THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY. OCTOBER 10 , 18'KS. "BILL-HEADED" PARKER. IIK WAS A HI-UO TO THE VERY LAST. lly Albert Hrltt. Copyrighted by the 8. S. McClure Co. , UJS. When George Parker made his first ap pearance on the foot ball field at Clevedon college about two weeks after the term be gan , he came unheralded and unknown. The foot ball enthusiasts had been busy for days discussing the merits and quallfi-i cations of the various new men who had ] coino up for the first time that year and were trying for positions on the team. Hood foot ball material was scarce at Clove- don , and the captain and the coach wcro at their wits' end to construct a winning team with the candidates who bad thus far ap peared. The very day that Parker made his Initial appearance they had held , a short council In the directors' office at the gym- tinilum before going on the field for the aft ernoon practice , nnd tbo outlook , as they viewed It at that time , was gloomy Indeed. Candidates for positions behind the line wcro many and some of them gave promise of developing Into good players , but tbo linemen , especially the tackles , left much to bo desired at the close of their conversa tion. tion.Shaw Shaw , Hie coach , expressed himself very forcibly as to the qualification of at least one of the players. "I tell you , Arnold , we must get some llfo Into that line , or the best backs In the world won't win games for us. Now , -there's Brlco at IcfUtackle. He's big and strong enough to stop a freight train , but ho plays as though ho were deaden on hla foot , it wo only had some man to go la against him on the scrub eleven and wake him up and give him a bit of a scare he might amount to something , but as It Is ho'n about as lively as an Ice wagon. " All this was too obvious to elicit any thing more than a very gloomy acquies cence from the captain , nnd the two men tramped out through the gymnasium to the practice field , and here they found Parker for the first time among the crowd of youths passing and kicking the ball. He was of medium height , rather light but firmly built , resembling the other young men around him In general appearance , except for a rather uqusual squareness of jaw and levelness of gaze. Ho came to Clevedon from an obscure llt- tln academy In a distant state , where he had prepared for college. The captain of the scrub cloven had noticed him lu chapel In the morning and afccrwnrd had hunted him out and having learned by dint of card questioning that bo had played foot ball and * at least knew the rudiments of the game , had asked him to come out to the field In the nfocrnoon and bavo a try at itho second cloven. The second , or scrub eleven , bo It known , Is composed of the candidates who are de nied a place on Bho 'varsity and who yet , for the sake of the sport and In the hope that ono day promotion may find them out , are willing to work on without glory or reward unless they find them In the hnrci practice game played dally with the 'varsity. From the ranks of the scrubs come the substitutes for the 'varsity and n goad player In the former may well dare hope to bo chc.sen for the "varsity tbo next year. It Is , as one may see , a sort of apprenticeship or training school through which ono must pass before he reaches the 'varsltty. n. It had been the bane of the scrub cap tain's llfo hitherto that he had not been able to find any man In his miscellaneous lot who was able to play a hard enough game ngalnst Brlce , the 'varsity left tackle , cltl.or to cause that ! gentleman any particular Us- convenience or to satisfy the demands ol Shaw. They had all made the mistake o ( "bucking" straight Into him nnd being tea a man Inferior In weight and muscle to Brlce , who was a glanB In size , If not In Intellect , the result may bo Imagined. Thus It happened that In sheer desperation I'urker was chosen on this , his first night out , to go In against Brlce and If possible frighten him Into Improving his playing. As the two men looked each other ovet for a moment before the ball was put In play Brlco thought ! to himself , rather con temptuously , that he would have nti trouble with this stripling , but after Parker had broken through two or three times on plays around his end and downed the man with the ball , he began to realize that he had a very unusual sort of a scrub to deal with and that 1C would require eomelhlcR very different from his ordinary style ol practice game to keep this fellow occupied , After he awoke to this fact Parker's Jot be came rather harder nnd he was forced to content himself with un occasional tackle be hind the Interference when the runner -vaa slow or the ball was poorly passed. But the climax came Just before the close of the fifteen minutes' practice. The 'vars ity had carried the ball down the field di rectly in front of and about twenty ynrdE from the scrubs' goal. Parker had become Bomowhat used to thovarslty _ | play by thlt time , and when he sovrtbo fullback drof back and the halfbacks move out from and back of their regular positions he knew thai * goal from the field wus to bo tried. Here his last chance to outwit the now full ) awakened Brlce. Instead of moving out as he might hnvc been expected to do In order to get a clearci field and open the line , ho moved In close and made a feint as though Intending to dive between tackTe and guard , which was Jusi the sort of a play It was the delight ol Brlcc's heart to stop. Ho was practical ! ) immovable , and woe to the unlucky morta who attempted to "go through" him. Notlv Ing , however , was farther from Parkcr'i mind than the attempting of such a feat Instead , as the ball wan suappcd , he whcelei out quickly , caught Drice's arm in his our and. whirling upon him as on n pivot , threw that worthy fiat on his back and rushed a tie fullback just In time to block a well- directed try for goal. The men on the side-liner cheered hiatlls for the plucky scrub tackle and the coucl gladdened his heart with a few words o commendation , while the discomfited Brlci hnd a bad fho minutes explaining to tin captain how It all happened. After that Parker's play was careful ) : natched by both Shaw and Arnold , and Brlci was warned that unless he looked shari and worked hard ho might yet lose the posl Uon which ho had begun to look upon a peculiarly his own. Under this stimulus h Improved wonderfully and the hopes of th rooters rose again as they saw the line gro\ stronger and faster day by day. The great game of the season for which nl V * the others were but a preparation , was th ODO with Hanover college , and was to b played this year at Clevedon. For three years the yellow and blue of Hanover had waved triumphant and their team was re- Dorted to bo In better condition than ever. At last the great day arrived and tlo morning train brought with It the Hanover team and n great crowd of stude'.ils already boasting of the victory that was sure to be theirs. Odds were offered freely , but the Clevedon boys , mindful of. the lessons of former defeats , were slow to bet , and much Hanover money went begging. Tbo day was an Ideal one for foot boll , crisp nnd coo)1 ) , with that suspicion of frost In the air that puts every pliycr on his incttlo and makes every nerve tingle with euro human Joy of living. On such a day even a disordered liver loses Its aacondaney over the mind , and the blood , HCCR through the veins In an exhilarating flood. In spite of the lateness of the season , the : lo u clipped turf wan green and soft as velvet , and the field , lined on cither sldo with bleachers filled with gaily dressed , ribbon-bedecked crowds was an Inspiring sight. Hvcry one In the Uttta town , without regard to age , sex or present condition of servitude , had turned out to witness what proved to be n battle royal. Hanover , with their usual good fortune. a low , iwlft kick that sent It straight at one of the big Hanover guards. Taken by surprise , Instead of holding It , ho let the ball bound back from Ills broad chest straight toward Parker , who was rushing down the field. As the ball bounded toward him , remembering the Injunction of the , coach never to try to pick up a boll unless he had a clear field before him , he threw himself full length at the coveted oval and gathered It In his arms. At the same moment tbo unlucky guard rushing from the other direction to repair his error , stumbled over the prostrate form and , whether It was Intentional or acci dental , no ono ever know , struck poor Par ker full In the face with the too of his heavy hlioe , tutting a deep gash above his left eye. To the Clevedon supporters on the sldo lines It seemed as though nn evil fate was pursuing them. There was no one to take Parker's place , and how could ho ( play with n deep cut In his head nnd the blood streaming down his face ? But they failed to recognize the spirit of the boy , and when the coach tried to lead htm from the field ho flatly refused to bo taken away. "Let mo stay the game out , " ho pleaded , and then , as a shrewd afterthought , ho added : "Who'll you put In ray place , anyway ? " The force of this argument struck the coach and , pleased with the boy's grit , he had no alternative but to yield , and back Into his place went Parker , with his bloody face and a handkerchief bound round his head. If ho had played hard before he played tike a demon now , but the team was going down bill fast. The men had lost heart , and with ever-increasing swiftness the Hanover - over wedge ground its way down the field frankly , "no don't do that In the regular school , you know ; only In the Sunday- school. " "Momma , I caught a soldier ! " This Is tvhat a llttlo girl said the other day as she dragged ono of the returned boys In blue Into a fashionable- residence on Capitol hill , relates the Denver Times. "Why , Dorothy ! " exclaimed the flustratcd mother , "arn't you ashamed to be so rude ? " nnd then she turned hr attention from the llttlo one and began to apologize to the bronzed veteran of Santiago. "You needn't apologize , mum , " said the soldier , "I was Just going down the street here when I met the little girl and she grabbed hold of mj hand and said I had to go with her. She is so near llko my own llttlo girl down in my homo lu Xow Mexico that I could not help but baby her a little. " "I just done It 'cause sister and me had n bet mammo. Sis Is old enough to have fel lows and I ain't , but I bet her the gum that I would catch a soldier before she did , and I did got him , too. " This pleased the boy In blue and , planting a kiss on the llttlo check , ho lifted his hat to the mother and walked away. Ho was one of the Hough Riders and was on his way home to New Mexico. r.ossir AIIOCT NOTISU PEOPLE. Gladstone had a wonderful memory , and , llko many men so gifted , -was rather testy with these who wcro not. At a dinner on one occasion ho asked Lord Oranvllle If bis lordship had taken part In a certain di vision In- the House of Commons. Lord Qranvlllo said too did not remember , where upon Gladstone said In an amazed tone : HE WHIRLED HIS HUSKY OPPONENT HALF HOUND AND RUSHED AT THE FULL-BACK LIKE A TIQER. won the toss and chose the north goal , with the wind at their backs. Burrows , the Clevedon fullback , swung his too Into the pigskin and sent It whirling well down Into the enemy's country , with the ends close after It. and the battle was on. Hanover sent their backs around the Clevedon ends for a few short gains and then lost the ball on n fumble. Clevedon herd It for a few clays and lost It , and so the battle raged. Back and forth , In the center of the field , they fought. Occasionally a long kick by the fullback would drive the ball down the field , and ono goal or the other would bo temporarily endangered , but soon the ball would be carried back to the center and the struggle would be begun again. The teams , were so evenly matched that neither n-as able to gain more than a temporary advan tage over the other , and the first half closed without either having scored. For the first live minutes of the second half It was the same story over again , but after ono of Hanover's fierce rushes 'nto the line a figure was seen stretched on the ground , and a thrill of apprehension tan along the side linen. "Who Is It ? " Is he Hanover or Clevedon ? " "What subs have we ? " were some of the questions anxiously asked. ' , To the dismay of the Clevedon contingent. It was discovered In a moment that It waa Brlco , the big left tackle , whoso lame ankle had finally succumbed to a severe wrench. For him to continue longer In the game was out of the question , but who was there to take his place ? The only man wh6 had practiced In that position was Parker , and when the "rooters" saw him strip of his sweater and trot across the field obedient to the captain's summons their hearts sank within them. What chance would such a green stripling as he have against such a heavy experienced player as the Hanover tackle , but the captain remembered Parker's play against Brlco and held bis place. IV. The first play demonstrated that whatever else ho might be Parker was no coward. Whenever there was a rush through his side of the line he was generally found at the bottom of the heap when the mass of men untangled Itself. But the fierce , determined , bulldog game that Hanover was playing was beginning to tell and slowly the ball was being carried nearer the coveted Clovedou soal. Fifty yards , forty-five , forty , until the ball lay on the 20-yard line , and heie the advance stopped. Three times theJIanovcr backs drove headlong Into the Clevedon line , only to bo held and thrown'back again. It waa the old guard r.t Waterloo over again. One inoro play and the ball must go to Clovedou. But the goal was straight ahead and only SO yards away , nnd aVell- dlrrcted drop kick would put Hanover flvo points to the good. The fullback dropped back and every ono know what was coining. Every man waa crouching low in the line with his muscles tense and every sense alert watching the ball and the man oposlte him. Back went the ball to the fullback and after It the Clevedon quarter-back , dodging quickly through n hole between center nnd guard , but just too late. The ball barely cleared Ms fingertips as It sailed up Into the air and straight between the goal posts. A clean kick and the Hanover blachers roared and waved their approval. Parker. In the rush of the moment , was conscious of nothing but a mad desire to tear his way through the line and reach the fullback , but , struggle as he would , the man opposite him blocked him bard nnd low and his effort was futile. On the Clevedon eldo of the field there wag a gloomy silence that was almost tangible. Only seven mlnutco to ploy and the score 5 to 0 cgalnst them. Burrows put the ball In play again with Stt THAT IS ON It charms with its flavor , delights with its taste and conquers with its purity and high quality. VAL.BLATZ BREWING Co. MILWAUKEE. U.S.A. For Sale by Foley Bros- Wholesale Dealer * , 1412 Douglas Street. Omaha , Neb. Tel. 1081 until a flnnl breathless rally Btoppod the ad vance on Ihe twenty-yard lino. One minute to play , nnd the Hanover fullback dropped back for another try for goal. Hero WCB a last desperate chance , nnd , In splto ot Ms aching , whirling head , Parker remembered lhi trick that had worked so well oa Unco and shoved In close to his opponent. The lat ter , mistaking the movement , closed up the gap , when , quick as a flash , as the hall vna snapped Parker sprang out , whirled his husky opponent half around and rushed at the fullback llko a tiger , with the speedy Quarterback , close at his heels. The kick waa swift and sure , but Parker was quicker , and. as the ball rose , ho sprang high In the air nnd caught It full on his outstretched arms. As the ball bounded back , Sheldon , the quarterback , snatched It up nml was off for the Hanover goal , eighty yards away. De- hind him btralned the Hanover halfbacks I In hot pursuit , but It was no use. A stern chase Is a long one , nnd Sheldon did cot | hold the 'varsity record for the 100 yards i for uothlnK. Ho planted the ball squarely | bctwen the goal posts and Dtirrows kicked ! an easy goal , making the score 6 to 5 In Clevcdon's favor , and time was up. And Parker well Parker fainted away in the arms of his roommate as he tried to walk I off the llcfd. and was sick for'a month with i brain fever. Dut ho hnd earned his nick name of "Dullheaded" Parker and lived to ' prove his full right and title to It on many ' a hard fought field. I They 4alk of his powers yet back nt the | old college , but Parker Is sleeping In n Cu ban grave , having given his llfo for his coun try this year. He fell In the charge of the Rough Illders at San Juan , a hero to the end. TlltJ AMEHICAX HOY. Youth's Companion. I wonder If the boyn nnd girls AVho lived In olden tlmo AVcre like the boys and girls we know In our ace nnd clime. I wonder If the clrls had dolls , Or did the boys play ball , Or did ; rood llttlo Samuel Know how to play nt all ! I love the Bwoet Babes In the Wood , And , oh , how my heart grieves To think they Bletft upon the ground , With cover made of leaves' I love the Princes In the Tower In curia and rufllOB line. I hate their wicked uncle , too , I'm clad he Isn't mine ! I wonder If they laughed and talked , Or were they always Bad. I'm sure I should bo If I had An iinclo half so bud. "With my brave company of boys 1 vouldn't tnke ono hour To caiiturn him , and rescue both Those Princes In the Tower ! 0 chlldrpii of the olden time , I rend of you In books , 1 sco your pictures on the wall. " . And love your gentle looks. Your kad eyes seem to follow me About where'er I play. AH If you longed to have the fun \V < i children have toddy ! PHATTM3 OF TUB VOVXRSTUIIS. "Now , children , " said the teacher of the Juvenile class , "can any of you tell me the meaning of 'vlco versa' ? " "Yes'm , I can , " leplled the youngster at the foot of the class. "Well , Hobby , what Is It ? " "It's when you sleep with your feet toward the head of the bed , " answered Bobby. "Tommy , " asked a mother of her 4-year- old son , "where did that hole In the screen door como from ? " "I don't know , mamma , " replied the llttlo fellow. "Aro you sure you don't ? " she asked. "Courso I am , " an swered Tommy. "I throwed my ball awhile ngo and then I saw the > hole , but , honestly , I don't know where It came from. " lilttlo Dot was very fond ot bible storlea , and one day after her mother had read the story of Lot's wife , she asked : "Mamma , Tihat did Mr. Lot do when his wife was turned Into a pillar of salt ? " "What do you think he did ? " asked " " mamma. "Why , re plied the practical llttlo miss , "I a'pose ho went out and hunted up a fresh one. " Sbo was telling one ot her Bisters all about It , says the Chicago Peat , and this Is what her father overheard : "And when the little girl that alts be tween us leans forward the little boy on the other side ot her catches hold ot one of her braids and I catrh hold of the other and wo yank her head back. Oh , It's more fun ! " "So that's the way you act In school , Is It ? " Interrupted the father. "Oh , well , " returned the 6ye-ar-ol < l "Not remember ! Why , It's only forty- eight years ago ! " When Mr. Spurgcon first began his mln Istry an anonymous critic used to wrlto t < him constantly about his mistakes In gram mar and pronunciation. Mr. Spurgcon al first resented these criticisms , but he seer learned to profit by them. "After awhile , " he said , In telling the etory , ' "I looked for hi weekly memoranda with much Interest. I I repeated a sentence which I had used twi or three Sundays before he would wrlto 'See the same expression In such and such ( sermon. ' " Mr. Spurgeon , like everybod ; else , had his pot quotation , and ho usci this line , "Nothing Jn my hand < o bring , ' rather frequently. So his commentate wrote him "We are sufficiently Informed o the vacuity of your hand. " The appointment of Dr. Henry K. Car roll by President McKinley as a specla commissioner to Porto Rico to Inquire int the laws , Institutions , customs , currency industries , productions , schools , etc. , o that Island , has made It necessary for hln to resign hla place on the editorial staff o the New York Independent after a servlc on that paper of moro than twenty-tw years. Dr. Carroll came to be wldel ; known as the compiler of the religious sta tlstlcfl In the last census , a work which h performed with conspicuous ability , and hi report on the etato of Porto Ilico will un doubtedly be of great value and Interest Tbo National Magazine tells this story o Queen Wllhelmlna : "Two of the cour children were missing ono day , and grav fears were entertained as to the probablllt of their having been kidnapped. A pro longed and careful search resulted In find Ing no trace of them , and two attendant were arrested as suspicious characters. 0 further Inquiry It was learned that thcs two children wcro last seen playing wit the llttlo queen tne previous day. 0 : questioning her as to their whereabouts she said they were locked up in an ol cellar that could be reached from the court yard. It seemed they refused to do he bidding , and so , exercising her prerogatlv aa chief executive of the kingdom , she hai Imprisoned them for rebellion. " Horace J. Wlckham has Just left the gov eminent envelope works In Hartford , Conn. after twenty-four years ot continuous serv Ice. He designed the Intricate machine tha cut the envelope. Impressed the postagi stamp on It , printed the return request folded and gummed ( ho envelope and thei counted , bunched and wrapped the com pleted envelopes In quicker time than 1 takes to read this paragraph. The paten on the machine having expired , his term o service Is ended. Of his 200 employes twelve have been with him during his entlr term of service and Jltty have served wltl him for at least twelve years. William C. AVhltney Is a mascot to an ; young man who enters his employ. H made Dan Lament a millionaire. He tool George Drlnton McClellan Harvey off th World , where ho was managing editor , an made htm his confidential clerk , Harve now owns a largo part of Staten Island , wit ! prospects of controlling It nil. He too ! Harry Mncdona nway from Joseph 1'ulltzci \\hoso confidential secretary lie was , a well as his personal representative In th homo office of the World , made him counsc for tha Metropolitan Street Railway com pany and now shoves htm In as secretary o the American Indies company. Harry wll be a millionaire in a few weeks. Ho toehold hold of the turf through Sydney Paget , a Interesting young Britisher who happens t be his son-in-law's brother. Paget ha made a quarter of a million this season an there are greater riches In. store. Ther could be no pleasantcr occupation In 111 than giving youth a chance. A N Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada I Hart of Qtoton , S. D. : "Was token with bad cold which settled on my lungs ; coug set In and finally terminated In consumptloi Four doctors gave me up , saying I could Ih but a short time. I gave myself up to in Savior , determined It I could not stay wit my friends on earth I would meet my al uent ones above. My husband waa advise to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. Coughs and Colds. I gave It trial , took In all eight bottles. It hen cure mp , and. thank God , I ura saved And now- well and healthy woman. " Ttlal bottles frt at Kuhu & Co.'a diug store. Regular tli COo and Jl.OO , guaranteed or price re funded. TALUS ABOUT WOMEN'S ' CLUBS Mrs. Flntt Favors the Broadening of the Field of Work , SUFFRAGE HAS A BENEFICIAL EFFECT She Tiirn.i the Tnlilcn unit yn i It IN Uic " NonMnn" Who HCCUR- Woninn nit IIIn Sate for a. stuall number who are visiting the exposition today tow club women are In the city. Ever since Thursday they have been departing , for there Is to be another congress In Chicago the coming week. It would eecm that ouo meeting after another would wear thcso energetic creatures out , but their zeal evidently supports them In .ho fatiguing work. Of those remaining In town Mrs. Sarah S. i'latt of Denver , vlco president of the Gcn- ral Federation of Women's cluba , and the iresldent of the Woman's club of Denver , Is ono of the moat practical and caru&ct workers. In speaking of the advantage ut ho women's congresses , Mrs. I'latt said that they enabled women from nil parts of the ountry to exchange Ideas , compare their methods of work and broaden their views on 11 the Important questions of the day. Mrs. ? latt Is Irrevocably in favor of the untlin- ted club. While conceding that the old , small clubs , literary and social , were of un doubted benefit In awakening Interest In the lub. their period of usefulness has now massed. With the great problems that con- tout all thinking people , all lines of social barriers should bo abolished and the society woman eliould work shoulder to shoulder with the laboring woman. The Woman's club of Denver Is ono of the argcst In the country , having 1,000 members and an "extension" membership of 330. This branch of the club Includes the women In remote districts who would othcrwlso bo dc- irlvcd of the advantages of a club. The main lub has eight departments , the homo , the education , the art and literature , the phil anthropic , the scientific and philosophical , the city Improvement , to which mcu are eli gible , the music and the reform. The homo department consists of a schoo of domestic science , in which girls ant women are taught the rudiments of cooklns and housekeeping , and the duties and tin difference In these duties of mistress ant maid ; and five kindergartens for the pool children with a reading room for th ( scholars. The educational department concerns It' self with the bettering of the public school ! and the school commissioners , the study o the labor problems and runs a noon schoo for newspaper boys and other urchins , will the co-operation of the school authorities By the efforts of the art nnd literary de partment many pictures have been put litho the schoolhouses and their walls have beci decorated. IMiiRrcc Ciitrileii "Work. The phllanthroplcal branch has devotei Itself chiefly to the Plngree garden work Last year in Denver seventy-five famllle wcro cared for at a total cost of $250 , am their crops brought $2,500. In Philadelphia where the work is carried on by men hlrei by the city , forty-five families were helpei at a total cost of $2,500. Of course th Denver women gave their time , but th result points a moral. The work Is kept u during the winter by teaching the wome sewing and the like. Last year three faml lies were made Independent and took u land In the country. The departments of science and phlloso phy are mainly devoted to study , but the have -charge of the traveling library of th state. The work of the reform division Is don In looking after the state institutions , sug gestlng Improvements , and trying to get th best officials for Important positions. Sanitary work , local option laws and gen eral Improvements come under the provlnc of the city department of the club. Though the musical branch Is largely fo pleasure , It has Instituted many free con certs In different parts of the city. By th working of this club the scope of women' cluba is well illustrated. In speaking of the suffrage question Mrs Platt said that a woman's right to vote wa demanded by justice and that the fanclei evils accruing from woman's voting wer merely Imaginary. Yet undoubtedly 1 would bo better for women to learn parlin mentary laws and study before she voted If chairs of business training wcro Intro duced in all women's colleges their benefi would bo enormous , for , while many womei may never need to use the knowledge thu gained , It Is always well to be prepared Suffrage has not made the Colorado womei unwomanly , but more womanly , for a clea stream of water cannot bo turned into muddy one without leaving Its mark. In Mrs. Plait's opinion there Is no "nei woman , " but a now man , who has come t regard woman as his peer nnd helpmate 1 solving the problems of the world and I elevating Its morals. He Known How to 1'lenne IIU Cur toiiipru. Mr. Reuben Martin has been In busincs at Barnltz. Pa. , for almost fiurtcen ycari Ho says : "I have never sold a medlcl.i that gave such good satisfaction at ) Chamber Iain's. I sell every bottle on a guarante ; but know I take no risk , Tor my custom3 ! como back and praise It. I am oflo troubled with bowel comnlalnt and won' not think of leaving homo without a of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Dlar rhoea Remedy. " I'UATS O1 * .V .SO.MXAMIM'MST. Slrep-AVtilkvr Wiinilpm on Itnllrou TrnuUN iiiul ACI | < | M Trnlim. From Ollvo Hill , Carter county , Ky comes the story of a most remarkable cas of somnambulism. A few nights ago Kmtm the 14-year-old daughter of Captain and Mri Brooks , living on a farm a mile east of Ollv Hill , after having finished her studies for th next day , lay dpwn on the bed to rest , bu did not Intend to go to sleep. She prompt ! went to sleep. The rest of the farallj thinking she had retired for the night , dl likewise. About 10 o'clock Emma arose , put on he mackintosh , and , carrying her shoes In he hand , left the house unobserved In a dee bleep. She went < to the Chesapeake & Ohl track near the house and started east. Sh walked rapidly , and was seen by no ono unt she passed Aden , seven miles east of he "After I TTI Induced to try CASOA- ItKTM , I nlll never be without them III the douse. My liver wa In a vcrjr bad chapo. and my bead cbed and 1 bail ( tomacli trouble. Now. ilncotak- Injr t'ascareu , I fete I tine , lly wife ba alto used them with bauefloial roiulli tor tour Btonmcb. ' Jos. KIIEUUNQ , llCl Coagrett Bt. , Ht. Ixml , Mo. Pleaunt. Palatable. Potent Taito Good. Do Good , Nerer Sicken , Weaken , or Urlye.lOc , Jtjc.OJc. . . . CURE CONSTIPATION. . . . Bltrll.f titmiij rwpitr , ( kitif. , M lrr > l , w , 111 8ol < 1 mnd ( < rinircdbr all drug- tin , to cVlt Tobusco Habit. larttnn point , where the night operator no- cpJ her , but did not speak to her. The lrl' i'cs were wldo open , nml there was lothliiR 111 her appearance to Indicate tlmt Bho did not know what she was doing. She nlkeil nbout four miles further eastward > oforo the awoke , probably from pain caused > y the laceration of her feet. She was dazed , ut promptly reversed her course. Mcanwhllo her absence had been noticed nd her parents began telegraphing In bot'.t Urcctlons from Olive Hill. Kroin the Aden perator It was learned that u girl answering "niina'a description liad passed eastward. V handcar was secured and the girl was Icked up on her return trip. Her feet wcro crrlbly cut and she wan In a state of physl- al collupso , She said she had dreamed thnt icr mother had told her to go after the cows nud that Bho remembered nothing clso till Bho awoke. On her Journey Bhn had met three trains nnd had been overtaken by two , uncoil Bdously stepping out of the way. She had crowed fourteen bridges nnd trestlt'H , ono of the former being mure than 00 yards long nnd ono she had retimed to cross In daytime. She hnd also passed through two tunnels iiiJ over Innumerable cattle guards. U was her first sleep-walking experience. Captatu Brooks , Kmina's father , Is a well-known rail * road man. For broken surfaces , sores , Insect bites , burns , skin disease * , and especially pllm , there Is one reliable remedy , DeWltt'aVltch Hazel Salve. When you call for DeWltt'n don't accept counterfeit or frauds. You will not bo disappointed with UoWltt'i Witch Hazel Salvo. Howto Get the Good i O of Wool f Soap. When you find that Wool Soap won't shrink woolens , don't use it alone on wool. Why be more careful of wool than you are of your face ? Wool Soap is made on purpose to cleanse woolens without shrinking1 or injuring1. The same ingredients that make it best for this purpose make it best also for the human skin. No roughness or redness fol lows its use. That shows that it's pure. pure.Wool Wool Soap is always best wherever is . Wool MY MAM * IWI9HMINC ever purity necessary. Soap USID HAD. is so pure that it is white so pure WOOLUOAr. o ) that it swims. But some other soaps arc that pure. < ® Wool Soap is the only soap so pure that it won't o ) shrink wool. That's the supreme test , and only Wool ( O Soap stands it. WOMANLY BEAUTY. HOUSTON , ARK. , Jan. 18. I feel satisfied that Wine of Cardui saved my daughter's life. A good doctor treated her fortwo years with little benefit , but two bottles of the Wine brought her around nil riebt. She is now red and rosy , and a * healthy a woman as I know of. J. W. HARRIS. More than half the women and girls of America are thin and emaciated , There is scarcely any flesh upon their bones. The slightest disorder in the feminine organs is enough to cause the loss of weight Protracted neglect of the trouble Increases the wasting away of the tissues. The Ideally beautiful woman has a well-rounded figure. She I- not "fat" but plump. A very thin woman can never hope to be attractive. When the flesh wastes away and the color leaves the cheek ; , a halt should be called Instantly. Wine of Cardui will correct the tearing down of the tissues. It will cure all the weaknesses , pains ands . . disorders from which > s - > > .v ? women UDIET ADVISORY DEPARTMENT. * jfa. , t wj , , make thtm Tot nflrlcs to easei requiring "pe el tl directions , address , rlYlog symptoms really well again. Their ' toms , LatUti' jldtrteorv Department , The CaAttimooBa Gkmttanooca , Tenn. Medicine Co. figures will round out , and their cheeks will again re nime the red , rosy glow of health , Proof of this is given In the above statement of Mr. J. W. Harris. Druggists Sell Large Bottles for $1.00 mry Of Unoppronclicd Value for the Home , Class-room , Office , or Study. Toiinial nfVduratlon , Dcwton : "This 1 $ a treasure. No onocnn conceive the wealth or Inrornmlloii , tbo convenience for reference , the elimination of non-eweutlalH which make this book worth much inoro than the price to any otudcnt , toucher , or writer. " Abridged from the Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary by a lanje corps of experienced lexicographers under direction of JAMES C. IfJilWALD and F. A. MARCH , LL.D. . . . Xcw from cover to cover with numerous exclusive features , besides being the most ample comprehensive , accurate , nnd nuthoritntivo academic dictionary in existence. 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