Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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Ktockert Carpet Co. , 205-207 Bwy.
Moore's food Kllln worms and fattens.
Dell CJ. Morgan , drugn , 112 Broadway.
f'ouutv Supervisor Ben Attld of Grlswold
WHS In the city yesterday.
C 11 Jacquemln & Co . jewelers and op
ticians , 27 South Main street.
Dr John Grern. after several weeks of
severe ) Illness Is convalescing.
Myrtlu lodge , Dcgrro of Honor , will meet
In regular session this evening.
Mac Dlldlne. the well known hotel man
of Sioux City , was In the Bluffs yesterday !
J II Arthur left yesterday for Little
Ho"k Ark. and will bo absent for several
Mr uml Mrs 11. F Chambers of Holdrcgu ,
Neb arrived yesterday on a visit to the ex
po IMon.
Mr nnd Mr W. E. Mnllory and daughter
of Danburv. Conn. , are In the city to visit
the exposition.
Mrs. Edward Flues has left for Los Ail-
poles , Cal. , where fho will spend the winter
with her daURhtcr.
Mr and Mrs. P. J Short of Moberly. Mo. ,
nrr upending their honeymoon In the Bluffs
and Incidentally taking In the exposition.
J. C Blxby , heating and sanitary engineer.
Plans nnd specifications for heating , plumb-
lug and lighting. 202 Main. Council Bluffs
Mrs. Dnl'cu nnd Mrs. J. T. Spangler nnd
children formed a family party from Walnut ,
la that arrived yesterday to take In the e.\-
poItlon ,
Fred H Blum of Audttbon and C V.
Klmball of this cltv addressed an en
thusiastic republican meeting last night In
Ha/el Dell.
Ml members of Lllv camp. Aid society , fire
loquested to bo ut tbo meeting this after
noon at the homo of Mrs. Carlson. 309 South
Kiist street.
Don't jou thlnlt It must be n pretty good
laundry that can plcaHo no many hundreds
of cuntomerH' Well that's the "Eagle , "
724 Broadway.
E M. Duncan , traveling passenger agent
of the Rock Island , with headquarters at To-
liol.a , Kan. , was In the city yesterday calling
on local railroad men.
In addition to Hon. II. W. livens of Harlan
and lion Smith McPlierson of Red Oak A. B.
Cummins al Doi Molnot will speak at the
big republican rallv to be held on the night
of Novombsr 5 at the Dohany opera house.
Dick Haskoll was arrested earlv yesterday
moinlng on suspicion of being emu of threu
men who worKed i victim on the padlock
racket in Omaha recently. The victim
failed to Identify HaBkell and he was later
Ilpnrr Artolfon of Keg Creek notified the
authorities veHterdav that ho had found on
the roadside the bundle reported stolen by
"Captnln" Alfred Junu-s Edward Trcvlllyen.
who claims to be walking around the world
on a $150.000 waver.
Mayor Jennings took out a building permit
ycBterdav for the erection of a two-story
frame barn , to be covered with Iron , which
Is to partly replace the buildings recently
destroyed bv lire. The permit calls for an
uxpcndlturu of J2.000.
County Attorney Sounders and Sheriff
Morgan went to St. Paul , Neb. , yesterday to
try to get possession of W. M. Farrlngton ,
who bus betn Indicted here for embezzlement
from his former employers , Menary Brothers.
Sheriff Morgan secured extradition papers
for him laet September , but bo Instituted
Imhcns rorpus proceedings.
Charles Cappc. a young man from Wilton ,
la . who was here -visiting the exposition ,
complained to the uollce vcsterdav that he
had been rubbed of $10 the picvlnus night
while stopping nt the Revere house on
IlroBilwav. Ovvlnu to the crowded state of
the house he was compelled to share n room
'vlth a stranwr. When CappB awoke yester
day morning hls > J10 whichhe , pHced under
his pillow was gone , as VVUB the stranger.
Ora rlarl : . administrator of the estate of
t'-p ' Into P H rinrV f Islnnd Park , who left
quite an estate in this county , has reported
that the heirs have agreed among them-
hclves on an exiultable settlement of the
property and Hint the estate will not betaken
taken Into court The heirs arc S W Clatk
Hartley. Neb Mrs. Emma Bartlett Den
ver Cole O. W Clark. San Franolsco.
M1"o Clark. Denver , and Ora Clark. Island
I't'vslcol perfection , the secret of beauty.
Cull i semi for "Vlavi Message. " Vlavl Co. ,
I ! . ! ! ! MiInn Block.
N. Y Pi'imblne company Tel. 2SO.
Work on IVn * ey I2)i ) * nlnr.
The preliminary v ork on the new Peavey
flevator at the Union Pacific transfer has
begun Contractor Mat'oncy has a large force
at work on the excavating and griding neces
sary for the tracks Close on thirty teams
and n corresponding large force of men are
at work , and It is expected that Goldlo &
Sons , who have the contract for the con
struction of the elevator , will commence
operations next wenk. The permit for the
erection of the elevator was taken out yes
terday and It calls for an expenditure of
Part 3 of The Beo's photosiavures of the
exposition Is now rendy and can bo bad at
the Council Bluffs nfflcc.
Medallions. C. 13. Alexander & Company.
lU-nl Kutntr TrmiHferH.
The following transfers were filed yester
day In the abstract , title nnd loan office of
.1 .1V Smilie. 101 Pearl Btrret
13 U Sh nfe und wife to George. T
LIUJ , lot fi , Judd's Court Mibdlv
Count 11 muffs , w il . $1,0 < V )
Abblt M Walker -xiul lui l > .uid to Oble
Allen , lots 5 und ti. Auditor's milullv ;
lot 5 Mullet's subdlv. w il . 500
Cninty treasurer lu J. 13 Oeonro ,
inicH- . lot 8. block \i. \ Potter & C'obb's
odd t tl . 5
Countv treasurer to William Arncl. lot
2 block 1. Potter ft Cobb's add , t d . 2
William Aincl and wlfo to J. 13.
Oenme , lot 2 , block 1 , I'otter &
Cobb'p add. ei o d . 1
13iutors of Hoi are Evmett to Henry
M verrln > , , w' . nvv < i 1-7G-42 , vd . 2,201
County tr nsurer to Thomas Olllrer
and W II. SI. Pusey , nine lots In
IVrrv > > 1st add und three lots In Ptr-
ly's .M add , t il . 61
Oountv trpiiHt < rr to Thomas Oltlcor
nnd W II. M. Pusey. lot ( ! , block H.
Ploi'u's milullv , und lot * 1 and 2 ,
hid k 5 Stioet's add. t il . . .
Coi'iitv tr usurer to Tboimis Ollleer
nml W II 51 Pu > y. lot Ii5 , block CO ,
Kiddie's xulidlv t d .
Oountv ticusurfr to Thomas Otllcor
mr\V II M Pusey. lot 17 , block J ,
Van Brunt S. llleo'8 add , t d .
Coui'lv treasurer to Thomas Ofllcer
and W II M. Pusey. lot 2. block T.
Curl's , t Hamsey's add. t rt .
Count ; . Measurer to Thomas Olllccr
nnd W II. M Vusey. lot 13 , blotk J ,
Pni'ketl's atlil. t il . . 11
Cnuiitv tr'iibiiii'r to Thomas GlUeer
nml W H M. Pui-ej , lots 1 and 2 ,
block 2. Vim Brunt I * Hloo's add. t il
County treasurer to Thomas Otllcer.
lots D. 10. 11 , 12 , block 1 , Prospect
Place , t d .
Fourteen transfer * , total
Pictures and frames. C. 13. Alexander *
Company , 15 South Main street.
For a pure domestic finish on > our shirt
send thorn to the Blurt City Steam laundry
Mnrrluuv Llrenm-x.
Uccnies to wed have been Issued to th
following persons
Name and Residence Age
August J. Ruppcrt. Council Bluffs . 1
Sophia M , Thompson , Council Bluffs . "
Edmund Wagoner , Sicux City . 3
Hanlet L. Tboroas , Iroquols , S , D . "
Henry W. Sundermeyer , South Omaha. . . . 2
Hannah M. L. Ruhsert. South Omaha . 3
Thoto dealrlnc conlea of the Jubllen vdl <
tlon of The Dailv Bee can secure them a
the Council muffs ofllce of The Bee.
Ladles wanting Hue medicinal wines am
llqucrs call Jurvls Wine Ci. , : ri Mali
otreet , upat lr . Lady In attendance.
Decision iu tbe Hageerty-Waterman Case
Given Out Yesterday ,
Court Ankn tlmt ( he Decil Con * c > In *
tlir I'roiK-rtj lie MoilinL-il to Cnrrr
Out Hie OrlKliml Inlrntloii
of ( ho Old Tolkn.
Judge Macv. before adjourning court yes
terday morning , handed down liU decision
In the suit of Mr. nnd Mru. Charles Hag-
gcrty , brought against their daughter , Mre.
Cora I. Waterman , and her husband , E. T.
Waterman , to have the conveyance to theh
homestead set aside. The Haggerty *
claimed that they desired to Rive their
daughter a life Interest lu the homeatead ,
which at her de.ith was to pass to her
children , hut discovered after the deed was
executed that they had transferred the
property absolutely to her. Owing to the
fact that the pfAiutlffn were among the
oldest residents In the city and on account
of the relationship existing between them
anil the defendants the suit attracted more
than oidlnary attention. In bis decision
Judge Macy held that the allegation of
fraud and misrepresentation in plaintiffs'
petition was not sustained and that tbero
was no fraud , misrepresentation or con
cealment practiced or used by the defend
ants or either of them , or by any ono con
nected with the execution of the contract
and deed In question. Further , that
through the fralltlca of old age and sick
ness the plaintiff , Charles Haggerty , at
the timeIn question was In such mental
condition rs that thereby he failed to ex-
prcAs and have Incorporated In the deed In
question the prior determination of the
plaintiffs to leave after their death the
property in question to tbolr daughter , the
defendant , Cora 1. Waterman , and after her
death to her children , and that In view
of thei character of the transaction , the
relationship of the parties and the tender
of a conveyance carrying out the prior ex
pressed desire and dotcmiln.itIon of the
plaintiffs. It should be held that the
plaintiffs are entitled to the relief sought.
The court therefore Issued an order that
upon the plaintiffs executing and delivering
to the clerk of the court within ten days
a deed of conveyance of the property In
question to their daughter after their
deaths , during her lifetime nnd thereafter
to her children , the contract and deed In
iiucfltlon be ect aside and held for naught
nnd that plalntlfts have judgment for costs
as prayed.
In the two suits 'brought by creditors of
the Odcll Investment company to subject
the stockholders of the company to a double
liability on their stock , Judge Macy handed
down hie decision , refusing this claim , but
giving judgment for the amount sued on
against the company.
Fred Beck , as administrator of the estate ,
commenced suit yesterday against the
Omaha & St. Louis Railway company for
$10,000 damages for the death of Christo
pher H. Beck , who was run down and killed
at Pony Creek crossing lest August. In
the petition It Is alleged that the train was
running at a high and unusual rate of
speed and that no signal or warning of the
approach of the train was given , and that
the collision resulting In the death nf
Christopher Bcek was caused by the negli
gence of the employes of the company. The
rompany Is also asked to pay 4100 for the
horse that was killed and $35 for the wagon
that was detstrojed.
The Citizens' State bank commenced suit
yesterday against Elizabeth Jackcon , widow
of the late E. W. Jackson , and W. S. Mayne
to recover J230 on promlsory notes. E. W ,
Jackson , who for a number of years was
elty marshal and chief of police , carried a
policy of life Insurance In the Hartford Life
Insurance company , payable at hlf
death to his wife , Elizabeth Jack
son. According to the petition , U
appears that prior to his deatli
Jackson borrowed money from the bank tc
pay two premiums on this policy , the banfc
alleging that the money was advanced on
the condition that It bo the first Hen on ,
and to be paid out of , the proceeds of the
Insurance policy. The Insurance , It Is al
leged , has been collected by Mrs. Jackson
who now refuses to reimburse the bank
W. S. Mayne la made defendant to the null
as InJorser of the notes.
During the absence of Judge Macy Ir
northern Nebraska Judge Smith will occupv
the bench.
Those deslrlnc conies of the Jubilee edi
tion of The Dally Bee can secure them at
the Council Bluffs office of The Bee.
Uvnlprn Arol Well S ooUr l nml
CiinM o ( Any night Airnr.
The local demand for soft coal Is nwa >
ahead of the supply , and Council Bluffb i <
practically experiencing a famine in the bi
tuminous article , and the situation Is no
likelv to be relieved until the heavy pas
senger traffic Incident to the low rates es
tablished for the- last dajs of the cxposltlor
Is ended. The sudden cold snap of a weel
ago not only caught the retail dealers un
stocked with boft coal In any quantity bul
nleo found the mine operators unproparet
for such a ludden and heavy demand. Loca
dealers report that the supply of hard coa
Is equal to the call but that It U for scv
cial reasons almost impossible to get theii
orders for soft coal filled. One reason the ;
say Is that the Iowa roads have almost dur
Ing the last few tlajs abandoned hauling
f i eight , as they have been compelled U
use their freight engines on passenger train :
to meet the enormous travel from all point !
to Omaha und the exposition. The south
ern roads are unable to haul coal , as the ]
am short of curs , and then again , the opcr
atars are. not in a position to meet the de
mand for soft coal , owing to the man ;
strikes during the last month or two whlcl
have necessarily decreased the output of th
Thu reason for the heavy demand for sof
coal , the dealers explain , Is due to the fac
that people had not anticipated such an earl ;
winter and had delayed ordering until thi
cold snap came all of a sudden , and the !
there wan n general rush and the supply 01
hand wab soon exhausted. He UTS win
have ordered coal are unable to get it here
AS their cars , owing to the heavy passenge
travel , are sidetracked and they can get iv
assurance from the railroad companies as ti
when they may expect them delivered. Deal
ers say that if the cold snap had continue *
for a few days longer the situation wouli
have been serious and they were ttmnKfu
for the respite that the wayn weathe
brought them ,
C. L. Cheater used Cole's Hot Blast heate
last winter.
tiilini Vrtrrnit I.i' lon ] lnniiirt. |
Tbo members of the Union Veteran Leglo
encampment held th ir annual banquet laj
night \VooJiuan \ hall. Coven were lal
for sixty , the tablet being beautifully nnd
lavishly decorated with flowers. List year
the chairs at the table set for the dead com
rades of the legion numbered thirteen this
ytar thcro were fourteen , the number hav
ing been Increased by the death of Colonel
Dalley. This table as decorated with car
nations and the national colors. W. Scott
Rice , adjutant of the encampment , presided
nnd acted as toastmtuter , while speeches
were made by Rev. 0. W. Sn > der. Rev. Dr.
II. C. Franklin , Rev. Father Smytho and
James McCabe. The arrangements for the
banquet were In charge of the women of
the auxiliary , Mrs. Martin being chairman
of the committee.
Miss Julia Officer , teacher of piano , 5S3
Willow avenue. Fall nnd winter term.
Walter Johnson , lawyer , notary. Sapp bile.
Collections made everywhere In U. S.
IH oeeo Hnltn.
Tureo suits for divorce were commenced
In the district court yesterday. George W.
LeVIrt aski to be divorced fiom E L. Le-
Vlrt , whom he married In this city on No
vember 10 of last year. Ho bases hli request
on statutory grounds. Josle Ncalv says she
married Harvey Neuly nt Carson , this
ounty , on November 3 of lust year but that
o has fulled to support her and has sought
'ie company of other women , theiefore she
i > ruy the court to dissolve the marriage
knot and to restore her maiden name of
Joslo Scott. Andrew Christiansen's petition
tells that ho married Sarah C. Christiansen
In this city June 8 , 1S95 , nnd that In Octo
ber of the same year she deserted him. He ,
therefore , asks the court to grant jlm a
Snap Shots , n beautiful souvenir of the
exposition , containing reproductions of all
the prominent buildings , together with a
bird's-eye nnd general views of the grounds ,
can be had at the Council Bluffs office of
1hi > Bee for 25 c nts. It Is Just the. thing
to send to your friends nt a distance.
\Vnntn IIcpil Set Aililo.
A petition was filed In the district court
nt Avnca yesterday by the attorneys for
Theodore Cowltz to set aside the fraudulent
deed which James L. Palmer , the man who
swindled Lougee & Lougec out of $677 , re
corded here. Cowltz was obliged to take
this action , as he had sold the land and as
long as the deed , even though It was fraud
ulent , was on record it cast a cloud on the
tltlo. The action had to bo brought In
Avoca , as the land is in the jurisdiction of
that court.
Those deslrlnc conies of the Jubilee edi
tion of The Daily Bee can secure them at
the Council Bluffo office of The Bee.
Will lie Ilurl.Ml Tuilny.
The funeral of William H. Ronun , the
fireman who was killed In the wreck on the
Union Pacific at Silver Creek Wednesday
morning , will be held from the family resi
dence , 1019 North Eleventh street , tomor
row morning at 8:30 : o'clock. Services will
bo held at St. Francis Jvavier's church at 9
o'clock and Interment vvll | be in the Cath
olic cemetery. The funeral will be In charge
of the Brotherhood of Locomotive ritcracn.
Remember the Sisters' fair at Odd Fel
lows hall. Matinee nt 3 o'clock this after
noon and supper from C to 8.
louii I'ariti
Pocahontas farmers will erect a cooperative
ative creamery plant
Many herds of cattle around Wlntersel
dairies are being tested for tuberculosis.
At Dunlap John Gang raised a potate
weighing three pounds.
Around Alta potatoes , are a fine crop and
are selling as cheap as 20 cents n bushel.
Around Snlrlt Lake the farmers have nc
complaint to make of too much molbturt
and their corn crop Is being rapidly husked
The corn crop of Dickinson county Is ylell-
Ing Immensely. The wind spoiled some
fields , but on the whole the crop is th ;
largest since the county was settled.
So much fine stock has been lost by con
tact with wire fences around Dews that the
county Is thinking of paralng some ssrt 01
rule to prevent Indiscriminate use of the
dangerous material.
In some wctlons of Iowa the e o. is ol
moisture has prevented corn being huskte
and there Is much alarm amoog farmers. Ii
Is predicted that In the bottom * tha loss
will bo heavy unless fine weather prcvtll
for a while.
i J. F. Martin of Harden county has a pi" '
I stmmon tree planted fourteen years ago tha
j yields several bushels of luscious fruit eacl
season. The tree Is in a latitude nearl ;
liOO miles foreign to Its nature , and is oni
of the few known to oxlat so far north.
The Mahcr farm nt Perry Is being divided
up and Is selling at $ " 5 per acre. This ie
ordinary Iowa farm land , but Howard Ruse
bought 320 acres , Edward Wilson 240 acres
nnd Edward Harrison eighty acres nt the
price mentioned. This Is the way prosperlt :
Is striking Iowa farmers these days.
At Rockford a farmer gives this advice
"Don't stuff too much of that new corn inti
those nice thrifty shoals , for there is i
rather olngular rotnc'ldenco between feoilin ,
the new corn and outbreaks of hog choler :
which has never yet been explalT l Iv
our wise men. Feed some other ration a
least half the time. Never mind If thi
pigs are not ready for market quite s <
quickly , for there Is lots of difference ba
tween hauling live hogs to tovn at J3.0 II
February and trying to burn dead ones li
November , as you probably well know.
lonil NCMB Antex.
Charlton blacksmiths arc * having a rati
war. Four shoes are placed on a horse nov
for 25 cents , when the price was fornn'.ly ' ? 1
T. Howell Richards was fined $1,000 by :
Sioux City Judge for sending obscene lltera
i ture through tro mull. ) . The prisoner wa
i once a Sunday school director at Vermilion
S. D.
I Several I own towns In which the dffuce.
I New England Loan and Trust compiny Ivi
'Invested ' largely are trjlng to decide < i > s
which particular Investment contribute !
most to tbo failure
A number of Harden county druggist
have been Indicted for violating the mule
law. A sentiment In that section Is oppose
to the sale of Intoxicants in any form or
the druggists are watched night and day s
that prosecutions may bo arranged.
Iowa presented several varieties o
we-ather Monday. In the eastern part of th
.state a terrific storm prevailed. In the cen
I tral part a gcntlo snow was falling nnd I
' the extreme western section the sun WA
shining brightly and there were all tli car
marks of splendid autumn weather.
The 300 Cedar Rapids girls who struck be
cause a factory manager refuse'l ta srnn
their demands for additional pay refuse *
to return to work when the original com
plaint was removed. Now they want
number of other concessions and the bentl
ment of the community Is with the still :
Ing girls.
Governor Shaw lost just $157 as a result c
his efforts to old some of the Iowa soldlc
boys who were short of money. The gov
crnur advanced thit sum to the boys an
they signed due bills for the return of th
money when they were paid off. The los
resulted from some of the men dupUcptln
the vouchers
lm to litllrtil Iiiuueillnlelj1'poii Jin
llrdirn of ( lie I'ri-xhlciit
PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 27. Secretary Porter
ter stated this morning that President Me-
Klnlcy will leave for Washington at 113 <
tonight and that there will be a meeting
of the cabinet. Mr. Porter deollued tc ba ;
an > thing about last night's meeting , bu
It was authoritatively stated that the scssloi
was Informal , and that no mention wa :
made of any comtnunt'atlon ,
Tu ttuti * lour Iilupatlon
Uia "Uarlantl" Stav % 4nd Ranee * .
Brwy Day Pat in by the Convention at
Cedar Eapids.
Iiiiliortnnt Topic * Dl ciii oil by the
Dcleitntrn mill Conferc-ncc * Held
to Connlilor Vnrlntm Nuli-
Jcctn of Ititereiit.
MARSHALL/TOWN , In. , Oct. 27. ( Spe
cial. ) The third and lust dny of the state
convention of the Iowa Christian Endeavor
association was the busiest of the cntlro
convention. The morning session A as called
to order In the Methodist church nt S 30
and Ilcv. Le\l Iiees of Oskalouaa comtuctel
the "quiet hour. " At 0 30 conferences on
committee work were held as followsPrei -
Idents In Friends' church , Hcv. C. H. Pur-
mort , leader ; secretaries lu Congregational
church , Miss Zcrllda Black , leader , look
out committee , In Presbyterian church , Hcv.
A. U. Marshall , D. D. , leader ; missionary
committee. In llaptlst church , Mrs. U. A.
AVlckUer , leader ; junior superintendents , In
Methodist Episcopal Sunday school room ,
Miss Sadlo Caldcrwood , leader.
At 10:30 : denominational rallies were held
as follows : Presbyterian , lu Presbyterian
church , Rev. 1" . W. Russell , leader ; Congre
gational , In Congregational church , Ucv. A.
D. ' Klnzcr , leader ; Christian , In Christina
church , Hcv. D. A. Wleklsor. leader ;
Friends , in friends' church , Kev. Kdgar
Ellyson. leader ; nvangellcal , in Baptist
church , Uov. M. J. Uamlall. lerder ; Dutch
Ilcform , in Swedish church lortuie room ;
Church of Oed , In Methodist Episcopal lec
ture room , Kev. J. C. Fnrciock. leader : Pro
testant Methodist , in Swedish church. Luth
eran In Mothotilst Episcopal Sunday school
room , Methodist Episcopal Christian He-
deavor In Methodist Episcopal auditorium ,
Dr. C. M. P.ilmer , leader ; Mcnnonlte , in
Presbyterian lecture room , llev.V. . W. Mil
ler , leader.
The afternoon session was held in the
Methodist church and was openol with a
song service led by Hcv. C. C. Rowllnson.
This was followed by an address or. "Chris
tian Citizenship" by Rev. D. P. Ilreixl , D.
D. , of Creston , nnd address on "Consecra
tion and Spirit Killing" by Rsv. S Adclbert
Wood of New Providence and an address
on "Popular Amusements" by Uov. R. F.
Leake of Prescott.
At 4 o'clock a bible fotudy was conducted
In the Congregational church by Rev. R. L ,
Marsh of Huniboldt.
This evening's session was opened with
n song service conducted by Ilw. S. R. Cnl-
len of Cedar Tails , which was followed by
the fraternal greeting of unltsd churches
by Rev. R. L. Ptirdy of Collins. Then Rev.
A. B. Marshall , D. IX , of DCS Molncs de
livered an address on "Missionary Work"
and Rov. I. N. McCash , D. D. , of Vet
Molncs gave nn address on "Tho Hill \Vc
Climb , " and the convention closoJ with a
consecration service.
The old officers w-ere re-elected for the
ensuing year as follows : President , llev.
C. W. Sweet , Des Molncs ; general secre
tary , Miss Jennie E. Catlln , Falrfleld ; sta
tistical secretary. Miss Zerllda Black , Clin
ton ; treasurer , John B. White , Adel ; Junior
superintendent , MUs Sadie Calderwood ,
Brooklyn ; Christian citizenship superin
tendent , William Orr , Clarlnda ; superin
tendent prison work. Miss Belle Powers ,
Xew- Hampton ; superintendent of bible
study , Rev. R. L. Marsh , Hutnboldt.
Siinrrmc Court AilJouriiN.
DES MOINES. Oct. 27. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The supreme ? court adjourned today
until tomorrow , a legal form It Uhes , but
Its work for the October term Is concluded.
A few opinions will piobably bo flied before
the Judges separate to undertake their
work for the January term. The decisions
of today were :
Henry Bennett and Ella Bennett , appel
lants , against the City of Marion , Linn
district. Reversed.
X. C , Phillips , appellant , against W. B.
Reed , treasurer ; from Pottawattamle dis
trict. Reversed.
A. Aborn against Polk County , appellant ;
from Pollc district. Reversed.
Charles Ehrck against Ida A. Ehrck , ap
pellant ; from Plymouth dlbtrlct. Reversed.
John Krocgcr against Town of Walcott ,
appellant ; from Scott district. Affirmed.
The Benton County Savings Bank , ap
pellant , against Thomas T. Strand , e\-
ecutor ; from Benton district. Iletereed.
State of Iowa against Robert Wllley ; from
Ringgold district. Affirmed.
State of Iowa against D. W. Burns , ap
pellant ; from Sioux dlstiict. Affirmed.
State of Iowa against Adolphus Beauley ,
appellant ; from Rluggold district. Affirmed.
State of Iowa against Ncls Tham , appel
lant ; from Polk district. Affirmed.
J. M. Conry , appellant , against Ed Bene
dict uud John Bowers ; from Ida district.
Affii mcd.
George W. Hewitt , appellant , against R.
Kovlj from Sioux district. Affirmed.
Conrad Schopp against C. C. Taft & Co.
ct al. , appellants ; from Polk district.
Affli med.
MONTOUR. la. . Oct. 27. ( Special. ) Th <
citizens of Montour are \ery much lu earn'
cst In the matter of the pollution of UK
waters of Iowa river. While a few intern
pcrate men talk of "dynamiting the \Uiol <
concern , " the majority say the condltlor
of the river ( which mo one can * ee for him.
self ) is such that it Is no exaggeration t (
claim that outside of killing the fish I
actually depreciates the value of propert ]
located near It , nud It has got to bo changed
Twenty or moro property owners In Mon <
tour have said to the writer : "Wo have n <
grudge against the Glucose worku ; wo an
aware of the benefit It Is to have a blf
manufacturing concern , especially a con
consuming plant , near us , but we proposi
to have the nulsanco abated. Falling It
that wo shall apply for an Injunction am
bring the case up on its merits. " The ide :
Is , they propose to locate the cause of thi
pollution , which ! s self-evident , and put ai
end to It.
Shriller * nt IlurlliiKlon.
BURLINGTON. la. , Oct. 27. ( Special
Telegram. ) Kaaba temple. Mystic Shriners ,
held ono of its periodical cerebrations ,
which for the tlmo being absorbed the
startled attention of a majority of the
town. Over 100 prominent members from
all over Iowa participated. A long pro-
ceflslon of officers and members lu Oriental
regalia paraded the Urects this afternoon
with bands and tin horns. This evening
forty candidates were Initiated with tut
usual furious eclat and a banquet and
speeches followed , laming far into the
Suiting n M > < rr > ' .
SIOUX CITY. Oct. 27. ( Special Tele
gram ) Ex-Judge A. Van Wagenen's eld
of tbo bogus telephone message story wblcl
has created such a sensation in this par
of the state has come to light. The judgi
admits that ho telephoned Robert Harrl
at Missouri Valley asking him to vote fo
a second judicial convention. But ho Bay
he told Harris that it was Judge Vai
Wagenen talking to him and he denies tha
ho called himself Judge Qtj-uor. Harrl
denies this , however , and Insists that lie
was told it was Uaynor talking to him.
Strlt.r In Srttlnl.
CEDAR RAPIDS , In. , Oct. 27 ( Special
Telegram ) Representatives of the Amer
ican Cereal company came out from Chicago
cage today nnd satlufnctorlly adjusted the
grievances which had caused the 150 girls
employed at the oittncal mill hero to go
out on etrlkc. They satisfied the girls that
tile new way of wrapping was quicker than
the old way and offered them their choice
of going back at the old wages or of workIng -
Ing for | 1 a day. The girls accepted the
former. Some minor grievance * ) , which had
grown up unknown to the owners , were re
moved nnd work will be resumed In the
KnMrrn Slnr Olltcrrs.
CEDAR RAPIDS. In. . Oct. 27 ( Special
Telegram ) The grand chapter of the Order
of the Eastern Star of Ion a concluded its
sessions today. No radical legislation was
enacted. The next meeting will be held nt
Davenport. Thu following officers were
elected1 Grand matron , Mrs. M , B Rath-
bun , Clinton ; grand patron , W. H. Norrls ,
Manchester ; grand associate matron , Mrs.
Fredlu Oppenhelmer , Webster City , grand
associate patron , A. J. Small , Des Molnes.
grand secretary , Mrs. Maria Jackson , Coun
cil Bluffs , grand ttcasurcr , Mrs. Houghton ,
Red Oal : .
Drrlxloii In htrrct Itiillmiy Oixr.
DUBUQUE , la. , Oct. 27. Judge Shlras of
the federal court , in the suit of the Old
Colony Trust company of Boston against
the Dubuque Light and Traction compau } .
has decided in favor of Doan & Co. , former
owners of the Eight street railway , holding
that the latter Is entitled to revision of
contract by which the line was sold to the
Traction company. The suit was ono of
several Involving property of half a mil
lion dollars.
CEDAR RAPIDS , In. , Oct. 27. ( Special
Telegram. ) The session of the Iowa State
Bapttet association today was full of In
terest. Several valuable papers were read
and discussed. The election of officers re
sulted as followh : President , Hon. J. F.
Clyde , Osage ; vice presidents , Hon. II. M.
Remley , Annmosa , and D. C. Hull , Sioux
City ; secretary , Rev. E. P. Bartlett , Des
Molnes ; treasurer , W. S. Goodill , Des
I'liltdl SliiteN AKrrrs ( o I'rolect Life
mill 1'roprrly lu Culm Dnr-
It" Occupation ,
WASHINGTON , Oct. 27. The Intimation
conveyed by the American commissioners to
the Spanish commissioners at Monday's
session of the peace conference at Paris , that
the position of the United Steles with respect -
spect to Cuba nud the Cuban debt could not
bo regarded us subject to chingo nnd that
consequently the American commUsloners
were ready to proceed with the consideration
[ of other quebtlons under the piotocol , the
Paris advices show had a decided tfteet. Ono
concession as to Cuba that our commis
sioners will make will be to guarantee for
the United States that llfo and property
shall bo secure In Cuba. This icsponslblllty
I tbo United States will assume only until
such time as a stable government shall be
formed and operative In Cuba. There will
bo no perpetual guarantee on this score.
I Undue significance has been attached to
i the dispatches of a special messenger from
I Washington yesterday to the president at
Philadelphia. Almost every day a long re
port has como by cable from Judge Day ,
I telling what had been accomplished , what
the Spanish commissioner.- ) were seeking nnd
what the American commissioners proposed
, to do at the next meeting. The
president has gene over these re
ports very carefully in company
with Secretary Hay and sometimes with mil
itary or naval experts. If their advice seemed
to be necessary. Yesterday's report was
very long and to have reduced it to cipher
code for the purpose of telegraphing it to
Philadelphia would have consumed moro
tlmo and been less satisfactory in results
than the services of u messenger. As .1
vital stage had been was thought
advisable not to wait until the president's
return and so Assistant Secietary Crldler's
confidential clerk was sent to Philadelphia
with tbo repoit.
It is expected that the commissioners will
now take up the subject of the Philippines.
The American commmlssloners have given
this subject much attention , but so far It
j has never appeared before the Joint com-
I mission save In the shape of one spasmodic
i effort made by the Spaniards at the very be
ginning of the sessions to have the United
States abandon Manila as a precedent to
. further negotiations on the subject of the
The American commissioners , among
I other things , have been looking Into the
subject of the Philippine debt , about which
there is much Ignorance nt thin end of the
line. It is unlikely that the same rule will
be applied to that debt as was insisted upon
relative to the Cuban debt. In other words ,
if the United Stateb annexes the Philippines ,
which seems now to bo the logical outcome
of the situation , It might bo reasonably con
tended that at feast so much of the debt
as represented monies expended for the Im
provement of the Island should pass to the
United States with the title. The situation
Is regarded as materially different from
that In Cuba , where the United States gains
nothing substantial , for , with the annexation
of the Philippines , we should acquire a ter
ritory almost as large as the British isles ,
with a population of more than 8,000,000
people. It will be for the American com
missioners to arrange the details of the
transfer of the Philippines to the United
States RR It Is expressly stipulated in the
protocoF that the disposition of the Philip
pines shall be arranged by the peace com-
Kx-Kditor of ( lit * liuntnn Truvi-lcr anil
One of tlie Hi-sl KIH MI llt-it
lu I lie Thealrli-nl World ,
PHILADELPHIA , Oct. 27 N Clillds ,
press agent of the " 'Way Down inst" com
pany , died today at the Jefferson hospital a
suicide. 'Ho ' had swallowed forty-five Rralns
of morphine , after which ho shot himself In
the head. The act was committed on Tues
day last , but through the efforts of friends
the affair was kept secret and Chllds was
taken to the hospital , where he lingered un
til toJay. Despondency Is given as the
reason for the act.
Chllds mas ono of the best knoun men In
the theatrical world. Ills home was in
Huston. Ho graduated from Harvard In
1SC9 and the following year he entered the
newspaper business. Tor several years he
was editor of the lloston Tra > clcr. He en
tered the theatrical profession in IhTO and
wrote a number of plays. At ono time he
was advance agent for Henry Irving and
for ten years acted In the same capacity for
Abbey , ScJiofleld & flrau. The failure nf
the play , "Little Miss Nobody , " In Decem
ber last , In which ho was Interested , made
him very despondent and ho began to drink.
Ho was CO years of age and lea\os a widow
Hiforetilt ? Ml loiinrlrn.
CONCORD. N. H , Oct. 17. At this morn-
ing'b Bctelon of the American Missionary
association Rev. A. E , Dunning of 11-ston ,
editor of the Cougregatlonallst , read the re
port on change of term of Ecnlce of the ex
ccutUe commission , which was adopted , The
report recommends that the term of eer\li'
of members of the executive committee ) b
five yearn Instead of three years , as at
preient , and thu three member * be
OTHERS FAIL , liquid food imaginable for CoinalescenM.
Easily assimilated even by the vveak-
est stomachs and lending a strength
to the system not obtainable by
any other Tonic.
/ \ Non-intoxicant. ALL DRUGCISTS
TcrSslcby FoltyBros. , Wholesale Dialers
1412 Doiislas Street. Omaha , Neb , Tel. 1031
Da.y is
JT Now.
Get them
. .
xniv. Lft y ; M * ni rivi
They last.
\ 9.fntsfx r ia.-jjz.T i Views *
of the
Vf < 7
" Jioti :
At the Business Office of
. 1 } . Jiymnil 3 cents extra for postage.
if *
Improved land in Iowa etui he purcha.sed at low liRtires.
AVc have bargains in Fruit Farms ami Garden Lands. Money
to Loan on Farms nt n per cent interest. City Piopcrty in
DAY 8r
39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
gives the clean-
linens and even
boat with soft
coal , as hard
coal in Ease
Tito Hot Bins t Draft
Burns ami saves the
jias liulf e > f soft coal.
Soft coal equal to
I used Cejle's Hot Ulast. No. ISO , from
December , 97 , till feprlns It l nu clean as
un > wood stove 1 e.\er used. Often u grape
b inUe-t full of coal lasted fiom OIIP evenliiR
till tbo next It was stonily , e\en hint
rire only went out once ilurliiR the winter
nnd that wu our fault. H ue\e > r Miioked
anil walls and ceiling arc ohnri us if 1
burned wood It is tbo best sto\u I over
saw JIrs II. a Jlre-k , UiS Ninth inc.
Milton llogers , Agent , Omaha , Nib
Fees Gas
2jto 250
Horse Power *
> lltPllllM-l > Of Ml ICIllllM.
I on us or u r tc for prl es S. dent riptloiis.
DAVID iin\ni.iv .v. co. ,
Council HI u II . IiMtsi.
DR ,
1 read all FOOTS of
12 Yfi-i in Omaha
Conitiluticn hrrc Bo k fret
Box 763 OMAIU. NE"
unit VTION vi , .
V ( ollri. . . anil ( iiiix.TMitory ,
fur Iuclli-ii. Mrtlc-o , Mo.
each > ear in addition to thosa of any chosen
to fill vacancies of uncxplrcd terms. The
women 3 nieetini ; MDH held thin nftenuion.
Mlru U. n Kmtrion of Xtw VorK , sitretarj
of the Uoiren'o bureau mudit n report on
Momen'H wrrk He\ ( ' h. Hall of I'ort
Dorthler , N. D. , Mrs Anna W Hlthirdson
of Marahnlhllle , ( iul Mrs Kato Ipuon C'lark
of Drookhn. N. Y. and others epoKc.
G.W.PangeM.D. !
. . , . .
Kciulcr of UlhciiHUH of nnd
World' * Ileibal ll | inii ry of
I crili : fntii'ili of Head. Throat niid
f.uiws. DHeaw * ol 1 nnd liar , Kits and
Ap < ipU.\J , H"U't. I't anil Kidney
IHulirtCH , IlriKlit H I Titheht Vims Dunce ,
UhiMumitlim.bciof'jIn , DropM cured without
Inpplnc. Tuiie Vtoinis returned , all chronic
Nemma unil i > rl\iito Diseased.
I tiOT KfiflftiUnCtEf _ 1" younir anil
L'JO I li.MStrilVWM iniddlcngr'drncil.
( PVnUH 1C " " 'J' ' Pbjtle-lun who uan
i ) J rillLldi | noiicil > riirohYJ'IIIMM
without ( ! : - ! 1 1 oylnt- tee tli and bouL > . No met.
nn \ < > r poison iiilnenil used
'Ihi onlv I'byglclaii who cnn ttll what alii
you wit'innt nHklnif a iUe'Btlon |
'Ih-ibc at u dlHtiiueu brin ! lor question
blank No. 1 for men ; Mo U lot wemien.
All e'iricNponilcnco strictly uonlldonllul
Hfdtelm tent ny erprcuf.
Address all letters to
G. W. PANGLE , M. D. ,
SOS Itriiiulnuj , COUNCIL IIM'lTii , IA
C2ZT'Bcnd U-ceui HIHIIIU for rfuLr
Sprrlill A illioniu'cllH'llC.
SO arrcK Kood land for Bale In Putnam
county. I'loildu , one mild from Kenl < u
\\lll trade for Cotimll muffs propert )
HO aeres KOOI ! lanil in Urulo county ,
So Dak . six miles fiom Will
trade for Council DluIT property.
\\V have1 FfMral houses for rent In
( lonlrnhlc InentloiiH farina for sale on e'asy terms
\Vc Inuo for sale an S-roum houfae.
wlih Hl.ible. located on lot tu fuel front
In Uncut roahlcnto portion of the vlty.
This pioperty can bu bought at a bar-
K.un If tu Ken ut oneu.
Sinnll fruit faun fir bale at a loir
lirli-f Now Is thu time to Invest In a
home ) If Miu want one. Heal estate
Millies aie > low. but are pleKIng up with
Incicaacd HaleB. Wo lm\e a number
fit Hinall n-kldenco properties that eun
bo beiiiKht nt low prlcet' .
Itcniemihcr that wo iiro making loans
ami willinK lire liiHuraucu at an low a
rate an any one else und wo would bn
pleaded to bo fa\orcd with a tiharo of
iouoii : & I.OUOKB.
No. los .South Main Street.
Coune.ll niuff * . la.
I.'u ' > Mroalwuy' I'ouiH n r u litre.
Kate I. l t , JUT diij , , u lueinu , KJrst-clasi
II evcij n-ptct Mol'jr Iliio to all depots.
i. "K " ' . , lor V. ' ° < -'clcbratu l fit Loa's '
A U. C IJccr. rirht-elnss bar In con-