Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 27, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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DecrcoBo in Visible and Seaboard Engage
ments Tnrn Wheat Market Strong ,
Provision * Ailvnnce Slmrply on .Sup
port of PncUliiK IloiiHCH , I'ork Villa
in i ; in Cent * Higher nnil
Illlii 7 1-S Ccntii.
CHICAGO , Sept. 26. The expected de
crease In the visible supply nnd rumors of
Jurso seaboard engagements turned a weak
wheat market today Into a decidedly
strong one. December closed at Uc advance
after Belling C-Sc below Saturday's closing
llgures. Corn was helped by wheat and
largo export Bales and closed Uf/3-Sc /
higher. Oats closed a shade higher. Provisions -
visions advanced Hharply on good packing
uupport , pork closing 13c higher , and lard
und ribs 7'ic ' higher.
Wheat showed considerable weakness at
the start. Jioth foreign and domestic news
WHS of u bearish nature. Liverpool showed
SiMl 1-SU declines and I'arls was off 15
centimes. Receipts here were 31 ? cars , of
which 33 cars were of contract grade. Be
sides this about 200,000 bushels contract
wheat was received by lake and out of
private houses. Minneapolis and Duluth re
ported 1.CC3 cars against 1,993 cnrs last
week and 1.427 a year ago. Ileforo the mar
ket had fairly Blurted , weakness began to
develop In cash wheat In the northwest
which had Its effect hero. Opening trades
In December were made nt 03 l-Sft63 > ic ,
compared with Saturday's closing priceof
K35-SC. The market touched U3 3-8c for u
moment , but selling pressure was too
much for the very moderate1 demand and
prices slowly sagged off. For the llrst
Iiour or so nothing occurred to check tht
boarlshness except an Indication that the
visible supply statement might show a de
crease Instead of showing 1,000.000 bushels
Increase us expected. Liquidation became
less urgent after that and the market ral
lied to fi3',4c. ' No moro fluctuations of note
occurred until after the visible supply
Htatcmcnt came out. This was a surprise ,
showing a decrease of SSO.OOO bushels and
an Instant change. In the. tone of the mar
ket was noticed. Professional shorts and
early Kellers rushed for cover and found
considerabledllllctilty In satisfying their
demands. Another feature In the strength
was rumors of heavy export engagements
and the statement that 1UO loads had been
llsposcel of Saturday night and today.
These figures were disputed by shippers ,
but had their effect nevertheless. J'rimary
receipts amounted to 1,732,000 bushels.
Amount on ocean passage Increased 2,180-
000 bushels. The market became very
strong toward the close , trading Increas
ing greatly In volume nnd an Increase In
prices took place. December advanced to
Id 1-Sc and closed at that price.
Corn was strong until near the close ,
when It developed considerable strength.
Receipts were Cut cnrs. Estimates for to
morrow were heavy. This nnd the early
weakness of wheat made corn rather
weak lit llrst. Demand Improved when the
fraboard reported nil excellent foreign de-
maiyl with fair sales. The visible Increase
wan small. Cables were lower. Country
offerings were moderate. December ranged
from 2 7-85T30e to 29tSiJ)29 ; ) 5-Sc nnd closed
' .ic higher at 297-Sft30c.
Oats were dull and uninteresting till
near the close , when In sympathy with
wheat and corn , the market became fairly
lie-five and llrm. A feature was the- good
demand for September from shorts. Re-
fdpts were 491 cars. The visible Increased
fBO.OOO bushels. May ranged from ± ! } | Q >
" 27-So to 226-Se and closed a shade higher
at 22if227-Sc.
Provisions were fairly active. Yellow
fever news and liberal hog receipts was n
- iue for weakness at the opening and
lower prices prevailed for some time. The
demand from packers and shorts became
fairly heavy later and offerings falling oft
prices advanced rapidly. At this close Jan
uary pork was l ! > c higher nt J9.27H. Jnnii-
n. y lard I've higher at J5.C0 , and January
ribs 7'fec higher at * t.S004.82Vi.
Estimated receipts for Tuesday : Wheat ,
MO cars ; corn , 1,025 cars ; oats , COO cars ;
hogs , 22,000 head.
The leading futures ranged a follows :
Articles. Open. lllrh. Low. Clone. Sat'el'y.
Sept. . . . 0714 Ofl'l
DIHJ. . . . H4)i ) r 3 04H
Mny. . C0 > 4 G4U ellH
Sept. . . COM PH tm
Doc. . . . .10 30
May. . . 32 J\H < AH
Sinit. . . 21H 3 sm am SIM
lloo. . . SOU ! 0'J1
Slay. . . 2UH
Ovl. . . . 82S 830 82.1 HSU 810
Vvc. . . K 20 H40 8 ilO N 4U 8 20
Jan. . . . OU7H 1) ) ' . ' 0 , UU7H 0 1-H
Oct. . . . 4TK 48714 47.T 480
De-c. . . . 4 hi ) 40 ! 4 hi ) 4IK ) 48&
Jiin. . . . 4 83 ( SOU 4 SB &uu 4 U'JNi
Oct. . . . 6 2' > > - 5 SO can
Jun. . . . 47ft 4 B''ti 476 1 H'JW 47S
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOUR Steady ; winter patents , J3.30fi (
3.60 ; straights , J3.10ft3.20 ; spring specials ,
$1.00 ; spring patents , J3.SOia3.CO ; straights ,
WH1CAT No. 3 spring , C2HOC3C ; No. :
reel , t > 7'ic.
COHN-No. 2 , 29fl297-Sc.
OATS No. 2 , 22ij'J3c ( ; No. 3 white , 23tf
{ ( Sic.
HYlC-No. . 47HO.
UAULKY No. I , 33Q43C.
SBKUS No. 1 tlaxsced , W.t-QWic. Prime
timothy seed , J2.47i.Mj2.EO.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , JS.3 (
< Ti8.35. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , $ l.87lsU4.92V . Short
HbH , sides ( loese ) , J5.20tf5.40. Dry salteil
r.houlders ( boxed ) , $ l.ri04j4.75. Short clcni
Hides ( boxeel ) , $5.l5@o.u. !
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , pet
cullcin , $1.25.
SUCIAIIK Unchuncoil.
The following nro the receipts and ship
ments of grain :
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was steady ; creameries ,
rtalrlcs , 115j'17c. Cheese , steady , 7 < UM/
fresh , 14c.
MW von ic < ; i\nu.v i , M.VUKET
IliiotiidoiiH for ( h liny on ficiicru
( 'oillllllXlltll-H.
NEW YORK , Sept. 2G.-FLOUR-Recolpts
2S.5GS bbls. ; exports , 15,009 bbls. ; llrm nt th <
close , with the trade fairly active ; sprlnf
patents , $3.SO < fH.45 ; winter straights , $3.404
3.50 ; winter patents , $3.7501.00 ; spring clears
$1.301(3.60 ( ; extra No. 1 winter , $2.76Q2.90 ; ex
tra No. 2 winter , K.bOfi 2.73.
CORNMKAL Steady ; yellow western , 72c
11YI3 Klriner ; No. 2 western , 4SJI&0.- .
easy and were affected for n time by lowei
cables , an Increase on passage and blf
spring wheat receipts ; later shorts wen
driven In by export demand and nn unex
pectedly big visible supply doorcase ; tin
close ) was l-SO'.ic higher ; No. 2 reel May
CSViiitaVic ; clotted , G9fcc ! ; September , 74 5-Si
75 0-Sc ; closed , 75 > Ac.
CORN Receipts , 175,925 bu. : exports , 170.
378 im.i spot llrm ; No. 2. 36 1-Se f. o. b
nllcmt. Options steady all day , but qule
"evlthln n. moderate range. A reduction li
the amount ntioat , export demand and ship
liu-nts of wheat were the features ; closee
> , i j'3-Sc higher ; May. 36 l-SflSG c ; closed
SO'ic ; September , Sl'ffiSlijc ' ; closed , 34 ' 4c.
OATS Receipts , 123,600 bu , ; exports , 187.
f/I ) bu. ; spot dull ; No. 2. 25 ic ; No. 2 white
lUJTTER-Recelpts. 6.277 pkgs. ; steady
iwestern creamery , 15tf2lc ; Ulglns , 2lc ; fuc
tory. HH < fil4Uc.
CHEESE Receipts. 4.77S pkgs. ; linn
largo white , 8 S-SiiS'Jc ; light skims. GS ;
( Pic ; largo colored , 8e ; small colored , S5
Sc.KGOS Receipts , 7,019 pkgs , ; steady.
HOPS Firm ; state , common to choice
ISM crop , 4Utio ; 1897 crop , 7WSc ; 1S9S croii
3Ufl7c : Paclllc const , ISM crop , 4U6c ; 189
crop. 8frl2e ; 189S crop , 14H17c.
WOOL Quiet ; llcecc , 17 < S23c ; Texas. 131
COTTONSEED OIL-Dull ; prime yellow
RICE Steady ; fair to extra , 5 l > 8fT6Jc
Japan , 5 7-SfiGc.
MOLA8SKS Steady ; Now Orleans , opei
Uettle. good te choice , 2SfT33c.
MUTALB-PIg Iron dull ; exchange. $ .S3
Juke copper , quiet ; exchange , $12.25. Tin
dull ; exchange , $16.10. Lead , dull ; ex
change , $3.95 : brokers , $3.85. Spelter , quiet
exchange ,
Ilulllinore Mnrtcet.
relpts. 1C.945 bbls. ; exports. 10.182 bbls. Mar
Jcct dull ; western superllne. n.25Q3.M
eatern extra. J2.0533.00 ; winter patenU
J3.7St(3.93 ; spring patentji , :4.2S1T4.40 ; Rio
extra , $3.65 390.
WHEAT-Qulet ; upot nnd month , 7mt
715-Sr ; October , 71fJ71 1-Sc ; steamer No. 2
red , GC'-4lj6G 4i Receipts. 63,274 bu. ; exporfu ,
21,0'jO bu. ; Moiitlu-rn white , by sample , 67U'
72Ho ; on grade. G7'jJj72c. '
CORN-Strndy ; si > ot nnd month , 33UW
.Tiu-Sc ; October , M6-Mr33 ic. Receipts , 151-
4Sfl bu. ; exports , 151.2 5 bu ; southern while ,
3 > t(3'iHc ( ; yellow , Mfl37c.
OATS Firm ; No. 2 whltP. . western , 2.4fi
28c ; No. 2 mixed , white , 20&25',4c. Receipts ,
24,819 bu. ; exports , none.
Condition of Trndo nnil ( ltion < lnim nn
Stnplc nnil I-'nncy 1'ntilnce.
EaaS-Qood Block , 13'ic.
IJUTTER-Common to fair. 10JU2c ; sep
arator , 20c ; gathered creamery , lc.
LIVE POULTRY-Hens. 7c ; old roosters.
4c ; spring chickens , 7 74c ! ; ducks , Gfl6c ;
geese- , not wanted.
GAME Teal , blue wing , $1.75 ; green wlnff ,
$1.50 ; mixed , II.75 2.23 ; prulrlej chickens ,
young , $3.60 ; old , $2.50. $
PIOEONS-Llve. per doz. , $1.00.
VEAICholce , 9c.
CELERY-Per bunch. 30R35C.
ONIONS New , per bu. , 40i/50c.
UEANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. , $1,40
POTATOES-1'er bu , . 408Wc.
CABBAGE , per II ) . , Ic.
ORANGES-Seedllngs. $2.50 ; Mediter
ranean sweets , $2.50f < 2.75.
LEMONS California , $3.7586.00 ; fancy
Me-sHlna , $6.50ff7.00.
BANANAS Choice , large stock , per
bunch , $2.X ( > Q2.25 ; medium sized bunches ,
APPLES Per bbl. , choice shipping stock ,
$2.7ofi3.00 ; other stoclt , $2.0082.50.
WATERMELONS-Cratcd , 12U13c ; loose ,
9fi lie.
CANTALOUPE Rocky Ford , per crate ,
PEACHES-Oallfornla , 20-lb. case , 90U95C.
PLUMS Oregon. i0cj$1.00.
PEARS Bartlett , California , scarce
about out of market $2.23 ; other varieties ,
$2.i Tj2.25.
GRAPES-Natlvc. per basket , 13i13Uc ;
California Tokays , $1.5 < KJ1.G5 ; Ohio , per bas
ket , 16c : New York grapes , 1516c.
CRANBERRIES AVIsconsln. per box ,
$1.25 ; Capo Cods , per bbl . J1.73Q7.00.
NUTS-Almonds , per lb. . largo size , 12 ®
13c ; small , lie ; Brazils , per lb. , 9010c ; En
glish walnuts , per lb. , fancy soft shell , 11Q >
12c ; standards , Sftgc ; niberts , per lb. , lOo ;
r > ecans , polished , medium , Gft7c : extra
large , 8iR9c ; largo hickory nuts , $1.001.10
per bu. ; small. jl.lS < yi.2S per bu. ; cocoanuts ,
per 100 , $4.5085.00 ; peanuts , raw , 6 c ;
roasted , 7Hc.
MAPLE SYRUP Five-gal , can. each ,
J2.75 ; gal. cans , pure , per doz. , $12 ; half-gal ,
cans , $0.23 ; quart cans , $3.50.
HONEY Choice white , 12Hc.
DATES Hallowee , CO to 70-lb. boxes , BHc ;
Salr , Go ; Farel , 9-lb. boxes , 9c.
FIGS Imported , fancy 3-crown , 14-lb.
hoxcs , lOc ; 5-crown , 44-lb. boxes , 13c ; 3-lb.
boxes , 22 230 per box ; California , 10-lb.
boxes , $1.
CIDER-Per half bbl. , J3.23S3.50.
HIDES-No. 1 green hides. 7c ; No. 2
green bides , Cc ; No. 1 salted hides , 8-c ; No.
2 salted hides , 74c ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12
Ibs. , 9c ; No. 2 veal salf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 7c.
TALLOW , GREASE , ETC. Tallow , No.
1. 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2' c ; rough tallow , IHc ;
white grease , 2l4U2 ( ic ; yellow and brown
grease , ! H < & 2i.4c.
SIIHEP PELTS Green salted , each , 158 !
7Gc : green salted shearings ( short wooled
early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( short
wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry
Hint , Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool
pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4Q5c ; dry Hint ,
Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts ,
per lb. . actual weight , 3J4c ; dry Hint , Colorado
rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight , 453c ; dry Hint , Colorado murrain
wool pelts , per lb , , actual weight , 334c.
VlMllilc Supply of Whent Dcci-cnucx
ssn.oim iiiixiiciM.
NEW YORK , Sept. 26.-Tho statement of
the visible supply of grain In store find
afloat on Saturday , September1 21 , as com
piled by the New York Produce exchange
is as follows :
WHEAT 9.30S,000 bu. ; decrease , SSO.OOO bu.
CORN 19.652.000 bu. ; Increase , 403,000 bu.
OATS 1,754,000 bu.J Increase. 63,000 bu.
RYE 710,000 , bu. : Increase , 121,000 bu.
BARLEY 1,156,000 bu. ; Increase , 496,000 bu.
St. I.otilH Murkt-t.
ST. LOUIS. Sept. 26. FLOUR-Qulet anel
unchanged ; patents. J3.43S3.GO ; straights ,
J3.10.Jf3.25 . ; clear , $2.0002.90 ; rye flour. Jobbing
at $2.75 In sacks anel $3.00 per bbl.
WHEAT-Strong and fractionally higher
bid : No. 2 hard , cash , GGe.
CORN Futures were strong with prices
fractionally better ; spot , dull but strong ;
No. 2 cns > h. 29e bid : September , 29'4c bid ;
December , 28 G-Sc ; May , 30c.
OATS Futures were fractionally better ;
spot , steady ; No. 2 cash , 23c bid ; track , 2'
< ii23H'C : September. 23Vfec bid ; December ,
22Uc : Mny. 23 7-Sc bid ; No. 2 white , 25823Vic (
RYE Firm but lower at 47c.
FLAXSEED-Stcady at 87 .r.
COPNMEAL Quiet at $1.531.CO.
BRAN Scarce ; sacked , east track , 47'iQ (
lIAY-Strong ; timothy , $7.0089.00 ; prairie
$4. vfr .oo.
BUTTER Steady ; creamery , 18022c
dairy , 13fil7'ic.
EGOS Kapler at 12Hc , loss off.
METALS Lend , dull nnd Posy nt JS.Soii
3.87'A ; sppltnr , steady nt J4.62V4.
PROVISIONS Pork , higher ; standare
mess , jobbing. $8.37'i. Lard , hlghPr ; prlmf
steam , $1.77 ; choice. SI.H'i. Dry sail
meats , boxed shoulders , $4.75 ; extra shor
clear , $5.50 ; ribs , $5.G2'-4 ; shorts $5.75. Bacon
boxed shoulders , $5.50 ; extra short clear
JG.OO : ribs. $ c.l2'4 ; shortf. JG.37 .
RECEIPTS Flour , 4,000 bbls. ; wheat , 24 ,
000 bu. ; corn. M.OOO bu. ; oats , 46,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour. 9,000 bbls. : wheat
14.000 bu. ; corn , 55.000 bu. ; oats , 4,000 bu.
New Orl MUiN MnrUel.
Quiet ; pork , standard mess , $9.00fi9.25
Lard , refined tierce , 3 7-Sc ; pure , 5 3-8(56V ( < .c
Boxed meats , dry salt shoulders , G < R5 5-8c
sides , 5 B-KWtWip. Bacon , clear rib sides. 6
{ ? G 5-8c. Hams , choice sugar rurod , 989-c
COKFEE Steady ; Rio , ordinary to fair
RICE In fair demand ; ordinary to good
3 '
Stcad.v : Hour. etra fancy. $3.30 (3.40 ( ; pat
ents , $3.70571.80. Common ) , $ l.COffl.G5. Bran
62f52i- . Hay. prime , 9.0fMi 11.00 : choice
J12.00812.25. Corn , No. 2 sacked , 39c. Oats
No. 2 sacked , 3Sc.
CINCINNATI , Sept. 20. FLOUR-Qulet
fancy. $3.00f3.20 : fnmlly. J2.G7fT2.SO. (
WHEAT Quiet ; No. 2 red , 75c.
CORN Steady : No. 2 mixed , Sir.
OATS Easy ; No , 2 medium , 24024&C.
RYE Firm ; No. 2. 4Sc.
LARD-FIrm nt $1.73.
WHISKY-FIrm at $1.23.
BUTTER In fair demand ; fancy Elglr
creamery. 22c.
SUGAR Steady ; hard refined , $4.25.
EGGS-Easy at I3c. . . , , . .
CHEESE Firm ; good to prime Ohio flat ,
open kettle ; centrifugal , strong ; seconds
2W4 3-16c.
MOLASSES Easy ; centrifugal. 4 < flllc.
NEW YORK , Sept. 26.-SUGAR Raw
quiet ; fair rellnlng , S c ; centrifugal , 9i
test , 4 B-Uc.
tcmber , 9s Cd ; October , 9s 9d.
llnncniiollH AVlient Mnrket.
Weak ; September , f-3 3-8c : December , 60S-
fieo'jc ; Mny , 62Vifi"C ! 3-So ; No. 1 hard , G53-4c
No. 1 northern. 64'ic ; No. 2 northern. COtJr
FLOUR Good demand : llrst patents. $3.9
fff4.C5 : s'cond patent. J3.7503.S5 ; llrst clears
$2.7Vff2.SO. (
BRAN-In bulk. $7.7508.00.
Toledo MnrUet.
TOLEDO. Sept. 26. WHEAT-FIrm ; No.
cash and September , 70c ; December , 67c.
CORN Dull nnd ptcady ; No. J mixed
OATS-Qulot ; No. 2 , 22c.
RYE-Dull at 45Uc.
CLOVERSEED Active ; prime cash
$3.S7Vi ; October. $4.60. _
Mllwnukeo Crnln Mnrket.
er ; No. 1 northern , CflVic ; No. 2 northern
GT > o ; December , nominal.
RYK-Lowcr : No. 1. 47Uff4Sc.
BARLEY Firmer ; No. 2 , 43 > 40l4Hc
sample , 31ff43c.
llverp < iol ( iruln .llnrket.
ket ' , id lower ; September , 6s ; December , 6
47-8d : March. 6s l-8d.
CORN Quiet , l-Sfi3-Sd lower ; September
Ss 3d ; October , 3s 5el ; December , 3s 27-Sd.
Dnludi IVIn-nt Alnrket.
DULUTH , Sept. 20. WHEAT No.
northern , cash. G7e ; September , GG 7-Sc ; De
cembcr , Gl 7-8e ; May , C4c.
Cnllfornlii Drleil frultx.
DRIED FRUITS Steady ; evaporated ap
piss , common , Gi c : prime wlro tray , S < ic :
choice , 9c ; fancy , 9\ie , Prunes. 4lSV4c. Ap-
prlcots , Royal , llfU3c ( : Moor Park , 12016C.
Penche ? , impeded , 7iJ9c ; peeled , 12 130.
AcOon of Mnrket nt Opening I * Dl -
leppolntlnK to tinllulln. .
NEW YORK , Sept. M.-Tho action of to
day's market at the opening was disap
pointing to the bulls and stocks purchased
Saturday on the favorable bunk statement
were speedily let GO nnd commitments made
for the short account.
The higher range of London prices en
couraged bulls and efforts were made to
advance prices to u parity with the London
figures. The rises In the foreign market In
Union Pacific showed that the forelgnern
were becoming reconciled to the dividend
notion. Opening prices hero were somewhat
mixed , but the hesitation was soon suc
ceeded by n general plunge downward
under the guidance of the specialties. Stop
loirs orders were uncovered In the lenders
anel the market for a tlnve was nt the mercy
of the dealers who searched ellllgcntly for
weak spots. Prices for Tobacco , People's
Gns and Brooklyn Transit melted away rapIdly -
Idly , but Sugar nftcr a dip downward of a
point encountered supporting orders and
ruled above Saturday's close for the re
mainder of the day. The railways mean
while fell sympathetically , but the leases
were confined to fractions and after the
first rush to sell had abated settled down tea
a level slightly above the lowest nnd re
sisted subsequent efforts at depression.
The firmness was- accounted for by the pub
lication of numerous trnfllc statements cov
ering a wide area of territory and showing
substantial Increases. The gains' In some
of the southern Illicit were especially gratify
ing In view of the slow movement of cot
ton nnd quarantine1 regulations In some FCC-
tlons. These conditions were responsible
for the marked decreases reported by the
southwestern group. Arbitrage houpes had
purchasing orders , but the action of the
market discourage * ! any extensive ventures
and only a light sprinkling of various stocks
was taken. The elimination of nn active
speculative Interest from the market owing
to the rigid observance of the Hebrew holi
day , Yom Klppur , reduced business con
siderably and the raid on Tobacco ulso
chilled the outside demand. The decline In
Tobacco was attributed principally to a de
nial of officials of the Drummoml that the
concern had been absorbed by the Ameri
can Tobacco company. The bears attacked
the stock with considerable confidence and
drove It down 8 5-S per cent to 139U , Con
siderable amounts of stock were llejuldateil
and the apparent willingness of the Insid
ers to see the ) prices lower Invited extensive
selling by the shorts. In the last hour the
stock moved upward with the general mar
ket to 41 7-S. Sugar moved up to 123 and the
railways , which had moved Inelependently
of Tobncoo throughout the day , ruled the
best. In the final dealings Tobacco slumped
badly and touched 139. The other Indus
trials also suffered from realizations , but no
appreciable declines were recorded In the
standard stocks. The > market left off un
settled , with slltrht losses generally. Call
money rates stiffened sharply later In the
elay nnd 5H per cent was cjuoteel for n time.
The great bulk , however , of the transactions
actions- - was made at 3V t5er cent and some
accommodations were secured early In the
day nt 3 per cent.
The bond market lacked decisive tone ,
but dealings were light and variations In
either direction unimportant. Total sales ,
$1 3 9 000
Government bonds were unchanged on
bid prices , but a purchase of the new 4' ,
coupon , was made at 3-8 per cent higher
than the last sale. , ,
The Evening Post's London financial ca
blegram says : Today being the eve of the
settlement nnd a Jewish holiday , the stock
markets here were lifeless , whllo the tone
was dull. A recovery In Argentines and In
Kaffirs was the only exception. Americans
were dull and featureless. Union Pacific
was supported and Loulrvtll * & Nnshvll p.
It Is reported that a large proportion of the >
gold withdrawn from the Bank of England
for New York next week was not shipped ,
but I cannot confirm the story. Russia anil
G rmany are the only buyers of gold for
the moment at 77s UHd. Toelay's slightly
easier discount rate here was due to the
action of the American money and sterling
Tn < > follcwlne are the closing nuotatlont
i oi the leading stocks on the New York
market today ;
! Total sales of stocks today were 33fi.GCK
shares. Including : Atchlson preferreel , 6,777
Chicago , nurllngton & Qulncy , G.775 ; Man
hattan. 3.GC5 ; Metropolitan Street Railway
3Cfi7 ; Northern Pacific 15,175 ; Northern Pa
cific preferred. 3,174 ; Reading , 3,035 ; Rod' '
Island. 3.331 ; Union Paclllc. 11,938 ; St. Paul
8,200 ; Union Pacific preferred , S.329 ; Amer
ican Cotton , 5,815 ; American Tobacco , 118-
2SO ; Chicago Grfat Western. 7.SG3 ; People's
Oas , 19.3S5 ; Sugar , 46,935 ; United States
Rubber , 9,104.
New York Money Market.
NEW YORK , Sept. 20. MONEY On call
steady , at 3 per cent.
actual business In bankers' hills nt SiSIC ]
4.84U for demand and J4.81V4W4.S1U foi
sixty days. Pos'ted rates , J4.82ff4.82H nnt
$4.83. Commercial bills. $4.SOV4iT4.809i. (
103U ; new 4s reg. , 127 ; coup. , 127 % ; 4a reg.
110U : coup. , IHVj ! 2s , 90 ; Cs reg. and cou-
pon. 112U ; Pacific 6s of ' 99 , 102 > , .
I1AR SILVER 60 15-lGc.
Closing quotations on bonds werj as fol
lows :
I'liiuiiclntotex. .
OMAHA , Sept. 20. Clearances today were
J1.274.071.US ; balances , $133.CU1.9tl. Clear
ancen mat year were $1,100,024,24 ; balances
J134.371.29. Excess In clearings , J1GS.031.7I.
NE\V ORLEANS , Sept. 26.-Clearlngs
J700lOt ) . New York exchange , bank , 60o pre
mluin ; commercial , J1.25 discount.
ST. LOUIS , Sept. 26.-Clearlngs , J5.C93 ,
3S7 ; balances , JS31.235. Money , 4f7 per cent
Now York exchange , 25e discount bid ; 10 <
discount asked ,
CHICAGO. Sept. M.-Clearlng * , J17.4C6.079
balances , J2.1S3.914. New York exchange , 5o
premium. Posted rates , JI.S1VJ" ' S-V stocks
doscel steady. Alley L , 78 , Hiscult , 373-S ,
llliicult preferred , Wi ; Diamond Match ,
139 ; Lake Street L , 3714 ! North Chicago ,
220 ; Straw-board , HI ; City Railway. 291 1-s.
CINCINNATI , Sept. 26. Money , easy , 24
03 per e-ent. New York exchange , 25c pre
mium. Clnrlngs , J2.42C.430.
NK\V YORK. Sept , 2fl.-ClearlngK , J75-
78S.723 ; balance.- ) , 16,131,020.
11OSTON. Sept. 20. Clearings , J10SSO,100 ;
balances , Jl,420SOti.
lloitnu Stoelc ( inotiitlonn.
UOSTON. Sept. 25.-Call loans. 2V4fil per
cent ; time IOIUIB , 4Mj15 ? per cent. Closing
quotations on Blocks , bunds and tnlntnc
vharen :
IM1 Telrphono 52lloucz MinliiR Co. . 3'4
IloMon & Albany.Mtlnnllc 2JU
Huston & Calne..KIV ilo-lon & Montana..Ul
( - ' . , 11. & Q 115 iIHtfia fc 'llewton. ' . 24'.i
PltchbiirK 10t > ; Icnliimot A Hecla..57.i
San Krnnrlnco MlnliiR Uuotntlon * . '
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 26.-Thc olllclal
closing quotations for mining stocks today
were as follows ;
Oiotlar 19 Savage 13
i Confidence Dl Scorpion 4
I Con. Cal. & Vn "SlSlorra Nevada 81
Con. Imperial 1 ll'nlnn Con 2t
Con. New York lil'tali Con 7
Crown I'olnt 161 Yellow Jacket 19
Gould & Ourrle. . . . 13 'Standard ' 170
Silver bars , C03-Sc ; Mexican dollars. 7414
74ic ; drafts , night , 17l c ; telegraph , 20c.
\cvr York Mining Quotation * .
NE\V YORK. Sept. 26. The following are-
the closing quotations on mining stocks ;
( -hollar 15 Ontario C./ )
Crown I'olnt 13 Ophlr 43
Con. Cala. und Va. . . 70 ] - , ) mouth 12
Dcuilwood 30 Quicksilver 1J
Ooulil & Curry 20 do pM 3M >
Halo & Norcruss. , . . M > Sierra Nevada 70
llomestake 4V ) Standard li )
Iron Silver 7 : Yellow Jacket 20
Mexican i2Un'on | Con 81
London Slock Qiiotnf Innn.
_ IONDON , .Sept 2C. 4 p. m.-Closlngi
Consols/money . . .7lTOiN. Y. Central . 120
Consols , Hcct..lW 13-16 Pennsylvania . W'i
Canadian Tac'llc . .S'j'.l 'Heading ' . 9" ,
Erie . ll'iiU. P. pfd . &s
Erie 1st pM . S'UJAtchlson . 13'i
Illinois Central . . . .115 I. . & jf . & 7 ! > x
Nor. Pnclllc pfd. . . 79lGrnnd Trunk . 7 > i
St. Paul common. . 113U I _
BAR SHYVER-Etendy at 23 3-lCd.
MONKY-2 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills. 24Q2 13-16 per cent ; for
three months' bills , 2i2 13-16 per cent.
Forrlun FliiniM'Inl.
LONDON , Sept. 26. American securities
were Irregular with a bearish undertone
and without decided feature. The close
was dull. The amount of bullion withdrawn
from the Iank ! of England today on bal
ance was J40.COO. Gold Is quoted at Buenos
Ayres today at 158 ; Spanish closed at
42 ? ; .
PARIS , Sept. 26. Business on the bourse
was ended during the curly portion of the
session today , due to the rumors of the
cabinet's decision In the matter of a re
vision of the Dreyfus case , but r.tterward
It Improved when thn result of the minis
try considerations was made known and
the market finished strong nil around.
Three per cent rentes , 102f 60c for itho ac
count ; exchange on London , 23f 29 ! c for
checks : Spanish 4s closed nt 43.22V4.
11ERL1N , Sept. 26. Business on the
bourse today was quirt on account of the
Jewish holiday. Spanish 4s weakened on
the unfavorable revenue returns. Local se
curities were llrm.
MADRID , Sept. 26. Spanish 4s closed to
day lit K6. Gold was quoted at 57.50.
LISBON , Sept. 26. Gold was quoted here
today at 55.
Stnlrment of Itnnlc of Spnln.
MADRID , Sept. 26. The weekly statement
of the Bank of Spain shows the following
changes :
Gold In hand , Increase , 2,490,000 pesetas ;
silver In hand , decrease , 1,046,000 pesetas :
notes In circulation , Increase , 368,000
Coffee Marl < > .
NEW TORIC , Sept. 26-COFFEE-Optlons
opened steady , with prices unchanged * o C
points higher and exhibited flrm undertone
during the afternoon on more favorable
European news than expected , liberal
warehouse deliveries , smaller receipts than
discounted , local covering , light outsldo
buying , scarcity of sellers and broadening
spot demand. In afternoon reacted slightly
under realizing and productions for In
creased mo\ement In Brazil ; closed steady
* nt 5 points higher to 0 points lower : sales ,
21,500 bags , Including December , ? r .75ffi5.83 ;
March , SO.OOfTe.OS. Spot coffee , steady ; . No.
7 Invoice. C P-Sc ; No. 7 Jobbing , 6 5-Sc. Mild ,
steady ; Cordova , Ei315c.
LONDON , Sept. 26. WOOL The wool
auction sales continued today with n largo
attendance of buyers. The offerings num
bered 10,226 bales and consisted of a good
selection of Queensland. There was moro
animation among the continental represent
atives. they competing closely for scoureds.
Now Zealand merinos were taken princi
pally by the homo trade.
Oil Mr.rKet.
OIL CITY , Pa. , Sept. 2 < > . Credit balances ,
$1.04 ; ctrtlllcates opened at $1.03',4 ' bid for
cash nnd closed at $1.05 bid for cash ; sales ,
3,000 bbls. cash at fl.04 and 2.000 bbls. cash at
$1.01 1-8 : shipments , 146.814 bbls. ; runs , three
days , 1S0.177 bbls. _
Snl < * .
ELGIN , 111. . Sept. 2G.-BUTTER-Flrm ;
offerings , 2SO tubs , all selling at 20c ,
| KniixHN City UVP Stock.
celpt * . 8,230 natives ; 3.COO Texans. Good de
mand and all desirable stock active at
steady prices ; common feeders a shade
lower : no choice natives offered. Medium
steers. J5.OOiJ5.25 ; lights , J4.SOf(5.25 ( ; stackers
and feeders , IS.&O'if ' 1.65 ; butcher cows nnd
heifers , $2.80Jo.OO : butcher bulls , J2.SOQ3.25 ;
western steern , $3.17'/4'4. 0 ; Texas steers ,
J3.00ff4.35 ; Texas butcher cows , J2.89i3.40 ;
cunning1 stock , J2.25W2.75 ,
1IOGB Receipts , 4,410 head ; light hogs
In good demand and steady to Oc higher ;
packers steady to 5c lower. Heavies , J3.70
( OT.SIH ; hlxed , J3.C7'.iil03.75 ; light weights ,
J3 70 3 90.
SHEEP Receipts , 5,000 head ; packers
and feeders active , with buyers at steady
prices. Western lambs , J5OOT)5.2fl ) ; western
muttons. J3.75fi4.00 ; range feeding lambs ,
JI.2oQI.70 ; range feeding sheep , J3.7504.00.
SI. I.oulN I.lve Stock.
ST. LOUIS , Sept. 26-CATTLE-Rc-
celpts , 4,000 head , Including 3,000 Texans ;
shipments , 700 head ; market steady. Fair
to fancy native shipping and export steers ,
J4.70fj5.iO ; bulk of sales , Jl.751i5.45 ; drepaed
beef and butcher steers , J3.S55/5.2o / ; bulk of
sales. J4.OOfiG.25 ; steers under 1,000 pounds ,
J3.35H4.90 ; bulk of sales , J3.65fi4.75 ; stack
ers and feeders , J2.75fM.40 ; bulk of sales ,
J2.90Jj4.20 ; cows and heifers , J2.OOfJ4.SO ; bulk
of sales of cows. J2.80fi 3.2.1 ; Texas and In
dian steers , J2.75ft4.35 ; bulk of sales , J3.S5 { ( >
4.00 ; cows nnd heifers , J2.0&fi3.S5.
HOGS Receipts , 4,300 head ; shipments ,
1,200 head ; market steady on best nnd a
shade lower on others. Yorkers , J3.93ffl.00 :
packers , J3 0ft4.50 ; butchers' , J4.00f4.07H. {
SHEEP Receipts , 2.400 head ; shipment * .
400 head ; market steady. Native muttons ,
J3.9&Q4.35 ; lambs , J4.25Q5.50.
York Live Stock.
ce'.pla. 3,046. Market dull ; top grades
steady , others lOc lower. Oxen and stags ,
J2.75fi2.SO : cows and bulls. J2.40f3.40 ? ; cables
higher : live cattle , Jl&iffflZtic ; refrigerator
beef , 9HQ9ic per pound.
CALVES-Receltits , 2 , 2. Market dull
and falling nnd 2jV lower ; veals , J5.OOQS.00 ;
choice extra. J3.S5/S.50.
SHEEP AND LAMHR Receipts , 11.422 ;
sheep , lOe lower ; lambs , steady to I5c
lower : nhcpp , J3.COfrl.CO : lambs , Jo.OOS5.SO.
HOGS Rpcelptn. 11,010. Market dull and
lower at J4.15Cf-l.40.
St. .loncpli I.lvc Stock.
ST. JOSEPH , Sept. 26.-Special.-CAT- (
TLH Receipts , 1,400 head ; steady to strong ;
natives , J4.COf5.15 ; Texans and westerns ,
J3.EOJJ3.10 ; cows and heifers , Jl.50ff4.25 ;
, stockers nnd feeders , J3.25Tio.00.
HOGS Receipts , 2Kfl head ; steady to 2Ho
i lower ; nothing choice ; top , J3.S5 ; bulk , J3.SO
{ J3.82.
SHEEP Receipts , COO head ; steady.
I'eorlii .Murl.'olH.
rnOIlIA , Sept , se. COUN Steady ; No.
2 , 29c.
OATS Firm ; No. 2 white , /421c. .
WHISKY Firm , on basis of J1.25.
Week Starts with a Heavy Hun of Oattlo
of All Sorts ,
Mmlc Are Sllnht nnil TrmlliiR
In Active UUK * Slow nil a
Loivrr Sheep ( in L'p Ten
to Fifteen Cent * ,
SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. 26.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Receipts today ft.ssi 2 , s -1,400
Onu week ago 4t.Sl 2'M 10.39(5 (
Two weeks ago 4,0 7 1.5S6 13,417
One month ngo f.,440 H.1U2 1,111
AvcraKC price paid fur Iiogs ( or the last
several days with comparisons :
Total receipts 238 41 IS 4
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Huyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 179 605
G. H. Hammond Co 372
Swift and Company 449 sis 495
Cudnhy Packing Co 1,147 fiOTi 1,340
P. D. Armour , Chicago. 664 792 1,655
J. L. Carey 10
Lob man & Co C70
W. I. Stephens 592
lienton & Underwood. . . . 966 . .
Huston & Co 77 . .
Hill & Huntzlnger 113
Livingston & Schaler. . . . 112
Hamilton & R 341
Hammond , from K. C i :
McCreary 33
Other buyers 372 871
Totals 6,100 2,867 4,361
CATTLE The week opened with a good
run of cattle. A very large proportion of
them wtro feeders , but there was also n
liberal showing of beef. Considering the
liberal run and the further feet that Chicago
nnd Kansas City were reporting lower mar
kets the trade here as a whole was In very
fair condition , the movement being reason
ably active and values not changed very
There were about a dozen loads of corn-
fed steers , the best of which sold at fully
steady prices , as high as $5.30 being paid
for some. Buyers were reporting about six
teen loads of westerns and about double
the number of Texans good enough for kill
ers. While desirable kinds of killing cattle
were steady , with the run as large as It
was and with eastern markets lower. It
was ouly natural that buyers should dis
criminate rather closely and the holders of
cattle that did not just happen to please
buyers reported the market a little easier.
There were twenty to twenty-live loads
of cows and heifers In the yards and the
market on that kind of cattle was fully
steady , In fact buyers were reporting It as
very strong and active. Feeders were buy
ing the thin stuff , so that there was a
good demand for all kinds and the offerings
were soon cleaned up. Some good corn-fed
heifers sold at $4.65 nnd J4.85 , showing
what really good stuff would bring.
Desirable kinds of stockers and feeders
were fully steady and the demand good with
the market active. Most everything of that
description sold early. With BO many good
cattle buyers were a little slow about tak
ing the common kinds , and the market on
such would have to be auoted as weak and
dull. Representative sales :
Thomas Wilkinson.
151 feeders.1009 4 20
H. D. Reed.
15 cows . . 801 3 00
Belief Cattle Co.
2 cows . .830 1 75 1 cow. . . . 1250 3 00
Icow . .1010 2 25 16 COWS. . . 9SG 3 25
M. A. Roth.
1 heifer. . . . 800 3 as l heifer. . . . 730 350
2 cows . 1075 300 7 feeders..1240 SCO
1 steer . 1250 300 41 feeders..1114 4 15
9 feeders. .1175 3 50 44 feeders..112J 4 15
110 feeders. 925 4 15 3 feeders. . 925 3 50
H. Schodde & Sons.
Scows . 932 2 Oi ) 5 heifers. 830 3 00
1 bull .1130 2 H5 23 heifers. H30 3 10
7 bulls 1318 265UTAH.
120 feeelers. 899 3 90 3 feeders. S5G 323
ShledllCuttle Co.
336 steers..1216 420 Istpcr. . . . 1000 340
Creswell Cattle Co. .
21 steers..1221 420
Lake Tomb Cattle Co.
1 feeders. . 1070 4 10 95 steers..1134 410
G feeders. . 1USI 4 10 iHteer mo 315
2 steers. . . . 1200 365 1 stag 12uO 315
Isteer . 1160 3 05
Mrs. M. C. Forel.
1 steer 1270 4 10 36 steers..1186 4 10
7steers..1218 4 10
Doddy Brothers.
22 feeders. . 1210 395 4 .steers. . . .1112 4 00
6 steers..1456 4 GO 14 steers. . . .1192 4 00
Edward Barthold.
15 feeders..1190 395 Isteer. . . 1180 400
u steers..1300 4 00
Monkln & S.
1 feeder. . . 910 395 Isteer. . . . .1440 4 23
1 feeder. . . 1170 3 95 1 steer. . . . .PXIO 4 25
5 feeders. . 1314 3 95 2 steers. . . .12TO 4 25
4 fcedero..llS5 : : 95 2 steers. . . .1220 4 25
James Cox.
Gcows 1122 300 16 steers..1148 3S
Wenre Live Stock Co.
SS steers..1070 380 B steers..1336 4 23
19 steers..1037 4 00
Western Ranches.
Icow 910 300 lOcows. SS9 4 00
14 cows 1055 3 CO
John Kaschke.
2 feeders. . 933 410 12 feeders. . 931 4 10
8 feeders..1078 410 20 feeders. . 952 4 10
4 feeders. . S52 410 25 str. Tex. 995 345
1 steer 1150 425 U cows 1023 3 10
Scows 905 2 50
Wyatt Cattle Co.
1 feeder..1001 375 10 feeders..1158 4 25
12 feeders. . 915 375 81 feeders. . 1113 DM )
1 feeder. . . 1150 3 80
2 cows. . . 950 3 00 30 feeders..1033 4 10
2 helfera. S20 325 13 steers..1271 4 20
1 heifer. . 3 SO 2 cows 1115 4 50
2 cows. . . 2 20 1 bull Iii20 2 75
1 cow. . . . 2 20 1 bull 1(00 ( 325
1 cow. . . . 2 20 3 heifers. . 750 340
19 rows 10&2 3 10 1 feeder. . .IS'vO 350
11 feeders. Wi 4 25 2 feeders. . S75 3 95
03 feeders. SH 4 00 107 fe-fders. . 90S 4 15
Kent & Blaaell ,
22 heifers. . 7C4 3 W i teudurs. . 430 3 CS
1 heifer. . 8JO 3 to 33 feeders , . S6I 4 IS
f.2 fM-elers 1 < 'V ' > I 10 4 feeder * t ' 'i .1 M
3 bulls 1313 275 7 stccrg..lllS 400
9 cows SI2 3 00
M. E. Tlllotdon.
38 row * ll 0 3 HO flS steers. . . . 121 4 "W
R bulls 1310) 27. ' . 98tCfrc..iCS 4 S3
32 cows 9JO 3 05
Ed Bailgctt.
2S ! > tecrs..U > S.1 3 SO 44 steers..1173 410
Twenty-Uno Luuit ? C'ei.
113 steers..1114 4(6 1 steer l < v > 3 r-
1 feeder..1150 400 3bulls 1333 390
1 te r U20 3 IB 1 row iv ) a ue.1
W. 1) . Drlsklll.
Ibull 12M ) 2W 1 heifer. . . 760 3 oO
2 cows N ( l 2 75 4 cows 1045 3 75
Icow S.20 . 275 2 feeders. . 73."i 4 W
1 heifer. . . 070 300 Icalf 2 vO 640
IS cows 854 310 Icalf 400 540
13 cows 967 335 Icalf 150 600
H. S , Bolcc.
217 steers. . . 903 3 70
Bcrry-Bolce Cattle Co.
3 feeders..lOtM 340 22 steers. . . . 979 305
20 feeders..1000 3M 2S feeders..1001 310
18 feeders. . 9SS 3 Wi
11. S. Bolce.
& 3 feeders. . S4S 390
HO(1S Receipts of hogs were the largest
for a Monday this month , though there wore
only a few over forty loads In the yards.
The market was decidedly against the jellIng -
Ing Interests , owing to the reports of lower
eastern markets. Early advices from Chicago
cage Indicated a Blow market at a decline
of do and Kansas City also came lower. The
result \\ns that the market hero opened 6c
lower than the low time on Saturday , but
moro than 5c lower than the best time Sat
urday. A few very gooel lends sold up to
J3.75 , whllo on Saturday there were several
lends at f3,12',2iT3.35. The buyers wanted
good mixed loads at J3.70 , and It was dim-
cult to Induce them to pay any moro for
anything. Sellers did not feel like making
the concession , anel the traitc was slow anel
The market clofcel weak nt the d ; ltne.
rough loads selling at J3.C5. Today's de
cline wiped out a good share of the ad
vance made on Friday and puts the market
where It was the middle of last week. The
hogs did not sell qulto EC.ell today , as
they did at the opening of lost week. Rep
resentative sales :
SHEEP After making allowances for
feeders and such sheep as were hardly good
enough for the packers there were only
about thirteen loads of fat sheep on sale.
That was hardly enough to go around ,
among all the packers , and as they all
wanted some the result was n very active
market at an advance of 10(8 ( > 15c. Anything
that killers wanted was soon disposed of
and the market was most satisfactory to the
sellers. As usual there were a good many
buyers on hand who wanted stockers and
feeders , nnd It was no trouble to dispose
of nil that were to bo hod at good strong
Quotations are : Good grassn westerns ,
J3.90(34.00 ( ; fair to good , J3.803.90 ; good
yearlings , J4.15@4.25 ; good to choice lambs ,
J5.1G@5.25 ; fair to good lambs , Jl.90fi5.00 ;
feeder wethers , 2-year-olds and over , $3.75 ®
3.85 ; feeder yearlings , $4.004.15 ; feeder
lambs , $4.2504.75. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr.
10 culls 115 J3 00
72 } Oregon wethers 103 4 00
443 Wyoming sheep 98 4 12ft
377 Utah ewes and wethers 115 4 15
145 Wyoming yearlings S5 4 25
179 Utah yearlings 92 4 40
94 Utah feeders 60 475
18S Wyoming feeder lambs 56 4 S5
100 Wyoming feeder lambs 59 4 S5
413 Wyoming lambs 02 515
Inative lamb 110 625
926 Utah lambs 64 625
Cattle Market Active nnd Strong mill
HOKN Nrll Well.
CHICAGO , Sept. 26. There was n good
demand for cattle today and good droves
of fat cattle sold fairly well , the only dull
ness being In common and medium grades ,
which were at llrst fairly steady and closed
6JflOc ( lower. Sales of native beef steers
were on a basis of J4.00g4.50 for the com
monest up to J4.Wi5.50 for fancy lots ,
which nro hard to tlnd , the bulk of the
offerings crossing ihe scales at J4.70if I.S5. Kx-
porters took a fair portion of the better
class of cattle. There was a good demand
for stockers nnd feeders and the best kinds
brought high prices. .Butchers' nnd canner -
ner ' cattle were In good demand nt steady
prices and BO were calves. Western rangers
were not quite as active as usual and aver-
ugpd BplOc lower.
Trade In hogs was fairly active on local
and shipping account , but with a larger
supply than usual. Prices favored buyers
and sales averaged 6c lower than last Sat
urday. Hogs sold at an extreme range of
J3.106J4.03 , commonest to the best offerings ,
the greater part going for JS B'BS.Oj ' , while
pigs sold chlelly at J3.00 < fi3.25 for light
weights , with heavier lots J1.00fi3.75.
The Inquiry for fouling sheep nnd lambs
was unusually large , some kinds selling
with great freedom. Prices were steady on
a basis sof J2.75iff3.60 for Inferior to common
sheep up to JI.50iI4.75 ( for a few lots of
prime to fancy natives , with western ramie
sheep selling nt J3.50JI4.50. Prlmo 61-lb.
lambs Bold up to J6.23. The commonest
lambs sold at J3.75ff4.00 and fnt range
lambs brought J5. KV775.CO.
Receipt ! * : Cattle. 21,000 head ; hogs , 36,000
head ; sheep , 19,000 head.
Clnrliiuatl Live StocU.
CINCINNATI , Sept. 26. HOOS-Steady ,
CATTLE-Steady. J2.50fi4.50.
SHEEP Dull and lower , J3.0034.00 ;
Iambs , easier , J3.355.35. ?
Storlc In Nlzht.
Record of receipts of live stock at the
four principal markets for September 2fi :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha G.SS1 2.SRS 4.tfi
Chicago 21.000 36,000 19,000
Kansas City 11.S90 4,410 5.000
St. Louis 4.000 J.300 2,400
Totals 42,771 iTWS 30.S56
Telephone 1039. Omaha , Neb
Direct wire * to Chicago and N w York.
Corr'tpemdrnUi John A , Wimn A Get.
TRM3IMIOM3 1O5 : .
H. R. PENNEY & CO. ,
Itoont , \ . Y. Life IllilK. , Oinnlin , Nell.
Direct \Vli- ' * New "York , Clile-nuo and
Wolcrn I'olntn.
U. B. Indian Service. Rosebud Agency.
Rosebuel , S. D. , September 24th , 15)8.
potml for Building Material , " etc. , us the
case may be- , and addressee ! to the undcr-
slgncel at Rosebud , S. D. , will received
at this agency until 1 o'clock p. m. of
Monday , October 17th , 1S9S , for furnishing
and delivering nt this agency with thirty
(30) ( ) days after receipt of notice of approval
of contract , a variety of building material
( fonnlBtlng of assorted lumber , xblnglfs ,
eloors , windows , etc. ; also ten Jersey COWH
nnd onet Jersey bull ) , a full list and dc-
srrlptlon of which , together with the In
structions to bidders , to be obtained by
making application to the undersigned.
Ai-ent. 324 dit raora
The battle of Ne
braska that will culmin
ate in an election next
November is on.
The opposing polit
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The candidates pre
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the field and the active
work of the campaign
about to be begun.
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able news of the
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