THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE : SATITKDAT , SEL'TEMBEIl 24 , 1898. 11 SPECIAL NO ilCES Ailvrrllnf mi-lit * tor tlicnc coluniiiii "III In tiiKuii until lil til. for 111- trnliiK a nil until Hiiio for luoriilnu mill .Siimlii ) minim * . ItatCM , 1 I--C n iritril ttrnt Inm-rllKiii lc < a mini llieri'iiMi-r. AotlilltU tnken lor ICMN Hi nil IJ.Ii1 for the llml Iniirr- Illlll. Tin-Mr UlUcrtlNCKICIltH IIIIIHt lid .iin ( 'oiivct'iill vol ) , Ail * -rlUiT , liy rrinrntriiK | 11 niiin- lirrril check , cnn linviniimvcr * nil- Ircniii'il tu n niiutlirriMl letter In rurc of The I < ! AiinMcrH KII nililrmnvil Mill lit * ilrll vrri'il on prrxi'iitntluii uf I In4 i'liec'1. nnlj- . SITt ATIONS WANTED A KTEXonRAPHER-When you want one please t , ni up tie | Remington typewriter ofllrc. 11.19 Fu'imm Ht. , telephone , 1373. A-AiOtO O17 WANTED , position as liuusek i .i in small family. Address B t2 , IK. . A533il * UEFINED. edui ated lady wanis position tin managing housekeeper. AodrusH t. ' 2 , Her. , A729" MAMS STENOGRAPHER wishes position In law olllcc. Good references. Address C 5. Boo. . A-M&32 27 * AVi'Ku Mi.r. HELP. SALESMEN for Hgarc ; J125 a month nnd expeiicem old llrm ; i-jcporli'iite unneces sary. C. C. Uirfhop & Co. . St. l.ouis , Mo. U-S50 TAir.OHS , attend Oyhr' cutting : uiuol. 5)8 ) 8. 1.1. U-9 < ID.-ca _ DEPU'I IES wanted , both local nnd state ; except until opportunities for peed men ; No 1 contracts ; both life and accident poll' It's , weekly bcnelltg ; rnal ord r. W. J Stuart , fw-s Uee bMg , uiu.itia IJ-M235 YOt-'NQ men to learn btirlx'r trade ; only 6 to S weeks required ; Wt- give our gradu ates emiilnymi'nt till thr-y receive In wages as much nw they pay for tuition and ex penses learning. Hi Louis Barber Col lege. Odd Fellows' Bldg. . Uodse and llth , . ( /m.ih'i. I'rof Uandolph , InsiiU' 'or. B-.M322 O9 SALESMEN ran make JIG ) per month sell- Intr in r nll'ce specialties to mor'hunts by HOT pie : line Bide lines ; big prollts' . Model Mfg. Co. . Box U. South IJend , Ind. B-M432 TWO cfotliliiK saleumpn wanted In Omaha nnd one In each county In every state to take orders for our J5.00 to J10.00 made- to-measure nulls and overcoats ; live men without experience can make JO.00 tier month : If you cnn furnish satisfactory referonro we will furnish a complete iium- plo line and outfit and start you at work t once. For particulars nddrrss Ameri can V oof'lon Mills Co. , Enterprise BuildIng - Ing , Chicago. . B-M15S O12 * . WANTED , salesman visiting the drug trade to handle intr trusses as a side line ; big commissions anil easy sales. Address Wetmoro Trust ) Co. , 317 Main St. . Huffnlo. N. Y. B-MS25,2S * BOY WANTED. Omnha Butter Tub Co. , 2Cth nnd Union 1'acltlc. B MSiO25 ; WANTKD. Wo have uteady .work for.a. . few good-hustlers-of peed habits and np- pcaranre. . C.F. . Adams Co. , 624 So. 10 st. U-M&49.O22 WANTED'six men and Hlxrl women to rover middle trees at East Omnha. Marks Bros. . Saddlery Co. - 11 MSIS 21 WANTKD , laborers for U. & M. extra sang In. M yarning and Nebraska : free Inre. Kramer St O'llearn , 12th and Farnam. BAiiii HI * PANTS maker wanted at once ; must be sober and steady. Oust Abrahamson , IJoldrcKC , Neb. I ! MS3S 25 * WANTED , shoe salesman. Nebraska. Clothlni ; Co. ; also experienced window dresser. B S71-23 ARTIST , air brush , for portraits. Call be tween 10 nnd 11 Saturday morning , no N. 16th St. Room 7. B-S73-23 * MAN OH WbMAN of energy and business ability to travel for established firm , $50 a month nnd all expenses , p. w. Zlegler & Co.322 Dontbonj.St.Chleago , Til. ' ' B-MS79 21 * WANTED-FEMALE HELP. 100 GIHLS for all kinds of work ; $3 to } 7 week. Canadian Olllce , 1522 DouglaB. C-831 WANTED-150 girls. 162i Dodco. Tel. 87U. C M511-Oct-2J COMPETENT Rlrl wanted for general housework ; $1.00 per week. Inquire at once. 2020 Emmet. c 11208 WANTED. Girl at Doran House , 422 S. 18th St. , one block south court house. C-815 WANTED , Mangle girls. Model Steam Laundry. * ' C-MS28 24 WOMAN , good , common education , over 30 , for active life. Address B 50 , Bee. C-M827 24 _ WANTED , first class girl for general housework ; must bo good cook. 1022 So. 30th uve , C MS3Q21 , A waitress and a dishwasher , Ucstaurant , 20th & Emmctt. C 878-23 * WANTED , a competent second girl. Mrs , Marsh , east of Browncll Hall. Hall.C C MSS3 26 MIDDLE aged woman that mulerstrindz bread and rake baklner. Drlerbach Con fectionery , 40ti N. 16th St. C MSS4-25 * I'OK HIC.NT I1011SK9. CHOICE houses and cottages all over city : Jj to $75. Fidelity , flrat floor , N. Y. Life , D-S52 HOUSES. Benewa & Co. , 10S N. 15th St , D-53. HOUSES , stores' . Bcmla , Paxton block. D-S3J' FURNITURE and leasehold of a 7 and. 13. room modern Hat for sale ; bargain ; toot location : rent low. Bcmls Paxlou block , D S56 A FEW COTTAGES. 436 Board Trade. D-S57 DUNDEE Place house. 605 Bee. D-M334 4 , 6 AND 7 room steam heated flats for ren Howard Hanck , ugt. , 1010 Chicago Street D-M273-O7 BENEWA'S residence to rent , 3230 Burt. D-MC33 2323 SOUTH 10th St. . 5-room flat , Jld. J. N Krenzer , Opp. old P. O. D 70i TWO-STORY house , fine condition , porce lain bath. gas. etc. , J20.00. ! ' . D. Wead 16th and Douglas. D TlO ALWAYS moving household goods' am pianos. Omaha Van & Storage Co. , 1511V Farnnm. Tel. . 1559. D-S55 HOUSES , stores. Robblns , 1802 Fnrnnni D-779 HOTEL , good business. Furniture for sale U 5i. ( Hec. D-M795 O20' MAOOAUD'S Van & Storage. 121 N. 15th Tel. 1496. D-MS54 OK * FOR RENT , one of Clio' finest homes neai Hanscom park , completely furnished possession Oct. 15 , or Nov. 1 , for a tern ? -f.on ? ycar' ° r.IonKcr' Pottcr-Sholea Co. 1617 Farnam St. D MSiH O2 I--OH HINT-I-IIU.MSIIIIJ UOO.MS. FURNISHED rooms-tl.60 nnd 1200 ne week ; central part of city. 1702 Webster E-M300 23 * _ jrrnoCADERO-Beds 25o ; clean , "safe. 130 Uarney. E-MlOii OS * " Y fllrn'Bllei' ' rooms for transients V203 Spencer St. , Kountzo Place , near ex poslton. . 'B-M143 _ _ TRANSIENTS , cool rooms , bath. 514 N ISth. E93J-03 ROOMS , transients accommodatpil , 101 E-M25J O6 * FURNISHED rooms , with bath ; ono blocl from 24th st. car line. S52 South -2UI street. FOR RENT , a parlor room to man nn < wlfs or two ladles , IMS Madison avenue close to exposition grounds. avenuen RENT , nicely furnished room. 212 E-S70-I9 iin.\T-i tiixisiiKD UOOMS. ( Continued. ) ROOMS , largo furnished , modern rooms at exposition ; write at once for terms. Mrs. K. M. Katon , 1621 Plnkncy St. t < -8llOI EXPOBITION vliillori ( can pet reliable In formation In regard to hotel * , rooms , board , etc. , at the Official Information Bureau. 1319 Farnam St. ; thin bureau Is unu > r the supervision of the exposition management. Ofllce open day nnd night ; no charge for Imornmtion. E WJ Kl lt.M.SIIil ) IIOOMS AM ) IIOAIU ) . SARATOOA HOTEL. 24th St. and Ames AVe. . 4 blocks west from north gate ex position grounds , btit rooms , J2 , with meals , Jl.W without ; families nnd parties , 11.23 a day and 50c European ; everything new and neat , free baths , doublf parlors , library nnd p.unu ; two lines of street cars , vast verandahs , bent place to me exposl- 'lon lire works. Jolly people nnd n gymn asium. Telephone. 1934. F 777 THE BENEFIT HOUSE , 21st nnd Plnkney Sts. , fifty daintily furnished rooms : one- square from the Arch of the Stales ! everything new and first class ; terms reasonable. . F &j3 TAKE down that "for salo" or "for rent" sign In your window The Bee reaches morn people In n day than will pass your window In a month ; and they consult tliPHO columns when they want to buy or rent. F-SC5 TITE MKrniAM. nirst class family hotel , 2oth and Dodge Stc. F SCO MRS. E. L7 pOTTS r522 NTl9th St. , nice rooms , pns , bath , llrst-class board ; rates reasonable. F M453 S23 WEUi FURNISHED rooms , fine board. 1900 Capitol avc. F-M2S4 O7 * UTOPIA-Famlly hotel7 1721 Davenport. F-C04 Oct. 13 run iu\r uxi'i KMSIIUD 3 ROOMS. 70S S. 17th St. O-M295 O20 KOll UK.VT STOUCS A.\D OFFICES. FOR RENT , the 4-story brick building nt 91G Fnrnam St , This building has a lire- proof cement basement , water on all floors , gas , etc. Apply at the oillce of The Bee. 1-910 DESK room. O. O , Wallace , 313 Brown Blk. 1 862 NICE store. Corner 24th and Hamilton. Ap ply 2518 Caldwell. I 863 FOR RENT , n good barn box stall , cheap. 1902 Cass St. I-M740 IN U. S. Nnt'llTk. Bldg. Inq. 604 Bee Bldg" 1-113 WHOLESALE store and warehouse ; track- oge ; excellent shipping facilities. C. E. Benson. 310 Knmgo Bldg. I 814-O20 * FOR RENT , space In ono of the most de sirable stores In th6 city , 16 & Douglas. F. D. Wcnil. 1-816-23 AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS and branch managers ; salary or commission. Hunter Tailoring Co. , Cin cinnati. O. J-M917 Oct-11 * "WAR With Spain , " 700 pages , com plete ; English , Swedish and German ; out- lit free. W. A. Hlxcnbaugh & Co. . office 14 , Ware , blk. , Omaha. J M412 O10 WE want agents to sell our medicines. Ellshunt Medicine Co. , Des Molne , la. J M741 21 * AGENTS wanted for rapid selling house hold novelty ; needed In p.very house , sells for cash , nnd can easily bo carried In agent's pocket , No competition , no li cense ; n rare , good thing. Write for par ticulars. Sutllvo Brothers , Kcokuk. In. J-MC88 O3 AGENTS Wanted for the only official "His tory of Our War with Spain , Its Causes , Incidents nnd Results , " civil , military nnd naval. Steel plates , maps nnd en- grnvlngs. By Hon. Henry B. Russell , Senator Proctor ( Vt. ) nnd Senator Thura- ton ( Neb. ) . The greatest neller ever known. 1,000 more agents wanted. We pay freight nnd give credit. Write for terms and territory to the solo publishers , A. D. Worthlngton & Co. , Hartford , Conn. " - J-MSSO 24 * HUSTLERS , male , and female , wanted to ptiBh sale of latest war nouvemr , "We Have Bemembcred the Maine. " Quick seller nnd big commission. Sample by mall , lOc. C. H. Glover , 302 Knrbnrh blk. , Omaha , Neb. J M891 23 * WANTED TO ALL persons desiring to rent , their rooms trt exposition visitors kindly call nt once. 210 S. 14th st. K M302 O8 WANTED , a 7-room house , modern Im provements , centrally located , by Octo ber 15 , will pay well for right place. Ad dress A 60 , Bee otllce. K 745 25 * COTTAGE on easy payments. 604 Bee Bldg , K-MS01 WANTED , gentleman desires furnished room In private family ; permanent. Ad dress C 1 , Bee. K 876-23 * STOIIAUE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , S08- 910 Jones , general storage and forwarding M-864 OM. Van & Storage , 1511& Farnam. Tel. 1559 M-SG5 WANTED TO UUY. IF YOU nro In need of anything try th ( Want Columns of The Bee ; they wll bring you what you want. N 867 2ND-HAND bicycles. Omaha Bicycle' Co. N-M764 THE BEST HOME ; J.2.000 will buy on easj terms. I am no agent. X til , Hoe. Hoe.NM751 HIGHEST pricefor second-hand household goods. Large lots a specialty. Brown. 71 ! N. " 16th. N-M200 03 * WANTED , $2,000 worth of second-hand furniture at 301 N. 16th. St. , cor. Daven port. N-M19S O13 HOUSES TO MOVE. F. D. Wead. Wead.N753 N-753 HOUSES to bo moved. Wallace , 313 J. J Brown blk. N M7b3 WANTED , second-hand portable oven. W S , Jolley , Albion , Neb. N MSOO 29 * WANTED , a secondhand buggy , ch ap Address C 6 , Bee oillce. N M888 28 FOll SALE FUIIXITUHE. CHICAGO Furniture Co. will sell furniture and stoves below cost ; cot beds , 75c mattresses , We ; pillows , 20c. 1408-10 Dodge 0-M278 07 FOR SALE , the furniture of a 7-roorr house , cheap , all new. 214 N. 23rd St. 0-817-2 FOR SALE , furniture of six-room cottage 1222 North 26th St. , South Omaha. Omaha.0S7223 0-S72-23 FOU SALU-IIOUSES , WAGONS , ETC. Elegant rubber tired phaeton , 190 ; coat J2i5 First-class Snyder phaeton , J115 ; cost $325. Good Simpson Lea top phaeton , * 45 ; cost > 225 Good hand made light phaeton , $10 ; cost J115 Good hand made light phaeton , ! 5 ; cost { 2UO Fine gtnts' runibout , rub tired. J90 : cost * ! " 5 Fine 2-whcel cart , rub tired , } 50 ; cost J150. Good 2-wheel cart with body , J20 ; cost JG5. Elegant open park carriage , J100 ; cost 1375 Good Lea top family carriage , ? S5 ; cost )35C Lea top cge. , nearly new. JlSj ; cost J250. Canopy surrey , new painted , J50 ; coat $140 Open fancy driving buggy. J.35 ; cost J1C5. Open 3i speeding buggy , $10 : cost (225. Top box end spring buggy , $35 ; cost $115. Top side spring Concord , $35 ; cost $150 . C pass full platform carriage , $125 ; cost $500 flood milk Wilson , nc\\ i uii.t , , , , . o- -j Drummond & Co. , ISth and Harney , opp court house , public library , county jail. P-6190U FOR SALE , horke. buggy , harness. 2209 N. 1 P-919-S-30 * - - - FOR SALE Cheap , a pair of fine drivers C years pd | , well bred nnd good actors must'be seen to be appreciated. Also fin buggy nnd harness. Can be esn at Leav enworth street stables. Address 292 Leavenworth. Flat " 1. " P-M70G2I * FOR SALE , tine raddle horse , 7 yearn old Address B 55. Bee. _ ' P-M767 FOR SALE , three large spring wagon with topi ; six horses with harness. Cal at Sherwood Park camping grounds , 223 Sherman ave. P-MS90 25 * FOU 8AI.E MISCELLANEOUS. LARGEST stock hardwood lumber , hog fence , waxing brushes , etc. Chas. R. Lee , 9th nnd Douglas. Q SM HOG , poultry nnd Inwn fences : nit wire ; IB . best. Wire Works , llth nnd Harney. B. HAAS , Forst , 1813 Vlnton St. . Te. 776 : plants , cut flowers , bouquets , hall , resi dence , wedding nnd grnve dccorntlons. Orders by mall or express promptly lilted. Q-M3 _ B CAHN nnd nlto Cahn cornet. Marowltz , 418 N. 16th. Q Sb9 % _ FOR SALE , ten R.I.P.A.N.8. for G centsj at druggists : one gives relief. Q 870 FOR , reliable patent for state of Nebraska , Addi < ! ss A , Bee oillce , Councl1 Bluffs. Q-G43 FOR SALE , St. Louis fire br7ck77l4.00 pcr M. Wm. J. Wclshans. 'Phone 2b7. Q-M593 _ _ _ SALE or Trade , machinery , engines , pumps. Sprague Machine \Vrks. 1216 Jonea. Q-992 O2 _ _ STAMPS , coins , bought , soli ! . Morlcnaon , 101 N. 16th. Q-MS1S S30 PIANOS slightly used at a bargain ; come quick. Mueller Piano & Organ Co. . 214 S. 18th. Q-M724 24 " "HOW GOD GOVERNS THE UNIVERSE. A scriptural nnd seasonable presentation of a dinicult problem. By Dr. W. W. Hnrshn of the Theological Seminary , ; Omnha , For sale tit city book stores. Q-530-23 FINE lot Indian curios. Derlght , UK Fnr nam. Qil2 O16 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght , 1116 Farnam Q-611 O16 _ i "ILLINOIS BUILDING" and furniture for I sale ; bids will be rec Ived by C. E. Ham- j bleton , secretary at Illinois building. Q 675-24 i SHERMAN-WILLIAMS CO , mix. d paints Sherman & McConnell Drug Co . 1513 Dodge St. . Omaha. Q-M733 O13 FISHER makes Ivory rim or plain dress buttons from any cloth. Store , Park Avc. and Leavenworth. Q M775-O19 FOR SALE , registered pedigree R. C. St. Bernard pups , Orange color , white points. dark shadlncH , sire. Duke of Slfnldnn , original weight 220 pounds , dam Lady Truth , weight 123 ; best two docs In the west. Call or address room 512 Brown blk | O-S12-23 LADY'S ' 97 model Eldredge bicycle , llttlo used. $25.00. 1416 Howard. Q-S74-25 * WOOLF KACHARIA'S , 1207 Farnam , Flan- ' Ished Steel Peninsular Ranges , $22 BO to $40. Heaters sold cheap. Q-MSS7 Feb.24 MISCELLANEOUS. TWENTY-FIVK centu will buy the latest publication Illustrating the U. S. and Spanish navies , naval commanders , etc. ; almost 200 photographic reproductions , with a large map of the East and West Indies , nt the office of The Bee. If or dered by mall , address Navy Photograph Department , Omaha nee. R S70 WANTED , desk room or small office. Ad dress B 67 , Bee. R-875-23 * CLAIRVOYANTS. ISMAR THE GYPSY. Truthful In her predictions , reliable In her advice. It matters not what your belief may be nor what your experience with sorcallcd palmists and clairvoyants may have been , Istnnr will convince you that the past , present and future can bo told. She can be'consulted dally nt her office , rooms 20 nnd 21 , Douglas block , cor. 16th nnd Dodge , opposite Hayden Bros. S-M174 03 MME. Gylmcr , genuine palmist. 1603 Dodge. S-M184 O3 VIENNA fortune teller , IS yrs. here. 1411 Howard. M 488 O13 MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant. 808 N. 16th. ' S-486 013 ANOTHER wonderful sennce will be held nt Patterson hall , 17th nnd Farnam , by Milton , the medium , Sunday night at S p. m. ' Skeptics , scoffers and know-alls especially Invited. Collection , lOc. Pri vate sittings dally. All affairs of life , business nnd disease. Satisfaction or no cliarge. 162J Dodge , cor. 17th. Hours' , & a , m to 8 p. m. Open Sundays same hours. Readings by mall. S M6S9 25. MASSAGE , UAT1IS , ETC. MASSAGE and baths ; ladles and gentle men : magnetic treatment. M. Brlsson , 107 N. 12. T M361 O1S [ ADAM SMITH. 118 North 15th street , massage nd baths ; room 2. T 782-26 * BATHS , ladles only. Mrs. Porter , 203 Doug las Blk. T 339 O9 MRS. DR. LEON , electric massage bath parlors ; restful and curative. 417 8. llth , upstnlrs. T M771 26 LAURA ELLISON , baths , massage nnd magnetic treatment. 119 N. 1C , H. 12 , upsfs T M79i O20 * MISS SAVILLA , 507 S. 13th , room 10 ; massage - sago baths. T M834 23 BEATRICE HARLOW. massage and tub bath ; Egyptian treatment. 1701 Leav enworth. T MBS1 30 LILLIAN HOWARD , new massage and bath ; Australian treatment. R. 19 , 1623 Farnom. T M892 25 * PERSONAL. VIAVI CO. , 34C Bee building. U-S72 A LARGE Map of the World , one of Cuba and another of the entire West Indies , showing Cuba , Porto Ttlco , Haytl , San Domingo , Martinique and all the othei West Indian Islands ; 10'cents , at The Bee office. By mall , 14 cents. Address Cubar Map Dept. , Omaha Bee. U 568 isTlVUPTURE cured for $30. No detentlor from business : 6 yenrs In Omaha. Caller or write for circulars. Empire Rupture Cure , 932-633 New York Life bldg. . Omaha , Neb. U-873 PILES cured In 7 to 10 days , without pain ; one treatment does the work : can 01 send for circulars. The Empire Pile Cure , 932 New York Life building , Omaha. 11-874 MASSAGE , Electric and magnetic baths , New Hyglennlc Institute , 220 Bee Bldg. ; tol. 1716. U-M333 LADIES or gentlemen , do you want tc marry In 30 days ? Send lOe for guaranteed secret , Box 12o , Omaha. U-M292 OS SHOES soled and heeled , 50c. 710 N. 16th , U-M900 S30 RITTER'S hospital : conflncm't cases taken ; babies adopted. 2214 Seward. Omaha ; tel , 2234. JJ-M5SS O16 SOLES nnd heels 45c. Petersen's old re liable shoo" shop. New shoes cheap. IStt nnd Cumlng. U-M308 O9 PRIVATE homo , before & during conllne- mcnt ; babies adopted. Mrs. Ludlow , 22tf Clark. U-M541 015 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during confinement ; babies adopted : ex perienced physician in attendance. 113G N , 17th St. , Omaha. U M580 HOT WATER plant for sale. Inquire ol J. B. Warrlngton , Pender , Neb. U-M6S6-O-S * BOOKBINDING-Burkley Printing Co. U MS51 O22 MISS MAYER , leading manicure , chiropo dist nnd hair dresser , 400 Paxton block. U-MSSd O22 THE Omaha Social club , 311 Karbach blk. 15th & Douglas , la the only inatltutior of Its kind In the west. Introduction : made In our parlors. Marriages. Corre snomlflnts furnished. Stamps. Allle T r ney. V-M30I OS HOW to become lawful physicians , dentIsts - Ists ; graduation In other sciences. I.oct box 8t ) , Chicago. U 747 29 * DR. J. ROY , chiropodist. Corns removed 25c up : 23 years' experience ; 12 years Ir Omaha. Frenrcr blk. U-M793 SIIOUTIIAM ) ANIJ TYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S school , 717 N. Y , Life. Nlchi sohool from Sept , 20. fcSs AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th Ai Douglas 633 SHORT-HAND , up-to-date , tnught by courl reporters. Boyles1 School , 403-5-7 Bee bld | OMAHA BUS. COLLEGE , 'shorthand Boyd's theater , (43 O16 * MONEY TO LOAN niiAL ESTATE. WANTED , choice farm and city loans. R. C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. W 873 $100.000.00 special fund to loan on first class Improved Omaha property , or for build ing purposes. Fidelity Trust Company W-878 u'i per cent money. Bcmls , Paxton Block , tl.OOO nnd upwards to loan on Improved Property. . W. Farnnm Smith & Co. , 1320 'nrnam St. W S7S 0 PER cent rlty nnd farm loans , flarvln Bros. , 1613 Fnrnam St. W-S79 _ ANTHONY "Loan & fruat Co. , 315 N.7r \ quick money nt low rates for choice farm lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri , Eastern - ern Nebraska. W SSO MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 219 S. Itith. W-S31 MORTGAGES. Walce , 213 W-M733 _ MONEY to loan at low rates on Improved rlty property In South Omaha , Council Bluffs nnd Omnhn U S Mortgage & Trust Co. W. II. Thomas , agent. First Nat'l Bank bulldlnsr. W 51277 ANY nmount up to $ S.OOO ; nlso buy mort- pngcs. F. D. Wead , 16th nnd Douglas. W-M451 WANTED , bond" , storks , fnrm nnd city mortgages rlroulnr for brokers only. In- vcstors' Directory. N. Y. JS&lj MOXE1 TO LOAN CHATTELS. $10 TO 110.000 TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIA NOS , HORSES , WAGONfc AND CARRIAGES - RIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , etc. , nt lowest rates In Omnha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs. No removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; you i an Day the loan off at any time erIn In any amounts. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 306 SOUTH 16TH. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY IN CORPORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X-SS3 MONEY lonned salnrled people holding permanent positions with responsible con cerns upon their own nnme. without security ; easy payments. Tolmnn , R. 706 , N. Y. Life Bldg. X-SS4 MONEY loaned on life Insurance policies , pianos , furniture , warehouse receipts .lewelery. horres , cows , etc. Duff Green , room 8. Barker Blk. X M416 DIAMOND loan office , 1315 Douglas , unre deemed diamonds , watches , etc. , sold X I3i-Dei .0 PRIVATE party has money to loan ; nil business confidential. Address , with full particulars , B 64- Bee , X-MS64 O22 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture. Jew elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Rled. 319 S. 13. X M686 O23 BUSINESS CHANCES. PRINTING , Quick , clean , cheap. 1610 Casg. Y M670-S26 WILL erect building on lot 60x150 on 24th St. , So. Omaha , Neb , , across from the new postofilcc , for nnyfirst clnss busi ness. F. J. Lewis , room No. 22 , Ware Bl'k. Y-11J FOR SALE , the most centrally located nnd best paying exclusive horse shoeing shop In Omnha : best of. reasons for selling. For particulars address B 41 Bee. Bee.YG7025 Y-G70-25 OWING to removal from Chicago of the head of a wholesale fancy dry goods house nn exceptional opportunity Is of fered to two thoroughly experienced dry goods men with $20,000 to $25,000 each to become , partners nnd continue a business which Is thoroughly established nnd thoroughly organized In all departments , has been profitable nnd If continued under snmo con servative policy will give good returns upon Investment ; only men of ability , highest character , with bank reference considered ; If desired present head of business would continue supervision until July 1st , 1S99. Address V 32 , Care Lord & Thomas , Chicago. Y M757 25 * IF YOU want to buy , sell , trade or rent anything call 612 Brown Block. Y-787-28 WANTED , partner In ? legltlmate office business , good business : judgment nno some money required. Call 612 Brown blk Y-788-26 THE SARATOGA HOTEL near Expo. , 21th and Ames Ave. , will be sold. Nice , new , cheap. Cnll. Y 780 A SPLENDID stnnd for jewelry business. Address B CO , Bee. Y M833 24 WANTED , Indy managers for two cities nnd one for state of Nebraska. Must make small Investments In very lucrntlvft business. Cnll nt room 16 , Madison hotel , 21st and Chicago Sts. Hours , 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. , Thursday , Friday and Saturday. Y M632 24 * FOR SALE , nil furniture and fixtures con- tnlned In Belle Fourche hotel nt Belle- Fourche , S. D. , also lease of building present owner going to the Sandwich Islands ; parties desiring to go Into the business correspond with Dan J. Arnold Box 31 , Belle Fourche , S. D. Y 810-29 * FOR SALE or trade , planing mill and con tracting business In a live eastern Ne braska town , doing largo business. Ill health forces me to retire. Address B C6 Bee. Y-MS55 29 FOR SALE , established manicure , chiropo dist and hnlr dressing business : reason entering medical college. Miss Mayer , 40 Paxton Blk. Y-M657 O22 FOR EXCHANGE. IF YOUR mortgage Is due I will trade clear lot for equity. X 4 $ , Bee. Z-20C-S13 FOR EXCHANGE-Clear 160 acres wheat land and Omnhn city property for sav ings bank certlllcatea. Room 512 Brown block , cor. 16th and Douglas Sts. Z-685 27 * WILL trade two town lots worth $250.0 ( for horses , rattle or anything , Inventlgnte Call room 512 Brown blk. / 7S6-26 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HOUSES , lo' , farms , lands , loans : also fire Insurance. Bemls , Paxton Block , RE-SS5 HAVE you porno lots to sell ? Now la the time to dlspoec of them : lot the people know that you want to dispose of them The Bee reaches the people who have the money. RE 866 FOR SALE , desirable resldenco lots , 124i 130 ; In tlrst class location ; ten minutes walk from court house ; chwp for cash Address O 61. Bee. RE-S35 FOR SALE , cheap. 1 15-room house nnd lot on 17th St. , north of Leavenworth ; nlso 1 11-room house on 17th nve. Cnll nt 701 S. 17th nve. , upstnlrs. RE-M291 OS * TO BUY or sell houses , lots or innds. Call on J. W. Robblns , 1802 Farnam.KB KB M760 SOUTH OMAHA PROPERTY FOR SALR Lots In Maloney's addition , live blocks southwest of Armour's new plant , J150.00. Terms easy. POTTER & GEORGE COMPANY , 1601 Farnam St. RE-M59530 BARUAINS In houses , lots , farms ; sale or trade. J. N. Frenzer , opp. old P. O. RE-SS7- FOR SALE or trade , 40 acres for truck garden , 4 miles from South Omahn , will sell for $200.00 cash , balance to suit , or trade for improved or unimproved town Broperty , horses , cattle , etc. Room 51 ! rown Block. RE 7S5-26 LOST. LOST , Vergil's Aeneld No. 203 Genung'a Rhetoric No. 4C4 , Packard's Zoology No , 72. Return to High school or SI2 So. ISth. Lost &I3-24 * LOST , black shopping bag with two pursei containing money ; reward for return to Llninger'a art gallery , 224 N. ISth. Lost-MSeS 24 * LOST , on exposition grounds , one carat dlarronrt stud , combination mounting : $23 reward. The Hcaton Bank. Craltr. Mo. Loat-MS66 ! I'AWXMUOICERS. EAGLE Loan office 1211 Douglas ; oldesl established , most reliable , accommodat ing ; huMness confidential ; selling out Jiy- I COO.OO stock of unredeemed diamonds nl j blc bargains. 965 Octl MEDICAL. ALL women who can't ralae family oliould consult the renowned German specialist , Dr. Pries , 1513 Dodge St. Letters 2 cents. -MSS5 023 TAILOUING. MAX FOOEL nuikes , cleans , repairs clothes. 307 8. 17th. M-M1 O9 JOE YOUSEN , t he tailor , Boyd's Theater bldg. ; lovely suits $15 ; clothex cleaned and mended at most reasonable prices ; work called for nnd delivered. Tel. 1S25. 413 O10 * V. TAUCHEN , work guaranteed. 1513Hnr ney. 483 O13 HANI ) FUHNITUIIE. WE HANDLE the best furniture nnd stoves ; highest mnrket prices paid ; sold at small profit. David Brodkpy. 110 S. 14. M-lCG-Nov. U WE will sell good woven wire cots with mattress for $125. Lewis , 1114 Dodge. 753-827 JUNK. O. STENPETG , only Junk r In Omnhn who cnn buy pop bottles ; lie pays the best prices for all kinds uf junk 111 S. llth. 23 021 OREAT'WFSTERN junk IHVPMJ ! > g- las , pays 10o for pop bnltlvn LM.I.J i"i , n for other Junk. Tel. 2165. A F V - . ) . . i ; : OL : . i - ij % ruiv.vTE iiosi'iru. . DR. LIICBER , rancors , female dNpnucs. 1912 Leavenworth. M-417-Uct-18 TVI'EWIHTHIJS. YPEWR1TER8 for rent. Jl .HJ per month The Smith-Premier .Typewi Her Co. , nai ; Farnnm St. ; telephone USI. S'.il A'E rent nnd s 11 the best tyi MVIII rs made ; larcest siotk of good sr. , : ! , n\ \ Omaha. United Typewriter titui itni > y Co. , U12 Fat mini St.'i. . ' REMINGTON Standard typewriter nd up- piles , 1619 Farnam til i SOLD , rented , repaired. Derlght , lllfi Fur- nam. 13 U16 SCHOOL FOU DRESS CUTTIVG. T.ATEST tailor system : diplomas nwnrdnl Mrs. Martin gen'l ngt teacher 2235 Ch'rlrs 772-019 DANCING SCHOOL. MORAND'S , 1510 Harn ° y St. , will reopen for adults , Friday , October 14 ; ch Idren , Saturday , October 15 ; private ICSSOUH , stnge or ball room now. Please call. 5C6 O15 MATHEWS will open his school for danc ing Monday , October 3rd , nt Royal Achatcti hall , 313 South 13 St. Adults and children : very reasonable terms ; wr te for particulars. 818 30 * AUCTION. J. R. MAXCY & CO. , auctioneer * , room 619 Paxton block , want your auction sales of real estate , merchandise , furniture , live stock , etc. 893 PIANO FACTORY. PIANOS of any design made to order , old pianos overhauled and made equal to new : second-hand pianos always on hand. C. Sommcr , prop. , 321 S. 10th St , 263 06 THACItAGE. YARD room , or storage with trackage centrally located. Address box 52 , City. 898 IlUnilEIl STAMPS AND STENCILS. OMAHA Rubber Stamp Co. , 215 So. 13th. Phone 1023. Write for catalogue.M459 M459 O12 PIANOS TUNED. PIANOS tuned , $1.50. Rose , 1521 Dodge. 313 O9 IIICYCLES. NEW wheels , $17.60 to $25 ; 2nd hand wheels $5 to $10. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 16 & Chicago 619 PLUGENO stops punctures ; fully guaran teed ; dealers send for terms. Model Mfg. Co. , 1C04 Cais. 179-O3 HAiimvooi ) IIMIIRH. OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co. , oak , hick ory , ash , cypress , poplar , etc. 13 & Calif 609-S-26 HOUSE MOVER. W. COY , removed to 1710 St. Mary's Avo. R45-N-29 STENOGRAPHERS. WE SOLICIT and furnish posltonR for stenographers free. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. Telephone 1284. S94 GLASS WORKS. LATHAM & PECIIAC , Mfr. of ornamental windows , churches , residences , 1012 Farn M521 O14 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. SCHOOL for cure of these defects. Julia E. Vaughan , 300 N. Y. Life bldg. 730 O18 ELECTRO PLATING. WESTERN Plating Works. 1112 Dodge St M827-Oct-29 GOLD , silver nnd nlckclplntlng ; get your baseburner nlckclplated , Omaha Plating Co , , 1302 Farnam , entrance on 18th. M-522 OH STEREO AND ELECTHOTYPING. H. S. STARK & CO. , 1110 Douglas 817-O-28 FURNITURE REPAIRING. KARLING'S furniture repair shop. 1220 Harney. P. M9J1 830 STATUARY. GONNELLA manufactures artistic statu ary. Insldo ornamental work a specialty. 317 S. 10th. M621 Nov-21 EPPURLEY CORSETS. ONLY corset made having waist line. Room 10. Crclghton Blk. , 15th & Douglas. 67J-S-26 .INWORIC. MASONWORK Jobber. E. Healy. 1822 Clnrk Street , 677.326 * FINANCIAL. , LIFE Insurance policies bousht for cash. Richard Hcrzfeld , 171 LaSalle St. , Chl- j CSLKO. 90S O3 I FURNITURE PACKED. ' M. S. WALKIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331 ! S95 SIGN PAINTING. S. II. COLE , signs. 705 S. 27th. 481 O13 OPTICAL. I EYES tested free. Optical Institute , Shcely block. _ 9i N VIOLINS REPAIHUn. C. A. CASE , violins repaired. 410 Hhonly i block. 253-N14 I I VOCAL STl 1)10. MIPS BEYMF.R. > al studio , 612 Knrlmch block. 755-ti-27 iucvrin REPAIRING. WORK guaranteed. lj wrnu'o Cycle Co. , llo N. 15. WJ 022 GOVERNMENT NOTICE * . PROPOSALS TOR IUMLDINO MATERIAL - RIAL , COWS AND Bt'LL. ' . S. Indian Service. Rosebud Ait'iiey. Rosebud , H. Di , September Hth , 11 . SEAI ED PROPOSALS , Indorsed "Pro- tosal for Building Material. " etc. . as the case may be , nnd addrpssnl tu the under signed nt Rosebud , S. D. , will \i \ : resolved at this tmcnry until 1 o'clock p. m. of Monday. October 17th. IMS , for furnishing nnd delivering nt this agency with thirty (30) ( ) days nfter receipt of notice of upptuvnl of contract , n variety of building material con IMIiif of nyportcrt lumber , Hhlnicl s. Oosrs. windows , rtc. : nlso ten Jersey rows uul nno J.rsov bull ) , n full ll. t and ile- s tlpt'on of whlih. together with the In structions to bMdrrs , to be obtained by nnklng application to the undersigned. CHARLES E. MX'HESNKY , f. f > Agent. S21 d21t morn SU135S CO. , . .PATENT.- ixvmws v 'i ' soutium tu U ! > ! ( ] , Cumhiv , Seb. ( - , I ' . , I , , li.v Farms for Gssh or Excliang e ii4f > ucr t in .Ul.iina lOufM. s iiili.j.isu of H.iHtmCN , uUh II P.IMc : in of ll\ng , vwitiv. BUit.L'li : > tor a flock faviii. I'loar of ru uiinl > i tuuiie. Will txi'liinxe for a slock of " li. thing or dry I'oods ort'tioral merchandise ind j'Uy ' tash dllKrwi'f ! . OLAV COt'NTv. Wo offer four of tile beat fsrnis in the statu In thta uuuily nl $ JS per acre nn easy terms uf p.tymi'ii1 lid'wl h'UEcs. h.TMio , cribs. Ki ° mii''i ' > ' * "Mil windmills ISM stair st.itlnilos rl > vw a..i'.nim aons In corn \\hcni utiiS outs In thM comity. Icndli.g every other county of NcbinsKa. G. W. Garicck , 20ft South IJth St. Otnalm. I'd1-1 OI'I'H i : NOTICE. ( Should bo read dally by nil interested , as changes may ociur ul tin ) time. ) 1 oreiriii iiiulls for i he tv fill . name S p- i.-mb'T24. l ! > y\ will . IOHC iPii ; 'MPTLY In all cases ) at the General Postolllcc ns follows : PARCELS POST MAILS c.ose one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Trniin-Atluiitli : Mull * . SATURDAY At 6:3i : ) a. m. for FRANCE , SVUT/KULAND. ' 'IALY , SPAIN , POR TUGAL. TURKEY , EGYPT nnd BRIT ISH INDIA , per s. s. La Normnndle , vliv Havro ( letters for olhur parts of Europe must bu dliccted "p r Ln Nor- inundle" ) ; nt 6:30 : n. m. tor BL'ROPE , per B. s. Umbrla , via Quecnstown ( letters for France , Switzerland , Italy , Spain , Portugal tugal , Turkey , Egypt nnd British India must be directed "pur Umbrlu. " ) ; at S u. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. s. Muasdam , via Rotterdam ( letters must bo dii-ecttd "per Mansdam" ) ; nt 9 a. m. lor ITALY , per s. s. Ems , via Naples ( letters must bo directed "per Ems" ) ; nt 10 a.m. for SCOTLAND direct , per s. B. Furnes- sln , via Glasgow ( letters must bo directed "per Furnessla" ) ; at 10:30 : a. m. for EU ROPE , per s. s. Belgenland , via South ampton ( letters must be directed "per Bclgenland" ) . After the closing , of thn Supplementary Transatlantic MnlU named above , nddi- tlonal supplementary malls nre opened on the piers of the American. English , French and German steamers , and remain open until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Mnllii fur South mill Central America , Went Indies , Etc. SATURDAY At 2:30 : n. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND , per B. s. Carthaginian , from Philadelphia ; nt 10 a. m. ( supplc- mentnry 10:30 : n. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JAMAICA , SAVAN1LLA and CARTHAGENA. per s. s. Alleghany ( let ters for Costa lllca must bo directed "pet Allcghnny" ) ; at 10 n. m. ( supplemcntnry 10:30 : a. m. ) for CAPE HAITI , AUX CAYES and JACMEL , per s. B. II. Du- mols ; at 11 u. m. ( supplementary 11:30 : a , m. ) for VENEZUELA nnd CURACAO , nlso SAVANILLA nnd CARTHAGENA , via Curncno , per a. B. Abydos ; nt 11 n. m for PORTO RICO direct , per s. s. Marn- calbo ( letters for Curacao , Venezuela anil Colombia , via Curacao , must be directed "per Maracalbo" ) ; at 12 m. for NEW FOUNDLAND , per s. s. Portia ; at 8:3 : < p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , pel stenmcr from North Sydney. SUNDAY-At 1 p. m. for NORTH BRAZIL , per s. s. Thereslnn. Mails for Newfoundland Dy mil to Hali fax , and thence by steamer , close nt thl ! ofllco cUily nt S0 : p. m. Mnlls for Ml < quolon , by rail to Boston , nnd thence bj steamer , close nt this office dnlly nt St : : ( p. m. Mnlls for Cuba close nt thli ofllco dally nt i a. m. for for. warding by steamers sailing Mon > days and Thursdays from Port Tampa Fin. Malls for Mexico City , overland unless specially addressed for despatch bj steamer , close at this office dnlly at 2. n. m. nnd 2:30 : p. m. 'Registered mat closes at 0:00 : p. m. previous day. Truim-PiiclHc MnlU. Mails for China nnd Japan , per s. s , Co. lumbla ( from Tacoma ) , close here dallv up to September * 19th nt 0:30 : p. m. Malls for the Society Islands , per ship Tropic Bird ( from San Francisco ) , close hcrt dally up to September 24th at 6:30 : p , m Malls for China. Japan and Hawaii , pei s. B. City of Peking ( from San Francisco ) close here dally up to September 25th nl 0:30 : p. m. Malls for Australia ( exrepl those for West Australia , which nre for wnrded via Europe ) , New Zealand. Huwall. Fiji nnd Siimoan Islands , per s. s Alameda ( from San Francisco ) , clost here daily up to September * 30th nt 7 a m. , 11 n. m. and G:30 : p. m. ( or on nrrivn at New York of H. H. Etrurla with Brltiel malls for Australia ) . Malls for China nm Japan , per s. s. Empress of India ( fron Vancouver ) , close hero dally up to Octo bcr * 2d at 6:30 : p , m. Malls for Australh ( except West Australia ) , New Zealand Hawaii and FIJI Islands , per s. H. Warrl moo ( from Vancouver ) , close hero dallj nfter September uOth nnd up to Octobei 13th nt C:30 : p. m , Transpacific malls are forwarded to port o sailing dally and the schedule of rloxlni Is arranged on the presumption of thcl uninterrupted overland trnnslt. 'Regis tered mall closes nt 0:00 : p. m. prevlou day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT , Postmaster. Postofllce , New York , N. Y. , September 1G 1SOS. Liany. Jjally except Sunday , UAILUAY TIMU fARIl. ( Continued. ) [ CHICAGO , ST. PAUU MIN- ncapolU & Omnha Railway Gftiernl Oltloen , Nebraska Division , Fifteenth niul Webster Streets. City Tlcker'Oftlco , 1401 Farnnm Street. Tele- phoip , SCI Depot , Fifteenth nnd Webator Streets. Telephone , 1,45.x.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City Ac'cnm. . 8:60 : nm 8:33 : pm Sioux City . " 9:50 : nm " 1:35 : pm III a I r , Emerson Sioux City , Pones , Hiirtlnpton nnd HloomiU'ld 1W : pm " 11:55 : am Sioux Oily , Man- Unto. St. Paul & Minneapolis 6:00 : pm * : \n 2 , St. Paul Lim ited Makes no stops In Neb * 6:00 : pra No 1 position top in Ni'b. . . . . . . . 9W : um Nos 21 and 22 Kxposltlon Local , to Emerson , slop * nil slat.ons except r r'i ' es * 6:15 : pm * S:30 : nm Dally. " Dally except Sunday. " Bun- day only. Docs not stop nt DcSotu or Coir'man. CHICAGO * NORTHWEST. rrn Railway City Ticket Olllce , 1101 Fnrnam Street. T. ii-phone , SM. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , C29. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Special 6:40 : am 11:65 : pra Mo. Valley , Sioux ftty. bl. Paul & MluiK'upolls 6:00 : nm 10:44 : pra Mo. Valley , Sioux City 7:15 : nm 9:00 : pm I'm loll , I unison , I'iMIIUll KIllllH. . . . 11:30 : pin 9:40 : am EastiTii Ex. , DCS MoiiH'S , .Marshall- town , Cedar Rap id * and Chicago. . . 11:05 : nm 4:20 : pm Atl.ititic Flyer , Chi- t'lu-ii nliil L'.ist 4:55 : pm 4:20 : pm Fast .Mull. Chicago to uniiilii 3:15 : pm NCI llu ru K.\press. . . 5:30 : pra StO : am i 'MI i.'i.i Chiiijo tjpe- cm I , 6:55 : pm 8:25 : am i . . I. v'lik-ueo Ex- " 9:00 : pm ' " 0:5i : am M' i'v ' " " ' "Dally Ex. Saturday. 'Dally i \ Monday. > " ta nn FREMONT. Kl.KHORN & ffr SifU Missouri Valley Railway -.rtTiraiSlU General OIllecR. United States Nnttonnl Bank Btdff , Southwest Corner Twelfth uml 1'urnam Streets. Tickut Olllce. 14UI I'linmni Street , 'telephone , 601. Depot , ill and Webster talreels. Telephone 1.4JS. Leave. Arrive , Blnck Hills , Denc- wood. Hot Springs. 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm \\yomlng , Cnspur and Douglas * ' 3:00 : pm " DoO : pm iiiuliiiht ) , York Dn- vld City. Superior , Geneva , Exeter & Howard " 3:00 : pm 6:00 : pm Norfolk , Vetdlgro nnd Fremont " 8:15 : nm " 10:45 : am Lincoln , Wnboo & Fremont " 8:15 nm "lOHS nm Fremont Loral 8:15 : nm York Passenger 6:10 : pm 9:40 : nm Daily. " Dully except Sunday. " Sunday - day only. ' " Dally exuept Saturday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad General Ofllccs. United States National Bank Uulldlm ; , S. W. Cor ner Twelfth and Farnam Street Ticket Olllce , 1401 Farnam StretL. Telephone , 6U1. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone. 62 . .8:40 : am M.nneapolls . . . . . . D o pin 'lu:4o : pm Sioux City Local. . * 7:45 : am 9:00 pm Dally CHICAGO. P.OCK ISLAND & Pacific Railroad "Tho Great Rock Island Route. " City Ticket Office. 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone 42S. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 613. I eave. Arrive. Des Molnes Local. . . 7:16 : am 11:25 : am Chicago Express . . . Mll:30 : am 8:00 am Chlcngo Fast Ex press 5:00 : pm 1:25 pm St. Pntil Fast Ex- prens 6:00 : pm 11:25 : am Lincoln , Colorado Springs , Denver , Pueblo and Wqnt. . 1:30. : pm 4 2.pnl Des Molnes , Rock Island nnd Chicago cage 7:15 : pm 8:50.prd : Colorado Flyer 6:40 : pm 8:50 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway City Ticket Olllce. 1504 Fnrnam Street , Telephone , 84. De pot , Tentr nnd Mason Streets. Telephone , 629 , , . Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Express * 5:45 : pm 8:20 : am Omaha & Chicago Express " 11:00 : nm " 4:15 : pra Sioux C'ty and Des Molnes Express . . " 11:00 : nm " 1:15 : pm Manilla Local * 10OC : pm 3:15 : am W A B A 8 H RAILROAD- Ticket Ofllre , 141S Farnnm. Street. Telephone , 832. De pot , Tenth nnd Mnson tUreets. Telephone , 629. \ Leave. : Arrive. St. Louis "Canon "Ball" Express. . . 4:50 : pm * 11:30 : nm DatU UNION PACIFIC "THE Overlnnd Route" Genernl omces. N. W. Corner Ninth nnd Fnrnnm Streets. City Ticket Olllrc , 1302 Fnrnam Street. Telephone 31C. Do- pot , Tenth nnd Mnson Streets. Telephone 62S. Leave. Vrrlve. "Tho Overland Limited" for Den ver , Salt Lake , nnd western p'ts. . 8:50 am 4:45 : pm The Colorado Spe cial , for Denver & all Colorado p'ts. 11:55 : pm * 6:40 : am Fnst Mall Train for IJCIIVL-I , aim I _ < IKO. Pnclllc coast and nil western points 4:35 : pm 6:40 : am Lincoln , Beatrice & Htromsburg Ex. . . " 3:30 : pm * 12:30 : pra Fremont , Colum bus , Norfolk , Gr'd Inland nnd North Plntto 4:35 : pm 4:15 : pm Columbus locnl 6:50 : pm " 9:40 : am South Omnhn Local Pass Leaves , U:15 : u. m. ; 7:00 : a. m. ; 9:10 : a. m. : 4:05 : p. m. Ar rives , 10:30 : a. m. ; 3:30 : p. m. ; 6 p. in. Council Bluffs Local Leaves 6:40 : n. m. ; 6:50 : n. m. ; 7:40 : n. m. ; " 9:40 : a. m. ; 10:30 : a. m. ; 12:30 : t > . m. ; 2:16 : p. m. : 4:39 : p. m. ; 4:33 : p. m. ; 4:5o : p. m. ; 5:00 : pi in. ; 8:20 : p. m. Ar rives , 7:20 : n. m. ; 8:25 : n. m. ; 9:10 : a. m. ; 11:30 : a. m. ; 3:03 : p. m. ; " 3:30 : p. m. ; 4:20 : ! p. m. ; 6:40 : p. m.j ti:30 : p. m ; " 6:60 : p. m . :05 : p' m. ; 11:55 p. m. Dally. Dally except Sunday. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS HAIL- road Omana , Kansas City & Eastern ItallrouU "The Port Arthur Route" Ticket Ofllca _ , , 1415 Farnam Htrcet. Tele- -rpJ phone 322. Depot , Tenth und htreots. Telephone- . MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL , road General OlllCPS and Ticket Olllce , Southeast Cor ner 14th and Douglas Strc ta Telephone , 104. Depot. 15th. and Webster Sts. Telephone 1158 , Leave. Arrive. St , Louts-Kansas & Neb. Llmltwl ' 3:05 : pm 12:55 : pm KIIIHUB City & Ht. Joseph Express. . . . ' 930 ; pm C:00am : Nebraska Local via \\veiling Water. . . 'MiSOpm ' * 945 ; am Exposition , Loiul via Nejiraska City CW : pm " 10:05 : am Dally. Dully except Sunday. As an Advertising Medium The Bee Is Unexcelled * Eates on application. y t. . ao aa n n if ifo if 10 , o | 0 0n IB 3. io id IK ty > - Id Ii i- iy of inct ct ctBl Bl BlU xlyl yl sr nr VH ofa > a