THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 28 , 1808. IPEGIAL NOTICES Vdvrrflxcinciitu lor Ilicne coluiiinii "will lie InUcn until 13 in. for tlie evrnliiK nnil until Mi3O for innrnliiK nnil .Sumlti- ( Minion * . , Rate * , 1 I-3c nTiiril first IniicrMoni Vpc u word tlK-runflcr. ollltnR taken /for lex * Ilinu a.'U' for the first Inner- tlon. Thciiu mttcrttciuciitii must bo run ciinncciitlvel- . AdvrrllHcr * ,1i > - rriltimtliiK a mint- lirrcil cltcc ) < , CUM have nn trnm nd- ilrennud to a Jiunilicreil letter In cure of The lire. AnnrnT * no nililrcKKLMt 1 trill lie ilellvercd on iircucntntlon of Mlie cliccU only. SITUATIONS WASiTRn. 'A ' STENOGRAPHER When you want one plfjiHu call up the Remington typewriter ofllco , 1619 Farnam Ht. ; telephone. 1573. A-MC95 O17 REFINED , educated lady wnntM position us managing huusch'ceper. Address C 2 , Bae. A-b77-29 BOOKKEEPER , fifteen years , experience ; nix years with lust IIOUHO In Chicago ; hc8t Chicago and Lincoln references regarding morals , accuracy und rapidity ; steady po- Hltloii dcslrdd. J , G. Polty , Clearmont , Mo. A-10S27 * WANTED , position by young man us sales- mun , 7 yearn' experience , groceries ; speak Herman. A1 reference. 1 * . L. Curtenlus , 422 South 18th St. A-M113 29 * A REL > IAHI < 1 nmn'wcll acquainted In city wants position -nt driving u delivery wugon. Address C 21 , BC.O. A 137-O1 SITUATION wanted us bookkeeper or sten ographer by yblmg Inily ; live ycnrH1 ex- pcrlonce ; good references. Address C 22 , euro Bee. A M0 ! ! } 30 WASiTIJU MALI3 IIKI.P. SALESMEN for cjffaro ; $125 n month and expenses ; old firm ; experience unneces sary. C. C. Bishop & Co. , Ht. Louis , Mo. B-S50 TAILORS , attend Dyhr's cutting school. BIS 8. 13. B-9S4Dec2 DEPUTIES .wanted. both local and state ; exceptional opportunities for iood men ; j No. 1 contracts ; both life und accident policies , weekly benefits ; fraternal order. W. J7 Stuart , 400-8 Bee bldg. , Omaha. B-M255 _ YOUNG men to leurn barber trade ; only 6 to 8 ' ( Weeks requited ; ' we give our gradu ates employment till they receive In wuges ns much an they pay for tuition and ex penses learning. St. Louis Barber Col lege , Odd' ' Fellpws" , Blflg. . Dodge and 14th , Oniuliu. Prof. Randolph , In.struc'tor. OiO BALE8M1-7N' can mnkc ? 100 per month sell ing our office specialties to merchants by ampin ; line sldo lines ; big prollts. Model Mfg. Co. , Box 1,1. , Suiith licnd , 1ml. ' ' ' * . B-MI52 I TWO clothing salesmen wanted In Omaha nnd onp In eacji county tn every state to takg , orders Mr our'$5.00 to v$10.00 made- to-measure suits and overcoats ; llvo men without experience can make J150.00 per month ; if vpu can furnish satisfactory rcferencft'ft'o ' vflrturnlah4i | complete sain- plo line and o'utllt and start you at work nt once. For particulars address ) Ameri can Wnoolcii BIUls 'Co. , Enterprise BuildIng - Ing , Chicago ; ) " ' 'r' ' B-M45S O12 * WANTED , salesmen visiting the drug trad , * to handle our trusses as a side line ; btg commissions nnd Vmsy1 sales. Address Wctmoro Truss Co. , 317 Main St. , Buffalo , N. Y. , , - - . , < B-M825 28 WANTED.Vo Huvo steady -work for ' a few good hustlers of good habits and ap pearance , UfiVt Adams Co. , 624 So. It ! St. ' /I f'\- \ ' . . ' H-M8I9 O22 SALESMAN wanted to sell our choice nursery stock ; a printed guarantee given will ) ovary order that the stock shall be flrst-clah'g and trueto label ; good salaries paid. Wrlto for terms to A. C. Orlesa & Uro. , Lawrence , Kan. B M92S O21 * i , n 'iWANTED , experienced florist , who can 'speak German and English , ( single man ) , Apply ; .utJkHaaji. FJpjlst. . ISll-Vlnton. * i . B 107O1 WANTED , salesmen covering western ag ricultural .states .to handle our Lubri cating Ous 'and Greases from samples Liberal terms to good men. The Euclid Oil Company , Cleveland , Ohio. e B-M120 30 * WANTED , an experienced sign writer. In- HUlro at Boston Store , Omahii. J. L. Bran- dels ' & Sonsl , > roprlotors. B M116 29 ' WANTED , laborers for II. & M. . cxtm gang In Wyoming and Nebraska ; fre ( fare- ' Kramer & O'llearn , 12th & Farnam B-M12C 28 * WANTED , man with some executive abil ity to put Ills..entire time and $150 into t > s- tabllshed business paying $1,500 yearly. 131 Burr block , Lincoln , Neb. B M211 29 * WANTED , salesman ; salary paid weekly experience unnecessary , permanent Brown Bros. Co. , Chicago. B M209 2S * HBLIABL15 men to tack "advertising signs $15 weekly nnd expenses. Send 10 cent postage , sample , etc. KOLA CIIEM L cd 2429 N. Colorado street. Phila phia , Pa. " ' B-M203 2S \VA.\TJBU K1ESIAI.13 HELP. 100 GIRLS for nil kinds of work ; $3 to $ week. Canadian Olllcc , 1522 Douglas. C 851 WANTED-150 girls. 1524 Dodgo. Tel. S7C C-MSll-Oct-M WANTED , 'girl ' nt Dornn House. 422 S IStli St. , ono block south court house. : C-81S , WANTED , Slrl' 12 to 1C years bid to worl ' morning nnd evening and go to school Enqulro of Mrs. J. It. Campbell , 1511 8a 29th St. C 300-27 * ! WANTED-Competent , girl for genera housework ; two in family. 1024 Park av C-M105 2S { GOOD girl for general housework. Appl' 1516 Canton St. C-M12I 27 * ' IKXPERIENCED cook , must be nrst IVIcnlsh Cafe , , West MJUway , Exposition. fe _ ' ' , ' , _ C-139-29 * /WANTED , girl 'Joe ' gonercl housework. El So. 40th St. C 113-29 * 'LADIES to embroider 'pillow covers ; worl sent to your homo ; good pay ; send ropV envelope for particulars nnd sample Manhattan Embroidery Co. , 12S AVntor Ht New York. C M20G 2S * WANTED , a lady to takq care of thre children from 8 months to B years old an keep house , out-of-town. C 24 , Bee. C M215 2S KOIl IlKXT IIOUSIJS. CHOICE houses nnd cottages all over city $5 to $75. Fidelity , llrst door , N. Y. Llf < D-852 HOUSES. Benowa & Co. , 10 $ N. 15th SI U-S5J HOUSES , store * , llemts. Paxton block. D-S54 FUUNITUnE and leasehold of a 7 nnd 1 ! room modern Hut for sale ; bargain ; coo location ; rent low. Bemls Paxton block D-SJG A FEW COTTAGES. 438 Board Trade. D-S37 iDUNDEE Place house. G03 Bee. D-M394 Ii , G AND 7 room steam heated Hats for ror Howard Ilanck , agt. , 1G10 Ohlcago titruei D-MS73-O7 | ) BNE\VA'S , residence to rent , 3330 llurt. " . D-.M63S 3I3 SOUTH 16th St. . 6-room Hat , $10. J. i\ Frcnzer , Opp. old P. O , D-r"OS ALWAYS moving household goods nn pianos. Omaha Van & Storage Co. , 15111 Farnam. Tel. , 1559. li 455 t HOUSES. Stores * , Ilopblns , 1502 Forpan i P-j779 HOTEL , good business. Furniture formal B 5tf , Hue. KKM79J Q20 * _ - 1 ' rt _ JL J i.- . _ L . . _ 1 ' _ | L IMAGGATID'S Van & Storage. 121 N. 15tl Tel. UJO. D MSi4 OS ! * IFOR RENT , one of the tlncst homes nea Hunscom park , completely furnlshet pas&csslon Oct. . 13. or Nov , 1. fora ten of on ieujr lonRl ; > r. ' Pott rrSholw Co 1617 Farnam St. D MSGl O2 : yqiOE JtKr tr. flut . Inq. 60J Bee BldgT ' V' -iw ( Continued. ) HOTEL down town ; 16 rooms ; good condi tion ; convenient to nil car lines ; rent $ tB.(0 ( a month. The Byron Reed Co. , 212 8. 14th st. D-110 FOR RENT , by Nov. 1st , modern 8-room house In b-st residence neighborhood. Ad dress C 20 llee. D 133-29 * CHOICE 10-r br. Hat , Inq. CO ! Bee Bldg. D-1C9 COTTAGE on easy payments. 601 Bee Bldg. D-Miiil unNT-FtnMsiun ; IIOUMS. TROCADBRO-Bcds 23c ; clean , safe. 1S03 Harney. E-M300 OS * MCELY furnished rooms for transients. 2203 Spencer St. , Kountze Place , near ex- posllon. E-M143 TRANSIENTS , cool rooms , bath. Cll N. . 19th. E999-O3 ROOMS' , transients accommodated , 1316 Cumlnss. > E M230 OC * FURNISHED rooms , with bath : one block from 24th Ht. car line. 52 South 23th street. E-BC7 30 * AVIS. Home-Rooms for families or parties a specialty. Clean beds 25c up. 1712 Cap. Ava E M994-O23 ROOMS , large furnished , modern rooms at exposition ; write nt once for terms. Mrs. E. M. Eaton , 1621 Plnkney St. E-811-OI FOR RENT , nicely furnished room. 2121 Dodgu. E-870-29 EXPOSITION visitors can get reliable In formation In regard to hotels , rooms , board , etc. , nt the Official Information Bureau , 1319 Farnam st. ; this bureau Is under the supervision of the exposition management. Ofllce open day and night ; no charge for Information. E M3 ROOMS In private family , 2226 Ohio St. , third house cast of 2ith , near street rail way and exposition. E M939 31 WANTED , good waist llnlsliers. 319 8. M st E-l 42-27 * ELEGANTLY furnished rooms , Flat one , Davldge building , Eighteenth nnd Far nam street , opposltn city ball. 'Prices reasonable. Bath free. Telephone Mrs. Jeffries. E-M2I6 20 * VISITORS wishing first-class rooms In pri vate family please call or address 1701 Capitol uvc. , west of 1' . O. E-M213 O3 * IIOOMS A\D HOARD. SARATOGA HOTEL , 21th St. and Ames Av * . , 4 blocks tvest from north gate ex position grounds ; best rooms , $2 , with meals , $1.00 without ; families nnd parties , $1.2.1 a day and 50o European ; everything new und neat , free baths ( double parlors , library and piano ; two lines of street cars , vast verandahs , best place to nee exposi tion flro works , Jolly people , und a gymn asium. Telephone , 1931. F 777 THE BENEFIT HOUSE. 21st and Plnkney Bts. , Hfty daintily furnished rooms : one- square from the Arch of * bo States ; everything now nnd Hrat class : terms reasonable. 0 , F 859 1 TAKE " " " rent" down that "for sale" or "for sign In yoijr window. The Bee reaches more ptonlo In u day than will pass your window in a month ; nnd .they consult these columns when they -wunt to buy or rent. ' . ' F 865 THE MERRIAM , Hirst class family hotel , 25th und Dodge Stp. F-S60 WELL FURNISHED rooms , line'board. : 1909 Capitol ave. F M2S4 OT UTOPIA-Famlly hotel. 1721 Davenport. F 501 Oct. 13 * TWO rooms with board , single or cnsulte ; . permanent. 1136 S. 31st. F 101 27 ' FOIl 11KXT UNFUUMSIIISD HOO.MS. ' 3 ROOMS. 70S S. 17th St. G-I29j O20 * FOR RENT , B unfurnished rooms. 509 S. 29th ; three rooms , 14th fk Leavenworth. AV. L. Selby , 331 Board TradeBldg. . . G 140-29 ' li-OIl IinXT STONES ANO OPI'ICISS. FOR RENT , the 4-story brick building at 916 Farnam St. This building has a Hre- , proot cement basement , water on all Iloors. gas , etc. Apply at the olllco oi The Bee. 1 910 DESK room. G. G. Wallace , 313 Brown Blk. 1 862 NICE store. Corner 24th and Hamilton. Ap ply 2518 Caldwell. 1-863 FOR RENT , a good barn box stall , cheap 1902 Cass St. I-M740 IN U. S. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Inq. 60 Bee Bldg 1-112 \ HOLESALE store nnd warehouse ; track age ; excellent shipping facilities. C. E. Benson. 310 Ramge Bldg. 1 814-O20 * AOB.VrS WANTED. AGENTS nnd branch managers ; salary or commission. Hunter Tailoring Co. , Cin cinnati. O. J M917 Oct-11 * "WAR With Spain , " 700 pages , com plete ; English , Swedish and German ; out- lit free. W. A. Hlxcnbaugh & Co. , olllco 14 , Ware blk. , Omaha. J M412 OIO AGENTS wanted for rapid selling house hold novelty ; needed in every hpuse , sells for cash , nnd can easily DO curried In agent's pocket. No competition , no li cense ; a rare , good thing. Write for par ticulars. Sutllve Brothers , Keokuk. la , J M6S3 O3 * WANTED , successful life Insurance agents for Omaha. Iowa or Nebraska. Llbera contract with renewals. Cull nt room 10 Commercial National Bank building. J M115 2S WANTED , good agents to sell a line ot lubricating oils and greases. Liberal con tracts offered. The Atlas Oil Co. , Cleve. land , Ohio. J 11210 28 * RELIABLE man to Candle agents for Telephone - phone Tablets nnd specialties. Pays $5,00 ( ' a year. Inclose stamp. Victory Mfg. Co. Cleveland , O. J M20S 28 * AGENTS to sell our cut-price Xmas books ; BOo book 15c : $1 book , 2Bc ; $1.50 books , BOc ; $2.GO book , 75e ; credit given , freight paid , 14 outfit free. Ferguson Pub. Co. , 1(3 ( Vine St. , Cincinnati , O. J M207 28 * ka. ky WANTED TO KENT. ALL persons desiring to rent their roome to exposition visitors kindly call at once , 210 S. 14th St. K M302 O8 0 2 OR 3 FURNISHED rooms In private id family for 6 months by man and wife : walking distance to postofllca. c 14 , Bee , K MUSS 27 * ROOM and board for man nnd wife , or South Omaha car lines ; permanent ; musl huvo early breakfast. C IS , Bee. K-M131 28 * WANTED , room and board for winter Ir vicinity of Hanscom park , for traveling man nnd wife. Address P.V. . M. , Mer chants' hotel. K M125 2S * BY NOVEMBER 1 , two rooms , modern , unfurnished preferred , with board foi two , State terms. Address C 23. Bee. K-M204 29 * STOIIAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 90S 910 Jones , general storage and forwarding M-SW OM. Van & Storage , 1B11H Farnam. Tel. Tel.M8C3 st M-8C3 WANTED TO BUY. IF YOU arc in need of anything try tin Want Columns of The Bee ; they wll NT. bring you what you want. N 867 THE BEST HOME ; $2,000 will buy on eas ] terms. 1 urn no agent. X C4 , ilee.NM751 N-M751 HIGHEST price for second-hand househoU goods. Large lota u specialty. Brown. 71 : N. 16th. N-M200 03 * WANTED. $2,000 worth of second-ham furniture at 3M N. 16th. St. , cor. Daven port. N-M496 O13 HOUSES TO MOVi : . F. D. Wead. Wead.N752 N-752 . rti i n i d ; WANTED , second-hand portable oven. W m S. Joley ( , Albion. .Neb. N-MSOO 23 * SECOND-HAND bank outfit ; must bi good und cheap ) suitable for a countr ; town , for cash. C.F. . Buahmann , Cres ton. Ntb. N-M10I WAXTEO-TO 1IUV. ( Continued. ) OMAHA Savings accts. Wallace , Brown blk. N-M114 IOU8E3 to move. Wallace , 313 Brown blk. N M7KJ IOUSES to bo moved. Wallace , 313 J. J. Brown blk. N S17S roil SAMC r HICAOO Furniture Co. will sell furniture and stoves below cost ; cot beds , 75c ; mattresses , We ; pillows , 20c. 1403-10 Dodge. 0-M278 07 FOIl SALE HOUSES , WAGONS , ETC. Elegant rubber tired phaeton , $90 ; coat $223. Irst-class Snyder phaeton , $115 ; cost $325. Good Simpson Leu top phaeton , $15 ; cost $225. Good hand made light phaeton , $40 ; cost $115. Good hand made light phacton.15 ; cost $2i * > . 'Ino gents' runabout , rub tired , J90 ; cost 175. Fine 2-whcel cart , rub tired , $50 ; cost $150. load 2-whecl cart with body , $20 ; cost $ C6. Clcgant open park carriage , $100 ; cost $375. ) oed Lea top family carriage , $ S5 ; cost $350. , oa top ege. , nearly new , $135 ; cost $250. 3nnopy surrey , new painted , $50 ; cost $140. Jpcn fancy driving buggy , $33 ; cost $165. Open % speeding buggy , $10 : cost $223. Top box end spring buggy , $35 ; cost $115. Cop side spring Concord , $33 ; cost $150 . 1 puss full platform carriage , $125 ; cost $500. lood tnllk wagon , new painted > io. cost i-.i'-i. ' Drummond & Co. , 18th nnd Hnrney , opp. court house , publto library , county jail. P-61901G FOR SALE , horse , buggy , harness. 2209 N. 19 l > _ 919g..tO * FOIl SALE MISCELLANEOUS. LARGEST stock hardwood lumber , hog fence , waxing brushes , etc. Chas. R. Lee , 9th and Douglas. Q 866 HOG , poultry nnd lawn fences ; all wire ; Is best. Wire Works , 14th nnd Harney. Q-867 U. HAAS , Florist. 1813 Vlnton St. . Tel. 776 ; plants , cut flowers , bouquets , hall , resi dence , wedding and grave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly filled. Q SSi B CAHN and alto Cahn cornet. Marowltz , 418 N. 16th. Q-S69 FOR SALE , ten R.I.P.A.'N.S. for 5 cents , at druggists : ono gives relief. Q 870 FOR SALE , reliable patent for state of Nebraska. Addi'oss A , Bee ofllce , Council Bluffs. Q 543 SALE or Trade , machinery , engines , pumps. Sprague Machine \Vrks , 1216 Jones. Q-992 02 * STAMPS , coins , bought , sold. Mortenson , 401 N. 16th. Q-MS4S S30 "HOW GOD GOVERNS THE UNIVERSE. " A scriptural and seasonable presentation of n dllllcult problem. By Dr. AV. W. Harsha of the Theological Seminary , Omaha , For sale at city book stores. Q-630-2S FINE lot Indian curios. Derlght , 1116 Fnr- nam. Q-612 O16 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght , 1116 Farnam Q-611 O16 SHERMAN-WILLIAMS CoT , mixed paints Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge st. , Omaha. Q M73S O13 FISHER makes Ivory rim or plain dress buttons from any cloth. Store , Park Ave. and Leavenworth. Q M775-O19 FOR SALE , registered pedigree R. C. St. Bernard pups. Orange color , white points , dark shadlngs , sire , Duke of Shenldan , original weight 220 pounds , dam Lady Truth , weight 125 ; best two dORM In the west. Call or address room 512 Brown blk Q-842-23 WOOLF XACHARIA'S. 1207 Fnrnam. Plan ished Steel Peninsular Ranges , $22.50 to $40. Heaters sold cheap. Q MSS7 Fcb.21 FOR SALE , now Edison phonograph out- lit complete ; ready for exhibition use. L. B. Comun , Fremont , Neb. Q M936 Ol FOR SALE , phaeton , leather top , standard make , and single harness. Cull at 2203 Miami St. , after 6 p. in. , and make an offer. Q-M90S Ol PRINTING , good , quick , cheap. 1302 Far'n. Q-M212 O27 MISCELLANEOUS. TWENTY-FIVE ccntm will buy the latest publlcntlon illustrating the U. S. nnd Spanish navies , naval commanders , etc. ; almost 200 photographic reproductions , with a largo map of the East and West Indies , at the offlce of The Boe. If or dered by mall , address Navy Photograph Department , Omaha Bee. R 870 CLAIRVOYANTS. ISMAR THE GYPSY. Truthful in her predictions , reliable In her advice. It matters not what your belief may be nor what your experience with so-called palmists and clairvoyants may have been , Ismar will convince you that the past , present and future can be told. She can be consulted dally at her odlce , rooms 20 nnd 21 , Douglas block , cor. 16th and Dodge , opposite llaydcn Bros. S-M174 O3 MME. Gylmer , genuine palmist. 1605 Dodge. S-M184 O3 'VIENNA fortune teller , 18 yrs. here. 1411 Howard. M 4SS O13 MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , EOS N. 16th. 8 486 O13 IF YOU want revelations of the past , pres ent and future , consult the only clairvoy ant nnd spirit medium In Omaha who can and docs prove- his wonderful power every Sunday night to hundreds of people ; ad vice dally on nil affairs of life changes , love , troubles nnd disease ; can do more than all others In Ills line , as he has had 15 years' experience ; dally consultation. 1(323 ( Dodge. Dr. Frederick Milton ; satis faction or no charge ; readings by mall. S-M130 30 MASSAGE , I1ATIIS , ETC. MASSAGE and baths ; ladles and gentle men : magnetic treatment. M. Brlsson , 107 N. 12. T-M561 O15 MADAME SMITH. 118 North 15th Street , massage and baths room 2. T 141-O3 * BATHS , ladles only. Mrs. Porter , 203 Doug las Blk. T-339 09 LAURA ELLISON , baths , massage and magnetic treatment. 119 N. 1C , R. 12 , upst's T M797 O20 * MISS SAVILLA , 607 S. 13th , room 10 ; massage sagebaths. . T M834 2s * BEATRICE HARLOW. massage and tub bath ; Egyptian treatment. 1701 Leav enworth. T M881 30 * MRS. DR. LEON , electric massage bath parlors ; restful and curative. 417 8. llth , upstairs. T M123 O3 * 1 LILLIAN HOWARD , new massage and bath ; Australian treatment. R. 19 , 1623 Farnam. T M217 29 * PERSONAL. VIAVI CO. , 346 Bee building. U-872 A LARGE Map of the World , one of Cuba and another of the entire West Indies , showing Cuba , Porto Rico , Haytl , San Domingo , Martinique and all the other West Indian Islands ; 10 cento , at Thu Bee olllcc. By mall , 14 cents. Address Cuban Map Dept. , Omaha Bee. U SGS $30 RUPTURE cured for $30. No detention from business1 6 years In Omaha. Caller or write for circulars. Empire Rupture Cure. 932-933 New York Life bldg. , Omaha , Neb. U-873 PILES cured In 7 to 10 days , without pain : ono treatment docs the work ; call oi send for circulars. The Empire Pile Cure , 932 New York Llfo building , Omaha. U-874 MASSAGE , Electric and magnetic baths , Now Hyglennlc Institute , 220 Bee Bide. : tel. 1716. U-M333 LADIES or gentlemen , do you want to marry In 30 days ? Send lOc for guaranteed secret , Box 125 , Omaha. U M29 ! OS HITTER'S hospital ; confinem't cases taken ; babies adopted. 2214 Howard , Omaha ; tel , 2234. U-M6S8 O16 SOLES and heels 45c- . Petersen's old re liable shoe shop. New shoes cheap. 16tf and Cumlng. U-M303 O9 PRIVATE home , before & during conHne- ment ; babies adopted. Mrs. I.udlow , 2202 Clark. U-M541 O15 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during confinement ; babies adopted ; ex perienced physician In attendance. 1(36 ( N , litt , St. , Omaha. U MESO PERSONAL , ( Continued. ) SHOES soled and heeled , DOc. 710 N. 16th. U" M9M H30 HOT WATER plant for sale. Inquire of J. B , Wtirrlngton , Pender , Neb. U-M6Sfl-O-S * BOOKBINDING-Burkley Printing Co. U-MS51 O22 MISS MAYER , leading manicure , chiropo dist and hair dresser. 400 Paxton block. U-MSSC 023 DR. J. ROY , chiropodist. Corns removed , 23o up ; 23 years' experience ; 12 years In Omaha. Frenzer blk. U-M79S THE Omaha Social club Invites attention to Its honorable methods of making Intro ductions In our parlors , arranging mar riages , furnishing correspondence : strang ers welcome ; stumps. 311 Karbach blk , , 13th & Douglas sts. ; Allle Turncy. Mgr , U M9S3 OS 1IOto become lawful physicians , dent ists ; graduation In other sciences , Lock box 93 , Chicago. U-747 29 * FOUR up-to-date young men&members of the Social club , desire , to meet same num ber of Jolly girls ; object , pleasure. Call or address 311 Karbach , 15th und Douglas. U M132 28 * MONEY TO LOAN ItEAL ESTATE. WANTED , choice farm and city loans. R. C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. W-S75 $100,000.00 special fund to loan on first class Improved Omaha property , or for build ing purposes. Fidelity Trust Company. W 876 5',0 per cent money. Bemls , Pnjcton Blc-rk. $1,000 nnd upwards to loan on improved property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam St. W-87S 6 PER cent city nnd farm loans. Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam St. W-879 ANTHONY Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. L. ; quick money at low rates for choice farm lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri. East ern Nebraska. W SSO MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 S. 16th. W 831 MORTGAGES. Wallace , 213 Brown Block. W-M733 MONEY to loan nt low rates on improved city property In South Omaha , Council Bluffs nnd Omaha. U. S. Mortgage & Trust Co. W. II. Thomas , agent , First Nat'l Bank bulldlnc. W M277 ANY amount up to $ S.OOO ; also buy mort gages. F. D. Wead , 16th and Douglas. WANTED , bonds , stocks , farm nnd city mortgages , circular for brokers only. In vestors' Directory. N. Y. AV-SS2 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. $10 TO $10,000 TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIA NOS. HORSES. WAGONS AND CAR RIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , etc. , at lowest , rates In Omaha , South Omaha nnd Council Bluffs. No removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan off at any time erin in any amounts. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 306 SOUTH 10T1I. THE OLDEST , LARGEST AND ONLY IN CORPORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X-SS3 MONEY loaned salaried people holding permanent positions with responsible con cerns upon their own name , without security : easy payments. Tolman , R. 706 , N. Y. Llfo Bldg. X 884 HONEY loaned on life insurance policies , pianos , furniture , warehouse receipts , Jewelery , horses , cows , etc. Duff Green , room 8. Barker Blk. X M416 DIAMOND loan office , 1315 Douglas , unre deemed diamonds , watches , etc. , sold chcao. X 437-Dec. 20 PRIVATE party has mrtney to loan ; oil business confidential. Address , with full particulars , B 64 , Boo. ' X-MS64 O22 MONEY loanad on planrtl. furniture , Jew elry , horses , cows etc. C..T' . Reed , 319 S 13th X M8S6-O23 I1USINESS CHANCES. WILL erect building on lot 60x150 on 24th St. , So. Omaha , Neb. , across from the new postolllce , for any first class busi ness. F. J. Lewis , room No. 22 , Ware Bl'k. Y 113 THE SARATOGA HOTEL near Expo. , 24th and Ames Ave. , will bo sold. Nice , new , cheap. Call. Y 780 FOR SALE , all furniture und fixtures con tained In Belle Fourcho hotel at Belle Fourche , S. D. , also lease of building ; present owner going to the Sandwich Islands : parties desiring to go Into ttio business correspond with Dan J. Arnold , Box 34 , Belle Fourche , S. D. Y S40-29 * FOR SALE or trade , planing mill nnd con tracting business In n live eastern Ne braska town , doing large business. Ill health forces mo to retire. Address B 66 , Boe. Y MS55 29 FOR SALE , established manicure , chiropo dist nnd hair dressing business ; reason , entering medical college. Miss Mayer , ' 401 Paxton Blk. Y-M857 O23 FOR SALE , drug stock In northeastern Nebraska ; invoice $1,800 ; only store In town ; big snap for druggist or physician Address C S , Bee. Y-MB64-O1 * PARTY with $5.000 or more can secure safe and profitable interest in stock ranch Address C 12 , Bee. Y-M972 31 PARTNER wanted , with $1,500 , In manu facturing business ; big profits. Stand in vestigation. Address immediately. Manu facturer , Hotel Paxton , City. Y Mill 29 * FOIl EXCHANGE. IF YOUR mortgage is due I will trade clear lot for equity. X , Bee.Z Z 206-S13 FOR EXCHANGE Clear 160 acres wheat land nnd Omaha city property for sav ings bank certlllcati-M. Room B12 Brown block , cor. 16th und Douglas Sts. Z-635 27 * FOIl SALE UEAL ESTATE. HOUSES , lo's , farms , lands , loans : also fire Insurance. Bemls , Paxton Block. RE-8S5 HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is th time to dispose of them ; let the people know that you want to dispose of them The Bee reaches the people who have th money. RE 868 FOR SALE , desirable resldencn lots , 124 ] 130 ; in first class location ; ten minutes walk from court house ; cbtap for cash Address O 61 , Bee. RE-8S5 FOR SALE , cheap , 1 15-room house ant lot on 17th st. , north of Leavenworth also 1 11-room house on 17th nve. Call a 701 S. 17th avo. , upstairs. RE M294 O8 * TO BUY or sell houses , lots or lands. Cal on J. W. Robblns , 1803 Farnam.REM769 RE-M769 SOUTH OMAHA PROPERTY FOR SALE Lots in Maloney's addition , five block southwest of Armour's new plant , $150,00 Terms easy. POTTER & GEORGE COMPANY , 1601 Farnam St. RE-M598 30 BARGAINS In houses , lots , farms ; sale o trade. J. N. Frenzer , opp. old P. O. RE-SS7- FOR SALE , modern eight-room house in best residence neighborhood. Address C 19. Bee. RE-13C-29 * ELECTHO PLATING. WESTERN Plating Works. 1112 Dodge St M827-Oct-29 3OLD. sliver and nlckelplatlng : get you baseburner nlckelplated. Omaha Plating Co , , 1302 Farnam , entrance on 13th. M-022 O14 MEDICAL. ALL women who can't raise family shouli consult the renowned German specialist Dr. Pries , 1513 Dodge St. Letters 2 cents -MSS5 O23 TAP WORM removed without detentlo to business. For information write to L. W. Wight. Florence , Neb. 138-O 3 * STEREO AND BLECTHOTYPING. H. S. STARK & CO. , 1110 Douelas. M7-O-M TYPEWRITERS. VPEWRITERS for rent , $ .00 per month The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 16iS Fnrnam St. ; telephone 1234. 891 VE rent nnd sell the best typewriters made ; largest stock of good supplies in Omaha. United Typewriter and Supply Co. , 1612 Fnrnnm St. fc9. EMINGTON Standard typewriter nnd sup- piles , 1619 Fnrnnm 8t. 715 OLD , rented , repaired. Derlght , 1116 Far nam. 613 O16 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. " AN SANT'S school , 717 N. Y. Life. Night school from Sept. 20. S8S AT OMAHA Bus. College , lt > th & Douglas , HORT-HAND , up-to-date , taught by court reporters , Boyles' School , 403-5-7 Bee bldg S9U PAWNUROICERS. EAGLE Loan ofllce 1211 Douglas ; oldest established , most reliable , accommodat ing : business confidential ; selling out $10- 000.00 stock of unredeemed diamonds nt big bargains. 965 Octl LOST. . .OST , diamond ring on Midway. Reward If returned to A. L. Frank , court house. Lost-M112 29 TAILORING. iAX FOGEL makes , cleans , repairs clothes. 307 S. 17th. M-321 O9 OE YOU8EN , the tailor , Boyd's Theater bldg. ; lovely suits $15 ; clothes cleaned nnd mended at most reasonable prices ; work called for nnd delivered. Tel. 1828. 413 OIO ' . TAUCHEN , work guaranteed. 1513 Har ney. 453 O13 NIGHT SCHOOL. OMAHA COLLEGE , shorthand , bookkeep ing. Boyd's theater. 513 O25 * DANCING SCHOOL. lORAND'S , 1510 Harney St. . will reopen for adults , Friday , October 14 ; children , Saturday , October 15 ; private lessons , stage or ball room now. Please call. 5Gi ] O13 IATHEWS will open his school for danc ing Monday , October 3rd , at Royal Achates hall , 313 South 13 St. Adults and children : very reasonublo terms ; write for particulars. 818 30 * JUNK. i. STEINBERG , only Junk dealer In Omaha who can buy pop bottles ; ho pays the best prices for nil kinds of Junk. Ill S. llth. 829 021 IREAT WESTERN Junk house , S12 Doug las , pays lOc for pop bottles ; good prices for other Junk. Tel. 2163. A. Ferer. Prop. 833 022 UICYCLES. NEW wheels , S17.BO to $23 ; 2nd hand wheels. $5 to $10. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 10 & Chicago. 619 'LUGENO stops punctures ; fully guaran teed ; dealers send for terms. Model Mfg. Co. . 1604 Cuss. 179-O3 PIANO FACTORY. 'IANOS of any design made to order , old pianos overhauled and made equal to now. second-hand pianos always on hand. C. Sommer , prop. , 321 S. 10th St. 263 O6 SECOND HAND FUHNITUIIE. WE will sell good woven wire cots with mattress for $1.23. Lewis , 1414 Dodgo. 753-327 EI'PEIU.EY COUSETS. ONLY corset made having waist line. Room 10 , Crelghton Blk. , 15th & Douglas. 131 O26 PIANO TEACHING. MISS MINNIE LOVI , piano teacher , Is ready to receive her pupils. Davidgo Building , 18th & Farnam. M-9GS-O1 * AUCTION. J. R. MAXCY & CO. , auctioneers , room 519 Paxton block , want your auction sales of real estate , merchandise , furniture , llvo stock , etc. 893 TRACKAGE. YARD room , or storage with trackage centrally located. Address box 62 , City , 898 PRIVATE HOSPITAL. DR. LIBBER , cancers , female diseases. 1912 Leavenworth. M 117 Oct-l itrnnEii STAMPS AND STENCILS. OMAHA Rubber Stamp Co. , 215 So. 13th. Phone 1023. Write for catalogue.AI4B9 AI4B9 O13 PIANOS TUNED. PIANOS tuned , $1.50. Rose , 1521 Dodge. 348 09 HOUSE MOVER. W. COY , removed to 171U St. Mary's Avo. R45-N-29 STENOGRAPHERS. WE SOLICIT nnd furnish posltons for stenographers free. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. Telephone 1284. 894 GLASS WORKS. LATHAM & PECHAC. Mfr. of ornamental windows , churches , residences , 1012 Farn. M521 O14 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. SCHOOL for cure of these defects. Julia E. Vaughan. 306 N. Y. Life bldg. 730 O18 BICYCLE REPAIRING. WORK guaranteed , Lawrence Cycle Co. 115 N. 15th. FUUNITUIIE REPAIRING. KARLING'S furniture repair shop , 1220 Harney. R-M931 830 STATUARY. GONNELLA manufactures artistic statu ary. Inside ornamental work n specialty 317 8. 10th. M621-NOV-24 FINANCIAL. LIFE Insurance policies bought for cash Richard Herzfeld , 171 LaSalle St. , Chi- cago. 995 O3 FURNITURE PACKED. M. B. WALKIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel , 1331 895 VOCAL STUDIO. MISS Boymer , vocal studio , G12 Karbach bllt 214 O27 OPTICAL. EYES tested free. Optical Institute , Sheely block. 946 Nov30 VIOLINS REPAIRED. C. A. CASE , violins repaired. 41C Bheelj block. 29S-NH SCHOOL OF LANGUAGE. CHATELAIN8 language school , French , German , Spanish. 301 Boyd's Theater , daj and evening class. 905-O23 BICYCLE REPAIRING. WORK guaranteed. Lawrence Cycls Co , , 115 N , & . J52 012 MASONWORIC , MASON WORK Jobber. H. Hi-aly , 1S2J Clark. 129 O26 HARDWOOD LI MIIER. OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co , oak , hlrk- ory. noli , cyprcus , poplar , etc. IS&t'.tllf. 12S 026 SIGN PAINTING. S. II. COLE , signs. 705 C. 27th. 4S1 O13 SUES & CO. , . .PATENT- U\\mS AND SOtlCIIORS Ktc bldg , Omaha , Neb. ( ? ml for our frre Inrc-nt- ors'Hulilo. Tnl. 1112.1. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING MATE RIAL , COWS AND BULL , V , 3 , Indian Service , Rosebud Agsncy. Rosebud , S. D. , September 24th , 1SS , SEALED PROPOSALS , Indorsed "Pro posal for Building Material. " etc. , us the case may be , nnd addressed to the under signed nt Rosebud , S. D. , will b ? received ut tills agency until 1 o'clock p. m. of Monday , October 17th , l 'S ' , for furnishing und delivering nt this iigcncy with thirty (30) ( ) days after receipt of notice of upprovnl of contract , u variety ot building material ( consisting of assorted lumber , shingles , doors , windows , etc. ; also ten Jersey cows ind one Jersey bull ) , n full list und de scription of which , together with the In structions to bidders , to be obtained by nuking application to tlio undersigned. "HARLES E. M'CHESNEY , V. 8. Indian Agent. 821 d21t morn POSTOFFICE NOTICE. ( Should bo reaa dally by ull interested , as hanges may occur at any time. ) Foreign malls for the week ending Octo ber 1 , 189S. will close ( PROMPTLY In ull ascs ) nt the General Postofilco as follows : 'AHCELS POST MAILS close ono hour urller than closing time shown below. TriuiN-Atlaiitle MalU. WEDNESDAY At 0. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : n. m. ) for EUROPE , per s. s. Teu tonic , via Queenstown ; ut 10:30 : u. m. for EUROPE , per s. u. Noordland , vln South ampton ( letters must bo directed "per Noordland" ) . THURSDAY At S a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct , per s. s. Edam , via Am sterdam ( letters must bo directed "per SATURDAY At 7 u. m. for FRANCE , SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN , POR TUGAL. TURKEY , EGYPT nnd BRIT ISH INDIA , per s. H. La Gnscogiu- , via Huvro ( letters for other parts of Europe " must be directed "per La Gascogno" ) ; nt S u. in. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. s. Rotterdam , via Rotterdam ( let ters must be directed "per Rotterdam' ) nt a a. m. for ITALY , per H. s. Kulser Wllhelm II , via Naples Outturn must bo directed "per Kulser Wllhelm 11" ) ; at 10:30 : a. m. for EUROPE , per s. s. Penn- luml , via Southampton ( letters must be. directed "per Pennlund" ) ; ut 11 a. in. for NORWAY direct , per s. s. Island ( letters must be directed "per Island" ) ; at 11 u. in. ( supplementary 12:30 : p. m. ) for EUROPE , per s. s. Lucunlu , via. Quccnstown. After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named nbove , addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the * American. English , French und German steamers , and icmaln open until within ton minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. MnllH fur South and Central America , Went IiiiHcH , Eto. WEDNESDAY At 12 m. ( supplementary 1 p. m. ) for CENTRAL AMERICA ( ex cept Costa. Rica ) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS , per s. a. Alllanca , via Colon ( let ters for Guatemala must bo directed "per Alllanca" ) : ut 12 m , for GRENADA , TRINIDAD and TOBAGO , per s. s. Irra- waddy ; ut 1 p. m. for CUBA , via Havana , per s. s. Vigilancla ; ut U p. m. for JA MAICA , pur steamer from Baltimore. THURSDAY At 1 p. m. for NASSAU. N. P. , and SANTIAGO DE CUBA , per s. s. Santiago. FRIDAY 1 p. m. ( supplementary 1:30 : p. m. ) for CAPE HAITI , ST. DOMINGO und TURKS ISLAND , per s. s. New York. SATURDAY At 10 n. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. in. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JA MAICA , SAVANILLA and GREYTOWN , per s. s. Altai ( letters for Costu Illcn must bo directed "per Altnl" ) ; nt 11 a. m. for PORTO RICO nnd CURACAO , also VENEZUELA , SAVANILLA and CAR- TIIAGENA , via Curacao , per H. s. Maru- calbo ; at 8:30 : p. m. for NEWFOUND LAND nnd ST. PIERRE-MIQUELON , per steamer from North Sydney. Malls for Newfoundland oy rail to Hall- fax , and thence by steamer , close at this olllco dNlly nt 8CO : p. m. Malls for Ml- quclon , bv rail to Boston , nnd thence by steamer , close nt this office dally at 8:3C : p. m. Malls for Cuba close at this office daily nt t A. m. for for- wnrdlng by steamers sailing Mon days und Thursdays from Port Tampa , Fla. Malls for Mexico City , overland , unless specially addressed for despatch by steamer , close ut this office dally ut 2HU : n. m. nnd 2:30 : p. m. 'Registered mall closes at 6:00 : p. m. previous duy. Trniin-Pnclflo MalU. Malls for China , Japan nnd Hawaii , per s. s. City of Peking ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to September 25th nt 6:30 : p. m. Malls for Australia ( except those for West Australia , which are for warded via Europe ) , New Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI und Samoan Islands , pcrs. s. Alamcda ( from San Francisco ) , close hero dally up to September * 30th at 7 n. m. , 11 u. m. und 6:30 : p. m. ( or on arrival ut New York of s. s. Etrurla with British malls for Australia ) , Malls for China and Japan , per s. s. Empress of India ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally up to Octo ber * 3d at 6:30 : p. m , Mulls for Australia ( except West Australia ) , New Zealand , Hawaii nnd FIJI Islands , per s. s. Warrl- moo ( from Vancouver ) , close hero dally nftfr September 30th nnd up to October 13th at 6:30 : p. m. Malls for China ant Japan , per s. B. Tacoma ( from Tncoma ) close here dally up to October * 17th ni 6:30 : p. m. Malls for the Society Islands per ship City of Pnpeltl ( from San Fran cisco ) , close hero dally up to October 25th nt 6:30 : p. m. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port oi sailing dally and the schedule of closing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. 'Regis tered mall closes nt 6:00 : p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT , Postmaster. Postoffice , New York , N. Y. , September 26 1S93. IIAILWAY TIME CAR11. UNION PACIFIC "THE Overland Route" Genera Offices. N. W. Corner Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Ofllce , 1302 Farnam Street. Telephone 316. Do pot. Tenth and Mason Streets , Telephone 62 . Leave. Arrive. "Tho Overland Limited" for Den ver , Salt Lake , and western p'ts. . 8:50 : am 4:45 : pra The Colorado Spe cial , for Denver & all Colorado p'ts. ' 11:53 : pm 6:40 : am Fast Mall Train for Denver , Salt Luke , Pacific coast and all western points 4:35 : pm 6:40 : an Lincoln , Beatrice & Stromsburg Ex. . . 3:30 : pm M12:30 : pm Fremont , Colum bus , Norfolk , Gr'O Island and North Platte * 4:35 : pm 4:1R : pm Columbus local 6:50 : pm 9:40 : am South Omaha Loral PUBS Leaves , 6:15 : u m. ; 7:00 : a. m. ; 9:10 : a. in. ; 3:03 : p. m. Ar rives , 10:30 : a. m. ; 3:30 : p. m. ; 6 p. m. Council Bluffs Local Leaves C:40 : a. m , 6:60 : a. m. ; 7:40 : n. m. ; " 9:40 : a. m. ; 10:30 : a m. ; 12:30 : f > , m. ; 2:16 : p. m. ; 4:30 : p. m. ; 4:3. : p. m. ; 4:55 : p. m. ; 5:65 : p. m , ; 8:20 : p. m. Ar rives , 7:20 : a. m. ; 8:25 : a. m. ; 9:10 : a. m. ; 11M a. m , ; 3:05 : p. in. ; " 3:30 : p. m. ; 4:20 : P. m. 6:40 : p. m. ; 0:30 : p. m ; " 6:50 : p. m , 9:00 : p m. ; 11:5S : p. m. Dally. Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. I'.OCK IBLANf & Pacific Ralroad-"Th ! Great Rock Island Route. ' City Ticket Office. 132 Farnam Street. Telephon 423. Depot , Tenth an Mason Streets. Telephon 179. _ , - Leave , Arrive DCS Homes Local. . . 7:15 : am * * ll:25 : an Ch cage Express . . . * * ll:30 : am S:00 : an Chicago Fast Ex- .Press . . . 5oo ; pm 1:25 : pn Bt. Paul Fast Express - . press . . . , . 6:00 : pm 11:25 : an Lincoln , Colorado Springs , Denver , Pueblo and Went. . 1:30 : pm 4:25 : pn Deg Molnes , Rock Island and Chi- care . 7:15 : pm 8:50 : pn Colorado Flyer , , . , . 6:40 : pm 8:50 : an Dally. Dally txcept Sunday , 1IULUAV TIMtt t'ARU. ( Continued. ) HICAOO , ST , PAUL. MIN- nenpolls & Omahn Railway * > General Olllcrs , Ncbruskn Division , Fifteenth nnd _ _ „ . . . Webster Streets. City Ticket dfllce , 1401 Fnrnam Street. Telo phcno , 661 Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone , l,45si.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City Accom. . S:50 : am S:55 : pm Sioux City Accom. . 9:50 : am 8:35 : pm Blair , Emerson Sioux City , Ponca. Hartltigton and Bloomfield liOOpm "lliSS ara Sioux City , Alan- kato , 81. Paul & Minneapolis 6:00 : p in * 9:00am : No. 8 , 8t. Paul Lim ited Mukcs no stops in Neb 6:00 : proNe No 1 Exposition , Llmltcd-Mnkes nn stop in Neb 9:00 : am Nos. 21 and 22 Exposition .Local , to Emerson , stop * nil stations except HrlegB 6:15 : pm * S:30 : nm Dully , ' Dally except Sunday. Sun day only. Does not stop nt DcSotu or Coffmnn. CHICAGO Jk NORTHWEST- prn Railway City Ticket Office. 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone , 5B1. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Special 6:40 : am 11:55 : pm Mo. Valley , Sioux City. St. Paul & Minneapolis 6:00 : am 10:45 : pra o. Valley , Sioux City 7:45nm : 9:00 : pm urroll , Dennlson , Council niuffs. . . . * ll:30pm : 9:40 : am astern Ex , , DCS Mollies , Marshall- town , Cedar RapIds - Ids nnd Chicago. . . 1J:05 : am 4:20 : pm tlantlc Flyer , Chicago cage nnd East 4:55 : pm 4:20 : pm ast Mall , Chicago to Omaha 3:15 : pm orthcrn Express. . . 6:30 : pm 8:40 : am miaha-Chlcago Spe cial 65 pm 8:25 : am ) maha-Chlcaco Ex press 9:00 : pm 0:55 : nm Dally. Dully Ex. Saturday. Dally x. Monday. FREMONT. KLKHORN & Missouri Valley Railway- General Offices , United States Nntlonul Bank Bldg , Southwest Corner Twelfth Furnam Streets. Ticket Olllco , 1401 nrnnm Street. Telephone , 661. Depot , 5th und Webster Streets. Telephone 1.468. Leave. Arrive. lack Hills , Deadwood - wood , Hot Springs. 3:00 : pm 6:09 : pra Vyomlng , Casper and Duuglus - 3:00pm : GW ; pm Instlngs , York Da vid City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter & Sewurd 3:00 : pm 6:00 : pm Norfolk , Vordlgro nnd Fremont 8:15 : am * 10:45 : am ilncoln , Wnhoo & Fremont 8:15 : nm " 10:45 : urn "remont Local 8:15 : urn 'ork Passenger 6:10pm : 9:40 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sun- ay only. Dally exceut Saturday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad General Offices , United States National Bunk Bulldlnc. 8. W. Corner - nor Twelfth and Farnam btreou Ticket Ofllce , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone , 561. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 62 ? . Leave. Arrive. Sioux City , Man- kato , St. Paul , 6:00 : am 8:40 : am Minneapolis . . . . . . . 6:3y : pm ' 10:45 : pm Sioux City Local. . 7:4j : am 8:00 : pm Dally JHICAGO , BURLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "Th Burlington Burlington Route" Ticket Office , 1502 Farnum Street. Routs Telephone 250. Depot , Tenth nnd Musoti Streets. Tele phone , 128.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Vestlbuled Express 5:03 : pm 8:10 : am hlcugo Express. . . 0:45 : um 4:10 : pm Chicago & St. Louts Express . . . J K pin B:10 : am Preston Local 9:16 : am Pacific Junction Local " 11:55 : am C:40 : pm Fast Mull 2:60 : pm Chlacgo Special . . . 2:15 : uro 11:50 : pin Dally. * Dally except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST. JOseph - seph & Council Bluffs Rail Burlington road "Tho Burlington Route" Ticket Office , 1603 Route Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot , Tenth and Ma son Streets. Telephone 128. Leave. Arrive. , Kansas City Day Express 9:05 : am D:40 : pm Kansas City Night Express * 11:00 : pra 6:30 : am 'Exposition Flyer" for St. Joseph and St. Louis 4:30 : cm 12:05 : pm Dally. BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Railroad "Tho Burlington Burlington Route "Gen eral Offices N. W. Corner Tenth nnd Farnam Streets. Ticket Office , 1502 Farnam _ _ _ _ _ _ Street. Telephone , 250. De- pel. Tcntti und Mason Streets , Telephone 128. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , Hastings and McCook 8:35 : am * 9:35 : am Lincoln , Denver. Colorado , Utah. California , BUck Hills , Montana & Puget Sound 4:33 : pm 4:00 : pm Hastings Local " 7:00 : pm 7:40 : pm Lincoln Fast Mall 2:55 : pm " 11:40 : am Denver , Colorado , Utah , California and Puget Sound. 11:60 : pm 2:15 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday. OMAHA & BT. LOUIS RAILroad - Pfifll road Omatia , Kansas City & ARTHUR Eastern Railroad "Tho Port Arthur Route" Ticket Offlco R2UI5 , 1415 Farnam Btreat. Telephone - , , phone 322. Depot , Tenth and > Iuson Streets. Telephone 629. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express . . . . 4:50 : pm 11:30 am Kansas city & Qulncy Local . . . . 7:40 : am 9:05 : pm Kansas City Ex press 7:45 : am Port Arthur Ex press S:30 : pm Dan/ MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILroad - road General Offices and Ticket Office , Southeast Cor ner 14th and Douglas Streets Telephone , 104. Depot. 15th and Webster Sts. Telephone 145S. Arrive. St. Louis-Kansas & Neb. Limited 3:05 : pm 12:55 : pnt Kansas City & St. Joseph Express. . . . 930pm ; 0:00 : am Nebraska Local via. Weeping Water. . . " 4:30 : pm " 9:43 : am Exposition , Local via. Nebraska City. . " 6:00 : pm. " 10:03 : am Dally. D < iliy"except Sunday. CHICAGO MILWAUKEE S , St. Paul Railway city Ticket Offlco , 1604 Farnam Street , Telephone , ZI4. De- Eot , Tentr nnd Mason trcets. Telephone , 23. _ Leave. Chicago Lrtnlttd Express . 5:45 : pm 8:20 : am Omaha & Chicago Express . 11:00 : am " 4:15 : pm Sioux C'ty ' and Des Molnes Express . . 11:00 : nm " 4:15 : pm Manila Local . * 7CiOpm : " 9:16 : am W A B A 8 H RAILROAD- Tlcket Office , 1415 Farnnra Htrect. Telephone , 892. De pot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 629. i Lcav * . Arrive. St. Louis "Canon "Ball" Express , , . 4:60 pm 11:30 : am Dall-/ Strangers in Omaha Are invited To inspect The Bee Building. The most complete Newspaper plant In the West ,