Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1898, Page 12, Image 12

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Peace Jnbileo Edition of The Omaha Bee a
Most Artistic Production ,
Trlnnijtlt * of tlic Conflict nnil of tlie
IndnntrlrN 61 Peace an Km-
l lioillcd In the Ki > onl-
tloii Hide ! > > Side.
The Peace Jubilee edition of The Omaha
Dee baa been received with nurkoJ apprecia
tion by the public. Every one who has ex
amined It concedes that tt Is the finest expo
sition souvenir ever produced. It' Is replete
with Information concerning Ihu Jubilee , the
exposition , the war , and everything which
the Peace jubllco commemorates.
It Is a handaomo eight-page edition , Illus
trated by half-tones , better even than photo-
sr phfl.
The beautiful title-piece , especially de
signed for this number , represents the
triumph of Ptaco over War. In the center
lands a female figure , representing Peace
presenting a laurel wreath to an American
oldlcr and a sailor kneeling at either .side.
In the background , to the right and loft , arc
views of the exposition buildings , orna
mented with doves of peace and shlefda of
the nation. Across the top Is Imprinted In
Iqrgoletters Omaha Dally Bee , while at the
bottom are the words , Peace Jubilee Souve
nir ,
The Initial page * Is further adorned by a
neatly framed group of half-tone portraits of
President McKlnley , Vlco President Hobart
and the entire cabinet as It Is today. The
portrait of the president was made from his
latest photograph , and It Is probable that
this Is the first time that all the present
members of the cabinet have been grouped
The second page of the paper contains an
other largo framed group of military and
naval heroes of the war , Including Admiral
W. T. Sampson , General Nelson A. Miles ,
Admiral George Dewcy , General Fltzhugh
Lee , Admiral W. S. Schloy , General W. H.
Shatter. General Wesley Merrltt , General
John Tl. Brooko. General Joseph Wheeler ,
Lieutenant n. P. Hobson , Colonel Theodore
Roosevelt and Captain Robley D. Evans. At
the bottom of the page , side by side , are
likenesses of members of the peace commis
sion. Senator William P. Frye , Senator C.
1C. Davis , ex-MInlster Whltolaw Reid , Sena
tor George Gtay nnd ex-Secretary William
U. Day.
On the third page pictures o
itransmlsslsslppl war governors form a
border around 'three scenes at the exposi
tion grounds. The first of these Is the
most artistic picture that the exposition ha
produced. It Is the nlglit view of the
lagoon , showing the light and shadow effects
of the buildings around the lagoon llghtct
by thousands of electric arc lights on s
night of pitch darkness. Beneath thl
scene are two others , ono of' the" life
saving crow resting oars , the other th
life-saving crow 'firing life line with ex
position buildings In the back.
Turning to page four wo find clrcula
portraits , of exposition officials at the to
of the page , with a scries of pictures o
prominent state commissioners at the hot
torn. Near the center tire several scene
of Indian Ufa among the tepees and tent
nt the exposition. Gcronimo , the chief o
the Apaches , Sioux In review , Indian shan
battle , group of Indian warriors nnd In
dlan ghost dance are the subjects repre
Members of the government board nn
members of the Jublleo"receptlon commit
te ro the portraits on the aucccedln
Ql ) too fjna ) Illustrated jingo small hall
topcl of \\a \ } \ directors of the axnosltlor
torn } the border , within which are twt
views , one looking cast from lagoon bridge
the other a Marino band concert on Plaza. ,
The reading matter of the edition sharei
with the Illustrations In being of unusua
Interest There is a complete history o
the exposition from Us Inception till tin
present day , also nn entertaining article ot
the significance of the jubilee celebration
Then there nro statistics relating to at'
tondknco at the fair and descriptions of thi
attractions found there. Chief among thesi
are descriptions of the Indian oncompmen
nnd the government exhibit that will flm
places In many a scrap book.
The features of the edition that serVi
most to make It of practical value are th
program of Jubllco week nnd the chronolog ;
of the war , which gives the war Incident
of each day from the time when the battle
ehlp Maine was ordered to Havana harbo
till the date of the peace Jublleo celebra
Word of congratulation has been receive !
from numbers of subscribers and the fol
lowing 'letter from ono of the most prom
Incnt and well known citizens , W. H. Alex
andor. president ot the Grant Paving com
pany , reflects the general sentiment ex
pressed :
OilAHA. Oct. 11. To the Editor ofXTh
Boo : Have just finished a careful perusz
of your superb "Jubilee Souvenir , " 'Issue
this morning , and hasten to congratulat
you upon Its excellence and timelines !
Abounding la * details , concerning the grot
exposition from its Inception to .the JublU
day , and brightened by a multitude of o >
cellont Illustrations , this souvenir numb <
will'be gratefully accepted py the thousand
of delighted visitors as the best means <
preserving and conveying to others tt
etory of the great exposition. ' I am BUI
that thousands of conies will be sent awe
and that It will bo a lasting benefit to ot
city. Very truly yours ,
Copies of this handsome Jublleo souven
maybe had on application at The B <
counting room.
\Ntnnlii1ilnir I.ovr Prior * for Julillco
A We It In livery Department.
The greatest asicrlmcnt of ladles' ready *
o-wear garments to be found between New
York nnd Ban FrancUco can bo found In the
great cloak department of the greatest of
he tr&nsmlsslsslpDl stores. Thousands ot
logant garments to select from. The best
productions of Berlin , Paris , London and' the
ast are on solo. The Immense purchasing
or this year enables us to quote absolutely
ho very lowest figures ever named. You
ave fully 35 to DO ber cent on every gar
ment during this sale.
All the very newest floor coverings at
pcctol saio prices. Compare goods and you
vlll bo convinced that we sell carpets
cheaper1 than any other store.
Brussels carpet nt 48c yard.
Union lueralns nt 3.1 c yard.
Best all wool Ingrain carpets at GOc yard.
All the flno mattings In our 40c and 43c
qualities will co In this sale at 30c yard.
Good golden Santos , worth 20c , only lOc ;
whole Rio coffee only SUo'i Java and Mocha
elftlnes only 12l4c : golden Rio coffee , 20c ;
now crop tea sittings , 17'Ac ; English break
fast. 25c 'and 33cl fancy gunpowder tea ,
35c. *
Read HaVdens' clothing "ad" on this page.
Thouimmld of 1'coiilo Compelled to
Baltic In I'tilillo Placed or
Witllt ( he Street * .
It Is estimated that nearly 10,000 people
walked the streets all Tuesday night because
of their Inability to secure sleeping accom- '
modatlons. Every lodging house , hotel nnd
temporary sleeping structure 'In the city
was crowded to Its uttnost capacity. The
hotel lobbies were Crowded with people , who
gladly paid 25 cents for the jirlvllego of
sloping In chairs or on desks and tables.
The dining rooms of the hotels were tunicd
Into sleeping rooms by laying mattresses on
the floors. At t'ho ' court house every avail
able bit of floor space was occupied by tired
sightseers and hundreds were turned away.
This same condition of affairs existed nt the
old Coliseum building on North Twentieth
street , which had been fitted up by the
Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben as temporary sleep
ing quarters. Even the rooms at' police
headquarters were crowded with people un
able to obtain other shelter. The various
railway depots housed hundreds of people ,
Thousands finding themselves outcast :
moved over to Council Bluffs and to South
Omaha , but only about 40 per cent of these
could bo accommodated. These who found
themselves unwilling outcasts , walked tht
streets or rolled up In the front doors ol
buildings , out of" the reach of the raw wind ,
The big reviewing stand In front of the cltj
hall afforded shelter for hundreds.
The entire pollco department and thi
exposition guards detailed to police dut ;
were on duty all night nnd their order :
yesterday morning were to remain on dutj
all ot yesterday and last night.
Between the hours of 6 o'clock and 1
yesterday morning the downtown strceti
were almost , .ns densely crowded as the ]
were nt. the -time of the parade. Everj
Incoming trains swelled the crowds b ;
thousands. The street cars from Councl
Bluffs and South Omaha kept pouring int
the city a stream of humanity' from earl
morning until almost n6on. Every avail
able car the street csir company coul
spare from Its allied lines .was used Ii
the transportation of the crowds to th
exposition grounds. The tracks to jth
grounds were studded with crowded car
from the center of the city to the exposl
tlon gates.
Ono pt the officials of the roacj' said thn
during" the early morning hour
nearly 150,000 people were unloaded at th
grounds by the street car company. Lon
before the , ticket windows at the gate
wore opened thousands had congregate
about thoiu , To ease the jam. at the win
daws the exposition officials stationed tlckc
sellers at all the down town street cross
Ings nnd hundreds of peoples .avalle
themselves of the chancb to" buy ( ic'keli
Men with megaphones were stationed wit :
every ticket seller , whose duty It was to an
nounce -the safe of tickets. Squads of pollco
men , whoso faces showed signs of th
arduous work they had performed the nigh
before , were detailed at every promlnen
crossing to handle the clamoring , surging
anxious crowds.
I The vigilance of thla handful of peac
I guardians prevented accidents and turbu
, i Irncc. The creditable handling of the vos
i concourse of people by the department calle
r forth the thanks of the governors of th
j' Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben to Chief W.hito. I
. ! a short letter .to him this morning the
: j thanked him and his men for their effort
. and complimented him' highly. Tonight th
entire force ot police and guards , with th
1 I exception of a detail to watch the dowc
. I town streets , will bo divided between tb
. ! railway stations. Chief White anticipate
. I that the hardest work Is In store for h
men , ns fully 90 per cent of the visitors , t
thinks , will leave the city tonight for the
homes. He Is highly pleased with the woi
of his men. , The record , ho thinks , of not
I Blngo | accident and but two cases of pocki
picking laia wonderful one and equal to tt
e record of the police department ! .
AU-Snr-llen Hull Cnrpcti.
Used onlv one nleht not damaged b
prices cutialmout half. Select today , tome
row they may be gone.
25o mattlne will be sold at He.
35o matting will be sold at 20c.
E5c carpet will be sold at 3Gc.
7Bo carpet will bo sold at 48c.
' 1414-16-18 Douglas.
The Grand court ot me Exposition
wonderfully beautified at night. h
picture of It U so good as The Bee phi
togravurew Stop at The Bee offlce for 01
and some others. Inree for t n cents.
Two Opportunities
a Week
Every Tuesday and Friday you can. .buy
ticketp to any Burlington Route station in
Nebraska ( the regular one way fare to which
is $8 or more ) at . "
i . . .
One Fare for the Round Trip.
Tickets are good 10 days and st6p overs
are allowed on going trip.
Ticket Office : New Depot : . x
1502 Farnam St. 10th & Mason Sts.
Telephone 250. TclcpUo'nc .128.
At IlnnJon Store , Ontnlin.
in addition to the Kreat special Boles of
dross goods , cloaks , mllllneryj linens , carpets -
pots , curtains nnd blankets , there will bo on
Bale today. .
Wo put on Bale today nearly 1.000
Indies' tailor mode suits In all sizes from
32 to 42 , In nil colors and black , prices rang.
Ing from $4.03 to $30.00.
Men's $25.00 suits , $14.95.
Men's $12.60 suits , $7.45.
Men's overcoats , $7.50 , $9.98 and $12J > 0 ,
worth up to $25.00.
Men's $7.50. $3.95.
Men's $5.00 overcoats , $2.98.
Boys' suits and overcoats from $1.39 to
$4.98 , worth up to $10.00.
Shoes from the M. C. niack. Chicago ,
wholesale stock at less than half price.
Ladles' $3.00 bicycle shoes. $1.25.
Ladles' $2.00 Oxford tics. T5c.
Ladles' 60c ovcrgaltcrs , 19c.
Men's arctics , 79c.
Lndles' $3.00 shoes , $1.50.
Men's $3.00 shoes , $1.59.
All the ladles' and men's $5.00 shoes go
at $3.00.
ICth and Douglas Sts.
Buy your exposition tlckota down to-Mi' ,
In another column see dlsplav ndvertUnracnt
of the places whcro tickets are on sale.
Hoyt's "A Texas Steer. " that clever po
litical satire , conies to Boyd's opera house
for thrco nights and Saturday matinee , com
mencing tonight.
In the character of the colored politician
Mr. Hoyt has so cleverly pictured the of
fice seeker. Christopher Columbus Fish-
back , Jr. . of Texas has been promlsen at
office. Ho comes to Washington nnd dis
appointment follows. Will H. Brady , wht
plays the part , has made it famous.
The performance of "A Mlllc White Flog' '
moves wlUi dash from stnrt , to , finish nnd li
one of the most popular of the Hoyt farces
filled with mirth-provoking situations. Thli
season's company Is headed by Mary Mar
ble and John W. Dunne. They comet (
Boyd's theater for four nights and Wedncs
day matinee , opening with Sunday matinee
Ak-Snr-llcii II nil Carpets.
Used onlv one night not damaged bu
prices cut almost half. Select today , tomor
row thcv may be cone.
25c niattlntr will be sold at 14ci
35o mattlnc'wtll bo sold at 20c.
55c carpet will be sold at 35c.
Too carpet will be sold at 48c.
1414-16-18 Douglas.
That in the Estimate of Railroader
of the Nnmher Arrlvlnis Tnee-
dny mill Wednesday.
There was more of truth than fiction In tli
prophecy of prominent railroad officials th'a
on the occasion of President .McKlnley's vis !
the railroads would bring Into the clt
100,000 people. Tuesday's record "ot trave
surpassed all previous marks , but the mag
nltude of the figures that Indicate the num
ber of visitors brought by the railroads thl
morning Is without parallel In the city's hit
tory. The crowds kept coming all throug
the night , several hundred having travele
on regular trains that arrive long after mid
night , and with the arrival of the first sp <
clal trains a few hours 'hefore ' noon , bega
the same scenes of the crowding an
jostling of hordes of people , th'a't ocburre
about the .stations all 'day Tuesday.J Tt
station agents say there Is no way to cst !
mate with accuracy the number' of vlsltoi
until the reports can bo had from'the man
ticket agents In towns'of neighboring state
but roughly estimated , the crowds combine
will Just about reach the 100,000 mark.
At ) the Webster street station there wei
six special trains before noon and ev ery'tral
carried extra cars. Lincoln , Crete , Frt
tnont nnd Kansas City were the cities th ;
sent excursions. At the Burlington dept
In addition to the flvo regular' trains thei
were eleven specials , five from the east an
six from tho'wes , all Bringing crowds fro :
points along the road !
The union satlon received but two special
but It moro than made up Its secmihg7lac
in this respect by the ma'ny'extraAcoachi
attached to regular trains over "the thn
roads which use the depot.
There was less difficulty In handling tl
crowds In the station yesterday tha
Tuesday , an Increased force of men servlc
to give directions to strangers and get ) 'the :
started to their destinations , but tbo stre ;
car service wan wholly Inadequate to ca ;
rylng the visitors and more than a thli
wore compelled to walk. These who wei
strangers and did not know how to..find . the
way about had a hard time of it. Thi
lined every sidewalk In the vicinity of. tl
depots and crowded every corner , waltli
for cars to carry them to the cxposltto
The street car i company had pressed In
service every car It owned aijd on the 'fr <
quently Vravelcd lines they were run at li
tervals of one or two minutes , but up unl
noon there had never been a time when tl
people who thronged the viaduct could , 1
taken away. .
The station agents say that few of tl
people who como Tuesday returned th
ulght. That there were many more vlslto
In town than could be properly cared f
Is evident from the fact that at mldnlg
there were over 1,000 at the union stall
occupying empty baggage trucks , dep
seats , places on the platform and the vladi
steps in lieu ot beds. In the Burllngt
station COO were accommodated In dlffere
parts of the building. The cushions -frc
passenger cars were removed and from the
beds were Improvised for the women a
children , while the railroad yard hands c
authority for the assertion that 400 m
slept in empty freight cars standing on t
side tracks. But these were fortunate coi
pared with the people who stood on t
viaduct and watched the 'bun rise , bavl
had no better place to rest than nelghbc
Ing curblngs.
When you call for DoWltt's Witch Hai
Salvo , the great pile cure , don't accept an
thing else. Don't be talked Into accepting
substitute , for piles , for sores , for bruises.
If Yon IVuiit to Go Bait
except take < hi > "Northwestern Line"
you desire a fast dayllgnt trip botwe
Omaha and Chicago , because no other 11
runs a daylight train Leave Omaha 6:40 :
m. , arrive Chicago 8:15 : same evening. Clo
connection with eastern lines. A good trail
Emphatically YES.
City offlce. 1401 Parnam
Oninlia ( a Chicago ,
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Fiul ral
way has just placed In service two ma
nlQccnt electric lighted trains betwe
Omaha and Cblc gro. leaving Omaha dal
I at 6:45 : p. m. , arriving Chicago at 8:25 : a. l
I and leaving Chicago 6:15 : p. m. and arrivli
Omaha 8:20 : a.m. . Each- train la light
I throughout by electricity , has buffet smo
I ing cars , drawing room sleeping cars , dl
Ing cars and reclining chair cars and ru
ever the shortest line and imootheit roa
bed between the two cities.
Ticket office , 1504 Farnam street and
Union depo'v.
The Only Ilallrund to Chicago
With a daylight train. Leave
Omaha 8:40 a. m. every day ,
arriving Chicago the same
evening at 8:16 : , when close connectloni
are made with all lints
beyond. Thla train U CO yean
ahead of the time * and la proving
Immensely popular with Omaha
people. Other flylns
tralna leave for Chicago at 4:55 : and 1:55 :
p m. Jally. City ticket office.
14Pi Farnam St. .
"The VortbwMtern .Lln > ! . "
Duy your exposition tickets down tov
In another column aee display advertlsemi
ot the olacea where tickets are on Bait.
I'opiilttr I'lnce tif Aiiitinoiiirnt for Men ,
Women mitt Children , l.'UB Fnriintn.
This week the Wonderland theatre pro-
cms a particularly Interesting bill In honor
f the grent peace jublleo crowds. , In the
urlo hall they have Frank Gu tit ber. the
qdcrn Hercules , the greatest wonder of tha
KO lu handling the dumb bells and solid
'hot ' : Mllllo Martina , the beautiful India
nnko charmer and her great pot , the monster
erpcnt , "Old Glory ; " Harry Woods , who
. Us common class lamp chimneys , par I a or rough on rats ns ordinary people
O'cherry pie : he has been living on thcso
'or seventeen years nnd Is not dead yet ;
ilmc. Roberta , the magnetic wonder , weigh-
UK only 130 pounds , but who no thrco mon
.avo vet been nble to lift : Free Thomas , the
re cater , and other attractive features.
) n the DIJou stage Prof.- George Knees pre
sents bis wonderful royal English marionette
.hat pleases tbo older people nnd delights
ho children , whllo down stairs a show last-
nc over an hour Is given on a theatre
tage , oil concluding with the roaring farce ,
"The Clock Makers. " And the best of It
a. ono dime , admits to It all , A refined
lace of amusement whore women and chll-
ten can KO unattended.
Buy your exposition tickets down town.
: n -another column 'see display advertisement
) f the places 'where' tickets tire on eale.
MUaonrl Day TlnUH -
'eadlng over the Durllngton Route and' Hin
ted for return to October 12 will bo l-o ; '
rcd on trains leaving Ooi'iha Thursdoy ,
October 13.
To. All Principal \Ventcrn Point * Vic
Union Pnclllo.
TWO trains dally , 4:35 : p. .m. and 11:55 : p. m.
Denver and Colorado points.
TWO tralna dajly. 8:50 : a. m. and 4:35 : y. m.
Utah nnd California points.
ONE train dally , 4:35 : p. m.
Utah , Idaho , Montana and Oregon points.
For full information call at City Ticket
offlce. 1302 Farnam St.
In iVcbronUn.
Via the Elkhorn. "Northwestern Line. "
Every Tuesday nnd Friday In
, October. Half fare for the , round *
trip to appoints where the faro Is over $3.
Good 10 Days.
City offlce , 1401 Farnam Street.
Depot. aBth and Webster Streets.
Her Grand , European hotel now open. Ele
gant rooms , ladles' and gents' cafe and grill
room. Cor. 16th' ' and Howard.
_ Hull Cnrpcta. . .
Used onlv one night not damaged but
prices cut almost half. Select today , tomor-
.row they may bo gone.
25o matting will be sold nt 14o.
SSo mat HUE will bo sold at'20c. .
65c caroet will' bo sold lit 35c.
Too. carpet will bo rfold'at ' 48c.
141416-18 Douglas.
Fuiicrnl of Jnmca Norton.
The funeral of Pollco Officer James Norton ,
who died Monday of Brlaht's disease after a
lingering Illness ; " was held yesterday
under thotausplccs the Policemen's Be
nevolent nssbclatlon. A special detail of
Tailo&Malfi ( ; Shirts.
W have just "rebel vcd
the scr.vjces of. a competent New , ,
York shirt cutter and will offer
as'a starter
6 white shirts
for $9.00
made to your measure and perfect
fit guaranteed
Albert Calm ,
for Men
fifteen officers acted as escort to the
funeral cortege. The Interment vrlll be
nt Holy Sepulcher cemetery.
Buy your exposition tickets down to n.
In another column nee display advertisement
of the places where tickets are on cats.
We offer today and during
thjs week. First quality Alas
ka sealskin cloaks for $175.00
each. A lower price than has
been known for years , and the
price only holds ' for this , our
Jubilee week.
1510 Douglas St.
A Truss for $1
We sell a very good Truss for $1.00. Of
course It IB not our best. Hut for J2JX * and
J2.50 we sell n splendid Truss , ono that will
If you want the BEST TUUSB MADE
It Is warranted for ono year.
We are drug cutters. '
COc Malted Milk wo sell i 40o
25c Mennen's Talcum Powder wo sell. ; , , 16o
{ 1.00 I'alne'a Celery Compound we selj.v 7Sc
50o Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets we sell. . 40o
GOc Pyramid Pile Cure 40o
11.00 Madame Ynle'o Preparation's 75o
$1.00 Maltlno Preparations S5c
Jl.OO 1'lnklmm Compound 7Bo
Jl.OO Beef , Iron and Wine . ' 49c
Jl.OO Llsterlno 75o
Sherman & McCohnell Drug Co. ,
1513 DodKC St. , OMAHA , NED.
Middle of niook.
* * * .
/ -i
-Ton may hive 'course of medical
' , - 'treatment ' for it. , v
of all klnd at th
: SnepardMedicaMnstitute |
New York Life Bldg. , Omahi , N ; b.
Diseases of the Lungs , Stomach ,
Kidneys , Nerves and Blood. Refer-
nce , by permission , to 6,000 cured
patients. The medical offlcei
_ and practice In tha west. The Omaha
w Bee , leadlnr dally , , iaya : "Th * Bhtp- *
nrd 'Medical Institute Is entirely re'lla-
> - bio In a professional and buslnest
way. Dr. Shopord and his associate *
haye trained and fully maintained a
leading- reputation In th * treatment
a of chronic diseases. . , The public may -
safely ' 'trust 'them.- " ' .J *
WRITF For testimonials from *
VV n I I L- ministers ; teachers , bum-
nees men , farmers , etc. , telling how
they were cured at horn * through th
Mall System. ' '
Rlinil "The New Treatment :
DVJUlx How It Cures. " Is sent free
to all who write. It is a clean madtcal
work for the whole family to read
_ and Is of great value -'to all who seek -
better health. Book and Consultation *
Blanks sent free to all inquirer * .
_ Medicines sent everywhere. State
your case and send for opinion' and
lowest terms. Chorees low. Con-
tatlon frt-e , personally or by letter.
.V nM-m T to.Pavr.t. *'s . footwear we
> not only phew the best
at the most stylish
rs but the largest value
ht or Ours are footform
on shoes that fit and give
ICt ot satisfaction from the
on time you put them on
nt till they're worn out
ISO and they won't wear
nd ire out till you've more than your money's worth
en $3.00' , $3.50 , $4.00 , $5.00 and $6.00 Borne of
hen - our prices and you can't duplicate them.
y'a ' N. E. Corner 16th and Douglas Streets.
1Ci The large and elegant stock of Mr. 0. S.
kn Raymond , Omaha's largest jeweler , is now being
n sold at public auction to satisfy the creditors
it For years Mr. Raymond has carried the largest
and best selected stock of Diamonds Watches
Jewelry Cut Glass Silverwear Bric-a-Brac
etc. , in the entire west This is a fine opportuni
ty to secure the best at the price of the cheapest
Wedding Stationery engraved t ° order 100
engraved Visiting Cards and Plate for $1.00.
Corner Douglas and Fifteenth.
Sales : Dally at 10 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m.
P. J. Burroughs , Auctioneer.
Dee. Oct. 13. 1898.
* i
When yon come into this Nebraska store you come
into a store where you are absolutely safe. Do you
, w.lmfc that means ? It means that you are in a , store
whore you can't get cheated , whore you can't cheat
yourself , where you can't pay too muqh for an arti
cle , where you can't buy deceitful goods or .goods
that won't give honest , satisfactory wear. Every
thing that we sell in this store is sold on one condi-
lion and with onp understanding that you can got
your money back fpr it whenever you please. There
'ain't many stores in this big country thatdoTmsi-
ness that way. There ain't many stores that will re
turn money as' cheerfully as they take ii There
ain't many stores where you can buy warranted
goods only , and there ain't any stores where you can
buy goods cheaper than you can here. Yesterday ,
we told you about the great suits we are selling for
seven dollars and they aren't yet all gone. Today we
want to tell you about what we consider the most
wonderful overcoat ever offered for the money , a
coat that will pass in any company , a coat that no
man need be ashamed to wear. It is a full strength
wool kersey , made by one of the most eminent ker-
. Bey mills in the country a mill that makes only ker
seys of high grade. It is lined with half satin lining \
the other half being good , solid worsted , giving , extra
wear. It is cut in medium lengths , single breasted , i
with fly front , a handsome coat , a rare coat , a coat-
that should give years of service and at our price ,
eight-fifty one of the most wonderful coats ever
sold. Just to show how squarewe do business-we
have coats on the next table that look the same , are
made up in the same fashion , with the same- linings
and the same trimmings but the price is only seven *
dollars. The difference is in the cost of the kersey "
50 cents a yard.
Men's Suits
and Overcoats
Special inducements for this week
The best selected fabrics , artistically
made by the most skillful tailors in America
are offered now at Hayden Bros : at a great
sayingin price. Suits and overcoats from ,
tne most noted American manufacturers ,
such ; as Hackett , Carhartof New York Hart ,
Shaffner & Marx , Chicago , and the makers
of the " 'Vitals Brand , " Philadelphia.
SUITS AT $7.50.
You can select a fine suit here at $7.50
from a great variety of patterns and in all
the best styles. They ' are elegantly madia
up , guaranteed perfect fitting and shape
holding ; linings warranted ; and are just the
suits for business or semi-dress. You cannot
equal them in Omaha at less than $12.50 to
$15.00. This week the price at Hayden Bros ,
is $7.50.
This week's special in Overcoats will
be a magnificent line of Kersey and Braver
overcoats in brown , blue and black at
$7.50. They are made up after the best
designs , in the latest fashions , and from
the neatest patterns in stylish all wool
fabrics. The linings are guaranteed for
two years ; the finishing and tailoring are
elegant. Every seam is strongly silk sewed
and every vulnerable point stayed. The ! price for these coats is § 12.50 to
$15.00 ; in this sale at Haydens' ' for $7.50.
Hats , caps , trunks , valises and travel
ling bags on sale at special price inducements -
ments this week.
Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha.
For Rats , Mice , Roaches ,
k and tke open air.
After emllnj ; , 11 rinnln water .
Hcnct Iblt Vlller U tha root cleanly on earth.
For 8 U by ll DniKltU. Price , IS Cent * .
90 WlllUua Atrtct. New Yort ,
TrcaliiUFormio (
12 Yurt la Onuhi.
, CoDjuluiioQ Fite. Bosklm
4th Floor Ilronn Blk. , 16th and Douglas
Gold Alloy Fllilog $1.0O
Gold Filling $1.00andnp
GoldCnwns $5.00
Set Teeth $5.00
EestTeth $7.50