Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1898, Page 12, Image 12

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Transmiwonri Passenger Men Will Start
Out for Themselves.
Ilflirrnrntntlrm of AVcntprn Unr Ire
"Sinv In ScHxIon In Oinnlm < < >
1111 lnili'iiriiili-iit
Anxorliitloii ,
A meeting of the general passenger agents
of the lines wist of the .Missouri river con
vened nt the Mlllnrd hotel yesterday mid
gave a very effectual answer tn the report
circulated from ChlcaRO that the proposed
Tranimlssotirl I'assenger association had
been judged Impracticable and would bo
abandoned. The work of establishing the
new association and putting It on a firm
r.orklng basis. Is proceeding and by tomor
row the work of organization will undoubt
edly bo complete
\mong those In attendance at the meeting
arcH C Townspnd of St. Louis , general
passenger agent of the Missouri I'aclllc ; I ) .
K Hurley of Salt Lake City , general pas-
Bcngcr agent of the Oregon Short Line :
William lliirlburt of Portland , general
passenger agent of the Oregon Hall
way and Navigation company ; ( Jeueral
I'assengcr Agent Trancls of the 11.
A M. and JJuchannn of the IJlkhorn ,
and Assistant General IHissuitjer Agent
Hutchison of the Union Pacillc of this tltv.
llcpresentatlves of the Ilock Island , the Den
ver & Klo Grande , the Ulo Orande Western
nnd the Colorado Midland are eypoctcJ here
this afternoon
The committee , consisting of General Pas-
* ongpr Agents Lomax , Kranc.s and Bu
chanan , appointed several months ngn to
draft a form of agreement for the new as-
floclatlon occupied the morning In making
Its report. The remainder of tlu meeting ,
which will probably last two .lavs , will bo
devoted to a consideration of the report.
I'rom the sentiments expressed by > ho gen
eral passenger agents Just before this
morning's meeting there Is no 'louol v hat-
over about the success of thu new Institu
Limit of KM Trrrltor > .
The territory embraced within the juris
diction of the now association will reach
from the .Mlpeourl river to Utah , taking In
the Oregon Short Lino. It Is designed that
the Transmlssourl association shall work
In harmony with the Western Passenger as
sociation , but the latter will hereafter have
Its authority limited to the territory be
tween Chicago ami the Missouri river.
Heretofore the lines between Chicago nml
Colorado hu\o conio under the control ol
the Wewtcrn Passenger association. The
division of this association In order to form
the now ono has drawn foitli a great deal
ot antipathy from the Chicago passenger
In speaking of the telegram from Chlcagc
pronouncing the new association a failure
before It had started , General Passengei
Agent Buchanan said"So far as I know
there Is no truth In the report. The f.icl
that wo arc hero shows that wo have nol
abandoned the association. I ptcsumo the
report originated with souio of the Chlcagc
folks who have not at any time been favora
ble to the Idea of a now association for tlu
transmlasourl lines "
The meeting of general passenger agent !
yesterday adjourned without adopting tin
agreement submitted for the formation o
the Transmtssourl Passenger association
The adjournment was taken to allow thi
agreement to lie worked over to fit the re
cent decision ot the United States suprenv
court against ( he Joint Train ? association
It was stated by ono of the passenger mei
after the adjournment of ( ho meeting tha
ron-actlon at this meeting did not at al
Indicate that the association vsould not tn
formed , but merely that Its establlshmcn
had been postponed to make the organUa
tlon accord with the law as Interpreted b ;
the supreme court.
THEY AHU SICIIIIM ; noon i > i , irns
.Meii ! . < < Out of Hie Union rm-iflc Pint
I'OMltlOIIN niNtMt lltTt * .
Most of the men who have "resigned1
from the service of the Union Pacific unde
tbo new administration arc securing gooi
positions with other railroad companies
Jamca A Foley , formerly superintendent o
the Oranha & Republican Valley branch o
the Union Pacific , has Just been nppolntei
general superintendent of the Cnllfornl
Trult express , with headquarters nt Chi
oago. Ho loaves for his now offlco this af
tcrnoon. The company with which he v\ll
liavo charge of the operation of cam handle
n largo bulk of the California fruit that 1
cent eastward every year. It operates career
o\or n number of rnllwavs. the Union Pa
clflc getting most of the business.
It H reported that Lany Malloy , genera
superintendent of tbo Union Pacific's Wy
omlng division , who will leave the compan
on November 1 , has been offered a posltlo
with the Baltimore & Ohio railroad In a re
> > ponstblo capacity.
Jack O'Hcarn , until lately the foreman c
the Union Pacific shops at Chejcnne. Is noi
loromau of the shops ot the Lake Krlo i
Western road In Ohio.
InilliiiiN I.OIIMfor HCH T > atloiiH.
A novel alcht was witnessed at the Unlo
depot shed yesterday on the departur
ot the Hock Island train carrjlng ! } uG Indian
back to their homes In Indian torrltor ;
after spending a summers pleasant outlii
ou the exposition grounds. The Rock Islan
ran a special train for the red men and the !
fuuuws , and later In the day carried the !
ponies back to the section ot country st
apart for the Indians Nearly every ono u
the returning delegates from the India
congress catrled nwny from .1 pound to a
dorcn yards ot exposition souvenirs of all
Kinds and descriptions.
MOIUJ i.ow ii vri : 4 roil CI.OMNU n\t
Oinnlm IlontlM Miikr n Plnnl HITort In
l rnu n frond.
The railroads arc going to offer Induce
ments for other people besides Omahans to
attend the closing exercises of the Trans-
Mississippi Exposition. A proposition Is
now under consideration by the Burlington ,
flic Union Pacific , the Hoik Inland , the Mis-
fourl Pacific , the Klkliom , and the Omaha
roads to make n round trip rate of SO per
cent of the one-way faro to Omnha and re
turn from ull points within 200 miles of
Omaha for Omaha day , October 31.
The Indications arc that the proposition
will prevail , as the general passenger agents
of most of the lines h.ivo already expressed
thcnwlvcn In favor of the rate It Is not
probable that the Iowa linn , wlir put In the
reduced raetF , although there appears no
good reason why they should not do as much
for the closing day of the exposition as thu
roads west of the Missouri river. The gen
eral passenger agents of the trausmlraourl
lints express the belief that an enormous
crowd of people will coino In on Monday , If
It Is a clear day , to help the good folks ot
Omaha celebrate the close of their success
ful exposition.
In Mail } Mori * Peoplo.
Travel Into Omaha on the last Thursday
o' the exposition was uniformly good on
all lines. The Missouri Pacific in ought In
the largest excursion. U am/id shortly
after T n. m. and brought In several hun
dred citizens of Kansas , most ot v-hom re
side along the central branch when they
are at homo. The Burlington had a special
In from Hastings , and t'ie Union Pacific's
regular train from the west was heavily
loaded. The morning tri in from lovv.i
brought In numerous excursions , but there
were not so many arrivals as on the day be
Hnllronil Notcn.
Traveling Passenger Agent Iran of the
Northwestern Is in the city from Buffalo ,
N. Y.
\V. A. Phillips general baugngo agent ol
the Northwestern. is In the city.
W. L Pox , traveling freight ngent of the
Northwestern Is in the city from the west.
II H. McCullouch anil the other olllclals
of the Northwestern who spent Wednesday
hero have returned to Chicago.
PrnnK Beach , traveling passenger agent ol
the Minneapolis & St. Louis , la In the clt > ,
Ho will attend the closing exercises of tlu
exposition on Monday evening next.
General Western Agent Monette ot the
Ontario & Western IB In the city. Mr ,
Monetto Is president nnd general managm
of the "Anti-Treat club" recently oiganlzeO
In Chicago. The bylaws are suspended or
the exposition grounds.
Superintendent Potcr J. Nichols of tin
Omaha Bridge & Terminal railway jestorda ;
morning completed the work of maklr.i ; r
connection with the tracks of the Kansas
City. Plttsburg & Gulf road In Coun l
Bluffs. The work hus been under way foi
about two months Its completion wll
maUo It possible for the Port Arthur rout (
to rend any of Its traffic It may desire acres ;
the Hast Omahu bridge. The work Involvcc
the building of nbout 2,500 feet ot truck.
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has been sojd foi
over fifty yeans and Is still the most populai
medicine for throat and lung trouble.
Roland Heed will present at Boyd's to
night nnd Saturday matinee and night a nev
comedy by Madeline Lucetto Hyley callei
"Tho Voyagers" It Is Bald that this cleve
writer has evolved for Mr. Reed a pur
comedv that will cnibl1 ! tins comedian tj r.p
pear In a role that Is cntlrMy different fro-i
anj thing In which he has ever been EC. ' !
ucic. The scenes of the pHv nre laid In fai
Tranclsco und Honolulu. The cast Is a larg
ono nnd the play will bo produced unde
the stage direction of Mrs. Kjley.
The exceptionally good bill at the Troca
dcro packa the house nt each performance
Mile. Plankn. lions : Illnrs and Remington
portrayern of New- York types ; fognrty ani
Francesco , world's champion cake walkers
America's greatest banjo artists , Formal
and Hewlett : Marie Cnsastello , Italian chanteuse
teuso ; Leo and Chapman , comedy sketcl
and bar team : Mortimer and Darrcll. in i
rural act true to nature , and Tred Welcome
the upsldo down man.
To All Principal Wpiiterii Point 1 In
tnloii 1'iiclllc.
TWO trains dally. 4 33 p. in. und 11.5C p. m
Denver and Colorado points.
TWO trains dally , 8 50 n. m. and 4 33 p. m
Utah and California points.
ONn train dally , 1:35 : p. m.
Utah , Idaho , Montana and Oregon points.
For full paltlculars call at City Ticks1
onice , 1302 rarnam St.
Mortality StutlxtlvK.
The following births nnd deaths were re
ported to the health commissioner durlnf
the twenty-four hours ending at noon yes
terda >
Births John n\a , 1728 South Ninth , boy ;
James Wilson , 1613 Ohio , boy ; Ellas Mena
1227 South Thlttednth , girl ; George Goth
2113 Vlnton , gill ; Morltz Neer , 830 Soutt
Twenty-third , girl.
Deaths Flora B. Beach , 4313 Giant , 31
years ; A. L Burr , 2928 North Twenty-fifth
3 years ; John Kchlgart , 23 years , eulclde
Mathilda C. L. Palm , 2900 Seward , 39 jears
Oninliu to
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail
way has Just placed In service two mag
nltlcont electric lighted trains betweoi
Omaha and Chicago , leav Ing Omaha da ! ! ;
at 6 43 p in. , arriving Chicago nt i > 25 n. m
and leaving Chicago ti 15 p. m. nnd arrlvlni
Omnha 8 20 a. m Knch train Is H litei
throughout by electricity , has buffpt smok
Ing cars , drawing room sleeping cars , din
Ing cars and reclining chair cars and run
over the shortest line nnd smoothest road
bed between the two cities.
Ticket ofllco , 1504 rarnam street , nnd a
Union depot.
< > 4
Ati Electric-
Lighted Palace.
An attractive stiucture by day , the Islington's new depot
taKes on adde < l beauty when darkneaa comes Then It la noth
ing more nor less than an electric lighted palace. Ever ) thing
In and about It Is brilliant with the glow of hundreds of Incan
descent lights , from top to bottom and from end to end. tluro
isn't n dark spot In It.
Trom it > ou can start AND START IUGIIT day or NIOIIT
Chicago and the east-
Denver nnd the west
Kansas City nnd the south
St. Louis and the southeast.
Ticket Office : New Depot :
1502 Farnam St. 10th & Mason Sts.
Telephone 250. Telephone 128.
Arrangements for Bflmrabering the Bojs at
Manila Being Pnshccl ,
I/nM MootliiR ; for Completing I'lnnn
AVI 11 llo lli-liI at llti > ArmorPrl -
ilny Mulit l.i'lter from Cai- |
tnlii llnok Til ) lor.
The last meeting to arrange for the send
ing ot Christmas boxes to the members ot
tha Thurston Hlllea at Manila will be held
at the armory Friday evening. The roll
will be corrected nnd all who have boxes foi
the boys will be expected to report nt thai
The donations which are being prepared
are In charge of the Nebraska Spanish-
American War Relatives' union , of whlcli
association Assistant Adjutant General
James D. Gage has been named as forwardIng -
Ing agent. Circulars have been Issued tc
each of the home stations giving Instruc
tions as to the size nnd kind of boxes , whet
nnd where to be sent and what should be
excluded from the consignment. AccordIng -
Ing to these Instructions the donations foi
the bojs of the First must be prepared anil
shipped by November 15.
For convenience In repacking In shlpplnf
cases the boxes ore to be unlformlj
eighteen Inches In length , eight Inches wld (
and eight Inches In depth and made of good
Inch pine lumber. Each will have the nami
and company of the soldier It Is Intended foi
plainly marked on the outside. It has beei
suggested that nothing of n perishable na
ture be sent. But articles such ns under'
wear , stockings , handkerchiefs , towels
brush and comb , buttons , suspenders nnc
stamped envelopes will be very acceptable
Tint boxes which ore to be sent fron
Omaha should be delivered at Fisher's clgai
store , 1507 Farnam street , not later that
Saturday evening of this week. The prcsl
dent of the Ladles' auxiliary , Mrs. C. A
White , will also receive contributions o
money with which to provide necessary hos
pltal supplies. The committee In charge o
the sanding of the boxes from Omaha con
sists of W. L. Fisher , Mrs. C. M. Prlmeau
Miss Gamble , Mrs. C. A. White and Cade
I.rtter from Cnptnlti Tn > lor.
The followlnc letter from Captain W. C
Taylor of the Thurston Rifles , under date o
Manila , September 21 , has Just been re
cclvcd :
Several of my boys have received nlci
propositions from the American Commcrcla
company , which has Just located here , am
want to bo discharged here. I do not knov
whether or not discharges will be granted
but thu bovs think that this is n splondli
oppcitunity for them , and I shall bo glad ti
comply with their wishes In any way that
can. The small coasting vessels are openlni
up nnd the trade between the Islands ha
resumed to quite an extent , nnd It make
us feel good to hear the long balute of thi
little steamer ns It sails out of the ba ;
flying the American Hag In r'aco ' of th
Spanish. The Aduna Is In receipt of news
paper compliments both hero and at Honi
Kong , and several letters have been recelvei
from business men saying that they trus
that the Americans will hold the Islands
They never before realized the great differ
ence between the American nnd Spanlsl
methods of doing business.
The members of the company nre all wol
and have but one kick , and that Is nlwav
present with the army our "grub. " Goo
fresh vegetables are hard to find and ar
In great demand. Tomorrow will be pa
day the first we have had In three month :
What a day of reckoning It will be ! Th
boys nre making a collection of Spruits
"Junk" for the armory.
Will He Cui-rlert Frrr.
LINCOLN. Oct. 27. ( Special. ) In answe
to nn Inquiry madu by General Barry as ti
the means of sending Christmas boxes to th
Nebraska soldiers at Manila , the followini
telegram has just been received from th
War department :
The government will fonvard Chrlstm :
donations to the members of the First Ni
braska volunteers , station 1 at Manil
Packages should bo addressed to dppi
quartermaster , San FranclsLO. Oal.
H. C. CORBIN. Adjutant General.
SlitirlK I'liijN n Double Ulll.
City Electrician Shurlg considers bin
self a special favorite of Dame Fortui
and In celebiatlnn of this bo'lcf ho Is et
gaged In a continuous per'irmnnco of ham
shaking receptions with all whom ho meet
He finds cause for his Jubilation over tl
fact that Wednesday the board of governo
of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben presented hi
with a line diamond stud and n few * > u :
later his wife presented him with a etl
moro priceless Jewel lu the form of n ham
Homo little baby girl.
The preliminary preset itlon occurred i
the Omaha club , where the board of goi
ernors held a banauet. Before the dlnm
was brought to a close President R. S. Wi
tex , alias King Ak-Sar-Ben IV. , summons
Mr. Shuilg before him and gave him tl
diamond , sajlng that It was a token of tl
gratitude and appreciation that the board
governors felt for the services ho had rei
dercd In preparing the electrical parade ar
In lighting the den for the ball. Mr. Shur
resprnded briefly.
At 4 a. m. yesterday the tiny femtnli
addition to the house of Shurlg put In hi
arrival. Both the little ono and the moth
nre recovering.
HrulNtrntloii Toilii ) .
This will be the second tlav for re ;
Istratlon and the political committees a
preparing to hustle out the voters to ho1
them enrolled The fusion committees n
specially octlvo In this line nnd have nit
at work In every precinct In this city
W H Kelllccr of Auburn and J M Gl
chriit of Nebraska City , members of tl
democratic state committee , and J. J Eve
Ingham of the auditor's office nt Llncol
were callers at the democratic state cor
mlttco headquarters jcsterday morning M
Gilchrlst Is ono ot the state examiners
county treasurers' records.
Dniiont Ifolil for M
Andy Dupcnt , whose blows In the prl
fight at South Omnha resulted In Bll
Walker's death , has waived examination
the count v court In answer to the charge
mnnHlauKhtcr and has been bound over to tl
district court In the sum ot $1.800. In d
fault of bond bo was remanded to tl
county Jail.
If Ion AVunt to no J'nitt
except toke the "Northwestern Lino"
you desire a fast dajlight trip bttwee
Omaha and Chicago , because no other lln
runs a davlight train. Leaves Omahu C 40 i
m . arrives Chicago 8 1H same evening Clos
connection with eastern lines. A good train
Emphatically YES.
City office. 1401 Farnam.
The ( ) nl > Hnllronil lo CUIenco.
With a daylight train. Leaves
Omaha 6 10 a. m. every day ,
nrrh lug Chicago the same
evening at S 13 , v hen close connections
ore made with all lines
beyond This train Is 50 years
ahead of the times and Is proving
Immensely popular with Omaha
people. Other flying
trains leave for Chicago at 4-55 and 6 55
o. m. daJlv. ntv tlrVpt office.
1401 Farnam St. ,
"Tho Northwestern Line"
The Grand Court ol the Exposition
wonderful- ! iilU ! ' t -l ht Vo nliMm
of It U to good as The Bee I'hotogravur
1 Stoo at The Bee ofilce for one and sou
I others. Thr > for ten cents.
Br.\CH-riorn v : . , b'loved wife of John 7
H nch , Tu-sdny. Oct 23 , 1S8S Funcn
Friday , uet. 24 , 15'S , nt 2 p m , fro :
family residence , 1115 Grant street. Into
I meat Toreit Lawn cemetery.
iiAYnn.v uitos ,
Morn 12xH > flltlou HnUrr.
Ha ) den Bros , bought all the butter again.
Minnesota butter got first prize The blue
ribbons are on display In crur butter depart
Now hero clto In Omaha ctin vou buy such
fine butter. It was nil tnndo to take first
premiums at the exposition and , of course ,
must bo just what wo claim , the
Minnesota separator creamoiy , 19c , 21c and
22 4c.
Fancy fresh dairy butter , 14c. 16c and 18c.
Good country butter , 12'4c to He.
rrcMi spring chicken , 7c. Best brand pic
nic hams , 6 He. No. 1 bacon , S'sc. ' Good
salt pork , 6 > 4c. Pickled tripe , 4c. Pickled
pigs' feet , 4c. 3-lb cans very best brand
lard , 17c. Sweet pickled pork , Gc , choice
corned beef , D' c. Best pork sausage , S l-3c.
Every lady Interested In black crepons
should visit our special sale on Prldu ) .
French crepons , all silk , that sold for $4 00
to $5.00 $ , will gb nt $2.75 per vard Some
nro only skirt lengths , others nre patterns.
l.COO exclusive patterns at about half price
Broadcloth astrakhans , ladles' cloth , etc , at
50 per cent less than any other house in
Omaha ,
Read Haj dens' clothing ad , this page.
mill IOMII ItcKlinriitii Arc
to Follow nn S > ooii nn
SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 27 The Second
nnd Third battalions of the Twentieth Kan
sas regiment will embark on the transport
Indiana nt noon todav. The Indiana will
sail ns soon as Its human cargo Is aboard.
The First battalion will be left behind In
command of Lieutenant Colonel Llt-
tlo to Ball on a later boat.
At the same time tomorrow the
Ohio will sail with two remaining battalions
of the Washington regiment. Formal or
ders have been Issued for the Iowa regi
ment to sail on the Pennsjlvanla , whose
sailing date has not been set.
Pretty Itoiiiiuivo biiollvil.
DEADWOOD , Oct. 27. ( Special. ) A Den
ver paper prints n story of a pretty sten
ographer of that city. Miss Mamie Norton ,
who Is reported to have fallen heir to $15-
000 from her father by adoption , Frank Nor-
ton. The girl at one time lived In Deadwood
and from Information furnished hero It Is
altogether likely that the little story of ro
mance will have to bo spoiled. Miss Nor
ton was adopted by Frank Norton several
jcars ago In this city after the death ot
the girl's father. From Deadwood they
went to Chicago to live , and there Norton
died about ten years ago. The girl returned
to her mother and soon after moved to Den
ver to live. Norton's wife went to Ccn-
tralla , Kan A few days ago Mrs. Norton
died , and the fact has been published that
the adopted girl Is the only surviving heir
nnd will get possession of the $15,000 The
fact of the case 1s Mrs. Norton married Olc
Anderson a short time ago and before her
death she willed all of her former husband's
property to him.
Uronucil III lli - Klondike.
HURON , S. D. , Oct. 27. ( Special ) News
of the death by drowning of L C. Gorsuch
was received here from Tncoma yesterday.
Mr. Gorsuch was for many years engineer
on the Dakota Central division of the Chicago
cage & Northwestern railway , with head
quarters hero. He went to Yankton n. few
months ago , and taking a "lay-oft" for a
> ear , went to the Klondike. He , with a party
of unsuccessful prospectors , was nscendlnp
a tributary to Copper rlyer when the boal
was overturned- and Mr. Gorsuch was
drowned. He was"wull known among rallwaj
men In Sioux City , Omaha and other cities
Ho leaves an Invalid wife In Yankton.
AV > oniliiK'N Coal Ml n ox.
ROCK SPRINGS , Wyo. , Oct. 27 ( Spc ,
clal ) W. K. Lee of the Union Pacific Coa
company has sent out to try and hire 5 (
men to work In the company mine In nddl ,
tlon to those already employed The ship ,
mcnts of coal are greater than at any tlm <
In the previous history of the camp , hut thi
demand cannot be supplied with the prescn
force. Mr. Lee will try and get men In Utah
KiiHluii in Colorado.
DENVER , Oct. 27 William H Brlsbam
has resigned as candidate for secretary o
stat ) on the republican ticket and Josepl
W. Mllson , the broad silver republican can
dldate , has been substituted for him. Tin
fusion between the parties Is now complete
except as to nominations for auditor. Georgi
S. Adams , the republican candidate , is tin
choice of the two committees for this office
but John A. Wayne , the silver republlcai
nominee , has refused up to date to withdraw
It Is believed , however , that Mr. Wayne wll
finally yield to persuasion and the fusloi
thus be perfected.
For sale , 200 paims and flecorntloln plant :
of all descriptions to close out surplus stock
at reasonable prices. B. Hans , tlorlst , ISli
Vlnton street ; telephone , 770.
Her Grand European hotel now open. Ele
gant rooms , ladles' and gents' cafe and gril
room. Cor. 16th and Howard.
To Aocoiiinioclnlc Tlioni * I'nnlilo ( o \t-
tcnil ( Ircnt special Sale * In la > tliac
Baignlns nt Boston Store.
The N owds have been so great nt our spe
cial sales that nnnv have been unable to
get all thev wanted To , keep thot'c custo
mers and those who have net been nblo to
attend during the dnvttino. we keep our en
tire establishment open this evening and ev *
cry evening this week.
Wo call vour attention to the bargains In
the t follow Ing big special sales-
Men's and Inys' clothing.
Men's nnd women's shoes.
Ladles' suits Jackets , cnpei nnd millinery.
All kinds of fine underwear , hosier } gloves.
Blankets comforts , linens , rugs.
Hats , caps
Dress goods , silks , \elvcts , etc.
N. W. Cor. Itith and Douglas.
tliiK to IOIIIIK Mother * .
Dr Martin Couney , phvslctan In charge of
Iho Infant Incubators , nt the exposition , who
has had a wide experience eavs. after using
and testing several other beers , "wo tnko
pleasure In stating wo have used Krug
Cabinet bottled beer constantly nnd for
milk-producing qualities vvp tan cheerfullv
re-onimend It to all nursing mothers" H
has less acid In It nnd Is more healthful.
Curil ot Tliiiiikn ,
We wish to tender our slnceic and heart
felt thanks to our manv friends nnd neigh
bors , nnd especially to Hess * . Swobodn , for
their kindness and services rendered during
the death und butlal of our beloved ton ,
I'nni-ral Notice.
The funeral of the late Mrs J N rtcnih
will lie obseivid at 2 p m , on 1'rldny. at
tlio reMdnnre. 4315 Giant street Interment
will take place at Forest 1/ivvn cemetery.
Mr . Doollttlo. living In the northern part
of the city , has been arrested by govern
ment olllclals charged with soiling liquor to
some of the Indians at the exposition
Forty-seven candidates took the civil serv
ice examination vesturday nt the old post-
ofllco building for the departmental service
Thp examination will be continued today
and Saturdav.
Colonel Chase Is reported to bo sllghtlv
Improved , but Itf not yet considered to be
out of danger. His son returned yeJterday
morning from tbo cast In response to a tele
graphic summons.
The clock In the tower of the new- post
office building Is In working order , nlthough
there nre no hands on the dial to mark the
time. The boll strikes the hour , but It Is
doubtful If Its tours are ns far reaching as
thcbo from the bell nt the High school.
Contracts have been let for the furniture
to be used In the upper stories of the new
postofflco building W B. Moses & Sons of
Washington will furnish the furniture nnd
the Howard Clock company of Waltham ,
Mass. . will furnish the clocks. A lot ol
smaller furniture , amounting to considerable
of an order , will be ordered by the custodian
of the building on competitive bids to local
furniture dealers
The Economy Gas Lamp company of Kan
sas City has brought a suit In the-United
States court against the Automatic Gua
Lamp company of Omaha for the Infringe
ment of a patent on a gss generating gas
fixture The plaintiff asks for a permanent
restraining order to prevent the defendant
from making or selling these fixtures anil
for such damages as the court thinks ade
quate to the offense committed.
would bo kept in fl
much bct'cr condition - I
dition if you'd T
Use one of our f
Dustlcss f
Shaving Straps A
"Wo also have
shavinc cups it I
brushes. We are
showhip- nice 0
lint ; of silverware A
Lot us show it
to jou. K
) The Jeweler. 151G Douglns.
YOU GO XT. SUE ! You come down and
s.iw SCi : Some nlRlit jnu'll R.-t uu out
of bed with a Jumping toothache and vvKh
> ou had been In to S11U us sooner , It's
wnrso tliun BOlnK ui > on the. See S.ivv A little
Illlliiff nt the rlKht time vsould have niniti'
the tooth comfortable , don t \\n\t \ till you
K < > up Oome In at once Fine Gold Kill-
j Ings , JiOO up. Gold Crowns , -'J kt , J3 00
I j\um. THU nr.vrisT.
I 11 years In Omaha. 3rd Floor Paxton Blk
10th and rarnam Sts Telephone 10S3 Lnily
I Attendant. German nnd Bohemian Spoken ,
THB . ftUOU'Ve heard of them Have
you ever seen them ? We like
to show the ] . & M. Shoes to
people that know and appreciate
good footwear No man's shoe
e made that can compare with the
i , J. & M. shoe stylish , comfortable and well made
rf > We have other shoes that show the bust styles and
that give you your money's worth every time they
won't cost as much as the J. & M. $3 , $3.50 , $4 ,
$5 and $6 are some of our prices Let us fit you to
your next pair of shoes and show you what good
shoes look like and how they feel.
N. E. Corner 10th und Douglas Sts
Will Be Sold at Wholesale Prices
until November 10th a large stock of
Surrej's ,
Phaerotis ,
Road Wagons ,
Spring Wagons ,
Carts ,
Never was nn opportunity offered to buy good vehicles at such low prl"es. Even
though you did not Intend buying until spring , btaklnp advantasu of this great sale
you will save from $20 to 50. cuts , prices and description of any btylu vehicle de
sired mailed upon application , GcoJs crated and put on board cars without extra
charge. All goods guaranteed for one > ear and as represented Ono price to nil
Call on or write to
fl. B. IREV , 15th and Bodoe Streets , Omaha.
lice Oct. '
, . ,
When it comet * lu selling straight goods at straight
price : * telling a straight story about them and doing
a straight business all the way through there isn't a
store i"n the whole world that has any the beat of
this Nebraska store. Treating people squan' ' is ohr
hobby. Doing business on honor is our pride ,
There isn't a town or village or crossroads in all this
"Western Country where you won't find people talk
ing well of The Nebraska and recommending it for
big values and straight serviceable goods. Speaking
ot big values , ii' you will come hero today or tomor
row you will find' scores ; of people around our tables
on the second iloo7"piekTug from the grand suits at
H.OO , 0.50 and 7.50 , and if you go around town you
can easily find hundred who will tell you that nev
er never have such thoroughly good suits been
offered for the same money before. You will also
find crowds around the ten dollar ulster table and if
you talk with any man in the crowd ho will toll you
that he heard about them from somebody who had
bought one and you can depend on it that somebody
saved three dollars or foui dollars when ho bought
his and that's how the word is passed around. Tf
you don't know this straightforward store of ours
come in and g * . t acquainted. The underwear counter
is near the door and is a mighty good place for a start ,
Glotiiing Thorough in Fashion
and Workmanship-Inside as well as
Outside ,
The labels ou Hie garmenis we sell guarantee the upper
limit of value and can always bo relied ou. Every garment
is correct , made in the right way with great care and atten
tion to every detail. A\re show an immense assortment of
goods that lit well and wear well. Extra sixes made specially
for slims and tall ? , for shorts and stouts. Alterations made
until the fit satislies you. The custom tailor could not do
more. AVE SELL ON APPROVAL. The second crop of
men's suits and overcoats is on special pale now. The very
newest creations of the most skilled tailors in all the stylish ,
dependable fabrics are hero to pick from. Bought at big
reductions in price , as the wholesale season was about over ,
and sold here at one-half the usual profit. Overcoats , ulsters
and suits at prices to suit all purses , from § 3.75
to § 22.50. For Friday and Saturday we put
on sale three special numbers :
1. A strictly all wool Kersey overcoat , in
black , blue and brown , made with double
stitched edges , welt seams , velvet collar ,
French facing , satin piped , lined with black
farmer's satin , black lusterine sleeve lining , in
this sale for $7.50. This is a $12.50 overcoat.
2. An Irish Frieze ulster , in black , Ox
ford , and brown mixed ; all edges raw and
double stitched , seams raw and lapped % inch
and double stitched ; plaid body lining , and
lusterine sleeve lining. A warm , durable and
good looking garment , in this sale for $7.50.
This is a $12.50 ulster.
3. An all wool worsted suit , in neat checks , all the late
cuts , dressy , and shape-holding , artistically lined and fin
ished , suitable for wear any place in this Palo for $7.50.
This is a regular $12.50 suit.
We'll do as we agree and what we promise. Come in
Friday or Saturday and see the clothes you read .about.
Selling the Most Cloth inn in Omaha.
Dr. ScoHt's Reversible Truss.
This truss is
perhaps the best
ono ever sold for
the price $2.50
It is made of
malleable clock
spring Covered ,
with hard rub
ber. It will not
break nor rust. It
is adjustable to
the angles of the body PO as to make it possible to fit each case
properly. AVrite or call for truss circular.
.Mulille of CFiAuiMn , , , * 0 P1nfn < Hunnl ( RTlnnBuv fin 15I3Dodj !
ittoik. oiiornisu a hdC unueiB ynss bQ * omaiui.
After Saturday night Mr. Raymond will not
b ell one article at auction. You can secure your
Christmas presents now at a mere fraction of
Si their value. Select any article of jewelry from
this Omaha's largest retail stock of Jewelry ,
Watches , Clocks , Diamonds , Cut Glass , SilveV
ai ware , Hric-a-Brac , etc. , and we will sell it to the
highest luckier.
Wedding Stationery engraved to order $10 for the flrit 100 | S GO
each 100 thereafter 100 engraved cards and plate for } 1 50.
Corner Douglas and Fifteenth.
Sales Dally at 10 a. m. , 2:30 : p. m anil 7:30 : p. m.
P. J. Burroughs , Auctioneer.