Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 11, 1898, Part I, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 THE OM Air A DAILY "BEE : STXDAY , SEPT EMI JUT ? 11 , 1SOS ,
< l
Ail object lesson in Boston Store bargains greater than ever given before * " forgotten
When you visit Oniiiha tiiiiUc our
store jour meeting place , your Weill tiiKc care of your pack-
wiish up place , your lunch room , anc.s aiu ! check them for you
make it your home for the time free of ch.trye. Aslv any of the
being niul feel at home , \\elin\c floor \\al ) > ers to show > ou our re-
i\eryt hiiiH ready for joti at uoe\ * ceptiun room inul balcony
pen < -c to yourself. room.
The newest , prettiest , best and most desirable of everything to be worn this winter by man , woman or child.
yv i-p TZJ-jC Tri"H1S
mA * & mJL , mSmT r t- -i * - . _ - * ntriirTn ? fr-nar *
So extreme so radically new so very much lower than you could or would imagine under any circumstances , that
IV JB plinth , fl II Q. A C * dt fl m. amum v m . _ _ . . . .
n m * vm + m
M * * % * ia ep
* i * * * * * M MM mmnm \ \ \ MM * * M v * r M M * * a
This is our opening sale of now fall dress goods and we
will eell strictly perfect all new fresh good/ * , most of them
our own importation , at special prices.
GOO pieces of bright plaids and checks
in wool serge effects , HO stylish for ladies'
waists and children's dresses , actually the
DOc quality , on sale at 25c yard.
49C FOR $1.00 GOODS.
85 pieces of strictly all wood and silk
and wool novelty goods many of them are
two colored combinations , all in now colors , also plain
goodH , Ladies' cloth uiul Covert uluths , all in this siilo
in dross uoodd department , 1'Jo ' yard.
5'1-inch Granite cloth in the new garnet and other fash
ionable colors , also silk and wool novelty
cloths , all 54 inches wide , these goods
cost $1.50 to import , in dress goods de
partment at 75c yard.
Our celebrated new
Broadcloths , in the new
colors , dyed for us ex
clusively , have no equal ,
are 52 inches wide and
ffo fSSJfl kSamo
tinB # BBJ
Olhers Ask
§ 3.50 for.
Reliable iiask Goods ,
45-lnrh KtiKtlsh Coburg C'lntli , fast
lil.ick lienrletta llnlsh , North 3Di ,
40-lnrh nil wool Ficnch Ili-nilott is ,
\\orth 50c , only , yaul
40-lm h nil uool French SITRO ,
worth 40c , only
no-Inch all wool Kersey , worth Coc ,
BO-lnch line all wool French S'Tgc , A
worth Dbc , only
42-lnrh Figured Mohair and Wool
Novelties , Bilk llnlsh. 10 styles to
select fiom , worth 75c , only . . . .
41-Inch Mohair and Wool English
.Iniiiuardb , In 15 beautiful and f f\f\
dressy design * , worth J1.50 , only. . . , I V U
lust revolt oil , n ooinplote line of
Kail NovcMllfN , 111 IllIMrri , AViilllr.i ,
Shell mill Crinkle t'ri'iioim , 'iU.r.O iii >
O 9 O GO
Special offers in the new fall styles at prices much lower than what these
same garments will soil for later We oiler those inducements to nttr.ict your attention to these departments
so that you may be convinced that these stocks in si/.e , variety and excellence have not been .surpassed and
that our prices are emphatically the lowest.
500 Ladies' Jackets , made of
line quality black kersey and
1 leaver , four-button coat
fronts , jH'i-fcc-tly tailored , all M1K.
studied , full IlniMl , on sale at ijtl..lS.
250 Ladies' line quality ,
tight curl Eoncle jackets ,
trimmed with kersey cloth ,
and finished with several rows
of silk btitchiujj , silk lined throughout ,
sleeves and all with line satin ducliesse ,
bought to sol'l at SlU.oO en sale at $7.50.
Cape Special No. 1
500 Ladies' Capes , made of
ISeaA'er Cloth , either plain or
fur edged and
braided , very full
sweep , on sale
Cape Special No. 2
'Ladies'fine ' Astrakhan Cloth
Capes , 27 inches
long , lined through
out , either plain or
appliqued , on sale at
Cape Special No. 3
100 Ladles' Capes , fine
Krado black kersey , or
plain plush capes with
full sweep , also boucle
capes , exceptional quality ,
on special bulo at
Cape Special No. 4
Ladies' Fall Capes , in the fin
est quality black and tan
Kersey , strictly tailor made ,
also elaborately trimmed
plush capes thete were all
bought to sell
at § 15.00 and
Special for
to be
adies' Dresses , like cut ,
made of covert cloth ,
serge and broadcloth , in all
new colors skirt and waist
lined with heavy taffeta
cither tight-fitting or reefer
jacket all of them with new
flounced skirts in all colors ,
including military gray , on
sale tit
Exceptional Bargains
5,000 yards of seasonable fancy ellki
at 29o yard. This without doubt is the
bijrgest bargain in silk wo have ever
offered , in plain colors , stripes , dark
and light grounds , suitable for waists
and dress trimmings.
a Dollar
At 49c worth $1.50
5,000 , yards Brocaded silks ,
satin Khadame , striped surahs
gros grains all colors , and
striped taffetas ,
actually worth
$1.50 , on
bargain square at-lOe
Li lack satin rhadamt
or plain gros grain
silks , i-Mra wide and
very heavy , in silk
department at "lo
Extra wide olaek taf
feta , also now blade
broeados , In all the
lalost designs , these
arc exceptionally line
goods , go on taloatOSo
New plaids , checks and
stripes , all beautiful combina
tions for waists and dress
trimmings , in garnet combina
tions and military combina
tions , on sale at 81.-19 and
$1.98 yard.
! &fl fill ? ! and !
New Fashionable
Wonderful are the hats ex
hibited for tomorrow. Hundreds -
' dreds of new hats exhibited for
the first time tomorrow in our
French pattern room. All of
them new , fascinating crea
tions that will greatly please
you with their elegance and
chic style , to say nothing of
the modest price.
Ladies' and Girls'
French , semi-stiff telescopes
and soft crown hats , trimmed
with silk ribbon and cords ,
the stylish shapes for the sea
son ; choice of any shape , in.
eluding the popular military
hat , all of them ready to wear ,
at 75c and 98c.
o 9
At peerless and unrivalled low prices a sale that marks again the superiority and excellence of our clothing department
The choicest products of the world's great
est markets are collected and now beinofshown
in our brand new winter stock of men's ready-
to-to-put-on clothes. Everything fashionable
and new in styles as well as cloths await your
choice here Monday at emphatically and abso
lutely lowest prices. The beacon lights along
the shore of bargains are our suits and over
coats at
BOYS' $5 $ i s SUITS $2,50
Suits in all
sizes , in par
ticularly fine
textures ,
best $5.00
values ever
known ,
here at only
for 83.00 Suits.
BOYS' ' $7,50 $ LONG
Boys' Long Pants
Suits in all wool high
grade cassimeres , wors
teds , cheviots , etc. , lin
ed with best Farmers'
satin or French serge ,
complete in each detail
of skilled make-up
it's an unheard of value
at far Jess than its actual cost
of production , it will be Mon
day's grandest offer at
BOYS'$6 ' $ S SUITS $2,89
School will open and many
want young hopeful to look
his best among his comrades.
Your pick tomorrow of our
best S(5 ( and $6.50 values in
knee pants suils of newest ,
prettiest designs in warranted
and tested , pure all wool fab
rics , at the small outlay of
' * :5'50 :
UnlLUo vi.sni : : oUilo
Handsomely embroidered in
fancy silk and tailored in lat
est recogni/.ed styles thou
sands to pick from tomor
row , only
BOYS'$4 ? S'SiSDITS ' , $1.25
School sails for bovs from 0 to 1(1 ( vrs.
of ago , double brcitstcd coat or sailor
' colIdi1 , in wear reiisling pure all wool
heavv and strongest nuitoiiul , Mibstan-
I tuilly f-i'ivi'il ami trimmed , they aio sold
[ the worlu over for $1.110 , hoi-o Saturday
fur only
Boys' $5 Knes Pants
SLITS $2,50
Choicest ilcith" , JH r
fi-cti Hinkii up , un'im- '
itedarn'U , a s nt
within the reach of
all , intrinsic \ulnn ? " > .
Saturday tit the next
to nothing pricu of
Ladies' Patent Leather hisses' OongoEa ' tnifanfs' Moccasins
ItlbJlV < U HKWU/feJUxEUUj Ladies' 50c ' Comfort
Just Like
Silk Top Toe Slippers Button Shoes This. The Fifty Cent Khul Black FANCY OM.S. House Slippers
Worth Ovcrgaiters
' In In In
the/ /
the the
Dollars Hasement Storm Rubbers Basement Basement Bn-fluent
In the Huscmcnt
A great lot of C. M. Hender
son's fall weight
Tan Colored Shoes ,
Made by them anil stamped by them on tlie
bottom to retail nt $5 00. go on sale at
Tan Russia Grain and
Dlack Calfskin Shoes ,
Worth nud 3.00 nil sizes all styles-
lace and congress , go at
Hundred's of men's finest
quality Patent
Leather Shoes , in
the very newest and
latest styles , all widths ,
all sizes , go on sale
nt ,
Thousand * of men's finest black and tan
vlci Kid , lllow calf , box calf and French
calf shoes in plain drill hninB and cair
lining made to retail at Ji nod Jo-go in
this sale at
Hundreds of men's black
and tan , newstjle , all leather
lined , winter ueitfhl
Double Sols Shoes
On Bargain Square on Main Floor
2,000 pair Maloney Hros finest Rochester
Shoes for Children and Misses ,
in all the latest fancy vesting tops , made to
ictail for up to $3.00. go at
lf)00 pair ladies' finest
* 'J.OO grade
Button and Lace ,
Clack Vici Kid Shoes ,
All widths , go on sale at
On Main Floor.
Your choice of 5,000 pair
ladles' newest style , fancy vesting top ,
pani I top and plain kid top |
Hand Turn felloes ,
Slado to soil for $5 00 , go on aalo at
, * i
500 pair of ladies' most
beautiful plain and fancy vesting top , fin
Patent Leather High Cut Shoes ,
With plain leather heel an' ) Lou XV heel.
north f r 00 and { 0 00 a pair go at
l,0iii ) pair of
Ladies' ' Rochester Made Shoes ,
In plain and fancy vesting
top. him k and tan , viortti up to J'j.OO , on
half at } 1 'iii