Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1898, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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3iivno.\ .
fitockcrt Carpet Co. , :0-"i-:07 llwy.
Moore's food kills worms and fattens.
C. B. Jaciiutmln & Co. , Jewelers and op
ticians , 27 South Main street.
Will Eisemau. forraoilv n resident of thin
lty , but now living In Salt Lake , Is visit
ing Council Bluffs friends.
J. C. IJtxby. heating and sanitary engineer.
Plans and specifications for heating , plumb-
lug and lighting. 202 Main , Council Bluffs.
Uon't you think It must bo a pretty good
laundry that can please BO many hundreds
ot customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , "
721 Broadwav.
Thirty-five cars loaded with alcohol from
Pcorla and other distilling points , consigned
to the Japanese government , were trans
ferred yesterday from the Burlington to the
Union Pacific.
Mrs. Cornelius Armstrong died yesterday
nt 237 Seventeenth avenue , aged 72 years.
Death was'clue to old age * . The funeral will
bo held this morning from the residence ,
at 10 o'clock and interment will bo In Falr-
\le\f cemetery.
Alfred Laurls. the Infant son of Mr. and
MM. Ed. Schay. 1C01 South Tenth street ,
died yesterday , aged 0 months. The fu
neral will bo held from thn residence this
nflernnon at 2:30 : o'clock and Interment will
li" In Falrvlow cemetery. A twin brother of
the child was burled a few days ago.
A trlegram received here by Attorney .Ia-
rnb Sims , from W. E. Balnbrldge. states
that ho has left I'ekln for the United States
and will shortly be again nt home. No
reasons are given In the telegram for thla
nction of Mr. Balnbrldge. who has been second
end secretary of the United States lega
tion In China.
The members of Canton Pottawattamle ,
No. 6. Patriarchs Mllltiint. Independent Or-
< lor of Odd Follows , uro ordered to appear
in full dress uniform nt Odd Fellows temple -
plo tomorrow morning nt 8:30 : o'clock , from
where thpy will go to Omaha tn participate
In the cxcrclcew of Odd Fellows' day at the
exposition. A mooting to complete arrange
ment ? will bo held this afternoon nt 2
o'clock , nt which nil members are requested
to be present.
Physical perfection , the secret of beauty.
Call 01 send for "Vlavl Message. " Vlavl Co. ,
120iU""lam Block.
N. V. Plurablnc company. Tel. 250.
Odd Fellows' Grand Commandery Welcome
Flogs for Bale at Delraven'u drug store.
Wo have made nn extra effort In the se
lection of our fall and winter underwear.
No war tax on these goods. Metcalf & Mct
Walter Johnson , lawyer , notary. Sapp blk ,
Collections made everywhere la U. S.
Those deslrlne conies of the Jubilee edi
tion of The Uallv Bee can secure them al
the Council Bluffs office of The Bee.
Note * of the Court * .
Henry Cornellson nnd Jennlo M. Smltt
brought suit in the district court yester
day against the estate ot ithe late W. F
Slcdcntopf to have certain transfers o
property mode by the late W. F. Sleden-
topf to his wife set aside and the properlj
inado subject to their claims. They alst
Ocmand an accounting of rents received am
proceeds of property sold , If any , by th !
.Mrs. E. L. Bellinger has commenced sul !
ligalnst iFannle F. Collins to set aside 't '
deed and secure possession of two lots It
Williams' subdivision. In her petition.Mrs
Bellinger sets up that last September sh <
placed for sale with F. J. Day eighty acre :
of land In this county. Ho disposed ot thi
property for her for $2,000 , as aho clalini
ho represented to her. Now she allrgc :
that slnco then she has discovered that thi
property was sold for $4,000 to ono Wtlsoi
Smith , who paid $2,000 cash and decdci
over for the remaining $2,000 the two lot
she now seeks tn secure possession of. Thi
deeds to thcso lots , she alleges , were madi
to Fannlo F. Collins , the wife of a mai
nbo assisted Day In making the trade
whereas , she alleges , they should right
fully have been deeded 'to ' her.
.Mrs. Awllda Reed flled a petition for dl
vorco from Peter Reed , to whom she wai
married lu 1S81 in Ontario , Canada. Shi
alleges drunkenness and cruel trcatmen
and asks for the custody of the three mlno
children. She also asks for $30 temporar :
and $30 a month permanent alimony ,
Mr * . Aunio C. Putman also filed n petl
tlnn for divorce , asking -the court to dls
polvo the bonds that united her to Marqul
H. Putman and which were- tied at Camden
X. J , , In January , 1S93. She states Ilia
. her husband deserted her October 2 , 18UC
| | nnd she asks the court -to grant her tin
custody of their ono child , Bertie M. Put
man , who Is now 12 years of age.
The Jury In the case of Thomas Dorset
against J. B. Young brought In a verdlc
yesterday afternoon for the defendant. Dor
Belt sued for $1,200 for alleged services ti
clearing land belonging to Young In Crescen
.ownshlp In the year 183fi.
I'ollro Court No ( < " > .
Harry Egbert. H. Langdon and W. Mottaz
the three young men who have been such i
Miiircc of trouble to the police , had a hear
Ing before Judge Aylesworth yesterda ;
morning on the charge ot disturbing thi
peace. The Judge let thorn off with a. suspended
ponded fine of $10 and costs during good be
bfivlor. but took occasion to road them tin
riot act. He. told them tlmt if found on tin
II streets at night at an unreasonable hou
' they would be arrested and ho would se <
tn It that they served out this flno and an
other larger one on the top of It.
Robert E. Alchlu was taken Into custod ;
nv the police yesterday afternoon as helm
mentally deranged. He was arrested Ait
KU t 8 for u similar reason and was turnei
over to the county authorities , buO th
Buaiel of Insanity Commissioners after In
Ycstlgatlng hiH case ordered his release.
Every top coat sold by Metcalf & Metcal
is warranted to equal any made to ordc
tailor garment for which you will pay twlc
the monev.
Why are Klein's cigars so popular ? As
the boyr. who smoke only the best.
F. S. Knapp xised Cole's Hot Blast heatc
Don't grumble because you paid too muc
for that suit you are wearing. It's you
own fault. You should have gene to Met
calf & Metcalf'K. where thsy soli only th
best and at the lowest margin of profits.
Unit ICxtiitc TrititHOrM ,
The following transfers were tiled ycstci
day In Uin abstract , title and loan office c
J. W. Squire. 101 Pearl street :
"William Hulrd und wlfo to Fort
Dodgn & Omaha Itullroiul company ,
uuvernmcut lot 3 unit uccrotloiiH In
11-75-44 , wd $2,2 ;
B.iino to same , nc'.i ' swU 11-73-h and
tiocretlontJ , w 0 1,2 * .
Same to mimewMj nwU 11-75-44 ami
accretions , w d &
Charles Bixttollo to same , lot 10. blocl :
7. Hccrs' mill , w d 10 ;
B.-iui" lu same , lot 11 , block 16 , Mul-
lln'H subtltv.v d 1 !
S.I mo tu sumo lot 4 , block S. Boers'
add. w d
game to tmmc. ' ,4 of lot 3 , block 2 ,
Uo rH' ndd. w d l.W
Samuel J. Howe to It. Grunt Robin
son nil of Burkot 1'lucc , an add ,
( | u d
II. arnnt Robinson to Fort Dodge &
Omnhu Hiillroud company , same ,
w d 3.01
Hunt ) O. Robinson to name , lot S ,
Mock 7. 1'ottor < t Cobli's ndd. w d. . . 6.
lIoIiH ot Milton Tuotlo to fume , block
: | , liccra' udd. w d 4,0i
! ' . T , True and wife to same , lot IS ,
block 1C. Mullln's tnibdlv. w d V.
AvtiiKlon A. ICdglngtoii and wife In
Kllu K. flippy , n W feet of lot 9 ,
Davis Purk add Avocu. w d. , &
F. C' Louei'H mid \vlfo to Carl Cool ,
lot 7. block 45. Itlddlo's tuibdlv.v d . &
Aaron L. Wellman und wlfo to J.V. .
Squire , trustee , lot 4 , blocl ; S. Juck-
nm'tt add. w d
IfUen transfer * , totul J15. &
Jubstanca of the Port Dodge's Answer to the
Northwestern Demand ,
President Duncomlic Rein Ont \Vliy He
Think * III" Ilonil Should Ilnvc the
Ground It Untight In the
J u dm ) n Tract.
It would appear that the Chicago & North
western nnd the Fort Dodge & Omaha road ,
hove bren unable to arrive at an amicable
settlement as to the right-of-way contro
versy over the Judson tract recently pur
chased by the latter load and that the
matter will have to be arbitrated by the
courts. J. F. Duncombc , president of the
Fort Dodge ft Omaha road , Is In the eltj
and yesterday filed an amendment to his
petition for an Injunction restraining the
Northwestern from Instituting condemna
tion proceedings against the company's re
cently acquired land. Ho also filed nr
answer to the ? Northwestern's petition li
the condemnation case. The amendmenl
acts up that slnco the commencement o
the action the engineers have completce
their surveys and examination of the lane
In controversy with reference to the loca
tion of the plaintiff's ( Fort Dodge & Omaha :
line of road and that to construct the roae
nt the point In controversy on the eas
sldo of the Northwestern' ! ) rlght-of-wa ;
would entail enormous expense In the ex
cavatlon eifthe - high bluff for a long dls
tancc. The bluffs extcud so near to thi
east line of the Northwestern's rlght-of
way that plaintiff's road could not be con
structPd on the east side without grea
excavation , and further that to build thi
road on this side would necessitate twi
extra crossings of defendant's railroad
which could bo avoided by constructing 1
on the west side It was for theSe reasons
the amendment states , that the location 01
the west side of the Xorthwestern's right
of-way over the premises sought to be con
demned was adopted.
In the answer filed it Is denied that o
August 17 last or at any other tlmo th
attorney for the Northwestern Informe
John L. McCague , who made the purchas
of the Judson tract for the Fort DoJg
company , that the Northwestern desired t
change Its line as shown In the blue prlc
map filed by the Northwestern In the casi
It admits , however , that the attorney dl
Inform McCaguo that the Northwestern , de
sired to purchase some of this land In or
der to straighten Its line and that It wonl
pay a reasonable price for it , but he dl
not Indicate how or tn what manner th
line was to be straightened or what pot
tlon ot the land the Northwestern desire
to purchase.
It denies that when they purchased th
land ot Judson , the Fort Dodge & Oman
people had any knowledge that the North
western had surveyed and staked out
line for tbo rectification of Us lines. 1
also denies the statement made that at th
tlmo of tbs condemnation proceedings
had not set out any stakes or surveyed an
line for Its proposed right-of-way.
The Fort Dodge company admits the
that there Is on the land and at the plac
In controversy sufficient room for the COB
structlon of lines of railway by both con
panics , but denies that there will be rooi
for the Fort Dodge & Omaha company I
build Its lines without enormous addition :
expense and at the expense of the cheat
ness and feasibility of Its line If the Nortti
western Is permitted to proceed with II
condemnation proceedings , and take and ar
proprlato land sought to be condemned b
It. Such action tbo answer of the Foi
Dodge road states would bo an unjust Ir
frlngement on Its rights.
In conclusion the answer sots forth th :
the Interests of both roads and of the pul
lie require that the conflicting claims t
the use of the lands lu controversy bo ad
Judlcated and decreed In equity , to the en
that both roads can discharge their publ
duties nnd exorcise their franchises by tli
maintenance and operation of their re
spectlvo roads on the cheapest , most dlrei
and feasible lines.
Judge Macy , accompanied by Prcsldet
Duncombo and attorneys of both roads , too
a trip yesterday afternoon over thei laud I
controversy to as to be bettor able to Judg
the matter when brought before him I
court next Tuesday.
What Is the use In paying $2ii and $30 fc
a suit of clothes that you can get for ha
the money at Metcalf & Metcalf's , Main an
Pearl streets.
Snap Shots , a beautiful souvenir of tt
c.\porltion. containing reproductions of a
the prominent buildings , together with
blrd'H-cye nnd general views of the ground
can be had at the Council Bluffs offlce <
The Bee for 25 cents. H Is Just the thin
to send to jour friends at a distance.
Miss Julia Officer , teacher of piano , 51
Willow avenue. Fall and winter term.
Those desiring conies of the Jubilee ed
tlon of The Dally Bee ctn secure them i
the Council Bluffs office of The Bee.
K * of the S ell Sot for Ihr AVre
I'lnced on Iti-ooril.
Tha principal event In social circles du
Ing the past week was the wadding of Mil
Eleanor L. Stewart , daughter of Mrs. J. 1
Stewart , and Mr. Luther E. Hearno of Clt
clnnatl last Wednesday afternoon at S
Paul's Episcopal church. The ceremon
which was performed by Hev. L. P. McDoi
aid. rector of the parish , was witnessed on
by the Immediate iclatlvea und a few intlmi
friends ot the contracting couple. Ml
Kthel Barnard was maid of honor , whl
John T. Stewart , second , brother of tl
bride , acted ns the groom's brat man. M
ami Mrs , Hearne will spend their hone ;
moon in the Berkshire lillls , Massachusett
and will he at home to their friends In Cli
clnnatl after November 20.
Miss Eleanor Dodge gave an vlcgant dli
ner Thursday night , covers being laid fi
Mrs. H. r. Hatteuhauer of Seventh avcni
In entertaining her niece. Mrs. Thomas
Salmon of Bloomlngton , III.
Mr. and Mrn. Taylor of Sixth street a
entertaining Mr. and Mrs. H. Wlnn
Cedar Rapids. .
I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Claar have as the
guests Mr. and Mrs. Bell ot Hlldreth , Ne
The Orand Odd Fellows' ball no
Wednesday night promises to bo one of tl
leading events of the social season.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Long are cntertainli
Mrs. M. Dlckergon of Eau Claire. Mlchlga
The Men's club of the First Prcsbytcrli
church has reorganized for the winter so ,
son and celebrated the opening meeting Fr
day night with a banquet.
Miss Nelllo Moore of South Sixth sire
! gave a chatlni ; dish supper last Mondi
| evening In honor of Edward Patterson Sa
ford ot Minneapolis.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Boyer of Avenui * A
tertalned the last week Burt Veoable n
daughter Ethel of Payetto , Idaho. S
Vonablo Is editor of thr Payetto Indepon
I Judge1 and Mrs , E. E. Aylcaworlh are e
IcrtMnlng Mr. and Mrs. , Louis L.yheclo
ot Owatonna. Mlnu.
Mr. and MM. W W. Sherman had as th <
guest the last week Mri. II. S. Ogden
IndlanapolU. Ind.
| Mrs. n. B. Montgomery Is entertain !
Mrs. F. II. Harbeson and cons , Grant and
James , ot Spenccrvllte , 0.
Key. II. Knox of Cook avenue entertained
during the last week Dr. and 'Mrs. ' C. It.
Hunt of Oelweln , la.
Mrs. H. J , Abbott of Damon street Is en
tertaining Miss Kmlly Ebersole of Manson -
son , la.
The Misses Messmoro entertained during
the last week MUs Carrie Stevenson of
Uoone , la. , and Miss Knight of Grand
Mr. and Mra. J. M. Ourslcr are entertain
ing Dr. and Mrs. W. N. Oursler nnd chil
dren ot Odobott , la.
Mr. and Mrs. J , C. De Haven have as
their guests Mrs. Twist and Miss Katie
Twist of Albany , Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hutchlnson are en
tertaining Mr. and Mrs. William Cooper ol
Woodston , Kan. , and Mrs. W. F. Walkei
of Crestotf1 , la.
Mrs. O. M. Brown ot South Seventb
street has as her guest her niece , Miss
Luclla Hogo of Cambridge , O.
Mm. M. E. Andruei of State street h
entertaining J. P. Sellars and the Mlsscf
Mattle Miller and Mary Swayno of Del-
mont , 8. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Maloncy entertained
for Jubilee week B , F. Burton and daughter
ot Waterloo , la. , Mrs. Day of Peorln , 111. ,
and Mrs. Dolan and son ot Burlington , la ,
Mrs. Charles Wiley of South Seventh
street Is entertaining her mother , Mrs. W ,
B. Uoe of Kearney , Neb. , and'Mrs.i Klnsell
of Mt. Ayr. In.
Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Williams entertained
the past week their niece , Miss Deborah
Dalyrlmple , and her friend , Miss Quail ol
Moutpoller , Idaho.
Mr. and. Mrs. C. L. Felt are entertaining
Mrs. Rufus Bradbury'Clark of Sioux City.
Miss Margaret O'Donnell of Park avenue
is entertaining Miss Mae Shecdy and Mist
Florence McDanlcl of Mankato , Kan.
Mr. and Mrs. John Davis leave today foi
an eastern trip.
Mrs. L. L. Spooner Is entertaining hei
brother , Oeorgo Blake of Delta , Colo.
L. C. and S. W. Bosley held a regular fam-
ly reunion the past week , having as theli
; ucsts Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Besley , Mr. am
Mrs. E. D. Besley and daughter of Waukegan -
gan , 111. , and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bcelc ]
and daughter ot McIIenry , III.
Mrs. J. B. Atkins chaperoned a party o
young women of the C. C. C. C. club to th <
exposition last Wednesday.
W. E. Morris Is entertaining his mother
Mrs. D. L. Morris of Earlham , la.
W. II. Bradley 'has ' as his guest hla sister
Mrs. Sue Beck of Decatur county , Kansas.
Mrs. A. H. Dillon of Mynster street li
entertaining her father and sister , E. H
Grluncll and Mrs. M. Barnes of Grlnnell , la
Mrs. II. N. Wycoff of Seventh avenue li
entertaining Mrs. Frances Rader and Mlsi
Eva Shull of Manhattan , Kas.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Blood entertained th
last week Mr. and Mrs. George Griffin o
Rlnnyton , Ind.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Howe entertained durln ;
the last week Mr. and Mrs. John Babcocl
of Moberly.
Dr. and Mrs. F. S. Thomas had as thel
guests the last week Mrs. Alice Smit
Cheek and her mother Mrs. Smith of De
Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Swan of Sixth avenu
entertained the last week Mr. and airs
Woodford and Mr. and Mrs. Btddlo of Shen
Mr. and Mrs. Pethybrldgo of Vine strce
are entertaining Mrs. Germain Frnnch o
Hutchlnson , Kan.
Dr. and Mrs. P. J. Montgomery ot Fourt
street are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. J. H
Fanchor of Dodge Center , Mlnu.
Mr. and Mrs. Georgci Hulctto of Washing
ton avenue are entertaining Mrs. W. Hu
lotto and daughter , Mrs. Carrie Chapman , c
Marengo , 111.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dlmmock are enter
talning Mr. and Mrs , Green of Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Ely of Avenue A en
tertalued the last week Mrs. M. Welsh o
Galloway , Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Oliver nro enjoyln
a visit from their daughter , Mrs. A. E
Sweeting of Chicago.
Mrs. Jacob Neumayer entertained durln
Jubilee veek her sister , Mrs. Durand oC SI
W. C. Gebhart of the Milwaukee offic
had as his guest the last week George 1
Gebhart of Dos 'Molnes. '
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Atkins entertained th
last week Edgar Hill of Salt Lake City.
Mrs. George Metcalf has taken up he
residence at 801 Fourth avenue , where sh
Is now at home to her friends.
Mrs. John Moran of Fifth avenue Is en
tertftlning her mother , Mrs. E. Bllharz o
Mrs. J. W. Strohm of Hazel street Is en
tertainlng Miss Maryland Springer of Oak
land , Cal.
Miss Lctson of Fourth street had as he
guest the past week Miss Mabel Miller o
W. M. Richardson , 028 Third avenue , entertained
tainod the past week his father , John II
Richardson , and Miss Mary Richardson c
Deckel , Mass.
Miss Gertrude Bennet Is In Chicago , wher
she will attend the Peace Jubilee festlvl
Mis. N. V. SIcad of Mynster street enter
talned during the past week her daughtei
Mrs. I.ostor Gary of Upland , Neb. , and Mi
and Mrs. Charles Slead of Belton , Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. S. \ \ * . Clark had as thel
guest the post Nveek Howard Maxwell t
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. VlcRoy of Fourt
street are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Job
Evans of Arapahoe , Neb.
Mrs. Ernest E , Hart of Park avenue en
tertalned the past week Miss Emma Mors
of Chicago.
Commodore P. B. Smith of Marengo , III
was the guest during the past week of E. C
Brown and family of Fourth street.
Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Mlkesell entertalne
the past week Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson t
Ewlng , Neb.
Mrs. Campbell of Second avenue is entci
talntng Mrs. Arthur J. Welles of Kansa
Mrs. J. B. Long of South Main street I
enjoying a vlalt from her sister , Mrs , E. C
Bowman of Cincinnati , 0.
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. E. Cavln of Park avenu
are entertaining Mrs. Joseph Anderson an
daughter , Maud , of Pueblo , Colo.
Captain and Mrs. Williams of Washlngto
avenue arc entertaining their daughter , Mr ;
J. T. Spangler of Walnut , la.
Mrs. Andrus and family of State stree
have as their guest W. P. Miller of Delnion
S. D.
Miss Ethel Sheparei entertained durln
the last week Miss Mary Leo Read of Cc
lumbla , Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Subert are entcrtnlnln
B. F. Burron and two daughters of Watei
Ice , In.
Mrs. Clark of Bluff street Is e tertalnln
Mrs. J , Moore and Miss Anna Moore of Woi
cester , Mass. , and Mrs. (5. H. V'Inn of Kar
eas City.
Mr. and Mrs , J. W. Barnett of High strci
nrc entertaining Mrs. O. M. Barnett of So
Diego , Cal. , Mrs. Cella Kruse and Miss Jtill
Peepo of Waterloo , la.
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Askcr of Twentj
t third street entertained during the. last wee
Cyrus Holmes , a prominent stockman <
Shcnandoah , who has been attending it
live stock exhibit : at the exposition.
E. H. Rockwell and daughter , Rona , put
libbers of the Faroilngtou ( la. ) Herald an
. 1 the Leo County Review , nro the guests c
Sir. and Mrs. T. R. DraKe of North avonii
nnd Inking lu the exposition.
Mrs. D. W. llushnell Is enjoying a vis
from her mother , Mrs. Iljiulshaw of Ch
cago.Mr. . and Mrs. S. S. Facia have as the
f ; guests Mr. mid Mrs. A. Holering of Gran
I Inland. Neb.
; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin SouthMck of Sout
evcnth street are entertaining Dr. C. W.
nauldlngvlo nnd son ot Carroll , la. , and
Irs. n. W. lluilloft of Sanborn , In.
Miss Mnudo Hlmpron ot Yutcs City , III. ,
s the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. M , Srubcrt
f South Twenty-first street.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. Strock of Eighth nvc-
mc have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Ollvo
trock of Falrbury , Neb.
E. T. Gilbert of North Eighth street en-
artalncd the last week U. Long and sister ,
Mrs. S. Whlto and daughter of Union county.
The Misses Verne I'aul and Lulu Lewis
f Harlan will bo the guests this week ot
Hov. and Mrs. Knox while visiting the ex-
Prof. Aman Strobl leaves shortly for a
Islt to the Hawaiian Islands.
Paul Hlrsoh , who was called to Fort
Jodgo by the Illness of his father , returned
home Friday , his father being bettor.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dorey Wadsworth
celebrated their fifteenth wedding nnnlvor-
eary by entertaining a few friends at din
ner on Tuesday evening. The appointments
of the dining room were perfect.
Wo will fit you with the first "try on" ol
mr top coats for fall wear. They nrc bran-
les. Como In and see them , anyhow. II
you buy and the coat doesn't suit , we will
return your money. Motcalf & Mctcalf.
for OiliI Ki'lloim.
In view of the coming session ot the
Jrand Lodge I. O. 0. F. of Iowa to bo held
n our city this week I would respectfully
request all public buildings and busluesf
ilaccs to bo suitably decorated on Monday
nornlng , October 17 , In honor of our dis
tinguished guests and to the credit of our
city. VICTOR JENNINOS , Mayor.
People are peculiar and hard to suit. Thai
Is the reason thuy go to Klein's , 112 Bioiul-
way , for tholr flno candles and fruits.
A too coat will make you comfortable dur-
ng them cool mornings and evenings. Mct
calf & Mctcalf have the finest line ever
shown In the city.
Dell G. Morgan , drugs , 142 Broadway.
Church NotCH ,
At the First Congregational , church todaj
[ ho pastor , J. W. Wilson , will take as the
subject of his morning sermon , "Rod Giving
: ho Increase" and In the evening "A Sab
bath Eve.nlng In Capcrnaeum. " All services
will be as usual.
At the Second Presbyterian church this
morning the pastor , Hev. Alexander Llthor-
land , will preach on "Relation of Person anil
Property" and in the evening his subject
will bo "The President and His Visit. "
llov. Myron C. Waddell. pastor of the
Broadway Methodist church , will take as the
subject of his sermon this morning "The
True Measure of Greatness" and In the even'
Ing "Relation of Thought to Character. " Al
services will be at the usual time.
There will be services at St. John's Eng'
llsh Lutheran church today at 10:30 : a. m
ami 7:45 : . m.
At the Fifth Avenue Methodist church this
morning the service will bo devoted to the
old folk and addresses will bo delivered bj
Rev. A. C. Pcnnock of Omaha and others
At the evening service the pastor , Rev. G
P. Fry , will preach on "The Apostles' Pro
hibition and Command. "
The services at Grace Episcopal churcl
today will bo as follows : Holy counnunlot
8 a. m. ; Sunday school'10 a. m. ; morning
prayer and sermon , 11 o'clock ; evening
prayer 7:30 : o'clock.
At the First Presbyterian church this
morning the pastor , Rev. W. S. Barnes , wll
preach on "The Heart and the Will" ani
In the evening will take as his subject "Th <
Plan of Salvation. "
Better get aunty to ask mama < to coaj
papa to get one of those flue , now pianos
which Bouricius' Music House just got Ir
last Tuesday. Such things nro often pin
off from season to season and from year t (
year , while you might just as well bo learnIng -
Ing right along , whllo you have the chance
Bouricius ls > at 320 Broadway , whcro thi
organ stands upon the building.
The chlllv blasts of winter remind n mat
that ho needs a first-class overcoat. Metcal
& -Metcalf have lust what you want.
Those desiring conies of the Jubilee edl
tlon of The Uallv Bee can secure them n
the Council Bluffs offlce of The Bee.
Otlil Ki'llnim Arrive.
Among the prominent Odd Fellows wh (
arrived yesterday were : J. C. Koonz of Bur
lington , grand master ; J. S. Bellamy o
Knoxville , past grand master ; R. L. Tlltor
of Ottumwa , past grand master and gram
master of the Ancient Order of Unltee
Workmen of Iowa. Both Mr. Koonz and Mr
Bellamy are accompanied by their wives
The headquarters of the officers of the Od (
Fellows' grand lodge are at the Grand , ever ;
room of which has been engaged for theli
accommodation this week.
Part 2 of The Bee's paotogravures of thi
exposition Is now ready and can bo had a
the Council Bluffs office.
Metcalf & Metcalf can fit you out will
an overcoat that will give you comfort am
ono that will wear not a lifetime but B
long that you will forget the year of pur
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday t
the following persons :
Namet and Residence. Age
Arthur J. Ellel. Omaha. . . . . . . . . .2
Sophina Bocason. Omaha . J..2
James Haughn , Council Bluffs . 4
Bessie Conley , St. Joseph . 2
A good , durable top coat sold at Metcalf i
Metcalf's. from $5 to $18.
IIMVII Political
The Waterloo Reporter , which Is prlnte
In u locality where populism Is
asserts that no matter what troubles th
fustonlBtH have thin vear it cannot be Ir.c
of money , because everybody has mono
In that section of the stnto.
Judge Ney made a speech at Davcnpor
Tuesday and the police had to Interfere t
prevent the people laughing the spenke
from the platform. Then everybody an
everything left the hall but the chain
which were fastened down , except th
speaker and the committee.
General Weaver announces that he hia
sesparate speech prepared for every day fror
now until the clouo of the campaign. Tb
committee of his party has not yet an
nounced whether it will chei the general
chnucft to Indict all these specimens ot hi
handiwork on the generous otib'lc.
Governor Boies' friends asrert that ever
promise and every prediction ho has mad
In politics has come true and been kcp
mid now that he Is forced to stand on th
Marshalltown nondescript 'ulatform whll
declarlnt : tllnt the Instrument Is bad. ma
bo accepted as absolutely certain evidtnr
that disasters await the party this fall ttd
made this situation necessary.
An Ottumwa man now claims that h
could see "politics" In the presence of th
president and party In Io\ui. for he declare
that the president lemarkcd to a promii ! ° ti
republican when the train stopped then
"I am glad to see you looking so strong.
The critic Is a rabid populist and declare
this remark on the jiwident's part mean
that ho was glad to see the republican look
ing EO strong , because ho could do mor
work this fall for the republican campulgi
IlMlll X MVM Titltr * .
The attendance of the Iowa City Sta *
university U now In excess of last year' '
Des Mollies' carnival committee will In
corporate and In thst-r-sie produce th
Senl-Om-Sed affair annually.
Rev. Father Halpln. In charge of th
Catholic parishes at Iov.n Falls and El
doia. has been traupfcrrrd to Algona.
Officials ot various' Iowa towns nre en
thuaUbtlc over thet formation In the stat
of a branch of the League of America
William Vcsa Is CO years old and postmaa
ter at Wuverlv Junction. Nelllo Websiw
a woman of " 0. was married to him n
Waterloo recently
According to statistics submitted at th
Iowa conference o ( Methodists at Monte
Surreys , Phaetons , Carts , Spring and Road Wagons of all kinds.
The liirge.4 slock and best vehicles jobbed on Ihe Missouri river.
i .
) -
; Send your orders lo
Save Money and get HENRY H. VAN BRUNT ,
Quick Shipments. council Bluffs , Iowa ,
( lender of MlHoaHC-8 of lucn nnd
World'i Herbal IHupcmury of MedlclftT.
I CURU Catarrh of Head , Throat and
Lungs , Diseases of Rye and Var , Fits and
Apoplexy , Heart. L'vcr nnd Kidney Diseases ,
Diabetes , Itrltilit's J , ; ensc , St. Vitus Dance.
RheumatismScrofula , Dropsy cured without
japping , TnppVortnn removed , all chronic
Nervous aud Private Discuses.
CVDIIB9 1C Only Physician who onn
C 9 r EllLldi properly cure SYIMIIMS
without destroying teeth and bones. No mer
cury or poison mineral used.
The only Physician who can tell what alii
you without asking a question.
Those nt a distance send for question
blank. No. 1 for men ; No. S for womrn.
All correspondence strictly confidential
Mcdlclni sent by ciprces.
Address all letters to
G. W. PANGLE , M. D. ,
t3TSend 3-cent. stauio for roolr.
We have for sale an 8-room house ,
with stable , located on lot CO feet front
In finest residence portion of the city.
This property can bo bought nt a bar
gain If taken at once.
Small fruit farm for sale at a low
price. Now Is the time to Invest In a
home If you want one. Real estate
values are low , but are picking up with
Increased sales. We have a number
of email residence properties that can
be bought at low prices.
Remember that wo are making loans
nnd writing fire Insurance at as low a
rate as any ono else , and wo would be
pleased to be favored with a share of
your business.
No. 102 South Main Street.
Council Bluffs. la.
gives the clean
liness and even
heat with soft
coal , as hard
1C.V coal in Base
The Hot Blast Draft
Burns uiul saves the
pus half of soft coal.
Soft ceal equal to
hard conl.
I used Cole'B Hot Blast , No. 180 , from
December , ' 97 , till HprliiK. It In us clean f
any wood atovo I over used. Often a grape
basket full eif coal lasted from ono ovi-nliifi
till the next. ItVHH steady , even lieut ,
Klro only went out one-o during the wlntei
nnd that was our fault. It never smolccel
ajirt wall.s and celling nro clean as If I
burned wood. It IH the best steve I eve |
saw.MRS. . H. G. MEKK. IS2S Ninth avenue.
COM : MA.MFKACTI iii.xr. co. ,
Lee > , Clarke , Andreesen Hdw , Co. , AgentH ,
Omaha , Neb.
Fees Gas
Q'to 25O
Horse Power
! ) of All KliiilN.
l on us or write for prlopB & descriptions.
I1AVI11 HUAII.iV & CO. ,
Council lltufTM. loirn.
:04. 200 , 20S , S10. Itrondwuy , Council niuffr. .
Hates , $1.25 per day ; 75 rooms. F'rst-clusi
It oveiy respect. Motor line to all elepola.
local agency for the Celebrated St. LotiU
A. B , U. liecr. Flrat-cliius bar in con *
zuraa. there are within the confines of the
conference 31.C17 members.
Robert Schoncbeck and wife of Dubuqut
liavo returned home , after two years epe- i
i In the Klondike. They went there Imiir3. '
j atelv after their marriage and traveled all
I over the country Their baby , born at Daw-
'ran. Is the tlrst wblto child born lu tin
Klondike rcKlon.
To clean up our stock of all short lengths in Carpets ( lu-
grain , Tapestry and Body Brussels ; Moquette , Axminstera
and Velvets ) we will sell them at prices that will surprise
We have all short length of Carpets made into Huge ,
finished oil with fringe to match , which we will give away
at almost nothing ; look at these prices :
TnpeitrjllriiNxel HitKwllli fringe , 1 ynril lo 1 1ynriln lonpr.
nt . 15 . ( III
Hotly IlriiNNoIn KUR with fringe , 1 yard in t 1ynrilN lonn ,
nt . 7. %
Iluily IlniNNclN . l.oo
Hoily llril.MMclM . , . ,
Hext MiitiiicUe Hun * . 1.OO
Ilc-Ht MoinicHo HIIKM , 1 1ynrilM , . J.u , '
Bent Velvet IliiRn . 1.2.
We have Just finished a nlco Drapery Room. somothlnE Council Bluffs has not had
In the past , and to make room for our Immense now line of Draperies , we will sell
all tbo remaining stock of the Council Bluffs Carpet Co. at cost , and nil odd
Curtains In Nottinghams , Irish Points , Brussels Nets , Tapestry i Brussels Nets , Madras ,
India Stripes , Slllc .Stripes , Scrims and Swiss below cost. Wo hnvo a large line of
Table Covers In Slik , Chelille , Tapestry , etc. , which you can have nt almost nothing.
We are golng'io close them out as wo will not have room fqr them ,
Remember our Mattings and our new 1'lshnet Door Drapery , also our Wisconsin
Grass Matting nnd Grass.
Matting Rugs at SO , 7uc , $1.00 , etc.
Sees the Transmississippi ,
I was dreadfully shocked ( I gucfs Hint's the word
for farmers to use ) anywny I wus nshameel o' Joslnh
when I handed him his cup o' tea nt supper time , nu *
ho gulped It elown without utoppln * nnd past his cup
back. "Joslali Allen , " snyts I , "hain't you got nei man
ners ? " "Wai , " says he , "hain't I ben to the fiilr , nnd
didn't the wind nn' dust blow Jest ns It old Nutur had
turned the tall end o' her old thrnshln' machine over
that air fence nn' got my lungs full o' dust ? " When
ho wrenched out hln throt with another cup o' tea he
S.IJ-H : "Did you BUO that Colo's Gas Burnln Heater , like
wo bet last winter , n riinnln * on thu grounds ? " "Wai , "
says J , "I elldn't see it runiiln' on the grouml ; I seen It
Htandln' still with a lire In It , an' the inun who
WIIH a aliowln' on It off elldn't tell hnff the gooel things
bout It. Why , n feller was Htundln' by It und the man
tol' him that It wuel lie > V lire nil nlto with coby , when
the feller luffed him right In his face. Wai , 1 spoku
right up nn' sod , 'It's so , too ; I uwed one all IUH' winter
an' I know It'll hoi' jlre nil nlto with cobs , nn' I know
toei , It'll burn up the gas an'smoke mi'won't use more
than linn" as much cole ns our oles oak steve did'
'Why , ' says I , 'this man ' 11 let you take one homo an *
use it a liu ) month , un' If It don't do what he Hays It
will ho ' 11 lot you fetch It buck nn * he ' 11 pay bae-k your
money. ' " I Jest felt Ilko stuyln' there all the afternoon
a , te-llln' about the good pints o' that air steve ( an1 I hadn't any o"TMr. Stacy's
sweet elder cither ) , an' 1 guess I would , too , 1C that tricky feller on the blslcklo hadn't
a. showed off.
lluldy's man Bays he's goln' to have ono thl.s winter , an' I'm FO glael. for the baby
will IIP creeiilii' oil tlio lloor and tlioy won't bo any danger of her takln' cold like
JIury < Hd laht winter. And she will buy It of
Cole 41 Main Street ,
, Council Bluffs.
For soft coal or wood. A perfect and economical soft coal sfovc. It consumes all
Bases and carbon , making a perfect ) combustion by Its admitting cold air direct to
flro pot. U has two large feed doors at top , so as to admit a largo chunk of coal or
wood , aiid nu auvorantlo front tcrew draft , the only draft that closes up perfectly
air tight. We Invite you to examine thla celebrated steve compare IB with others
and ) udgo lor yourself.
r\ieni ; : WOOD IIUATHHN.
A handsome , economical and most durable cast top and bottom airtight wood
Btove made. Will keep flro all night.
Dovol's Sheet Iron Air Tight for wood , lined with heavy Iron to top of steve
a stove that can be rcllueO with little * cost , Do not fall to buy ono of thes stoves for
fall and spring use. ,
I3. C.
Thu Old Reliable Hardware House ,
Agent For Mnjcstli Ranges Art Garland Hasc Hnrncrs.
AftA&iJy j
* < ? i Farm and Fruit Lands for Sale.
mj j The Fruit raisers around Council niuffa have just closed a prontabla - \
season , the yield being from $50 ro $100 per acre. Wo have some choice
4J bargain ; In Fruit , Vegetable and Farm Lands near Council Uluffg. Let us
show them lo you. FAHM LOANS 5 PKH CUNT INTKRKST.
* 9
1 DAY & HESS ,
* = ? 39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
4 ?