10 THE OMAHA DAILY 1VI3E : WEDNESDAY , SEirrEMliEIl 28 , 1898. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Takes A Wide Range in Fluctuation During the Day's ' Operations. NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL LEAD ADVANCE I'rovlnloit Mnrket Awnlu Attacked l > r I'ever Hciiort * niul Ilulen AVenk Corn nnd OntH Active. CHICAGO , Sept. 27. Wheat here today ( was led by ( in advance In New York. The strength of the latter market was a big factor In an advance of S-Sc here. Trading was much more active than usual. Corn nnd oata both advanced about 3-8c. Pro visions were weak owing to yellow fever reports. An advance of l-8Q'lo marked the open ing In wheat , December starting at 6414 ® Cl 3-8c , compared with yesterday's closing j > rlco of G4 l-8c. Some Irregularity waa ehown by the market for a time , the price fluctuating between 61 l-SHGIlc ! and Gl' ' c as the dcmiind from shorts , the principal early buyers , Increased or diminished , but In the main the market showed llrmness and kept near to the figures of the opening. North western receipts , though heavy , were smal ler than last year. Minneapolis and Duluth reported 1,716 cars , against & 20 last week and 1,872 n year ago. The early strength was duo largely to the advance at Llver- > eel , where futures were quoted 4 < 87-8d } ilghcr. The bullish feeling was Increased liy oeaboard reports of a good Inquiry for wheat for shipment to the United Kingdom nnd heavy acceptances here for prompt ohlpmcnt. Chicago receipts were 275 cars , neven of contract grade. Primary western receipts aggregated 1,727,000 bu. , compared rwlth 1C25,000 bu. last year. Atlantic port clearances were 613,000 bu. Duluth , Minne apolis and New York markets were all strong for cash wheat , llradstrcet'a re ported the world's visible Increase at 2,416- 000 bu. Of this amount 1.000.000 bu. was cast of the Rockies nnd , ns yesterday a decrease - crease of 880,000 bu. had been otllclally re ported , buyers were given a shock nnd for u few minutes there was a rush of longs to get rid of their wheat. The price waa crushed down to G4 1-Sc from around &H o In this flurry. Hut a reaction quickly fol lowed. Instead of following Chicago's lead , Now York and the northwest markets be- cnmo stronger than ever nnd when this became apparent hero another rush fol lowed , this time to buy back the wheat so hastily parted with. December climbed to 114'HOC-J 7-8c In the scramble. New York re ported elghty-ono boatloads worked for ex port , which , coming near the end of the session , was a factor In the strength with rwhlch the market closed. Business was very nctlvo after noon nnd the total bus- Jness done was larger than for some time. December closed nt 64ic. Corn was inactive but steady up to noon , when the strength and activity of wheat were communicated to this market. There I wan a good deal of aggressive buying by professional bulls , forcing shorts to cover. Firmness was apparently entirely in sym pathy with wheat. Receipts -were 880 cars. Cables were higher. Clearances were 172- 000 bu. December ranged from 297-So to 30M0303-8C and closed 3-8c higher at the latter price. Oats was firm but very slow. The mar ket trailed after wheat nnd corn and de veloped Independent features. Trading r.-ns light nnd In scattered lots , mostly by lo cals. Clearances were light. Receipts were B42 cars. Cosh market firm. May ranged from 2222 7-Sc to 23c and closed UOS-Sc higher at 23c. Provisions averaged weak nnd lower. Yellow fever reports nnd liberal hog re ceipts started the market at a decline. Packers gave the market a fair support for a time and a recovery ensued , but when thlfl buying stopped prices quickly declined again and the market remained weak to the close. Trading was only moderately active. At the close January pork was 7',4c lower nt $9.20 , January lard 5o lower nt 19.21 , May ribs Do lower at J4.77& . Estimated receipts Wednesday : Wheat , JDO cars ; corn , 630 cars ; oats , 375 cars ; hog , 30,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows : Articles. Open. lllcli. Low. Clone. Ycs'd'y Wheat. Sept. . . . 08 Dec. . . . 01 I May. . 05H OflH 0orn. t Sept. . ' . " 30 20U ! Dec. . . . 20i"a ! 0 JOM 30 May. . . a a lM-Sa S-J Oau. Sept. . . .21M 32 Dee. . . SIM ' 20M-21 Way. . . 23' fork. Oct. . . . RISK 817K R 12W B17 8.10 lt > o. . . R 3 CJH H37H 840 Jan. . . . 940 OU7M 017 oiiu [ * ard. Oct. . . . 480 482H 472K 482K 487W Deo. . . . 48ft 4 H2H 4HS 4H7H 4 no Jan. . . . 4U7H COO 4012H 495 ft 00 Itlbn. Oct. . . . 830 630 52S 551 630 Jan. . . . 477K 476 477U 4 H'JK Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUR Steady ; winter patents , J3.30 ® 6.GO ; straights , J3.1003.20 ; spring specials , t > $4.00 ; spring patents , J3.3003.60 ; straights , l\ \ " "WHEAT No. 2 spring , 62V4c ; No. 3 spring , 63V4ia 3ic : No. 2 red , Cc. , CORN No. 2. 30Viii'30V4c. OATS No. 2. 23c ; No. 2 whlto , 23' c ; No. 8 white , 25c. UYlO-No. 2 , 474c. 1JARLI3V NO. 2 , 33044C. l LAXSEED-No. 1. 90c. TIMOTHY SEED-Prlmts J2.40. PROVISIONS Pork , mess , per bbl. , JS.20 6TS.25. Lard , per 100 Ibs. . J4.90tfj4.9214. Bacon , Bhort ribs sides ( loose ) , J3.15-iiC.33. Dry ualted shoulders ( boxed ) , Jl.5034.75 ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , J5.45lTf5.65. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per eal. , J1.25. SUGARS Cut loaf , unchanged. The following nro the receipts and ship ments of grain : On the Produce exchange todny the but ter market was steady ; creameries , 13W J9Hc ; dairies , 1217c. Cheese , 7W8 ic. Eggs. fresh , ' 13V4c. Llvo poultry , dull : turkeys , 7 chickens , ducks , YOIIIC GIMUAI < MAIIKET. nuotntlonn for tlic Iny on General CommoilltleM. N13W YORK. Sept. 27-FLOUR-Re- celpts , 33,057 bbls. ; exports , 12,253 bbls. ; fairly actlvo nnd strong with prices asked ; nprlng patents , JS.SCKiH S ; winter straights , 13.401)3.60 ) ; winter patents , J3. 751(4. 00 ; spring clears , J3.30fi3.50 ; extra No. 1 winter. J2.75 C(2.90 ( ; extra No. 2 winter. J2.60ft2.75. CORNMEAL Steady ; yellow western , T2c. T2c.RYE Steady ; No. 2 western. 60c. UARLEY MALT Steady ; western , 65 ® COc. COc.WHEAT WHEAT Receipts , 323,768 bu. ; exports , BG7.376 bu. ; spot , strong ; No. 2 red , 79 3-Sc , t. o. b. , nlloat. Options opened stronger on higher cables nnd good foreign buying. The subsequent strength was directed by u largo export demand nnd heavy covering by September shorts , closing that option Mo net higher , against 7-Sifjlo net advance in others ; May. 09 3-8@70 3-Sc , closed 70'ic ; ( September. 75ifi7S 4C. closed 78 3-8c. CORN Receipts , 264,775 bu. ; exports , 29- 0" > 3 bu. ; spot , llrm ; No. 2 , 36V c , ullo.it. Op tions were llrm all day , but displayed lit tle activity. Cables were higher and export good ; good graded closed U(3-Su ( net higher ; May. 30 6-8 36ic. closed 36ic ; Sep tember. 3&I(35 ( .ic , closed 35 > ic. OATS Receipts , 233,000 bu. ; exports , 50- COO bu. ; spot , llrm ; No. 2. 2Cc. Options were dull und nominal. HOPS Firm ; state , common to choice. 3896 crop , 4fJCc ; 1S97 crop , 7USc ; 1S9S crop , J4U17CJ 1'aclllo coast. 1890 crop , 4Jf6c ; 1 ! > 97 crop , SJfl2c ; 1693 crop. lHfi'17c. WOOL Quiet ; lleece , 17C23c ; Texas , 13 ® 15c. 15c.UUTTERRecelpts , 8.24S nkgs. ; steady ; vestern creamery. 15iiliile ; Imitation creamery , 1301Vc ; Klglnu , 21c ; factory , HJJ CHEESE Receipts , 12,380 pkgs. ; steady ; largo whlto and colored , 85ic ; small white nd colored 8(9c. EGGS Receipts , 8,844 pkgs. ; steady ; vestcrn , 17V4c. UlCR-Steudyj fair to extra , 5 l-Sfj6ic : Japan , 5 7-S'iiGo. MOLASSES Steady ; New Orleans , open kettle , coed to choice , 2S33c. COTTONSEED OIL Moro active ; prime eummer yellow , 22c ; prlmo crude , f. o. b. mills , HtjlSc , nominal ; prime summer yel low , 22c ; off summer yellow , He ; prlmo winter yellow. 27623c. JlliTALS VlK Iron , quiet : exchange. { 6.90. I iko copper , unchanged. Tin , quiet nt J10.10. Loud , quiet ; exchange. J3.97V& ; brokers , $3.85. Spelter , llrm at J4.82H. llnltlmorr Mnrket. I1ALTIMORH. Sept. S7.-FLOUR-Dull unchanged ; receipt * , 18,491 bbls. ; ex- I port * , 92 lihlfl. ! western superfine , J2.5 : , 2.60 ; western rxtra , J2.C3ff3.Wi winter pat ents , J3.&y.l.t j Hprlng patents , JI.2S84.40 ; Rio extra , J3.C5173.90. WHKAT-Flnnor ; spot nnd month , 72'i JJ72Hc ; southern wheat , by sample , 6.s > 7S4c ; southern wheat , on grade , CS CP 72 0. CORN Firmer : spot , month and October , 3IT3.ic ; ( ; Receipt A , 47,295 bu. ; exports. 122- 671 bu. ; southern whlto corn , 3&Q36V&c ; southern yellow , 3GfT37c. OATS Firmer ! No. 2 white , 27',4B2Sc ; re ceipts , 61,621 1)11 , HtJTTEH Steady nnd unchanged. EGGS Firm and unchanged. OMAHA m\nit.u < MAIUCIT. Condition of Trade anil ( Imitation * on Hlntile cunt Kiini-y I'roduee. KCJCS-Good stock , 13',4Q14c. ' HUTTEH-Common to fair , 10312c ; sep arator , 20c ; gathered creamery , ISc. LIVE POULTHY-Hens , 7c ; old roosters , i 4c ; spring chickens , 7Q7'ic ' ; ducks , 5Q6c ; | geese , not wanted. GAME Teal , blue wing , $1.75 ; green wing , J1.50 ; mixed , tl.75ft2.2o ; prairie chickens , younjr , J3.50 ; old , J2.50. PIOEONS-Llve. per doz. , 11.00. VEAL Choice , 9c. VEGETABLES. CKLERV-Per bunch , 30fl35c. ONIONS-New , per bu. , 40y50c. UEANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. , J1.40 QI.BO. POTATOES-Pcr bu. , teQKc. CAUUAUK , ucr lb. , le. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES-BocdllnsP , { 2.50 ; Mediter ranean BweetH , J2.50rji2.75. LEMONS-Cnllfornla , $5.7536.00 ; fancy Messina , J6.60K7.00. UANANAS Choice , large stock , per bunch , $2.0032.25 ; medium sized bunches , FRUITS. APPLES Per bbl. , choice shipping stock , $2.75(53.00 ( ; other stock. $2.001/2.50. WATEHMELONS-Cratod , 12Q13c ; loose , ogiic. CANTALOUPE Rocky Ford , per crate , i'lSACIIES California , 20-lb. case , 90S93c. PLUMS Oregon. SOcjm.OO. PEARS Hurtlett , California , scarce about out of market-$2.25 ; other varieties , -Ul/H4 * * . 5. ner. basket , U813V&C ; MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Almonds , per lb. . large size , 12Q ) 13c ; small , lie ; Urazlls , per lb. , 9010c ; En glish walnuts , per lb. , fancy soft shell. 11 ® 12c ; standards. SQ9c ; filberts , per lb. , lOc ; I pecans , polished , medium , 67c : extra large , g@9c ; largo hickory nuts , $1.0001.10 per bu. : small , $1.15 1.23 per bu. ; cocoanuts , , per 100 , $1.5005.00 ; peanuts , raw , G',4c ; roasted , 7' ' c. MAPLE SYRUP-Flve-gnl. can. each , $2. < 5 ; gal. cans , pure , per doz. , $12 ; half-gal. cans , $6.25 ; quart cans , $3.50. HONEY Choice white , 12&c. ! | DATES Hnllowee , 60 to 70-lb. boxes , 6c ; i Salr , 6c ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes , 9c. I FIGS Imported , fancy 3-crown , 14-lb. boxes , lOc ; 5-crown , 44-lb. boxes , 13c ; 3-lb. boxes , 22023c per box ; California , 10-lb. boxes , $1. CIDER-Pcr half bbl. , $3.2503.50. HIDES , TALLOW , ETC. HIDES-No. 1 green hides , 7c ; No. 2 green hides. Gc ; No. 1 salted hides , 8Jo ; No. 2 salted hides , 7 c ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 Ibs. , Be ; No. 2 veal salt , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 7c. TALLOW , GREASE. ETC. Tallow , No. 1. 3c ; tallow , No. 2. 2V4o ; rough tallow , lV4c ; white grease , 2H02ftc ; yellow and brown grease , lMl2V4c. SHEEP PELTS-Grcen salted , each , 150 i5c ; green salted shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each. 5c ; dry flint , Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4@5c ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight , 304c ; dry flint , Cole rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 405c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 304c. St. Loiil * Market. ST. LOUIS , Sept. 27.-FLOUR-Flrm but unchanged ; patents , $3.4503.60 ; straights. $3.1003.25 : clear , $2.0002.90 ; rye flour , Job- l"K nt $2.75 In sacks and $3 per bbl. WHEAT Firm. M < 8V4e higher than yes terday for futures ; spot steady ; No. 2 , cash elevator , 59c ; track , 69070c ; September , 6SUc hid , G9c asked ; December , C6y " > c ; May efc' No. 2 hard , cash , 631,40670. ' CORN Futures fractionally better ; spot strong and higher ; No. 2 , cash , 29c bid ; September , 29Vc bid ; Dcccember , 29c bid : May , 301-8030 > 4c bid. ' OATS Fraction higher for futures ; spot higher : No. 2. cash , 23Hc bid ; track , 23U < fi > \4c ; September , 24c ; December , 22'7c bid ; May , 2lc bid : No 2 white , 25025HC. RYE Steady at 47c. SKEDS-Flaxscc < l , steady at S7Vc. Prime timothy seed , llrmer nt $2.30. WHISKY-Steady nt $1.25. CORNMEAL Quiet at $1.6501.60. BRAN Strong ; sacked , east track , 47 ® nrm : tlmothy < EGOS-FIrm nt COTTONTI ES 70c. UAGGING Unchanged. METALS Lead , steady at $3.S303.$7'A Spoiler , steady nt $4.G2'4. PROyiSIONS-Pork , easier ; standard mess , Jobbing. $8.25. Lard , steady ; prime steam , $ l.72',4 ; choice. $1.77'fc. Dry salt meats ( boxed ) , shoulders. $4.75 ; extra short clear. $5.50 ; ribs , $5.62ifc : shorts , $5.75. Bacon ( boxed ) , Hhoulders , $5.50 ; extra short clear. $6 : ribs. $6.12V4 ; shorts $6.374. RECElPTS-Flour. C.OOO bbls.wheat ; , 65.000 bu. : corn , 25.000 bu. ; oats , 38,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour 7,000 bbls. : wheat. 02,000 bu. ; corn , 14,000 bu. : oats , 10,000 bu. rinoliniutl Market. CINCINNATf. Sept. 27.-FIOUR-Dull ; fonry. $3.0003.20 ; family. $2.67 ? 2.SO. WHEAT Firm ; No. 2 red. 70c. CORN Steady : No. 2 mixed , 31c. OATS-Oulet ; No. 2 mixed , 24 < Q24yic. n YE Firm : No. 2. 4Sc. PROVISIONS Lard , steady at $4.72V4. Bacon , firm at J6.55. WHISICY-FIrm at $1.25. CHEESE Firm : Ohio flat , 7H@Sc. Toledo MurKet. TOLEDO , O. , Sept. 27. WHEAT-Hlghor ; December , G75ic. CORN Dull nnd steady ; No. 2 mixed , 30Hc. OATS Dull and steady ; No. 2 mixed , 22c. 22c.RYE RYE Dull nnd firm ; No. 2 cosh , 4SV.C bid. bid.CLOVERSEED CLOVERSEED Active ; prime cash , old , MliiiicniiiillM AVIiriit MnrUet. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 27. WHEAT Quiet ; September , f3ic ! ; December , KIMGt C13-8c ; Jlny. fi2-4c : No. 1 hard , C5 jc ; No. 1 northern , C4-yc ; No. 2 northern , filVic. FLOUR First patents , J3.93@4.03 ; second patents. J3.76fi3.R5 ; tlrst clear , J2,702.80. I5RAN-In bulk. J7.750S.OO. I.lvi-rpooi Grain LIVERPOOL. Sept. 27.-WIIEAT-Flrm nnd KilUd higher ; September , Cs Id ; De cember. 6s Cd ; March , 5s 6 3-Sd. CORN Steady nnd % fio-Sd higher ; Sep tember , 3a 3Vid ; October , 3s S'/d ; Decem ber , 3s 4V4d. ( iriilii MILWAUKEE. Sept. 27. WHEAT Higher : No. 1 northern. 6714C ; No. 2 north ern , 63H-C. RYE-StPady ; No. 1. 47H HSc. UARL13Y-Stead > ; No. 2 , 43He ; sample. 3343c. Sim Fniiit'lNpn AVlu-at Mnr'-H. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 27. WHEAT Quiet nnd llrm ; December , J1.13 1-8. UARLEY Quiet and steady ; December , < ltG UO. Duluth Whrnt 'Mnrkct. DULUTH , Sent. 27-WHEAT-No. 1 northern , cosh , 67 c ; September , 67Hc ; De cember. C2 ! c ; May. C4Hc. . Wool Aliirli-t. BOSTON. Sept. 27. WOOL Thcro was no material change In the wool market this week. Dealers maintain a steady tone In the face of dull trade. Following nro the quotations for the leading descriptions : Texas wools , spring medium ( twelve months ) , 16OlSc ; scoured. 4243c ; spring flno ( twelve months ) , 17ifl8c ; scoured. 47 ® 4Sc. Territory wools , Montana line medium nnd lino. 14fJ17c : scoured , 424Je ; staple , 60 4f62c. Utah , Wyoming , etc. , fine medium and line. UQlfir ; scoured , 4704Sc ; staple , 50c. Australian , scoured basis , combings , super- line. 70 < iI7c ; good. 6566Sc ; average , C2QC5c. Queensland , combing , C5c. Cnltfiiriilii llrlcd Friilln. NEW YORK. Sept. 27. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUlTS-Steady ; evaporated a | > - ples. common. OjJSc : prime wire tray , 8V4c ; choice. 9c : fancy , 9Hc ; prunes. 40SHo ; apri cots , ! Hjl2c : Moor Park. 12tlGc ) ; iienches , unpeeled , 7Q9c ( ; market steady on all fruits. Oil Murkft. OIL CITY. Sept. 27-Credlt balances , J1.08 ; pcrtlllcnteH opened at J1.04 . Closing Vales Cash. J .06 1-8. Sales. LOW bbls. cash at J1.04i. 4.0ft ) bbls. cash nt J1.W3.8 ; ship ments , 77.6S2 bbli. ; runs , 107.W2 bbls. CufTrc 3lnrket. NEW YORK. Sept. 27 COFFEE-Op- tlons opened steady , with prices unchanged , to B points higher , and ruled Inactive with few fluctuations. There was n decrease In American visible , liberal warehouse deliv eries and firmer feeling nt Rio , which were , offiict by disappointing news from Euro > poan markets and heavy receipts nt Urazlf ; I cloned steady and unchanged to C points ! higher ; sales , 11,600 bags. Including Decem ber nt J5.SO ; March , JO.05flB.10. Spot coffee , steady ; No. 7 , Invoice , J6.S7m No. 7 , Job bing. JC.62i4. Mild , steady ; Cordova , JS.OOfl l tvOt STOCKS AXI > noxns. TrannnctliitiN In llnlliviir nnd ( ipncrnl Mnt SlMMV llcttor DlMtrlliiitlon. NEW YORK , Sept. 27-Trnnsactlons In the railway nnd miscellaneous share mar ket showed a better distribution today and the railways assumed moro prominence In the trading than for some time. Specula tive sentiment became decidedly bearish over night and the bears adopted what appeared to be a well outlined plan during the duv. Tobacco was utilized as a lever to Initiate the drive , but utter the prlco was Jammed down 6V& points * to 132V4 the slock met support and recovered materi ally. The bulls endeavored to stem the downward rush by taking up Sugar nnd Metropolitan und succeeded In steadying the list. The bears , llndlng considerable opposition In Tobacco , turned their atten tion to Sugar , and after creating demoraliz ation there took the other specialties Into camp one after the other , nnd goon had prices tumbling all around. The tactics ot the bear faction disconcerted the bulls , who , after apparently arresting the decline and forcing a rally In a leader , had to meet fresh assaults on another stock , with the result that the momentary advantage was soon lost. Rumors concerning Individual properties were set nllont and considerable discussion was aroused over the movement In Tobacco. The generally accepted theory was that somt' powerful Interest was let ting go an extcnulvu line of stock and the absence of demand for the enormous blocks offered dqrlng the last few days facilitated the operations of the shorts , operations In the Industrials were conducted with consid erable conlldenco by the bear contingent , nnd their success In reaching stop IOKJ or ders encouraged them to attack the rail ways. Northern Pacific , In V'1'0'1 ' ' ' dealings have been on a largo scale recently , was picked out , nnd a 2 point break followed. Liberal amounts of long stock from tired holders came- out In the grangers , and the trading became qulto excited during nn Interval In i the afternoon. The list steadied occa sionally , but any attempt to boost prices was accompanied by semi-stagnation. Late- In the day prices hardened on the August statement of Northern Paclilc , which showed an Increase In net Income of 217,517. Atchlson's report for the same period , which developed later , Indicated a falling off In net of JI3S.720 , nnd the bears renewed the attack with llnnl prices ut about the lowest. Sugar , after Improving to 121U. en countered heavy realizing orders , and on the way down considerable stocks came out around the even llgures , which eventually put the prlco to 1175-8. Subsequent lluc- timtlons were qulto feverish and the stock cloHCd at 118. Thcro was nn absence of news bearing upon the property aside from the usual opposition features. The money market was less active today and rates ruled at 3fl4 per cent , with the minimum llguro prevailing nt the close. Tlmo contracts were without essential change nnd there was a notable shrinkage In the offerings of prlmo mercantile papers. Operations In bonds were centered among the usually active Issues and prices fell off substantial fractions In some cases. Total sales , Jl,620,000. Government bonds shared In the general weakness and the old 4s reacted % per cent. The New York Evening Post's London financial telegram says : "Tho stock mar kets hero were stagnant today , the settle ment absorbing attention. A small ac count was revealed , but contangoes were higher because of dearer money. Rates on American were about 4 per cent generally. The market was dull on reports of the po litical situation , but Argentines nnd Urazlls were exceptionally llrm. Brazils being at the highest point for months past. Kaffirs were better generally , but DeBeers mines were flat. American nnd Canadian stocks were weak and closed at about the lowest , the bull operators here having tired of waiting for an unresponsive public. Money is In strong demand hero today , but a largo amount was loaned by the bank. Trie following are the cloeln ? quotations of the leading stocks on the New York market today : Assessment paid. Total sales of stocks today were 475,200 sharps , Including : Atchlsou preferred. 1C.- 840 ; llurllncton , 13,770 : Manhnttnn , 11 , & > 0 ; Northern Pacltlc , 31.420 ; Northern Paclilc preferred , 13,150 : Rock Island. 10,353 ; Union Paelllp. 13,010 ; St. Paul. 15,620 ; Cotton Oil , 4,375 ; Tobacco. 143.150 : Chlrneo Great West ern , 4,7ffi : People's Gns , 2.1.841 ; fingar , 79.- 220 ; Leather preferred , 6,420 ; Rubber , 13- 5CO. N % w Turk Money Mr.rlict. NEW YORK. Sept. 27. MONEY On call steady 3 ( ff4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 4@5 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm. with actual business In bankers' bills at It.8-1(0) ( ) 4.SU4 for demand and $4.81V44.81 % for sixty days ; posted rates , $4.S2Q4.82' and $4.85 ; commercial bllrs. $4.80 % . SILVER CERTIFICATES 61@62c. BAR SILVER 61c. MEXICAN DOLLARS ! 7c. GOVERNMENT I1ONDS Easier ; U. S. 3s , 10.4 ; new 4s , 127i ; coupon , 127 % ; ' 4s registered , 110 ; coupon , 1111 ! ! ; 2s , 93 ; Cs registered and coupon , 112U ; Pacific 6s of ' 99. 102 % . Closing quotations on bonds were as fol- Spanish 4s WPTP cnnlcr , Rio Union were supported , DoUccru' mines rtlnpned nrl < - , otiHly on London selling nnd besides It was I fen red Hint much stock will bo dellvertd I nt the rorthcnnihiR settlement. Three per cent rentes , lKf ! 62'ic ; exchange on London , 25f 30c for checks. Spanish 4a closed at Ilontun Ntopk ( tiiutndiitl * . BOSTON , Sept. 27.-Call loans , S14 M per cent ; Urns , loans , 405 per cent. Closing quotations on mocks , Donds und shares : Sail PrnnelxeD MliiliiK UiHitntloni. SAN FRANCISCO , Sept. 27-Tho olllclal clotting quotations lor tnlnlni ; stocKa today were as follows : Sliver bars , C05-Sc ; Mexican dollars , 47V4 ® 4i4c. Drafts , sight , I7 < ic ; telegraph , 20c. v York Mining QuntnUimn , NEW YORK , Sept. 27.-Tho following or * the closing quotation on mining atocita ; 13 Ontario 375 Crown Point 14 Oph'r ' D4 Con. Oal. & Va. . . 70 Plymouth 12 Deadwood B3 Quicksilver 123 Gould & Curry . . . . 20 do pfd KO Hale & Not-cross . . 71 Sierra Nevada 75 Homestake 4300 Standnrcl 16fi Iron Silver C2 Union Con W Mexican s ) Yellow Jacket 15 London Stock Qtiotntlnnn. _ LONDON. Sept. 27. 4 p. in , Closing ; Consols , nioncyTldoTso ? N. Y. Central 120 Consols , ncct..109 13-16 Pennsylvania COW Cnn. Paclflo ssft Ilead'nB sii Union Pacille CS do 1st pM 37 Atchlson mi Illinois Central . . . .114 % U & N 67'4 Northern Poclflo . . . 79 Grand Trunlc 7'i Bt.Paulcommon..ll2H _ _ _ , S iSf.1"8 , 111" Jn-lH ? P5L ! m.r' ' < t CCn' ' for inontns bills , ? , 2i per cent. .Statement of Itiink of fJernmiiy. BERLIN , Sept. 27-The weekly state ment of the Imperial Hank of Germany wVJP'V ° folowl ff changes ns compared with the previous account : Cash In hand. decrease , 7,000,000 marks ; treasury notes , del crease , SSO.OOO marks ; other securities , In- nlolen. . OMAHA , Sept. 27. Clearances today were 11,179,793.38 ; balances , 580,201.60. Clearances last year were $875,907.07 ; balances $79- ToO.34. Excess In clearings , $303 , 88n 31 CHICAGO , Sept. 27.-Clenrlng8 , $18,359,549 , ; balances , $2,388,239 ; New York exchange , lOc discount ; posted rates , $4.S2& T4.85. Stocks moderately active nnd steady ; Biscuit , com mon , 37 7-8 ; Biscuit preferred , 97 7-8 ; Dia mend Match , 140 ; Lake Street L , 13H : North - ' Sopt'Clearings. . $1- 535,984 ; New York exchange , bank , 50c per $1,000 premium ; commercial , $1.25 per $1.000 discount. NEW YORK , Sept. 27.-Clcarlngs , $ HS- 910,466 : balances , $0,851,898. BOSTON , Sept. 27.-Money , 2HSfi per cent ; Isew xork exchange , par to"25c premium ; clearings , $2,01S.500. PHILADELPHIA , Sept. 27-Clearlngs , $12,093,118 : balances , $1,021,279. BALTIMORE , Sept. 27.-Clearlngs , $2,626- 885 ; balances $442,875. X MV York Ilry < iooiln Mnrket. NEW YORK , Sept. 27. Dry goods were quiet In nearly all divisions. The result of yesterday's holiday In the Jewish quarters has been a dearth of mall orders In many lines , chiefly thbso which feed the manu facturing and cuttlng-up trades. Store trading also was light today. This cooler weather helped the demand for strictly seasonable goods , but there was no Im provement In the staple goods market In any branch. Print cloths sold slowly , or dered goods were quiet , but there was much moro trading In these than extras. The latter were quoted at 2c , but offers of goods at this rate failed to bring forward buyers. The curtailment has ceased at Fall River , the only mill not now In operation being the Borden City mill. Staple cottons are quiet in nearly nil grades. Prints un changed. Market. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 27.-SUGAR-NO open kettle ; centrifugal , strong ; seconds , 2Vii-2 3-lCc. MOLASSES Easy ; centrifugal , 4lllc. NEW YORK. Sept. 27. SUGAR Quiet ; fair reflnlng , 3c ; centrifugal , 96 test , 1 5-16c. St. I.ottlM l.lvr Stoek. ST. LOUIS , Sept. 27. CATTLE Receipts , 4,100 head , Including 1,700 Texans ; ship ments , 500 head ; market steady ; fair to fancy native shipping and export steers. $ l.80t(5.G5 ( ; bulk of sales , J5.10S5.40 ; dressed beef and butcher ptcers , $3.80 5.25 ; bulk of sales , $ I.OOQ5.25 ; steers under 1,000 pounds , $3.35 < f4.90 ; bulk of sales. $1.50,75 ! ; stackers nnd feeders , $2.90fl'4.40 ( ; bulk of wales , $3.00iiS 3.80 ; cowa and heifers , $2.00f4.C5 ; bulk of Hales , $2.1003.50 ; Texans and Indian steers , $2.751f4.35 ; bulk of sales , $3.00ff4.00 ; cows and heifers. $2.4X3.23. ( ? ? HOGS Receipts , 9,300 head ; shipments , 1,700 head ; market 5c lower ; yorkers , $3.80 ® 3.90 ; packers , $3.SOJ3.95 ; butchers , $3.9004.00. SHEEP Receipts , 3,500 head ; shipments , 400 head ; market steady : native muttons , $4.00 < § l.25 ; lambs , $ I.OOfi5.35 ( : stackers , $3.00 ® 3.80 ; culls and bucks , $1.7503.90. New York Live .Stock. NEW YORK. Sept. 27.-BEBVES-Re- celpts , 112 head : oxen , $4.00'/M.40 ; bulls , $3.CO ; cows , $1.90iI3.n5 ; cables llrm : llvo cattle. llHQ Uc ; refrigerator beef , 9ic ; exports , COO cattle and 2,040 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts , 2CT head ; weak ; vcnls , $5.85 ; westerns , $5.00 3.85. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts , 2,385 head ; sheep , steady : lambs , n trifle firmer ; sheep. $3.50fi4.CO ; lambs. $5.25fi5.S5. HOGS Receipts , 2,319 head ; steady at Sl.lb'biAQ ; western pigs , $3.75. St. Joneuli I.IVo Stoek. ST. JOSEPH , Sept. 27.-Speclal.-CAT- ( TLE Receipts , 1,700 head ; weak : natives , $4.40f5,15 ; Texans nnd westerns , $3.25ff5.00 ; cows and heifers , $1.50Q4.00 ; stackers and feeders. $3.205.00. HOGS Receipts , 5.300 head ; opened easy and closed 2'ic to 6e lower ; bulk mostly strong weights ; top , JS.SLiA ; bulk , $3.7363.80. SHEEP Receipts , 700 hiad ; strong and active. Cliieliuintl I.Ire Stoek. CINCINNATI , Sept. 27.-IIOGS-Steady at $3.00574.00. CATTLE-Stcady at $2.5 < XiT4.73. SHEEP-Wcnk at $2.005T4.23. LAMBS-Slower at $3.2305.25. KniiNun ClljOrulii and 1'rovlHloiiN , KANSAS CITY , Sept. 27. WHEAT- Actlve and higher ; No. 2 hard , C6JG7c ; No 2. 03 < AffG7c ( ; No. 3 , Cfli4C4c ; No. 2 red 65'ic ; No. 3 , 62(3650 ( ; No. 2 spring , 58V4 ® C2c ; No. 3 , C4c. CORN Slower ; No. 2 mixed. 27 27V-c- No. 2 white , 27US127Vjc ( ; No. 3. 26 > 4e. OATS Actlvo nnd higher ; No. 2 white 2-lc. 2lc.RYE RYE No. 2 , 4900c. HAY Dull ; choice prairie , $6.CO ; choice timothy. 57.25iff7.50. BUTTER Firm ; saparator. ISWQ'SOc dairy , ICc. EGOS Steady ; fresh. 12c. RECEIPTS-\Vhe.it , 119,400 bu. ; corn , 36- 400 bu. : oats , 17.000 bu. SHIPMKNTS-Wheat. 87,500 bu. ; corn , 18- 200 bu , ; oats. 10,000 bu. firnlu HeeelptK ut I'l-lnelpnl Market * . ST. LOUIS. Sept. 27. Receipts : Wheat 57 cars. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 27. Receipts Wheat. 441 cars. CHICAGO. Sept. 27. Receipts : Wheat 275 cars ; corn , 889 cars ; oats , 542 cars. Es tlraatod for tomorrow : Wheat. 190 cars- cprn , C20 cars ; oats , 275 cars. DULUTH , Sept. 27. Receipts : Wheat 1,275 cars. Grain receipts at primary markets : Wheat 1.727,261 bu. ; corn , 617.1S6 bu.j oats. 45. . 771 bu. KANSAS CITY , S pt. 27-necelptg ; Wheat. 199 care. , ; i > 2,131 Swift and Company 433 2,104 861 Cudahy Packing Co 493 2,302 221 1' . D. Armour , Chicago. G30 2,678 875 Vansant & Co 65 J. L. Carey 319 Lobman & Rothschilds. . 13S W. I. Stephens SI Benton & Underwood. . . 173 Huston & Co 93 Hill & Huntzlngcr 149 L. F. Husz 114 Livingston & Schaler . . 13) Hamilton & R 590 Swift , from country 10 50 Armour , from country 233 Cudahy P. Co. , K. C. . . . 407 Planklnton P. Co. , Mil 223 McCreary 1S5 Other buyers 317 5 911 Left over 450 70 1,377 Totals 0,073 10,392 4,405 CATTLE Very liberal receipts and re ports from other markets that were none too favorable were the chief Influences In today's market. Under the circumstances It was by no means surprising that the mar ket had a lower tendency. The receipts ol cattle were GS.r > 2 head , the largest run ot the month to date. The offerings of beef cattle were the largest In some time , both cornfed and grassers. While one would occasionally hear n seller say that he received about steady prices for some of his best cattle the market was generally a little lower and slow. Some of the trains did not arrive until late and buyers would not do much until they knew pretty well what was to boi offered on sale and when the market did' ' open there were so many cattle to be had that they took their time In making selec tions. The result was that It took a lone time to effect a clearance and the market as a whole would have lo be Quoted alow and lower. Considering the number of cattle here the offerings of cows and heifers were not so very large and for that reason desirable cow stuff sold not much different from yesterday. The most desirable kinds of feeders also sold at about steady prices , that Is such cuttle as were pleasing to buyers. Other I kinds of feeders were slow and It Is safe ' to quote common feeding cattle as 10@lGc lower. It was late before all the rough und commonlsh cattle were disposed of , but In the end the most of the cattle changed hands. Representative sales : STEERS. , No. Ay. Pr. No. Av. Pr No. Av. Pr. 1. 970 J3 65 20..1203 $1 75 1. . 570 J5 00 1. ,1070 , 3 65 21. .1104 4 80 64. . 1322 500 1. .1090 3 65 42..1019 4 85 15..1240 6 00 13. ,1208 4 00 39..1223 4 85 25. .1203 5 10 1. ,1310 , 4 00 9..10S2 4 90 24. .1188 5 10 2. ,1000 , 4 25 19..1220 4 90 39..1213 5 25 1. .1000 4 25 42..1192 4 95 19..1522 5 30 790 4 50 21..10U3 495 40..1305 6 .1005 4 75 COWS. . S55 2 20 1..10IO 290 3..1150 3 20 . S95 2 20 1. . 950 3 00 ,12tiO , 3 25 . 975 2 20 5. . 976 3 00 ,1050 3 35 . 955 2 50 3..1003 3 00 , 93B 3 35 .1130 2 50 1..1060 3 15 ,1020 335 .1180 2 50 3..1043 3 15 ,1090 3 50 . 920 2 90 9..1091 3 15 ,1220 350 HEIFERS. 490 3 25 2. . 700 3 50 , 4CO 4 25 j 700 310 1. . 870 3 65 , 629 4 50 I 817 3 50 BULLS. .1390 2 25 1. . 900 3 00 1..1600 3 75 .1050 2 60 1..1210 3 10 1..1150 3 75 .1500 2 60 1..10IO 3 25 1. . 810 325 .1330 2 65 1..1420 3 35 CALVES. 1. . 260 400 10. . 352 500 3. . 230 GOO STAGS. 1..1010 2 75 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 4. . 702 3 00 1. . 970 4 00 27. 7S5 4 10 1. . 600 3 25 1. . SIO 4 00 27. . 92G 4 25 15..1034 3 90 1. . SCO 4 00 31. . 620 440 30. . 975 3 90 G. . 412 4 00 14. . 718 440 2. . 993 3 90 14. . SOS 4 00 20. . G 2 4 40 1. . 930 3 90 32. . S61 4 05 29. . 911 440 WESTERNS. No. Av , Pr. No. Av. Pr. 11 feeders. . 910 J4 00 NEBRASKA. 2 rows. . . 920 3 25 4 cows , . . . .1027 275 3 cows. . .1000 2 CO 1 cow .12JO 2 73 1 cow. . . . 790 2 23 2 cows. . . , .1010 275 1 cow. . . 970 9 cows. . . , . 910 2 75 1 cow 1170 3 m 1 hslfcr. . . 960 3 53 25 feeders. . 9S2 4 13 11 calves. 359 & 25 25 feeders..1010 4 33 1 cow 1060 2 CO 70 feeders. . 602 4 33 11 heifers. . Gli 3 70 S5 feeders. 719 4 05 1 heifer. . . 490 3 70 31) ) feeders. , 953 4 10 G feeders. . 938 3 60 1 feeder. . 940 4 10 20 feeders..1016 4 03 1 feeder. . , 970 4 10 2 feeders. . SSO 3 60 1 feeder. . 850 3 60 2 feeders..1093 4 10 2 feeders. . S65 3 50 90 feeders. . 933 4 10 11 feeders. . S22 4 40 3 feeders. . 966 3 60 4 feeders..1162 4 10 2 heifers. . 900 3 55 1 feeder. . . 750 4 10 1 heifer. . . 910 3 65 10 feeders. . 801 4 45 G heifers. . SW 355 1 feeder. . . S45 4 15 1 steer 1530 4 33 1 feeder. . . suit 4 45 1 bull 1210 : i Xii 106 feeders. 932 4 10 0 feeders. . 933 360 John Klnr. 21 feeders. . 9i'i ' 4 20 1 ticder. . .1000 4 20 1 cow 1000 3 f.O 6 feeders. .10S4 I 13 SOUTH DAKOTA. 19 steers..113rf 3 90 1 ulrvr. . . . ,1500 3 90 1 steer 1410 3 90 1 steer. . . . 1070 3 90 I steer , . . . . 970 3 90 1 steer. . . . 970 3 9t > 10 steers..1174 3 90 17 steers. . . 3 90 11 steers..1237 4 00 1 heifer. . 900 3 63 IS feeders. . 964 4 15 1 cow ,1160 , 290 C C. & 11..1003 3 CO Shledley Cattle Co. 217 steers.1239 4 10 COLORADO. 22 cows 1077 320 43 gteers..I10u 3 90 4 steers..1103 360 4 ? Bteers..ll23 4 25 J. R. Spencer. 2 bulls 975 3 40 25 feeders. . 677 4 25 Asa Sterllni : . 61 cows 1033 3 00 1 feeder..1150 4 00 1 cow 1150 3 00 60 feeders..1122 4 00 38 feeders. . 1100 4 35 4 bulls 1192 3 15 1 bull UOO 2 - 5 rows fc97 250 WYOMING. 6 feeders. . 1078 325 1 heifer. . . 340 4 00 S fcedtrs. . 777 3 CO 6 calves. . . 1S5 600 4 feeders. . 760 3 $5 J. H. Pratt. 12 bulls 12S5 300 278 steers..1230 410 1 steer. . . . 13W ) 360 D. Livingston. Scows 976 3 E6 13 feeders..1093 375 & feeders..1124 275 OREGON 4 bull * . . 1RM 2 SO 2 slags . . .10SO 310 i 2 steers. . . 12U3 2 SO 29 heifers. . 1WI 3 SO I vow 1004 300 I HOOS When buyers were noting bearish ycsterdny and were not overly anxious to load up with hogs It was In anticipation ot n Injge run for todny. They \\cio by no menus disappointed nn early tmlns nil cnino li | very henvlly loaded nnd later trains kept piling up the receipts until they were the hcvlrst of nny dny since Thursday , Scptciu- ler 15. Large receipts * cre not the only disadvantage on the sldo of the selling In- IctcptK , but Chicago curly reported n weak mnrKet and Knnens City's first report cnmo dull nnd lower. The demand nt this point however , wns good nnd the mnrket opened fnlrly active nt about yesterday's prices. The long BtrlnjT ot mixed loads gold at J3.70 nnd rough henvy down to J3G2',4 ' , Good light lends brought J3.75 and otio choice 1cl.lllth ten hogs thrown out so that U \\ns In reality n light sort brought J3.SO. After about hnlf ot the hogs hnd chnngcd hands the trnde slacked up and for n time tboru wns very little doing , buyers seeming 1 to have their Immediate wants satisfied and being content to wnlt until sellers were moro anxious to cut loose. Still thev wanted 'tho ' hogs nnd finally cleared the pens lu rensonably good season at prices not ma terially different from the early market , i Representative sales ; No. Av. Sr. Pr No. Av. Ph. Pr. 39 296 SO JJ tti 11 35 120 J3 B 57 308 40 3 67V4 70 263 SO 3 K7W 21 250 . . . 367'4 68 308 200 3 K7M , 60 291 SO 370 56 297 . . . 370 .23 212 SO 370 77 241 210 370 ' 34 311 SO 370 67 290 40 370 47 290 . . . 370 fifi 2. U'O :1 : .It 67 232 SO 370 G3 27fi 200 370 C9 2SS 120 370 67 301 40 370 61 313 40 370 f 0 249 . . . 370 56 299 40 370 G5 255 . . . 370 67 2SO SO 370 C.4 231 120 370 62 332 40 370 25 210 40 370 35 312 1GO 370 26 318 . . . 370 S2J . . . 370 63 300 120 370 71 301 SO 370 50 322 . . . 370 78 204 120 370 70 279 . . . 370 55 3X1 120 370 57 318 . . . 370 19 236 . . . 370 64 311 40 370 SG 190 SO 370 69 297 . . . 370 66 2S9 SO 370 72 246 160 370 171 308 SO 370 CS 303 40 370 101 197 SO 370 G9 282 160 370 ! 69 210 SO 370 49 lto ! . . . 3,0 I 61 293 SO 370 68 301 SO 370 75 240 40 370 73 299 SO 370 4S 317 . . . 370 16 263 . . . 370 162 29J 120 370 67 230 200 370 57 300 SO 370 74 ? 73 . . 3711 GS 300 . . . 370 54 312 SO 370 l > 9 2.S . . . 3 7U b9 2os lt > 0 iM 173 239 120 3 72V4 63 301 120 372(4 ( 179 211 SO 3 72',4 139 266 120 3 72Vj 64 2IS 40 3 72Ms 64 299 SO 3 72(4 ( 78 274 200 372(4 ( 50 259 . . . 3 72V4 77 247 160 372(4 ( S3 217 120 3 72V4 169 254 SO 3 72V4 80 226 40 3 72',4 ' 62 297 . . . 3 72 > 4 76 212 . . . S 72V4 79 231 . . . 3 72 ( < . GO 279 200 37214 66 2S6 . . . 372VS6 232 200 3 72',4 llli 278 200 372 4 73 217 . . . 3 72V4 91 231 120 3 72',4 63 2S7 200 3 72'A ' M > 2f.ll 2UO 3 72',4 67 271 40 3 72 $ Sli 252 160 3 72 > ,4 66 243 40 3 72 < , i S3 247 SO 3 72',4 5S 302 . . . 3 72 < 4 66 281 40 372H 65 263 160 3 72'A 66 236 40 3 72 ( < . 81 210 120 372(4 ( 59 268 . . . 37214 79 215 . . . 3 72 ( A 63 2IS 120 3 72',4 72 266 120 3 72Vi 82 2tt ) 280 3 72V4 66 217 SO 372(5 ( 69 303 . . . 3 72(4 ( 64 293 41) ) 3 72V4 60 315 SO 3 7214 77 218 40 3 72 ,4 47 281 SO 37214 66 270 ISO 3 72'4 5S 261 . . . 37214 61 279 . . . 372(4 ( 63 2SO 40 3 72V4 65 276 . . . 3 72'4 ' 19 257 . . . 37214 61 226 160 372(4 ( 108 320 160 3 72V4 63 278 1G0..3 72'A. 65 223 SO 375 82 247 40 375 37 257 SO 375 23..i6S . , . 375 92 214 . . . 375 61 299 120 375 69 239 . . . 373 60 260 40 375 72 277 . . . 375 60 268 . . . 375 69 240 200 375 64 309 . . . 375 68 275 40 375 60 272 . . . 375 67 376 . . . 375 72 231 SO 375 85 205 320 375 95 212 80 375 ASSORTED. 70 215 . . . 380 66 269 . . . 380 WAGON LOTS-PIGS. 2 235 . . . 200 17 95' . . . 300 6 416 . . . 360 6 333 . . . 365 6 178 . . . 365 1 270 . . . 365 8 335 . . . 365 4 290 . . . 365 8 193 . . . 375 SHEEP All told there were quite a num ber of sheep In the pens , but to start with there was ono bunch of a dozen double decks of lambs , mostly feeders , then the packers had in a load or two , so that the actual offerings of fat sheep and lambs were very light. The demand was ns good ns usual and buyers nil wanted unpllpso that the few bunches to be had met with ready ilo and at steady prices. Stockers and feeders continue to be In nc- tlve demand and there O.oc-s not nppcar to bo any danger of there Ininj too mn'iy sheep , In fact , there are more buyers than sheep. Quotations are : Good grass westerns , J3.9004.25 ; fair to good , J3.8003.90 ; good yearlings , Jl.lBJf4.2D ( ; good to choice lambs , J5.15JJ5.25 ( ; fair to good lambs , J4.905.00 ( : feeder wethers , 2-year-olds nnd over , J3.751 3.85 ; feeder yearlings , J4.00@4.15 ; feeder lambs , $4.25@4.85. Representative sales : No. Av. Pr. 633 Wyoming sheep 96 J4 12(4 ( 6 native wethers 143 4 25 126 native wethers 9S 4 30 124 native wethers 100 4 30 242 western lambs 64 5 15 2 nutlvu Iambs 90 525 10 native lambs 800 525 531 California wethers 97 350 122 Wyoming lambs 57 470 CHICAGO MVEl STOCK MAIUC1ST. Cuttle UiiL-linnm-d , IIOK * Active nnd HluM-D At'tlvis CHICAGO. Sept. 27. Prices for cattle to day ruled pretty much the same as Mon day , cattle that were In good quality sell ing In many Instances 5flOc lower than last week. Native beef steers sold at J3.90 515.70 for common to prime , the greater part of the sales being at Jl.7505.20 , with I comparatively llttlo trading below J4.60. A 4 few prime lown fed Texans averaging 1,261 I Ibs. sold nt J5.40. The stocker and feeder trade was very good , sales ranging from J3.254.75 ; native cows , heifers and bulls were kept from de t clining by the rather light receipts and calves sold at good prices right along. Straight Texas grass cattle ? old at J2.90 ® 3.25 for cows and at J3.40fa3.90 for steers. Western cattle were fnlrly uctlvo and un changed , The mnrket for hogs was active today on local and shipping account and prices ruled stronger early. The bulk of the sales were at J3.SOt(4.00 , heavy packing lots sellIng - Ing at J3.45S3.90 and prime hogs of different weights fetching J4.05. Pigs sold at J2.75 ® 3.70. 3.70.Trade Trade In sheep and lambs was fairly ac tlvo nt strong prices. Choice flocks sold especially well. Lambs found buyers at JI.25&6.25 for common to prime , choice lots t being quite. Fcnrcu. Western range lambs I ' sold at Jl.GOffiS.03 and feeding lambs were , In active demand at Jl.501)4.73. Native . rhecp wuro In good demand at J3.4Ui3.45 ; I culls sold at J.5Vff3.25 ( ; western range sheep I at J3.75II 1.30 , nnd feeding sheep ut J3.90.1j ) 4.10. Receipts : Cattle. G.OOO head ; hogs , 26,000 head ; sheep , 7,000 head. KIIIIHIIH < IIl.lvr Stock. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 27-CATTLE-Re- cclptH. 1.000 natives and 1.100 Texuns ; large supply of desirable slaughtering nnd feed- lug rattle ; good demand ; steady prices ; . common killers nnd feeders , slow to lOc I lower ; cholc" heavy steers. J3.20ii6.3'i ; me dium. $ l.75f(3.20 ; light weights , J4.6i > fi5.2S ; stackers and feeders , J3.X ( > ii5.25 ; butcher C-OWH and heifers , J2.Sufl5.00 : western steers , J3.Ginil.GO ; Texas steers , J3.15&3.S3 ; Texas butcher cows , Jli.SOfo3.40 ; canning stock , 12.401(2.75. ( 1IOOS Receipts , 11.02S head ; packers nnd shlppem actlvo buyers ; lights iictlvo nt dcmanil for slnughtcrlni ; nnd feeding nt llrm prices ; western lambs , K > .00f(5. ( & ; westfrn muttons , J1.9lxj4.SO ! ; range feedlnt ; lambs , J4.23fi-l.05 ; range feeding sheep , J3.SO 4(4.00. ( StfifU III Sl lit. Record of receipts of llvo stork at the four principal markets for September 27 : Cattle. Hors ShPep. Omaha ,852 10.1S1 4,403 Chicago C.OOO 2i,000 ( 7.0W Kansas City 6,100 11,02s 5321 St. Louis 4,100 9.300 3,600 Totals 22,052 50,510 mm E. BO YD & GO , , Telephone 103f ) . Omaha , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS IIOAII ( ) OP TRADB. Direct wlrt to ChlciKO and Mew York. Corrnpondrntu John A , W rren * > Co. H. R. PENNEY & . . CO. , noiiiu , \ . Y. Life II III if. , Oumlia , Jfeb. StocksGrainProvisions Direct Wlf * NCTT York , Chlcneo ud U'citern Points. t The battle of Ne braska that will culmin ate in an election next November is on. The opposing polit ical parties are already lining up and strength ening their organiza tion. The candidates pre sented to the favor of the voters are entering the field and the active work of the campaign about to be begun. For the latest reli able news of the battle of Nebraska in 1898THE OMAHA BEE will be unex celled Although a republi can newspaper voicing the principles of the republican partyTHE , BEE prints all the news of all political parties. No one who wants to keep informed regarding - garding the progress of this great political bat tle can afford to do without THE BEE. V , from all newsdealers ISc a week. By mall 50c per montii without Sunday. , $2 for three months Sunday. THE DEE rUDLISIIING CO. , Ornate