TTTTC mrATTA T > A ITiV "REEt TFESDAV. REPTEMTJEtt 27. 1808. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MI.NOH MHVriO.V. Smoke "J A IJ" Cc cigar. Finest work , Uluff City Laundry. Stockcrt Carpet Co. , 205-207 fiwy. Me/ore's food kills worms nnd fatten * . C. n. Jarquemln & Co. , Jewelers and op ticians , 27 South Main street. Mrs. J. F. Douglas of Alexandria , la. , Is the guest of Mrs. William Vanflrunt. Mrs. W. A. Strong nnd Miss Strong will Icavi ! shortly for a trip to southern points. The Infant child of Mr. nnd Mrs. Andrew Inrscn , 2014 South Tenth street , died Sun day. day.Tho Pennsylvania club of Pottawattamlo county will meet this evening at the Grand sV > tcl. John E. Allen ( n entertaining Mr. and Mrs. LlmlFey Albce and John F. Albee of J o > vton , la. II P. Ilccltcr of lllnghamton , N. Y. . If" Iho guest of William Green of 510 East Pierce street. Lily camp , No. 1. Royal Neighbors of America , will meet In regular session this evening nt 8 o'clock. muffs rompnny. No. 27 , Uniform Rank KnlghlK of Pylhlnf. meets this evening In I' . O. S. of A. hall. Mrs. John Westrlp of Underwood , who lias been the guest of Mrs. Fred Westrlp of this city , returned home Sunday. J. 0. Illxby. boating and sanitary engineer. Plans nnd specifications for heating , plumb ing and lighting. 202 Main , Council muffs. John R. Camp , editor nf the Bushnell. III. . Record , and his wife are the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Mnrble , 1117 Fourth ptreet. T. A. Stevenson of Shannon City Is visit ing nt the homeof Mrs. O. G. DuIiolB oa North Eighth street whllo visiting the expo sition. Wllbcr Clnrk nnd wife of Hamilton , Ms. , urn In the city , the guests of G. O. Balrd nnd family. Mr. Clark Is publisher of the Ilamiltonlan. The public library , whlrh has been closed on Sundays during the summer months , will be opened again on that day , commencing next Sunday. Don't you think It must bo a pretty good laundry thnt can please so mnny hundreds of customers ? Well that'll the "Eagle , " 72t Ilrondwny. H. E. Grim , n. well known newspaper man of this city , left last evening for Win- ona. Minn. , where ho has secured a position on the Herald. Owing to the Increased enrollment of pu pils an extra room had to bo opened yes terday at both the Washington Avenue and Thirty-second Street schools. Mrs. William VanBrunt of this city was badly shaken nnd bruised by the giving way of n tlor of benches nt the Indian show nt the exposition last Saturday evening. J. W. Mlkescll und wlfo of Biittc. Mont. , nnd Mrs. E. A. Mlkcsnll of Atwood , Kan. , nro In the city , the guests of P. C. Mike- Bell and family of Avenue C , nnd taking in the exposition. The High school cadets have been invited by the management of the Southwestern Jowa Teachers' association to give nn exhi bition drill on one of the days during tbo meeting of the association here In November. Prof , H. W. Sawyer left yesterday for New York to meet hla son , Berne , of the First Illinois volunteers , Just convalescent from the hospltnl. Prof. Sawyer will ac company his son as far ni : Chicago before returning homo. A deed filed with County Recorder Shop- nrd yesterday was plastered over with no Irss than eighty revenue stamps. The In strument culled for $6 in stamps , but the party filing It wns unable to procure any hut stamps of 5 and 10 cent denominations , hence was compelled to place eighty of these on the deed. Captain Butler-of' the Salvation Army has received a letter frpm a brother of Robert McWhlnney In New York , asking for the lattcr's address. McWhlnnoy , when last heard of , was working for n ten house In this city , but his present whereabouts are unknown. The matter has been turned over to tbo police1 by Captain Butler. Justice Ovldo Vlcn yestti.May received n letter from P. O. Lewis of Company L , Flrfct Nebraska volunteer Infantry. Lewis for merly resided In Council Bluffa nnd wns thought to bo the Lewis reported as killed In the dispatches about six weeks ago. Tli3 letter Is dated August S , from Camp Dewey , In the Philippine- Islands , nnd shows tbnt Lewis Is worth a good many dend men yet. A boy tramp In n high state of fever wns picked up by the police yesterday afternoon on Avenue D and taken to the stalon. C'.tnf Illxby endeavored to have the lad sent to the hospital , but as there appeared to be a conflict of authority In the matter between the city and county officials ho failed to Bcturo an order for the unfortunate boy' ! > removal and ho was allowed to remain at the jail all night. The Iowa State Library association Is booked to meet In this city Thursday , Fri day nml Saturday of this week and the pub lic library room has been placed nt Its dis posal for the sessions. Up to date Miss Peterson , librarian of the public llbrnry , has received no word from the officers of the association ns to the meeting and sbo Is inclined to believe that the meeting will be In Omaha In place of hero. Mary Unanget , the domestic at the Grand hotel who bad a violent attack of hys teria onrly Sunday morning nnd who wns removed to St. Bernard's hospltnl , will bo kept nt the hospital until arrangements are made with her parents at Spencer , In. , to tnko her home. The commissioners of Insan ity examined the young woman yesterdny nnd whllo she shows signs of Incipient In sanity It Is thought thnt with proper care nt her homo she will recover. Ladles desiring vnluabln Information con cerning their ailments should send or call for "Tho Vlavl Message. " Vlavl Co. , 326 Mcr- rlam blk. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. The wonder of the Transmlsslsstppl Ex position Is Cole's Hot Blast heater. It gives absolute cleanliness , even heat and same work out of common soft coal as can beget got from bard coal. It eaves millions. See It at the Wigwam or Cole & Colo's , 41 Main street , Council Bluffs. Ill-ill INIIC TrniiHfvrii. The following transfers were filed yester day in the abstract , title nnd loan office of J. W. Squire. 101 Pearl street : Alonzo Tullts to II. D. Chllson , swU soU 27-75-41 ; w. d $1,000 II O. McGee nndwife to Andrew MlkkelNon. lot 8 , McGeo's Hulxl of block 20. Hughes & U's. add ; w. U. 125 Solomon Halo < > t nl to A. C. Halo , lots 3 to 10. block 112 , w 30 ft lotH I , 3 and 3 , block 91 , Crescent City , unil HwVi neti and ne'.i aw',1 23-7C-4I ; 800 ' " " ' " ' " ' " ' " ' 13. 1) . lIale"iVml"wl'fe"t'o"A'"c'"llnie' . mime ; n , o. d 500 Lavlna Shnckclford nnd IIUH. to A. U. Hale. Hume ; q. c. d. " 200 George V. McCormlck to William W. Hntely , lot II. Mock 12 , Colby's Wal nut Grove mid ; * w , a 230 William W. 1 lately nnd wife to Kiiultnblu Loan Co. , lot 14 , block 12 , Colby's Wnlnut Qrovo add. , q. c. d 4 4C Anna F. Newell and hits , to J. W. Davis , lot S and s lot 9 , Benjamin's subd. . ' Avoca ; w. il SOO A. J. Porter nnd wife to A. L > . Pres ton and D. L. Eminert. w # uwVi H. e i ell 10. * wU ne',4 10-77-42 ; w. d. . 6,000 Mrs. K. Ward to Pottawattamlo County , U nc. off a uldo awli w < i 8-77-42 ; w , d. . , 23 Daniel HoupaH nnd wife to name , w 10 ft BeH 54-74-40 ; w. d 21 Gcorxe Ulnlz and wlfo to same , part wli w > 4 3-76-41 ; q. c. d 1 Charles Huckley nnd wlfo to John A. Hammnck , s 16 ac. seU ne i 15-74-40 ; w. d 6IC A. L. Preston and wlfo to D. F. Km- niert. und H of wV4 nwVi 11 , eVi cU 10 , und BWU nei ; 1&-77-4 * ; w. d Z.IK Fourteen transfers , totul $13.83 : Warranted wrought Iron stove , $20 , at Colt & Colo's. Large oven. Strictly high grade Also Huck utecl ranges , the white enarae ; orcu doors. Finest steel ranges mado. DUNCOMBE GETS AN ORDER Omaha & Fort Dodge Road Restrains the Chicago & Northwestern > FIGHTING OVER RIGHT OF WAY GROUND Trnct of I.nnd Until AVntit vrltli Some I'ro l > c-cl f nn AinlonliliNctllc - iiiriit llrldKc nnd Tor in I mi I Coni- jmn > - HrKlnM Condciiiiintliin > Just prior to the adjournment of district court for the day last evening President Duncombo of the Fort Dodge & Omaha rail road filed n petition asking that the Chicago cage & Northwestern Hallway company be enjoined from condemning for their right of way any portion of the land recently purchased by the Fort Dodge & Omaha road and known as the Judson tract. The ground on which President Duncombe based hlx application for the injunction could not bo learned , aa the papers after being placed on record were taken out of court by Mr. Duncombo by permission of Judge Macy. In making the request to take the papers out of court Mr. Duncombe ntated that he did not wish the n wnpapers to learn the con tents of the petition , as negotiations were pending for nn amicable settlement out of court and the publication of the contents of the petition might tend to hinder If not prevent such negotiations being successfully carried out. At the suggestion of Mr. Dun combe Judge Macy set Thursday morning next for hearing the petition. Oniclaln of the Northwestern deny that the condemnation proceedings have been brought for the purpose of preventing or hindering the Fort Dodge & Omaha road from securing an inlet to this city , but arc brought In good faith for the purpose of straightening Its right of way and taking the kinks out of Its track. This work of straightening the track was commenced last Juno and stakes act. Part of the work had l > een completed and when the company was ready to commence work on straightening the curves in Its line through the Judson tract It was confronted with the discovery that an option had been given on , the land and the owner declined to sell the portion required by the Northwestern. The Omaha Bridge and Terminal company Is also in the Held with condemnation pro ceedings. Yesterday It filed a petition with Sheriff Morgan to condemn a strip of land on First avenue along and In front of lots 13 and II In block 24 , Beers' subdivision , owned by Anton Slenlcskl. The strip of land sought to be condemned Is twelve feet wldo and the company claims that It Is necessary for the construction and conven ient use of Its railway as a right of way which Is located over and along First avenue. Anton SlenleskI , the owner of the lots , has refused to sell the piece of land to the Terminal company and last month commenced injunction proceedings In the district court to restrain the Terminal com pany from building its track In front of his property , alleging that the construction of the track there would prevent access to his place. Sheriff Morgan has named H. G. McOce , J. P. Oreenshlelds. W. C. Dickey , Thomas Bowman , H. W. Binder and James Coyln ns commissioners to appraise the land , which will be done October 7. Part 2 of The BeVs photogravures of the .exposition Is now ready nnd can be had at the Council Bluffs office. \ntrn from tltf CnartK. Judge Woolson reconvened federal court yesterday nfternoon and the long drawn out cnse of J. L. Fuller against Sue Hoyt 'was resumed. Jasper Gardner , who pleaded guilty to bootlegging , was given a suspended sen tence during good behavior of 100 days In the county Jail nt Red Oak and a fine of $400. The cases ngntnst George Smith and William Brucken on similar charges were dismissed. A motion for a new trial In the damage suit of Fnnnlo Deltchler against Harry Hoist wns filed In the superior1 court yes terday nfternoon. This Is the suit In which Miss Deltchler asked $10,000 damages for alleged seduction and In which the jurj ; brought In a verdict for the defendant ! Among the crounds on which a new trial is nsked is the allegation that the court erred in excluding all the evidence of the plaintiff In regard to her attempted suicide and the relation of such attempt to the net of the defendant complained of. It Is nlso alleged that the plaintiff's case was prejudiced by the attorney for the de fendant making a statement to the jury to the effect that the plaintiff would never have brought the suit had she not been forced to do so by her father , who wag responsible for dragging the case into the courts. In tbo district court yesterday In twc cases which had to bo continued , as the parties were not ready for trial , Judge Macy Imposed the penalty of $10 under the rules of court. In the case of the Security bank of Faribault against O. B. McClin- took , the penalty was assessed to the de fendant. In the case of the Council Blufff Savings bank against N. W. Williams the penalty was ordered taxed to the plaintiff In the case of Otto Saar against Johr Saar , judgment was entered by agreemenl for the plaintiff in the sum of $180 and costs. The petit Jury reported and after being charged by the court was excused until this morning. Millinery opening on Tuesday am Wednesday evenings , September 27 and 28 The Indies are Invited to visit the dlsplaj of New York hats and bonnets at Mlsi Sprlnk's. AiNiiult nnil IluKcrr. Claudn Blakesly was arrested yesterday 01 a battery and assault charge preferred bj James W. Clark and J. D. Alexander. Clark who is an exposition visitor from Leroy , la. nnd Alexnnder , who , resides In this city , goi Into nn altercation with three men , one o whom Is said to be Blnkesly. in the "Thli Corner Is Famous" saloon nt Tenth street and Broadway Sunday night. The thre < men , It is alleged , followed Clark and Alex , ander out into the street nnd nearly bea the life out of them. Clark received a num. her of bad cuts about the head and AIexan < der fared little better. The police have ni yet been unable to locate Blnke&ly's com pantons. The Evans laundry Is the leader In flm work for both color and finish. 520 Pear street. 'Phono 290. l K 'iM'i > tlon. The congregation of Broadway Methodls church tendered their retiring pastor , Rev J. H. Senseney , who has been transferrec to Des Molnoswhere be becomes prealdlnf elder , nnd his wife a fnrowell reception las night at the church. The large audltoriun of the church , which was beautifully deco rated by the young women of C. G , Saun dors' Sunday school class , was filled ti overflowing by the members of the congre gallon and their friends. During the even | Ing the Apollo club rendered a number o j j selections and refreshments were nerved b ; I the young wotncn of the church. As i token of their esteem the men of the con gregation presented 'Rev. ' Scnscney with a hnndsom leather valise , whllo the women remembered Olrn. Senieney with n dozen silver teaspoons nnd an elegant cut glass dish , Hcv. Scnnency has been pastor of Broadway church for the last three years nnd while the congregation regrets to gen him leave they appreciate the fact that his removal to Des Molnen as presiding elder of thnt district Is In the line of n promo tion. I.OOKIM ; i-oii A HAD cinti.MA.v. PollioViiul n Man Who Milken line of I'orurd Clirokn , The police are looking for a Gcrniau claiming to be Otto Thlcmlcb , who passed n check yesterday at the hardware store of Cole & Cole on South Main street , which is now believed to bo n forgery. The same man nlso endeavored to pass similar checks at Swalne's hardware store nnd S. Keller's furniture store. At Cole ft Cole's the man purchased a stove costing $24.7' . and tendered In pay ment a check signed by M. Vincent and drawn on thr Merchants' bank of Sioux Falls , S. I ) . The check wns dated Septem ber 22 and was payable to Otto Thk-mlch. The revenue ntamp was cancelled with the Initials M. V. and the date. The endorse ment on the back bore the signature , 0. Thlemlch. The man received $10.23 change and ordered thf stove sent to n new house opposite the Third street schoolhouse. In vestigation showed there was no such house in the neighborhood , neither was anyone of the name of Thlemlch known In the lo cality. From Cole & Colo's store the man went to Swalne'a hardware store , where he se lected another cook Btove , the price of which was $20. He tendered In payment a similar check on the Sioux Falls bank for $30 , but Mr. Swalnc was suspicious and fo- fused to cash It nnd the man left saying he would get It cashed at the bank nnd return with the money. He failed to show up again. The next heard of the man wns nt Kel ler's furniture tore , where ho purchased n bookcase for' $20 and offered another Sioux Fnlls check for $35 In payment. Mr. Keller was likewise suspicious and refused to bite. The matter was then reported to the police , but by this time the wily Ger man had disappeared nnd so far the police have failed to get any trace of him. B. E. Brown used Cole's Hot Blast heater last winter. Buy Cole's Air-Tight heater for comfort those cool mornings. IMcn of L'oiiNumiHInn. Mrs. Lena Armstrong died yesterday even Ing nt her home , 1323 Avenue C , of con sumption , aged 22 years. The death of Mrs. Armstrong Is peculiarly sad , as her husband , W. A. Armstrong , died from the same dis ease on the 10th of the month and two llt- tlo children are now motherless nnd fnther- less. The funeral will bo held this after noon at 3:30 : o'clock from the residence , Rev. G. P. Fry , pastor of the Fifth Avemto church , officiating. Interment will bo in Walnut Hill cemetery. I'KXSIONS FOR WKHTEUX VBTKIIAXS. Snrvlvor * of Civil Wnr IlememlteriMl ! > > tlio ( ! one nil nnvcrnniciit. WASHINGTON , Sept. 26. ( Special. ) Pensions have been granted to the follow ing : Is9iio of September 15 : Nebraska Original : Dell N. Lum , Ar mour , $6 ; Wllfon P. Deardorf , Arnold , $12. Rolssuo : Isaac W. Evans , Hebron , $6. Iowa Original : Lorenzo Klddftr , Cedar Rapids , $6 ; Ferdinand Locble , Dos Moines , $6 ; Joseph H. Dolpb , Strahan , $6. ; Benjamin Bidwell , Calumet , $6 to $ S ; Lu ther D. Brown , Magnolia , $6 to $ S. Reissue : Angelo A. Meyers , R td Oak , $30. Original widows , etc. : Mury K. Mufczy , Keokuk , $12. South Dakota Original : Gabriel Ander son , Edgerton , $6. Original widows , etc. : Snrah J. Glfford , Wesslngton , $8. Killed by n Live AVI re. MALONE , N. Y. , Sept. 26. Gordon Wil liams of Saranac Lake was Instantly killed In the basement of his father's store by coming In contact with a live wire. His brother , Roy Williams , went to his assist ance , followed by Bert Mumm and William Johnston. Each In turn tried to pull the others from the wire , but all were trans- Ixed in a deadly grasp. The father , hear ing their cries , rushed Into the cellar nnd by nlmost superhuman efforts succeeded In pulling three of the men from the wire. The current wns quickly turned off. but his son was already dend. Roy Williams is badly burned but will recover. McKlnlor < o Act. BOSTON , Sept. 26. The Board of Direct ors of the American Peace society today adopted resolutions approving the czar's disarmament circular , expressing approval of President McKlnley's prompt approval of the czar's proposition and declaring the time is now opportune for n treaty between the United States and Great Britain and urg ing the president to proceed in the matter at the earliest practicable moment. It was voted unanimously to send to President McKlnley n protest against permanent en largement of the army , except that neces sary for police service. SlMter Mnkcn a Kntnl Error. KENTON , 0. , Sept. 26 , George Chnrlton , living two miles east of town , will prob ably lose his life through a strange acci dent. About midnight , hearing n noise In his chicken coop , ho went out to Investi gate. Soon his sister heard a scuffle , nnd , grabbing an ax , she ran to her brother's as sistance. Finding , as she supposed , the thief on top , she struck him n fearful blow with the ox , but soon to her horror dis covered It was her brother she had hit. His skull was crushed in and the doctors have but little hope of his recovery. The burglar proved to be a junk peddler by the name of Mike Smith. He was arrested. lleftme * n TViirrniit for 3IcCoy. BUFFALO , Sept. 20. This afternoon torneys for the Hawthorne club applied to Justice Chllds of the supreme court , for the arrest of Kid McCoy who arrived hero this afternoon , with a view of testing the liability of the club's action in arranging a boxing contest between McCoy arid Cor- belt. Justice Chllds declined to entertain the application. Later counsel went to Jus tice White's court , but when the court ad journed at 1 o'clock no application had been made to the Justice. I own Xt'w Since the Iowa soldiers have returned a largo number of engagements have been announced , which will bo consummated this fall. Colonel Lambert of the Fiftieth Iowa will be court-martialed und his friends as sert that he will make friends by the deal , as he IP Innocent. M. S. Hardy of Lemars fell Into a stream but flvo Inches deep nnd wns drowned. He fell on his face and was apparently ren dered unconscious. Dairy Commissioner Gates Is authority for the statement that durlnc the dry period of the summer the production of butter nnd cheese fell off 33 per cent in Iowa. An Iowa man who has Just returned from the south says that the reason Colonel llryan has not yet resigned is that he Is waiting for the hero-kissing fad to pass away , Roy Clnrk , one of the convalescing mem bers of the Fifty-second Iowa , while walkIng - Ing around the hospital at Sioux City sud denly fell to the floor. It waa discovered that his shoulder joint had dropped out of place. Of the 598 prisoners In the Anamosa pen itentiary only seventeen nre women. Of the ninety-nine counties of the state- but seventy-four have convicts at the prison. Polk and Woodbury counties lead In number of criminals from their districts , rach hav ing forty-two. . PLAN FOR NEW COURT HOUSE Proposition for a Tine New Building at DCS Moincn. COST FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS Countllonrd Will Nnlunlt in HIP People ple nl x ( Hlrctloii 11 ii ml 1'ropoxltloii to Krvct the Slriirliirr. DBS MOINES. Sopt. 2C. ( Special Tele gram. ) The County Hoard of Supervisors today voted to submit to the people a propo sition to build n HOO.OOO court house nt the full election. The plnn Is to Issue $100- 000 In two years' bonds and pay It oft with a tax levy of l'i mills per year for twenty yearn. Thi ? Iowa Christian convention , a state convention of the Christian churches of Iowa , met In annual session today with 200 delegates present. Three hundred moro are. expected 'tomorrow , when the real work will commence. Two members of the Iowa regiments , which have been ordered to Iowa for muster out , died In the Ued Cross hospital at Camp .McKlnley since Saturday. William Mowcry died last night nt 8 of typhoid fever. Ho was a member of Company D , Fifty-second regiment , from Washington and his homo was nt Dumont. The remains will be sent homo. William Blakcsley of Company E , Fifty-second regiment , whose homo was at Centcrvllle , died In the hos pital Thursday night. The young soldier was 22 years old nnd his mother was with him when ho passed away. Ills father had been with him a few days before. The body has been taken to Centervlllo for burial. Adjutant General Dyers will leave for the west tomorrow morning. Ho will BO di rectly to San Francisco to visit the Fifty- first Iowa regiment In camp there. The ad jutant general says he will make n thor ough investigation of the camp and condi tion of the Iowa soldiers and report on his return , which will bo about October 15. The adjutant general was a member of the Fifty-first Iowa while It was a Guard regi ment for many years and Is naturally In tercsted in seeing It again before Its de parture for the east. Although DCS Molncs Is the location of the homo office of the New England Loan nnd Trust company , financial circles hero will not feel any effect from the failure of the New England Loan nnd Trust com pany today , as there are less than ten stockholders here , and trom present Indi cations the stockholders are the ones who will suffer from the collapse. W. W. Wllraer , a local capitalist , Is rice president of the company and has had charge of the Des Moines oflico. Mr. Wll- mer said most of the stock Is held In New England , New York and Pennsylvania. "Tho trouble , " ho said , "Is duo to real estate acquired on account of loans made in Omaha , Kansas City , Lincoln , Salt Lake and Ogden. The collapse which came In those cities depreciated the values w > that the company got n large amount of real estate on foreclosure. Keeping up this property exhausted the Income until the company's capital became Impaired. This was discovered by the death of the secre tary. " 'Mr. Wllmer was loath to say anything on this point , stating1 that It would not be right , as the deceased secretary had no chance of self-defense.i W. F. Barnard was that secretary. His death occurred In New York last August and the burial took placa here. Mr. Gilbert , the company's agent at Kansas City , was sent to New York to fill that olllce. He looked the books over thor oughly and then handed In his resignation. Informing the directors that the capital hart been Impaired. This led to the appoint ment of a receiver. Wilmer said that If the conditions had been known sooner the com pany could have been saved and ho yet hopes for reorganization. An official statement was made by > N. T. Guernsey of this city today , returned from New York , attorney for the company and counsel with Simpson , Thacher & Co. , for the receiver. It said In part : "Tho company has a capital stock of $875,000 ; undivided profits , $109,000. The debentures outstanding amount to J5.600- 000 and mortgages $3,000,000 , both being almost entirely held In the east and abroad. Some of the debentures will probably bo paid in full. The loss on debentures ought not to bo large. It is Impossible to state what the extent of Impairment to stock will be. " SIDE I.I OUT OK AX IOWA TUAGEDY. Ilnnlmiul I'rojinren for tlio Situation Wlilch lie .Snxpcclcil. OSKALOOSA. la. , Sept. 26. ( Special. ) > The developments In the Raymond murder are of a decidedly sensational character and several new tints were put upon the case as to the causes which led up to the sad affray. On the day of the murder Meyer expressed his Intention of going away on the train and not coming back for several days. His wife accompanied him to the train and witnessed his buying a ticket and while he went up on the steps and Into the coach , It was all a feint , for ho jumped off on tha other side nnd made his way back , unbe known to bis wife. That evening ho made his appearance at his home and upon going In heard voices In his wife's bedroom. Pushing the door open ho found that Raymond mend was there , partly disrobed. Moyar ordered Raymond off the place and told him never to darken his door again , so ho states. Moyer. claims that the knife with which the deed was committed was first In the hands of Raymond , who attempted to use It first , but before be could do so Meyer knocked It out of his hand and grabbing It , placed the blade In Raymond's body with fatal effect. Meyer Is In Jail nnd his preliminary hearing will come up some tlruo next week. Raymond , It now develops , was living under an assumed name , for what reason has not yet been fathomed. His father lives In Petersburg , III. The real name of the dead man Is James Dale. The Inquest was held and the coroner's Jury rendered a verdict of death "caused by a knlfo In the hands of an assassin. " with Adultery. CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , Sept. 26. ( Special Telegram. ) Thomas O. Swlmlngton and Mrs. 0. H. Diem were arrested hero this ovcnlng on a charge of adultery and both are now In Jail. They arrived hero September 1 from Tyrone , Pa. , and have been living together as man and wife since. Swlmlngton left a wife In Pennsylvania and Mrs. Delm deserted- a husband , bringing her 5-year-old daughter with her. Dclra arrived hero this afternoon and will prosecute the runaway pair. Farmer Smith , arriving twelve miles from Wllllarasburg , was here today looking for his I'aughtcr , Effle Smith , 17 years old , who had run away with Lou Hoffman , a man 19 years her senior. So far he has not been able to locate them. llhlillliur on Slntr Mii SIOUX CITY , la. . Sept. 26. ( Special. ) Sioux City Jobber * and contractors have re ceived specification blanks from the State Doard of Control requesting bids on com missary supplies for state Institutions. Those Mds are to be opened at the office of the board September 2S and contracts awarded to Iho lowest rrnponsltilp bidden * . The contracts on coal nnd flour will run or a period of three years , but the bids on thcr supplier will run for n period of hrce month * , as It M the Intention of the ioanl to experiment on the groceries , vcgc- ablcs nnd meats. Prices on groceries , nnd > spcclally flour , varied great deal during he last year nnd as they were purchased n comparatively small lota were expensive. ho coal for the- state Institutions , It Is aid , will cost about $75,000. Commissioner Cownle cited an Instance therein cue superintendent of n state In- tltutlon had been paying $1.23 per dozen 'or ' canned corn becnusc he thought It ivould bo moro fresh to buy In small lots nd moro frequently. Corn n short time go wns offered to the board In large quan- Itles at 60 cents per dozen cans. STATKMK.NT IIV IIISIIOI * OIIKK.V. Author * of Him to I'rovr Them. CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , Sept. 26. ( Special Telegram. ) lllshop-elcct Green has Just prepared rthe following letter , which will bo Issued tomorrow to the parishes which lompose the diocese of Iowa : "To the Clergy nnd Laity of the Diocese of Iowa : Dear Ilrcthrrn On September 6. 1S9S. In ( special convention at Davenport. you did mo the highest honor that can come to me In electing mo to the bishopric of Iowa. Since Hint day nil opposition , per- slstrnt as It Is Inconsistent , has battled against your action. The honesty and In tegrity of your election have been assailed and both Its method nnd motive have been Impugned. The public press has been made to teem with these charges nnd It has been asserted that a protest was to be presented to me. demanding my withdrawal. I have ivalted patiently for that protest. None has tome. In addition to all of this a personal attack has been made uponme. . H has been asserted both by public Insinuation nnd by private whisper that I am unfit In some way to servo you as a bishop In the church of God. "No man has dare < l to make a charge or attempted to furnish any proof of thche vague allegations , but broadcast over all the Innd this warfare of Insinuation has gone out. Unfounded Insinuation Is the most contemptible of weapons. He who by Innuendoes that he cannot prove robs n man of what in more precious than life Is a most pitiable example of his own malicious ness. If any man knew aught against me in life or character to unfit mo for this sacred office he should have como us a man and as a Christian and charged It here , where he and I are both known , before ( he men whoso most solemn interests were con cerned. And because I am fearless in my right and unwilling that this diocese should suffer aught from any alleged fault of mine , I am determined that this cause shall be adjusted In this diocese , where It belongs. In the name of that God Whose highest attribute Is Justice I challenge any man to como and make good thrso Insinuations nnd establish his proof. I am standing at bay , fighting only for that which Is more to me than any honor that the world or the church can give. "Is this challenge fair ? The great world calls It so. Can the church , which strives to teach the world , dare to call It less ? And so , confident of the loyalty of those who love the truth , I make the great appeal that no American need ever make in vain. Invoking on this diocese , that I love , the guidance of God's holy spirit , I decline the election of the special convention. For my vindication , and for the future peace of this diocese , I appeal to Iho regular con vention In December. Faithfully yours , "THOMAS E. GREEN , "Illshop-elect of Iowa. STOIIMS FOUXn GUILTY OP MUIIDRII. Jury I < " | ZCN tli Pennlly nt Iniprlnii- nicnt for I.lfr. UURLINGTON. Sept. 2G. ( Spdclal Telo- gram. ) At 1 o'clock this morning In Wa- pello the Jury In the case of A. T ) . Storms , charged with the murder of Mrs. Fanny Rathbun and her young daughter , Mary , last winter , returned a verdict ) finding the defendant. Storms , guilty of murtler In the first degree , fixing the penalty at Imprison ment for life nt hard labor. A notice for a motion for a new trial was filed and Thursday wan set as the date for the hear ing. Storms' attorneys state that the case will be carried to the supreme court ) . Important Nult. SIOUX CITY , Sept. 20. ( Special Tele gram. ) The important suit of the Inde pendent school district of Sioux Cley against the American company of New York was commenced In the district court this morn- Ing. This Is the case in which the school district seeks to hold t'ho surety company responsible to the extent of $5,000 on the bond of H. S. Hubbard , the ox-treasurer of the district. Hubbnrd was the cashier of t'ho Homo Savings bank nt the time of Its failure and was also the treasurer of the school district , The bank failed and ho could not pay up the money. Suit wns com menced on his bond , which happened to be just the amount of the Indebtedness. Judge Lot Thomas , the republican candi date of the Eleventh congressional district Is to open the Woodbury county campaign at Sloan on next Saturday evening. It la the Intention to run a special train from Sioux City and return the same night. ( ; ot AVIuit lie AiIrcrtlNviI Por. DES MOINES , Sept. 26. ( Special. ) George Knopp was grnnted n divorce from Alice Whisscn Adamson Knopp of this city , She advertised for n husband and Knopi applied. She married him In Crcaton. Thej came to Des Moines the same day. He went to a hotel to engage apartments. She went shopping. Ho never saw her again Comlne up on tie train he gave her $3,000 of his money. Ho tried to get It back again. He began a prosecution agalnsl her In the federal court , but It wouldn't stick. She retaliated with a petition for divorce. Ho countered with a petition for divorce on account of desertion. She hac asked for alimony and his suit was begun to avoid that. Ho succeeded. I.liu-i lllc People In Trouble. LINEVILLB , la. , Sept. 20. ( Special. ) From present Indications the Llnevlllo Dis trict Fair association Is going to have some trouble for violating the federal laws by running a lottery In connection with tbo fair. With each membership ticket sold a chance was given In drawing from a list amounting to over $1,000 In prizes donated by the merchants of this place nnd neigh boring towns. Nothing would have been thought of the violation had not a few of the disappointed holders of tickets began looking Into the matter and bringing It to the attention of the authorities. As n ra- tult It Is liable to cost the association moro than It realized from the scheme. IIMVII MIIII'N Hlrnnui' Anne ! * . DES MOINES , Sept. 26. ( Special. ) W. A. Kirkpatrlck , a resident of Des Moines , and an employe In a soap factory has filed a petition of bankruptcy In the federal court. The petition was somewhat novel because of the strange character of the as sets. They were given as follows : "Ono wife and four children ; ono horse , 17 years of age , value $10 ; one old buggy , value $2 ; a two-fifths Interest In a promissory note of $38 ; no cash personal property ; household goods to the value of $86 ; one family Bible , yaluo $5. " The liabilities were a judgment In the district court of Carroll county for $1,000 and a doctor hill of $30. Pnnnem * .Valloiuil Kni'iunpiui'iit. WATERLOO , la. , Sept. 26. ( Special. ) Tbo Farmers' National encampment has be gun Its first annual session here. It Is a preliminary display of farming machinery , and many largo eastern manufacturing com * for Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF In Use For Over 3O Years. , , THt CCNTAUR COMPANY TT MU * V BTHKtT NtW VONK CITV America's Favorite Cigar JOHN G , TOM WOODWARD &CO- , Distributers , Sizas : 3 for 25c lOc Straight COUNCIL 2 for 2 > c BLUFFS. IA c'KfflE ' THE CHAS. SUMNEB. 5 Per Gent on Iowa Farms- AC We arc prcpurud to plncc loans on improved Western Town „ farms at 5 per cent. Money on liaiul , no delay. We have for o sale several choice FRUIT , GARDKN , GUM ? ? AND STOCK ii FARMS. VKKY CIIKAP. Cheap money will make luml go up. JT Investigate our twrKnins. oV DAY & HESS , 39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. "WHEN OTIinnS FAIL CONSULT Searles & Searles. SPECIALISTS. GiiRriinlce to rnrn npcrdllv mill rnill- cnlljr oil NUIIVOLS , CIIHOMO AN1 > PRIVATE ! dlnenno of ntcii uud women WEAK MEH SYPHILIS SEXUALLY cured for life. Night Emissions , Lost Manhood , Hy- flrocele , Verlcocele. Gonorrhea , Gltet , Syph ilis , Stricture , Piles , Klatula and Rectal Ulcers , Dlubcteu , Brlght's Dlseaao uiirod. CONSULTATION FHKE. FHKE.Cured Cured by new method without puln or cutting : . Call on or address with stamp. Treatment by mall. DRS , SEMES 8 SWIMS , Use and Facial Soap Facial Cream Thn Grandest Toilet Combination known for the skin , complexion and tooth Is 'Wood- Imry'H Facial Soap , Facial Cream and Facial and Tooth Powder. The dally use of these articles will protect a fair com- ploxlon and cure a bad nkln. panics are represented with exhibits. Sev eral speakers of prominence are announced , ainonR them beliiR ex-Oovernor Holes and Congressman Henderson. The encampment will continue until October 1. IlllIIICN IlllllxHf. CRESTON , In. , Sept. 2G. ( Special Tele- Kram. ) DurliiK a fit of temporary Insanity James Morrison , aged 70 , hanged himself. Ho throw a halter over a rafter In a corn crib , placed his neck through the noose , lifted his feet from the floor and strangled himself to death. Iluuvy Corn Yield. SIBM3V , la. , Sept. 2C. ( Sptclal. ) Harm Feldkamp of this county saya hid rorn will yield about seventy-llvo bushels to the acre. lOMU I'ollllflll0ON. ( . It Is said In Iowa that the new Hnlloy keynote Is not even silvern ; it l brazen. The effort to ( secure a non-partisan Judi ciary In tht > northwestern counties fallec ! and each party will name Its own ticket. The populists object to Treasurer Hurrl- ott Issuing a call to take up $100,000 state bomlH at present , asserting that It Is a move to make votes for the republicans In Iowa. , Captain L. J. Rowcll , democratic candi date for congress In the Fifth district , is receiving the sympathy of his friends be- icauae ho has offered himself as the blon- [ ; nlal Bacrlllco in that district. An Ida Grove minister Is accused of hav ing refused the last sacraments to a dying man until his family had relinquished their claim to his life insurance , claiming that a grave. Mn was committed In Insuring against the acts of God. Last Saturday night there were political meetings In eighty-eight of the ninety-nine counties In Iowa and each party is said to | have been equally Interested. Still , somebody - : body remarks that the political pot 1s slow I to boll this year in Iowa. I There seems to ba some basis for the oplu- I Ion that an extra session of the leglclaturo I will bo held In order to permit the soldiers In the Hold to vote , but the strange part of It Is that the move for this purpose i originated outPido the state. | The State Liquor Dealers' assocliitlbii Is , mixing in politics and the predictions of the conservatives that the action ( if the liquor men In forming a political us HOC 111- tlon would provoke retaliation seoni to bo proving true. The state press Is beginning to call attention to the situation. For broken surfaces , sores , Insect blf 'S. tuirm1 , skin diseases , and especially piles , there is ono reliable remedy. DeWllt'it Witrh Hazel Salve. When you call for DeWltl 8 i don't accept counterfeit or frauds. You will nut be dlsappuluted with UoWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. MATERIAL For tlio profonNloii anil nnmtonri ( All ordrrn fortvurilcd on < luy of re * C 'lll. | I'rlOt-N llHI.OtVPNt. . E. G. BARTLETT , 01)0 ) nnil < IUU llroiiiMray , Council muff * . WM , WELCH TRANSFER LINE Jlrlu ' Mi Council niuT anil Oinnlin. Hates Hoiisonublo. Uatlsfactlon Guaranteed. Council niults olllce , No. 8 North Main street. Telephone 128. Omaha olllco re moved to 32 ! South Fifteenth street. Telephone - phone 1303. Connections made with South Omaha J , 0 , & W. WOODWARD , MiMiilHTN of ( lie A. S. U. Architects and Superintendents riunH mill six'cint.'uiioiiH KnriilHlird. RoomS , Everett Blk , , Council Bluffs POISON A SPECIALTY Primary , Secondary or Tertiary BLOOD POISON permanently Cured in 15 to 35 Days. You can b * treated at home for same price under same guaranty. If you prefer to come hero wo will contract to pay railroad fare and hotel bllli , and no charge If we fall to cure. IP YOU HAVE taken mercury , lodlda potnnh and ittll have nchcs nnd pains , Mucous Patches In mouth , Sere Throat , Pimples , Cop per Colored Spots , Ulcera on any part of the body. Hair or Eyebrows falling out. it Is thin secondary We Guarante ® to Cure We ollclt the moit obstinate eases and challenge the world for a CHS w cannot euro , This disease has always badled the skill of thb most eminent physicians. JaOO.OOO capital behind our uncondi tional guaranty. Absolute proofs sent sealed on application. 100 puge book sent free. Adilrcmi COOIC IIHMISMY CO. , 1401 Maminlc Trmplr , Chlcnuo , III. DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY ALL DRUGGISTS.