( i T1IK OMAHA. DAIIIKKTCs STIXD.AV. OrTOIVEtt 2. 1808. MTIfl PUP IT KING ) S BALL Flans for Coronation and Reception by Ak-Sar-Ben V Next Friday , LADIES OF HIS MAJESTY'S ' COURT Xntnen nml Mnlil * AVIiouc Comply 1'rcNPiiuc Will ( Iriu-e the 1'nlnvc llnll * nml 'I'llrone Hoom IJur- Injt ic Stnto runcdoiin. Interest In the autumnal festivities of the Knlchts of Ak-Sar-Bcn has had Its ap parent oflcct on the society circles ot the cxpoiltlon city. What with arranging par ties for viewing the street pageants on Tuesday and Thursday evenings , dances nml preparing costumes for the grand cor onation and state ball on Friday evening , the devotees ot local society have been alt ngog with excitement during the last week over the coming of the king Deautlful beyond description will bo the nppcaranco ot the Immense Den on Friday evening when It IB arrayed In Its royal garb for the coming of the king and queen. Artists and artisans ha\o been busy for a week In decorating the big building with banners and Incandescent lamps , all ot the etriklng Ak-Sar-Dcn colors of red and urecn and yellow. A great'waterfall , which will bo attractively Illuminated , has been constructed nt tbo south end ot the hall , whllo a throne twenty feet above the level of the lloor occupies a commanding posi tion at the north end. About the throne nro the handsomely furnished boxes for tbo ladles of the court , the ladles In watting nnd the maids of honor. Tbo dancing space this year will bo greater In extent than over before and the dancers will for once have the advantage of a smooth floor. A oplendld program of dances has been ar ranged and the music will bo furnished by a band and an orchestra. The Board of Governors has announced the following honorary appointments for the coronation ball : Ladles of the Court Mcsdamcs Charles F. Manderaon , Edward I' . Peck , Henry W. Yatco , Robert S Wllcox , Casper E Yost , I' . 1' . Klrkendall , Ouy 0. Uarton , William V. Mono , William U. Bennett , n. M. Mors- innn , W. II. McCord , Frederick II. Uavla , Oeorgo P. Bldwcll , W. W. Morsman , Wil liam F. Allen , John L. Webster , John S. JJrady , J J. Dickey , Charles II. Wllhelm , Kdwnrd M. Bartlett , Ourdon W. Wattles , Ocoigo S. Powell. Oscar B. Hlllls , V. E. MacClure , David II. Mercer , Omaha ; W. II. Mungcr , Fremont , Neb ; George II. Thum- inel , Grand Island , Neb. ; D. E. Thompson , Lincoln , Neb ; J. E. Whine , Albany , N. Y. , nnd Charles li. Lawton. Cripple Creek , Cola. Ladles In Waiting Mesdamea Thomas A. Fry , II. J. Penfold , A. II. Noye % Fred Melz , Jr. ; Walter S. Jardlno , II , Vance Lane , 0. V. Klpllngcr , Elmer E. Bryson , Lconldas runkhouser , Thomas II. Orr , George P. Cronk , Charles Metz , Arthur B. Jaqulth , George W. Mercer , Arthur p. Gulou , Clem ent Chase , J. E. Baum , T. W. Talllafcrro , II. II. Olmstcad , Charles T. Kountze , Clin ton N. Powell , Albert Cahn , Frank S. Cow- gill , George P. Moore , Harry Jordon , Ed- wnrd II. Sprague , Charles C. Hosewater , Charlea Watson Hull , M. C. Peters , John l : . Wilbur , Omahn ; James G. Martin , South Omaha , D. L. Holmes , South Omaha ; B. Frank Reynolds , Florence , Neb ; Knv Nye , Fremont , Neb. ; W. M. Leonard , Lincoln , Neb. ; S. N. Wolbach , Grand Island , Neb , unrt William W. Douglas , Chicago , 111. Maids of Honor Misses Gertrude Kountze , May Dundy , Bessie Yntea , Allco Andreesen , Elizabeth Ames Peck , Clara Palmer , Grace Allen , Mao Louise Hamilton , Adeline Nash , Georgia Llndsey , Laura May Morse , Helen Hoagland , Anna Shlverlck , Linda Curtis , Edna Cowln , May Bartlett , Flora WebitPi , Emma Crelghton , Mabel Q. Taylor , Jessie Dickinson , Lilian Wllcox , Clare Drake , Mabel Barber , Carolyn Mercer , Cornelia E. Bennett , Mae Mount , Joanlo Dean Brown , Salda Peck Allen , Helen Mona Martin , Sadlo Baum , nuth Weller , Ada Wllcox , Edith Smith , Omaha ; Nelllo Moore , Eleanor Montgomery nnd Eleanor Stewart , Council Bluffs ; Kath- nrlno Allen , J. Mnuline Laur and Augusta Clark , South Omaha ; Grotchcn Crounse , Cal- houn. Neb : Mao A. Burr and Eliza Miller , Lincoln , Neb , ; Nora Dulf and Mattlo Hayward - ward , Nebraska. City , Neb ; Mtnnlo War wick and Lulu Burg , Grand Island Nob. ; Harriet Wright , DCS Molne" , In. ; Lola Chap man , Missouri Valley , la ; Gertrude Emily Slycrs , Dubuquc , la ; Lucy McCord , St. Jos eph , Mo. ; Elizabeth M. Sellers and Alice Marie Drake , Chicago ; Bessie W. Preston , Brookllnc , Mass ; Louise Bartlett and Kath- arlno Close , Boston ; Llla Thankful Rl\ , Hot Springs , Ark. , Grace Avers and Carrie Chambers , Jacksonville. Ill , and Laura Ab- lett , Plttsburg. Reception Committee Sierra. Guy C. Barton , Frank E Moores , Edward Dlckln- Bon , John A. Crelghton , Henry W. Yates , Joseph H. Mlllard , George II. Kelley , Ed ward A. Nash , J. U. Buchanan , Casper E. Yost , William V. Morse. John S. Brady , J. E. Baum. Frank ColDetzer , Edward A. Cudahy , E. M. Bartlett , J. J. Dickey , Ben jamin B. Wood , George W. Llnlngcr. F. P Klrkomlall , F. II. Davis. George P. Cronk , E , AV. Hart , David II. Mercer , Thomas Kll- patrlck , Charles H. Plckens , Charles Metz , M. C. Peters , Thomas M. Orr , J. II. MoDon- uld , A. B. Seniors , Luther Drake. W. A. Smith , Edward L. Lomax , John L Webster , W. I. Hawkes , Charles H. Gulou , M. H. Col lins , F. S. Cow gill , L. II. Korty. T. W. Tnl- llaferro , P. E. Her. J. E. Wilbur , Frank J. Hoc ] , A. J. Love , Edgar Allen , Gurdon W. Wattles , W. O. Bridges , D. II. Baum , Beecher Hlgby , O. S. Hoffman , Edward H Sprague , L C. Redlngton and Julius Pcycke. Floor Committee Messrs W H. McCord , Arthur P. Gulou. Thomas Crelgh , Joseph Barker , L. P. FunkhoiiBcr. Charles T Kountze , E. M. Morsman , Jr. ; George H. Palmer , A. S. Rogers , Henry II. Allen , Luther N. Kountze , Arthur J. Coolcy , M. C. Colpetzer. Herman I > Kountze , Charles L. Dcuel , Charles S. Young , Charlea Wilson , John T. Stewart , second , F A Nash , Jr ; Charles T. George , James G. Martin. F. M. Smith , T. II. Fonda. Jr , Asa Shlverlck , W. T. Burns , Gould Dletz , James L. Paxton , Frank C Simpson. George S Wright , Charles II Pratt. Samuel Caldwell , George H Mayne , Stockton Ileth , Samuel Burns , Jr. Perry Badollet , Frank J Haskell. Roy Crummer , Nelson Mercer , James G. Wallace and Douglas P Welpton. Those who follow the movement of society In Omaha will not suffer from cnnul even after the conclusion of the coming Ak-Sar- Ben festivities. It may be necessary to take n good rest after these events have passed , but the following week will furnish quite enough to do for the Omaha women who nro Interested In the maintenance ot the city's reputation for cordial greetings to Its friends and guests. The celebration of the Peace Jubilee at the Trnusmlsslsstppl Exposition will bring hun dreds of distinguished visitors within the citv's gates and all of these must be prop erly entertained , One ot the pleasant features of the week will be tbo receptions The Royal is the highest grade baking powder known. Actual tests how It goes ono- third further than any other brood. PQ Absolutely Pure OY l tAUha POWCf CO. , NW tO each day at the Inviting apartments of the Bureau ot Entertainment In the Mines nnd Mining building. Mr . Clement C. Chase , the president of the bureau , has announced the names of the following women , who will constitute the reception committees ot each day during the most notable week ot the exposition : Monday , October 10 , Mayor's Day Mrs- dames Hitchcock. Joflyn , Offutt , W , A. Car' ter , Connoll. Dletz , Squires , Bldwell , W. S. Popplcton , Kllpatrlck. Tuesday , October 11 , Governor's Day Mesdames Klrkendall , W. A. Redltk , A. L. Reed , Remington , D. H. Wheeler , Jr , Saun- tiers , J E. Baum , Thomas Orr , Blcrbouer , Uabcock. Wednesday , October 12 , President's Day Executive committee , Mesdames Chase , pres ident , Clarke , vice president ; Klrkendall , treasurer : Redlck , secretary ; Summers , Wattles , Joslyn , Webster , Lyman , Hitchcock. Thursday , October 13 , Army flud Navy Day Mesdames Chase , Lyman , Dandy , Smith , Manderson , Patrick , Metcalf. Kountze , Andrew Rosewater , Mercer , Dickinson , Friday , October 14 , Civil Government Day Mredames Wattles , Webster , Cowln , Yates , Wllhelm , Charlton. Peck , McCord , J. N. Baldwin , Klmball , Melkle. Saturday , October 15 , Children's Jubilee Day Mesdames Clarke. Summers , Shlverlok , Allen , Colpetzer , Brady , Mackay , Cudaby , Nash , Llnlngcr. Out of Town Uncut * . Miss Scrlver of Slam , Wjo. , Is visiting relatives in the city. Mrs Leo of Randolph , N. Y. , la the guest of her eon , Dr. E. W. Lee. Miss Jeno Brooks of Denver , Cole , Is the guest of Mm. D 0 rirk ! Mrs. J. H. McConnell Is entertaining Mrs. Andrews of Salt Lal.c City. Miss Slosslo Archer of Lincoln Is the guest of Miss Winnie Archer. Mr Schiller B Boyscn of Des Molncs Is visiting relatives In the city. Mrs. J. T. Andrus of Salt Lake City Is the guest of Mrs J. H. McConnell. Mr. S. M Evans or ( 'hlc.iao is ( he Ruest of his brother , Mr. J , H. Evans. Mr Carroll of Boston was the guest of Mr. Samuel Caldwell last week. Mrs. J. P. Klmblo of Los Angeles , Cal , , Is stopping with Mrs. W , G , Sloan , Mrs. F. B. Kennard is entertaining Mrs. Era Wilkinson of Knlghtstown , Ind. Mrs. B. L. Holcomb of Cheyenne , Wyo , Is a guest of Miss Minnie Buchanan. Miss Emma Weyand of Keokuk. la. , is vis iting with her sister , Mrs. Rohrbougb. Mrs. S. B. Bollcs of Chicago arrives today to spend two weeks with friends here. Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard B. Smith last -week entertained Mr. R. P. Hayes of Chicago. Mr. Jacob Smith and two sisters from Chicago vvll spend a fortnight In Oman. Mr. and Mrs B. Long arc entertaining their nephew , Dr. Otto Kohn , of Chicago Mlsa Grace Burrougha of La Crosse , WIs , , will bo the guest of MUs Sharp _ next week. Miss Hayward of Nebraska City will spend the coming week with Mrs. Herbert Wheeler. Mrs. John C. White of Cleveland. 0. . Is the guest of her sister , Mrs. Robert Cowcll. Mlsa Almy Shaw of Missouri will spend the winter with Mrs. William A. Pnxton. Mr. Horace G. Burt Is entertaining his sister , Mrs. Samuel McKeen of Tcrro Haute , Ind. Ind.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. James II. Shunk of Chicago cage are visiting Judge nnd Mrs. B. S. Baker. Miss Nannlo Mills of Des Molnes , In. , who la en route for Denver , is visiting Mrs. Parish. Mrs. Edward Hamcr and Mrs. Lamborn from Vermont , 111. , are visiting Mrs. M. L. Parroto. Miss Bertha Skelton of Broken Bow la In the city visiting Mrs. B. W. Snider , 2S07 Miami street. Mrs. Frank Land of Richmond , Ind. , Is vis iting her sister , Mrs. E. R. Perfect , at 4012 Nicholas street. Dr. Lillian Heath and Master Edward H. Hill of Rawllns , Wyo , are stopping with Mrs. Qtto Nelson. Mr. nnd Mrs. Dwlght C. Haren of Chicago cage , who were visiting Mr. John R. Web ster , returned home. Mrs. Strasburger , who has been enter tained by Mrs. Herman Cohn , left for home In Now York City. Mrs. Davidson , Mrs. Hanna and the Misses Morgan of Giant City , Mo , are guests of Mrs. L. M. Boyer. Miss Nettle 'McBrlde of Nevada , Mo. , Is spending a few days with Mlsa Edna Brown , 2401 St. Mary's avenue. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rosenthal of Baltimore will bo the guests of their daughter , Mrs. A. Mandelberg , for some time. Mr. nnd Mrs. Purlin , from Canton. III. , have returned home after being entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Euclid Martin. Mrs. Frank Hanscom nnd Miss Eunice Hanscom of Mineral Point , WIs. , are visit ing with Mrs. C. II. Thompson. - Mrs. M. M. Lain. Mrs. C. M. Miller anl children left for their homo In St. Joseph , Mo. , after a pleasant visit here. Mrs. Bcnton and Miss O'Brien of Burling ton , la. , will arrive on Tuesday to bo tbe guests of Mra. Edward McSbanc. Miss Caddie A. Nvc of Chicago will bo the guest of Mrs. Fred Engel , 4907 North Twenty-fourth street , till Tuesday. Mrs. Shaffer of Wisconsin Is visiting her daughter , Mrs. A. J. Love. Mrs , Squires of Montpcller , VI. , is also her guest. Miss Jennlo Sllngcr of Wakefield , Neb , and Miss Ella Shellington of the same town are guests of Mrs. F. M. Bloodhart. Mrs. G. M. O'Brien of Greensboro. N. C. . will bo the guest of her daughter , Miss O'Brien , for the coming two months. Mrs. Nora Gulseo nnd daughter of Slober- ton. Ore. , will return from Beatrice , Neb , on Monday to spend some time In Omaha. Mr nnd Mrs. Frank E. Bradley and daugh ter , Alice , who were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. Besen , have returned to Des Molnes , la. Mrs. B. F. Weaver Is entertaining her sisters , the Misses Rogers of Mount Vernon - non , O. , and her niece , Miss Rogers of Chi- cage ) . Miss Kathryno Ovcrstreet of St. Louis , who has been the guest of Miss Qeorglo Sharp for two weeks , left yesterday for her home. Mtsa Olive B. Hackctt of Crcston , In. , Is visiting the exposition , the guest of MM ( Theresa Tracey , 810 North Twenty-seventh street. Mr. T J Laughlln nnd daughter , Edith , of Tekamah , Neb , and Miss Lowry of Kan sas City are guests of Dr. and Mrs. M , L. Arthur. Mrs Thomas A. Hendrlx of Indianapolis , wife of the cx-vlce president of the United States , la visiting Mrs. A. C. Herman , 2112 Cass street. Miss Sellers of Chicago will come tomor row to attend the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities. She will bo tbo guest of Miss Peck while In the city. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pearson and daugh ter of Chicago are guests of Mr. and Mrs C. N Dletz Mr. Pearson Is a prominent banker of Chicago. The Misses Alice and Ruth Richard , daugh ters of Governor Richards of Wyoming , are guests of the Misses Fltcbell , 90S South Twenty-eighth street. Miss Gertrude E. Meyers of Dubuque will arrive hero on Tuesday to attend the AK- Sar-Bcn festivities While In the city she will bo the guest of Miss Nash. Mr Leonard McWhard left for New York City on Friday to resume his work at the Columbia university. Mr. McWhard has represented the university at the exposition. Mr. J. H. Frcase of Napoleon , O. ; Mrs. S F Shelly. Mr. Harry Shelly of Defiance , O , and Master Jack Brown of Hutcbtnson , Kan , nro guests of Mr , and Mrs. Joseph Allen. Mrs George Garver of Des Molnes , la. ; Mrs. Henry Herrlck of Houston , Mo , and Mrs. H. A. Andrews and son of Now York city are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. B L. Danforth and son of Minneapolis will leave for Kansas City the first of the week for a few days. Mr. E. L. Danforth Is secretary of the Minnesota seta commission. Miss Katharine Creary , daughter of Major W. E. Creary. U. S. A. , and sister of Lleuten- ant W. F. Creary , Second United States In fantry , arrived In Omaha Ian Saturday from Fort Keogh , Mont. Dr. J. M. Borglum and family are en tertaining Sergeant Oloslmodt , who nan re cently returned from Santiago , where he has 1 been In active rervlce. His home Is , nt Copenhagen , Denmark. Mr. Robert S , Obcrfeldcr of Sidney , Neb , , Is I In tbo city , Mrs. J. J. Dickey Is entertaining Mlsa McDougai ot Chicago , Mrs. Field of Chicago Is spending come time * with Mrs , MacDanc. Miss Lizzie Mabey of Bellawood Is tbo guest of Mrs. George S. Gould. Mr , Damon of Boston spent a few da > s with Mr. W V Morse last week. Mrs. Cyrus Smith nnd daughter ot Wcb stcr City , la. , are exposition visitors. Mrs. J. J Brook of Plttsburg. Pa , Is be ing entertained by Mrs. M. T. Barlow. Miss Foote of Atchlson , Kan , Is visiting Mrs J F , Mawhlnney , 1604 Dodge street. Mra George S. Gould will spend the winter with her mother , Mrs. Julia A. Armstrong. Mr Lorado Taft of Chicago was enter tained by Mr. and Mrs. Buclld Martin whllo In the city. Mrs. II. r Wyrnan Is entertaining Mrs. MacClarcn of St. Paul and Miss Dalt of Sterling. III. Mrs F H. Abecl and Mrs. A. M. Lang- ford of New York City are visiting their brother , R. E. Douglas. Mr. Oscar Pundt , Mrs. Stockstrom and Mrs Melnster of St. Louis are being enter tained by Miss Dorlso Pundt. Mrs. Charles E. Ford Is entertaining her mother , Mrs. J. A. Scott , and brother , Mr. Claude Scott , of Richmond , Ind. Miss Anna Caulfleld of Grand Rapids , Mich. , who Is attending the Art congress , Is the guest of Mrs. S. R. Towne. , Rev Anderson , who has been stopping with Mr. and Mrs. George F. Bldwell , left for 'lot Springe , S. D. , on Monday. Mrs. Philip Loewe of Chlppewa Falls , WIs , Is visiting the exposition , a guest of Mrs. Fred Loewc , 1303 South Thirty-second street. Mr. Henry Fernedlng , who broke bread with Mr. John A. Crelghton's family last week , returned to his homo In Dayton , O. , on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Salmon , residents of Colorado rado Springs , were guests of Mrs C. E. Balbach and Miss Pearl Chamberlain ol Council Bluffs last week. Mrs. Wood of Virginia is being enter tained by her sister , Mrs. T. J. Mackay. Rev. Garrett of Portland . , Ore. , Is also a guest at the All Saints' rectory. Mrs F. H. Snydom , nco Miss Balbach , whose homo Is now In Detroit , will arrive on Tuesday to spend some time with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Balbach. Mr. Robert Franklin Smith received last week the news of the sudden death of his father , Mr. Stephen J. Smith. Mr. Smith left on Friday night for Pennsylvania to at tend bis funeral. Mr. John P. Lower and Mr Clarence Lower , who have been attending the ex position the past fortnight and entertained at the home of Mr. George W. Lower , left for their home In Denver yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Tbonias and Mr. Wnr- ren Thonvas of Denver , who have been the guests for the past fortnight of their uncles , Messrs. Charles L. nnd Dexter L Thomas , returned to their home on Saturday. Mr. Anderson , a student at the Hebrew Union college at Cincinnati , who has been holding services during the summer nt Sioux City , la. , wae n guest of Rabbi Leo M Franklin last week. Mr. Anderson will leave this week for Cincinnati. Mr. Harry Drake Glbbs and his mother of Buffalo , N. Y. , will arrive here this mornIng - Ing to attend the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities and the Peace Jubilee. They cut their visit In Holland short In order to witness the coronation of another queen here. Mr. Glbbs Is pleasantly remembered from two previous visits here. iitH of the Week. Mrs. Frank gave a floral tea on Wednes day for Mrs. Chapman. Mrs. Frank Johnson gave a floral tea on Wednesday for Mrs. Chapman. Mr. Samuel Caldwell entertained a candy pull last Monday In honor of Mrs. Hugus. Complimentary to Mrs. Powers of New York Mrs. Harry Knox entertained at lunch eon Tuesday. Hon. and Mrs. T. L. Norval of Lincoln were entertained nt dinner on Saturday by Mr. and Mrs. George W. Llnlngcr A pleasant gathering of a number of the ante-out belles of local society was at a box party given yesterday afternoon at the Boyd theater by Misses Eva Kennard and Frederlcka Westells. Twelve guests were bidden on Friday by Mrs. Samuel Katz to meet Mr. Beck of New York , Mrs. Barnett and Miss Edelmann of Los Angeles , and Miss Teweles of Milwau kee. An elegant luncheon was served. On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cowell celebrated their fifteenth wedding an niversary by entertaining a number of their friends nt a flag party. Prizes were an aided to Miss Johnson nnd to Miss Dlxon of Kan sas City. On Wednesday evening the palatial dinIng - Ing room of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Doughtery was bright with lights and laughter , the ac companiments to a < llnncr tendered Mr. Henry Fernedlng of Dayton , O. , who Is the guest of Mr. John A. Crelghton. The floral decorations for the dinner given by Mrs. John A. Crelghton on Wednesday were marked for their originality. A strik ingly handsome feature was the vase of largo augusta roses In the center of the ornate round table. Covers for ten were laid. laid.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Pcrrino cave a birth day party on Tuesday In honor of their old est uon , Morris C. Perrlne , at their residence. Twenty-fourth and B streets. South Omaha. A large number of the young friends of Master Pcrrino were present nnd a most enjoyable time was had. Ono of the most nleasanl dinners of the last week waa given by Mrs. Edward A. Nash on Thursday evening In honor of Dr. Lee and Mrs Leo from Randolph. N. V. The beautiful dining room with Its elegant appointments , snowy napery and n profusion of cut flowers , mode the dinner one long to be remembered. Chafing dish parties bid fair to become as popular as thcv were last se.tson On Thursday evening MUs Crelghton enter tained a score of friends * very delightfully. The chafing dish furnished a delicious Welsn rarebit that waa thoroughly enjoyed. Mr Henry Fernedlng of Dayton , O. , was guest of honor. A most agreeable surprise awaited the guests of Mr. D A. Reldy , who assembled at Crelghton ball on Monday evening to view the pictures of Ireland shown through the stereoptlcon Out of some eighty views shown It would bo dlfllcult to sav which were the most beautiful , but the cathedral sccno by moonlight and the wonderfully realistic scones of the Klllarnev district elicited great applause Certain It Is that no such views had ever before been seen In Omaha , and the delicate coloring of the trees and foliage added to tbe natural beautv of the scenes The descriptions of the pictures were given In a pleasing man ner and the entertainment was enlivened by Irish songs and music to accompany some of the views. mill niipriiKriiieiitH. The engagement of Miss Jessie Bowie of this city to Mr. Harry G. Hart of New York Is announced bv Mr. and Mrs. James Bowie. Tbe engagement of Miss Schoentgen and Mr. Thomas D Metcalf of Council Bluffs was announced last week. The contracting parties are favorably known In Omaha so ciety and have received numerous congratu lations from this side of the river. Mr and Mrs Hubbs ot KllUton. Mont. , formerly of Omaha , announce the engage ment of their daughter , Lottie , to Mr. Al bert Brantner a prominent business man of Klltston Tbo wedding will take place on October 17. The marriage of Miss Mabel E. Hume to Mr Welch A. Klngsley was solemnized on Wednesday afternoon at the residence of the bride's mother. Mrs. A L. Root. Fiftieth street near Pratt. Rev. H. W Kuhns offi ciated Tbe ceremony was witnessed bv only the relatives and Intimate friends of the contracting parties. A delicious luncheon was served on the lawn. Mr. and Mrs Klngsley left for Colorado , where they will spend a fortnight visiting different points of Interest. At the home of Mrs. M. A. Miller , 1407 Ohio street , on Wednesday evening occurred the marriage of her daughter , Miss Kathryn , to Mr. Clifford Do Bolt of Seward , Neb. , Rev. A. J , Turkle officiating. The bride's gown was of white silk She carried brlda'a roiea. The bridesmaid , MUs Gertrude Banco uf thin city. wn nttlrcd In white Paris muslin ; she had pink roses. Mr Walter Harvey ot Chicago acted ns best man. Men delssohn's "Wedding March" wi , played by Miss Mabell Fullrledo of Denver , cousin of the bride. After the ceremony refreshment * were served , A number of gucsts.among whom were Mr. and Mrs. George Do Bolt , father nnd mother of the groom , ot Uttcn , Neb ! Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Do Bolt of Seward , Neb , nnd Miss Rose Lee of Nebraska City. The bride was the recipient of many hand- nemo presents. Mr. and Mrs. De Bolt loft for Seward , Neb. , their future home. Movements of I'olk. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm left for Chi- Mgo on Tuesday. Mrt' . R W. Tolmago returned from New York 911 Wednesday. Mrs. D. M. Woodford has gone to Nash ville , Tcnn , on a visit. Mr. nnd Mrs , C. L. Boff have returned from Lcavenworth , Kan , Mr. William Goldle , jr. , returns this mornIng - Ing from a week In Chicago. Miss Bowlo and Miss Jes'le Bowie are spending a few days In Chicago. Miss Bessie Towlo visited the Misses Crounse at Fort Calhoun last week. Mr. John D Crelghton left yesterday for Kentucky and other southern points. Miss Mlnnlo Archer and Miss Archer of Lincoln left here on Friday for Kansas City. Miss Florence Martyn Is home after a month's vlelt at Kansas City nnd Clinton , la. Mrs E. M. Post has returned to Omaha from nn extended visit to friends In New- York state Mrs. S. A. McWhortcr nnd Mrs Horace G. Burt have returned from a short visit In Chicago. Miss Halllo M. Hardln leaves tomorrow for West Superior , Win. , to attend the State Normal school , Mrs Leo Rothschild and Mrs. Nathan Rothschild were entertained by friends In Atlantic last week. Rev Thomas J Mackay last week visited his son , Ralph , who Is attending the mil itary school nt Kearney. Mlas Block has returned to her home at Atlantic , la. While In the city she waa the guest of Miss Ella Rothsclld. Yesterday Mrs. Benjamin Newman started for Chicago , where she will bo entertained by her children , Mrs I. New , Mrs. Ober- felder nnd Mr. Albert Newman. Dr. Mattlce arrived yesterday from the cast accompanied by Mrs. Mattlce , who has been visiting in Toronto and along the St. Lawienco the last three months. Mr. Orcnr Dujardln nnd family have re turned from n pleasant vacation spent at the Thousand Islands on n cruise In the splendid yacht "Catherine , " owned by Mr. Michael Cudahy. Mrs. Upfon has consented to open nt Brownell hall a preparatory day school for ten boys under the age of 12 vears. The work will be In charge of n thoroughly capable modern teacher and will prepare them to enter any of the best schools of the land. Terms , $5 Oa year , with special rates for thd sons of clergymen. Apply to Mrs. L. R. Upton , Brownell Hall. GEORGE H. DANIELS IS HERE Gcncrnl I'tumi'iiKcr AKcnt of tlic York Central nnd His Work for the Ex onltlon. George H. Daniels , the well known gen eral passenger nnd ticket agent of the New York Central railroad , Is now making his second visit to the Transmlsslsslppl Expo sition. He Is as enthusiastic over the de lights and attractions ot the big show as ever and Is continually discovering new- things about the exposition to praise. He arrived here yesterday morning In his pri vate car "Corsair , " which was transferred to the expostlon grounds and now occupies a convenient location within the grounds. The exposition has had a constant friend In General Passenger Agent Daniels and It Is not too much to say that ho has done more than any other eastern general pas senger agent to advertise the exposition. When General Passenger Agent Lomax of the Union Pacific requested tbe eastern lines to boom tbe exposition In their folders the first affirmative reply was received from Ml. Daniels. The New York Central has oleo worked up the special party ot the Empire state which will bo hero to help celebrate Now York day on October 6 and tay during the Peace Jubilee. Mr. Daniels Is not a stranger to the weat , having spent several of his earlier years of railroad work In Iowa and Missouri. When ho was called by the Vanderbllt In terests to take the place of general passenger agent of the New York Central road ho brought a fund of information and a knowl edge of the duties ot the office that only a long and severe training * could develop , nnd his success in the administration of the duties of his office has proved the wis dom of the appointment. Today Mr. Daniels Is ono of the best known and most efficient , railway officials In the United States. He Is tactful , resourceful and discharges all ot the duties of bis office like a trained dip lomat. Mr. Daniels was born In Hampshire , 111. , on December 1 , 1842 , and when 15 years old entered the tansportatlon business as a rod- mnn/In the englneerr.is corps of the North Missouri railroad. From this ho advanced rapidly , until In 1872 , when only 30 > eara old , ho became general freight and passenger agent of the Chicago & Pacific railroad. After serving two years , from 1880 to 1882 , ns general ticket agent of the Wabash , St. Louis & Pacific railroad , Mr. Daniels entered n somewhat different line of work as com missioner of the Iowa Trunk Line associa tion. After ten months' service In this place ho was elected commissioner of the Colorado Traffic association and passenger committee , which was merged Into the Central Traffic association , of which Mr. Daniels was elected vice-chairman nnd also chairman of the Chicago eastbound passenger committee. This was his position In 18S9 when he wan appointed general passenger agent of th New York Central. The social side of Mr. Daniels la charm- Ing. Ho has a rather quaint personality and Is n delightful companion and a staunch friend He Is a member of the Lotos club of New York and for the last five yea-s has been president of tbo Quaint club , a social orcanlzatlon that embraces in Its membership some of the best known busi ness and professional men of the metiopolla and which Is widely known for Its odd con- celts and curious doings. He was ono of the prime movers in the organization of the Transportation club and Is now on the board of managers. He has a host of friends nnd Is personally known to almost every rail road man In the country. WORKS OMAHAJFIRM FOR PIANO linn Who IN AllCKcd < < > Mnkc u Iltii.1- HUNK of I'lniio MnliiK ( ! I niler Ar- reHt ii ( Kiinxni City. In the early part ot August a man giving the name of O. M. Carroll secured an Bm- mcrson piano from the Hrra of Schmoller & Mueller , 1313 Farnara street , on a lease. The piano was delivered to 2416 North Six- tecnth street. A week later when a col lector was sent to collect the rent on the Instrument he found It gone , also Carroll. The police were notified and the piano was traced to Kansas City The police there found that the piano from Kansas City had been removed to Kansas City , Kan , and In turn sold to a Mrs. J. C. Lelp at New ton , Kan. , for $125 , The piano firm here was notified nnd the piano was replevlned , After the piano had been secured efforts were directed by the Kansas City police to find Carroll. By skillful advertising In the Kansas City papers be was located In Kanias City , Kan. , and decoyed Into Missouri by a woman , where be was arrested. Ho Is now In jail at Kansas City. To the Kansas City police he gave the name of A. M. Dell and said that he WM a street railway employe of llloomlngton , III. Chief White was notified ot tils or- rest last night nnd wilt send an officer after him today to bring htm to Omaha for trial. Carroll Is a piano thief nnd makes the stealing of pianos his business. Ho Is liuonn under the aliases of J , L. Gordon , A , 0. Warner and A. M. Dell nnd Is wanted In Chicago , St. Joseph , Mo. , and several other cities. Hpperly Corsets , perfect fitting , comfort able. Ilooni 10 , Crelghton Block , 16th and Douglas. HEARD ABOUT TOWN. Colonel E. C. Young of the First Illi nois cavalry , who came In with the Chicago Board of Trade party , 'was three months with his regiment at Chlckamauga. As the lluetcnant colonel of the regiment , Roy B. Harper , Is a son of Commissioner Harper , Colonel Younc naturally came as the guest of the latter wide-awake chairman of thi > executive commlttco of the Illinois com mission. His regiment Is now at Fort Sheridan and Is to bo mustered out Octo ber 11. Colonel Young characterized the stories of the great suffering of the soldiers at Chlckamauga as "arrant nonsense" and "absurd. " "Wo lost only fifteen men out of 1,300 , " said ho , "and surely that cannot bo said to bo a vcty great mortality. It Is possible , ot course , that the general conditions could have been Improved upon , for everything was naturally experimental , but ns fast as anything was discovered that needed attention steps were at once taken to remedy the evil , whatever It might have been. " The Cook County Marching club was guarded during Its stay In Omaha by the following central office detectives from Chicago cage , who marched In line with them and were not distinguished from the ordinary clubman : Lieutenant Perry and Detectlvea Bock , Gerrtgan , Cow drey , Loftus , McMahon , Shield , Mackln , Klplcy , Fitzgerald , Morgan , Do Sousa , Spain , Fltzpatrlck , Lewis , Duffy , Norton , McCarthy and Norton , 1'emonnl 1'nranrrniilin. M. H. Kohn and B. L. Strauss of Chicago cage are at tbo Her Grand. Dowltt Burgland has gone to Kansas City , Mo , on a short business trip. William Fitzgerald and W. J. O'Brien , the well known aldermen of Chicago , are at the Her Grand. Mrs. Ida Rlegel , Miss Laura Rlegel and B. O. Rlegel of Rlegelsvllle , Pa. , are attend ing tbo exposition. Leonard Cox of New York , traveling eud- Itor of the Western Union Telegraph com pany , Is at the Her Grand. II. J. Benjamin , E. W. McManus and John A. Long are a Kansas City party In the city attending the exposition. Mrs. Nellie Poor of Chicago , who was for a number of years a resident ot this city , Is visiting friends In Omaha. Mrs. W. G. Fisher. Miss Barbara Fisher , Mrs. Rodney Curtis and Miss Pernlllla Cur tis are Denver visitors at the exposition. Nat Field , who was In Florida with an Iowa regiment , returned to his home in this city yesterday. Ho Is slowly recover ing from a severe attack of typhoid fever. Mrs. D. A. Smith. Mrs. Gertrude Thacher Smith and Mrs. E. A. Smith of Morrison. III. , are amen gthc visitors at the exposi tion. tion.Mr. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred A. Thaycr of Chicago are at the Her Grand. Mr. Thayer Is one ot the largest wholesale druggists in the country. Nebraskans at the hotels : J. F. Parkins. Weeping Water ; A. A. Kenney , Charles M. Kenney , Stonton ; W. C. Dorsey , Beatrice : F. M. Castottor , W. C. Walton. Blair : J. L. Coddlngton , Auburn ; A. P. Culley , Loup City. "Ike" Fleming , financial editor of the Chicago Journal , accompanied Mayor Har rison's party to the city. Mr. Fleming Is one of the best known newspaper men In Chicago. He Is the president of the Press club. John Powers , president of the city coun cil , Chicago , and president of the Cook county democracy , Is at the Her Grand. With him nro Mrs. Powers , Mrs. Morton. Mrs. Glllesplo and Mrs. Austin who make up a happy party. Wayne Beardsley , Rochester , Minn. , for thirty-five jears a merchant of that city , has been visiting his sister Mrs. Catherine Shepard Thirty-first and Redlck avenue. Mr. Beardsley thinks the exposition a wonderful - dorful thing. Ho was made an honorary Knight of Ak-Sar-Ben during his stay. Hon. Albert Kower of Scranton. la. . Is visiting his brother , B. W. Kower , at 518 South Twenty-sixth street. Mr. Kevver Is a member of the Board of Suoervlsors of Greene county , Iowa. This was the first meeting of the brothers since they parted at their eastern homo thirty-two years ago and was a joyous reunion. Miss Terrlll has just received a choice line of dresa patterns , nets and velvet trimmings. LOCAL BREVITIES. The Sioux Indian with unpronouncablo name who died at St .Joseph's hospital of typhoid fever vesterday will bo burled from the People's church today. W. R. Jackson of Lincoln , Neb , entered the First Methodist church Friday night to engage In the devotional exercises with others. Ho removed his overcoat on his en trance. Whllo engaged In the services n thief entered the church and stole the over coat. coat.Mrs. Mrs. John A. Krug of 1501 Georgia evenue drove her horse and phaeton down town last night and stopped In front of one nt the big stores to shop. She left her fur capo valued at $50 In the vehicle when she alighted. When she left the store she found some one had driven the rig away. It waa PKIA'IC rVTAIlHII. Cntnrrli of HIP rvninlo OrBrnnii Hie Ilnne of Wo in u i UI ml. Catarrh of the femaro pelvic organs may cause displacements , congestion or ulcera- tlon of the womb. Symptoms of displace ment are pains In tbo back , constipation , dragging , heavy sensation In the abdomen , piles , painful , scanty , frequent urlna- 11 o n B. Congest - t 1 o n of the womb and ova- i r 1 e a produces great Irrltablll- ? yM fSK X. sleeplessness - , ness , frequent headache , nerv ousness , throb bing , bloating , flashes of heat , shivery , < prickly sensations , raininess and numbness. The symptoms of ulccratlon are continuous leucorrhoea , Irregular and painful men struation , Irritation of tbe spine , pain In the head and a continual tired-out feeling. For all the troubles peculiar to women , such as Irregularities , change of life , etc. , Pe-rn-na cannot bo equaled. In all these cases of catarrh the pelvic organs Is the exciting cause. Pe-ru-na cures by removing ' ing the cause Pe-ru-na cures catarrh wherever located. Consequently It will cure this class of disorders Mrs Margarerba ' Daubcn , 1214 North Superior St. , Racine ' City , WIs , writes. "I feel so well and good and happy now that pen cannot describe - | scribe It. Pc-ru-na Is everything to me. I ( feel healthy and wcri , but If I should bo sick I shall khow what to take. I have | taken several bottlee of Pc-ru-na for female complaint I am In the change ot life , and It' does " me good. Send for Dr. Hartman'p free book for' ' women only. Address Dr. Hartman , Co- j 1 lira bus , O. | Ask jour druggist for a free Pe-ru-na Almanac. I found Inter at Sixteenth and Cass street * hitched to n telegraph pole. The cape waa missing. Two hotel room workers robbed the till at the rooming house of A. .1. Shoolsky. 1321 i ; Douglas ftreet Friday night of $2.50 Th ' men . entered the house , and while the clerk , At Gordon , wan show Ing one of the men a room the other rilled the cash drawer. Both escaped Five hundred ladles' new tailor-made suits , In nil tbo latest fashions , just re ceived at Haydcn Bros. Anotlii'r Holdup. A man named Melchcr. while driving with a woman last night on Seventeenth street near Izard , was held up and robbed bv two men Not much booty wo * obtained The woman was not molested Slruclt ! > > u Train. Mr and Mrs Fred Rapp , whllo crossing the Burlington tracks nt Chalco last night , were struck by n train nnd seriously hurt They were broght to Omaha nnd placed In a hospital , DAVIES. . . . . J5U Douglas Street. Swcllest Trimmed Hats in the City All choice stjlen no t\\o hats alike. Also Walking Hats Casino , Dewey Sailors and Soft Houiul Hnt > . Won derful assortment. Largest Hue of Ilixlr Oootlb In the city. Wo call special attention to our Toques , and Turbans , trimmed In style and ct nbl- natlons of colors. We ask the ladies to ex amine our goods and prices. F. M. Schadell & Co , 1522 Douglas Street. Stylish Furs WV luivo boon < ellliiK peed fun for many yoni * nnd luivf maintained ti'pnlatlon for quality and style at rons onalli ) > ( H'tiTH.Vo keep a line of par niuntH In all klmN of | tonuln rfurs fioni the ALASKA SIULSIflN Goata ami Capes down to the best wearing of the ordinary fm * . You'll lenrn PomethltiH to jour luhmitagu If you look at oui fins. KCOFIELD LCW&SUITCO , 1510 Douglas St. PRESCRIPTIONS The best medicines , prepared by expert druggists , reasonable prices , always as low nnd often lower than the "blow hards" charge , no substitution prompt service. These are the elements that have built up our excellent prescription trade. The people understand now more fully than o\cr that when life or death Is In the balance Is best to deal with an old cst.ib- llfihcd and reliable house Did you notice that although wo gave them three chances not one of the "High Flyers" accepted our challenge to show up and compare prices charged for prescrip tions during any month or any year ? HOT WATER BOTTLES. 76c Water Bottles . DOc $1 00 Water Bottles . 65o $1 GO Water Bottles . $1.00 $1 75 Water Bottles . $1.25 75o Fountain Syringes . COo $1 00 Fountain Syringes . 75o $1.25 Fountain Syringes . 90o J1.50 Rubber Gloves . $1.0' Extra Good Bulb Syringe . : , ( . Good Atomizer . 7fio Plato Glass , Art Glass , White Lead , Lin seed Oil , etc , at manufacturers' prices. Pattor's Sun-Proof Mixed Paints , Patton's Mastei Painters' Finishing White , the best paints made. Wo are sole agents for them. , J. A. FULLER & CO , , CIT 1'Hicu imrtuiivrs Cor. 14th and Douglas Sts. MCHT. MRS. J. BENSON 210-12 South 16th St. fOR THE Ak-Sai-Een livening Gloves in all lengths and colors price from $1.00 up. , A large line ot Silk and Satin Waists price from $3,25 up. Silk Skirts from S2 75 up. Mousseline tie Soie and Neckwear in all styles and colors. V fiti2 Iii3 of F ans ordered especially for the ball. New Bayadere Ribbons for crushed belts and neckwear. Be autiful line of Belt Buckles. CHARLES SHIVERICK & C O. A REMARKABLE OPPORTUNITY Iron Beds at $1.00. Wo have placed on SPECIAL SALE our entire stock of furniture , comprising some of the latest and most stylish paUeins of furniture , dculgned by the lending manu facturers and turd' * for this fall's trade. Large purolases recently made by our house Tor ctish enables us to sell o < ir goods at prices that in many Instances s om al most absurd We have , for Instance , n good Iron Bid nt $1 00 , and this la the bed commonly Known clsewhcro at the S.J 50 bed. We have 60 patterns of Iron Beds on our sample lloor In all colors , with and without brass elaboration at prices from 33 1-3 to 60 per cent below former prices. ' A $4 CO Rocker at ? 2 00 , In any finish. Wo merely mention these to give an Idea oof the great bargains we aie offering In our GREAT SPECIAL SALE. Anticipate wants nnd toy now , ns prices your were never DO low before nnd re member , all gods are marked In PLMN F IGl'RES. Come and see tot jouioeif the IMMENSE STOCK OF FURNITURE tdiown on our sample floor reduced from ! 3 per cent to 75 per cent , and In rniny cases goods are marked at less than the factory cost A PRICE OFFERING MOST STUPENDOUS. All goods well packed on cars or set up In jour house at no extra expense. CHAS. SHIVERICK & CO. , 12th and Douglas. Next to Mlllard Hotel. ) Iron Beds at $1.00. Two tilings should bo remembered when you attend Raymond's great Jewelry Auction Sale first , that Raymond has spent 15 years of his life in building up his business in Omaha second , that Mr. Raymond guarantees every article sold to be just as represented. This stock includes the best in jewelry , watches , diamonds , cut glass , bric-a-brac , eto. All parades pass the store. Corner Douglas and Fifteenth. Sales : Dally at 10 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. P. J. Burroughs , Auctioneer.