'NMril will ho ilivorotl | | on jirvnuntatlon of Hie check only. WANTED-SlTt'ATIONS. STENOGRAPHER of experience nnd thor oughly competent waits position ; young man with best references. Address E 10 , Bee. A-218 A BTENOORAPHER-When you want one please call up th Rumlngton typewriter olllcc , 1019 Farnam it. ; telephone 1573. A-M9i7 N17 AVANTED , position by lady , us bookkeeper or cushion um thoroughly compct-nt ; wrlto splendid hand. Address F 13 , Boo' A HI 2 ! ) ' AVANTED , position by young Inuy us stenographer. Address 1112 S. 29th st. A-M475 Nl WANTED MALE HELP. SALESMEN for clpurs ; $125 n month nml expenses ; old firm ; experience unneces sary. C. C. Bishop & Co. , St. Louis. Mo. B-141. TAILORS , nttcnd Dyhr's cutting school. 518 a. 13. B-9S4DCC2. AVANTED , m n nnd boys to poll the "Peace Jubilee Souvenir. " 60,000 will bo sold Pence Jubilee woek. Apply City Clr- culutlon Dcpt. , Omaha Beo. B M541 AVANTED , boys to sell Hnnp Shots und I'caco Jubilee HOlivenlr nn the street Vfiir.o Jubilee week. 'Apply Circulation Dept.i Omulm Heo. H SI IIS YOU can make from } 3 to $10 a day selling Pence Jubilee Souvenir and Snap Shots during the Pence Jubilee. Apply Circula tion Department. Omaha Heo. B M447 YOUNG men to learn barber trade ; only fi to 8 weeks required ; we give our gradu ates employment till they receive In wapcs us much as they pay for tuition nnd expenses learning , til. Louis Bur- ber college , Odd Follows' bldg. , Dodge and llth. Omaha. 1'rof. Randolph , Instructor. B MOO N9 WANTED , experienced florlHt , who cnn flponk German and English ( single mun ) . Aoply to B. Hans , llorist , 1813 Vlnton. B-222 2 , AVANTED , wo have steady work for a few gooil hustlers of good habits and appear ance. C. V. Adams Co. , 521 So. IPth St. B-230 N22 MEN to learn barber trade ; don't miss this chance ; free transportation to our col leges , Chicago , fit. Louis or Minneapolis. Placed this year 3tX > graduates In hospl- tals ; J60.00 monthly ; 100 with army salary and commission ; 60 Red Cross Society ; J30.00 und expenses ; GOO In shops ; none less than $12.00 weekly. Special Induce ments for applicants from country. Posi tions positively guaranteed. S weeks com pletes ; tools presented ; catalogue frt-o. Moler Barber College Representative , 11 Crelghton Blk. , 15th & Douglas , Omaha. SHIPPING clerk with experience. In Im plement line. None but KOOII man need apply. Address V 3 , Heo. R-M3 S 29' AVANTED Young man for bookkeeper nnd ofllco work. In raply give references , age nnd full particulars. Address P. O. Drawer 925. B-391 30 WANTED \ young , experienced nbstnu tor of good habits. To such a permanent posi tion will be given. J. W. Squire , Council Bluffs. la. B-M442 AVANTED , energetic man or woman for outside work ; good pay weekly. Hawks Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , AVIs.BMlfilN27 B-MlfilN27 AVANTED , 15 messengers , must have wheels.A : D.-T. CO. , 1302 DoUglnsY B ics-30 MAN or woman of energy nnd business ability to travel for established tlrm ; JJO a month nnd all expenses. P. AV. X.legler & Co. , 322 Dearborn St. , Chicago. 111. B Mift 30 * WANTED , ngtnt to travel ; must have $100.00 cash , Address F 15 , Boo. 15-MI7S 3l AVANTED , sewer mon at northeast corner of stock yards , South Omaha. 'Kntz & Cnndall. B-M47H to * WANTED , colored lad , 10 to 23 years of age , for porter and general help on sleepIng - Ing car ; fair wages and steady position for right party ; preference to party who can sing or play musical Instrument. Address , with reference , J. Frank rickor- Ing , general delivery. Council Bluffs , Towa. B-M4SS SO * WANTED FEMALE HUM * . AVANTED , 150 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. S7C. C M1SJ N20 WANTED , experienced hotel housekeeper. 10 07 , Bee. C M3 : > 1 'in * I WANTED , girl for general housework. 2020 Emmet. C M3SO AVANTED A wholesale house wishes to ' establish a trustworthy woman In busl- ni'SM and solicits the. correspondence of la dles for the position , give experience. F 7. Hce. C 111 2S AVANTED Girl for general housework ; three In family ; wages Jl. Inquire NV.'I 8. 32d nve. f llfi s AVANTED. at once , good piano player. \ Apply afternoons at 115 No. 9th St. , City. C-MI52 30 * AVANTED , good , nent girl for general house work , In small family. Must be good cook. 1010 Fifth avenue , Council Bluffs. C M4C5 30 AVANTED. competent girl for general housework. 1131 So. 30th Ave.C C 4C3-30 GIRL for general housework. Mrs. D. It. Goodrich , lit" 8. 28th live. C M4SC 31 EXPERIENCED lady for canvassing , references required. F 17 , Bee.C . C MISS 30 * FOU itti.vr HOUSES. CHOICE houses and cottages ifll over city Jo to J73. Fidelity , tlrst iloor , N. Y. Lire D-IS4 HOUSES. Bcnewa & Co. , 10 $ N. 13th St. 1J-119 _ HOUSES , atorcu. Benils , Paxton block. A FEW cottars. 436 Board Trade. < ID-152 FURNITURE und leasehold of a 7 and 13- room modern Hat for aulo ; bargain , good locution ; rent low. Hernia , Pnxton block. P-151 ALAVAYS moving household goods and pianos , Omaha A'an & Storage Co. , 15liy. Farnam. Tel , , 15Ti3. D 151 " BENEWA'S residence to rent , 3230 Burt. D-M153 HOUSES , stores. Robbing. 1802 Farnam. D-155 COTTAGE on easy payments. CM Bee Bldg. D-MSi.1 HOTEL down town ; IS rooms ; good coiuil- tlon ; convenient to nil cnr lines : rent 5.00 a month. The Byron Reed Co. . 21S S. 14th St. D-UO HOUSES Chas. E. Benson. 310 RnmciTbla'ir 0-51782 Jan. 15 * FURNISHED cottage , Lost Angflcn. f'nl 1512 Davenport , Omaha. D-MOC1 FOR RENT , 10-room modern house nnd tmrn , with large shady grounds. John AV. Robblns. Agt. , 1SOJ Farnam st , D-MIS6 FOR RENT , furnished house. 9 rooms , ir Kountzo Place. Selby. 331 Board of Trade Tfllephdne 15Q. | j-225 MAGGARD'S A'nn & Storage. 121 N. 15th Tel. 146. D M3I1 N22 * KOL'NTZE Place , house , 1012 Emmett. ! roqms , * 30 , J * J , Gibson , fill First Nat1' Bank Bldg. D-MI33 31 FOR RENT-Fnrmers1 Home. AVebstei etrett , between 15th and 10th ; boardlni house , and large barn. Inquire at 500 N Y. Life Building. D-Ml < ! 3 FOR un.tT unrsr.s. ( Continued. ) . FOR RENT. 7 rooms , brick , 503 8. 29th , 113.00. Selby , 334 Board of Trade. i U-MICO S-r. modern , 3Sth nnd Jones ; nicest part city ; largo yard , treis , etc. 601 Bee bldg. . D-MI31 C-room , 27 n'r Dcwey ave. , } 1S. 001 Bee bldg. D-MI72 FOU HI3XT FIJUMSIinn ROOMS. THE BENEFIT HOUSE , 21st nnd Plnkney Sts. , llfly daintily furnished rooms ; one- square from the Arch of the States ; everything new und llrst-class ; terms rea sonable. U 157 NICE rooms , warm , central. 1612 Daven- DO.'t. E-.M2M O20 3 PUNISHED rooms for man und wife ; rent taken in board. 319 N. 17th. E-223 A'ERY desirable steam-heated front rooms ; transient or permanent. Enquire nt Flat S , Dnvldge Bldg. , corner ISth und Far- num Sts. Good reference required. K-M3CT STEAM I heated rooms , reasonable. 2009 Hartley St. E 3M Nov2l * FURNISHED rooms ; modern. 25.SO Hurney. E IIS NovS * _ NICELY furnished rooms for gentlemen In private family. 1701 Capitol avenue , west postolllce. E392 Nov2 * ELEGANTLY furnished rooms for tran sients , steam heated ; reasonable prices ; I'.at 1 , Duvldgc building , opposite city hall , corner ISth and Farnam streets , first landing. Ask for Mrs. Jeffries.E E M423 29 * NICELY furnished front room with alcove. 1137 So. 28th St. E-M47I 31 * FUUMNIIKU ROOMS AMI HOARD. SARATOGA HOTEL , 21th St. nnd Amos Ave. , 4 blocks west from north gate ex position grounds ; best rooms , T2 , with mcnls. { 1.00 without , families and parties , $1.23 u day and 50c European ; everything new und neat , frco baths , double parlors , library and piano ; two lines of street cars , vast verandahs , beat place to see exposition fire works , Jolly people nnd a gymnasium. Telephone , 1931. F 777 TAKE down that "for sale" or "for rent" sign In your window. The Bee roaches more people In a day than will pass your window In a month ; nnd they consult tl't-so columns when they want to buy or rent. F-S65 HE MERRIAM. flrst-class family hotel , 25th nnd Dodge Sts. F-15i URNISHED rooms with board , 2376 Hnrney. F-MS2 ! N14 * 'OR ' RENT , rooms with board ; terms rea sonable. Mrs. Atkins , 1C30 Kynor Avo. F-M247 30 * IANDSOME largo rooms with board ; steam ; references. 202 N. IStn. IStn.F F M402 T.0 3LEGANT stonm heated rooms with board ; Ilncst location In cHy. 1909 Cap itol Ave. F M432 31 * FOU nn.vr rNFitiiMsnii > ROOMS. OR 5 CHOICE locations , one floor ; prl- vale bath ; references necessary. C 36 , Bee. G M298 unfurnished rooms ; housekeeping. 2021 Howard street. G 449 28 * unfurnished rooms. 2619 Hamilton. G I4S 29 roil UKXT STOIU2S AXU OFFICES. DESK room. G. G. AVallace. 313 Brown Blk 1-159 NICE store. Corner 21th nnd Hamilton. Ap ply 231S Caldwell. I-1CO N U. S. Nnfl Bk. BIdff. Inq. 604 Bee Bldg. I 1C1 -STORA * nnd basement brlclt store buildIng - Ing , 1003 Fnrnnm , 22x100. Inquire 314 First National bank building. T M305 'OR RENT 1-story building nnd base ment , steam heat , elevator , dynamo , cen trally located on Homey ntreet. Redlck Bros. & Co. , 318 S. 15th. 1-395 30 AC313XTS WANTED. AGENTS wanted for the only olllclal "His tory of Our AVnr with Spain , Its Cnuses , Incidents and Results. " civil , military and naval ; steel plates , maps und engravings ; by lion. Henry B. Russell , Senator Proc tor ( A't. ) and Senator Thurston ( Neb. ) ; the greatest seller ever known ; 1,000 more agents wanted ; we pay freight nnd give credit. AVrlto for terms and terri tory to the. sole publishers , A. D. Avorth- Ington & Co. , Hartford , Conn.JM1SO J-M1SO 29 * WAVPHU TO HUNT. WANTED , 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms with steam heat , by gentleman and wife ; cen tral location ; references exchanged. Ad dress E 38 , Bes. K-M201 PLACE your houses for rent with my agency ; have more applications than houses. G. G. AVallace , 313 Brown block. K HG WANTED , 3 or 4 unfurnished rooms for .light housekeeping ; heat ; modsrn ; cen trally located ; by Nov. 1st. F 12. Bee. K-417 30 * HOUSE of S to 12 rooms , west or south west part of city , thoroughly modern , with stable. Benils , Paxton block.K . K M190 WANTED TO I1UY. IF A'OU are In need of anything try the AVant Columns of The Bee ; they will bring vou what you want. N $6 ? T1IF BEST HOME : J2.000 will buy on easy terms. I am no acent. X 64 , Uev. N-M164 HIGHEST price for secondhand household goods. Largo lots specialty. Brown , 712 N ' ICth. N-M4IT , N3 ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. In largo or small quantities. Chlcngo Furnltum Co. , Tel. 2020 , 110C-S-10 Dodge. N-M433 N27 WANTED TO IJUA' , a horso. Prague Bakery. 1120 S. 13th. N I70-2S * RANCHES and farms ; want description , prlco und terms of ranches or good fiirms owners desire to dispose of ; do you ilcMro to buy. sell or exchange ? money to loan on farms. Henry C. Smith , Falls City. Ncb N-MISt 30 FOR SAI.K FUnXITfRU. CHICAGO Furniture Co. will sell furniture nnd stoves below cost ; cot beds , 75c : mattresses , 50c ; pillows , 20c. 1403-10 Dodge O-674 NS BEST nnd cheapest stoves and furniture sold nt small prollts ; highest prices paid for good goods. D. Brodkey , 110 S. 14th. D-17 ! FURNITURE want til ; five carloads at on-c. The highest cash paid for same Don't miss us. Will handle goods to suit owner. COJ North 16. E. E. Atherton , the auctioneer. O M4fil 30 * UPRIGHT piano In llrst clurs condition , cheap for cash : sowlns machine , house hold goods. 2JOI Loavcnworth St.u . u ICC-30" FOU s.vi.i-noiisr.s , WAGONS , KTC. FUR 30 days you cnn buy best and cheap est tarrlages. buggies and phaetons , newer or secondhand. A. J. Simpson , 1403 Dodge P-M225 N22 FOU SALE MISCELLANEOUS. OAK boards. JIG per m. ; nlso cheapest slat cribbing. Ml Douglas strict. Q 1C3 B. HAAS , Florist , 1813 Vlnton St. . Tel. 77fl : plants , cut nowon * . bouquets , hall , resi dence , wedding und grave decorations. Orders by mail or express promptly filled Q-107 JND-HAND safe cheap , Dcrlght , 1110 Far'm Q-M331 N2 HOG , poultry nnd lawn fences ; nil wire ; Is best. Wire Works. 14th and Hurnty. Q-lCfl J FOR SALE , ten R.IPAXB. for B cents ! at druBBlBtn ; ono gives relief Q ira MACHINE tools , engines , pumps , etc. , for sale or trade ; machinery built or re- lulnJ Bnraguo Machine \Vorks. 121 Jones St. Telephone 15S5. Q M227 3 FOIL SAM : ( Continued. ) SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. . mixed paint ? , Sherman fc McConncll Drug Co. , InlJ Dodge street. Omaha. Q-M121 N18 _ WOOLF ZACHAIUA'S , 1207 Farnam. 1'iotT Ishcd Steel Peninsular Ranges , )22.5U to > IU. Hcntera fold cheap. Q-MSS7 Fb2l BOSTON furniture store removed to 721 N. 16th ; furniture , stoves , etc. , below cost. Q-M4M Nl 2ND-HAND typewriters cheap , 111(5 ( Far'in. Q-M332 N22 STAMPS , nolns , bought , sold. Morteiuon , 401 N. Ifith. Q-M271 O29 BUFFALO horns , Indian relics , lit I Farm. Q-M330 N22 FOR J3.00. pawn ticket for diamond ring ; cost JIO.OO ; In pawn for $1S. E 10. Hen. Q-M10I FOR SALE-A 30x50 bnrn , sills 10x10. can bo moved without being torn down. In quire Mercer hotel. Q 400 31 FOR SALEi mimeograph , nearly new , good condition , your price , cash. Address F D , Bee. Q-MIOJ 2S * MISCELLANEOUS. TWENTY-FIVE cents will buy the latest publication Illustrating the. U. S. and Spanish navies , naval commanders , etc. ; almost 200 photographic reproductions , with a largo map of the East nnd AVcst Indies , at thn otllco of The Bee. If or dered by mall , address Navy Photograph Department , Omabn Bee. R S70 CLAIRVOYANTS. MME. Gylmcr , genuine palmist , IM.IJ Uuugu. S-M444 N3 MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , SOS N. 16th. S-MSOl D13 VIENNA fortune teller. 18 years here. 1411 Howard. S-MSOO N13 ANOTHER wonderful sennco will bo held at Patterson ball , 17th and Farnam , by Milton , the medium , Sunday night at S p. in. ; skeptic ? , scoffers and know-alls es pecially Invited ; collection , lOc ; private sittings dally ; all affairs of life , business nnd disease ; satisfaction or no charge. 1623 Dodge , cor. 17th. Hours , 9 a , m. to 8 p. m. ; open Sundays sumo hours ; readIngs - Ings by mull. 8-M4S9 30 MASSAGE , IIATIIS , ETC. MME. SMITH , Room 2 , llS'.i N. 15th Street. T393 N21 * BATHS , ladles only. Mrs. Porter , 203 Doug. Ins block. T-MC91 N9 LAURA Ellison , baths , massage & mag netic treatment. 119 N. lli , R. u , upstairs. Attendant. T-221 N21 BEATRICE HARLOW. Elegant massage , Egyptian treatment , vapor , tub baths. 17U1 Leuvenworth. New attendant. T M'JIS 29 * LILIAN HOWARD , now massage nnd both ; Australian treatment. R. 19 , 1623 Farnnm street. T M411 29 * 1'EIISONAL. VIAVI CO. , 313 Bee building. U 171 A LARGE map of the world , one of Cuba and another ot the entire AVest Indies , showing Cuba , Porto Rico , Huytl , San Domingo. Martinique nnd all the other West Indian Islands ; 10 cents , at The Bee- ofllcc. uy mull , 14 cents. Address Cuban Map Dcpt. , Omaha Bee. U S6S J30 RLPTURE cured for J30. No detention from business ; fi years in Omaha. Caller or wrlto for circulars. Empire Rupture , Cure , 832-933 New York Llto bldff. , Omaha , Neb. U-172 PRIA'ATE hospital for ladles before and during confinement ; babies adopted ; ex perienced physicians In attendance. 11W N. 17th St. . Omaha. U M5SO Tli.ii.TH should not bo neglected ; they should bo given prompt attention. See AV. N. Dorwurd. room 4 , Continental block , 15th and Douglas. Tel. 130. U-M473 N23 MASSAGE , electric and magnetic baths. New Hyglennlc Institute , 220 Bee Bldg. ; tel. 1716. U-M174 PILES cured In 7 to 10 flays , without j > aln ; one treatment does the work ; call or send for circulars. The Empire Pile Cure , 933 New York Life building , Omaha. U-173 MASSAGE , baths. Mmc. Smith , 118 N. IS. U 285 O29 LADIES' Turkish baths. Mme. Post , 319W S. 15th. U-M312 BATHS , massage. Mmo. Post , 319V4 B. 15th. U-M313 DR. J. ROA' , chiropodist ; corns removed , 25c up ; new method ; no knife , painless op eration ; 23 yrs. experience ; 12 yrs. in Omaha ; warts , moles and superfluous hair removed by electricity. Frenzer Blk. U 321 HOAV doctors , dentists , pharmacists , com petent undergraduates can soon gradu ate. Box 196 , Chicago. U-918 N15 * STORM windows , wood turning , band saw ing. Hamilton Bros. , 28 & Dav'pt. Tel. 117 U-978 Nlfi THE Omaha Social Club , only ono In the city , u permanent Institution ; honorable Introductions made ; correspondents furnlsh"d : strangers welcome. 311 Kar- bach Blk. , 15 & Douglas. Allio Turney , Mgr. U-170-N8 HITTER'S hospital : confinement cases taken ; babies adopted. 2214 Seward , Omiha ; tel. 2231. U M974 NIC BOOKBINDING-Burkley Printing Co. U-M324 N22 MISS MAA'ER , leading manicure , chiropo dist nnd hair dresser. 400 Paxton block. Business for sale. Entering medical col lege. U-M316 N22. LADIES In poor circumstances can receive fruo attendance In confinement by upply- 1ns to the Crelghton Medical College. ( Telephone 1167. ) U 399 Decl HALF soles and heels , 40c. C03 N. ICth. U-M< N14 CRIMSON Rambler roses ; three yeiurt old ; bloomed this season ; extra line ; $1.00 ; will plant and warrant. Address 2G23 Hamilton Bt. , city ; express prepaid on out of town orders. U M479 30 * ALL persona allllctcd with fever s..ro or milk leg address Specialist , F 16. Bee. U-M477 31 * S1OXEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. AVANTED. choice farm nnd cltv loan' . R. C. Peters & ( Jo. , U. S. Nafl Bank Bldg. W-375 $100.000.00 special fund to loan on flrstclnss Improved Omaha property , or for build- Ins purposes. Fidelity Trust Company. W-176 5Va per cent money. Bcmls , Paxton block. j W-177 ' $1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved property. AV. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam St. AV 178 6 PER CENT city and farm loans. Gorvln Bros. . 1013 Farnam St. AV 17u . ANTHONY Loan * Trust Co. . 315 N. vT L. ; quick money nt low rates for choice farm lands * In Iowa. Northern Missouri , East ern Nebraska. W ISO MONEY to loan on Improved Omahn real estate. Brcnnan-Love Co. . 219 S. 16th. AV-1S1 MORTGAGES. Wallace. 213 Brown Bloc ! : . AV M1S2 G per cent money. F. D. Wend , 16 U Doug. $ oO.OOJ CHEAP eastern money for western Investment. Send for frou circular. In vestors' Directory , N. Y. W 1S3 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. $10 TO $10.000 TO IOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIA NOS. HORSES. WAGONS AND CAR. RIAGES , WAivivHOI'SE RECEIPTS , etc. -\t lowest rates In Omaha , South Omnha and Council Bluffs , No removal of goods ; strictly conlldenlial , you can pay the loan off ut any time or in anv amounts. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 303 SOUTH 16TII. THE OLDEST , LARGEST AND ONLY INCORPORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. \-184 BUY good notes and loan on good chat tels ; 10 per cent per annum. C. R. Glover , 3u3 Karbach ; notary public ; docds. mort gages , leaies legally executed. X M40fl MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , jew. i elry , horses , cows , tc. C F Red. . 319 8 13th i X-M347 N23 MONEY TO MIAN-CHATTELS. ( Continued. ) MONEY loaned salaried people holding permanent positions with repom lbo ! concerns - corns upon their own name , without security ; easy payments. Tolman , R. 706 , N. Y. Life Bide. X-1M MONEY loaned on llfo Insurance jiollclcs , pianos , furniture , warehouse receipts , jewelry , horses , cows , etc. Dlirf Green , room S. Barker Blk. X-M1S6 _ llfSIXESS CHANCES. SULl'Ilt'R Springs Sanitarium soon ready for business ; splendid chance for doctors. Cull Saratoga Hotel , Inquire Pierce. FINE business for sale. R. 1. 1B24 Y M1S7 N20 FOR SALE OR RENT , n manufacturing business established 14 years. Owner wants to retire. Address E 6 , Bee. ' FURN13IIED hotel ilolnpr fine business for sale or exchange. Address K. A. Bald win. 1515 F at. . Lincoln , Neb. Y-M411 ii ! * AVANTED , jmrtner : I want u sober , ener getic mnn with $2CO to manage business In Omaha ; $13 per week wages nnd one- half Interest In the business ; permanent situation ; this Is n good business chance ; leferences required. Address H. Wllmer- Ing , Pcoria. 111. Y M410 N4 * EMBALMED WHALE at exposition for sale or lease on favorable terms. Big monoy-gctter. AVnrren Stetson , care of J. O. Detweller , 603 Paxton Block. City. Y-M.9T > q * _ GOLD mining ; rare opportunity for safe Investment. For particulars call nt Oregon - gen Exhibit , Mining Building , 10 to 12 n. in. dally. Y-M435 29 * GRIST mill , $4,000.00 , AVhltcslde Co. . III. : clear. Grist mill. $10.000.09. S. K. Neb. ; $3,000.00 mtsr. Grist mill , $7.000.00 , S. E. Neb. ; clear ; either of the. above on good terms or will take good farm. Henry C. Smith , Falls City , Neb. Y-MIS2 30 FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE. S. AV. corner 24th nnd Dodge St. . 107x125 feet , two cottages to excnnnge for property in California , San- Frnnclsco preferred. The O. F. Davis company , 1505 Farnnm St. Z M211 N15 LOS Angeles cottage for Omaha. 1512 Dav enport , Omaha. Z M962 320 ACRES western Nebraska land , sutablc for stock ; trade for merchandise. Ad dress J , 3109 Burt St. , Omaha. 7. 467-3 * GENL. MDSE. ; $7,000.00 genl. mdse. . Co. seat , N. E. Kansas , wants to dispose ot nt once ; $3,000.00 genl. mils * . , Co. sent , S. E. Neb. ; $5,000.00 gcnl. mdse , . S. E. Neb. , good country : cither of above for sale or will take land if It suits as part pay ; if you wish to buv. sell or exchange wrlto me. Henry C. Smith , Falls City , Neb. MASOXWOllK. MASONWORK Jobworlc. E. HealyU22 Clark FOR SALI2 ItBAb KSTATB. HOUSES , lot ? , farms , lands , loans ; also flro Ir.surnnco. Beml ? , Paxton Block. RE-1S3 IIAA'E you some lots to sell ? Now Is the time to dispose of them ; let the people know that you want to dispose of them. The Bee reaches the people who hnvo the money. RE 6S FOR SALTS , desirable residence lots , 124x 130 : In first-class location ; ten minutes' walk frcm court houpo ; cheap for cash , Address O 61. Bee. RE 1S9 BARGAINS In houses , lots , farms : sale or trade. J. N. Frcnzer , opp. old P. O. RE-191 9-ROOM modern house. Inq. 521 S. 28th nve. RE-2M O2S BEST and cheapest 200-acro farm In Ne braska , near Omaha , nt half Its appraised valuation. AV. A. Beldon , 2502 Blonde St. , Omaha. Neb. RE M537 N6 FOR SALE , cheap foiocasli , the furniture and bar of u 33-ropm hotel in Cedar Rapids , Neb , ; th only'hoJel'In town doIng - Ing ft good business. Call or write. C. AV. Hattleld , Cedar Rapids ; Neb.RE RE M13030 * FOR SALE or trade. 80 acres and 100 acres good land within ono mile of R. R. town In Eastern Nebraska ; will trade for second-hand furniture. Mrs. P. C. Marsh , Nebraska Sod house , Exposition grounds. RE-M370 31 * FOR SALE , lot cor. 2lHt nnd Castellar , fiS by S4j a snap. 1C .A. Peterson , Blair , Neb. RE-lll-Nov IS- CHEAP homes to colonists or others. Will sell 23,000 ucros all In one body , or In tractc to suit , for n liberal cash payment , with S per cent on deferred payments. This land Is bounded on south by Nueces river. In San Putriclo county , Texas , and consists of black waxey , black sandy and light sandy soil well supplied with watet nnd ten windmills. About 900 acres In cultivation , with nine good tenant houses. It Is noted for grapes , melons , early veg etables and cotton. Oranges , pears and other fruits can bo raised. The San An tonio it Aransas Pass R. R. passes through this tract. Town Mathls Is prin cipal shipping station , also a siding on the river. Maps furnished If desired. I also offer another tract of 1,973 acres on San Antonio river , Gollad county. Texas- very rich land 850 acres All valley land , In cultivation , seven tenant houses : cli mate line and healthful , with good sea breeze on both tracts. T. II. MAT1IIS , Rockport , Aransas county , Texas. RE-M3C6 N2I * N. E. Cor. 22d and Burt , 3 houses , paved , both streets , permanent sidewalk , great bargain , $3,250. " 1C S. 10th , neat home , C-r. . city water. $1,500. N. AV. corner 17th and Martha , CCxlSS , lions' . $ noo. 3111 Sahler , full lot , 5-r. house , $300. Many other bargains : money to loan. George G. AVallacc , 313 J. J. Brown block. Ii'j " 415 9 FARM 300 acres 23 miles sputhwestprnaha , Improved ; If taken by Nov. 1 $12.50 per ncro. Lymnn AVutcrman , S22 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE-B13930 * FOUND. ONE roan dehorned cow , weight about SOi Ibs. ; the owner of that cow can call at SM nnd A'lnton Bts. , Omnha. S. P. An dersen. Foun < M4.V ! 30 * 1)A\CI\G SCIIOOI * MATHBAV'8 school for dancing. 313 South 13th. Rates reasonable. Call or write foi particulars. 030 nS * MR. AND MRS. MORAND1510 Ilarncy St. , now open ; lessons for children and aclulta. For terms please call. Alwavs open , SI6 N15 MORAND'S assemblies every AA'cdnfsday I ji. m. ; opening assembly , November 2 ; you nri * Invited ; new dances * orchestra ; ad mission , 23c : private lessons day and evening ; waltz and 2-Btep guarantied , $5. 19t N-0 TVPEWUITEIIS. TYPEWRITERS for rent , $4.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1623 Farnnm St. ; telephone 12S4. 192 AArE rent and sell the best typewriters made ; largest stock of good supplies in Omahn. United Typewriter and Supply Co. . 1012 Farnnm St. 1 ! 3 REMINGTON Standard typewriter nnd supplies. 1019 Farnam St. 715 SHORTHAND AND TVrEAVIlITINCS. . A'AN BANT'S school , 717 N. Y. Life. Night 1 school from Sept. 20. 13 AT OMAHA Bus College , 16th & Douglas. 195 SHORT-HAND , up-to-date , taught by court reporters. Bi-yles1 School. 403-5-7 Bee I'ldg ' -190 FOR SALE EXPOSITION IIUILDINGS FOR SALE , Upton's Exhibition building located between the Auditorium am Mines nnd Mlnln ? Build.ns , Address bldi to N. G. Conybenr , care Llpton's Tea ( larden. Exposition grounds. 471-2b * WANTED TO IIOIIUOAV. AVANTED , $3,000 loan on 20 acres Insidi e city limits , 3 or 5 years. Box 915. City 355 3& * s ELECTRO PLATING. , WESTERN Platlnir Works. 1112 Oodco St t. j MSJT-OctM PAAVNIUIOKER5. EAGLE Loan olllce. 1211 Douglas ; oldest established , most reliable , accommodat ing ; busnui : > s confidential ; selling J40.000 stork unredeemed diamonds ; big bar- sains. 333 Nl FENCING AND 1IOXINU ACADEMY. 1211 Farnam St. , boxing taught elllclrntly In 1 month ; send for circulars. Col. T. n. Monstcry. 475 N3 * STOUA0E. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , DOS- VIC Jones .general storage und forwarding. M162 OM. A'nn & Stornge , 15114 Fnrnnm. Tel. 1S59 M1G3 SHOE REt'AIUlM ! . WILL repair your shoes while you wait , only 16 mlnutps ; half soles and heels for r-Oc : first class work guaranteed. 710 N. 16th st , also No. 19 So. Main St. , C. B. In. 161 O2J MEDICAL. ALL women who can't raise fnmlly should consult the renowned German specialist , Dr. Pries , 1513 Dodge St. Letters 2 cents. TAILORING. JOE YOUSEN , the tailor , Boyd theater. 701 N10 MAX FOGEL niters ladles' jacket * . 5C7 S. 17th. 703 N10 | i HAUDAVOOD LVMI1EK. ' OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co. , oak , hick ory , nsh , cypress , poplar , etc. , 1" < Sr Calif. 425-N20 STENOGIIAIMIEUS. AVE SOLICIT and furnish positions for stenographers free. The Smlth-Prem'or Typewriter Co. , Telephone 12SI. 189 FURNITURE HEPAIUINU. UPHOLSTERING. Lundecn. 1523 Lcav'lh. 222 Nov29 VAAVNHROICEUS. H. MAROAVITZ loans money. 418 N. 16.IbS IbS MIRROR FACTORY. ALL mirror work done. 70S N. ICth. ICth.747 -747 NU KUlirtEU STAMPS AND STENCILS. OMAHA Rubber Stamp Co. , 215 So. 13th. Phone 1023. Write for catalogue. 159 N19 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. SCHOOL for cure of these defects. Julia E. A'aughn , 300 N. A' . L. bldg. 122 N1S HORSES WINTERED. GOOD care ; $1.50 per mo. AV. F. Snydar , 69th & Lcavenworth : rvrlto S14 S. ICth su 4 < tt N3 OPTICAL. EYES tested free. Optical Institute. Shelly block. -201 N30 NICKEI.PLATING. GOLD , silver and nlckelplntlng. get your baseburncr nlckelplaled. Omaha Plating Co. , 1302 Farnam , entrance on 13th. -815 Nil SCHOOL OF LAXGUAOES. FRENCH. German , Spanish , $2 n r month. Prof. Chateluln , 301 Boyd theater. 226 N22 AUCTION. J. R. MAXCY & CO. . auctioneers , room 519 Paxton block , want your nuctlon sales of real estate , merchandise , furniture , llvo ! stock , etc. 197 i i - IIICYCLU REPAIUING. WORK guaranteed. Lawrence Cycle Co. , J15 N. 15th. 229 N22 MATTRESS RENOVATING. M. S. WALKL1N , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331. 292 1'IANOS TUXED. PIANOS tuned , $1.50 Rose , 1321 Dodge. 70C-N10 EPPEULY COUSETS. ONLY corset mndo having waist line. Room 10. Crclghton Blk. , 15th & Douglas. 317-N22 VIOLINS REPAIRED. C. A. CASE , violins repaired. 410 Sheely blk. 29S-NH. STATUARY. QONNELLA manufactures artistic Btntu- nry. Ins'do ornamental work a specialty. 317 So. 10th. M621 N24 PIANO FAOTOUV. OLD pianos overhauled , secondhand pianos ulways on hand. C. Sommer , 321 S. 10th. 673 DRESSMAKING. Dressmaking Miss Sturdy , 2301 Davenport. " 7-Nov-o * PLEATING. ACCORDION plcnllng , jilnklng nnd cord- In ? done. Miss Carter , 207 Douglas block. U3S N9 niCYC.LES. NEW wheels , $17.50 to J23 ; 2nd hand wheels , $5 to $10. Omaha Blcyclo Co. , 16 & Chicago. 202. HOUSE MOVER. AV. COY , removed to 1710 St. Mary's Avo. -S45 N23 UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING. LUNDEEy. 1523 Lcuv'w'tli. 222 NovW ELLA DAY. Ramco Bldg. , 15 and Harney. 158 Jun.19 SUES & CO. , .PATENT. . . . . UWYLRS AND SOI ICHORS lcn ! IMq. , Omaha , Neb. Send for our free Inven- tor'a Guide. Tel , 1C23. FARMS FOR CASH OR EXCHANGE. Douglas County : ICO acres adjoin.ng the town of Mlllard new house of S rooms , barn for 6 horses and S cows , corn crib and granary , good well nnd Iron pump ; 110 ncres under cultivation , 75 acres of which Is In corn. Price , $48.W per acre , cash. Phclns County : 320 acres 2 miles south i of Holdredgc ; 2iO acres under cultivation , [ 40 ncrea native grass ; nil smooth , level I land ; house , 23x23 , burn , 21x32 , double corn . crib and granary , well nnd windmill ; ono quarter fenced and cross-fenced. Will tnko ' one-half purchase money in clear Omaha . realty. We nro offering to the public some un precedented bargains In first-class farms , locuttMl in the primu counties of Seward , Butler , A'ork , Hamilton , Clay , Flllmorc , Polk und Saline. fi. AV. CAR LOGIC , 209 SOUTH 15TH STREET. OMAHA. POSTOFFICH NOTICE. ( Should bo rend dally by all Interested , as changes may occur ut uny time. ) Fori'lcn mails for the week ending Octo- bcr , UtS , will clone ( PROMPTLY In nil . cases ) at tn * General Postolllce UH follow * . Parcels Pout Malls clone on hour earlier than closing time shown below. TriiiiN-AUnntlu Mnlln. " " . EATt'RDAA'-At 7 "aT"m. for FRANCE , | SWITZERLAND , ITALY , SPAIN , VOU' POSTOFFICE NOTICE. ( Contimi'd. ) TI'OAL. TURKEY. EGYPT ami BRIT ISH INDIA , per * . La Nordica.lu Havre ( letters for other parts of Europe must ho directed "per Ln Nordlcn" ) ; at 8 n. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. s. MniiBdnm via Rotterdam ( Utters must bo directed "per Ma.-mlum" ) ; ut n n. m. for ITALY , per s. s. Km * , via' ' Nnplcs ( iPttcrs must be directed "per , Ems" ) ; at 10 n. m. for SCOTLAND direct. per ft. B. Furnpsslit , via Glasgow iltttrrg must bo directed "per Furnc > sla" ) : ut 10:30 : n. m. for EUROPE , per s. s. Pcnn- > Innd , via Southampton ( letters must be i. directed "per Priinintul" ) ; at 11 n. in. for NORWAY direct , per s. s. Norse ( letters must be directed "per Norgi' " ) ; at 11 a. m. ( supplementary , 12Sn : t ) . m. for EU ROPE , per s. * . Lucanln , via tjueens- town. After the closing of the Supplementary Trillin-Atlantic Malls named above , addi tional supplementary mulls are inn tied on the piers of the American. English , French nnd German steamers and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour ot sailing of steamer. Trniti-Piu-lllt * Mnlln. Malls for Chlnn , Japan und Hawaii , per ft. s. Doric ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to October 2.1 nt 6:30 : p. in. Malls for Chlnu and Japan. PIT s. s. A'lclorla ( from Tacoma ) . clop Irro Oi.lly ip : to Oc tober * 24 at 6:30 : p. in. Mall for the Soci ety Islands , per ship City of Papelil ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to October 25 at 6:30 : p. m. Malls for Aus tralia ( except those for AVost Auxtr.tlli. 1 which nre > forwarded via Europe ) , New . 7'ahuul , Hawaii , FIJI nnd Sninonn Is lands , prr s. F. MurlposA ( from San Fran- I clsco ) , close hfre dally up to October * 28 nt 7 n. in. , 11 a. in. nnd 6W : p. in. ( or on arrival at New A'ork of ? . s. Etrurln with British mails for Australia ) . Mulls 1'or China nnd Japan , per s. s. Enipret" of Japan ( from Vancouver ) , clo o ! n > iv dally UD to October * 31 nt 6:30 : p. in. Malls for Hawaii , per s. K. Australia ( from Pan Francisco ) , close hero dnlly up to I.'ov m- ber 10 nt 6:30 : p. in. Mnils for Auslr.illa ( i xcept AVest Australia ) , New Xealand , Hawaii nnd FIJI Islands , per s. s. Aor.uigl ( from A'lincouvcr ) , close hero dully rfter October * 2S and up to November 10 nt 6:30 : p. m , Trans-Paclflc mnlls uro forwarded to port of sailing dally nnd the schedule of closing Is nrrnngcd on the presumption oi ' .bi-i.1 un interrupted overland transit. 'Registered mall closes at 0 p. in. , previous dny. CORNELIUS A'AN COTT , Postmaster. Poslofflce , New York , N. Y. , October 21 , 1SJ8. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. PROPOSALS FOR FRESH BEEF AND Mutton Headquarters Department 01 the Missouri , Oflley Chief Commissary of Subsistence , Omaha , Nob. , October 2j. 1V.1S. S.'nled proposals In triplicate , accompanied by written guarantee bonds , In duplicate , will bs received at this ofllco , until 11 o'clock n. m. , central standard linn1 , No vember 28 , ISaS , nt which tlmo and nlnco they will be opened In presence of bidders , for furnishing such quantltlo ? of fresh beef and muttton for Issues , as may bo required by the Subsistence Department. U. S. Army , ut Omaha , Nebraska , Fort Crook. Neb. , Jefferson Barracks , Mo. , Fortsi Ix'aven- worth , Knn. , Logan 11. , Roots , Ark. , Nio- brnrti , Neb. , Reno , O. T. , Rlley , Kan. . Rob inson , Neb. , nnd Sill , O. T. , during the period commencing January 1 , ISO ! ) , nnd endIng - Ing Juno 30 , IS ! ) ! ) . Proposals will also be re ceived until 10 o'clock n. m. , mountain standard time , nt the post of Fort Robinson , and until 11 o'clock a. in. , central standard tlmo , nt Jeff rson Barracks. Forts Lenvi-n- worth , Lopun II. Root ? , Nlobrnrn , Reno. Rlley nnd Sill nnd opened nt the posta by vespcctlvu post Commissaries of such posts , en h commissary receiving proposals for his own post only. Proposals will nlso bo re ceived stntlng thprlcn ut which the bidder - dor will deliver fresh beef or mutton of the character stated In the spsclflcntlons nnd to bo delivered of temperature not greater than 50 deu-ree-s Fahrenheit. Full Informa tion furnished on application her * or to commissary nt any post authorized to open proposals. Government reserves right to reject nny or all proposals or any part of uny proposal. Envelopes containing pro posals should bo marked "Proposals for Fresh Beef and Mutton , " and addressed to undersigned or Commissary nt post author ized to receive proposals. HERBERT KATZ , Major und Chlof P. S. A'ols. O-2S-29-31 N-1-25-2C. RAILWAY TIME ( MUD. BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Railroad "Tho Burlington Burlington Route" Gen eral Oinccs , N. AV. Corner Route Tenth nnd Farnam Streets. Ticket OIHce , 1502 Farnam _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Street. Telephone. 2.10. Dc- pot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 12S. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , Hastings and McCook * 8:33 : am * 9:33 : nm Lincoln , Denver , Colorado , Utah , California , Black- Hills , Montana & Puget Sound * 4:33 : pm 4:00 : pm Hastings Local " 7:00 : pm " 7:40 : pm Lincoln Fast Mall. 2:53 : pin " 11:40 : am Denver , Colorado t'tah. California & Puget Sound * 11:30 : pm 2:15 : am Dally. " Dally except Sunday. UNION PACIFIC " - "THE Overland Route" General Ofllceu , N. K. Corner Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Olllce , 130J Farnam Street. Telephone 316. Depot - pot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone C2'J. C2'J.Leave. Leave. Arrive. " T h e Overland Limited" for Den ver , Salt Lnke , nnd western p'ts. . S:50 : um 4:45 : pm The Colorado Spe cial , for Denver & all Colorado p'ts. * 11:55 : pm 0:10 : am Fust Mall Train for Denver , ult Lake. 1'aclllc coast nnd nil western polnta. 4:33 : pm * C:40 : am Lincoln. Beatrice & Stromsburg Ex. . . . 3:30 : pm "J2:30 : pm Fremont , Columbus , Norfolk , Grand Island and North Platte * 4:3Spm : " -1:15 : pm Columbus Local . . . . " C:50 : pm " 9:40 : am South Omaha Local Pass Leaves , 0:15 : a. m. ; 7:00 : n. in. ; 9:10 : u. m. ; 3:03 : p. m. Ar rives , 10:10 : a m. ; 3:30 : p. m. ; C p. m. Council Bluffs Local Leaves 6:40 : n. m. ; 11:55 : p. in. Dally. "Dally except Sunday. OMAHA ft ST. LOUIS RAIL- IPSDI rj.id Oniuhu. Kansas City & ARTHUR EaHern Rullroad "Tho Port Arthur " Route" Ticket Office iRsyifL 1415 Fnrnnm Street. Tele- i , , . . phone 322. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone G29. Leave. Arrive. ! St. Louis Cannon Bull Express 4:59 : pm 11:30 : nm Kansas City & Quincy Local 6:50 : um 9:05 : pm Kansas City Ex- piesa 7:15 : am Port Arthur Express - press S:30 : pm * Dally. . 'ABASH RAILROAD- Tlcket Olllce. 1115 Farnam Street. Telephone , & ; i2. De pot , Tenth ami Mason Streets. Telephone , C23 , . . . . , . , Leave. Arrive. " „ St Louis "Canon Ball" Express . . . . 1:50 : pm * 1130 ; nm Dally. It \ ll.V. . i tM.j l-AHD. ( Continue' ! . > MISSOfRI PACIFIC RAIL- nil--Uineril Oillccs unil n > - - : Tl < kot Olllco. Southeast Cur- UIT llth nnd Douglas Streets Tflc-phone. 104. Depot , IStli and WibMter Sts. Telephone ) 1I5S _ Leave. Arrive. St. St.Neb. . . Limited . . . . 3:05 : pm ' 12.53 pm Kiin.n ' City & St. , .luifpli Kxpioss . 9:30 : pm 6:0) : utn Nebraska ' Local via . Wconlnitiitrr * ' 4:30pm : 9:45 : nm Exposition ' L ( > cul via Nebraska , fit v 6:00 : pm 10:03 : am Dnlly. Dalli > ' except Sunday. / CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE , fc A fl > St. Paul Railway City Jttii , iJ Ticket Oilier. 1601 Farnaitt Im'.LwAUhEE Street. Tilcphone , 2M. Or. C-1 * fre < ii I I10'Tenth ' nnd Mnson * < * . . Streets. Telephone , 029. - ! y Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Express * 5:45 : pm 8:20 : nm Omaha ft Chlcngo Kxprc-at 11:00 : am 4:15 : pm Sioux t'lty and Des > Molnt * Express. . 11:00 : nm 4 IB jmi Manila Local . 7:00 : pm 9'15 am Dally. * Dnlly except Sunday. .CHICAGO. ST. PAUL , MIN- lu'npollfi & Omuhn Railway Gcnernl Oillccs , Nebraska , Dlvliilon , Fifteenth and , , . - . . - . . , Wubstcr Streets. City Tlrl-et Olllce. 1401 Farnnm Street. Trio- phone , Ml. iVpiil. Fifteenth and AVebster Streets. Telephone , Ills.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Kloux City Accom. . S:50 : nm 8-35 pm Sioux City Accom. . 9:50 : am 7:00 : pin B l n I r , Emerson Sioux City , Ponea , lIurtlnKtnn and BloomlU'ld "l:00pm : 11:53 : nm Sioux City , Man- kato , St. Puul te. . . . . Minneapolis C:00 pm 9:00 : nm No. 2. St. Paul Llm- Htd Makes no Mops In Neb 0:00 : pm No. 1 E\po lllon Limited Makes no stops In Neb i * 9:00 : am Nos. 21 and 22 Exposition Local , to Emerson , stops nil stations except BrlRgs * C:15 : pm S:30 : nm Dnlly. Dnlly except Sunday. Sun day only. CHICAGO NORTIIWEST- Rallwuy-Clty Ticket , 1401 Furnuin Street. hone. Ml. Depot , _ - - . Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , C29. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Special C:40 : am ' 11:55 : pm Mo. Vnlli-y , Sioux City. St. Paul & Minneapolis * 0:00 : am * 10:43 : pnt Mo. A'nlloy , Sioux City 7:45 : nm 9:00 : pm Carroll , Donnlson , Council Bluffs 11:30 : pm 9:10 : am Eastern Kx. , Dos Molnes , Muiahnll- tnwn , CVdiir Rap- Id.i and Chicago. . . * 11:03 : am 4:20 : pm Atlantic Fiver , Chicago cage nnd EnMt 1:53 : pm * 1:20 : pm Fn t Mall , Chicago to Omaha 3:1S : pni Northnrn Express. . 5:30 : pm * S:10 : nm Omaha-Chicago Spe cial * C:5o * S25 : pm ; am Omaha-Chicago Ex press 9:01 : pm C:53 : am Dally. "Dally except Saturday. " 'Dally cxcopt Monday. FREMONT , KIKHORN & Missouri A'nlley Railway- General Otllccs. United Stairs National Bank Bldg , Southwest Corner Twelftli una . 'uTnnm ' Streets Tlckot Oillco. 1401 Furnum Street. Telephone 061. Depot. ICtli und AVebstur Streets. Telephone H.iS. Leave. Arrive , Black Hllli > . Dead- wood. Hot Springs 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pin AVyomlng Casper nnd Douglas * 1 3:00 : ' pm 3:00 : pm Huatlngi , York , Da vid City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter i ; Scward * 3:00 : pm 3:00 : pm Norfolk A'crdlgrc and Fremont S:15 : am " 10:43 : am Lincoln , AVahoo & Fremont „ . . * * 3:13 : am " 10:45 : am Fremont Local * " * S:15 : um York passenger * 10Xt : ( pm 9:40 : am Dally. * Dally except Sunday. * Sun- dny only. * Dully except Suturday. SIOUX C1TA' & PACIFIC Railroad General Olllces , United States National Bank Bulimic , S. u. v , r. ner Twelfth und Farnnni Streeir Tltkot OiHco. 1401 Farnam Street Telephone , 5C1. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , u l.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City. Man- kuto , St. Puul , * fi:00 : nm * 8:10 : nm Minneapolis * 5:3'J : ' pm ' 10:45 : pm Sioux City Local. . . * 7:43 um * 9:00 : pm Dully. HICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & Paclllf Railroad "Tho Grout Rock Island Routo. " rity Ticket Olllcc , 1321 Farnam Street. Telcphono 428. Depot , Tenth nml Mason Streets. Telephone 629. Leavn. Arrivc. DCS Molnes Local. . . * ' 7:15 : am 11:23 : am Chicago Express . . . " 11:30 : am * 8:00 : am Chicago Fast Ex press C:00 : jim * 1:25 : run ' 3t. Paul Fast Ex press ' fi:00 : pm " 11:23 : nm ilncoln , Colorado Springs , Denver , Pueblo nnd AVest. , 1:30 : pm * 4:23 : pni DCS Molnes , Rock Island nnd Chl- cage * 7:13 : pm * 8:30 : pm Colorado Flyer 0:40 : pm * S:50 : nm * Dally. * Dalley except Sunday. RIVAL FOR THE RUBBER TRUST Former OinoliilH Sell Tliclr Sloule nnil Prepare to Slnrl Illvnl Concern. NEW YORK , Oct. 28. A dispatch from AVaterbury , Conn. , says : George A. Lewis of Naugatuck , president of the Goodyear Rubber company , has tendered his resigna tion. This la the consummation of the IJR- ! Kcst deal In the history of the rubber busi ness In this country. Lev ! T. AVarnep , gen eral superintendent of the company , has al ready resigned , and ho takes with him his brother , Abnor , who was the shipping agent for the company , and John D. Rodcnbnch , who was general manager. The avowed in tention ot all concerned In thin deal IH to organize nn opposition to the United Statc Rubber company , nnd with the minions of money behind the Lewis family , the war will bo an Interesting contrut. It has been suggested that the Naugatuck rubber mag nates have for a long tlmo been quietly backing the late Joseph Bannlgan ot Provi dence In his fight. It Is now thoroughly understood why J. 0. Whlttcmoro bold out hla stock In the Goodyear and other com panies. The move of hie eon U also under stood , the buying of the Immense plant of the Tlnguo Woolen and Plush company nt Beacon Falls , which has Tain Idle for aov- cral years. It Is understood that J. I ) . Rodenbach will be the secretary ami presi dent of the now company. Shot for IlffiiHlnu : < < > AVril. LENORA. Kan. , Oct. 28. AVIlllara Elliott followed Miss Fannie Lashcll nnd her Bister homo from a dance , and shooting over 'ho head of the sister , who trle-1 to save her. killed the first named In the street. Ho then fired three * shots Into his own body nrvi may die. Elliott came hare from Chicago three weeks aeo. Notwithstanding ho Is the girl's uncle , ho had nerslsted In paving her attentions. The shcotlne was the result of her refusal to marry him. COURT MlnIT * Out on 11 .Strike. SPRINGFIELD , III. , Oct. 25. The miner * In the Lltchlleld Coal company's mine at Lltclifleld , operated by Captain David Davis , Company K , Fourth Illinois Infantry volun teers , have struck because nine fellow work men were discharged , Thn men In question had been discharged before the war with Spain begun , but while Captain Davis was awuy with his regiment they were rein stated. AVhen ho returned ho promptly dis charged them and the strike resulted. You Invite uiBappolutment wnen you e - porlment. noWitt's Little Early Risers am pleasant , easy , thorough llttlo pills. They euro constipation and tick headache Ju t ai sure a you take thtm.