THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TFESDAY , OCTOBER 11 , 1808. HIRING THE FESTIVE DOLLAR Ingenious Means of Wheedling the Wherewith from Masculine Pocket * , OLD-TIME BAZARS ARF OVERSHADOWED * "Thc Iloforincil Fifth I'onil" nnil What It "Will Io to Tliimc AVIio Mb- lilo nt the Unit Much ( or the Money. There Is certainly no better variety show on the boards than some of the charity fairs society women have been booming this au tumn , for women , whoso toques cover plenty of brains as well as plenty of curly locks , liavo taken the matter under their vigorous and reforming interest. Quo of the most successful snares devised tor wheedling dollars out of the packets of simple-minded man is the reformed fish pond. This Is a genuine body of water , with on Island In the center. This latter Is made circular In shape and about six or eight feel In diameter. Klght out of Its center rises a very gaily palnt'cd kiosk with a pagoda- shaped roof , and the remaining expanse of the Island Is covered with very green stage grass. The Isle Is then entirely encircled by a metal trough three or five feet wide , and by means of a very llttlo pressure put tbo cold ct el of a toy pistol li pressed against tbo visitor's forehead or shirt bosom ; lanterns twinkle , percussion caps cnap fiercely and tbo brigands and their wives order bands up and demand the usual alternative. lA pretense of search Is carried through , one of the marauding ladles takes down the visitor's name In a neat notebook and then , after coolly robbing him or her of some posseslon , the victim is allowed to go. lit rests with the whim of the brigands as to what shall bo taken. Sometimes a man's watch , scarfpln , or slccvo links are secured , white a card case , handkerchief or parasol Is sternly demanded of a. lady. Just as often , however , an unlucky explorer will issue from the highwaymen's cave minus a neck- tic , coat , Paris hat , or high-heeled patent leather Oxford tie , and In one Instance a nice young man was robbed of his ( lance who accompanied him. Every hour the brigand band hold an auction of effects at the cave door , or announce they will accept suitable ransom for the stolen goods. No body Is allowed to bid over a fixed limit , and the proceeds of the auction are turned Into the fair fund. WITH S1II2UI11A.N IN HIS 1111)12. How One of th IlodrKiinrd Wont to "Wliiclirfttcr , Ttventy Mile * Awny. " General Phil Sheridan making his famous ride from Winchester to Cedar creek to turn the tide of battle In favor of the routed Union troops did not ride alone , as pictures show him , Behind him , on foaming horses , rode his bodyguard of fourteen soldiers , who tnie. Dut during all the excitement , though filled with eagerness and enthusiasm , ho showed a remarkable calm whenever It could prove effective , "Ho balced just before wo reached the ncene of tbo battle to tighten his horse's girth and' take a draught at the bottle of whisky In hla pocket for ho know there was work for htm to do. While the bottle was at his mouth a shell burst over his head. Wo all rtuckcd. " 'I bcllcvo the rebels are firing at us , general , ' called out ono of the men , "Dut Sheridan never moved the bottle from his lips till ho had finished the liquor , when ho cast it away , mounted his horse and rode on at even a wider pace than be fore Into the flght , whllo men cheered him and turned to follow him and fight again. "This was the rldo of Sheridan as I Raw it with my own eyes. He certainly pre sented a noble enough sight as ho rode among the men with his bat off and the soldiers cheering him. During that day the bodyguard of fourteen men with their blown horscR fought without a thought of rest. IJut the victory our army wort was moro than a sufficient reward for the twenty-two hours we spent In the caddie- without a mouthful of food. " s.uoicnn Great I'rCNtlKC Kiirneil liy the \t-Kro Troop * lit HnntliiKO. It was Impossible to go much about Camp Wlkoff , writes Cleveland Moffett In Leslie's , without being Impressed by the great prestige that has come to the negro through the re- USING A ROD CHARITY. on to the big house that supplies the trough the water IB sent around the Island with a rush that recalls the rapids below Niagara falls. On lo the Island it Is essential to maroon n company of Damsels , selected , of course , with duo rofcrcnco to good looks. From thrco to six belles will pretty comfortably populate the place and each and every In habitant must bo dressed In the costumes of flfihorwomcn. A Dutch , a Breton , a Neapoll- < an , a Basque and Norwegian fisher maiden raako a gay and pleasing combination and these serve as saleswomen for bait to buy rods and lines stored In the kiosk. The stock of tbo lake consists of very artfully made end artistically decorated fish of all sizes end species. They are composed of pressed paper and every fish has a prize In his body and a ring In his nose. Fun and FUh. For a sum , flxed by the fair managers , visitors are entitled to a fishing privilege , and from any ono of the damsels on tun Is land receive a neat llttlo line , baited only with a hook. As the fish go rushing round the Island In the swift current , the effort must bo made to put the hook through the ring in the nose of any specimen coveted. When a fish Is landed a line on the papier macho body shows where a knlfo can be In serted , the catch laid open and a prUo drawn out. Of course , one fish docs hold * prize worth having ; a pretty piece of jewelry , a sliver shoo hook , or some such covetable thing , while the rest colntaln tin- Bel trifles. On excellent authority , it is said that playing a muscalongo or landing a salmon Is sleepy work , in comparison with this artificial piscatorial endeavor , At the first fair where the fish pond got down to business , ten minutes after the doors of the hall where the fair was held were opened , a strange , assorted mob took possession of the well-stocked waterway. Hound and round the lake raced tha crowd , made up of llttlo boys In petticoats , clergy men in long-tailed coats , reverend grand fathers , noble-looking dudes , fat matrons nd debutantes In lovely frocks , all bawling , scratching , saving , pushing , wildly gesticu lating , tramping on each other's corns , but In a gale of merriment and every one pursu ing a special and speedy fish. A small girl fell plump Into the lake , was whisked out , but not a fisherman or woman stopped to soothe or render it .to Us nurse. Now and then , with n wild yell , somebody would beat a way through the crowd , exhausted , but clutching a fish and radiant over the choco late cigar or tin watch U would bo found to contain. Serious and scientific fishermen declared they had moro fun over one gilt paper min now than over the ninety and nine shining trout or tarpon ever taken. Soiilul IIlKhiiiiymuii mul Women. If there is a feature of the now and Im proved charity fair that presumes to rival the fish pond , It Is the brigand's den. Into this servlca are pressed all the young gentlemen banjoists and young lady warblers who used to hold forth at the fairs to the great misery of tbo crowd. In place of tbo banjo and sheet music , they are given toy pistols , tin swords and wooden daggers , and wear these weapons with the appro priate costumes of Turkish , Sicilian or Montenegrin highwaymen. With their feminine fellow brigands this troupe Is given possession of a passageway marked "dangerous. " Venturesome folk who enter hero think they have fallen c-n a free show and find themselves wandering In a weird , dark sort of lumber room of high piled soap boxes that pretend to bo rocks , brooms waving tUelr straws In the air as trees , paper snakes celled as for a spring , while stuffed owls perch about like eagles. Suddenly there Is a command to halt , and alone of the sixty that had eet out were able to keep the pace their leader set. These men saw all the excitement of the day , slnco they stayed close to their general and followed him In till his movements. Among them was Private O. Prank Lldy , now In business in Chicago , who has been staying in Kansas City several days. 'Mr. Lldy has preserved well the memory of that famous ride , the most exciting Incident of his war experiences , but his account of it differs in some particulars from that of the histories. "On the evening of October 18 , 1864 , " said Mr. Lldy to a Kansas City Star reporter , "I was ono of 200 cavalrymen de tailed to accompany General Sheridan from Winchester to Cedar creek , -where the army lay. I was a private In Company O , Seven teenth Pennsylvania cavalry. The detail was made up at 11 o'clock at night and at 4 o'clock next morning we were all ordered out and proceeded to Kcarnstown , three miles southwest , whore wo were to await the general. Wo were camped , I remember , In a historic old cemetery. In the morning wo heard firing from the direction of Cedar prcek , but thought nothing of It till Sheridan rode up on his big black 'horse ' , Rlenzi , and ordered the first fifteen files of four men each to saddle Immediately and accompany him. "In a moment wo were ready and off In a wild gallop through the dust , down the road , our general leading us by a good dis tance , nervous and eager at the same time. Wo did not take the road direct to Cedar creek , for that way was dangerous , but turned Into byroads and then across the open fields , riding all the while like the wind. The general sat firm in his saddle whllo the great black horse under him , with his neck outstretched , bore film on with a long , bounding gallop that never lessoned except when his rider checked him or the hills "were steep. There wore few horses In tbo truard that could keep that pace , and ono by ono they dropped behind , till only fourteen of us were left. "Tho general never 'halted ' for his guard. I was mounted on a fine bay mare I had taken from a confederate officer and she ran nobly that day or I would never have rid den to Cedar creek so close behind my gen- oral. oral."I "I remember two incidents of the ride I have never seen In the books. Wo were riding on a narrow , half deserted road when suddenly it turned and we saw a deep cut where U passed through a hill. General Sheridan drew rein ho was about 100 yards In front of me and walked his horse cautiously forward. Staring hard , we saw a group of men on the hill beside the em bankment. They ted all their clothes off except their shirts and were busy running their finger nails along the scams of their clothes. " 'Hullo , boys,1 called out the general , 'are you cracking fleas ? ' "Ono of the fellows rose , with his shirt flapping In the wind , his long , gaunt , bare legs outlined against the sky , and surveyed his questioner with contempt and Indigna tion. General Sheridan was In fatigue uni form , with nothing about him to Indicate his rank. He was not carrying a flag , as the pictures would have It. " 'Fleas ! ' he shouted. 'You fool do you think wo ore dogs ? ' "With a laugh , we galloped on. "Meanwhile the cannonading grew louder and louder and when wo took to the high way wo found It crowded with fleeing and wounded soldiers , all of them demoralized with fear. You have read how they turned and cheered Sheridan , bow he shouted to them , "Turn the other way , boys , we're going back , ' and bow they followed htm back to Ccbt the battle over again. That Is all cent fighting. At the lunch counters , at the canteens , at the railway station , everywhere , one felt that the old barrier between black men and white men haa been broken down In a great measure through those feats of heroism performed by our colored troops on San Juan hill. God bless the nigger ! Is the feeling of every Rough Illder no ho thinks what might have happened to big regiment but for the Ninth cavalry and the Tenth cavalry. And the whole finny shares that feeling , and the whole countiy soon will share it. So it comes that the colored sol dier is asking no odds of anybody these days. And sea what a splendid swell the blade trooper la becoming. There Is no one In the army who takes moro pride than ho in hla accoutrement or spends more money upon It. In tbo Tenth cavalry are negroes who boast half a dozen blouses , four or five pairs of trousers , and gold-plated spurs , if you please , and solid silver bits. They nro rap idly becoming the dandles of our army , tbesa black troopers. And then hear them tell of their war exploits as they sit about the tent doors , polishing their sabers until they might eerve as mirrors. | Hero Is ono story I beard In such a group : "Dar was a Spanish off'cer on dat hill , an * I was a-layln' down a firln' away nn' a-flrln' away , tryln' my best foah to git ' 1m. Ah could see bis sword a-flashln' an' all his gold medals a-shlnln' on his breast , but Ah couldn't git Mm. Ah never seen such a man as dat Spanish off'cer. Ho didn't seem to be afraid o' nuthln' . Rv'y time I'd flan I cu'd see the dust fly , and sometimes Ah'd go one side and ve'y close , and sometimes Ah'd go on t'other side vo'y close. But dat Span ish off'cer never budge. Vo'y brave Spanish off'cer. " 'Git yeh next time , boss , ' Ah'd say , but Ah'd inlss Mm ng'ln. " 'Guess Ah must bo boodcoed , MIstah Span'ard , ' Ah'd say , aftah while , " ' .Mus'n't laff too lone , Mtotah Span'ard , ' Ah said uftah while , an' a ball went right thro , ' bis he'd. Dat was number twenty- eight Ah'd counted ebry one. " I You Invite disappointment when you ex periment. DeWltt's Little Early Risers are pleasant , easy , thorough little pills. They cure constipation and sick headache Juit as auro as you take them. ONIOUE FRAME FOR WAR SHIP Artistic and Suitable Betting for Cherished Pictures. SOUVENIR OF THE RECENT WAR I'liiiin mul SiicplllcutlotiN for n llnml- onie uml Mitnccntlvc Home Decoration Article * to lie lined. Thcro are thousands of families through out the country who feel a very personal' ' Interest In souio ono 'boat ' in our great navy , having had cither a brother , coualn , uuclo or sweetheart afloat during the recent war. For them this style of frame. Is rccornrnoiided as an agreeable setting for their cherished photographs. And hero Is the way to make one originally designed to fratno the flagship New York. For a thin foot-fratno use chestnut wood , with Irregular largo grain , well seasoned. [ For a small frame a wood with finer grain . U preferable. I Have n frame maker miter a gilt moldj j Ing half an Inch In "width around the picture - ; ture ; then some chestnut strips , thrco or four Inches wide. At ono edge piano a rabbet to receive the gilt molding , and then have the frame mitered to proper eize. eize.Round Round the corners of the frame slightly and If possible plane a groove In the edge to receive a rope binding. | With some .dark oak filler , that may bo i purchased at any paint store , darken the outer edge of the frame and gradually lighten the surface toward the Inner edges. ' The filler should bo used sparingly on a stiff cloth , and after It Is dry , having stood for a row hours , glvo the entire frame a very thin coat of shellac. Use good manllla rope , about threc-quar- tcrs of an Inch thick , and with glue and slim steel wire nails fasten It all around the .edge of the groove. Where .the ends of the rope meet a good joint can bo made by cutting the rope straight across with a sharp knlfo and fill ing the end with liquid glue. Bind string tightly about the end for an Inch or so , and all the surplus glue will bo squeezed out at the end. Wipe this off and let the glue eet for a day or two , when the ends can bo brought together , and If the union is carefully made the Joint will scarcely bo perceptible. The little flaes at ono corner arc of silk and are attached to small sticks. With .fine nails and glue they may bo arranged In the position suggested. The capstan , gun and projectiles , as well as shield and laurel wreath , may bo cut either from wood with a pen-knife or painted in oil colors to represent the ob jects. I-.VIIOIl AM > INDUSTRY. About 65.000,000 pounds of beet sugar were raised In California last year. At Concord. N. C. . the new cotton mill of Llppard & Shealey will bo equipped with 4,000 spindles. nastern labor papers state that over 12,000 operatives will bo thrown out of employment In October at Fall JUver , Mass. , on account of the closing down of cotton mills. The Import of American shoes Into Ger many , although still rather small , has In creased very rapidly within the last eighteen months and has demonstrated most conclu sively the practicability of exporting shoes to that country. At Whitehall , Oa. , the Georgia Manufac turing company haa purchased equipment for a 3,000-Eplndlo plant and the new build ing Is nearly ready to receive It. The con cern now operates 12,000 spindles and will probably have tbo new machines running soon after New Year'B. The rapid substitutions of elcctrlo traction lor animal power may bo Judged from the fact 'that since 1891 the number of bones employed In the street railway service has declined 170,276. nearly 90 per cent. The total length of the lines In the United States equals IC.OS9.S7 miles. Uangor manufacturers are sending canoes of birch and canvas to IMlcstlnc , Japan , India and China. One recently sent to. India was mode to the order of a llrltlsh officer and the cost of transportation was moro than $70. A canoe- Just ordered Is Intended for a trip tip the Hlvcr Jordan. The National Labor Tribune says that the finest steel mill In the United States fa1 the manufacture of hoops , cotton tics and bands will be erected this fall at Moncsscn , Pa. , by the Moticsfcn Steel company , at a cost of $400.000 , and over 200 men will bo given employment after the first of the year. As a result of a canvass of the entire state , the labor commissioner of Michigan reports that prevailing Industrial conditions are better than thev hnvo been for several years. A special canvass of every county shows a very largo decrease in farm .mort gages during the last year. A now glass concern at 1'lttsburg has 1m- piovcd a pioccss whereby n wonderful ex tension of the sires of Klasswaro can bo made. Among the samples Is n round Jar about thirty Inches high and twenty inches In diameter , which will hold fifty gallons , and near It Is a class tank suitable for electro-platers , holding twenty-one gallons. Thcro Is a sinmro Jar , twenty-four Inches high and 12x13 , holding thirteen gallons , and a section of four-luch glass plpo about sev enty-eight Inches long. The Typographical Journal mentions n new typesetting machine which not only sets typo In any length of line desired , but also Jus- tides the lines automatically and perfectly , which the present machines cannot do. The new machine is automatic , changes In length of line .can bo rapidly made by the operator , and It Is further claimed that matter can bo broken around cuts caster than by hand composition. Zinc ere took another Jump at Joplln , Mo. , last week , advancing from $30 to $33 a ton , coming within Jl of the highest prlco on record , which was reached four weeks ago. Never since the discovery of zinc In south east Missouri have the prices of this ere continued nt such figures as for the last month , ranging , us they have , from $30 to $31 a ton for ere In the bin. The pre&eut advance Is attributed to the increasing de mands for zinc ore. Ilubbor-tlrcd wheels nro now very com monly used on such vehicles as coaches , coupes and hansom cabs , and within a year' or two they have cotno to bo used to acry considerable extent on lighter chicles , run abouts and light wagons. They have ute- vlously been placed on heavy top buggies , such , for example , as thosa used by physi cians. Now besides the Increasing USD of rubber-tired wheels for various sortu of ve hicles there Is a great Inveaea In the use of pneumatic-tired wheels. The Philadelphia Press saya : "Thpro is not as much talk of Increasing the lrgch at the steel rail from thirty to sixty leet ab there was a few years ugo. The 1'eiiuryl- vanla Railroad company some time ago iiild considerable of Its road with elxty-foot lalla , but it was stated since that no moro Of the rails of this length have been ordered , and It Is not likely that more will bo bought until after something shall have been dis covered to prevent contraction and expansion by cold and heat. " Typographical union No. 6 of Now Vork acquired a tract of land last spring in the suburbs of the city for some sixty membora out of work to experiment upon in farming. They each received from half to a whole aero of ground and an experienced farmer was employed to superintend operations. Many of the men lived in tents close by nil summer and attended strictly towork. / . Their crops have been a success and the health of all has been Improved. Several of them have expressed a desire to become reg ular farmers. What the union wanted to de termine by the experiment was whether the unemployed would work and whether It wa9 feasible to make farmers of them. Tbo sixty farmers will divide about J5.000 from the sale of potatoes alone. HE DID NOT COMU HACK. But In the MornliiK All tlic Trenches Were UUK. When the American line bad fought its way to the top of the hills at El Paso and San Juan and Coney , relates the Atlanta. Constitution , General Wheeler Issued an order - dor that every command should dig trenches In preparation for the conflict that be knew would break out again in the morning. Bui tha soldiers bad thrown away most of their trenching tools during the fierce rifle charges , and as darkness fell upon the scene of battle they threw themselves upon the ground and went to sleep from sheer ex haustion. Adjutant Hood of the Hough Klilcrs , noting this condition of affairs , rode over to General Wheeler's tent and In- fornicd the good old veteran that the men were played out. Wheeler nt the tlmo was lying upon his cot moro dead than alive , but there was a smile upon bis lips and his never falling good humor twinkling in his eyes , when Adjutant Hood said : "General , I'm afraid our men can't dig the -trenches , " "What men ? " asked the general. "Tho cavalry division , " said the adjutant. General Wheeler Bat up in bed and began pulling on bis boots. "Send mo the man , " he directed. "What man ? " asked the adjutant. "Tho man who can't dig trenches. " A PICTURE FRAME. "But It IB not ono man ; it is many men. They are Just played out. " 'But ' you can surely find one man who says be can't dig the trench. I only want ono. Go , get him and bring him to me. " "But < there are " "I don't care how many there ore. Go , get me one. " The adjutant had never faced such a man as Wheeler before , and ho did not know Just what to ranko of the conversation. Tbo little old general was as eroooth and suave and courteous as could be , and Hood had nothing to do but ride back to the lino. In some way ho managed to round up a colored trooper belonging to tbo Ninth cavalry , and brought him back to the divi sion headquarters. He stood looking sheep ishly at tbo ground when Wheeler ad dressed him. "Are you the man who says ho can't dig thane trenches1 asked the'general. . The negro's feet shullled uneasily on the ground. "J'ee ono of 'cm , boas , but there's a " The general stopped him and walked out of hla tent. "You can go to sleep now , my man , and I'll go up and dig your trench for you. When the sun comes up tomorrow mornIng - Ing the Spaniards are going to open on us , and eyery man who Isn't protected Is not only in danger of being killed , but ulTl be nnntJa da bain maintain our own position. Tha trenches have to be dug , and It you nro unable to dig youm I'll Ju t go out und lo It for you. Where's the pick ? " With the most buslncss-llka nlr In the world Wheeler slid Into bis coat and turned : oward the big cavalryman. The lattcr's eyes opened as ho saw the proceedings , and they * began to bulge out when the gen- cm ! motioned to him to loud the \\ny to his camp. For half n , minute his voice stuck In hi * throat , and then ho sntd : "Doss , you nln't fit to dig no trenches. If they done got to bo dug I'll Just natu rally do It myself. I1 in dog tired , but that ain't work for you. " Wheeler stopped and looked nt the man with a nicker of amusement In his eyes. "I know it Isn't work for mo to do , " ho said , "but I am going to need soldiers In tbo morning , and I nm going to save your llfo If passible. Do you think now that you can dig the trench ? " The negro started up tbo hill without a word. Then the general turned to Adju tant Hood , with u volco as pleasant ns sunshine In May. "Ho seems to hnvo changed bis mind , ho said. "Now , you go llml me another man who can't dig the trenches. " The ndjutont bowed and rode off. Ho never cnmo back , lu tbo morning tbo trenches were dug. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup stands unrivaled the remedy for hacking coughs. Senator Klmoii'M I'ollcy. PORTLAND , Ore. , Oct. 10. Senator-elect Jorcph Simon , In an Interview regarding his course on the leading questions which will como before congress today , said : I favor the retention of the entire Philip pine group and I should not ngrco to the ratification of a treaty that remits any portion tion of them to Spain. I am for government construction and control of the Nicaragua canal and favor a I'aclflo cable. I am for a urgcr standing army and a greater uavyt. I nm especially anxious for a firm establish ment of the Kold standard and reformation of the currency by retirement of government paper obligations nnd the creation of a bank- trg currency. These mitisurcs are of great urgency , both because of our prospective trade expansion nnd because postponement can onlv result In disaster when the pcx1 llimnclnl dllllcultlcB occur. STRIKING MINERS ENJOINED Wrlln iNMMPil Itetiiriiulilo nt thr Jnu > unry Term or Court nt SiirltiulU'lil , ST. LOUIS , Oct. 10. A special to the Dis patch from Cnrllnvllle , 111 , , says : Upon peti tion of Fred W. Lukeua , manager of the Chlcago-Verdln Coal company , Judge Owen Thompson of the circuit court at Sprlngtlcld 1ms Issued an order on the circuit clerk of Macoupln county , directing his to Issue writs of Injunction against a number of Vlrdcn's most prominent miner citizens. These writs are returnable at the January term of court. Otllcers began serving the papers today. In the petition Mr. Lukcna cites tlmt his prop erty Is endangered by the actions at the men enjoined. Warrants will nlso bo Issued against strikers who unstated In running the Chicago deputies out of Vlrdon. Other local processes for restraining the strikers ars under way of being executed. Several hundred Sprlngllcld miners have arrived In Vlrden since midnight. The strik ers arc elated over the governor's stand In refusing to send troopa hero. Lukcns will have another conference with the executive today. The minors assert they have not violated lated the law. Tholr lenders Instructed "General Bradley , " the Mount Ollvo agitator , that If ho did anything to Incite the men he would have to leave the town * The strikers -havo reason to believe the negroes will ar- rlvo today or tonight. ANHEUSER-BUSCH BEER Contains every element that makes a healthful and desirable beverage , Purity , Perfect Brewing , Proper Age , Giving piquancy , zest , satisfaction , true refreshment. The Original The Faust Budweiser The Anheuser- The Michelob Standard TheMuenchener The Pale Lager Brewed and bottled only by the "NOT HOW CHEAP ; BUT HOW GOOD" Is the Association's Guiding Motto. Good , pure , clear , healthful Beer , made of selected grains , costs more to make than the indifferent kin'ds , therefore commands a higher price. Anheuser-Busch Beer is served on all Pullman and Wagner Dining and Buffet Cars , all Ocean and Lake Steamers , and in all the best Hotels , Cafes , Clubs , and families. Used by Army and Navy and at Soldiers' Homes. NO CORN USED. CORN BEER IS NOTHING BETTER THAN A CHEAP IMITATION OF GENUINE BEER. , , MALT-NUTRINE , the purest Malt Extract the Food Drink a boon to the weak and convalescent is prepared by this association. Beautiful new booklet free. Anheuser-Buich Brewing Ass'n , St. Louis , U. S , A. S The Finest [ POSITION SOUVENIR IS ISSUED BY The Omaha Daily AND ITS SPECIAL PEACE JUBILEE NUMBER NOW OUT. Handsome Portraits and Beautiful Illustrations of PRESIDENT McKIEEY AND HIS CABINET. PEACE COMMISSION. MILITARY AND NAVAL HEROES OF THE WAR. Trans-Mississippi AVar Governors Officers of the Exposition U. S. Government Commission. Public Reception Committee. New Views of the Best Exposition Features , PEACE JUBILEE NUMBER OF THE BEE : Send Copies to your frien els. Postage 2 cents. IS LIKE A GOOD TEMPER , "IT SHEDS A BRIGHTNESS EVERYWHERE. MANHOOD RESTORED VlUllier will quickly cure all nerrou , 01 dlnoaaeitof Ihu gener U o or- ( tans brvuchtou by youthful errors or iizcenmj * . such a Manhood , liKOmnltt. Biiermnlorrboo , I'aini In Ilack. Kvll Dreams , Sumtnal Kuilt- Ion , Nervous Mobility , I'luiples , llcabiwUu , Unfltnrku lu Marry. Ex- liauutlnc DralnH. Varlqocel * And ConstljiMlon. Btopa lo nrn by day or nlffht. Preventqulcknetu offlUehnrge. which Joidn to Hpcrmntorrhot * and JmpoHucy. tltitiim ! h llvor , kdn ( v * and urinary onmna of all BEFORE and Ak-lBR ImpurlUei. . btrenctUra * n4 r tor i imall w&alc organ * . 41.00k box , 0 ( or 93.00. Guaranteed to our * . snd for ttae ohcular and CUUO le ll- neoUlt Carol Ucdloini Co. , Su rrtucUce , Cal. Vvrialo bj Uojarn , UUloa Drue Co. Offikh