THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , OCTOBER 14 , 1808 , .11 SPECIAUNOTICEJ AdvrrtlncntciilN for Iliumviiliiiiini will IIP tnUi-ii until IB in. for the - -nHK | nlul until HiltO fur niortiliiu mill HuiMliicillllntiH. . Rnli-N , l I.BU a uiird llr l Innt-rtlmi ) le 11 nurd thereafter. NotliltiK InUcn for le N than B.-.c fur the Unit In.rr- loii. Thc c ndvcrtlMiMiicntN nnmt lie run coimemtlvrl- . Advcrtlncr * , liy rriiucMlnw > n iiuni- licroil olicck , < > iiu ha\e itiiHivcrn nii- tlrcmiril to n mnulx-rcd Idler In cure of The Ile , AIIMMLTH no iiddrt-xiicd Mill lie delivered on jirenciitntlua of < c check only. SITUATIONS WANTED. A STKNOORAPHER-When you want ono jl ) < > nHo cull tip the Remington typewriter ofllcc , 1619 Furnum st.j tclephon ,1573. A-MtSG 017. position iiH bookkcci > cr or on the road or In house ; agricultural Imple ments or hardware preferred ; fifteen years' experience : heHt of references. 'A , Bee oince , Council UIUITB. ATJI 17 SITUATION wanted by young man us salesman. In retull store ; with four yours' experience .In grocery department and four years indents' furnishing depart ment : Unquestionable references. Ad dress D 7 , e ro of. The Beis , -776-13" _ _ _ _ MAN and"wlfe of c'xpcrlendo want posi tions In first class hotel BH mnnnKer or clerk , nnd housekeeper : will leave. tlty ; can Rive best references , D 4.1 , Re.- . A-M797 10 * HUM' . 3.S for clsarn ; $125 a month und cxpeiiMcH , old firm ; cxpcilcncu unneces- nary. C. C Bishop & Co. , St. Louis , Mo. H-141. SALESMEN can miike joO per month'mil - IIIK our olllije specialties to merchant- unlnplcr linn dido lined ; bis prollls. Model MfB. Co. . Box B , South nend , Hid. , B-MH6. _ WANTED. Wo huvo. Htciuly work for n few KOOIliiiHtlcra \ ( if good habits and tip- pcurunpc. O. F.Adamn Co. , 521 So. Ifitli wt. B Msi9 , u'u SALESMAN .wanted to sell our choice nursiory 8tocKi.ii printed .guarantee given. with every 6rdcr that the stock shall tin llrnt cluHM and Into to ktbel ; goad h.-vlurles paid , . Wrlte-for terms -to A. O. rps ! < ii & uro. , Lawrence. KansaPM ) 2iO2l , * WANTED. ni'ii and .hoys to sell the "Pence Jubilee Hauvunlr. " 60.000 will bo sold t'vncp Jubilee week. Apply City Clr- culntlon Dept , Omaha Bee. B M5I1 WANTEbr'tfdy9' to s611 Snap Shots and 1'ciico Jiibilcu souvenir oh the street I'taco Juhllcb w'eek. " Apply Circulation Pcpt. . Omaha Deo. It MI4S YOU can make from $5 to $10 n day Helling Pence Jliblluu Souvenir and Snap Shots iltirln'ir the ' .Tublloi . I'enco ; Apply Clreula- tlon Department. Omaha Bee. II Ml 17 WANTED , -men to lo'nrn barber trade ; new Held open ; $ io.OO ; monthly ; steady employ ment ; nrnuitempnls JiiHt completul to Iilaeo graduate * -with doctors and hos- I'ltals ; takes , uliout COO men fast as wo can prcpurf. thoin ) the knowtctJRe of der matology , ' ativo tcnrti it , makes our Htudttnta valuable nhslstants ; also many calls , , /rgm country and rlty shops ; pb- HltlonH positively Kiiarantecd ; 8 wreks completes ; free transnortntlon to Molcr ColldecErtit''OlilL aKO. St. Louis or Minne apolis , C , U' orwrto ! ht once , for free eatulOKUe. .Molor , oem 11. Crvlnhton nidi ; , , istii & pouglgs , Qmnha. U-pi YOUNQ men to learn barber trade ; only G to 8 wneks required ; wo. . BlVQ our. Bradu- ates emulpym nt A till , tMy- . -receive In waRcs HB much uVthe'y piiy tor tuition nnd expenses Irarnlntr. " Ht. Louis Ilar- bprcollegoj Odd'I'Vllo\Vfl' lidp. , > I3odgo linrt 14th , Omaha. 1'rof , Hanflolpli , Instructor. U-MU30 N9 _ _ WANTRD , A B < io < l boofc canvasser ; must have good address nnd experience ; good money to bo .made by the right mnn. apply Circulation Department , Omwha' Hec. \ n-MTtali ! ' , nnd , sign painter at Uoaton Storu , 'Qmalm. _ IJ-723-13. TUB Stixnilaril Cattle Co. , Ames , Neb. , want forty raea.ut once for farm work. B-M734 15 _ _ XV'A TRD , Krain man to wllclt conslKn- inents for Number pnu housq ; onu that can control business , with n Bood ac- ( luulntnncc with shippers In southern Ne braska ; Klve references and term * . 'D ! 0 , Omaha Uee. U-M7C7 14 * WANTED Nice appearing Bcntlemcn and Indies to talia orders for a new patent ; sells to everybody. Apply 211 So. 18th. second tloor. Omanaeb. . , between D ami 11 a. 'm. Friday. U-77S-13 * WANTKO. experienced nalesman famlllur with Nebraska to sell specialties ; salary or commission. Ualrd Uros. A : Co. . CUvo- land , .QhlO. B-MSOI 11 * CLK11K wanted ( Oevman ) . Younp man from 22 to 25" years old. Can cct a Bond 1 i position In K nLTiU niorchandlso store. Must have u.xpcrlenro In dry Booils and I Brocery bUHlnesii. Must speak German um > Kngllsh fluently. Qood rccommenda- tlons wanted. Address Gkoroth , Carlson & Co.yakeneld. . Neb. B-M791 1C TIIAVKLINO salesman with fiood rcfer encea can apply to Hniulull , Hall & Co. , Slbley building , ChlciiRO. for llsht line ol uutlery samples us u side line on commis sion. ' U-M7U3 H WANTED. 8 men for work nround m\n\ \ ! $3 per day , Board (5 per week ; fare , $7.50 , Cull room ! ' . Aetna house , after 4 p. m . B-M7W 14 EXPERIENCED tinner Inside nnd outside work. Immediately , Write Bower Bros. , Glenwood. la. B M7S9- WANTED FEMALE I1EP. 100 GIRLB for'nll kinds of work : $3 to J week. Canadian ofllce , 1522 Douglas. WANTED-150 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. S76 C M511 Oct 20 WANTED , lady agents In Omaha nnd sur rounding towns to sell the great remedy preventive und best syrliiKo known fa women. ' $5.00. t per day easily made , Al correspondence treated prnfesclonatly am In strictest confidence. Address Prevent Ino Medicine Co. . lloom 2 , 214 S. ml lit. . Omaha , , Neb. C-M708 17 * GIRL for general housework , small family ' 3005 Pacific St. C-72G-15. WANTED A good cook , German pro fcrrcd , reference required. Call betweei 3 nnd & p. m , at 2526 Dodge St. C-722-13. WANTED , girl for general housework family of three. Mrs. John Sylvan BIOWII 2631 Davenport st. C M739 15 * WANTED Girl j good wages. 2919 Masai street. C-777-13 WANTED , a lady of some business experi ' cncQ to travel to the Paclllc coast selllni n line of toilet articles en route ; n salar with transportation , or a commlsalo will be paid. Address D 44 , But- . C M7M 15 * FOR RENT HOUSES. CHOICE houses und cottages all over city $5 to $15 , Fidelity , ilrst Itoor , N. % Y. Lin D-1SI HOUSES. Uonewa & . Co. , 10S N. 15th Kt. HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block. D-UO FURNITURE nnd leasehold of n 7 and i : room modern flat for sale ; bnriraln : KQO locution ; rent low , lieinls , Pnxton blacl D-151 r A FEW cottages. 43 $ Board Trade. t iD-152 ALWAYS moving household goods an pianos. Omaha Van & Storage Co. , 161V Farnam. Tel. . 1569. D-151 BENEWA'S residence to rent. 3230 Hurt. . D-M153 HOUSES , stores. Robblns , 1502 Farnaii 1IOTKL. good business. Furniture for sal H 5C , Bee. /V-M7J5 O20 * MAOGARD'S Van & Storage. 121 N. 15tl Tel * . 1496. . D-MUI OK * FOR RENT , K 1004 convenient cottage fc email family , :0th and Blondo'streets , t Apply ut Wi N , 19tirHtrt-tl i > . . COTTAGE oh easy payments. TOR RENT HOUSES. ( Continued. ) FOR RUNT , 7-room modern houxe , J22.50. The . II. Fell. 313 Urown Blk. D M4 ! HOTEL down town : 16 rooms ; coed condi tion ; convenient to nil car lines : rent I5.00 a month. The Byron Reed Co. . 212 S. Hth 8t. D-110 DESIRABLC houses. F. D. Wend. Ifi & D'a , D-515 13 FOR RENT , 10-room house near Hanscom Park , JW.OO per month , 9'room house , Kountze Place , furnished throughout , (12.00 per month. 9-room house. 9S2 N. 20th avenue , In best repair. $20.00 $ per month. Potter & George Co. , 1601 Farnam St. D-7J7 16 FOR RENT In Dundee , a 9-room house , In Bood repair , modern Improvements. Inquire at 4)23 Webster St. D-771-16 * HOUSES-Chas. E Bensan , 310 RnmKO bldg. i D M7S2Jan. 11 * AN elegant modern brick dwelling , 9 rooms. 101 8. 25th ave. Apply C. E. Binson , 310 Ramgo bldg. D-M7S3 20- FOR RENT FLRXISIIEII ROOMS. N1CKLY furnished rooms for transients. 2209 Spencer St. , Kountzu Place , near ex- K M1I3 AVE. Home-Rooms for famlles or parties a . specially. Clean beds 25c up. 1712 Cup. Avo. I E M904 O23 EXPOSITION visitors can get reliable In formation In regard to hotflH , rooms , hoard , etc. , nt the Olllcial Information Bureau , 1319 Farnum st : this bureau Is 'umlQi- the HUiuTVlHlon of the exposition management. Olllco open day nnd night ; no charKH for Information. E 156 THE BBNKFIT HOUSE. 21st and Plnkney StH. , fifty daintily furnished looms , one- tquutifrom the Arch of the States ; everything new nnd llrst-claas ; terms rcii- honable. 13 15"i FURNfsiIED Tooms. with bath : one tolo'ck from 21th st. car line. 852 South 2Sth Street. E 667 30 * SAFE. cl : in rooms ; Expo. car. 1512 Dav- unport. 1C-M2C202JI FOR Rent largo front room at reasonable ptice , 2121 Dodge. K-725-17. U'RVISHED ROO.1IS AND HOARD. SARATOGA HOTEL , 24th St. and Ames Ave. , 4 blocks west from north Kate ex position grounds ; bint loonm , { 2 , with mealH , $1.00 without ; families and partlen , $1.25 n ilny nud 50o European , everything now and neat , free baths , double parlors , library and piano ; two lines of street CUIH , vast vtrnndahs , bt-st place to see exposition fire works , Jolly people and a gymnasium. Telephone. 19TI. F 777 TAKE down that "for sale" or "for rent" in your window. The Bee reaches morn people lu a day than will puss your window in u month : und they consult these columns when they want to buy or rent. F-S65 'THE ' MERRIAM , first-class family hotel , 23th and Dodge Sin. F 15i ! i UTOPIA Family hotel. 1721 Davenport. I F 501 O13 * j FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 3 ROOMS. 703 S. 17th St. G M293 O20 * 4 OR G CHOICE locations , ono floor ; prl- vnto bath : references necessary. C 3& Boo. G M29 I FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. FOR R13NT. the 4-story brick building nt 916 Fnrnam St. Thin building has n tire- proof cement basement , water on all floors , gati , etc. Apply at the cilice of Tim Bee. ' _ 1-910 ' roo'm. G a. Vallace , 313 Brown Blk i Nick store. Corner 24th nnd Hamilton. Apply - I ply 2518 Culdwell. I 16Q FOR RENT , n good barn box stall , cheap. i 1903 Cuss St. I M74Q .1 IN U. S. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Inq. 601 BeeJJldg. WHOLESALE Atore.and warehouse : track- u o ; excellent shipping facilities. C. E. Benson. 310 Ramge Bldg. I-S14 O20 3-STORY nnd basement brick store buildIng - Ing , 1003 Farnam. J2xlOO. Inquire 314 First Notional bank building. I M305 BRICK trackage warehouse , llth nnd Leavenworth ! 22,000 square feet tloor sur face. 8. S. Curtis , 180S Harney. AGENTS WANTED. WANTED , three high-class lady solicitor * to soil stylish article of dress. Address D 42. care Bee. J-M7911 WANTED TO RENT. FURNISHED room for light housekeep ing. D 39 , Bee. K 770 14 * MODERN residence. 10 or 12 rooms , within mile und half of Paxton hotel. D 45. Bee. K-MS02 16 WAIVTCIl TO I1UY. IF YOU are In need of anything try the Want Columns of The Bee ; they will hi Ing you what you want. N S6 ? t THR HEST HOME ; } 2,000 will buy on easy . terms. 1 am no agent. X 61 , Beu. 1 N-M16I WANTHD , J.W worth of second-hand fiiriitture at 30-1 N. 16lh St. , cor. Davon- linrt , N-M496 O13 OMAHA Savings accts. Wallace , Brown blk > N M114 ' HOUSES to move. Wallace , 313 Brown blk. N-M763 HIGHEST price for secondhand household goods. Largo lots specialty. Brown , 712 N , 16th. N-M4G5 N3 WANTED , $2,000 worth of second-hand furniture nt 301 N. 16th , cor. Davenport. N-M799 N13 WANTED , to buy. Immediately , 2 sets sin- Kle expressharness , good and llirht. D 41. Bee. N-M78314 FOR SALE FURNITURE. CHICAGO Furniture Co. will self furniture | nnd stoves below cost : cot beds , 75c ; ; < . , ! mattresses , 50c ; pillows , 20c. 1408-10 Dodge - O 674 N8 FOR SALE , Furniture of 4 rooms , nt greal , bargain ; rooms for rent ; party leavlnt i. city. 181SH St Mary's ave. ; 2d tloor. casi n sldo of hall , O"8l 13 * - FOR SALE , folding bed nnd base burner , 610 B. 31st St. _ O M781 14 * ' ' NEW furniture of an 8-room house , cheap _ , .214 N. 23rd st. _ O-M795 16 FOR SALEHORSESVAGONS , ETC PONY for sale or trade. 701 South 26th st ! P-M73S 16 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. OAK boards , $16 per m. ; also cheapest sla cribbing. Ml Douglas strict. Q 165 HOG , poultry nnd lawn fences ; all wire ; li best. Wlru Works , llth und Harney. Q-166 B. HAAS. Florist. 1813 Vlnton St. . Tel , 776 plants , cut flowers , bouquets , hall , rcsl deuce , wedding nnd gruvo decorations Ordi-ra by mull or express promptly tlllec Q-167 FOR SALE , reliable patent for state o 3. * Nebraska. Addioss A , Bee cilice , Councl Bluffs. Q-643 FOR SALE , ten R.I.P.A.N.B. for 6 cents at druggists ; onu gives relief. Q It9 FINE lot Indian curios. Derlght , 1116 Far nnm. Q 612 Old SP-HAftD safe cheap , Derlght , 1116 Fnrnaii Q-611 01B SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. , mixed palnU Sherman & MrConnell Drug Co. , 151 Dodge St. , Omaha. Q-M73S O18 FISHER makes Ivory rm | or plain dm buttons from any cloth. Store , Park ave und Leavenworth. Q M775 019 WOOLF ZACHARIA'S. 1207 Farnam. Plan h. Uhcd Steel Peninsular Ranges , r.1.50 t J40. Heaters sold cheap. Q-MU7 FbJ4 PRINTING , ; good , quick , cheap , 1102 Far-t Q-M212 OH BOSTON furniture store remav-Jd to 721 n 16th ; furniture , stoves , etc. , belqw coat. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ( Continued. ) $150 $ NAT'L tandem. * I7. Omaha Bicycle Co. U-M228 O2S STAMPS , coins , bought , old. Morterixm , 404 N. 16th. Q-M271 O29 GOOD piano , slightly used. Cottaco 2322 Harney 8t. Q-MG51 15 FOR SALE Five head nice fresh cows. Call afternoon , Jester's yard , 2Mb nnd Burl 8tu. , Omaha. Q-775-16' FOR SALE , ono Hall safe. 510 B > e bid * . Q-M7 16 .MISCELLANEOUS. ) ! TWENTY-FIVE cents will buy the latest publication Illustrating the. U. S. nnd Ulianlsh nuvles , naval commanders , etc. : almost 200 photographic reproductions , with a large map of the East and West Indies , nt the ofllce of The Bee. If or dered by mall , address Navy Photograph Department , Omaha Bee. R S'O CLAIRVOYANTS. ISMAR THE GYPSY , Truthful In hnr oredlctlons , reliable In her advice. It matters not what your belief muy bi nor wnat your experience with pi ) culled palmists nnd clalivoynnts may huvc been , lemur will uonvlncd you that the past , present and future can be told. She can be consulted dally nt her iilllce , rooms 20 and 21 , Douglas block , cor. mil und Dudge , opposite liayden Bros. S-M443 N3 VIENNA fortune teller , 18 years hcie. 1411 Howard. M-ISS O13 MME. fjylmer , genuine ) palmist , 1605 Dodge. MILTON Tins MEDIUM , known to every man , woman and child In Omaha , K'VCS ' reading * dally ; all nffalrs of llfn and lml- nesi , love , law , sickness ; chaiiKOs evil In fluences. ; htal.H all diseases by magnetism. Rending * by mall. Scud ulx ( iueslloi ! < * . $1. 1C23 Dodge s.t. . cor. 17th. S M717 II LKCTUUH Wednesday. Oct. 11 S p. m. ; If > ou Imvo never attended one of those tlower seances don't mls. It ; you will be convinced of spirit return ; ladles needing ndvlcu cull on IMna E. Loner , the Inspired itii < trtiin' < nt of the spheres , Patterson hull ; readings daily. S-M4G7 N3 VIENNA fortune teller , IS years here , llli Howard. . S-MSOO N13 MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , M N. 16th. S-MS01 D13 : , I1ATIIS , HTO. MAS.SAOE nnd baths ; ladles nnd gentle- mont magnetic treatment. 'M. Hrlsson , 107 N. 12. T 41561 O15 MADAME SMITH. 113 North 15th Street , massage ; ; nd baths ; room . T-720-17 * BATHS , ladles only. Mrs. Porter , I03 ! Doug las block. T M69I N9 FLORENCE WINTERS. latli , massage and rmiKiiotlc treatment. 119 N. 10 , R. 12 , upstairs. T M797 O:0 * MRS. DR. LEON , electric massage bath parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. 11th , upstairs. T M711 17 LILLIAN HOWARD , new massage and bath ; Austrian treatment. R. 19 , 3023 Parnam St. T 753 13 IJEATRICE HARLOW ; elegant new tub , thermal baths ; massage. Now attendant. 1701 Leavenworth. T M681 15 * VIAVI CO. , 34.6 Dee building. U 171 A LARGE map of the world , one of Cuba nnd another of the entire West Indies , showing Cuba , Porto' ' Rico , Haytl , San Domingo , Martinique and all the other West Indian islands ; 10 cents , at The Bee. olllcc. iiy malli 14 cents. AJdress.jL'uban Map Dept. , Omaha Bee. r. , . . u sots. J30 RLPTURE cured for J30f Np.detention , from business ; 6 years In Omuha. Caller or write for circulars. Empire Rupture Cure , 932-933 New York. Life bldg , , Omaha , Neb , . U-172 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during conllnement ; babies adopted ; ex perienced physicians In attendance. 1136 N. 17th st. , Omaha. U--M5XO BOOKBINDINQ-Durkley P.rfntlnR Co. * U MS5J O22 PILES cured In 7 to 10 days , , without pain ; ono treatment does the work ; call or send for circulars. The Empire Pile Cure , 9TJ New YorH Life building , Omaha. U-173 MASSAQE , electric and magnetic baths. New Hyglcnnlo Institute , 220 Bee Bldg. ; tef. 1716. U-M174 MASSAGE , baths. Mme. Smith , IIS',4 N. 15. U 2SS O29 NICE baby boy for adoption at Rltter's hospital , 2211 Seward St. , Omaha. Tel. 2231. U-M58S 016 MISS MAYER , leading manicure , chiropo dist and hair dresser. 400 Paxton block. U MS5G O22 LADIES' Turkish baths. Mmo. Post. 319 S. 15th. U M312 BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 319H 8.15th. U-M31J DR. J. ROY , chiropodist ; corns removed , 25c up ; new method ; no knife , painless op eration ; 23 yrs. experience ; 12 yr . In Omaha ; warts , moles and superfluous hair removed by electricity Frenzer Blk. U-321 THE Social club Invites those Interested In their novel method of making introduc tions to call or write to their parlors , 311 Karbach block , 15th and Douglas ; stamps. Allle Turney , Manager. U M636 N8 MUNUY TO I.OAN UI3AI. ESTATE. WANTED , choice farm and city loans. R. C. Peters & Co. , U , S. Nat'l Bank Bids. W-l.o . $100,000.00 special fund to loan on tlrstclass Improved Omuha property , or for buildIng - Ing purposes. Fidelity Trust Company. W-176 BV4 per cent money. Bemls , Paxton block. W-177 $1,000 nnd upwards to loan on Improved property.v. . Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Fnrnam St. W-178 Q PER CENT city nnd farm loans. ( Jarvln Bros. . ] 613 Farnam. St. W 179 ANTHONY Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. L. ; quick money nt low rates for choice farm land ? In Iowa , Northern Missouri , East- urn Nebraska. , W ISO t MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real i estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 S. 16th. t W-181 - MORTGAGES. Wallace , 213 Brown Block , . W--M1S2 - 6 per cent money. F. D. n eaa , 16 & Doug , . W-47S. WANTED , bonds , stocks , farm and city mortgages , circular for brokers only. In- veslors' Directory. N. Y. W 183 3IOM3Y TO LOAX CHATTELS. PRIVATE party has money to loan : all business confidential. Address , with full particulars , U 64 , Bee. X M ! > 64 O3 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Jew. elry , horses , cows , etc. U F Reed. 319 8 13th X MbsB O23 $10 TO $10,000 TO IOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIANOS - NOS HORSES. WAGONS AND CAR RIAGES , WAJV , HOUSE RECEIPTS , etc. , at lowest rates In Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs , No removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan oft at any lima 01 In nnv amounts. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. ° THE OLDEST , LARGEST AND oNIA INCORPORATED LOAN COMPANY HS OMAHA. X 181 MONEY loaned salaried people holding permanent positions with responsible con' cerns upon their own name , wlthoui security ; easy payments. Tolman , R. 700 N , \ . Life Bldg. X 155 DIAMOND loan oftlce , 1315 Douglas , unre > d"amed diamonds , watches , etc. . soli cheap. X 437 Dec20 MONEY loaned on life Insurance policies pianos , furniture , warehquge receipts jewelry , horsea , cows , etc , Duff Green room if'Barker Blk , X-M186 BUY good notes and loan on good chat tel : 10 per cent per annum , C. R. Glovnr 3(13 ( Karbach ; notary public : de d . ninri len rx lemllv * xpcntpd X M40 VIOMXS it up A i it mi , C. A. CA8B , violins r'pajred. UtJ.Bheel IIL'HIM'.SS CIIAXCHS. WILL erect building on lot 60x150 on S4th St. , So. Omaha , Net ) . , across from the new postolllce , far any first-class buM- ties * . F. J , Lewis , room No. 22 , Ware bl'k. FOR SALE , established manicure , chiropo dist nnd hair dressing business : reason , entering medical college. Ml a Mayer , 400 Paxton Blk. Y-ai(4 ( ? 022 SULPHUR Springs Sanitarium soon really for business ; splendid chanca for doctors. Call Saratoga Hotel , Inquire plerct.Y . Y 547 FURNISHED hotel , doing fine builness , for sale or exchange , Address I. E. Baldwin , Stuart , la. Y-748 14 COMMUNITY of 400 farmers wanta har- nessmaktr , banker , newspaper man and bandmaster. Address D 33 , Bee. IF YOU WANT TO BUY ono of the best country newspapers In Iowa at 50 cents on the dollar address D 33 , care Omaha Bet. Y 772 14' FOR SALE , A good paying ladles' business In n nice country town ; long established ; on account of Ill-health. Address for par ticulars , D 40 , care Bee. Y750 U CLEAN Rtork general mdeo. In good west ern Iowa town for uish or good security. Traders need not inswer. C 67. Boi. . Y M787 J0 KOH I3.\CIIA.\GR. 2 GOOD farms In eastern Nebraska and one. good farm In western Iowa to ex change for general merchandise , dry Roods , boots and shoes , hardware , har ness outfit and a furniture stock ; will trade cither farm separate. For particu lars address George W. Hutlon. Cole- rldue , Neb. Z-MICl 15' FOR SALE ; will take Omaha Savings Bank accounts , Gorman Savings Bank uccountR or clear vacant lots us pnrt payment on homes in Clifton H" * A. 1' . Tukoy. Board of Trade. Z-M733 roil HAM : itK.vij USTATU. HOUSES , lot ? , farms , lands , loans ; also llro Insurance. Bern ! * . 1'axton Block. RE 1SS HAVE you some lots to soli ? Now IH the tlmo to dispose of them : let the people know that you want to dispose of them. The Hoc reaches the people whu Jjnyp ho money. RE 866 FOR SALE , desirable residence lots , 12lx 130 : in first-class location ; ten minute * ' walk frr.m court house ; cheap for cash , Address O Cl. Bee. RK-1S9 TO BUY or ocll houses. Iot or lands. Call on J. W. Rob > ilns. IkOi Fo.rn.nm.RE190 RE-190 BARGAINS In houses , lots , farmt : sale or trade. J. N , Frenzer. opp. old P. O. RE-191 fl-UOOM modern house. Inq. 521 S. 2tUh nve. f RI'230 O2S * AN elegant residence of eight rooms , with a line basement and good attic ; not a prettier homo In Omaha ; fine hardwood finish : everything strictly modern ; loca tion the best west Farnnm st. If you want a good horn * ready to step Into , at u. bargain , this Is it. A. M. Cowib , 211 8. ISth st , RE-rMl > 13 BEST and cheapest 200-acre farm In Ne braska , near Omaha , nt half Us appraised valuation. W. A , Belden , 2502 Blonde St. , Omaha. Neb , RE-M037 NG . FOR SAJUE , ID-acre lemon nnd olive orchard , Alamltos Heights , near Lung Beach , overlooking ocean and a n Pedro harbor. No tradca wanted. Gco. O. Thornburjr , Long Beach , Calir , RE-623 ! § TWO 7-room modern hous n. full"1ots , east HOTEL FOR SALE A thtee-story brlcit hotel , 46x72 , and two-stdry kitchen , 22x12 ; forty-two rooms : large office , Ooilbla parlor , well arranged dining hall and two good sample rooms. Sold with 'or without furniture. Hotel .has good repu tation and has alwayri > < 3ono ft paying ; business. My wife. dledliHffit. 14th , and as I om fretting old , deMrn : to * ull , nnd at a bargain. For further particulars call or address II. Code ; , Grat , < > , Neb. FEW choice .acres for gardening and poultry ; house , stable. frilt | and shade trees ; near Benson school , church , car line , etc. Sacrifice. 601 Bee hldg. RE M79214 , LOST. LOST , ladles mink collarette , on Fnrnnin , between 17th nnd 18th , during1 parade. Leave at Beg ofllce and receive reward. | Lost-752 13 LOST , on street car , lady'a green pocketbook - book containing 2 return tickets to Salt Lake and considerable money. Liberal I reward for return to Mr. Weller , Richard son Drug Co. Lost-M766 It LOST Diamond "stick pin. " between Cass and cntcngo Sts , on north 22nd St. of on Davenport St. between 22nd nnd 21st Sts. Return to 412 N. 22nd St. and the finder will be suitably rewarded. Lost 774 16 * LOST Tuesday night. Masonic double eagle charm with about three Inches line chain. Liberal reward for return to Bee office- . Lost 773-13 * LOST , black mare nnd harness ; two brand ? on loft hip. George C. Brown , 1547 Nq , 19th St. Lost 779 13 * WHITE poodle dog ; $5 reward. Kittle Bale , 114 S. 9th St. LOST-M78G 20 TYI'EWUITEUS. TYPEWRITERS for rent , $4.00 per month. The Bmlth-Premlor Typewriter Co. , 1 2 Farnam St. ; telephone 1284 , 192 WE rent and sell the best typewriter * made ; largest stock of good supplies Ir Omaha , united Typewriter and Supply Co. . 1012 Farnam St. 193 REMINGTON "standard typewriter and supplies. 1619 Farnam St. 715 BOLD , rented , repaired. Dcrlght , 1116 Far- num. - 1S O16 MRDICAL. ALL women who can't raise family consult the renowned German specialist , Dr. Pries 1 1513 Dodge St. Letters 3 cents -M8S5 023 MORPHINE , opium , cocoalno und alcoho diseases absolutely and permanent ! ] cured In from three to fiVe days. ment pleasant nnd harmless , Every casi cured or no charge. Best bank und otho.i references. Call or address Hill late RU Company , 410 Bheely Block , Omaha. 739 E5 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN BANT'S school , 717 N. Y. Life. school from Sept. 20. 134 AT OMAHA Bus College , 16th & Douglas , 195 SHORT-HAND , up-to-date , taught by cour reporters. Boylea' School , 403-5-7 Bee bldj 19S OMAHA Shorthand College , bookkeeping Boyd's thcate- . 543 O2a HANGING SCHOOL. MORAND'8. 1510 Harney St. , will reopei fnr adults. Friday , October 14 : children Saturday. October 15 ; private lessons , stage or ball room now. Please call. Mi O15 MATHEW'8 school for dancing , 813 Bout ] 13th. Rates reasonable. Call or write fo particulars. 030 nS TAILORING. V. TAUCHEN , work guaranteed. 1513 Har ney. 4S3 U13 MAX FOGEL makes , cleans , repair clothes. 307 S , 17th- 705 N10 JOE YOUSEN , the tailor. Boyd theater. -701 N10 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 90S PIC Jones , general storage and forwurdlm -Mica OM. Von & Storage , 151114 Farnam. Tel.lK _ 0 HOUSES WINTERED. GOOD care ; $1.50 per ino.V , V. Snydoi 69th & Le4venworth ; writ ? ill 8. 2ut ) si PAW.\nnoKiits. EAGLD Loan oRlco. 1211 Douglas ; oldest established , most reliable , uccrtmmodnt- Ing ; bus.ness confidential : felling S40.WO stock unredeemed dlamguda ; big bar- culns. . 33j M SHOE IIUPAIIIINQ. WILL repair your shoes while you wall , only 15 minutes ; 1mlf soles nnd heom for DOc ; first class work guaranteed. 710 N. 16th st , nlso No. 19 So. Main St. , C. B. la. l 261 O23 STENOGRAPHERS. WE SOLICIT and furnish positions for stenographers free. The Smith-Premier 'J ypowrltcr Co. . Telephone Hit. 189 SCHOOL FOR DRESS CUTTING. LATEST tailor sy tcm ; diplomas awarded. Mrs. Martin gen'l agt teacher 223S Charles. 773 O21 FENCING AND IIOXIMI ACADEMY. 1212 Fnrnam St. . boxlnir taught efllclently In 1 month ; uetid for circulars. Col. T , 11. Monstery. 475 N3 * UIOYCLEH. NEW wheels. J17.60 to J25 ; 2nd hand wheels \a to $10. $ Omaha Bicycle Co. , 16 & Chlraco , SCHOOL OK LANGUAGE. CHATELAINS Innguago school , French German. Spanish. 801 Boyd's Theater , day nnd evening class. 903-O23. OPTICAL. EYES tested free. Optical Institute , Shcely block. -201 N30 ELECTRO PLATING. WESTERN Plating Works. 1112 Dodge St. MS27-Oct29 GOLD , silver nnd nlckelplating , get your bascburncr nlckelplated. Omaha Plating Co. . ISO. ! Fnrnam , entrance rm J7'1' KURNITURE PACKED. M. 8. WALK1N. 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331.iOO iOO GLASS WORKS. LATHAM & PEOHAC. Mfr. of ornamental windows , churches , residences. 1012 Farn , J1521 OU JUNK. O. STEINBERG , only junk dealer In Omaha who can buy pop boltlex ; hu pays ) the best prices for all Kinds of Junk , 111 8. llth. $23.021 , AUCTION. J. R. MAXCY & CO. , auctioneers , room 619 Paxton block , want your auction sale * of real estate , merchandise , furniture , llvo stock , etc. 197 PLEATING. 1 ACCQTIDION pleating , pinking and cordIng - Ing done. Miss Carter , 207 Douglas block. 05S N9 MUSIC SCHOOL. LESSONS given on mandolin or guitar nt half price 50 cents a lesson. Prof. Wll- Ham HUKhea. 13UC Douglas. M97ti 20 * I PRIVATE HOSPITAL. DR. HEBER , cancers , female diseases. 1912 Loavenworth. M-417 O19 FURNITURE REPAIRING. UPHOLSTERING. Lundecn. 1523 Leav'th. 222 Nov29 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. SCHOOL for euro of these defects. Julia B. Vaughan. 306 N. Y. L : bldg. 730 O18 PRINTING. GOOD , quick , cheap. Down strs , 1302 Far'm -M212 027 IHCYCLE REPAIRING. WORK guaranteed , Lawrence Cycle Co , , 115 N. loth. 852 O22 STEREO AND ELECTROTYPINO. II. S. STARK & CO.-1110 Douglas. 317 O28 ailRROIl FACTORY. ALL mirror work done , 703 N. liith , MASOXWORK. MASONWORK Jobber. E. Hcaly , 1S22 Clark. lIARDWOOn LUMIIER. OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co. , oak , hick- pry , ash , cypress , poplar , etc. , 13 A. Calif. STATUARY. GONNELLA manufactures artistic statu ary. Inside ornamental work a specialty. 317 So. 10th. Mt.21 . N24 PIANO li-ACTOHY. OLD pianos overhauled , secondhand planoa always qn hand. C , Somm.r , 321 S. 10th , 673 J UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING. LUNDERI1523 Lcav'w'th. 222 Nov29 DRESSMAKING. Dressmaking Miss Sturdy , 2501 Davenport , 632 Nov-5 * HOUSE MOVER. 1 W. COY , removed to 1716 St. Mary's Ave , -845 N23 PIANOS TUNED. PIANOS tuned , 1.50 Rose , 1521 Dodge. 70S-N10 PAWNHROKERS. II. MAROWITZ loans money. 418 N. 16. 163 , GOVERNMENT NOTICES. t _ PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING MATE. . RIAL , COWS AND BULL. U , S. Indian Service , Rosebud Agsncy * Rosebud. 8. D. , September 24th. 18)3. t SEALED PROPOSALS. Indorsed "Pro S posal fdr Building Material , " etc. , as tin case may be , and addressed to the under - tdgncd at Rosebud , 8. D. , will bj recelvec r. at this1 agency until 1 o'clock p. m. 01 Monday , October 17th , 1898 , for furnluhlnt and delivering at this agency with thlrtj (30) ( days after receipt of notice of approva of contract , a variety of building materla ( consisting of assorted lumber , phlngl.s doors , windows , etc. : nlso ten Jersey cowi i and one Jersey bull ) , u full lint and de ' scrlptlon of which , together with the In j structlons to bidders , to bo obtained l > : _ making application to the undersigned h CHAHLEb E. M'CHEBNEY. U. 8. Indlai Agent. 824 d21t morn POSTOFFICU NOTICE. - ' ( Should be rend dally by all interested , a changes may occur at any time. ) foreign malls for thf week ending Octo - her 15 , 1898. will clone ( PROMPTLY In al s cases ) at the General Postofllce at follows PARCELS POST MAILS close one hou earlier than closing time shown below. Trnnn-Atluntlc MnlU , SATURDAY At 7 a. "m. for FRANCE SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN , POR TUGAL. TURKEY , EGYPT and BRIT IiH ? INDIA , per 0. . Lu Champagne via Havre ( letters for other parts o Europe must be directed "per I-a Cham pugne" ) ; ut S n. m. for NETHERLANO direct , per H. s. Statendam , via Rotter dam ( letters must be directed "pe Statendam" ) ; at 9 u. m. for ITALY , pr H. p. Alter via Naples ( letters must b r , directed "per Alter" ) ; nt 10 a. m ( iur t. plementarv 11:30 : a , m. ) for EUROPJ' I < r s. B. Campania , via Queenatown ; a .vvrici : . ( Continued. ) 10:31 : n. in. for EUROPE , per * . n , Rhyn- l.tnd , via Southampton ( letters must be directed "pvr Rhynland" ) ; nt 11 a. in. for NORWAY dlrct , per o , s. ThltiRvixlln ( letters must bo directed "per Thing- valla" ) . After the closing ot the Supplementary Transatlantic Mnlla named above , addi tional supplementary malls nro opened on the piers ot the American. English. Trench nnd German steamers , nnd remain open until within ten minutes ot the hour of sailing of tcamcr. Mnlln for South nnd Crtttrnl Amcrlcn , Wet Indten , Etc. j FRIDAY-At 1 p. m for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct , per s. s. Knlllr Prlnco. SATURDAY-At 10 a. m. for SANTOS d- | rrct. tier n. s. British Prince ; at 10 n. in. ( supplementary IO:5Un : , in. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JAMAICA , SAVAN1LLA nnd OREYTOWN , per s. s. Athos ( letters for Costa Rica must be directed "per Athos" ) ; at 10 a. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : n. in ) for HAITI , per H. s. Alps ; nt I p. in. for NORTH BRA/.IL. per s. 9. Benedict ; nt 8:30 : n. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per steamer from North Sydney ; nt 8:30 : p. m. for ST. PIERRE-MIQUELON , per steamer from North Sydnej' . Mnlls for Newfoundland oj' rail to Hali fax , nnd thence by steamer , close nt this | [ oftlco iltjly nt 8 : 0 p. in. Mails for Ml- nuelon , \ > y rail to Boston , nnd thence by steamer , clone nt this office dally nt S'M p. m. Mnlls for Cuba close nt this omco dally nt 7 .1. in. for for warding by steamers sailing Mon days nnd Thursdavs from Port Tampa , Flu. Malls for Mexico City , overland , Unless specially addressed for despatch by steamer , clo o at this olllcc diiliv nt ' . ' .JO a. m , and 2:30 : p. m. * ReBlsteied mall closes at 6:00 : p , m. previous Uay. TriiliH-Pm-llle MiitU. Malls for Hawaii per s. s. Australia ( from Ban Francisco ) close hero dally up to October 13th nt 0:30 : p. m. Malls for Aus tralia ( except West AtiHtrnlln ) . New Xwv- Innd. Hawaii and FIJI Isiundu per s. s. AVarrlmoo ( from Vancouver ! , close here dally nfter September 3tfth and up to Oc tober ! 3th at 6:30 : p , in. Molls for China , Japan and Hawaii , per B. s. China ( fiom Ban Francisco ) , close hero dally up to October llth at 6M : p. m Mulls for China and , per H. H. Ti.comu ( from Tncamn ) , close here dally up to October * )7lh at 6:30 : p. m. Malls for the Society lelaiuK per ship City of Paiieltl ( from SUM rranclRcp ) . close , here dullv up to October 25th t 6:3D : ji. in. Malla for Australia ( except the ' for Went AUH- t ml lu. v\hleh are forwarded via Kunipu ) , New J.wilaiul , Hawaii , FIJI and Bamoau NHndti , per t > . s. Morliiusa ( frum San Franutcoclose > hero ilully up to Octoh.r i-'th ut 7:00 : u. m. , 11 a. in , and i:3l' ) : p. inter tor tnirival ; at New York of a. H , Et- rur'v with British ma'ls for AiiHlrntlu ) . Malls for China nud Japan , per H n. Ihu- 1 i-ojJ ? ot Japan ( from Vancouver ) , close henj ilfilly ui | to October * 3lHt nt ( i.30 p. m Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing dally nnd the schedule of cloning IH arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. 'Regis tered mall closes at 6:00 : p. in. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT , Postmaster. PoHlotnce , New York , N. Y , , October 7 , 1S93. RAILAVAY TIME DARD. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Qulncy RiUlroud "Tho Burlington Route" Tlckut OHIce. 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone 200. Dtipot , Tenth and AlQKon Streets. Tele phone m. m.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Vcstlbuled Express * 5OT : pm 8:10 : nm Chicago Express. . . 9:43 : am 4:10 : pm Chicago & St. Louis Express. . . , 7:45 : pm 8:10 : am Crtislon Local. . . . . . . 9.15 am PnclUe J'c.'t'n Local * U:55 : nm 5:10 : pm Fust Mall * > T 2:50 : inn Chlcncq Special. . , , . 2:15 : am 11:50 : pm Dally. " 'Dally except Sunday. KANSAS CITY , ST. JOseph - seph & Council Bin ITs Rail road "The Burlington Route" Ticket Olllc.0 , 1502 Farnam. Street. Telephone 250. Depot. Tenth and Ma- eon StrcotH , Telephone 128. Leave. Arrive. 6:40 : pm Express * 11:00 : pm 6:30 : am Louis * 4:30 : pm ' 12:03 : pm BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Railroad "The Burlington Burlington Route" Gen eral Offices , N. W. Corner Route Tenth nnd Farnam Streets. Ticket Ofllcf , 1B02 Fnrnam , - . Street , Telephone 250. De pot , 'lenth -r and Mason Streets. Telephone 123. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln. Hastings and McCook. . . . . . . * 8:35 : nm 1 9:35 : am Lincoln , Denver , Colorado , Utah , California , Black Hills , Montana & Puget Sound 4:35 : pm 4:00 : pm Hastings Local 7:00 : pm 7:40 : pm Lincoln Fust Mall. * 2:56 : pm 11:40 : am Denver , Colorado Utah , California & Puset Sound * H:50pm : 2:15 : am * Dally Dally oxce-pt Sunday. W ABASH RAILROAD- Ticket Ofllne. 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone , 892. Do- rot , ' .tenth and Mason treets. Telephone. 629. Leavo. Arrive. Canon Express. . . 4:50 : pm * 11:30 : am CHICAGO & NORTHWESTern - ern Railway City Ticket Office , 1401 Farnam Street Telephone , Kl. Depot Tenth nnd Mason Streets Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrive ayllsht Chicago , . , Special fl40ara ; 11BS : pro Mo. Yalloy , Sioux City. 8t. Paul & Minneapolis 6:00 : am 10:48 : pm Mo. Valjey , Sioux City 7:45 : am 9:00 : pm Can oil , Dennlson , Council Bluffs. . . . lliSOpm 9:40 : am Eastern Ex. , Des Molnes , Marshall- town , Cedar Rap ids and Chicago. . . UOJ : am 4:20 : pro Atlantic Flyer , Chi cage and East 4:55 : pm * 4:20 : pro Fast Mall , Chicago to Omaha. . , . . , , . . , . 3:15 : pm Northern Express. . . G:30 : pm 8:40 : arc Omaha-ChUugu bpe- clal . , . e:55pm : 8:26 : an Omaha-Chicago Ex press 9:00 : pm " 6:5I : > an Dally. "Dally Ex. Saturday. ' "Dally Bx , Monday. CHICAGO , ST. PAUL. M1N ncapoll & Omaha Rallwa > General Ofllces , Nebrasku Division , Fifteenth nnd Webster Streets. Cltj Ticket Olllce. 1401 Fnrnnm Street. Tele phone , 661. Depot , Fifteenth nnd Webate Streets. Telephone , 1458 , Leave , Arrive Sioux City Accom. . 8:50 : am 8:35 : ptr Sjoux City Accom. . " 9:50 : nm 8:35 : pir Blair , Emerson Sioux City , Poncn. Hartlngton and Bloomueld 1:00 : pm " 11:55 : atr Sioux City , Man- kato , St. Paul & Minneapolis 6:00 : pm 9:00 : air No. 2 , St. Paul Lim ited Makes no stops in Neb 600 ; pm No , 1 Exposition Limited Makes no stops in Neb 9:00 : an Nos. 21 and 22 Exposition Local , to Emerson , stopit all stations except Brlggs 0:15 : pm 1 8:30 : nn Dally , Dally except Sunday , " Sun day only. FREMONT. EIKHORN v Missouri Valley Railway- General Ofilces. Unltei States National Bank Bldg Southwest Corner Twelitl ana Parnam Streets. Ticket Oince. 140 Farnum Street. Telephone Wl , Depot , 1611 and Webster Streets. Telephone 145S. Leave. Arrive Black Hills. Dead- wood. Hot Springs 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pn Wyoming Casper und Douglas " 3:00 : pm " " 5:00 : pn Hastings , York , Da vid City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter & Beward 3:00 : pm " 6:00 : pr Norfolk Verdlgro und Fremont. > . , . * 8:15 : am " 10:45 : an Lincoln , Wahoo & Fremont 8:15 : nm 10:45 : an Fremont Local. . < - . , . " 8:15 : am York Paisenper 6:10 : pm 8:40 : nn Dally , " Dally except Sunday. " Sun day only. Daily exceut Saturday. H \ ILAY TUttl I Altl ) . ( ContlnUftU . . . . . .v - . . . & PACIFIC Railroad General Offices. United States Nutlonul Bank Ilulldltm , S , W. Cory - y uer Twelfth and Farnam Street ! Tlck t Oltlc . 1401 Fnrnam Htreel. Telephone , 5fil. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Etrcctt ) . Telephone , 62S.Leave. Leave. Arrive. e3 a : ' ? 1:40 : an m lu:4o : pm Sioux City Local. . * 7:45 : am 9od : pm Dally _ _ UNION PACIFIC "THR Overland Route"-Gimeral Ofl'CM. ' N. W , Corner Ninth nnd Farnam Streets. City Ticket Olllcc. 1302 Fnrnam Sire" : ! . Telephone" 316. De pot , Tenth and Mason StrcuVs. Telephone 62S Yrrlve. "Tho Overland Limited" for Den ver. Salt Lake , und western pts. . 8:50 : am. < ; 45 pm The ColorMlo Spe cial , for Denver & nil Colorado p Is. 11:53 : pm 6:40 : nm Fast Mail Train for Denver , dalt Lake. Pacltlc coast and all western points 4:35 : pm 6:40 : am Lincoln , Beatrice Stromsburg Ex. . . 3:30 : pm 12SO : pm Fremont , Colum bus , Norfolk. Gr'J island ana North Pliittu 4S : pm 4-.15 pm olumbun local . . . . , South Omaha Local Pus * , 0.15 u. i , ; 7:00 : n. in. ; 910 ! n. m. : JW : p , m. Ar- Ives , 10:30 : a. m. ; 3:30 : p. m 8 p. m. Council Bluffs Locn ; 00 u. m. ; 740 ; n. m. ; i. : izao : ) > . m. ; 2.15p. : m : 4:30 : P. in. : 4:33 : . in. ; 4:5i : p. m. : 5:65 : p. m , : 8:20 : p. m. Ar- ves 7:20 : n. m.t 8:25 : a.m. : 9in : a. m. : 11:30 : . m ; 3:03 : p. m. ; V3:30 : P. m. : 4:20 : p. m. ; :40 : ! ipmii 6:30 : p. m ! "biW p , m , 5:05 : p. "DuUy. ' Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE A fit. Puui Railway * City Ticket oilU't. K 0 Farntim Struct , Telephone , tit. De pot , Tentr and Mason Streets. Telephone , tJ , Leave. Arrive. 1.1.Vld'S : Sprn 8:20 : am 11:00 : am * MI5 ; pm 1 7:00 : urn " 9"l5. : am l-UH-AtlO. SOCK J8LAND & f'nrinc Ilallrond "Tho Orot Hook Ibantl \ Pt * . " City Ticket OITlce , 1X23 Farnnm Struct. Tcleplumn 42H. Depot , Tenth nnd Mniiqn Streets , Telephone OMAHA & 8T , LOUIS UA L- PORT road Omaha , Kapnas City & ARTHURI Hustern Railroad "The Port Arthur llouto" Ticket OlllCa 1415 Farnam Street. Tele- phonu 322. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone EK ) . Leave. Arrive. St. Lpula Cannon Ball Hxpre.HH. , . , . . * 4:50 : pm 11:30 : am Kansas City & Qulncy Local G50 ; am 9:03 : pro , ' , , , , u.u city Express - press 7:45 : fra Port Arthur Ex- press 1 8:30 : pm * Dally. MISSOURI PACIFIC A1L- road Gpneral Ofllccs and Ticket Olllce , Southeast Cor ner 14th and Douvlui Streets Telepnone , 1M. Depot. 15th and > Vcbster Sta. Telephone 145S. Leave. Arrive- St. Louis-Kansas & Neb. Limited * 3:05 : pm 12:53 : pm Kaunas City & St. Joseph Express. . , ' , " 9:30 : pm 6QOam : Nebraska Local via Wceplnir Water. . . 4:30pm : 9:4 : : Exposition Local vu Nebraska City. . , . , pQOpmjij : * Dally. * * IJ'illy except Sunday. ALKALI HvH AM ) HIS PAH1) . Some Mlxdiltcii I'miulnr Iniiremilonii lit Ill-Kuril to the ItuuKl' nider . A low afternoons ago a man from this city drove down 'to ' Ilergen Point , relates the New York Sun. Ho stopped at a wayslilo hotel to rest lu the bree/.ca ot t'ho bay. On the piazza there were two sun-browned men lu the well known cavalry uniform. Of course the were Hough Riders. The man from t'ho city asked them to join him In what IB done the world over when there Is a nicotine of one kind of men , and they ac cepted with the grace of long practice. The two adventurers fell to telling stories , while the man frpm the city continued to supply from tlmo to tlmo his part , of the entertainment , One of the rldcrayas a tall , lean , muscular man , with a six weeks' growth ot beard and the ends of his black hair beginning to curl over the top of his coat collar. Ho swore volubly , used pictur esque and unusual slang , and spat tobacco Julco frequently In the direction of the statue ot liberty. The man from the city recog nized him at once aa Alkali Ike or ono of his pards. The second rider was a wiry llttlu man who bad very little to say about any thing. The man from < ihe city found his new acquaintances BO Interesting that the pun had disappeared before ho was ready to re turn. Just as lie was ready to drive a\yay a man came out of the hotel and lighted a lamp that stood on a post iiear the road. As soon as 1U was seen by the picturesque In dividual with the long hair and the s\vagger ho pulled out his ruvplyer tuirt emptied It at the lamp with an orthodox cowboy yell. The man from Urn city was surprised tq ECO the lamp withstood the bombardment un scathed. The little man's fingers began to twitch when hla companion began shooting , Ho prcaplUly borrowed the gun , shoyeil home two cartridges and straigntencd hla wrist twice. The first shot went through the glass globe three Inches above the flams and the second cut away the top of the wick. "Hum , " said the man from the city. "Where did you le rn to flo that ? " "In Texas , " answered the quiet little man. "And you ? where do you .live ? " T , S flaked of the big one. "Mo7 Oh , I'm from Dutchcss cot\nty. \ " And ho spat once more at the statue of Liberty. The other day a sportsman went up inlo the country to do some early fall shooting. At noon ho stopped for luncheon at a little tavern and was goon the subject or' Inter ested rural observations. Onu of the party , r. fUllo. more determined In the pursuit of knowledge than the others , finally In erro- gatcd him. "Whyt yer doln' hero ? " ho asked. "Hunting , " returned the sportsman , "Huntln1 ? Huntln' what ? " "Partridges , " returnee ) the hunter. "Pa'trldges ? Huh ! That must seem purty small game , don't lit" "Well , " admitted the other , "I have shot bigger game. " This was received as a pleasantry and was acknowledged with chuckles. "Col durn It ! How does It feel f kill a man , anyhow ? " rnntlnued the spokesman. "Don't know , I'm sure. " "You don't say ! Aw , I see ) yeh don't think them , dago U men haw ! haw ! Bay , when yeh goln * back west ? " "West ? I'm not going west. " < "Aw , ych enlisted from tbo east , did yen ? " "Look hero , " eald tbo hunter , a ray of light finally breaking upon him. "what do you take mo for , anyhow ? " "Why , yer ono o' them Hough Illd r , bo'ant ych ? "