TUT : OMAHA DAILY BEI : : srxnvv , 11 * $ AMUSEMENTS. | \ ! > S p'rrN- i > r 11 * o-lv : t c " C o' 'b' ' " ' ' ' * 'Lairo ch h * * , 'R o' r"n/ " aU ! a ! , thI c j , av - " * in tb < - c a ; T > For * ti l t tt. biie tb' hM. in * h t S r tin tt.La La < < > : j dark to the jiuMic thfr bat- flt tnoufh from the arto * point cf \ < ar there arc very f of them In v b f-f ra one to three snd four cotn- j L- h.ne Dot bee reheari ng Old and t ) * nH fnvorlte .play * hare b * > touched i' a"i prepared for the * * on'i r tnp ljn Br -hr.fr are fully the ufual number of tr - ' n ptnenu of new plar irhlch actors aM i u.'Tlphts her M § tbrirtnMter cre - t ' Br rhrii-tma * there will ale prob- th'v t the usual cumber of failures and rnj"i [ hopet. for you cannot always tell ; - . * what li going to make a bit with the 1 M.r ' -t- thing that is noticeable ID the ser - crr-meoti and that ti the unusual nura- br of actors who have written tbetr own I dv. or at leant they will po out to the woa ! ? ibelr productions. Poaslbly vault- tnc an.MtioD ha * bad something to do with trD'1 tbrn again it may b tbat the big i'ntirE ! which ruceacful playwrlcbti cle- tiai , 1 may be an incentive to literary fiei t > 1IT Imnnp the last reason a great deal was Kind and written concerning the theatrical tr ) t and there was nnch talk to the effect tbat Icad-ng lights In the dramatic firma- tri"nt were to htad a rcrolt which was to t rakh the trust from this distant" the r ol ; appears to have bn very much like tr" avrragc South American revolution , r-in'-ipillv manifestos and a brandltblng or ar-r.p btch hurt no one At the present t rap It looks very much a though the rorrMnatlon known as the "trust" is su preme and that it absolutely controls the book me * of to many theaters that It Is In possible for any liut a very few of the rtrorcrft companies and brightest stars to tiarid o'lt acalnst it. Tf aj ma'ks the formal openinc o ! the Ff-aFon In Otniha Tbouch both the theaters ka\e I * en occupied , one durlnt ; the entire t , trtnfr and the other for three weeks. The stock company at the Crelphton has befn reorganized and presents a number of new faces In addition to a number ublch haie been with the company for some time. Fiom the standpoint of previous work , the ntw icnpany Fhould be much stronger as a Loir rtian it has ever been before < \ the Boyd. also , the opening Is but a ficioc as the hous" has been open to light opera for three weeks. The usual program of tnmptblng In the way of stellar lights for the opening bill has been departed from J th * management decided to present a TX-P ro laugh at farce coaody Instead a literary feast. Dorothy Morton company last night led a three weeks' engagement at the whkh has not been an overly proSt- ir The opening week was so dis- v hot that It required courage of irder to sit out a performance and 'nd week was little better. The k the weather has been more pleas- lie company has done a much better "oodward Stock company at the presented a somewhat crippled in a not overly attractive play , fl " Mies Kennark's engagement e week before. Miss Crcighton'B Commenced , and In addition to that > s and Miss Berkeley were away on \aratlon. Miss I'ox , who essayed the , .n < 3 DR female role , was hardly equal to the orraFion and the result was a per- frrtnancp which dragged and fell short ol the usual standard. The Trocadero did the best business In l ii b stiry. with i vaudeville bill which BOS attractive and interesting , while at the same time embracing nothing that was i-"lfr new or possessing startling features fept < one carried over from the previous w < -cl > It was largely musical , with a lit tle of tbe spectacular. AiinouiirriM . I'unng the cominf week the patrons of the Po d will have an opportunity o ! seems in real life Mickey Dugan , the famous origi nal Mellon Kid. " and all the characters that werr made famous in R F Outcalfs eerie.- , of Hogan's Allej" sketches. They will be seen in Gil more- and Leonard s unique far e comedy. "Hogan's Alley "Roman's A lo is a farce , pure and simple yet pos- . * rs ag enough plot to make a continuous verestlng stor } Every line in it > vas , wrrtrn for the purpose of extracting lauih- ter from its audiences It IB typical o : lih In that great hive of humanity , lower East ude New York , where wit flows like water and humor is the staff of life. Mickey r > ugan the original of Outcalfs Yellow KiJ sketches , will be seen In his own unique j character His side partner. Tiddlewn.k . who also figured .n Outr-alt s storied , will j al-o be in the cast. The play abound ! ia ren features , all the latest Europeau ao\- clt ( having been introduced Into n. Campbell and Caulfleld. the kings of Irish . humor will be seen as Hoan , the bars of the allr > . and Brogan , his friead'y rivsi Tbe part of Liz. the Yellow Kid's sweetheeri , w..l be played by Annie Driver , wnile GlaJye Cast'eton. last season wltb Uoyt s "A Milk Valu Flag" wUl play the belle of tte nlleHinky Dink. " the goat anJ the par rot are all in tbe piece and contribute their sh rtto tbe general fund of amusement. . Some of the specialties are Thomson and | Ure n tbe emperors of music , Alice Joy aad E'brl Clayton , who bave Just returned from ihr Alhambra Music hall in London , Garc.e King the popular seric-comic soubrette. W J Hagen. the clever ballad teaor. and Lea Towers Frank Rhodes aad George Kain , orr.r-rlc comedian * . "Hogaa's Alley will br ft-on at Boyd's ail this week , commencing * ib a matiaee today. The Trocadero offers aao'-htr strong aad preioK'fflDg vaudeville bill to iti patrons for ih * ccmiat ; treek. beginning with to- da matiore aad coatiauiac ( or tbe usual ErwnMnine's and three matinees , on Sun- dav \\-'cc day ajd Saturday afternoons. MiMe Myers IB one of tb * stellar lichin o ! .he bill She comes to this city for tr r t time after scoring triumphs rxtrtiKliian in New York City with ber del'gb ful and foul-inspiring vocalifm. Sbe . lies V n engaged as tbe particular bead liner for rvery bouse within tbe Hopkins- Cattle and Orpheum circuit ? , of which the TroiaiVro is on * LeHoy and CUy'.on. wbo h \ > Msf > < 1 Omaha ia tbe paft. are to be cumbered as fvoriir . with their usual ; charertrr irentlons. and "McOowga'R VUlt" to < " ha Rboul.1 br a elroane OD Master Arthur GoS. tbe little 7-year-old ron i Foluict. U one of the marrcli ol the age To see the little fellow play from nf-prr selections fr n tbe be t authors wi b ptrf.v-t e ( and correctness , making t rar f jll locec. eeeai lairediblr. Klase. ' tt- v ori'prful Jipaaete ) uccler aal equtlib * r - iil appear. RttEsell aad Tt.lyue. Kd- nirl a-j BUni. cceatrt ? dancer * singers t- ) r < -o > e qu crol Uc comedy artlsu , Ed- v , i < auoro aod Alie * Martow la tiKlr re"-1 kketch entitled "Jerrr. ibe Tramp fr . -ic their novlty coabtaatioe tisg. ? : u eg and expert paper tearing and c-.ca } > i-iurec arc features. Tbe Koaas 7r rlauict ! creative maaterx of mucte t- tb- - clever UwtrumeBtatioD pactimer. b t-o-hm VoTrtlo ccruti nal double " jjere artiits jirerc'.re 'be r la f : a t s * a" ' La r F < > - l coon sbpu'.er a the uor.j t ' htr fa-rojs 'm ; . " * r > n fi-a'ions of Maude Hu"l. a-1 'tb'--t of " . " f. 6" on are other * of the a' -ar'ir > o The nrrbMTal rcnrcrts iu'- .r tSe ton ] everiuc ill "be given In tbe th a'pr end r'eibctnts served as heretofore - tofore in toe garden „ . Tbe Woodward ? to < k company as re- I organized for tbe season will open at the Creigbtoa Sunday , matinee and evtniag. in ' "Mea aad Women. " Tbe company as * a I entirety Is nnquettloaably much stronger than it bag ever been. Onlv one change in Us personnel ha * twee made from the memi t bcrsbip previously announced. Miss Vsughan , will remain with tbe company and Mis * Fox . reIres. : Tbe new company is all ia tbe ' city and ba been febeerslng farbfully dur- I log tbe past week and promise to gHe a flnikbed performance , wbich those familiar I with tbe capabilities of its mrmb-r hp : are i prepared believe " " to "Men aad Women" is [ one of tb * strongest of modern play * , being ' , of absorbing infrest ! from the initial ftttt j to tbe clone It was laet presented In this j city by tbe Frawley's. It is strong in th ; fact tbat it is natural presenting characters , and evenU which In similitude have been i met and observed by everyone. The storv is j of a young bank cashier who loans tbe rc- j curltles of tbe baak to a friend wbo breaks taitb with him. Suspicion falls upon tbe assistant caebler. and tbe cashier's courage is for a time inequal to tbe occasion of avowing his onn guilt , until be sees bis , fneod about to be arrested for a crime of j which be Is innorent The cashier's man- j hood finally asserts Itself and he confesses all In the last act , of course , everything 1 is straightened out and tbe play ends hap- I pilyM'h such a story strange dramatic j climaxes are readily and naturally wrought i out. and the plaj * right has made the most j of bis opportunities Nothing whlcb the ' company has ever presented calls for greattr 1 dramatic ability , aad it win afford an ex cellent opportunity to gauge the abilities I of tbe new company. I The new season will also be signalized by the reappearance of tbe orchestra as a per- tnaaent feature ucder the leadership of Franz i Adelmann. Mrs. Mary E Griffith of Cleveland , O. . who has been giving a series of free stereopticon - ticon lectures to women in Young Men s Christian association hall , has decided to continue the course one more week. Tues day and Friday. September 14 and 16. she will lecture in the evenings at S 15 for the accommodation of women who find it incon venient to go out during tbe afternoons. These lectures bave been greatly appreciated in eastern cities and in Denver , bringing out large audiences. The treat In store for the pitrons of Schllt2 Hoof Garden this week is the ap pearance of Miss Margarita Heck , the gifted operatic soprano , a recent arrival In this country. Miss Heck Is a pupil of Signer V. Vannlnl. Florence. Italy , and also Herr Rothmuehl of Berlin , both well known reachers. Proprietor Ike Guill gax-e an enjoyable tally ho party on last Thursday afternoon to the entire company now playing at GulH's Concert garden They took In everything of interest in tbe citv , including the exposi tion and South Omaha. A I nut ; the .Mill liny. Maskelyne's famous automaton Psycho is on exhibition in the handsome building on the east Midway erected especially for that purpose. Psycho is from Egyptian Hall. London , and is the most wonderful and in explicable of all the automata Tbe exhi bition opened Thursday evening and made an instant hit This little wooden figure of impassive face apparently sees hears and comprehends. In fact does everything but talks , and. although the audience is allowed a very close inspection , it seems impossible to discover how It is operated. Among other things Psycho gives an exhibition of mind reading that Is simply marvelous Psycho's buldling is located next to the Flying Lady show and will more than repay a The Streets of All Nations continues to draw the biggest crowds to tbeir very In teresting show , and if present Indications do not fail , tbe genial proprietor. Mr Gaston Akoun , will have the pleasure , as well as honor , to bave shown to over 500,000 people at tbe end of tbe season. The farmers who commence to arrive. sem to take great in- j tereit in the show as well as in tbe camels. j I It Is quite an interesting sight to go to the * I Streets of All Nations early in the morning | i and watch the huge quadrupeds drink water i at tbe beautiful fountain. There are three j j different basins on top of each other , and ' tbe camels stretch their long necks and sip j tbe cooling fluid from theery top of the j pipe One can almost see the water running j I down the throat and the immense quantities i absorbed explains what we bear from ex- . plorers to oriental countries "that camels | I can be weeks without tasting of food or , water. " Lovers of the beautiful must be plentiful in Omaha Judging from the crowds flocking to see tbe wonderful "Trilby" on Che East Midway. It Is certainly the most popular exhibition on tbe grounds and the better classes come by the thousands to view this marvelous production of art. Words cmot express its beauty Perhaps if is tbe up lifted face , so gentle and winning , to di vinely fair , tbat causes one to look upon this fair young divinity with a feeing almost of reverence. The Scenic Hallway Is having a heavy run so much so tbat Mr Gridtb has determined to put on three additional trains to ac commodate tbe rapidly increasing trade. Tbe rains for tbe last two days seem to bave a wholesome ctTect upon tbe travel as hundreds of people find tbe Scenic Rail way depot a desirable rlace to lunch while getting ouc of tbe rein aod at tbe same time tbey are entertained by tbe Instru mental music rendered by GritDtb's stiver cornet band. JJr GrtfiUh Is contemplating taking tbe band with bis double track railway - i way to Parts in 10 I | S-u.K Ling Fco. tbe wonderful magician. 1 i Is still drawing large crowds at tbe Chinese ! theatre. There are cow eve * 100 people emi i i ' ployed in the village. Including about thirty ' I actors and actresses and a dozen typical I i I Chinese women noted for tbeir beauty. I Tbtse womea Just arrived tbe latt week I | and are creating quite a fccsatlon on tbe ' Midway. It can hardly be credited , much ' I its * beUocd. until actually seen. , tbat tbe I. ' Urjtst foot or say eno of them dors cot L | require a dipper more tbaa three inches in I | length. Tbe village Is tferonged with vis- j ; Iters to tee tbcso woajea aad Sing Ling , - ' Tbe "Old Plantation. " with upwards of j 160 best colored closers aod dancers jun I brourht in from tbe fou'.h by Mr. McCon- 1 nell. I * ftfircctiag tbe crowds on tbe We < t ' Midway Tbs ! U one of the Nst r fares i ' on tb * Midway for good solid ( us aod en- < teitainnrDt Visitors tre Hn coming from ' ' t e "OM Plantation" wltb tears from li I jtiugbt-r and tu'n right arooad aad go' ' i b ck and see tbe rbow over agtis l - ! ' 7be t ibfcv Gluff Blowers have bees "bav- j in : big run. ranted b ? tae arrival of I probably the mo t wonderful ante ! * in drees , poods wl'.b one exception ever produced j i M of a bai' f > me all glass WOT.CVS ft- ' t'f ' ' sin'f < . E'-e r t- T * s v > evrr f c * - c- IT < he L-T GIus * V > orks cl CL .jgo , frr ethibi'loa at tbf WorM § fair af' r aM * nt to Infaata Bulallr the ? pati h p-m- < ss and tbe other specially ordered for Mr John W Mackey of California io'iug H ant , A number of new aad Interesting fea tures bave been added for the coming ' ! : at Hieenbaik s Trained Ac ma ! rbow among tbem Captain Cardon&s. with bts t i- forrnins quacca. tbe oslr trained animal of this klsd In tbe world. Perte Ml ! " Hide I Hagenback aged only years * > ' ! appear wltb ber performing lion cub Tbich i re born in captivltv mn"e the o ; * r.g of the exposition , fader tbe trfn.ng cf tb.K llt'le child they bave been tsjcb ; to perform la a rcm&rktble tnt&tier and ranot fall i to delight tbe cbtldrea The irr.-ol-c- tioa 1 of a couple of trained African Jaguar * by I Slgnortna Louise Morell , the oalv von--- ' In i the world wbo has evef enterel a.i areta i nd performed wttb leopards and , tua-- will prove a startling attraction Mgnr.-.i i ' Morel ! i baa been enlaced by tbe Hac nba V. | management to appear at the f\\of."o \ : 1 an1 ! is tbe woman who created such a < ! satlon ! la Paris in IS'6. in her veil < - < i ff- ' formaace 1 in tbe graad opera as one ofbe ' coolest aad braven of her sex. in perform- j lag I with wild animals Schlltz Ra l'lon ' ' * most atra-tn re sort oa the Midway for Snc music fine M-P- ing flne dinners , eood service ar.4 cour'wus treatment above all things , for which Fn z Mueller bas made tbe pavilion to.i.iEr l < the now famous Imported "wetserwum ard i potato salad " Visitors lunching a : Fr- : Mueller's arc always pleased and not onlv return tbetastlves but bring their fr.eaJs witb thcza. Darkness and Dawn , In other wor < " "Hen\en and Hell. " la oae act. cc'-niv. " tbe seasatioa and novelty of the Miivs- Here can be teen ' Daate's Inferno ' , - Ically reproduced , as nell as tha- if "Heaven" la nil i'.s teductiencss. as tbo-e j whom Imagine the > are. most grapbi ah > I inform this bas been tbe us most i -i- tloaal feature of the Midway s.ace : be I opening night. I The grea * "Midway Casino , ' the larce . finest and only cxclusne theater on ; 'be Midway , is packtd dally. Tbt hou-lv e. tertalnments b > some of tBe best perfoim- ers tbat can be secured makes tbe Cas.uo popular. The following new people are on for the coming week , opening this after noon The Marnellos trapeze rings an 1 contortionist Miss Kitty Leslie , t-oub-etrt Latta , equilibrist , MIES Artie Hall 'h great colored imitator and sinner Arni strong and O Neil ! tbe Barnev btbfrs and James T Kellx Omaha 6 fa\orites On account of the creac cost of produung "Lunette. ' tbe m > ttery of the air ? he aad the "Dancing Girl' at the Pa'.a'r of Mjsteries. the management announces that passes to the attractions of vhc Moor-h Village will not be honored at tbe Palac < - of Mysteries. Mr. Pearson of tbe Ostrich farm will un doubtedly appear upon the Mi l av about Wednesday next In bis new bucgr jus' built for fast drlvins. with one of th # largest and finest ostriches on the farm named "Admiral Dewey. " IS > ears o'l ! standing fully ten feet bleb. Tbe o = f. h has betn wtll trained to harnest a-d ii Is expected when Mr. Pearson tukp < = h m out on tbe race track great speed * . ! ! b developed , as tbe ostrich Is a ierv 'a ' runner. A horse has never been known to keep up with them. Tbe "Maine" tbe name of which is at present Srs ; in the hearts of our -OUT-- men , first now In peace , and firs- ? - > \el all. among the places of flrst-cla irer - taiament oa tbe Midway. Is being largh patronized by visitors to tbe exposition I * is without saving the finest produrt.on if the actual Inriderts to tbe destruction of tbe great war vessel that could possible b * pre sented to the public. The Japanese Tea Gardens and < uno s'ore are , as usual , attracting hundred ? of people ple daily. Tbe kind treatment to visitors , together v. ith the many other attract.or.s in the gardens , makes it n no-velty to our people. A visit to the gardens is certainly well repaid. Fin ; * nnil I'ln > rr . Mrf. Lctlie Carter is to appear in an English - lish version of "Zcza. " which Rejane has made a aoteworthy succes "Hazel Kirk" has b n r vhed in NPW York with tbe veteran. Charles Couldock now SO years old , in his original roe ! - tb < cast. cast.This This will be Julia Arthur's la's * " . -n\ \ tbe stage As the wife of 'he < * r. 1 tn v Chuney of Boston she does - ' inr i'o work. Stuart Robson thinks much . f in&t. . \ comedy "Tbe Meddler " He v ill i i . r- < irely give up "The Henrietta" ard Tbe JucUllns " Modjeska's season nhicb is to V-c'n .T tbe B&ldwm theater In San Fran > i * o. will probably include a big production < f v- tony and Cleopatra " Mrs Billy Birch , widow ofhr tains'-f ! according to a New York paper , IIMF .n trt city In such poverty tbat ehe if < itbt/ut the ordlnarv necessities cf lif' Madame Rbfa has returned to ! . 'r "oi.ntu place near Paris Her entire tbeatri a ! a-1- robe Is oCere-1 for sale and she ill b - . o - * a teacher of acting Her letters in whi h the speaks of he-- loss of health are path -'ic In tbe extreme- "The CarpetbaggT. ' the new play n wbich Tim Murphy stars this semei - . romantic political comedy with the s. . nc lai' In the south Just after the cml w - It tells of a Cruc-aco auctioneer wbn v.i mi le the governor of Mississippi. Cnltfiirnln IMnnrt-r * Krunlon. CHICAGO. Sept 10 Tbe Gorman bu'll- lag ot Jacl.scn I rk was the scene todav of a notable reunion a" ! celebratior o' cxr now living in Cr cr-o cr.d i'1.- * \ vto were among 'be eati' se'tlers othe Pacific - cific slope fo'.lo ine t e ditcoierv rf eold The occasion was the rihtb annual reunion and picric of * hc Wistern AS O"iati"n of California P orpers. and the celebration was ia comrrrrcoratioa of tbe fort > -eighth annlverrorv of tbe admission of California Into the unirn LOriSVll.LR Ky Sept 10 The steamer Big Kncauba. plying l > ewecn this city and Csrroll * - Ind wruck a wau-r-goaked log IT * night at 10 o'clock at Grassy Flats , eighteen tr-lcs aSove this city \ big hole was k'-o-l.H in its lows It sank in fifteen feet of water Thp sengrrs were ont her without l" s 'f Kfp nid it is thought 'the greaur part cf the cargo will be saved The bsat was worth about tr. CN ) AMI FREE LCCTL'RES ' TO LADIES. With Merruiiilmn Illui.trntl < > u . W 'I ti- pin b * MH . Mini r. . ( .uirriTii of > " ! v e ar.J , ' in 1. M. . * . IIU.U DotiKln. it. . nr Kith. Oninlm.ti. . Tin < ni.rit. . istii. at "MIS r. M. Theme Th > . * t t N 1 f n Ac nuiit > . THEMILLARD 13th .uiJ Dcnmlax St . . Omaha VM > lU J. i : . MlllKii. .V SON. 1-rojx. Hth a-id Hartley St ft * Af H--P' ars fr ro < lep-ts , . " ' -s r _ e tExpc - f. . . J- ' J B SULo > VAY Manactr AMT-TSRMRXTS. TELEPHONE 1531. PAXTON , BURGESS & WOODWARD , ; ! m F * & \ & % 9 yy ? /t REGULAR SEASOX OPEXS WITH MATIXEE TODAY. PRESENTING DAVID BELASCO'S GREATEST PLAY , -L-v ! - * - * * New Scenery and Magnificent Costumes. Franz Adelmann and his Orchestra , The Most Expensive and Complete Production Ever Given in Omaha. e Matinees and Sati EVERY WEDNESDAY MATINEE We will give to every lady purchasing a ticket to the first floor , a beautiful cabinet photograph , commencing Septemj j < J ber 14th , with our favorite young actor Mr. Y\ \ alter D. Greene. , ' Week commencing Sunday , September. 18th "Lost Paradise' I i , ' 1 j ! [ ' & $ $ * tH j $ & $ & 3- § : * r ! ( ( # i Matinee Tonight e1 * Today , al 8:30 : SS at 2:30 : Telephone 1019 , Every evening this week , Wcdnosdsy and Saf- $ & urday itiatinses , The Laughiag Success j I * i | pl&lfiOl I ea j - Latest Comedy r 'atioi wrl.ten to Rag Ti-no Music ' ' j ' , i vithail I : . fun-ychir- ' act-rs rs s'U" in the ' How Y rk V/crld i j se THE YELLOVKl 1- I The Funny Ca'K Wf lit i h = > P- tty M llta-y Girli. The Latest Soigs , Tlic C itchy .Mu the j The Hflwsst Jokes to I Best Rssarvad Seats , 25,50,75 , , Cents , Gallsry I5c , ! { ] i t tor. i . i TBETnOCAQERO and ; Hrrr Telephone 137 tz & vi n inrn Prop * ano Mprs. W. \ \ CuLll Act Manacer. A P. r * \ ' Va : -.l. 1 1 I. t I I 1ft. 111. IT. fp ? " ! ' < : . . .ar and Saturda\ lii _ . K.l 1 1 \ > MI : > iin * . New YorJ. - S rnf Sunbeam I.UItOt A 1V VI ON. O'ltnnal i.m - ' Creators M \-TKIl VICTHt It fiOIT. THI : MJ. IT of Mu"ic. ni--ii.i. A. TII.I.YM : . Acrobatic Skeuh Artists. KIN7.O. The > \Vonde-ful Japan e , i Sensational P > ' Trap ze Artists Ml MM I. in M > . ' Contoni-inst Supreme fc\TORO A \ni.OW. . So\ < > ltSket < h Artlcts , I'rlrrm "irrf' . 'tSr nnil T.t ir. E. D. Rack Teacher of the Voice and the Art of Singing. -Tl DID , Sonlli r t rnrnrr ITll anil DouRln * . j Voltes cultivated strictly in tbe Italian t ' Scl-ool or Vc.re ru ) ue f'udcats prepared in Ora'ono 0 { > era , iL r b and Coocen , THS B-LSr Vaudeville Show In the City Daily from 8 to 12 p. m. Matine * " daily oxce ; > t Manila ) ) from 2:30 : to 5.3 i p m. SCHLITZ"ROOF" GARDEN , 10th and II trnctiect - . The IE t [ > jijlar r s > i n t'.e < U Then't'act .n'l . . tL . WPK. ! L t S Mpr * * ir * * % ( JRA/ p.tiss niursarttu n&CK Great C > r > er8'i - a. st . . .re fr - Are you a mi ; in tli ; iOmatia Museum aod Theaisf 1315.1317 7. < ri > tm BIGGEST SHOW IN TOWN , , BE2DWAY ATTRACTIONS. min e R ' fHs f\ li / CTX Of t24 * me L/ssi / On the East Midway. i > \ ITH TIH : THIS \riiii > uo\ . The Marvellos Miss JKittie I eslie Trapeze Rings aad Contortionists. Soubrctte. Latta Miss Artie Hall- Equil.br.st. Coon Singer. Barney Bros. Armstrong & O'Neill H a\v'tteiKht Lifters Burlesque Boxing and Dag Punching. Jaines T. Kelly , Omaha's Favorite. THK < : * i\o i MHU THI : MW MAN \ < .KMI\T HAS mo CUOWD * APTKU- .1. T Kll.r. . . * -lncP nil-fetor. V. II. Hnivltirr. Orn. Mnn. I JAPANES ! o c o TEA GARDEN CURIO COOLIST A'.D FINEST PLACE. North ol Vunc Kal E Mtd ? i T11L DESTRUCTION or T t MAINS. TYrvr rra f a * S * Lx ; " - n n * v . - rr ' - " * vf -T-- f 'T ad * ie Ij * * . r - . ' * - M.I f th. M .wa > D\ * T\ ; - - * 1- ' rs - > ; /or// THE fALL MII\V\V Vi iUJ Streets of All Nations Grandest , Best Amusement Place on Exposition Grounds. ' 250 People RerrceiUiiig UltTcrent DARKNESS AHD OAWN | THE I Magnificent Novelty ? OF THE MIOHA\ E1 n SOU1IILK % C AL1IORMA g Ostrich Farm g n C-T MIUA1. . „ a62 Gigantic Birds 62 a U * B D R i 'I Hi AI iu\i MON F2& n WfeE from Hr > ptu n ilall 1 , < nJon I > Iiu\\t > , IOr i Old Plantation 0j 100 So-jtfern X-KTO Pn"-rn Binders . fl arvl cr.ke VnUers Firkan'nnj 5 ( , QU.IHar > 1 / nif 11'ater. > j See the \ . age J THE LIBBY 01 ASS BLOWERS AM ) ENGRAVERS. oTHI : WH T MIDWAT. Buy j-c tr pnrapass fouvrnlra a' our writ * a v rer-tlve the ; r e of adtriss wn b3 k on s ch purr - r u e See the Great THE BONDER OF THE ABT WORLD EAST MIDXAY-lOCts Don t fall to talc * a tide OB GRIFFITHS' ' SCENIC RAILWAY ' - me MIP\\AT nnl tee a repr Eent tto- "f tt-f BA1TI E or MANILA fn the Oreat ' --nel The patent rliht for these r .ll- * > In ary ] > . . ' 'I the United 6tAtM for K > * * b > J A Orimths at hie offic * on th ii.dnay ! HAGENBACK'S ' ! | Trained Wild Animal Show. J I PRJF : ' h&mp.oa Roi.er Sltmr I P ACUI T N n I , 0f I , on * . Do Not Forget to Visit tha CHINESE TflEATR , Tea Garden , Bazar and Joss House on West Midway , j * 6 I HE NE 6 I'Essf Midv/ay Casino I & Vr Mindgrmtat , i A \r itrne * C T f.t'TLER , .M _ - * mvm m L FI VlSITijf-.S WILL TIN'D AT I "SCIfLITZ PAVILION" ! The co .iKt ' r T > rJ the belt mutle I r < " e . f e.'trrwurn ' potato tkJii , } 1 < -