12 OMATTA DAILY BEE : STTSTDAT , OCTOBET ? o , isns. sr The visit of President McMnleymarkg an era of activity and prosperity such as has not been witnessed GIVEN AWAY fRE [ for years. To commemorate the great honor of the presence of our illustrious chief we will inaugurate a \ DECORATE YOUR HOMES YOUR HOUSES YOUR OFFICE in Honor of Commencing Tomorrow and Lasting tlie Entire Week. THE PRESIDENT Giving Opportunities to Every Man Woman and Child in the Whole State to Dress in a Manner Becoming Tomorrow wo will give away free , a the Occasion at Such SPLENDID ENGRAVING iMM-F The Portrait of President that the pride in the appearance of the entire populance will be due to our efforts and the To Every Visitor to Our T Store. Our Store will be Our Store will be Open Evenings Open Evenings During this Sal During this Sale Novelty and Fancy Fabrics At Special Prices Lot 1. Special sale novelty dress goods in 50-inch Bay- adore , two toned clmngeables and pure silk and wool dross poodsregular value 75c , on sale at aOc yard. Lot 2. 46-inch pure wool French serge in the new browns , blues , garnets , greens , also changeable tweeds in 50- inch widths , two toned di agonals and all wool cheviots , including broad cloths , the regular $1 quality on sale at 49c Lot 3. A pure wool storm serge and cheviot storm serge in black or blue , 50 inches wide , also pure silk and wool new novelties in black grounds with silK woven - , von designs , all of those ac tually wo.'th $1.50 , on sale nt 753 yird. BLACK DRESS GOODS Wo have just received another lot of black crepon , Mohair and wool and silk and wool ofteets which wo will put on our counters Mondav at prices ranging " from $1 to $2.60 yard" . 44-\nch \ pure wool German Henriettas that always neil at 60o yard , for Monday at 3 ! c yard. Great variety of novelty black goods , all 59c fancy weavrs for this Jubi lee sale nt 6'Jo yard. JUBILEE BARGAINS For Monday on bargain square a new lot , 100 pieces , 30-inch wide foulard silks , all of them dark grounds with fancy designs for waists , entire dresses or trimmings , regular 75o quality , on sale at 20c yard. Taffeta silk , brocaded silk and changeable silk for waists or entire suits , on sale at 49c yd BLACK SILKS An extra wide black satin duchesse , peau de soie , armour , brocaded satin an extraordi nary collection of genuine bargains all worth $1.50 yard , in Bilk department at 98c yard. Our $1 satin duch- csso , extra heavy , for Mon day in silk department at 59o yard. Grand collection of new checks' stripes and plaids , all new combina tions for waists and trimmings , at $1.39 yard. $25 $ MEN'S SUITS for $ ! 4,95 Over 1,200 men's flno Fall and Winter Suits , made from the best Imported English Worsteds , Hcotch tweeds nnd cheviots , In plain colors and fancy patterns , sewed throughout with pure dyed Bilk , made In single or double breasted sack or cutaway frock style. The double breasted coats have silk facing and nro lined with war ranted silk serge or Italian cloth mndo by regular custom tailor manufacturers. Your Positively worth for Choice $14.95 $ Twenty-five . Dollars. Six phenomenal items in our Suit , Cape and Jack et Department for this Jubilee sale , a grand demon stration , and we can convince all of the-fact that for autumn attire in exclusive effects , there is no place like our Cloak Department. SPECIAL NO. I For jackets in all the newest shapes , including the now dip front , the now man tailored notched collars , the new alcoves , in fact everything now in this season's cut all the now colors includ- the now tans , modes , browns , castors and royal blues , on sale at for the $12.50 garment , for the § 15.00 jacket. .50 for the $17.00 jacket. for the , „ jacket SPECIAL NO2Now Golf Capos made of im SPECIAL NO. 3 Plush Capes , all of thorn mndo of ported shawls , Scotch plaids trimmed the very best guaranteed London with fringe , go at $ t.50 for $7.50 japes | dyed plush , in all lengths , either plainer $7,50 for $12 Golf Capes or braided , at J2.25 for 83 OS capes S3'98 for 80.50 capes. 89.98 for $15 Golf Capes S7.98 for $12.50 capos. S9-98 for $13.00 capes. and Misses' Jackets By rare good for tune , wo have purchas ed 800 sample jackets I for misses' and children In this immense 'as sortment every thing now , nobby and stylish can bo found , in plain goods , plaids , novelty mixtures , many of them silk lined throughout , on sale at $2.50 $5.00. S7.50 , $9,98 The reason our clothing trade has more than doubled itself is because we give better values for less | money than others do and now we carry the finest stock of men's and boys' ready to wear clothing. In the last two weeks alone wo have bought from the best manufacturers in the country over See our stock and you will agree with us that a liner stock of clothing was never shown. Suits and Overcoats for Boys , Suits and overcoats for boys 4 to 15 years , In strong'wear roslstlngcassimorcs , cheviots , friezes nnd beavers , the most durable fabrics combined with the strongest makeup it's a big saving for you to lit your boy hero this week , at $1,75 S2.50 $12,50 $ , MEN'S ' SUITS at $7,45 $ , 1,500 of this season's choice patterns , in up-to- date nobby colors and black Imported English clay worsted , single and double breasted sacks , elegantly lined throughout , perfectly made and substantially trimmed ? ° 1C6 JifID $12.50 for V - ff * * anywhere else MEN'S OVERCOATS Men's OvercoatsIn kersey , beaver , melton nnd covert cloth , wool nnd casslmere lined , genuine Irish frlezo and chinchilla , in every recognized stylish color , perfect fitting and excellent workmanship go at TO CLOSE OUT THE BALANCE OF THE New York Stock WE OFFER TWO (2) ( ) SPECIAL EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS FOR TOMOPROW. J7.50 MEN'S SUITS $3.95-Men'B all wool business suits , black cheviot and nobby Hcotch tweedy and casslmercH , nil elegant wearing goods , made with deep facing , well tailored and worth every cent of $7.60 Mon day's Special Price MEN'S 12.00 SUITS $ l.93-Tour choice to- ftv morrow of any man's nil wool suit from IhU bankrupt stock , that sold up to J12.00 , / / go at Boys' Overcoats and Long Pants Suits. Overcoats and long pants suits for boys 13 to It ) years in the finest cheviot ! eassiracrc , worsted , highest class over coatings , etc. the cream of America's best makes all this week $2.50 $3.50 $4.98 SPECIAL NO. 4 The new double breast ed tight fitting suits , also reefer nnd blazer jacket iults. all of thcso mndo by men tailors , and silk lined throuchout. In whip cords , diagonals , covert cloths and broadcloths. In all the new shades of military blue , royal blue , browns , greens nnd black , on sale at A Record Breaker Men's All Wool Chin chilla. Overcoat ? , In sizes from 34 to 42 , mmlo with velvet collars , thoroughly well lined nnd trimmed wonderful values at $5 but they go on sale Monday nnd all week at the next to nothing price of Genuine Washington Beaver Overcoats for men's wear In black , blue , drab or brown lined throughout triple warp good Farmer's satin every coat a good J10.00 value Monday at Boys' Knee Pants Suits. Great extra special boys' knee pants suits , from 5 to 15 years , In all wool gray diago nal , heavy casslmoro , every button rlvotod , every seam stayed , lining guaranteed ex cellent , a good 82.50 value all this week think of it SPECIAL NO , 5 New Autumn Costumes In fine all wool camera hair Jacket and skirt beautifully and elabor ately embroidered , waist and skirt taffeta silk lined throughout , In the now blues , greens , garnets , purples and black , on sale at S9ress Skirts Wo have secured EOO tailor made- dress skirts In now fall mixtures , cro- pens , novelty cloths , also many taffeta silk skirts , llounces and rufllsd all the way up , all made by the best tailors In this sale at Special Jubilee io The unquestionable headquarters for ele gant nnd exquisite millinery. Tboso charming Styles nnd the high grade material In nil our hats make J. L. Bran- dels & Sons' Millinery Department distinct ly unique. Tomorrow In our French Art Department wo will show 40 new hats that hove just arrived by express for our Jubllco Opening and on sale nt $15.00 and $19.00. $15 and $19 In our Millinery Department we have dis played GOO choice hats trimmed In our own work rooms and on sale at $3.601.98 and " ' $3.50 , $4.98 , $7,50 Great assortment of Iloosvelt hats Cycle hats , sailor hats , all trimmed with ribbons and quills , ready to wear , on Bale at 89c and $1.50. 98c and $1.50 Our purchase of M. C. Black's Chicago wholesale shoe stock , enables us to offer shoes for almost noth- ing. These prices will tell the story : FOR Ladies' ' Three Dollar Bicycle Shoes plain or fancy plaid tops , or plain all leather all sizes high cut > n main floor. ON MAIN FLOOR , For your choice of any Ladies' Shoes that Black made to retail for Five Dollars Your choice of 2,000 pairs LADIES' ' OXFORD TIES plain and fancy vesting topsworth up to ( $2) ) FOR two dollars a pair in base Ladies' Oxford Ties ment on bargain square. 1000 pairs Ladies' $3 Button or Lace Shoes made of vici kid new style toe plain and fancy vesting tops on bargain square in basement It will be a big day for bar gains in the Linen Depart ment tomorrow. Wo will sell 100 dozen damask fringed towels , all pure linen , the kind everybody sells for 12'c , tomorrow at / 21n G , fcc each O/gU 100 dozen linen buck and damask towoh , there never was a better towel sold for Sue tomorrow wo offer them - \ K / - at IGc IOC One Immense lot cut-out pillow shams and dresser scarfs , worth up to 76o each wo will sell them tomorrow 1 t ? / at IBc each JLOC 100 dozen two yard long , pure all linen drcFser scarfs , at 19c each -t Q _ worth 7Co J.t/C/ Strictly all linen cratn toweling In both breached and unbleached Q3//- / at 3c yard O / C V Biggest Table Damask Bargain of The Season , GO pieces flno silver bleached German all linen , extra heavy table damask , that always sell at 7Go yard , wo will sell It Kfn tomorrow at GOc yard OW ( _ Extra heavy , double satin damask , full bleached , 72-Inch wide , everybody's price $1.25 , for tomorrow only , wo wilt OtS sell It ut S5c yard OOO GO pieces extra heavy Scotch unbleached table damask , everybody sells It at GOc for tomorrow'our price * " * Cl/- 39c yard Ot/O 100 dozen extra large and heavy Turkish .towels , most people sell them for 40c wo offer them tomorrow -i fc _ at IGc each .LOG 100 dozen regular lOc and 15o Turkish towels , extra largo and heavy for t\/- tomorrow at Go each * -/U Small stzo Turkish towels , sultabfo for wash rags wo will sell nt Ql - < > 2V4c each & \J Men's S3 Shoes FOR $459 $ ' for Ladies' 50c Overgaiters. -fl 9 for LADIES' ' I / C STORM - RUBBERS 75c FOR 's Arctics All the Men's $4.00 leather lined black or tan SHOES All tlie Men's $5 Patent Leather Shoes- All the Men's ' $5 Tan Willow Calf Shoes- All the Men's $6 Black Box Calf Shoes All the Men's $6 $ Kangaroo Shoes GO AT All the Men's $5 YIci Kid Shoes All the Men's $5 Shoes of Every Description