Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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Dullness Marks Trading in the Grain ai
Provision Markets.
Cniillrninllnii of Report * of Hcni
Uimflliin OfTorliiK * . I-nrno IlrcclpU
nnilVcnk Cnlile * AITcct
IVlirnt Market.
CHICAGO , Sept. 30. Extreme dullne
was the principal fenturo of today's tradli
In all the grain and provision markets. Co
llrmatlon of reports of heavy Russian offc
IPRB , largo receipts and weak cables we
Influences In wheat , which closed at Vtc A
cllnc. Corn and onts closed at practical
unchanged prices Provisions received fa
packing support and closed C7' c hlgln
Tlio opening in wheat was at a sha
under yesterday's closing price , Deccmb
starting at 62c. There was moderate 1
quldatlon for a time , principally by loc
operators , duo to lower prices and wci
mnrketd at Liverpool and Paris and
heavy receipts both hero and In the nort
west. Minneapolis and Duluth reported a
rivals of 1,260 cars , compared with 035
week ngcf and 1,006 last year. Chicago r
cclpts wcro 2SO cars , 33 of which were
contract grade. Outsldo of this , howevi
there was nothing In the early news to c
courage selling , and after the first Hurry
liquidation hud passed prices began
mend , December recovering to C2 7-8@G
from C2&O62 G-8c. to which point It h
declined shortly after thn opening. The
win Bomo Incentive In buying In the no'
which coma In from the seaboard. Lat
cables from Liverpool showed a partial r
covery from the early decline. Now Yo
reported that yesterday's export sales won
amount to nearly 1,250,000 bu. Outsl
mnrkotB ns a rule wcro slightly easier , b
: iono showed weakness , Duluth quotatlo
being. In fact , a little higher. Argentl
fihlppcd no wheat this week. After
o'clock prlcca began to sag ngnln , more frc
lack of support at first than to anythl
liehrlBh In the news. Trading became e
crc8lvely dull and consisted mostly of eve
Ing up transactions , many of the nctl
traders departing for Omaha tonight for t
rxposltlon. After noon the market dev <
opened genuine weakness , partly on accou
of dispatches from Liverpool confirming r
ports of heavy Uusslnn offerings. Tl
caused an almost total disappearance of t
languid support the market had been I
celvlng , but did not caufo much Incrca
In soiling. Outsldo markets ajl closed co
stderably lower for cash wheat. A visit
, Increase of from 7CO.OOO to 1,000,000 bu. w
looked for.
Atlantic port clearances of wheat n
H < ur amounted to 706,000 bu. The marli
was nt lt weakest near the close. Dccci
ber gradually sold down to 62V4o and clos
nt 6214W62 C-8c. Very little was done
September , It closing unchanged at 63c.
Corn opened weak at a fractional decll
duo to largo' receipts , 921 cars , but soon I
covered and for the rest of the sessl
changed very little. Cables were lower , t
clearances were liberal , 586,000 bu. Shlppl
demand was poor and trading , especially
futures , was extremely dull all day. E
cnmhcr ranged from 29 0 to 20Uc a
closed unchanged at M 3-8c.
Oats were dull but steady. Trading w
scattered and entirely of a local natu
nnd prlco fluctuations were very light. M
ranged from 22 5-8c to 22 3-8c nnd clos
unchanged at 22c.
Provisions were firm on a small amount
trading. Packers were moderate buyers a
prices wcro slightly higher all day. Ca
demand was fair. There was some changl
buying of October and selling dt Janua
and December. At the close January po
was Bo higher at $0.1714. January lard
higher at $4.95 and January ribs 5c hlgli
at $4.77',4.
Estimated receipts Saturday : Wheat , 1
cars ; corn , 640 cars : oats , 400 cars ; hoi
32,000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Artlclra. Op n. lllfh. Low. Oloso. Ycs'i
(14 05
( IJH 62H-U.1 nsw
01 H
2flM 20MGai
aiw S'
' 'OH ? " JOH 21
r , 22h
800 80S 800 805 so :
8 13H H20 8 10 M17H 8i :
9 IS 020 orjK 817.4 01 :
473W 477W 472H 47i
< HO 4 * n ibl
t go 4U6 400 405 401
627H C22H 621
4 T-'rt 47 !
No. 2.
cash Quotations were as follows :
FLOUU-Stcady ; winter patents , J3.3
S.CO : straights , $3,10 3.20 ; spring specla
{ 4.00 ; spring patents , $3.30Q3.60 ( ; stralgh
J2.bO 3.1fl.
WHUAT No. 3 spring , BlQC3 ic ; No. 2 re
CORN No. 2 , 293-Sc.
OATS No. 2 , f. o. b. , 21B-S02BJc ; No.
white , 25Uc , f. o. b. ; No. 3 white , 23Vi
21 4C.
HYK-No. 2 , 4Gc.
] ! AKLKY-2SQ44c. f. o. b.
FLAXSEKD No. 1. 9lc ,
TIMOTHY SEKD Prime , J2.42H.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , JS
(78.10 ; lard , per 100 Ibs. , JI.S2& : short rll
pldcs ( loose ) , $ l.254.35 ( ( ; dry salted shot
der ( boxed ) , J4.50Jf4.75 ; short clear sld
( boxed ) , $5.4&fI6.CO.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , p
ral. , .25.
SUGARS Unchanged.
The following nro the receipts and shl
mcnts of grain :
On the Produce exchange today MI * -i
tar market was quiet ; creameries , 13CT19M
dairies , 1217c. Cheese , steady at 7H1 ! ! !
Kgg , flrm at 14c. Poultry , dull ; turkc ;
7Q9o ; chickens , So ; ducks , 6V4Q7c.
Quotntloiii for the liny on ncner
NEW YORK , Sept. 30.-FLOUR-F
celpts , 33,260 bbls. ; exports , 23,069 bbl
quiet but steady ; spring patents , J3.SOO4 ,
n-lnter straights , $3.40fi3.DO ; winter paten
J3.75ijr4.00 ; spring clears , J3.30S3.50 ; ext
No. 1 winter , } 2.75ffi2.90 ; extra No. 2 wlnt
WHEAT Receipts , 407.000 bu. : expor
149,425 bu. ; spot steady ; No. 2 red , 73'/i'ff1 '
t. o. b , afloat ; options opened easy In i
wponso to big wneat receipts , rallied
foreign buying and covering , but Dually t
ollned again under short selling , weak It
cables und light export demand ; closed
Hic lower : No. S red , May , GSQ6SV
closed at CSc ; September , 71l,4&7Wic.
COHN Receipts , 167,325 bu. : exports , 23
BOO bu. ; spot steady ; No. 2 , 355-So f. o.
iilloat ; options dull and about steady ; t
declines In cables , liberal carlot roceli
und break In wheat were the foatun
closed practically unchanged ; May clos
ut 36 1-Sc ; December , 34 l-8o ; closed
34 1-Sc.
OATS Receipts , 167,100 bu. : export ? . 1
96 lui. : spot dull ; No. 2. 2Cc ; options dull
HOPS Active nnd higher : state , comm
to choice , 189tf crop. 4'a7o ; 1S97 crop , lljl' ( '
1SOS crop , 16tMSc : Pacltlc coast , ISM and 1
crop , Iltfl3c ; 1S9S crop. 1601Sc.
WOOI < Dull ; lleeco , 17U23c ; Texas , 1
ISc.UUTTKR Receipts. I.fiSS pkgs. ; stent
western creamery , 15Vsij21c ; IClglns , 2
factory. HHMHUc.
CHEESE-Recclpts , 5,600 pkga. ; steai' '
large white , SUu ; small white , 8jji ;
large colored. SHC ; small colored , 8s y9c
KOOS-Recelpts. 2.947 pkga , ; stcad >
OILS Cottonseed oil , quiet ; yellow , 22' '
petroloum. linn.
RICtKStcndy ; fair to extra , S1-S8G } ,
Japan , 57-S1j6c.
MOIA8SES-Steady : New Orleans , or
kettle , eood to choice , 2S@33o.
METALS Exchange : Pig Iron firm
17. Luke copper , unchanged at $12.25 b
Tin , Hti-ady ut J16.15 bid. Lead , dull
M.9J214 ; brokers' , J3.S24. Spelter , firm t
Condition of Triulp nnil < lttotntlon o
Stnplo nnd I'mioj1'rodtice. .
KGOS-Good stock , 14c.
IH'TTER-Commoii to fnlr , lWI12c ; sc |
orator , 20c : gathered creamery , ISc.
LIVE POULTRY-Hcns , 707Hc ; old roe
tcrs , 4c ; spring chickens , 7l4'IJ8c ; duck
61/Cc ; geese , not wanted.
OAMI3- Teal , blue wing , tl.75 ; green win
11.50 ; mlxixJ , Jl.751/2.25 ; pralrlu chicken
young , J3.60 ; Jld , 12.50.
PIOICONS-LIve. per doz. , U.OO.
VEAL Choice , 9c.
CELERY Per bunch , S&JWc.
ONIONS New , per bu. , 23Q40C.
HKANB Hutul-plcked navy , per bu. , Jl.
POTATOES-Per bu. , 3.-1T40C.
CAIiIIAOlO-1'cr lb. , a.Qlc.
ORANGES-Seedllntfs. J2.50 ; Medlte
ranenn sweets , J2.75Q3.00.
LEMONS California , $5.73Q6.00 ; fane
Messina , JB.60i7.00.
HANANAS-Cholcc , large stock , pi
bunch , J2.00U2.25 ; medium sized bunchc
APPLES-Pcr bbl. . Jonathans , J3.C
choice shipping stock , J2.75Q3.00 ; oth
stock , J2.0fi2.CO.
WATERMELONS-Cratcd , 14Q15o ; lees
CANTALOUPE Rocky Ford , per crat
PEACHES-Callfornla , 20-lb. case , 95c
I'LUMS Oregon , $1.00.
I'EARS Uartlelt , California , out of tl
market ; other varieties , J2.00Q2.23.
GRAPEri-Natlve , per basket , 13013 :
California Tokays , $1.50ffl.fio ; Ohio , per ba
kot. 15c ; New York grapes , 151fl6c.
$1.23 ; Cape Cods , per bbl. , $8.2506.50.
NUTS Almonds , per lb. . largo size , 1 !
He : small , lie ; Urazlls , per lb. . 9010c : E :
gllsh walnuts , per lb. , fancy soft shell , 11
12c ; standards , S09o ; filberts , per lb , , 10
pecans , polished , medium , ( VIT'c ; exti
large , 8 < 39c ; large hlrkory nuts , $1.0001.
per bu. ; small , Jl. 1501.25 per bu. ; cocoanut
per 100 , Jl.60fj5.00 ; peanuts , raw , 6" .
roasted , 7Hc.
MAPLE SYRUP-Flvc-gal. can. eac
$2. , 5 ; pnl. cans , pure , per doz. , $12 ; half-gt
cans , JG.25 ; quart cans , $3.50.
HONEY-ChoIco white. 12 c.
DATES Hnllowcc , 60 to 70-lb. boxes , GV4
Salr , 6c ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes , 9c.
FIGS Imported , fancy 3-crown. 14-1
boxes , lOc ; 5-crown , 44-lb. boxes , 13c ; 3-1
boxes , 2223o per box ; California. 10-1
boxes. $1.
CIDER-Per half bbl. , $3.2303.50.
HIDES No , l green hides. 7c ; No.
green hides. . 6c ; No. 1 salted hides , 8 ic : N
2 salted hides , 7c ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to
Ibs. , flc ; No. 2 veal salf , 12 to 15 Ibs. . 7c.
1 , 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2V < , c ; rough tallow , iu
white grease , 2Hia2-yic : yellow and brov
grease , iwn c.
SHEEP PELTS-nreen salted , each , li
isc ; green salted shearings ( short wool
early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( shn
wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each , 5c ; d
flint , Kansas and Nebraska bulcher wo
pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 405c ; dry tilt
Kansas nnd Nebraska murrain wool pall
per lb. , actual wrtsht , W4c : dry nint. Col
rado butcher wool pults , per lb. , nclu
weight , 495c ; dry flint , Colorado murrn
wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3Q4c.
St. I.out * Miirkrl.
ST. LOUIS. . . >
Sept. 30.-FLOUR-Qul < t ai
easy but unchanged ; patents , $3.45T3. (
straights. $3.10113.25 : clear , $2.00 2.90 ; r
flour , jobbing at $2.75 In sacks and $3.00 p
WIIEAT-Closed quiet , with September
lower and other options unchanged ; sp
lower ; No. 2 red , .cash , In elevator , 6
asked ; on track , G7Hif' Sc : September , CO
December , 051-S.c bid ; May , 65 5-8 ( 65 * !
asked : No. 2 hard , cash , 6Cc nominal.
CORN Futures quiet nnd steady wllho
malerlal change ; spot dull bul steady : N
2 cash , 29c bid ; September , 2Sc bid , 291-
nsked ; December , 281-Sc bid ; May , 29Vi
295-80 bid.
OATS Futures quiet and steady ; sp
dull and n shade better ; No. 2 cash. 2
bid ; on track , 23'4c ' ; September , 23Ue : D
comber , 221-Sff22'ie bid ; May , 23 < Mf23 5-
bld ; No. 2 white , 25fi25Hc.
RYE Easier ut 476 bid.
SEED Flaxseed , higher nt S7c. Prlr
timothy seed , firm and nominal at $2.30.
WHISKY-Steady at $1.25.
CORNMEAIy-Qtilet at $1.551.CO.
BRAN Scarce and higher ; sacked , ea
track. 4S'X.ET19c. (
HAY Firm ; timothy , $5.00ff9.50 ; pralr ]
$5.00 < fiG.GO.
BUTTER Steady ; creamery , 17ff22
dairy , 13ii > 17V.c.
EOGS-Steady at 12' c.
POULTRY-FIrmer ; chickens , spring , ;
P8c ; old , 7c ; ducks , 6 * < 86c ; gces > e , 5'ij5A
furkevs 9f7f9'4e.
MEtALS-Lead. lower at $3.80 seller
Spelter , unchanged nt $4.G2tA.
PROVISIONS Pork standard mess , Jo
blng , $ S.12' , < ! . Lard , betlcr ; prlmo stem
$ t.G7' < . ; choice , $4.72' $ . Dry salt meat
boxed shoulders. JI.73 ; extra- short den
$5.50 ; ribs. $ o.62 > : shorts , $3.73. Baco
boxed shoulders , $5.50 ; extra short clea
$0.00 : shorts , $6.374.
RECEIPTS Flour , 4,000 bbls. : wheat , 9i
000 bu. : corn , 80,000 bu. ; oats , 20,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 5,000 bbls. : when
42,000 bu. ; corn , 9,000 bu. ; oats , 20,000 bu.
Iliiltlinorr Mnrl.-et.
and unchanged ; receipts , 9,557 bbls. : c
ports , 27,422 bbls. ; western superfine , $2.25
2.50 ; western extra , $2.G5 < Q3.00 ; winter pu
ents , $3.7503.93 : spring patents , Jl.2504.4
ryo. extra , $3.051)3.90. )
WHEAT Dull ; spot and month , C91 , !
ras-So ; receipts , 4I.S90 bu. ; exports , 80f
bu. : southern wheat , by sample , G4@70U
southern wheat , on grade , 64sii5iG94o.
CORN Dull nnd easy ; spot and mont
31 l-8it34'lc ; receipts , 141,645 bu. : export
23.5S3 bu. ; southern white corn , 35ff36
southern yellow. So'.i'sfSGHc. '
OATS-FIrm ; No. 3 white , western , 2 !
28Hc ; exports , none.
RYE Firmer ; No. 2 nearby , Die ; exporl
65,713 bu.
HUTTER-Steady and unchanged ; Elgl
EGOS Firm at jua i iuu.
CHEESE Steady ; Ohio flat , ISc.
OrloniiN Mnrkot.
Quiet but steady. Pork , standard mes
$9.00.23 ; Lard , refined tierce , 3 03 7-S
pure , 6U05 3-Sc. Boxed meats , drv Sf
shoulders , 505 1-So ; sides. 6 5-805Mc. Baco
clear ribs sides , 6f63-8c. Hams , chol
sugar cured , 909ic.
COFFEE Steady ; Rio , ordinary to fa
6 l-SJTGUc.
RICE Ordinary lo good. SUffS c.
STUFFS Dull. Flour , exlra fancy , 3.41
3.50 ; palenls , $3.5003.90. , $1.6 (
1.65. Bran , C0062Hc. Hay , prime , J9.0 (
11.00 ; choice , $12.00012.50. Corn , No.
sacked , 39c. Oals , No. 2 , sacked , 33V c.
Cincinnati Mnrlcet.
fancy. $3.0003.20 : family. $2.6702.80.
WHEAT Quiet ; No. 2 red. 6Sc.
CORN Dull : No. 2 mixed , 31c.
OATS Easier and lower ; No. 2 mlxe
RYE Dull : No. 2 , 42c.
PROVISIONS-Lard. lirm nt J1.G7U. Bu
meats , steady at $5.37V4. Bacon , lirm
WHISKY Steady ixt $1.23.
BUTTER Quiet ; fancy Elgin creamei
22c : Ohio. 14017e ; dairy , lUic.
SUOAR-Steady : hard rcHned , $1.5306.
EGOS-Easy at 13c.
CHEESE Firm ; good lo prime Ohio Mi
Tolrilii Slnrkot.
TOLEDO , Sepl. 30. WHEAT Lower ai
weak ; No. 2 cash , CSc asked ; Decembi
63 7-Sc.
CORN Dull and lower ; No. 2 mixed , 31
OATS-Dull nnd lower ; No. 2 mixed , 2U <
RYE Dull bul steady : No. 2 cash , 4SH
CLOVER SEEO-Acttvo ; prlmo cas
$3.5.0 . ; December , $1.46.
Milwaukee firalii ainrkot ,
to 3o lower : No. 1 northern. 60 0 ; No.
northern. C3V-C.
RYE-Lower ; No. J. 46Uc.
HARLEY-Lower ; No. 2. 43041V4c ; sat
Pie , 31034 4c.
Plilliiddlililu Market.
Unchanged ; Elgin , 20Vic.
KC5GS Firm ; fresh , nearby , ISc ; fre ;
western , nfifflSc ; southwestern , 17c.
Sun KrnneUon Wheat Market.
Steady : December , $1.131-8.
BARLEY-Strong ; December ,
Diiluth Winnt .tlarkcl.
DULUTH. Sept. 30-WHEAT-No.
northern , cash , 63c ; September , CSWc ; D
cember , 63 > tc ; May ! t c.
Mlniirniiolli AVIieat Market.
\\eakj September , SD'rjc ; December , & 3',4 ,
( & 2.SO ,
11HAN In bulk , $7.7508.00.
Mnrkot Dlniilnyn a Ulnlng Tcndrnc
nnd Activity on Higher Priced.
NEW YORK. Sept. 30. The stock marlft
displayed a rising tendency for a brU
period today under the Influence of hlgtu
London prices nnd a moderate commlsslo
house demand. Activity wns also cxtende
to the specialties nnd for the half hour ivic
ceedlng the opening prices gathered be.\ '
way under lively bidding ,
This condition of affairs , however , on'
proved to bo the flash In tlis pai order , fc
as soon ns the bears were re.xdy to attac
they found material already In the currcr
gossip regarding the character of the Man
hattan "L" earnings. The uncertainty es
Istlng as to the nature of the contemplate
Improvements and the period for the fin :
adoption of the announced electrical equlr
incnt aided the bears In their efforts an
a sharp decline occurred on heavy offering !
Frequent feeble rallies were made , but thet
was no slrong support. A drive against tli
Rubber flocks met with unusual sncc * *
the common losing GH nnd the preferrr
O'/i per cent. The fact Is that holders <
Industrial stocks arc pretty nervous over tl ;
operations of the bear cliques , and when
raid is made stop loss orders are tumble
out on every ' ,4 per cent off. There wet
no developments to account for the Rubin
slump , but the street was ready to advanr
plauMblo foundation. The secret acquip
tlon of a rival concern apparently cul
mlnntcd an upward movement In the etor
and profit taking was a natural noquenci
To what extent this operation has bee
taken nnd whether trade developments fr
vored n dlmlnuatlon of holdings can enl
be Inferred. Rumors that local banking Ir
stllutlons had discriminated against tl1
stock found pome credence , owing to tli
rapidity of the break. The general II :
sagged steadily and along In the afteruoo
took the lead.
Dlscunslon of the military conditions wr
moro favorable and fluctuations are entei
tnlned that tomorrow's bank statement wi
mnko an encouraging showing. Sugar an
Tobacco commanded marked attention , hi
there were no developments of consequent
concerning these propertiej and their prlc
movement was of the violent up nnd dow
order as for some tlmo past , Toward tl
close the market firmed up In spots nr
ended with n fairly stead'y tone. Fin :
prices Indicated tmbntantlal .losses In O
specialties , but the railways figure for enl
The bond market moved In an crrat
manner , but the variations were of sllgl
fractions , with Denvrr & Gulf firsts notnb
strong. Total sales. ? 2ltiJ,000. Govcrnmci
bonds were pressed for sale nnd the ne
4s , registered , ruled 1-S per cent nnd the "
registered , H per cent lower on bid tram
The Evening Post's London financial c ;
blegrnm suyx : The. stock markets li'i
were quiet nnd Irregular tod.y. Argei
tines and Brazils continued good. Amor
cans , nffr a flrm opening , < loscd dccli
edly Hal on New York selling. Orar
Trunk wa lower In symp-itliy. Mln
wore enfler , bul there wnx u sudden jun
In DoBeers on a favorable telegram coi
corning the output. London market dl :
count rate Is 2'A ' per c ° nt The decline
mainly duo to anticipations of the relens
of . 5,000.000 In government dividends n
October 5. The ease muy continue for
week or two , but probably not for loin
New York today bought about 70,000 I
gold , which arrived from the West Indie
at 77s HV4d.
The followInB are ihe doling quotatlor
ot the leading stocks on Ihe New Yor
market today :
The total sales of stocks today were 3S'
7SO shares , Including : Atrhlson preferre
11.100 ; Hurllngton , 10.060 ; Manhattan , 9,91
Metropolitan Street Railway , 7,732 : Nortl
ern Paclllc. 14,500 ; Northern Pacific pr
ferred. 20.120 : Rock Island , 9,920 ; Union Pi
cine. 10,130 : St. Paul , 12,160 : Union Pacll
pre.forred. G.897 : Minnesota Iron , 10,200 ; T
bncco. 18,028 ; . Chicago Orcat Western , f
493 ; Peopls's C3as , 8.850 ; Sugar , ffi.CS
Leather preferred , 18,120 ; Rubber , 4 ,02
Rubber preferred , 10,190.
York Money Mnrlcct.
NEW YOKIC , Sept. 30. MONEY On ca
steady at 3 < J3 A per cent.
per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills at J4.S4
4.84V4 for demand and $4.Slft4.81 % f ,
sixty days ; posted rates , $4.82UQ > 4S5 ; con
mcrclal bills. $4.80" ; .
BAR SILVER 60(9'61c. ( '
new 4s. reg. and coup. , 127 ; 4s , reg. , 110 ;
coupon , 11 % ; 2s , 99 ; sa. reg. and coupe
1124 : Pacific Gs of ' 99. 102U-
Closing Quotations on bonds were a fo
lows :
Cnttff Mnr1t < * f ,
NEW YORK , Sept. 30.-COFFEE-Optlot
dull at unchanged prices and ruled Inn
tlvo all throuKh the forenoon without tt
slightest fluctuation , Foreign mark *
showed a weak undertone , but this fn
tor , ofTsel by email receipts , full warehou :
deliveries and fair spot demand , Improvt
speculation In the afternoon and a stead ! )
undertone was noted ; closed tiutet and ut
changed lo 5 points lower ; imles , 13,500 bngi
Including December , J3.SO : March , W.OO. Spt
coffee , Rio , steady ; No. 7 , Invoice , J6.2 !
No. 7 , Jobbing , J6.75. Mild , steady ; Cot
dova , IS.OOfllR.OO ; sales , good Jobbing tratl
and fair Invoice business on prlvato term !
Ilimtoii Stuck ( IniitatloiiK.
UOSTON , Sept. 30.-Cnll loans , 2i73H ( pi
cent ; tlmo loans , S' IH'.S per cent. Closln
quotations on SIOC.KS , uonas aim 111,1111 ,
shares :
A. . T. , < : S. F . 1'J nun. nipc. pM 101
Anvr. SiiEar . 117' * K. n. in is ;
do i > fl . 107 o l ; li M ( new ) . . . . 1C'
Ilnv Stnt ( Ins . 1 % ptll -1
Hell Telenhono . . . .177 IloMon L C !
Uoston & Albany. . . .210 i , trn in 9 :
Ilutton * ! Maine..1 > SI lotn. Illec. 5i K *
C , 1J. & Q llWiVl5. . CVn. M' . . . . t'i' . '
< iv Allouex Mln'nc C"1. 3
Oen. Kleo. ( new ) . . . . 7S'i Atlnnilc C ;
llllnoln Mtetl ( . - . ivwton & Mont re
Mexican Central 5 nutto & Ikwton . . . Z
N. V. * N. K. pM. ! > * i ' irt .t Hecla . .ISO
OM Colony 191U Centennial t \ \
On- . Short Line sn rrntiklln li
llulibcr 36 01(1 ( Dominion 2f
1'nlon PnC'flo 52 Oweula W
\V st Vind fS i Qiilncy Ill
Jo pM Ift'l 17 <
\Vfntlnirli. nieo. . . . Sl'iUVolverlne 2 :
do oM B7 ll'arrott M
Ocn. iUc. ( old ) . . . . 4S > 3 .nuuildt 1
Sun l"rnn ' ! oi > Mlittne < no ntloi .
SAN FRANCISCO , Sept. 30-Tho ofncli
cloolng quotations for nunlni ; iuau
wcro as follows ;
A It li a" Con . . . . . . . . " , T S Justice
10 icentiifky Con
lieli-lier 1,1 Mexican
lielcher M Ofcldcntnl Con S (
ItuUlon 3 Ophlr K
Caledonia : . " > "in ID PotoM 11
( "nn. Cain , and Va. . ' 18
Con. Imperial 1 Unon
O > n. New York. . . .
Crown Point .
Oould .t Currlii . 51 Utah Con . (
Hale. & N'orcroas. . . 79 | ) % .nnw Ja'ket . I
Jula . i. . . 1 ( standard . . . . . !
Silver bars , C05-Sc ; Mexican dollars" , 47U
47ie. Drafts , sight , 17Hc ; telegraph , 20c.
l.oinloii Sti"l ; ( li
LONDON , Sept. 30.-I i > . m.-ClosIng :
C'oiinolp , mot ey..W 11-IC N V ' 'nnln ; . II !
r-uisi ur't . IMS pennpylvanla . . . . . . .
Cflnndlnn Paclff . . . . ) " < i''i * r . . '
K\\t \ > . W , V. P. pfd . r. '
IIP : | l t | ifd . S7 AtrhlFdH . i :
llllnnlK Central . . . .111 U & N . 6'
N"r Pnc. nM . 0 ! 'urand ' Trunk . '
St. Paul i'ominon..ll'l _ _ _ _
1AR SlLVKR-Steady at 2SVid per ouiu
MONHV 2i > ji2 i per cent.
The rate of discount In the open mark
for short bills , 2 n-S per cent ; to rthr
months' bills , 2C-S per cent.
riniiic.'lii ! Notes.
OMAHA , Sopt. 30. Clearings today we
$1,063(128. ( 4 ; balances , $79,319.03. Clou
nncL'S last year wcro $9 * > 7G33.23 ; balanci
$120,2.17.35. Excess In clearings , $105.9 : - . <
Clearings for twenty-five days with cot
parlsona arc :
1S N. 1S97. Incrpns
Sopt. 1. . $ 9VI,3IK 2Ti $ S72.4C 28 $ 110 SS2
Sopt. 2. . 1,00.K13 | 27 917,247 41 G'.SI'i
S > pt. It. . 10.,223 ! 72 770.7S1 25 " 23,4.S :
pfpt. 6. . I:73.lio3 0.1 1,132.SOI 93 111,101
S"pt. 7. . I.1S2.491 8ij lflSl,03S SO 111,405
P pt. S. . 1.M5.751 CO 1,101,50.103 141.231
Sept. 9. . ] , lf.X2 ! > 8 05 DOC.-WJ 15 2C2.SOO
rippt. 10. ! ) ' ) q.259 ! 7 * ! fll" fr'O n2 83 CIO
"pt. 12. 1.2CA71127 1.C81.S23 92 llf , SSO
'I'-pt. ' 13. lM5G.Sy F,9 iiin.K' . ) 13 HU3,154
Sipt. ,4. 1I7 ( .4W ) (0 ( S31OD8 CT 24S.401
S nt. 15. 1,10S,7o4 ftl 979,55183 IJfi.iff !
t. W. 1.091.0UO S3 W3.M7 40 270.1BJ
' 17. 1.000,173 41 Sfvl.OOP. 07 13 ,3 0
19. 1.327.7S1 29 1,0H.OS8 ( 96 2G2.Gf
f5 < 'pt. 20. 1,129,573 HO SS1.742 42 245,130
Sept. 21. llfi2.SOfi RP P03.213 03 257,593
Sept. 22. 1,134,200 54 SEI.Cfll 02 2S9.515
S-pt. 2.1. 1.0J3.C03 III 991.190 52 48,502
Sept. 24. SW.aCl 7S 941.403 67 51,035
Sept. 26. 1,274.071 93 lirx,02H ; 24 16S.031
Sept. 27. 1,179,790 3S 875.907 07 3iaSS9
Sept. 28. 1,0-)5.8S4 54 illfi.208 32 133.G78
Hnpt. 2'J. 1,283,189 92 8KI.3C9 93 439,819
Sept. 30. ] , oa.82S 24 957,633 23 103,995
Total . $28,059,181 44 $23CSS,093 SG $4,66l"o5 ?
* Decrease.
LONDON , Sept. 30. SUGAR-Ccntrlfugt
Us 7V.d.
NKW YORK , Sept. 30. SUQAR-Riv
dull and nomlnKl ; lower to pell ; fair roll
Ing. 3 ic : centrifugal. 9test. . 4 5-lte.
trlfugal strong ; SMOIHIS , 2'i i4 3-lrtc.
MOLASSES Knsy ; rentrlfugal , 4Sllc.
SYRUP-SOc per gallon.
ICniiMiiM i'ltjCrnlii unit I > rovlHluiin
Lower ; No. 1 Kurd , 63c ; No. 2 , C0ff63li (
No. 3 , E'Oeic.JNp. . 2 red , C4c ; No , 3 , ES
G2c ; No. 2 spring , 59c ; No. 3 , 5Cf58 > 4c.
COUN Lower ; dull ; No. 2 , mixed , 264
27c ; No. 2 white , 26c ; No. 3 , 26c.
OATS Steady : No. 2 white , 23We.
UYC No. 2 , IEfft48c.
HAY Dull ; fairly ? tcady for best ; U
grades pralrlo lower : choice prairie , JG.2E
C.FO ; rholco timothy , $7.000)7.25. )
HUTTEU Firm ; separator , 1SV.020
dairy , ICc.
nc.GR Firm : fresh , 16e.
RECEIPTP-Whent , 157.000 hu. ; com , 6.C
bu. : oats. 11,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 63,600 bu. ; corn , 11
700 bu. ; oats , 6,000 bu.
Cirnlit HoGi'lptN nt rrlncliml Mnrlol
MINNEAPOLIS , Sept. 30. Receipt
Wheat , 700 cars.
ST. LOUIS , Sept. 30. Receipts : Whet
132 cars.
CHICAGO. Sept. 30. Receipts : Wheat , 2
cars ; corn. 021 cars ; oats , 408 cars.
DULUTH , Se.nt. 30. Receipts : Wheat , C
KANSAS CITY , Sept. 30. Receipt
Wheat. 295 cars.
Receipts at primary markets : Whcr
1u42,358 bu. ; corn , 758,1CS bu. ; oats , 2C
95fi bu.
1'eorlii MnrUet.
PEORIA , Sept. 30. CORN Easy , lowe
Nf. 2. 28 i.
OATS Firm ; No. 2 white , 23
WHISKY $1.25.
St. .ToHoxli Mvp StonU.
ST. JOSEPH. Sept. 30. ( Speclal.-CA' )
TLE Receipts , 900 head ; , steady ; native
$4.6005,20 ; Texans and westerns , $3.1004.6
cows and heifers , $1.50@4.00 ; stockers ur
feeders , $3.2304.75.
HOGS Receipts , 2,700 head ; 5c higher ai
active ; top. $3.72 ; bulk. $3.62 03.70 ; qualll
not so good as yesterday.
SHEEP-RecelptP , 244 head ; firm and a
1 1 n KO l.iehtiiliiK noil.
One of the best evidences of the value
llRhtnlng rods up to date has been afford )
by the Washington monument. It Is cappi
by a small four-sided pyramid of alumlnui
which metal , so cheap today , was vei
costly at the time of the building of tl
greatest obelisk that the world has evi
known. This aluminum tip Is connect !
with the ground by four copper rods whit
go down deep Into the earth. On April
1S85 , five Immense bolts of electricity wni
seen to Hash between the monument and
thundercloud overhanging In the course
twenty mlnutre. In other words , the mom
ment was struck fiercely fivetimes. . In
It suffered no damage whatever. On Jui
15 of the same year a more trcmendoi
assault was made upon the monument fro
the heavens , and the result was a fracture
ono of thP topmost stones The crack stl
remains to show what nature can do In tl
way of an electrical shock , but the sllghtnc
of the damage 1s evidence of man's powi
to protect himself from such attacks. Tl
obIlsk ts Ideally located for attracting elci
trlcal assaults from the skies , and yet , wlil
many tlmesi hit. It has suffered only one
and that time to a trifling extent ,
An In
The secret service division of the Treai
ury department has Just secured ovldeni
against some counterfeiters by using a d <
that had a strong dislike for the men und
suspicion. For some time bogus quartc :
had been found In circulation In the coui
try around Dover , Del. , and finally BUI
plclon settled on two Italians. The rm
were arrested , but a thorough search of the
homo failed to reveal any tangible evldenc
The ofllcers were about to give un In dl
pair , when a woman living nearby said th
she saw the men carry away several lari
bundlcu a few days before they were a
rested. Sbo added that her dog , fvl
growled whenever he saw the men , prohab
would be pleased to follow up any scent fi
the officers. Accordingly , he was put on tl
trail and the officers were led to a cornfle
a mlle away , where moulds , dies , mat
pounds of metal and several counterfe
quarters were found.
When Tliry Knew Him.
Chicago Post : "There are plenty of worm
who would be glad to get me , " he said ,
"Very likely , " fhe replied pointedly , "b' '
none of them would care to keep you aft
ho once had you. "
Ho went outdoors to say what he wanti
to say after that thrust. He felt that 1
couldn't do justice to It la the house.
Oloso of the Month Sees Moderate Him ai
Business Very Dull ,
HUJ-CDI AVnnt SlufT Clirnprr niul !
AVult fur Seller * to Drop HOK *
Aotlvinntl a SliuiltHl
Sheen Svnrci niul StroiiK.
. , . . , SOUTH OMAHA , Sept. 30
"ccelptB today 2,549 5,331
Olllclul Monday ( , . i M > 4.
Ulllcliil TuewUuy u.'JSO 1MI7 4 <
Olliclnl Wednesday 7.791 tU4l 4.i
Ofllclnl Thursday 3,538 c,478 1,1
Flvo days this week 27,301 34,105 15 , (
bamo days lust week 22,855 2Gt 5 22i
faamo days week before..22,400 33,230 27 , :
lotal September. ltSs..l01,6tiO 159,303 110,1
Tola August. 1S9S 77,723 1S1.242 U7 , ;
Total July , 1S9S 48,707 1S3.IS3 43 , !
Total Jnue , IMS ' ' G3.3J5 27 , (
Total May , 1S9S . , GUS4 : 1SL3I2 US. :
lotal April , U9S & 3ti < i3 147.C5S
I "till March , 1898 6 : > ,23' ' ! Hii,0-5 142i
Total February , 1S9S. . . . 5U.1H 131.S9i 10.1i
lotal January. 189S 43,40i ( 139Kil 87 , . '
lotal September , 189S. . 119.537 12S.753 48.i
lotal September , 1896. . 73,058 93,037
Total September , 18)5. " 49.JOI
Total September , 1M I. 88,553 12J.576 So , :
Total September , 1M > 3. . SS.7SO 149,291) ) 13 , ,
'lotal September , 1892. . bU.lilS 2ti , ;
Average price puld for lioes tot the la
several days with comparisons :
. .J | 3 75 ] | 3 ! > X 5 20 H 20 5
3 fill : i M | L' 59 3 92 5 17 | fi OT | G
3 ( ill II MI 2 ni | * 5 26 , (1 ( f , i
' i 67 | 3 81 | 2 97 | 3 91 6 1S | 5
' '
1Io3S. SheO | : H'st
K. C. tt St. J.
C' . , U. 1. & V. K
c. , H. i. &iMt
rccc'U3 '
Omanapucklng Co. . . .
G. II. Hammond Co
Armour & Co. . . .
H. Decker nd Degaii 1.UC5
.obman & UotlwolfnSi : :
& .
Huston 0ens
The market today was not to the llkli
tllc on" of he we
and ns there has been
a largo run the In
few days a good many buyers had pl
? ndlffnri0(0n fa' ' ° unnd coul11 af'0 to
ndlfferent as to whether
they got
any mo
L ° r n ° L ThCre wns al80 notlccabTo
feel ng among buyers that they have be
Paf e Pretty high prices here as rompar
with other markets. All this acted us a bee
± r ° at the 8nme time selfe ,
owing , o the moderate
run , were at > kl :
strong prices. With buyers and sellers
to open and It was late befo
any business was transacted
All told th re wcro about cloven loads
corn fed steere In the yards , but the ma
kct was flat. At midday there had not be
more than ono or two loads sold nnd t
market was absolutely nt a standstill Sei
ors were reporting buyers' bids as an
where from lOc to 20c lower. Only a few gra
westerns good enough for beef were offcrc
but there seemed to be a demand for th
kind and they brought steady prices
bunch of the Swan cattle sold for $1. :
which was EC more than a big bunch
them brought yesterday.
The market on COWH and heifers was slo
but the offerings were very light and
clearance was effected In reasonably goi
season at Just about steady prices on desl
cble kinds. A few loads of Swan cows ai
heifers sold for J3.80 , which was lOe mo
than they sold for yesterday , but the qua
Ity was better today.
There wcro only a few stockers and fcei
ers on snle In nrst hands , but the speci
lators were well filled up and as It wi
drawing near the end of the week thi
were not lncllned to add further to the
holdings unices they > could get a conccssh
In price. The result was a slow and we :
market. Feeders for the week are IOQ'2
lower , the decline being the smalles-l on tl
choice kinds. Representative sales :
2cow 1130 375 S feeders. . 813 415
2J feeders. . 951 3 80
Keener & Moses.
57 feeders. . S70 370 S feeders. . S9S ( 385
f. J. Knrr.
7cows 743 215 Icow IDfiO 310
Icow 1090 310 6 calves. . . 2IS 575
2 cows 1163 3 10
Ibull 1170 223 1 steer Ittn i w
1 steer 1340 360 1 steer 1200 3 SO
Isteer 11M ) 3 SO IS steers. . . . 1131 3 M )
M. Cotton.
10 feeders. . 742 3 W 25 calves. . . 303 5 33
\ \
Swan Lund and Cattle Co.
B str. Tex.1101 3 M 7 sir. Tox.llM 3 65
0.3 sir. Mex. 1117 4 n" 1CX itr Mex.l"2 l''I
102 cows. . . . 1010 SSO 22 bulls. . . . 1205 310
63 cows 961 320 12 bulls..1175 265
1IOHS At the opening of the murn <
there were only seventy-eight loads In slgl
and only a few addition loads were proir
U'ed on late trains , so that the total ofTci
Inps were light. One week ago the rccelpi
numbered seventy cars nnd two weeks np
113. The general situation was rather on tt
Eldo of sellers , light receipts , good dcmati
and cnoouriDtltiB reports from other mai
ket polnls. The result wns that the * marki
opened active and a shade higher and close
curly with everything sold. The hogs HO !
nt $3.e5t3.7u , as against $3.60 3.7214 yei
tcrday. The long string was nt $3.Griy3.77 > '
nn ngnlnat J3.62UIf3.GJ yesterday.
It will bo obsened from the table of a >
orage prices at head of column that the mai
kct , even after today's Improvement I
values , ! a a strong lOc lower than a wee
ago. Another feature of Interest will be
omparlsan of the figures to be found In O
, ible of receipts showing the total arrlva
of hogs for each month of the year to dal
nnd also for the month of Sejitember f (
several jears past. Representative silos :
SHEKP There wan only one load cf laml
In the yards this morning and two report *
back BO that there was really nothing I
make a market. The demand for both "kll
ers and feeders was a active as ever nr
It Is pnfo to any that desirable kinds vou :
have mot with ready saleat good etron
Quotations are : Good grass western
$4.00(34.15 ( ; fair to eood grass wentern
$3.r 0EM.OO ( ; good yearlings. $4.1B@4.2 !
good to rholco lambs , $5.0065,25 ; fnlr 1
good lambs , $ l.tOS5.00 ! ; feeder wethers , :
yej r-olds and over , J.3.7."if ? > 4.00 ; feeder ycni
lings , SJ.OOS4.15 ; feeder lambs , $4.25 < g J.S
Itopreseiitatlve pales :
N" , , Av. 1'r.
IS old owes 9S $2 73
1 buck ir,0 325
1 buck ibO 3 50
Cnttlc tliichiiiiKcil ( o a Trifle I , Mvr
mill Active Di-itliinil for Ilnpn.
CHICAGO. Sept. r,0.-Only about 2W
bead o c.ittle arrived today and thsy wer
rtlnpoed of at unchanged to lOc lowc
prices , the demand being an good as 1
usually Is on Friday. Native beef steer
sold nt S5.OOfr5.KTi , with the bulk of the wilt
ul $5.10i5.65. The stocktrs and feeder trad
was fairly nc-tlvc at $3.504.50. Canner
and choice holfeis sold nt steady prices
but medium COWH were 15e lower , owing t
competition from rangers.
There was an active general demand fo
hoj-,3 and the market was decided !
HtroiiKcr , many of the sales being 2Vfe
higher than yesterday nnd some drove
sellliiB at c better prices. HORS sold u
J3.45S4.00 , luifiely.t $3.70a3.92' { . , and pig
sold largely at $3.405f5 Go , being lively one
Lambs were firmer , with sales on a basl
of $3.7o6.00 ! for common to choice llocki
few being good enough to sell above $5.7 !
feeders bringing J4.60fi4.75. Sheep were I
demand at J2.50ir4.60 for poor to prim
grades , westerns selling at J3.E05J4.35 , wit
western yearlings selling around $4.5 (
KeodlnR sheep were In active demand a
S3.9Xf4.10. (
Receipts : Cattle , 2,000 , head ; hogs , 26,00
head ; sheep , 8,000 head.
Kan KII * Clly l.lvo NtorU.
celpts , 5,600 head natives , 1,530 head Texans
largest supply of dressed beef steers fo
several days ; all desirable kinds active am
lirm ; trashy stock slow ; steady prlc"H
choice heavy Hteers , $5.201(5.45 ; medium
tl.GO&i.20 ; light steers , S4.60JT5.40 ; stocker
and feeders , $3.50Cj5.00 ; butcher cows am
heifers , $2.60114.50 ; western steers. $3.401
4.70 ; Texas steers , $3.0003.85 ; Texas butchc
cows , $2.8003.25 ; canning stock , $2.0512.75.
HOGS Receipts , 9,690 head ; good genera
demand ; packers and Nhlppcrs active buy
ers ; steady to 6e higher prices ; heavlec
$3.70fj3.W ; mixed , W.6 < yS. Q ; lights , $3.43t
S.70.8HEI3P Receipts , 1,150 head ; market ac
live ; nupply was too small to bring oti
all buyers ; prices steady to a shudo higher
western lambs , $5.0 < V65.25 ; western muttons
$3.9Wi4,25 ; western feeding Iambs , $4.251j4.60
western feeding sheep , $3.75 4.00.
St. 1,011 In l.lir- - o.-U.
ST. I.OU1S , Sept. 30.-CATTLE-Hecelpti
l.SOO head , Inrludlng 1,200 head Texans
shipments , 2.500 head ; market steady ; fal
to fancy native shipping and export steers
ll.fcOii5.Gj ; bulk of sales , $4.90fi5.40 ; drossei
beef and butcher steers , $3.751(5.35 ( : bulk o
sales , SI.OOIJ5.00 ; steers under l.OuO Ibs. , $3.5
CTI.90 ; hulk of sales. $3.65f4.i > 3 ; stockeri
and feeders , $2.8004.40 ; bulk of salep , $3.0
( fi'1.23 ; cows and hslfers , $2.00 4.50 ; bulk o
snlec. cows , $2.35f(3.10 ( ; Texas und India I
riteiTH , $3.101(4.25 ; bulk of sales , $3.301(3.35
cows and heifers , $2.251(3.20. (
HOGS Receipts , 4,900 head ; shipments
2.700 head ; market steady : Yorkers , $3.751
3.85 ; packers , $3.7503.90 ; butchers , $3.851
Sllisni1 Rpbolptn. 1,030 h ° ad ; shipments
fOO head : market steady ; natlvo niuttnnp
t4.00frl.25 ; lambs , $ I.OOfj5.C3 ( ; stockers , $2.001
3.20 ; culls nnd bucks , $2.Wi3.0it.
dnclniintl lvi ! Stool : ,
CINCINNATI , Sept. 30.-HOaS-Actlve a
PATTIE-Stcady at $2.5004.75.
BIlKIOr-StroiiKcr at .00 ? 4.00.
LAMUS-IIIghcr at $3.5' Q5.M.
.Stock In fll lit.
Record of receipts of live stock at thi
four principal markets for Sepfmber 30 :
Cntlln. IIOL'H. Sheer
Omaha 2,849 5,3U 21
Chicago 2,000 2 < 5.000 S.Ofi
Kansas City 7.130 9,12X1 1,15
St. Louis 1,800 4,900 l.Ocj
Totals .TU79 45,971 10,39
- 'icnoTicn. .
( Should bo rcao. dally by all interested , a
changes may occur at any time. )
1'orelgn malls for the week ending Octo
ber I. 1W8. will rlose (1'ISO.MI'TLV In ul
cases ) at the ( ! < Mirral I'oBtrifllce uc { ollowN
I'ARCKLS TOST MAILS cloao one hou
earlier than closing tlmu shown below.
TrmiK-Atlaritlc Sltilln.
8ATURDAY-At 7"n. . for KRANCK
1811 INDIA , per H. . I a ( iuacoine , vli
Havre ( letters for other parts or Kurop
must be directed "per La OarcoRnc )
at 8 a. m. for NKTHRHLANU3 direct
per a , s Rotterdam , via Rotterdam ( let
tcrs must be directed "per Rotterdam"
at 9 a. in. for ITALY , per e , e. Knl *
i : MvrtcHt
( Continued. )
U'llhclm II , via Naples ( letters must bu
directed "per Kaiser \Vllhelm 111. nt
KUROl'i : s. s. 1'enn-
10:30 : a. m. for , per
land , via Southampton ( letters must bu
directed "per I'enniund " ) ; nt 11 n. in.
for NORWAY direct , per s. K. Island
( letters must bo directed "per Island" ) :
at 11 a. in. ( supplementary 12:30 : p. in )
for HUROI'IC. per s. n. Lucanla. vin
\ftcr thn closing ot the Supplemctuary
Transatlantic Malls named above , addi
tional supplementary malls are opened on
the piers of the American. KtiRlldb.
French and Herman steamers , nnd remain
open until within ten minutes of the houi
of sailing ot steamer.
Mnlln fur South anil Central America ,
AVrnt liKllcn , life.
SATURDAY At 10 n. m. ( supplemcntarj
10:30 : a. in. ) for KORTUNK ISLAND , JA.
per s. s. Altai ( letters for Costa RIcu
must bo directed "per Altai" ) ; at 11 a. m.
for I'OHTO RICO and CURACAO , ulfiQ
T11AO1INA , via Curacao , per H. s. Mum *
calbo ; M S:30 : p. in. for NEWFOUND
per steamer from North Sydney.
Mulls for Newfoundland i > y rail to Ilall-
fnx , and thence by steamer , close at this
onice ( Ully nt SM p. in. Malls for Ml-
ntielon , h.v rail to Uoston. and thcnco b > *
steamer , cloxe at this ofllro dally lit S 0
p. m Mulls for Culm close at this
olllce dally at a. in. for for
warding by steamers s.illlng Mon
days nnd Thursdays from 1'orl Tampa ,
Klu. Mulls for Mexico City , overland ,
unless specially addressed for despatch by
Btenmer. clone nt tills otlli-r dnlly at
n. m. and 2:30 p. m. lloglsterod mail
ut 6:00 : p. m. previous 'Jay.
Mnlln for China , Japan nnd Hawaii , per
s. s. City of I'vklni ; ( from San Kninrinuo ) .
elope here il.illy up to Srptt mlior 25tb at
6.30 p. m. Malls for Australia ( exrept
those for West Austialln , which are for
warded \la KiirnpO. New Kt < alnnd ,
I In w. ill , I'lJI and Samuun l.'lnt'du , pe-r s. n.
Ahiir.i-Uit ( from San Frnnrlxrn ) . r'los' *
here dnlly up to Heplpinhcr * 3Dih nt I .
in. , 11 u. in. und Glu : ; p. ni. ( or on nrrh il
at New York of B. s. Klrurlnvh ! : Ur tisli
inullii for Auntnilln ) . M.ills lor rhlra iin.l
Jnpnn. per r. H. rmprexR ; of India ( from
Vuncouver ) . iloso lure dully up to Oi to-
bfi.1d nt 6:30 : i > . in. Mulls for AnXil' v
( except \\'est Australia ) , New X" lun < l ,
llawull nnd FIJI Islands , pir K s.Vnrri -
moo ( from Vaiifouver ) , dnno ln-i'c . ; .i ly
iiflor Soplnmbcr 30th nnd up I" o < tobe'i1
* 13lli at 6:30 : p. in. Mnllp for Clilmi ami
Japan , per s. s > . Tnroma ( from Tiu-oma > ,
rinse here dally up to October * 17th ni
6:30 : p. in. Mails for the Society IcInniN ,
per ship City of T'apeltl ( from SHU Kinn
elpco ) , oloHo hero dally up to Octubei
25th at GCO : p. m.
1'rannpacino innlls are forwarded to port o !
hailing dally nnd thrFrhpdiilo of , lo lni :
Is arnintred on the presumption of thrlr
uninterrupted overland tramiit. 'HeclH-
tiTed mall olopon nt 'i-oo ' p. ni. iiivvlouH
d-y. : CORN'KLU'S VAN i ( n'T.
rostolllrf. New York , N. Y. , September 2(5 ( ,
It's nol "patent" rncdtclno , but Is prepared
rtlroct Irom tto formula ot K. E. Dnrton , M. 1) . ,
Clovuliuid's most eminent upoclall' Hjalmer
O. HonsonPh. D. , 11. S. 11Au-l > KN 1 tlio treat-
rst knownrcstoraUvoard lnvliorator. Jtrro-
Btea solid Hoah , miucle nnd ( .trcnRtb.cloari
thn brain , ir.akcs the blood
1'jro uoil tlrh and causes a
pineral fFellng of health ,
btrtncth and renewed vltal-
Ity , T.'hile the gcnorutlve or-
yV pans are helpedtor golntheir
normal powers nnd the suf-
'crcr Is quickly mailo con-
, ' 'tV,7 ' Mlous of direct bonellt. Or.o
' box T7111 work wonders , clx
should perfect n euro. Full
directions In every box , or 1111
out the diagnosis Kbcet , you
find enclosed , nnd wo ulllRivo
your case nnoclal attontlim wit : out extra
chni-ge. RAK-OKK Is for snle a * , nil drui
ctores , n no-dono l > ov for rO ci nti , or wo will
mail It securely Ko.iled on rpcolnt of price ,
Ul JJar-Bcn Blocl ; , Cleveland , O.
Far sale by Kuhn & Co. , IBth and Doug
las : J , A. Fuller & Co. , 1402 Douglas St. ,
Hid Graham Drur ; fo. , lath and Fiirnam ;
King Plmrmncy , u"tli and I eavenworth ;
Peyton's Pharmacy , 21th and Lcavonworth :
R. .1. Heykora , South Omaha , nnd all other
Irugglstx In Omaha , South Omaha , Council
Primary , Secondary or Tertiary
BLOOD POISON permanently
Cured in 15 to 35 Days.
You can be treated nt homo for same
price under same guaranty. If you
prefer to come here vie wfll contract
to pay railroad fare and hotel billi ,
and no chaiec If we foil to cure ,
taken mercury. Iodide potash and still
have Hclies and pains , Mucous Pntchei
In mouth , Sore Throat , Pimples. Cop
per Colored Spots , Ulcers on any part
of the body. Hair or Eyebrows falling
out. It Is this secondary
We Ouarantes to Kure
We solicit thn moit obstinate eaeei
nd challenge the world for a case wo
cannot cure. This disease h alway
baflled the skill ot the raoit smlnent
SSOO.OOO capital behind our uncondl-
tlonal guaranty. Absolute proofs sent
aealed on application. 100 paje booH
lent ire * .
Alldrci * COOK UKMRDY CO. , 1401
HmnnU Temple , Ghtenuo. III.
Purely vegetable , mild and reliable.
? auso perfect Digestion. Complete nbsorp-
lon and healthful regularity. For the euro
if all disorders of the Stomach , Liver , Bow-
1s , Kidneys , Bladder , Nervous Disease * .
I'orpld Liver.
iMini.STio\ ,
Observe the following symptoms result *
ng from Diseases of the Digestive Organs :
: onstlimtlon. Inward pile * , luluicsa of blood
11 the bend , ucldlty of the stomach , nau-
iea , heurtburii , disgust of food , fullness
ir weight In the stomach , sour eructations ,
linking or fluttering of tbe heart , choking
ir suffocating senmitlona when In u lying
losturc , dimness of vision , dots or wubu
itforo the sight , Cover and dull pain In tha
lead , deficiency of porsplrutlon , ycllowneui
> f the skin and eyes , pain In the slue.
: hest , limbs , and sudden flushes ot heat '
aiming in the flash.
A few doses of RADWAY'S PILLS will
free the system of all the above-named
Price. 25 cents per box , Sold by druggist
> r sent by mall.
Send to DR. RADWAY & CO. . Lock Box
IC6. New York , for book of advice.
I'eleplumc 1031) . Oinnlm , Neb
Olr n wlrt to Chicago nd jtew Tort
Corripondentii Jolm A , W mn * Co.
H. R. PENNEY & CO. ,
ItooinI , N. Y. I.lfe Illiln. , Oinnlm , NcU.
Ulrrct AVIr' New York , Cl
U'mtcrn Iululi.