Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1898, Page 7, Image 8

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    THE OaLAIIA DAILY 15EE : , SEPTEMBER 12 , 1898.
Ail * < -rllnrmrnt * tor tlii'iie ciiliiiiinii
IKtnlicn until 1U tn. for tlir
nnil until HiSIO fur inoriilnu
nnil h ii ml ay minimi ,
llnli-n , 1 l-2e 11 noril Hrnt Innrrf lout
! < n 11 inil Ilierenfli-r. MillitnK taken
for ICNI ( linn U.'c for ilir flrnt IIIHIT-
llon. Tlii-Hc niM rrtlnoiMCiitd ninxt lie
run c-oniu-ctif It l > .
Ail > i-rllniT * , reiiticNtfnu n iiiiin-
licrrtl rlicrll , cmi lintp iin * cr ml-
IrcMHi-il to a iimnlipi-cil letter In pun-
of ' ( 'Inllri * . AnmtcrM HO nililrenncil
> T | | | InilrtK ercil nil iiri'Nviilntlon of
tli chonU nnlr *
WANTED , position In business house by
Intelligent boy of 1C , wages no object A
4S , Heo A M311
WANTED , by Hrst-class nil-round candy
maker , steady nnil reliable , permanent
position B 10. Hue. A-M4W 12'
SALESMEN for cigars ; $125 n month and
expends ; old firm , experience unneces
sary. C , C. Ulabop & Co. , St. Louln , Mo.
TAILORS , attend Dyhr's culling school
BIS S 11. B-9S4Dec2
DEPUTIES wanted , both local nnil sl.ilo.
nxceptlonnl opportunities for Rood men ;
No 1 contracls ; both life nnd accident
policies , weakly benefits , fraternal order ,
\V J Stuart , 405-8 lice blilg , Omaha
WANTED Oood harness maker ; single
man Address Quo A. Hllla , Alliance ,
Nc-b B-2SJ-14
YOUNG men to learn barber trade ; only G
to \\cek required ; we give our gradu-
nles employment till they receive In wages
an much na they p-iy for tuition and ex
penses learning. St. Louis Barber Col
lege , Odd Fellows' Uldg , DodKo nnd llth ,
Omaha , Neb. Prof. 9. Kundolph , Inst
U-M322 O9
WANTED , men to learn barber trade
Commission allowed this month Eight
weeks complolcs Catalogue mailed free.
Molcr's IJarber College , Chicago.
i > -y\ui \ 6 i *
WANTED , experienced clothlnK salesman.
1117 Douglns. B-MTO3-12 *
"WE I'AY men $75 to $12T per month nnd
expenses selling cigars ; experience un
necessary ; permanent position. linlloy
Bros. , Philadelphia. Pa. B-M372-13'
YOUNG men of Rood nddrcHS to trnvel ;
llbeinl Inducements to Rood men ; ex
penses paid. Call Victoria Hotel , Win-
sink B-315-10 *
"WANTED , partner In maiiufacturliiK busl-
Jiens. capital required , $33,000 Call 2 p
in. Tuesday or Thursday , or address .1
H. Wilson , 512 N. Y Life Bldg. B-311 14'
ACTIVE man to open olllro and take
charBe of our business. Hilary nnd ex
penses Oood chance for advancement
Adtliess Superintendent , P. O Hut 7S" > ,
Phllndelphln , P.i n-MIH 12
( WANTED Electrotypem. builders , mould
ers and finishers , highest wngis and
steady permant'iil position to BOOI ! men.
AV H Cunkuy Co , Hammond Iml
U-M412 13
100 OIHLS for all kinds of work ; JT to $7
week. Canadian OIllcc , 1522 Douglas
WANT13D-150 girls. 15JI Dodce. Tel 87C.
C M511 OU-20
GOOD cook. S. C Cor. Jones and ISth.
C MC-19
GIKL wanted for general housework 2020
13mnet. C M20S
AVANTHD , n cook nnd a second girl with
references. 1821 Douglas. C M222
"WANT13D , Klrl for jjeneral housework ;
small family. 3003 Pnclllc. C-314-12
' \VANTI3D. experienced millinery makers
and preparers In millinery department
Boston Store. Omaha , J. L. Brandies &
Sons , pi optician * . C 310 12
WANTED , mangle girls to woik nights ,
Model Steam Laundry. 1110 Dodge St.
C 313 12
\VANTOD-Competcnt girl , 1123 S. 31st St.
C-M39I 13
WANTKD , experienced sales Indies Ir
underwear and ribbon dcparlment nt Bos
ton Store , J. L. Brandcis & Sons , proprie
tors. C M43S 13
"WANTKD Girl for general housework
1B41 Georgia Ave. C 2S7 10
WANTHD , competent Blrl for
work. 2315 St. Mnry's nve C MH1
l'-Ht IlKNT HOUS12S.
CHOICE houses nnd cottages all over city
$3 to J75. Fidelity , ilrst floor , N. Y. Life
D t > : i2
HOUSES. Benowa & Co. . 108 N. ] 5th St
1IOUSKS , stores. Bemls , Puxton block.
MOVING household goods and pianos
Onmlm Van & Storage Co. , 1511 % Farnam
Tel 1359 D55
FURNITURE nnd leasehold of a 7 and 13
room modern Hat for bale ; bargain : gooi
location , tent low. Bemls Paxton block
A FEW COTTAGES. 436 Board Trade
FOR RENT Several good houses , 3 to
ruom-i. G L. Green , 2s Barker Block
TOR RENT , 8-room , all modern , detache
house , near llimscom park. J. II. Slier
wood , 42J N. Y. Life. D-MI1S 12
DUNDEE Place house C03 Bee.
IIDl'SES it stores rented & rents collected
John W. Robblns , I'nOi rarnam st
A I'EAUTITUL 4-rootn Hat. partly modeii
cor 21th and Hamilton. Apply 'li Call !
well D-M'iSS
IIENEWA'S residence to rent , 3200 Hurt
NEW cottiiije , easy payments. COI Bee Bldi
D 210
4 , 6 AND 7 room stcnm heated Hats for rer
Howard Knnck , ngt. , 1610 Chicago Slree
C-ROOM modern Hat , 2129 I'atnam St , $23 f
Store room. 2717 Ivcnvenworth St , J15 C
Potter .1 George Co , 1CUI Farnam St
f 12
ft I
rou iinvr ri'iiMsiuu noons.
NICELY furnished rooms. 2010 Dnvenpor
E Jl 107 I
a NlCE roomsrhousekeeping. 1112 S. lit
E M17ti
FURNISHED rooms , facing oxposllle
grounds , board If desired. 3M4 N 20th S
E M374 617'
NICELY furnished rooms for transient
2209 Spencer St , Kountzo Place , near e
poslton. E MHJ J
TRANSIENTS , cool rooms , bath B11 1
19lh KSDOJ
KXPOSITION vlsii rs"cniTpct rellnblo I
formation In regard to hotels , room
board , etc. nt the Ofllclnl Informntli
Bureau , 1319 Farnam st : this bureau
under the supervision of the e\posllli
management. OHlce open day and nlgti
na charge for Information E wj
ROOMS , transients accommodated , 1 !
Uumlngs. E MSi Oil'
FURNISHED fooniH-Jl 50 nnd J200p
week ; central part of city. 1702Vebsit
K--M300 23' '
FURNISHEU rooms 521 Soulh auh nve
1L 1211 u' '
TROCADERO-Beds 2Jc ; clcanT afe"i :
Hurney. lV-Mli > 0 OS' '
3 FURNISHED rooms for housvkeephi
man und wife ; rcnl taken In board 319
17th. 1 M
srmor.u MMiriis.
WH SOLICIT und furnish p-Mi t i
tanogruphers free Thu F-i tit I r '
Typewriter Co. Telcphct o i : S
THE MKRIUAM , Hirst class family hotel
25th nnd Dodge Stf. F-8CO
THE BENEFIT HOUSE. 2Ist nnd Plnkner
Sts. , Hfty daintily furnished rooms ; one-
square from the Arch of thc States ;
c\er > thing new and Ilrst class ; terms
reasonable. F S59
M"RS E L , SPOTTS. U22 N 19th SI , nTco
rooms , pap , bath , first-class board , rates
reasonable. 1' MI53 S23
TAKE down that "for sale" or "for rent"
sign In ynur window. The Bee reaches
more people In n dny than will pass > otir
window In n month , and they consult
these columns wlien they want to buy or
rent. F SC5
hotel , European or American , (100 and
up , adjoins the grounds , Sherman avenue
cnr line passes the hou < ; e ; summer resort
Htjlo , families sollcted , modern , cool ,
homelike ; bnthi , gns , piano nnd library.
Telephone 1931 , double pirlors , hnm-
mocKH , vast verandas , park , scnts In the
street cars , no dust ; Jolly people and
croquet. Write or 'phono this minute ;
spcc.lal offer for Yhosc who do. r SOI
WELL rt'RNISHED rooms , line board.
1909 Capitol nve I * MKI O7 *
COMFORTABLK rooms by dn > or week ;
metals It deMred ; reasonable 520 N 19th.
F M323 15'
WANTED , two gentlemen desiring pcrmn-
nent board. Address A 58 , Bee
F M3IO 15
BOARD nnd room : gentlemen preferred offer to the right party 1323 So
S2d St F 315 12
VERY pleasant furnished room with board ;
nil modern conveniences ; near llimscom
park. B2 , Bee. F-MI19 12
LARGE south room , good board , refer
ences. 202 N 18th. F-M4TO 12
FURNISHED or unfurnished single or
ensultc , by day or month. t21 < S 19th.
G-429-S19 *
3 ROOMS 708 17th St G-M293 OS *
SUITE of unfurnished modern rooms GIG
S. 29th St. G-M42J 13
FOUR unfurnished rooms for housekeep
ing , with bath nnd gas. Address A 59 ,
Bee G-312 10 *
rou iinvr vrouns AM ) OKKICES.
FOR RENT , the 4-story brick building nt
910 Farnam St. This building hns a lire-
proof cement basement , water on all
Hoors. gas , etc. Apply at the office of
The Bee. 1-910
DESK room. G. G. Wallace , 313 Brown Blk.
Nir-E store , Corner 21th nnd Hamilton Ap
ply 2'il8 C'aldwcll. I fCJ
FOR RENT , a good barn box stall , cheap.
1D02 Cass St. 1-M740
IN U. S. Nnfl Bk. Bldg. Inq C04 Bee Bldg.
Acnvrs w ANTE n.
AGENTS nnd brnnch managers ; salary or
commission. Hunter Tailoring Co. , Cin
cinnati. O J-M917-Oct-ll *
'WAR With Spain , " 700 pages , com
plete , English , Swedish and German ; out-
Ill.freeV A. lllxenbaugh & Co. olllee
14 , Ware blk , Omaha. J-M412 O10
AVA.VI in TO iiK.vr.
HAVE several choice tenants wanting
houses , various sizes. Room C04 Bee bldg.
ALL persons desiring to lent their rooms
to exposition visitors klndh call nt once.
210 S lith St. K M302 OS
S-ROOM house , modern , on long lease. A.
House. 13J4 Nicholas St K-M2M ) Ib
WANTED , a 7-room house , modern Im
provements , ccntrallv located , by Octo
ber 15. Address A 00 , Bee otllce.K .
K 311 12'
A 42 , BEE. K-M433 12
PACIFIC Storage and Wnrehouse Co , 908-
910 Jones , general storage and forwarding.
M 864
OM. Van & Storage , 1511V4 Farnam. Tol. 1559.
IF YOU nre In need of anvthlni ? try the
Wnnt Columns of The Bee ; they will
bring you what you want. N 867
2ND-IIAND bicycles. Omaha Bicycle Co.
OWNERS wishing to sell their property
should list with us ; have numerous Inqui
ries for cheap homes. Byron Reed Co.
THE BEST HOME ; J2.000 will buy on easy
terms. I am no ueent. X C4 , Bee.
HIGHEST price for second-hand household
goods. Large lots a specialty Brown , 712
N. 16th. N M200 O3'
CHICAGO Furniture Co will sell furniture
and stoves below cost , cot beds , 75c ;
matlresses , Me , pillows , 20c 140S-10 Dodge.
0-M278 O7
I'Oll SALE , horse , buggy , harness 2J09 N IS
P 'JlD-S-tO *
FOR SALE Cheap , Hue carriage Inquire
nt 23CS St Mary's ave. P 253 13'
FOR SALE Cheap , horse and phaeton , or
account of leaving city 200 S 31st A\e.
P-M3J2 U
LARGEST stock hardwood lumber , hoe
fence , \vaxlng brushes , etc. Chas. 11 Lee
9th and Douglas. Q-MG
HOG , poultry and lawn fences ; nil wire ; I !
best Wlro Works , 14th nnd Hartley.
ntt. Q-SC7
B. HAAS , Florist , 1S13 Vlnton St . Tel 776
cut Hovvers , bouquets , hall , resl
dence , wedding nnd Kra\u dciorations
Orders by mall or express prompt ! } tilled
B CAIIN and nllo Calm cornet. Marowltz
41S N. 16th Q-fc69
FOR SALE , ten R I P A N S. for C cenls
rt. at druggists , one gives relief. Q S70
100 KINDS mineral waters Sherman i
MiConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St.
Omaha Q MJS.9 . SIS' '
an FOR SALE , rellablo patent for state o
31. Nebrutka. Address A , Bee olllcc , Councl
Bluffs. Q--M3
ts. FOR SALE , St Ixwls lire brkk , } 14 00 pc
IX- M. Win. J. Wclshans. 'Phone 207.
N BARGAINS In good second hand surrejs
phatcomi , concords und end spring , to
bugnlcs at A J Simpson's , 1IOU Douglas S
is ,
on SALE or Trade , machinery , engine 9
Is pumps. Spraguu Machine U rks , 1210 Jones
on : 02 *
STAMPS , coins , I'Oiiylit , sold Mortensoii
401 N. 16th Q-MS4S S30
1 HAVE two almost new pianos , Hardma
nnd Klmball , that 1 will sell cheap. An
er terms. Address A 56 , Bee. Q 3JO 15
EIGHT fresh cows ; 2 springers. S416 Soul
2 < Hh St. A. Wellmnn. Q M335 12
Full SALE or trade , holel In good ordei
For particular * address J W Clim
30 ? New port. Neb Q S47 IS *
SrcONDHAND sowing machines from i
iz. up Nebraska Cclu Co. , Cor. 15th an
N Ilnrney Q-M350 12
ONE rew Densmoro typewriter , No 1 f (
ule cheap Nebraska Cycle Co , cor 151
ind Hurney Sts. Q-M3S01J
ftr U SAL1' ilifup. two tlckctn to Colon
ex S-ir ! , f r lady and rntleman. n
it i'e- . Q-MW ir
TWENTV-F1VE cents will buy the latest
publication Illustrating thc U , S. nnd
Spanish navies , naval commanders , etc ;
nlmost 200 photographic reproductions ,
with a largo map of the East nnd West
Indies , nt the oftko of The Bee If or
dered by mail , nddress Navy Photograph
Dcpartmcnl , Omaha Bee. R S70
ANTI-MONOPOLY Gnrbngo Co. . cleans
cesspools & privy vaults. C21 N 16 Till. 1779
R-M512-S20 *
ei viuvoYA.vrs.
Truthful In her predictions , rellnble In her
advice. It matters not what > our belief
mny bo nor what your experience with
so-called palmists nnd clairvoyants may
have been , Ismar will convince you that
the past , present nnd future can be told.
She can be consulted dully nt her olllee ,
rooms 20 nnd 21 , Douglns block , cor. 16th
nnd Dodge , opposite Hnjden Bros.
MME. Gjltncr , genuine palmist. ! > Dodge.
S-M1S4 03
VIENNA fortune teller , 18 years In Omahn.
Past , present and future. 1411 Howard St.
MRS , .FIUT2 , clairvoyant , SOS N. 16th.
MASSAGE nnd baths ; ladles nnd gentle
men , mngnellc treatment. M Brlsson ,
Iff ? N. 12th. T-M313-S15 *
LAURA ELI1SON , baths , massage nnd
magnetic trculmcnt. 119 N. 16th , room 12 ,
upstairs. T 161-S20 *
MME. AMES , f > 07 S. 13 , room 10 , massage ,
baths. T-2S1 13
MRS. DR. LEON , electric massage bath
parlors , restful and curative. 417 S. llth ,
upstairs T-M231 12
MADAM SMITH. 118 North 15th street ,
massagei nnd baths ; room 2. T 239-12 *
BATHS , ladles only. Mr . Porter , 203 Doug
las Blk. T-339 O9
BEATRICE HARLOW , new mnssago and
bath ; Egyptian treatment ; R 19. 1623
Fnrnam ; new attendant. T M328 16'
VIAVI CO , 346 Bee building. U-872
A LARGE Map of the World , one of Cuba
and nnothcr of the entire West Indies ,
showing Cubn , Porto Rico , Huytl , San
Domingo , Martinique und all the other
West Indian Islands , 10 cents , at The Bee
olllee. By mall , 14 cents. Address Cuban
Map Dept , Omaha Bee. U S6S
$30 RUPTURE cured for J30. No detention
from business- jears In Omaha. Caller
or write for circulars. Empire Rupture
Cure , 832-93J New York Life bldg. , Omaha ,
Neb. U f > 73
PILES cured In 7 to 10 days , without pain ;
ono treatment does the work , call or
send for circulars. The Empire Pile Cure ,
932 New York Life building , OmahaU874
DOCTORS If you have money , brains and
entcrptlso , but few patients , 1 may help
you Write to X 24 , Bee. U M9S6
PRIVATE hospital ; babies adopted ; con-
llnement cases taken. Mrs Rltter , 2214
Seward , tel. 2231. U-MT50 S16
MARRIED ladles should send 10 cents for
valuable secrets. Box 321 , Omaha
U MC01 S23
LADIES' Bath Partjrs. 220 Bee Bldg
Cabinet treatments $1 , electrical baths BOc.
Telephone 1716. U-M333
MISS MAYER , lending chiropodist , mnnl-
cure , 400 Paxton blk. , hns reduced prices
on account of expo , visitors ; manicure ,
Hoc : shampooing , 35c ; foot treatmenls ,
half price , with directions how to effect a
permanent euro ; Infallible foot powder
positively cures odorous perspiration and
tender feet. U MS25 S29
LADIES or gentlemen , do you want to
marry In 30 tlnvs ? Send lOc for guaranteed
secret , Box 125 , Omaha. U M292 OS
SHOES soled nnd heeled. 50c. 710 N. ICth.
U-M900 S30
SOLES nnd heels 45c. Peterson's old re
liable shoo shop. Now shoes cheap. 16th
and Cumlng. U M30S O9
THE Omaha Social club having moved
from 520 S. 13 to 311 bl. , 15 nnd
Douglas , will bo pleased to meet mem
bers and welcome strangers to parlors ;
correspondents furnished. Stamp. Alice
Turney. Mgr. U-M304 OS
WANTED , choice' farm and city loans R ,
C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nnt'l Bank Bldg.
(100,000 00 special fund to loan on first class
Improved Omaha property , or for buildIng -
Ing purposes. Fidelity Trust Company
5Vi per cent money. Bems ! , Paxton Block.
W 877
11,000 and upwards to loan on Improved
property.V. . Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320
Farnam St. W 878
6 PER cent city nnd farm loans. Gnrvln
Bros. , 1G13 Farnam St. W-S79
ANTHONY Loan & Trust Co , 315 N. Y. L ;
quick money at low rates for choice farm
lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri , East
ern Nebraska , Av 840
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. Brennun-Lovo Co. , 219 S H > th.
W 881
REAL ESTATE nnd mortgage brokers nnd
promoters should write for circular. In-
vestors' Directory Co , New York.WSS2
MORTGAGES. Wallace , 213 Brown Block.
MONEY to loan at low rates on Improved
city property In South Omaha , Council
Bluffs and Omahn U S Mortgage &
Trust Co. AV II. Thomas , agent , First
Nat'l Bank building. W-M277
ANY amount up to $8.000 ; also buy mort
gages. F. D. Wcad , IGth and Douglas
$10 TO $10.000 TO LOAN ON
etc , at lowest rates In
Omaha , South Omnha and Council Bluffs ?
No removal of goods ; strictly conlldciitlnl
jou can pay the loan off at any tlmo 01
In nnv nmounts
, MONEY loaned salaried people holdlm
permanent positions with responsible con
cerns upon their own mine , wlthou
, security : easy payments. Tolmnn. II 706
N. Y. Life Bids. X SSI
DIAMOND loan office , 1315 Douplns , unredeemed
deemed diamonds , watches , etc sold cheaj
MONEY loaned on life insurance policies
pianos , furniture , warehouse receipts
JBwelery , hones , cows , etc. Dull Green
room 8 , Barker Blk. X-MI16
WILL erect building on lot 00x150 on 241 !
St , So. Omaha , Neb. , across from th
new postolllce , for nny Hrst class busl
ness F. J. Lewis , room No. 22 , Ware Bl'k
PRINTING , Quick , clean , cheap. 1610 Casa
WANTED , partner , I want a sober , en
ergetlc mnn with J.XO . , to manage busl
ness In Omaha ; $15 per week wages nni
4 lnt resl In business , permanent sltua
tlon : this Is a good business chance , ret
ercnccs required. Address II Wllmerlnt
111 Ptorla , III. Y-M14812 *
WANTED , parlner wllh cash In sloe
ranch ; good profits absured A 43 Bee
Y M23i ! 12
\VE ARE going to build a new rnllroa
from Atkinson , Neb. to Nlohrara rlvei
25 mileH ; uloo establish two new town :
We want several Ilrst clans business me
with cnnltnl who want to make mone
quick mid fnst , also good senographc
who can operate cnllsraph prefer on
who can take some stock nnd uct ns sec
retary of coimtructlon company. Wl
commence at onee Address C H. Browi
Boe-'y and Tr Atkinson & Northern R. R
Atkinson , Neb. Y-M403 ! !
IF YOUR mortKn/pl / ( Ifl duo I will trndo
clear lot for equity. ) * \ . 46 , lice.
* " e.X20G813
EO-ACRE farm , welt Improved ; n pleasant
homo adjoining iiiirwnl railroad town ; the
very best of poll7"wlll exchange for nn
Omnha residence , n rare chance. M. J.
Kennard & Son , 3tO Brown Blk. K-CS2
TO EXCHANOE-Cfear 160 acres of land
nnd Omnha city Inrtl , nil clear nnd taxes
paid , for savings jMik ccrtlllcales Ap
ply 612 Bronn Block. i5-2SS-17
roit hAi.i-iinAi , KSTATK.
HOUSES , lo s , forms , lands , loans , also
Hro Insurance. Bemls , Pnxton Block
HAVE you some lols to spll' Now Is the
time to dispose of them ; let the people
know that > otl want to dispose of them
The Bee reaches the people who have the
money. RE SC6
$33000 FOR 6 full-sired lots on electric cnr
line. J. N. Frenzer , opp. old P. ORE8S7
FOR BALE , desirable residence lots. 124x
750 : tn first class location ; ten minutes'
wnlk from court house ; cheap for cash.
Address O 61 , Bee. RR SS9
FOR SALE , cheap , 1 15-room house nnd
lot on 17th si. , north of Lenvonworth :
nlso 1 11-room house on 17th ave. Call at
701 S 17th nve. , upstulrs. RE-M294 O8
LOTS on T street , between 33d nnd 36lh
streets. In Mnloney's addition. Hvo blocks
soulhwest of Armour's new packing
house , $15000 ; terms easy.
THREE lots northwest corner 31st and S
streets , $20000 each.
LOT on 31st strecet , between Q and U
streets. $10000.
6-UOOM house , city water , etc. , 1022 N.
21st street , $1,00000.
ACRE lots near South Omnha , $15000.
5 AND 10-ncro tracts near South Omaha ,
$123 00 per acre.
1G01 Farnam St.
RE-M331 15
FOR SALE , 92 feet on Half Howard street ,
between 41st and 42(1 streets , $60000.
Lot on Harney street , near 42nd street ,
5-room house , good lot , 3119 Burt street ,
1601 Farnam St.
RE-M352 12
TO BUY or sell houses lot.s or lands. Call
on J. W. Robblns , 1802 Farnam.RE
RE M769
FARM LANDS I have for sale a great
many farms In the following counties In
Nebraska4 Adams , Antelope , Boone ,
Buffalo , Cass , Clay , Howard , Knox ,
Pierce and in fnct most every county In
the stntu of Nebraska. TheHe lands must
bo sold and can be had nt prices that will
nstonlRh jou If you will write nnd tell
me what county > ou wish to buy a farm
In 1 Will send you , ilcsc rlptlun of what I
luuo for sale there. Now Is the time to
buy a Nebraska fnrm All particulars
concerning these farms will be cheerfully
given Address , .Lyinan Yt > ntcrman , ! >
New York Life Uulldlnt' , Omaha
RK 290 10
WE HANDLE thVbcst furniture nnd
stoves , highest market prices paid , sold
nt small protlt. Davlcl Brodkcy. 110 S 14
M ICG-Nov. U
WE will sell gooit woven wlro cots with
mattress for $1 25 < Lewis , 1414 Dodge.
LOST , pent's gold watch , made by James
Knhn , No 10100. left In closet at Unloi
PnclHc depot liberal reward for return
to U. P. ticket otllce. Lost 799
talnlng $250 In gold , 52,50 In sliver , return
ticket to Butte , Mont , and 2 keys. Re
ward for return to rear S29 < S. 19.
Lost-M144 12
LOST , parasol Mary F. Scott , 2131 So 18th
street ; reasonable reward. Lost 316-10 *
TYPEWRITERS for rent , $4 00 per month
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 162o
Farnum St. ; telephone 1284. 891
WE rent and Bell the best typewriters
made ; largest stock of good supplies In
Omnha. United Typewriter and Supply
Co. , 1612 Farnam St. 892
SECOND-HAND Smith Premier nnd Rem
Ington typewriters ; repairs for all makes
western ugfiits for Williams typewriter
Derlght & Co. , 1116 Farnam. Tel. 353.
M 424 S19
VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. The
school whoso students get employment
Conducted by an experienced reporter.sss
AT OMAHA Bus. College , Ibth & Douglas
SHORT-HAND , up-to-date , laught by cour
reporters. Bo > les' School , 403-5-7 Bee bldg
MAX FOGEL makes , cleans , repair
clothes. 307 S. 17th. M-321 O9
JOE YOUSEN , the tailor , Boyd's Theate
bldg. : lovely suits $15 ; clothes cleaned an
mended at most reasonable prices ; work
called for and delivered. Tel. 1828
413 O10
EAGLE Loan ofllce 1211 Douglas ; oldes
established , most rellnllle , iiccommoclai
Ing ; business confidential , selling out $10-
000 00 stock of unredeemed diamonds at
bit ? bargains 'JC3 Octl
MEDIC \ I , .
ALL women who can't raise family should
consult the renew ned German specialist ,
Dr. Pries , 1513 Dodge St. Lellcrs 2 cents.
TR VCK \ < in.
YARD room , or slorago wllh trackage
centrally located. Address box 52 , City.
' ' 890
GONNELLA manufactures nrtlstlc ntntu-
nry Inside ornamental work n speclnlty.
317 S lOlh. " M621-NOV-24
J. R MAXCY ft CO. , nuclloneers , room 518
Pnxton block , want tjjuur auction sales of
real exlnte , merchandise , furniture , live
slock , etc. i , 893
DR LIEBER , cmicerW , female dlsensea.
1912 Leavcnworth. " " M 117 Oct-l
LIFE Insurance policies boucht for cash.
Richard Herzfeld * ant JaSnle ! St . Chi-
cnco - 994 O3
OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co , oak. hick
ory , ush , cypress , poplar , etc 11 & Call
PIANOS of nny design made to order , olri
pianos overhauled and made equal tt
new. second-hand pianos alwa > s or
hand C. Sommer , prop. , 3-il S 10th St
265 O6
NEW w heels , $17 GO to $23. 2nd hand wheels i
$3 to $10. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 16 & Chicago
s PLUOENO nlops punctures ; fully suaran
n teed , dealers send for terms. Model Mfg
y Co , 1604 Cass. 173-O3
SCHOOL for cure of these defect * . Jull :
E. Vaughufl , 30u N. Y. Life bide.H906
H-906 815
LATEST tailor system ; diplomas awarded.
MM. Martin , general agent , teacher , 2233
Charles. M-397-8-18
CUTTINQ and fitting school ; XT. 8. system.
1613 Douglas. M-190-8-12 *
1MOS TUM2I ) .
1'IANOS tuned , $1.50. Rose , 1521 Dodge.
3t8 O9
rtiiiMTi'un ' UE
\ARLING'S furniture repnlr shop , 12:0
Harney. P.-M931 S30
I. S. STARK & CO. , 1110 Douglas
ONLY corset mndn having waist line. Room
10. Crelghlon Blk. , IBth & Douglas.
67J S-Zo
W. COY , removed to 1716 St. Marx's Avo.
* *
C A. CASD. violins repaired. 416 Shcoly
block. -298-N14
WESTERN Plating Works. 1112 Dodge St.
MS27 UCt-fc9
BEYMER , vocnl studio , 612 Knrbneh
block. 755 8-27
MASONWORK Jobber. E. Healy. 1822 Clark
Htrnet. til7-S26 *
M. 8. WALKIN. 2111 Cumins. Tel. 1831.
B. H. COLB. signs ; 705 8. 27th 211-3-13
EYCS tested free. Optical
SUES & CO. ,
Bee bldg , Omaha. Neb.
Enid for our fine Invent
ors Onitlu lol. 1UJJ
Headquarters republican Douglas county
central committee. . ,
Pursuant to a resolution adopted nt n
regular meeting of the republlcnn Douglns
county central committee a delegate con
vention of the republicans of the county of
Douglas , state of Nebraska , Is hereby culled
to meet at Washington hall , In the city of
Omnha , on the 17th day of September , 1S9S ,
nt 2 p m , for the purpose of nominating
candidates for the following olllcca tow it :
Ono (1) ( ) county attorney , three (3) ( ) state
senators , nine (9) ( ) stale representative's , ono
(1) ( ) county commissioner for the Second dis
trict , ono (1) ( ) county commissioner for the
Fourth district , ono (1) ( ) assessor for each
wurd In thc cities of Omaha nnd South
Omaha , ono (1) ( ) assessor for each county
precinct , nnd for the purpose of nominat
ing such other olllclnls ns shall be neccs-
snry and for the transaction of Buch other
business as may properly come before the
The reprcsenlntlon In said convention
shall be as follows :
Ten (10) ( ) delegales from each ward In the
city of Omaha , four (4) ( ) delegates from each
ward In the city of South Omaha. live (5) (
dulegates from each country precinct.
The primaries for the selection of dele
gates to said county convention will bo
he'd ' on the 16th day of September , A. D.
1893. nnd In the several wnrds of the cities
of Omnha nnd South Omnhn and in Jeffer
son and Union precincts Such primaries
will bo held '
from 12 o'clock noon to 7
o clock p. m. of sild day , and In all other
country precincts from 7 o'clock .
p m. until
P m ° f Sa'd ' dn '
JlaceSiP < > > nt thc " *
First Ward-Sixth and Pacific streets
" Wuril-F tociith and
str eT" Williams
Third Ward-1120 Capitol avenue ,
street ! ; Wnrd-222 South Seventeenth
ilfihYartlr2r614 \ Sherman avenue.
Sixth \vard Twenly-fourlh and Spruce
§ 5v ? ih , Waril12 Park avenue ,
streets Vard-Twenty-nrs' "d Cumlng
Ninth Ward-Twenty-nlnth and Farnam
First Ward Twenly-fourlh , between M
nnd O streets.
Second Ward McGuckln's Hall , O and
Twenty-fifth B treats.
Third Ward Kelcar BuildingThlrty -
flrst and Q slreets.
Fourth Ward Old school house , Thirty-
third and J streets.
East Omnha School House District
No. 61.
West Omaha Dundee school house.
McArdle Glandt's bcliool house.
Florence City hall.
Vnlley Opera house hall.
Chicago Klner's hall.
Jefferson Slmon'B shoo factory.
In all other wards nnd precincts the
prlmnrles will bo held at the places where
they were formerly held , unless changed
by order of the commltleemon of such
ward or precinct.
Dated at Omaha , Neb , this 8th day oi
September , A. D. , 1838
O. R. WILLIAMS , Chairman.
Lincoln , Denver ,
Colorado , Utah ,
California , Black
Hills , Montana &
Pugct Sound 4:33 : pin 4:00 : pn
Hastings Local . . 7:00 : pm 7:10 : pn
Lincoln Fnst Mall 2'55 pm "ll O an
DeiiMr , Colorado ,
I'tnh , California
nnd Puget Sound. ' 11.50pm 2'15 an
Dallj Dally except Sunday.
& Pacific "
Great Rock Island Route '
City Ticket Olllce. 132
Fnrnam Street Tclephon
423 Depot , Tenth nili
Mason Stteets. Tclephon
C2 .
_ . . I/cave. Arrive
? ? Mo'ncs ' Local. . 7:15 : am " 11.25 nr
Chlengo Express . . . " 11.10 am 8:00 : nr
( Chicago Fasl Kx-
_ ' press 5.00 pm 1:25 nr
'Bt. Paul Fast Ex-
pre s . . 6:00 : pm 11S5 : ar
" LInroln , Colorado
Springs , Denvtr ,
Pueblo and West 1.30 pm 4,25 or
Dea Molnes , Rock
- Island and Chi-
a cugo 7:15 : pm 8.50 pr
Colorado Flyer. . . . . C:40 : jim 8:50 : ni
Dally. Dally except Sunday.
( Continued. )
ncapolla & Omaha Railway
General Olllccs , Nebraska
Division , Fifteenth and
AVebster Streets. City
lcket 0fllce , HOI Farnnm Street. Tola ,
phcne , 561. Depot , Fifteenth and Wcbslcr
Slrcets. Telephone , 1,45.1.Leave.
Leave. Arrive.
Sioux City Accnm. . 8.50am 8.33 pm
"oux City Accom . 9.50 am SS5 : pm
lair , Emerson
Sioux City , Poncn ,
HartliiRton and
Bloomllcld 1 1:00 : ptn "lliSS nm
oux City , Mnn-
kuto. SI. Paul &
Minneapolis 6:00 : pm 9.00am
a 2. St Paul Lim
ited Makes no
stops In Neb 1 6:00 : pro
'o 1 E\poMtlon
Llmlted-M K"M no
stop In Neb . . . 9:00 : am
S'os. 21 nnd
Exposition Local ,
to Emeison , stops
all millions except
Brlggs 6.15 pm * S:30 : nm
Dally D.illy except Sundny. Sun
day only. Docs not stop nt DcSota or
'offman '
ern Rallwav City Ticket
Olllce. 1401 Farnam Slreel.
Telephone , 561. Depot ,
Tenth , nnd Mason Streets.
'elcphone ' , 629.
Lenvo. Arrive.
jnyllght Chicago
Special 6:40 : am 11:55 : pm
lo Valley , Sioux
Clly. St. Paul &
Minneapolis . . . . 6.00 am 10:45 : pm
o. Vnlley , Sioux
City . . . . . . . . . 7:45 : am 9:00 : pm
Carroll , Dennlson ,
Council Blurts . 11:30 : pm 9.40 am
Eastern Ex. , Des
Molnes , Marshall-
town , Cedar RapIds -
Ids and Chicago . . 11:03 : nm 4:20 : pm
Uantlo Flyer , Chl
cngo nnd East 4:53 : pm 4:20 : pm
'nst ' Mall , Chicago
to Omaha 3:15 : pm
orthern Express . . 5:30 pm 8:40 : am
imaha-ChlciiBO Spc-
clnl 6:55 : pm 8:23 : am
Omaha-ChlcaKO Ex-
press s.oo pm ' "C.55 nm
Dally "Dully Ex. Saturday. "Dally
'x. Monday.
Missouri Valley Railway
General Olllces. United
Stales Nallonul Bank Bldg ,
Southwest Corner Twelfth
I'nrn'nm Streets Ticket Olllce , 1401
Strcel. Telephone , D61 Depot ,
5th und Websler Slreets Telephone 1,438
Leave. Arrive.
Blnck Hills , Dead-
wood. Hot Springs. 3.00 pm 5:00 : pm
iVyomlnu , Casper
and Douelas . . 3.00 pm " 5.00 pm
lastlngs , York Dn-
vld Clly , Superior ,
Geneva , Exeter &
Seward 3.00 pm 1 5.00 pm
Norfolk , Verdlgro
nnd Fremont . . . 8:15 : nm " 10I45 am
ilncoln , Wnhoo &
Fremont 8:15 : nm 10:45 : am
Fremont Local . . . . S 15 am
"ork Passenger. . . . 6:10 : pm 9:40 : am
Dally Dnllv except Sunday. Sun
ay only. Dally except Saturday.
Railroad General Olllces ,
United States National
Bank Building , S W Cor
ner Twelfth and I'urnani
Street Ticket Ottleo , 1401 Fnrnnm Street
Telephone , Ml Depot , Tenth nnd Mason
Slreetu. Telephone , 62 !
Leave. Arrive.
Sioux City , Muti-
kato , St. Paul , C.OO am * 8:40 : am
Minneapolis . C 3u pm ' 10 15 pm
Sioux City Local . 7.45 am U.OO pm
Overland Route" General
Olllces N W Corner Ninth
and Farnam Streets City
Ticket Olllce , 1302 Farnam
Streel Telephone 31R. De
pot , Tenth and Muson
Streets. Telephone 629.
Leave. Arrive.
'The ' Overland
Llmlled" for Den
ver. Salt Lake ,
and western p'ts . 1 8:50 nm 4:15 : pm
The Colorado Spe
cial , for Denver &
all Colorado p'ts. ' 11:55 : pm 1 6:40 : am
Fast Mall Train for
Denver , Salt Lake ,
PaclHo coast and
all western points * 4:3. : pm 6:40 : am
Incoln , Beatrice &
Stromsburg Ex. . . 3:30 : pm 12:30 : pm
Fremont , Colum
bus , Norfolk , Gr'c )
Island and North
Pintle 4:33 : pm 4:15 : pm
Columbus local 6:50 : pm 9:40 : am
South Omaha Local Pass Leaves , 6.15 a.
m. ; 7:00 : a. m. : 9:10 : a. m. : 3:03 : p. m. Ar
rives , 10:30 : a. m. ; 3:30 : p. m ; 6 p. m.
Council Bluffs Local Leaves 6:40 : a. m. ;
6.50 n. m. ; 7:40 : a. m. ; " 9:40 : n. m. ; 10:30 : n.
m. ; 12:30 : p. m. : 2:15 : p. m. ; 4:30 : p. m ; 4:33 :
p. m. ; 4:55 : p. m. ; 5:55 : p. m. ; 8:20 : p. m. Ar
rives , 7:20 : a. m. ; 8:25 : a. m. ; 9:10 : a. m. , 11:30 :
a. m ; 3:05 : p. m ; " 3:30 : p. m ; 4:20 : p. m. :
5:40 : p. m. ; b:30 : p. m ; " 6:50 : p. m. ; 9:05 : u.
m. ; 11:55 p. m.
Dally. " Dally except Sunday.
P2HI road Omana , Kansas City &
ARTHUR Eastern Railroad "Tho Port
Arthur Route" Ticket Ofllco
1416 Farnam Street. Tele-
L. , . . . phone 322. Depot , Tenth and
Mason Slrcets. Telephone 629.
Leave. Arrive.
St Ix > uls Cannon
Ball express . . . . 4:33 : pm 11:30 : am
Kansas City &
Qulncy Local . . 7:40 : am 9:05 : pm
Kansas City Ex
press 7:45 : am
Omaha & Qulncy
Kxpress 8:30 : pm 7:45 : am
Port Arthur Ex
press 8:30 : pm
road -General Ofllcos and
Ticket Olllco , Southeast Cor
ner 14th nnd Douglas Streets
Telephone , 104 Depot , 15th
and Webster Sts. Telephone
Leave. Arrive.
Kansas and Neb.
Limited . . . . 3:03 : pm * 12.55 pm
Kansis City & St.
Louis Express - 9 TO pm 6 00 am
Nebraska Local 4.JOpm " 9.15am
' Dally Dally excep't Sunday.
Dally "I1 illy except Sunday.
St Paul Hallway city
Ticket OIIlic. 1GOI Pnrnim
Street , Telephone , 2S4 De
pot , Tentr and Mason
Stieels Telephone , G9 !
_ Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Limited
Express . . . 5:13 : pin S 20 nm
Omaha & Chicago
Express 11.00 am " 4:15 : pm
Sioux C'ly nnd DCS
Molnes Kxpress . . 11-00 am " 4 IB pm
Manilla Local 10:00 : pm 9:15 : am
TUkot Otlke , 1415 Farnam
Struct Telephone , S9. Do-
rot , jcntli nnd Mason
btrccls. Telephone , C29.
Leavo. Arrive.
Si Louis "Canon
Ball ' Express . . ' 4 30 pm 11:30 : am
lOlprrlence of ail Anicrli-llll
> \ltll the I'orelKll "Tip" SMlcin.
"Yes , I had a charming trip to Europe , "
said Mr. Forrest lloblnson of the Way
Down East company to a Boston Qlobu man.
"I spent most of my time In London , where
I lia\o many friends and always enjoy my
self. Dut I had the most fun , I think , out
of an American whom I met there a few
days before my return.
"He was making hlx Ilrnt visit abroad and
the 'tip' syslem was all new to him. Of
course ho had been nccuetomed to fee the
wallers at public tables here , nnd all that ,
but when lie found that In London a tip
was expected for the slightest Hcrvlco ami
often for no ir-vlco at all , It annoyed him.
Ho was talking of It half the tlmo de
clared It a nulhancc , extortion , robbery and
all sorts of nefarious things He was going
to Paris nnd I went to Charing Cross sta
tion to see him off.
"In gelling out of the hansom he caught
his foot somehow , fell heaNlljr and lay helpless -
less A surgeon was hastily summoned the
railway companies keep them on tap there ,
1 fancy -and ho discovered that my friend's
hip was dislocated The sufferer was berne
I Into a private room In the station and lal 1
'on a hofa , and the Hurgtou directed ouc of '
the muscular portcra who had act' i as '
bearers to grasp the Injured man arounJ I
the boJy under the nrnm , took hold of th
dUIocHted hip himself , so as to tnanlpulata
thc Joint , nnd snld to another big porter ;
" 'Now. pull his ICR ! '
"My poor friend was Buffering Intcnio
agony , but he looked up to mr with n wan
smile nnd murmured In n broken > olco ;
" 'It's the last chance they'll havcJ' "
invot : or the Siiin | > - of
During the war with Spain , relates the
Now York HornlJ , the smokers of line
Havana cigars , whether Imported from the
factories of Havana or made In Ihe United
States of tob.tcco Imported from Cuba , ha\o
had but Mulct lo grumble nt og regards the
silply , at merely n slight Increase In price.
Now , houc\or , It would seem as It their
troubles arc about to commence In earnest.
This la owing to the new tariff under which
the commerce is to bo conducted ,
Hitherto It has been the rigid law ( hut no
tobacco of foreign growtlv- should be allowed
lo cnlor the Island of Cuba , except n quan
tity grown In Porto Hlcn of the typo used
exclusively in the Havana cigarette fac
tories and of no practical use to the cigar
factories proper , there being plenty of much
bettor material nt lower priors It was
wing to the rigid observance of this regu-
nllon that the status of the Cuban cigar wns
'ko Caesar's wife above suspicion. It was
wing to this well recognized fact In the
Igor markets of the world that the Cuban
Igar brought the high price that It did.
With Iho outbreak of the war with the
Jtibans cnmo the first attempt on the part
f the Spanish government to cripple and
cstroy the foal-grow Ing clear Havana cigar
: idustry of the United States , which had so
regressed that nt the passage of the Mc-
tlnley bill It was estimated Hint about 200-
00,000 cigars n year of that type and grade
ere being made hero for home consumption
nly , nnd It was the enforcement of this law
which really first Introduced Iho domcstlc-
nado clear Havana cigar on Us merlin to
ho American smoker. Hitherto It had been
Imply dumped Into empty Imported boxes
nd sold as Imported stock to secure the
mmcnse proflts by Iho avoidance of the
mport duty of | 4.BO per pound nnd 25 per
ent ad valorem This was such n recog-
Izcd practice that every United Slnles fac-
ory without exception made Its goods In
lie exact sizes and shapes of the leading
! ubnn manufacturers , using n similar blend
f tobacco for that purpose.
At that tlmo this country was taking
omctliltiR like 100.000,000 cigars n jonr from
Jubn , but this has now dwindled to nbout
0,000,000 and the rest are made from Im-
urted Cuban tobacco by our own manu-
Then the Wejler edict prohibiting the exert -
ort of tobacco went Into force and It wan
nought by the Spaniards that , the raw nm-
: erlal supply stopped , the American manu-
'acturcr of clear Havana cigars would lese
is trade connection nnd that the demander
! or the Imported cigar of Cuba the only
ne to contnln Havana tobacco would boom
tejond Its old record figures of Impoitatlon was n dream. The foresight of the
Vmerlran mnnufnctuier , his icadlncss to pay
iuat nny price In reason , his going to
Europe and htijlng at advanced prices nil
lock before other countries realized the
oining "sQueeze , " cnvo him the master
hand for the tlmo being.
Then came the war with Spain. The
Inrana factories In Cuba ceased to wotk.
No leaf tobacco could como out. And Just
Alien Ameilcon supplies were at the last
asp , and It was time to make the seed
beds in Cuba for the 1S9U crop , peace was
declared. There Is now a Certain amount
of leaf tobacco In the Island ready for use ,
m the great bulk suitable for the American
market is already contracted for by ono or
two American firms , nnd as the Havana
factories started to work even before the
, 'lrst ' whisper of the protocol In fact , ns
soon ns Gustavo Bock arrived there from
this country It is certain that the local
manufacturers have gobbled nil suitable leaf
.n sight , and coed tobacco will be still
scarce until the now 1R9 ! ) crop Is seeded ,
planted , crown , harvested and placed on
the market.
There comes the rub. Hitherto the Cuban
aw material has been unimpeachable , but
under the new tariff for the first time It li
possible to take Into Cuba unstcmmcd leaf
tobacco of foreign growth at * 1 per pound
duty , and stemmed leaf at Jl.CO per pound
duty , with a surtax of 100 per cent ! on wrap
pers , and the full result of this change li
yet to be seen.
The duties are regarded as heavy and are
believed to be prohibitory , but It Is ono
thing to actually prohibit and another to al
low under rettrlctlons. Under the prohibi
tion a Havana manufacturer wluh olher lo-
bacco on hand than that grown In Cuba
could be called to account for Its possession ,
but once It enters Into the composition of a
cigar an expert cannot swear to Its pres
ence , except thatl the quality la depre
NaturallTy , in the face of this , but ono
thing remains the honor and trade reputa
tion of the recognized Ameilcan manufac
turer who Is making the goods and who
has In the past shown that his word Is his
bond. The difference In the surroundings
of t'ho importation of raw material to Cuba
may rnako a serious change and shake the
confidence of the world In the unswerving
purity of the Cuban made goods , but any
such change can only redound to the ad-
vantngo and reputation of the clear Havana
cigar manufacturer of the United States ,
who has used nothing but the Cuban Uaf
In lliu past and whose trndo unhesitatingly
believes such to be the fact.
Fo far as the trade of this country Is con
cerned the clear Havana cigar man of cs-
tablUhed reputation will gain Immeasurably
by such n change , and If the Cuban reputa
tion suffers , who can till what place the
American manufactured goods may not
eventually take In the markets of the
world ?
For broken surfaces , sores , Insect bltci ,
burns , skin diseases , nnd especially plica ,
there Is one icllnblo rtinrdy , DoWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve. When > ou tall for DeWltt's
don't accept counterfeit or frauds You will
not bo disappointed with DuWltt'a Witch
Hazel Salve
UurKliifN I llll/i * tlic Telephone.
Robin Hood was considered n % ery clever
robber , but beside the modern thief ho was
a guileless elil'd Your up-to-date robber
uses all modern Inventions anil conven
iences , relates the C'hltngo Inter Ocean. His
latest feat Is to discard the revolver and
the sandbag for the telephone The pollco
havit been Infoimed of this new wrinkle In
burglars tools , and hereafter every man
caught with u tclephono Is likely to become
u n object nf suspicion.
Yesterday afternoon nbout 4 o'clock IT.
B Leavltt , u druggist nt Hill and Wells
streets , answered the tclephono and wns
asked to rail John Olson of Mi Hill street ,
Just nronnd the corner , to the ttlephone.
The druggist dispatched a < lerk to the ON
son Hat , and Urn lad soon relurned saying
no one WHS at home Thu ntiswcr was com
municated to the man who wns "holding
the wlro" at the other end of the line , nnd
thu druggist thought little of the circum
stance at the time A short time afterward
Lcnvltt , In answering the telephone , heard
n feminine voice The woman said Him
would llko to talk to some member of tha
Olson family
"Bo sure nnd find whether nny one Is nt
home " she snld "for II Is very Important. "
Leavltt's clerk pounded the Olson door
for several minutes , and the feminine voice ,
thanked the druggist fur his trouble when
the Informntlrn was Imparted that surely
no ono was nt homo
When Olson nnd his wife returned homo
Into In thc evening they dlseoveied that
their Hut hnd been S ( arched nnd over 1100
worth of silverware. Jewelry nnd clothing
had been taken Olson dropped | n at the
ronu r drug Htoro to tell his woe , and then
Len\ltt recilled the two ( onversatlons with
the persi rs who hii'l been HO nnxluux to be
( n , ui that OIHOII w is not nt home
AS hen } < > u call fcr ueVVitts Wl'ch Hawl
F Ko if- rr t i I'o cure , don't accept nny-
t - I " I'on't ' Ic talked into accepting a
Ed i in , for pls-i , for sores , for bruise * .