Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1898, Part II, Image 13

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Omaliars Silk Headquarters.
The largest Silk Department in Hie West Thousands of' ,
styles in , .lick and Co orcd Silks at from 500 up to $3.9 $ pcr\ \
yard More Silks on sale tk in at any oJur one time Such
Snk Varies you have never before seen or heard of.
Plain Satins , plain Surahs , printed Pongee , cheeks
and stripes , special in this sale
Printed India Silk , excellent quality , plain white 9Qp
washable silk , fine grade , special at - - - * * J\j
Plain Taffetas , t 4 inches wide , double warp Surahs , 39e i
lint ; grade , all colors , special in this sale
Fancy Silks , handsome brocades in both light and 4-Qp
dark colors , special at , - ' - ' * - '
Gros ( trains , Failles and Armures , all the heaviest
'i ' and best grades , special at. . . .
Plain Tafletas , very fine grade , in all the new colors ,
r > ( ) pieces , sale price for Monday only
Novelty Silks , all kinds , Velours , Brocatelles , Brocade
Novelties , plaids and checks , special sale at
Plaids and Stripes , heavy Taffeta Silks , all the very
latest styles , the best that is made
Black HrocadiJros ( Grains , new designs , plain black 49c
Gros Grains , fine quality , sale price
Plain Black Tafl'eta , good rustle , extra special , Black Qp
Brocade Satins and Bayaderes , sale price Uy\s
Plain Black Satin Duchesse , an extra fine grade , bean ,69c
f ii'ully finished and a positive bargain ,
Black Bayaderes , Black Brocades , in satins and gros
grains , for skirts or entire dresses , all the very
latest styles , warranted all pure silk , and our ORp
> guarantee with every garment we sell , special at. . - OL/
Plain Black Satin Duchesse , Plain Black Gros Grains ,
Plain Black Peau de Sole , all these are special
w leaders and guaranteed to bo the best silk value A AQ
in America l.UU
Plain Black Peau de Soie , one of the heaviest and best
grades that is made , also Plain Black Satin Dncli-
> esse , finest grade of all pure silk satins and is A A
absolute perfection , worth $ L .25 , special at 1. < J\J
fail orders for special sale silks must reach us before Wednes
day We guarantee to please you.
\ are Headquarters for Sheeting | Muslin
Lonsdalo Cambric , I2V&C quality at , yard
heavy LL Muslin , fie quality , at , yard
soft finish Illeached Muslin , G',4c quality , nt , yard 5c
lileachrd Muslin , any brand best quality , worth up to lOo yard at , yard. . CVjo
bed Sheeting , SI Inches wide , 22'/ic ' quality , at , yard Ific
.illrarbcd Cheese Cloth , Be quality , at , yard 2ic
-use 1'lllow Slips , size -15x30 , worth lOc , at C < 4c
o-uso llloached Sheets , size SI inches wide , HO inches long , 60c quality , at 45c
Linens on Sale.
h low nrlcei were never made before on new elegant goods. Directly 1m-
by us In Immense quantities wo save you the Jobber's 25 per cent and give you
, , . , , ,11. st Btylea and the biggest assortment.
to an n IJIcachcd Damask , lOc quality , at , yard 20c
fiS Inch heavy Cream Damask. I'.ic quality , at , yard 27Vio
CO Inch Silver Illeached Damask , COc quality , at , yard ? .7 c
( iO-liiih Genuine Slher leached German Damask , 75c quality , at , yard 47 ( .o
CS-lnch Austrian Linen Damask , 75c quality , at , yard 49c
Turkey lied Damask , guaranteed fast colors , worth 25c yard , at , yard .1210
CO-lnch Oil Dolled Turkey Red Damask , f > 0c quality , at , yard 37'/ie
40 pirrrs of CO-lnch Monogram Damask , Herman coloring , worth Me , at , yard . . 2"e
Cl-lnch full Illeached Irish Table Damask , woith 7oc , at , yard I9o
70imh ixtra ht-avy all Linen Illcached Damask , $1-00 quality , at , yard C7'io
] vui , li Linen Crash , at , yard He
IS inch Glass Toweling , red and blue checks , at , yard 3c
ixtra : heavy Albany Holler Toweling , at , yard So
Full Illeached Napklni , sl/o 20x20 , worth $1.50 dozen , at dozen 93c
F > 8 HIzo Sliver Illeached Napkins , worth $1.00 dozen , at , dozen COc
Special Monday Sale on Towels.
Large slc Cotton Huck and Turkish , worth lOc. at He
Lai go Illeached Towels , worth l-'ic , at 710
600 dozen all linen Huckaback Towels , worth 15c , at 9o
Kxtra large double warp wovin selvage Turkish Towels , worth 15c , at 9c
200 dozen Damask Towels , fancy borders , knotted fringed , worth 25c , at 15c
Special Sale on Bed Spreads.
C5c Crochet Spreads at 40c 75c Crochet Spreads at 55
$100 Croi hot Spreads at 75c $1.50 Marseilles Spreads at flS
J. _ " Marseilles Spreads at $150 11-i fringed Crochet Spreads at $1.6
$3.00 filngcd Marbcllles Spreads at.$200 $3.50 fringed -Marseilles Spreads at . . . . $2.5
Flannels and Blankets.
2,000 yards remnants of new fall styles In Tennis Flannel , at yard , Monday lOo
New lot of Cotton Flannel , worth 12'.c , Monday GVfcc
The Kaniona Flannel , at yard , Monday lOc
27 cases of Outing Flannel , at yard , Monday , 3' c , 5c , SIAC and lOc
The Hip Store can save you money on Dlankets. The only place In Omaha where
jou can tlnil an assortment to pick from. Over 5,000 pairs to select from.
( iood slzo cotton twilled Ded Illankets , white or gray 75c
Kxtr.i largo white wool Dlankets , neat striped , bcrder In different colors , a real
special value at , pair $2.23
Extra heavy all wool gray or brown , pair $2.50 and $3.00
Jl.iby lllankels , all wool , $1.00 , $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.75 pair
10 do/en Bed Comforts at , each 480
Heavy winter weight Comforts , large size , each , 75c and 85c
Full slzo Comforts , tilled with pure white carded cotton , worth $1.50 , on Monday $1.00
Hayden llros. have the largest stock of Ded Comforts In the city $1.25 , $1.50 ,
$1 75 and $2.75 each.
When you sue thl * Kocker you will need smoked glaisei. It
simply shines and then , the price ,
It Is all onk. ratio seat , liriico ami , hlch back , nicely carved ,
hl/ouf e t 17xlH , nil the hplndli's nre beaded. The rocker Isithe
PI-IT of IIMV * J ' - ' & locUtir In the nmikrt.
ltd \ ouimt anMention table , wo have them at 13.26 , J40
bo.ird' ) $1000 , $11.JO , $1250.
I'ombliuitlon CUFOH , J1050 , Jll 50 , $12.50 and $1500.
Wo are Hperlally stronK tbls season on Bedroom Suits
-tin- prices rnnito from Ml.50 up to $25.00.
Just In new line of elegantly linlshcd Parlor ami
Library rubles. In golden and antique oak and mahog
any. 1 allies ranse In price trom 75c up to $ U.OO.
All kinds of Iron Uc < ln at all kinds of prices and in
all finishes. I-or those who will have to crowd a llttlo
in the next month-makt. room for all the folks. YOU
Know ? \ \ o have cots , beds , mattresses. Folding Beds ,
pillows and all the essentials to make a bt-il quick. See
Carpet Sales.
The grand in.iy of low prices on floor coverings will cause them to move faster than
cur this work
! " > . i > tirnvy union Ingrains , same as others sell for 40c ; our prlco 33c
AH arm. patterns of beet all wool Ingrains , nt COc
Iv.'w > holce designs of beat all wool Ingrains , same as others sell at 75c ; our prlco COe
Tunr-iry llrusads , bi st quality finest goods 70o
A \ < rv coed Brussels , at , yard 50o
Suerlal low prices on line mattings , cotton warps , from ISc up.
f Tapestry , Portieres , Curtains.
The entire output of ono of the largest mills In the United States at half price.
1'r.cs $1 ; ,0 , n'.OO. $2.50. $ S.OO. $3.f,0. $400 and $4.00 ; worth Just double the
llc"i < iu.iii v BllUollne. 3G-lnch vflilci , for Cohforts and draperies So
fi Ikolmr- remnants , , , Co
t Tapc-i > > < ouch t'oxers. 3 yards long , from $1.60 up , worth double ,
Bush cur'mu gooil-s at Be , 7o , Sc. lOr , l ! ? 6o yard ,
TV i , _ t , .Another lot of Nottingham Lace Curtains at $1.00 , $1.BO and $2.00 ; Just half regu-
Unprei-edented bargains for this great Exposition yearmakes Kiich low prices possible on
new , desirable , stylish merchandise. Spot cash liberally used by expert buyers in the world's
beat markets , brings these great values to Trans-Mississippi buyers. Sneh gigantic stocks
were never shown before. The vast assortments , showing every fabric , style and make , and
almost as full of interest as the great Exposition itself. These special sales a Word the great
est money-saving opportunity ever offered.
Exposition visitors should make the Big Store their trading
headquarters ,
Ladies' , Misses' and Children's Garments
Tremendous Stocks Tremendous Sales.
The people recognize the low prices we're making on stylish wearing
apparel. Extra salespeople next Monday and all week to wait on you.
Children's Jackets An Immense stock In
tsvery Imaginable style , color , quality ami
100 Children's nice Jackets at 1
030 Children's Klegttnt Full and Winter Jack
ets , nicely made up , very chic , durable
garments , worth fully $5 , on sale at
275 Children's Splendid Jackets , made In the
newest style , finished In the very finest
manner , the best tailoring , making a very
fashlonablo garment and one that will give
the hl heat wearing satisfaction ; regulars
price $10.00 , on special sale at
Sco those Dig Dargalns In the Children's
500 ladles' all wool Jackets , high storm or
coat collar , silk lined throughout , worth * r o
tinr.n 1.1 HfJ
Ladles' bourlo Capes , Inverted pleat
In back , SO Inches long , lined with
heavy satin , thlbet trimmed ,
worth { IS , at
Ladles' Coat Suits , In serges and
homespuns , jackets silk lined , , .
skirts lined v > lth percallne , at..4
Ladles' Dlack and Navy Serge Suits ,
silk lined , box coat and skirt fin-
Uhed with tailor stitching , at. . . . '
Ladles' tallor-mado Suits , In coverts
and tailor cloth , box coat and dou
ble-breasted styles , in all new
shades of blue , gray and brown. .
Ladles' tight-fitting tailor made
suits. In the new fashionable
check and covert cloths , taffeta
lined , flounced skirts , at i
Ladles' brocaded silk dress skirts , , , _ . _
double lined , at O 0
Men's Furnishing Goods
The largest line of men's Furnishing Goods In Omaha ,
Men's medium weight underwear , colored bnlgrlggan .
worth Too , at * > o
Men's whltp unl.uinrlered Shirts , with reinforced front and
back and four-ply all linen bosom , worth 75c , at Hoc
Men's line Suspenders , assorted colors , worth 23c , at Wo
Men's Fine Colored Shirts , In all the latest styles and
makes the Grllfon brand and the Stanley , worth $1. and
$1.50 , nt GOc
Men's Half Hose , In black and brown , full seamless ,
wotth 15c , at Sl-3c
Men's Dow and String Ties , In all the latest colors , at . . Co
Men's Four-ln-lmnd , Teck and Dow Tics , worth 50c , at. , . . 25c
Ladies' Furnishing Goods.
The largest and most complete line of ladles' furnishings-
Ladles' Seamless Hose , In black and brown , at lOc
Children's. DIcyclp Hose , with double knne and heel and
toe , worth 2.V , at 12140
Ladles' line Ribbed Vests , assorted colors , at We
Ladles' line Vests , worth 25c 12',4c
Fall goods are all in and ready to show. A beautiful line
at very low prices.
Great Jewelry Sale
Tlious-anJs of Honvenlr spoons In sterling silver , elegant
designs , on hale nt 2oc up.
Grand assortment of souvenirs In Turkish Jewelry nt very
low prices.
Sterling Silver Tea Spoons 40c
bierlini ; Silver t off oo Snoons Hoc
Hundreds of sterling Ivor jnanlcure articles , regular
value Toe each , price , each ffio
IloKers liros. ' 1V17 knives and forks , strictly first quality ,
$2 9.1 for set of 12 pieces.
Hundreds of cakehaskets , sugar bowls , cracker jars , berry
dishes , syrup pitchers , plcklo castors , etc. . etc. , gold lined
and hand engraved , rt-Kiilar $ . ! 00 articles , Halo price $1.H
Our celebrated SSc watch Is a wonder stem wind and set ,
reliable timekeeper a world heater for Use
Ladles' and gents' gold tilled hunting case watches , line Klgln
or Waltham works regular value $13.00 , sale pi Ice Ji.'JS
Sheet Music
Special sale on sheet music only lOc per copy
"Flatterer , " by Chamlnade ; "Scarf Dance , " by Chamlnado :
"Delviduro Two Step" , by McClurg ; "Umlor the Double Eagle'1
by Wagner ; "Second Valse , " by Godd.ird ; "Au Matin , "
by Godanl , "Valse Op is. ' by Chopin , pilgrim Chorus , from
Tannhausi'r" by Wagmr : "Valso Caprice , " by Hubenhtcin ,
"TrnnsmlsslsMppI , " by Hstes ; "Ida's Wedding March" , "My
First Dance" and thousands of other pretty selections sold at
10i- per copy , cull or si ml for our catalogues which are free.
We also lurry a complete line of .studies , both vocal and In-
htrumcntnl. We also arry a heavy stock of all the very latest
sheet music to be had.
COO Jackets , In boucle , kersey , friezes and
dozens of other materials , all silk lined
throughout , worth $15.00 , nt
$1,000 Jackets , In tans , browns , modes , rods ,
greens , navy , cadets and black , In Persian
lamb , astrakhan , frelze , boucle , kerseys ,
whipcords , coverts and diagonals , with
storm and coat collars , all lined with
taffeta silk and satin. The largest assort
ment of Jackets over shown by one house ,
worth ? 20.00 , on tale at
100 Jackets In the newest London and Her-
lln styles , at $20.00. $30.00 and
Ladles' Silk Plush Copes , elaborately em
broidered with jet and mohulr braid , tilra- .
med all around with fur , lined with silk at * *
Ladles' Crushed Plush Capes , 30 Inches long ,
7 50
I Ladles' new flounced Dress Skirts , . _
In serges and mohair , at $3 ; > S and4 VO Q
Ladles' Silk Petticoats , In all new
shades and black , two corded ruf- _ . - . . - .
lies on flounce , at 5 UU
Silk Tettlcoats , with accordeon _
pleated ruflles , at 7 O
I Ladles1' ' Dressing Sacqucs , at OUC
Cotton Dress Goods
New Percales Sateen ( linshums Flannelettes
Calicos , Plaids , Etc.
Fall styles and colors in such GREAT VARIETY as is
only shown by the BIG STORE.
New 30-Inch Dyed Percales , dark colors , yard PC
Extra heavy Fleece Suiting , yard lOo
Double Fleece Printed Suiting , yard lOc
30-lncli German Double Cord Plaids , yard 13c
30-Inch Novelty Cotton Dress Goods , yard 13u
30-lneli Fancy Washable Plaids , yard 15c
30'lnch Novelty and Fancy Checks , etc , yard lOc
32-Inch Standard German Indigo Uluo Calico , yard Oc
Standard yard wide Sllkollne for comforts , yntd Sliest \ c
liest quality Comfort Calicos ( fast oil colors ) In llgurcd
DamaskcHcs , etc , yard fie
Cheviot Glnqbams ( In Apron Checks ) the best cloth for
wear ever produced , yard DC
Standard Calicos In dark color. " , yard 3VsC
Light colors in Sateen for comfort covers , on sale Monday
only , at , yard 5c
Advance sale on
Fall Millinery
All the early fall styles arc now on display In the Dig Millinery
department at very low Introductory prices. The greatness of
the assortment Insures your finding a becoming hat.
China Department
Japanese Sugars and Creams , 1,000 different styles , decorations
etc. , from 25c up. Japanese Cups and Saucers , endless variety ,
from lOc up. Japanese Hookwood Cream Jugs , 50c. Tumblers ,
2c. Decorated Cups and Saucers , 5c per pair. Wine Glasses , 2c.
9-lncb Crystal Merry Dishes , lOc. Crystal Water Pitcher , 20c ,
Largest and finest line of Lamps In the west. Full line of
Mt. Washington Cut Glass at one-third the regular price.
We s-ell the famous Chlckcrlng , also Ivors & Pond , Emerson
and 20 other different makes. We sell pianos nt from $100 to $1.50
less than > ou can buy them elsewhere. Pianos tuned and repaired.
Hardware , Stoves and Housefurnishing Dept.
Hero arc n few crackcrjackb in Stoves and lIouscftirniBhing Goods this week.
lilc. NirU-cl rintoil , l.'u.
Folding Ironing Board. Cflc
Niekel-pluted No b Tea Kettles 49c
3-rjuart Dinner Pails. 13 < ,
Gallon Oil Cans , lie
Largo Foot Dath Tub. 33c
Imnrovcd Do\er nuc Dealers. 5c
Mrs Po'ts ' Iron Handles. 5c
Quail Fiuit C'an. per do/en , 25P
C-hole last Hange , largo oven , regular
$15 f'U ' at $1095
C Dits and Drace , OSc
Oil Stoves 39c
High wheel 11-Inch Lawn Mowers. $1 OS.
Special cut prices on Ice Doxes. Uefngcr-
ators. Screen Doors. Hose. Hose Heels , etc.
Send us your mail orders.
The Leading
Dress Goods House
of the West
Over 30,000 , Styles to Select From ,
.More than All the Other Stocks ( 'omhlncil.
Grade Dress Goods
Coverts H2 dill'erent styles
mpriMiig over-100 shades , 75cDSc ,
.25 , 1.50 , 1.7 , " ) , 2.00 , 2.50 , 2.75 ,
ip to $7.50 per yard.
Poplins An entire new line of
loplins in all the now shades new
jlues , two-toned , etc. , atDNe , Si.2. " ) ,
1.50 , 1.75 , 2.00 , 2.50 , up to i.75 ! ?
ler yard.
None ( Iciiutuo unless rolled on tht
Broadcloths FrenchVelours , "VAUNlSlir.l ) 110AHD. "
ins , iMeltoii'J , etc . , * THE ND 9TMP' MANUFACTURERS' ° Ev 'v FIVE > A"DS NAMt. Wl
or tailor made suitings , at 75eD8c ,
81.2. ' ) , 1.50 , 1.75 , up toi > ,25 per yard.
Astrakhans 1'or trimmings , capes , collarettes , etc. ,
OSc , 1.50 , 1.75 , 2.00 , 2.25 , 2.50 , up to $7.00 per yard.
Priestley & Co.'s Black Dress Goods.
Priestleys , of Bradford , Kug. , is the standard in
America as well as Europe. The superiority of his goods is
ecogimed by all other manufacturers. We are exclusive
igeuts for them in Omaha. We can show you everything new
for 1SD8. Craveuettes , Alelroses , Eudoras , Wool Surahs and
ill kinds of Fancies from (5DC ( up to $0.25 per yard.
Coutiere's celebrated French Silk Crepons made in
Lyons , France , and confined to us for Omaha are superior
, o any crepons ever manufactured we have a complete line
it 2.25 , o.riO , 2.75 , . ' { .00 , M.25 , . ' 5.50 , 4.00 , up to $7.50.
Cheap Dress Goods Dept.
Half Wool Novelties , % -inch wide , new from the mills ,
only DC.
nch Jacquards , mixtures , cashmeres , etc. , 15e all
wool , silk and wool and other weaves , -10-inch wide , 25c.
Shopping by mail Samples furnished free on applica
tion every dress guaranteed to please or money refunded.
10,000 yards defiant Imitation Torchon Laces , bought at unction at less than 20c
on the dollar. Laces worth 15c , 23c anil 3 fie per yard will bo Bold at Cc yard.
; II \-M > SAM : o. > m\ric svrix imitto.vx
10o all silk black satin and groa grain Ribbons , N'o , C , on sale at , yard . tic
13c , No. 7 , on sale at . 7c
20c , No. ! i , on sale at .
2fic , Noi , on sale at . . ' . 1
Me , No. iO , on aalo nt . ; ; -c
25c Pictures of the Ilulldlngs . 190
2"c Pin Trays at . ' . . 150
50o Vaacs . 2."Q
COc Pcrfumo Dottles 25o
$1.00 Perfume Dottles
15c Fjncy Hlbbons , yard
f > 0c Combination Purses . 2 0
75c Ilnntl HngH . 250
$1.00 Olobes of the World . ; sc
Kancy Chiffons , pleated for hat trimmings and dress fronts , former pilco Siu !
and $100 , on sale at 17c yard.
Jttst Read This.
12 cakes Cudahy's Soap lOc
I cakes Cudahy'a Soap 'i c
3-pound cans new Preserved Haspberrles
only lf > c
Caracas , the new coffee , per pound . . . .12' ' , c
Fancy high patent Flour $1.00
J-pound can tolld now tomatoes , per
can 7V&c
New World's Fair can Corn "Mc ;
2-lb can Peas , Lima Dcins and Succa-
tash , only , can 5c
3-lh can Golden Pumpkin for pies , only 7' c
3-lb can Table Peaches , per can Idc
: ! -lb can Table Apricots , per can lOc
, " -lb can Plums , per can JOS
2-lb package Breakfast Oats fie
2 large sacks Table Salt do
2-lb can Itcd Salmon , per can lOo
Oil Sardines , per can 31,40
lOc can mustard Sardines , per can 7io
Largo bottle Tomato Catsup 10u
Now Dill Pickles , each ] o
Now California Dried Lima Deans ,
per pound fig
10 pounds new picked Navy Deans for. . 25o
10-pound sack Graham Flour , only . . . . 2"o
10 pound sack Corn Meal 08o
Read tliis if yon are looking for a bargain In our
Cheese and Fish Dept.
Full Cream Cheese , only lOc
Fancy Full Cream , very fine 12'/4c
IlerKlmer County Double Cream , only , lie
Red Cloud Checso ( the best ) 14c
Ohio SwUa Cheese lie
Fancy Drick Cheese 12 > e
Llmburgccr Cheese , only 12V4C.
Hdaiii Cheese , each only 85c
Pineapple Cheese Me
Sage Cheese 18c
At our Fisheries-
Snow willIV ) Codfish , per pound 4Vie
A. D C Soda Crackers Cc
A D. C Small Pearl Oyster Crackers . . Cc
1 pounds Ginger Snaps 25c
Shredded Wheat Dlbcult lie
Newport Flakes lie
Dromncrs Lunch Dlscult lOc
Grape. Nut Food He
2 Ib paikago Ilawkeye Oats 5c
Drug Dept.
Warner's Kidney and Liver Cure . . . . ftOe
McKlrco's Wino of Cardul 75o
Ozomulsion 75c
Fellow's Hypophoaphltcs $1.15
Pond's nxinut , largo 75c
Pond's Hxtru'-t , small 40c
Ayer'a Hair Vigor 73c
Lydia Plnkham's Compound 75e
Mile's Nervine 75c
Alaska Salmon , blood red , per pound . . 71 9
Fine Family Whltellsh , per pound lOo
Norway Herring , very fine , per pound Oo
Flno large fat Mackerel , each 2c
Smoked Wliltcflsh , per pound lUo
r'ancy Messina Lemons , per do en . . . . JSu
Lai go SceKlllng Oranges , per dozen . . . . lfio
Wo Iiuvo the largest checso and fish de-
pat tment in the wist. Wo buy the largest
nml sell at the lowest market prices possi
Cracker Dept.
2-lb package Nudareno Flakes Co
2-lb packngo Quail Oats 710
Petti John's Breakfast Food lOo
Wheu-tol ] Q0
Cream of Wheat
12Vi < s
1'IIlsbury's Vltos 12V4o
Granoso Flakes Ii'/4o !
Meats at Reduced Prices.
Geol Salt Pork He . "
Hepound cans Lard 200
Holopna SausaRO New Knplainl reeked Ham 90
No. 1 Sugar Cured Hams be Tickled Pins' Keel
No. 1 Hindi , 7'/4c ' and
/ fie Itoast Hci f , per can
I'ukt- ! l I'ork Go Picnic Hani , per can
Pickled Trlpo SV4c Cottage Ham , boneless
Hest Summer SausaKo Ho Trankfort Saiisato ;
Short Illbs , corned beef Compound Lard , per pound . ' ciZ0
Wo Ruaranteo all meats , Hayilen llros-.Traiismlsslssippl headquarters.
Mile's Heart Cure * 7j0
Parker's Hair IlaUam 400
Moeller's Cod Liver Oil rflo
Castorla , , oj
,1 > t ( }
cashmere Iloquut Soap yjo
White Hose , Glycerine , 4711 \ jc0
Packer's Tar Soap jgc
Woodbury's Facial Soap JJQ
Wall Paper , Paints , Enamels and Brushes.
Kemnants of all grades of wall paper from 2 to 20 rolls , on sale at otio-flftli factory -
ry cost. Whltu blanks. Ic and 5c ; a Inch birders , l c and 2c yard ; 18 Inch borders yo
and Jo yard ; gilts , tegular be , lOc , 12'ic. . ] 6o , n'.fco and 20c. on ealo at Cc , Sc. lOo ,
12'Xto , JSc and 17'/ic ; 0 Inch borders. 3 < j and -lo yard ; IS Inch borders Co and 7o yard.
Best ready mixed paints $1.00 gallon.
Knamel your utovo pipe with ( Jernten'lnrfc a glass black. It will not burn off ;
can ? 5c.