Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 05, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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Activity tn the Bpeculativa Fits Turns on
Corn and Oali.
Fcrcr Report * Icprc * Pro-
vlnlonn LnrRi-ly , the Market
7 1-2 nnil 10
Cent * Doivii.
CHICAQO. Oct. 4 , Wheat and provision *
wcro we.ik today , while corn and oats were
firm. Wheat was Influenced by the enor
mous visible Increase , heavy primary re
ceipts nnd a disappearance of the October
premium , nnd closed 3-8B > * c lower for De
cember , Corn wnH ilrm , principally'
bullish husking returns , and advanced 'Ac.
Oats were helped by corn und closed
l-MJ'/ic higher. Yellow fever reports among
other things depressed provisions , that mar
ket clo.'lng TUOlOc lower.
Wheat started weak. A report received
bcforn the opening that Minneapolis und
Uuluth receipts footed up 1,927 cars , 1,157
of which wuro credited to DtiluUi , was u
body blow to the bulls and started the
market at a decline , December opening tit
Cl&OCl 7-8c , compared with yesterday's
closing prlco of G2 l-8flC2Uc. . Sellers during
the llrst few minutes' trading wcro largely
1n the majority. Offerings \\ero not heavy ,
but the demand was fo plack that prlctn
nagged still further , December selling at
til B-SQfilfto shortly after the opening. The
fact that Liverpool showed a small
opening decline and a disposition to
KO fctlll further down the ladder , was by
no means lost sight of by the bears.
Shortly after the opening , however , north
west receipts wore corrected to 1,203 cars ,
Instead of 1,327. This total compared with
1.700 last week nnd 1,670 a year ago put a
Bomowhat different phase on the situation
nnd started covering In a moderate \\ay ,
the prlco under the Improved demand
Hlowly advancing to C2 1-Fc. This was tllo
lilgli point of the day. After 11 o'clock tlio
market began to sag again under news ns
bearish ns that received yesterday. Brud-
etreet's figures on the world's visible
whowed 2.0(15.000 ( bu. Increase In thin coun
try nnd 4.250,000 bu. Increase In and afloat
for Europe , n totnl of 7,105,000 bu. , and moro
than double the Increase last year. It WUH
far more than looked for und effectually
settled the hope of the bulls * for a turn In
the. market. A more Influential factor still
was the total disappearance during the day
of the October premium over December.
The primary receipts were again enormous )
nnd helped to undermine the slight bullish
feeling that had utruggled to nnd expres
sion during the early trading. The total
for the day was 1,968,000 bu. Atlantic port
clearances were fairly good 458,000 bu. but
not sulllclcnt to counteract the effect of the
primary receipts. During the last hour's
trading the wiling pressure let up some
what and December , which had declined
to 011-8Q61V6C , had recovered to G1&0GI 7-Sc.
Snow was reported In the Dakotas , nugur-
Ing decreased receipts from that source ,
nnd helped the market slightly. The clos
ing feeling % vns distinctly weak , however.
December closed at Gl ic.
Corn was firm In face of the heaviness
of wheat receipts. Receipts of 900 cars ,
though heavy , were under the estimate * .
Liverpool was higher. Country reportsof
husklngs were bullish In tone. Clearances
wcro liberal 611,000 bu. There was consid
erable buying for the long account nnd for
a tlmo active covering by shorts. Decem
ber ranged from 29'4c to 29'/4c , and closed
Vtc higher at 29 3-8j2D > ic.
There was a fair trade In oats. The mar
ket was helped by corn and advanced
wllghtly , holding Its strength to the close.
Cash demand was good , a bull Influence.
Shorts were good buyers of December.
Visible Increased 2CO.OOO bu. May ranged
from 22l4c to 22 5-8Q22 ic , and closed. 1-SQYtc
higher at 225-Sc.
Provisions wcro heavy. Continued prev
alence of yellow fever In the south , dis
appointment over the small decrease In
world's lard stocks , nnd liberal hog re
ceipts wcro nil bear Influences. Longs
were sellers and stop orders wcro reached.
Packers also sold. Shipping demand was
< iulto nctlve. At the close January pork
was lOo lower at JS.87',4 and January ribs
7Hc lower nt J4.57V4.
Estimated recelptn tomorrow : Wheat , 30C
cars ; corn , 730 cars ; oats , 330 cars ; hogs ,
36,000 head.
Thfl trading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. Open. Hlitli. Low , Oloso. Yos'dy ,
Oct. ' . . . 02K
Dee. . . . Olh l4 01 }
03)1 )
20 28W
Dec. . . .
Mny , : .
Dtc.1. . 21 20M JIM ® *
May. . . 2SW 224
Oct. . . 770 770 705 765
Deq , . . , 7 UO 790 777K 7 HI ) 7 S
Jnn. . . . 802 8 U5 H bJ BB7M 807H
Lara. ,
Oct. . . . 4K7W isa
Dec. , . . 47SW 4 (10 ( 4 7'Jj (
.Intl. . . . 4 HO 4 80 470 412) ) ,
Octi.- . ! * 22 4 6 25 6S2W B27X
.Inn. . . . 4 ( I'M 4 AS 467 h. 465
No. 2.
Cash uuotntlona wcro as follows :
VLOUK Kasier ; 15c concessions granted ;
winter patent ! ) , J3.30Q"3.50 : straights , $3.00 $
3.20 ; spring specials , Jt.OO ; spring patents ,
J3.30 3,60 ; straights , $2.8033.00 ; bakers' , $2.10
S)2.iO ,
WHEAT No. 3 spring , 53S5Sc ; No. 2 red ,
COHN-No. 2 , 29 l-8029',4c.
OATS-No. 2 , f. o. b. , 21',4022c ; No. 2
white , 23 > io ; No. 3 white , 23J424c.
nYE-No. 2. 4H4c
UAKtiBY No. 3 , 31R43Wc.
Hl313US- . 1 tlaxseecf. S9SS9V4C ; prime
timothy seed. $2.303i2.32.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , $7.80
W7.3. Lard , per 100 Ibs. . $4.65f ' 4.70. Short
ribs sides ( loose ) , $3.101(0.30. Dry salted
shoulders ( boxed ) . $4.504.621,4j short clear
Hides ( boxed ) , $5.35@5.45.
WJII SKY Distillers' finished goods , per
gal. , $1.25.
SUGARS Cut loaf , $5.77 ; granulated , J5.39.
The following nro the receipts nnd ship-
mcnts for today :
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was steady : creameries , ISM
° : 1Ql7c- : ; sc , 7'iO9c. Eggs ,
rres h He
Unotntlon * for the Dny on Gciiornl
NEW YORK , Oct. 4.-FLOUR-Recelpts ,
Co.SdO bbls. ; exports. 10,319 bbls. ; market
quiet und barely steady ; sprtnj-
patents , $3.9004.50 ; winter otratghts , yntKt
3.60 ; winter patents , $3.75(03.85 ( ; spring
c'lenrs , $3.15V. .40 ; extra No. 1 winter. $ "so ;
extra No. 2 winter.
Buffu QUlCt'NO : > 2 wcstcr" . c. c- ' -
nAIlLIVJ ! MAl/r Quiet : western , 53j )
229.SSJ bu. ; spot , easy ; No. 2 red' ? ? ' .
p. b. , nlloat. Options opened weak under
receipts and cables. After a midday rally
on covering nnd steadier northwest mar
kets prices cased off on a heavy Increase In
the world stocks , closing steadier nt un
changed prices In a llnal response toonoro
covering ; No. 2 red , May. GSQCSlic. closed
tSev December. C7Vi lC7 13-lGc , closed 67 B-Sc.
CQRN-Rccelpts. 115.250 bul ; exports 327 ? :
12D bu. : market steady ; No. 2 , iaV-c. f. o.
li. , afloat. Options developed surprising
llnnnesa today on advances abroad local
covering and bullish returns from the
husking fields ; clostd 1-So net higher1 May
SCU33C 3-8c , closed Sii'ic. '
OATS Receipts , 103,200 bu.j exports , 13,133
bu.s spot , llrmor : No. 2 , 20c. Options were
dull and nominal.
HOPS Firm ; common to choice , 1S9 ( !
crop , 4fi7e ; 1837 crop. llHISc : 1S9S crop , 16'ii
lie. , Pnclfto coast , 1J98 crop , 4S(7c ( ; 1S37 crop ,
lllllJe : U9S cron. ia 15c.
Wf 101 null : rltere. 17 ? 21c.
BUTTER-Recclpts , 4.S15 pkgs. ; firm ;
western. 15H 20c : lilglns. 20ic ? factory
HU il4VJc ; imitation. 13ijl7c.
CHEEaE Receipts. 1U , J9 pkgs ; steailler ;
l rgu white , SUeS'c : Bmoll white. W&
Ho ; large colored , SUSfSISc ; small colored ,
EGOS Receipts , 12,920 pkgsj firm ; west
ern. 15 > ie.
COTTONSEED OIL Steady : prime
crude. JSOlSHc ; prime yullow , 214022c.
MBTALS-Gxcbnngu : Pig iron , nn-
cbaiiRfd at $7.00. Luke copper , unchanged
at $12.25. Lead , easy at $ ) .9o ; brokers , U.SO.
Hpelter , unchanged nt 54. So. Tin , steady at
chanced ; rcoelptB , 24,4$1 bbls. ; exports. i&
ttblt. ; wMtcrn aupenlne , $ ,2iQ,50 , western
extra , $ : .CW3M , winter patents , $3.75 3.93 ;
iiprlni : imtents , JIK'/UO. ryo. $3.K5'u.l90.
WIIKAT-Dtill. spot. CSc ; receipts. ISLOC O
bu. i o.xports , BS.OOO bu. ; sutithurn wheat by
samplu , 63 6So.
CORN-Klrmrr ; spot , 3JV4R31 3-S :
Ktiiimer mixed. : S'4J32 3-Sc ! receipts , 69,730
bu. ; exports , iCO.123 bu. ; routhcrn whlto
coin , 3&n3ur , ; receipt. . 1S.S20 bu.
RYE Dull : No. 2 , 39c.
IlU'JTL'R-Stoady and unchanged ; Elgin ,
L'OGS-FIrm nt 15i ni6c.
CHBESE-Htcndy ; Ohio flat , ISc.
O.MAIIA ( ; J.MHAI < .iiAniccr.
Cnnilltlon of Trndr nnil Quotation * on
Stnplo nnil Fntioy I'rndnce.
EGGS Good stock , He.
BUTTER-Common to fnlr , 10J12o ; sep
arator , 20c ; gathered creamery , ISc.
LIVi : POULTRY-Hens , 7O" < 4c ; old roosters
ters , 4e ; spring chickens , T'/JQSo ; ducks ,
6i/Cc / : geese , not wanted.
OAMITcal , blue wing , $1.75 ; green wing ,
$1.50 ; mixed. Jl.75fj2.25 ; prulrlu chickens ,
yountr. S.1..W ; old , J2.50.
PIOKONH Live , per doz. , $1.00.
VEAL-ChoIce , Cu.
CELERY Per bunch , SOp/Hr.
ONIONS New , per bu. , 2540c.
UHANS Hand-picked nuvy , per bu. , $1.40
POTATOES-Pcr bu. , 33
CADBAQE-Pcr lb. ,
ORANGlCS-Sccdllncs. $2.50 ; Jledltcr-
ritnean sweets , $2.7553.00.
LBJlONS-Cnllfornlu , $5.7506.00 ; fancy
Mepslna , $6.5i U7.00.
BANANAS Choice , large stock , per
bunch , J2.00S2.25 ; medium sized bunches ,
$1.75 2,00.
APPLES-Pcr bbl. , Jonathans. $3.CO ;
choice shipping stock , $2.7533.00 ; other
Htock. $2.00C'i2.50.
WATERMELONS-Crated , 14015c ; loose ,
CANTALOUPE Rocky Ford , per crate ,
PEACHES-Callfornla , 20-lb. case , 95c@
$1.00.PLUMSOrogon , $1.00.
PEARS-Bartletti California , out of the
market ; other varieties , $2.00 < 52.23.
GRAPES Native , per basket , 13S13V4c ;
California Tokays. $1.50ifl.C3 ; Ohio , per basket
kot , 15c ; New York grapes , 1510c.
CRANBERRIES Wlsi on 'n " "r box ,
$1.25 ; Cape Cods , per bbl. , $ G.25i30.50.
NUTS Alinondn , per lb. , large size , 12 ®
13c ; small , lie ; Brazils , per lb. . 9@10c : En
glish walnuts , per lb. , fancy soft shell. 11 ®
12c ; standards. Sj9c ; filberts , per lb. , 10o ;
pecans , polished , mpdlum , C67c : extra
large , S09c ; largo hickory nuts , $1.0001.10
per bu. ; small. $1.15Q'1.2a per bu. ; cocoanuts ,
per 100 , $1.5005.00 ; peanuts , raw , 6Vic ;
roasted. V c.
MAPLE SYRUP-Flve-gal. can , each. ; gal. cans , pure , per doz , , $12 ; halt-gal.
cans. S5.23 ; quart cans , $3.50.
HONEY Choice white , 12Wc.
DATES-Hallowee , 60 to 70-lb. boxes , D'Ac ;
Sair. EC ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes , 9c.
FIGS Imported , fancy 3-crown , 14-lb.
boxes , lOc : 5-crown , 44-lb. boxes , 13c ; 3-lb.
boxes , 22@23c per box ; California. 10-lb.
boxes , $1.
CIDER Per half bbl. , J3.25JJ3.50.
IIIDES No. 1 green hides. 7c ; No. 2
creen hides , 6c : No. 1 salted hides , S c ; No.
2 salted hides , 74c ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12
Ibs , , 9c ; No. 2 veal salf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 7c.
TALLOW , GREASE , ETC.-Tallow , No.
1. 3c : tallow. No. 2. 2' c ; rough tallow , Itfc ;
white grease , 2532y4c ; yellow and brown
grease , lH2Vic.
SHEEP PELTS-Green salted , each. 15 ®
< 5c ; green salted shearings ( short wooled
early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearlnfes ( short
wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry
flint , Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool
pelts , per lb. , actual weight. 4f)5c ; dry flint ,
Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts ,
per lb. , actual weight , ZiQlc ; dry flint , Colorado
rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight. 4@5c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain
wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3@4c.
Wlicnt Stock * 011 October I Were
41,2 ! < in,00 < > IluHliclM I.iirKC liicrenHC.
NEW YORK , Oct. 4-gpecial cable and
telegraphic dispatches to Bradstreet'a In
dicate the following .changes In available
supplies last Saturday , as compared wtlh
the preceding Saturday :
Wheat-United States and Canada , east
? , , . .1Uocky mountains' . Increase , 2,593,000
forVnri ? nPr',1 ' , CoNeW3 reP ° rs a" " "
tor and In Kurope , increase
, " " " " . " " " bu .
total Increase , 7,165.000 bu.
r-Corn-Unlted States nnd Canada , cast of
Rocky mpuntalns , incruaBc , 654.000 bu.
OatB-J'nlted States and Cnnnila , east of
Rocky Mountains , increase. 260.000 buT
irlvin01 ! , ? ViV0 mru jnl'ortant ! Increases , as
J Hriulstreet 's
m ? , , not reported In the
oil clul
visible supply statement tirp thn
gains of 930.000 bu ! nt northwest nucrlo ?
V nnd'W bu" at Mnnltoba and
bu geSeibe T oft 'bc S0 ?
\Waiea \ ° n < . ;
A ° ; ? : ; 'J ? ° ? . " "A1 . .SePtember 1. 2J.593.000 bu.
r8ira-ooSs > i hbue.rTot o ise :
000 bu. ; September 1 , 51.4597000 bu. ' ' '
The ubovo compilation shows the total
world's wheat stocks on October 1 to iu !
09,269.000 bu. , 14.G03.000 bushels larger than
the low water murk set on Sentemb r i
tlJ'3,1ca ' ? ; , but 2C'365-0 < Bushels smaneV-than
at this date a
year ago nnd B2.000 000 bush
els smaller than in 1S93 , the lightest Stock
Ut that dat ° f ° r at lea ten years
St. I.ciuU 3lnrkct.
ST. LOUIS , Oct. 4.-FLOUR-Dull and
' " 'f-hanwd ' ; patents. $145tf3.60 ; stn Igh's
$3.1003.25 : clear , J2.0002.90 ; rye flour , job-
, JFt5 .J2 > 75 m sacks and W.OO per ubl.
u HEAT Firm ; futures fractionally
lower except for October , which was ilc
higher ; spot higher ; No. 2 red , cash cie- '
Ktor"a : track , 66S67oCa-h
a.o -
OATS Fractionally better for futures
with spot lower : No. 2 cash. 22'4otrack
23 23Hc : October. 22&c : December " > Hc :
: 2 ' -
AVHISKY Steady at $1.25.
SEEDS Prime timothy seed , nominally
"S9 INMEA.Lr-Qulot } nt .60ffl.5S.
BRAN-Qulet and firm ; sacked , east
KGG8 Firm nt 12 > 4c.
POULTRY-Market firm and scarce ;
chickens , springs , S | SUc ; old , 7c ; ducks
u S"d | 8teady at US7 * : spclter'
PROVISION i-Pork. lower ; standard
mess. Jobbing. $7.8714. Lard , lower ; prime
steam. $4.50 : choice , $1.55. Dry salt meats.
boxed shoulders , $1.75 ; extra short clear ,
$ o.50 ; ribs , $5.6254 : shorts , $5.75. Bacon ;
bo\cd shoulders , ? j.50 ; extra short clear ,
$0.00 ; ribs. $ tf.l2'i ; shorts , $6.37 . .
RKCEIPTS-Flour. 7,000 bbls. : wheat , 75.-
000 bu. : corn , 4,000 bu. ; oats , 37,000 bu.
iJwnrMKNTS ? } ' 'lour' ( ! ' 000 bbl8- : wheat ,
bu. ; corn , 44,000 bu. ; oats , 16,000 bu.
KniiNiift City Crulu nnil 1'rovlj.lonn.
ot slow , but higher ; No. 1 hard. GIU ®
G.1' c ; No. 2. 5SJf6Ic ( ; No. 3 , 65V469c :
No. 2 red , 63c ; No. 3 , C7U5r62VSc.
CORN Market higher , but slow ; No. 2
mjced , 27tf27c ( ; No. 2 white , 27Uc ; No.
3 , 2627c.
OATS Market steady ; No. 2 white , 23c.
KYI : Market higher ; No. 2 , 420 43c.
HAY Market dull , low grades weak ;
choice timothy , $6.7507,00 ; choice prairie.
BUTTER Market firm ; separator ,
20c ; dairy. ICc.
EGOS Market firm ; fresh , ISc ,
Clneliniiitt Market.
family. | 2.6&d2 ! > 0 ; fancy. $3.20.
WHEAT lesion No. 2 red. B6c.
CORN-Dull ; No. 2 mixed. SO c
OATS-Steady : No. 2 mixed , 23824c.
RYE-Dnll : NO. 2. 4SC
PROVISIONS Lard , quiet at $4.45 ; bulk ,
quint at $3.57H. Bacon , steady at $6.50.
WHISKY Steady at $1.25.
SyOAIl Active but lower ; hard refined ,
I.1 ! i&o.03 ( *
KGQS Lower at J3c.
CHUESE Quiet ; good to prime Ohio flat ,
Tulcilo Market.
TOLEDO. Oct. 4.-WHEAT-Lower and
' ' " CaSll > 6 < ic :
CORN Active and steady : No. I mixed ,
OATS-pull and steady ; No. 2 mixed. Kc.
IlYK Dull and higher ; No. 2 , 4Jc.
CLOVERSEED-Steady ; cash , $3.50 ; Oc
tober , $1.45.
pH.-Hlghor : north Lima , 7lc ; south
Lima und Indiana , C9c.
I.lveriMiiil Urnln Mnrkct.
LIVERPOOL. Oct. 4-WHEAT-Steady ,
l-Siff3-d lower ) October , nominal ; Decem
ber , 5s 5d ! March , fix 44d , spring , 6s Id ,
CORN-Steudy. tj S-Sid higher ; October ,
.1.4Hid ; November , 3s 3d ; December , 39
4Ud ,
Mllumikoc ( J nil n Slnrkct.
Steady ; No. 1 northern , 63c ; No. 2 northern ,
COc.RYEHlghcr ; No. 1 , 45'4c.
BARLEY Steady ; No. 2 , 40/40 ! sample ,
IlN U'lu-ut .
Steady ; October. G9c : December , 58 5-8o ;
May , file ; No. 1 hard , 604c ! ; No. 1 northern ,
rhlliiileliililn Mnrkct.
EGGS Easy ; frenh nearby , 16c ; fresh
western , 17i4c ; southern , 1601C > ic ! south
western , 17c.
Snii I'riinirl < ' < > AVIifiit Market.
Flrm ; December , Sl.le'Ji.
BARLEY Quiet ! December , $1,24 6-S.
IrrcRtilnrlty In Stock UpiilliiKi nnd
Iloiul .tlnrkct Active ,
NCW YORK , Oct. 4.-Consldcrnble Irreg
ularity marked today's operations Ih the
clock market , but the net result was 'In
favor of the bulls , final prices showing
sharp gains In ninny cases. Elements of
strength Included the St. Paul Btatement
for the fourth week of September , gold
engagements presaging further case in the
monetary situation and more general com
mission house buying ,
St. Paul waj taken in hand nt the outset
nnd lifted sharply , but Improvement in
the general list was arrested by irregularity
in the specialties. The market , generally
speaking , did not take on a decisive tone
until the late session , when heavy buying
orders wcro executed nil around , which
advanced prices materially. Evidence Hint
leading Interests were supporting their
favorites created uneasiness among the
shorts and largo lines were taken In. This
likewise Influenced outside demand , which
had been eliminated from the market dur
ing the demoralization of the specialties.
The bears attempted to make capital out
of the closing of the Tradesmen's National
bank , but It was not an effective card , as ,
nftor a period of dullness following the
announcement , prlctw worked up slowly
until the movement assumed largo proportions
tions In the. late afternoon. The futile ef
forts to bring about a substantial reaction
In the railways combined with the ready
absorption of all offerings Infused more
hopeful feeling , which became Intenfllled
ns additional encouraging tralllc state
ments came to hand. SomP lines reported
fulling oft In income , but this showing , It
wan felt , would soon bo counterbalanced by
certain unfavorable Influences.
Tobacco pursued Its upunl wild course
nnd variations occurred In other members
of the Industrial group. Brooklyn ! Transit
made a consplcious show of strength , the
stock being taken on expected bandits to
accrue from the absorption of the Isnsi-au
road and effective economies In operating
expenses. A concerted drive against Sugar
late in the day depressed the stock over
three points and halted the general mar
ket when the rise was In full swing. Real
izations occurred all around , but a better
tone prevailed at the close , the market
ClrheBbond1 market today developed con
siderable activity and heavy purchases
were made In the current active issues.
The general tone was strong and a brisk
Inquiry prevailed for some mortgages ,
which usually do not figure to any extent
In the trading , notably St. Louis and San
Francisco liens. Total sales . 0..000--
Considerable activity developed In United
made of 1-S
States as today , a gain being
per cent to lOSVi. Bid quotations of all
other Issues were unchanged.
The Evening Post's London financial ca
blegram says : The stock markets horp
continued stagnant today , but the tone was
fnlrlv good. Grand Trunk was good on
tralllc reports. More attention was given
to AmerlcanH in the belief that New York
anof the unwieldy Industrials s
buying St. Paul here where the position
more easily be carried. New
sition can
York again rold this evening , but the reaction
' advance
material. Today's
action was
Sf cent In the discount market here
1-8 per
rise In
? duo to anticipation of a possible
bills arc
the German bank rate. American
of the leading stocks on the New
market today : _ _ .
St. P. M. & 31..MS
So. Pacific KVs
So. Hallway 8S
. ' 3J'i
' no . . . . ilo pM - - -
Central 1'ac Texas Pae'nc * . . . . 13 *
Chen. & olllo.V.- & " " . . Union Pacina com. 33'i '
" '
. f. T'nlon Pnclflo pfd. . '
f.r D. & G
M r in - - - - -
C C. ' & St. I40 i. rabah . f
' " " "
, . . , . rom. Cable Co JO' .
Met. St. Rv"V"i.\- \ , CoIo. F. & I ! 1'J
. .Wi
Mltlhlean Central | do nM
Minn. & Bt. L - o n. Elf trio 1U
do lit pM ; " ' Illlno'a Steel C9
Mln-ourl Pnclflo . . . JJ iCele | Gan 4"i
Mol/lo & Ohioi Lead 52'.i '
M. K. & T Wj & , pM jW 3
do pM 3 ; ? Nat. Lin. Oil "
Chi. Ind. & L iMclfl , Mail S2 ;
do pM . . jr. ? Pullman Palace . . .W
. - central . .Ji'vs'lvcwrtineates .01
N1. \ . Central . . . . n. & T
1st Pfd
do < 10 pM
do 3d T > fd T c &
Korthwestern y
NO. Amer. Co yda Df ( , 64T ;
No. Pacific V. S. Rubber
< lo t > fd . . . . . . - ? . .do pfd . imV !
Ontario fc \ Jj'a Western Union . . . . 91 i
Ore. n. Jt N . , . B.I . . , , . . . .M.
Ore. Short Line . . . . ! 1 | fln nfd . . . . . . . . . . . . ITS
I'ltifhurB HJ Chi. Ot. Western. . . HVi
' In O. West 27
Rock Island' 1M do pfd C.
St. I * & S. F ; i St. L & 3. W l = ;
do pfd ' do pM ll'i '
. Paul 107 St. U & S. F. -
,1.1 nfd 'J Reading 1st pfd - . . ,
C. C. . 3Jlii
Second ussfi'sment paid.
Fourth assesoment paid.
Total tales of stocks today were 434,115
shares , Including : Atchlaon preferred , 7.0S3 ;
Chicago , Ilurllngton & Qulncy , 13.HCO ; Man
hattan , 27.030 ; Northern Pacific , 27.120 ;
Northern Pacific preferred , 0.130 ; Rock
Island. 15.025 ; Union Partite , 2,950 ; St. Paul ,
28.020 : Union Pacific preferred. 12,7 0 ; Union
Pacific , Denver & Gulf. P.093 ; American
Cotton Oil , 9,733 ; Tobacco. 115.430 ; Chlcnco
Great Western , 5.700 ; People's Gas. 11.233 ;
Sugar , sn.930 ; Leather preferred , 3,435 ; Rub
ber. 11,383.
Vorlc Sidney lurkot.
Nominally 2Uf3 ( per cent.
per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills at $1.84
( R4.84 i for demand and $4.81Vi4.Sli for
sixty days ; posted rates , $4.82V6 and $4.85 ;
commercial bills , $4.SOU-
BAR SILVER 60',4c.
GOVERNMENT I10NDS Steadv : United
States 3s. 105 % : now 4s , registered and
coupon , 126 % ; 4s , registered and coupon ,
llO i ; 2s , 9S % ; 5s. registered nnd coupon ,
112V4 ; Pacific 6s of ' 99 , 102H.
Closing quotations on bonds tvero as fol
lows :
NEW YORK. Oct. 4. The silver market
had a sharp decline today , bar silver los-
Irjf io and Mexican dollar * S-So. The reaction -
action was attributed to falling
off In the demand from the ttcsl.
OMAHA. Oct. 4. ClenrnncM toaay wer (
n.2B6.410. 7 ; balances , $102.144.89. Clear
ances lost year wcro $93 ! > ,315.55 ; balances ,
$102.250.02. Excess In clearings. $357,094.92 ,
"WASHINGTON , Oct. 4. Today's state
ment of the condition of the treasury
shows : Available cash balance , $307,8)1 > ,7U ;
gold reserve , $213,047,617.
CHICAGO , Oct. 4.-ClcarlnKS , $22,052,751 ;
balances , $ l,97t,69l : New York exchaiiRe ,
IQc discount ; nested rates , $ l.fc21i0l.85 ,
Trading In stocks was nulet ; Biscuit nnd
Strawbourd , quiet ; Biscuit , 33 ; Biscuit pro-
ferrcd , rM ; Diamond Match , 139 B-S ; Lake
Street L , 13 ; North Chicago , 221H : Strnw-
board. 31 ; West Chicago , 93 3-8 ; City Rail
way , 2S8 ; South Sldo It , 137.
PHILADELPHIA , Oct. 4.-Clearlngs $4-
13S.643 ; balances , $2,157,164.
BALTIMORE , Oct. 4. Clearings , $3,966-
756 ; balances. $662,420. . , , , .
NEW YORK , Oct. 4. Clearings , $18i,65o-
330 ; balances , $11,007,032. .
BOSTON. Oct. 4.-Clcarlnfrs , $ ! , lo3,432 :
balances , $2.1 5C02.
NEW ORLEANS , Oct. 4.-Clenrlncs , $1.-
816,639 ; New York exchnnRe , bank , BOo pre.
mlum ; commercial , $1.25 discount.
CINCINNATI. Oct. 4.-Money , 2M Per
cent ; New York exchange , 15ij25o ; clear-
. LOil8 ; Oct. 4.-Clearlngs , $5.817.800 ;
balances , $770,225 ; money , 4 7 per cent ; New
York exchange , 30c discount bid , lOo dis
count nsktd.
_ _
llnntnn Stoctt cinntnllonH.
BOSTON , Oct. 4-Call loans , 2 3)4 ) per
cent ; tlmo loans , 3140414 per cent. Cioa IIR
quotutlons on stociib , oouus and minlne
shares : <
. . .
Old Colony , . .102 franklin 13
Hiibbcr . , . . .83 Old Dominion 2SV1
T'nlon Pacific 34'S Osceola o ;
Vert Hnd . . . , Stti ouln-V li
do pM i..107 HTamar.tek liO
West , nioctrlo 3V1 Wolverlno SiU
do pfd : 57 I'anott W.
Stilt rrnni'lM'O Mlrilnir Uuntntloiix.
SAN rnANCJSCO , Oct. 4. The ofilclal
closing quotations for mining blows tou.iy
were as fqllows :
" " "
Silver bars , 694c ; Mexican dollars , 47tt9
47 ? c. Drafts , sight , 17'tc ; ttlegiapn , 20c.
ir York MtnltiK diinlntloiia ,
NEW YORK , Octi 4. The following are
the closing quototlons on mining stocks ;
ITulwer 15 Ontarls 35
Choler 12 Ophlr DO
Con. Cal. & Va. . . , 70 Plymouth 13
Deadwood * , ( Quicksilver 125
Gould & Currv IS I do trfd 350
Halo & Norcross. . . . 70 Sierra Nevada 75
Homestake 4301 Standard 175
Iron Silver CiO 1'nlrm Ton , . Srt
Mexican 3) Yellow Jacket 13
1/omloti Stuclv Qnotnttli .
LONDON , Oct. 4. 4 p. m.-Closlng :
Consols , montft * . IMTv Paul com .
ConroU , account. . . .110U Pennsylvania „ , , , . CO
O.ui. Paclllc , . . . , , . fcS- % ,
Erie . . . . 14 Union Paclfto Dfd. . 6S
Krle 1st ofd . 36 i
Illinois Central . . . .ll tj Grand Trunk
Nor. Pac'na ' prd . . . 7SW
277-8d per ° -
r t. .unco-
The rate of discount in the open market
for short bills , 2Vi < 012 15-10 per cent. The rate
of discount In thcr open market for three
months' bills , 25-16023-8 per cent.
NEW YORK , Oct. 4. COPPBE-Ontlons
opened steady at runchangedt prices ; filled
dull and featureless , with downward ten
dency throughout the forenoon ; foreign
news disappointing , but this feature offset
largely by small -receipts nnd free delivery ,
selling checked by".3iealthy tone of spot de
partment nnd ruilurfc-of American stocks to
show Increase * predicted : in afternoon
weakened umUr'Ufiurlsh foreign cables and
bear hammering ; , closed steady with prices
unchanged toa.iiolnts lower ; sales , 10,600
bags , including Odtober at J3.40 ; December ,
$5.S055.S5. | Spot coffee. Rid , steady ; No. 7 ,
invoice , t6.25 ; No. ' .7 , jobbing , $6,75. Mild ,
steady ; Cordova , .
> oiv Yurie Dry ( looilii Market ,
NEW YORK , Oct. 4. The dry goods mar
ket showed no f hangc In any department
worthy of more than pa.suing notice. There
were not many buyir ? In town and these
are not heavy buyers of merchandise. Mull
orders were quite light In all grades.
Woolen goods of'nll descriptions were dull
nnd featureless. Dress goods In particular
arc making a record for slow market. The
operations of some clothiers were not n
nearly ns heavy as was expected earlier In
the season. The market for staple cottons
continues unsatisfactory. Buying of shoot
ings and drills Is still light In the export
trades. Point cloths are still very dull.
California Dried Krnltn.
DRIKD FRUlTS-Apples. firm. other
fruits stendy ; evAporated apples , common ,
fiftSe ; prime viro tray , SHc ; choice , 9e ;
fancy , 9Vfc. ; Prunes. 4 < 8SV4c. Apricots ,
Royal. Illil3c ; Moor Park , 12G16C. Peaches ,
unpeeled , 7S9c ; pceUd , I2 < S15c.
Survivor * of Civil AVar Itenteinlicrcd
by tlie Gqnernl floveriimcnt.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 4. ( Special1. ! Pen
sions have been granted to the following :
Issue of Sentcmber 22 :
Nebraska : Reissue Henry Newell , Omaha ,
Iowa : Original John W. Cramer , Lost
Nation. $12. Reissue ( Special September
' 23. ) Martin B. Fitch , Decorah , $50. Orig
inal widows , etc. ( Reissue ) Martha J.
Gallagher , Horton , $12 ; Sarah R. Priestley ,
Carroll , $12.
South Dakota : Original Pntrfck Redman ,
Henry , $8 ; Albert L. Beardsley , Alexandria ,
$0. Increase Albert II. Daniels , Mitchell ,
I $12 to $30.
Colorado : Original widows , etc. gusan E ,
Anderson. Canon City , $8.
ComlltlmiM ViirluiiiKcil in China.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 4. The Chinese
minister was at the State department today
nnd Lad a short talk with Secretary Hay ,
The secretary said afterwards that there
was no change in the condition of Chinese
affairs , BO far as ho new , and no late offi
cial dispatches. It was thought that the
minister's call 'might ' havo'had eomo rela
tion to the critical condition of affairs In
China and the dispatch of American war
ships to Chlneso ports , but Mr. Wu said hla
visit had no ponnection with the general
situation In China , but related to pending
routlno affairs. Ho received an official dls-
patcb , but It brought no developments on
the reported death of the emperor , or on the
disturbed condition of the foreign clement
nt Pokln.
g Not III the Dcnl.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 4. Dr. R. J. Gatt-
llng , the Inventor of the gun bearing hla
name , who was mentioned as being Inter
ested in Cleveland In a scheme to form a
combination for the construction of war
ships , guns and armor plate , said today
concerning this matter : "I wish to say I
know nothing as to any trust being formed.
I have never written to or spoken to any
persons upon such a subject and I have
never heard that a trust of the character
referred to has ever been discussed or
thought of by the gentlemen mentioned in
the article referred to. "
New York Itniik Goon Into Mquldntlon
NEW YORK , Oct. . At the clearing
house today U was stated that the Trades
men's National bank at 200 West Broadway
had failed to clear. It was stated that the
hank had gene Into liquidation. The
Tradesmen's bank is one of the oldest in
the city and has for a long time past been
identified with the Wool exchange.
CailKlit liy One Toot.
WICHITA. Kan. . Oct. 4. J. C. Davis , a
prominent cattleman and city marshal of
Wellington , was Bitting in the window of
his room in the third etorv of the Carey
hotel this morning , when he fell backward
and his foot caught in the shutter. He
hung suspended for several minutes and
was finally rescued by a hotel clerk.
Heavy Receipts Qivo the Local Bears Tlicii
Opportunity on Oattle.
lluycm Force the Situation Whlrli
Seller * Arc Rrluctniit to Accept
HOB * Hold About Slcndr Under
Stronir Downwnnl I'romurc.
T , i . . . On ' , fi. il oiii'i-
nmCi"itS lo0a5J S'MS 8-5" .
Odlclal yesterday 7,250 3,813 < ,2CS
" " " "
° th ? l 9 dny" 3"8 "i 1 1W
Same days last week..niss 13,305 s.stil
Hamo dnyw week before , 0,858 8M2 12,96 :
Same three week * ago. . 7,729 r,527 17.17 *
Averageprlco paid for lings for the last
several duyg with comparisons :
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
_ . Cattle. Hogs ,
C. , M. & St. P. Ry 1 \
O. & St. L. Ry :
Missouri Pacific Ry 1 t
Union Pacillc System 61 II
C. & N. W. Ry 7fi 3 ;
F. , K. & M. V. R. R U II
S. C. & P. Ry H6 4. '
C. , H. & Q. Ry 5 i
K. C. & St. J 23
O. , 11. I. & P. Ry. , east 1
C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , west 1
Total receipts 323 12 ;
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num.
ber of head Indicated :
Buyers. Callle. Hoes. Sheep
Omaha Packing Co 100 S31 . 14 !
G. II. Hammond Co (124 ( 1,590 . . . . ,
Swift and Company 752 1,819 82 !
Cudahy Packing Co 784 1,521 1,99 :
Armour & Co 370 1,413
R. Becker & Degan 914 ,
Vansunt & Co 350
J. L. Curcy 202-
Lobman As Rothschilds. . 103
licntou & Underwood. . . 20S
Huston & Co II
Hill & Huntzlnger 2U
L. F. IIusz 186
Livingston & Schaler. . . J23
Hamilton & R 50ti
Hammond , Kansas City. . . . . . 17S . . . .
JlcCreary 104
Cudahy , Kansas City. . . . 801
Other buyers 769
Left over l.bOO 1,150 4W
Totals * 8,741 8,661 5,11 !
CATTLE fhla was the big day of th (
season so far as cattle were concerned. 29 !
cars being reported in the yards , as agalnsl
261 a week ago and 201 two weeks ago
There were in the neighborhood of 2,000 tt
2.GOO killing cattle and the balance , some
5.000 to 5,500 head , were feeders and stockers
The , .y.ard.8 were full of , cattle , nnd as soim
of the trains did not arrive until late II
was well along in the forenoon before every
thing hod been yarded. In consequence th (
market was very late In opening. When li
did open It was alow and lower , owing tc
the largo receipts and Vick of encourag
ing reports from other seHlng points.
Buyers were reporting about twenty-flv
loads of corn fed steers and about forty
loads of grass westerns , good enough foi
beef , In addition to scattering loads of Texas
and odds and ends. As a general thine
buyers did not hesitate in saying that thej
must have , their cattle lOo lo\yor and tholt
bids showed that thev meant what they
said ; more than that they bought the cattle
that way. In other words , the market was
slow and lOc lower on the general run ol
There were about thirty- loads ol COUE
and heifers In the yards und buyers wanted
them at lower prices , but owing to the good
demand nnd the moderate offerings It was
not a very easy matter to pound prices ,
The bc&t of the offerings sold at satisfac
tory prices , but there was a disposition tr
depress everything else. The Swan cows
and heifers sold at $3.C5 , while thn last
bunch that was here brought $3.SO , but II
had u larger proportion of heifers , nnd the
bunch before fhat brought $3.70. Other good
westerns brought J3.70S3.80.
The feeder market \ s.s In the worst shape
of anything , for the reason that the yards
were full of that kind of cattle. Not onlj
were fresh arrivals heavy , but speculators
had a good many cattle carried over from
yesterday. There was a world of commor
cattle on sale , but no very great number ol
really good cattle. There was a demand
for good cattle , but the common and me
dium stuff was badly demoralized. As n
general thing the market was lOc lower ,
but any one who had cattle that would not
be considered desirable found it even worse
than that and It Is'hard to say just how
much lower It really was. Sellers wcro callIng -
Ing it a rotten market and that perhaps
best expresses the situation. Represent
ative sales :
1. . 770 J3BO 24..1115 51 SO 17..1310 $3 50
3..1253 4 00 25..10S7 4 SO 18..1331 5 15
4S..1063 4 40 21..1259 4 80 33..1453 5 15
30..1572 4 CO 21..1271 4 80 1..1I30 5 20
25..1144 4 70
1 . .830 2 75 1..1170 3 10 5..1040 3 So
1..1000 2 S3 2..1175 3 10 2..1205 3 65
1..1070 2 90
1. . 950 3 10
1..1210 2 75 f '
8..1210 2 75
1..300 600
1. . 840 320 19. . 70G 3 40 2. . 4SO 375
1. . 730 3 40 3. . 873 3 53 3. . 130 4 00
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
5 cows > 7C1 $2 50 2 COWE 1030 J3 33
n cows 125 ! 2 70 30 feeders. . 715 3 70
5 cows 1020 2 SO 5 c5tr. Tex.lOOS 3 70
104 cows. . . . 761 3 00 IS str. Tex. 938 3 70
11 cows. . . . . 798 3 30 31 feeders. . 831 3 75
14 feeders. . 749 3 60 10 feeders. . 534 4 10
14 cows 764 325 4 feeders. . 610 4 10
1 bull 1490 2 65 4 bulls H02 2 75
14 cows 1017 10 cows 1071 3 23
23 feeders , . 720 3 70 9 COWS 10S4 2 70
Z feeders. . SOO 3 75 1 cow 1100 2 70
Ibull 1370 260 li feeders..1076 3 10
4 cows 977 2 63 3 feeders. . 870 3 20
2 cows 1205 2 65 1 feeder. . . 7(0 3 20
1 feeder. . . 4EO 275 1 heifer. . . fitf : > 3 20
2 cows 9fi5 2 Ii5 1 feeder. . . 9CO 3 60
1 cow 1070 2 65 10 feeders. . 901 3 50
1 feeder..1020 3 10 1 feeder. . . 700 3 50
2 feeders..1143 3 10 20 feeders. . Wli 3 63
2 feeders..12GO 3 10 3 ffecders. . 863 3 75
1 feeder. .1220 3 10 1 feeder. . . 910 3 75
1 feeder. . . 710 4 30 2 heifers. . 710 4 30
31 feeders. . 693 4 30
Joe Scott.
Icow 1000 " 2) 49 cows . . .1058 3 SO
' Pratt.
205 steers..1184 4 05
T. D. O'Neill.
140 cows..1003 $3 50 SO feeders. . 9CU $1 2i
23 feeders. 1001 4 IS 4 feeders .661 5 M
29 feeders , , JM" > * w
vtcbiem Ranches ,
SO steers..1157 4 01
M. 1 ! . Conners.
21 cows 1115 360 2.1 Hteern..1073 100
27 cows 1061 3 SO 111 steers..1CW.1 400
42 steers..1121 393 23 steers..lilt 405
47steers..1032 3 93
93NLJVADA. . , .
13COWB 1030 300 lacows 9S7 315
5 cown 1016 3m ) 45co\v 93 335
IS COWS SCO 330 22st ers . . . . 929 370
63COWH 970 310 M feedcrH. . S91 3 SO
40 feeders. . 813 XM 24 steers..1065 390
39 feeders. . S 3 3 SO
HOOS Today's receipts of hogs wert
double what they were yesterday and the
largest of any day since Wednesday of last
\\cck. Some of the trains did not arrive
until rather late In the morning , which
held back the market. At the same time
with the heavy run here both Chicago and
Kansas Cltv reported largo receipts nnd
weaker markets. As n still further bear Influence
fluence- there was thr fact yesterday ol
this market being high In comparison to
other markets , especially or. the heavy packIng -
Ing hogs.
Trade hero opened active and lust about
steady on the medium weight * nnd light
loads , which sold nt IIGGS * " " the amc
as yesterday. Utiyers for tl of hogs
wcro not long In 8i"ctln ! | ; - y could
use and thru the tram , . /tit to a
standstill. Iluvorfl wnnt " onccnMon on
the heavy hogs which wllfcrc unwilling
to grant and It wim onit jio before they
could come together on N trading basin ,
When the heavy hogs dhl Hrll , It was at
a decline of Cc , with the close slow ami
very * enk. At the time of closing this
report there were still quite a number ol
hogs unsold nnd nothing doing. Repre
sentative sales :
No. Av. Sk Pr No. Av. Sk 1'r.
" . ' 312 120 } 3 60 M ? : . . . .JsV 40 3 60
12 3.W . . . 360 12 323 . . . 360
6J 2SO 2SO 3 tO 64 2-ji ) . . . 3 bO
> ' 2CS . . . 360 49 232 . . . 360
M 345 40 3 ) Bo.:3s5 : : : : : : aw
33 274 SO 360 49 " 95 . . . 360
4 2S ? 200 360 M 329 160 360
J ? 31 40 3G2J4 57 267 40 3 62H
> ? " 120 362C 70 271 160 362
p/ ? 2J ° i6 ? 362k 218 160 362 $
l 22o 200 3621/2 55 280 40 3 fW ,
61 302 160 362 4 7rt 295 S20 3 62U
C3 251 SO 362l | 69. . . . .252 40 3 2'1
8 321 SO 362H c,2 3m 2 ( " ! 3 r-'il
i2 302 . . . 302 ! , 70 303 SO 3 62Vj
49 H0 40 3 621-t. 61 220 40 3 62U
Kj 321 SO B2(5 ( tin : 300 . . . 362 $
03 2(6 ( SO 3)2t4 4) ) 2S5 SO 3 62V4
41 2)4 ) 120 362 $ 71. . . 321 . . . 3 62(4 (
H m i o 365' ii2.is4 : : : : : 206 t r
SO 285 260 3 h5 6S 285 40 365
" 1 2G5 SO 365 69 266 120 365
} 2S2 120 365 60 29G 160 365
' ' 1 3 . . . 365 ( 61 261 80 3 65
CG 268 . . . 355 12 229 . . . 365
61 268 40 3 b5 77 270 160 365
55 .293 40 365 58 272 . . . 363
60 308 160 365 SO 24 120 365
71 2SO SO 3 bo 8) 2bO SO 363
60 2tO . . . 365 62 2S5 SO 3 65
70 284 SO 3 US S4 2il 80 3 U )
91 249 160 365 6S 258 . . . 363
b > i 2SO 200 363 55 262 40 3 65
62 232 200 3 65 4.3 . 355 . . . 365
711 2S < ! SO 363 53 2 6 200 365
55 297 SO 3 T 78 263 80 363
67 214 . . . 3 Co 66 262 200 365
70 247 120 365 75 269 200 3 65
70..239 SO 365 71 23S 240 363
63 363 160 365 75 261 120 365
69 2S3 SO 365 62 252 200 3 C3
13 222 . . . 3 67' & S3 210 240 3 67'A
00 310 . . . 3 67" * fo 275 . . . 3 R7'
64 246 . . . 3671,4 64 236 SO 3 67VJ
62 264 . . . 3671 $ 65 249 SO 3 67W
67 247 120 3 67ft 82 258 280 3675
I 64 29 160 36714 75 235 . . . 367
81 245 120 3 671.4 70 240 . . . 3 b7W
65 ,256 . . . 370
' 77 254 . . . 3 10 74 121 . . . 370
74 214 . . . 370 98 204 120 370
65 221 . . . 370 77 241 120 370
SHEEP The receipts were the largest
of any day In two weeks or over and there
was a fair showing of pretty much every
thing. At the same time there was nc
great number of fat sheep or lambs com
pared with the size of the demand. Chicago
cage and Kansas City both reported weak
markets , but owing to the very good de
mand there was no material chance here ,
In fact the most desirable stuff sold al
firm prices. Common and undesirable sheep
may have been a little weak.
There were moro feeding sheep and lambs
on sale than for some tlmo past , but the
demand for that kind of stuff remains verv
good , as has been noted right along , and
it was no trouble for holders to get satis
factory prices.
Quotations are : Good grass westerns ,
J4.004.1G ; fair to good grass westerns ,
J3.50W4.00 ; good yearlings. $4.15@4.25 ; good
to choice lambs. $5.00 ( < i5.25 ; fair to good
lambs , $4.90ff5.00 ; feeder wethers , 2-year-
2iB ? a over < J3-7G4-00 ; feeder yearlings ,
$4.0004.15 ; feeder lambs , $4.254.85.
No. Ay Pr
39 native wethers 114' $4 15
110 natltve wethers M j An
200 utah iambs. . : . . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : $ 47g
919 Utah lambs i : ! : ; . . . . 67 515
4 bucks 103 075
223 Angora goats 77 3 50
noniniiil for Cnltlc Moderate , HoRn
Hl7H Ccil < l < "iKlier nnil Slieci * null.
CHICAGO , Oct. 4.-Buslncss In cattle
today was of the usual Tuesday character ,
the general demand being quite moderate
at about Monday's late ligures. Prime cat.
tle.werp rather scarce and brought * 5.60 < gi
5.80. The greater part of the good to choice
corn-fed cattle crossed the scales nt W.15@
5.55 , comparatively few being poor enough
to go JKIOW J4.75 Runes en t tie wcro rather
slow of sale ut $4.355i4,75 , choice range Jiclf-
eTH bringing J4.40ii4.50. { The stocker and
feeder trade was active at W.25f4.Ts7 ? BoSa
to prime calves brought J0.007.15.
\ \ Ith a fairly active demand from Chi
cage packers und eastern shippers cholco
uroves of hogs were stronger to 2'Ao
higher , while common lots sold no better.
fme'lflr.aLn..e.xtfew ! ! of $3.45. ®
The market for sheep rind lambs was
fS.11" , du" anrt some. sellers called prices
IWjjlBo lower. Prime lots were scarce and
lirm , with fancy ' 98 lambs averaging well
up to 90 Ibs. selling at $6.00 , common lambs
as low as $3.75. Great numbers of western
range lambs sold at $ ! .50 < a3.50 , and feeding
lambs sold at $1.50(05.50 ( , while yearlings
brought $4.30fi4 70. For sheep the ruling
prices were $ . ! .60W4.70 for natives and 53.5U5J
4.33 for rangers , with feeding sheep selling
at $3.70 4.00.
Ro < elpts : Cattle , 4.000 head ; hogs , 24,000
head ; sheep , 19,000 head.
St. I.oiilH I , lie Htoelc.
ST. LOUIS , Oct. 4. CATTLE-ReccptH ! ,
4,200 head. Including 2.900 Texans ; ship.
ments , 300 head ; market steady , with
Texans slow ; fair to fancy native shipping
steers , $4.70T(5.75 ( ; bulk of sales , $ I.S5 < ? | 5.40 ;
dressed beef and butcher steers , $ l.40/5.40 ;
bulk of sales. $3.80 (5.20 ( ; steers under 1WO
Ibs. , $3.40 4.20 ; bulk of sales , $3.C05T4.00 ;
stockers and feeders , $2.SOiT4.60 ; bulk of
sales. S2.90ft4.3Q : cows and heifers , $2.00Jii
4.80 ; bulk of cows , $2.25ft3.50 ; bulk of belt-
ers. $2.95f/4.00 ; Texas and Indian steers ,
$3.00f < 1.50 ; bulk of sales , $ j.25&4.25 ; cows and
heifers , $2.5083.25.
HOGS Receipts , 8,200 head ; shipments ,
COO head ; market steady on best crudes ;
yorkers , $3.70/fi3.SO ; packers , $3.50t3.b3 } ;
butchers , $3.9014.00.
SHKKP Receipts , 3,100 head ; shipments ,
200 head ; market steady ; native muttons ,
$4.00 4.75 ; lambs , $5.00(85.60. (
ICniiNiin City 1,1 vr Slock.
cclpts , 13.4SO natives , 1,310 Toxnnn ; trade
active ; desirable loin moved at strong
prices , othcra steady to 6p lower ; c-holro
heavy ste'rs. $3.00ft5.3 ; medium. $ l.83' 5. : ;
lights , $5.85'//5.23 / ; stockers and feeders , $3.60
(83.25 ; butch'er cows and heifers , $2.755(3.65 ;
western steers , $3.75f(4.b5 ; Texas steers ,
$3.00i(4.35 ( ; T cu butcher cows , $2,7583.30 ;
canning stock. $2.15 (2.75.
HOGS Receipts , 13,220 head ; early mar
ket steady ; closed steady to 6c lower ; heuv-
lea , $3.65ij3.75 ; mixed , $3.55S3.70 ; light , $3.5 < > g )
3.65.SHRKP Receipts , 2,220 head ; light sup
ply , mostly range muttons ; good demand ,
steady prices ; rangu lambs , $4.SO f5.1B ;
rang * muttons , $4.0fxi/4.40 ; western feeding
jambs. S4.OOQ4.05 ; western feeding sheep ,
v York Iilvu Htock.
NBW YORK. Oct. 4.-BEBVES-Rccelpts ,
451 head. No trade of Importance ; feeling
steady. Cables , slow ; exports , 653 cattle
and 2.660 quarters of beef ; tomorrow , 1,700
CALVHS Receipts. 60 head. Dull ; veals.
$4.00f 7.50 ; no westerns ; grangers and feed
calves. $3.00f4.00. (
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts , 1.900
head , Sheep quiet ; lambs slow , but prime
stock firm. Sheep. $3.0064.93 ; lambs , $5.0i > 3) )
5.90 ; one rar of choice , $6.00.
HOGS-Recelpts , 180 head. Slow ; $4.00
64.20. _
Cliicliinntl Ilve Htock.
CINCINNATI , Oct. 4. HOGB-Steady at
CATTLE Steady at $2.50tJ 1.75.
SHEEP-Strong at $2.00 4.00 ; Iambs ,
steady at $3.WS5.60.
HI. .lonepli Ilve Stork.
ST. JOSEPH. Oct. Spoclal.-CATTLE < )
itecclpts , 56U head ; steady , active. Na- , SI.COfi6.B ( ; westerns , $5.35 ; cows und
heifer ? . $ l.25 4.00 ; storker. and feeders ,
$300f475 ; Tuxans , M.10 < Q3.45.
HOGS Receipts , S.04U head ; opened Sc
lower nnd clovd lOo lower , lop , $ J.iOi
bulk , $3.8214 3.63.
SHRKl'-Rccpipts. 1.2S5 hcnilt steady.
.Slock In Mitlit. * -
Recoril of r CPlpta of live stock nt the
four iirlnclpal markets for October 4 :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha . 8,06-5 * ,5l3 6W
Chicago . 4 , 24.IHK ) 19.1W
Kansas city . . . . . . . . UM 13.220 2JO
St. Louis . 4,200 8,200 3.10J
Totals . . . . M.OCS & 3.93J
\Vnrkinrn Olllclnln nt Oulw.
ST. LOUIS. Oct. 4. Ao the result of a dlf
fereuco of opinion , Grand Master Work
man \V. H , Miller of the Ancient Order ol
United Workmen tins removed from offlc
Walter K. McKntlrc. chairman of the com-
mltteo on nnance. The matter will most r
likely bo taken before the grand lodge for
final adjudication. Members of the order
question the right of the grand master to remove -
move Mr. McEntlre. It Is asserted that tlie
proper course for Mr. Miller to have pur
sued would Imvo been to have preferred
charges against McEntlre.
Union Iron Work * Not In.
SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 4. Irving M. Scott ,
president of the Union Iron Works , says In
reference to the alleged gigantic combina
tion of war ship bulldln * Interests : "So far
as the Union Iron Works is concerned , we
have not been approached on the subject.
The preposition Is absurd on the face of It.
It had Its Inception In the statement pub
lished about a week ago concerning the al
leged plans of the Carnegles to establish A
mammoth war ship building plant In the
cast. "
Dcfciuln III" .Mother.
MOBILE. Oct. 4. Francis P. O'Connor , 17
years old , a moulder's apprentice , stabbed
John Kitchen to the heart In defense of
hlu mother's honor at their homo tl'ls morn-
Ing. Kitchen , who died instantly , was an
oyster opener and an all round rough char
acter , having served two terras In the pen
itentiary. O'Connor surrendered to the
police after th * stabbing. Keeling is on hlo
sldo and It Is not expected that the law
\\lll hold him.
( Should bo read dally by all interested , as
changes may occur ut any time. )
Foreign mails for the week ending Octo
ber 8 , 1S9S. will close ( PROMPTLY In nil
cases ) nt the General Postofllco as Tallows )
PARCELS POST MAILS close ono houl
earlier than closing tlmo shown below.
Trnim-Atlnntlo Mull .
WEDNESDAY At 9 n. m. ( supplementary
10:30 : a. m. ) for EUltOPE , per s. s. Britun-
nlc , via Quecnstown : nt 10:30 : a. m. fop
EUROPE , per s. s. Frleslnnd. via South
ampton ( letters must bo directed "per
Frieslar.d. " )
THURSDAY-At G a. m. for EUROPE ,
per s. s. Augusto Victoria , via Cher
bourg , Southampton and Hamburg. -v
SATURDAY At 6:30 : n. m. for FRANCR , %
1SH INDIA , per s. s. La Touralne , via
Havre ( letters for other parts of Europe
must be directed "per La. Touralno' ) ;
at 6:30 : a. m. for EUROPE , pfr s. s. Et-
rurla , via Queenstown ( letters for France ,
Switzerland , Italy , Spain , Portugal , Tur
key , Egypt and British India must bo
directed "per Etrurla" ) ; nt 8 a. in. for
NETHERLANDS direct , per s. a. Wcrk-
ondam via Rotterdam ( letters must bo
directed "per Werkondam" ) ; nt 9 a. m.
for ITALY , per s. s , Fulda , via Naples
( letters must be directed "per Fulda" ) : VJ
at 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND dlreqt , per V
H. s. Ethiopia , via Glasgow ( letters must
bo directed "per Ethiopia" ) .
After the closing ol the Supplementary
Transatlantic Malls named above , addi
tional supplementary mulls are opened on
the piers of the American. English ,
French nnd German steamers , and remain
open until within ten minutes of the hour
of sailing of steamer.
Matin for South mill Cenlrnl America ,
Went ludlev , Etc.
WEDNESDAY At 9:30 : a. rn. for BRAZIL ,
per s. s. Hevcllus , via Pcrnambuco. Ba-
ha ! and Rio Janeiro ( letters for North
Brazil and La Plata Countries must bo
directed "per Hevellus" ) ; at 9:30 : n. m.
for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct , per
s. a. Gurrlck ; at 10:30 : n. m. for HAITI.
per s. s. Prlns F. Hendrlk ( letters for
Venezuela. Curacao , Trinidad , British
and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per
Prlns F. Hendrlk" ) : nt 12s30 p. m. ( sui > -
plemontary 1 p. m. ) for ST. THOMAS ,
WARD ISLANDS , per s. s. Pretoria ( letters -
ters for Barbados must be directed "per
Pretoria"- ) ; 1 p. m. for BARBADOS
direct and NORTH BRAZIL , via Para
and Mnnaos , per s. s. Hubert ; at 1 p. m.
( supplementary 1:30 : p. m. ) for NASSAU ,
N. P. , per s. s. Antllla ; at 9 p. m. for
PORT ANTONIO , per steamer from Bos
THURSDAY At 1 p. m. ( supplementary
1:30 : p. m. ) for BERMUDA , per s. s. Trini
dad ; ut 1 p. m. for JAMAICA , per H. s.
Ardanrose ( letters for Belize , Puerto
C'ortez and Guatemala must , bo directed
"ner Ardunrose. " )
SATURDAY At 2:30 : n. m. for NEW
FOUNDLAND , per s. s. Siberian , from
Philadelphia ; at 9:30 : a. m. ( supplement
ary 10 a. m. ) for BARBADOS und DE-
MERARA , per s. s. Carrlbeo ; nt 10 a. m.
supplementary 10:30 : n. m. ) for FORTUNE
OAHTHAOENA. per s. P. Aleiin ( letters
for Costa Rica must be directed "per
Alene" ) ; nt 10 n. m. ( supplementary 10:30 :
a. m. for HAITI and SANTA MARTHA.
per s. H. Holstcln ; at 10:30 : u. m. for BRA
s. f. Llvorno , via Pernambuco anil Rln , r
Janeiro ( letters for North Brazil must bo /
directed "per Llvorno" ) : at 11 a. tn. fop f
THAGENA , via Curacao , per s. s Phila
delphia ; at 12 m. for NEWFOUND
LAND. per s. H. Portia ; at 12 m. for
PORTO RICO dlreet. per s. s. Winifred ;
at 12 m. ( supplementary 1 p. m. ) for
CENTRAL AMERICA ( oxccot Conta
Rica ) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS , per
s. s. Advance , via Colon ( letters for
Cfatomala must be directed "per Ad
vance" ) ; at 8:30 : p. m. for NEWFOUND
LAND , per steamer from North Sydney.
Malls for Newfoundland oy rail to Hall- I
fax , nnd thence by steamer , close nt this " \
office dKlly at 8:20 : p. m. Malls for Ml-
quelon , by rail to Boston , nnd thence by
steamer , close nt this oftlco dally at 8:30 :
p. m. Matin for Cuba rloso nt thla
ofllce dally at > .i. m. for for
warding by steamers sailing Mon
days and Thursdays from Port Tampa ,
Flu.Mails for Mexico City , overland ,
unless specially ndruessed for despatch by
stcumer , close at this oitlce dally at 2M
a. m. and 2:30 : p. in. 'Registered mall
closes at 6:00 : p. m. previous < ! ay.
Trail n-I'iic Illo MnllH.
Malls for China and Japan , per s. s. Em
press of India ( from Vancouver ) , clone
hero dally up to October 3 at 6:30 : p. m.
Mulls for China , Japan and Hawulf , pep
H. H. Gaelic ( from San Francisco ) , close
hero dally up to October 6th at 6:30 : p , m.
Mulls for Hawaii , per B. s. Australia
from San Francisco ) rlose hero daily up
to October 13th at 6:30 : p. m. Malls for
Australia ( except West Australia ) , New
Zealand , Hawaii nnd Fill Islands , per H.
n , Wurrlmoo ( from Vancouver ) , close
hern daily after September 30th and up
to October 13th at 6:30 : p , m. Mails fop
China and Japan , per B. s. Taconm ( from
Tiicoma ) , close here dally up to October
17th at 6:30 : p. m. Malls for thn Society
Islands , per ship City of Papeltl ( from
San FrnnoiBCo ) , close here dully up tr
October 23th at fi:30 p. m. Malls for Aus
tralia ( except those for Went Australia
which uro forwarded via Europe ) , Now
Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI und Bumoun ! u-
lundu , per s. s. Miirlposa ( from San Fran
cisco ) , close hero dally tin to October
2Sth ut 7:00 : n. m. . 11 u.m. and 6:30 : p. m.
( or on arrival at Now York of H. B. Kt-
rurla with British malls for Australia.
Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of
falling dally and the schedule of cloMnir
Is arranged on the presumption of their
uninterrupted overland transit. Regis
tered mail closes ut 6:00 : p. m. previous
, New York , N. Y. ,
Telephone 1030. Onmhu , Neb
Direct wrt to Cnlctio nd N w fork.
Corropondmtn John A. WcrrtD * Co.
H. R. PENNEY & CO. ,
Room 4 N. V. Life
, Illdar. , Ooinlm , Web ,
Direct WIr - New York , Cltlcncu anil
We * tern 1'oliita.