Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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Btockert Carpet Co. , 205-207 Bwy.
Moore's food kills worms and fattens.
Dell 0. Morgan , drugs. 142 Broadway.
r. B. Jaciiuemln & Co. , Jewelers nnd op
ticians , 27 South Main street.
KUtsts of Mrs. Hattcn'fl sister , Mrs. McMen-
guest of IIH | unclu. C. F. Rohrer.
Mr. and Mrs. James Folev of Milwaukee
arrived yesterday on a visit to the exposi
tion.Mrs. . Loulne Stodlcr of Helena. Mont. , IE
In the city visiting friends and taking lr
the exposition.
Mrs. C. C. Lincoln of Wyoming , 111. , whc
lies been vlsltlne relatives here , left for hei
homo last evening.
Lily camp , No. 1 , Royal Neighbors of
America , will meet In regular session this
evening at 7:30 : o'clock.
J C. Blxby , heating and sanitary engineer.
Plans and specifications for heating , plumb
ing and lighting. 202 Main. Council Bluffs.
Don't you think It must be n pretty good
laundry that can pleoso FO many hundreds
of custome-m ? Well that's the "Eagle , "
7 ' H road uav.
Word WBB received by the authorities yes
terday that Robert E. Alchln , sent to Cla-
rlnda as a state patient two days ago , had
bfojno violently Insane.
Willie and Lowcry Brandt , two small
boys , wUJ have a hearing this afternoon be-
furo Justice Vlen on the charge of throwing
lu'k.i at Thomas Howbatham , a neighbor.
John Mowery was arrested yesterday on
complaint of his wife , Mrs. Annie Mowery ,
vho charged him with Infidelity. Ho will
liavr a hearing before Justice Vlcn this
Karl C. II. Glprloff of Keg Crock was
K-sated his naturalization papers yesterday
in the superior court by Judge Ayleawnrtb.
lie was a former subject of the emperor ol
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hatten of Webb City
Mo. , who with their son have been th <
Kiiohts of Mrs. Hatten's sister. Mrs. McMen-
omy. whllo taking In the exposition , re
turned home yesterday evening.
Thomas McDonald was called upon yester-
dny morning In police court to pay $ " > and
co-jtfi Into the city treasury for becoming In
toxicated Sunday nnd breaking a showcase
a > Mrs. S. H. Watson's boarding house.
Harry , the 3-year-old son of Albert Drown ,
] 10S South Eighth street , wandersd from hit
homo yesterday afternoon aud guvt > his pa-
rrnts two hours of anxiety before he WHS
located by n policeman on Lower Main
The police received word yesterday from
the Burlington railway agent at Albla , la. ,
that a boy claiming to be a eon of George
Hnydor , who had run away from home , was
bolng held here. The boy said his fathei
lived near the Rook Island depot , but the
police were unable to locate him yesterday ,
\nna , the C-ycar-old daughter of Mr. aud
MrH. J. H. Sherlock , 2810 Avenue G , died
yesterday evening of congestion of the lungs
The funeral will leave thn residence tomor
row morning at H:30 : and servlce-3 will b
hold at St. Francis XavlerV church at 1C
o > 7ock. Interment will be in the Catholic
Albert Cloypolo Dadollett. BOH ofp. . Bad-
illicit , died yesterday morning at 1 o'clocV
lit the family residence. Ill South Seveutl
tUrect. of consumption , after two years' 111-
uoss , aged 10 years. The funeral , whlcl
will bo strictly private , will be held fron
the lesldencu tomorrow morning at II
o'clock , and the remains will be Interred lr
the family burial lot at Prospect Hill come *
lery. Omaha. The icrvlces will bo conducted -
ducted by Rev. .1. W. Wilson , pastor of tin
Congregational church.
Physical perfection , the secret of beauty
C'Jll 01 send for "Vlavl Message. " Vlavl Co.
32C Itiiflam Block.
N Y. PlumbliiB company. Tel. 250.
Rev. Mr. Fry used Cole's Hot Blast heotei
last winter. -4
Thofco deslrine copies of the Jubilee edi
tion of The Dallv Bee can secure them al
the Council Bluffs office of The Bee.
Illertvltli I'uyn the. CoNtM.
The case ngalnst Charles Blerwlth , pro.
pneior of the Metropolitan hotel , charged
with kicking Patrolman Swanson out of b\t \
hotel one day last week when the officer wat
tlitro In performance of his duty , was dis
missed In pollco court yesterday morning on
Illarwlth paying the costs. When the case
was called Swouson failed to appear to prose
cute. Judge Aylesworth made one or two
Harcastlc remarks about an officer permitting
himself to bo thrown out of any place and
Informed Blerwlth that ho was fortunate In
getting off so lightly. Swanson when asked
why he had cropped the case said "he
thought It was best to. " The Incident haa
attracted considerable attention and the fact
that Blerwlth was not charged with Inter
fering with an officer has been more or less
criticised. The excuse offered for Swanson
Is that ho was now to the pollco business
nnd when kicked out by Blerwlth did not
exactly know how far his authority went In
such cases.
I .miles of the Maccabees will glvo theli
fourth anniversary ball and supper Tucsdaj
evening , October 25 , at Royal Arcanum hall
Tickets. 60 cents a couple. Extra ladles
25 cents.
AV. C. A. Heiiort.
Mrs. Laura MacDrlde , corresponding sec
lorary of the Woman's Christian assocla-
tlon , has just completed her report for tin
month of September. It shows the numboi
of patients treated during the month , 42 ;
jiumber discharged , 18 ; number of opera
tions , 4. In the Training school four lee
tures wore given by Dr. Mary Tlnloy ; sub
Jpcts , "Hygiene" and Ulotetlcs ; " four by Dr
Hcetkln , subject , "Chemistry , " and four b ]
Dr. Robertson , subject ) , "Materla Medlca. '
Number of nurses In training school , 11
The financial statement shows : Balance ot
hand September 1 , J19.99 ; receipts from pay
ing patients , $544.63 ; from soldiers rclle
fund and other sources , fSO.94 ; total , 3645.5G
The disbursements for supplies , repairs , pay
Ing tax , etv. , amounted to $618.99. The do
nations were fruit , vegetables , preserves
llowrrs and miscellaneous articles.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday ti
thn following persons :
Name aud Residence. Ag <
" \Y. E , Tyson. Omalm 2
Llzzlo Rus. Council Bluffs 2
Ucnry C. Buttcrfleld. Des Molnes 2
Bertha G. Ellis. Council Bluffs 2
Ncls Christiansen. Pottanattamle 2
Mary llasmuusen , Pottawattamle 2
W. M. Warren. Omaha s
Mrs. Anna Sammon , Omaha 3
Louis Brasher. Omaha 2
Mnbcl Anderson , Omaha 2
Heal Knlntr TrnnufcTM.
The following transfers were llle > d yewtcr
day In the abstract , title nnd loan olllco o
J W. Squire , 101 I'eurl street :
Henry Folly to Helen L. Cowlcx , lot 4.
block C. Thompson's ndd. . w. d $ 3C
Kmma Illef to Slevert Ulof , lands In
:3-77-4t , 30.77-13 and 2-7C-II. w. d
C H. 1. & I' Ily. Co. to Newton llodjr-
run. HW'I , uw > 4. -77-3t , w. d _ . . CO
Kxei'iitor of Prank C. Btewurt to A. U.
r ? rkln , east of river , ts't , HW'J. ' lot
21. nnd west of railroad of B'J. tii ,
C"75txr ' ? . el K
J' ' ttuwuttuinle Invcutme-nt Co , to Kate-
N l'I lier. e'j lot 5 , Mock 3 , Hayllss"
First udd. , w. d 2.0C
Kuwurel Carroll nnd wlfo to Kdwiird J.
llustiell , lot IB , block 9 , Mi-rt'dtth'H
Held , to Avocu. w. d , C
AuneH W , Ca ndy nnd lun < baiul to Pot-
tuwiittutnle Investment Co. , und'.i of
r > rt lot 3 , In 13-75-41 , w. d 4.0C
Seven trimeters , total JT.Ti
Union Pacific Emplojt Ha a
Unpleasant Experience ,
( IndrHiiUrt n I'cmonnl InrmtlKntlnti
of HiinirtliliiK tlmt Attracted lllit
Attention nnd In Shot At
far IIl.i 1'nln * .
James Atkinson , an employe of the Union
Transfer company , came near being shot
Sunday night as the result of being of an
Inquiottlvo turn of mind. As It la ho wan
around yesterday with n badly powder
scorched face and one eye more or less
On his way home rather late Sunday nlghl
Atkinson stopped at a saloon on South Main
street to get a glass of beer. Next the
saloon Is a vacant lot surrounded by a high
board fence. In order to take a short cut
home Atkinson went out of the back door ,
but hearing the voices of several men and
women In the vacant lot his curiosity war
aroused. Ho tried to look through a bole
In the fence , but the darkness prevented
him seeing anything. Then ho climbed the
fcnco and looked Into the lot. One of the
men In thu party who wa : close to the
fetico saw him aud drawing a revolvet
tired point blank at Atkinson. The bullol
whizzed past his ear and the powder burner
his face. Atkinson did not wait to cllmt
down , but fell off the fence and , wlthoul
staying to make any further Investigation
made for homo as quick as bis legs would
carry him.
Those desiring conies of the Jubilee edi
tion of The Dally Dee can secure them al
the Council Bluffs office of The Dee.
The wonder of the Transmlsslsslppl Ex
position Is Colo's Hot Bloat heater , It glvct
absolute cleanliness , even heat and same
work out of common soft coal as can bo go )
from hard coal. It saves millions. Sec II
ut the Wlgwum , or Cole & Colo's , 41 Malr
htrcct. Council Bluffs.
Snap Shots , a beautiful souvenir of the
exposition , containing reproductions of all
the prominent buildings , together with a
bird's-eye and general views of the grounds ,
can bo had nt the Council Bluffs office ol
The Bee for 25 cents. U Is just the thing
to send to your friends at a distance.
IIrace of Slinriiem Work I.onu Broker *
for .Several Hundred Uollnrn.
Two of the smoothest swindlers that evei
turned a trick 1n this city struck Counci :
Bluffs two weeks ago and as a result ol
their visit and cunningly contrived plant
Lougco & Lougee aud J. W. Squire , tht
loan brokers , discovered yesterday that thej
had been victimized , the former to the tun <
ot $677 and the latter In the sum of $200
The schemes whereby the swindlers securec
the money were both daring and novel.
In the early part of the week before lasl
a man representing himself to be Jame :
L. Palmer called on Lougee & Lougee ant
showed them a warranty deed to 120 acres
of land In James township , this county
which he claimed he had purchased fron
the owner , Theodore Cowltz. The deoc
bore what appeared to be the signatures o
Cowltz nnd his wlfo and appeared to hi
properly executed. Cowltz , the owner of thi
land In question , formerly lived In thl :
county , hut now resides just across thi
Oklahoma line In Kansas and Lougee &
Lougee were aware of the fact that he hai
this property on the market for sale. Th <
warranty deed was dated October C ani
Palmer Informed Mr. Lougee thnt he ex
pected to take possession of the farm aboul
March next , but that he would require ft
borrow some money to make a few needec1
Asked how much he required Palmer sali :
ho guessed $800 would be about the sun :
and then said bo thought be would be able
to do with 5750. He told Mr. Lougee thai
he had talked with a broker in Avocn. well
known to Lougee , who was willing to loan
the money , but ho asked a higher commis
sion than he , Palmer , thought he ought
to be asked to give. Mr. Lougee thought
he could let him have the money on bottci
terms and Palmer said he would think the
matter over. He was In no hurry , anyhow ,
Lougee suggested that he file an applica
tion for the loan anyhow and Palmer said
ho did not mind doing so and ho expected
to bo back In town about Friday and would
call and get the money If ho did not make
a deal with the men In Avoca.
Friday came and Palmer sent word thai
he could not reach town before evening. H (
arrived that evening and presented Louge <
with an abstract of the property made by the
Union Abstract company of this city. The
abstract showed a judgment against the
property of $73. Palmer expressed surprise
that Cowitz had said nothing , but was sure
aa he vas an honest man , he would pay It
But to make Lougco & Lougeo safe In tin
matter , he suggested they take the amount
out ot the $7uO. which they did and gave
him the balance , $077. The records at the
court house show that Palmer filed thi
deed for record and the mortgage given ti
Longer & Lougeo was also recorded.
Now It happened that Cowltz had placet
his property In the hands of J. Martin
the elevator man at Hancock , to sell foi
'him ' and the latter had just completed thi
gale when , to his astonishment , he reai
In the papers the notlco of the sale fron
Cowltz to Palmer. He wrote to Cowltz am
last Saturday received word from him tha
ho had not cold the land and had nevei
heard of the man Palmer. Martin came te
Council Bluffs yesterday and then Lougei
& Lougeo discovered the fact that they hai
been nicely worked by a very clover swlndli
for nearly $700.
While Palmer was working Lougee & Lou-
gee a man supposed to be a partner of htf
got his work In on J. W. Squire. To Squire
ho represented himself to bo Frank L. Smlt *
of Macedonia , a well known farmer of this
county , and applied for a loan of $500 oc
some land. Squire , not doubting that the mat
was who ho claimed to be , advanced $200
but as the abstract showed that there was
previous mortgage of $2,000 on the iant
wanted to look Into the matter further be
fore loaning the remaining $300. This wai
satisfactory to the man and he said he wouli
call the next day. Needless to Bay he dU :
not. Now It happened that the $2,000 loan 01
this land of Smith's had been made by Lou-
gee & Lougee nnd wheii Squire and thej
carae to compare notes Squire lenrne > d thai
the man he loaned the money to was noi
Smith and did not bear even the ollghtesi
re-semblance to him. The case U now In the
hands of the police.
"llntlle.hln Dnr" lit SeliooU.
Friday , November IS. will bo celebrate ,
as 'Battleship day" In the public school
of Council Bluffs. Exercises will comment
at 2 o'clock lu every school room In thi
city. The program will bo composed o
patriotic recitations and eonga. The pupil
will also bo afforded an opportunity to sub
crlb to "The American Boy" fund to bull. .
mighty battleship to be named "Tho
American JJoy" to replace the Maine. The
contributions from the glrla will bo used
to supply the entire furnishings of the vee-
sel. The local committee of "The American
Boy" fund Is comprised of Captain O. O.
Butts and Lieutenants M. Hanchett , M , Du-
Kay and H. Cavln of the High school cadets.
ItnllroadH Munt UeoonMrnet Tlielr
Ilrlcljren Over Indian Creek.
At the adjourned meeting of thp city coun
cil laet night a resolution was adopted re
quiring all railroad companies and the motor
company to reconstruct their bridges over
Indian creak so that they would not be
below the established' city grade and no
that they shall leave n clear and unob
structed waterway under each brldgo not
less than forty-two feel In width , The city
marshal was Instructed to notify each of
the railroads that the city would hold them
llabln for any Injury or damage that
might bo caused by the obstruction of n
free wate-rway under their respective
bridges. These bridge * . It In claimed , have
been mainly -the cause In the pant for In
dian creek overflowing Its banks In thp
event of a freshet. The committee on
bridges and city property was authorized to
replank the bridge ou Broadway over the
creek and raise It eight Inches.
The resolution providing for the paving
of Fourth street with asplmltum and Harri
son street with brick was adopted and the
city clerk Instructed to advertise for bids.
The paving of Pierce street between First
and Stutsman streets was originally In
cluded In this resolution , but the council
liist night , after discussing the matter for
nearly an hour , finally decided to cut It
out. The special committee to which had
ben referred .the . bills of Chief of Police
Blxby for horse feed , telegraphing and
photographing criminals reported , recom
mending that the chief be * allowed $6 a
month for horse feed and that all tele
graphing to be done by the police depart
ment be done under the supervision nnd
approval of the mayor. With reference to
the photographing of criminals the commit
tee recommended that henceforth no ex
pense bo Incurred for photographing pris
oners except such as are held to the district
court for crimes punishable by Imprison
ment In the penitentiary and then only
on the approval of the committee on police
and health.
The general sidewalk ordinance providing
for the laying of n number of brick side
walks In different parts of the city was
passed. A resolution was adopted Instruct
ing the city attorney to require the parties
who secured In the spring of last year the
contract to lay plank sidewalks to complete
the work. The contractors have failed to
lay a largo portion of sidewalk where there
Is considerable grading to be clone.
Eugene Vedder. who had a bill before the
council of $6 for damage to his buggy by
reason of defective roadbed at Tenth nvontio
and Sixteenth street , was ordered allowed
the sum of $3 in settlement of his claim.
Those desiring copies of the Jubilee edi
tion of The Dally Bc c n secure them at
the Council Bluffs office of The Bee.
MUs Julia Officer , teacher of piano , 533
Willow avenue. Fall and winter term.
Walter Johnson , lawyer , notary , Sapp blk ,
Collections made everywhere In U. 8.
Petition * for Divorce.
Two petitions for divorce were filed yes
terday In the district court. Lida Larleon
asks the court to sever the bonds that tie
her to Larry Lartson , whom she married In
this county February 11. 1893. She asks the
court to restore to her her maiden natne ot
Llda Johnson nnd at the same time award
her the cuHfody of the two children of the
Mcda Houston seeks a divorce from Mat
thew Houston , whom she married In Cedar
Rapids June 17. 1880. She says Houston de
serted her September 15 of this year. The
court Is asked to award her the custody of
their son Walter , aged 9 years.
Part 2 of The Deb's paotogravures of tje !
exposition Is now ready and can be had at
the Council Bluffs office.
S n p In the Union Kail * Ilvlorv
llic Average * Small 'Crop
-M > rou < l A
CHICAGO. Oct. 24. The Orange Judd
Farmer tomorrow will say : "Tho apple crop
of the United States Is smaller than It has
been slnco reliable statistics have been col
lected. The total supply from the 1898 crop
of the United States Is 7,700,000 barrels ,
compared with something ' over -10,000,000
Itarrels fast vear nnd 70.000,000 barrels In the
record breaklne cron of 1898. The failure Is
widesnread. reaching from the Pacific Coast
to Maine , and In none of the states does the
outout of fruit approach an average. In the
great annlc utates of the west the crop la
almost an absolute failure , although the
situation In Michigan Is better than else
where. having about two-third of the bumper
crop of 189C. New York has only one-fifth
of a full crop. Thp failure Is attributed to
the fact that during the blooming season
there was excessive rainfall , which washed
out the pollen and prevented proper fertiliza
tion by Insects , whllo a coi'd wave added to
the injury , and subsequent moist , humid
weather was very favorable to the develop.
ment of fungous diseases. The Ontario crop
Is decidedly short. The crop of Europe Is
renorted below the normal. "
Snrvlvom of Civil Wnr Ilcmciiiliprnl
by the ( ovrrnmeiit.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 24. ( Special. ) Pen
sions have been granted ten the following :
Issue of October 12 :
Nebraska Original : George W. Barker ,
dead. Tekamah. $2 ; John G. Fisher , Omaha ,
$8 ; Henry Harrison , Grand Island , $ $ . In
crease : Gcorgo M. Austin , Tekamah , $8 to
IOWB. Original : William Rosburg , Lu-
zcrne , JS ; JamesW. . Gordon , Garrison , $12 ;
Charles Dcwald. Falrbank. $6. Additional :
William B. Phillips. Marlon. $6 to J12.
Restoration and Increase : George W. New-
comb , Albla , J6 to $17. Increase : Daniel
BUbop. Keokuk , { 6 to 8 ; Oliver P. Heald ,
Klngsley , ? G to $8 ; George T. Anderson ,
Earlham $0 to 7 ; Norvllle J. Utt , Mark.
S17 to 130 ; Jonathan Huntey. | Bagley , ; i2
to $14. Reissue and Increase : Henry Pruyn ,
Sanborn , J10 to $12. Original wldown , etc. :
Ellen M. Stnley. Weldon. $8.
Montana Original widows , etc : Albert
B. Weatherbee. Glendlve. JS.
Colorado Original widow , etc. : Kezlah
Fausler. Fort Collins. $8 ; Julia B. Worley.
Montrose. $8.
lOiid of MlnnrV StrlUr.
COLUMBUS. O. . Oc 34. A special to the
Dispatch from Pomeroy , O. , says : The
miners' strike , which has existed slnco
March , is broken and the miners' organiza
tion Is disrupted. The Pacific mine started
up today nnd tbo men ore scrambling to
get In at reduced wages. The approaching
winter and the refusal of the company stores
to longer give credit broke * the strike.
Movement of Troi > | iN Koiilh.
LEXINGTON. Kv. . Oct. 24. The move
ment of troops from Camp Hamilton to
camps In the south will begin next Sunday ,
when the division commanders and their
staffs leave. The regiments will begin leav
ing November 9 at tho. rote of one each day.
fipiirrnl ISIrctrlc Dividend.
NEW VOniC , Oct. 2l.-The General Elec-
trie company lius declared a payment of 11
psr rent on Its preferred stock , representing
art of the accumulated back dlvtdenda.
Believer * in Immomon Get Together al
Ocdar Rapids.
DlfTorcnt nrnnchr * of CImroli Wurl
< o lie Cnnnlilercd Uxliiinntlvely ! >
tlio .ViniioroiiN OrttnnlxntlotiN
I'ro Km in In Detail.
CDDAn UAP1DS , la. , Oct. 21.-SpeclaU- (
The annual meeting of the Iowa State Dap
list association and the several allied socl
otles of the church opened In the First Dap
list church this evening with nn addres
by Prof. R. D. Durton of the University o
Chlctifio. Tomorrow will bo given tip to ;
conference of the pastors and In the morn
Ing different phases of the subjects , " \Vorl
of the Local Church. " "Tho Prayer Meeting'
and "Tho Work of the Holy Spirit.vll
be discussed. This will bo followed by th
icports of committees , meeting of the low
Uaptlst Education society and the aniiua
address by Prof. R. D. Durton. in the after
noon n paper on "Tho Christian Academy1
will bo given by Prof. Jay S. Lapham of tii
Cedar Valley seminary aud Ilcv. .T. F
Watts of Sioux City will give nn addres
on The Power of Leadership. " In the even
Ing there will he an address by Rev. W. U
Everts of St. Paul , whoso subject will b
Knowledge and Zeal ; Apart and Together.1
The Btato convention proper will ope
Wednesday morning. The address of wel
come will bo given by Prof. J. J. Powell
President Milton Uemlcy of Iowa City nfte
responding will give the president's address
Then will conio the appointment of commit
tees , reports of officers , to be followed b
the annual sermon by Rev. Robert Carrel
of Cherokee , The morning session will b
brought to a close by the president's wo !
conio to the now pastors. Different branche
of the' subject "Importance of the Rvan
gellzatlon of Iowa" will ho discussed In th
afternoon In short addresses by Rev. r
McMasters of Hampton , Rev. S. R. Wllco
of Osage and Ilcv. J. A. Earl of Wnterloc
This will he followed by the reports fror
themissionaries. . The evening will b
given up to a missionary maes meeting.
OnThursday morning after the trans
action of routine work "Tho Influence c
the Christian Press" will be discussed b
Rev. J. A. Shaw of Red Oak , Rev. F.V
Datcson of Denlson and Rev. R. Carton c
Durllngtou. The morning session will b
brought to a close with the report of com
mlttees and election of officers ,
The meeting of the American Baptis
Homo Mlealon society will be held on Thurs
dav afternoon , at which an address win b
made bv Rev. D. D. Proper of lies Molnc
nn "National Evangelization. "
The American Daptlat Missionary unloi
will aTso hold a meeting on Thursday after
noon and addresses will be made by Rev
Frank Peterson , secretary of the union , am
Hev. W. S. Sweet of China.
Thursday evening will be given up t
the meeting of the American Baptist Pub
llcation society , at which Rev. E. S. Stucke
of Chicago will give an address on "Amer
lean BantlBt Publication" and Boston W
Smith of Minneapolis will glvo an address 01
"Tho Gosnel on Wheels. "
The annual meeting of the Women's Homi
and Forolzn Mission work will be hell
Friday morning. The address of welcomi
will be given by. JUss , Eberhart , followei
bv the address of the president , Mrs. Altoh
tenu. After different reports 'a. number o
( iiort addresses will be given , tie ieas'oi
e.losluc with nn address by Mlsd Anna M
Parklcv of Memphis. Tenn. , on "Ocncra
\\ork of theWomen's Home Missionary So
titty. "
In the afternoon the meeting of the Dap
tist Younc People's union will bo held , tin
main nddiess being given by Rev. J. B. Tro
lour of Central Cltv.
The closing meeting of the week will bi
held Frldav evening , at which time an ad
dress will hn elven bv Rev. W. H. Qeltt
v/elt. I ) . D. , of Galesburg , III.
Illnnvlic Packard UeMurllirn Her A'lsl
ivllli IIobNim to Skeleton Ship * .
MARSHALLTOWN , la. . Oct.24. ( Special.
Blanche Packard , a 'wet ! known youni
woman of this city has written a friend i
letter from Santiago , touching tome Interest
Ing experiences there as a government nurse
She eava :
Sunday before last Mrs. Brooks. Mlsi
Drooks and I were Invited bv Major Summe
to go with him aud his friends. Lteutenan
Hobaon. the hero. Major Smith and pcvera
other majors and captains I havtf met et
many that I have forgotten tholr names am
board the Maria Teresa. Wo started i
happy , jolly party , on the tug Chapman , am
passing the Merrlmac and Relna Mercede :
wo steamed out nast Morro Into the armi
of the grand old ocean. How lovely to fee
the ocean breeze after standing over feve
patients , you can Imagine. The day.couli
not have been lovelier ; the ocean had a deep
heavy swell , but as we were all good sallon
wo enjoyed that. The men all enjoyed wha
they considered a good Joke. As we roundec
Morro. going west , we caught a heavy FCi
and the tug being low the waves wnshei
completely over the deck and we wore sonkei
to the knees , our clean linen skirts wen
limp , but as their white duck trousers weiv
as bad wo didn't care. After about twi
hours we sighted the historic men-of-war
the Maria Teresa and Onuendo. The Binal
boat was lowered and for a moment wi
held our breath how could wo climb dowi
that perpendicular ladder Into that rolling
bobbing eggshell of a boat ? And It rcall :
was a difllcult thing to do , as we had ti
Jump from the ladder Into the boat at jus
the right moment. We did it safely am
were rowed over to the Maria Teresa , when
our courage was again tested by cllmblui
up the straight affair they called a ladder
built Into the side of the ship. At Inst wi
wore all safely ou the poor Maria Teresa
We climbed over broken Iron , aud as every
thing that could burn did so and overythlm
was covered with ashes , wo were soon black
Lieutenant llobson showed us over. Yoi
know he has been given a difficult piece o
engineering , that of raising the half-sunkei
men-of-war. Wo went over every part , Inti
the small gun turrets. One large gun 1
still loaded. All the gunners were klllei
by one shell and none had time to shoo
the labt ehell. As I thought of the dying
hopeless Spanish men the ehlp Itself seeinee
to be possessed with feeling as though thi
Inanimate thing had suffered , too. Tli <
Maria Teresa , with Its dull , rusty Iron
burnt orange in color , lying close up to th <
shore In an Inlet , the dusky green mountain
and deep blue ocean , all supremely beautiful
Lieutenant Hohson looks much older thai
the papers give as his age. I bellevo It ha :
been given as 28. He IH charming so mod
eat and has one peculiarity , and that IH h !
deliberate manner of talking. He has ni
unusually musical voice and won't pay th' '
wrong word In the wrong place. After w <
had been over the Teresa aud had our pho
los snapped by Major Smith , leaning agalns
the guns , etc. , we descended to thu boat t
try surf landing. It was great fun.
I heard yesterday that In the hills out o
1,200 men 900 were sick , and that th <
graves could not be dug quickly enough. Th
men are to bo blamed , for they drink am
also eat the fruits before becoming uccll
mated. I have oulv eaten a pineapple sine
I have been on the Island. Mangos am
frultn I have never before eaten I neve
touch. BO I have kent well. But. of course
thu terrible rains would also make sickness
but the men help the rain bv their careless
nets. In tlmo of war. with so many me
dying , life becomes of small Importance nn
the men set reckless. We have a Cubai
here sweeping floors , etc. , who Is a gradual
In medicine , The Cuban canaille are liavlu
a good time , drawing rations and not work *
Ing. A little In his stomach nnd an oppor
tunity to ill down Is nit thn Cubnn wnnto.
omMnI AniiiMiiiccnirnt tlmt flip llojn
Will Sail on Weilnrxiliiy.
DBS MOINKS. Oct. 24. ( Special Tele-
eram.l It linn bfcn officially announced thnt
the riftv-Hrst regiment wilt sail for Ma
nila on Wednesday sure. The arrangements
have been made for some time , but not
elven out till lust before the time for do-
tiarture. fo that If present orders are car
ried out the Iowa boys will be well on their
way to the south seas before the last of
thn week.
Governor Shtvw has not yet made a re
tention of dairy commissioner and the
friends of the different candidates are each
working very hard for the selection of their
particular man. It Is the wloh of tin1 gov
ernor that the selection come from among
those who are the actual dairymen of the
state. Many Interests in the stale which
fcikc this same view of the case arc nt pres
ent urging the name of C. R. Bennett of
Trlooll. Drcmer county , for the place , claim
ing that Mr. Bennett is the best selection
that could bo made to represent thn dairy
Interests In the state. The governor will
nrolmblv make a choice this week.
This morning the State Elections board
filed with the secretary of state a written
onlnlon In the democratic contest case from
Ilin Fourth Judicial district. The bo.ird
hoils that the name of A. L. Beardsley shall
ballot democratic
not annear unnn the official as
cratic candidate for Judge from the Fourth
district , on the ground that the Sioux City
rnnvnntlon which nominated him was not
rccularlv called , was" not a delegate con
vention and therefore not an expression ol
of that ills-
thn wishes of the democrats
Smith was submitted to
The case of Betsy
the supreme court for the second time this
morning without oral argument. It Is ex
pected that a decision will be handed down
by the January term of court. Betsy Is serv
ing a life term fcr the murder of her hus
band , Michael Smith. It was her daughter ,
Cora , who afterwards confessed the crime ,
received a life sentence , and then about t r
weeks ago committed suicide by eating
Governor Shaw this afternoon rccelvci.
nn Invitation to speak at a great Bound
money meeting , to bo held In Brooklyn
X. Y. , on the 29th , at which tlmo Chaunccj
Dewey and ex-Secretary of the Treasurj
Falrchlld will speak. The governor was
forced to decline because of a previous ar
rangement made for a speech by him In this
The supreme court decisions today were :
DCS Molnes Savings Bank against R. J
Good and Sarah D. Good , appellants ; from
Polk district. Reversed ;
Charles Donahoe against James Kallowa ,
apiMjllant ; from Webster district. Affirmed.
Upton E. Traer. appellant , against The
State Board of Medical Examiners et al. ;
from Polk district. Affirmed.
Mrs. Agnes Whalcn against The Lelsy
Brewing Company et al. , appellants ; from
Polk district. Affirmed.
Louis Stoltenberg , appellant , against Con
tinental Insurance Company ; from Dickin
son district. Affirmed.
W. C. and Eliza Cooper against Executorr
Park Dlsbrow , et al. , appellants ; from Cass
district. Affirmed.
FnvorliiK the State Amendment.
ODRBOLT. la. , Oct. 24. ( Special. ) The
constitutional amendment to be voted on
next month In Iowa is attracting much at
tention In the northwestern part of tht
state. In this section the politicians size
up the situation thus : This amendment
provides that each county shall be entitled
to aC least one representative In the legis
lature ; and Its adoption will greatly In
crease the power nnd Influence of this sec
tion of the state In shaping legislation.
"Tho older counties of the stare have tot
years had all the representation to which
they are entitled ; whllo northwestern Iowa ,
with its rapidly increasing population , has
been deprived of it's Just representation by
the present section of the constitution ,
which was framed before this part of the
state was settled.
The proposition vo increase our representa
tion will be of great benefit to voters of
all parties If adopted ; and every man In
northwestern Iowa should vote yea. There
U reason to bellovo that the older counties
will vote In the negatlvu In order to pre
serve their present power nnd Influence.
They fought the passage of the amendment
In the legislature and will endeavor to de
feat It at the polls. Hence voters In this
part of the state should be alert.
Lo nnil the Kodak.
LEMARS , la. . Oct. 24 , ( Special. ) Ed
Thomarson had a little experience the other
day at the exposition grounds In Omaha
whilst up In the neighborhood of the Indian
village. Ed wan taking In the sights and
had his kodak along and took a few pic
tures. Whllo taking a , snap shot nt a big
Indian chief another buck came up behind
him and hit him on iho sldo of the bead ,
knocking him down and { vending the kodak
flying. Several bystanders and the police
came to his assistance and the Indian was
taken In charge. As Thomarson did not
want to lose any time prosecuting a charge
against him he was released.
I.llicl Stilt tin IIIn UnnilK ,
OTTUMWA. la. , Oct. 21. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A. W. Lee , editor of the Dally
Courier , Is the defendant In a $10,000 libel
suit now In progress in the federal court at
Keokuk. This Is another phase of the many
suits brought by Tyndal Palmer of New York
some years ago against the United Press
association and newspapers for charges of
Alleged defalcations. A similar case against
John Mabln of the Muscatine Journal will
follow the Leo case.
IIiintlNt College PreMilent.
DRS MOINES. Oct. 24. ( Special. ) Rev.
Frederick L. Anderson of Rochester , X. Y. ,
will become president of the DCS Molnes
Baptist college. Dr. Anderson has been
recommended 'to ' the board by President
Harper of Chicago. The trustees say Dr.
Andcwon came here to get acquainted with
the college and Baptists of Des Molnes. Ho
preached here Sunday. Ho will go to Cedar
Rapids to attend the meeting of the State
Baptist association.
loivu I'rekN Comment.
Doone News : Suppose ttfat one of our
merchants wanted a lob of work done and
should send to some other city to get a
workman , when men were Idle at home.
Thn wacee would be carried off and the labor
i of this cltv wouM bo deorlvod of that which
Justly belonged to It. On the same principle
when our people go away from homo to
trade In lines where they can be accommo
dated at home they are depriving business
of Its Just earnings. It Is a wise community
that stands bv Its homo business.
Cedar Raplda Republican : They are mak
ing efforts In Greene county to provide a
county hospital for the Insane. The Jeffer
son Bee eays that It costs that county $3 to
SI a week to care for the Insane In the
Btato hospitals. The Bee has been collectIng -
Ing Information from various county hospi
tals. Auditor Camp of Linn county writes
that It costs about $7 per month per capita
to care for the Inrano In this countv. There
are countlpH which claim to mend no mor
than $5 per capita per month. The lattrr
Is almost a criminal figure. Human belncs
who have lost their reason cannot bo kept
for 15 a month. You cannot keep a horse
for that sum. That means Improper feeder
or Imnroner caro. and a people which mal
treat or underfeed their unfortunates arc no
better than hi 3thi > n . That J7 rate which
prevails tu this county IH reaHonable. We
bellevo that It speaks well for our county
Burllnston Hawkeye : It may be true what
ox-Governor Holts claims and what the pop
ulist votern nroclalm from the stump , to the
vilification of their own splendid elate , that
farmlnc does not nay In Iowa. Mr. Bolts
ouaht to know , for he owns many acres of
Contains every clement that makes
a healthful and desirable beverage ,
Purity , Perfect Brewing , Proper
Giving piquancy , zest , satisfaction , true refreshment ,
The Original The Faust
Budweiser Hf The Anheuser-
a 'f S iW *
TheMicheiob Standard
The Muenchener / ® | kv Ths Pale Lag
aadTSs Mp Y ' $ ? taWi ! * '
Brewed and bottled only by the
Is the Association's Guiding Motto.
Good , pure , clear , healthful Beer , made of selected grains , costs more to make than
the Indifferent kinds , therefore commands a hhjher price. Anheuser-Busch Beer
is served on all Pullman and Wagner Dining and Buffet Cars , all Ocean and
Lake Steamers , and in all the best Hotels , Cafes , Clubs , and families.
Used by Army and Navy and at Soldiers' Homes.
MALT-NUTRINE , the purest Malt Kxtract the Peed Drink a boon to the weak
and convalescent is prepared by this association.
Beautiful new booklet free. Anhtujcr-Busch Brewing Ass'n , 5t. Louis , I ) . S. A.
Vitatlzer will quickly cure all > ! rtlHcaucsof thovpncr-itlro orj
yaiiH uruiiKlitoii toy youthful nrrorsorcxjenKcs. such n Lost Manhood ,
liiionmla. ispi-rinntni-rnoun I'-itns hi Ilu-li. ; Kvll In > .inis , Suinlnal Kmls-
Ions. NcrvoiiH UutiHi.PlinpleH. . Ilununclif. UnHtnrHu to Marry. Ex-
iiniiKtlnr Drains Varicocnli > : u\rt ConstliiAiiun. stop * IOHHOH bydrtvo'
nlKjit Prnvontaanti-knefiii of'liholinrirr. wlil"li K-.iila tu.Sporm.itarrlige * %
and Impot-ncy Cloniiseh the liver , Itliini-yn and urinary orpan * of all
BRhURR and Ai ifiH impurltlna. StrniiKilims Hnl roster ' niiiall wcaVs oritana , cl.UUnbox ,
. . . . . OforW.Oil. H'KirniuePd to cM-rc Ss , .o/or Iran circular nud 60(10 ( teBtl-
aoolall D vol.M Jlcln Co , bin Vranoloco. Cal. For ulo bj Meyon , lUlon Drur Co. Om htt , Kefc ,
Improved land in Iowa can be purchased at low figures.
We have bargains in Fruit Farms and Garden Lands. iMoney
to Loan on Farms at 5 per cunt interest. City Property In
4J 43 39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
farming land In Iowa , Ho works some of
his farms himself , rents out others and
M-orkH some on shares. But. the fact that
he. who Is known as a good business man ,
U constantly Increasing his farm property ,
would seem to Indicate that he considers thu
sionev Invested In them a good Investment.
However that may be , the fart Is
vertlh'fe that there is lots more money In
Iowa than there was a year or two ago ,
that the nrnnlc linvii much more of It. And
as this Is nn agricultural , nnd not a manu
facturing or a commercial Ktate , the Increase
In wealth ns ivnrpipnted In hard cash Is due
to the urollts made bv the fanner ? on their
creat crnrw of thn last few harvests.
IlMVIlOtVH \lltCH ,
Muscatine hotel men complain that a gang
nf short change men has been operating
there very recently.
More than 1.000 teachers attended the ses
sion of the Northwestern Iowa Teachers' as
sociation at Waterloo last week.
Charles Stegall. a negro of Davenport , will
bo the llr t man hanged under lowa'fi new
law. The execution occurs December 1.
Lumber dealers at Ida Orovo declare thnt
more building Is being done there this year
and In the country adjoining than for years ,
and all the business Is snot cash.
The Ottumwa Oun club has Issued hnnd-
ramo programs for its two days' shoit. All
the cracks in the state will bu present , and
Eomo good purses will bo contested for.
The Ottumwa lodge of Klka has given
considerable attention to chnritv sublee-ts
lately and will give a ball In the near fu
ture for the benefit of the poor of that
Of the state supreme court decisions last
week reported , four out of six were re
versals. Thu large per centage In favor
of additional trials means more expense , and
the various counties are beginning to figure
the cost of this sort of ludlclal manage
ment In the lower courts.
As an evidence of the damage gossip mon
gers do which can never be repaired , the
case of Charles Russell nt Llscoiub Is Bald
to bo a splendid exampleHe was very
old nnd had n pretty , young wlfo. Ho died
suddenly , and the widow did not appear to
show the distress the neighbors thought she
should manifest. The coroner's attention
was called to the case , and the voung widow
was pointed to iw a very suspicious creature1.
She almost lost her mind before the coroner
decided that the old man died from the
direct results of too much drink.
IcMva I'filltlcnl Xiitc * .
Sid Foster's sneech at Garden firovc
ellcllod annlaiisn and entertained a large
crowd for two hours. f.
T. L. Crowley , the republican nominee for
county auditor at Iowa C'lty , has lived In
that town all his life and has 11 record for
i honesty that Is pointed to by politicians all
1 over thn stnte. So his friends boast that
! no oononent cares to st > cnd money trying to
defeat him.
As an argument why the republican ! ) tlilnk
they should In future control the affairs of
' Clinton county they mention such little
things as a Ion of f-tO.flOO In mulct taxctf , a
fraud of $35.000 In Iho court house e-onstruc-
tlon and a 112,000 theft from thu clerk's
ofllce under the democrats. )
Judge Key Is making his race for con
gress on the IKSUC that the Iowa farmer IH
a bankrupt and that farming under a high
tariff , gold standard country has made hlir I
FO. N'aturally the prosperous lown agri
culturists are clvlne the Judge a warm ro-
ceotlon with tiurli a recommendation as he
nuDroaohfs them with.
Wills , who IH running against Dave
I'almer , the republican , for railroad commls-
\ lonor. has the candor to admit that he
! rarrs nothlnc abnut the success of free silver
and but llttlo moro about iho democratic
party but what ho is interested In Is nn
ofllco and FaUrv for Win * . At least this Is i
1 the story of the opposition. _ |
i Horsford'sAciil ' Phosphate
I Ranks as the beat remtdy for deblll-
jjtoted men and woman.
nt to _ Uli. Shun Bntatltntc * .
Searles & Searles.
Gnnrantre. to euro npecillly and radl *
cnllj- nil M'llVeH . , ClinOMC A5JD
ritJ VATIC ilUeusen of men and rrome *
SEXUALLY. cured for life.
NIdht Emlsolons , Lost Manhood , Hy-
droeele , VericocHe , Gonorrhea , Gltet , Syph
ilis , StricturePllr * . KlHtula and RcoU )
Ulcers , Dlnbotcn , Brlght'o DlFease cured.
. Curcd
by now method without pain or cuttlnr ,
Call on or address ulth stamp. Treatment
by mall.
J ID H.Utti HI. ,
Dil3. SEMES ISFAR1ES. \IA11 A , .VK/J.
gives the clean-
linens and oven
lioat with Heft
coal , aH hard
coal in Base
Tito Hot Blast Draft
JiurnH ami hiivou the
KUhnlf ef soft coal.
Soft coal equal to
hard coul.
I used Cole'H Hot Hlusl. No. ISO , from
December , ' 07 , till During. It In ns clean i
any wood stove I ever uacel. Often u grapi
basket full of coal lusted from one evening
till tinnext. . It was lUeady , even hc-at.
I'lro only went out onro during the winter
and thin v > u * our fuull. It newer mnoked
. uid walls nnd celling are cKun as If 1
burned woc.d. It Ix the bctit steve I ovvl
Milton Itogri-H , Agent , Omitha , Neb.
M < MlllllTN Of till' A. S , C.
Architects and Superintendents
riniiH anil -cintiilluii | *
I'liriilHlii-il ,
Room 3. EverettDlk , , Council Bluffs
i-ii Council lllufTo nnil Omaha ,
llntps Itenr.cnable. Satisfaction Guaranteed
Council UluITu olllcu , No 8 North Mall
strer-t. Telephone 128. Omaha otllce removed -
moved to K2 South Fifteenth street , Tele.
pliono U08
Connections made with South Omah