Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 11, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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luauy Wealthy Persons Promoting the
Cause of Education.
I'roiiiicrlty of Columbia In In New
Home Story of a Vlnlt < o n
Dutch S < > lioollioiiMc Cd-
ucntjonal Notc .
Two generous contributions to the cause
of education have been made \vlt1iln the last
two weeks. The first cancels the debt of
Barnard college , the woman's annex of Co
lumbia , und makes available an endowment
of $100,000. The second places property val
ued at JJOO.OOO at the disposal ot the Uni
versity of Pennsylvania , to be utcd In promoting
meting the education of women ,
Barnard college was heavily In debt since
It sturted twelve years ago , with the re
moval of the college to Its new site on Morn-
Ingsldo Heights the Indebtedness Increased ,
although for a long tlmo those Interested In
the Institution have been noted for their suc
cess In raising money for Its support. Over
$350,000 has been raised In three years. The
grounds on Mornlngstdo Heights wcro pur
chased at a cost of $160,000. Sixty thousand
dollars of a balance was paid when Mrs. Von
Wyck Drlnckerhot offered to build a memor
ial dormitory on the condition that the debt
on the land be removed within a certain
At the first of this year the Indebtedness
amounted to about $100,000 , which was after
ward somewhat Increased. Friends of the
college undertook the work of raising the
money. Several liberal offers were made
conditioned on the debt bo cancelled by Oc
tober 3. Among these was an endowment
of $100,000 from some person whose name
the trustees have not divulged. By extraor
dinary efforts and good luck the debt money
was pledged by 9 p. m. October 3 , so that the
college Is not onlV treed from debt , but has
a handsome endowment. The college opened
last week with an enrollment of 308.
The gift to the University of Pennsyl
vania came through the will of Colonel
Bennett , a wealthy Phlladclphlan who diet
recently. During the last ten years Colone
Bennett took an active part in promoting
the educational Interests of women , at the
university. In 1802 ho provided a dormltor )
for their use and In May last largely In
creased his gift. By the provisions ot hli
will productive property valued at $500,001
becomes available to carry out the chcrlshct
plans of the donor and "Bennett college , "
as It will doubtless bo called , will bo I
worthy memorial of his life.
Columbia' * New Yenr.
Columbia university began Its 145th yea
last week with a larger attendance thai
oyer beforo. The Increase is especlall ;
marked in the College of Physicians am
Surgeons and In the freshman class of tti
college , which numbers 130 , but In all thi
schools the attendance Is satisfactorily In
creased. In all there are about 2,800 student
In the various departments of the university
President Low reports that many gifts hav
been received during the year. Friends o
the late Joseph Moscnthal presented $7,500
to establish the Mosenthal fellowship ti
music. Jacob H. Schlff gave $15,000 for th
Echlff fellowship lu political science. Mis
Catherine W. Bruce presented $1,600 fo
the work ot computation and $5,000 to cstab
llsh a lectureship In mechanics. Charles 11
Senff has flttcd out for the departmqnt o
zoology an expedition to Africa in scare !
of rare types of fish. Dr. J. Ackerman Cole
has presented fine reproductions of nnclen
bronzes. During the year the Unlverslt :
has received In money as gifts for salaries
lectureships , fellowships and schlorshlp
$346:409.27. :
The number of volumes added to the 11
brary during the year was 1C.377. By th
arrangement entered into with Joseph r
Loubat the library has received the nssur
anco of an endowment that will add largel
to Its usefulness. Mr. Loubat has prcsente
property on Broadway and Mercer utret
valued ad $700,000. The sura ot J3S.69S wa
.appropriated during the year for fellow
The law school numbered 376 students , tli
greatest number since Its reorganization , 1
1892. The medical school had 7CO student !
The course in mechanical engineering we
begun , in the year under review. It bids fal
to become one of the largest courses in an
of thi schools ot applied science. In tt
school ot philosophy the year Just passe
was particularly successful. The education !
staff numbered 325.
Whbn the president In 1833 offered to pr <
, sent the library building to the unlversll
bo agreed to be responsible up to the BUI
of $1,000,000 , and has-slnco made himself n
sponslblo for the full coat , namely , $1,100,00
On June 30 , 1698 , the net debt ! against tt
( IX now site was a trifle less than $3,750,000.
The gymnasium is 'tho ' wonder and Uel'gl '
of the university. It occupies the uorthei
half of the university hall. It Is scnil-uli
cular In form , being 170 foot broad by 1 !
feet deep and thlrCy-uvo feet high. Twent ;
two feet above the floor , suspended from tl
celling and thirty feet free of the walls ,
an oval running track ten laps to the ml
and eleven feet wide , covered for eight fc
with felt ) . Heavy Iron piping Is attach )
from underneath and from this all the IIMH
flying apparatus will bo suspended. Aroui
the walls are placed the general developme :
machines for the arms , legs , body ; in fatter
tor everything , thus leaving a clar spa
of 100 feet for class work. This Is ncccssa :
now , Inasmuch as gymnastics is a rogul
part of the curriculum for the arts ai
mines freshmen and sophomores. Agal
every man in t'ho university must learn he
to swim correctly. This space Is directly
front ot a visitors' gallery , about seven
feet broad and thirty feet deep.
Undrrcath the exercise room are t
swimming and rowing tank and the batt
The tank Is easily the largest In the counti
It Is semi-circular In shape , with a dlamet
of ICO feet. Its depth in most places Is t
feet , gradualry sloping off to half that dl
tance. Around the edge of the tiling , u
derneath the surface , three powerful a
lights , protected by heavy glass , are a
ranged , When the current Is on they /w
make every Inch ot the bottom visible to
spectator standing at any part. Around t
walls , outside of the tank , are seventy- *
shower baths , needle baths , douches , spraj
etc. , more than twice the number at Ya
The whole Is finished In marble.
lit a Dutch .School Iluime.
Do Aralcls , In his "Holland and Its Pe
pie , " tells this story of his visit to a schc
house :
"At Naaldwyk. thanks to the courtesy
a school inspector who accompanied me ,
satlsflcd my desire to see an elemcntn
school. The school house stands alone , a
has only the ground floor. We entered
small vestibule where there was a mou
tain of wooden shoes belonging to t
scholars , and which they resumed when th
went out. In school they sit with stoc
* ings only and the stockings are very thi
and the schoolroom Is warmed thoroughly
"When we came In , the scholars rose a
the master came forward to meet the I
ipcctor. Even this poor village scho
master spoke French , so that we could en
into conversation. There wcro about foi
scholars present , halt male , h
female ; all were blonde , and plun
with broad , good-tempered faces a
with a certain precocious air ot fathers a
mothers of families thnt mada one sml
The building | s divided Into flve root
separated one from tbo other by a glai
partition , so that If the master of one cl
is absent , the master of the nearest ono <
averse * It. All the rooms are spacious e
have very large windows , extending from
Iloor to celling , so that It la as light as In
the street. The benches , walls , floors , stores
and glass partitions were all M clean and
bright as In a ball room. On the wall ot
the room * there were small pictures , land
scapes and figures , and groups of animals ,
to which the master referred In his teaching ;
maps In vivid colors with the names printed
large ; sentences , grammatical rules , and
moral precepts in large characters.
"I said 'poor schoolmaster' merely as a
common mode of expression , for I learned
that bo had a stipend of more than two
thousand two hundred francs ( $140) $ ) , and a
home In a good house In the village. In Hol
land the minimum for the headmaster of an
elementary school Is 800 francs. But there
are masters who have the salary of the pro
fessors of the Universities In Italy. "
rMtimtlonnl Nntrn.
In Philadelphia 8,000 children have been
refused admission to the schools for want
of room.
Dr. Samuel Elliot , who died near Boston
a short time ago , founded the first school
in the country for the teaching ot feeble
minded children.
The appropriation for the now school sites
and now school buildings for the coming
year In Now York city amounts to somewhat
more than $7,600,000.
Hon. George N. Bowers , United States fish
commissioner , has presented to Cornell uni
versity a collection of nearly 500,000 speci
mens of fresh and salt water fish ,
New York city's school budget for 1899
calls for n. special fund of $12,422,500.10 and
a general school fund of $12,112,836.77. This
Is an Increase over the appropriation tot 189S
ot $12,567,855.03.
Yale has begun Us 199th year with prom
ises of a larger attendance than ever before
In Its history. Registration for all depart
ments Is not yet complete , but It Is estimated
that the freshman class In the academic and
scientific schools will number respectively
about 365 and 220.
Ex-Governor Drake of Iowa has recently
Klvcn $26,000 to Drake university in Des
Molncs , making his total benefactions to
the university about $100,000. Ot the amount
just given $14,000 Is to complete an endow
ment for the Mary J. Drake chair , founded
In memory of the donor's wife.
James Fcnlmoro Cooper Slckel , the assis
tant superintendent of public schools in
Phiradelphla , who has just died , was widely
known as an educational reformer. The first
detailed course of Instruction adopted for
use in the Philadelphia schools was formu
lated by a. committee of principals , of which
ho was a member. As a president of the
Teachers' institute In 1875 , bo was success
ful in infusing Interest Into the organiza
tion's work , and ho was re-elected the fol
lowing year. He was chairman of the com
mittee on Centennial matters la 1876.
University of Neltrnnlta Note * .
A reception was given Saturday night to the
young women students at the Young
Women's Christian Association building b >
Mrs. Chancellor MacLean and Dean Wilson ,
Miss Loulso Pound ot the Department ol
English Literature has just published t
monograph of twenty pages upon Anglo-
Saxon verbs from the University of risl-
ca o press.
The first of the university lectures foi
the present year was that given Wedncsdaj
at chapel by Dr. Oscar L. Lelggs of Chi'
cago. His sublet .vis "WlHa-ll Morris
Poet and Socialist. "
There are twenty-six young women nl-
ready registered In the new school of domes
tic science. Practical housekeeping is thi
basis of the course of instruction wltt
scientific and literary studies supplementary
Prof. E. H. Barhaur of .fie Department o
Geology spent part of the vacil'Ti ' in Duml ;
county , examining the geologic and hydro
graphic features of that region. He brough
home with him Interesting kodak views o
that part of Nebraska.
Gaps iiavo already been made in thi
ranks ot the hundred and more university
students whd marched away to the Spanlsl
war. Memorial services were held Monda :
for Corporal Lunn and Private Fees , whi
have died the past week.
Perhaps the most marked new feature o
the present university year Is the specla
development of the woman's side of Its work
For the first time In Its history there Is i
woman dean among the member ? of th
faculty Mrs. Emma Perks Wilson. Ther
Is also the new school of domestic scleac
with Miss Ilosa Banton at its head. Th
attendance of young women the past yea
was almost 0.0 largo as that of men.
The college settlement work for the com
Ing year Is to be continued with Increase' '
energy. The work done by this departmen
Is through meetings , lectures , literature am
personal contact to carry the best fruits o
higher education to those who have beei
deprived of its influences. Rooms are rente
In the part of the city Inhabited by th
laboring claspcs , from which the work i
carried on. Profs. Hill and Caldwell tak
the place of Profs. Hodgman and Fassler litho
the direction of this work for the ensuln
Aiplranta for Plncen a * Member * Ar
llcfflnnlnir to Warm Up In the
Several Ward * . s '
Board ot Education politics are warmln
0 up now that the primaries and city convec
tlon of the republicans have been definite !
settled upon. The convention will be hel
e. next Saturday , and the primaries will b
. hold Friday afternoon. The contest , so fa
as can be ascertained , will bo between th
friends of the present majority of the Boar
ot Education , and the minority , which las
year was the majority element. The flv
members who go out are R. C. Jordan , An
drew Klcwlt , G. G. Irey , George L. Dennl
and C. H. Gratton. Ot these only Irey train
with the minority faction ot the board , an
at this tlmo ho appears to have it all hi
own way In the Fourth ward , with a noml
nation at the convention comparatively eas :
In most of the other wards , however , thei
Is evidence ot a coming fight.
In the First ward R. C. Jordan , the retti
Ing member , will contest for honors wit
R. K. Paxton , a railroad man. In tt
Second Andrew Klewit may get throug
without opposition , but It is said John (
Brewlngton may have a ticket in , the flel
In his own Interest for the position. Tt
Third ward has no avowed 'candidate ' , unlei
it should decide to again present the nan
ot Rev. James C. C. Owens , the pastor i
the African Methodist church. In th
Fifth ward W. T. Graham and A. I
Doneckeu have been candidates for the deli
gallon , but there is a report now t'hat the
will withdraw and unite upon Rev. Howai
L. Mac'Ayeal , In which ovcnt a contest I
this ward will bo avoided. In the Slxl
ward C. H. Gratton finds bis ambition tor
renomtnatlon opposed by Ur , F. F , Tec
In the Seventh A. S. Churchill , formerly a
torncy general of the state , will pit bin
self against George L. Dennis , who Is 01
of the retiring members. In the Eighth
R. West , the proprietor ot n cigar store c
Twenty-fourth street , and J. 0. Black , i
employe of Oilman & Co. , will strive for t !
delegation. In the Ninth ward there w
bo but ono delegation In the field at tl
primaries , but there will be three Candida :
who will appeal to the voters ot the wafer
for preference. They are Arthur M. Cowi
a real estate man , B. G. McGllton , an a
id tornoy , and O. P. Scbrum , a representatl
ot organized labor ,
The Sure in Urliipe Cure.
. There la no u e suffering from this ilrea
li ful malady. If you will only get the rig
remedy. You are having palna all throui your body , your liver U out ot order , ha
id uo apellte , no life or ambition , have a b
id cold , in fact are completely used up. Ele
le , I trio Bittern la the only remedy that w
,8 , ' give you prompt and sure relief. They e
{ directly on your liver , stomach and kldnej
tone up the whole eystem and make you f <
" Ilka a new being. They are guaranteed
in cure or price refunded , For tale at Kuhn
ad | Co.'s drug store , only CO cent * per bottle.
Big Claim In Which Pettlgrew is Said to Be
Financially Interested ,
Qetn five Per Cent , If Connrcn * I'nm
the Hill , of nn Iiullnii Claim of
$ aOOO,000 MnkcM No De-
ulnl at the Charge.
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Oct. 10. ( Special. )
The political sensation ot recent years
was the ono sprung by Robert J. Gamble ,
republican candidate for congress , and Kirk
Phillips , republican candidate ( or governor ,
at their meeting at Mllbnnk. In 1851 , It
appears , the government mode a treaty with
tlib BUseton Indiana , under which they left
their former Minnesota homo and In con
sideration of their removal the government
agreed to pay them $71,000 annually for fifty
years In case they remained loyal and peace
able. In 1862 an Indian outbreak occurred ,
In which the Sisscton Indians took part , and
the payment ot the annuity wan stopped ,
the government asserting the Indians had
violated their agreement. Of late Senator
Pottlgrew has been trying to secure the
passage of a bill paying the Slsseton and
Santee Sioux Indians their annuity on the
ground that In 1862 It was unjustly stopped.
A bill to accomplish this Is now pending
before congress.
It provides for the recognition by the
government of Indebtedness to the Indians
aggregating $3,000,000 , with 3 per cent In
terest on deferred payments. In the cose
of the Slssetons It makes $400,000 and In
the case of the Santce Stoux $300,000 , Im
mediately available for the payment of com
missions In accordance with the terras of a
certain contract now on fllo In the Interior
department , and also at the Slsseton agency
In South Dakota. The Sisscton contract Is
between twelve representatives ot the SIsso-
tons and one Charles Maxfleld , an attorney
of Washington , D. C. , and It entitles Mr.
Maxfleld to 12'/i per cent of any moneys
recovered for these Indians on this account.
This contract was In 1896 approved by the
Interior , department , except that the com
mission was cut to 10 per cent
Then comes the peculiar and sensational
feature , of tll'o whole * business. "In con
sideration ot $1 , and services rendered , and
to bo rendered , " a half Interest In the
proceeds of the contract is assigned by
Maxfleld to "Lyman T. Dunning , attorney-
at-law at Sioux Falls , S. D. " Mr. Dun
ning Is a brother-in-law ot Senator Petti-
grow , Is his confidential representative In
this place , Is a druggist , Is not and never
has been an attorney. This half Interest U
worth $137,000. Senator Pottlgrew Is chair
man of the senate committee on Indian
These facts were given publicity In Soutt
Dakota sevral days ago by publication It
the Argus-Leader. Senator Pcttlgrew'a per
sonal organ , the Sioux Falls Press , ha !
simply said In reply that Mr. Pettlgrew "Ii
not this year a candidate for offlce. " Thi
exposure has caused perhaps the blgges
sensation South Dakota politics has cvci
known. Mr. Pettlgrew Is the leader todaj
of the populist party and Is nightly tnaklni
eloquent speeches In the Interest of reforn
and pure politics.
Latent NCTVH of Importance from Soutl
Dakota' * Hlch Mineral
DEADWOOD , S. D. , Oct. 10. ( Speclal.- )
The Southern Hills have made anothe
great strike w.hlch , , | s going to bo i
rival of the rich Holy Terror mlm
at Keystone. The Sunnysldo mine 1
situated two and a halt miles north of Hll
City , on Nowton's fork. The mine has
romantic history. In December , 1895 , thor
was a very heavy wind storm which over
turned many large pine trees. A prospecto
in the employ of the owners of the ground
Coata and Dottanae , In passing around
large pine tree which had fallen across th
trail , discovered the roots of the tree to b
covered with quartz containing very rlc !
quantities of free gold. Work was Immcdl
ately commenced on a shaft on this plac
and a carload of ore sent to the Kansas Clt
smelter had an average value ot $49 free
milling. The discovery at that time wa
considered wonderful. The property change
hands several times and Is now owned b
the Sunnysldo Mining company , which I
composed for the most part of stockholder
In the Holy Terror company. The shaft wa
put down 160 feet , all In ore. At that dcpt
the ore seemed to pinch out , Just as it dl
In the Holy Terror mine. Work was con
tlnued to the 200-foot level and values wer
obtained again. The shaft U now 360 fee
deep , on an incline. A drift and crosscu
have been run and ten days ago a new shoe
of ore was struck In the crosscut. It I
eleven feet wide , a true fissure , and there I
probably not another mine , in the Hills the
has such rich free milling ore.
From the best of authority It Is stated tha
the ore rune from $50 to $100 , which I
free milling ore Is very rich. The Home
stake company's ore averages only $4.50
ton. This Is considered the most Importan
result of development work In the Souther
Hills , as the fact has been demonstrate
beyond question that the ore fissures hoi
their values with depth and It has bee
the history of the Holy Terror that th
values have Increased with every foot suuV
The Sunnyslde company has as yet an
nounced no plans for the future. A stamp
mill will be one ot the first things to erec
There Is already a five-stump mill on th
property. There Is an Immense quantlt
of water In the workings , enough to ru
a big stamp mill. In all of the Souther
1 Hills mines there Is olwaya found a
9 abundance of water for mill purposes. Whe
1 It Is considered that along the Keyotor
belt and In the Hornblende camp and othi
places In the southern part ot Pennlngtc
8 county are to be Tound claim after clali
3 that show free-milling ore on the surfai
. with values from $5 to $15 a ton , and thi
nearly every proposition Is ready for sa !
or leate , It Is a wonderment that caplt ;
Is BO slow to Invest. It is now demot
strated that the ere shoots In these cami
f are true fissures. Mining on these propi
sltlons Is almost a sure thing.
a About twelve tons of ore- are being mine
per day from the old Iron Hill mine , I
Carbonate camp. Tbo ere Is being take
from the 100-foot level and Is worth aboi
$30 a ton. There Is ere enough In sight
last flVe vcura.
Garden City and Carbonate camps are qul
near to each other and about five and sevc
miles northwest of Deadwood. They a
about the oldest camps In the hills and ha' '
each produced thousands of dollars In'col
Both camps contain great quantities of lo
grade ore , ranging from $8 to $16 a. to
which la too low to ship any distance. Bo
camps are livening up considerably over tl
proposed starting up ot a cyanide plant
Garden City which will treat ore will :
value of $10 for $7 a ton. H Is a poor roll
In this camp that can't turn out from t <
to fifteen tons of ore per day and there a
at least a dozen mines in the camp wl
that capacity. If the cyanide plant prov
to be a success It will be enlarged to 1
tons or more per day. This camp will ill
become ono of the richest In the hills n
every mine will bo worked to Us full c
U paclty. A new hoisting plant of larg
: t capacity U being put on the Faust end M
° { properties and a shaft has also beou start
° on the north end of the grouo In TaraJl
& gulch , Tbo leraees of the Garden Cl
I group haye commenced to take out 100 to
ot ore for the new cyanide plant , which
Is low grade ore. Bcckraan brothers and
associates have purchased a steam hoisting
plant end will resume sinking their shaft
In Polo gulch. The McDonald brothers are
taking out some rich ore from tbo Blunder
buss claim , owned by the Itossltcr brothers
ot Deadwood. It Is understood that a com
pany stands ready to put In another cyanide
plant In Carbonate camp as soon as the
Garden City plant proves a success.
The shoot ot ore In the Ben Hur mine ,
In Nevada Gulch , Is still the talk of the
Bald mountain districtIt Is the latest
discovery of ore in the camp and it Is
turning out to bo ono of the richest. The
shoot Is about twenty feet wide and seven
high and the average value Is about $55 a
ton gold. The shoot has bo < * n traced both
north and south Into other mining cralms
and on two properties It has been opened up
and Is found to carry values as rich as In
the Ben Hur. The Bald mountain mines
arc porbably the heaviest producers In the
Hills. The Tornado , owned by the Golden
Howard company , Is producing about 150
tons per twenty-four hours. .Tho Mogul ,
owned by the Horseshoe company , ships 100
tons , and the Union , owned by the Deadwood
and Delaware company , Is shipping dally
about 100 tons. The ere runs In value from
140 to $50 a ton gold nnd Is all silicons oro.
t Is treated In separate plants. The Golden
Reword ore goes to the largo chlorlnatton
works belonging to the company In Deadwood -
wood ; the Horseshoe company has a 150-ton
chlorlnatton plant at Pluma and the ore
rom the Union mine goes to the Deadwood
and Delaware smelter at Deadnood. The
Sunset Mining company of Minneapolis has
purchased several claims surrounded by the
properties of these three large companies.
; t will be necessary to sink a shaft about
:00 : feet to reach quar.tzlte. The new holst-
ng machinery has been erected and work la
Inking the shaft has been resumed.
Wecliiomlnr Will He n llolldnr for
City Employe * MncDonnld A -
luni HIM Contract.
Wednesday , McKlnley day , will bo a hol
iday as far as the city employes are con
cerned , In ordcr o glvo them a chance to
see the president ; The offices In the city
hall will bo closed , but the building It
self will be opened , one elevator will bo
running and a giiUlo will bo on hand to
show visitors about. This action was taken
at a special meeting of the city council
yesterday afternoon , which was held for
the purpose of cleaning up the business
which would otherwise have come up at
the regular meeting tonight. The latter
meeting will no bo held on account of the
festivities Incidental to the president's visit.
By resolution of Mount , Alexander MacDonald -
Donald was given permission to assign his
garbage hauling contract and monopoly tc
the so-called City Garbage company. The
Incorporators of the company are Alexandei
MacDonald , A. B. Hunt and C. Fargo. Th (
resolution was almost unanimously passed
Stuht being the only ono to vote agalnsi
It. The bond of the company In the sun
of $10,000 was approved. The sureties were
Edward Qurske , John Grant and Alonzo B
The ordinance authorizing the submlsslor
of a proposition at the coming election ti
vote $50,000 paving and $50 000 sewer bondi
was passed on the third reading. Thi
same action was taken on ordinances chang
Ing th ? grade on Mason street from Thirty ,
third street to a point 450 feet west , 01
Twenty-seventh street from Ames avenui
to Fowler and on Meredith from Twenty
seventh to Thirtieth.
Councilman Stuht Introduced an ordlnanci
to repeal the one which ordered that i
proposition to vote $200,000 bonds be sub
mltted rat the coming election.
About- forty levy ordinances for paving
and gracing that has been done were passed
According to communication from c
large number of property owners along the
thoroughfare , Cash Bros. , the contractor :
grading Mason street from 'Eleventh tc
Thirteenth , have covered Pacific street froir
Eleventh to Sixth with dirt that has droppec
from their wagons engaged In hauling U
their dumping ground. In rainy weather thi
street Is said to bo almost Impassable. Thi
council , was petitioned to compel the con
tractors to ctcaa up the street. The mattei
was referred.
The street car company was Instructed t <
fill In between Its rails on Tenth street fron
Lincoln avenue to Bancroft. This work hai
not been done because It was thought thai
the street would bo rcpaved , but It has bcei
found Impossible to secure the slgnaturci
of the majority of the adjoining propertj
A request was received from W. C. Ivoi
asking that ho bo granted a reasonable com
pensatlon for services rendered In the ln >
vestlgatlon ot the accounts of Henry Bolln
The request was referred to committee.
The committee that has In hand the mat
ter of building a viaduct on Twenty-fourtl
street over the railroad tracks was glvei
more tlmo at its request.
The sum ot $1,500 was appropriated fo :
the use ot the Board of Public Works li
fixing up streets.
Eiijnlnn the Onrlinse Contractor.
A temporary Injunction "until the furthc
order of the court" has been Issued by Judg
Scott against Garbage Contractor MacDon
aid end the city , on the petition of Henr ;
Coombs , enjoining them from prosecutlni
any person under section 1 of ordlnanci
4462 , passed July 5 last , from hauling awa ;
any garbage or rubbish he may see fit ti
Accident In the KlUhnrn Ynriln I
rntiHril ) > r Pnltnre of Company to I
1'rotlilc for OivnliiK | StTltchra. '
An Inquest to Inquire into the circum
stances of the wreck which occurred last , (
Saturday In the Fremont , r.lkliorn & Mis
souri Valley ratlroatXynrds , resulting In the . '
death ot Harry C. ( loins , a waiter on the dc- | ,
mollsheil dining car , was held ycaterday |
In Coroner Snanson'a olTlcc. Attorney James
B. Shecan was on hand to represent the Elkhorn -
horn road , whoso train did the damage ,
while Claim Agent E. L. I'oolc of the Omaha
company was present to look nftcr the In
terests ot the latter road ,
A host ot witnesses , Including all the
crew ot the freight train , many ot the yard
hands and a waiter who escaped from the
wrecked dining car , wcro examined , but
there were no unexpected developments or
testimony ot a sensational character. All
the ovldenco tending to prove that the acci
dent did not result cither from carelessness
or neglect to exercise due precaution on the
part ot employes of cither company.
It was shown In the testimony that the
direct cause of the collision was the failure
of the airbrakes on the freight train to work
effectively when applied , The dining car
destroyed was In Its proper place on the
outgoing track , and It was the duty ot the
freight train crew to have turned the switch
directing their train on to the Incoming
track , over which It had the right of way.
To have done this , It was necessary for the
freight train to stop before the switch wa ?
reached and wait until the brakcman had
changed It over. But the unusually heavy
train , the long down grade over which It
was running , and the failure of the air
brakes to work effectively , all combined to
prevent the checking ot the train's speed
In tlmo to make the switch.
There was another question the Jury had
to consider. It was brought out In the tes
timony that the accident probably would not
have happened had a man to tend the switch
been placed there when freight trains passed ,
as Is done In the case of passenger trains.
It rests with the Jury to determine the rail
road company's .responsibility In this respect.
The first witness was Mlko E. Smith , engi
neer ot the advance engine of the freight
train. Ho testified that the train was not
moving at a higher-rate of speed than usual
when ho approached the yards. He says the
signal for brakes was blown when he saw
that tbo train could not bo stopped , and that
he also blew the signal for some of the yard
hands to turn the switch. Ho attrlbutctd the
accident to the failure of the airbrakes on
his train to work.
Fireman James Madden , of the same en
gine , gave practically the same testimony ,
end the statements of these men were sub
stantiated by Conductor Bert Forney and
Brakemen Frank Klotz and James Burke.
Thomas Madrey , the waiter who was re
moved from the wrecked car through a
window , told the story of the accident , but
threw no new light on the subject. The case
was given to the Jury at noon and It decided
on a verdict almost Immediately , finding
that the deceased rrst his death In the acci
dent described , and that the accident was
caused by the freight train running at too
high rate of speed and not being under
proper control ; further , that the collision
could have been avoided by having a switch
tender stationed at the switch where It
occurred. . '
DelcfvateM of the Reserve Fund Order *
Come Here for Conference
and Continuation.
Ono of the conventions that Is to meet In
Omaha this week Is the American Fraternal
congress. This organization Is composed of
the officers of the fraternal benefit associa
tions that arc creating reserve or emergency
funds. The nicotine' Is to be held In the
hall at 1320 Farnam street , commencing at
10 o'clock Tuesday morning. The following
fraternities are expected to be represented
by delegates : Royal Tribe of Joseph , Se-
dollo , Mo. : Fraternal Union of America.
Denver , Colo. , and Omaha , Neb. ; Royal
Highlanders , Aurora , Neb. ; Business and
Fraternal association. Omaha. Neb. ; Wood
men of the World Sovereign camp , Omaha ,
Neb. ; Knights and Ladlesof Security.Topeka ,
Kan. ; Order of Chosen Friends , Indianapolis ,
Ind. : American Benevolent association. St.
I Louis , Mo. ; Sons and Daughters of Protec
tion. Lincoln. Neb. : Order of Columbian
, Knights , Chicago , III. ; Woodmen of the
i World , Pacific jurisdiction. Denver. Colo. ;
Loyal Mystic Legion , Hastings , Neb. ;
Ancient Order of Pyramids. Topeka , Kan. ;
Royal fraternity , Minneapolis , Minn. ; Na
tional Reserve association , Kansae City , Mo. ;
. Knights and Ladles of the Fireside. Kansas.
1 City , Mo.
Died from Henri
After a perfunctory investigation by the
police and Coroner Swanson as to the cause
of the death of John P. Schonnlng of
Twenty-fourth and Harney streets Friday
night at Eleventh and Douglas streets , it
was decided that Schonnlng died of heart
disease and not at the hands of thugs.
The wounds on his face were caused by
his head striking heavily on several pieces
of Iron that stuck upright in a scraplron
pile at Eleventh and Douglas streets. While
the wounds were deep , it was shown that
they could not have caused death. Rela
tions of deceased yesterday made the
statement that Schonnlng has been afflicted
for years with heart trouble.
Deceased was burled at 2 o'clock under
the auspices of the local lodge of Elks , of
which , ho was an honored member. '
A stubborn cough or tickling In the throat
yields to Ono Minute Cough Cure. Harmless
in effect , touches the right spot , reliable and
just what la wanted. It acts at onco.
The New $3 $ Welts-
That Drex L. Shooman Is showing In
a ladles' shoo will even be a surprise to
Mr , McKlnley and he ha seen a great
deal but then these welts are out of
the ordinary besides the man fashion
whlclv-ls proving very popular wo carry
such deslrablo lasts as the Military-
Derby I'ug Webster nnd custom not
so extreme as the man fashion yet the
very essence of style and comfort No
other shoo will glvo the comfort of a
welt nnd these ! 3.00 welt shoes are
genuine welt .Tust bear that In mind
when looking elsewhere.
Drexel Shoe Co. ,
Omnba'n tip-to-date Shoe Homo.
Hello Mac ! !
You know the Jewel range you have
nt homo well we're the Omaha sellers
of the same range and It you get a
chance you might tell the crowd when
you talk to them at the exposition
what a good baker It Is wo can make
the prices so that buying will be easy
If you need any nails hatchets and
hammers to repair your fences while out
here Just telephone No. 500 and we'll
get them to you In .short order we've
everything that you could Ilud In the
best hardware store In Washington ,
D. C.
1514 Farnam St ,
You Weary ?
To hurry down town to look at some article advertised
at $2.75 , worth $7.00 , and lind the same old FAKE
your neighbor got caught on. , Tust think it over for
yourself. Does it look reasonable ? Can you expect to
get § 7.00 worth for $2.75 ? Do you imagine these ad
vertisers are fools ? "Rest assured they are only trying to
make fools of you , and the chances are that before they
lot go of you they will sell you two dollars and twenty
five cents worth for about $7.00. If you have had
enough of that kind of business and want to trade at a
place where such tricks are not practiced , come to us.
Yon don't need to take any chances hero. . We don't
otter to give you $3 worth of goods for 75 cents
But We Do Guarantee
to give you your money's worth in good , serviceable
goods and if you are not satisfied you can have your
money back. We sell for cash or on easy weekly
or monthly payments , at one price to every
$15S ° V/ORTH$12 / ° AWEEK
' "
? . 5Q ° S - . . -175- „ I' ' 7500
N'olirnnka Hey Hiiniiendcil from Went
Point for 1'luyliiwr n Prank
on the Plclicn.
For falling to report hla. own delinquen
cies while on duty at the West Point Military
academy , Cadet Philip S. Smith has been
tried by a court-martial , convicted of con
duct prejudicial to good discipline , sus
pended for ono year , and dtopped a class
lower. This means , perhaps , more than a
hundred numbers down In the Ilnu ot pro
motion below where he would have befn
had he not suffered suspension.
Two years ago Cadet Smith left tin home
In Nebraska after passing a competitive ex
amination , confident that a four year's
course at West Point would .bring him a
commission in the army. He was 20 years
old when ho entered the academy. Last
year he took his medicine like all the rest
of the plebes , double-stepped , and "choo-
chooed" with a plebe's patience and resig
nation , fought when necessary , and made
a grim determination to make his successors
do likewise.
'This year the authorities at W ai Point
said there should bo no scmbla'nce of hazing.
The order went forth that any plebe. caught ,
doing manual labor for an upper clflfsman
without reporting It should bo severely
punished. In spite ot all this the plebes
were hazed. The tactical officers , after their *
scouting tours , so reported , and no "tact's"
word ever yet was doubted In truth there"
was no room for doubt. The results were
visible. Plcbes were arrested , but no con
fession -ould : bo forpe < l irom them. Tht-y
refused to answer questions ami patiently
took the punishments which would have
gone to their tormentors had they given
H was next ordered that sentinels should
be placed In the company streets , with strict
orders to peer Into each tent , report every
suspicious circumstance , and , If plcbes were
seen In upper classmen's tents , or vice
versa , the corporal ot the guard was to be
called and the cadets arrested. The sen
tinels were In honor bound to report all
such cases that came to their notice.
Among the first to' bo posted for sentinel
duty was Cadet Smith. The young No-
brnskan did not like the work , but orders
had to bo obeyed , and ho patrolled his beat
with a watchful , cye on the tents. Hour
after hour he kept tab on his comrades and
classmates , but all was quiet as the grave
and as the first streak ot dawn came a
bustle at the guard tent told the weary
sentinel that the relief would soon march
Whether It was the elves or fairies which
are said to abound In the vicinity ot West
Point that put the thought Into Cadet
Smith's head to rout the plebes out of bed
an hour before reveille will never bo known.
The "Tacts" did not try to explain It.
Certain It Is that Smith or the fairies went
Play On
But you cnn't piny on very much If
you haven't a plnno or organ to play on
we're making prices on organs this
week that are less than you can buy
hand organs for we started out this
morning with ono at $10 been used
but a good organ Just the same then
we hart one at ? 18 one at2 one ut
$ .i7 have been used but there Is one
thing you want to remember when you
buy hero "that we do as wo asret
and we sell ouly reliable Instruments"
by coming early you may bo able to se
cure ono of these bargains for they arc
bargains In ever sense of the word.
MUSIC Onfl fln ' 5I3 Douglas ,
Take Care of Your Eyes
Have them examined by a competent
optician and have the little defects
remedied nt once It's the llttlo thlniiB
that grow large and cause so much
trouble by proper attention now you
may be able to avert the painful surgi
cal operation that Is sure to follow
where neglect Is allowed our optician
Is reliable and competent If you don't
need glasses he will tell you so after ho
has made n thorough examination
which ho does free of charge a full
line of colored glasses so convenient
these sunny days.
I.radlnK Sclentlfla Optician * .
KM Fam > m BUteL _ i
Oft > oU fraxuMi iiotri.
to every plobo's tent and admonished the
sleeping soldiers to turn out and pile their
bedding. But whllo the "babes" slumbered ,
a guardian angel In the person of Lieutenant
Hotter watched over their sleep and noted
down mentally and In writing the tlmo that
Smith turned them out.
Scarcely bad the cobwebs been rubbed out
of the lower classmen's eyes before the
tramp of the guard was heard. At the same _
moment the flaps of Lieutenant Hoffor'o"
tent wcro thrown back , and with clanking
sword the tactical ofllccr marched up to
Cadet Smith.
"Anything to report , Mr. Smith ? "
"Nothing , lieutenant. All's well , "
promptly responded the cadet.
"Do you know your orders , Mr. Smith ? "
"Yes , sir , " and the young cadet rattled
them oft.
"Your are sure there Is nothing to re
port ? " repeated the lieutenant , but Smith
adhered to his first statement , although a
little nervous from the officer's persistence.
"When you march off guard , Mr. Smith ,
go to your tent and consider yourself In ar
rest , " was the parting order Lieutenant
Hdffer .
gave. - >
A court-martial followed. Charges wcro n
preferred against Cadet Smith for making n
an untruthful report. Ho was found guilty ,
although according to military and civil law
nobody Is supposed to say anything that will
Incriminate himself. The Washington
bureau approved the sentence and Cadet
Smith will enjoy n vacation for the next
twelve mouths , but his present classmates
will be a year ahead of him , and some ot
the plebes who wcro awakened from their
early morning dreams will rank him In thij
Chronic IHiirrliora Contracted In tlto
. .rtiv.
Whllo In the armv Mr. David Taylor , now
proprietor of the Commercial Hotel , Wind
Ridge , Greene Co. , Pn. , contracted chronla
diarrhoea. In speaking of It ho says : "I
have never found anything that would glvo
mo such quick relief as Chamberlain's Colic ,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. "
Mortality StntlNtlcM.
The following births and deaths were re
sorted to the health commissioner durlnfl
the twenty-four hours ending at noon yes
terday :
Births Thomas Harrington , 1115 Jackson ,
1John \ \ ; Nelson , 1012 Dorcas , twin boys ;
Tohn KownlewBkl , 2804 Dupont , girl ; John
Targaczowskl , IflSG South Twenty-clchth ,
? lrl ; E. D. Hlgblo , 2024 Grant , boy.
Deaths Martin Urban. 2623 Sherman ,
wonue. 84 years ; Ida B. Cowglll , 1115 South
Seventh , 33 years ; Frank Krejcl , 1313 Wil
liams , days ; Henry Gotns , Chicago ,
30 years , railroad accident.
For broken surfaces , sores , Insect bites ,
burns , skin diseases , and especially piles ,
there Is one reliable remedy , DeWltt's Witch
Hazel Salve. When you call for DeWltt'a
don't accept counterfeit or frauds. You will
not be disappointed with DeWltt's Witch
Hazel Salve.