Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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European War Scare Abates and Excitement
in Wheat Decline ! .
( jrnln Mnrkrl * rirnernlly llcnry nnil
II Further Drop
lit llu : I'rlco of
CHICAGO , Oct. 23-War or no war he-
twcen England and Franco was ths para
mount situation In tin- pita today and the
K'neral belief that u pearfablo solution of
iho difficulties were moro clearly In vlow
than could be boltuvcd yesterday. A decllno
resulted , amounting to "c u bu. In Decetn-
1 > ' r wheat , ' .iQj-Sc In corn , Ufl3-Se in oats.
3 > 4e in pork and 5J(7'au ( ' each in lurd und
Kngllsh consols were again lower ut the
rtart and the Liverpool wheat market
opened excitedly higher. The logical result
if that by Itself should have been a wild
Bcrnmblo for wheat here and a much more
irat-rial rise In prices than occurred the
lay before. Wheat speculators had , how *
vcr , to take account of many things that
wore not paraded In view of the multitude
und It was due to some of those obscure
Influences that a severe decline In prlc > s
that Inaugurated the Jny's business was
jiot so Illogical as appeared upon the sur
fer c Many of the active traders have
Irnded Uumselvas recently with wheat at
what they consider a dangerously high llg-
Tire If peace were assured. People who
) : .id bought heavily because they thought
lugh figures w-re Imminent lUtened to the
vhisponngs nf a probable peaceful settle
ment of the Fashoda dllllcully nnd hastened
to rid themselves of their war-priced
wheat. Kngllsh consols later In the day
r-covorcd their early decline. This wan
liallcd as the harbinger of peace and helped
to bring out moro long wheat , and even
Kern > from the more careful short sellers.
Chicago receipts were 302 cars , compared
with 104 cars last year , while. Minneapolis
nnd Utiluth got 1,012 cars , against 9J7 cars
the year before. Atlantic port clearances
Mere equal ! n wheat and flour to 725fiOD bu.
The weak feeling that had prevailed in
the market during the llrst part of the sos-
Mon was arrested for a time by a report
lioin New Vork that 130 boatloads of wheat
Jiiid been ( -old for export. Traders , as a
rul . hero were not disposed to bollovo In
umli a heavy business , however , nnd
pointed to the easier tone In both Inke and
orean freights as opposed to its probability ,
rtrndstreet's report of the world's vlsblle
Hhowed only 21,000 bu. Increase on the oust
-ldo of the Rockies. That was disappoint
ing to the boars and the market rallied a
little on It , but a heavy tone to closing
cabl-grams and largo primary receipts ,
with a. growing Impression that I'arls was
rjght when It wired that th American mar
kets were unduly excited , continued tn
\Miy the fluctuations. December opened
J'lffjl S-VG down at 69gG9 > , U' , declined to
is 3-sjifiS l-So. rt covered to S t-Sc , sold oft
to CS8c and clos = d nt GStifijGSSo. .
Corn was easy and would , of UH own
volition , apparently , have remained im
movable , but It was forced to adopt a
( ' ' wnwnrd course. The result of lowet
jirlccs for carriage and n decline In prices
of the grain was the taking of quit *
Ji 'aw amount for export. Receipts were
moderate , 107 cars. The market firmed uj
R trifle near the close on country pur-
t hoses. December started at SIHTfSl'Jc ,
weakened to 32c , then Improved to 32 1-Sft
82H" ' , sllerr , the closing llgures.
Oats ruled weak with the sflllng of Ipnp
jiroperty by a prominent scalper , the fea
ture. This caused a heavy feeling and II
did not require much assistance from the
declining wheat and corn to cause prlcct
1 fall off. Receipts worn only 202 cars
the movement being curtailed by bar
weather. May lugan at 2l'ifj"2l E-Sc , do-
lined to 2mQ21 3-Sc and closed at 24 3-Sc
Wd.Joavy grain markets nnd a further rlror
in thj price of hogs , together with lack ol
ImMncss , caused a concession In provisions
' ' 'ratio was narrow. January pork openei
JiV lower nt W.13 , declined to $9.10 nm
closed at J9.12l/fe. The range In lard nm
jirovlHlons was Inconsequential.
estimated receipts for tomorrow : "Wheat
3r.O cars ; corn , 325 cars ; oats , 155 cars ; hogs
40,000 head.
Lending futures ranged ns follows :
Articles. Open. lllcli. Low , Oiose. Ves'rt' :
niv *
00 ? < GSM
31J (
700 7ns 7021 * HOO
U 13 0 16 0 10 O''S
4fl7s * 405 BOO
6 Ull 4t)7St ) 000 BOVH
Oct. . . . cnn 6 30 S.10 & : ! 0
Jim . . 4 7- 470 470
No. 2.
Cnsh quotations were ns follows :
Kl.oril Firm ; special spring brands
$1.105(4.20 ( ; hard patents , $3.50'jj3.70
Mra.ghtB , $3.10fj3.20 ; bakers. $2.201(2.40. (
WHEAT No. 2 spring , 67' , c ; No. 3 spring
Uft)7c ( ; No. 2 red , 6SU0C,9c.
CORN No. 2 , 32e ; No. 1 ! yellow , 32Hc.
OATS-No. 2. 23iS'24c ; No. 2 white , 26 > , < .ffj
27Hc : No. 3 white , 25 y26Vjc.
11Y13 No. 2 , 50Vc.
BARLEY No. 2 , 3l iff47c.
HEEDS FInxseed , No. 1 , 89Vi1$1.00 ; prlmi
timothy seed. J2.37U.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , $7.9 ! > Ji
7.03. Lard , iier 100 .Ibs. , $1.9591.87 % . Sheri
ribs sides ( loose ) , $3.105(5.33. ( Dry sallec
nhouldera ( boxed ) , $4.50gi.3 ; short cleai
t-.ldes ( boxed ) . $3.20fj5.30.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , pei
Kill. , $1.23.
The following nro the receipts and ship
nients for today :
On the Produce exchange today the but
tfr market wus dull ; creameries. H V
dairies. l'ili'19c. Eggs , steady : fresh , 17 > - . < r ,
ISc. Cheese , unchanged. Live poultry
lirm ; spring chickens , 80 ; hens , 7c ; turkeys
bfrlOc ; ducks , 6HSJ7o.
AVA1LAIILIS Sii'l'IIis ; 01. r.HAl.V
Decrease of fiOO.OOO ItiiNliclx at North' '
Wftttrrn Interior IClevntori.
NEW YORK , Oct. 23.-Spcclal cnblo nnt
telegraphic dispatches to Brndstreefs in
tllcute the following changes In nvallnbli
supplies of grain last Saturday ns com
pared with the preceding Saturday :
Wheat , I'nltcd States nnd Canada , eas
of the Rockies. Increase 21.000 bu. ; Llverpoo
( Corn Trade News ) , afloat for and li
Kurope , Increase 2,100,000 bu. ; total supply
Increase 2,121. 000 bu.
Corn , United States and Canada , cast o
the Rockies , decrease 3T5,000 bu.
Onts , United Status and Canada , cast o
the Rockies , decrease 162,000 bu.
Among the moro Important reduction
Klven by Hrndstrect'8 , not Included In ttv
Dlllclul visible supply statement , are th
decreases of 600,000 bu. at northwestern In
Icrlor elevators , 155,000 bu. nt Manitoba
Blot-age points , 130.000 bu at Now Orlean
and 101,000 bu. at Louisville. The more im
portant gains Include Increases of 337 00
bu. nt Chicago prlvnto elevators. 130,000 bu
nt Milwaukee private elevators and 50 00
liu. ut Minneapolis private elevators. Th
aggregate Blocks of wheat held nt Port
Jand , Ore. , nnd Tacoma nnd Seattle , Wash
show a decrease of 2CS.OOO bu. from las
( luoditliinn for tin- Day ( in fienern
CoillllldllH lota.
NEW YORK. Oct. 25.-FLOUR-Recelptf
f.GB70 bbln. ; exports , 2S.100 bbls. ; quiet am
buroly steady ; Minnesota patents , Jl.uOj
4.40 ; winter patents , JJ.7504.10 ; wlnto
Htmlphts , $2.60SJ3.76 ; winter exlrus , $2.b5j
3.15 : wlnlcr low grades , J2.25Q2.45.
CORNMEAL Sleurty ; yellow western , 75t
RYE Easy ; No. 2 , 69c , c. I. f. , Buffalo
DS o , f. o. I ) . , ntloat to arrive.
BARLEY MALT KIrm ; western. 57ffii c
WHEAT Receipts. 426.425 bu. ; export.
R94.033 bu. Spol sleady ; No. 2 red. 791-St
f o b. , atlont. Options opened lower I
nnswer to a break In cables and higher con
* ols. Others generally weak nil day , clos
Ine UO'Jl-So ' net lower. Foreign house
bought moderately , but local houses lloode
the market with long and short wheat. Th
fxnnrt talk was bullish ; No. 2 red , Jlaj
74Q74 7-Sc ; closed. 74 4c.
C'ORN-Recetpts. S3S.7SO hu. : exports , SOS ,
OS hu , Spot , easy : No. 2. 39 < ie , f o. b ,
nfloat. Options bearlshly affected by th
wenkncss of cables and the drop In wheat ,
ruling weak all day nnd clostnu SMc net
lower. May , SOS'yjUijc ; clomd , 3)3-Vc.
OATS-Reeelptf ! , 2K.300 Ml. ; exports , 12-
729 hu. Spot enayj No. 2 , 2Uc. Options dull
und nominal.
HOI'S Firm ; state , common' to choice ,
1- " i rjf . . 'inr ; lsi : , ( roi > . I.H.H. ; vu ciuji.
17T720c : Paclllc coast , 1M.6 ' crop , Cfiie ; 1SH7
crop. llfiKle ; 18OT crop , lvf(2V ( ( .
WOOIy-Stendy : llcwe. lMi2c. !
ciiKKHi' ; ( julet ; large white. Si.c ; ; smalt
white , 9c ; largo colored , s c ; small
white. ! ) c.
UUTTEH HecelptB , 7.175 pkgs. ; market
Meady ; western creamery , 15 < ? i23cElglns ; ,
" '
EGS ! Receipts 7,70i ) pkgs. ; market
st > n'lv ' ; western. COc.
METALS-Pig Iron , quiet ; southern. $9.75
Ml.w. northern. Siooof/11.50. / Copper , ( inlet ,
brokers , 12'c ; exchange , 12Hc. Lend , dull ;
brokers. : ; ex ( hange , JJ.62l7l3.67',4Tin ,
( lulet : strnltH. IVO1 * ; plates , steady.
S | filer , firm ; domoHtlc , $5.fWii5.12'j Irler-
ectlng featuresi and Important changes In
prices were lacking In today's metal mar
kel. NIWB of tinrilrtdar nlgnlllcance was
scarce und foreign markets were devoid of
radii nl change. At tin ; HOMO the Metal ex
change called pig Iron warrants very weak ,
$7 bid , J7.I5 HHkr-d. Lake copper , unrhnnUed
at $12.50. Tin , cul"l | , 117.75 bid , $18 asked.
Lead , dull. $3.i2'4 ! bid. J.1.G71 , * ils'Ked. Spelter ,
llrm. * 5 bid. J.V12" , asked. The firm naming
the settling price for lending western
miners and smelters quotes lead $3.50.
Condition of Tradf mid ( lliotntlolln oil
Stnplc nnd I'nncy I'roilncr.
EGGS-Good stock , 17c.
BUTTER-Common to fair , 1M512.sep : -
orator , 23c ; gathered creamery , 20 J21c.
LIVE POULTRY Hens , ufiE'/ie ; old roos-
ITS , 4. Hprlnv chicken.oVcie ! ; UIH.KS , utf
7e ; geese , ( JTi7c.
OA.ME-Teal , blue wing , $1.75 : green wing ,
$ l.r,0 ; mixed. SI 7"g2.25 ; pralrto chicken ? ,
young , $4 ; old. $3.50.
PIOKONS-Llve , per doz. , 73c.
VEAL-Cholce. o.
CELERY Per bunch , 30Q35c ; Colorado
celery , l.r.
ONIONS Now , per bu. , 355J43C.
BEANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. , $1.3C
01 40.
SWEET POTATOES-Per bbl. . $2.0002.23.
CABBAGES-Pcr bu. , crated. Ic.
LEMONS California , fancy , Ji5.0tyfffl.23 ;
eholce , $5.50J3o.73 ; fancy Messina , $6.505J7.00.
ORANOES-Valenelas , $3.75.
BANANAS Choice , large stock , per
bunch , ? 2.003J2.25 ; medium sized bunches ,
APPLES-Per bbl. . Jonathans. JJ.75Jti.00 ;
choice shipping slock , $ ; ! .5053.7S ; olher
stock , $3.00ftI.23 ! ; eastern apples , $3.501(3.76. (
PEACHES-Callfornla , 20-lb. case , JL23 ;
PLUMS Oregon , $1.00in.25.
PEARS-Hartlell. California , out of the
market ; other varieties , $2.25.
GRAPES-Callfornla Tokays , Jl.50Bm.G5 ;
New York grapes , 18c.
CRANBERRIES Wisconsin. ner box ,
$1.25 ; Capo Cods , per bbl. , JG.25gG.50 ; Jerseys ,
NUTS Almonds , per Ib. , large size , 12Q
13c ; small , lie ; Br ! ner Ib . 91710" : En- ,
llsh walnuts , per Ib. , fancy soft shell. 121 ?
13c ; filberts , per Ib. , lOc : pecans , polished ,
GJ7c ; cocoanuts , tier 100 , $ l.50i5.00 ; peanuts ,
raw , C'nc ; roasteil , 7"-c.
AIAl'LK svi I'T'.Mv | -pal. r-an. nach ,
$2.50 ; gal. cans , pure , per doz , , $12 ; half-gal ,
cans , $0.23 ; quart cans , $3.50.
HONUY Choice white , 12 12'.Jc.
DATES llallowec , tu , to iii-in. boxes , 5Hc ;
Salr , f > c ; Kurd , 9-lb. boxes , Uc.
FIGS Imported fancy , 3-crown. 14-lb ,
boxes. K'ecrown. . 14-lb. Imvm 13c ; 3-lb ,
boxes , 22iff2:1e : per box ; California , 10-lb ,
boxes , $1.104/1.15.
CIDER Per half bbl. , $3.25'g3.50. '
HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7c ; No. :
green hides , 6c ; No. I salted hides , SHc ;
No. 2 salted hides , 7ic ; No. 1 veal calf ,
S lo 12 Ibs. , 9c ; No. - veal calf , 12 lo j
TALLOW , GREASE , ETC. Tallow , No ,
l , 3c ; lallow , No. 2 , 2' ' > c ; rough lallow , Hjc ;
white grease , a'-si ' icj yellow and browr
grease , l' > < fi2Uc.
SHEEP 1'ELTS Green salted , each , 15fi
75c ; green salted shearings ( short woolet
early skins ) , each , 15e ; dry shearings ( shorl
wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each , 5c ; drj
flint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher woo
> elts , per Ib. . actual weight , l&oc , dry Hint
Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts ,
per Ib. . actual weight , 31Mc ; dry Hint , Colorado -
rado butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual
weight , 4J5c ; dry flint , Colorado murrali
wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 3tj4c.
St. I.oolH MnrUet.
ST. LOUIS , Oct. 25. FLOUR Unchanged
Patents , $3.GOfi3.70 ; strnighls , $3.25Ti3.G5
clear. $2.751(3.00 ( ; low lo medium. J2.00fi2.50.
WHEAT Lower and weak , closing , 17-1
572 1-Sc below yesterday ; No. 2 cash , ele.
v.itor , 70c ; track , 70Ti721-.c ; December
727-Sc ; May , 72 3No. ! . 2 hard , cash , ft
CORN Declined r-Mcc : No. 2 cash , S2c
December. 31 l-8c : May , 32 3-Sc.
OATS Prices better ; No. 2 cash , 2Gc bid
track , 2ii\ic ; : December , 215-Sc usked ; May
25'sc ' : No. \\hlte , 2 < c.
RYE Lower ; Wsc. ) .
SEEDS-Flaxsoed , lower , 9GVic. Prlm (
timothy seed. $2.10.
WHISICY-Qtliet ; $1.25. ,
CORNMEAL-Qulet : $ l.GOitl.C5.
BRAN Easier ; sacked , cast tratk , &
HAY Steady ; timothy , Ji 509.00 ; prairlo
BUTTER Firmer ; creamery , 19 2lc
dairy , 16ff21c.
EGGS Firm : 15c.
POULTRY Steady ; chickens , spring , 6'
T7ifc , ; old , 6c ; ducks , frli6 ! c ; geese , Go ; tur
keys , S1 , < > Q9c.
METALS-Lead , lilgher , $3.53. Spelter
PROVISIONS Pork , quiet ; stnndan
mess , $8.00. Lard , lower ; prime steam , JI % '
choice. $1.95. Dry sail meals , boxed shoulu
ors. $1.37'i ' ; extra short clear , $5.65 ; ribs
J5.37 % : shorts , J5.50. Bacon , boxed should
ers. $4.87'jxtrit short clear , $5.75 ; ribs
$3S7V > ; shorts ,
RICCEIPTS Flour , 0,000 bbls. : wheat , 1SCV
000 hu. ; outs , 18,000 bu. ; corn , 71,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , G.700 bbls. ; wheat
51,000 bu. ; corn , 55,000 bu. ; oats , 19,000 bu.
Kmir.ii * CHy Orala and PruvlnloiiH.
I.ower : No. 1 hard , G6c ; No. 1 hard , fill
Gl'ie ; No. 3 , CSfiraHo : No. 3 red. GGg&S'/ie
No. 2 spring , GS'c ; No. 3 , 5Sig59Uc.
CORN About steady ; No. 2 mixed , 30H4
31c ; No. 2 white. 3H(31'ie ; No. 3 , S
OATS Firm ; No. 2 white , 25ft25
RYE Lower ; No. 2 , 5HR61HC.
HAY Choice prairie , $7.00.
BUTTER Firm ; eeparalor , 20-321l/2C
dairy , 17c.
EGGS Firm ; fresh , I5Uc.
RECEIPTS Wheat. 22S cars.
RECEIPTS Wheat , 136,800 bu. ; corn , 3,90
hit. : oats , 4,0 ) bu.
glllPMENTS- Wheat , 103,200 bu. ; corn , 6 ,
500 bu. ; onts , 7,000 bu. _
I'ultlinorc Miirkrt.
BALTIMORE , Oct. 25. FLOUR Firmer
receipts , 2S.G15 bbls. ; exports , 2G.903 hbls ,
WHEAT Dull nnd easy ; spot. 75g75 ,4c
recelpls , 153,931 bu. ; exporls. 16,000 bu.
southern wheat , by sample , 701)7fic.
CORN Easy ; npot nnd month , 37 3-S'
37" e ; steamer mixed. 3ii S-Sg GHc ; receipts
M , 161 bu. ; exports. 71,427 bu. ; northern whit
corn. 37e ; yellow , 3c.
OATS Quiet : No. 2 white , western , 291
30c ; receipts , S3.270 bu. ; export ? . 20,000 hu.
RYE Firm : No. 2 western , 57Uo ; receipt ;
1S.G06 bu. : exports. 17,142 bu.
EGGS Firm and unchanged.
Cliirlimatl Murliot.
funey , JTBlfiS.SB ; family. $2.50i2.75.
WHEAT Firm ; No. 2 red , 70c.
CORN Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 34c.
OATS Firm : No. 2 mixed , 26c.
RVE Stronger ; No. 2. 55c.
PKOVISIONS-Lard , easy. $1.52 . Bull
nuxits. easy , $5.50. Bacon , dull , Ju.50.
WHISKY Active ; J1.25.
BI'TTER Firm , hlcher ; fnncy Elgt :
creamery , 2lc ; Ohio , 15'ulSc ; dairy , 12 > ic.
EGOS-F'.rmer. ' hlcher : 14c.
CHEESE Active , tlrm , higher ; good ti
prime Ohio flat , tK&O'ic. '
f : ml u Itccclptn at rrlnelpnl Mnrl < pn
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 25.-Recelpts : Wheal
211 cars.
CHICAGO , Oct. 25. Receipts today
Wheat , XiO cars ; corn , 407 cars ; oats , 20
Icari" . Esllmaled cars for tomorrow
Wheat , 160 ; corn , 325 : oats , 55.
MINNEAPOLIS , Oct. 23. Receipts today
Wheat , SIS curs.
1'i'orlu MurkelN.
PEORIA. Oct. 25.-CORN-Steady ; No. !
32c.OATSFirm : No. 2 white , 25025Uc.
WHISKY-FIrm at $1.25.
MlliiauUt > > Crnln MnrUrt.
No. 1 northern , 70c ; No. I northern , 6S ? o.
RYE Firmer.
BARLEY-FIrm ; No. 2 , 4C ic ; sample. 3
liluln Duller MnrUet.
ELGIN. 111. . Oct. 25.-BUTTER-Flrm ; o (
ferinss Monday , 175 tubs , which qulckl1
sold at 22 ? .
Liverpool Grain .Market.
unchanged to > 4d higher ; December , 6s BSd ;
March , Cs 5M.
COHN Quiet , unchanged to Nd lower ;
November , 3s Idd ; December , 3. 9Hd ; March ,
3s Sd.
Toledo Mnrkrt.
TOLEDO , O. , Oct. ZS.-WHEAT-Lower
nnd weak ; No. 2 cash , October nnd Decem
ber , ,2 3-Sc.
COHN Active nnd steady ; No. 2 mixed.
32'Jc. '
OATS Dull and higher : No. 2 mixed , 2lc.
RYE Dull nnd steady : No. 2 cash , 52c.
CLOVERSEED-Actlvo ; Oclober , $1.95.
I'lillndrlphln Mnrkr .
Flrm. good demand ; fancy western cream
ery , " "r.
EGOS-Firm ; fresh weslern , ISr.
CHEESE-Sleady.i fair demand.
Dull and neellnliiir Market Carmen n
Sijueere In Moiii-jr ltne. .
NEW YORK , Oct. 25.-The periodical set-
tlemptit on the London Stock exchange to
day developed a very dull state of fedlnp ;
In the tlnandal mirkets , duo to the adverse
cond.tlons of thu motuy market aud to the
threatening political outlook. The very
high loaning rates precipitated quite nn ac
tive liquidation and a squeeze In money
rate's. Ihe uneasiness In London was re
flected on other markets In Europe and
there was u general rise. In the rates of
exchange on London and In the discount
rates at all continental centers.
British consols dropped a full point ana
nil other Hei-urltics , Including American
railroads , showed violent declines. The an
nouncement of the postponement of thn
British Cabinet meeting brought some re.
lief and the bears were actively covering
In London about the time the stock mar
ket In New York opened. There were very
largo and supporting orders In thr- market
here al the opening , FO that the decline In
prices at thai lime on account of the soil ,
ing for London account were trilling and
were soon overcome. Selling for London
account was In fact , i small factor nnd be-
tore the arbitrage trading was concluded
for the day , London turned buyer aim
took a fair amount of stocks In this mar-
kel. Consols there recorded nlmosl a full
recovery and Ihe upward movement In
other depiirlmcnls was almost ns violent.
Relieved from thai depressing Influence ,
prices here mounted upward quite easily ,
the snort contracts put out In yesterday H
market being generally covered , and the
largo bull operators who led last week e
buying iho movement with great
apparent confidence. The trading was dull
In the latler part of the day , but prices
were llrmly held and clos.d ( it about the
best. Net gains In many Instances reached
a point or over , the prices entirely retriev
ing : yesterday s large decline. Tobaecn
was furiously active all day nnd covered
an extreme range of over seven points.
The price was lowered In the morning on
the announcement of the Incorporation ol
n , now tobacco company with n latge cap
ital. But traders distrusted the llrst Intei-
pretatlon of this company , and the pricewap
run up on very large transactions. Sugar
was held llrmly In sympathy with Tobacco.
Pullman sold off 6 points on th Illinois
judicial decision , holding that the com
pany's largo real estate ownership In
volved a violation of the charter. The
stock recovered nearly 4 points.
The sterling exchange market was an
accurate barometer of Ihe cours" of affairs
In London. Demand slerllng made an up
ward bound of Vze during the early ex-
cllemcnl In London nnd while stocks were
still being sold here for London account ,
with the relief of the nervous ten
sion In London and with some buying
here for London account , demand sler-
ling suddenly dropped a full cent , closins
weak. Notwithstanding this violent os = cll-
Intlon in the price of credits ot London ,
there was a ripple. In the local money mar
ket , which continued quiet and easy.
There was a yielding In the early price
for bonds , but an upward movement Intel
on active demand. Total sales were J2.O50-
OOJ. United States 5s , coupon , advanced
3-S and the old 4s , coupon , 1-8 per cent
in the : irice.
The Evening Post's London financial ca
blegram says : Politics and some restric
tion in bunking facilities In connectlor
with the stock exchange settlement caused
u gloomy opening In the stock markets
here today. After the carryover was ar
ranged prices rallied considerably , con
sols recovering to over 10 ! . Ncrvousnes"
again overtook tlm markets , however , am :
on the resignation of the French mlnlstei
of war prices gave way and the close was
; distinctly dull. Money rates nt the settle'
' ment were dear. For the three or foui
' settlements past arbitrage houses him
been free taKers of American stocks , mil
recently liquidation has consldernblj
changed their position nnd the stock thus
sold has had to be llnanclercd. The Amori'
cans were strong ut. the close on New
York support , although the pessimists
maintained the New York buying Is nasei
on expectation of a. riseIn the lirlcp ol
grain tn the cnse of war between Eiiglntu
nnd France. There Is no demand for bai
gold. Some gold has gone Into the Banli
of England ami more is to follow.
The following are Ihe closing quotation ;
of the leading stocks on the New \orV
market todar :
All assessments pnld.
I Total sal s of slocks were 40.4' . " shares
Including : AtchUon vrrferred , 3I07S , Bur
llnston , 10ri77 : Denver it Pie Grande pre
ferred. 4.4'.0 ; I.oulsvlllrt & Nashville , H,47il
Metropolitan , S.17S : Northern Pacific.
Boek Island , o.llfi ; T nlon Pacitle , S.220
ITnlon Pacific preferred , S.MO ; St. Paul , 20 ,
K3 : Union Parltlc , Denver .t Gull
4.0VI ; People's Gas , 3,1(10 ( ; Sugar , 19,039 ; Jtub
ber. 3.S70.
fi * toii Stii * * ) ; OiifitfilliiiiM.
BOSTON , Oct. SJ.-Call loans , 2 3 pe
cent ; tmn ! loans. 2U0I per cent. C'losmi
quotations on stocks , bonds and minim
shares :
A. , T. & S. F nia'dcn. Max pfd . . . ,170
Amer. Susar llili Atclilfon pM 33 ?
do pfd 107H Atolilmn 4s 03
Kay State das . . . . IJ New I-Jnelnnd 6s . . .113'
IJell Telephone 273 Alloucz Mining Co.I" ,
D > "to7i & Albany. . 21' Atlantic 27' ,
lloston & Maine. . . . 16.1 ll < ton & Montana..2 :
l' . , H. & Q lie. Itntte & Hoston . . . . 33s
P'tchbum lOIVi Calumet & llecla . .575
Cle-ncal nicetrlc . . . Slli C ntenn'ol H
Mcxlran CVntraa . . . I-Yanklln 13'
Old Colony 19.1 | Old IMminlon ! ? '
fnlon I'acino M Oaoeola MI
Hnd M Qulncy
do pfd Tamarnck 174
\VestInKh. Eloc. . . . 33'4 Wolvorlii' KI.
do pfd 57'i I'nnvtt 3 i
| lloston Klcvnted . . . f.'Vi ' Humboldt 5
Dd. Elec. Tel 191
I'orcliiii I'lnaiiflnl.
LONDON , Ocl. K. American securlllc
woikeni'd after a modernle fluctuation 01
Now York selling. Later the market ralllei
slightly. The closing was dull. Th
amount of bullion gone 'nio Ihe Bank o
Knulnnd on balance today was C2I.WX
Ameileans closed dull , but considered ) '
iiliovt * the lowest prices of Iho day. III !
noli Central and Canad'an Paclrtc Kiln < ' 'i
a point , St. Paul , Louisville und Vnloi
Pacitlr H , nnd Northern Pac'.llc preferrei
3-S New York Cenlral was nn exception
declining an additional fradlon. Gold I
( ( noted at Buenos Ayres today at U6.9 (
Gold nt Lisbon has declined to 52.
I'AHIS. Oct. 25. I > rlccs on the bourse to
day opened weak and business was fever'r 1
throughout , though toward the close ther
waa u somewhat better feeling , owing t
the announcement thnt the m&etlng of th
British cabinet , wh'ch was lo have take ;
place today , has be n postponed untl
Thursday. This was retarded aa a favor
nble symptom. After the close of the mar
ket rentes were easier on the resignation
of th minister of wur , General Chanolne.
Exchange on London , 25f 6c for checks.
BERLIN , C < ct. 2.1. Business on ihp bourse
today was unsettled , owing to the pol.tlcul
outlook. The weakness of the London mar
ket caused nil nil-round break , but there
WUH n recovery toward the close ,
operators being reassured by the rebound
In consols. Exchange on London , CO marks
IS iifgs. for checks.
X MV York Money Jlnrki'tt
CALL Nominally , 1H < TI2 per cent.
per cent.
nctunl business In bankers- ' bills nt $ I.SGU < ff
I.Sfiij for demand and $ I.S2'i for sixty days ;
posted ratts , $ I.SIZI.SI > i nnd { I.SGHtf.S7 ;
ccmtnerelal bills. $ I.SO-VH Sl'J.
1'Wsi new Is , reg. , ISiVjj ; coupon. 1273i ; 3s ,
ret. . , 110 < H ; coupon , 111 % ! 2s , reg , on ; 5s. reg. ,
1114 ; coupon. 1123i ; Pacltlc Cs > of 'W , 102' ' , * .
Closing quotations on bonds were as fol-
1 \vsj
t * . i * . new .li HI. x
U. s. nowlH. rcif . . .127H N. C. ( ! 11M
1 tJ. ? . do coup iySM , N.C.4B ln :
IT.S. 4n , 1TB HIM No. r.iclflc 1HH..117
U S. do coup . U'JlflNo. 1'ncltlc ,1s . Ml If
I . * . 3. id ! . n > r . 09 No. 1'nclHrin . 100J |
! ! § & . res - ? } X. Y. . C.&St. L. 4s..IU'i
tl. S. lit , coup 11HU N. A W. tin IV3 ) imiiN. W. Consols. .
Alii.class A . . . .S. W. Deb. fix PJO
Ala. , clam It urn I re. N. lnt 114
Ala. , chin * C 10(1 ( Oro. N. 4 UP'j
Ala. . I'urreney ID.'i O. S. U I'.Ht. r I''im
i AtehlHon4s AV O. S. L. Ss t. r 107
Atehlton adj. 4n . . . 7li ! Pnclfic Os of 05 10'JVi
Canada sjo. ' 'dH 10 > > tuendlnir ! 4 M'H '
Till. Terms. . 4s. . . . I'll ' U.O.W. Into S7
r.A-0.f > s 118 1st. U Al. M.oon 6 H7
P. 11. > VI ) . 4v ( JIM-m St. It. &S. f. Gen. J.119 ! <
I ) . Jc U o. IMS ill st. i * . roiiHois mo
II. i. K. Cl. 4H U7't. . 1' . f. A. P. 1MB. . 111)
' KastTeun. Ists loii St. P. C. A I1. 6 117' ' <
EricGen. 4s till' ' , } So. Ity. fin U74
l'\\V. & 1) . iHtn. t. r. 75 , s. H. AT.ln ( 70
Ocn.Elrc.oH 10 ! ) Tenn. new s t as. . . 01
( i. II. .VS. A. 0s 103 T.I' . L. G. lets 1H7S
, < > . II. A.S.A. 2(18. . . 101 ! > T. V. It * , -'da 44
H. A.T. Cent , fit 11H | U. 1' . D. A 13. iBts. . 7
' 11. AT.C.ron.Us..lHH $ Wab. 1st Ss 1U !
lownc.lsts 1113 Wab.'da ! -n
\M. New Ton. . . . . : . ? W.Shore 4s Ill
LAN. Unl. 4s no' Va. I'entuiies. ,
Missouri ( It , 100 Va. acfarrud d' ' <
M. K. AT. iidH. . . . O'-'i WIs. tent. Inta Sspj
W. K. AT. 4s U. P. 4B 9 ! 1
X. Y.C. Uta
Sun Frni ol"pn Itlnlnsr ' nntntlonpi.
SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 25. The closing
( notations lor mining stocks today were aa
followsj _ _ _ . "
I Alia . : Jtistlm . 4"
Alpha Con . ] Kentucky Con . 1
Amies . 0 Mcxean . 1" >
llcl-hcr . 8 Ort I'lentol Ton. . . , . 55
llcst & Uclcher . . . . Hi fjplilr . i > !
llulllon . 1 Ovfrmari . 4
Onlcdunln . 20 I'otool . 12
flinllcnpe Con . 13 Hnvnce . f.
i 'hollar . ! > Scorpion . 3
Cnnllrlenc'e . ; r Slorrn Nevada . 07
om , ciiln. uiul Vn. . 7S Union Con . 22
Crown Point . ! i t'tah Can
linlll'in . ; Yellow Jacket 15
Cloulil & Currle . . . 13 Stnnd.uM 173
Halo & N'orcioss . . 00 _
Silver bars , 603-30 ; Mexican dollars , 47'4ig
47 4c. Drafts" , siwht , 17'teleRraph ; , 20c.
\PVT Yor1.tlli.ltiir Oiintntlnnn.
NK\V YORK. Oct. 25. The following on
the closing quotations on uniinu MUUKK :
Choler . 5 Ontario . 50
Crown 1'ulnt . 5 Ophlr . 42
( "on. C.ila anil Va. . 6 , p.vniouth . 10
r > ei'lw < v-l . . | ; Quicksilver . i : . " ,
OouM & Currle. . . . It , ilo ufil . 3. .f >
llalu & NorvroSH. . . H ) Slrrni Nevada . M
lIomesinKo . MW Umdar.1 . . io
Ir.n Silver . C7 .fnlcn . Con . U
Mexican . . . . . 10 i Yellow Jacket . 12
IiOiiilon Stock Cli
LONDON. Oct. 2o.-4 p. m.-Cloalng :
Conidls. muiny . . . .1UJ N' . Y. Central 117
consols , ac-'t lot * , Pennsylvania , 5H' ;
i Canadian Pacific ItcadlnB 8V
Krledo U. r. pM RC
do pfd Atohlsuti
Illinois ( Vntral Ill . MU
Nor. Pao. pM 7C' Grand Trunk
St. Paul 110 li
BAR SILVER-Steady , 2S 1-lGd.
The rate of discount in the open mnrkel
l for short bills. 3 7-SH4 per cent : thre
, months' bills , ST-SQl per cent.
Financial \otc.i.
OMAHA , Oct. 2a.-r-ClearlnBS today wert
$1 , ; 0SS < ; .41 ; balances were $127,410.50. Clear
ings last year were $1.027.897.02 ; balances ,
1192.141 nl. lii'-rense In elearncp. ! * 302,9s9.S9.
CINCINNATI , Oft , 25. Money , 2i/i0i ( pei
cent ; New York exchange , 15S25c premium
clearings , $ l.S85.750.'aA
NEW YORK , Oct. 23-Clcarlngs , $155 , .
922.721 : balances , $ li023,23l. ;
BOSTON , Oct. 25. Clearings , $18,413,393
balances , $2,637,950.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. .23.-Clearlngs , $5.3.55,369
balances , $ I"S,59G ; money , quiet at JijS pei
t-nt : cxchangr- New York , par asked
15c discount bid.
PHILADELPHIA , Oct. 25.-Clcarlng9
$12.759ai.-i : balances , $ lfiSl,7G2.
BALTIMORE , Oct. 2o.-Clearlngs , $1,307 , .
412 ; balances , $ < iO > l,5ll.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 23. Today's state
mcnt of the condition of the treasur ; ,
shows : Available cash balance , $303,213,479
gold reserve , $240,293,900.
CHICAGO , Oct. 25. ClenriiiRS , ? 19.07SI10
balances , $1COOCC2 ; NSW York excmiasc
par ; Hterllng cxchanBo , posted rates , jt.SSfl
4.SG'A ; actual , $4.8254ffl.S8 ; slxly days , < l. l'j
( fd.85. Slocks were slronf ? ; Alloy L. 75' .
Blscull , 33 ; Blscull preferred , SO 7-8 ; NortT
Chicago. 217 > 4 ; Strawboard , 314 ; AVest Chi
capo , 93'-i.
NEW ORLEANS , Oct. S3. Clearlnc-s , $2 , .
050.2S9 ; New York exrhange , bank , iue pro
mlum ; commercial , par.
Statement of IlniiU of Rcrraiiii.v.
BERLIN. Oct. 25.-Tho weekly statemeni
of the Imperial Bank of Germany show :
the following changes : Cash In hand , lu
ctease , 17.7SO.OOO marks ; treasury notes , in
crease , 3.220.00U marks ; other securities , de
crease , 5fi,0 < ; o,000 marks : notes In circulation
decrease , 51,060,000 marks.
fottim Mnr'- < ' .
NEW YORK. Oct. 23.-COTTON-Easy
middling. 57-lGe ; net receipts , SCO bales
gross , a.815 bales ; sales , 331 bales ; stock !
O..G91 bales ; exports to Great Britain , lo , .
2SS bales ; continent , 20 $ hales. Total today
Net receipts. 70.833 bales ; exports to Gre.-u
Britain. 17,070 bales ; France , 23,005 bales
continent , 18,835 bales ; stock , 927.721 bales
Consolidated : Net receipts. 19S.S29 bales ; ex.
ports to Great Britain , W W bales ; Franco
27.710 bales ; continent , 42.S92 bales.
Steady ; sales , 1,850 bales ; ordinary , 7'-c
good ordinary , 49-lCc ; middling , 415-lGc
good middling , 5c ; middling fair , 511-lfie ; re.
relpts , 19,573 bales ; slock. 192.300 boles
Futures , steady ; October , $1.79 hid ; Novcm.
her , SI.27MM ; December. JI. ! > 7''c/4.8-3 / : Jan
uary. $ I.92'S'4.93 ' ; Fehruary. JI.97 < i/I.JS : March
$5.02 5.03 ; April , J5.07Sr ( OS : May , $5.12Sj6.13
June , sr.17fi5.1S ( ; July , J5.21IB5.23.
LIVERPOOL. Oct. 25. "OT TON -Spot
quiet ; prices favor buyers ; American nild
( Hint ; . 3 1-lCd. The pales of the cl"v.veri
] 0.l X bales , of whlrh 510 bal a > ro for s ec
illation and export , nnd Included 9.700 bales
American. Receipts , 30000 bales , Includliif
i 29.700 hales American. Futures openei
I quiet , with n moderate demand , and closcc
1 ( inlet ; American middling , L. M. C. , Octo
her , 2fl2-G11j2iii-fild , buyers ; October am
November. 2 G2-G15j2 GI-GId , sellers ; Novem
her and December , 2 Gl-GlfiS C2-ntd. sellers
De'omber and January. G G0-C4f6 G2-Gld. sel
lers ; January nnd February. 2 61-6fo2 ! ii2-Gld
buyers ; February and March. 2G2-OI51
2C3-C4d , sellers : March and April , 2 G3-G4d
, buyers ; April nnd May. 3d , sellers ; Mnj
nnd June , 3j'3 l-G4d , buyers ; June nnd July
31-fl4fti2-C4d : , buyers ; July and August
3 2-GIT73 3-G4d. rollers ; August nnd Septcm. .
ber , 33-Cld , sellers.
\e\v York Dry f.'ooilN
NEW YORK , Oct. 25. There was thi
usual fcnrclly of mall orders in Ihe dr ;
poods market today , but store trading con
tlnued fairly hravy. The Interest showe (
by visiting buy. rs has bef n greater yester
day and today than recently. The report :
from retailers in. all sections have been o
n backward season , but the prospect o
cooler weather has" aided store tradini
locally. The gains were chiefly In collot
goods' , the sltuallon In woolens of all sorti
being sllU an unsallsfaclory one. Tin
market for print cloths was reported firm
with small sales of extras only. Stnnlo cot
' tons were quiet In most grades. The ex
I porti during the last week were falrl ;
CoflVr Miirlcot.
NEW YORK , Oct. 23-COFFEn-Optlon ;
opened steady , with prices unchanged to
points lower , ruled moderately active , will
we k undertone , European cablei being un
satisfactory , speculators Indifferent am
spot buyers retreating , owing to the con
tlnued stock accumulation nnd lncr-asp <
movement of Rio nnd Santos. Clo e (
steady. &IJ10 points lower. Sales. 29.50
bags. Including November. J5 < " vf/5.05 ; De
cember , Ji.25 ; February. J3.I5 ; March , jr , . &
April. J5CO- May , J5.C5 : July. J5.75 ; Sp
tember. J5.S5. Spot coffee , Rjo , dull am
easy. Mild , barely steady.
Sunrnr Mnrkt't.
open kettle : centrifugal , steady ; while
4 1-VgllsC. MolasseH. bteady ; open ketlle
37e ; centrifugal , US22c. Syrup. 31W33c.
NEW YORK. Oct. 25.-SrGAR-Hnw
llrm held higher ; fair refining , 3 c ; ecntrlf
ugal. M test , 4Uc ; molasses sugar. 3'je ; re
lined steady.
ber , 9s 6\d , November. 9s 7' il.
Liberal Rim aud Wide Difference Between
Buyers and Sellers.
Cnttlc Trndc Itnthrr Slow Owlim ( u
Till- Feature HORN u Shade to
I'lvo Ccittn Higher mid
Mieop About Sternly.
SOUTH OMAHA , Oct. 23.
Cattle. Hogs , riheep.
Receipts today . fi.UjS 3wl 3oit !
Ulllclal Monday . 3o , 2il ? , > . * )
Two days this week. . . . ! i , l el'i ' V. . * l
Same days last week. . . 13..9L 9,1'ii ' 17ul ; >
fcumo uays week buturo 11 , M I 14.J OY
faamo tnieo weeks ago. . IMUti H. ' 'l U.liO
' 1 Ho olllctal nuiuuer of i.ars ot stock
brought in today by each road wus :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.a
c. , M. , t st. v , ny . i a
O. A ; St. U Hy . 1
Missouri 1'aellic ity . 22 li
Union 1'aclliu System . CS 19 22
C. A : N. W. Hy . 1
! ' . , K. & M. V. U. H . 2S 35 2
S. C. & 1' . Hy . 1 1
C. , St. 1' . , M. & O. Hy . 13 1 1
It. & M. H. H. It . lUti IS
C. , 13. Ai Q. Hy . 1 5
K. C. A : St. J . 2
C. , H. 1. A : P. Hy. , c-nst . 4
C. , H. I. Ai V. Ity. , west. . . 17 G
Total receipts . 259 09 2S
Thu disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the
number ot head Indicated :
CATTLE The rariy arrivals were not
largo , but later trains kept arriving all the
morning , until tin- total receipts tooted tip
a goodly number , aa compared with previ
ous weeks. As has been the cas ° on most
days of late , a large proportion of all the
cattle hero were grass westerns of a quality
not good enough for beef. The early ad
vices from t hlcago and Kansas City Indi
cated large rctelptn and lower markets , and
the disposition among buyers here was to
lorco values downward.
Cornfed cattle Imv * suffered the most in
eastern marketr. , und buyers seemed to
have made up their minds to gain some
thing like a corresponding concession here.
The rrault was that the market was slow
and lower , many cases all of lc lower , with
heavy cattle on the order the
worst sufferers. There were some pretty
fair cattle among the offorliiRS , hut the
bulk was of the knd : that Is selling at
about $1.70 4.50. Good grass w-sterns were
not In vu'y largo supply , und as the de
mand was good for that kind , values did
not show any material change.
The market on COWH and betters was slow
and weak under the lulhiencf of n lowei
fat cattle market , nnd buyers started out
talking that the market snould be lower.
Sellers were Inclined to hold for steady
prices , and It took considerable time to
elteet n clearance.
In the feeder division the conditions were
not to the advantage of the sellers. Regu
lar yard operators bought a good many
cattle yesterday , while the expected coun
try demand did not materialize , so that
they still had a good many cattle held
over from yesterday. The teollnjv among
all the buyers seemed to be one of caution ,
and there was a very evident purpouc
among them to go slow. The result WHS
that the general feeder trade was very
slow all the morning. Sellers were gen
erally pricing their holdings strong , nnd ,
wh.lo buyers paid in some cases fully
steady prices for right good cattle that
happened to please them , the market on
the general run of cattle was JOc lower.
Representative , salts :
7.1feedrti. . 9U 370 2 feeders 65J 403
79 feed era. . S91 3 70
lions At thu opening of the market
there wen' only forty-live cnrs of hogs In
the yards , with something like twenty-live
or thirty cars reported Imtk. Jt was n
light run for a Tuesday , though about the
same tin u week ago. It will bo noted
fniin the tabliof receipts nt the head of
the loliimn tlmt the arrival * for the two
days this week are unusually small ns
compared w'th ' previous week * .
Advices from other selllnc points were
fi\r from favorable to the selling Interests.
Chicago nnd Kansas City both reported
large runs ami lower markets , which would
naturally have considerable Influence upon
the tr.ide here. The receipts , however ,
wore so small and the demand so Rood that
Instead of being lower , the market here
was a shade to So h'gher and reasonably
nrilve at the advance. Tin- early arrivals
wcro nil sold and weighed up at an early
hour. Ilnivy hois sold nt $ .i.ri7''iftn.M ;
medium weights at $ .1 u , i . ii2 > , largely , and
good llvht and butclier weights at J.1.V ( > .
The later trains did not fare so well , an
the more- urgent orders \vtr > ' llllnl out of
the early reivlpts. and reports from other
markets mailo buyers we.ik. The market
closed very slow and wean with all the
morning's advance lost. On the tlnal wind
up good loads sold nt J3 f . which was. lr
anything , lower than yesterday. Repre
sentative Hiil M.
than for some Urn ? past , and tlie market
a < a whole wan in very fair condition , not.
withstanding the fuel that all other mar-
ets were rcportfd lower. Out of the num
ber reported ut the yards were seven loads
consigned direct to. a packer , so that the
actual offerings on the market wire fat
from large. Local packers all wanted sup
plies nnd th desirable kind of mutlo.i
sheep and lambs were not long In chanslnq
hands. All the eiirly arrivals were woli ]
and weight d up at nil early hour. Good
yearlings brought $1.15 , and sheep nnd yearlings -
lings mixed $4.25 , wethers $1.30.
There was about the ti.-ual Inquiry foi
feeding stock nnd the market on tlmt kind
did not show much change In any respect.
The dfslrnblo kinds of stock sheep anil
Iambs met with quite ready Halo on an >
day of the we-'k.
( . .imitations are : Good grass weterns ,
$ I.15TH.30 ; choice yearlings. $ l.40fi4.50 ; fait
to good yearlings. $4. 25fi4. 35 ; fair to good
grass westerns. $4.0flff4.10 ; good to choice
lambs. $5.15fi5.30 : fair to good liimbs , $ l.90j
5.00 ; feeder wethers , 2-year-olds and over ,
$3S5fl4.00 : fe-dcr yearling ? , $4.i ) W4.25 ; feeder
lambs , $ l.50'fTl.S5 ' ; cull sheep , $2.50(53.00 ( : cull
lambs , $4.00if4.25. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr.
2. ) native ewes , feeders . S4 $3 23
40 native ewef. fcedsrs . S7 375
450 western wethers . 95 4 2."i
154 wethers . sr 4 30
219 native yearling ? . M 4 45
7 native lambs , feeders . 51 4 75
24o OWOH . 79 3 1) )
T * * ! mtlvo wethers . in t -
57 ewes . 75 4 ( * )
101 western lambs . w 450
20S yearlings and lambs . 7 4 90
Cnttlo IVcnlc. HORS IZtity nt Slciuly
1'rlrpn mill Sliccn I.i vrr.
CHICAGO , Oct. 25. The supply of cattle
today proved excessive to the slim demand
and salesmen were compelled to peddle
long nnd hard in the soaking rainstorm to
find an outlet for their stock at prices weak
to lOc lower. Choice steers , W.S.'W/S.SS ; me.
( Hum , Jl.75fr5.00 : beef steers , SI.Oogi.TO-
Motkcru and feeders. V.Wt l.f,0 ; bulls , $2.1u
< Tl.2r > ; cows and heifers. $ ; ) .50Ti 4.35 ; calves
$3.25 7.25 ; western rangers , $2.115 l.iiO ; west.
With u largo run of hogs and close to i.rJnj
head of stale stoik on hand , buyers at
tempted to force a decline In prices.
but most offerings were firmly held
and sold well up to yesterday's
prices. Kalr lo choice , $1.65 3. SO ; packing
lots , $3.40'if3.G5 ; butchers , $3.50fr3.SO ; mixed
J3.ftOj.7n ! ; lichts , H.3.ini.sO : ; pins , $2.75'o3.r , ( > .
Some of the lotsi of sheep that were dry
sold at previous prices , but buyers de.
manded lower figures on account of the wet
weather and both sheep and Inmbs with
lleeces soaked hud to sell lo' < n'f > c lower.
"Western muttons. $4.40 ; western-fed lambs ,
$5.tO ! 5.05 ; choice fat native lambs , $ G.OO@
Receipts : Cattle , 6,500 head ; hogs , 35,000
head ; sheep , 19.000 head.
St. Iionln Ilvc Slmrlc.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 25.-CATTL12-RecelptR ,
b.SOO head , Including I.WM head Indians ; shlpl
meats l.OOJ head. Market steady for na
tives , but lOc for Toxans. K.iir to fancy
nithe shipping nnd export steers , $1.50jf/
5.50 , bulk of pales , $ l.75't.F | > .25 ; dressed beet
and butcher steers , JI.UOJiu.10 , bulk of sales
! l.257j3.00 ; steers , under l.OOu Ibs. , $1.10fi4.LO
bulk of sales , $3.50f < 3.90 ; dockers and feed
ers , $2.iWj4.40 , bulk of sales , $ ; ) .2574.25 ; cow
and heifers , $2.0tvji 4.50 , bulk of cow * , J2.2M1' '
3.50 ; Texas and Indian aUfrs , $2.704.25
liulk of sales , 53.251i3.90 ; cows and heifers ,
HUGS-RecelptE , a.9"0 head ; shipments , Guo
head. Market easy to 5c lower ; vorkers
Jl.10il3.C5 ; packers , $3.55fj3.7o ; butchers , $3.60
Qj if. 80.
SIIEEP-Recelpts , 3,201) head ; shipments ,
none. Market steady ; nnttvn muttons , $4.00
U' , 51 icull , ! ' "ml nlltlk ! < . J2.5W4.00 ; mockers ,
XOO ; lambs , $5.001c5.95.
ICllllNlt * City I.lvc Stoelc.
celptH , 12,000 head natives , 14.2.-.0 head
Texans. Supply too large for any but best
to bring steady prices. Common stock , tin.
evenly lower ; very choice hoof steers , $ j.2i'ij
5.10 ; medium. $4.5&fj.2i ; lightweights , $1.55 } , ;
olO ; stockers and feeders , J. ! . ( > 05i4.75 ; but ( h.'r
cows and heifers , $2.Gr(4.60 ; western steers
$30 ( 3.75 ; canning stock , J2.KKTf2.CO.
HOGS-RocelptH , 16,800 head ; trade good ;
supply so large that buyers were rather In
dependent , consequently prices wen about
2'i.e lower. Heavies. $3.50'i3.CO | ; mixed , ? 3.45
5/5.35 ; lights , $3.101/3.55.
S1IKKP Receipts , ! i.o70 ; fair demand ; nil
desirable nocks selling readily nt steady-
prices. Active Inquiry for good feeders.
Nntlvo lambs. 55.2nfi5.50 ; native muttons ,
JI. 10 5. 10 ; lambs , $ l.90f5.JO ; ; western mut
tons , $3.OfJ4.55 ) ; range feeding lambs , Jt.iow
4.C3 : rnngo feeding sheep. J3.SOii4.00 ; culls ,
\IMV ' \ < u-Ii l < l vi" Sliii'K.
NEW YORK , Ocl. 23. OREVES He.
celptB , none ; no trading ; ftellug weak and
cables Blow : exports , S > 09 cattle and 5,000
quarters of beef.
CALVES-RcCelpts , 5,207 head ; veals , J5.W
SHEEP AND LAMHS-nerelpts , 3.S59
head ; prime sheep , stfndy , slow nnd weak ;
lambs , 10S20c lower ; sheep , common to
prime. $ ; ! .60rn.70 : iambs ,
HOGS Receipts , 4,550 head ; nominally
weak at J3.75 74.M ) .
* t. .lllKIMlll IilVC StOCl. .
ST. JOSEPH , .Mo. , Oct. 25.-Speclul.- ( )
PATTLE Rerdpts , M head ; market wuak
to SfdOc lower ; nathfp , JI.35T5 | 2 ( ) ; Tcxana
nnd wfhterni. J3.10f4.0 ; COWH nnd h Ifers ,
J1.7J'4.40 | ; stockers and feeders , J3.UOid.SO.
HOGS-ReeelptK. 4,400 head : markit
open-d steady and flos'd weaker , felling ut
J14r.Ti3.Co : bulk , JUOfjISj.
SHEEP Receipts , 3.GOO head ; market slow
and steady.
SHirlf In
Record of receipts of live stock at the
four principal markets for O' tohtr 2.1 :
Cattle. Hogs. Hheep ,
Omaha . o.9"is
rhicn"o . r.50i
Kansas City . 26 > W
St. Louis . 6VN )
Totals . 41.10.1 Ml&JI
Collfiirnlii Drleil Kriiltn.
DHIED FRl'ITS-Evapornt d apples were
ftrong ; other fruits were llrm : evaporated
: urplcs. common , 7ft8o per Ib . prlm wire
! trav. 71 71.1 ; . choice. 7i.aii fonrv k'4.i :
prttncj. o VSIir per Hi. , nr to tdzn and quaU
Ity. nprlrot ! < , Royal , lljillo. Moor Tark , 11
Ol'c ; peaches , unpeeled , S 4Ollc ; n'Clcd ,
per Ib. ,
flticlnnnll l.lto StouU.
CINCINNATI. Ocl. So.-IIOOS-Steady to
EC lower ; J3.00ti3.70
CATTLE -Stmdy ; J2ri4.S5. .
8IinHP-Flnn ; J2.25J7I.OO. /
LA.unS Strong ; $4. ( > if5 50. I
OIL CITY. Pa. . Oct. 23.-Credlt balancer.
J1.1S ; certmeates opened nt J1.20 bid for
on. h ; clo fd at Jl.l ! > bid ; no tiles ; uhlp-
montH , S0.7 bids. : runs. KXW9 lihU.
Mllp nnd
with Modern
YVASHINOTON' . Oct. IT , . A large , com
pletely equipped moileru government survey
boat , The 1'nthfltuler , will bo launched at
the Crescent shipyards , Kllzabeth. N. J.v
early In December. It Is the llrsttoocl
fltted out with all modern appliances Imilt
for the coast and geodetic survey In rccoat
years , and Is especially designed for servlco
In Al.isknn and Aleutian waters. It tins a
length over all of 106 feet , Is of 1,000 ton *
capacity and has a steam radius of 7.000
miles. Its stock of Instruments and sclcn-
tillc apparatus generally wlll be the most
complete over carried In n survey vessel , and
Its capacity wlll permit the carrlngo of
sufllclcnt stores to last throughout the se. -
KOII'S servlco In the north. The vessel '
will be In readiness for the govrnment by
March and will start next Juno on Us i
long crulso for Alaska. Superintendent '
I'rltchell of the survey returned today from
a trip which Included an Inspection of the
work in progress on the vessel.
IMTAUS or ritusmtivriAL .i.vr.vr.
1VIII ( in in I'lilliiilcliililu
.Mo nil UK to Altond the JlllilUT.
WASHINGTON . Oct. 25. The details of
the president's trip to Philadelphia to at
tend the peace jubilee have practically been
completed. The train hearing the presiden
tial party will leave here over the Penn
sylvania road between 8 and 9 o'clock
Wednesday morning , arriving at Philadel
phia just before noon , In time for the presi
dent to witness the trades parade. It Is the
expectation of the president that ho will at
tend the dinner to bo given by the Clover
club , on Thursday evening. The president
wlll return to Wrtsningtou on rnday morn
The presidential party will comprise about
twenty persons , among whom wlll bo the
following : The president and Mrs. McKln-
ley , Secretary nmMrs. \ . Gage , Secretary and
Mrs. Alger , Secretary and Miss Wilson , Per.
rotary nilss , Mr. Porter , secretary to the
president. Mr. Cortelyou , a slstant secre
tary to the president , and Solicitor General
.lohn K. Hlcharda. Vice President Ilobart
will Join the party at Philadelphia on Thurs
InterrMliiRT Fnota KurnUlioil
Depiirdnciit l jCoitNiil Morrl * .
WASHINGTON. Oct. 25. Hoary Morris ,
consul at Ghent , has furnished to the State
department as a matter of information .1
translation of a report made by the Belgian
consul at Manila on the export trade of the
Philippines during 1SH7.
During that year there was a great In
crease in the export trade , notivlthstauillnR
the rebellion , the export of' hemp alone
amounting to nearly 44,000 pounds ; copra
extracts made nearly 48,000,000 pounds , al
though the business only dates from 1S92 ,
prior to which time almost all tbo copra
came from the Carolines. The exports of
sugar by Manila decreased nearly S2JDO,000 (
pounds , but at Cobu the contriry was the
eae , and In the Vlzayas and Xcjro3 island
the product of sugar was greatly developed.
The export of sugars fell off from 1 ! > I,13',000 '
in ISOC to lCa.465,000 In 1807. China and
Japan imported moro of these sugars than
any other country , and only a very
proportion came to the United States.
Survivor * of CU11 War Hcinoiiiln-rod
liy the fo\crnnu'iit. !
WASHINGTON. Oct. 21. ( Special. ) Pen
sions have been granted to the following :
Issue of October 13 :
Nebraska ; Original James D. Edwards ,
Stromsburg , $8. Additional William W.
Palmer. Nebraska City. $ C lo $8. Restora
tion and Increase William H. Cursou.
dead. Stromsburg , $8 to $12. Renewal
Robert S. M. Fox , Nellgh. $6. Increase
Franklin D. Morton. Friend , $8 to $10. ReIssue -
Issue Special , October 14 , Jacob Scheme ) ,
Omaha , $12. Mexican war survivors Nedom
Bryant Whttfield , Peru , $8 to $12.
Iowa : Original Kendall Cameron , New
Market , $12. Additional Collmus Fish ,
Shcllsburg. $6 to $8. Increase Rudolph
Morand , Lo Claire , $8 to $12 ; John D. Ford ,
Green Center , $ C to $8.
Colorado ; Original Special , William
Henry Farrell , Soldiers' Home , Rio Grand ,
South Dakota : Additional William Titus ,
Hudson , JC to 8.
Montana : Original Andreas Stoker , Fort
Ucnton. $10.
Atlanta to Have a Jubilee.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 25. A comralttco of
prominent citizens of Atlanta , Ga. , called
at the White Houao today and Invited Presi
dent McKlnloy to attend the peace jubllco
to bo held In that city In the near future.
The date for the celebration has not yet
been decided upon.
Tin : .MAHKKT.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Tuesday ,
October 25 :
\Vnrrni ty llrtMln.
W. T. Dcnney nnd wlt'o to J. P.
O'Kcefo , sU of lot 23 , Nelson's ndd. . $ SO1)
J. P. O'Kecfo to II. A. Sawyers , sVi
of lot 25 , Nelson's add . 1,000
L. W. Griffon to J. P. Sohonlng , * 2
acres of w x arrua of s1of s1 of
n1' . of sw'i 32-15-13 . 7. . . . 4iO
H. G. Robinson to H. M. McCague ,
lot 7 , block 16. Highland Place . 2OKJ
Anna Swoboda to Patrick Tully , all
of lots 12 and 13 ( except o 100 feet ) ,
block 15. Hanseom Pine ; . ISO
C. W. Smith and wife to II. N. Kll-
patrli-k , lot I , "Aldlno Square" . 1
Kntrln Overman ! and husband to the
Flon-noo Grape and Fruit company ,
w 25 fcot of lot 3 , block 8 , Mathow's
Hiibdlv . 15
C. A. Cirlllln and husband to J. P.
ShonliiR. w . " , arres of iiU. of o 12
ueros of > ' / , of sV of n'.i sw 31-15-13. . S.t'Oft
.1. II. D. Glbh to J. A. Perkins et nl.
undlv i of lot 13. subdlv of V4 of
block 12 , Reed's 1st add . .
J. A. Perkins et al to 13. A. Glbbs.
undlv < 4 of lots 11 and 12 , same . 1
Sirno : to II. D. Glbbs , undlv U of lot
13 ,
Quit rinlm Dcciln.
D. H. Archer and wife to , f. O. Cortel
you , trmteo , lot I. block 5 , Urook-
line add . l.&ffl
liobort I.alng nnd wlfn to Ida N.
fitlloi" , lot . ' ' , block 3 , Hammond
Place . 1
Sheriff to A. F. Parsoncv 55 feet of
n 159 foot of lot 2 , block 2 , Park
Plac ? add . ] .K !
Total amount of transfers . JI3,7i : :
Telephone 103 ! ) . Oinalia , Neb
Dlre't wrc to rhlcagn ami New Tork.
Corroiroiicirntu JohnV rr n * Co.
TiiiiMioxi5 : loss.
Ilooin . X. V. Mfo llldB. , Oiunhn , Neh.
StocksirainProvisions (
Dlrcut AVIr > - * York , Rli o > n4