Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 18, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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Stockert Carpet Co. , 205-107 Bwy.
Mooro's food kills worms nnd fattens.
Doll Q. Morgan , ilnips , 142 Broadway.
( " . I ) . Janiiicinlti & Co. . Jewelers and op
ticians. 27 South Main street.
Ml1 , and Mrs. ( leorgo D. RIggs are enter
taining Mr. and Mrs. A. Baker of Eddy-
vlllo , la.
H. F. Ucekmnn of Manila , la , Is visiting
bis eon , F. W. Bcckman of the Nonpareil
Btaff , and tnklug In the exposition.
Miss Nelllu Young , daughter of Lafe
Young , editor of the DCS Molnes Capital , Is
In the city , tint guest of Miss Hrcta Jeffries.
J. C. BUby , boating nnd sanitary engineer.
I'lans and specifications for heating , plumb
ing nnd lighting. 202 Main. Council Bluffs.
A. Hurley of Thirteenth street and Twen
ty-fourth avenue has reported to the police
the theft of a not of harness from his barn.
Hurt Sheeley has been called to Schoharlc ,
N. Y. . by a telegram announcing the serious
Illness of his father , who Is not expected
to live.
FJon't you think It must be a pretty good
liiundry thnl can please no many hundreds
of customers ? Well Hint's the "Eagle , "
I''l Broadway.
Mrs. George Richmond has returned from
lowu City , where BUO was culled by the Ill
ness of her brother , Lee I'ltiuier , who Is
now convalescent.
But few nf the members of the Board of
Education cur < > d to face the Btorm last
night and tbn regular monthly meeting was
. Hijiiurned to Wednesday night for want of
a quoium.
The democratic club of Pottawattamlc
county Is booked for a meeting tomorrow
evening In the council chamber at the
city hall. An Invitation to the populists to
attend bun been extended ,
Articles of Incorporation of Eagle camp ,
No. 2316 , Modern Woodmen of America , at
Oakland , were filed yesterday In the office
of the county recorder. The Incorporators
are : J. K , Bender , M. Palmer and Felix
Dr. H. K. Spolford , a resident of Council
Bluffs twenty-four years' ago and now a
icHldent of Hudson , Mass. , is visiting Dr.
K. I. Woodbury , with whom ho studied
dontlHtry. He expects to atay here the re
mainder of the mouth.
The funeral of the late Charles L. Nounas
took place yesterday afternoon , services be
ing belt ! at the German Lutheran church.
The members of the local lodge Ancient Or
der of United Workman , of which deceased
was a. member , attended In a body. In
terment was In Falrvlew cemetery.
Cards announcing the wedding of Miss
Rita Lorton , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
i-rt Lorton of Nebraska City , and Albert F.
Schmidt of New York at the home of the
bride's parents this evening , have been re
ceived liere. Miss Lorton has a number of
friends In Council I ) luffs , having frequently
visited hen ; .
The Apollo club has reorganized for the
season of 1898-0 ! ) with the fqllowlng mem
bers : Tom Laccy , Charles Tulleys , Carl
Chamberlain , Mac llanchett , Maurice De-
Kay. Dwlght Odell , Earl Bcardsley. Forrest
Rutherford , Harry Cavin and Rolllnl Jud-
Hon. Prof. Sutorlus has been secured as
leader and the club will make Its llrst pub
lic appearance for the season at the meet
ing of the Southwestern Iowa Teachers' as
sociation on November I.
Onicer Swanson was called upon yesterday
evening by a man to io with him to the
Metropolitan hotel and protcpt him while
ho secured his hat. The man told the offi
cer he had boon kicked out tintl otherwise
mistreated. Swanwm did us requested , hut
( Iharlcs Blerwllh. the proprietor of the
place , not only kicked the man out again
but the1 officer alsotelling' the. latter that
no policeman could jcomo Into his house
wbllo ho was there. SwatiBon made no re-
Blltunce'to being kicked out.'but at police
headquarters last night It was said a com
plaint will bo filed against Blerwlth today.
Physical perfection , the secret of beauty.
Call i\ send for "Vlavl Message. " Vlavl Co. .
32fi Mtt-lam Block.
N. Y. Plurnbins company. Tel. 250.
Those deslrlne conies of the Jubilee edi
tion of The Dallv Bee can secure them at
the Council Bluffs office of The Bee.
Ill the district court yesterday W. F. Sled-
entopf , administrator of the ostare of Wil
liam Sledontopf , deceased , filed motions to
Hot aside defaults and judgments obtained
October 1C by II. F. Cornelius and Jessie
F. Smith. He Bets up thud demurrers Illed
by him In both cases have never been dis
posed of and further that the notes sued on
have been duly allowed In probate as a claim
iigalnst thu estate and against him as ad
lcst A black nnd white Lowcllyn Better
dog. 10 months' old ; has Btrap and collar on.
Suitable reward will be paid for his return
to J. M. Oursler. Agent U. P. R. R.
llvnl Knlulf Trnnnfc-rn.
The following transfers were filed yester
day In the abstract , title and loan office of
J. W. Squire , 101 Pearl street :
J. C. Mnrquardt and wife to Emma
Kurges , lot 14 , block 2 , MurqimnU's
Hubdiv. , w ( i ; ioo
Kxocutor and administrator of J. M.
Phillip * to ChrlstofTer Loscth , lot 16 ,
Mock 13 , litiniH' add , ex d 100
Kxecutor of George Cunning to Walnut
Hill Cemetery association , part lot 7
In ne\4 \ nc'.j 30-75-13 , w d 764
Three transfer ? , total J3ti4
The man \vhose home
is menaced by midnight
marauders isn't slow to
grasp a weapon to de
fend it. The same man
when threaten
ed by an enemy
ten thousand
times more
dangerous , will
calmly go his
way and make1
no effort at de
fence. The
most dangerous -
ous of all man
kind's enemies
is consumption.
There is but
one effective
weapon with
which to com
bat this grim
destroyer. It
is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
H cure * 98 per cent , of all cases of consumption -
sumption , bronchitis , asthma , laryngitis ,
weak lungs , spitting of blood and throat
und nasal trouble * . Thousands have testi
fied to their recovery under this remedy
nfter they were given up by the doctors ,
und all nope was cone. Many of these
have permitted their experiences , names ,
addresses and photographs to be printed in
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad
viser. Any sufferer may write to them.
The "Golden Medical Discovery" is the
great blood-maker and Mesh-builder. It
makes the appetite hearty , the digestion
and assimilation jurfect , the liver active ,
the blood pure and rich with the life giving-
elements of the food nnd the nerves strong
and steady. Acting directly on the lungs ,
it drives out all impurities and disease
Kcnns. It is also a wonderful medicine for
all nervous troubles. Sold by all dealers
in medicine.
Jno. M. Hlte. of Audubon , Audubou Co. , Iowa ,
says : " I took a severe cuM which settled on my
liuigs ami chett. Several of our best physicians
S'Jvc up all hope * of my recovery , I would cough
nud spit blood for hours. I took Dr. 1'icrcc's
Golden Medical Discovery and recovered. "
Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical
Adviser is a book of 1,008 paces and over
three hundred illustrations. This book is
free. You may have it in all Its usefulness ,
and in strong paper covers , for at one-cent
stnmps , which pays the co t of mailing
n/i/i' , or in cloth binding for 31 stamps.
Address , World's Dispensary Medical
A * ocUtion , Buffalo , N. V.
Northwestern and Fort Dodge & Omaha Oasa
Oomea on for Hearing ,
NortlitTPHlprn 11 ml Made fur
Stralttlit'-MiliiK lt Track * 1'rlor
the Fort Hoilfto Ilonil'n Action *
The hearing on the petition of the Fort
Dodge ft Omaha railroad for an Injunction
restraining the Chicago & Northwestern
railway from proceeding with Its condemna
tion of a portion of the Judson tract was
commenced In the district court yesterday
before Judge Macy. The Northwestern In
troduced a number of witnesses to show
that previous to the purchase of the land
In controversy It had planned on straight
ening Its line nnd had sot stakes and ar
ranged other preliminary details for the
work. Arguments will bo made by counsel
this morning. The Fort Dodge road Is rep
resented by J. F. Duncombo of Fort Dodge ,
president of the road ; Wharton & Balrd
of Omaha and Harl & MtCabe of this city ,
while the Interests of the Northwestern arei
being looked nfter by Frank Dawloy of
Cedar Rapids and Flnley Burke of this city.
The matter In controversy being unusual ,
the case Is attracting more than ordinary
Those desiring copies of the Jubilee edi
tion of The Dally Boo can secure them at
the Council Bluffs olllco of The Bee.
Part 2 of The Bee's ptiotogrnvures of the
exposition Is now ready and can be bad at
the Council Bluffs office.
Rev. Mr. Longlnlus used Cole's Hot Blast
dealer last winter.
to tinfir ami Kn-
I'oiirliiR ; In ,
Representatives to the grand encampment
and grand lodge of Iowa Odd Fellows con
tinued to arrive on every train yesterday
and by night there 'were ' several hundred
members of Iho triple links gathered In
the city. A largo number of delegates to
the Kcbeknh state assembly also arrived
during the day. Owing to the storm the
plan for the visitors and members of the
local lodges to visit the exposition In n body
and take part In the exercises of Odd Fel
lows' day at the big show was abandoned
and the visitors were content to keep In
doors at the different hotels. At the Grand ,
where the headquarters of the grand officers
are , was the biggest throng and all day
the rotunda was thronged with members
of the order , who put In the day renewing
acquaintances and making now ones. The
storm , It Is expected , will have the effect
of somewhat reducing the attendance at
the sessions of th < i grand lodge.
The grand encampment will he called to
order this morning at ! > o'clock by Grand
Patriarch James Schroeder of Guttcnbcrg In
the largo public hall in Odd Fellows' temple.
During the session , which onty last today ,
the following officers elected last June will
bo installed : Grand patriarch , J. T. Temple ,
Davenport ; granrthlgb priest , M , P. Sharts ,
Burlington ; grand eenlor warden , N. S.
Johnson. Rloomfleld ; grand scribe , William
Musson. DCS Molnes ; grand treasurer. J.
Norwood Clark , Iowa City ; grand junior
warden. J. C. Mllllman , Logan ; grand repre
sentative. J. F. Spare , Council Bluffs.
The state assembly of Rebckahs will be
called to order nt the same hour In the lodge
room by Mrs. Belle IK'tzcl of Avoca , state
president. The other officers of the state as
sembly are : Vice president , Mrs. Blanche
Qulgley , McGregor ; warden , Mrs. Agnes
Mercer. Greenfield ; secretary , Miss S. Eliza
beth Matheney. Keokuk ; treasurer. Mrs.
Alice Babbitt. Webater City ; marshal. Miss
Ida M. Brown. Muscatlne ; conductor. Mrs.
Sara M. Sharp , Union ; chaplain , Mrs. Mag-
Bio L. Bean , Jefferson ; I. G. , Mrs. Lucy M.
Blystone , Ottumwa ; O , G. , Mrs. Kate M.
Sample , Humboldt ; reporter , Mrs. Ida A.
Tufford , Clinton. The Rebckahs will elect
state officers for the ensuing year at this
This evening In the big hall the degree
team of Ottumwa will put on the floor the
work of the second degree for the subor
dinate lodges and In the lodge room < ho
Rebekah degree team from the same town
will exemplify the degree work for the
Itobekah subordinate lodges.
The grand lodge will convene tomorrow
morning at 9 o'clock In the big hall , when
the grand lodge degree will be conferred
upon all past grands 'who desire to receive
It. It Is expected that the class will con
sist of upwards ot 200 past grands. In the
afternoon , unless the weather compels It
being abandoned , there -will be a grand pa
rade and In the evening the big ball. The
following are the local committees in charge
of the ball : Arrangements- . Rlshel ,
A. E. Mitchell. Reception S. S. Keller. O.
D. Wheeler. E. B. Edgerton , Oscar Younker-
man , Mrs. C. C. Case , Mrs , J. linger , Mrs.
M. F. McCune. Floor J. W. Cochran , D.
W. Selby , John Schoenlng , L. Harris , James
Bradley , E. S. Fisher , Fred De Great , Peter
On Friday , the last day of the session
of the grand lodge , the following officers
elected last June will be Installed : Grand
master , K. H. Hlbben. Marshalltown ; dep
uty grand master , J. J. Mclntlre , Osceola ;
grand warden , N. Jasper Jones , Shelby ;
grand secretary , William 'Musson , Des
Molnes ; grand treasurer , A. J. Morrison ,
Mareugo ; grand representative , C. W.
Bowen , Centervllle.
Mr * . Anule .latut-N HUM 11 Suit . \Kaliint
the Clilt-f of 1'ollce.
Mrs. Annie James , wife of Judge W. C.
James , commenced suit In the district court
yetterday against Chief of Police Frank A.
Blxby and wlfo to compel them to reconvey
back to her two lots In Baylls' second addi
tion. The property In question Is the pres
ent homt of Chief Blxby and formerly be
longed to Mrs. James , who now comes Into
court and alleges that she was Induced to
trade the lots through false representations.
According to the petition filed Mrs. James
eets forth that she was the owner ot lots
C and 7 In block 12 , Baylls * second addition
and that Blxby claimed to bo the owner ot
a quarter section In Holt county , Nebraska ,
which she alleges he represented us being
clear from all encumbrances , that forty
acres was under cultivation and that the
remainder was good grass land. Blxby
placed the value of his land at 12.000 and
Mrs. James her lots at $6,000. Without
going to look over the land Mrs. James
traded her property for the land and $4.000
to boot. Tbo JI.OQO was represented by a
mortgage and two notes. Later Mrs. James
alleges she found that Blxby practically had
no title to the land , that the taxes for the
years 1892 to 18 ! > 7 were unpaid and the
laud had gone to tax sale. Also that ten
acres only were under cultivation and that
not to exceed ( orty acres wus grass land.
She states that she offered to deed back the
land to Blxby and return him the mortgage
md notes U he would recoiivey to her the
two lots. This ehe says he refused to do.
She now asks the court to order that the
trade bo declared off and that , Mr. nnd Mrs.
Blxby be compelled .to reconvey bnck to
her her property.
Champagne Is a restorative If pure. Cook's
Imperial Champagne , cxlm dry , has a cen
tury record for purity.
Nlterlal Policemen All point oil for Serv
ice on Hlrotlon DIIJ' .
The city council met in adjourned reg
ular session last night and appointed the fol
lowing special policemen to preserve the
pence at the different polling booths on elec
tion day , which will be Tuesday , Novem
ber 8 :
First ward , First precinct : Andy Nealy
( rep. ) . Henry Altrop ( dcm. ) . Second pre
cinct : Ed McWIlIlaniH ( rep. ) , Thomas
Hughes ( dem. ) .
Second ward , First precinct : J , E. Brooks
( rep. ) , C. A. Rose ( dem. ) . Second precinct :
Henry Peterson ( rep. ) , A. B. Mlkesel ( dcm. ) .
Third ward. First precinct : L , Williams
( rep. ) , Jacob Datcsman ( dcm. ) . Second pre
cinct : D. B. Kirk ( rep. ) , Henry Allen
( dem. ) .
Fourth word , First precinct : John Dickey
( rep. ) , William Bohnlng ( dem. ) . Second
precinct : Felix Crocker ( rep. ) , John Kelly
( dem. ) .
Fifth word. First precinct : F. A. Snckett
( rep. ) . John Morris ( dem. ) . Second precinct :
Paul Seabold ( rep. ) , Thomas Sheu ( dern. ) .
Sixth ward. First precinct : M. W. Moo-
maw ( rep. ) , William Evans ( dem.1) ) . Second
precinct : George Jurgenson ( rep. ) , Charles
0. Nlgethon ( .dem ) .
A resolution was adopted releasing the
Omaha Bridge and Terminal Railway com-
i pany from Its obligation under Its franchise
of running ten cars a day each way between
the city and the exposition grounds. Since
the weather turned cold there has been no
travel over this line , but the company will
resume Its service If the weather will warrant -
rant nnd continue to operate trains until
the close of the big show.
E. A. Wlckham's contract for the paving
of North First , North Second , Bryant and
North Main streets between Broadway and
Washington avenue and Willow avenue be
tween Main and Third street * was approved
and by resolution the time for completing
the work was extended until July 1 , 1890 *
These streets will bo paved with Council
Bluffs brick , both top and bottom courses.
The ordinance repealing the newsboys'
ordlnanco was passed and the boys who
have paid the $2 license will bo refunded
the amount proportionate to the unexplrcd
porlton of the year.
The ordinance establishing the grade on
Perrln avenue was also passed , but the gen
eral sidewalk ordinance went only as far
as the second reading and was laid over.
Alderman Casper brought up the matter
of widening Pierce street between First and
Stutsman , it being the portion of the street
ordered repaved. In 1891 , when Pierce
street was paved with brick , the street was ,
by resolution , ordered widened at the city's
expense , be setting back the curbing on
both sides. The portion between First and
Stutsman streets , however , was not widened
at that time as the block paving being In
good condition was not repaved. Now that
It Is going to be repaved , Alderman Casper
Is anxious that It should be widened. The
matter was referred to a special committee ,
consisting of the mayor , city-engineer and
Alderman Casper. The council adjourned ,
to meet next Monday night.
Woman SuffriiKlMtR to Convi-nr.
The twenty-seventh annual meeting of the
Iowa Equal Suffrage association will bo
convened In thlB city tomorrow afternoon
and will last over Friday. The sessions will
be held In the auditorium of the First Bap
tist church nnd will bo open to the public
and all who are Interested In the movement
to have the franchise extended to women.
Advices received by the local commlfLeo In
dicate that In the neighborhood of 100 del
egates will bo In attendance nnd that sev
eral women suffragists of national reputa
tion will be present. Susan H. Anthony.
for years president ) of the national organisa
tion , Is boo't ' = d for an address tomorrow
evening. Mrs. Carrlo Chapmau-Catt of Now
York , national organizer. Is booked for an
extended address Thursday evening before
the convention. At. the evening session to
morrow , D. C. Uloomer will , on behalf of
the Council Bluffs . -tub. deliver an address
of welcome and Mayor Jennings will also
extend greetings to the delegates. The pres
ent officers of the Mate association are :
President. Mrs. Adelaide Ballard of Hull ;
vice president , Mrs. Julia Hnllum of Sioux"
City ; corresponding secretary , Mrs. M. C.
Callanan of Des Molnes ; treasurer , Anna
H. Ankeney of Des Molnes. Mrs. Carrlo L.
Ballenger Is chairman of the local enter
tainment committee. Tomorrow afternoon
will bo devoted to a meeting of the oxecu'.lve
committee , the convention proper opening
In the evening.
Snap Shots , a beautiful souvenir of the
exposition , containing reproductions of nil
the prominent buildings , together with a
bird's-eye nnd general views of the grounds ,
I can be had nt the Council Bluffs office ot
The Bee for 25 cents. It Is just the thing
to send to your friends at a distance.
Walter Johnson , lawyer , notary. Sapp blk.
Collections made everywhere In U. S.
Supri'inu Court Pi-c-
DES MOINES. Oct. 17. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Iowa supreme court opinions today :
J. H. Parks et al. against Trustees of the
Anchor Mutual Fire Insurance Company ;
from Union district. W. H. Tedford , Judge.
James Robertson , sr. , appellant. , against
The Mollne-Mllburn-Stoddard Company ;
from Cherokee district. Scott M. Ladd ,
Judge. Affirmed.
Bazar & Ryan against Appellant Moses
Pence at al. ; from Polk district. C. I1.
Holmes , judge. Affirmed.
State of Iowa apalnst Fields , appellant ;
from Buchanan district. T. S. Blair , Judge.
Green Uay Lumber Company , appellant ,
against Edwin Thomas et al. ; from Jack
son district. A. J. House , Judge. Reversed.
Elizabeth Owen against N. P. Chrlstesen.
executor ot the estate of Richard Owen ,
deceased , appellant ; from Aucluljon dis
trict. W. R. Green , judge. Affirmed.
L. P. Benjamin , appellant , against W , J.
Fllttow and H. W. Squires ; from Marshall
district. Obed Caswell , Judge. Affirmed.
Those desiring copies of the Jubilee > tdl-
tlon of The Dallv Bee can nccuro them at
the Council Bluffs office of The Bee.
Miss Julia Officer , teacher of piano , 5S3
Willow avenue. Fall and winter term.
MiirrlnuP I.loonxes.
Licenses to wed have been Issued to the
following persoua :
Name and Residence. Age.
Daniel Smith. Nebraska City - $
Rebecca Rollins , Nebraska City 2t >
Ralph Judd , Lawrence , S. D 23
Bettlo Wldncr , Washington , Neb 27
J. M. Sides. Dawee. Neb 17
Emma Speasc > , Sioux , Neb 24
Thomas Carter. Council Bluffs i 24
Fanplo M. Greer , Council Bluffs It *
DEAR EDITOR , : If you know of a solic
itor or cnnvnFser In your city or else
where , especially u man who has solicited
for HiibscrlptloiiB , Insurance , nursery stock ,
'i bonks or tailoring , or a mini who can fell
ijgoodH , you will confer favor by telling
11 him to correspond with u ; or U you will
i Insert thin notlr In your paper and such
.parties will cut this notice out and mull to
us , wn may bn nblo to furnish them a good
position In their own and adjoining nullities.
AddrexH ,
At\jntant \ General Byers Reports on Conditions
at San Francisco.
fn.v ! Tliry Arc rireiilntoil by Men Who
IVInh to He MiiHtcrcil Out No
Uooil Hcnnon Why Tlu-y
Mliiinlil lie.
DES MOINES , Oct. 17. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Adjutant General M. II. Byera was
at his office In the. Iowa capitol today after
his return from San Francisco , where ho
went at Governor Shaw's direction , to In
vestigate the conditions for the purpose of
making a report on the needs of the Fifty-
first Iowa volunteers. He had been In Camp
Mori-lain since September 30. Genoriil Dyers
said today :
"I found some kickers nmoiiR the men ,
but the great majority of the regiment are
soldiers and are ready to obey orders. I
would like to recommend that those who
do not want to go to Manila bo transferred
for men In the Fifty-second. I nte with
the men In each of the twelve companies
and found them provided with excellent
army rations , nil that a soldier could ask.
j I The men who are well have gained from
I I five to twenty pounds since they arrived
' In Snn Francisco. The regiment Is now
I ] supplied with all the clothing and equipment
' they can ask for. I found the division hos
pital , In which my Bon-ln-law. has been
sick , In the best sanitary condition. There
were 336 sick men when I arrived there
j ( ' and when I left there were 210. The health
of the men of the different regiments bus
wonderfully Improved since they moved from
| i Camp Merrltt. When the men first arrived !
In San Francisco and when the recruits
began to come to the regiment , It was very
hard to get clothing for them. Requisitions
were made on Juno 6 and were not filled
until the latter part of July. But It was
no fault of regimental commanders , but
the clothing could not bo obtained from
I ! the government , as It was short of cloth-
Ing. "
Mtirilrr or Sulrliluf
"Is It murder or suicide ? " Is the question
before a coroner's jury In this city. Mrs.
Jcnnlo , Stadlo , who was married two weeks
ago to Joseph Stadle , a volunteer In Com
pany A of the Fifty-second volunteers , on
his return "to " Camp McKlnley after a fur
lough , died yesterday afternoon while In
an ambujcnce , Wednesday evening a doc
tor 'was called to the Northwestern hotel
hero and resuscitated her from the effects
of a dose qf morphine. Her' husband was
with her and the next day sent her alone
In a hack to her homo In a suburb. She
was dangerously -\vorso Sunday , another
doctor was called nnd she was ordered to
the hospital , dying on the way. Her dying
statement to J. II. Swlsher , a friend who
was in the ambulance with her , having been
kept by , a friend of her husband from seeIng -
Ing her until then , was that Stadlo had
Induced her to get the morphine and take
half by pretending to take the other half.
The testimony before the jury also showed
that she had only a cracker to eat from
Wednesday to Sunday and that -when Stadlo
went to her home and found her dead ho
wont away ami has not been located since.
Midway shoyvs as carnival features were
" "
condemned by" < ho Ministerial association
of this city today. During the annual
Senl-Om-Sed carnival hero week before last j
on several of the cross streets adjoining
the street fair , midway shows of a sensa
tional character like the Orange Blossoms
fake sensation and the Oriental Dancers
were run under the sanction of the carnival
management , which In fact had secured
Work of Horai ! Thttvi'N In IOTTII.
FORT DODOE , la. . Oct. 17. ( Special. )
Sheriff Dowil nnd the local police of this
1 city are puzzled over the work of what Is
believed to be an organized gang of horse-
thieves operating between this place , Waterloo
lee , Cedar Rapids , Storm Lake and Doone.
In less than six weeks twenty-flvo horses
and several wagons of every description
have been taken from barns and the fronts
of private residences. The work begins with
the spotting of a harness and the necessary
wagon and then a horse or two to follow.
Sheriffs O'Banlen of Storm Lake , Law of
Waterloo , Garner of Boone and Dowd of this
city have laid a trap for the gang and It Is
said several arrests of well known horsemen -
men are likely to follow. A number of dep
uties have been sworn In and nearly every
farmer In 'the ' county Is clothed with the
authority of an officer. The city police are
working In conjunction with the various
sheriffs for the capture of some of the
Fatally Hurt.
CHEROKEE , la. . Oct. 17. ( Special. ) Yesterday -
terday Joseph Unkrer , a prominent young
farmer living near here , started home from
Cherokee with a load of building stone and
was seated on t'he load , reading a news
paper , when , for some unaccountable rea
son , the stone on which he was sitting
slipped and he was thrown to the ground
and the entire load passed over his body.
The accident happened near the farm house
of John Rlchey and Mr. Unkrer was able
t'o reach the house and tell them ho vas
badly Injured. A physician was hastily sum
moned , but before ho arrived death had re
lieved the Intense suffering of the Injured
man , as ho lived only a short tlmo after
reaching the house. The deceased was
only 23 years of age and was universally
respected ID the community where he I
sided. Ho was married lust : April and leaves
his widow , bis parents and several brothers
and sisters to mourn his loss.
Improving ' 1'lirlr Itonillicil.
STATE CENTER. la. , Oct. 17. ( Special. )
That within a short tlmo the Northwest
ern will have a double track along this way
la evident by the way the men are working.
The yards have been filled In and the tracks
have been moved BO that connections with
the additional line can ho easily made. A
gang of workmen Is putting In an Iron
bridge east of town and If It docs not freeze
up too Boon a stone bridge will bo built
In the hollow west of town. When the
double track Is completed the depot will be
moved to the old stock yards site , where
It will be more convenient and obviate the
necessity and danger In crossing the tracks.
llnwtay rii'uriMl of Perjury.
WEBSTER CITV , la. , Oct. 17. ( Special. )
After being out from 6 o'clock Wednesday
night until noon Saturday the jury In the
Tr. W. Arthur Hawley perjury case brought
lu a verdict of not guilty. The charge was
that ho perjured himself In making applica
tion for divorce by stating In the petition
that he had resided In Iowa fourteen years.
The defense proved by Judge N. II. Hyatt ,
who made oue the divorce papers , that a
formal oath was not administered to him.
This testimony was substantiated by two
young lady stenographers who were pres
ent at the rime the papers were made out.
Wlfu'M AffcftloiiH Worth iplff.tiOO.
FORT DODGE , In. . Oct. 17. ( Special. )
The attorneys of Zcnua W.Tobey , a telegraph
operator In the employ of the Illinois Cen
tral railroad In this city , have Hied papers'
charging Dr. J. II. Palmer with the alien
ation of hlv ( Tobry's ) wife's affections and
the IMS of her society. Tobey asks for flo-
Nervous Headache Cured > f
Miles' Restorative Nervine.
Headache Is n signal of distress. When the nerves have
been overtaxed and the stores of vitality and nerve force have
been exhausted nature hangs out this signal for help. If the
message Is disregarded the most serious results may fpllow ,
und such diseases as epilepsy , paralysis , Insanity , nervous
prostration and general debility , may bo looked for. Dr.
Miles' Restorative Nervine cures headache of the worst kind ,
an well as many other serious alfcct Ions of the nervous system.
It Is the best known remedy for epilepsy , St. Vltus dance ,
hysteria or any breaking down of the nervous system. It
builds up and strengthens the nervous system , soothes and
quiets the deranged nerve centres In the brain , affords restful
6lecp and stops worry. Dr. Miles' Nervine restores health.
/'In 1804 I becan to have attacks of pa ms or fits , which my physician
attributed to a bad state of the liver. lie doctored me for a time but the
fits continued to appear about as frequently as before and I became , dis
couraged. They would usually come nt niRht after 1 had pone to deep.
In the spring I began using Dr. Mile * ' Restorative Nervine and ( torn 'the
time I began its use 1 never experienced but one. attack. I im
proved steadily and am now enjoying perfect health. 1 attribute my re
covery to the wonderful curative powers of Dr. Miles' Nervine and never
loie an opportunity to recommend it to all who may suffer as I did. "
V. A. DECK , Zephyr , Texas.
"In 18891 suffered a complete breakdown of the nervous system and
Mrs.N.M.nucknell for three or four months was prostrated and unable to work or attend to
. , 2029 Oakland " Ave. , business of any kind. A number of physicians treated me but seemed un
Minneapolis with , Minn. , writes : "I suffered for able to build me up or imist me in 'he recovery of strength and vitality. I
many years a terrible headache pain then becan taking Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine , which benefited me
from the start and : '
I - had - ; -'with nervous prontralion. D. B. HANGER , Lincoln , Hit.
frequent diity
ipells and was so
weak and exhausted that I could take but
little food. My physicians told me that I Dr. Miles' Remedies are for sale by nil druggists under n
, wns comg into paralysis , and would surely guarantee flrsfc bottle benefits or money refunded. Accept
' For tnree vears 1 wa a helpless
, , ?
invalid , when I bepan taking Dr. Miles' nothing else. Ko other preparations are "Just as good. "
Restorative Nervine. For five winters I Book on heart and nerves free. Address
have felt better than in . "
many years. DR. HILES AlEDICAL CO. , Olklmrt , Ind.
gives the clean-
lineps and even
] ial ( ! with soft
coal , as hard
istrft coal in Base
The Hot Blast Draft
I3iirtiH itiul fciivos the
"AA half Ot Stft ) C0il1'
Soft coal cquul to
hard coal.
I used Cole's Hot Blast. No : ISO , from
December , 'tl7. till spring It Is an clean < m
any wood stove I ever used. Often u crape
basket full of coal lusted from one evenlnc
till the next. It was sti-ndy , oven h > at.
KIro only went out once during the winter
und that was our fault. It never smoked
JUKI wnllH and celling are clean as If I
burned wood. It Is tbo best stove 1 ever
saw.MHS. . U. G. MKKIC. 1S28 Ninth nvcntio.
.Milton KoRorti , Agent , Omnhn , Ni-b.
Wo have for sale an S-room house ,
with stable , located on lot GO feet front
lu flnoHt residence portion ot the city.
This property can -be boURht at a bar
gain if taken at once.
Small fruit farm for sale at n low
price. Now Is thn tlmo to Invest In a
home If vou want one. Ilcal estate/
values are low , but are picking up with
Increased sales. We have a number
of small resilience properties that can
be bought at low prices.
Remember that we are making loans
nnd writing flro Insurance at as low a
rate as any ono else ; and wo would bo
pleased to bo favored with a share of
your business.
No. 102 South Main Street.f
Council Bluffs. la.
G.W.PangIeM.D ,
Render of UIHCUBCH of tucii and
World1 ! Herbal DUprnftiirjr of Medlclltn.
I Cimi : Catarrh of Head , Throat mid
Dlr-i'tiK'H ( if Kyo nnd Uftr , Fits nail
Apoplexy , Heart , I.'ver und Kidney licenses ,
Diabetes. Height's 1. viute , St. Vltus Dunce ,
lUioumutlBm , Scrofula , Dropsy cured without
lapping , TnpoN cif mo removed , all chronic
Nervous and I'rlvuti : Diseases. >
LOST I 17 _ ° ly riiyblclnn who can
> > irilil.ldi properly euro SYIMIir.l.S
without dfsttoylng teeth nnd bonci. No mer
cury or poison mineral uml.
The only I'hyiilcluii who can tell what alii
you without asking n question.
Tliibo tit u dlhtanco Hcnd for question
blank. No. 1 for men ; No 'i lur women.
All correspondence btrictly coullJontlal
Hcdlclm scut uy express.
Address all letters to
G. W. PANGLE , M. D < ,
( SS llroniln-iiy. COtlNCIf , HMTFS , IA sminu forrnnlr
104 , 20G , iu > , 210. Broadway , Council Hluffr.
Kates , $1.83 per Uay ; " 5 rooms. FJrst-clusi
ll oveiy respect. .Motor line to all depots.
1 ocal agency for the Celebrated St. Lou ) *
A. n C. Ucer. First-class bar In con
000. On September 1. the plaintiff In the
case visited the ofllco of Dr. I'almcr. accom
panied by bis father-In-Iuw , and demanded
satisfaction. Words led to blows and thn
participants were dually separated , but not
until a crowd had gathered In front of the
office , attracted by the uproar.
Kntnllv Hurt In u Itiiiunrii } ' .
CBDAU ItAPinS , Ia..0ct.l7. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) John It. Vorak , a well known farmer
living near Fairfax , received fatal Injuries
In a runaway accident yesterday afternoon ,
dying in a few hours. He was harvesting
grain In the field , when his team became
frjghtened and ran away.
Tolmreo Triixl Di-i'luri-il HIT.
LOUISVILLE , Ky. . Oct. 17. The Post
ay that the big tobacco combination li n
thing of the past and that there la no fur
ther clunco of the Continental company
forming a combination and that all nego
tiations are off.
OfthTrans -
Eighteen hundred
niiiety eight
Views amei" " '
Comprising a
Sottvenr |
of the
At the Business Office of The Omaha Bee
JV. B. By mail. ? cents extra for pontage.
Sees the Transmississippi
I wjis dreadfully shocked ( f guess thut'p the word
for farmers to use ) anyway I was nHhamed o' Joslah
when I Imnded him bis cup o * ten nt snipper time , an'
he gulped It clown without stoppln' and past bin cup
baek. "Jostah Allen , " says I , "hnlit't you got no man
ners ? " "Will , " says he , "hain't I ben to the fair , nnd
didn't tbo wind an' dust blow jest ns If old Nutur had
turned tbo tail end o' her old tlirasblu' machine over
that air fence an' got my linigK full o' dust ? " When
ho wrenched out bin throt with another cup o' tea ho
. > : "Did yon see that Cole's Gas Burnln Heater , like
bat last winter , , n runnln' on the grounds ? " " \\al , "
pays J , " 1 didn't see It runnln' on the grounds ; J seen It
standln' still with u lire In It , an * tbo man wb < i
was a showln' on It oft didn't tell huff thu good things
bout It. Why , u feller , was standln' by It and the man
tol1 him It wud hoi' lire nil nlto with cob ? , when
the feller laffed him right In his factWnl , 1 spoke
right up an' scd , 'It's so , too ; 1 used one all las' winter
nn1 I know It'llhoi' fiqj all nlto with cobs , an' I know-
too , It'll burn up the gas an'smoke an'won't usr more
than huff ns'much colo'as ' our ole oak stove did. '
'Why,1 says I , 'this man 'II let you tnko ono hoimnn
use It a liu ! month , ail1 If It don't do what he sav It
will ho ' 11 let you fetch It lm < k an1 he 'II pay buck your
money.1" 1 Jest felf like stayln1 there all the iifternoon
a ttllln' about the good pints o' that air stove ( an' I hadn't any of Mr. Stncy'e
swi el elder either ) , an' I gucs * I would , too , If that tricky feller on the blslcklc hadn't
a showed off.
Huldy'8 man says he'a goln1 to have one this winter , an' I'm no glad , for the baby
will be creepln' on the lloor nnd tiny won't btut.y danger of her takln' cold like
JIary did last winter. And she will buy H of
41 Main Street.
Council Bluffs.
Farm and Frnit Lands for Sale , *
The Fruit raisers around Council Illuffs have Just closed u profitable
season , the yield being from $50 ro J1CO per acre. We have some choice
\ bargains In Fruit , Vegetable and Form Lands near Council Illuffs. Let u
4 ? show them to you. FA KM LOANS 5 1'EH CENT INTKHEST.
39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , . Iowa.
Results Tell.
The Bee
Want Ads
Produce Results.
Fees Gas
Engines V
Uo 25O
_ Horao Power
iir : > uli > r MiiiMiln ref All ICIiulii.
; all on UH nr wr'to for prices & ilegrr
D.vvin iiu.\niiv A ro. .
' omicll llliiirn. lutra.