I NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS- an .vim MENTION' . Stockcrt Carpet Co. , 205-207 Bwy. Mooro's food kills worms nnd fattens. C. n , Jacqucmln & Co. , Jewelers and op tlctans , 27 South Main street. Born To Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Stubbs , 27 Harrison street , a dauchter. Park City ledge No. 606. Independent Order dor of Odd Fellows , will meet tbls evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. C. Weeks of Winter set , la. , arc In the city taking in the expo ultlon. Lily camp No. 1 , Royal Neighbors o Amcrlru. will meet this evening nt 7:3 : o'clock sharp. Mr. and Mis. W. C. Woodward of Slou : ritv nro In town to take In Jubilee wee ! at the exposition. A. C. Merger of Sioux City , accompanies by his wife and child , arrived yesterday 01 a visit to tha exposition. Mr. and Mrs. D. I ) . Snarks of Fort Smith Ark. , arrived yesterday to take In Jubllci week at the exposition. The Oanymedo Wheel club ontertalnei Its friends at a smoker In Its rooms at th Grand Annex last nlcht. Miss Lllllo IHrcbncll of Hollldnysburg Fa. , Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. A Dobbins of Sixth avenue. A case of scarlet fever In the family o K. Schlckctanz , 1323 Pleasant street , wa reported to the Board of Health yesterday. J. C. Blxby , heating and sanitary engineer Plans and specifications for heating , plumb ing and lighting. 202 Main , Council Bluff ! The meeting of the Pennsylvania clul of Pottawattarale county called for till evening has been postponed until next Sun day. day.Don't you think It must bo a pretty gooi laundry that can please so many hundred of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle,1 72J Broadway , The Misses Sue and Ellen Johnson of New ton , la. , are visiting their brother , Alder man J , D. Johnson , and taking In Jubllci week nt the exposition. 0. P. Thompson , a buggy manufacture ! of Minneapolis , Minn. , accompanied by hi wife , spent Sunday with his brother-in-law C. W. Foster of this city. Every member Is requested to be presen thta evening at the meeting of Bluffs com' pany No. 27 , Uniform rank , Knights o Pythias , In P. 0. 8. of A. hall. Mrs. A. G. McCohn of Fort Dodge , la. formerly of thlg city. Is the guest of Mrs V. H. Orcutt and will take In the Jubllci festivities at the exposition. O. A. Wldner and Grace L. Zollman , boll of Schuyler. Neb. , were married in thli city yesterday , the ceremony being per formed bv Justice Ovlde VUn. Edgar Hill , a former resident of Councl Bluffs , but now located In Salt Lake , Utah is In the cltv renewing acquaintances am will take In Jubilee week at the exposition Mrs. Davenport , her daughter Mae am nieces. Mr . Fanny Bryan Balrd and Mlsi Nancy Bryan of Salem , 111. , are guests o Ilcv. G. G. Lcmen and wife at the Chrlstlai Home. Colonel f. G. Saunders went to Cllnto : last evening , where by special Invitation o Governor Shaw he will form one of tin jmrty of stnte officials accompanying thi president to Omaha. Jens C. Jensen , c. former subject of thi l\lng of Denmark , and John August Hermai Buss , a former subject of the emperor o Germany , were granted naturalization pa pers yesterday by Judge Macy of the dlstrlc court. Minnie , the Infant daughter of Mr. am Mrs. M. J. ChrlsteuBPii. 2308 Fifth avenue died yesterday afternoon of cholera in fantum. nsed 4 mouth1) ) . The funeral wll pi held. this. morning at 11 o'clock In Nor 'walk ' township. James N. Boron , aged 32 years , died yes tcrday morning from blood poisoning. Fu iicral services will bo held thin aftcrnooi nt 2 o'clock at Crescent City. Rev. Moln tosh omclatlm : . Interment will be In tin Crescent City cemetery. The twenty-ninth annual session of th' ' Town State Grange opens this morning a Woodman hall and a number of delegate : from different carts of the- state arrived litho the city last night. A. B. Judson , mastci of the state grange , will have his head quarters at the Ogden. The opening ses sion will bo called to order at 11 o'clock. Frank Burnett , arrested on the chargi of being Implicated In the larceny of a pony the property of Jacob Tucker of Mynstei Springs , had a hearing before Justice Vlei yesterday and was bound over to await th < action of the grand Jury. In default of bal ho wa committed to the county Jail. I. J Clark , a partner of Barnett , was bound ovei on the same charge last Saturday and Is now in the county Jail. J. J. Calkins of 1817 Broadway reportci to the police lasV evening that his horsi nnd road wagon , which he had left hltchet nt the corner of Seventh and Broadway had been stolon. The thief was seen drlv- ln through the city with It toward Cres cent and surrounding towns weretele1 graphed and telephoned to with the hopi of Intercepting him , but up to a late houi last nlcht no trace o"f the thief or the horsi nnd wagon had been found. The Infant son of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A morning at thi Armstrong died yesterday residence of George Parkins , undo of tin llttlo one's father. 1323 Avenue C. ngei 2V4 months. The babe was an orphan. Iti father having died September 10 and Iti mother September 26 , The funeral will bi held this morning at 10 o'clock from thi residence and the remains of the llttlo om will bo laid with those of the parents li Walnut Hill cemetery. The services wll bo conducted by Hev. G. P. Fry of thi Avenue Methodist church. perfection , the secret of b'eauty el or send for "Vlavl Message. " Vlavl Co ' , 326 Merrlam Block. N. Y. Plumblnc company. Tel. 250. All Want to Sec tlic I'rcnlilont. The announcement was made ycsterda ; that all the banks In the city , railroad office : nnd wholesale houses Intended closing a noon tomorrow and give their employes at opportunity to swell the crowd on McKinle ; day at the exposition , Superlntcndcn Hayden favors closing the city schools litho the afternoon , as many of the teachers am pupils are anxious to go to the exposition nnd will do EO If ho can obtain permlasloi from the Board of Education. Present In dtcatlona are that Wednesday , or at leas part of the day , will bo celebrated as i general holiday In Council Bluffs and th citizens will attend the exposition en masse Tomorrosv. Wednesday. McKlnley day a ths exposition. Terminal trains will leav Ninth street station at 8 , 0 , 10 and 11 o'clod in the morning ; 1 , 2 and 3 In the afternoon Go early and avoid the crush. J. E. Langworthy used Cole's Hot Bias neater last winter. AVIntt Millies nil Art-cut. Oftlcer Wlatt created considerable excite jnent at the- corner of Fifth avenue am Pearl street about 6 o'clock last evening b ; firing his revolver while attempting to ar rest a man named Hardln , who It Is allegei had created a disturbance. Officers Wei and White , who were In the vicinity In ; buggy , hastened to the scene and Wlat turned Hardln over to them with Instruc tlons to take him to the city Jail. This th ofllcers did and turned Hardln over to th jailer , but beyond this nothing further coul bo learned of the affair. Part 2 of The Bee's photogravures of th exposition la now ready and can be had a the Council Bluffs office. The wonder of the Trnsrulsslsslppl Exjio Bltlou Is Cole's Hot Blast beater. It give absolute cleanllnew , even heat nnd sam work out of common soft coal as can b got from hard coal. It saves millions. Se It at the Wigwam , or Cole & Cole's , II Mat ; treet. Council Bluffs PUBLIC LIBRARY AFFAIR ! Board of Trustees Considers flow to Hafc Both Ends Meet. REDUCTION IN INCOME IS FORCING THEI Mcmlicr Ilolircr SnRKcntN Hint tli Cltv Provide Uimrtcrx mid Tliun liiinlilc the .SiivIiiKT of the Hunt Xow I'n111. At the regular monthly mectln of the trustees of the free pub Ho library yesterday afternoon Hot D. C. Bloomer chairman of th board , called attention to the necessity c formulating some plan whereby the nmnln * expenses of the Institution could be rcduccc Ho explained that next year , owing to th reduction In the assessed valuation of th city , the Income of the library would be tna terlally reduced. The 1 mill levy , ho llg ured , would bring In next year but little tlo over $3,000 and this sum , whlc would barely pay the rent , salaries of libra rlan and assistants and other expenses , woul certainly leave no margin for the purchas of new books. The matter was Informal ! discussed and several suggestions were mad by different members of the board , bu nothing definite was arrived at. A sugges tlon that mot with considerable favor a the hands of the trustees was one mad by M. F. Rohrcr. Ho suggested that th trustees petition the city council to ad an extra story to the city hall bulldtn on Bryant street , to make a permanent horn for the library. Under the present stat law Council Bluffs cannot levy a tax for th purpose of erecting a library building , thi privilege being only granted to cities wit a population of 25,000 and over. The an nual rental of the rooms In the Merrlai block , where the library Is , Is $960 , whlct If the city would add to the building o Bryant street , could bo saved and th amount annually employed to purchase no1 reading matter for the people of the cltj In answer to the question whether th walls of the city building were stron enough to support an additional story Mi Rohror stated they had been examined b Thomas Tostovln when city engineer an he had given his opinion that they were The city hall building was originally bull as a flour storage house by Cofonel Hot ! mayr of the City mills and tons upon ton of flour had been stored In the secon story before the city secured the build Ing and converted It Into a city hall. The report of Miss Peterson , librarian , fo September showed the number of visitor to the rooms to be 6,000 , number of regls tered book takers , 7,827 ; number of book taken , 5,473. The classification of book taken was as follows : Philosophy , 131 theology , 90 ; natural science , 323 ; flctlor 3,237 ; poetry nnd essays , 657 ; history an' ' biography , 439 ; travels , 396. Two , volume and fifty-six pamphlets were received fror the government , ono volume from Samut Calvin and one volume from M. F. Rohrei The total number of books In the clrculat Ing library on October 1 was 16 , 889 and in the government library 4,49 ! making a total of 21,381. The librarian reported that the new boaki ninety-four volumes ordered by the board had been received and had been numbere > and placed on the shelves. The report of the city treasurer showe- that the balance In the library fund wa $917.33. Miss Julia Officer , teacher of piano , 53 Willow avenue. Fall and winter term. XOTI3S KIIOM TUB DISTRICT COIJIW hnlvailor Settle * Illn Suit ARnlnnt tli JJVt'U'VK for $150. When the cr.n of Frank Nugo Salvado agalnct M , Fceley and wife of Underwoo was called for trla. in the district cour yesterday afternoon counsel announced tha the parties to the suit bad just effected settlement and asked that same bn made record of court. The plaintiff sued for $2,60 for personal services and the ccttlemen gave him $450 the defendants paying th costs. The suit was Instituted In 1S95 an had been tried before Judge Thornell , th plaintiff securing Judgment for JSCO. It wa appealed by the Feeleys and .the suprem court reversed the finding of the dlstrlc court Jury and remanded It back for a no' trial. The Feeleys are old people and no wishing to bear the expense and worry o another trial consented to a compromise. The suit has an Interesting story back c It. In 1880 a number of Italian boys ptcke up in the streets of New Ybrk were sen out to Catholic priests in the west to lln homes for them. Among the number wa Frank Nugo Salvador , who was oent to th late Father McMenomy , thca pastor of SI Francis Xavlcr'B church In this city. Fathe McMenomy placed young Salvador with th Feeleys , who raised him as their son. Who ho was 23 years of age ho wished to star out for himself and the Feeleys gave him n outfit of a wagon and team , come cash an other things In settlement for his labo from the tlmo he became 21 , Salvador glv Ing. a receipt In full. Later ho brought sul for $2,600 and claimed that he signed th settlement under duress , the Fecleys , li alleged , threatening to have htm sent to th penitentiary for setting tire to a large quan tlty of hay belonging to them. In the case of the Scottish Union and Na tlanal Insurance company cgalnst E. li Odcfl. set for trial yesterday morning , th parties to the action waived a Jury and th case will be tried to the court. The papers In the appeal of John II Gates from the award of the county super visors In the matter of Pilling road case were filed In the district court yesterday. In the superior court the motion for now trial in the damage suit of Fannl Deltchler against Harry Hoist was argue find taken under advisement by Judg Aylesworth. Lew Bassott , Indicted on the charge c robbing the till at P. C. DeVol's hardwar store , pleaded guilty and was sentenced b Judge Macy to seventy days' Iraprlsonmcn In the county Jail , The following assignment of civil an criminal cases was made by Judge Mac yesterday : Civil Cases : Tuesday. October 11 0. \ McCormlck against H. A. Rice. Carl Neleo against Lars Hansen , City of Council Blufl against S. B. Rohrer. Thursday. Octobe 13 Thomas Dorsett against J , B. Young. Criminal Cases : Friday. October 14 Stat of Iowa agalnat Fred Krorker et al. . Stat of Iowa against Harry Hoist. Saturday October 15 State of Iowa against AVllllai Trask , State of Iowa against Dan McSorle et al. Monday , October 17 State of low against Thomas Lorden , two cases. Tues day , October 18 State of Iowa against 1 W. Gray. State of Iowa against Frank Kll Hon. State of Iowa against Charles Dowm Stnto of Iowa against Ed Troutmat Wednesday , October 19 State of low against Kempts et al. , appeal ; State of low against H. H. Martin. State of Iowa agaliu J. B. Ackerman. State of Iowa again : George II. Bell , three cases. L'mler ' Eminent Domain. The sheriff's Jury , consisting of II. G. Me Keo , H. W. Binder , J , P , Greenshleld ; Thomas Bowman , W. C. Dickey and J. Coyl appointed to nppralso the damages In tli condemnation proceedings brought by th Omaha Bridge and Terminal Railway com pany against J. S. Peterson , met ycsterda ; afternoon and after viewing the propert fixed the damages at $425. The properC condemned by the terminal company fo I to right of way Is thirty feet off three lot belonging to Peterson at Fourteenth avonu and Fourteenth street. or CITY COUNCII Anphnlt Pnvliie Will Up lentil Dow on Two Street * . At the adjourned meeting of the city coun ell last night the resolution calling for th paving with asphaltum of Fourth stree from Broadway to Worth street and Flft. avenue from Main to Fourth street wa adopted and the city clerk Instructed to ad vertlso for bids. Considerable dlscusslo was had before the resolution was adoptct as some of the aldermen wished to under stand distinctly whether or not the majorlt of the Interested property owners had pctl tloncd for asphaltum In preference to brlcli A comparison of the petition for asphnltur and the ono for brick showed a majority o over 200 feet for the former. On the In troductlon of the resolution calling for th paving with brick of Fierce street fror First street to the east line of the Inter section of Stutsmau and of Stutsman strce from Broadway to Plerco street a motion t cut out the paving on Stutsman street prevailed vailed , despite the protest of George Gould an Interested property owner on Plerc street , who complained that this actlo : would leave the block on Plerco strcel which Is ony ] about 200 feet long , to bea the entire expense of the paving of the In tersoctlon at Stutsman street. After con slderablo discussion It was finally decide to amend the resolution so as to call for th paving of the street only as far as the cen ter of the Intersection , the city to pave th remaining portion of the intersection. Thi brought a protest from some of the alder men , who claimed It would bo setting a ba precedent , and on the resolution as amende being put the vote resulted In atlo , bu carried on the mayor casting his vote 1 ; favor of It. The resolution calling for the paving wit : brick of Harrison street from Washlngto avenue to Benton street extension and c Tenth avenue between Main .and Slxt streets , was adopted without discussion. 0 Harrison street , property owners represent Ing 2,462 feet frontage petitioned for th paving nnd owners representing 1,884 fee frontage entered a protest. The resolutlo providing for the laying of a sewer on Har mony and Benton streets was adopted. Th ordinance repealing the newsboys' ordl nances passed last spring over the mayor' veto was presented and after passing to th first reading was laid over under the rules An attempt to suspend the rules and rub ! the ordinance through was defeated. An ordinance establishing fhe grade o Perrln avenue was introduced and laid eve under the rules. City Treasurer Reed and Finance Cler ! True submitted a report showing the dls position of tbo $30,000 Issue of refundln bonds , which was approved , nnd their bll for the > expenscs of the trip to St. Lout to deliver the bonds was allowed. The sidewalk ordinance providing for th laying of a number of brick walks In differ end parts of the city was read and laid eve until the next meeting , as Alderman John son desired to Include several addltlona new walks , but was not prepared to furnlsl the exact descriptions. A protest agalus laying a new brick walk on Twelfth avenu hptwppn Sixth and Seventh streets , In fron of the Beck property , was referred to th commltteo of the whole. , , John Dohany submitted his bond in th sum of $500 as city bill poster , which wa approved. J. W , Culbert was granted permission t do weighing and operate scales at 2323 Broadway under the city ordinance. Chief of Police Blxby's bill for .horse feei was allowed on the condition , ' that no fur ther expense of such nature be Incurrei until the special committee to which thi question had been referred makes Its re port. port.The The city clerk was Instructed to notlf' the attorney for A. W. and Mary Street tha the city was prepared to pay the amoun stipulated , In settlement of their suit against the city and that no Interest wouli bo paid on the amount of the eettlemen from this date. A motion by Alderman Shubert that thi city purchase a number of flags to decorat the city building on the occasion of thi meeting of the state grand lodge of Odd Fel lows next week was defeated as being op posed to the policy of economy pursued b' the city. Two or three of the city father' purchased a couple of flags apleco and pre sented them to the city. A proposition from an Omaha party to pain the electric light towers for $8 each or fo $13 each , Including the guys , was laid on thi table on motion of Sbubert , who thought th > work ought to bo done at homo. The mat ter of having the towers painted was lof with the committee on fire and light. The petition of Mrs. Annie Kelly , a widow for a remission of taxes , was referred to th finance committee. The council adjourned to meet next Mon day night. Snap Shots , a beautiful souvenir of th exposition , containing reproductions of al the prominent buildings , together with i bird's-eye nnd general views of the grounds can bo had nt the Council Bluffs office o The Bee for 25 cents. ' It Is Just the thlni to send to your friends at a distance. We Hko to C-U-B-A customer of ours Our work will , bo a "Sampson" In you opinion , nor "Dewey" fear competition. I is "Miles" behind. Remember th' ' "Name. " Bluff City laundry. They're eas ; on clothes. Colorado Company Incorporate ! * . Articles of Incorporation of the Pike's Peal Power company were flled In the office o the county recorder yeswrday adding oni moro to the long list of Colorado corpora tlons that are organized under the laws o the state of Iowa. The company I Incorporated with a capital stocl of $100,000 divided Into 10,000 shares of $11 each. The object for which the company 1 organized Is to acquire the rights and prlv lieges granted to George W. Jackson , In al ordinance passed last September by the clt ; of Colorado Springs , conferring the use o water power and the right tt > lay under ground conduits and wire cables and to erec poles and string wires upon the propert : of the city of Colorado Springs to furnlsl electric power. The articles provide , how ever , that the company shall never becom < liable for any cost or damage of any nafur < whatsoever on account of the Struckler tun nel , now In course of construction by Georg W. Jackson. The principal places of buslucu of tbo company will ba In Council Bluff and in the state of Coloradoin Colorad Springs. The directors for the first yea are Thomas A. Whelan , F. A. Chapman Henry M. Illackmcr and Van Lear Black Chancellor L. W. Ross will represent th company In Iowa. I Woulit If I Were You Go to the Mueller Piano and Organ com pony and see how cheap you can buy a gooi piano not a rattletrap , but somethlni worth putting in your house. A full lln National Music Co.'s music , 3,200 selections usual price , lOc ; our price , 5c. Latest ohec music first copy always lOc. MUELLER/PIANO AND ORGAN CO. Wanted Girl for general houyework family of three : no children ; $5 per weel If satisfactory and well recommended. Ap ply to Mrs. W. S. Dlmmock , 219 South Sev enth street , Council Bluffs. Governor Shaw "Will Join the Chief Ezeoutiv This Morning. ALLISON AND GEAR ALSO GO ALON DlntltiKiiUhciI lownns Will Meet Mi . McKlnley at Clinton and Kucort Him and IIlM Party Acre the State. DBS MOIWES , Oct. 10. ( Special Teh gram. ) Governor Shaw left tonight fc Clinton to meet President McKlnley and CE cert him across , the state to Omaha. Sen otora Allison nnd Gear will also bo wit the governor. The members of the Fifty-second Iowa rt turn to Camp McKlnley hero tomorrow t pc mustered out. Mustering Officer Cat tain OlmsCed says It will take twenty day to muster out the regiment. Whllo her the regiment will bo fed by a restauran keeper , who made a bid for the worl The Fiftieth Iowa returns here to bo mus tercd out on October 20 and Captain Olrc sted has private Information that tbo Forty ninth will soon be- ordered homo from Jack sonvlllo to ho mustered out. The Capital City Oat ) mill was destroye by flro this morning. The building , BOxl feet and four stories high , was owned b the National Linseed Oil company. This 1 almost a total loss , as the Insurance wo light. The stock was fairly well Insure and the loss on it will not bo large. Th Insurance Is : On the building , $1,500 1 the Queen of America ; on the stock , $1OC in the Hanover , $1,500 in the German , $10 , 000 In the Scottish Union of Edlnburgl $1,000 In the Lancashire of Manchester ; o the machinery , $1,500 in Uke Lancashire ; $1 , 000 In the Buffalo Commercial , $2,500 In th North Assurance of London , $2,000 In th Now Hampshire , $1,500 In the CaledonU $1,500 In the Etna , $1,500 In the MHwauke Mechanics and $1,000 In the Lancashire. To tal insurance on building , $1,600 , on stocl $4,500 ; on machinery , $13,500. It Is though that bums broke In the basement doc and In a drunken carousal sot fire to th building. The company was turning 01 100 barrels of oatmeal a day and could nc fill Its orders. It will reb'utld at once. Word reached the state house today ths John Hammll , ono of the murderers ( Conductor Rldpath , has gone Insane at th penitentiary at Fort Madison. Ho and hi accomplice , Wcems , killed Conductor Rid path several years ago on Third street whll the railroad man was on his way to tak his train at the Great Western" The order of the parties on the offlcla ballot was fixed by the secretary of stat today. The order will bo as follows : Re publican , democratic , prohibition , people party , socialist labor. The ticket It ready but It will not be certified to the count ; auditors for about ten days. The republican of the Eighty-first legislative district hav not made nominations to fill vacancle caused by the resignations respectively o Whelan and Carroll , who accepted position as postmasters. The supreme court rendered the followlni decisions today : Baker ( Wire Company , appellant , agalns Iho Chicago & Northwestern Rairway Com pany , from Polk district ; affirmed. William Neet , by his guardian , Amerlci Ma row , against the Burlington , Cedar Rap lds * & Northern Railway Company , appcl lants , from Grundy district ; affirmed. Lewis J. Kelsey , appellant , against Chicago cage & Northwestern Railway Company from Clinton district ; affirmed. J. A. Van Wagenen against J. M. Parsons appellant , from Lyon district ; affirmed. The M. M. Walker Co. , appellant , agalns the Dubuque Fruit and Produce Company John Cartegney and Edward Muntz , fron Dubuque district ; reversed. ' Stnto Bank of Ottumwa against E. E. Me Elroy , receiver , appellant , from Wapelli district ; affirmed. News reached the city tonight that Con Smith , a famous criminal , serving a llfi sentence In the penitentiary for the murdc- of Tier father in this city some five year agof died aU the Anamosa prison today. He mother was first convicted of the murder am given a llfo sentence , but soon after Cora then an inmate of a sporting house ii Omaha , confessed that she alone was guilt ; and she , lee , was given a life sentence. Mrs Smith has never been able to get out , desplfi the confession of Cord , and both huvo beci serving as lifers. Smith was first she through the head In an attempt to kill him but ho lived , though totally blind. Attempt were then made to poison him and finp.ll ; ho was killed by rat poison placed In a Icmoi pie. MetlioiIlHt Appointment ) ! . CEDAR RAPIDS , la. . Oct. 10. ( Specta Telegram. ) The forty-third annual meetini of the Upper Coma conference of the Meth odlst church was brought to a close tocla ; with the announcement ) of appointments fo the ensuing year. The Important appoint mcnts are as follows : Cedar Falls dlstrlct- J , C. Magce , presiding elder ; Clarksvllle. W N. Brown ; Laportte City , R. D. Black ; Water loo. First church , W. S. Craft ; Waverly , R D. Parsons.Cedar Rapids district W. W Carlton , presiding elder : Iowa City , J. M McCord ; Marlon , F. W. Luct ; Mount Ver non. H. C. Stuntz ; Tlpton , S. W. Heald VInton , S. F. Loveland ; Cedar Rapids , St Paul's , W. F. Barclay ; Trinity , S. T. Me Kim. Davenport district C. L. Gould , pre siding elder ; Clinton , Bowman church , H. E Wllcox ; First church. B. V. Claypool ; Ly ons , M. H. Smith ; Davenport , First church H. 0. Pratt ; Do Witt , W. R. Dyer ; Maquo keta , T. E. Fleming ; "Snbula , J. Z. Kcp pie. Decatur district F. M. Robertson , presiding siding elder ; Decorah , L. L. Locard ; Nev Hampton , William Lease ; Osage , H. D Smith ; West Union , J. A. Davis. Dubuqm district H. H. Green , presiding elder ; Dubuque buquo , Jackson Street , L. A. Swlsher ; Grant Vlow Avenue , Homer Wroten ; Independence T. E. Taylor ; Montlcello , D. S.-Steablor Oelweln , C. J. W. Trlem. Marshalltown dig trlct J. B. Albrook , presiding elder ; Belli Plalne , Nathaniel Pye ; Qrundy Center , S , N Fellows ; Hampton , F. M. Coleman ; lowi Falls , G. B. Shoemaker ; Marshalltown , J G. Vnnness ; Mason City , Do Witt. Clinton Tama H. J. Powder ; Toledo , John Gam Plrnty of Cnnh In loivn. KEOKUK , la. , Oct. 10. ( Special. ) Men tlon has been made In Iowa papers of thi large amount of money on deposit in lowi banks In some of the leading cities am towns throughout thu stitc. The same con dltton of affairs , It appears , prevails In thi amnlitr communities. Noi l boring farmer ; alone 1'UVi $106,000 1.1 n 1'nnk in New Snrrl dun. U at WMt'erad' * , In ho newer ror tlou it the Elite , $60.000 li ; cull cash ha ! been deposited by farmers 'his year. Tbli plenltudp of money Is resulting natural ! ; and legitimately In a reduction of interes rates. In this connection It la interesting t < note that In some localities business men an complaining that the banks are loanlui money cheaper to the fdna < > rx than to thorn T o Workmen Klllril. BOONE , la. , Oct. 10. ( Special. ) Thli morning as workmen were putting a nev pump into the well at the rail mills thi platform gave way and a heavy steam pumi fpll to the bottom of the well , thlrty-flvi feet , carrying three men down nlth It. Jobi Frampton caught a rope and escaped with i broken nrm , but Bert Lcnsuro of Clinton superintendent of the Northwestern wato works , and Fred Anderson of this city wen down with the wreck , Anderson was In stantly kilted and Lcasuro's skull wa : crushed. He was taken to the hospttnT wheri bo died a few hours after. Both men leavi famine * . Itunnivay Cam. FORT DODGE , la. , Oct. 10. ( Speclttl.- ) A couple of hours before daylight Sunda ; morning the switching crew In the Illlnot Central yards while shifting a string of fivi freight cars bumped them too hard nm made them Jump the track on to the mail line nnd run out of the west end of thi yards where there la n slight down wan grade. The continued their course with ac celcratlns speed for about n mile , as thi grade reaches to the DCS Molncs rive bridge. Just before they got to the brtdgi they met freight train No. B2 , which hai come down the grade on the other side o the river , and with seventeen loads and ! grade of six miles down from Tnra thcj were flying. Engineer Melnzer nnd Flrcmai Mater were taken by surprise , but were no injured. The runaway cars were piled up ii n heap and carried 500 feet before the trait could bo stopped. The engine was badl ] demolished nnd the flvo cars caught fin from it and were burned. Vnr Money nnd n. Wife. MARSHALLTOWN , la. , Oct. 10. ( Spe clal. ) Edward Lee , who claims to havi started from Minneapolis September 10 , t < walk G.OOO miles , get a wlfo on the trip ant earn $500 Insldo of ono year * , arrived In Mar- shalltown at 3:30 : o'clock Friday afternoon and will remain hero over Sunday. Mr. Lei has so far covered 410 miles. Ho wll start for DCS Molnes and then go east t < Boston. Mr. Leo says ho Is footsore fron wearing new shoes , but otherwise is al right. If ho can manage to find a wtfo will $500 ho should bo able to fulfill the othci requirements of the wager. I'rolmlile Murder. CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , Oct. 10. ( Specla Telegram. ) The hat , collar and necktlo o James Lynch were found on the ratlroae tracks near the packing housb thU rnoriv Ing , covered with blood. No trace of thi young man can bo found and his disappearance anco Is clothed in the deepest mystery. I Is supposed that ho has been murdered line his body concealed. The police are v > orklui ou several clues. \ Pence Carnival. BURLINGTON. la. , Oct. 10. ( Special Tel egram. ) Burlington's big free peace air nival will begin Wednesday and lust ovei Thursday. The city Is gaily decorated foi the occasion. The program Includes all sort ! of amusements a flower parade , the battli of Santiago and pyrotechnics and a slier visit from President McKlnley and party Everything will be free. Ynrdmniitor Killed. BOONE , la. , Oct. 10. ( Special. ) Wall Fay , yardmaster , was caught between tw < cars In the Carroll yards last night nnd In stantly killed. Ho was repairing a bad ordei car when a car was run in on the tracl without warning and ho was crushed tc death. His homo was In State Center , when the body was taken today for interment. Iowa I'rcfiH Comment. Hastloy Herald : A traveling man for i largo farm machinery factory In the eas was in town last week and made us a call Ho stated that his contracts for nexi spring's delivery were 100 per cent over tha of n year a go. Surely this does net shov that the country Is "going to the dogs. " Sioux City Journal : If the gold standarc squeezes the value out of property , ex-Gov ernor Larrabeo is one R.-ld bus who is it for a severe pinching. He lately bought : 300-acro farm near Fort Dod e for J.-O pel aero , nnd now owns 1.279 acres In V.'ooatei county. As much as gold may have appre ciated , the governor prefers Iowa land 'al good round prices to gold. Waterloo Reporter : Traveling fruit ped dlers have Invented a now dodge. Thej present to tree growers an apple they saj will never rot. but simply dry up and ma\ bo brought back to Its original plump state by simply soaking it in hot water. It Is a pretty good story , but don't take any stool In it. If you want dried apples buy therr at the grocery ; don't , try to raise them You will be disappointed. An apple tha simply dries up isn't good for anything. Oskaloosa Herald : Major Laccy , in hit speech at Now Sharon , told a good storj about Coxey's army , which Illustrates Ir good shape Weaver's idea of fiat money When Coxey and his followers arrived ni Washington , congress sent a committee t < wait on them and see what they wanted Coxey sold they wanted $500,000,000 to bulk good roads with. The committee told therr that the government did not have any monej available nt that time. "Well , make It , " re plied Coxey. "But wo cannot without plung ing the country farther In debt. " "O , yei you can , " said Coxey. "issue greenbacks. ' "Yes , but even In that case some arrange ment must be made to redeem them. " repllec the committee. "Oh never mind the redemp tion , " retorted Coxey , "just print her nnd lei her go ! " Iowa Political Xotea. Senator Allison and Congressman Dolll- ver opened the .campaign at Emmettsburf amid much enthusiasm. Saturday wa the last day nominating pa pers could bo flled in the state of Iowa niK the candidates on the various tickets wer < kept very busy. Senator Gear's opening speech of the cam paign at Osceola was listened to by one- half of the voters of Clarke county and many from other sections of the Eight ! ; district. Iowa republicans opened the campaign all over the stntn Saturday nnrt h ? enthu siasm manifested was extraordinary. From now until election day the speechmaklnp will not cease for a single day. The headquarters of the state popullpl committee has been moved from Des Molnes to Wlnterset. The managers claimed th would be moro free from interference on the part of the wirepullers of the capital. The Waterloo Reporter thinks the waya of Boles are past finding out since he re fuses to support the Marshalltown platform because it is not honest In Its utterances , yet ho supports Day , who Is a straddler , ac cording to that Journal's editor. The Jefferson Bee , In appealing to the voters of the county to make the republican \oto practically unanimous , declares that there Is so much money In the county that local savings bank deposits have Increased more than $40,000 during the last three months. . The calamity howlers In Towa are drowned out by the cry of more freight cars to move the grain and the answering cry of the railroad men that all the cars are in use carrying other lines of goods in Iowa. The people of the state are too busy to pay any attention to the calamity howlers. lOWU X < MT XotCS. A free hospital will bo established ' Waterloo. Havelock's elevators are so rushed that the doors are kept open all night to ac commodate customers. Dubuquo's high school students have started a journal to be devoted to the In dustrial interests of that city. Dews has two state banks , and the com bined gain of the two Institutions since the last statement was issued Is 120,000. Billy Hamilton , the Odebolt editor , 1ms Bold his stock of fighting chickens and an. tiounccs that be is no longer a sport. At Waterlco the Illinois Central has re duced the labor from six days of teu bout each to flvo days of eight hours each. Mrs. Anna Burns of Ida Grove , widow of the late postmaster , is to succeed to the position. It is said that the cholco Is unan imous in that town. The Ottumwa papers declare that the town la prevented from growing by factional tights and that every citizen has a knife nut for some other citizen. During the Des Molnes carnival efforts were made to prevent the merchants putting booths on the streets , but the court refused to entertain the complaint on the theory that the merchants contributed to the car- for infants and Children. The Kind You'Have Always Bought BEARS THE SIGNATURE OP In Use For Over 3O Years. . . . _ THC CCNTAUn COMPANY. TT MURRAY TNCCT. NCWVOHKCITT. Dr. S. 1MOSME Thirty yecirs' experience in the treatment of chronic dis eases. Kemeclies safe and efficient. Free consultation at the office or by mail. Diseases of Women a Specialty. Rooms 3 , 4 , 6 , Marcus Block. - - COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. Farm an ! Fruit Lands for Sale. B The Fruit raisers around Council Bluffs have just closed a profitable season , the yield being from $50 ro $100 per acre. Wo have BOUIO cholco bargains in Fruit , Vegetable and Farm Lands near Council Bluffs. Let us show them to you. FARM LOANS G PER CENT INTEREST. DAY & HESS , V 39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. nival and should have every facility foi profiting by the best possible means. A Marshalltown traveling man bought ( pair of socks and found in the too of 6m a note from a Chicago girl asking the pur chaser to correspond with her. She forgo to put In her residence number. SENDING A PROTEST TO SPAIt\ \ UUpntcli of Hcliiforccmcntn to I'lill Ipliliicit Not Looked Oil vrlUi Favor nt WnnliliiRton. NEW YORK , Oct. 10. A dispatch to th < Herald from Washington says : The Unltei States may submit a diplomatic protest t ( Spain through the French government against its action 'In sending a Spanish aux iliary cruiser loaded with arms and'ammuni tion to' the Philippines. In any event , tlt < matter is under consideration and It Is bo- Moved has been called to the attention ol the American commissioners In Paris. Th < cruiser In question Is the Buenos Ayres , be longing to the Spanish auxiliary navy , whlcl Admiral Dewey reported to the Navy depart ment several days ago as due to arrive a Singapore , Straits Settlements , on Octobe : 13. It Is appreciated by the authorities tha1 Spain has tbo same right in the eyes o international law to send reinforcements t ( the Philippines as this government has , am any protest made would be of the most diplo matic character and simply designed to mak ( It plain that Iho continuance ) of the voyage of the Buenos Ayrcs is objectionable. Or the other hand , a member of the cablnei said the Philippines , with the exception 01 Manila , are In the nominal possession ol Spain and that It Is Its undoubted priv ilege. If it deems it advisable to do so , tc send troops to the eastern Islands to subtlm any Insurrection that may occur. Another member of the cabinet , Nvho talked the mat ter over with the president , admitted thai Spain has the moral right to dispatch rein forcements to the Philippines , but as the forces of this government are In control , It Is within its authority to prevent such re inforcements reaching their destination , However , It is not expected that the matter will go beyond a protest If it goes that far. From the dispatches received from Chair man Day , the authorities are still of tbo opin ion that the work of the peace commission will bo completed before congress meets. Mr. Day takes quite an optimistic vluw of the situation. It Is his desire to limit the tlmo of discussion of the various points raised as much as possible , In order that the negotia tions may reach an early conclusion. Information mation which has been received here shows conclusively that Spain has no further hope of foreign Interference and this fact leads tbo authorities to believe that It will not attempt to drag the negotiations out as long as It would If It believed there was a cbanco of any European government attempting to secure a modification of the American terms. MORTALITY AMON J IMMUNES Drnnlccn Solillcru Clnnrrol mill Scv- crnl of Them Arc hhot Uer.il. LEXINGTON , Ky. , Oct. 10. A woman's love and a man's insane Jealousy caused murder in the Seventh Immune regiment nt 7:30 : Sunday morning and another man who acted as peacemaker Is at death's door with a pistol ball In his abdomen , Shortly after 7 o'clock Corporal Edwards and Color Sergeant Green , both of Compauy A , met In the company street and engaged In an argument. Green attempted to strike Edwards , who turned and ran tto Captain Dan Jacob's tent , where ho secured a re volver. Returning , Edwards began to shoot. The first two bullets missed , but the third took effect in the left breast , killing Green instantly. Corporal Coleman of Company A attempted to arrest Edwards and he was shot In the abdomen and will die. After being confined In the guard house Edwards attempted to escape , but wiis knocked cold by the guard. He IH In a dan gerous condition. .Edwards will not bo fried by court-martial , but under the criminal law of the commonwealth. When the regiment was at Jefferson bar- racliH , Mo. , both men fell in love with the same woman jind had several quarrels. Last Wednesday both men received letters from the woman and bad a fight over them Sat urday night. They came to the city and bc- came intoxicated and when the murder oc curred both were very drunk , Prhato Gloyn of company II , Seventh 1m- munes , was shot and fatally wounded by an unknown white civilian at 9 o'clock Satur day morning. Henry Armstrong , company C , Seventh Ira- munes , was ebot and fatally wounded In Adamitown , a suburb , this afternoon by COLE'S HOT BLAST THE ORIGINAL gives the cleanliness - \ liness and even heat with soft coal , as hard ww' SS i coal in Base , Burners. The Hot Blast Draf t Burns and eaves the gas half of soft coal. Soft coal equal to hard coal. ' I used Colo's Hot Blast last winter. Only used li tons of soft coul nil winter to do the work we always used 3 ,4 tons for be- , fore. It is Just us' clean us hard coaM I ! | Leaves walls and paper perfectly clean , I II llko It the best of any stove 1 ever used In twenty-eight years housekeeping. i Council rtluFs , la. 'l617 S. Third St. | COLK 3IAXUFACTUIIING CO. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. , CHICAGO , ILL. Lee , ClnrHe , Andreesen Hdw. Co. , Agents , Omaha , Neb. WM , WELCH TRANSFER LINE Dotnccn Council IlliifTx and Omaha. > > I Rates Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. f\ Council Blurts olllco , No. 8 North Main il street. Telephone 128. Omaha office re- It moved to 322 South Fifteenth street. Tele- Al phone 1303. I | Connections made with South Omaha J , G , & W. WOODWARD , Me m he i-M of the A. 8. G. Architects and Superintendents Pinna anil Hitccl < lcntioii KumlNheil. RoomS , Everett Blk , , Council Bluffs , Provost Guard Kelm. Armstrong was un- , , i dcr arrest and attempted to escape. I I Private Bailey , company A , Third engl- I I ncers , was shot In the Teg by the provost f ! I guard tonight while attempting to escape. His hip bone was shattered and his left leg ; will have to bo amputated. The city Is full of drunken negro soldiers , but the whites v are behaving themselves. " " HARD TO GET IVIRS."BOTKIN \ * ' Her 'KrlHCO Attornej-M Ilenilr to Vre- ui vent Her Korelhle Ilonuvnl fcl from the State. "l SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 10. The Botkln case IB likely to develop a. . sensation befora the alleged prisoner Is removed from tha > state. Governor Budd signed the extradl- t i , | tlon warrant this afternoon and gave it tc e'l ' Chief Lees. Attorney General Fitzgerald thought It was sufficient far her removal. Hearing that tbo warrant had been Issued Mrs. Botkln'8 attorneys hastened to the fed eral court and were prepared to ask Judga Hnwlcy to Issue a writ of habeas oorpui to prevent the state authortles from forcibly taking the prisoner out of the state , but Judge Hawley could not bo found. It is possible that the prisoner wljl bo taken away tomorrow unless the courts interfere. A SIIIIK cum : FOR cnoup. Twenty-Kite Yenrn * Coimtiint V a AVI th out n Kal lit re. The first Indication of croup Is hoarseness , nnd In n child uubjcct to croup It may h9 taken as a sure sign of the approach of nn attack. Following this hoarseness is a pe culiar rough cough. If Chamberlain's Cough Iteraedy is given as Boon as the child becomes - comes hoarse , or oven after the croupy cough appears ; It will prevent the attack , i It IB used In many thousands of homes In this broad land and never disappoints the anxious mothers. Wo have yet to learn of a single Instance In which It has , not proved effectual. No other preparation can show such a rec ord twenty-five years' constant use without failure. Hettlem fjet n Noure. MINNEAPOLIS , Oct. 10. A special to tnrf -V Journal from Bemldja , Minn. , says : A rumor this morning that the Indians were coming caused a stampede. The people were greatly excited and massed at the court house. The soldiers vtero telegraphed tor. MurrliiKo Kleeime * . Licenses to wed were Usuod to the fol lowing persons ; N'amo and Hosldence. Age. 0. A. Wldner , Schuyler. Neb 21 ? C tJrace L. Zollman , Schuyler , Neb 18 \ William Maher. Blair , Neb 27 ' Nettle McNobb , Blair. Neb 19 Oscar Schualtman , St. Joweph 35 Mary Schall , St Joseph 30 Thomas Gray , Omaha 40 Jessie Hutton. Omaha , 4ill 39