rp UB OMAHA DAILiY BEE : SUNDAY , OCTOBER 23 , 1898. f/lPfl'TIT PI'Pn ITO I1MPIMITP SfltlfcTl SttS IIS OPLMNC Closing of the Exposition Mark * the Time I ) ar to Orcgarioaii NOTABLE ENGAGEMENT IS ANNOUNCED Minn Aridrrrnrn niul .Mr. f.illliir I. ICnrinlrr In lie Mnrrlril Ilinlx l Ilii * ftrimrMi Mfnmlliiic TIT | - Wnll- IHIC ' r flic Cnrlnln. Ail th al * to the exponlllmi swing In- gfthw the portali of I "al noeltty nro thrown moro wjilrjy open. The declining day * of th t great * * ! Dhow of the wwt jr marked with IncrcMln * Interest In society clrclw. With a slight diminution of lnl yet In the flxpotltlori attractions thro h.i * como a won derful Inrrcwj of Intercut In the gay whirl of society. I The list of entertnlnrncritfl Hit wnek In ; m > r leiiKtli * an < l Includes inoio notable affair * than have boon prtvlouMy recorded IIIl/i tcaion. Hut Hi' ) greatciit activity IIMH , ' been * hov n In thrme tnnttcrii fur which Cupid IN responsible. The wnldlng * of the week havQ not been equalled In number or Importance thin xtanori. Bovoral engage ment * of absorbing Interest U ) noclety dev otee * have been announced and that of Ml Allco Atidreciicn U > Mr. Luther I.athnm Koiint/o proved to bo the premier event , of tin- wok I Minn AndrocKcn WH * the flr/it / , In moro wayn than one , of the debutant * of taut iranrm. Hhe IN th only child of Mr. 13d- ward M , Andrcenen and IH one of the moil highly e < ) "tncd youriK women In Omaha rouety. Khn ban the cultitrn of a flno cilu- I cutlon nnd corinldcrnblc pojournlng In Ku- rope , which , added to her personal clinrtn , ) ia * miide bur position In ocle.ty a rmnt enviable one. Hlnce her debut thcro has been none In local noddy moro Bought forte to grace the leading event * tli.iti MIDI An- flrccncn , Mr. Kouutro In the necoiid con of Hcrmnn Kount/e and In aim imi < wJ In tli banking bUMlntM. Ho IH nn ulmmiim of Yale , cla * of .it , and nlticu Ills return to Omaha ban been a prominent leader In zociuy. Thn debutantes urn busily engaged in arranging tbolr gowns and pnrtlrn ricce anry to tholr forrnnl prrHcntatlon to Omaha's " 400. " Tlin flrnt tomlnK out party Is not for tbo early part of November. It will lw > iihortly followed by tbo 1'almcr-Morio nuptlali. Tbo outlook for brilliant affairs next month may tben < faro bo regarded tin excellent , ctriieclnlly an UICHO two ctvonti will bo followed by ether * of c < | iial rank. Tim ball nt the Metropolitan club laat evening opened the Jowbih Heazon of social activity. Over 100 gucntii wuro prcaent , nnd tbo affair wan In every respect n crodltablo nuccnm , During tbo coming week tbu meet- lng of tb Council of Women nnd of tbo Council of Jowluh Women will afford many pleasant opportunities for nodal nffulrn. The luncheon of lha latter on Tuomlny liromliKH to bo nn idabnrato entertainment. Metropolitan Cluli'N Ojn-nlnir. Ono of the Important events of thu soanon In fiocloty clrcli'H unit thu opening ball given lat night by tbo Metropolitan club In 1U spacious parlorH and ball on llarney Btrcct. The drawing ronniH and dancliiK hull were brilliantly lighted and decorated for the oc- ( nnlon and nearly 200 nocluty pertain were prcBont. The expcclal ijucntii of honor were tliroo debutant ! ) , Misses Mildred V. I.ovy , Carrlo Itoiicnnteln and Hcnclion Itchfuld , who wcro formally lultoiluccd to Roctuty In n mont delightful way , A number of frlendn from out of tbn city wrru preaotit to add to the HticceHB of tbi ) younK uniiien'n Hut nlRbt nnd tbo dcbutantn wnro iioconlcd by all tbo IminnKu wblcl/ wan their duo , Tbo dancing iinijtrnm V > BH precedtil by an Informal reception In Ibo parlors downitalm. Hero the KUCHIH wcro rccolvcd by n commit' ten of alio club , connlstlnK. of K , Flihor , M. HtrauaH , A , MandelberK nnd 0. HollKSolin. 11 fitrniiKu , preHldont of tbu club , nnd A. I ) . llninitolH , vlcii prcnldcnt , wcro olno actlvo In tb entertainment of Kiicsta. The iircRram waa In tiharso of Kauffman'H orcboxtra anil WUH apportioned Into twulvo iiumbcrH , with nn Interval for mippcr. This repaiit vtnit xpruad In tlio lorn ; < llnliiK ball , tbo table bulni ; In the form of a T. Quite an elaborate menu uno nerved and nt Itn conclUHlon dancltiK wait rcHumed In thu hall upntalrti and continued until n late hour. U wan felt by 'tbo older momberH that the club bad never conducted a moro HUucctm- ful affair In the fifteen yearn of Itn exist ence , riatm arc buliiK laid by thu momhora for tbo ttnual Tli.iiiltdglvliiK feitlvltlea , whloh have boon made especially prominent In Ibo pant. Amonn Ibo ladles jirtwcnt wcru : Mum Hanchon Hfhfrld White tnllo , bo > llc > > K-irnlturn of whltn Hhlrred ribbon In diamond mend ithnpo ; dncolluto. ' .MlHs I.ouUo Ilellor 1'lnk nllk orcandy , itillled uklrt , ulilrrcd bodlco ; dncollete , .Mildred V. I.ovy Whllo corded Hllk veiled in Hllvcr Hpanclod bninnul net , blaH xpaiiKlod rulllev alternating with frllU of ribbon on uklrt ; dftrnlletn ; diamond pendant. Dolly I'olack Wblto tucked wlni with iicoonllon rufllen , BpanlHb flounce with frllU of lacej dccolloto. Mlns TeweleH of Mllwiuikro Whltu bro caded eatln bodlco nnvclopod In whlto chiffon fen ; American lleautlea ; decollete , MHB | Krloda HaiiKer Wlilto oruandy over Vlnk nlllc ; docollpto. Minn BanmtaK of Now York llluo nutlii , bodlco viilli'il In blue nut. Mm , Mendi'lmobn from Detroit , ( Incut of Mm. MandelborR 1'arM ROWII of black natln , vpaiiKlcd bodlco , * Mra , Hlmotm of Denver lllnck natln , toucbeH nf cerUu velvet. Mint ) Hclifold Itullled or pi tidy of poppy red Bilk. Mm , J. KlolnVlillo oatln roreano trimmed with Duchrixio lace. Mliiu Nettlu ItotbJchlld-aray Hllk ; decol- Irlc. Irlc.Ml Ml i Klora Hotlmchlld Mauve allk cm- tiollUlied with orcnm-ciU velvet. MlM Pnrrlo llosennteln Whtto poplin ruf- floM of llrotmi lace and Hhlrred ribbon ; decol- loto ; liomiuet of AiiRimtu Vlctorlo rnors. MrH. Kali llrocndod Koiicli serge , bodlco of dee | > , red brown ullk. Mr . Morrlw Levy Creation of black ami > \blto Btitln with loiH'hoi of araiiRo velvet. MrH. Murltx Meyer lllnck peiiu do note ; ilerolletc. Mm , A. Mandolberif Hluo strlpod ollk ; in-nrln. Mm. J. Merrltt lllack peau do note , boJlco Baking Powder Made from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum tuklnp powders are the greatest mciucen to health of the present day. oral Bums ro oin eo. , new voiu. draped wlib whltr pitm , appllrU ) < * l with ribbon - bon Ixjwknou , rnrttor rww , decollete. MM. Cohn Whlto natln with a tlack Jet tirtttff l 1A. \ . orcrdrcM. Mr * . Arthur HrandolB Uovc gray upangtal velvet. iJlamond * . Mr . Wiffthrlrnrr Striped whlto llk chiffon , decollete ; pcarli , MlM Uattls OrelfuH White tulle over olil rttf.f IviKranco ro e . MlM Je o Ixibm n-Plnk jraiuf , ( ihlrred hod1ci > . bias rufllMl nklrt , decollete ; Amcrl- Mtt lleautr ro o/i. / Mm. A. MclUr niack brocaded r.llk. Mrn. Maurlco D xen Flgurid white cren- fllnn ovpr vollow nllk : diamond * . Ml * * lllock of Atlantic , In. , guist of Mrn , Jl. Hvman Crratn atln bodlco draptd with pmbrnldi'rod net , MlM Lena IlthfeM Uuffled nown of mulln ovtr olnk silk : dicollctc. The marrlatjo of MUs Pauline V. Wad- Iclgli of CllnUni , In , to Mr. Jacob K. Ma'kl of thin city nt thu homo of thn brides panmts on Wednesday evening created a r at deal of Interest among the numeroui frlendi of Mr. MarkM In tlild rlty and WM attended by n notable party of Omiha gucU . The wcildlng was a quite affair , only the families of the brldo and groom and a few relative from abroad being In attendance , ynt It woa tharactorlzcd by almplo olc anco. The Interior of the spacious mansion was decorated In grccti and white , chrynanthe- tniirnn prwlumlnatlng In the floral effects , Ilnv. Henry M'irrlll of St. John'n L'plscopal church performed the ceremony. The brldo wan attired In whlto natln np- pllilfd ( | with Uuflslun IBCP. The couple wcro unattended. After the ccrnrnony elegant re- fcoHlimtntii wcro Dorvr-d , Mr. nnd Mrs. Mar ie el will bo at homo after November 7 at the Mlllunl hotel. The KUiMt * from Omaha were : Mr. and Mr . Ouy Ilarton , Mr. nnd Mm. K. W. Nash , Mr. and Mm. K. C. Harton , MM. .1. K. Bum- morn , Mm. Frank Colprtzcr , Mrs. W I ) , Mlllanl and Mr. Prior Markcl. The bridal party and out-of-town KUt-sU were 'ntcr- tatncd at luncheon by Minn Lamb ol Clinton , covers for twenty-two being laid. The groom Is ono of the most prominent citizens of Omaha. Jlo Is manager of the ( atlng hoilno system of the Unlun Pacific railroad , proprietor of the Mlllard hotel and a director of the TranstnlssUiHlppl Hxposl- tlon. The brldo IB a charming young woman of Clinton , la , She ) the daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. L II. Wadlelgh of that place und a Hlnter of Mrs. Ohnrled Harton. Olil. l'l--\\ lllllM'J' . A pleasant liomn-comlng reception was tendered by Mr. nnd Mrs. C. L. Chaffco to their Bon , Mr. Lynn 13. Chaffco , and his wife , nuo Miss Lucy Whitney , of Plttsttold , I'd. Thi young couple wore married at the homo of the bride on October 0 and after n short wedding trip cnmo to Otnaha , wMeh will Im their future home. Thn residence on l'a.rk ( ivimuo had been tnatffully decor ntfxl for the occaiilon under the direction of MlM CasHlo Arnold. Thcro was n profusion I i of flower * In the parlorfl und the dining room wan prntty In pink nnd white , Smllax , wan twined with the ribbon a nnd produced i un effect appropriate 1r > the occasion. MIB. Lynn 15. Chaffee's costiimo WM of whlto natln with frills of cream Limerick lace , Miss Chaffen'a of pink tissue over pink silk with touched of yellow green vel- vut ; MlHH Wat on'H of blue linen gauze , bodlco trimmed with Ruiiilan lace. I The receiving party consisted of Mr. and Mr . Lynn 13. Chaffeo , Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Chaffee , Adas Chnffco , Miss Watson , Mlsn Hazzard and Mrs. Catern of Capo Olrar- doau , Mo , MUs Clark and Mlas Strdght wcro In charge of a punch bowl in | a dainty nook beneath the staircase. Ko- frcshmentit wcro served during the evening Tim HtitorltiH Mandolin club furnlnhed inutile About ZOO guenta , mostly old frlcnda of the Kr < xin , wcro prcuent to offer tholr congratu- i latlomi. An especially largo representation I waH present from the Young Mon'n Chris- I II < ui ancoclatlon and the Hanscom Par ) Mvthcxllxt church , In both of which organlza- tlonn Mr. Charted linn taken a prominent part. Mdinc 'I'liiMili-r rurtloH. An cluKnnl thrntiT supper way given by Minn ( Icrtrudn Kountzo nt the Omaha clul on Thurudity evening ut thu conclusion o the box party nt Iloyd's , complimentary to I.cr guoit , Minn Preston of Chicago. Mr. Froil Nmih nnd MliH A' ' " ' ! " " N" T onlvrUilncd a theater party on Friday night at lloyd'H. A box imrty nt lloyd'H on Friday evening Included : Mr. and Mrs. J. C , Koonz of llur- llngton , la. ; Mr. und Mrs. J , W. Hulcn , Clinton , la. ; Mr. O. L , Hoscman , Monto- v.iuna , la. ; Mr , ami Mrs. N. S. Johnson of llloomfleld , In. ; Mr * . W. C. Ullloy , Mrs. lUttlo F.lllott , Mnrshnlltown , la. ; Miss Allen Uabltt of Webster City. Thu men of thu party hold high officer In the Odd Follows. They made u merry and very Interesting party , under the tutclago of Mr. J , W. Dillon. N niul iii iHffiii < intH. Halibl I.co M. Friinklln ucrfonncd the marriage cvrumonv of Mlsu Klla F , Dauben- ini'lr of LnnciiHtor. O. . nnd Mr. LcnlB IliiboiiHteln of New York at his homo on Tuesday nftrrnocu. Mr. and Mrs. Hubcn- Htiiln left for Kmimui Cltv nftur their mnr- rlaun. Cnrds have been Issued bv Mr. nnd Mrs. John McUiinn for the mm r Into of tholr daughter , Anna Oortrudo. to Mr Fr.ink Hchahf of David Oltv. Thn errpttinn"i i , cclnbrnled nt Ht , Patrick's church on WedncH- ilay mornltiK nt n o'clock , T m Dromon" will ho followed bv n reception nnd a wed ding breakfast at the homo of thn brldo's parents. 1011 Center Htroot. A nretty homo weddlnir of the week vrnri nt thu rosldonco of Mr. and Mr * . A. W. Hlinrninii. l'12fi Ohio Btrcet. on Wednesday afternoon. Minn ( Icrtrmlo Shormnn was nmrrlcd to Mr. Frederick UllliiKwood. lltiv. Frank II , FoHtor married them with nn Im- | ire nlvu ring corcnionv. The brldo was bo- I'omlngly gowned In whlto orcandv nnd car ried brldo rnios. A number of relatives and fi lends from Now York und Denver were liri-Bcnt. Mr. und Mrs. nillnirwood will Im at homo after Novembur 1 nt 212i ! Ohio Htroot. A wedding rolcmnUod last Wcdncsdnv afternoon at I o'clock nt the residence of Dr. nnd Mrs. O. 8. Wood , 2030 Davenport Htrcct , was thnt of tholr daughter Normn Kstcllo , nnd Mr. L. N. Kccd , formerly of Omaha , now of Crlpplo Creek. Colo. . Hnv. N. II. Itnlrdcn olllclntlng , The hrldn W.TH costumed In a golden brown tnllcir-madu Milt. The ceremony waa witnessed bv the J oliitlvos and tinmrdlatn friends of tint hrl'lo nnd groom. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hrod left Imii.u- illntclv for Denvur nnd other Colorado t ) > lira nnd will mnko their homo temporarily In Crlpplo Crerk , but later will make Colorado Sjirlnna their reriiiaiiont rculdenco , Mltn Madso Ilnko und Mr , John M. Guild of Omulm wcro married nt All Saints' church ou Wednesday evening by Uov. Thomas J Macknv- The church wns tnstllv decorated with imtmi nnd roaea. The hrldo " > at- tlrod in whlto ntln nnd waa nttondod bv Minn May Vnu Ilruiit of Council Hl" " nnd MSH | Adu Hodgson of DCH Mnlnca , la. ( JoorKO H. ( lulld nnd U. ( J , Hnko. brother * -f the groom nnd bride , respectively , acted as groomsmen , After the weddlim a very ploai- ant rrccntlnn was held at the home of the brlde/a parents. 1311 South Twenty-sixth Htroet , which wns attended hv nlmvc. "On friends of the coiitrnctliir parties. Mr. nnd Mrs. aulld will visit Denver. Grand Junc tion. Salt Lake Cltv and other "iirni before ruturnlnR homo. A very pretty homo rveddlnc took ulaco ou Tuecdav afternoon nt 2 o'clock at the rt'Mdimco of Mr. and Mrs. A. U WtKton. when their only daughter. Clara Luotla , was united in marriage with Mr James H. Adams , Tlio ceremony was performed by the father ef the sroom , and wns wltnrmod bv the relative * and n fti\r tntlnmtu friend * of the contracting parties , The little sou nnd dauithtrr of Mr , William 11. Harrison , cousins of the bride , were clmrmlnc an rR < - bon bearers. MUs Harrison of Ohio wns maid of honor and Mr , J. S , Hall of Cedar lino- Ids , la. , wan licat man , The rooms we'e ieautfulr ) derorated with a , orofuilon of palrnn and rwe . Dalntr rcfrtuhment * wcro rvcd after the coretnony. Mr. and Mra Adamo upon their return from tbclr wed ling journey to Denver and Colorado uolnt * will ! / at h"me to their friend * at 1I' fSoulh Twenty-fifth street I Tbn marrlaio of Mls Jeeile Htone and Mr. i 'rneitt Ilcteb'/nrr was celebrated at the home of Mr. Alfred J , Lunt on Monday cv nlnj : . The weddlnK wag n uulet one only the Im- ncdlato relative * of tba contracting oartlps H-Ing present. Hey. II. I ) , fitcarn * performed - . formed the ceremony. The bride , who Is a cousin of Mrs , Lunt. waa clvcn away by her father. Mr. W. O. Stone of Orcen Hay. Wl . On Thursday evening an lnt retln ? mar- rliKo took nlace at the home of Mr , Charles Dlakealtu. 1623 Lothron Btrcct. whn his daughter i'minn. was united In marrlaire to Mr. Italph N. Bmlth. a prominent bimlntfH man of I/jn Angcle * . Cal. Palms and au- .umn flowftrn were used In ornfurlnn In dcr- orntlni ; the houxo. The mantel * were banked with varlesatcd vines and cut flowers. Ilcv. 5 , Wrleht Ilutler performed the crrcmonv In ho nrcscnco cf the Immediate relatives nnd ntlmalo friends of the contracting nartlei. ' There followed a dcllcloun wc < ldlne mipner Horved In the dining room. The weddlntr re- ' nomhrancfs were numerous nnd beautiful. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hrnlth took the mldnl ht train 'or ' Los AnscJis , where they will fo , at home to their friends nfter November 1. About sixty Kun t ateombled nt thn home i of Judge nnd Mrs. W. H. Btrawn last I iVednesdav nleht to witness the marriage of Wlu * Lilian Dcland Trrv of Omaha and Mr. Frank Hlarr of Philadelphia. Thn house was decorated with nnlmi ) . roses and n pro- 'uslon t/f / while chryMaiithcmums. Rnv. S , Wright Ilutler performed the ceremony. MHM ! Maud Albcrs wan maid of honor nnd Mcuars. D. II. Wclplon and Grant Hulilzer were the groom'H attendant * . .Th" bride's coctumo waa of whlto tissue over whltn silk with frill * of white mullo nnd Ilrcton lace , ntrnln. Hho carried Hnellnh violets At iho conclusion of the ceremony decant re freshments were served In the dlnlnir room. Mr. nnd Mr . Starr left for Nnwark. N. J. . where they will be at home to their friends. OM of Town ( iiK-xt * . Mrs. Hopkins ot Chicago Is the gucat of L'zra Mlllard. Mrn. Brewer &f Plymouth. Ind. , Is enjoy- is thu expOBltlon. MUn HOHO livers of Plaltsmouth , Neb. , Is lHltlii2 MlBs Ilrltt. Mlp.B Marie Steams of Chicago Is the euest or Mrs , U F. Weaver. Minn Helen Cole of Denver wns the guest of Mr . Hcrrv lost week. Miss Samstag of New York la visiting Mrn. Benjnmln Ilosonthal. ' Mini Becker of Chicago han returned , after vleltlng Mr. William F. Ncgelo. Mrs , Southard IB entertaining Mr. nnd Mrs. Joseph II. Southard of Denver , Colo. Mrn. Harry Archer and slotcr. Mrs. DIcl : of Oalvcston , Tex. , will arrive thlB week. Mrs. Bnmuel McKcen of Terre Haute. Ind. , la stopping with Mr . Samuel McWhortor. Mln * Hnlllu Atwood of Plattfltnouth. Neb- Is being entertained by Miss Swcarlncen. Mrs. William J. Reese of Davenport. la. . Is visiting her nephew , Mr. H. 13. Tnggor Mr . F. B. Kennnrd IB entertaining her sister. MlBn Eva Wilkinson , of Knlghtstown , Ind. Mrs. I3mlly R. Tftlmngo nnd dnilghtnr , Charlptto. returned to Now York on Mon day. Colonel Patrick Humphreys nnd family of K.-uiBis City arc spending Homo tlmo In the city. city.Hon. Hon. James R. IlurgeHB nnd Mrs. Burgess of Oltutnwa , In. , are visiting friends lu the city.MlBB MlBB Trcnchery of Alton. III. , IH vlHltlng her slHter , Mrs , H. P. Wbltrnorc , of this city. city.Mr. Mr. Frank C. Somorfl of Camdcn. N. J. . wan a prominunt exposition visitor last week. Mr. nnd Mrs. 13. B. Bryson entertained last week Mr. nnd Mrs. Wlnternltz of Chi cago. cago.Mr. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Bates of Wauknnda , H. u. , are guests 01 tno tamiiy ot Air. M. Wuliil. Mrs , J. A , Dungan of Indianapolis , Ind , , Is the guest of the Misses Gregg on Webster street. Mr. nnd Mrs. BrodTo of Rockford , 111. , are stopping with Mr. William Negele and family. Mrs. James Thomns of Cedar Rapids , la , , In vlfltlng with friends In Council Bluffs and Omaha. Mrn. John Weltncr of Sheridan , Wyo , has rctumod homo after visiting Mrs. A. L. Donlcy. MrB. Howard B. Smith's sister. Miss Mc- Kell. bn.s rotuincd to bar homo nt Clilll- cotlio. O , Mr.'nnd Mrs. C. 0. Crlttcndon nro enter taining Mr. und Mrs. Gcorgo Huycs of lluat- IngH , Neb. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. O. Phllllppl nro cntertnln- lug MlHS Mary Meyers nnd Miss Koosor ot Somerset. Pa. Mr. nnd Mr . F. B. Hubbnrd of Chicago nro the guestn of Mr. nnd Mrs. G. M. Weaver at the Mcrrinm. Mrs. F. II. Whlttnkor Is cntcrUlnlnK Mrs. R. A. Lawhcud nnd MrB. W. J. Maxwell of Mount Avr. In. Messrs. T. M. Tnlcolt. jr. . nnd CInudo Rod ney of Chlcnco nro visiting Mr. C. Mason Tnlcott of this cltv. Mrs. James F. Wenrt of Cherokee , la. , returned liomu lust week after visiting her Bister. MTB. Wcller. Mrs. John Allison of Illllahoro , O. , is H : > ondlnz some tlmo with Dr. nnd Mrs. Charles 13. Allison. Mls'i Kmma McKcnney nf Keokuk , In. , wns the KiieHt of Miss Mulhnll whllo vis iting the exposition. Mian Elizabeth nnd Nnnnlo Wnrchnm of Plttsburg , Pa , , nro visiting their cousin , Mr. Gcorgu W. Wnrohnm. Mr , nnd Mrs. James II. Brown last week cntertnlned Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles B. Bron- son of Manchester. la. Mrs , A1 Shaw has returned homo to Chicago cage nttor n iioiiguuut visit wun Mr. A 1) . McConiioU'H family , Mrs. 0. Johnnnns of Plntte Center. Nch. , In the gucxt of Mrs. Clmiles Mayer at For tieth nnd Webster streets. Mrs. O. C. Vaughn nnd Mrs. Adelaide Stop- ponbncbo of Jefferson , Win. , were visiting friends In tbo city last week. Mia * Moore nnd Miss Maude Moore of uoiummis , JSCD. , were entertained wniio i" the city by Mlsa Bertha Hodol. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Chnnln of Crolo. Nch. . nro visiting Mr. Clmpln's brother , Mr. D. K , Chnpln of ! ! 5SO Ilurney street. 'ihorcsa Uels of Dcnitwooii , H , u. , has rnturneil homo utter u most enjoyable visit to friends nnd the exposition. Mrs , J. S. Downr nnd Miss Downr of Lon don , Out. , nro the guests of Mrs. Theo dore Grndmnnu nt ! ML'3 Bristol street. Mrn. II. A. Salisbury IB entcrtnliilne Mrs. Elizabeth Lewis and Dr. Angel of Utlca , N. Y. , and Mrs. Ocorgo nnd ton of Denver. Miss M. Mumiumh of Lancaster , 0. , nnd Mrs. W. P. Mumaugh of DCS Mnlncs. In. , nro guests of Mrs. William I. Klorstead. Mr. nnd MTB , C. R. S nR lnch of Pnssalc , N. J. , uro visiting tholr daughter , Mrs. F. B. Lawrence. CCS South Twenty-eighth street. Mr * . Schlcalngcr IB tiitornlnln ! < jc nt Ihe homo of Dr. Chnilrs Rosewnlor MM T'joa doro Mayor and children of Fremont. Noli. Mrs. Virginia Stc/llng nnd Mrs. Helen L. Francis of Now York City nro guests ot Mr. and Mrs. 13. Zabrlskl at 3532 Nicholas street. Mrs , Thomas M , Orr Is entertaining her mother , Mrs. Russell , who arrived from the east yesterday to bo her guest for some time. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. B. Taylor entertained last week Judge nnd Mrs. R. F. Cuthlff of Chicago mill Mrs. II. L , Taylor ot Wlnona , 111. Mrn. Hannah G. Solomon , president of the National Council of Jewish Women , will bo the Kuet of Mrs. Andrew Haas while In the city. Charles II. Mover of Benne Terre , Mo. , nephew of Mr. A. Hospo of this city , has been the guest of tils undo during the last w eck. Mrs. J. T. Lewis of Chatham. III. , Mrs. W. B. C.irllno nud Miss Barr of Jurceyvlllc. 111. , nro the guests of Mr * . U. V. Lewis on Wlrt street. Mr , H. Arthur Houwr , who has been lu the city for a month , the guest of Mr. Jo seph McKinney , returned to his homo nt Monterey , Mexico , ou Frldiy. Mr. McKIn- ue/ ; left with Mr. Houtcr , and they will * i p nd Gome tlrao In Kansas City. Mr * . Charted Hsu'of Chicago \liltlng I Mr * . Andrew Haas. Mr * . Haas Is here In the Interest of the Council of Jewlih Worn on. Mr. O. II. Montague of WatUburg , Pa. , who has been vMllne his counln. Mr. D. K. Chapln , left Thurxiay lo visit relatives In the itatc. MlM Ella Illco of Trumunnburg. N. Y. , has b en the guest of friends In the city on her way home from a trip ot jeverul months In Colorado. Mlii Ida Ncunbcrz. who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Folcy. 28H Davenport street , left for her home In Columbus , O. , on Friday evening. Mm. Oliver Evans of Iron Mountain , Mich , , who has been the guest of her sinter , Mr * . Pinto , during the last month , left for Chicago cage on Monday. Mr * . Jarnca F , Wcart of Cherokee , la. , who has been visiting her sister , Mn. H. S. Wollcr. for the past two wcekB. returned homo on Saturday. President David Starr Jordan of L"lnnd Stanford university Is being entcrtaltipj hy Itov. T. J. Mackay whllo attending the- Lib eral Congress ot Ucllglons. Mr. and Mra , Horace Goodrich , who have been entertained the last fortnight by Hcv. and Mrs. Thoma * J. Mackay , left for their homo in Chicago last neck. Mr. and Mra. Alfred Lunt have as their guests thin week Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Lunt of Appleton , WIs. , and Dr. and Mrfl. Charles D. Boyd of Knukauna. WIs. Miss Syms and Miss Pcnncll , who have been entertained during the last fortnight by Mlsa Martha Stone , have returned to tbclr homes In Atchlnon. Kan. Mr. nnd Mrs , Frank Cochran and Mr. and Mra. W. W. Cochran ot Good Hope. III. , wcro the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Cochran of this cltv last week. Mr. J. Johnson and family of Chicago , who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson , left for California on Fri day. They will spend the winter there. Miss Kdlth PIndcll , a prominent young woman of Hannibal , Mo. , ban been the guest of Mrs 13. II. Packard fnr a f w weeks , Hho will remain until the cloeo ot the ex position. | Miss Kathryn Tebbs of Winchester , Ky. , I and Miss Nccly Kcnnard of St. Joseph , Mo. , who have made many frlenda whllo In tlio city , the guests of Miss I3va Kcnnard , have returned to their homc . Mrs. L. Mendelssohn nnd non. Paxton. of Detroit have returned to Umaha alter un abpcnBo of four years. They nro the guests o : Dr. and Mrs. Parker , 1'wenty-mth av- ouuo and Dodge street. They will remain about three necks. Judge Hutchlnaon of thn United States court , and wife of Garden City , Kan. , Mrs. Jane Mines and Miss Margie Haughcy of Philadelphia have formed n house Party at the homo cf Mr. Thomas F. Godfrey , 1049 Georgia avenue. They will leave for ti ! < : lr respective places of nbode today. M < -meiitn of I' Miss Sloan left on Friday for Anderson , Ind. Ind.Miss Miss Elma Rothschild Is visiting In DCS Molncs. Miss milliard will leave today for Las Vegas , N. M. Mrs. James T. Savana Is home from an ex tended Kurnpcnn trip. Mr. nnd Mra. Charles A. Warner returned Tuesday from Chicago , Mr. Frank Duck left for Arizona last week. Hu will return u bcntdlct. Mlsa Lvdla Moore. \lnltlng BOino ot her school frlinds ut Knoxville. 111. MUs Carrie Thompson has gene to Hus- Boll , Kan. , to bo present nt the marriage ot her bister. Mrs. Edward R. McMnhon returned homo this week nfter an abbcnco of two months lu Colorado , MlBB Irving Loraax and Master Wallace Lomnx are homo from a two months' visit In Colorado. Mr , O. F. Scugttnch has returned from Colorado Springs , where ho has been spend ing the summer. Dr. nnd Mm. William J. Bradbury re turned luet evening from Chicago , where they spent Jubllcu week. Miss Hnttlo DrclfiiBs returned from Den ver last week , accompanied by Mrs. J , A. Simons , who will bo her guest. Mra. Frnnk Colnotzcr and Mrs. Harry Wllklnn attended the Mnrkcl-Wudlclgh nup tials. Frcm Clinton they left for a short visit In Chicago. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. M. Waring have re turned homo from Chicago , where they at tended thu peace Jubilee after having a fine trip on President McKlnley's train. MIsB Mao Hcllor will Ic.ivo tomorrow for home nfter a long visit with friends In Cin cinnati , O , She will pause on the way to spend u short time with frlcudH In Chi cago. cago.Miss Miss Ncttlo Collins nnd Miss Elslo Reas- oncr have returned from n pleasant sojourn ia Holland. Minn Collins will suond the winter - tor weuHon heie. Miss Reusonervill remain In Omaha to entertain her slater. Mr. nnd MrB. I3dwnrd Nnnh. Mr. nnd Mrs. Guy Darton and Mrs. Will Mlllard attended tbo Mnrkel-Wndlelgh nuptials ut Clinton , la. They weut on Wednesday morning In a private tar , leaving for home the BUUIO evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. N. nnbcock are exhibit ing with just prlilo a loiter from President McKlnloy thnnklni' them specially for the attention uald the nrceldcntlnl nartv on the trip to Omaha. Mrs. Ilabcock has alto been Ihu recipient of grateful thanks for the en tertainment of Mrs. Miles , who was In her care Jubllco week. I3ii < ; rtnliiiiitMit of tlir WVc-k. Ton guerto were bidden on Tuesday by Dr. and Mrs. ChnrleB C. AUIion to meet Mrs. John Alllpnn of Illllsboro. 0 , An elegant course dinner was served. On Friday evening Mr. nnd Mrs. Benjamin RonenUial celebrated tholr second wedding anniversary by entertaining at dinner. Cov ers for twenty-two wore laid. Wedetilay n christening party wns given by Mr. and Mrn , William Tupper Wyman , when their youtiKcet BOH was baptized Clif ford Hoaglaml Wymnn by Rev. T , J , Mackay. Mm , Mnurlco Hoacnthal wan at homo to a few friends ou Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Oborfolder of Sidney. Neb. , the guest of Mrs. Morltz Meyer , wns the curst of honor. Tlio color schcmn of the dlnlnc room wns pink. At D o'clock n dalntv luncheon WBB scned. coverfl being set for a half a score of women. An elaborate afternoon coffco was given bv Mrs. Arthur Ilrandols on Friday com plimentary to Mra. Mendelssohn of Detroit. Miss Sarnstag of Now York nnd Miss Fcllg- BOH of Kansas Cltv. The dlnlne room was In blue and whltu. The tnblo was ( iTcct\t'U' ( ; Bet with nn embroidered Deft center pleco nnd nn InimcnBo mound o ! white roues. A whlto nnd green luncheon wns given by Mrs. Charles Kountze on Friday after noon for Miss Preston of Chicago , who Is vlbltlnc Mls Gertrude Kountre. Covers were laid for eight. The round table was nrrnnged with cxmilalto taste. Aucuste Vlc torlo roses massed with crecn formed n beau tiful background for the brilliant display of Hllvcr nnd cut class , Mr Fred A. Nash very handsomely en tertained Mips Hamilton , Mlse Mae Louleo Hamilton. Mips Nnsh nnd her Kucat Miss Movers of Dubunuu. last week with n lollv railroad taunt In his prlvnto car over the Milwaukee railroad to Chlcaeo. Them the party attended the Peace Jublleo banquet , thciico went to Sjuth Ilend. Ind. . returning to Omnha on Friday afternoon. Ono of the pleasant fioclal features of the week waa n seiles of entertainments given by the K. O. B. O , club of North Omnha nt Its pleasant rooms on Nicholas street. On Tuesday evening It gave n muslcalo ; Wednesday evening a reception nnd Thurs day evening a farce comedy , In which Messrs. Unllard and Waggenseller acquitted themselves in a very creditable manner. Mrs. John L. Webster bad the pleasure of announcing the engaecmcnt of MUs Allco Andrcescn to Mr Luther Latham Kountzo on Thursday nfternoou nt a verv urettv luncheon , Chrysanthemums and American beauties were arranged In a inoit harmonious manner throughout the spacious rooms The dlntnir room table was graced with n large lloral heart of Catherine Mermet rose * and | lilies of the valley. Tlio menu cards were. Radiant Home Bound Oak Cola's Hot Blast The Ccniilne nrrUi\llh lUiiiiul Onk jlflVPN. The original nnd only genuine Round Oak Stove. The greatest soft coal oak steve ever A wonderful Improvement In soft co.il made. Save * one-third the fuel ; keeps flro stoves. Saves one-third the coal. Perfect 4S hour ! ! . Get the genuine Round Oak. Wo combination. Klrc never goes out. Cleanli arc the only ones that sell It In Omaha. ness wlHi great heat. Haslly regulated. All styles and sizes , from $9.75 up. Radiant Home Stoves use less coal and heat more space MAJESTIij than any other. Thousands Complete , o of users will testify to this fact. They will keep fire for three days without attention. We are solo agents for these celeb/ated stoves in Omaha. WE SELL STOVES AND RANGES ION I The famous Majestic Steel and Malleable The famous Garland Stoves and Ranges ON PAYMENTS OR GIVE DIS-I Iron Ranges made of Bessemer steel plate , have no equal. All Garland Cook Stoves abbcstos lined , patent duplex and diagonal COUNT FOR CASH , grafci. Will Inet a life time with proper have tbo latest ; Invention , Atumlnlzed care. No one else In Omaha sells the Ma- Oven Doors. Wo are solo Omaha agents jet > tlc. for Garlands , A good Oak Stove with nicke foot rail for $5,75. A nice Sheet Iron Wood Air-Tight Heater for $3.45. A nice Sheet Iron Coal Parlor Stove for $4.95. A good No. 8 Cook Stove , warranted baker , $8.75. A splendid No. 8 Cook Stove , extra large oven , $12.85. A No. 8 six-hole Range , handsome design , nickel plated , large oven , $ J3.50. Parties out of town should send for our catalogue and prices of stoves and ranges , We pack and deliver goods on cars and prepay freight Corner Fourteenth and Paruain Opposite the Faxtoii Hotel And you'll eay ao , too , when you see the Splamiitl Cloaks at $10 , $12 $ and $13.50 We'll offer tomorrow nnd nil week we have cheaper ones that are good and higher priced that are better , nil of which you'll llnd nt bottom price In Omaha. Ladies' Tailored Suits $12,50 $ . Choice of two styles Monday. n A FUR SALE THIS WEEK Tlioso Marten Hearts are usually sold at $7.EO nil J1.7G they're n srcnt bargain. Alaska Seal Skin Coats , $175.00 you'll not match for less than $200 to $226 nnywhoro In thin country. nicctrlc , Astrakhan , 1caver ! , Otter , Mink nnd nil other popular furs on sale In col- Isrcctes , capos and other stylish shapct. 1510 Douglas St. cuplds painted In water colors and mounted on pink satin. Covers wcro laid for nine. On tlir Social CnliMiilnr. Mrs. Samuel McWhorter will give three teas the coining week , entertaining the mar ried women on Tuesday nnd Thursday nftcr- noon nnd the young women on Wednesday. W. K. Chambers has leased the Crelchton hall. Fifteenth nnd Harncv streets , whern he will open his Echool of dnnclni ; November 3 , where every branch of hluh social trainIng - Ing will bo taucht. Mr. Chambers In n thorough Instructor , a conscientious and courteous gentleman , 03 his many oupllR o * Omaha and Council niuffs soclctv will v-lfv. Ho will sublet tbo hall for all first-class social functions. ClirUduna llox for Thumtoim. A meeting will be held at the armory to morrow evening to maku arrangements for sending n Christmas box to the membcrf of the Thurston HIIlcs who tire stationed nt Munlln. A roll of the members of the com pany will bo called and those who liavc relatives or friends present will be renum bered at that time. The ethers will be pro vided for by the members of thu ladies' auxiliary. It is not proposed to send eatables of < ny description nnd the weight for each roldler boy will bo limited to two pounds. The ar ticles will bo packed In boxey EO as to pro vide against less or Injury nn thn voyage anil thu whola will be ready for sblDtceiH bv , J. Benson , 210-12 South 16th St. Children's Cloaks and Jackets. New and nobby styles , all col ors , quality and style , in rough and smooth cloths , trimmed with Braid and Fur. Prices from the lowest up. Children's Bonnets , Hoods and Gaps , Winter Hood9. in all colors to match cloaks , from 35o up. Silk nnd Satin Hoods , trimmed with fur , braid OP plain , 60o up. Boat Bhapod Anprora Hood that's made , in whlto or gray , price $1.00 any size , with capo , silk crochet cdc ( , 61.50. Don't forget that we're showing the finest stock of Fur Collarettes Omtilm , Prices ! ro-n $ ' 2.25 up. can bo bought now at reduced prices in stand 405 , Liberal Arts Building. Exceptionally attractive nro the trimmed hats TVP nro Bhoulng. Uverv model U the work of deft fingers , uml Clio tncto displayed Is charming. I'rlccH to suit all. A complete line of lialr goods. F. M. Schidflll & Co. , 'UU IXU ( IIAS ST. the 1st of November to ns to reach thcro by Christmas. At the meeting tomorrow evening contri butions will bo received with which to purchase - chase the medicines nnd hospital impplles thnt will bo shipped Friday. The commlttcii In charge of the arrangements for the Chr'st- mnB box consists cJ : W. L. Fisher , Mrs. White , Mrs. Prlmean. Miss Gamblu and Cadet Taylor. Kpperly Corsets , perfect llttlne. comfort able. 10. CreUhtcii block. Ifth and Douglas. Mnrrlnup Iilrcimi-n , County JudKo Uaxter Issued the follow ing marrlaeo licenses vcitordav- Nnmo and Residence , Age. William Q. Wortham. Johnson Co. . Mo. . 38 Viola Starkov. Uts Molnos la 34 Lewis llansen. Crelchton. Neb 3) ) Sophia L. Llndberg. Crclghton , Neb . . . . 34 Louis Frank Omaha 27 Annie Anderuou Omaha 25 The Swell Millinery Worn by the Omaha ladles finds Its or IK In In the Millin ery Parlors or Omaha'a popu lar milliner Mrs. R. H. Davies J5U Douglas Street. Youn ° " Uy using the only HARMLESS Preparation , which Is IMPERIAL HAIR REGENERATOR Tor Gray or Hlciiclicd llnlr. Is the only preparation before the public today that restorts grny hair to Its orig inal color , or that gives to bleached hair that uniform shade and lustro without In some manner Injuring the bcalp , the balr or the general health. Seven colors cover nil shades. Prie , $1.60 ; nnd three times the amount , $3.00. Bole manufacturer * nnd patentees , l.Ml'KIMAI , C'HKMIOAL MFQ. CO. . Sold In Omaha by Simian & McDonnell Drug Go. 1513 nonr.u ST. Middle of lllock Omaha , Neb ,