s THE OMAHA "DAILY 11EJ13 : SATVKDAY , HEPTEM1JEK 21 , 181)8. ) NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MI. > OH Smoke "J A H" Do cigar. I'lncst work , Uluff City laundry. S Ktockcrt Carpet Co. , 203-207 Bwy. Mooro's food kills worms and fittenn. , C IJ , Jacciucuiln & Co. , Jewelers and op- ; tlcluns , 27 South Main struct. sf The Misses Ilegan of Crawford , Neb. , nro the guests of Mrs. J. Sullivan of Tenth av enue. William Morthrop of Ochoydan , la. , Is vis iting Mr. nnd Mri. OUOo Vlcn while tak ing In the exposition. Metcalf brothers hnvo brought suit In the superior court against } ' . Albertson for $100 on n note Given In IS'JO. Major T. W. Evans of the First Wis consin volunteers Is In the city from Mad- teen , WIs. , taking In the exposition. The Ministerial association of the city will meet Monday morning at 10 30 o'clock In Et. John's English Lutheran church. Mrs. S. H. Moody nnd Mrs. Alma Her- rold arrived yesterday afternoon from Sac City , In. , on n visit to the exposition. .1. C. Ulxby , heating and sanitary engineer. 1'lnns and specifications for heating , plumb ing and lighting. .202 Main , Council Bluffs. At a meeting beid In tha city a couple of clays ago of the state council of the A. P. A. , Ovlrto Vlcn was re-elected state president. H r. Bowers of Clinton , la. , supreme president of the A. P. A. , Is tho'gucct of Justice OUdo Vlcn while visiting the expo sition. S A. nnd S. J. Browning of Avalon , Mo , both prominent citizens ofthat place , were In the city yesterday , guests of C. F. Jlohrer. Don't jou think It mustibe a pretty good laundry that can please so many hundreds of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , " 7.M Broadway. Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Corey of Harvard , Neb , are visiting their1 son , James Corey of the Uurllngton freight olllce , whllo tak ing In the exposition. Lieutenant Walter L. Anderson of Troop IX ( Jrlsby's Hough Hldors. was In the city jcsterday , the guest of Frank Wright , on Ills way homo to Hot Springs , S D. W. H. Polk and Elsie M. Crnbtrcc , both efFort Fort Calhoun , Neb , were married In this city yesterday , the ceremony being per formed by Hcv. T. F. Thickstun at his res idence. Rev. Ooorgo Ladd , who at the recent con ferences of the Methodist church was trans ferred from Avoca "n Walnut , was In the ulty jestcrday visiting his old tlmo friend , County Treasurer Arml. Hon. W. n. Murray of Davenport , la. , | s In the city , the guest of Ilev. G. W. Snyder. Ho is n prominent member of the English Lutheran chinch Ilev. Snjder organised In Davenport some years ago. Itev. M. C. Waddell , the newly appointed jiastor nt the Broadway church , Is expected to arrho In tbo city today from Shenandoah - doah and will conduct the services tomor row , both morning and evening. Mrs C W. Coker has returned from a two weeks' visit to her old homo In Bur lington , Knn. She was accompanied by her brother , M. C. lialley , nnd his bride , who will visit relatives and friends hero nnd take In the exposition. The police yesterday wcro looking for a man named Harry Hedley , who Is charged with cmbo7zllmr " rug belonging to the C. r. Adams company of Omaha Hedley was entrusted with n rug as a sample to work this city for orders two days , but neither Hcilley nor the rug have been seen since. . Victor Bove , the young lad who perslst- ontly refused to stay at home nnd who wns recently placed In the Christian Home , has run away and Is now being looked for by the police , who have had n , similar task to perform on several former occasions. When , fmmd he will probably be sent to thq ) e- forln school , nl Eldpra. ' Alvtna Kelfman , aged 19 years'daughter of Mrs. Henrv Kclfman , died > esterday morning nt thO-'Wumcn's Christian Associa tion hospital 'of consumption- ! The funeral will bo held tomorrow afternoon at 2:39 : o'clock from St. John's English Lutheran church nnd interment will bo In Falrvlow cemetei y John Devaney was arrested yesterday on complaint of W H. Vincent of Honey Creek , who charged him with the larceny of n fish net valued nt $50. Constable Albert ! , nrmed with a search warrant , rcco\ercd the not , whIUi ho located nt Dovaney's house Dtvancy gave bill In the sum of $100 and will have a hearing before Justice Vlen Jlonday afternoon Thomas Lynch nnd Joseph McDonald , the two tramps charged with breaking Into 4he houses of Charles Hoonnn nnd William lilnnehan , had a hearing In police court jcsterday morning nnd were bound over to the grand Jqry. In default of $300 ball each thty were committed to the county Jail. The suit stolen by them from Llnnehan's liouso was recovered bv the police from the pawnshop where they hud sold it for $2.50. Rev. Henry DeLong returned jesterday nf- lernoon from Coleridge , Neb. where on Wednesday evening he outdated at the wedding of his granddaughter. Miss Maud Way McElrath , to CJIIbert L Watson , a well Itnown young newspaper man of that town. The brldo formerly resided In Silver Creek township In this county , where she was liorn nnd reared. The ceremony was per formed at the Presbyterian church In the jiresonco of a lal-go number of relatives nnd friends. Ladles desiring valuable Information con cerning their ailments should send or call for "Tho Vlavl Message. " Vlavl Co. , 326 Mer- rlam blk. Nt Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. Wanted to Rent Nlco flvo or six room cottage , east or north side , pleasantly lo cated. Call Postal Telegraph office. W. F. Abdlll used Colo's Hot Blast heater last winter. IlrnI I > tate Traufers. The following transfers were filed yester day In the abstract , title and loan ofllce of J. W. Squire. 101 Pearl street Kllza Crawford to William Balrd , noU nw'4 11-75-41 and accretion * , w * d . . . . . . j ] 22S Ooorco West nnd wlfi et ill to Mary West , nei4 ne'i 5-77-44 , nw d . SOO Jlomiliiptoii County Savings H.mk to N P I'PtprMin , n C3 feet lots 5 and fi , block 14. Hull's add , w d . . . . 1,130 r. C LoiiBee nnd wlfo to Hugh O. llobluson , lot 5 , block 7 , Potter & Cobb's add , w d . . t > . Bheilff to Western Iowa Hulldlnt ; An- 1 mu-latioii , wH lot 3 , block 2 , Beers' add. ad. . . M. F Hohrcr and wlfo to William Unlrd , ue > 4 KW'i 11-75-41 and nccre- tluiiH , i | c d. . . . ThmmiH Meredith to Ollvo A. Swift , lot 4 , hloc-k 19. Meredith H ndd to A\oui. w d . . 27 Snr.ih II Ti. Itohrcr und husband to William Bulrd , w 4 nw'4 11-75-14 und HClTUtlOllH. W d . . . , . 960 Surah II II. Rohrer und huxbund to William Balrd , Bo\prnment lot 3 In 11-75-44 nnd accrcctloim , w d . . . 2,23t Nine transfers , total . $ S,1U FEDERAL GRAND JURY QUITS Final Report of the Body to the Oourt Made Yesterday. ELEVEN TRUE BILLS ARE RETURNED Mont of the SI en Presented Arc Held on CliarKcn of UUp'onnliiK I.lii- uor * Without IleeiiNe Tvo More ScrlouN Mitttcra. The federal grand jury completed Its work jesterday aftetnoou and , nfter presenting a final report , adjourned" for the term. The grand Jury , which was convened last Tues day , had but little business to engage Its attention , nnd the session was the shortest on record for many years. Inall the jury returned elm en Indictments , most of which were ncalnst parties for violating Uncle Sam's Internal revenue laws by falllne tc take out a government license before en gaging In the business of selling liquor , Bills In twelve bootlegging case's "were Ig nored and the defendants ordered released. The prlnclal case brought before the grand July and In which nn Indictment was re turned , was that'against Karl Herberts , the German charged with breaking Into David Bradley & Co's letter box nt the postotficc hero and stealing letters containing checks Hnrbcrls wafc arrested July 22 after ho had attempted to cash ono of the checks. In vestigation nt the time showed that the en dorsement of W. W. r.ootnls , treasurer ol the company , on the check was a forgery and that Hnrhorts had had n rubber stamp made b > a local manufacturer similar to the one used by David Bradley & Co. Two check. were scoured bv Harberts , the one he at tempted to ( ret cashed and the other he tore up when m rented , but which was afterwards pasted together again by the police. A weeli or to after Hnrberts1 arrest , acting on In formation furnished by him , the federal of- flccrai rested Tony Vade on suspicion ol bring Implicated In the robbery. Later , however , the federal authorities decided thai the evidence ncalnst Vade was not suffici ently stronc to attempt to convict him , sc ho was discharged. Another Indictment returned yesterdaj wns ngnlnst Larry King , the confidence mar from South Omaha. King was arrested lasl $ ay as n suspicious character while stop ping at the Scott house on North Malr street. - When f-cnrched at the potlco statlor ho was found to he In possession of a "flash roll. ' made up of cancelled Tennessee state warran.s nnd slips of ordinary newspaper Before Secret Service Officer Donnclla Klnt admitted that ho used the roll not for UK purpose of exchanging for good money bu ! to convey the Imprebslon that he had plentj of monry to pay his losses If necessary li tbo "game" that ho said he playpd. Klnf was indicted on the charge of having In hi : possession nn article In similitude of Unitcc States money. Emerson Dowerp , living on North Tentl street in this cttj , was Indicted for bootleg ging. On arraignment he pleaded guilty N.ite Dunn ot Villisca , Indicted on a slmllni charge , also admitted his guilt , as did Logat Helm of Clarlnda , who had likewise falle' ' to secure the neC2ss iry license. O. I' . Smith of Woodbine , Indicted foi bootlegR'ng ' , when arraigned entered a pie : of not guilty. John Colcraan , Jasper Gard ner. James West and John Rolfus , agalns all of whom Indictments for bootleggint wcro leturned. denied their guilt and en tered pleas of not guilty. The trial of tbo cilmlnal cases will com mence Monday , and the first to be taken til will be thn care against Larry King. The trial of the suit of J. L. Fuller agalns Sue A. Hoyt Is still engaging the attcntioi of the court. Ye&tredny Judge Woolson BUS tallied the demurrer of the defendant to tin petition nnd the plaintiff submitted ni amended petition In which It Is claimed tha the attachment on the 23,000 bushels o corn to protect an alleged debt of $500 wa : excessive. The demurrer of the dcfendnn to the amended petition was overruled by thi court. The suit of John M. Boyd against thi United States was continued until the nex term , the trial helng set for January 2-J M. A. Hojt , an attorney of Carroll , In. was admitted to practice In the fedcra couita. The suit of Adelbert Tcltsort , admlnls trator , ngnlnst the Chicago & Northwester ! Railway company will not be tried , as 1 bas been settled out of court. In the case of Aurachcr against the Omah ; & St. Louis railway a motion on behalf o the defendant for the dismissal of the nctloi on the grounds that the court had not prope jurisdiction was argued and taken under ad vlscment. I'reniluuiH for Aurleultural 1'rodnelN The members of the County Board o Supervisors nro fully olive to the advantage ! offered by the great Transmlsslsslppl Exposl tlon ns a means for advertising and dls plajlng to the world the productiveness o the western states. Realizing this and wltl a > levv to encourage a representative exhibl tlon of the natural products of this coitnt ; the board at Its meeting yesterday after noon decided to offer a number of premium : for the best displays along this line. Tin display will bo made In the Pottawattamli Wigvvnm , commencing October 10 , nnd en tries for the competitive exhibition will bi received there from October 1 to the 10th. The session yesterday wns devoted In thi main to routine matters , among the busl nesa disposed of being several road cases The board adjourned jesterday afternoon ti the October session. Part 2 of The Bee's photogravures of thi exposition is now ready and can be had a tbo Council Bluffs office. Miss Wollman's Millinery opening , 33 ! Broadway , will bo given Friday and Sat unlay , September 23 and 24 llohhe.l While llriluk. Henry P Buente , an exposition vlsltoi from St. Louis , came o\er to the Bluffi Thursday night and started out to see tbi sights. Early yesterday morning he wai found by n policeman on Broadwny In : state of total collapse from having saraple < too many kinds of liquor. Judge Ayleswortl assessed him $5 and costs for his experience which a friend paid for him. lluente , when ho recovered his senses > cstcrday morning , discovered that whllo he had been uncon sciously sleeping on the sidewalk on Broad way ho had been rolled by someone for his gold watch and about $26 In cash. Ho had an Indistinct remembrance ot having formed Bonio acquaintances In one of the many sa loons ho visited. U. S. Grant division , No.II , Uniform Rank Knights of Pythlus , will give a dnnco nt their armory , In the Mcrrlnm block , next Saturday evening , September 24. The Evans laundry Is the leader Jn fine work for both color nnd finish. 620 Pearl street. 'Phono 200. AVII1 > ntnc Tovin hlp TleUet. The delegates from Knno township to the democratic county convention will meet to night at 8 o'clock nt the court house to place In nomination a township ticket. Sev eral things Indicate that there may be some what ot a lively time nt the meeting , ns the fight over the delegation from the Second end precinct of the Second ward will ot a necessity be Injected Into the meeting. At the county convention the contest was tem porarily compromised by allowing the two delegations halt \otes. This was done as the township nominations over which the split occurred were not before the conten tion. Tonight , however , It will be a different story nnd yesterday the street talk was tc the effect that both delegations will Insist on being seated with full votes. Ambrose Burke'a candidacy for Justice of the peace Is what makes the trouble. The delegation headed by Jason Lewis , the precinct chair man , Is opposed to rcnomlnntlng Burke , while the delegation headed by Police Ser geant Tom Comte are pledged to Burke , If Burke falls to got the nomination to night ho will be put In the field by the pop ulists on their township ticket. The delegates will not lack timber tonlghl from which to select their nominees , as there are flvo candidates and possibly more foi Justice of the peace ard six for constable The candidates for justice of the peace nro L. Swearlngcn , W. W. Cowncs , Ambrose Burke , Cal Maynard and 0. H. Lucas. The six candidates already In the field foi the two nominations for constable are : Charles Marthal , Jim Stephenson , Johr Hlnklc , Mlko Egan and Ed Brooks. The latter Is said to be slated for ono of the nominations. ' Paul Aylesworth , it Is said , will bo th < nominee , us he was two years ago , for town ship clerk , but no names have been men tioned so far for township trustee or as sessor for Kane outside. Miss Wollmnn's Millinery opening33 ! Broadway , will bo given Friday and Satur day , September 23 and 24. Mnrrlnue IJCCIIHCM. ! License to wed wore Issued yesterday t ( the following persons : Name nnd Residence. Age William Dalley , Omaha : 2 ! V. Gcrtlo Martin , Council Bluffs 1 ! John T. O'Neal , Gage county , Neb 31 Lula J. Grund , Gage county. Neb 2 : W. II. Folk. Fort Calhoun. Neb 2 ; Elslo M. Crabtrco , Fort Calhoun , Neb 1 ! When jou call for DoWltt's Witch , Hare Salve , the great pile cure , don't accojU any thing else. Don't bo talked Into ncdeptlng t substitute , for piles , for sores , for bruises. WRECKS OVER A DOZEN CITIES Mull AiUlfcn to KlnKHtnn ItrliiR Full IH-tullN of Tcrrllilc Ilnvoe of Ilnrhmlnrn Tnninilo. KINGSTON , Jamaica , Sept. 23. Mall advices - vices \\hlcli reached hero today broUEhl melancholy relief to the suspense regardlnf the full extent of the fearful hurrlcam disaster nt the Islands of St. Vincent , St Lucia nnd Darbadoes , showing -the first ac counts were not exaggerated. At St. Vln- cent about 300 lives have been lost , nol counting the loss of life suffered throuRr the loss of shipping. The coast Is strewr with the wrecks of vessels , many of whlcl were from tlarbadoes. The storm raged from 10 a. m Sunday September 11 , until 2 o'clock In the after noon , completely wrecking the Island. AI the capital , Kingston , fully 200 houses wen demolished , whllo the suburbs , CoxheaU and Montebello , were obliterated. Amonj the principal buildings destroyed are th < Anglican and Catholic churches , the flm now hospital nnd Fort Charlotte. All thi public buildings \\ero moro or less injured Cloudbursts from the mountains caused a : much ruin. Throughout the Island the de struction was on n wholesale scale , not onlj the estates and buildings being razed but cultivation being obliterated. The following towns nnd villages were destroyed : Host Place , Grand Sable , Arnosvale , Mouni Pleasant , Argyle , Wallllabo , Barroualllo Layon and Duccament and the second city Georgetown , was considerably damaged. St. Lucia suffered mostly from rain nnc landslides , the dclugo lasting ten hours. Cu Do Sac nnd Rousseau valleys , the centen of the cano and cocoa cultivation , were con verted Into lakes and partly filled wltl debris from the mountains , which ruined the crops , while many plantations wcr < wrecked. Serious damage was sustained ai Mornetnbno , which precipitated nn nvalancht three miles long , covering HID valley to the width of a mile and overwhelming Ruby am a couple of other estates. Similar ava lanches partly destroyed the Diamond , Pear and Snn Jacques plantations. The city o ! Castries sulfored chlelly from a tidal wave which swept over half the town and wrecked n portion of Bay street. Thirteen lives were lost. The full extent of the dnmngo has nol been computed , but It Is Incomparably les : than at St. Vincent The hurricane atrucli Barbndocs and sncpt away 10,000 houses ant damaged many more. This left three-quar ters of the Inhabitants homeless. O\er 10 ( people were killed so far as known. Th < city of Bridgetown was partially destroyed nnd the suburbs of St. Michael and Belle- villD were entirely demolished All the bhlp- ping wns wrecked or blown out to sea. In the country the desolation Is nwful owing to the destruction ot the provlslor grounds on which the population depended Whllo all the parishes suffered the great est distress Is In St. Michael , Christ ChurcJ : and St. Philip All -tho sugar estates arc damaged and many of them are completely wrecked But , whllo the culthatlon of cane has suffered the cane has not been totally ruined as at first reported , the damage nol exceeding one-fifth of the crop. The total estimated damage besides the IOES from the cano crop and provisions It about $1,500.000 at Darbadoes. r- m3k3kSkmW Rev. M. W. Everhart , formerly Presiding Elder of the Cham- . , - . and West , Jacksonville , Dlstrloti. .and now pastor of the M. K. church at Curllnville , III. , write * : "To the afflicted , I take pleasure in saying that | cannot too highly commend the health-restoring properties - erties of the medicines manufactured and bent out by the Dr. B , J. Kay Mcnloal Pn . * * The change tha ; has been wrought in my aniury state by the use of the Dr. Kay's Kldneycura and the Dr. Kay's Renovator Is simply phenominal , I hare been relieved of constipation , excessive and pilnful urination and paiai in my back of 12 years standing. " Dr Kay's Renovator U lold by drurctiti , or aent by mall for 35c and II or 8 for 5- IXi oot taVa any subilltutt. ( or It h no equal. It Is an excellnnt renovator nnd purl- Bar and the beit Btrvetealokiowi Send ( or Dr Kaj'a H > me Trratuient an ll'uitn- ' te < t 1M rare took , free. Oaa Baa gala at wtuld not take { A for one of lu raceluti , an other laid be would not uk tlO for ta § 6o k. Or D J Kay Medical Co , Omah * Neb &W & * TO LET THE SOLDIERS VOTE Iowa Legislators May Meet and Take the Necessary Action. POSSIBILITY OF A SPECIAL SESSION Slunv Him Itccn AxUnl It Cull tinI.ifniiiiilirrn TfiKctlicr for Hie I'lirpoiic of Adopt- IIIR > ocilcil DKS MOINES , Sept. 23. ( Special Tele gram. ) It la understood that Ooverno Shaw , who la today at Clarlnda , has bcci asked to make n call September 27 for i special session of the general assembly t ndopt legislation which may bo necessar ; In order to allow Io\\a troops outsldo th State to ioto In the No\ember elec tlon , The decision of the go\crnor has noel > ol been communicated to his olllce. ; meeting of the house members who are prcs ent In Omaha was held at the Iowa buildlni to form nn association , and after organiz Ing a resolution was unanimously ndopte notlfjlng the governor that If ho would cal a special session for this purpose solely th members present would pledge themselvc to serve nt such n. session without cxpcns to the state. The secretary of the assocla tlon was Instructed to communicate this nc tlon to the governor. The regiments whlc will bo affected are Forty-ninth , which 1 In Camp Cuba Libre nt Jacksonville , an the Fifty-first at San Francisco. The Fifty first rcglent was largely recruited In th Ninth district , which Is one of the clos districts , and efforts hnvo been made to hav matters arranged so that the boys may vet < though absent from the state , on clcctlo day. The question was submitted to Attor nry General Ilcmley , who ruled that ther Is nothing in the present code which woul legalize such an election nnd that leglsla the enactment would be necessary. William Demo , a member of Company I Hampton , died at the Red Cross hospltt this , morning of typhoid fever. His horn was at Rockwell , and the remains wcro sen there In care of his brother. The decease was 23 and n member of the Fifty-first. Tiioum.n AT IOWA'S uxivnnsrn Student * < itilt.tii' ) Institution of nil Unpopular Tcnolirr. IOWA CITY. la. , Sept. 23. ( Special. ) Di Lawrence W. Llttlg may remain In th medical department of the Stare unlverslt as professor , but If ho docs ho will hav no pupils to lecture to. In fact , ho has n moro now than ho can count on the finger of ono hand. It Is an old fight between the medlct students and an unpopular teacher. It bega last spring when tlio junior students handc In a petition to the board of regents of th university asking for the remo\al of Dr. Lit tig. This petition was signed by twenty c the class and preferred the charge o' tin professional conduct against the doctor. I this petition the students set forth three In stances of Improper conduct : " 1. A dog entered the lecture room nn caused great merriment. Dr. Llttlg quote the lines of the poet that the moro ho sai of men and dogs , the moro bo thought c dogs. " 2. The parents ot one of the patient under Dr. Ltttlg's care In the hospital be came dissatisfied with the mode of treatmeu nnd rcmo\cd their ctUJ | to another has pltnl. " 3. At one tlmo In the clinic Dr. Llttl used Improper words In speaking of a lad patient. " The regents , after considering the mattei dismissed the doctor from his position , Au gust 24 , but ho was afterward reinstate when his brother professors appeared befor the board and presented the facts In a dlf ferent light. Ills reinstatement was for year , or until "tho first well-establlshe charge should bo brought. " The students were not satisfied with th decision and worked among their slabsmatc- with the result that only twenty-five out o a class of slxty-ono appeared at the unl verslty this fall. Of these twenty refuse to register unless the doctor was dismissed They held an Indignation meeting an drafted telegrams , n copy for each membe of the executive committee of the boar of regents and ono for Governor Shaw , i committee went to the house of I'reslden Schaeffer and tried to Induce him \o slg these messages. The men were icfuscd a : Interview , so they signed the telegiams "Committee Medical Class 1000" and sen them. AIIION Mmloiit ComjnlIK Suicide. AMES. la. , Sept. 23. ( Special. ) Fred W Me > ers , an academic student In the agrlcul turnl department In the Iowa Agriculture college In this city , committed sulcido lat Tuesday by shooting himself through th temple , ' with a 32-callber revolver. Ml Meyers was about 27 years old. Ho enterei college here about the middle of last tern nnd had since ll\ed a quiet and studlou life. For several days he had been nctlii' ' very queerly , according to reports from hi fellow students nnd seemed to be growlni worse. Letters found In his room show tha trouble o\er some estate matters was th cause. Ono of his roommates went to Dr Deardshear nnd informed him of the quco actions of young Meyers , nnd just as Dt Deardshear started out to Investigate new was brought him that Mcjers had shot him self. Meyers sat upon the old historic rod In front of the main building nnd placed th rc\olver to his temple nnd fired , then ares and walked n few steps nnd fell Youm Meyers had resided at Hrltt , la. , before h entered college here. Molr 1'ulplt Chili . CLARINDA. la. , Sept. 23. ( Speclal.- ) Wcdnesday night a church building knowi as North Grove , In the northeast part o the city , was entered by two parties who ap parently had no fear of God or man The. gained entrance via a window nnd tbei helped themselves to two nlco chairs usei In the pulpit. They came prepared will wagon and team and drove away with thel supposed possessions. The theft was discov ered early In the morning by a farmer llvlni near by. A searching party nt once startci out and by 10 a. m. had traced the rout of the burglars to their home , finding th chairs in their possession. They were a once arrested , admitted their guilt am were brought to Clarlnda and placed In jail They are brothers , men of family and prlo ' .o this time no suspicion ever pointed ti them being burglars or thieves. Third Illntrlct fiuaim ! trn. IOWA FALLS la , S pt. 23. ( Speclal.- ) In this city will occur the opening repub llcan rally In the Third district and Oc tober 8 has been fixed by the district com mlttce ns the date. Preparations for thi meeting , which Is sure to be a big one have already commenced and are well undc way The speakers on this occasion ar < not all determined on yet , but will undoubt edly Include Governor Shaw , Congressmai Henderson and possibly Foraker of Ohio. To Vott n Ilnllroiitl Tnx. BEDFORD , la . Sept. 23. ( Special ) Hoi township , Taylor county , will % ote agalr next week on the question of giving a i per cent tax to the Minnesota , Iowa A Oulf railroad , which Is being exploited bj Frank T. Campbell and other DCS Molnci men. Three weeks ago tbo same qucstloi was Noted on and the tax defeated , 100 to f2. A now petition , showing a majority of freeholders , has been secured , asking an other election. The fight will bo bitter , ns feeling Is stronger than ever. The company has done no work on the grading between this town and New Conception , Mo. , but claims work will begin at uuco It Holt town ship carries the tax. DdiiocrntN TnUi * COIIIIMP ! . SIOUX CITY , Sept. 23. ( Special Tele gram. ) The democrats of the Fourth Ju- dlclaol district of Iowa will hold n con vention In Sioux City on October 4. Thla wns decided upon nt n meeting of the demo cratic central committee held nt Lo Mars , la. , this afternoon. Tills Is contrary to expectations , as yeserday ) n majority ol the commltteemen wcro opposed to holdlnf n convention. The committee , however , re pudiated the action of the first democratic judicial convention In adjourning wlthoui naming four candidates for the office o judge. It Is the Intention to nnmo a tlckc at the convention In Sioux City , October 4 Thus the days ot a nonpartlsnn Judlclarj In this district nro ended. F. H. Gayno of Plymouth county , n democrat , has at ready been nominated as before by the re publicans nnd ho will probably bo namci also by the democrats. They may nisi Indorse A. L. Uenrdslcy , a democrat noin hinted by the populists. Ci r < iMi > In Ioil. LENOX , la. , Sept. 23. ( Specfal Tele gram. ) Austin Brown , a private of Com pany I , Fifty-first Iowa volunteers , dlei In the hospital nt San Francisco Saturda ; morning of typhoid fever. The funeral wa announced to tnko place at the rcsldenc of his parents at 2 p. m. today. Upon th arrival ot Brown's mother , who had bcci at his bedside , It was discovered that th corpse had been lost In shipping and up I the present tlmo no trace can be found o the remains. Railroad officials have dill gently sent tracers to search for th same. The aflllctlon of Dr. nnd Mrs. Browi Iscry weighty , ns their oldest son I lying In a critical condition In ono of th camps In Pennsylvania. PiiHlontntn I'nrt Company. CRESTON , la. , Sept. 23. ( Special ) Th democrats nnd populists of the third super User district hnvo parted company. Ther Is a political estrangement In that dlstrlc that promises tv > result advantageously ti the republican nominee , Ira Seeley , win was nominated yesterday. When the demo crats and populists heM their joint convcn tlon both parties had a candidate , am neither would withdraw. The result Is end party has a candidate In the field , but thi populists nro bitter-against ) the democrat ! * nominee , nnd In order to defeat him wll vote for the republican candidate. The dls satisfaction Is likely to spread and rcsul advantageously to the entire rcpubllcai county ticket. Him 110 Complaint to Mitkr. CRESTON , la. , Sept. 23. ( Special ) S A. Thncker of Denver was In Crcston a fov days this week \lsltlng friends. Durlni the destruction ot Ccrvera's fleet at Santl ago he wns a fireman on the Harvard. Ii regard to the reports printed in yellov Journals about the treatment accorded tin soldiers and sailors ho docs not glvo ere dence. He says ho has no complaint ! ti make ; that ho was treated well and heart no grumbling from the men. Ho think the soldiers nt army camps are themsctvei responsible In no small degree for theli sickness because of their carlessncss am fallmo to properly regard sanitary laws , SIBLEY , la. . Sept. 23. ( Special. ) Thi Burlington , Cedar Rapids & Northern Rail way company is building a new rallroai bridge across the Otter creek , ono mile wcs of Slbloy. The bridge will be 127 fee long. It will have stone piers and atom abutments and steel girders. The sam < company has put In three stone arches am two sewer pipe culverts on the line botwoei Sibley nnd Llttlo Rock. To Open tinCiiniiinlK'i. . CRESTON , la. , Sept. 23. ( Special. ) Thi Eighth district republican campaign will hi opened at Osceola Saturday , October 1 when Congressman Hepburn and othei prominent republicans will bo present am deliver addresses. There will be afternoot and evening meetings. The attendance \ \ expected to bo large. Inttu. wii Xoto . Charles Wnltmoro of Oskaloosa Is neai death , the result of contact with potsonec Ivy. Ivy.Tho corner stone of Marcngo's Mnsonii temple was placed In the presence of n largi crowd. The Llvo Stock Notional bank of Slou ; City secured some of the now war bonJi and Increased Its capital stock from $25,00' ' to JiO.OOO. Waterloo's school census shows nn ln < crcaso of ICO over last year. There an 2,002 children between the ages of 5 am 21 In that town. At Strublo the Infant of Thomas Ed' ' wards burned to death In Its crib whllo tin mothcrvwas in u rear room , the result of : lamp overturning. Colonel E. E. Lambert of the Fiftieth low ; regiment will be court-martialed for saylm Go\ernor Shaw wns nt the head of n ganf of politicians which was neglecting low : soldiers. Ira Stubbs of Des Molncs , n real estate man who graduated from the ranks of cer tain prominent real estate sharpers of Car roll , bas been convicted of obtaining mono ; by false pretenses at Indlanola. At Woodbine burglars made the gra\e mis take of entering the residence of Editor H C. Ford of the Twiner. After a desperate struggle with the editor the thieves man- agd to escape , leaving a pair of shoes It thb hands of the editor , which they bac stoli-ii from another residence Mount Ayr jail prisoners succeeded In cut ting a big hole In the steel sldo of tin building , but when they went to escape th < first man to attempt to pass out got Btucli In the bclo nnd the officers had to bo called to n ease him and the escape wns frus trated. TRAIN BREAKS ON A" GRADE Tito bi'utloiiN Collide ami Our Man if Killed mill Anothrr Fa- tall } Injured. ST. PAUL , Sept. 23. An Ashland , WIs. special to the Dispatch naysA wreck oc curred last night on the Central road neai White River , a small station near Ashland Harrison Flfleld was Instantly killed , Wal ter Sharpie fatally Injured and Thomas Johnson and two tramps miraculously es caped Injury. All five were riding In n boi car from Mellcn to Ashland. The trair broke In two and In going down grade the two ends came together. The box car tht men wcro In was In front of the back par ! of the train and It was entirely demolished Flfleld was killed Instantly and has been brought nere. Sharpie la at the Sisters' ' hospital. Johnson , Flfleld and Sharpie were all laboring men residing at Eau Clalro , They were without funds nnd having1 secured - cured work In a paper mill at floquette , Minn. , they wore trying to get there hy stealing rides. Flfleld had a wlfo and three children. The other two men are single. I'HVSIO.Nb roil WIJSTISU.N ViTiil.V.NS H of tin * fit II War Hcmeni- hurril h ) the ( ielleral tiot eminent. WASHINGTON. Sept. 23. ( Special ) Pensions ha\o been granted to rho follow ing. Issue of September 12 Nebraska Increase John Grlswold , Ra- can. $17 to $30. Original widows , etc Sarah A. Rlchn. Rlvcrtnn , J8. Iowa Harvey Palmer , Rockford , $6 ; Vernon - non W. Skiff Newton , IS ; Henry S. Grant , Soldiers' home , Marshall , (6 , Additional' Oscar Louery , Grand Junction , $6 to $8. , Increase : Leander L. Adama , Maymtrd , J3 Program for Sunday Afternoon and Evening. Greatest Attraction of the Year. _ - - THE GEYSER , - - throning water 200 feet In the nlr. The Oc\sor Is the wonder of Yellowstone pnr * . An attraction that people KO thousands of in lies \\ltncts. . This man clous production cnn bo seen at Mntmuu , Sumln > under the direction of Cnptnln Ulehnrd J. Moulton. In addition to this hlR event , n VAt'DUVIU.H PIIOGKAM of Ucl\o numbers will bo chcn. Among the specialties may be mentioned. Aiir.it > A. iwTiticic , .x\voitn A. nn \ on , cr.itTii : COCIIHVMI ( minus. T ArTiitM > o.AMJ I\IMM : : uTUP inc.iti VN IIAMI. Visitors to the Transmlsslsslppl i\posltlon will have nn opportunity to sco this grand production. Hound trip from Omaha by Terminal Line , 30 cents. Depot on Locust street , near Sherman iwntie. The Omaha nud Council Bluffs Brldgo Line makes direct connections with the Mannwn trains fiom nil the principal hotels In Omaha and Council Bluffs. Afternoon proKrnnt nt 'tiltfl P.II | nt TiIlO flejNrr imtilnutloit ut . r itt ! ( | Uc > M > r proiluctlo ntut OlMO Admission to Entire Program , 25 Cents. DON'T FAIL TO SEE IT. America's Favorite Cigar JOHN a , WOODWARD &CO. , S'zss : Distributers , 3 tor 25c lOc Straight COUNCIL 2 for 25c BLUFFS , IA THE CHAS. SUMNEB. 5 Per Genf ioney on Iowa Farms- We nre prepared to phtce loans on Improved Western lown farms' at 5 per cent. Money on h.uul , no tloiciy. We have ( or ale several choice FRUIT. GARDKX , KRAlft AND STOCK FARMS. VERY ClIL'AP. Cheap money will make land go up. Investigate our bargains. DAY & HESS , 39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. "SAY AYE 'NO' AND YE'LL NE'Eft BS - - MARRIED. vDON'T REFUSE ALL OUR ' " " ADVICE TO USE RESTORED "CUPIDENE" UdU ! * H ItfyHUU' This dr. . ! , , V , . lihln Vitallier will quickly cum all nervous or dl eis > a of the rener tivo or- trane broughlon by jouthful orrorn or Gxc'rsdi.'fi mich an I.ont JUnliooil , Insomnia , Spermatorrhoea , Palm In D.icU Evil Urojina. Memlnal Kinls- eions. NarrouB IJpblllty I'lmpli-B Headache. UntUnenn to M rry , Kx- haiietlni ; DrnlriH Varlooceld and Conntlpatlon iUopn IOSBCS by day OP nteht ProentsqiilcltiiefH of illHchirto. which loads to &pi > nnntorrhor and Impotncy fleansen the llvor klihit'TH nnil urlnnry organs of ll BBFOCtB ud Ai-fHR Impurities. Strengthens nn-I restores sniill wink organa. il 00 it box , 8forOU Gnarantoc-d to ci-riv Sor.J for free circular and 6000 tcatl- monliU D TO ! Mt-dlclna Co. , San Franclaco , Cal. For ulo by ileyurs , Dlilou Druj Co. Omaha , Neb. N oTiinns PAIL COJVHDLT Searles & Searles. SPECIALISTS. Guarantee to cure upccdlly and riull- cnlly all MMIVOUS , CI1IIOMC AM ) I'llIVATI : tllicnnrn of iiu-u mill MOIUCH WEAK mSYPHILIS \ \ BDXUALLY cured for life. Nlcht Emission- ! , Lost Manhood , Hy- drocele , Verlcoccle , Gonorrhea , Gltet , Syph ilis , Stricture , Piles , Tlstula and Rectal Ulcora , Dlabetc.i , Hrlght's Disease cured. CONSI I.TATIO.N rum : . by nrw method without pnln or outtlnK. Call on or address with stump Treatment by mall , , SEAHLES S SEMES. * &MMYV THE NEUMAYER JACUIl NRUMAYnn , PIOI ( > . 101. OC , 20J , 210. Broadway , Council Bluffs Rates , tl 25 per daj , 7u roonu' i'lrst-tlasj 1 1 uvuy rt-bpeut .Motor line to all depots. I ocul ugem y for the Celebrated St L.OIUH A U C Hcor. rirat-tlasH bar In con nection DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY ALL DNUCCISTO. CURE YOURSELF ! IJhi ) JIf < J for unmtiiral iliflcliarKfti , luilaiiiiiititi nj , IrritalloiiH or iiUerulmni of tit u c o u K itieinbruiH s. I'u nl 'ii , un < l n < t uiitiia * fit nt or pollution * Mold 17 I > rucrKfA. or f-fiit in plain \tr.irptr , 1'V eipri * , prej niij , fur ( I MI. or 3 Itnttlc' . i. 7 % Cifuiar MCUI uu request * KUtCATIONAI , . Anierlru'H l.i'iiillni ; huliiiul of Mimic , CHICAGO CONSEVARTORV Auditorium IllilK. , Chlcnuo. Eocutlon , Dramatic Art and Languages t .MiiVAi.icn pAcri/n , UNSUIII'AhSnn ! > ! ( H I FALL TP.H'1 OPIJNS ADVANTAORS I HRI'T S IH' > 8 Catalogue mailed free Addrrm. linitMIAItl ) IH.ltiril. - - MuiuiK > > r , to 12 ; Milton II. Frlsble. Walnut. $10 to $1C , Albert L. OrltlUh. Den MOMPB | , J to Colorado Original : John K. Carow , Grand Junct'lon , JC , David Dullni ; , Denver , IS. AdditionalJamca llrown , Colorado Springs , } C to } 8. G.W.PangeM.D. ! TUB GOOD SAMARITAN 25 YEAR'S EXPERIENCE , Header of UlHcnHCH of lucit and women. ritOPIUKTOK 01' THI ! World's llerhul IHupcnitiry of olcdlolwh 1 nritrCatnrrh of Head , Throat nnd fimiij , Dl < oii8i-n or J'.jo and ISar , Fits nud Apoplexy , Heart , I.'VPI nnd Kidney iJlacasus , DititietPH , IlriKlit's I , "ease , bt Vllus Dunce Itlu'ciiimtlsm , bctof'.ilu , Dropny on rod without lnilntr | ) | , Tnpc u onii" removed , nil chronla Nervous und I'rhutci Diseases. LOST CVREJil H2 _ ° "ly Ph ) lclnn who oan O 1 1 Jllkldi propcrb "TO SYPHILIS without dcstioylntf tt-etli and bonc . No mer. liny or polMin mineral nstd 'J he only I'hjfilcian who can tell what alii jou w It hot ! tu6kliifn ) question. 'Ihoso ut n distune o send for queitlon blank No. 1 for men : No aiorwomcn. All corn'H | > onilt'iico btrlctly uonltdentlal , Mcdlcln i bent by cxpicss. Address all letters to G. W. PANGLE , M. D. , EC6 llnmdniiy , COUNCIL Itl.UFFS , IA OT Scnd i-ccnt am inn for renlr. LOANS AVANTHD ON ! IMPHOVED KARMS ANIJ ) INSIDi : C1TV I'ROPUHTY. WK WANT NOTHING HUT FIRBT- C'LASS sncuurry. MONEY IIUADV AT ANY TIM13 BARGAINS IN FAUSt AND CITY PROPERTY ON UA8Y TI3RM3. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US FOR SALU W13 WILL ALSO CARH FOR GOOD RENTALS. FIRH AND TORNADO INHURANCIJ WRITTEN IN TIIK LKADINO COMPA NIES. MONEY LOANED FOR LOCAIj INVESTORS AT A FAIR RATH OF INTEREST - TEREST COLLECTIONS MADE WITHOUT - OUT EXPENSE TO TJIK INVESTOR. PALL AND SEE US AT OUR NEW OF. riCE , NO. 102 SO , MAIN ST. LOUQEE & LOUGKE Foes Gas and Gasoline Engines 2 } to 26O _ _ Horse Power Miu'hlin-ry iif All ICIml * . Call on UH or wrlto for prlrpH A. description * < UAVItl JIIlAIIiV A CO. , Council lllulln , Iowa. 1