VMi THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SEPTEMBEK 26 , 1898. SPECIAL NOTICES AilMTtlntmrnOi lor Iticne coluntiiM irlll be tnken until la in. fur the Munliiic mill until Hiao fur ninrnlnu unit Sunday ruiiiiini. Kitten , 1 l-2o n TTurd Hrnt lncrlln | Jo n word Uirrcnfter. NntlilllR tnken for lo than ZXe for ihc llmt Inurr- ( lun. Thi'iie mltertlnciueuta uiuMt bo rim cnnnrctitlvrly. Ailver < lNem , ! > } requmtinR n ntim- brrril clieek , cnii lime lumiTPrn nil * rirenndl ( u n nniubercil letter In cnro of The line. Answer * no addremicil will be delivered on iirehcutatlon of tbe cliecU only. HITUATIONS WANTED. A STENOGRAPHER When you want ono please call up tlio Remington typewriter oillcc , 1613 Farnam at. ; ilephonc. 1573. A-MG96 O17 REFINED , educated lady wants position ns managing housekeeper. Address U 2 , llee. A-877-23 * MALE STENOGRAPHER wishes position In law olllco. Good references. Address C G , Dee. A-MS82 27' "WANTED , position as housekeeper In small family. Addroii n 62 , Bee.A . A SM-21 * WANTED MALE HELP. SALESMEN for clears : 1125 a month and expenses ; old firm ; nxperlence unneces- nary. C. C. BUhop & Co. . St. Louie , Mo. TAILORS , attend Dyhr'd cuttingschool. . 518 8. 13. B-934DCC2 DEPUTIES wanted , both local nnd ntate ; exceptional opportunities for good men ; No. l contracts ; both life nnd accident policies , weekly benefits ; fraternal order. W J. Stuart , 406-8 Uee bldg. , Omaha. B-M255 YOUNG men to learn barber trade ; only 6 to 8 weeks required ; we Rive our grudu- ntcs employment till they receive In wages ns much as they pay for tuition and ex penses learning ; . St. Louis Barber Col lege , Odd Fellows' Bldg. , Dodge and 14th , Omuhu. Prof. Randolph , Instructor. B-M322 OS SALESMEN can make J100 per month sell ing our olllco specialties to mcrchantx by Humplo ; tine sldo lines ; big profits. Model Mfg. Co. , Box B , South Bend , Ind. B-M452 TWO clothing1 salesmen wanted In Omahn nnd one In each county In every statn tc take orders for our J3.00 to J10.CO made- to-ineiiBtiro suits and overcoats : live men without experience can make J150.00 poi month ; If you can furnish satisfactory reference we will furnish a complete sim ple line and outfit nnd start you at work nt once. For particulars address Ameri can Wooolcn Mills Co. , Enterprise BuildIng - Ing , Chicago. B M458 O12 * WANTED , salesmen visiting the drug trade to handle our trusses as a sldo line ; big commissions nnd easy sales. Address Wetmoro Truss Co. , 317 Main St. , Buffalo , N. Y. B M825 2S WANTED. We have sternly work for n few good hustlers of good habits and ap pearance , C. F. Adams Co , S24 So IB st , B-MS49 O23 SALESMEN on cigars ; } 123 per month nnc ! expenses ; experience unnecessary ; per manent position. Inducements Imperial Clgur Co , New York City. B-MB3I-27 * SALESMAN wanted to sell our cholci nursery stock ; a printed guarantee giver with every order that the stock shall be flrst-clnss and true to label ; good salarlci paid. Write for terms to A. C Grlesa Bro. , Lawrence , Kan. B M923 O2l * "WANTED , laborers for D & M. extra guns In Wyoming and Nebraska , free fare Kramer & O'Hearn , 12th und Fnrnam. B M975 2C WAVl'ini I'ESIALU HELP. 100 GIRLS for nil kinds of work ; $3 to J ' week. Canadian Olllce 1522 Douglas. C 8S1 WANTED-150 girls. 1521 Dodge. Tel. 876 C M511-Oct-2i ) COMPETENT girl wanted for genera housework ; JJ.OO per week. Inquire u once. 2020 Emmet. C M203 "WANTED , girl at Dornn House. 42i S ISth St. , ono block south court house. C-S15 "WANTED , a competent second girl. Mm Marsh , cast of Browncll Hall.C C M883JC * "WANTED at once , younc girl for llgh housework. 1545 So. 2bth St. C 897-20 * . "WANTED , girl 12 to 16 years old to worl morning and evening and go to school Knqutro of Mrs. J. It. Campbell , 1511 So 2 th St. C-90G-27' PLEASANT home work for men or wonei day or evening ; J6 to S12 weekly ; no ex perlcnce. or canvassing needed : plain In Btructlons and work mailed on applies tJon. Brazilian Mfg. Co. , N. Y. City. C MJJt-tT * "WANTED , competent girl for genera V housework , small family , good wage : * J Mrs. W. 8. Dlmmock , 21 B. 7th St , ' Council Bluffs. C M100 27 "WANTED-Competent girl for genera housework ; two In family. 1024 Park a C M105 KOR RENT HOUSES. CHOICE houses and cottages all over cltj J5 to J7S. Fidelity , first floor , N. Y. Llfi D-452 HOUSES. Benewa & Co. . IDS N. 15th SI D 85J HOUSES , stores. Hcmls. Pax ton block. D-851 FURNITURE and leaaehold of n 7 and i : room moJern Hat for sale ; bargain ; goo location ; rent low. Bemls Paxton block D-bJG A FEW COTTAGES. 430 Board Trade. D-S37 DUNDEE Place house. C03 Bee. Dk-M33l 4. 6 AND 7 room steam heated flats for rei Howard Ranck , agt. , 1610 Chicago Ktree D-JI273-07 BENEWA'S residence to rent , S-'M Burt. D-MC3S 2221 SOUTH Ifilh St. , 5-room Hat , J10 jTl Trenzer , Opp. old P. O. D 70S ALWAYS moving' household goods an pianos. , Omiiha Van & Storage. Co , 1511 Tarnam Tel. . I55H. HOUSES , stores. Robblns , 1S02 Farnar D-779 HOTEL , good bualnesa. Furnlturn for sal H DO. Bee. D-M793 O2U * MAQOARD'S Van & Storage. 121 N 15t Tel. 1496. D-M&4 OS ! ' FOR RENT , one of the finest homes nci Hanscom park , completely furnlshn possession Oct. 15. or Nov. 1 , for a tcr of one year , or longer. Pottor-Sholes IV 1017 Farnam St. D-MSCt O ! BEAUTIFUL modern 7-roopi cottage J2 Kood S-room modern house , $13 ; 6-roo cottiiHo and barn , JS. W. II. RUBWI-II , ( l New York Life. D 901-20 FOR RENT , 10 or It-room all model house , largu yard and ilmde , near Han com park ; terms reasonable , J. H. She wood , 423 N , Y. Life. D M991 2t FOR RENT , 8-room all mod. detachi house near Hansi-om park. J H. She , 423 N , Y. Llfo. D M9S9 20 FOR RENT-KL'R.MSIIEn ROO1IS. FTROC.VDUUO-Bcds 25c ; clean. 7afe. is Harney. E M30S O8 < _ NICELY furnished rooms for transient WO Spencer St. , Kountso Place , near e poiltou. E-MH ! _ TRANSIENTS , cool roonw , bath. 514 1 ISth. ROOMS , tranalcula acconimudatol , 1 ! Cumlncn. E-S1238 O6' _ kFURNISHED rooms , with bath ; one bio from tltii at. car line. 852 South 2S treet. B-5C7 SO1 _ _ ( IVE. Home-Rooms for families or parttts i specialty. Clean beda 25c up. 171S fup A ROOMS , laree furnished , modern rooma ex | > oitlon | : write at ones for terms , Mi R. M. Baton. 16J1 Plnkney at E Sli-0 ron RENT niRNISIIED ROOMS. ( Continued. ) FOR RENT , nicely furnUhed room. 212 Dodge. K-870-29 EXPOSITION visitors can get reliable In formation In regard to hotels , rooms board , etc. , nt the Oniclnl Informatloi Bureau. 1319 Farnnm St. ; this bureau I : under the nupcrvlsion of tha cxposltloi mamiRcmcnt. Oltlce open day and night no charge for Information , E wi ROOMS In private family , 22M Ohio St. third house cast of 24th , near street rail uray and exposition. E MW9 31 IIICYCM : HEPAIRING. WORK guaranteed. Lawrence Cycle Co. 115 N. IS. Ki O22 > KURMSHED ROOMS AND HOARD. SARATOaA HOTEL , 24th St. and Ame : Ave. , 4 blocks west from north gate ex position grounds , bent rooms , $2 , will meals , Jl.OO without ; families and parties J1.23 a day and 50o European ; everythlni new and neat , free baths , double parlors library and piano ; two lines of street cars vast verandahs , bent place to see exposl tlon lire works , Jolly people and a g > mn nslum. Telephone , 1934. 1 777 THE BENEFIT HOUSE. 21st and Plnkne ; Sts. , fifty daintily furnished rooms : one square from tha Arch of the States ever ) thing now and first class ; term reasonable. F 859 TAKE down that "for sale" or "for rent' sign In your window. The Bco rcache more people In n day than will pass you window in a month ; and they consul these columni when they want to buy o rent. F-865 THE MERRIAM , Hirst class family hotel 23th and Dodge Stp. F-8CO WELL FURNISHED rooms , fine board 1909 Capitol avo. F M2S4 O7 * UTOPIA Family hotel. 17 > Davenport. V-501 Oct. 13 * TWO rooms with board , single or ensulte permanent. 1136 8. 31st. F 101 27 FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 3 ROOMS. 708 S. 17th St. G M2J5 O20 FOR RENT STORES AND OFRICES. FOU RENT , the 4-story brick building a 916 Furnam St. This building has a tire proof cement basement , water on a floors , gas , etc. Apply at the ofllco c The Beo. 1 910 DESIC room. G. < 3. Wallace , 313 Brow n Bll I 862 NICE store. Corner 24th and Hamilton. AI ply 2518 Caldwell. 1-863 _ FOR RENT , n good barn box stall , chea ] 1902 Caas St. 1 M740 IN U. 8. Nnt'l Bk. Bldf. Inq. CO ! Bco Bldi 1-112 WHOLESALE store and warehouse ; trad age , excellent shipping facilities. C. f Benson. 310 Ramgc Bldg. I 814-O20 * AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS nnd branch managers ; salary t commission. Hunter Tailoring Co. , Cli clnnatl. O. J M917 Oct-11 * WAR With Spain , " 700 pages , con pleto ; English , Swedish and German ; ou lit free. W. A. Hlxcnbaugh & Co , otllc 14 , Ware blk , Omaha. J M112 O10 AGENTS wanted for rapid selling housi hold novelty ; needed In every house , sol ! for cash , and can easily bo carried I agent's pocket No competition , no 1 cinse ; a rare , good thing. AVrlto for pai titulars. Sutllva Brothers , Keokuk , la. J-MGS8 03 .VANTED . , ifgentn " King Clothesline Fn < tcner ; entirely new : sells at sight ; 111 cral terms to agents ; send for descrlptlv circular and prices. The King Fasten * Co. , Cleveland , Ohio. J-M9.J1 2fi WANTED TO RENT. ALL persons desiring to rent their roon to exposition visitors kindly call nt one 210 S. 14th St. 1C M302 OS COTTAGE-on easy payments. C04 Boo Bid K-MS61 WANTED , by October 15. two unfurnlshe. heated , rooms , with board for two. Wall Ing distance , llrst class. Address K 15 So. 29th St. K M934-26 * FURNISHED hotel of about EO rooms I experienced hotel man ; must bo In a got town. Address Box 229 , Crawford , Ne K S96-26" J OR S FURNISHED rooms In prlva family for 6 months by man and wlf walking dlatanca to postofllco. C 14. Be K M9SS 27 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 9 ( 910 Jones , general storage and forwardln M-SW OM. Van & Storage. 1511V4 Farnam. Tel. 151 M-SK WANTED TO 11UY IF YOU are In need of anything try t Want Columns ot The Bco ; they w bring you what you want. N Sff 2ND-HAND bicycles. Omaha Bicycle Co N-M7& THE BEST HOME , J2.000 will buy on ea tenns. 1 am no agent. X 64 , Bee. Bee.NM751 HIGHEST price for second-hand househo goods Largo lota a specialty. Brown , ' N. IGth. N M.-00 03' ' WANTED , $2,000 worth of sccond-ha : furniture at 304 N. 16th. St. , ror. Dave port. N M49S Oli HOUSES TO MOVE. F. D. Wead N-73 ! HOUSES to bo moved. Wallace , 313 J. Brown blk. N M7i > . WANTED , second-hand portable oven S. Jolley , Albion , Neb. N MSOO 29 WANTED , n secondhand buggy , rh'n Address C 6 , Bee olllce. N-MSSS 2i WANTED , driur stock In good location f land and cash. A. B. Neuell , O'Nel NM9G326 SECOND-HAND bank outnt ; must good nnd cheap ; suitable for a count town , for cash. C. F. Bushmann , Cr < ton. Neb. N MIDI 28 FOR SALE FURMTLIin. CHICAGO Furniture Co will sell furnltu and stovw below coat , cot beds , 7 ! mattresses , 50c ; pillows , 20c. 14DS-10 Dudj O-M27S O TOR SALE , the fuinlturo of a 7-roc house. , cheap , all new. 214 N. 3rd St. 0-S17-2 I'OR SALE HOItMES , AVAGONS. , ETC Elegant rubber tired phaeton , } ! ) > ; test J2 First-class Snvdcr plmcton , $113. cost K-'J Good Simpson Li a tup phaeton , JH , c est K Good hand mndo light phaeton , 310 ; cost 11 Good hand made light phaeton 113 cost K Flno genta1 runabout , rub tired , ivu. cost } ] Fine 2-v/hcel cnrt , rub tired , $50. cost JIM i Good 2-wheul curt with body , $20 ; cost JC . I El > 'gint open park cnrrlnpc , $100 ; cost K . I Good Lea top family carriage , $ $5 , cost t ; Lea top cge. , nearly new , J1V > , cost . Canopy surrey , new painted , J30 , cost $1 Open fancy driving bugcy. J-15 : cost J1C5. Open % spL-edln buggy , $10 ; cost J22C- . Top box und spring buggy , ( * 5 ; cost 1115. Top side spring Concord , tl3 ; co t J150 . C past full plntfaun carriage , Jl'JJ ; coat JI Good milk wagon , new palntert > io. Lost i. Drummond & Co. , ISth and Harney , 01 court houae. public library , county jal P 61S Ol IX > R a.VLE. horse , bugBy. harness. 2209 N P-9I9-S-.1Q FOR SALE , fine saddle horse , 7 yean o Address B 55. Bee. P-M7t TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent. H 00 per menThe The Smith-Premier Tjpewrlter Co. . 1 Farnnm St. ; telephone 12&I. S3 WE rent nnd sell the best typewrit * made , lamest stock of good supplies Om&ha. I'nlted Typewriter and Bun Co. . Hi ? Futiuim St. REMINGTON Standard typewriter and si piles , KlS Farnam St. 715- SOLD , rented , repaired. Dertcht , 1116 F num. C13 Ol FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. LARGEST stock hardwood lumber , hog fence , waxing brushes , etc. Cliae. R. Lee , 9th nnd Douglaa , Q S6 HOG , poultry nnd lawn fences ; all wire ; It best. Wire Works , 14th and Harney. Q 807 B. HAAS , Florist , 181J Vlnton St. . Tel. 776 ! plants , cut flowers , bouquets , hall , resi dence , wedding and grave decorations , Orders by mall or express promptly tilled. Q 80S B CAHN and alto Calm cornet. Marowltz , 418 N. IGth. Q-SC9 FOR SALE , ten R.I.P.A.N.S. for 6 cents , at druggists : one gives relief. Q 870 FOR SALE , reliable patent for state ol Nebraska. Add > ss A , Bee office , Councl Bluffs. Q-543 SALE or Trade , machinery , engines , pumps. Sprugue Machine Wrks , 1216 Jones Q-992 O2 STAMPS , coins , bought , sold. Mortenson , 404 N. 16th. Q-MSIS S3U "HOW GOD GOVERNS THE UNIVERSE. ' A scriptural nnd seasonable presentutlor of a dlllicult problem. By Dr. W. W Harsha of tha Theological Seminary Omaha. For sale at city book stores. Q630-2g FINE lot Indian curloa. Dcrleht. 1116 Far nam. Q 612 O16 JD-HAND safe cheap. Derfght , 1116 Farnair Q-611 O16 8HERMAN-WILLIAM3 CO , mixed paints Sherman & McConncll Drug Co. . 151 : Dodge St. , Omaha. Q M73S O1S FISHER maken Ivory rim or plain dress buttons from uny cloth. Store , Park Ave nnd Leavenworth. Q M77B-O19 FOR SALE , registered pedigree R. C. St Bernard pupi. Orange color , white points dark shadlngs , sire. Duka of Shentdan original weight 220 pounds , dam Lad } Truth , weight 123 ; best two dogs In th < west , Call or address room 512 Brown bU O-812-2S WOOLF ZACHARIA'B , 1207 Fnrnam. Plan , ished Steel Peninsular Range * . $22.00 tc $40. Heaters said cheap. Q-MSS7 Feb.24 FOR SALE , now Edison phonograph out fit complete , ready for exhibition use L. B. Coman , Fremont , Neb. Q-M936 01 * FOR SALE , phaeton , leather top , standnrc make , ard single harness. Call at 22V. Miami St. , after 6 p. in. , and make at offer. Q-M90S Ol "ILLINOIS BUILDING" and furniture fo sale ; bids will bo received by C. E. Ham bloton , secretary at Illinois building. Q-675-21 MISCELLANEOUS. TWENTY-FFVE cents will buy the lates publication Illustrating the U. S. ftni Spanish navies , naval commanders , etc almost 200 photographic reproductions with a largo map of the East nnd Wes Indies , nt the olllce of The Bee. If or rtered by mall , address Navy Photograpl Department , Omaha Bee. R S70 CLAIRVOYANTS. ISMAR THE GYPSY. Truthful In her predictions , reliable In he advlcf It matters not whal your belle may bo nor what your experience will so-called palmists and clairvoyants mn ; lm\e been , Ismar will convince you tha the past , present nnd future can bo told She can be consulted dally at her office rooms 20 and 21 , Douglas block , cor. IGtl and Dodge , opposite Hayrfun Bros. S-M174 O3 MME. Gylmcr , genuine palmist. 1005 Dodge S-Mlb4 O3 VIENNA fottuno teller , 18 yrs. here. 141 Howard. M ISS O13 MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , SOS N. 16th. S 486 O13 MASSAGE , IIAT1IS , ETC. MASSAGE and baths ; ladles and gentle men , magnetic treatment. M. Bilssor 107 N. 12. T M3C1 O15 MADAM SMITH. US North 15th streel massage and baths ; room 2. T 7S2-26 * BATHS , ladles only. Mrs. Porter. 203 Doug las Blk. T-333 O9 MRS DR. LEON , electric massage bat parlors ; restful and curative. 417 8. lltl upstairs. T M771 26 * LAURA ELLISON , baths , massage ar magnetic treatment. 119 N. 16 , R. 12 , upst" T M797 O20 MISS SAVILLA. 507 S. 13th , room 10 : massage sago baths. T MS34 23 * BEATRICE HARLOW , massage and tu bath ; Egyptian treatment. 1701 Lea\ enworth. T M8S1 30 * LILLIAN HOWARD , new massage an bath : Australian treatment. R. ID. lt > : Farnam. T M108 27 * PERSONAL. VIAVI CO. , 31C Bee building. U-S72 A LARGE Map of the World , one of Cut and another of the entire West Indie showing Cuba , Porto Rico , Hayti , Sa Domingo , Martinique and all the otlu AVest Indian Islands ; 10 cents , at Tha He ofllco. By mull , 14 cents. Address Cuba Map Dept. , Omaha Bee. U 568 $30 RUPTURE cured for $30. No detentlc from business' 6 years In Omaha. Ca or write for circulars. Empire Ituptui Cure , 932-933 New York Life bldjr. . Oman : Neb. U 873 PILES cured In 7 to 10 dayg. without pair o.ia treatment does the work ; call < send for circulars. The Empire Pile Cur 932 New York Life building , Omaha. 11-S74 MASSAGE , Electric nnd magnetic hath New Hyglcnnlc Institute , 220 Bee Bldg tel. 1716. U M.B3 LADIES or gentlemen , do you want I marry In 30 aavs ? Send lOc for guarantee secret , Box 1.5 , Omaha. U M212 OS SHOES soled and heeled , 50c 710 N Htl U-M900 S30 HITTER'S hospital , conllnem't cass takei biblts adopted. 2J14 Seuard , Omaha ; tc 22JI. U-M5SS O16 SOLES nnd heels 43c Peterson's old r liable shon hhop. New shoes cheap 161 nnd Cumlng. U M30S O9 PRIVATE home , before Ac during conlln' ' inent , bablen adopted Mrs I.udlow , 2J Clark U-M541 O15 PRIVATE hospital for ladles" before ar during confinement : babies adopted ; e : perlcnced plnslclan In attendance. 113B 1 17th st , Omaha. U M5SO HOT WATER plant for sale. Inquire i J. B. Wurrlngton , Pender , Neb U M6S6-O-S' HOOKBINDING-Burkley Printing Co. U-MSJl O22 MISS MAYER , leading manicute. chlropi dUt and hair dresser. 400 Paxton block. U-M85C O22 HOW to become lawful phyxlclans , den IstK , graduation In other sciences. Ixu box 9i , Chicago. U 747 29 DR. J. ROY. chiropodist. Corns remove 25c up ; 23 years' experience ; 12 > ears Omaha. Frenrer blk. U M79S THE Omaha Social club Invites nttentU to UH honorable methods of making Intr duitlons In our parlors , arranging ma rlages , furnUhlng correspondence ; stran era welcome : stamps 311 Karbach bll 15th & Douglas sts. ; Allle Turney , Mgr. U-M9S3 OS MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE , WANTED , choice farm and city loans. ] C. Peters & Co. . U. S. Nat'l Bank Uld W-ST : $100.000 00 special fund to loan on first cla Improved Omaha property , or for bull Inc purposes. Fidelity Trust Company , W-87 ( Y& per cent money. Bem > a , Paxton Bloc $1,000 and upwards to loan on Improv property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , i : Farnara St. W-S7 ! C PER cent city and farm loans. Garv Bros. . 1613 Farnam St. W ST ! ANTHONY Loan & Trust Co . 315 N. Y. I quick money at low rates for choice far lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri , Eaf ern Nebraska. W SM MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha re estate. Brennan-Lovo Co. . 119 S. 16th. W-W ] MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. MORTGAGES. Wallace , 213 Brown Block W-M733 _ _ _ MONEY to loan at low rates on Improved city property Irl South Omaha , Council Bluffs and Omaha. U. 8. Mortgage & Trust Co. W. -Thomas , agent , Flrsl Nat'l Bank bulldlne. W M 77 ANY amount up tp$8.000 ; also buy mort gages. F. D. Wcad. 16th and Douglas. " ' W-M4M _ _ WANTED , bonds , stocks , farm and cltj mortgages , circular for brokers only. In vestors' Directory. N. Y. W-SS3 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. $10 TO $10,000 TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIA NOS. HORSES , WAGONS AND CAR 11IAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. etc. , at lowest rates In Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs No removal of goods ; strictly confidential you can pay the loan off at any time 01 in any amounts. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 306 SOUTH 16TH. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY IN CORPORATED LOAN COMPANY 1 > OMAHA. X-883 MONEY loaned salaried people holdlnt permanent positions with responsible con ccrns upon their own name , wlthou security : easy payments. Tolman. R. 706 N. Y. Life Bldg. X SS4 MONEY loaned on llfet Insurance policies pianos , furniture , warehouse receipts Jowelery , horses , cows , etc. Duff Green room 8 , Barker Blk. X M416 DIAMOND loan oHlce , 1315 Douglas , unredeemed - deemed diamonds , watches , etc. , soli ! ch au. X 437-Uec 20 PRIVATE parly has money to loan ; al business confidential. Address , with ful particulars , B fij , Bee. X MS64 O22 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , Jew > elry , horses , cows etc. C. F Reed , 319 S lltl X UUSINESS CHANCES. PRINTING , Quick , clean , cheap. 1610 Cass Y MC70-S26 WILL erect building on lot 60x150 on 24tl St. . So. Omaha , Neb. , across from th new postoflice , for any first rlnss busl ness. F. J. Lewis , room No. 22 , Ware Bl'k Y 112 IF YOU want to buy , sell , trade or ren anything call 512 Brown Block.Y Y 787-26 WANTED , partner In legitimate oIHci business , good business ; judgment am some money required. Call 512 Brown bll Y-7SS-26 THE SARATOGA HOTEL near Expo. 24th and Ames Ave. , will bo sold. Nice new. cheap. Call. Y 7SO FOR SALE , all furniture und fixtures con tallied In Belle Fourche hotel at Hull Fourche , S D , also lease of building present owner going to the Sand\\kl islands ; parties desiring to go Into th business correspond with Dan J. Arnold Box 31 , Belle Fourche , S. D. Y 810-29 * FOR SALE or trade , planing mill and ton tractlng business In a live eastern Ne braska town , doing' large business II health forces me to ictlre. Address B tt B e. Y-MS55 29 FOR SALE , established manicure , chlropo dlst and hair dressing business , reason entering medical1 collise. Miss Maver , 40 Paxton Blk. Y M857 O22 A SPLENDID stand , for tea & coffee busl ncsg. Address C ( 7 , flee. Y 902-26 FOR SALE , drug1 stock in northeaster : Nebraska ; Involc'o ' $1,800 , only store li town ; big snap for druggist or physician Address C 8 , Bee , I Y M95I-O1 * PARTY with $5,000 or more can secure saf nnd prolltablc , } nteest | In stock rancl Address C 12 , Bee , , Y Ml(2 ( 31 FOR SALE Machine1 Simp at a bargain o : account of sickness 31U South ISth st 1 3' Y Miai2C * FOR EXCHANGE. IF YOUR mortgage Is due I will trad clear lot for equity. X 46 , Bee. Z-206-S13 FOR EXCHANGE Clear ICO acrcs whea land and Omaha city property for sav Ings bank certificates Room 512 Brow block , cor. 16th and Douglaa Sts. Z-6S3 27 WILL trade two town lots worth $250 ( for horses , cattle or anything , Invciitliat Call room 512 Brown blk Z 7S6-26 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HOUSES , los , farms , lands , loans ; ala lire Insurance. Bcmla , Paxton Block. RE-S85 HAVE yon tiome lots to sell ? Now Is til time to dlspoee of them : let the peep ] know that you want to dispose of then The Bee reaches the people who have U money. RE S6S f OR SALE , desirable residence * lots , 124 130 ; In first class location : ten minute walk from court house ; cheap for casl Address O 61 , Bee. BE 88 ? FOR SALE , cheap. 1 15-room house an lot on 17th St. , north of Leavenwortl also 1 11-room house on 17th ave. Call i 701 S. ,17th ave. . upstairs. RE M2D4 OS * TO BUY or sell houses , Ion or lands. Ca on J , W. Robblns , 1802 Fnrnam. „ HE M769 SOUTH OMAHA PROPERTY FOR SALI Lots In Mnloney's addition , five blocl southwest of Armour's new plant , $150.0 < Terms easy. POTTER & GEORGE COMPANY , 1601 Farnam St. RU M53330 FOR SALIi 6tO aero ranch , all bottom In land , water nnd free ranee $600 per ncr A. B. Newell , O'Neill , Neb.REM9M26 RE-M9M-26 * BARGAINS In housea , lots , fanns , sale c trade. J. N. Ficnzcr , opp. old P O RE-SS7- FOR SALE or trade , 40 acres for true garden , 4 miles from South Omaha , wl Hell for $20000 cash , b.ilanco to suit , < trade for Improved or unimproved tow Bropoi ty. horatH , tattle , etc. Room 5 roun HlocK RE 720 I WISH tp buy n busln BS propeity I Omaha from $5,000. to $20,000 upon whlc the rents will equal n good rate of It terest on Investment. W. L Selby , rent real estate and loans , 334 Board of Trat building. RE-MS07 27. WANTED , modern house of 8 or 9 room west or south , \Y'ft \\lll give rivih. ar deslrnblo 7-roorn house clear of cncun brnnco. GarUn Uro ? , 1613 Fnrnam. * ' Ri-M992 26 LOST , on exposition grounds , one can diamond stud , combination mounting : ) rewurd. The Heaton Bank , Craig. Mo. Lost-MS06 2C" .2 _ _ LOST , Sept. 17th , luiljls gold wntch , nt i between Crslghton theater nnd IGth nt Douglas , Return , tp Mrs. J. W. Beverlds 911 N. 24th St. , unOeceho reward " ' * lir * Lost-MS94 26 LOST , bay colt 2i ? years old ; leave wo at 1519 Dodge Sti.t wid receive reward , , , { , , * Lost M571 27 < LOST. Vergll'a A nfetol No. 203 Gcnunt ; Rhetoric No 4r.4. P-JBkard's Zoology N n to HIgl"AAhool ( or 812 So. ISt . n " Lost SI3.1M LOST , bay colt 2V4 years oil ; leave woi nt Joe , the Glazier , 1519 Dodge at in receive reward Ixbt M571 27" MEDICAL. ALL women who can't raise family shou consult the renowned German special ) ! Dr. Pries , 1513 Dodge St. Letters 2 cent -MSJ5 O2J JUNK. G. STEINBERG , only Junk dealer Omaha who can buy pop bottles ; ho pa1 the best prices for all kinds of junk. 1 8. llth. 8Z9 O21 GREAT WESTERN Junk house. 812 Dou las , pays 16c for pop bottleu ; good prlc for other Junk. Tel. 2165. A. Fercr. Pro 853 Oi HARDWOOD Ll'MIIKR. OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co , oak , hlc ory , ash , cypress , poplar , etc. 13 & Cal C09-S-2) ) BICYCLES. NEW wheels. $17.60 to $25 ; 2nd hand wheels , $5 to $10. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 16 & Chicago , 619 'LUGENO ' stops punctures ; fully KUnran- teed ; dealers send for terms. Model Mfe , Co. , 1001 Cass. 179-O3 VOCAL STUDIO. MISS BEYMER , vocal studio , Bit Knrbnch block. 755-S-Z7 * SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S school , 717 N. Y. Llf . Night school from Sept. 20. & & AT OMAHA Bus. College. Wth t Douglas. SHORT-HAND , up-to-date , taught by court reporters. Boylcs' School , 403-5-7 Bee bldg CkX ) PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan ofllce 1211 Douglas ; oldest established , most reliable , accommodat ing : business confidential ; selling out J40.- 00000 stock of unredeemed diamonds al big bargains. MS Octl TAILORING. MAX FOGEL makes , cleans , repairs clothes. 307 3. 17th. M-521 O9 JOE YOUSEN. the tailor , Boyd's Theatoi bldg. ; lovely suits $15 ; clothes cleaned and mended at most reasonable prices ; work called for and delivered. Tel. 1828. 413 010 V TAUCHEN , work Guaranteed. 151J Har- ncy. 483 O13 SECOND HAND FURNITURE. WE HANDLE the best furniture am ! stoves ; highest market prices paid : Bold at small profit. David Urodkcy , 110 8. 11 M-166-Nov. 11 WE will sell peed woven wire cots wit * mattress for Jl 2J. Lewis , 1414 Dodge. 753-827 PIANO FACTORY. PIANOS of any design made to order , old planoa overhauled and in ado equal tc new ; second-hand pianos always or hand. C. Somnier , prop. , 321 8. 10th St. SB 06 DANCING SCHOOL. MOUAND'S , 1510 Harney St. , will reoper for adults , Friday , October It ; children Saturday , October 15 ; private lessons stage or ball room now. Please call. DCGO15 MATHI3WS will open his school for Ing Monday , October 3rd , at Roya Achatea hall , 313 South 13 St. Adultt. out children , very reasonable terms. wilt < for particulars. 818-30 * PIANO TEACHING. MISS MINNIE LOVI. piano teacher. 1 : ready to receive her pupils. Davldg < Building. 18th & Farnam. M-96S-O1 * AUCTION. J. n. MAXCY & CO. , auctioneers , room 51 I'axton block , want your auction sales o real estate , merchandise , furniture , llvi stock , etc. S93 TRACKAGE. YARD room , or storage with trackag centrally located. Address box 52 , City 838 PRIVATE HOSPITAL. DH. LIEBER , cancers , female diseases 1012 Leavenworth. M 117-Oct-18 RU1I1IER STAMPS AND STENCILS. OMAHA Rubber Stamp Co. , 215 So. 13th Phone 1023. Write for catalogue.M459 M459 O12 PIANOS TUNED. PIANOS tuned. J150. Rose. 1521 Dodge. 318 O9 IIOUSK MOVER. W. COY , removed to 1716 St. Mary's Avn. R45-N-29 STENOGRAPHERS. WE SOLICIT and furnish poultona fo stenographers free. The Smlth-Preml Typewriter Co. Telephone 1281. 89 * GLASS WORKS. LATHAM & PECIJAC. Mfr. of ornaments windows , churches , residences , 1012 Fan M521 O14 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. SCHOOL for cure of these defects. Jull E. Vaughan. 306 N. Y. Life bldg. 73C O1S ELECTRO PLATING. WESTERN Plating Works. 1112 Dodge S M827 Oct-29 GOLD , silver and nlckelplatlng : get you baseburnor nlckelplated. Omaha Platln Co , 1302 Farnam , entrance on 13th. STKllEO AND EI.ECTROTYPING. H. 8. STARK & CO. , 1110 Douglas. S17-O-23 KURNITUIin REPAIRING. KAKLING'S furniture repair shop. 12 Harnr-y. H-M9J1 S30 STATUARY. GONNELLA manufactures artistic stati ury. Inside ornamental work a spcclalt : I 317 S. 10th. M621-NOV-24 EPPERI.EY CORSETS. ONLY corset made having waist line. Roe : 10 , Crclghton Blk , 15th & Douglas. C7J S-28 Bi V SON WORK. MA80NWORK jobber. E. Healy , 1822 Clai Street. kn-82 ' 1'INANCIAL. LIFE Insurance policies bought for casl Rlchnrd Herzfeld , 171 LaSalle St. Ch caito. 93S OJ FIIIINITURE PACKED. M. 8. WALKIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel , IK E9S SIGN PAINTING. S. H. COLE , signs. 705 8. 27th. 481 O13 OPTICAL. EYES tested frco. Optical Institute , Stiec ! block , -916 Nov30 VIOLINS REPAIRED. C. A. CASE , violins repaired. 416 Shee block. 233-N14 SCHOOL OF LANGUAGE. CHATELAINS language school. Frenc aerman , Spanish. 301 Boyd's Theater. iU und evenlnu class. U05-O23 SUES & CO , . .PATENT- , tAMYiRs AM > souaio ; 1 Dec bldg , Omaha , Neb , ' Beiul for our fne luveui ora'Oulde. T l. 1 rosTorncE NOTICE. ( Should bo reaA daily by alt tntcrestrd , ai changes may occur at any time. ) Foreign molls for the week fiidlnir Octo ber 1. 1X9S. will close- ( PROMPTLY In all rases ) nt the General Postofllco ns follows ! ARCELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Trntm-Atliuitlo Mnlln. TUESDAY At 7 a. rnTfor GERMANY , per B. s. Kaiser Friedrlch , via BrumtMi ( lettvrn for other parts of Europe via Southamp ton und Bremen , must bo dlrcctt-d "per Kaiser Friedrlch ) . WEDNESDAY At 9. m. ( supplementary 10..W n. m. ) for EUROPE , per s. s. Teu tonic , via Qucenstown ; nt 10:30 : n. m. for EUROPE , per s. B. Noordhuid , Ma South ampton ( fettera must be directed "per Noordhuid" ) . THURSDAY At 8 n. m. for NETHER LANDS direct , per s. 8. Edam , via Am sterdam ( letters must bo directed "per Edam. " ) SATURDAY At 7 n. m. for FRANCE , 8W1TZERI.AND , ITALY , SPAIN , POR TUGAL , TURKEY , EGYPT and BRIT ISH INDIA , per a. s. LH Gascognela Havre ( letters for other parts of Europe must be directed "per Lu Gnscogno" ) ; nt 8 a. m. for NE1HERLANDS direct , per B. s. Rotterdam , via Rotterdam ( let ters must be directed "per Rotterdam" ) at 9 a. m. for ITALY , per B. B. Kaiser Wllhelm II , via Naples ( letters must be directed "per Kaiser Wllhelm H" ) : at 10:20 : a. m. for EUROPE , per a. H. 1'enn- land , via Southampton ( letters must be directed "per Pcnnlund ) ; at H a. in , for NORWAY direct , per s. B. Island ( lettera must bo directed "per Island" ) ; at 11 u. m. ( supplementary 1130 p. ni. ) for EUROPE , per . s. Lucnnlu , vlu Uueenstuun. After the closing ot the Supplementary Trnniiatlantlc Mails named above , addi tional supplementary mulls are opened on the piers of the American. English , French nnd German steamers , and lemalii open until within tun minutes ot the houi of sailing of steamer. SlulU for Sonth and Central Amurlcn \Vcat Indies , Etc. MONDAY At * 3 p. m. for BELIZE. PU ERTO CORTEX and GUATEMALA , pet steamer from New Orleans. TUESDAY-At 1 p. m. for MEXICO , pel s. 3. Arccuna , via. Tutnplco ( letters musl directed "per Arccuna" ) : at 8:30 : p. m. foi NEWFOUNDLAND , per steamer frorr North Sydney ; ut 10 p. in. for JAMAICA p r steamer from Philadelphia. \\EDNESDAY-At 12 m. ( supplemental 1 p. m. ) for CENTRAL AMERICA ( except cept Costa Ulca ) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS , per . . Alllanca , via Colon ( let ters for Guatemala must bo directed "pel Alllanca. " ) : at 12 m. for GRENADA TRINIDAD and TOBAGO , per s. B. Irra wnddy ; at 1 p. m. for CUBA , via Havana per s. a. Vlgllancla ; at 11 p. m. for JA' MAICA , per steamer from Baltimore. THURSDAY At 1 p. in. for NASSAU , N P. , und SANTIAGO DE CUBA , per B. a Santiago. FRIDAY 1 p. m. ( supplementary 1:30 : p m. ) for CAPE HAITI. ST. DOMINGC nud TURKS ISLAND , per a. s. New York. SATURDAY At 10 a. m. ( supplemental 10:30 : a. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JA MAICA , SA VANILLA and GREYTOWN per s. s. Altai ( letters for Costa Rlc. must bo directed "per Altai" ) ; at 11 n. m for PORTO RICO and CURACAO , nlai VENEZUELA , SAVANILLA nnd CAR THAGENA , via Curacao , per s s Marn calbo ; nt 8:30 : p. m for NEWFOUND LAND and ST. PIERRE-MIQUELON per steamer from North Sydney. Malls for Newfoundland oy rail to Hall fax , nnd thence by steamer , close ut thl office dUly ut 8:20 : p. m. Mulls for Ml quelon , by rail to Boston , and thence lv steamer , close nt this office dally ut 8-3 p. m. Mulls for Cuba close at thli olllce dully at 7 A. m. for for wnrdlng by steamers sailing Mon days nnd Thursdays from Port Tampa Fla. Mails for Mexico City , overland unless specially addressed for despatch b : ateumcr , close at this office daily at 2..J a. m. and 2:30 : p. m. 'Registered mal closes at 6.00 p. m. previous day. Trnim-l'nclllo Mnlln. Mails for China , Japan and Hawaii , pc s. s. City ot Poking ( from San Francisco ) close hero dally up to September 25th u 6-30 p. m. Malls for Australia ( excep those for Webt Australia , which are for winded via Europe ) , New Zealand Hawaii , FIJI and Samoan Islands , per H. e Alamcda ( from San Fninclsco ) , clos here dally up to September MOth at 7 a m. , 11 n. m. nnd 6:30 : p. m. ( or on nrrlva at New York of s. s. Etrurla with Brltlsl malls for Australia ) . Malls for China am Japan , per s. 8. Empress of India ( fron Vancouver ) , close hero dally up to Octo ber * Jd nt 6:30 : p. m. Malls for Australli ( except West Australia ) , New Ze-iland Hawaii and FIJI Islands , per 8. B. Warrl moo ( from Vancouver ) , close here dull after September 30th and up to Octobe 13th at 6:30 : p. m. Malls for China nn Japan , per s. a. Tacoma ( from Tacoma ] close here dally up to October ' 17th a 6:30 : p. m. Mnlls for the Society Island ; per ship City of Papeltl ( from San Fran cisco ) , close here dally up to Octobe 25th at 6:30 p. m. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port o ( tailing dally and the schedule of closln Is arranged on the presumption of thel uninterrupted overland transit. * Regl tered mall closes at 6:00 : p. m. prevlou day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT , Postmaster. Postofflce , New York , N. Y. , September * 189S. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING MATE RIAL , COWS AND BULL. U. 8. Indian Service , Rosebud Agencj Rosebud , S. D. , September 24th , 18J8. SEALED PROPOSALS , Indorsed "Pro posal for Building Material. " etc. , as th case may be , and addressed to the undei signed at Rosebud , S. D. , will be receive at this agency until 1 o'clock p. m. o Monday , October 17th , 1898 , for furnlshln nnd delivering1 at this agency with thlrt (30) ) days after receipt of notice of approve of contract , a variety of building materlo ( consisting of assorted lumber , ahlnglei doors , windows , etc. : also ten Jersey cow and ono Jersey bull ) , a full list and de srrlptlon of which , together with the In ntructlons to bidders , to be obtained b making application to the undcralgnec CHARLES E. M'CHESNEY , U S India Agent. 621 d21t morn RAILWAY TIME C.VR11. JHICAGO , BURLINGTON , Qulncy Railroad "Th Burlington Burlington Route" Tlckc Olllco. 1502 Farnnm Stree Telephone 250. Depot , Tent and Mason Streets. Tell phone , 128. LeaVe > ArrlVe' Chicago Vestlbuled Express 5,03 pm 8lo : ai Louis Express . . . ? II nns 'n ni Creaton Local 9.13 n , 1'aclllo Junction Local. . " 11.55am 5 W pi Fust Mall " 50 n Chiacgp Special . . . 2:15 : nro Ml SO p Dally " Dallv except Sunday. KANSAS CITY , ST. JC scph & Council Bluffs Ral road - "The Burllngto Route" Ticket Ollioc , 15 I'arnam Street. Telephor 250. Depot , Tenth and Mi son Streets Telephone 12 Leave. Arrive. 6:40 : pi 6:30 : ai Loula 4:30 : urn sourl River Rallroad-"Tl Burlington Burlington Itoutc "Gel eral Olllces N W. Cornt Route Icntli and Farnam Street Ticket Office , 1502 Farnai Street Telephone , 250 DI pet , 'J.until und Mason Streets. Tclaphcr i'i Leave. Arrive. Lincoln TT .1 , Hasting ; and McCook . . . . 8:35 : am 9:35 : ai Llnooln , Denver , Colorado , Utah , California , Black Hills , Montana tc Puget Sound . . . . 4'35 pm 4:00 : pi HaHlliiKB Locul . 7.00 pm 7:40 : p Lincoln Fubt Mall 2:05 : pm "HMD ai Denver , Colorado , Utah. California and Puget Bound. * 11:50 : pm 2.15 a' ' Dally " Jjally execpt Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE St Paul Rail way -ni Tlehet onlcei 150 F "ia Street , Telephone , 2S4. D Eo Tentr and Mam ( treets. Telephone , ea _ . . Leave. Arrlv Chicago liimlted Express . . . . . 5IS : pm 8:20 : a Omaha & Chicago Express . " 11:00 : am " 115 p Sioux C'ty and Dca Molnev 12xprt a . . " 11:00 : am " 4-15 p Manila Local . , , . . * 7:00pm : * 3 I5a RAILWAY TIME CARD. ( Conlluuod. ) CHICAGO , ST. PAUL , MIN- neapotls & Omaha Rallwnjr Gcnerul Olllces , Nebraska Dhl.ilon , Flft > nth nnd _ Webster Streets. City Ticket OITlc * , 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone. 561. Depot. Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone , 1O.Leavo. Leavo. Arrive * . Sioux City Acrom . SBO : am 8:35 : pm loux City Accom . 9:50 : am SS5 : pm J 1 a I r , Emerson Sioux City. Pones. Hartlngton and Bloomllold . "liOOpm " 11:55 : am loux City , Man- Ituto , St. Paul & Minneapolis . 6.00pm ' 9:00 am No 2. St. Paul Lim ited Makes no stops In Neb . 6:00 : pm 'o i ExpoHltlon Llmlted-Mnketi no stop In Neh . . . 9.W am s'os 21 and 22 Kxportltlon Local , to Emcraon , stops nil stations except 6:15 : pm S:30 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sun day only. " Docs not stop at DcSota or CoiTman. CHICAGO A NORTHWEST , ern Railway City Tlckat Onice , 1401 Fnrnnm Street. Telephone , 561. Depot , Tenth and Mason BtreoU. Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Special " 6:40 am 11S5 pm lo. Valley , Sioux City. St. Paul & Minneapolis 6:00 : am 10:45 : pm Mo. Valley. Sioux City 7:45 : am 8:00 : pm Carroll , Dcnnlson , Council Blurts 11:30 : pm 9:40 : am Eastern Ex. , Des Molnes , Mar.shall- town. Cedar Rap- Ida and Chicago. . . 11 K am 4:20 pm Atlantic Flyer , Chicago cage nnd East 4:55 : pm 4:20 : pm Fast Mall , Chicago to Omaha 3:15 : pm forthern Express. . . 6:30 : pm 8:40 : am Omaha-ChluiKo Spe cial . . . . . . 6B5pm : 8:25 : am Omah.i-Chlcaifo Ex- n.r. ' . ? . ! _ " 9:00 : pm " 65 am Daily. "Dally Ex. Saturday. " 'Dallr Ex. Monday. FREMONT. K1.KHORN tt Missouri Valley Railway General Olllcen. United States National Bank Bide. Southwest Corner Twelfth nd Farnam Streets. Ticket Glllce , 1401 'urnum Street. Telephone , 561. Depot. 5th and Webster Streets. Telephone 1.458. Leavo. Arrive. Black Hills , DeaA- wood. Hot Springs. 3.00 pm G:00 : pm Vyomlng. Cnsper anil Douglas " 3:00 pm " 5.00 pin Tastings , York Da vid City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter & Sewnrd * 3:00 : pm E.OO pm Norfolk. Verdlgro and Fremont 8:15 : nm 10:45 : am .Incoln , Wuhoo & Fremont " 8:15 : am 10:45 : am remont Local . . . . " 8 15 am fork Passenger. . . e-lOpm 9:40 am Dally. Dally except Sunday. " Sun lay only. Dally exceptSaturday. . SIOUX C1T ? & PACIFIC Railroad General Olllces. United States National Bank Bulldlntr , S. W. Cor ner Twelfth nnd Farnam Street" Ticket Oillcc , 1401 Fiiruum Street. Telephone , 661 Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. TelCDhone , 6i ! ! . Leave. Arrive. UNION PACIFIC "THE Overland Route" General Olllces N. W. Corner Ninth nnd Farnam Streets. City Ticket Olllte , 1303 Farnam Street. Telephone 316. De pot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 62S. Leave. Vrrlvo. 'The ' Overland Limited" for Den ver , Salt Lake , nnd western p'ts . 1 8:50 : am 4:45 : pro The Colorado Spe cial , for Denver & all Colotado p'ts. 11:53 : pm 6:40 : am Fast Mall Train for Denver , Halt Lake , Pacific coast and all western points 4:35 pm C:40 am Jncoln , Beatrice & Stromaburg Ex. . . 3:30 : pm 12SO : pm Fremont , Colum bus , Norfolk , Gr'cJ Island and North Plutte 4:35 : pm 4:16 pm Columbus local 6:50 : pm 9:40 : am South Omaha Local Pass Leaves. 6:15 : a. m. ; 7:00 : a. m. ; 9:10 : a. m. : 4:05 : p. m. Ar rives , 10:30 : a. m. ; 3:30 : p. m. ; 6 p. tn. Council Bluffs Local Leaves 6:40 : a. m. ; 6:50 a. m. ; 7:40 a. m. : " 9:40 a. m. ; 10:30 a. m. ; 12:30 : p. m. ; 2:15 p. in. : 4:30 : p. m. ; 4:05 p. m. ; 4:55 : p. m. ; 5:55 : p. m. ; 8:20 : p. m. Ar rives , 7:20 : a. m. ; 8:25 a. m. ; 9:10 : a. tn. ; 11:30 a. m. ; 3.05 p. m. ; * 3:30 : p. m. ; 4:20 : p. m. ; 5:40 : p. m. ; 6:30 p. m ; 6:50 : p. m . 9:05 : p. m. ; 11:55 p. m. " Dally. Dally except Sunday. PacificK.OCK ISLAND Pacific Rallroad-"The Great Rock Island Route. " City Ticket Office. 13J3 Farnam Street. Telephone ! 42S. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone ! (29. ( Leave. Arrive. DCS Molnes Local 7:15 : am 11:25 am Chicago impress . . . liisb am 8:00 : am Chicago Fust Ex press 5:00 : pm 1:25 : pm St. Paul Fust Ex- " " ' B:00 : pm 11:25 : am Lincoln"coio'rado Springs , Denver. Pueblo and Went. . 1:30 : pm 4:23 : pm DCB Molnes , Rock Inland and Chicago cage 7is ; pm 1 8:50 pm Colorado Flyer 6:40 : prn 8:50 : am ' Dally. Dully except Sunday , OMAHA & ST. I.OUIS RAILroad - road Omana , Kansas City & Ldhtern Rallranil "The 1'ort Arthur Routa" Ticket Olllco 141.1 Farnam Street. Tcle- Tcnth and St Airlvo. ijijiiii Cannon " " KIajHn.njtPCiry"-X ' ' * * Pm 11:30 : am K ? ± .Cy Oft ? ' Ex- ' 7:4 : ° ain ' KP press 7.45 nra Omaha & Qulncy Express g3o prjj y.jrj am . til nQU * f-.n/\ s:30"ra : MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL- road-Generul Odlces and IKKet OIllcu , Southeast Cor ner Hlh and Douglas Streets I elophone , 101 Depot. 15th anil Webster Sis. Telephone 145S. . . Leave. Arrive. St. Louls-KatiBns & Nub Limited . . 3.05pm * 12.tvnm ; Kansas City & St Joseph Express . 9.30pm 6.00am Nebraska Local via Weeping Water . 1:30 : pm 9:45 : am Exposition , Local via Ni hraxka City 6-00 pm " 10:05 : am Dally : ? illy except Sunday. WABASH RAILROAD- Tlcket onice. 1415 Farnam Ktrcel. Telephone , i3J De pot , ' .tenth nnd Mimon turcots Telephone , t > 29. Leavo. Arrive. " St. "Louis "Canon 'Ball" ' Express. . . 4.50pm ll-.soara DalU PENSIONS FOR WESTERN VETERANS Sin-ilium I Mir CI\II Wnr Heiiicm- IM-I-IM ! liy tlio General OoM-rnnirut. WASHINGTON. Sept. 25. ( Special. ) Pensions have bceu Granted to the follow ing1 Usua of September It : Nebraska Original- Christopher Slcf- ford. Odell , $ C ; Wlllard H. Davis , Salern , $ S ; Joseph II. Graham , Mct'ciol , $8. Renewal : Stephen F. Holbrook. Fllley , $8. Original widows , etc. ; Nanty C. White , Crounse , JS. Iowa Original : John W. Hobley , Tor- buih , $ C. Increnso : John S. CrosHer , Sioux City , from $10 to $12. Original uldowu. etc. : Kato B. Metzgar , Cedar Rapids , $ g ; Ida K. Wlloy , Grlnnell. $8. Special September 1C : Henrietta Montgomery , Andrews , $19 , South Dakota Original Cornelius K. Shoemaker , Ouster City , $8. Colorado Original : Uaronrt ( low. Gran ada , $6. Original widow * , etc. : Polllo Sewers ers , Cappv , $8 ; minors of John H. Swan , Hoteliklss , $16 ; Clara E. Ashbaugb , Ilotch- klss , JS. North Dakota Orletnal ; Jaraea Orlggs , Ashley , $10. I Montana Original : Alfred Gardner , Great i FalU , $6. Original widows , etc. ; Jean- i nctta B Sweet , Helena , $11.