TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE : ST'NDAY , SEPTEMBER 11 , 1898. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS- Smoke "J A 1 " fc cigar. Finest work , IJluff City Laundry. Storkert Ctrpet Co. 205-207 IIwy. M ore B fot.d kills worm * and fattens. MIES Maggie Ullbert of Marshllcld , Mo , Is M mtiB filetids In this city f I ) Jacquctnin ft Co , Jewelers and op ticians. ? 7 South Main struct. J f nixby , heating anil nanltnry engineer. Plans aii'I ' Bpeclflcatlnns for heating , plumb ing nn < l lighting 2"2 Mnlti , Council Uluffs. Don t jou think It tnu t bo a pretty good loumliy that ran please BO many hundreds of customers' Well that's the ' Hade. " 721 U toad way. Vur'ln Jonassen and Annlo Jensen , both nf thi * i ity , wore married jesterday by Jus- tl < e ( ) \rle | Viet ) IT Smith of MarshflcM , Mo . -visiting hli tin' 1" It N Murrlam , this week and taking lu thu imposition. rho Tlieosophlcal society will hold Its reg- ulnr public mooting this afternoon at 3 0 i In. . k at the Odd Pillows' building , room 10. < ' lng to the lain the laces at the Driving p.irk hud to be declared off yosterdaj after- nuon but a good program of live events has lionn prepared for tomoriovv. The subjects of Hov Vcntlng's serraous at Uu > r\rfl \ IlnptlBt ihurch will bo In the morn- J'ig ' The King's Ferryboat" and In the t-v. nlng ' A Uow with Three Arrows " Miss Ida Vaughn of Louisville , Ky , will King at the Broadway Methodist church this ir MI nlng Miss Vaughn Is the daughter of " \ \ H Vaughn , formtrly major If this city \V A Armstrong of 1H23 Avenue. ( ' died > ' irrd.iy evening of consumption , ag.'d 31 v ira Deceased leaves a wife and two chll- ( IrMi 'Ihn MHst-s Carson have rbtunifd from { -li < Ib ) , where they repicsented the Second I'MMivterlaii church at the annual Christian in : < li-dvor convention of thu Council muffs | it. Kbytery UK subject of Hov 0 I' . Try's Bcrmon this miming nt the Klfth Avenue Methodist 1 Inn i h will bo "The Contest of Faith " In Ih" evjntng the service will bu devoted to ' Tim I'ubllt Schools " \ Christian Science meeting will bo held nt lo Id this morning at loom -102 Sapp buil.llng The subject of the bible lesson will be Matter. " The usual testimony meeting Will be held Wednesday evening at S o'clock The evening services at St John's KngllfOi I.uih < ran church will be resumed today. The P tor Ki > v (5 W Snjdur , will take HH the Huhject of his sermnn 'Tor the Sake of the ( losprl and for thu ovcnlng "Showing Your ( I TH ' Mr and Mrs Matthew Harris of Valley township 111 oil artli les of adoption yesterday In tint lounty rciorder's nllloe for James A. h in lair thu son of I'rnnk and \1\ti \ Sinclair Tbe mother of thechllil Is dead and the f.iiher ( lisertid him \t the Plrst 1'resbjterlan church this even ing Major 111amhe C'oof the Salvation Army will dliver an address on the work of the nimv The paUor , Hov. W S Ilaines will pii'ach in the morning on the sbject "If 1 Tnrgi t Thee , O Jerusalem " \M1lliim Trask , the pili-oncr at the city Juil who was Identified bj Miss Mary Nelson us tint unin who assaulted anil robbed her nb'iul ' a wick ago , had a hearing bcfuto I'o- l\if \ Judge \jlebvvnith jcstcrday moining niid v.as buiind over to tins grand Jurj V the Tlist Congregational church this inoi nlng the pastor , Km J. W. Wilson , vill take as the subject of his sermon "I'or- wi.nl ' the occasion being the anniversary of thu present pastoiate In the evening he will pirurh on "Tho Convcrblon of the I'hil- lippian Jailer. " Major Dlanchc Cox of the. Salvation Army , nriompniilc.il by Hnslgn Yoder of Texas , who will King , will deliver addresses today as folinvt lu the morning at the Second 1'res- bvlirlan church , In the afternoon at the Vast Ilaptlst church and In the evening at KliKt Presbyterian church I'ruf Yaiwood of Lincoln cathedral , 13ng- land Is ti.lining a choir at draco Episcopal ( liuidi and the rector , Ilev. H L Knox , will br pleased to rcceivo the names of those wishing to Join The congregation has pur- < haii > il a new organ , which will be placed In the ihiireh this week. The Kqtial Sulfrago association will hold In Hist meeting for the coming season at tbo home nf .Mrs Hallenger , 721 Willow ave nue on Mondaj evening. election of oftlccis and other business of Importance conncctc-d vnh the state convention to be held In this iitv in October A full attendance Is de- Hirnl \t the Second Presbyterian church this inoinlng Hev. Uexander I.ltherland will pi CMC h on "Suflerlngs , Their Cause Mission n i I H-vvaiil" At the evening Bervleo the < bris'lan Kncleavon. will present a report of thu .Shelby convention and talk on "Ilnllj 3lav and the Twentieth Century Movement for Sunday Schools " Ladles desiring valuable Information con cerning their ailments should send or call for 'The Vlavl Messarp. " Vlnvl Co. , SJb Merriam blk. N V. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. Col s Air Tight heater means comfort these cold mornings. Buy one today of Cole & Cole I'lno trout Iflc at Sullivan's. Wanted Girl for general housework. Small family No chltdien. Oojd wages. liefer- inns required Mrs , W S Oimmock , "ID Sitiih Seventh sticet. Council Hluffs. Wanted Olrl for general hou'wwork. Mrs. O Kcellnn , CIS South Seventh street. The over popular while Hsu at Sullivan's tor 1'V ' Buy Colo's genuine Air Tight heater and have comfort. Cole & Cole. Part 2 of The Bee's photograMires of the exposition Is now leady and can bo had at the Council Bluffs olllre Try some of Sullivan's white bass , lOc. The Uvans laundrj Is the leader In fine voiK for both color and llnlsh. 620 Pearl Btrnt 'Phone 200. The following transfers were filed yester day la the abstract , title and loan olllco ol J W Squire 101 1'eart street- 8 H 'U'adsworth , trustee , to We t- n. la , llulldln ; ; association , % \i $ Int I , block S. Ili'ors1 udd. vv d . 5 1 r > .ivlcl 1. llelnsht'lmer nml wile et nl lo \ \ llllam Uiiird , lot li , block U , burs' udd vv il 1 , < XX V llbur \ \ lley el ill to Iloxatiu M \\llov , e'-j be i lot 15 nnd nvv'i nvvVl J ! 71 i\ n c d ; Bli 'IIT to Western , la , Hulldlng asso- 'ii i lew. e'i lot 4 , block 7 , Ueers' add , 67 : I'nitna K Helllngcr to WIlBon Hmltll , < - ' . nvv'4 15-7MI , vv d 4Ci > Ailsnii Smith nml vvlfo to Piinnle 1' i . llhiH , lot S and H 15 feet lot 7 , block . \\'IHlHins' subcllv of mill Kit , vv. d. 2 , X II xn Mare-iis and husband , trustee , to I l .at. A Halrd , lot 3 , block 7 , IJeera' nid. vv. d 1,70 J M St. John and vvlfo to Kdgar A. Kilrd , lot 7 , block C , Heers' add , vv d 2,00 'William J. 1'lsclier and wife lo Kdgar A llalrd. lot 1. block 1 , I'ottcr & Oobb a add , w. d 10 Total nine transfers $11,07 Sullivan , the grocer , sells halibut for Ifi \\anted-Tvvo No 1 florists for our M coin greenhouse * , Krey & Kastner , No. Pcirl sucU , Council Bluffg , la. Buffalo BUI alwa > s creates cnthuslasn \vnh his Wild West show. So doe * Sullivan tto groce'r , with his bis flsa display ever ; \ \ i eU Mnrrliim' I.lrrtmpiii I.itenses lo wixl were Issued jostcnlay ti the following IIOIVOIIB Name and He ldrnco Ape I , \ Ilamuiond Mheedonla 2 l.ouio 1 armky. llcndorion V Martin JoiiiU'i-n Council Bluffs " Ai me Jenvon c'ouiull llufl | . . . . ' \\illaccW Hall , Thisrraau 2 M IKLlroj , Tburiuau , 2 TAX LEVY FOR THE COUNTY Board of Supervisors Fiics the Rate for the Next Year. SLIGHT INCREASE IS MADE NECESSARY I'rotlnlon for llir ICrrpInc of County Iimnnr nt Clnrltulu lloMpltnl Ite- tlu > A ilil I ( Ion of a ( o tinTolnl. . The Board of County Supervisors nt Its session jestPrday fl\ed the state and county tax levy for 1S9S as follows State , 3 3 , county general , 4 , county poor , 1 , county bridge , 3 , county road , 1 ; school , 1 , Insane nt State hospital , 1 ; county Insane , 1 ; sol diers' relief , 023 , bond Interest , 023 , total , 158 mills. The levy this jear Is only flfty-flvu onc-hundredths of a mill greater than last jcar. although under the new code the supervisors were compelled to make a levy of one mill for the county Insane at the State aslyuni at ciarlnda. But for this It will be seen that the levy would have been less. The levy for the poor fund has been reduced from last ) car , as has the lev > for the county Insane. Tbe tax levy last > ear was the smallest that It had been for .1 long number of jears , so the super visors arc much pleased with the showing made this jear. Until a few years ago the annual levy reached between 1 ( ! and 17 mills. The levy for school purposes In the differ ent school districts in the county was rlxed as follows Teachers' I'und Ilelknap , 9 mills ; Oak land , Independent , 18 , Boomer , 64 , Carson , f > \ , Carson , independent , 1S'4 , Center , ' * ! , Crefccent , 10 , darner , -Pi , Grove , 7\ , liar- din , 10 , Ha el Hell , 7' < . James 8'4 , Keg Creek , 7H , Knox , I'4 , Avora , Independent , 13'4 Layton , n , Walnut , Independent , 17 > 4 , Lewis. fi % , Portcrvllle , 13' , Lincoln , 7' , Webster. 13 , Mount Vernon , 0 , Lincoln Cen ter 12. Morton , 7 , Liberty Corner , 10 , Dei- mjer. C'i , Hose Hill , 9 , Mace donia , ) \ > 4 , Macedonia , Independent , 18 , Mlnden , 7' { , Mlnden , Independ ent , ll'/i , Ncola , fi" , Neola , inde pendent , li ( , NorwalK , 5'Undenvood , inde pendent , 8 , Pleasant , s , Shelby. Independent , l"i , Hockford , ! i > i , Pleabant Valley , 7 : Sucks- clorf , . " % , Silver Center \ \ , Lone Star , , " , Valle-y , Independent , 0 , Living Springs , B'4 , Valley , 7'i , Hancock , Independent , lft > 4 , Washington , n iVaveland , 1 , Wright , S' , , , elk , O'i , Weston , Independent , S' , Council Bluffs , -i 5-s Contingent Tund Ilelknap , 2 4 , Oakland , independent 1 % , Boomer , 2 4. Carson , 1'j , Carson , Independent. C'J. Center , 3V4 , Cres cent , 3'/i ' , C.arner , 2Vj , drove 94 , Hardln , 2 , Hazel Dell , 2. James 1 , Keg Creek , 2Vi , Knox. % , Avora , Independent , 7 , Lajton , 2' ( . , Walnut , tnd < pendent , 7 < i , Lewis. 2 > , , Porteivllle 1H , Lincoln , 3'i , Webster , SV.- , Mount Vernon , 2V4 , Lincoln Center , r > ' > . , Morton 3 , Liberty C nterS ! , lerm > er , 1 , Hose Hill , 2 % , Macedonia , 2 , Macedonia , In dependent , ti ; Mluden , % , Minden , Independ ent , 5 , Neola , J ; Ncola , Independent , 6 , Norwalk - walk , 1U Pleasant , 2 , Shelby , Independent 1 , Hockford , 2 Pleasant Valley , 2 > A. Sucks- dorf , 314 , Silver Center , 1'iLone Star , 1'4 , Valley , independent , 3 , Living Springs , 1 > 4 , Valley , 2 , Hancock , Independent , U , Wash ington. 2 , Waveland , 2 , Wright , 2 , Yoik I'l , Weston , Independent , 5 , Council Bluffs 3'A.hchoil ' hchoil House Html Oakland , Independent 3"n , Boomer , 4 % ; Carson , Independent , 10 , descent , IVi. dainer , ' / . , Keg Creek , 2Is Avoca , Independent , 4'XMlnden : , Independ ent , "i , Ncola , 2 Shelby , Independent , 2 , \ al ley , Independent , t } ( , Hancock , Independent 10 , Council Bluff ! , , 1 3-S. The board nlsj certified to t'he tax levj of 35 mills recommended bj the city coun cil. The city levy is made up as follows deneral fund , 10 , gas and street lighting 3 , water fund , C ; library , 1 , park fund , 1 ; sewer fund , % ; Judgment fund , > , { . ; Ira provement fund , 2 , Intersection paving , C , Intersection sewer , 3 , bond fund , 1 % ; funded debt , 2U. The bill of James P. ChrlsOensen foi $455 fiD , being 10 per cent on $4,555 53 de linquent taxes from the years 18S9 to 1S91 that he had collected , was allowed. The county taxes of the Council Bluffi Pield club for 1897 were remitted , the cltj council having taken like action. The bill of the state auditor for tu < cato of Pottawattamle county insane pa tients nt Ciarlnda for the quarter cndlnf Juno 30 , amounting to $1,03933 , was or dered paid Dr r S Thomas and A T. Tllcklnger members of the county Insanity board , wen appointed a committed to go to Clarlndr and Inspect the county patients there. The license for peddlers doing buslnosi In the county was fixed as before , whlcl Is $25 n jear for one horse wagon and $3 ( for two horse wagon. A request from Day & Hess that the board fake some steps to enforce the col lection of taxes for the > cars 1891 to Ib9' Inclusive , said to be clue by the Lake Mart' awa Hallway company was referred to tht county treasurer The board decided that It had JurlsdlC' tlon In the matter of the petition of Pefei Von Wynsbergcr and Bruno Von Moor leyhcn and ordered the auditor to notlfj Iloail Superintendent Dell Orovenor to ap pear before the board and show- cause whj the petition should not be granted. Tin j poi'itloners set up that the road supervise ] i has. In building a grade , virtually madi | a dam which obstructs a waterway anc 1 throws the water Inck on their lands. Thi I board when the petition was presented wa ; doubtful If It had authority In the prein Iscs and dccflncd to take any action untl advised by the county attorney. The board adjourncil jcsterday eventni until Thursday morning. September 22. Looking for a man who doesn't like oys tcrs Is like the old sajlng. "Looking for i needle In a baj stack " And speaking of oyt. ters. there Is one place in the city where > oi can always find them when In season That' I Sullivan's , the grocer. New York oysters I per quart , 30c , shrimps , 40c per quart , cat | llsh. 12o at Sullivan's. Klein's fruits still lt > ad all others. He bu > ; 1 picked goods. J W. Doming used Cole's Hot Blast heatc last winter. MiruiTV iroi'Nriij ni.urr * Doing * of the S i-ll Set OnrliiR th j WlM-U .IllKt dllKIMl , The most Important function In soda circles In Council Bluffs during the las week was the luncheon gl\en Thursday b ; Miss Oenevlevo Baldwin , daughter of Mr and Mrs John N Baldwin , at the Gran- - . hotel , In honor of her guest. Miss Louis i Klbert of DCS Molues. Covers were laid fo I twent } . j Trl'lay evening Miss Nell Dodge enter I tained Informally at the Dodge residence 01 1 1'rank street In honor of the joung woraei at present visiting In the city A pretty wedding occurred Weduesda _ morning at St. Peter's Catholic chtirct i when Mr. John Mergen , Jr. , was married t I MUs Nellie Medium In the presence of largo companj of friends and relative ; | Bath the bride and groom are well know | > ouug people of this clt > . where they hav I resided since childhood and have man ; I wishes foi their future happiness ' The Misses Pauline and Blanch Suing who have been visiting at thu home o J Henry rascuel on Wlllon a > euui > , left fo their home In Hartlngton , Neb , Trlrtay evening. Miss KlTlc Leper of Sixth avenue left yesterday for a two month's visit with rela tives In Avoca , la. Mr. and Mrs C O. Pranks of St. Joseph , Mo , arc the guests of Captain and Mrs. Leo B. Cousins. Mrs Stella OrlflHh , who has been the guest of Captain and Mrs. L , B Couelns whllo visiting the exposition , returned to her homo In Olldden , la , jesterday. Mrs S. K Boles , who Is visiting her mother , Mrs 0. W. Butts , will return to her home In Chicago this week. Mlsa Bessie Bcno left Friday for Lake Torrest , 111 , where she enters Terry Hall academy. S. H. Kostcr returned yesterday from Col- fax Springs. Mrs S. P. Hoblnson returned Tuesday from Denver , Cole , where she has be'eii \lsltlng for t'he last three weeks. Mrs. C. Stevenson ami daughter arrived lafat evening from llngley , la , on a visit to her sister , Mrs. O. d Dullols , oC North nighth street , and to take In the exposi tion. tion.Mrs. Mrs. W S. Stlllman Is entertaining Mrs. T. I ) . White and Miss Mjrtle Daugherfy of Davenport. Mrs Lida Wright and two children of Kenwood , la. , Is visiting her parents , Mr. ind Mrs. Hugh W doss of Third street. The wedding of W. L Douglas of this city and Miss Mae Wilson of Sioux City Is an nounced for September 21. Invitations have been Issued for the wed ding of James Preston Holllday of Omaha and Miss Augusta Honn of this city for Thursday , September 15 , at the home of the bride's mother , 817 Fifth avenue. The wedding of Miss Mlldreth Pace , dau'ghter of ex-Alderman J. II Pace , to Mr. Trunk Bliss of Omaha Is announced to take place Wednesday , September 21. Mrs. dcorge Hardenbrook of Maxwell , la , and daughter , Mrs. L d. Merrill of Potter , la , arc the guests of Mr. and Mrs. II , Van- DeBogert. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dietrich have as their guest Mrs. Dietrich's sister , Mrs. Mary War- Held of Buttc , Mont. , who Is taking In the exposition Mrs Viola Haley and Miss Cllnor Ross of Sioux City are \lsltlng their brother , W. 12. Hess of Vine street Mrs H C Wooley of South Sixth street Is entertaining Mrs. Bcyetto of Syracuse , Neb. Neb.Mrs. Mrs. T T. True Is entertaining her cousin , Mrs L C Regan , who Is on her way homo to Ohio after a sojourn of se\eral months In drcen Mountain Falls and other Colorado points. Mr and Mis J. A. Nelson of 1103 Avenue B have as their guests Mr. nnd Mrs. C. G. Svvanson of Ottumwa Mrs Trank Prouty Is visiting friends In Olatbe , Kan Mr. and Mrs. A Whttelaw left Wednes day evening for Blnghamton , N. Y. Mrs deorge N. Bowen entertained during the last week her Ulster , Miss Male Knight of Columbus , Neb H. W Hazelton of the State Savings bank has gone to Clear Lake for a short visit for the benefit of his health. Colonel and Mrs J. J. Steadman had as their guest during the last week Mrs. Steadman's cousin , Dr. A. Longshore of Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. A. H Kootc of Washing ton , Kan , were the guests the last week of the families of C. W. Woodford nnd d. E Hulette of Lincoln avenue. Mr. nnd Mrs. S C. deed of Stutsman street are entertaining Mlns Lucy Lonsberry of Muscatlne , la. Mrs. J. P. Wise of nighth avenue Is en tertaining her cousins , Mrs Robert Phlpps and Mr. Stephen Bradshaw of St. Charles , la. Mr. nnd Mrs. 13 C Spring of Ann Arbor , Mich , are the guests of their aunt , Mrs. K. H. Adolph , while \lsltlng the exposition. Miss Maggie Taylor of High street has as her guest her cousins , Miss Nettle Har ris of Mount Uphrlain , Md. , and Mr. Leo Pox of Hutchlnson , Kan Mrs Guy AVIlmot has returned homo after a five months' visit with relatives In Phila delphia , Atlantic City , N. J. . and Parkman - man , O Arthur 'Williams left Wednesday for Chicago cage for a month's \islt with friends be fore going to Madison , WIs. , wheie ho will enter the University of Wisconsin. H B KUsell entertained during the last week his cousin , Dr. W B. Dunkle of Gilman - man , la Miss Nina P Stone of Chicago Is visit ing Mrs Otiy Wllmot. She will also be entertained before returning home by Mrs. I W Jamison Miss Dottey Pace and Miss Km ma Williams Misses Mabel and Dello Wheeler of Lowry City , Mo , are the guests of Miss Gates. Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Woolsey of West Plains , Mo , are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ta > lor Woolsey Mrs 0. P McKesson Is vlbltlng friends at Beatrice , Neb. Miss Brown Is entertaining Mrs. Charles Baldwin L > man of Denver , Colo. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bell ha\e as their guest their daughter , Mrs. J. P. Segog ol Duluth , Minn. Mrs. Kmlly Rosencrans of Pomona , Cal. , was the guest during the last week of her cousin , H. W. doss and family. .Mr. and Mrs. deorge , \ . dregory have re turned from their trip to the Pacific coast , i taken for the benefit of Mr. Gregory's health. Mr. and Mrs John L Tcmpleton of North Sixth street are entertaining Mr. Temple- ton's sister , Mrs Pannlo dregg anil I daughter Jessie of Colorado Springs I Mrs W. S Wright Is enjoying a vlsll from her daughter , Mrs. Scott Ornibby ol nmmetsburg. la. Mr. and Mrs Mitchell of Des Molnca arc the guests of Spencer Smith and family on Washington avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heron of Coloradc Springs are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H , D. Howard , 161 Graham avenue. Charles Bradley entertained during the last week Pred Illumeof Audubon , la , o college mate at the Iowa State university , Mrs D J. Gates and son Reynold arc visiting relatives nnd friends In Chicago. Mr. and Mrs C L. McLyman of Hi Stutsman street are entertaining Mrs. W. A , Muneon of Clay Center , Kan , Mrs. 0. C , /Ann of Hastings , Neb , and Mrs. M. 0 , McL > man of Walnut , la. Mrs W W. Lunger and son Fred have returned from a trip to Salt Lake and other western point's. A. T Pflcklnger and family have returned from a visit with relatives In Indepen dence , la Mrs P. E Glllllland has gone to Califor nia on a vlilt for several months with her parents. Mrs. Slmms , who has been the guest foi several weeks of Mr and Mrs. N. P. Dodge and family returned to her home In Arkan sas Prlday. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Pat ton have as their guest Mr George A. Cragln of Hous ton , Tex , They are also enterralalng Mrs , Stanton of Thornton , Ind. Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Pangle are enter taining Charles Lambrechts and family ol Quincy , 111. Kx-Pobtmaster Bowman returned home the lasc week from an extended eastern trip For Sunday dinner try some of that de licious June tun , only 12c at Sullivan's Court Noti'H , The district court grand Jury which bat been in session since last Tuesday made a partial report > csierday afternoon , return ing two Indictments. The Indictments are against Dan McSorley and William Trask two of the gang who broke Into the house of Mrs. L CaTdvvell , a } oung widow living alone nt 1512 South Sixth street , on the night of September 3 , and claiming to be officers fchamefully abused and maltreated the' unfortunare woman The charge against McSorley nnd Trnsk on which Indictment * were found Is breaking and entering a building during the night time and Imper sonating an olllcer. Their bonds were fixed In the sum of $600 , In default of which they were committed to the county Jail. Judge Macy gave notice jesterday that ho wlH make a second equity and law assign ment tomorrow afternoon nt 1 30 o'clock. A default was granted In the divorce suit of James Snodderlty against Mary Snod- derlcy. In the superior court the retrial of the suit of Thomas C. Kennedy against Mrs M. E. Edgerton was commenced jcstcrday be fore n Jury. Perch Is n favorite fish for n great many people Sullivan v.lll soil jou all > ou want. Dny lOc. TWO JIIJN uii.i.r.n IN A wuuric. DlNiiNlriMin lie-mil of a I'rclwlit Col- llxloii on till * IliirlliiKlon. OTTUMWA , la. . Sept. 10. ( Special Tele gram. ) Two men are dead and one badly Injured as the result of n freight wreck on the Chicago , Burlington & Qulucy railroad at 7 20 p m. at the small station of Tyrone rene , forty miles west ! of here. The dead arcENGINEER ENGINEER OEORdE MANN. FIREMAN THOMAS MILLHOUSE. The Injured man Is the head brakcmnn , Hayncs , the extent of his Injuries being icported as not serious Both the dead men are men of families , residing In this city. The wreck Is one of the most peculiar and at the same time fatal that has occurred on the east ) Iowa division of the Burlington road lu many jcars. The train was an extra freight bound west. While just passing Tjrono and going at a fast rate the engine struck a bunch of cattle on the track. The engine and tnolvo cars were piled up In a heap The engine turned over nnd pinned both the unfortunate men under It , killing them al most Instantly. A wrecking crew and ph > - slclans have Just left this city for the scene of the catastrophe. Watch The Dally Boo for Mrs. Pfelffcr's fall opening mllllneiy display the latter part of this week. Croplcs make n nice dish , del 'cm at Sul livan's for 12c Keep an eye on The Bee for the fall pat tern In a few days of fine millinery goods of the Misses Read & Miller , 317 Broadway. Fine picketcl at Sullivan's. Chilli CoiiiniltH Suslo Anderson , the 13-year-old daughter of Mrs. Emma Anderson , a widow woman living at 1201 Sixteenth avenue , died yester day morning about 7 o'clock fioni morphine taken with suicidal Intent. , Despondency over the poverty of her mother caused the child to thus end her young life. About flvo jears ago the child , while playing with some companions In the ralhoad jards , was tun over b > a Hock Island train and as a result her right limb bad to bo amputated. The parent brought suit against the railroad company but failed to recover damages , the jury finding against them Since the death of the father Mrs. Anderson has provided for her family by taking In washing and doing other work. Little Susie , who was a most sensitive child , as she grew up set her heart on securing an artificial lltnb to replace the one she had amputated. Her mother promised to buy her one and stinted and saved eveiy cent she could to do so , The mother had done washing for several families from whom she was unable to secure her pay. Friday morning little Susie went around to try to collect this monej , but was stood off with promises. The child came homo very despondent and cried nearly all the afternoon. She said she might as well be dcad as she was only a source of ( worry to others , but none of the family had at that time the slightest suspicion that the child contemplated taking her life. Toward evening the little girl left the hou e and was gone for over an hour and It Is supposed It was at this time that she secured the drug with which she ended her life. It's htlll hot , but that need not deter jou from eating llsh. See Sullivan , the grocer , 313 Broadway. Soldiers Home Avrnln. SIOUX CITY , Sept. 10 ( Special Tele gram ) With facet Hushed with excitement , blanket rolls on their backs and cheered by thousands of admiring cltlrens , Colonel W. B. Humphrey and statf and the members of coraimiles H and L , Fifty-second Iowa United States \olunteers , stepped from a special Illinois train at 9 20 tonight. As the train pulled Into the shed of the union depot It was the signal for wild cheering nnd It was by no means confined to the multitude on the btieets , but the voices of the returnIng - Ing soldiers rebounded through the cars. Cannon firecrackers roared , whistles blew and men and women and chllden cheered. It was on Inspiring welcome for the retuin- Ing soldiers. The trip from Camp McKlnloy , DCS Molnes , was made without Incident and the bojs were glad to get home. One man , H. C. Brown , was taken 111 on the trip nnd was removed to the hospital. The lest were well. Ili-lpril In ii M'l 'I'lirrc 1li | < lioN. DUBUQUE la , Sept. 10 ( Special. ) Hon. B B Richards was one of the delegates to the dloc-csan convention nt Davennort to oleet a bishop. This is the third such con vention bo has attended In 1SC4 ho voted for Bishop Lee , In 187C for Bishop Perry and lately ho sat In the convention which nominated Bishop Green. U Is thought ho IB tl'e one man In Iowa who has this dis tinction. I'oilollli'iHoliliory. . OSCEOLA. la , Sept. 10 ( Special ) The postotllco nt this place was robbed last night of about $600 and other valuables. The safe was blown open in a skillful manner. The thieves elfected an entrance by forcing the rear door of the postofflcc. No arrests. low a NIMIN Notrn , Osceola's postotllce safe has been dyna- mltod by robbers Four million cans of corn have been packed this season In Atlantic. Mills county veterans held a most enthusi astic reunion at Glenwood. Joseph Loomls. one of Ottumwa's most prominent citizens , Is dead The postmaster at Muscatlne complains that the citizens of that town Insist upon putting revenue stamps on letters. The Grundy county newspaper war over the olllclal advertising has been settled by an equal distribution of the patronage. The Chicago Great Western has provoked much trouble In Waterloo by laying tracks through the business part of town by night In violation of the court's Injunction. Vllllsca Is engaged In a postolllce muddle that Is causing factional lights Ono sldo of town wants to get the olllco located there , i wl'llo the other faldo objects to Its re- uioval. ( , General James B. Weaver's remark that lie stands todaj on the money question e\- I aetly where lie stood twenty-five jears ago. has provoked the comment from one of the Iowa pioneers who has followed his course that Jim must be moving In a circle , for ho certainly has bee-n moving a good deal In the past twenty-fho To sn\ < - \oiir Use "Garland. " Stoves auJ Range * . THE TWO GREAT BATTLES OF REPRODUCED AT- Sunday , Sept , II ; Tuesday , Sop ! , 13 ; Thursday , Sept , 15 ; Saturday , Sept , 17 , and Sunday , The production is oi' such givut magnitude that -JS hour * ' linu1 i * requhvd lo arnuigo for each performance. 2,000 pieces of various kinds of e\plosi\c * u 'd each night. Pounds of red fire. Two submarine mines exploded during each performance , throwing water 100 feet in the air. All Under Management of Captain Robert Cook. RAILROAD MEN IN A PICKLE Out Kate to the Exposition for Today Stirs UD a Row. FARES BELOW THE ASSOCIATION SCHEDULE lc Moliicn Northern AVescrn t n Free I.aiiro mill CniincH Olllclali of Otlu-r Honda to Tenr Their Hnlr. DHS MOINCS , Sept. 10 ( Special Tcle- gaim ) The lines of the Western Passenger association entering DCH Molnes , which In clude the Kock Island , the Northwestern nnd the Burlington , as well as the Milwaukee are tearing their hair over the action of the Des Molnes Northern & . Western load In putting in ollect a special rate of $2 50 to Omaha , which Is away below the associa tion's schedule. The train will be run fiom Des Molnes to Omaha and return tomoirow , leaving this city at 7 o'clock , arriving In Omaha nt 12 30 o'clock and leaving Omaha on the return trip at 7 o'clock at night The special will bo hauled over the Fonda branch of the Des Molnes Northern & West ern and over the main line of the Milwaukee from Herndon west. Demand has been made In DCS Molnes for several months for a rate of $2 50 to Omaha and It has been refused by all the associa tion lines. Ono of the other lines had ac cess to Omaha except over the association's tracks , and It was thought Impossible to cut the rate below the faro aprcc-d upon by the minions of Chairman Caldvvell. It was but a short tltno ago that the best faro from Des Molnes to Omaha was $150. but gradually the rate has dropped until yesterday to the Woodmen convention , when tickets were sold for $3 CO The Des Molnes Northern & Western arranged a few dajs ago with the Milwaukee , of which It Is a feeder , to tun a special train from lleindon to Omaha , carding Its tars and betuiIng pajment on the per mile basis. The object of tbo bpeclal did not enter Into the nego tiations and the Milwaukee concluded the arrangement. The train will be run ovir the tiacks of the Milwaukee , an association line , but that line Is entirely out of the slash In rates and If a question arises It will certainly say BO to the association. An im mense crowd will go on the excursion. Governor Shaw Is expected homo from Washington In a day or two Ne\t week ho will visit Omaha and attend the currency convention. Ho will probably make some arrangements for Iowa day at the exposition vvhilo there. Today the last of the soldiers left Camp McKlnley on thirty dajs' furlough They are to bo back here , or at the places hei fl atter to bo named , on the 11th day of Oc tober , before the sun goes down The Web ster City , Algona , Hull , nmmetsburg , Mason City , Hampton and Boone companies left over the regular trains on the various rail roads. The Perry , Tort Dodge , Cherokee and the two Sioux City companies left slightly after noon on a special furnished by the Hock Island. Musical circles have been greatl > stirred up for the last few- clays over the sudden disappearance ] of ono of the most prominent musicians of this city , who has quietly folded his tent and with his family and worldly goods gouo to other bcenes , sup posedly Canada , leaving several thousand dollars in unpaid bills. Prof John Sinclair , director of the DCS Molnes Musical college , Is the man referred to and many Des Molnes people would bo overjo > ed for the present address of the crstwhllo director. It ap pears that ho was in the habit of getting credit wherever ho could and in too man > cabes forgot to make the promised pajments This fault , It seems , prompted his sudden clepatturo from the city. Sued for llrrncli of I'ronilxp. WATHItLOO , la , Sept. 10 ( Special ) The petition of IUta C Watson of Cedar Palls against Wellington Uickert of Waterloo lee for breach of promise baa been filed h re The petition sets forth that In November , 1891 , she entered Into a contract and mutual agreement with the defendant whereby they were to be subsequently married , also that they were to be married between March 1 nnd Juno 21 , 1S9J. She says later the cere mony was postponed at the defendant's re- ciucst. Time went on and ono morning plaintiff awoke to the fact that defendant had led another to the altar. This vva In February , 1897. In the meantime the de fendant , she claims , had made numerous promlbcs to her and set many dates for their nuptials , but alwajs. evaded them Because of this breach the plaintiff avers she has been greatly Injured and mortified nnd has endured much mental angulbh and pain. The wounds , she feels , cannot be healed for Ires than JJ.OOO , with Interest and costs. Yotiit ; ; AVomiMi TnKi * ( In * llliuK AV1I. DUBUQUi : . la , Sept 10 ( Special ) The solemn ceremony of profesblng and receiv ing the black veil by five > oung women took place at Mount Carmel today. Ilcv. Father Dubberstcln. chaplain at the Institu tion , had charge of the ceremonies , which were performed In the chapel In the pres ence of the sisters No ono outsldo of the Institution was present , the affair being private. Honor Out * of Ori-Kon'a CriMV. IOWA CITY , la. Kept. 10. ( Special. ) James HaUlk , Jr. of this city , one of the battleship Oregon's crew , left for the east last evening , after spending fifteen da > s' furlough uo home , A band and about 1,000 j Great Semi-Annual Sept. 19 to Sept 25 , inclusive _ _ " rr" -Al Odd Fellows' Temple , 400-402 Broadway. .T L . . . , , . -.m. | America's pavorste Cigar JOHN G , WOODWARD &CO. , Distributers , 3 ior 25c lOc Straight - COUNCIL 2 for 25c BLUFFS , IA k TIM THE OHAS. SUMNER. j n 5 Per Gent teoy on Iowa Farm We are prep ireil to place loans on hnpro\ed Western Iowa farms at 5 per cent .Monej on h nul , no ilo'iiy. ' We h.ne for sale several choice KIU I I' . ( JAKDrV , ( .K MN AM ) bHM.lv TAH.Mh. VLRY CIIKAP. Cheap money uill make land no up. InvestiK.ite our bargains. DAY & PI ESS. 39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. DAJLY Union Park , Council Bluffs , Admission , 50 cts. Ladies Free. people escorted thi' joung m.m to tin I not win 11' an Impromptu n-nitum wa lull H had been the desire of inanv piojli to 1 have a public meeting during hin MU.it home , but Mr lluvllk carius'ly ' niui | . ! I that nothing of rho kind In done , and bii wishes were granted Havllk ran avviiy from homo and Joined the Oregon nt Sati Pramlsro about two jears ago , and was ono of the crew that made the famous voj.igf | around Capo Horn. He Is a handsome , muscurar fellow of 20 years. ! I.mi < lull 'I iiiirniiiiifiil. rUKKOKKR , lu . Sept. 10 - ( Spec lulj ! The Cherokee flun club hold their bwoml annual amateur tournament on Wodn < sda > and Thursday of this week Over ion iu .s were In attendance fiom .Minnesota , South Hakota NcbncHki and low.i ainl ih. n ults were highly tatlsfai tor > lo thi club and Matiors. j \l liiMi'sf prices. Ciiinoriiii of nil MuilN from lM.rO n | > . MI , | | i > rili-r Illli-il lur in\l IriiIn. All tbc Irnil- Inn iilnli-it nnil IIIIIIIT. n. U. BARTIETT ( KM ) mill ( .OJ ll'n' > , ( iiinioll Illurrii , la. 'WM. ' WELCH TRANSFER LINE Hi lur.i. . ( iiuncM Illuiu nml Oiiliiliu. Hates Hiiisoiuiblo Sntlsfiu tlon Guaranteed Ciiuiull l.liifii oili. o , Nf , 8 Nonh Main sir 't Jil j li UK 1 Oinulid ellli o ro. incAeii to * ii buuth 1 ifuenili street Tcle- pli in I ' i Coimcctiuna muUu with BoutU Omulm