12 THE OMATIA DAlLV BEE : SUNDAY , OCTO1VE11 2H , 1898. Anticipating1 the great crowds that were Ijouiicl to come to Omaha during this mouth , we put forth every effort that mouey , brains aud experience could furnish , to secure such goods , and such quantities of goods , that everyone in the vast throng would leave Omaha , a walking , favorable advertisement ol the grand values of Boston Store's bargains- This week's bargains crown our labor with success Our offerings tomorrow are the greatest values we have ever given. I6ih and Douglas ' Men's Mackintoshes ' 1,000 Boy's Mackintoshes. , Omaha. . ( WITH CAPE ) 01 ( Win CAPE ) < rTM nr ALL ALL I/KS SI/US PROPRIETORS- : : Extraordinary Sale of : : Dress Goods ss Silks Every year we make an extraordinary effort to impress on the public the important position that J. L. Brandeis and Sons occupy as headquarters for Silks and Dress Goods. Our stocks are larger now than -we have ever had the pleasure of showing you at any previous time. "We want to impress upon you that right now is the time for bargains All of them choice new effects in Dress Goods and Silks. $1.25 Black Wool Mohair Crcpons al are the most serviceable These able and stylish black goods for skirts and entire suits shown this season. They come in a variety of patterns and desicns and are actually worth $1.23 they go at 76o a yard in our black ' goods'department. . In our Black Goods Department. 200 Pieces of Dress Goods In an unlimited variety of fine cheviots , silk and wool Nov elties , Broadcloths , Twilled Back , Storm Serge , Bayadere Effects , all wool Surah Serges and German Henriettas , blacks mid colon ) every yard of this worth 76c to 85c many of them 1J yards wide on eulo on bargain counter at , u yard and Special Bargain in 69c Dress Goods at Peces * ° Black Dress Goods , in Serge and Henrietta weaves , large and small designs , actually worth 69c On Sale at 800 New fn heavy cheviot cloths , rough effects in silk and wool Novelties and James- towns in beautiful combina tions and colorings French CheViots in beautiful mixtures also two-toned effects every yard guar anteed worth 60c go In patterns of 7 yards at H9S each. For the whole seven yards. S3 , S4 and $5 Ladies' Warm Lined Carriage Boots Bootsc New Cloaks , New Suits 9 Furs. The busiest and handsomest department in Omaha New Cloaks going out every hour New ones coming in every hour Many of them are rare sample garments perhaps but one or two of a kind Kich effects unique , original designs J. L. Brandeis & Sons have the largest stock more and better styles offer them at lower prices than any other house in Omaha , and are busy busy from morning until night. Tomorrow's values are positively impossible elsewhere. Always selling the best of clothing at very much lower prices than others. Tomorrow's sale is of the utmost importance , as the opportunity to purchase the very finest and highest grades of ready-to-wear clothing at these sensationally low prices , never occurred before. Men's $12.50 All Wool Suits for $7.5O. Men's heavy weight all wool suits in the most correct up-to- date patterns and colorings , in tweeds , cassimeres , cheviots , und imported black English clay worsteds , made in deep French facings , satin pining lined with heavy Italian cloth and sowed throughout with silk. regular retail price jJlU.50 our special price Men's $15 Suits for $9,98. Strictly all woo ) single and double breasted English melton suits , black cheviots , fancy English worsteds , fancy cassi- mores , Scotch tweeds , Scotch cheviots , neat checks , plain and fancy interwoven designs go at Men's $22,00 Fine Suits for $12. 5O. Mon'n line S22 grudd rraily-to-woar suits in the Unost fabrics- woven from Australian wool in all up-to-date patterns nnd colors hand made button holes coats with hand padded nhouldorH aud collars- equal lu fit and workmanship to $ l2 ! custom made suits go 1 n this special sale at Men's Finest Ready-to-Wear Suits Ever manufactured In America , In materials , fit and tailoring equal to any In the best custom work , for $17.50. This Includes Imported silk mixed cassl- merca , Imported worsteds. In blacks as well as fancy patterns , serges and chev iots , In double breasted sack coats with satin facings , round and square sacks , 8-button cut-a-waya nnd Prince Albert suits , all lined with the best Skinner's atln , pure silk and silk serge , every suit guaranteed a perfect fit. " * " * * m ma ma < M xaj tscaaa S3 S * UU b i J kd IbJ < U la ? * V miLS H i IBuB0Iba B PHD THese sHoes are for men , worn ei and children , made by the best and finest shoemakers in America We'll give you back your money in a second it you can come anywhere near duplicating these goods for almost double our pvice. s Your choice of over ten thousand pairs. Men's fine Goodyear welt and McKay sewed shoes made by the very best shoe makers in all the highest grades of leather in black vici kid , black calf skin , black kangaroo , black boxcalf , winter tan , willow calf , black patent leather and black enamel , in single sole , in double sole , in triple sole , some all leather lined and some with plain drill lining. The cheapest shoes in this lot were made to retail at $2.50 and the highest for § 6.00. All shoes that were made to Boll for $2.50 go in this sale at $1.59 AH the $3.50 and $4 shoes go at $2 , $2.25 , $2.50 III the $5.00 shoes S3.00-AII the $6,00 shoes $3.50 A Special Offering in : : SILKS : : New Drapery Silks- Iii new combinations of color ings 75c quality on sale at A Yard. Taffeta Silks 85c Quality on Sale at 49c In a large variety of colorings and worth 85c. In Silk Depart ment at Black Satin Duchesse , Peau de Sole , In reliable , rich , all silk qual ity on sale at Like cut , made of fine all wool kersey cloth and boucle , stylish box fronts , -well tailor ed and lined In satin , would bo great value at $7.00 special tomorrow $4.98. Made of stylish tan covert cloth , also boucle , Inlaid velvet collar , full satin lined , only have110 of them ; regular price $9.00 , tomorrow $0.75. Overcoats and Ulsters. Gent's highest grade kerseys , Eng lish beavers , flannel or cassimore lined , freize or worambo chin chilla , fancy back covert cloths , ; etc. , etc. in light , tan , brown , \ blue or black colorings , each coat equal in fforktnamship , quality and appear ance to the best merchant miior production. Monday these 5 and # 18 values aio yours at In pure wool , beavers , kerseys , freizes , chinchillas , best makes and Boston Store's best bargains , all colors and all styles , examine them if you care to save money , tomorrow at $3.98 , Your choice of over 1,000 pairs ladies' black Yici Kid Button and Lace Shoes made to retail for $3.00 in this sale at $1.50. Ma do of fine ker sey cloth , splen didly tailored , new est effects , lined In One satin , good value at $11.00 , Bopclal tomorrow , $9.98. Llko cut , In very flno tan , bine nnd black Itcrsey , finely tailored , handsomely 1 1 n o A throughout with fancy Blllc and satin , regular nrlce $16.50. tomorrow , $12.GO. Ladies' ' $4 Welt Slices $2,50 Your choice of near ly 1,000 pairs of ladies' black vici kid , Good year welt sole shoes plain and patent tips all sizes and all widths made to retail for $4 go on sale for S3.50. In finest kersey , In tan , black and colors ; also flno whipcords and meltons , man tailored throughout , handsome fancy linings , regular nrlco $18.75. tomorrow. J15.00. The Linen Sale Tomorrow will bo something -very much out oi' the ordinary The bargains wo will offer you tomorrow will surprise you Never be- lore were linens sold so cheap . Two yard wide extra heavy nil linen blenched tnblo fjf dumask , other dealers c ill it a bargain nt oOc , woHP will soil it it t 'inorrow ' for flc yard . & .UU Extra heavy all linen Sc itch superior satin damask , cheap at fiOe , ffocs tomorrow ut 3Uo y ai'd . Best griulo silver hleauhed German tublo ul wavs sells at 75o , pncs tomorrow at Sue yard . Very fine double satin damask , full blenched , -yds wide , there it no bolter dama k imported , although 85c others sell at $1.50 yard , \VP offer it tomorrow at. . . Special Towel Sale for Tomorrow. Immense purchase of fine damask knotted frinpo , open work towels one big lot of towels that genera - a ly so'l ' for 2i ! and Me , very largo size , handsome 1 f" open work , long knotted fringof cro at JGc each I T P this is a bargain 1UU All of the largo size TurKish , lluuk , etc. , Towela , that always sell at 15c , go at 6c each Immense bargain lu Turkish Wash Ilag& , 2JC I at 2c } , worth H'o ' GRAND SPECIALIUUSLIN BARGAINS A good grade of bleached muslin , the regular 7io kind , for 3c } yard Ex'ra heavy , superior quality , unbleached muslin , jjrjf * , J at 3jc yard THE BLANKET SALE j Great special purchase of cotton blankets Over 100 cases of blankets const ! tuto the deal. Cotton blankets worth 75c for 49C Heavy cotton blankets worth § 1.25 for. 750 Extra heavy , large size , long napcotton ) $ * blankets USc. worth $1.00 % * "WW Best grade cotton blankets , white , gray | 9 tipcl tan. uttl.'JS. worth ? 2.50 HifaV Wool Blankets. All wool blankets , white , gray , camels' hair and tan color , at $3.50 , § 4.50 , § 5.50 , § 6.50 , § 7.50 and § 8.50. Wo have the largest line and best values in blankets in Omaha. Immense Bargains in COMFORTERS t atOSc , § 1.25 , § 1.50 , § 1.98 , worth § 1.50 to j,3.50. , Boys' ' $4,50 $ Knee Pant Suits for $1,75 , 500 boys' knee pant suits , for boys of 8 to /T\j \ , 15 year ? ; a jnagnillcent purchase of all wool 1 ' 1 strontrly put together cabsimcres , \ ' ehov.ots ; Scotch tweeds , etc. , etc. , in brown , blue , pray and fancy designs , rciil value 61.50 specially set aside for Monday's sale at only , For big boys from 12 to 19 years , in all test ed , durable cloths , just exactly the proper kind for boys' wear and just the kind the Boston Store sells at one half of what is asked elsewhere. Monday's grand special at $2.98 , $3.50 , BOYS' ' SUITS , OVERCOATS , BOYS' ' ULSTERS consisting of coat , vcbtec and pants for boys /h of 3 to 8 yeniN , in handsome colorings and I la'ost artistic effects , corabii ing style , du- rahility and warmth. Wo cl > &o out a manI ufauturors entire outnut nnd will put on * r sale Monday $3.50 , $4.50 and $5 values , your pick at Your choice of over 6,000 pair of the finest ladies' shoes made in Rochester to retail for # 5 a pair , in all widths , all sizes , in hand turns and welts , the very fin est and up to date styles , your choice of the entire lot at S3.00 , Patent I eather Shoes and French Heel Black Kid Shoes Your choice of nearly 1,000 pair ladles' ffl rutPiii leather Klines / fflh \vl th f nicy vesting tops r und 'adieu ' finu hand turn French kid shoes with Louis XV hculH. all of these were made to rotall for 50.00 , hut j-o in this sale ut $3.60 .