Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 14, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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Good Cash Wheat Business for Expo ;
Improves Price of futures !
flcplombcr G-8 of Cent III lirr , Cor
UR 1-4 Cent , Out * UneliniiKcd
nnil 1'orlt mill Itlliii ( lulu
UurtiiK Da } ' .
CHICAGO , Sept. 13-An excellent cas
wheat bUBlncss for c-ixport today wus tli
basis for Improvement in the price t
future * . September closed 5-Sc higher nn
lost l80'i' '
December rose H'S'S-Sc. ' Corn
Oats nro unchanged to 1-Sc up. Pork an
ribs Improved lOc und lard 2',4c. '
Liverpool was again In full sympath
11-Sd ndvatico 1
with Chicago , reporting
September wheat nnd Id In December bi
fore trading commenced here. There wn
no comforting Item tu the bears who wet
Duluth recelpts-1,4 :
hort on wheat here ,
cars-being known before the opcnlni
These who built hopes ot lower prices o
that , however , werei overcome with dlsai
polntment when they found nt the stai
from C21- !
buyers of December wheat at
whereas yesterday nt the clos
to 62 3-Sc ,
615-So waa the trading llgure. It was see
discovered that In order to make the bl
ehowlng of receipts nt Duluth , it had bee
necessary to rob Minneapolis of Its ill
proportion , the latter place getting enl
y.22 cars. Not long after the opening It wr
that notwithstanding the heavy n
colpts In the northwest , the competltio
among buyers to secure them was sue
that they were paying Ic over the nrli
current , there at the close last night. Tlu
Bhowlng of the supreme need of wheat fc
Immediate use obliterated for a tlmei u
ehow of bearish tendency In the speculr
tlve crowd hero nnd added to tnci opei
Ing advance. Chicago received So7 cars <
wheat against 377 care u year ago an
market receipts n
the western primary
told wcro 1.192,000 buBhcis , against 1,90,0
bushels thi , corresponding day the yen
before. Liverpool made further gains an
in th0 end was from 13-Sflld higher tha
H closed yesterday. New lork rcporte
numerous acceptances of last night
cabled offer and during the. forenoon w
takings at forty-live boat load
the export
It will bo HOCII from the foregoing thi
there wus much causei for firmness In tr
market nnd It was Ilrm. December starte
> iio up nt from C2o to 621-Sc ; rose I
reacted to 62062 l-8c and the
62 S-StfCZHc.
worked gradually up agulu until It ws
wanted for a brief space * ut 62 5-8GGZfyc.
IJradstreot's made the worlds vlslb
supply for the week 1,215,000 busie
smaller than It was u. week ago. U
clearances nt Atlantic und Gulf per
heavy und the total In wher
were very
und Hour was equal to 607.000 bushels. No
York reported continental bids for wher
at'from 3d to Cd per quarter over yestci
day's bid prices. Bradstreot's statemcr
was received ut about the turning point e
the bullish feeling. There was nothing I
the world's vlbiblo statement to cause *
revulsion of feeling , but the crowd ha
loaded up under the expectation ot sptni
thing still moro bullish than they had yt
received , and their need for somothln
moro to keep thorn screwed up to tl :
sticking point not being forthcoming , the
forthwith started to realize what protl
they could on early purchases , nnd I
back I
doing so tumbled December wheat
2c. Now York near then end reported tl
day's export trade it 100 boatloads , but
came too late to affect trading much , nr
621-SSG2UC for December was the currci
price at the doss. September opened 5-i !
io higher ut eijifil l-8c , advanced to Gl > , <
and sold oft to lilc. the closing Ilgure.
Corn wus strong early with wheat , In
had a sudden collupso near the end UK
conveyed ' ,4o advance to nearly that muc
decline. Offering of September did tl
business for the futures. December oiK-nii
1-Sc higher at 301-Sc. advanced to SOU' '
SO 3-Sc , dropped to 29)io nnd closed nt }
029 7-8o buyers. ,
The buying of September by shorts c
account of the small contract stocV
Htrcngthcned oats. The tone of the marki
was helped somewhat by the strength c
wheat. May opened 1-Sc u at 22fi22 1-S _
advanced to 22\4c \ , weakened to 217-i > c nri
closed at 22c.
An excellent demand and strong prlci
for hogs at the yards held provlslpr
Bteady. September pork opened 5c hlglit
nt $ S.CO nnd advanced to $ S.6o sellers , tr
closing Price. December lard stnrtcii 2
to $1.97' , declined I
better nt $4.95 , rose
S4.92V4 nd closed at $4.95. December rlt
licgan 6c . $4.80 , rose to $ I.S7 > 4 an $4.93. . _ . .
' Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Whea
COO oars ; corn , 550 curs ; oats , 300 cars ; hogi
EO.OOO head.
The lending futures ranged as follows ;
Article * . Open lllth. Low. Clon . Ves'tl
04M fit C4 03
03 111Oil
04H 04 Oil
J9H 20M 20H-3
20M IOH 20
M lOH O 2(1 ID
2-2 SUM !
8C5 H43
8 0(1 ( 805 8 no Hlifi 8 ns
940 U 13 037H 045 01)0 )
400 402W 400 490 487
4'J5 4 97K 4D2X 41)5 )
5 00 OUS 600 COS
035 r no
B27W nns 627 6-2'l
4 80 487M 481) 477
No. : .
Cash quotations wcro ns follows :
FLOUR Steady : special spring brand
I4.25jf4.50 ; hard wheat patents , $3.403.G
soft patents , $3,301/3.40.
WHEAT No. 2 spring , eiHfSSSc ; No.
spring , 61f64c ( ; No. 2 red , 65V4c.
CORN No. 2 , 304c ! ; No. 2 yellow , 30 } ; '
OATS No. 2. 2lV4c ; No. 2 white , 24Q25 (
No. 3 white , 23Q23\ .
RYE No. 2 , 4545VSc.
BARLEY No. 2. 38 < tf43c.
SEEDS No. 1 llaxsecd , 90i c ; new 91 %
I'rlmo timothy seed , $2.50.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , $8. !
iS.GO. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , $4.90 4.92 . Shoi
ribs sides ( loose ) , $5.201(5.40. Dry saltc
shoulders ( boxed ) , $4.504.75 ; short cles
Bides ( boxed ) , $5.65f5.75.
Following are the receipts and shipment
for today ;
Articles. ( Receipts. ) Shlpm'ti
Flour , bbls. 15,200 6.S' '
"Wheat , bu. 14,200 48,6
Corn , bu. . . . 465,000 248,71
Oats , bu. . . . G13.400 354,31
Jlyo , bu. . . . 2S.500 60.0
Harley , bu. 130,000 3,71
On the Produce exchange today the bul
ter market was Ilrm ; creameries , MITUHii
ilalrles , H'.iSlGc. Eggs , steady ; fresh , 12
( tnntlntloiin fur tin * liny on ( Jencrr
NEW YORK. Sept. 13.-FLOUR-R <
cclpts , 42.6SO bbls. ; exports , 2,913 bbls
fjulct and featureless , except for a model
ate demand fop new spring patents.
CORNMEAL Steady ; yellow westcn
BARLEY MALT-Dull ; western , G5JJ61i
WH EAT Receipts , 446,775 bu. ; export !
109,501 bu. Spot. Ilrm ; No. 2. 71 3-Sc , f . <
n. utlout , to urrjve. Options opened hlghe
und developed pronounced strength o
better cables , foreign buying , bullish Htr
tlstlcnl position and export demand. In tli
afternoon , however , natural realizing di
veloped under which prlce-a cased oft an
closed unsettled , nt Vfrlill-So advance lateen
on September. Sales Included : No. 2 re (
September , 69 3-SfiOy e ; closed 695-Sc ; Di
cember. 6G 7-8fi 67 3-8c ; closed C6 7-8c.
CORN Receipts , 93,825 bu. ; exports , 17,3 (
bu. Spot , steady ; 35 3-Sc , f. o. ! > . . alloa
Options nt llrst were stronger on cable
and covering , but finally yielded to tli
late break In wheat and closed easy at 1- !
not decline. September closed at 31 1-S <
December. 31 3-Sji35 l-16c ; closed 31 5-Sc.
OATS Receipts , 138,000 bu. ; exports , 30
COO bu. Spot , firm ; No. 2 , 3c ; No. 2 whit
S8e. Options were entirely nominal nn
vlthout an ottlclal close.
HOPS Steady ; state , common to cholci
1S95 cr0p 4QCj < is97 crop. S12o ; 1S9S croj
34S'15c. ( ' Pucillo coast , lS9ti crop , 4ij6c ; IS !
BUTTER-Recelpts , 8,977 pkps. ; mark (
flrrn ; western creamery , 14VsU20c ; Elgin
We : factory , .
J-fG8-RecelptB ; , 11,613 pkgs. : 12c.
CHEESE-Steady : large white , 73-
J 0cV"x" ! ! wlllte' , , 7G-SiiT > 1 : largo color
7 fe Mef . ° 10 " " B-SG C-
COTTONSEED OIIDull ; prime ycllov
KICK Firm.
METALS-\yith the exception of speltci
which showed relative firmness , the var
ous departments of tha metal mark *
Tr.r * . w "tmt an interesting now featur
U uay. Demand waa slack , with seller
rather than buyers , on the basis of o
rates. New * lacked Inspiring character !
tlc.M , that from London representing con
paratlvely small markets , At the cloi
jilg Iron warrants were quiet , with $6.
bid and SG.95 asked i lake copper , qulc
with $12.25 bid arid J12-Ji asked ; tin , dul
with $16.10 bid nnd $ lt > > nuked ; spnlte
Ilrm , with $1.80 bid and fl.X7' , < j nskcd : leai
nulct , with $1.00 bid and $4.uu uskcd. Tl
Ilrm that fixes tlio settling price fi
miners and cincllers quotes lead nt $3.5.
OMAHA < ii.Mit.VI : , .tIAUKKT.
CanilMlon of Trnilc nnil Qnotntlonn a
Miiil | < * nnil I'nnoProduce. .
EGOS Good stock , 14c.
BUTTER Common to fair , 10fil2c : se |
arator , 18c ; gathered creamery. ISijlGc.
LIVE POULTHV Hens , 7HgSc ; o
roosters , 4c ; spring chickens , OSlOo ; duck
Cc ; geese , 5c.
GAME Teal , blue wing , $1.75 ; green win
$1.5001.75 ; mixed , $ t.7562.25 ; prairie chlcl
ens , young , $1.0034.50 ; old , $3.00 < 83.DO.
PIOEONri-Livf. per doz. , * 1.0u.
VEAL-Cholco. 89c.
CELERY Per doz. bunches , 30ff3Sc.
ONIONS New , per bu , , 40j50c.
BEANS-Iland-picked navy , per bu. , $1.1
POTATOES-Pcr bu. . 60c.
CABBAGE , per lb. , Ic.
TOMATOES Per four-basket crate , 20
SOc.CUCUMBERSHomo grown , per do !
ORANGES-Secdllngs , $2.75 ; Medltc
ranean sweets , $2.75Tl3,00.
LEMONS-Callfornla , $ ( ! ; fancy Mcssln
$6.60i7.00. ?
BANANAS Choice , large stock , pi
bunch , $2.0002.25 ; medium sized bunche
$1.75 2.00.
APPLES-Per bbl. , $2.5002.75.
WATERMELONS-Cratcd , 13014c ; lees
CANTALOUPE Homo grown , per crat
CRANBERRIES-Wlsconsln. per
$1.25 ; per bid. , SS.OO.
NUTS-Almonds , per lb. . large size , 12
13c ; small , lie ; Brazils , per lb. , 9@10c ; Ei
gllsh walnuts , per lb. , fancy soft shell , 11
12c ; standards. S J9c ; Illberts , per lb. , 10
pecans , polished , medium , 6fj7c ; exti
largo , 8i9c ; largo hickory nuts , $1.00W1.
per bu. ; small , $1.1501.25 per bu. ; cocoanut
per 100 , $1.5005.00 ; peanuts , raw , 6Vi
roasted , 7 c.
MAPLE" SYRUP Five-gal , can. cac
J2.75 ; gal. cans , pure , per doz , , $12 ; half-gu
cans , $6.25 ; quart cans , $3.50 ,
HONEY Choice white , 12V4c.
DATES Hnllowcc , 60 to 70-lb. boxes , G'4
Salr , 5c ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes , 9c.
FIGS Imported , fancy 3-crown , 14-1
boxes , lOc ; fi-crown , 44-lb. boxes , 13c ; 3-1
boxes , 220230 per box ; California , 10-1
boxes , $1.
CIDER Per half bbl. , $3.2503.50.
HIDES-No. 1 green hides , 7c ; No.
green hides , 6c ; No. 1 salted hides , 8 ic ; N
2 salted hides , 7ic ; No. 1 veal calf , S to
Ibs. , 9c ; No. 2 veal snlf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 7c.
1 , 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 24c ; rough tallow , 1H
white grease , 2U'82ic ' ; yellow and brow
grease , ! Hff2Ue.
SHEEP PELTS-Green salted , each , 15
75c ; green salted shearings ( short wool <
early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( she
woolod early skins ) , No. 1 , each , 5c ; di
flint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wo
pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4J5c ; dry Illn
Kansas und Nebraska murrain wool pelt
per lb. , actual weight , 3fdc ; dry Hint , Coli
rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , nctu ;
weight , 4J5c ; dry flint , Colorado murra !
wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3jJ4c.
OnliiN nteiirly All Imixirtni
re > 11 I < Viitiiri > of < lie AVpk. .
NEW YORK , Sept. 13.-Speclal cable ar
telegraphic dispatches to Bradstreet's Ind
cato the following changes In avallub
supplies last Saturday , as compared wll
the preceding Saturday :
WHEAT United States nnd Canada , ea
of the Rocky mountains , Increase 1,785,0
bu. Liverpool Corn Trade News rcpor
Alloat for and In Europe , decrease. 3,000,0
bu. ; total supply , net decrease , 1,215,000 b
CORN United States und Canada , ea
of Rocky mountains , increase , 1.03.000 b
OATS United States and Canada , east i
Rocky mountains. Increase , 515,000 bu.
The swelling tide of th wheat mov
ment In this country It will bo seen coi
trasts wharply with the 'rdlher Indlfterei
movement In European supplies. In th
country large gains at nearly all Importai
points nro a feature , and u few Importai
decreases are reported. Among the mo :
Important Increases , as given by Brai
street's , not reported In the ofllclal vlslb
supply statement , nro the gains of 221,0
bu. nt Gitlveston , 90,000 bu. at Loulsvill
85,000 bu. at Manitoba storage points , 56,0
bu. tit Milwaukee private elevators nnd BC
000 bu. at northwestern Interior alovntora.
The total stock of wheat held nt Portlnn
Ore. , and Tacoma and Seattle , "Wash
shows an Increase of 167,000 bu. over lai
St. I.oulH Mnrket.
ST. LOUIS , Sept. 13. FLOUR-Qulet nr
WHEAT Fractionally higher for a
futures , except May , which Is stead'
Spot , better ; No. 2 red cash , In elevato'
6 c ; track , C80C9c ; September. 65 lo uske <
December , C4 l-8064'ic ; May , 65 5-Sc bU
No. 2 hard , cash , U1062'4c.
CORN-Steady for September nnd Di
cember , with May , Jc lower. Spot , bettei
No , 2 cash , 29Uc asked ; September , 2SU
bid ; December , 2SH@2i6-8c ! ; May , 30 1-i
OATS Futures fractionally higher. Spo
higher ; No. 2 cash , 21q bid ; track , 22i
September , 22c ; May , 23o bid ; No. 2 whit
RYE-Hlgher , 44 c.
SEED Flaxseed , steady ; SSc. Prime tin
othy seed , scarce , firm and higher ; $2.
bid.CORNMI3ALSl.G5ffl.70. .
BRAN Steady ; sacked , east tracl
a llleher : crcamer ;
EGGS Steady ; 13V-C , loss off.
WHISKY Steady , $1.25.
METALS-Lead , quiet. $3.85. Spelte
PROyisIpNS-Pork. higher ; standar
mess. Jobbing , $ S.62'fc. Lard , better ; prln
steam , $1.80 ; choice , $1.85. Dry salt meat
boxed shoulders , $5.00 ; extra short clet
and ribs , $3.62 4 ! shorts , $5.75. Bacon , boxe
shoulders , $5.5005.6214 ; extra short dec
and ribs , $6.25 ; shorts , $6.37& .
RECEIPTS-Flour. 7.000 bbls. ; whea
42.COO bu. : corn , 20.000 bu. ; oats. 6i.OOO bu
SHIPMENTS-Flour. 11,000 bbls. ; wliea
49,000 bu. ; corn , 78,000 bu. ; oats , 15,000 bu.
KIUINUH City Urnlii und ProvUlon * .
Market 102c higher and active ; No
hard , G2c : No. 2. 59'.4062c ' ; No. 3 , 56UB60 ( (
No. 2 red. 64J ( Cc ; No. 3 , 53V40UOc ; No.
spring. 5Se ; No. 3 , 60c.
CORN Market scarce nnd steady ; No
mixed , 2SV4e ; No. 2 white , 29c ; No.
OATS -Market firm and active ; No.
White. 26I(26jC. ( .
RYE-NO. 2. 420.
HAY Market active and about steady.
BUTTER-Market steady ; separator , 16
fflti e ; dairy , 16c.
KGGS-Market steady nt llV-c.
RECEIPTS- Wheat , 76,100 bu. ; corn , 2.H
bu. ; oats. B.OX ( bu.
.SIIIPMENfTS-Whcat. 123.600 bu. ; con
5,200 bu. ; oats , none.
rinrlniiiitl .
CINCINNATI , Sept. 13. FLOUR-Dull.
WHEAT-QuIet ; No. 3 red , 65c.
CORN Firmer : No. 2 mixed , 31c.
OATS-FIrm ; No. 2 mixed , 22c.
RYE Steady ; No. 2 , 4Cc.
I'ROVISIONS-Lard. Ilrm ot $4.75. Bul
meats , ilrm at $5.50. Bacon , steady nt $6.5
WHISKY Firm nt $1.25.
BUTTER-FIrm nnd higher ; fancy Elgl
creamery , 22c ; Ohio , 1401Sc ; dairy , lie.
SUGAR Steady.
HiiiiiMipiiIlH Wliint Inrket.
Firm ; September , 60i607-Sc ; Decembe
patents , $3.S033.90 : second patents , $3.60
3.fO ; tlrst clears , $2.70il2.SO.
BRAN-ln bulk. $7.00&7.C5.
> IIHniiik < * > ( irnlit .Market.
MILWAUKEE , WIs. . Sept. 13.-WHEAT
Higher ; No. 1 northern , 66Vc ; No. 2 nortt
crn , Ki c.
RYE-Hlgher ; No. 1. 47'lc.
BARLEY-Firm ; No. 2 , 43c ; sample , 30
I.lverpoo ! firnlu Jlurket.
LIVIJRPOOL. Sept. 13.-WHEAT-Mark <
firm. 1V1 to iud higher ; September. 5s 7Hi
DecemLer. Bs 4&d ; March , Bs 4 B-Sd.
CORN-Mnrket steady. * , d to d hlghei
September , 3s 11-sd ; October , 3s 1 7-Sd ; Ni
veinber , 3s 17-Sdj December , 3a 31-4d.
llnltliiiorf Jlnrket.
receipts , 27.5S4 bbls. ; exports , 8,135 bbls.
WHEAT Strong and higher ; spot , 631
! 6S3-Sc ; month , CS 1-E068 3-Se : October nr
December , CSJJCSl-lc ; steamer , No. 2 re
ta 1-4Q63 3-Sc ; receipts. 64.17S bu. ; export
none. Southern wheat , by sample , 62S69
southern wheat , on grade , G3 4ycSJic. :
CORN Steadier ; spot nnd month , 31
31 l-4p ; October , 31 1-S5/31 / l-4c ; stoanv
mixed , S3W33 l-4ir ; receipts , 97.770 bu. ; c :
ports , 162,319 bu. Southern white corn ,
4j3fic ; southern yellow , 3Cft3GHc.
OATS Firmer ; No. 2 whlto western ,
No. 2 mlxeil western , 2lf25cj r
EGGS-FIrm ; fresh , ICc.
Tolriln Mr.rkct.
TOLEDO , Sept. 13 , WHEAT-IIIgher nr
easy ; No. 2 , cash und September , C6Uc ; Di
cember , C."c.
CORN Lower ; No , 2 mixed , SOc.
OATS Higher ; No. 2 mixed , 21c.
RYE-Dull and higher ; No. 2. cash , 4c. ( !
CLOVERSEED-Actlve nnd higher ; prlir
cash , old , $3.45 ; October , $3.95.
O I L Unchanged.
PEORIA , Sept. 13-CORN-Market qule
No , 2 , 29 ic.
OATS Market active : No. 2 white , 23c.
WHISKY-Markct Ilrm at $1.25.
Duluth Whi'iitIliirUet. .
DULUTH , Sept. 13. WHEAT No.
northern , cash , 65c ; September , 6lc ; Decor
ber , 607-Sc ; Jlay , 63 5-Sc.
Sim l''rniiclniM > Whent l
Steady : September , $1.171-8.
BARLEY-Not cilotcd.
r ( luntniliiiiH Iti London I-Mcvul
( lie Anirrlciiii Itiillrond IjIntN.
NEW YORK , Sept. 13.-Tho marki
started off this morning with Indication
that the reactionary period had come I
an end. Prices In the rallroaiiJlst m
vanccd almost without exception undi
the stimulus of higher prices for Amer
cans In London and a sharp ucmaud ft
People's Gas on reports that the dlspul
with the Indiana Gas company hud bei
bovere depression In some of the api
claltlcu , notably Brooklyn Transit , Mat
luitUin , Minnesota. Iron und Consolidate
Gus , checked the upward movement. Tl
bears sold the list freely and their com
dencei wus justified by the renewal
Ihiuldatlon Induced by the decllno (
prices. There wus stubborn resistance i
thu decllno In some of the- railroad stock
but prices generally fell below yesterday
low point und dullness Intervened , Tli
market was one of specialties during tli
greater part of the day nnd some shut
declines were shown by quite u iiurnbe
Sugar was advanced ut one time on th
usual buying In anticipation of tomorrow
dividend disbursement , but dropped sui
denly li from thc top level. Metropolita
Street Railway wus also conspicuous I
weak. The declaration of the usual quai
terly dividend on Manhattan and Wester
Union did not avail to save those stocl (
from declines In the face ot selling b
brokers usually active In the Gould Block
The whole group sympathized In the weal
ness. Minnesota Iron , Illinois ! Steel nn
American Steel und Wire all Bufferi
heavy losses.
There were very conjldent assurance
during the day that the period of posslb !
stringency In the money market ha
pnHHtd , but the * marking up call loans o
the board to B per cent detracted trom tl ,
effect of these assurances. Stc'rllng e >
change held steady , however , and there !
an undoubted growth of belief Unit tli
present stiffness of call money rules :
duo to technical causes , the influence * (
which Is not likely to extend fur outsit ]
the stock exchange r.or to endure HIST
No dllllculty Is apprenended In .provldln
for the payment of the remaining BUI
scrlptions on the government loan wlthoi
strain on the money market nnd thu con
pletlon of this optrutlon will work a
automatic relief In the money marke
The bond market was rather neglected an
prices declined In sympathy with stock !
Total sales , $2,515,000. Government bone
wcrc unchanged.
The Evening Post's I/Kidon flnancli
cablegram says :
The stock m.irkets \ t were dull toda ;
The settlements showed an Increased nt
count , but It wus entirely professional , tli
public not having "cnught on" oven I
mining shares. Americans were dull a
day nni closed Hut , St. Paul leading tli
decline. The settlement in American
showed an Increased account and contat
goes wcro 2Hto 3 per cent. Mines wer
ilrm the greater part of the duy , but ther
WUH u Hhurp collapse nt the close due t
selling of largo professional houses wli
found that the public Is apparently m
yet ready to buy.
Tha London market discount rate :
1 7-S per cent and Ilrm on the large rum
ber of American bills offered.
Tne following are the closing quotatlor
ot the leading stocks on the Now Yor
market today :
AtclilKon 12 % St. P. , M. & M 164
< lo pf l mi Southern Pacific . . . : i
lialtltncre & Ohio. . . 40',5 Southern Ralway. . 9
Canada I'ncino fo',4 do pfd :3-
Canada. Southern . . KU Texas & Pacific. . . . 131 !
Central PaclfM1 Union l'aIllo pfil. . . 63' '
Ch cage & A&on..l58 Wabash 8' '
Chi. , li. & Q HIM lo pfd 20
c. , c. , c. & st. i * . 4014 AV. & it. n : i
do pfd KS do pfd U !
Dl. & Hudson lOtiVi Adams Express . . .111
Del. , U & W W Amer. Express . . . .130
Del. & Illo Q 1514 United States 40
do pW Mil .Wfills-Farjco . 120
Erlo ( new ) 13'4 Amer. Cotton Oil. . . 3J
do 1st pfd 33' ; do pfd 83
Tort Wayne 172 American Spirits . . | ji
O. Northern pfd..133 do pfd 34' '
Hocking Valley . . . . B t Amer. Tobacco . . . .US' '
Illinois Central People's Qas 1011
Uako Erie .t W 17 Consolidated Gas . . .181
do pfd "Hi Com. Cable Co 1
Ijakrt Shore 1921 .Col. , F. & Iron. . . . 21
Total sales of stocks today , 361,200 share
Including 3.6S5 Atchlfion , 10.5S5 Atchlson pri
ferred , 3.240 Baltimore & Ohio , 13.563 Bui
llngton. 3,770 Louisville & Nashville , 24,4
Manhattan , 3.700 Metropolitan , 1,100 Reat
Inp preferred , 16,300 Northern Pnclllc , 8,2i
Northern Pacific preferred , 7,661 Roc
Island , 11,118 Union Pacific , 31.CSO St. Pan
10.53S Union Pacitlc preferred , 5,523 Mlnm
sola Iron. 4 260 International Paper , 29,7
Tobacco , 3,253 Chicago Great Western. 23,2i
People's Gas , 35,185 Sugar , 3,470 Leather pri
Itnutnn StoeU Quotation" .
BOSTON , Sept. 13. Call loans , S' filVi ne
cent ; time loans , 3J4',4 | per cent. Closln
quoin lions on stocks , bonds and mlnln
shares :
A. . T. & S. F 2Vi Wisconsin Ccn ] '
do pfd " 3\ Atch'wn pfd 331
Amer. Simnr 130T. Hen. Kltutrlc pfd. . . 97
Hay State Can 114 K. B. Ill 181
Hell Telephone . . . .177 AtchlKnn 4s 921
Iloffton & Albany..135 New Kncrland C9..U3
lloston & Maine 162 Allouez Mining Co. . 3'
rv. . n. & Q us ; Atlantic : ci
Fltciibu'nc 10491 Hoaton & Mont 5K
Gen Kltelrlo 43'j llutte & Hoston 231
Illinois Steel 65 Icalumtt & Heola..SS' ' )
Mexican Central. . . . 3 Centennial 171
NY & N. K 95 .Frankl'n 13
Old Colony JW Osc-eola fS
Ort > . Short Line. . . . 33Vi Qulncy 11B
Ilubber 'f' i Tamarack 173
Union P.icltlc ! 9S Wolverines 261
Went End Parrott S3 !
do pM JOS Old Dominion
West. Klcetrlo . . . . 30 Boston nicrated
do pfd 57
N MV York MlnlnK Oiiolutloim.
NEW YORK. Sept. 13. The following nr
the closing quotations on mining slocKs :
Oholor . 13 Ontario J.0
Crown I'olnt . 1 ! Ophlr 4 ;
Con. Cal and Va. . . K Plymouth 12
Qnlcksll\-er IK
Gould and Curry. . . . H do pfd 3M
Unle and Norcrcwj. 80 Sierra Nevada 70
Ilomeetake . 1500 standard its
Iron S'lver . 65 Un'on Con IS
Mexican . . 13 Yellow Jacket ! 9
Foreign FliiiiucLnl.
LONDON , Sept. 13. The market fo
American securities opened better and Ini
proved somewhat , but later eased off an
remained quiet , owing to the Inactivity o
operators. The cloning was dull und th
demand llcht. American eagles , 763 CWc
Spanish 4s closed at 41 % . Gold U quoted a
Buenos Ayres at 166.30.
PARIS , Sept. 13. On the bourse toda
prices wcro Irregular and Internationa
securities were neglected , except Bpanls
4. , which were animated by rcpurchnsci
Kxrlinnirn on London , ' 25f Sc for checks.
BERLIN' , Sent. 13. Business on th
bourse hero today opened unfavorably I
response to the weakness of the wester
bourse. Subsequently , however , Interni
llonal and American securities rccoverc-i
MADRID , Sept. 13. Spanish 4s closed i
C6.17. Gold waa quoted nt 62.50.
LISBON , Sept. 13.-Gold was quoted liei
today at 58.50.
York Honey Mnrkrt.
NEW YORK , Sept. 13. MONEY O
CAL1 < Market easier nt 2'-J per cent.
with actual business In bankers' bills t
$4.Si4.b4V4 | < ? for demand and $ I.S2'itT4.82 '
for sixty days ; posted rates , $4.8314 un
$4.S5U ; commercial bills. $4.S1U ,
3fl , 10TiT4 ; new 4s , rcg. and coupon , 12i
4s , reg. , 110U ; coupon , 111H ; 2s , in ) ; 6s. rei
and coupon , 112U ! Paclllc ( a at ' 9'J ' , 102V4.
C. H. All. 4Ss 104MSt- , , . A3. F. ( leu. U.1120
U.A.H 0. Ifitft Ill St. I'.CoiiHOls 101
OMI. Elcc.OH -
a. II.JLS , A. OH inn
O. II. AS. A. ! il . . . 105 T. p. Uc. 2ds 44 !
II. AT. Cent. On Ill IT. P. U. A O. Isls. . 741
II. AT. 0. i-oii. UH..KMH- Wab. iHt SH 111 !
lowiiC. lBlf 104 U'nb. 2dB HS
La. New Ron. 4s..10) W.Shore 4 1(19
I * A.N Uld.4a hO Va. Centuries 7B
Missouri OH 100 Va. acferrert 7
M. K. &T. Ma. . . . 01 ! Union Pacific 4s. . . fl"
M. K. AT.Is 88 Wisconsin Ctm IB , . CJ !
N.Y. _ C. IBH ( llll
Sun I'rnnclnco Mlulnur < luotn < lon .
SAN FRANCISCO , SPpt. 13. The odlcli
cloBliiR ( luotutlons for ininlnK stocks toda
were as follows :
Alpha Con . 3 Justice . 1
Aml < M . 13 Kentucky Con .
llelclicr . 19 .Mexican . '
llo t & IJelcher . 23 Occidental Con . f
million . - O | > hlr .
Culixlonla . 29 Overman .
Challenge Con . IS 1'otoFl
Chollar 1
41 Scorpion
Con. Cal. & Va . 72 'lerra Nevada . f
Crown Point . 15 Union Con. . . . . ' . . i
Exchequer . 2 I'Uh Con . ' . .
OouM & CiirrlL' . 27 Yellow Jacket . '
Unle & Norcross. . . . SO Standard . K
Silver hnrs , C97-8c ; Mexican dollars , 4C1
4GVic. Drafts , sight , IT'.fcc ; telegraph , 20c.
T.nitdoii Sloeli ( liintMtloim.
LONDON , Sept. 13. 1 p. m.-Closlnff :
Conols , monry . . . .IM'l New York Central..120'
Consols , nco't. . . 100 11-16 Pennsylvania W. .
Canadian 1'aclfic . . 00 > IteadliiB S1
Erie 14 L'nlon Pacific pfd. . . C63
do 1st pfd 3C1 , Atchlson 1.V
Illinois Central . . . .116 L. & N &S"
Northern Pa. prd. . 73i ! Grand Trunk T
St. Paul , common..113
CAR SILVER-Steady at 2Sd per or.
MONEY ' 4 per cent.
The rate of discount in the open mai
ket for short bills , 113-10 per cent. Tr. .
rate of discount In the open market ft
three months' hills , 17-S per cent.
Financial No I en.
OMAHA , Sept. 13. Clearances today wer
$1,145CS9.50 ; balances , $92,434.9-1. Last yen
the clearances were. $536,235.13 ; balance :
$110,854.33. Increase In clearings , 0),431.4
NK\V ORLEANS. Sept. U Clearing !
$1 , 8S,7G4. New York exchange , bank , 50
premium. Commercial , J1.25 discount.
CINCINNATI , Sept. 13. Money , Wn
per cent. New York exchange , par to 25
discount. Clearings , $2,016,600.
CHICAGO. Sept. 13. Slocks , heavy. IJIf
cult , 31 % ; Hlscult preferred , 93V1 ; Straw
board , 31 ; Diamond Mutch , 139 ; North Chi
CURO , 223 ; West ChlcaKO , 94.
ST. LOUIS , Sept. 13.-ClearlnB8 , $1,950 ,
412 ; balances , $3SO,7.SO. Money , 4&7 per cen
New York exchunjre , 33c discount bid , 2j
dl'Jcount asked.
N.W . YO1U , < . Sept. IX-Clearings , $1C7 ,
977,101 ; balances. 'JM95.KiS.
BOSTON. Sept , IS.-Clearlnss , $19,126,23 (
balances , $2,299,932.
Cotton larket.
NEW YORK , Sept. 13. Today's cotto
market was exceptionally dull. Openln
dull nt unchanged prices , there was subsi
quently a decline of 2 to 3 points , with n
particular reason to explain the weaknes
beyond the fact that speculators furnlshe
no support nnd cables were dlsappolntlni
Crop accounts were conflicting. The entlr
scope of today's market was only a matte
of II points , with the feeling finally quli
nt a net decline of 1 to 3 points. The go\
eminent report , Issued this afternoon , mod
no marked Impression on the market. Mk
dllng , 613-lCc. Net receipts , none ; Bros :
2,130 bales ; exports to Great Britain , 41
bales ; to the continent , 620 bales ; foi
warded , C95 bales ; salec , 270 bales ; steel
47.120 bales. Total today : Net receipts , 14
163 bales ; exports to Great Britain , 41
bales ; to the continent , 8,099 bales ; stocl
215.9SO bales.
Steady ; wales , flOO bales ; ordinary , 37-8c
good ordinary , 49-lGc ; low middling , 4 15-lfl (
middling , 57-lGc ; good middling , B5-8o ; mlc
dllnp fair , 61-16c ; receipts , 4,223 bales ; stocl
63,455 bales. Futures , quiet ; Seplembe
$5.18 bid ; October. $ r.18Ci5.19 ; Novembe
$3.22'iJ5.2l ; December , $5.27@3.2S ; Januar ;
$3.31 < ? } 5.32 ; February , $3.33 < fr5.38 ; March , $3. '
© 5.41 : April , $5.43135.45 ; May , $5.47ifiG.48.
quiet ; prices unchanged ; American mli
dllng , 39-32d ; the sales of the day we :
8,000 bales , of which 600 were for speculu
tlon and export , nnd Included 7,600 Amer
can. Receipts , 4,000 bales. Including 1,61
American. Futures opened quiet , with
moderate demand , nnd closed firm at th
advance ; American , L. M. C. , Scptcmbe :
312-04d sellers ; September and Octobe ;
310-Old buyers ; October and Novcmbe :
38-C4d buyers ; November and Decembe :
3 S-61f S 9-64d sellers : December nnd Jam
sellers January nnd Fel
nry , 37-C4fi38-Cld ;
rtiary , 3 7-G4f 3 8-64d buyers ; February an
March , 3 S-G4d buyers ; March and Apr !
39-C4d buyers : April and May , 3 10-C4d sel
ers ; May and June , 3 ll-C4d sellers ; Jun
and July , 3 11-0403 12-G4d buyers.
V/ool Mnrkct.
BOSTON , Sept. 13. The last week ha
shown conslderablH dullness In the woe
market here. The dealings In terrltor
wools show small sales at ruling price ;
while the same Is noted In the sale ci
fleeces. Australian wools are held stroni
but sales are almost nil. Thc quotation
for the leading descriptions are as fol
lows : Ohio find Pennsylvania fleeces , I
nnd above , 25fi26e : XX and XX above , 29 (
30c ; Delaine , 30Q31c ; No. 1 combing , 30 !
31c ; No. 2 combing , 29foOo. ( Michigan an
Wisconsin : X Michigan , 23c ; No. 1 Mich
Igan combing , 29W20c ; No. 1 Illinois comt
Ing , 2S029e ; X Now York , New Hamr
Khlre and Vermont. 22ft23c ; No. 1 Nei
York , New Hampshire and Vermont , 2Sc
Delaine , Michigan , 2Sf(29c. Unwashed mr
dlum : Kentucky nnd Indiana quarter
blood combing. 22.I23c ; Kentucky and Indl
nna three-eighth blood combing , 23c ; Mia
s ourl quarter-blood combing , 21722c ; MlF
sourl three-eighth blood combing , 23c
liralil combln20c ; hike and Gt-orgla ,
22f23c. ( Texas wools : Spring medlun
twelve months , ICSlSc ; scoured , 42fiM3c
spring , fine. twelve months , 17Si'lSc
scoured , 47j4Sc. ( ? Territory wools : Montnnii
line medium and line. lQ17c ! : scoured , 47 (
48c ; staple , B0fr52c. Utah , Wyoming , etc ,
Fine medium nnd line , 14jl6c ; scoured , 1
< iT4Sc ; staple , 60c. Australian scoured basl
combing superfine. 7Cx&72c ; do. good , GSfifiSc
do. average , 62Q65c. Queensland combine
? I"IMV York Dry Cooilx lurkel.
NEW YORK. Sept. 13. There was a fnl
amount of trading today In nearly all line
of dry goods. Buyers In town nro numci
ous , although Individual takings were no
heavy. There was the usual Tuesday's rec
orda for mall orders. The operations I
print cloths were not heavy- Buyers Imv
apparently satisfied their pressing need ;
The strong position of sellers kept buyer
from operating In some desree. Convert
ers nro not now heavy operators In th
market. Coarse colored cottons showci
generally poor results. In kld-flnlshed cam
brlcs , nnd In fact In all grades of llnlngt
the market was quiet.
Hinrnr Mnrkct.
NEW ORLEANS , Sept. 13.-SUGAR-N- -
open kettle ; centrifugal , strong ; seconds
2Ufl43.Ce. ]
MOLASSES-Easy ; centrifugal , 4fitlc.
tember , 7s SUd.
NEW YORK. Sept. 13.-SUGAR-Strong
fair refining , 313-lCi 37-So ; centrifugal , 9
tent. 4 3-Sc ; molasses , 39-1CJ/3 / 5-Sc ; retlned
strong ,
CM 11 fur n I u llrli-il l-'riilln.
DRIED FIU'ITS-Atiples easier ; othe
fruits steady. Evnjiorated apples , common
6Sc ; prime wire tray , 8V4c ; choice , 9c
fancy , 9e. Prunes , 4S'4c. Apricots
Royal. HS13c : Moor Park , 12 160.
unreeled , 7fi9c ; peeled , 12SiSc >
Light Eeceipta and Active Business th
Local Features.
Offered in Taken Itrndll
nt Strong I'rlrcn IloK" Sell
HrUkly nt 11 Five-Cent Ail-
vunce Slieep Itutlicr Slovr.
SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. 13.
Receipts today . 3,062 3Ult 2,5 <
Otllclal Monday . 4.VG7 lK > 0 13,41
Two -days this week. . . . 7,729 6,527 15,91
Same days last week. . . . H.5SC 7.H31 14,5
Same days week before 8,138 10.U53 4OC
AVtiragu prlcu paid for hogs for the lua
several days with comparisons ; _
JlS 8.lt97.lta6.U91.iU | | | 4.16 | l.ltl | :
August 24. .
August'25. .
August VS. .
August 2 ? . .
August 2S. .
August 29. .
August 30. ,
August 31. .
Sept. 1 . . 99 | . . . .
Sept. > 3 1,9 4 Oo 2 SI 4 31
Sept. 3. . . , 3 65 4 071 2 81 4 31
Sept. * 4 041 2 ill 4 21
Sept. . : : : : 2 76 4 13
Sept. 6. . . . 3 63 4 05
Sept. < * .163 4 02 2 78 \-ll 5 S7 | 5 G3 o C
Sept. 8. . . , 3 CO O1) ) ] 2 SI 5 6S | 5 51 5 1
Sept. 9. . . . 3 Cii 3 94 2 SI 4 21 > | 5 57 5 1
Sept. 10. . . 3 US 3 93 , 2 86 4 06 5 62 51
Sept. 11. . | 3 841 2 ! > S | 4 OS ) 5 821 5 6S *
Sept. 12. . . 3 77 | ' I 2 791 4 03 | 6 SOi 5 72 5 !
Sept. 13' . 379 | 3 S2 | | 4 06) ) 5 73 | 5 75 | si
The orilclat numbers of cars of sloe
brought In today by each road was :
C U - " 0BH. 8h
C. . M. & St. P. Ry .
Mo. P. Ry . . H i i
U. P. system . 0 12 1
- -
. .
C. , St. P , , M. & O. Ry . 4
U. & M. R. R. R . CO 17
C. , R. I. & P. Ky. , Wcst. 4 3
Total receipts . 123 57 i
The disposition of the day's receipts wa
G. II. Hammond Co. 61 1.231
Swift nnd Company S03 1,11 ! )
Cuc'nhy Packing Co. SG 45J
Armour & Co 3J6 953
R. liecker nnd Degan . . 32.5
J. it. Curey iso
Lobman & Co sic
\V. 1. Stephens ns
Bcnton & Underwood . . IS
Hrebbs & Co 104
Hill & Huntzlnger 130
L. F. Husz jj2
Livingston & Sclmler . . . C2
Hamilton & U 22
Cudahy , from country si
Cudahy , K. C 411 . . .
Planklnton , Milwaukee 142
Other buyers 232
Left over
Totals 3.S5G 3"i 02 4,2 :
CATTLE Today's cattle receipts wer
small , as compared with a week ago , 1
fact , for the two days this week there ha
been quite a falling off , as compared wit
the corresponding two days of last weet
as will be noted from the tiiblo of receipt !
The market , as a whole , was In very satis
factory condition as regards the selling In
terests. The buyers of all kinds seemed t
want supplies and everything was sold 1
good season.
The supply of fat cattle consisted almoa
entirely of grass westerns , which sold a
Just about the same prices as were pal
yesterday. The market was rousonabl
uctlve , the only drawback being that th
offerings were all of ono kind. There wer
not enough corn feds to make a test of th
market , only a few scattering loads belli
offered for sale. U would be safe , however
to quote the market as fully steady. Buy
ers were reporting their western cattle a
costing them 104l5c moro than the lo
tlmo last week.
Good feeders were In active demand n
strong prices and anything attractive me
u'il. ay snl ( > . Common yearlings o
light feeders were no moro than stead *
Some choice yearlings and 2-year-old feed
ers , white faces , brought 14.55 , and som
2 and 3-year-olds , white faces , averagln ;
l.OSO pounds , sold at J4.SO , showing tha
fancy stuff will bring way up prices. West
ern feeders , averaging 1,200 pounds or over
sold at { 1.25.
Cows and heifers wcro In good deman
and sold at the same prices as were pal
yesterday. The supply was not overly larg
and the pens \\cto soon cleared. Uullt
stags , etc. , sold at about yesterday's prices
Representative sales :
Icalf 3t > 0 C 00
Carl Bryant.
1 stag 1200 3 10 47 feeders..1225 4 25
J. M. Carey & Bro.
1 steer 1210 390 47 steers..1277 390
U. Pointer.
21 steers..1410 415 22 steers..1431 425
M. H. Murphy.
120 steers..1291 4 15 80 steers..12S6 i 15
W. A. Murphy.
1C3 helfcrs.1110 3 85
47 tiff. sir..1102 3 30
HOGS Today's hog market was stronp
to 5o hljher and active at the advance
overythlng being nold and weighed up al
an early hour. The buyers all sc med tc
want the hogs and they were not long In
clearing the yards. The prices paid ranged
from $ .1.75 to $1.85. Packing hogs sold ver >
largely at $3.77',4 , mixed loads right around
33.80 and prime heavy and light weight *
at W.W. The bulk of all the hogs sold at
J3.77'i3.SO. ? whllo the bulk yesterday v/at
ut i3.75QJ.SO. A three-load bunch ol
butcher weights brought $3.83. It was
quality that made the price and not
U will bu noted from the table at head
of column that the sales us n whole
averaged a shade higher than yesterday
and that the market Is now at the high-
cut point touched this month , In fact the
hlgrest that It has been any day since
August 24 , when the averngo prlco waa
J3.8I. It will also bo noted that the re
ceipts for n Tuesday were very light ,
which Is duo undoubtedly to the ralref
which have prevailed In many localities
and which would naturally keep farmers
from bringing In their hogs. Representa
tive sales :
C ! 279 . . . 3 SO M 157 40 380
G2 261 40 .ISO CS ilS 210 3 SO
M 30(1 ( SO 3 ? 0 74 272 . . . 3 SO
73 ! I73 40 3 SO & 7 30.1 . . . 3 SO
M 853 SO 3 SO OS 2Mt 0 3 Ml
79 SA 100 3 SO M 263 . . . 3 SO
SB 2S.1 . . . 3 S2'i fi7 2C1 . . . 382
5,1 2fS SO 3 S2 < 4 79 20,1 40 382
M 231 . . . 3 Mis 49 320 320 3 S2
77 245 40 3 So GO 321 . . . 35
30 17S . . . 385
G 19.1 . . . 125 1 250 . . . 300
1 MO . . . 225 1 330 . . . 260
3 21.1 . . . 37214 2 160 . . . 375
811 UUP There was n fnlr run of bol
mutton ntul feeding sheep today. Advln
from nil other selling points wore eimli
and the feeling hero wns weak. The shct
market IIIIH been gradually worklnK lowi
though moderate receipts have tended 1
hnld > ip prleec at this point. Two cars i
Montana sheep , mixed ewes and wethor
averaging 113 pounds , sold nt W.SO. A BOC
many of the sheep were wet from the ator :
yesterday and lust night , and buyers wei
In consequence In no hurry to Illl order
which made the market a little late.
Choice mitlvo muttons arc selling large
at JI.305TI.40 ; good gross westerns. $4.00
4.10 ; fair to good , t.1.W5f4.ClO ; good yearling
$4.15i/4.25 ; good to choice lambs , $5.00'n6.1
fair to good lambs , $ l,90TfS.OO ; feeder wet !
ers , 2-year-olds nnd over. $3.7S4fl.OO ; fcedi
yearlings. $4.00iTU5 ! , and feeder lambs , $4.
( cf4.G5. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr.
B.1 old owes S3 $250
49 old ewes 79 .1 00
15 native ewes US 3 sn
31 owes 109 350
153 wethers , yearlings 76 390
10 liunlm 54 450
1291 Idaho feeders 103 400
Cnttlo Active nt Uiioliiinurd 1'rlei
niiil HOKN Art * Ntronn.
CHICAGO , Sept. 13. There was u fair !
active demand for cuttle today , but prlci
showed no particular change. Chol <
ateers , $5.255.G5 ; medium , $4.2501.50 ; bf
Hteers , M.90JN.50 ; stockcrs and feeder
$3.00ff4.CO ; bulls , J3.251I4.00 ; cows and hcl
ers , J3.60fi3.iO ; calves. J4.001(7.23 ; westei
r.iugerp , $2.SV < i'4.50 ; fed western steers , $1.
< 6iV40 ; Tiixnns , .J3.25iiT4.90.
There was an excellent packing and Hhl ]
ping demand for hogs nnd prices ruli
strong ; fair to choice , J.1.92H&4.10 ; pncklr
lots , $3.liO/.90 ; ; butchers' , $ J.tiOtil.05 ; Ugh
$3.70JH.G5 ; pigs , J2.905f3.90.
The market for sheep stood the stral
of liberal supply butter than might be o :
pected , but offerings that were not got
In quality ruled weak , with sales nt a. d
cllno In prices. Western rangers , JI.OOi/4.2
native sheep , $2.75Jf4.t0 ! ; poor to prln
lumbs , $3.75i6.15 ! ; western lambs , $4.CU
B.70 ; feeders , $1.501)4.75. )
Receipts : Cattle , 5,000 head ; hogs , 20,0
head ; sheep , 17,000 head.
ICmiMiiN City Live Stock.
eelpts , 8,970 natives , 2,203 Tcxans ; supp
largely range , stock that sold at good vn
ues ; desirable killing nnd feeding catt
Htrong to lOc higher ; common qualli
steady ; choice heavy steers , J3.20y5.35 ; m
dlum , $ I.SOf < 5.20 ; lights , $4.10J/5.25 / ; stockei
and feeders , $3.3olj3.00 ; butcher cows ar
heifers , J2.S3Jf4.70 ; western steers , J3.43
4.S3 ; Texas steers , J3.05tM.23 ; Texas butch' '
cows , J2.8003.30 ; canning stock , J2.25S2.8
HOGS Receipts , 5,443 head ; vigorous d <
mand ; packers and shippers actlvo tiuyci
at SfilOc higher prices ; heavies , J3.SO
3.92' < . ; mixed , J3.75Ji-3.S5 ; lights , J3.60fr3.S5.
SHEEP Receipts , 4,290 head ; light suppl
mostly common quality ; range stock , fair
active ; steady prices : range lambs , J4.40
4.63 ; range muttons , J3.50fN.25 ; range fee <
Ing lambs , { 4.25 4.63 ; range feeding slice
J3.50Q3.S5 ; stock owes , $3.4083.75.
St. I.ouls Mve Stock.
ST. LOUIS , Sept. 13.-CATTIE-Recetpt
3.200 head , Including l.SOO Texans ; shl ]
tncnts , 300 head. Market steady ; fair i
fancy native shipping and export steer
J4.60J5.65 ; bulk of sales , J4.90SI5.40 ; drcssi
beef and butcher steers , bulk , J3.60JJ3.5
bulk of sales , J4.00S5.30 ; steers under 1,0
Ibs. , J3.15S5.00 ; bulk of sales. $3.50-34.8
stockers and feeders , $2.50Jf4.55 ; bulk i
sales , J.1.15JT4.25 ; cows and heifers , J2.00
4.SO ; bulk of cows , J2.50g3.50 ; Texas and Ii
dlan steers , J3.60l34.03 ; cows and heifer
$2.70(53.50. (
HOGS Receipts , 4,500 head ; shipment
1.700 head. Market steady and 5c hlghe
Yorkers , J3.90JiM.00 ; packers , J3.85JJ3.9
butchers , Jl.00f4.05.
SHEEP Receipts , 1,200 head ; shipment
200 head. Market steady : native mutton
J3.4004.10 ; lambs , J4.COt5.25.
A'cvr York l.lve SlooU.
colpts , 341 head ; nothing doing ; feollti
firm ; cables unchanged ; live cattle , llJT12i
refrigerator beef , 8 l-8c per lb. ; exports , 9
cattle and 2,680 quarters of beef. Calve
receipts. ISO head ; market steady ; veal
Jii.OOS8.00 ; grassers nnd buttermilks non
I mil.
SHEEP AND T.AMHS-Rccelpts , 3,7
head ; sheep steady ; lambs steady to II
lower : sheep , J2.50JN.50 ; lambs , J4.55f5.60.
HOGS Receipts. 1.949 head. Market non
Inully firm nt Jl.20g4.50.
Cincinnati I.lviStock. .
CINCINNATI , Sept. 13. HOGS-Mnrk <
easy at J,1.00 < fi4.00.
PATTM5 Market steady at J2.75JT4.R5.
SIIEEr Market steady at J2.00JI4.2
lambs , strong at $3.50J5.S5.
Stuck In Slurlit.
Record of receipts of live stock at tli
four principal markets for September 13 :
Cattle. Hogs. Shec ]
Omaha 3.CK2 3911 2.5
Chicago 5,000 20.000 17 ,
Kansas City ll,47"i 5.445 4 , ?
St. Louis 3,200 4,500 1,2 (
Totals 22,7.57 33,880 SSJO :
Coffee MnrJiPt.
NEW YORK , Sept. 13. COFFEE-Optlon
opened steady at unchanged prices , rule
Inactive , with weak undertone , declining
points under local pressure , following dls
appointing European nnd Brazilian cable :
absence of speculative support nnd declln
In spot prices ; selling checked by Birm
movement nt Rio nnd Santos , and lo'
prices for futures ; closed easv at ur
changed to 5 points lower : sales , 7,760 bag !
Including September , J7.33 ; October , $7.4
Spot coffee , Rio , quiet nt decline ; No. 7 , Ir
voice. J6.23 ; No. 7 , jobbing , Jfl.23. Mlh
Oil Market.
OIL CITY. Sept. 13.-OII-Credlt bal
ances , Jl ; certificates closed at ! i3ic bi
for cash. Sales. 1,000 bbls. cash oil at Jl
Shipments. W7S9 bbls runs 91P1' bbls.
SAVANNAH. U. . . Hept. 13.-OlL.-Tur
pentlne. firm , 2SVic. Rosin , linn and tin
WILMINGTON. Sent. 13.-OlL-Turnen
tine , ilrm , 27H'02Sc. ' Rosin opened dull a
S1.05W1.15. and closed Ilrm at Jt.OOjn.O ;
Crude turpentine. Ilrm , Jl.10ffl.lC. Tai
Ilrm , J1.30.
I'riiNiirroiiH Yctnr for Hod lion.
INDIANAI'OLIS , Ind. , Sept. 13. At today'
session uf the national council of Hod Mo
.ho flnunclal committee made Its report. I
mowed receipts from nil sources , J41.45D ; ex
icndlturcs for all purposes , $24G46 ; balanc
in hand , $16H3. ( The permanent turn
unounts to J3.934. Charles S. Conloy , grea
: ulcf of records. In his report shows : Tola
ecclpts , Jl,210,310 ; paid for relief of mem
jers , J36C.788 ; relief of widows and orphan ?
; 9,167 ; burial of the dead , $97,414 ; other ex
ienE.- , Je02fi30 : Investments , Jl,395,302 ; li
rlbal heltH , J3C9.171 ; total worth. $1,764,477
3no year ago the total membership wa
155,358 , now It is 162,442.
Ili'liorlcil l.ynrlilni ; u Pnkc.
WICHITA , Kan. , Sept. 13. A week ag <
i negro named Fitch was killed by si ;
cowboys at Tecumsch , Old. Judge Prouty
who has Jurisdiction over that section , dli
not act In the matter ns quick as thi
negroes thought ho should , and they rwdt
some threats against him. Out of thli
srow the rumor of a lynching which IB noi
Mutineer Killed lit Colllnlim.
FIIBBPORT. 111. , Sept. 13. In n rcur-enc
-olllBlon on the Chicago , Milwaukee & St
Paul road here this morning Kngineei
leorgo Mills of Milwaukee was killed ,
T Make Your Home llnppy
Use "Garland" Stoves and Ranges.
L'clcphonc 1030. Oinnliii , Neb
Direct wire * to Urilcicn and New Tork.
Corrttpondrntu John A. Wirrtn & Co.
loom -I , \ . V. Life niiltt. , Oninlm , IVeb.
Direct \Vlrr * New York , Chicago
Weitcru I'olnti ,
Is toiniii
The battle of Ne
braska that will culmin
ate in an election next
November is on.
The opposing polit
ical parties are already
lining up and strength
ening their organiza
The candidates presented - f
sented to the favor of
the voters are entering
the field and the active
work of the campaign
about to be begun.
For the latest reli
able news of the
battle of Nebraska in
BEE will be unex
Although a republi
can newspaper voicing
the principles of the
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news of all political
No one who wants
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