Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 10, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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Btockcrt Carpet Co. , 205-207 Bwy.
Mooro's food kills worms and fattens.
C. B. Jacqucmln & Co. , jewelers and op
ticians , 27 South Main street.
y , If. Fuller and wife arrived from Mln-
n.itpolls , Minn. , yesterday on a visit to
the exposition.
Mr. and Mra. J , Johannsenn of Aberdeen ,
B. D. , arrived In the city yesterday on a
Visit to the exposition.
C. B. Jacquemln , who arrived from Hel
ena , Mont. , Friday , left last evening on a
business trip to New York.
There will be a meeting this evening of
the Colored Voters' Smith Md'hon-on Re
publican club ot 1120 Broadway.
J. C. Bl\by , heating and sanitary engineer.
Plans nnd specifications for heating , plumbIng -
Ing and lighting. 202 Main , Council Bluffs.
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. J , Perkins nnd Mr. and
Mrs. T. J. Lnughlln , exposition visitors from
Uodgevllle , WIs. , are stopping In the city.
Don't you think It must be a pretty good
laundry that can please so many hundreds
of customers ? Well that's the "Englo , "
724 Broadway.
W. E. Adklns nnd Miss Etta Swartz were
married yesterday afternoon at the residence
of the brldo'a parents , 1401 Avenue G , Rev.
n. Venting of the Flr t Baptist church
Falrmount park was the center of attrac
tion yesterday afternoon for large crowds of
exposition visitors from Omaha and the
number of strangers In the city yesterday
was noticeably larger than It has been for
some tlrno past.
The Board of Trustees ot the free public
library will hold Its regular monthly meet
Ing this afternoon. Among other matters
the board Is expected to take some action on
the proposition to reduce the number of
assistants to the librarian.
Otto Oluf. the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Schny , 1004 South Tenth street ,
died yesterday morning , aged 9 months. The
funeral will be from the residence tomor
row afternoon at 2 o'clock and Interment
will bo In Falrvlcw cemetery.
C. C. Case of Fourth street reported to
the police yesterday afternoon that his 3
year-old son had wandered away from home.
The child , after the police bad put In a
couple of hours wourlng the town for him ,
wan found playing with some neighbors'
children only two doors away from his
Lieutenant Frank Compton of the Flfty-
flrst Iowa volunteers arrived home yesterday
afternoon from San Francisco on a thirty
days' furlough. He was accompanied by his
Wife and came here from ( irand Island ,
whcro ho had stopped off for a visit with
relatives. He la suffering from Inflamma
tory rheumatism.
An Individual giving the name of C. E
Bird , arrested Saturday night as a "va
grant , " when searched at the station was
found to bo carrying a formidable looking
spring knife with an edge on both sides o
the blade. The additional charge ot carrying
concealed weapons was placed on the ja
register opposite his name.
Mrs. Sarah Buroughs died yesterday morn >
ing at her home , 349 Benton street , from
old nge. Deceased , who was 77 years of ago ,
was ono ot the pioneer residents of this
city. She leaves ono daughter , Mrs. D. O.
Brown , of Benton street. The funeral will
bo held tomorrow afternoon at 2-30 o'clock
from the residence , the eervlcea being con
ducted by Dr. D. C. Franklin , presiding
elder ot the Methodist church. Interment
will be In Walnut Hill cemetery.
llev. A. Overton complained to the police
last night that his son Richard had been
bitten by n dog belonging to D. Dunn , the
expressman. The dog bit the young lad
In the calf of the leg. Inflicting an ugly
wound and Mr. Overton asked that the
canine bo either shot or kept tied up out
Of harm's way In the future.
Colonel and Mrs. J. J. Steadmnn ot Oak
land avenue are entertaining Judge and
Mrs. Firestone of Lisbon. O. , Mrs. W. E.
Bnelllng of Marshalltown , la. , and N. P.
and Lloyd Garretson of Topeka , Kan.
Physical perfection , the secret of beauty.
Call or send for "Viavl Message. " Vlavl Co. ,
226 MerrUru Block.
N. Y. Plumblne company. Tel. 250.
Water Hills.
Monday , October 10 , laat day for discount.
Office open Monday evening.
Illeiv Out the Can.
Fred Strampe and Henry Schultz arrived
Saturday night from Paulina , la. , on a visit
to the exposition , and engaged a room at the
Ogden hotel. When the porter went to
call them yesterday morning he noticed a
strong odor .of gas proceeding from their
room. Ho received no answer from the oc
cupants so climbed through the transom and
opened the door from the Inside. The room
was full of gas and Strampe and Schultz
were lying in bed unconscious. Dr. Bellin
ger was summoned and after two hours' hard
work succeeded In reviving the two men who
yesterday evening were little the worse for
their experience. The gas jet sets up
rather high and they tried several times to
blow it out standing on the floor. Not suc
ceeding Schultz admitted that he stood on
a chair and finally managed to put It out
with a good strong blow. They were both
much surprised to learn yesterday that that
was not the ordinary way to put gas out.
The Woodmen of the World will give
their bi-monthly dance tonight at their
ball on Broadwcy.
Wanted Girl tor general housework ;
family of three : no children ; $5 per week
If satisfactory and well recommended. Ap
ply to Mra. W. 8. Dlmmock , 219 South Sev
enth street , Council Bluffs.
For the lost ftw weeks the Bourlctus
Music Houao. 325 Broadway , baa been one
ot the liveliest stores In Council Bluffs.
Its popularity Is becoming greater each day.
( This is duo to Mr. Bourlclus' keeping the
latest things In the musical world , lie Is
Always up to the times and his big sales
( n pianos this season excelled that of any
other year since ho has been In business
fcere. Look for the organ on the building.
Itolirer Want * n Street Vacated.
At the adjourned meeting of the city coun
cil to be held tonight ono ot the matters to
come up for action will bo the petition of
M. F. Rohrcr for the vacation of part of the
street running east and west through Rohrcr
place , immediately west of the Northwestern
depot. J. P. Qreenshlelds , who owns sev
eral lots In the subdivision , has entered n
protest. Rohrcr place Is platted In two
tiers ot lots with the street running between
them. About flvo years ago an ordinance
vas secured , vacating the eastern end of
this street , the lota both north and south ol f
it being owned by Mr. Grecnshlelds. Tbo
' vacated portion of the street reverted to
him , his property therefore fronts on the
end ot the unvacated portion of the street
nd Mr. GrccnshleMs claims an Interest in
the street and objects to It being vacated.
Twenty-Fifth Annual Session Will Bo Held
Hero This Week.
Special Celebration < o lie Mailc the
Feature of the Program Which
Hold * Much of Intercut for the
Temperance Worker * .
The twenty-fifth annual convention oflho
Iowa State Woman's Christian Temperance
union will bo held In this city this week ,
commencing Wednesday afternoon and con
tinuing until Friday evening. The sessions
will bo held In the auditorium ot the First
Baptist church and the members ot the local
union have made arrangements to entertain
at least 100 delegates. The convention will
mark the silver anniversary of the organiza
tion of the state union and a number of
prominent workers In the cause are ex
pected to bo present. The state offlaers of
the union are : President , Mrs. Etta B.
Hurford , Indlanola ; corresponding secretary ,
Mrs. Flora J. McAchran , Blooraflcld ; trea
surer , Mrs. Nannie B. Howe. The local
committee on entertainment , of which Mra.
A. A. Hart is chairman , expects to bo able
to furnish free entertainment for all the
vlstllng delegates at the homes of the mem
bers of the union In this city. Mrs. Brown
and Mrs. Bnllcnger constitute the focal com
mittee on program which has been an
nounced for the convention as follous :
Wednesday afternoon. October 12 : Devo
tional exorcises , conducted by Mrs. M. J
Aldrlch ; appointment of committees ; re
port of corresponding secretary , Mrs. M
C. Cnllanrn ; report of recording secretary
Mrs. Flora J. McAchran ; report of treas
urer. Mrs. Nannie B. Howe ; district re
ports First district , Mrs. Ada Dodd ; Second
end district. Mrs. S. F. Kelso ; Third dis
trict. Mrs. Sarah W. Whitney ; announce
ment nnd adjournment.
Wednesday evening : Devotlonnl exercises
Mrs. E. C. Macy ; music ; recitation , L. T. A.
Council Bluffy ; greeting , Council Bluffs un
ion , Mrs , I. A. Hart ; response , Mrs. Colone
Springer ; music ; president's address , Mrs
Etta B. Hurford ; mug. Council Bluffs L
T. A. ; collection nnd benediction.
Thursday morning : Devotions , led by
Mra. Isnbelle Plumb ; minutes of Wednes
day's.sessions ; report of Ilnnrd of Trustees ;
election of officers ; district reports Fourth
district. Mrs. E. F. Powers ; Fifth district ,
Mrs. Ellen K. Mather : Sixth district , Mrs.
E. A. Potter ; Seventh district , Mrs. A. O.
Reynolda ; adjournment.
Thursday afternoon : Silver anniversary
thank offering , Mrs. N. M. Smith ; district
reports Ninth district , Mrs. McElroy ; Tenth
district , Mrs. Georgia McClellan ; Eleventh
dU'trlct , Mrs. Adelaide Ballnrd ; superin
tendents' reports Evangelistic , Mrs. M. J.
Phllpot ; Sabbath observance , Mrs. William
Schneider ; Sabbath school work , Mrs. Cells
Lyday ; legislative work , Mrs. Florence Mil
ler ; scientific temperance work , Mrs. Anna
F. Stlllwell : auditor's report , Mrs. S. C.
Slayton ; adjournment.
Thursday evening : Opening exercises ? ,
Mrs. L. S. Brown ; music ; address , Mrs. M.
J. Aldrlch ; music ; address , Mrs. Isabella
Plumb ; music ; recitation , L. T. A. , Council
Bluffs ; benediction and adjournment.
Friday morning : Memorial and forget-
me-not service , Mrs. M. J. Mllllken ; de
partment reports Flower mission work ,
Mrs. M. F. Hlnman ; franchise , Mrs. M. O.
Callanan : work for soldiers and sailors , Mrs.
N. S. Chapln ; literature , Mrs Clara E.
Smith ; hygiene and .heredity , Dr. Lcona
Johnson ; state and co'unty fairs , Mrs. Nan
nie B. Howe ; loyal temperance army , Mrs.
May Hoot : report of recommendation com
mittee ; report of revision committee ; an
nouncements and adjournment.
Friday afternoon : Devotional exercises ,
Mrs. L. A. Peasley ; report of resolution ;
committee ; department reports Young pee
ple's work , Miss Elsie Rlgby ; press work ,
Mrs. Mary E. Mott ; work for foreign-born J
citizens , Mrs. E. Larson ; rescue work , Mrs.
M. A. Holmes ; railroad work , Mrs. C. C.
3abln ; social purity work. Mrs. Eleanor M.
Williams ; lecturers' work , Mrs. Colonel
Springer ; Chautauqua work , Mrs. R. B.
Irons ; miscellaneous business and adjourn
Friday evening : Devotional exercises , Mra.
C. T. Cole ; music ; recitation ; platform
meeting reminiscences of the crusade ; re
sume of lown work by ex-state presidents ,
Mrs. E. H. Wheeler , Mrs. V. W. Moore ( deceased -
ceased ) , Mrs. L. D. Carhart , Mrs. M. J. Al
drlch. Mrs. J. Ellen Foster , Mrs. Mottle
Bailey , Mrs. M. F. Hlnman , Mrs. M. E.
Woodln. Mrs. M. F. Hlnman ; closing words
by Mrs. Hurford ; benediction.
Snap Shots , a beautiful souvenir of the
exposition , containing reproductions of- nil
the prominent buildings , together with a
bird's-eye and general views of the grounds ,
can bo had at the Council Bluffs office of
The Bee for 25 cents. It is just the thing
to send to your friends at a distance.
- Water lllllH.
Monday , October 10 , last day for discount.
Office open Monday evening.
Suit on the County' * Hand * .
As a result of the accident Friday evenIng -
Ing , when a carryall containing Rev. S. A.
Perkins nnd several membere of the First
Christian church was overturned on the
Crescent City road , It Is Bald the county will
have a lawsuit on Its hands for damages.
The accident occurred at a point where the
road has recently been worked under the
supervision of Chairman Baker of the
county supervisors. On one side of the
roadway a , drainage ditch some three feet
deep had been cut and with no barrier to
prevent people from driving Into It. The
eldes of the ditch are almost perpendicular
and at night time to a person unacquainted
with the road the place Is particularly dan
The Woodmen of the World will give
their bi-monthly dance tonight nt their
hall on Broadway.
Part 2 of The Bee's pnotogravures of the
exposition Is now ready and can be had at
the Council Bluffs office ,
I Would If I Were Von
Go to the Mueller Piano and Organ com
pany nnd see how cheap you can buy n good
piano not a rattletrap , but something
worth putting In your house. A full line
National Music Co.'s music , 3,200 selections ;
usual price , lOc ; our price , 5c. Latest sheet
music first copy always lOc.
Foot Hall Game In Slant.
The football team of the High school la
hopeful of being nble to secure a game on
the * homo grounds with the East Des Molnes
High school team during the latter port of
with poor conipfoions with this incomparable liquid
Malt food at their beck and call. Poor comp'ex-
leas , caused by thin starved blood and faulty
digestion , are swept away by the magic
touch of Malt Vivme. ft produces rich ,
pure blood , coed digestion and in con
sequence a clear healthly corrtplcxibn.
ForSalcby Foley Bros * Wholewle Dealer * .
J4l2poURlasStreet. _ Omaha. Neb. Tel. 1081
ho present month. The game ararngcd for
next Saturday at Malvern with the High
school team of that town has been cancelled
and the boys will probably go to Tabor to
play a game with the college eleven.
\Vutrr nilln.
Monday , October 10 , last day for discount.
Office open Monday evening.
Wanted Olrl for general housework In
atnlly of two ; 607 Mynater street , Council
S. 0. Reeder used Cole's Hot Dlast heater
ast winter.
Miss Julia Ofllcer. teacher of piano , 633
Willow avenue. Fall and winter term.
Inillnii ComnilNnlniier Suliiiiltm Some
Ititcrefttlnic Figure * Concerning
the AVnriln of the Government.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 9. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The Indian commissioner In his an
nual report for the fiscal year ending June
30 , 1S98 , gives some Interesting figures re
garding contract schools on the Indian res
ervations. The amount expended on con
tract schools aggregated $119,644 , of which
$11G,8G2 was paid to schools conducted by
the Catholic church and $2,100 to the only
school conducted by Protestants In the
service , viz : the John Roberts school on the
Shoshone , Wyo. , reservation. Contracts were
entered Into with the fine Rldihs and Ilose-
bud schools In South Dakota , to which the
government paid $69,288 and $6C8S , re
spectively ; Shoshone , Wyo. , $3,072 ; Sho-
sbonc Mission , Wyoming , $2,165. The com
missioner says the new school at Wlnno
bago , Neb. , will bo completed and ready for
occupancy by September , 1899. The provl
slon In the last Indian appropriation bill of
$8,000 for the Industrial farm at Flandrcau ,
S. D. . has been carried. The work on the
allotments on the Rosebud , S. D. , reser
vation , have been continued during the
year. There remain to be made some 1,200
allotments. Special Alottlns Agent Winder
transmitted a schedule of fifteen allotments
to Sioux residing or entitled to reside on the
old 1'onca reservation , Nebraska strip , Nc <
braska , embracing the following families
Darker , Whiting , Anderson and Lewis. The
schedule was forwarded to the department
June 7 , and was approved June 10 , 1898
with Instructions that patents Issue. The
report devotes much space to the splendid
exhibit at the Omaha Exposition.
For broken surfaces , sores , Insect bites
burns , skin diseases , nnd especially piles ,
there Is one reliable remedy , DeWltt's Witch
Hazel Salve. When you call for DeWltt's
don't accept counterfeit or frauds. You wll
not be disappointed with DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve
Siilicrlntciiiloiit of Institution at To
Veku HcNlpriit and Malccn
Startling IlcvvIntloiiH.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Oct. 9. A special I
the Journal from Topeka , Kan. , says :
"Dr. C. H. Wotraore has "tendered his res
Ignation as superintendent of the state asylum
lum for the Insane to the governor and th
State Board of Charities. Accompanylnr th
resignation was a letter In which Dr. Wet
more gives his reasons for resigning. Th
the letter an astounding story of allcgci
cruelty and debauchery at that Institution
The doctor telfs of alleged Instances o
deaths of patients from neglect , speaks o
the "drunkards and Incompetents placet
over the unfortunate Inmates , " charges tha
n state "joint" exists at the asylum , accuse ;
Chairman H. Jumper of the State Board o
Charities with being on a continual debauc !
for the past fifteen months and open !
charges subordinate officials with attempt
Ing to ruin pure women.
These are only a few ot the sensationa
t charges made In the Fetter , which Is pub
J llahed In full. Dr. Wctmoro declares h
stands ready to prove every charge and say
i ho can prove even more. Dr. Wetmor
J Is an appointee of the present populist ad
' ministration.
Hiram S. Muvlm , Inventor of Ilnnl
Fire Gun , Snym lie In the Victim
of a ninulciiuiller.
NEW YORK , Oct. 9. Hiram S. Maxim
the Inventor of rapid fire guns , was arrcstc
last night on Foughkecpsle , N. Y. , warrants
for bigamy and abandonment. He says th
whole thing Is a blackmailing scheme
Maxim said that the woman causing him th
trouble is Helen Lelghton. Ho said tba
fifteen years ago ho met the womaa on th
Bowery In this city. He said ho was the
living on Union street in Brooklyn with h !
-wife and children. He stated that the saru
kind ef a suit was Instituted against him t
Philadelphia. The case , ho said , was dls
missed because the Lelghton woman failed t
appear In court. At Poughkeepsle toda
Maxim pleaded not guilty and waa release
on $2,000 ball to appear next Friday.
When you call for DeWltt's Witch Haze
Salve , the great pile cure , don't accept any
thing else. Don't be talked into accepting
substitute , for piles , for sores , for brulsss.
Chicago Tribune When a man's up
per Up is so feeble , snorted Rivers , "that
ho has to wear a mustache In a sling "
"Who has had to do that ? " hotly demanded
"You ! " said Rivers.
"It Is false ! "
"I saw you the other day with your
mustache In n sling ! "
"Rivers. I don't like to call a man a liar ,
but when you say " /
"Don't try to crawl out of It , Brooks. "
" ' "
"It's an Infamous
"Stop ! You'll be sorry If you say another
word ! Look mo In the eye ! I saw you ,
Brooks , two days ngo with your mus
tache in a sling. It was a gin sling.
Brooks , If you throw that Inkstand I'll break
your head ! "
A lilt of Honiaiicc.
Detroit Journal : For a moment the
troubadour was Inclined to totter away ,
crushed forever by her heartless refusal of
his proffered love.
But presently another purpose possessed
htm , and touching lightly again his guitar ,
he eong
"The rose Is red ,
The violet blue ,
And white the horse
That goes with you ! "
As for the fair woman , she tore her hair ,
there being in that crude age no facilities
for bleaching the same.
Chicago Tribune ; "You spoke so suddenly ,
Alfred , " the young woman said , with down i-
cast eyes , "that I wasn't prepared for It. it.
Perhaps I didn't quite know my own mind. '
And and If you should ask mo again some
time I might "
But Alfred was not to be placated.
"I see through your wiles , " he responded ,
"You want me to ask you again , so you can
boast that you have rejected two offers of
marriage in one season. Well , I'm not going
to do It. See ? "
KM Other .Name.
Washington Star : "Will you have n little
campaign oratory ? " asked the dentist.
The patient began to climb out ot the
"Permit me to explain , " Interrupted the
dentist. "I mean , will you take gas ? "
"Never forget , " said the patient as he
climbed back Into the chair , "that It Is most
Injudicious to make light of a serious mat
ter. "
"Never again , " asserted the dontlst , "will
J even make gaslight of it.1
Blue-Blooded Pickpockobo Osnght in the
Toils of the Law.
N.I in
Ilorlr * In III * I'eilltfree niul Aliio In
III * Ability < o Ilvllcvo
People of Their
Valuable * .
SIOUX CITY , la. , Oct. 9. ( Special. )
'rank ' Tiffany la a. blue blooded pick-
Docket. Ho la not ashamed to admit that
o mokes a business of "touching" people
hen they are oat looking , but ho docs
ot forget to mention that he Is a racra-
er of the same large family to which the
oted Tlffanys of New York belong. Tlf-
'any ' Is proud of his standing In his "pro
esalon" and Is proud of his pedigree.
The fellow was arrested by Detective
Icnry Morrison before ho had time to get In
.ny of his work. In the polices court ho
mndo an earnest plea for liberty , denying
ny bad tntent'lons. Detective Morrison In-
Isted that ho was a dangerous man and
udgc Gray gave him a ten-day sentence
n the charge of tramp vagrancy. Tiffany
\n3 brought before some of the officers 1
nd questioned , when ho admitted that he
tas a pickpocket. Ills "dip" Is said to
10 to pick pockets on street cars.
Tiffany talked qulto freely at the eta-
Ion while ho was waiting to have his (
ihotogiaph taken. The police think he Is
. good man to have In the gallery. Tiffany
aid this Is the first time ho was ever In
Sioux City. Ho would like to get out of
.own. He Is a smart looking little chap
nd uses good language. He knows John T.
S'orrls , the Ohio detective with whom the
local police have had recent acquaintance ,
nd entertains a poor opinion of him. "Tiff"
says he did not have time to get In any
work In Sioux City. The police will Mkcly
et the man go In a few .days , as they have
no charge to press against him.
Miulc ii Trial Trip.
MARSHALL/TOWN , Ia.i Oct. 9. ( Special. )
Now that the fact Is known that President
.IcKlnley . Is to come over the Northwestern
road on his trip from Chicago to O in nil a the
mysterious "special" that passed over the
road a few weeks ago Is thought to be ex
plained. It Is thought , and was at the time
liat the special , which contained a num
ber of the Northwestern officials and some
from the Chesapeake & Ohio road , was , fig
uratively speaking , an advance train for the
presidential party. Nothing was told on the
trip as to why the train was run or what the
object of the trip was. All 'the Information
that could be gained was , that It was "Omatm
In ten hours from Chicago. " As It was a
trial trip and the speed was wanted It will
bo remonVbcred that an engine was sent to
this city light from Clinton to be In readi
ness to carry the train to Doone If anything
should happen to the locomotive attached
on the run out of Belle Plaine. As the
Chesapeake & Ohio has a line out of Wash
ington and some of that company's officials
were on board this surmise Is even more sig
' Ifiwnnn In Mexico.
INDEPENDENCE , la. , Oct. 9. ( Special.
'A ' company has been formed by Inde
pendence parties and most of the stock has
been subscribed here tOjplirchaae 1,000 acres
of land on the Isthmus of Tehauntepec In
the state of Oaxaco , Mexico. This land Is
to bo cleared and planted to coffee and rub
ber trees. The capital stock Is $50,000 In
100 shares at $500-each and It Is all sub
scribed. The election of officers was re
cently held with the following result : C.
E. Rangier , president and manager ; D' S.
Jones , vice president ; H. C. Chappell , secre
tary ; W. W. Donuan , treasurer ; directors
O. M. Gillette , D. F. Logan , C. A. Mc-
Ewen , II. C. Chappell , R. R. Robinson , C. E.
Ransler , D. 8. Jones. Mr. Ransler left the
first of the week for Mexico to consummate
the purchase of the land.
Soldler'n Fnncrnl.
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. . Oct. 9. ( Special
Tlcgram. ) The funeral of Private David
McCord was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock
from Trinity Methodist church and wan
largely attended. Private McCord died at
Jacksonville Wednesday-and Is the first of
the Cedar Rapids boys Jn the service to
die. The whole city paid him tribute.
Headed by a platoon of police and the For
esters' band , the Soldiers' Comfort commit
tee , the Grand Army ot the Republic , Fifth
Iowa battery , members of Company C home
on furlough nud Foresters of America
marched to the church In a body. The
services were conducted by Rev. Loveland
and were attended by fully 2,500. The
march was then token up to the grave
vthero 5,000 people were congregated. Serv
ices at the grave were conducted by the
Foresters and the military. A report re
ceived from Jacksonville today eays onlj
two membere of Company C are now In the
hospital and both are convalescent. All
who are sick at home are Improving.
I.arrnltec llnyn "Summit Vlevr. "
FORT DODGE , la. , Oct. 9. ( Spoclal.- )
"Summlt View , " the famous breeding fora
ot Colby Brothers , the well known horse
men , has been eold to Governor Larrabee
The farm contains 300 acres adjacent t
Fort Dodge and a cosh price of $15,000 waj
paid. Governor Larrabee , who is alreod
the largest real estate holder In Iowa , Ii
rapidly adding to his Webster county lands
having now 1,279 acres of Improved fnrms
His Idea Is that Iowa farm land near goo
cities will go to $100 an acre within a fev
IcMvarrVH NnteH.
Des Molncs * monthly pay roll for Sep
torabor amounted to S14.SS8.
Clinton's paper mill ) a running night an1
day since the war closeOa
A new management "was 'lnstalled at th
state asylum at Clarlnda 'ibis ' month.
Iowa authorities are jtopklug for six boy
who escaped from the Industrial school a
Eldorado. 1 , 'j
The street railway Bystqpiconnecting Dar
cnport with the cities .across the river * " >
been purchased by an extern syndicate fo (
$3.000. Mm
Mrs. Julia Rnab of nuVllngton will prea
ent that city with a fcjunT in , to bo place :
In the public park asnarocmorlal , to he
late husband. I'Jil
A Marshalltown roan owtos a watch wort
$800. It la said to bo UmJtuindsomest time
piece In the state. IIo Ts a brak nuin lend
earns a salary of $ CO per month.
The Marshalltown and Hampton Ills
school teams were the first to meet In low
this seaswn. A very fierce rivalry ha
utarted between the clubs of those towns.
Dan Long Is Sioux Rapids * 8B drlvln
his threshing machine along the htghwa
with a traction engine , when a bridge za. LVO
way and he was thrown beneath tun wtiol
load and killed.
Every town In Iowa" through which th
presidential party will pass has arrange
sorao kind of a reception even those town
which catch the train for but t\\o minute
are in the move.
Iliililriuiiii Mny lie Intllutoil.
CINCINNATI , Oct. 9. When the gran
jury mcetB tomorrow sensational develop
mentB are expected In the case of W. ipJ.
Halderaan , charged with killing his brother
In-law and business partner ex-Senator rJ.
C. Rlchardwn , ot Glendale. After they quar
reled in their paper mill at Lockland irnd
the fatal shooting occurred September 2i
Ualdemau remained la concealment. Rich
ardson died n week liter and the day pre
ceding his death Haldeman left for Chi
cago. Learning that a warrant h d been
worn out by Coroner Hare , charging mur
der In the flrst degree , Haldeman returned
laat Tuesday night and early the next mornIng -
Ing was bound over for manslaughter by
his neighbor , the mayor of Lockland , He
was admitted to ball and has not been seen ,
since. Ills attorneys promlaa that he will
surrender If Indicted.
Sercnteen Sailor * ICIIIctl niul Kljtlit-
Four CnmmUIca , All Told
Ilciunrknhlc Iteeord.
WASHINGTON , Oct. P. Seventeen sailors
killed and eighty-four casualties , all told ,
was the loss Buffered by the United States
navy during the war. The figures have
Just been complied at the Navy department.
In Dewey's great fight at Manila bay not
a man was killed nnd every one at the nlno
men wounded returned to duty. In the
battle of July 3 off Santiago one man was
killed and there were eleven wounded , all
returning to duty. In the attack on the
forts at tbo entrance to Santiago June 22
ono sailor was killed and eleven wounded ,
of whom only seven were able to return to
duty. The heaviest loss of the navy was nt
Guantanamo. There were twenty-two
casualties In that 100-hour fight and of this
Hut six marines were killed. Of the wounded
nluo returned to duty. In the battle with
the forts and gunboats of Clcnfucgos the
list aggregated eleven wounded and two
killed. Ono man continues under treat
The flcrce battle between the torpeJo boat
Wlnslow nnd the revenue cutter Hudson
with the Spanish land batteries and arttl-
lery forces at Cardenas resulted In five
deaths. The wounded afterward returned to
duty. In the bombardment of San Juan the
wounded numbered eight , with ono man
killed. Ono of the wounded men was In
valided home , while six returned to duty.
There were four other casualties occurring
In as many separate engagements , and that
completes the list of naval losses. Of the
sixty-seven men wounded In the war fifty-
four were returned to duty , ono died of
wounds , six were Invalided from the serv
ice and six continue under treatment. Con
sidering results obtained this list Is said to
bo the most remarkable In the naval history
of the world.
Kill I or * SciiliMiceil ( o 1'rlnon.
ST.- JOHNS , N. P. . Oct. 9. Mr. Parsons ,
editor of the Evening Telegram of this city ,
nnd Mr. Herder , Its proprietor , were sen
tenced to thirty days Imprisonment for con
tempt of court In publishing strictures upon
the Judges of the supreme court. No such
penalty has been Inflicted In Newfoundland
during the last forty years
, A N < rnllu' Wheat Crop.
VANCOUVER , B. C. , Oct. 9. The New
South Wales Chamber of Commerce esti
mates that the .Incoming season will pro
duce a yield of 15,000,000 bushels of wheat.
Ten million bushel * will be required for
homo consumption. This will leave 6,000-
000 bushels for export. . ,
To Mal.-e Your Wife I.nve Yon
Buy "Garland" Stoves and Ranges.
_ _ . *
Show cm nml Probably Thunder
Storm * Are Predicted for
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Oct. 9. Forecast
for Monday :
For Nebraska Showers and probably
) thunder storms ; cooler ; winds shifting to
westerly ; Thursday fair and cooler.
For Idaho Thunder storms , cooler In
western portion ; south winds.
For Missouri Showers and probably
thunder storms , cooler ; south winds.
Fet South Dakota Showers , followed by
clearing and cooler weather ; winds shifting
to westerly.
For Kansas Thunder storms .followed by
. fair and cooler ; west winds.
. Local Ilecord.
OMAHA , Oct. 9. Omaha record of tem
, perature and rainfall compared with the
- corresponding day of the last three years :
. 1S98.1897.1S9G. 1895.
Maximum temperature . . . tz CO 67 C5
Minimum temperature . . . . 65 38 49 34
Average temperature . . . . C8 49 58 GO
Rainfall 11 .00 .02 .W
Iteeord of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since March 1 ,
1S93 :
Normal for the day 57
Excess for thu day 11
Accumulated excess since March 1 347
Normal rainfall for the day Winch
Excess for the day 02 inch
Total rainfall since March 1 22.63 Inch
Deficiency since March 1 3.85 Inch
Dellclency for cor. period , 1S97 10.93 Inch
Excess for cor. period , 1E9G 3.66 Inch
Itciiort * froiu Station * nt 8 p. 111.
T Indicates trace or ureclpltatlon.
teas < L. A. WELSH , Local Forecast Official.
Primary. Secondary or Tertian
BLOOD POISON permanently
he Cured in 15 to 35 Days.
You can be treated at home for same
price under same guaranty. If you
at prefer to come here we wfll contract
to pay railroad fare and hotel bllU ,
and no chaige If we tall to cure.
or taken mercury , iodide potash and still
have aches and pjvlns , Mucous Patches
ss- la mouth , Bore Throat , Pimples , Cop
sscd per Colored Spots , Ulrera on any part
of the body. Hair or Eyebrows falling
icr It Is this
out. secondary
th :
gh Wo Guarantee fo Uure
We solicit the moit obstinate casei
and challenge the world for a case we
cannot cure. Thla disease has alwayi
ng ' banted the iklU of the moit eminent
UOO.OOO capital behind our uncondi
° tional'guaranty. Absolute proofi sent
sealed on application. 100 page book
l sent free.
he A ldrc a COOK IlKMUDY CO. , 1-101
Mnnoiile Teraplr , Chlcntfo , III.
J. 101. 200 , 208 , 10 , Urooilway , Counrli niuffB.
- Rates , $1.25 per duy ; 75 rooms. Flrst-claaj
Ii evmy reaped. Motor line to all depotd.
Local uKt-ncy for thu Celebrated St. Louis
A. 13. C , Beer. Flrut-class bar In con
- nection.
When angry don't grind your teeth
between them
emember the name
when you buy again
e a * imr.3C : JB : KT BAD BLOOD.
by our full tmtnient of Turklih C ulM
rorii.00. Nlfrftt Lotwt , Dtjr Ix > , p Ncrre I Ercptloili Cure cured , by Turklili ftiu. I I
or Unlit tmub : ( hired u perfect you I Mrphills never
treatment with gntran-l
. . -
rerwere. We .nakv our own > < ? Jdnr *
< i . . .
nd yon con niyjinrettlnir well. Wilun * | lc , iO.WmneleDo | , * .00. |
wilttn iruannlne with mil cure. Singl HAHN'O PHARMACY. [
RoYil why tnnll HAHM'S I'IUKUACT. tlllli and yrn mOmn > , y nj
Farm and Fruit Lands for Sale.
ggl } The Fruit raisers around Council Bluffs have just closed a profitable
rt season , the yield being from $50 to $100 per acre. Wo have some choice
J5 bargains in Fruit , Vegetable and Farm Lands near Council Bluffs. Let us
4l show them to you. FARM LOANS 5 PER CENT INTEREST.
* S 39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Searles & Searles.
Guarantee to eare opeedllr < " > < ! radl *
PRIVATE ! dUeaic * of men and vromea
SEXUALLY. cured for life.
Night Emissions , Lost Manhood , Hy-
drocele , Vertcocele , Gonorrhea , Gleet , Syph
ilis , Stricture , riles , Fistula and Racial
Ulcers , Dlabotea. Bright' * Disease cured.
Stricture Sleet Cured
* at Home
by new method without pain or outline.
Call on or addros with stamp. Treatment
ty mall.
m , mm i mm.
Beware of Imitations
Header of Dlaeaites of Uicu ao4
World' * Ilcrbitl Ulipeniary of
I CUltK-CaUrrh of Head , Throat and
Lungs , Disease * of Kye and Gar , Fill aoA
Apopluxy , Heart , L'ver und Kidney Dlncasea ,
Diabetes , Ilrlght'a blsease , Bt. Vltua Danoa ,
HhcumuUsin , Bcrofula , Dropay cured without
Uppinir , Tupo Worms removed , all clirouU
Nervous and Private Dlseuecs.
OVBUII 1C Ony | Phytlcfon who can.
dl rlllLIOi properly euro SYPHILIS
without destroying toctn and bones. No met *
rury or polton mineral used.
The only PhyMciun who can ttll what all *
you without aakm ? a question.
Those at a distance lend for question-
blank. Mo. 1 formcn ; No. ii for women.
All correspondence strictly confidential ,
Uodlclni scut by express.
Address all letters to
G. W. PANGLE , M. D. ,
IS5 Uroiultviiy , COUNCIL IlI.t'I'Fa , LA ,
t27 8codcent auunu lor ronlr.
gives the clean- ' "
lineea and evert
heat with sofi
coal , as har < J
coal in Baafc
The Hot Blast Draft
Durutj uiul saves tbo
priis half of soft coal.
Soft ciml equal to-
hard con I.
I used Colo's Hot Hlast last winter. Only
used 1 % tons ot soft coal ull winter to do >
thu work we always used 3H tnnn for be
fore. It Is * Just na clean IIH hard coal.
Leaves walla and paper perfectly clean. I
like It the best of any ntov I uvtr uie4
In twenty-eight year housokooplntr.
- R. H. UAIUH5R ,
Counrli niiifs. la. 1017 B. Third St.
COM3 .MAM KACTimi > U CO. ,
Ler. Clarke , Andrucsen Hdw , Co. , Accnu * .
Ormiliu , Neb.
Fees Gas
i Gasoline
3Ho 350
llorso Powa
IJ \7ITi7r 5i lie ii lurry of All ICImln ,
Call on us or write for vrlcm & dracrlptlon %
Cuuuull Ululla , lotvu. -