Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 14, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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.111.NO It MHM'IUX.
Slockert Carpet Co. , 205-207 Bwy.
Mooro's food kills worms and fattens.
C. n. Jacquemln & Co , jewelers and op
ticians , 27 South Main street.
Myrtle lodge. No 12. DcRrco ot Honor ,
will meet In regular session this ovoulne.
Gcorgo Gardels nnd Anna McMnhon both
of Omaha , wcro married In thlu cltv veater-
day by Justice Ferrler.
Mr. L A. Grav of Waukcean. 111. accom
panied hv bis father. Is a Council Bluffs
visitor and tnklnc In Iho exposition
W P. Sherman of the Dcllovue. la. . Leader
Is In the city , the guest ot Justice Ft-rrlcr
and Incidentally tnklnc In the exposition.
J. C. nixby , heating nnd sanitary engineer.
1'l.ins nud specifications for heating , plumb
ing : ind lighting. 202 Main , Council Bluffs.
Mrs. II. Acl.crmnn , Mias Rose Ackcrman
Dint Phil Ackerman are the guests of the
family of U G. LloVd on North Sixth street.
Mrs. Cirrlo Chapman and Mrs.V Hu-
lette of Mnrenco. III. , are the euests of Mr.
and Mrs. George Hulette of Washington ave
nue.Rev. . S. M. Perkins , pastor of thn Chris
tian Tabernacle ban chanced hU residence
from 127 South First street to f.47 Mvnster
Won't you think It must bo a pretty good
laundry that can please BO manv hundreds
of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , "
724 Broadwav.
II P. liullliih and wlfo of Excelsior Minn. ,
arrived vcsterdav and will spend the hal-
nncci of the week vlowlns the blu show
anoss the rlvrr.
The Christian Endeavor soclctv of the Second
end Prcshvtcrlnn church will meet this
cvcnliiK at tl'O homo of Miss Carson on
Franklin avenue
Lllv Camp Aid socletv will meet this aft
ernoon nt the residence of Mrs. Hess , near
Mynster Springs , and all members are re
quested ttf be present.
The assault and battery case preferred
airnlnst Dan Fitzaerald bv A. J. Rltter was
illnml8acd for want of nrosecutlon In Justice
Vlcn's court vesterdav.
All members of the Woodmen df tbo
World are rcaucstcd to be present at the
mtftlng this evening. BB there will bo work
In the Protection dcmcc.
The Ladles' auxiliary to the Union Vet
eran Lesion will meet this evenlnc nt 1
o'clock at thn residence of Mrs Ada D. Mar
tin 309 Little Williams street.
Frank L Alter and Sonhlu M. Yochum.
both of Pcrcla. la . weio married at the Krl |
hotel vesterdav. the ceremony being per
formed bv Justice Ambrose Burke.
Mrs. W. L. rarrlmtton has returned homo
from Sioux Cltv. accompanied bv Mrs J
Wllmnrth nnd daughter of that citv and
Mrs. Vincent and dauchtrr of Onawa
Mrs W. A Smith nnd Mrs. C. Douglas of
Chicago and Miss Emma Gcltwltz of St.
Joseph , Mo , are visiting friend a In this city
and Omaha nnd taking In the exposition.
The regular meeting of Council nluffs
lodge. No. 270. Ancient Order of United
Workmen , will be held this cveninc. Lunch
will he served at the close of the session.
R. P Jones , a former resident of Carson
nnd ex-member of the Bcnrd of Countv Su
pervisors , now located In South Dakota. Is
In the cltv visiting friends and takinc Ir
thn exposition.
Mr. nnd Mis. G. J Cottrcll. Miss Edith
KurtMrs. . J. E. Murphv nnd Mrs. C. A.
Hlnnorwnddel comprise a party from Qulnry.
III , , which nirived vestcrduv on a visit to
the exposition.
Ilud F. Walton of this cltv and Laura
Jordan of Clnrlnd.i In. , weto married ves
terdav afternoon nl the residence of G. W.
Skinner on Park avenue. Rev R. Ventinc
of the Baptist church offlclatlnrt.
Rev. L P. McDonald has gone to Wash
ington , I ) . C. , and other eastern points nnd
there will bo no regular services In St.
Paul's church until October 30 , although
Simdav school will be held as usual.
The case against Sim Noble , the black
smith , charged with assaulting ono of his
workmen named N P. Thornberc. was dis
missed In Justice Vlcn's court \csterdav. as
the prosecuting witness failed to nut In nn
N'ancy Woodford , a 15-year-old half-breed
Indian girl who ran awav from her home
In Sargcnts Bluffs , la. , about thrco weeks
ago and came to this cltv , where she has
Hlnco been living with porno colored people ,
was scut home yesterday evening by the
The father of Earl Wllburn. the young
lid who dlsanneared from the Statr " -ol
for the Deaf about ix week n"otin In the
city yesterday conferring with the author
ities No trace of the lad has been -otten
nnd postcards giving a description of the
missing boy were mailed far nnd wldo vea-
terdav bv Mr Wllburn.
John Alhvood , the poll tax collector , re
ports $1,300 paid In cash and work. He still i
has over SOO names on the book arid suit
will bo brought against these persons un
less n settlement Is nndo within ten di > s ,
Ho gives only five days for payment , after
which the penalty , making In all $6 , will
bo added. Then In five days more all de
linquents will bo sued. Mr. Allwood desires
to wind up the work of his otllco by the end
of the present month.
The financial report of tltc Christian Horre
for the last week aealn Bhowa a falllncr oft'
In the receipts , The cranil total of receipts
to the mutineer's fund was $21.25. belli ?
$13.75 belou the needs of the week , which
Increases the deficiency In this fnnrl tn
J305.30. The grand total of receipts In the
general fund amounted tn SISo.fio belli"
$14.35 below the estimates ! needs for the cur
rent expenses of the week The deficiency
In this fund Is Increased to $35S.3. > to date.
Physical perfection , the secret of beauty.
Call "i send for "Vlavl "
Message. Vlavl Co. .
3.'G tair-lam Block.
N. Y. Piumblns company. Tel. 250.
Snap Shots , a beautiful souvenir of the
exposition , containing reproductions of all
the prominent buildings , together with a
blrd'8-cyo nnd general views of the grounds ,
can bo had nt the Council Bluffs ofllco of
The Bee for 23 cents. It Is just the thing f
to send to jour friends at a distance.
I AVoiild If I Were Von
Go to the Mueller Piano and Organ com
pany nnd see how cheap you can buy a good
plane not a rattletrap , but something
worth putting In your IIOUEU. A full line
National Music Co.'s music , 3,200 selections ;
usual price. lOc ; our price , Go. Latest sheet
music first copy nlun > 3 lOc.
Those deslrlnc copies of the Jubilee edi
tion of The Dally Dec can secure them at
the Council Bluffs otllco of The Bee.
I'll 11 to I-\ ( he lllnine.
At the Inquest held jcstcrday over Orlo
Dachmnn , the boy run over and killed
Wednesday night by a train of the Omaha
Terminal company , the Jury brought In a
verdict to the effcc that the young lad
came to his death by being run over by a
train of tbo Omaha Drlugo and Termlnil
Railway company , but that the jury was
unable to deUrmlne how the accident oc
\Y \ , C T , U , SI AIL
Officers Elected at the Session Held
Yesterday Afternoon.
Hnrr < hi > Volunteer * Ilnvc Dccn
Hrlliril nt ( lie Severn ! Cniiipn at
llcmlrrv ( inn nml IJInuvvhcre
TliroiiKliiiiit the Stntc.
Yesterday's sessions of the Iowa State
Women's Christian Temperance union con-
vcntlon were marked by an Increased nt-
tendance fiver the opening days , a number
of delegates having arrived on the lata
trains Wednesday and early yesterday morn-
ing. Three sessions were held , the officers
and delegates putting In a steady day's work
and disposing of the business before the
convention. N
The morning session was opened with de-
votlunal exercises , led by Mrs ! Isabelte
I 1'lurab of Chicago , the noted evangelist In
I the cause of temperance. The main feature
I i of the morning meeting was the eletlon of
nmrers. ' which resulted In all the old officers
[ I being honored with another term. They are :
' President. Mrs Utta B. Hurford , Indlanola ;
coneapondlns secretary , Mrs. M. C. Calranau ,
Des Molnes ; recording secretary , Mrs.
Flora J. McAchran , Bloomfleld , treasurer ,
Mrs. Nannie B. Howe , Des Molnes
The election of department superintendent *
resulted In but one change from the past
year. Mrs. Jennie C. Bcir of Maquoketa , taking -
ing the place of Miss Cella Lydny as super-
,1 , Intcndcnt of the departm nt of Sunday sc'icol
' work. The superintendents of thn different
I departments are Evangelistic , Mrs M. J
Pullpot , Cedar Falls ; Sabbath observance ,
Mrs. William Schneider , Gamer ; Sunday
school work , Mrs. Jennie C. Bell Mnqu ke a ,
legislative and petition , Mrs. Florence Mil-
ler. DCS Molnes ; scientific temperancennd
narcotics. Miss Anna F. StlU.vrll , Waukon ;
( lower mission , Mrs. M. F. Htnman , Bel-
mend ; fianchlse. Mrs M. C. Callanan , DCS
Molnes ; soldiers and sailors , Mrs. Nettle
S. Chapln , Marshalltown , literature , /Mrs
Clara C. Smith , Grlnnell ; hygiene and hered
ity. Dr. Leona Johnson. Iowa City ; state and
county fair , Nannie B. Howe , Des Molncs ;
loyal temperance army , Mrs. May H. Hoot.
Waverlj , young women's work , Miss Elsie
Illgby , Mount Vernon ; press work , Mrs. M.
13. Molt. Audubon ; work for foreign born.
Mis. Lydla G. Larson , West Branch ; res
cue. Mrs. M. A. Holmes , Marshalltown ; rail
road work and railroad secretary , Mrs. C.
C. Sablnv State Center ; state lecturer and
organizer , Mrs Colonel Springer , Anamooa ;
social purity , Mrs. M Eleanor Williams ,
Highland Park. Des Moines. Mrs. Eunice
Macy of Harlan was elected trustee for the
three years' term.
Wlint the Union Him Done.
Following the election of officers Rev. G. P.
Fry , pastor of the Fifth Avenue Methodist
church , addressed the convent-Ion , congratu
lating the members on the work they had
douo and exhorting them to continue the
fight In the cause of temperance.
Reports were read by Mrs. Ellen K.
Matthcr. chairman of the Fifth district ) ; Mrs.
Eliza A. Potter , chairman of the Sixth dis
trict , nnd Mrs. A. 0. Reynolds , chairman of
the Seventh district' , showing the work ac- ]
compllsbed by the union In their several dis
Mrs. Nannie B. Howe read an Interesting
report of the work accomplished by the
union at their coftago on the state fair
grounds at Des Molnea. As is well kno n
the state fair grounds at the Capital city
were during the last summer , turned
Into a military camp and the union's cot
tage proved a great boon to the soldiers en
camped thcro. The leport showed that dur
ing Juno nnd July , while the Iowa troops
were being mobilized , 200,000 letter heads ,
160,000 envelopes , stamps to the value of ? 46i
and postcards to the value of $42 were iup-
plled the soldiers. No less than 140,000 letters -
tors written by the soldiers In camp woio
mailed from the cottage. The average dally
attendance of soldiers at the cottage was
400 and at the evening prayer meetings
thirty-one. The report also dealt with the
work of the union's cottages on other fair
groundB throughout the state.
Greetings were read from Mrs. Julia B.
Dunham of Manuoketa , former president of
the union ; Mrs. F. J. Ovlngton of Clinton ,
former recording secretary ; Mrs. R. S. Nay-
lor and Mrs. N. M. Arnold , both former su
perintendents of evangelistic woik , now rcm-
i dents of Berkeley , California ; .Mrs. Anne
Wlttenmyer of Sanatoga , Pa. , president of
the non-partisan National Woman's Chi 1s-
tlan Temperance union , and Rev. Dr. Frls-
blo ot Des Molncs. All the greetings bore
special reference to Che silver anniversary of
the state union.
Hon. John Mahln , the Muscatlno editor ,
wrote as follows : "My earnest nnd sincere
congratulations are extended to che noble
Woman's Christian Temperance union Aork-
cis of Iowa who organized the union
twenty-flvo years ago and to those who have
filled the places In the ranks made vacant by
those fallen by t'ho way. Your cause Is Just
and must prevail , 'for the eyes ot the Loid
run to and fro through the whole earth to
show Himself strong in behalf ot them
whom are perfect toward Him. ' "
Silt or Aiiiilverniiry Tlmiilc OITcrliiK.
The feature of the afternoon session was
the sliver anniversary thank offering which
was In charge of Mrs. Marlon Moore. It
amounted ro $38.30. Mrs. M. r. Hlnman
made n report of the Flower Mission woik
and Mrs. M. C. Callanan ono from tbo
"Franchise" depar ment. The report of Mrs.
Florence U. Miller , chairman of the legls"-
latlvo department , showed that "he depart
ment had been successful In necnrlug from
the twenty-seventh general assembly an ap
propriation of $5,000 for the Benedict Homo
In Dos Molnes , but beyond fills had accom
plished little If on > thing In the direction ot
legislation favorable to the cause. The re
port gavu an exhaustive resume of the * work
of the department ! during the last twenty-live
| ycats and n. number ot statistics. 1'rom In-
t qulrlea made of county auditors the report
stated fhat thlrtv-pno counties out of sov-
enty-slx reporting had C74 saloons and five
browerles paying an annual tax ranging from
$200 to $1,800. Twelve of tlicso counties add
nothing to tbo $600 state tux. The Income to
county and municipality from saloon tax
OTHCKS bean gathered so successfully in this tonic * a to
FAIL render It the most effective Malt Extract Jn
the market.
Invaluable to sufferers from dyspepsia and
sleeplessness. Restores digestion , soothes
the nerves and invigorates the entire
A NON-INTOXICANT , tuo. * * . .
For Sale by Folty Bros , Wholesale Dealers ,
HI2 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Tel. 1091
compute ! from tax assets reporlel aggreT
gated about ! JWO.
At the evening session ndlrt | > ps3 on the
temperance question were madby Mrs. M. J
J. Aldrlch and Mrs. laabelle Plumb During
the evening the members of the local Ix > yut
Temperance Army cnllvend the proceedings
with a number of vocal and musical selec
tion which were well receive ) .
This morning at 8 o'-jlock the ilelegsroa
will attend the chapel exerUes at tbo dills-
tlnu Home. The morning session will be
opened with a memorial and forgct-me-cut
service conducted by Mr * . Phllpol.
Hi-union of ( rniiKi * Clour * .
Last evtnli g marked the close of the twen
ty-ninth annual session of the Iowa state
Grange , Patrons of Husbandry , which opened
here | Tuesday morning , and the members
will leave for their homes this morning.
Three sessions were held yesterday , there
being considerable unfinished business to
dispose of on account of the members having
taken a day off Wednesday and spent the
time I sightseeing at the exposition. A reson
lutlon ' was adopted that the following ijucs- ]
, MOMS ' shaft be submitted to candidates for
I I congress In each of the districts In the state :
j "Aro jou in favor of a law permitting
pooling , In the railroad Interests ot the count
tiy ( ? "
"An- you In favor of amending the Interstate -
state , commerce law In accordance with tbo
recommendations , of the Interstate commerce
commission ( In tbo last annual report ? "
I A resolution was also adopted endorsing
the scheme for co-operatlvo purchasing' '
among farmers and the master was in- j
structed to present to the notional grange
the resolution expressing the sentiment ot
the Iowa grange.
j t The master , A. B. Hudson , completed read
ing his annual report , which showed the or-
ganlzatlou to be In fairly prosperous condi
tion throughout the state. There are thirty
| subgranges , with a membership of about 800.
j A resolution of condolence over the death of
| ' D. W. Jones of Manchester , a past master
and for many years treasurer of the state
' ( trunge , was adopted.
I The committee on education reported , sug-
r.estlng several plans for Increasing the
educational facilities of the farmer , which
i Is one of the main objects of the grange.
At the evening meeting , which brought the
session to a close , the fifth and sixth degrees
i vere conferred on several candidates and
I services were held In memory of deceased
members of the grange. Ames was selected
as thp place for the next year's session.
Lost , pocketbook containing Bee receipts
and money , on Broadway , near Clchth
j street. Finder leave at Bee olllco and get
i reward.
The Odd Fellows will give a ball at their
trmple Tuesday evening , October 18 , In
Honor of the grand lodge , which will meet
In this city from 18th to 2Ut.
Wanted Girl for general housework ;
family of three : no children , J5 per week
If satisfactory and well recommended. Ap
ply to Mrs. W. S. DImmock , 219 South Sev
enth street , Council Bluffs.
AwnrilM nt the " \ViKit ntn.
A. C. Graham , W. r. Baker , Spencer Smith
and John Matthews , comprising the commit
tee appointed by the Board of County Super
visors , mot yesterday and made the follow
ing awards In the exhibits ot agricultural
products :
Coin First. F. H. Copley. Lay ton town-
t'hlp. Walnut : second. Joshua W. Bell. Har-
din township. Quick : third. W. H. I'ardoo
Lowls township. Council Bluffs : medal. A.
K. Chambers. Hardln. Armour.
Irish Potatoes First. Mrs. Bauerkemnpr.
Council Bluffs : second. W. II. Peterson , un
known ; third. Mrs. Bauorkcmner. Council
Bluffs : medal , Joshua W. Bell. Hardln town-
nhlp , Quick.
Sweet Potntoes Flrot. Otto Matherson.
Council Bluffs : second. N. O. Ward. Garner
township. Council Bluffs ; third. J. n Mc-
Pherson. Council Bluffs : medal , William
Steel. Lewis township. Council Bufft ! > .
Pumpkins First. J. J. Flesher. Garner
township. Council Bluffs ; second , S. C. John
son , Crescent ; medal. Henry Hey\vood , Gar
ner townshlo. Council Bluffs.
Squash First. J. W. Turner , Ha/el D61I
township , Weston ; second. J. J. Flesher ,
Garner township , Council Bluffs ; medal , S.
C. Johnson. Crescent.
Onions First. Joshua W. Bell. Hardln
township. Quick.
Apples First. Mrs. J. r. Oliver. Council
Bluffs ; second , J. A. Price. Hardln town
ship. Council Bluffs ; third , to the same ;
medal. J. W. Turner. Hazel Dell township ,
Sugar Beets First. W. S. Keeline. Garner
township. Council Bluffs.
Stock Beets First. T. W. Toney , Crescent ,
medal. Levl Gunn. Council Bluffs.
Table Beets First Henry Jurgcns , Coun
cil Bluffs.
Wheat First. John Rensom. Boomer
township. Ilecls : second and third. T. J
Evans , Council Bluffs ; medal. A. K. Cham
bers. Hardln township. Armour.
Oats Flist. B. It. Purdy , Center township ,
Oakland ; second. Jacob Yochom. Weston1
third , Ora Clark. Lew hi township. Council
Bluffs ; medal. John Simon , York township ,
Timothy Seed First. Ora Clark. Lewis
townshlo. Council Bluffs ; medal , S. C. John
son. Crescent.
Cloverseed First , H. C. Brandes. James
township. Hancock.
Special Awards Jerusalem corn. II.
nauprkompcr. Lewis townsbln ; turnips. O.
R. Osborne. Hazel Dell township ; Katlr corn
Thomas Hohlnson. Council Bluffs : unfermented -
mented grape Juice. Unfermented Grape
Julco company. Council Bluffs , medal to
The e dfslrlnr conies of the Jubllep "fll-
Mon of The Dnllv Bee can spcure them at
the Council Bluffs of The Bee. i
| I
Those dcslrlne conies of the Jubilee edl-
Mon of The P"lly Boo cm secure them at
the Council Bluffs office nf The Bee.
Part 2 of The Bc's photogravures of the
exposition Is now rcndy and can be had at
the Council Bluffs offlcp.
Miss Julia Odlopr. teacher of piano , 533
Willow avenue. Fnll and winter terra.
D. W McCrcary used Cole's Hot Blast
heater last winter ,
Walter Johnson , lawjer and notary , 400
"Snpp block. Collections made everywhere
In United States
NofN from tl p ni trlct Cnnrt.
The trial of the suit of George V. McCor-
mlck against H. A. and Anna nice was con
cluded In the district court yesterday after
noon and the Jury brought In a verdict for
the plaintiff In the sum of . $134 87 , McCor-
mlck sued for $220. which he claimed to be j
the value of certain articles of Jewelry and I
furniture belonging to his deceased mother
which he alleged the defendants were Ille
gally withholding from him.
A Jury was Impanelled and the trial of [ i
the suit of Thomas Doraott against J. B.
Young commenced. In this case the plain
tiff sues for $1.200 for alleged services ren-
dercd In clearing land belonging to the de- J '
fcndant in Crescent township. '
Thomas Lorden , indicted on the charge of t
breaking into a Hock Island freight car and '
stealing a box containing twelve pairs of t !
chocs , entered a plea ot guilty and was l J I
sentenced to one 5ear's Imprisonment with i )
hard labor In the penitentiary at Fort Madl- '
son. Prank KUIion , Indicted on the charge s
of stealing a watch and money from a rela >
tive In Neola , also pleaded guilty and was i
given a like sentence. '
The trial of the cases on the criminal I
docket will be taken up Monday , the first
case on the list being that ot the State )
against Frank Cartw right and John SIddell i
charged with breaking Into a Union Pacific
switch shanty and stealing tools. Albert
Blase , who wan arrested for complicity tn 1
the theft , was one of the three men who
managed to make their escape by sawing
their way out of the county Jail. SIddell
lives In South Omaha and Is out on a $500
cash bond.
M. F , Henley Hotirea from tie State Oentral
Democratic Committee.
J . %
.1. II. IloIlnttN of PcnlHon U Nnmcrt to
SuccciMl Him Another Ilntcli
of Supreme Court
DES MOINnS , Oct. 13. ( Special Tele-
Kram. ) J , B. Hollnns of DctiUon will suc
ceed M. P. Healcy of Tort Dodge ns a mem
ber of the state cenrral committee for thu
democrats. ' This was assured by n member
of the committee this afternoon before Iho
meeting at the Savory. He said thai' none
of the committee had any objection to him ,
the only thing In mind being the good of
the : party In the Tenth district. Healey re
signed because his resolution IT favor of
territorial expansion was turned down by the
state convention. Chairman Townsend says
the campaign 1s opening well for the
democracy , notwithstanding the delays JCE-
tcrday t In the opening demonstratloa here ,
when Governor Altgcld failed to arrive until
evening , disappointing a large audience at
the Tabernacle at 2 p. in. A tclegiam from
Denlson vo the committee stated that Gov
ernor Altgeld was speaking to 0,000 people
In I a big tent and the entire county scetnsd
to have turned out.
Today's supreme court decisions were :
John and Ellen Grapes , appellants , against
Thomas n. Grapes arid the MonUicello bank
defendants , from Woodbury district , at'
John A. Derry ngalnst John W. Wood
Sons , et al , appellants , from Harrison dis
trict , ararmcd.
C. T Dyers against W. L. McXoal , appel
Innt , from Story district ; , amrmcd.
Emerson & Co. , appellants , against 0. U ,
Converse , from I'olk district , reversed.
P. Hooker , appellant , against G. W. Chlt-
tenden. from I'olk district ; reversed.
I.CIIKUP < > T Auicrli-nii Mmili'liiulltlcR
MAUSHALLTOWN , la. , Oct. 13. ( Spccla
Telegram. ) An Iowa branch of the Leagu
of American Municipalities was organized In
this city toduj , fifty cities and tonns In tli
state being represented. The following oin
cers wcro elected : President , Major JoEn
MacVlcar , Des Molncs ; vlco presidents
Mayors J. H. Redmond of Cedar Rapids
George H. Brett of Mason City , Byron Seev
ers of Oskaloona ; secretary treasurer , Mayo
Frank G. Picrco of Marshalltown ; fluanc
committee. Mayors I' . W. Boynton of Uav
enport , J. P. Leech of Mount Pleasant an
T. J. Stebblns of Iowa City.
The only contest was over the place fo ;
holding the next convention , there being fou
candidates , Des iMolnes , Cedar Rapids , lows
City and Davenport. Des Molnes was selected
lected , on the flrst ballot. Many Interesting
and valuable papers on matters of Interes
to municipalities wcro read and discussed.
town State Collenf ( iriuluiid'H.
AMES. la. , Oct. 13. ( Special. ) For many
jcars ] the Iowa Agricultural college has bee
the ' only college graduating Us classes in
the fall of the year. The time of graduation
v as changed during the meeting of the
Board of Trustees held last winter vacation
The month , henceforth , will be June. Bu
the class of * ! )0 ) will be divided , part wll
graduate next ' 'Month , the remainder wll
'graduate ' next June. This division becami
necessary because of the change In the dlf
fcrent courses last winter. The members o :
the class of 'Ha were allowed to change to
the new coursesIf they liked and graduat
In June , 1900 , or to keep on with the eli
ono and graduate In November of this year.
After this year there will bo no division o
classes and the commencement exercise ,
will beheld In June of each year.
I'olltlcN WiirniliiKr I'p.
SIOUX CITY. la. . Oct. 13. ( Special. )
The political campaign in the Eleventh con
gresslonal district of Iowa is beginning t
warm up considerably. It is now but
few weeks to the date of election and poll
tlclans are using their best energies In th
Interests of their respective parties. Rallle
are being held at different towns In th
district every few nights and speakers o
considerable prominence appear. Both re
publicans and fuslontsts are making a ban
fight to carry the district In the clectlo
to come. The republicans have little fea
of defeat , but , on the other hand , th
fusionIsta arc of the opinion that the tim
never was BO ripe for a victory In thl
district of the silver forces.
-N lii Iliiil Condition.
SIOUX CITY , la. . Oct. 13. ( Special. )
The Young Men's Christian association 1
Sioux City Is In bad financial condition
It erected a fine building and used It In It
work for n number of years. But flnall.
the association defaulted In the payment o
Interest on Its mortgage. Then the holder
of the mortgage foreclosed , and the time
of redemption has just about expired. F.
M. Goddard of Now York holds the mort
gage and ho had offered to lease the prop
erty to the association , but U cannot meet
his figure. So the local directors are In
& bad fix. They hope to secure some relief
from the International Young Men's Chrls-
tlan association to help out In the present
l'iilqu < > VcxKcl from Iowa.
BURLINGTON , la. , Oct. 13. ( Special. )
The largo steel barge built by the Iowa Iron
works at Dubuque , and which Is to bo used
tt New Orleans In transporting railroad
trains across the Mississippi , passed the
cltv Saturday. A large crowd of spectators
lined the levee to view the monster , which
IB the largest barge over floated on the Mls-
slfslppl. The barge was In tow of the raft
boat Quickstep and was loaded with 500
birrels of vinegar consigned to St. Louis
From the length of this barge can be gained
an Idea of the size of the battleship Oregon ,
which Is 350 feet long. The barge Is 300
feet long.
MnKc n flood Hiuil.
CEDAR RAPIDS. la. , Oct. 13. ( Special
Telegram. ) The general store of John John-
son of Toddvllfo was broken Into by burglars
last night , who blew his big safe open with
dvnamlto and secured $500 in cosh , $500
worth ot stamps and $1,000 worth of notes ,
Insurance policies , etc. The safe la a rtiam-
moth ono and for a long time has been used
as a depository by many of the people In that
vlcjnlty and hence tbo rich haul. The work
shows the work of professionals. Mr. John
son was postmaster at Toldvllle , und both
the state and federal authorities are at work
on the case. I
IliirlliiKtou'N Cnmlvnl.
BURLINGTON , la. , Ott. 13. ( Special
Telegram. ) A cold , raw wind and cloudy
sky took much of the enjojment from the
peace carnival today , but the crowd was
much laigcr than yesterday. Fully 20,000
"people thronged the streets and welcomed
the various events. A military parade , par-
tlclpatcd In by Burlington , Fort Madison
and Washington , la. , volunteers , was th ?
feature. A heavy wind Interfered with the
Santiago battle representation at night , but
the fireworks were excellent. In spite of tbo
weather the carnival was a success.
Inwn "rli'U. MiiuufncturcrN.
SIOUX CITY , la. , Oct. 13. ( Special. )
The next meeting of the Iowa Brick Manu
facturers' association will be held In Sioux
City. President C. J. Hotmnn of Sergeant
Bluffs met the local members of the asso
ciation today and decided to rail the an-1
nual meeting of the state association In
Sioux City some time In January. The ex-1
act date of the meeting has nit been set
tled , but a further meeting will ho held to
decide that question among the Sioux City
llrlok Kiln 1'iillN In.
VILLISCA , la. , Oct. 13. ( Special. ) The
wall of the brick kiln In the Vllllsca fac
tory fell In this afternoon , The worluncn
were some of them slightly Injured , one
named Beard being confined to his bed.
Two teams of horses were Injured , two
horses having broken legs.
IlHIll NtMtK > II < CH ,
Ida Grove shipped tulrtv-two loads of live
stock during the month of September.
Ex-Senator llnrlnti of Mount Pleasant en
tertained the olumnl of the lown Wrslvan
tinlverrlty of that place with nn elaborate
Arthur Foster of Mnrenco rode to Hum-
boll , 17fi miles , and back on his wheel In
two dau < .
Sioux Cltlr retail ! merchants nro well sat
isfied with their carnival week receipts.
They exceeded nil expectation * .
Iowa merchants generally assert that the
spot cash trade was never so good ns this
Max Lamkc of Dubuauo while huntlnc
near that cltv recontlv shot one of the larg
est timber wclvci ever seen In the Mute.
How such a ferocious animal could have re
mained long In such n spflfd district and
not attract attention Is the Hosiery of that
Thomas Pool of Nevadn a blacksmith who
went to the Kbndlko with the bin rush , linn
relumed without nnv cold Ho eavn It Is
there If n man wants to kill himself to get
It. Ho passed more ncwh made graves and
skclctonn of prospectors every day than ho
could count on both hands
Budweiser ,
Michelob ,
Mucnchener ,
Faust ,
Anheuscr-Standard ,
Pale Lager.
The"King of Bottled Beers'
-holding the world's record
for output as well as for quality-the universal beverage-
served in every part of the habitable .globe-now in the
second half billion bottling.
is the motto of the
Its brew commands the highest price , because of its choice
flavor and absolute purity ; the use of the best materials
and full maturity before placing on the market.
_ „ _ „ the recuperative food-drink , the grC'it
up-builder , is prepared by this association.
"Biographical Sketch of the ANHEUSER-BUSCH BREWING ASS'N , St. Lours.
s U. S. A. " Free to all who desire it
White Enamel-Lined Oven Doors , Hot Blast Fire Box ,
One grate for hard and soft coal and wood. Full As
bestos lined.
Oven guaranteed for durability and baking. We have
baked biscuit in three minutes at our exhibits.
FROM $28.00 UP.
41 Main Street , Council Bluffs , la.
Farm and Fruit Lands for Sale.
The Fruit raisers around Council Bluffs have just closed a profitable
season , the yield being from $30 tv > $100 per acre. Wo have some choice
bargains In Trull , Vegetable and Farm Lands near Council Bluffs. Let us
39 Pearl St. , Council B'uffs , Iowa.
Henilcr of I > ISC-HHCK of tucii nud
World' * HerbHl HUiirnmry of Motllcliv *
I Cimr CnTiirrir of Head , Thront and
tuiiK , lN''i ) Kis of Kjo ami , Kits nnd
AlMinli'xy , llon't , I.'iur nnil Kidney DUoa o ,
DliibVu * . IlrlKlit'a 1 'dice , Bt Vltus Dunce.
IttiiMmmtliim , tcrof'iln , Drops } ouroil without
lappluc , Till ) " Uornm rcrmncd , nil clirtmla
Ntnoustiiul I'rhato Il can8.
IP you" ?
Only Physician lie unn
_ - "properly cure SYIMIIMS
without itcftrojlnirtcetli nnd bones. No mrr *
cuiy or polon ti.lnernl IIPI d.
Thi'onlv riuMcluti who ran tell wlmt nllt
you without ugklnKn ( ] Uoatlon
'HOBO at n ( lUtniico noml for quoMlon
blank No. 1 for nun : No 2 f or omen.
All cnm-qpoiulenco strictly conflduuUal.
lledlclm bcut d } express.
Addrets nil letters to
G. W. PANGLE , M. D. ,
BSO UromlMuy. COl'NCir , IIM'FFS , IA
CZ/ Scud \ cciji. kiiimu tor roulr
gives the clean-
liiie&s and even
hont with soft
coal , as hard
coal in Base
This Hot Blnst Draft
Burns nml suvos the
{ jas half of soft conl.
Soft coal equal to
hard conl.
I used Cole's ITot Ulnit. No. ISO , from
December , 97. till spring H ! ns cleun nato
ate wood Htovo I ever used Often n grnpa
basket full of conl lasted from ono evening
till the ne\t It was steady , oven heat.
1'lro only vve-nt out once ( lining the winter
nml tlmt wn > our fault. It never imokcd
.aid walli and celling aru clean ns If t
burned wood It Is the beat steve I ever
saw MHS. II G. MERK. 1S2S Ninth avenue.
COM : MAM r.vr'i t HIM. cu , ,
COUNCIL , uLurrs , IA. CHICAGO , \\.i , . \
Lee , Clnrke , Andreesen Hdvv. Co. , AfjcntB ,
Omaha. Neb.
1W. SCO. 20 . 210 , Broadway. Council Bluffs.
Hates , Jl 23 per day , 70 rooms. FJrat-cliisj
li eveiy respect. Motor line to all depots
local agency for the Celebrated St. llouta
A n C. Bear. First-class bar In con
Fees Gas
2Ho 25O
Horse Pow
Klc ntur tliicliliicry of All ICIiuln.
-all on IIH orvr to for prlcps & description1 ! .
Council II In ( In. Ion a.
Kf 'NetSy sv-A"ii
j W w& rtw ? i P KPe / ;
Reproduced in Colors
By the Taber-Prang Art Co. , Boston , From
. The Original Paintings of John R , Key.
Mr. Key is famous as the painter of the World's Fair ,
His paintings are exhibited in the Illinois Building. He
has added new laurels by his paintings of the Transmis-
sissippi Exposition. The name of Prang of Boston is suf
ficient guaranty of the faitluulness of the artistic reproduc
tion. No views published compare in beauty with this
A Portfolio of Six Pictures (14x19 ( in. ) for $1.25 ,
Single Copies , Suitable for Framing , 2So ,
With Mats , i
The Bee Publishing Co. , Omaha ,
W f EJ8 $ i ? W W . . mfflffi
r T I' yvT's. * Mv"K ' tc1 ? "