Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 13, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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Bullish Hews All 'Ronnd and EeaHzing
Bales Oauw Slump in Wheat.
Trnnftnctloim In Grnlit on
Scale 'I'llan Speculative
1'lt IIn Scon fur 11 Month
Cron ItcporlN ,
CHICAGO , Oct. 12. Heavy realizing tales
during the last hour of tlio scslon today
overcame nn avalanche of bullish news
fiom nil directions and caused a decided
slump In wheat. December , after an ad-
viince of 7-8c , closed YM3-Sa lower. Corn
left off unchanged. Oats lost Ic. Pork ad
vanced 7iic , lard declined 2'/ic ' and ribs are
up 2 < 4c.
Opening transactions In wheat were on n
larger scale than the pit has seen In n
month. The strength at Liverpool and the
enormous cash grain business dona hero
were the all-Important considerations. The
Liverpool advance was nearly twlco UH
great as the rally hero yesterday and tha
neaboard started by reporting further large
export engagements , lleforo the opening
crush had subsided the trade was apprised
of llfty boat loads. To add to the strength
which the market displayed there wcro
English cables reporting It probable that
Itutwia would prohibit exports of cereals.
Though these were promptly denied the
trade had plenty of other bullish news to
Htlmulato It on the buying side. Minne
apolis put her rales of Hour yesterday at
333,000 barrels , liroomliull cables that the
Australian crop had been damaged by
drouth and there was wet weather In the
northwest , which promised to cut off to
nome extent the arrivals In that quarter.
With all of this the temper of the trade
was skeptical. Some of the Important In
terests hero seemed ranged on the Helling
Bide and there was fairly free selling from
St. Louis. Local exporters were bearish
and claimed that the advance hero hud car
ried them out of line so far as exports from
Chicago were concerned. The actual clear
ings for the day were 477,000 bushels * .
Primary market receipts wcro 1.072,000
bushels , against 1,357,000 bushels n year ago.
Arrivals hero wcro 159 cars , against 103 last
year , and Minneapolis and Duluth received
3,135 carloads , an compared with 1,010 last
week and 920 a year ago. Though sales of
December wcro made early around 638 >
Co 3-Sc , an advance of last night's close of
3-8-ic , there was a backset to Gl D-iftGS&c
before noon. Directly after that time re-
liorts of 00 loads of wheat and 87 of corn
for export taken at Now York started the
prlco up to 62.1-Sc again. The weekly as
well as the dally calls wcro In this vicinity
and courlderablo opposition was experi
enced. During the closing , however , the
reports of export business at New York
were swelled to 100 loads of corn. The re
sulting excitement was Intense enough to
carry December wheat up to 65 4c , where
It was mot by the offerings of numerous
jicoplo who had good profits and were willIng -
Ing to take them. Though the New York
ntorles were supplemented with reports of
150,000 bushels of cash wheat and over
1,000,000 bushels of cash corn disposed of
here , It did not lighten the load of those
on whom the property had been dumped.
And In their efforts to shift the weight the
market was slumped down to r.4',4o for De
cember and the close was GIUOG13-8c. An
other depressing feature near the close was
a uscllne of IHc per bushel at Buda Pest
today and 3 c In the past three days.
An enormous export business and higher
cables caused a strong feeling In corn at
the opening. There was a temporary weak
spot early , however , on account of very
liberal sales by those who had prollta In
night. New York reported thirty boat
loads engaged for export before the open
ing here and this total was swelled to 113
loads In the course of the day. That threw
the old bull crowd Into the breach and
speedily developed a strong market , which
continued until wheat came to disaster ,
when corn traversed the same road. De
cember began l-SS'S-So higher at SOB-SOT
307-Sc , declined to 30',4c , advanced to 307-S
( i.31c , then reacted to 30\4c \ , the closing
llgure. ,
A scattered demand from scalpers and
nhorts Improved oate early. December was
comparatively very much stronger than
May , the spread being narrowed by 3-Ec.
There was a good shipping demand and
ivnsh prices showed as much' of an advance
iiii did December. The market finally
ylcldcd , however , with the slump In wheat.
'Ilprolpts ' wcro' 274 cars. May opened un
changed to l-8c higher at 23 t-8(523V4c. ( rose
to 233-8c , then fell oft to 23c at the close.
Mora reaHsurlng news from the south and
inn advance In the price of hogs at the
yards strengthened provisions at the start.
There were largo receipts of hogs at the
principal western points and "some disposi
tion on thn part of packers to sell , but
prices were advanced on heavy buying of
VIbs by houses with European connections.
Near the end , however , the market felt
the decline In wheat and the advance was
nearly nil lost. January pork started un-
'changed at $8.97. declined to $ S.92Vfe , then
rose to $9.10 and settled back to $0.0214 at
the close. The range In lord and ribs was
11J3sUmated. . receipts for Thursday : Wheat.
390 cars ; corn , 615 cars ; oats , 2S5 cars ; hogs ,
123.000 head.
Tne irudlnc futures ranged as follows :
Articles. Open. Hlrb. Low. Oloie. Yest'y.
Oat. . . . nsu 64U 04H
Dec. . . 03l } 04H
11117. . OBH 05H U5H
Oct. . . . 30WCJH .104 30 > i
Dec. . . . sojj-ai : iov 30 K
May. . . 33M S''H
Deo. . . 22 21M
May. . . S3H 23
Deo. . . 77S 787 770 7R2H 775
Jan. . . . 885 010 B CUH SOS
Dec. , . . RO 4R2H 47714 4 SO 480
Jan. . . . 400 4H5 400
Oct. . . . 835 627K 6 2H 615
Jan. . . . 470 4 72K * 07hi 4 70 _
Cash quotations were as follows :
WHEAT No. 2 spring , CSVic ; No. 3
No. 3 white , 24Ji25c.
HYE No. 2 , 486'4S c. .
BARLISY-No. 2. 3lff45c.
SEEDS Flaxseed , No. 1 , 90V4c ; prlmo Urn-
othv seed. $2.30.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , J7.75
? 7.SO. I.ard , per 100 Ibs. , $4. ! Tf4.87Vi. Short
rlba sides ( loose ) , t5.15ii'S.45 ; dry salt
Hhoulders ( boxed ) . $1.6 S4U2 . Short clear
uldra ( boxed ) , $5.2505.35.
WHISKY Distillers' ttnlshcd goods , per
nal. . $1.25.
SUGARS Cut loaf , unchanged ; granu
lated , unchanged.
The following are the receipts and ship
ments ( or today :
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was linn ; creameries , Ufi20c ;
dairies. 12 ® lie. KBBS , firm ; fresh , 14HC.
Cheese , steady ; cream , 7iigOVic. Llvo poul
try , In fair demand ; spring chickens , Sc :
hens , Sc ; ducks , GtrTc.
Quotations for the Dny on Gcncrnl
NEW YORK. Oct. 12-KLOUR-Rccclpts ,
42,089 bhls. ; export ? . 1J.125 bbls. ; market
more active and stronger , with early ad
vance In wheat , closing unsettled ; spring
patents , JJ.DOJH.&O ; winter straights , J3.10 ®
3.CO ; winter patents. J3.7GQ3.S5 ; spring
clears. J3.1583.49 ; extra No. 1 winter , $2.80 ®
3.00 ; extra No. 2 winter , $2.C5O2.75 : no
grade , $1.72 > i. to arrive. Buckwheat Hour.
dull and easy.
COHNMKAU Firm ; yellow western. 72c.
RYlS-Klrmerj No. 2 , 60Hc , c. 1. f. . 'fluN
870,415 ;
' " '
afloat. 6ptlons 'opened tlrm und"iiiov'eiopcd
prpnounced strength later , In consequence
of bullish cable news , largo export sales
nnd covering on Investment purchases.
Near the close a sharp break occurred on
Keneral realizing , which left the market
llnully unchanged to l > So lower. Sales In
cluded No. 2 May , 701-SQ70 7-Sc , closed
CORN Receipts , 103,600 bu. ; exports , 111-
JSS bu. ; spot , steady ; No. 2. 37Uc , f. o , b. ,
afloat ; options strong early on export ( If-
mand and cables , but later declined under
realizing und closed unchanged to Uc
hleher : May closed at SSc.
OATS-Hecelpts , 30,000 bu. ; exports , 10,255
bu. : spot , strong ; No. 2. 27Vic ! options , dull ,
, 1101'8-rirm ; 1SS6 crop , 4il7c ; 1SD7 crop ,
llOISc ; 159S crop , lW19c : Pacific coast , 1894
crop , 4Q7e ; 1897 crop , liQ13c ; U03 crop , 16
WOOL Dull : fleece. 17fi23c ; Texas , 13315C.
POULTRY-Ch'.ekens. So per lb. ; ducks ,
per pair , 40fj 0c ; turkey ? , spring , dry picked ,
largo. IMIMc per lb.
BUTTER Receipts , 3,640 pkgs. : very
flrm ; western creamery , 15Q2llsc ; Elglns ,
21'ic ; factory , llitfill'.ic.
CHEESE Receipts , 4.3SO pkgs. : steady ;
largo white , 81i i9c ; large colored , S > 409c ;
small colored , 9c ,
EGOS Receipts , 7,343 pkgs. ; firm ; west
ern , iv.ynwc.
COTTONSEED Oil * Firm ; prlmo crude ,
17UfISc ; prime yellow , 22c.
METALS Pig Iron warrants were quite
unsettled today , owing In part to con
servatism on the part of buyers and corresponding
spending concessions on the part of sellers.
Spelter was ciulte llrm on scarcity of of
ferings. The balance of the list In the
metal market wan stupidly dumb and
lacked Interesting features. At the close
the Metal exchange called pig Iron war
rants quiet , with $6.90 bid and $7.05 asked ;
lake copper , unchanged , $12.25 bid and
' $12.3714 asked : tin , unchanged , $17.00 bid and
$17.15 asked ; lend , unchanged. $3.87'4 bid and
$3.90 asked ; spelter , firm , $4.90 bid and $5.00
asked. The llrm naming the settling price
for lending western miners and smelters nt
the west quoted lead at $3.75.
Condition of Trmle nnil < lnotntlon on
.Staple nnil Kniicy Produce.
EGOS Good stock , ICc.
BUTTER-Common to fair , 1012c ; sep
arator , 21c ; gathered creamery , 19320c.
LIVE POULTRY Hens , tOWe ; old roon-
t'sre , 4c : spring chickens , 707'/4c ; thicks , f. ®
Co. geese not wanted.
GAME Teal , blue wing. $1.7B ; grcenwlng ,
11.50 ; mixed , Jl.73fi2.25 ; prairie chickens ,
young. $3.50 ; old , $2.50.
PIGEONS Live , per doz. , $1.00.
VEAL-ChoIce , So.
CELFRY-Per bunch. 30Q33c.
ONIONS New , per bu. , 2540c.
BEANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. , $1.25
POTATOES-Per bu. , 3545c.
CABBAGE-Pcr lb. , Ic.
ORANGES-Seodllngs , $2.75 ; Mediterra
nean Bweets , $3.00.
LEMONS California , $3.5006.00 ; fancy
Messina , $6.50Ji7.00.
BANANAS Choice , largo stock , per
bunch , $2.0002.25 ; medium sized bunches ,
$1.76i2.00. |
APPLES-Per bbl. . Jonathans , $3.50 ;
choice shipping stock , $2.75ft3.00 ; other
stock , $2.50.
WATERMELONS-Cratcd , 14S15c ; loose ,
PEACHES-Callfornla , 20-lb. case , $1.00. j
PLUMS-OrCKOIl. J1.0MI1.23.
PEARS Bartlett , California , out of the
market ; other varieties , $2.00j2.25.
GHAPES-Nntlve , per basket , 1313V4c ;
California Tokays , $1.BOQ1.65 ; New York
grapes , 1415c.
CRANBERRIES Wisconsin , per box ,
$1.25 ; Capo Cods , per bbl. , $6.2o@6.50.
NUTS Almonds , per lb. , large size , 12 ®
13e ; small , lie ; Brazils , per lb. , 910c ; EnI I
gllsh walnuts , per lb. , fancy soft shell , II ®
12c ; standards , 8J9c ; filberts , per lb. , lOc ; I
pecans , polished , medium , &U'7c ; extra I
largo , 8JJ9c ; large hickory nuts , Jl.00 1.10
per bu. : small , $1.15@1.25 per bu. ; cocoanutt.
Iier 100 , $1.505.00 ; peanuts , raw , 6fcc } ;
roasted , Vf.c.
MAPLE SYRUP-Flve-gal. can. each ,
$2.75 ; gal. cans , pure , per doz. , $12 ; half-
gal , cans , $6.25 ; quart cans , $3.50.
HONEY Choice white. I2Uc.
DATES Hallowce , 60 to 70-lb. boxes , BHc ;
Sair , 5c ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes , c.
FIGS Imported , fancy , 3-crown , 14-Ib.
boxes , lOc ; 5-crown , 44-lb. boxes , 13c ; 3-lb.
boxes , 22ft23c per box ; California , 10-lb.
boxes , $1.
CIDER Per half bbl. , $3.25 3.50.
HIDES-No. 1 green hides , 7c ; No. 2
green hides , 6c ; No. 1 Halted hides , S Jc : No.
2 salted hides. 7ic ; No. 1 veal calf , S to 12
Ibs. , 9c ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 7c.
TALLOW , GREASE , ETC.-Tnllow. No.
1 , 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2 > , fce ; rough tallow. IVic ;
white grease , 2i@24c ! ; yellow and brown
grease , lvi2Uc.
SHEEP PELTS-Green salted , each , 150) )
75c ; green salted shearings ( short wooled
early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( short
wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each , Be ; dry
flint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool
pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4g5c ; dry flint ,
Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts ,
per lb , , actual weight , 34c ; dry fllht , Colorado
rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , " actual
weight , 4ST3c : dry flint , Colorado murrain
wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3g4c. :
Ht. I.ouln Market.
ST. LOUIS , Oct. 12.-FLOUR-Flrm , but
not quotably higher ; patents , $3.4Sf(3.60 ( ;
straights , $3.15(53.25 ( : clear , $2.7&S3.00 ; low to
decided medium , $2.55.
WHEAT Futures closed nervous and
fractionally lower. Spot , higher ; No. 2 red ,
cash , elevator , 70o asked ; track. 71c ; Oc
tober , 6Sc asked ; December , C13-Sc bid :
May. 675-Sc asked ; No. 2 hard , cash , 63 ®
CORN Fractionally higher for October
and December , and a Hhude oft for May.
No. 2 cash , 30 < c bid ; October , Sic asked ;
December , 29'/io asked ; May , 30Hi30B-8o
OATS Futures irregular , with fractional
changes from yesterday. Spot dull , steady ;
No. 2 cash , 22 c bid ; track , 24c : October ,
22V4c ; December , 233-8c asked ; May , 24Uo
asked : No. 2 white , 26f(26V4c.
SEED-Flaxseed , nominal , S7lc.
POULTRY Easy ; chickens , spring. V&
< < J8c : old , 7c ; ducks , 5J4Q6c ; geese , 6e ; tur
keys. Mj9c.
EGGS Steady at 13c.
METALS Lead , dull , $3.70. Spelter ,
strong. $4.75.
PROVISIONS Pork , better : standard
mess , Jobbing. $7.85. Lard , higher ; prime
steam , $1.70 ; choice , $4.75. Dry salt meats ,
ribs , $6.00 ; shorts ,
RECEIPTS Flour , 4,000 bbls. ; wheat. 86.-
000 bu. ; corn. 36,000 bu. ; oats , 12,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour. 5,000 bbls. ; wheat ,
97,000 bu. ; corn , 71,000 bu. ; oats , 7,000 bu.
Dnltliiiore Miirltct.
BALTIMORE. Oct. 12. FLOUR Dull ,
unchanged ; receipts , 21,331 bbls ; exports
73 bbls. ; western extra , J2.BOO2.SO ; west
ern family , $3.25 (3.60 ; winter patent , $3.65 ®
3.85 ; spring patent , $1.254.40 ; Rio extra ,
$3.75Q4.00 ; rye Hour , medium to choice , $2.75
WHEAT Strong : spot , 72c bid ; receipts ,
99,399 bu. ; southern wheat , by sample , OU
9o'UN.-Strpng ; SP9'35ff35Jic ' : steamer
receipts , 11.5S7 bu.
RYE Strong and higher ; No. 2 western ,
BSWo : recdlpts. 44,579 bu.
BUTTER Market steady : creamery , IS
01SV4c ; Iowa northwestern ladle , 15c ; west
ern store packed , 12 < Jfl3o ; Elgin , 22c.
EGGS Firm and unchanged ; fresh , 1514
® 16c : western. 15ftl5V4c.
CHEESE Steady ; new cheese , full cream
Now York , 9J4iU ( ic per pound.
Clneliinntl ainrkrt.
CINCINNATI , Oct. 12.-FLOUR-In llpht
demand ; fancy. $2.9003.20 ; family , $2.25 ®
WHEAT Firmer ; No. 2 red , GSWc bid.
CORN Steady ; No. 2 mlxe < l , Sl c.
OATS Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 24lj24V2C.
RYE-Steady ; No. 2 , 51c.
PROVISIONS Lard , firmer , $1.65@4.70.
Bulk meats , quiet , J3.37& . Bacon , llrm ,
WHISKY Firmer ; $1.25.
BUTTER-Steady : fancy Elgin creamery ,
22c ; Ohio , 14 flSc ; dairy , 12c.
EGGS Dull , 13c.
Plilliulelnlilii Market.
firm ; fancy western creamery , 21o ; fancy
prints. 21c.
EGGS Quiet , steady : fresh nearby , 17Kc :
fresh western , 17c ; fresh southwestern and
southern. 16c.
MliiueniiollHVheut Mnrket.
BHAN-ln bulk. $ S.23i8.50.
New Orleiiim Mnrl'Pt.
UCTS Market quiet but steady.
COFFEE Market quiet.
RICE Market firm : ordinary to fatr , 66-S
< 381-2c ; ordinary to good , 4iQ5c.
Toledo Market.
TOLEDO , O. , Oct. 12.-WHEAT-Lower ,
weak : No. 2 red. December , CSc.
CORN-Dull , steady : No , 2 red , 73c.
OATS Dull , easy ; No. 2 mixed , 22c.
RYE Unchanged ; No. 2 cash. 4SVfcc.
n n I nth AVIient Mil r k p t.
DULUTH. Oct. 12-WHEAT-No. 1 north-
crn , caHh , 66ViO ; October , Clio ; December ,
B2 7-Sc ; May , 65c.
I.lvpriiool rirnlii MnrktM.
LIVERPOOL. Oct. 12-WHEAT-l'irm ,
, higher : October , Bs lOdj December ,
ifis eud ; March , r > s S'Ml.
COIlN-FIrm , TkOUid higher : October. 3s
G',4dj November , 3s 6V4d ; December , 3s 6',4d.
Mllirniikrc flrnln Mnrket.
HlRher ; No. 1 northern , 67c ; No. 2 northern ,
Ofl c.
RYE No. 1 , 49c.
BARLEY Lower ; No. 2 , 43HQ44c ; sample ,
Frniiplttco "VVIicnt Mnrko * .
Flrrnj December , $1.19 : > i.
BARLEY-ateady ; December , $1.22 $ 5-8.
tTiiilertone of HtreiiKtli III Mnrket
COIIIPH to Siirfnpp nnil llpnrn Cover.
NEW YORK , Oct. 12.-Tho undertone ot
strength which has been manifest for sev
eral days assumed the upper hand In the
stock market todny , Ignoring the continued
weakness In some of ths specialties and
driving the bears to cover , thus putting
an end to the decline In porno of these
stocks. Buying to cover short contracts
played no small part In the rlso nil through
the list. It was not the result of nn
awakened public Interest In the market but
was rather by capltallstn or groups of
llnnnclcrs Interested In this or that prop
erty , according to Inside support.
H was Rolling by Insiders' Influence that
sent Northern Pacific down last week and
sympathetically affected the railway list
generally. Today's sharp recovery In
Northern Pacific , which extended to 1 3-4 ,
was therefore n great relief. There wax
conspicuous buying also In Union Paclllc
preferred , the grangers and .some of the
southern and southwestern roads , the net
gains for many stocks reaching a point.
Kansas & Texas preferred was a con
spicuous exception with n net loss of
nearly a point. The speculation In- Sugar
and Tobacco continued active and feverish ,
and the market on these dominant special
ties was dominating. While Tobacco broke
4 5-8 In the early trading. Sugar made a
sharp recovery of Its recent decline , and
whllo Tobacco rallied nearly to last night's
close In the late dealings the gain In' Sugar
was more than wlpd out. There was a
striking movement In such gilt-edged Is
sues as Chicago & Alton , Great Northern
and St. Paul preferred.
There was no conspicuous development In
the general situation to account for the
change In Wall street , unless It might bo
the continued demand for cereals and the
advancing prices for them In foreign
markets. Money conditions In London were
slightly easier , which brought some buying
for London account , and there was an np-
preclable Increase of the supply of surplus
capital here. Thn closing of the market
showed quite a llrm tone In spite of weak
ness In one or two Instances.
Railroad bonds Improved In sympathy
with stocks and closed generally higher.
Sales , $2,030,000. United States old 4s , regis
tered , declined U bid price. Others were
The Evening Post's London financial ca
blegram says : The stock markets hero
opened steady today , but /julckly gave way
from lack of support and the tone gener
ally closed dull and lifeless. Americans
wcro exceptionally good on New York buy
ing and prices closed quiet at the best.
Kafllrs were easier on German realization ! ) .
Insurance risks on securities are reported
nt Lloyds against war with France at 10
guineas per cent to the end of the year.
These are really nothing bnt a few betting
transactions and Lloyds were so mistaken
In their view as to the outbreak of the
Spanish-American war that they are now
Inclined to quote high rates. French and
German exchange on London Is still rising ,
London discounts nro easier , opinion ? as to
the Bank of England's action on Its official
rate tomorrow being evenly divided.
Tne following are the clotting nuotnttoni
of the leading stocks on the New York
market today :
Offered. * Arst. paid.
Total stiles of stocks today was 34S.300
shares , Including : Atchlson preferred , 6.188 ;
liurllnKton , 13,2i > 5 ; Louisville & Nashville ,
3,310 ; Manhattan , 6,015 ; Metropolitan Street
Railway , 3.016 ; Reading preferred. 3,155 ;
Northern Pacific , 5,250 ; Northern Pacific ,
preferred , 4.500 ; Rock Island. 3,621 ; Union
Pacific , 9,530 ; St ; Paul , 18,625 ; Union Pacific ,
Denver & Gulf preferred , 8,829 , ; American
Oil company , 5,260 ; Tobacco , 100,900 ; Peo-
plo's Gas , 3,070 ; Sugar. 79,020 ; Leather pre
ferred , 3,570 ; Chicago Great Western , 3,150.
Now York Money Market.
Nominally. 2 % per cent.
per cent.
active business In bankers' bills at J4.S4W
4.S4U for demand , and $4.81 > .4SI4.Sia ; for
sixty days ; posted rates , Jl.SiVfctM.M ; com
mercial bills. J4.KOW.-fj 1.81.
GOVERNMENT BONDS Easier ; 3s , I05V4 ;
new 4s , reg. , 127 ; coupon , 127 % ; 4s. 110V1 ;
coupon , 111 ; 2s , 95 ; 6s , reg. , 112'/i ' ; Pacific 6s
of ' 99 , 102J4.
Closing quotations on bonds werj ai fol
lows :
PARIS , Oct. 11-Prlces on the bourse today -
day open * * ! firm , being Influenced by favor
able reports rgardlng the strike , but after
wards business bccnmo depressed on ac
count of realizations due to apprehensions
regarding the Fashoda question , added to
the anticipation that thn rate of discount
of ths Bank rjf England Is about to bo
raised , Foreign se. urltlcs were weak and
ttntos were agitated. Three per cent
rentes , 102f 30c for the account. Exchange
on London. 23f 32c for checks.
LONDON , Oct. 12. Amsrlcan securities
ruled dull und Inactive all day , owing to
political complications. The closing tone
was steady. The amount of bullion with
drawn from the Bank of England on bal-
nnco today was JCH.OOO. Bar cold , 77s
111-Sd. Gold Is quoted at Buenos Ayres nt
150.70. ExLlianga on London , 20 marks 43
pfg * . for checks.
BERLIN , Oct. 12. Prices were firm on
the bourse today , operators being encour
aged by the attitude of the western bourses.
International securities were generally
steady , and Americans and Canadian Pa
cifies were maintained. Demand for bank
shares was unnnlmatcd.
Nnil Krnnel ei > MlttltiK Uiiotntlou * .
SAN FRANCISCO , Oct. 12.Thiclosing
quotations for mining stocks today were as
follows :
Silver bars , R9Uc ; Mexican dollnrs. 47W ®
47f c. Drafts , sight , 17',4o ' ; telegraph , 20c.
XIMV York Mining Onoln loiin.
NEW YORK , Oct. 12.-The following are
the closing quotation * on mining atucus :
Choler 15 Ontario 359
Crown Point 12 Otihlr < M
Con. Oil. & Va. . . . 70 1'lvmontli 10
Deiulwood & > Qiilcknllver 12.
Ooulil & Ctinle 18 do pfcl 360
Halo & Xorcro-s. . . 92 Slerm Nevada 75
llomoslnkn 4501 St.imlnrd ' 160
Iron Silver X , 'nlon Con M
Mex'cnn ' 13 Yellow Jacket 13
London Stock Quotation * .
LONDON , Oct. 12. 1 p. m.-ClosIng :
Consols , tncnry lOOSi N. Y. Central lU'i
( 'enrols. account.193 9-V > IVnnsrvlvanla W-i
Canadian 1'acinc. . . SC'i Heading S'i
Krlo I3 j , l.'nlon Pacinc Dfd. . . 67
Krle. 1st Dfd 34 % Atchlnon , 1274
Illlonln Central 1123i
N . Pacific nfd ,7U Grand Trunk 79
HI. Paul common..110'i
BAR SILVER-Ensler , 27-id per ounce.
MONEY Vt per cent.
The rate of discount-n ( the open market
for short bills , 3 per cent ; for three months'
bills , 3Q3 1-S per cent.
Fliinuelnl Note * .
OMAHA , Oct. 12. Clearances today were
$1,367,937.89 ; balances. $101,2)1.33. Clearances
last year were $1,002,783.10 ; balances , $136-
931.08. Excess in clearings $305,149.79.
CHICAGO , Oct. 1 . Ciiailiiri * , * iJoiil,397 ;
balances , $1,793,333. New York exchange ,
lOc discount. Sterling exchange , posted
rates , 2 25-80 ; actual , $ i@I.S41-8 ;
sixty d.ayK , $4.S15fl.S3. Stocks active , un
changed. Alley L , 731-S ; Biscuit , 317-S ;
Biscuit preferred , 95 ; Diamond Match , 1C9 ;
West Chicago , 93 ; Strawboard , 31 .
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 12. Clearings , 5,9S3,171 ;
balances , $519,236. Money , 4&7 per cent
New York exchange , Be discount bid , 40c
discount asked.
CINCINNATI , Oct. 12. Money , 2'.4 ' ( < J3 per
cent. Clearings , $2,258,330. New York ex
change , par.
NEW YORK , Oct. 12. Bank clearings.
$161.838,601 : balances , $12,760,416.
BOSTON , Oct. 12. Bank clearings , $20-
20S.170 ; balances , $1,883,819.
PHILADELPHIA , Oct. 12. Clearings ,
$13,049.1M ; balances , $1,507,291.
BALTIMORE , Oct. 12. Clearings , $4,010-
143 ; balances , $655,726. $
New York Dry GooilM Market.
NEW YORK , Oct. 12. The now agree
ment for curtailment and the pooling of
stocks at Fall RiVcr was the subject of
much discussion In the dry goods trade to
day. The new plan Includes a shutting
down of various mills for eight weeks be
tween November 1 and February 1. The
market Hhowed no 'absolute gain todny on
the strength ofl this announcement , but
there was a stronger feeling prevailing
among sellers. .The quotation on extra Is
still 115-lCc , hut no sales at this figure are
reported. In the local market trading was
Blow again. The , weather iq said by Job
bers to bo unsuitable to the sale of sea
sonable goods und light trading Is the rule.
The .market for staple cotton Is quiet In all
line ? . Converters made no' heavy purchases.
The cutting up profit ) was of a. heavier cali
ber , but did. ( nnt , . meet expectations of
sellers. Expprty.jipocls , were In quiet re
Oil Mnrket.
OIL CITY , Oct.-12. Credit balances , $1.10 ;
certillcntes opened und closed at $1.11 bid
1 for cash ; no snHs ; runs , 92,026 bbls. ; shlp-
I ments. 106,238 bbls' '
1 SAVANNAH , Ga. , Ocf. 12. OILS-Splrlts
of turpentine , llrm nt 293-4c bid. Rosin ,
firm ; quotations : ' A. , B. , C. , D. . $1 ; E. ,
$1.10 : F. . $1.15 ; G. , $1.25\"H. \ , L , K. $1.40 ;
M. . $1.50 ; N. , O.i$1.70 ; ; W.1 , G. , $1.90 ; W. . W , .
"WILMINGTON , N. c. , Oct. i2.-oiLs-
Splrlts of turpentine , llrm at 30023 l-2c.
Rosin , nothing doing. Crude turpentine ,
firm at J1.15O1.70. Tar , quiet at $1.10.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORKOct. . 12. COFFEE-Optlons
opened quiet , with November 5 points
lower , other months unchanged. Ruled
moderately active , with weak undertone ,
following cables averaging up bcurlshly ,
deliveries beJng light ; the American visible
having sharply. Increased , and demand for
spot coffee being tame ; later rallied on
covering and local buying of the Invest
ment order. Closed quiet , net unchanged.
Sales , 15,000 bags , including- March , $5.80.
Spot coffee , Rio , market dull but about
steady. Mild , quiet. Sales small , Jobbing
Suirar Mnrket.
trlfugul , now , off yellow , 33-4c. Molasses ,
centrifugal , nominal at 21u. Cane syrup ,
new , 25(5 ( 3Cc.
flrm ; fair refining , 3 Il-16fc3'3-4c ; centri
fugal , 96 .test , 4 3-16f4 l-4c. Molasses sugar ,
37-lGf31-2c ; refined , steadier.
California Dried Krnltn.
DRIED FRUITS Firm ; evaporated apples ,
common , 68c per lb. ; prime wlro tray , SV c
per lb ; choice , 9o-per lb : fancy , 9Ho per lb.
Prunes , 4Q8V&C per lb. , as to size und qual
ity. Apricots , royal , 115il3c per lb. ; Moor
park , 12Jfl6c per lb. Peaches , unpeelcd ,
7QOc per lb. ; peeled , 12 < Jfl5c per lb.
\eiv York Live Stock.
cclpts , 2,316 head good beeves ; flrm ; com
mon and medium , steady : bulls , shade
higher , all sold : steers , $1.50575.00 ; bulls , $2.15
© 3.80 ; cows , $1.6001.63. Cables weak ; ex
ports , 300 head cattle and 600 quarters of
beef. Calves , receipts , 1,780 head ; market
active : veals , 25q .higher , $3.00ft8.75.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 9,944
head ; sheep , shade higher ; lambs , flrm to
lOo higher ; sheep , $3.0005.00 ; lambs , $5.50 ®
HOGS Receipts , 7,623 head ; market firmer
at $4.004.25.
I.ursre Union Pnellle HcpreHOiitntlon
In the Ncirly Elecieil Ilody.
SALT LAKE , Utah , Oct. 12. The annual
meeting of the stockholders of the Oregon
Short Line railroad was held In this city
today and the old Board of Directors was
substantially 're-elected. ' The directors ,
chosen are Oliver < \mcs of Boston , Francis
S. Bangs , W. D. Cornish , W. E. Olyn , O. H.
Harman , Otto H. Kahn , James Loob and
Wlnslow S. Pierce of New York ; Horace G.
Hurt of Omaha , Samuel G. Carr. T. Jefferson
Coolidge , Jr. , Gardiner M. Lane and Oliver
W. Mink of Boston , and George J. Gould of
Lakewood , N. J. Burt Is president of the
Union Pacific and takes the place of
Henry G. Oakraan. George J. Gould , G. H.
Harmau and Otto H. Kahn are new names.
U Is said the largo Union Pacific represen
tation on { he pew board does not mean a
consolidation ot the two roads , but that a
closer traffic relation will be established.
Now .Short Line tn Mexico.
FORT WORTH , Tex. . Oct. 12. Jamca J.
Hagerman of Colorado Springs Is authority
for the statement that the Pecos Valley &
Northeastern , the principal stock of which Is
controlled by him , will be extended to Bo-
qulllos , on the Rio Grande , ID Brewstei
county , to connect with the Mexican North
ern , which Is now being pushed from the
eouth to the same point , as soon as the
gap between I oawell , N , M. , and Araarlllo ,
Tex. , shall have been completed by the
construction force of ( he Pecos Valley com
pany. If the Pecos Valley road connects at
lloqulllos with the Mexican Northern , the
result will "be a through route from Chicago
and Kansas City to Mexico several hundred
miles shorter than any other.
Bun for the Day is Just About the Average-
of Lato.
Xnt .tinny Choice Tlilnn" on Sale , lint
All Are Taken HORN Sell In Just
Aliout Tnpmlny'Notolicn
Shccti Firm.
SOUTH OMAHA , Oct. 12.
CHTm jlfiirM Hlun. .
Receipts today B.9J3 7.GC5 7,750
Oiilclul Mommy t > , .nf iMivS 6.'J ' *
Official Tuesday M < 0 S.KO > ; 9.71' '
Three days this week..19,170 19,179 22,157
Same- days Inst week..Z4,511 lit.ou J ! , ii
Samu days week bofore..20,97l ) iSIlMU 13,34
Three weeks ago 14.61S 15kSS 17,4:10 :
Average price paid lor hogs for the last
several days with comparisons :
Oct. 1
Oct. 2
Oct. 3
Oct. 4
Oct. 5
Oct. 6
Oct. 7
Oct. 8
Oct. 8
Oct. 10. . . .
Oct. 11. . . .
Oct. 12. . . .
Indicates Sunday.
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. 'Hogs. Sheep. H'r's.
C. , M. & St. P. Ry. . 1
Mo. P. Hy 23 10
U. P. ttytttvm 102 17 15
F. , E. & M. V. H. U. . 75 22
C. , St. 1' . , M. & O. Hy B .1
H. & M. H. H. II. . . . 28 17
C. , B. & Q. Hy 9
C. , H. I. & P. Hy. , K. . . 6
C. , H. 1. & P. Hy.V 1 3 15
Total receipts . . . .235 US 31 2
The disposition of the 'day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Uuyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co. . . . . lil 1.14S . . . . .
G. H , Hammond Co. . . . . 4S 1,070
Swift and Company . . . 7U 1,511 1,124
Cudahy Packing Co. . , . . Ml 2 , < X > 2
Armour , Chicago 505 2 ' 490 1,576
H. Becker iuif Djgnn. . 332 . .
Vunsant & Co 42t !
J. L. Carey 117
Lobmiin & Co 317
llentoii & Underwood . . 21
Huston & Co 00
Hill & Huntzlngcr 247
L. F. Husz 105
Livingston & Schalcr . . 217
Hamilton & Co 802
MiCreary nil
Hammond , 1C. C 181 . . . .
Cudahy P. Co. , K. C. . . . 595
Other buyers 303 4.35S
Leftover 400 150 100
Totals 6,322 8.6S5 7,700
CATTLE There wore quite a good many
cattle hero today , but not many good
cattlu of any kind. The market us a whole
was fairly active and most everything In
the yards sold early. Buyers all seemed In
noea of supplies and the trade opened up
in good season In splto of the fact that a
good many cattle were reported back.
Only a few loads of cornfod cattle weru
offered and they sold early at gooJ , llrm
prices. The demand for grass bo-sf was
also active and everything that was any
good sold readily at strong prices. Ite-
celvers of fat cattle , either grass or corn-
fed , experienced no trouble In disposing
of everything at very satisfactory prices.
Cows and helfcra were in moderate supply
and under the Influence of a good buying
demand everything changed hands In good
season. The prices paid for all kinds of
butchers' stock was Just about steady.
There were not many desirable feeders
or stockers In the yards and buyers wcro
not long In clearing the yards ot all good
cattle of that description. The market
was fully steady , or oven strong , on the
most attractive kinds. Later on , after
buylns was pretty well filled up. some re
ceivers of late cattle complained that the
market was closing up slow. Hepresenta-
tlvo sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
18..1376 $4 75 23..11P5 $4 90
1..1320 4 75 16..1195 4 S5
22..11B5 4 75 G7..1291 B 00
21.,1207 4 75 17..1310 B 05
33..1173 475 68..12GG 605
10..1054 275 1..1300 310
39. . 911 2 73 : 7 3 15
1..1100 2 83 1..1130 4 00
2..1090 300 1. . 540 385
1..1320 4 00
47. . 946 4 10 3. 87G 4 15
43. KS9 4 15 41. 432 4 50
4. . 817 4 15 1. BOO 4 75
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
8 feeders. . 51S 13 90 31 feeders. , U10 J3 90
2 heifers. . 075 3 65
1 feeder. . . 870 4 00
3 feeder. . . S56 400
67 feeders. . 071 4 20
1 bull 1230 3 00
3 feeders. 650 3 75
12 feeders. , 935 4 00
1 feeder. , , 750 3 BO
21 feeders. , 841 4 40
1 heifer. . . , 900 3 15
2 cows 1015 3 15
1 cow 1030 2 90
10 feeders..1033 4 00
3 feeders..1103 4 00
C feeders..1180 390
19 feeders. . 818 4 05
1 stag 890 310
12 feeders..1091 3 50
1 bull 1170 2 25
1 bull 14TO 2 60
11 cows 119) 3 75
38 feeders. . 912 4 00
36 feeders. . 661 4 40
; mble.
6 cows 985 2 75
1 cow 1010 2 90
2 feeders. . 603 4 00
20 feeders. . 9S2 4 00
27 feeders. . 833 4 20
George and L. Finch.
2 feeders..1010 350 38 feeders.1038 410
70 feeders..1041 4 00
10 cows S70 235 Scows 1040 350
7 cows 7S2 275 Scows 1014 355
10 cows 1081 280 1 steer 1400 360
4 cows 857 290 3 ste-3rs..H60 360
1 bull 1080 2 90 8 COWS 1055 3 65
1 bull 1100 300 1 feeder. . . 920 375
1 bull 930 300 1 feeder..llfiO 373
2 cows 970 310 2 feeders..1050 375
1 heifer. . . 620 310 6 feeders..1066 375
1 cow 860 325 9 steers..1016 375
1 cow 1000 325 1 cow 1000 385
1 steer 10TO 335 25 feeders..1121 385
1 fleer 1140 3 40 175 fecders..lin 3 85
7 steers..1125 340 72 str. Tex.1036 3 SO
1 steer 1250 3 40 12 steers..1099 3 30
C steers..1073 .140 39 steers..1140 390
1 steer 1450 340 25 8teirx..ll60 390
6 steers..1148 340 77 steers..1091 390
8 steers..1025 350 2 steers..1000 399
31 cows 941 3 5j 25 steers..1259 390
1 steer 1160 3 50 35 steers.,1223 3 90
1 steer 940 350 1 feeder..1000 390
1 flteer 1160 3 50 2 feeders. . 735 390
1 heifer. . . 610 3 60 3 feeders. . 773 3 90
1 steer 960 3 50 19 steers..1212 4 15
1 steer 1106 360 21 sters..l290 415
10S feeders. S65 4 15 1 feeder. . . 910 4 15
A. Bossard.
1 bull 1210 2 60 57 feeders. . 891 4 00
C COWS 96) 2 50 61 feeders. . 874 4 00
41 cows 963 300
K. aiadley.
1 bull 1570 2 50 1 cow 870 290
3 COWS 95,6 2 60 2 feeders. . 8C ( 3 25
13 cows 1003 2 90 37 fieders. , 817 4 10
J. K. Ileliman.
2 bulls 14SO 2 65 1 bull..1740 269
8 COWS 1083 2 65 1 bull 1170 275
3 COWS 953 2 65 S4 feeders. . 9&5 4 05
Culver & ( jowen.
1 COW. . 740 2 25 61 feeders..1080 380
1 steer. . . . . 930 3 00 62 feeders. . 974 360
1 bull 730 3 25
HOGS There V.-JIH n good average run
of hogs on the market this morning. In
addition to which there were a few stale
loads that arrived yesterday too lain for
the market. Advices from other selling
points generally Indicated steady to strong
markets , so that the situation was reason
ably favorable to the selling Interests.
The market at this point was Blow to open ,
a sellers generally wcro asking for an
advance of at least 6c , while buyers wer
In nt mood to nut up prices , an they Imvo
been complaining that th-lr hogs wore i
coating them as much here us in t'hlcago , '
and that this market lx too high In com
parison with others. Choice , light hogs
were In good request and , they started out
nbout steady , the general run groin * at
J3.CA though a few brought 13.C3 , which
was hleher than wai paid for any full
loads yesterday. On heavy and mixed hogs
buyers were talking about the same prices
nn prevailed on yesterday's later market ,
whllo sellers were all wanting more money.
and It was Into b fore many loads changed
hands , in the end buyers had things their
c , n way and the hogs sold lurgely nt J3.65.
the p.imo na yesterday , with a few of the
rougher loads at } 3.50 and q til to. a sprink
ling at tlt.'i.
It will bo noted from the table of aver
age at head of column that wMlo the. mar
ket Is not IIB hlRh as It was the Ilrst of
the week It Is almost So higher than It was
a week ago. It will be remembered , however -
over , that last Wednesday and Thursday
were the low days In a good many weeks.
It will also b noted that hogs sold today
in practically the same notch as a yenr ago ,
but about 40c higher than two yi < ars ago. I vo sales :
3VI 120 350 23 2 ( . . . $3 BO
2 335 . . . S BO 12 153 . . . 350
f'S 310 . . . 362 < 4 48 331 80 3 KM
2 53o . . . 362J4 61 318 SO 3 62(7 (
' 302 80 362'4 ' 51 21 > 3 120 36214
13 319 . . . 3 E4 ! Bt 307 120 3 52ta
20 32o . . . : iB2l < , 26 311 . . . 3 B24
HO 307 80 3 62Vi 17 339 SO 3 62V4
14 293 SO 3B2V4 63 311 40 3 2'4
'f 2SI 160 3 E5 03 251 200 365
18 2SS 120 355 W 329 120 3 65
4S 3Xi . . . 3 f.5 67 271 40 335
til 263 120 353 67 320 . . . 3 ( ft
7l ! 200 2M1 353 46 R.V . . . 3 r > 3
CO 11 120 3 6n JS 272 120 335
50..1..333 SO 3 B5 71) ) 2S6 160 363
54 341 160 3 63 52 334 200 365
C5 287 120 363 15 274 . . . 3 65
11 231 . . . 365 C7 210 SO 3 33
70 260 (0 ( S 63 69 2 160 363
54 SB KO 35S 53 2V1 . . . 355
67 3'l ' 120 365 60 270 . . . 355
72 277 80 355 67 277 SO 3 IB
51 362 . . . 365 60 3)9 . . . 3 5Ti
171 274 SO 365 65 8SS 120 353
51 364 . . . 3 5n 10 329 . . . 365
168 271 160 3 63 Cl 321 SO 365
62 321 SO 3 iV. 64 316 . . . 353
| B3 SOS 40 365 ( S SO . . . 363
1118 327 4SO 3 63 4R 256 320 3 f.3
SO 297 200 365 71 293 2SO 363
'M ' 324 . . . 3 r > 5 61 2 < ifl . . . 363
71..293 280 3 F6 SI 266 120 365
60 26S 200 365 57 291 0 363
61 273 J.O . .Si 74 2S3 < 0 3 F5
4S 313 . . . 35"i D 21 160 363
60 266 40 353 5 ! > 273 40 3 ! w
( ,7 321 JO 'I 68 67 3M 120 36.5
45 278 10 353 61 315 . . . 3 KB
72 276 160 365 51 282 . . . 363
103 2V ? XO 335 71 202 120 363
56 342 120 363
61 306 2to 3 55 . SI 295 40 3w
73 26S 210 35714 63 279 . . . 3 67s ?
61 302 . . . 3 57 i 79 231 240 375
111 239 210 3 57M. 70 26 ? . . .
77 2 i . . . 3 67 < 4 < ! H 237 40
57 290 . . . 3 57'.4 47 323 . . .
| 62 27S kO 3 B7 < 4 65 252 200 3 63
LOO L'tM . . . 310 43 222 SO 360
6S J71 10 360 77. 246 . . . 360
79 235 2lf > SCO 129 2.19 . . . 360
' 30 231 KO 360 f,2 219 . . . 360
67 261 SO 360 SO 213 SO 3 fin
59 249 . . . 360 61 265 40 360
75 243 . . . 360 0 22fi SO 360
07 233 111 3 ffi 60 263 120 360
63 223 120 363 K 231 40 363
I i.9..21.1 . . . .1 b2 < J f > 3 217 10 362"
70 261 . . . 365 71 237 . . . 305
4 315 . . . 340 4 507 . . . 343
4 295 . . . 350 4 433 . . . 360
6 321 40 3G2V4 312 . . . 3 62 ! *
3 231) ) . . . 3 52'X , f , 227 . . . 3 62'i
5 312 40 3 621/ B 174 . . . 355
5 271 . . . 353 fi 2,1i . . . 363
1 .190 . . . 35714 7 155 . . . 360
8 202 . . . 360 G 256 . . . 3 f0
SHEEP There was a liberal run of sheep
again todny , but none too many for the
market. Killers were all In need .of sup
plies , and the market on fnt ptuff was ac
tive and fully steady. "A good , steady ,
active market , " was the way sellers were
putting It. There was also n good demand
for stockers and feeders and there was no
quotable change. In values. Quotations arc :
Good grass westerns , $4.0004.15 : fair to rood
grass westerns , fS.MKji 1.00 ; good yearlings ,
S4.201i4.35 ; peed to choice lambs , $5.15 < & 5.iO : ;
fair to good lambs , $4.9005.00 : feeder weth
ers , 2-ycar-olds and over , $3.7BSI4.00 : feeder
yearlings. Jl.OOfll.I5 ; feeder lambs , $4.2f/a-l. 5 :
culls , $2.50(33.00. ( Representative salt's :
No. AV. Pr.
1R ewes , feeders S3 $3 23
198 western sheep S7 105
165 wethers fc7 425
478 western wethers ? 2 430
44 lambs 66 4 M
276 breeding ewes 91 373
320 lambs , feeders 16 475
2SO old ewes S3 370
625 mixed U7 4 23
21S ewes and wethers 101 4 23
ild Utah ewes , fctilers 93 400
62 Wyoming mixed , feeders S9 4 M
212 Mexican wethers 85 4 15
162 Wyoming lambs 53 4 C5
357 Wyoming lambs 54 465
59 Colorado yearlings 63 4 15
VA Colorado wethers 99 4 00
31 Colorado ewes 81 325
210 Colorado mixed 85 4 00
7S2 western wethers 102 425
Lively Selling Movement at Cnttlc
and I'rlcen Iliile Stronger.
CHICAGO , Oct. 12. There was a lively
movement among buyers of cuttle today
and most sales ruled Be higher. Choice
steers , $5.35g5.85 ; medium , $4.70fI4.95 ; beef
steers , $1.0084.65 ; stockers and feeders , $3.W )
ft 1.70 ; bulls , $2.40S4.25 ; cows and heifers ,
$3.50f4.25 ; calves , $3.00 6.73 : western rang
ers. $3.00W4.60 ; western fed steers , $4.00 < 36.65 ;
Toxuns , $3.25-30.00.
Owing to the determined bearish attitude
taken by packers , it was Impossible to
put prices any higher , but there were re
actions from time to time and the market
ruled strong at an advance of about 5c.
Fair to choice , $3.72HS3.90 ( ; packing lots ,
$3.401(3.70 ( ; butcher , $3.50ft3.90 ; mixed , $3.45 )
3.85 ; light , $3.45f/3.85 / ; pigs , $2.75 < 53.65 ,
Trade in sheep was brisk and prices held
steady at yesterday's advance , inferior to
choice 8he p , $2.60jf4.75 ! ; western rangers ,
$3.5004.55 ; feeders , $4.0Oy4.10 : prime lambs ,
JI.GOirti.OO : western feeders , $ ( .8005.00.
RECEIPTS-Cattle. 12,500 head ; hogs , 2S-
000 head ; sheep , 15,000 head.
KaiiMiiN CHy Live Slock ,
culpts , 12,760 head natives ; 2,070 hend Tex-
nns. Supply largely range feeders. Dressed
beef steers , butcher stock and good style
feeders actives steady prices. Common
feeders unevenly lower. Choice heavy
steers , J6.2oSi5.50 ; medium , $4.701)5.25 ; light
weights , J4,40'ti6.25 ; stackers und feeders ,
$3.2liH.75 ( ; butcher cows und heifers , $2.75 $
4.60 ; western steers , $3.16&4.60 ; Texas steers ,
$3.00fi4.15 ; Texas butcher cows , $2.70 3.25 ;
canning stock , $2.10fi2.65.
HOGS Receipts , 12,740 head. Liberal sup
ply , good quality. Packers and shippers
active buyers nt Be advance In prlcts.
IlMvles. $3.6033.75 ; mixed , $3.5003.70 ; lights ,
$3.501(3.65. (
SHEEP Receipts , 1,930 hend. Supply too
llKht to satisfy demands. Trade very ac
tive ; flrm prices. Native lambs , $3.25(5.35 ( ;
native muttons , $4.0004.50 ; western mut
tons , $4.00if4.20 ; western lambs , $4.851(5.23 ( ;
western feeding lambs , $4.23 4.50 ; western
fr.odln . sheep , $3.75 4.00 ; western stockers ,
$3.2313.85. ]
St. I.o 11 In Lire Stock.
ST. LOUIS , Oct. 12. CATTLE Receipts ,
4,909 head , Including 2,400 Texuns ; ship
ments , 600 head. Market steady to strong.
Fair to fancy native shipping and export
steers , $4.60fi5.GO. bulk of sales , t3.00fi5.30 ;
dressed be f and butchers' steers , $3.70 ®
3.75. bulk of sales , $4.00nM.20 ; steers undci
1,000 Mis. , J3.45Q 1-70 , bulk of Bales , R'o'ip
4.25 ; Htockera and feeders , $2,60ff4.30 , bulk
of sales , $3.0034.30 ; COWH and heifers , $2.00
( (4. ( < 5 , bulk of cows , $2.5033.40 ; Texas and
Indian steers , $2.90ft'4.50 , bulk of Bales , $3.40
Q4.20 ; cows and heifers , $2,6303.25.
HOGS Receipts , 6,100 head ; shipments ,
830 head. Market steady to Htrong ; yorkers -
ers , $3.65 < fZ3.75 : packers , $3.65&3.85 ; butch
ers. $3.SOir3.87V $ .
SHEEP-Reeclpts , 3,400 head ; shipments ,
500 head. Market steady. Native mutton * ,
$4.00ft 4.23 ; lambs , $5.00(86.60. (
Cliieliinatl Live Stoek.
CINCINNATI , Oct. 12.-HOGS-DU1I ; $3.00
CATTLE-Steady. lower ; J2.DOf4.76.
SHEEP-Stcady ; $2.25 4.25.
LAMBS-Steady ; $4.23'i/5.S5.
Sleek In Sliclit.
Record of receipts of llvo stock at the
four principal markets for October \y
Cattlo. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha 6,210 7.950 7,425
Chicago 12,300 23,000 I5.COO
Kansas City 14,830 12,740 1,950
St. Louis 4.1MO 6,100 3,103
Totals 38,170 49,79-3 27,775
Telephone 1030. Oinahu , Neb
Dlie't wlre > U Chlcatn and New Tort
Corr'fpondrnUl John A. W rr n & Co.
Itoom4 , \ . V. Mfe Illd r. , Omnhn , Neb.
Direct Wr' New York , CUlcuao nuj
IVeitern Points.
When Traveling
Read The Bee . .
Here Is Where
You Will Find it ill the
Principal Cities.
Klmbnll Iloune .New * Slimd.
JnmcM M. Goilnril.
J. O. Spprrj- . V
Public I.llirnrj- .
WniloniP llotrl
lloiton PrcNH Club , 14 nosvrnrth St.
Ccncscc llotrl Norm Stniul.
City XCTTH Depot , Cor. Mnln nnil llronil.
Harvard University Itbrnry.
H. A. LoKnii , VIZ Went 10th St.
Cheyenne Club.
Auditorium Hotel New * Snnil.
tJrnni ! Pncllle Hotel Nerrn ntnntl.
( Jreat Nortlu-crii Hotel Xew Stnnd.
Pnlmer Houne wn Stniul.
PoMoftlee Xevrm Stniul. No. SIT Oenr *
linrn Street.
A.iioclntiMl Advertldcr'n Club , Pnlinc *
\Veddell House.
The Ilolleiulen.
Conimereliil Trnvelem * Ansoclntlan ,
MiiMonlu Tciniile.
tlrUeoe llron. . No. T.O South Tejon St.
Printers' Home.
Flnliel A Co.
Mux Flnhcl.
llrowti Hotel NewH Stniul.
Hamilton .fc KenilrlcK. IOI-I)12 ( 17th n .
Mol nln , Pitt & Co. , Srtn Sixteenth St.
Prntt Mcrcnntllc Co. . 1R17 I/nrlmer St.
The Sfntloner Co. , inth n.iul LaTrrwnca
Wliulnor Hotel Xevrn Stnnd.
.UOHC Jacob * , Hock Inlnnil Depot.
V. .11. C. A. HrailliiK Itoom.
\Vltr. & Ilennott , 2M W. Superior S k
.U. S. A. ItcnillnK Itoom
VV. A. Moore , Otli avenue nnil Mnlu Sb \
Helena Public I.llirarj.
12 ml I II n rice n
Heorire Clbnon.
I , . C , Fnrlx .t Co.
l.iither Cleveland ,
C. H. Weaver & Co.
Itobert Held , lu i : McGve St.
Conte * HOUHC Xrtm Stnnd.
MlKMourl Itepnbllcim Club , 005 Haiti *
more Ave.
Public Library.
HIcIc.Mi-ckcr Clprnr Co. , Otb and Wnlnnt
opponltr I * . O.
ttnlln-ny V. M. O. A. , room 2T Unioa
Depot , Knunaii City , Mo.
W. 8. EdmlBton , 112'i O Street.
Oliver < & Hnlnm , 1OU S , Sprlntc St.
Io > AiiKelrH Xevm Co. , ! al3 1-3 X ,
Sprliiff St.
Glinrlcn A. GIlllK't American ISxcliuna *
S Cockdpur St. , Trnfnlirur 84. , S. W.
Pnlillc I.llirnry.
Wit Hotel Ncivn Sdmd.
Cooper Union I.llirnry.
Ktflli Avenue Hotel Xcrrn Stnnd.
PMfth Avenue Hotel na4llnir Ilaom.
llroome Street Lllirnry.
llollnnil Iloiinc Hemline Hoom.
IforTiniiii Holme ,
liiiperlnl Hotel N'errii Stnnd.
Mpnlinnlm' nnil Triiderii * Free Iilbrary. \
\o. IS Himt Slvtrenth Street. 9
r reN Cluli , 12Onnnnu St. -
\VentniIniitcr Hotel Headlnir Hoom.
Wlndaor Hotel Ile illn r Room.
V. M. V. A. , ii : l Street a.nil 4th Arenae.
W. fVclio , 210.Wiulilnirton Ave.
SloCnrtney .t Co. , . ' 10(1 ( 25th St.
Veir York Hernld Itenajnir Room. 4i
Ave. Ue 1'Oltern. \
E. R. liurronfcuH , Went Center St.
IV. El. Joiien , f l Alder St
Portland Hotel Neivn Stand.
Mercnntllo library.
Pnlillo Mbrary.
Public I.llirnry.
U F. Hainniel , Lyceum Thcnter.
Salt Lake \ew Co ,
fulillo Library.
O. R. Oynton , Poitolllce .VcTfl Depot.
Hotel Hrntlleerv Stand.
( eorKC F. Ward ,
narrettfioti Hotel \eir Stand ,
tt on tin in I ii Hotel \eTvn Stand ,
lloel Vendome NeiT Stand.
I'ublle Library.
Kernld Fltctrlbbon , TOO Fourth St.
Hey Allen , . ' 121 Center Ht.
John IV. Graham 72a-72C RlrcnldB
llrundoiv'H XBTTII Stand , 721 ICdruond
function NCTTH Stand , 5O1 Udmond St.
I'renH Club.
VVlndiior Hotel. _ , '
U. J. JeH , 800 Olive St.
I'lantern' Hotel \eirr Stand.
I'ulillo Library.
VVIllnnl' . Hotel \cw * Hlnud.
Arllnirton Hotel. * .
"ouureniilonnl Library.
\irrlenlturiil Ileiiarliurnt Llbrnry.
irnotu Iteuillnir Itoom.
Preaiury Ileiiarlmeut Library ,
[ tcpubllcan .Vut'l , Coiuuilttee Room * .