Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 10, 1898, Page 9, Image 9

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| j Bj W. A. FRASEB.
< Copyrlfrht. ! * . by "W A rra * r
LHJ-UJE bad u friend , toifl t ) > i
hud peculiarities Outa ! the 7" -
rifliuritier wu * UL tliHorblnc lovj of petting
itt > fleltt uud cmiwqnec ! kite-Orinr It f
i-f easy to pet Into flcbt in InSIt UK it i ( to
pet lttf > HOBbhiuo. Ht war luwa by tbt ,
ibe-'rful name of "Qui ty '
With Llratcmant Lay-ton * name on tbt
ai L of L. awe , UB ha irienfl s ( in tbe Jw *
' ' i n wu nil ftasf bunt to Htull. a Mari -
i urle mane ? lender vith ewib enouph to
< iH-ount It , littt that transaction dlfln l
1 beJp them very emcii. tt Ode * Hit
' " ufl DVHT nettllnc day ufter tbr Bunpttlon
i > oe but it fllflt. t provid * the v ays uuii
r. < ns bcalliM. Kittling dar with tbt Mur-
"v ah nothing tangible ID eipbt , chant CE
hut to t > < uud on * or tvo llttlf liven ,
> L he- part of OulMy hud onlr worked them
ce v t de-epiir in the debt mire ,
" nat was why Lajlrm TUB -wandering
i licui em the muldaa clew to the LuLkntiw
ru * cournii out t'vcnlur vhen he libould
l.i c be-en at the "cymor th * "mes * ' or
i n OBI anywhere esrept moonlnc about on
* dismul nmohe-Bcouted plain
e > war doing Minic hlnp that no officer
he whole nervine would hute pit en him
r 'It Jorhe wus frettlnr ;
" tit friend v bo bud used up tie money ,
i' who would moBt likely come u smash
l' he thing wane t met was enjoylnp him-
f with his brother officers UK though be
'i . .n t a minute to Hpure from the urduour
n y ol ijKitiding his Inctinif
It t t flrvil of ti hoie tbct were in , "
r ugetC Lujlon ui , be tlicl.eS ut tbi drj grass
\ uh bit BUcL. "Gj-lety cutj't r iie tbu
nfl not u jiluff of It. no Bay that hlnod-
icUtcr Murvn.rl unfl bc'll be flowu on mir -
r biB jicmnfl of llt-bh IlUe un Alcbcn Ghur.L
v ouldc t care , only pour old Null will
ve to w.ult till Gi d knowk wbcn wait till
fur-flay , I Janry. Jor the Inluruul talug
11 brcal mt too '
He UITW up bit beufl unfl llBtcnefl.
unn'tainf v.ut jioundlng thi turj btblufl
Lttn oo the counif It war not the mixed.
excHefl fcbuElt ol el l.a jioniM It was tbe
Icun jiowcrful Ktrol e of thoroughbred
uoolk iit-oiig bortioE burnmtrlnf ; tbe Hod in
taecr puller > bin rudnc tor that.
Bj Jot f. Iff u trial' " bt mutlcrt'S
Hf ctiuia wf B blurred mLKK pllfilnp aloac
ij tbt mnonltrbt on tbt lar Eifle of the
cou'Bc. He qulcl.cnefl ble pate , and dw
tip IB tbe bbuflow of tbe llme-jihiEterud
prunfl mand.
Two men vore ntundlnr ut tbf "flnii.h
jior ' twenty jarfli past the island In tbe
uncertain lipht he could not dlBtinpuitb vbo
tber v ere
Tbf Murwurlp unfl Gaiety tllpped from
lor en liir.t .it. i.nd ble npartlnr blond
lint tbroucb his % elnh in tbt ex-
of wutchlnc the borbts n.ce neck
u 1 net.k up tbe etrotch.
t wur n plorious tusBlc , "They'rt r
Jor blnud , " br muttered. "It's no blind ,
thlE triul. "
Two horses ware bupplnc each other lite
twins. bL'hlad. a dozen lenpthr. , beaten oE.
{ kllni-rd nometlilnp that bud Iteen put In to
muLt tbe running
Ac tht ; i.niur.htid jmi.t Laytnn our , t
bn fchot out ur tboupb the JncLcj bud Jurt
let bis b < Jid po und Fw-unp between tht
' CniEh post" and tbt- judges Btand a cleun
Iciipth In front of hit matt-
It war pure iport that mnde Layton ti.l.e
no inuub Interetit In the dai.h up to that
timt "The bcj could have pallojiod over
the other fellow Lt uny time , " be thoupiv
] wonder who he beJonps to" " "
JUBI then a hiph-pltcbcd , drawling voict
came t'p to him from one of tbt two men
There could In no miBtaUlnE It. Thut voice
known from one enfl to tl-e other of tbe
militarj racing world of India it belonged
to Captain FrunV 3ohnnon He wat saylnp
! ) } pad. Dlt-U , be'll do lor tbe big handi
cap if they don t smother him wfch
vnipct Tvo uun nnd a beating to tbt
' "
Lnjinn hurried away , bit brain in a whirl.
Ht wai. like u mKti wbo bud picked up a
diamond of preut iblue uid vac afraid o
lindinc tht owner.
It wui all clear euouch Tbe buy wu Jobnuon'ii Zigzag with the ca ; > -
tuln'b Jocl.ry. I > ict Richmond , in tbe cuddle.
He rumeml > red the borne perfectly now
rrunL Jubnuon WUE one of the cleverer :
racing men In India His knowledpc ha
eobt blm something for to have a tree bane
tit the patne he hud rebigned hit commiBBio
in the Klotb buBRarf. If tbe trial bu
LutiBfied him that Zigzag V.UF peed rnoup
for tlie "open handicap " there- could he
Ten little doubt about it whatever
Lcj-ton reallrud whut it meant. It vu ?
tbe terr nofteBt kind "of a Bnar
With this knowledgt be could back tbt
lor more thun enough to pay o2
n flebts with tbe Murwarie
Bu' it would 1 burdlT bonorable towarfl
JnhtiHor. He hud blundered upon tbe cnp-
tum e Bi-cret ulmoFt etolen it , he coulfl
Kcarrul ; do it.
And then on the other hand the preury ,
rottrtnuB fuce of the money lender iieorefi
ut him from the thicL JoldE of n peepul
tret and uneeringly UkLed why the nahlb !
tlpned notes they could not pay.
It meant ruin und Ehume und tU the resi
of it. und t > ven tlie fuce of hir friend , o ;
Gaiety J1 tbo hnppy lioyishneBE goni
was there in tbe evening dunk , drawn uu {
white und iileadinc
It wur u bitter ntrugple. for Larton hut
honor plenty of It. but the oddr vere toi
great he could not Cpht upuinFt it , und
bewdes Johniion hud not confided in him
hud not trunted htm. hud not put him 01
hif honor It was hit luck that be hud Beet
the trial . fate hud drawn him there to thov
h.m a. way put of hlE dlfiiculty.
Also If he bought Zigzag in the lotteries
Johunon oould cltla half CTC-T time. The :
coulfl lioth win oulte enough , lor thi
lotteries would be vury heavy.
Thl was the duy before the opening o
the l.uDkuow Eiriug meeting
It wat. . ihe nert morning rrunt Johnsm
was wulklnc home from the roursc , tlie
huvmg neon hir Btrlng cscrcised. when n
war ntojipwd by one. Harvey , trainer to th
rajah of Jupuat.
"Goofl morniu Meeter Johnson , " bepu :
Har < rj uud In hit manner was much of th
I vi-rot-Biunething-lmhiud-ull-thls Btyle.
Wh\t is u , Hurvey' " said Johnso :
nctintlnc tbt Bomethtng ut onct _
"WDM. sir you Know Slmpfcln. don't you *
Is he uny pee * * " nskod Johnson , "Ht1
never done unything ynt "
"Thot'E hull right eir. " tnrwered th
trtmer with a winU. "hanfl 'es in the bl
andlcup hare , the same raoe at your Zig
me t , in. "
WtOl' " queried Johnson
"The 'undk& ptir don't known rnuah uboi
Ira tin Blr" h'aud if you ufiimned to I
h ucvwhare near when the weights we
Im.ti mude hu nn eoulfl get a tidy w rtgi
hoc him w-r could land the wuE "
M'hw wwpht'll do you" auk * * the ownt
or zigctig
Uk&rthiiig huudor mght ptoue seve
poundt Wiai eight eteutleur pouua o
i bad bt oeuid pallor right away Iroi
the buitars. "
Tbm Harvey oKjdiUni to tbr CEptuln u
tUiut tbe tntOt atmiikiB hud p.voc tbtn
dpwn M Japjwt. how h * ha b iten herm
thai 4te o tcliis Zigzag until Jehnso
MW "ii t viOi u light weigh , on hi * but
br-e cenuinV UB noJi-tif in but Simj
H thtt cu h.i past fem
nouli rprtiUuly not pet le * than nlnr Htont
wtet poaai it tbe kuudicsp , jierbaj * If'
Tbii wu t cann after hi * cw & heurt The }
eouia mtLe a coup with Hmpkin. utifl Zi -
zap would have lew wnight another time
Besidet. Zlpzuc would fetch a pretty poofl
jcictIn the lottene ; . und it w ould tale t
ltd of money to buck him to win L fair
amount That v oulfi be toe riskv if Bltnpkin
were ui , peeS tt. Harvey BKld
"You can buy your borne in heverj lot
tery. " Huifl the trainer 'hand we'll take
'alf or three-QUurterE Junt LE jon lil.e Hr II
neter be backed 'eevily , for nobody but tbt
stable LUDV. F nout ubout ' 1m "
Alwayr when thlncf of tblr sort happen
thi recipient of the favor credlu n to fall.
Thtt'l. just what tbe cnptuin did "Tb pods
urc bound to thrust thir : > urf < t In ms
pocket , " he muBud ni he tra\olefi down the
tret-thudefl roufl towcrd a hip vWtt bunpt-
Ibwe vrrr many -of th m. for thf
1 war & big b * ttjir T re r''h rt * '
it .v
Lt.vtot lioucbt Z.CMp PifBdilt
titnr aufl JohUMB r uceet took fiimpklb.
Aftrtt VM over L yto r tb wooo > r d
th t ZicMgr owarr m f tx > Mpn did not
com i nod fcbL Jor hif half
i He ctinl * tinao.-m.mfl Joblrtmn r rf-fuwd to
! tLX < any iuterefit In him in the Itrttsrjw , .
i lor thf ete of tb t WM to redutr htr brt-
i ung nrieo. Btit why dt be nw pome for-
I ward n w when it V/UE tdl over *
l He'll eenit around in. thi morning " he
thought. ' He won t let him run unbacked
utter that trial '
But in the morning Johnson nUH made no
sign Lajton wus petting u little utieaBj
Hacinp war ucb t.n uncertain IrjslticEf at
bof-t "What If Bomrthitig hfl pone wrotis
with Zigssr ; He wouH be utterly ruined
if he Juiled to win tht raefi Not oaly the
' Mwwnrle'B debt but the } > rt'jtit lottery
uenouut. Htw ould bt posted at a dulLUlter
ut Hunt it would tkkt t'vory rupee he could
j rnke togrtber in the world to Btjuure tin.
, and he would certainly htve to neud in his
Fifteen mlnu'.ef bsforf tht ruct no nCtr
had come frotn Johnson to take & thtrt
in Zipsup'r chnncet. The EUBpense vus too
I prcut for LJiylon.
1 He v eat to the little flreBblnc room Junt
And late laughed J. little end went to
bleep upuin , tor be was not to act , rcull ; ,
till tbe dny of thi racu
Johnson kntw that three offlcerF were
framing the handicap * that vury morning
in Major Jlm'E bunculow.
He didn't quite know bow he was polng
to get i. hand in tht buBinef < t > . but if he
could mukt uny CXCUHC to got in umonp
them , eomothinc WUE pretty Ettri to turn
Vhen he utepped up on the * erunduh , the
rough dark green door of the bunculow
WUB eloBud He pte u knock and shoved
it t-bruptlr open und wulked in pretending
to I * mighty urn-prised ut finding tnybodj
but hlB friend. Major Jim. there
Awfully terry , gentlemen , " he rs-
cluimcfi in hiE lary , druwllnB war. "Hud
no idia thut I VUE njiolllng uport. My dng-
curt didn't turn up t-t tbe ruce eourte tjifl
I thought I d come in und have breakfast
with the major I'll cleu- out , though , uafi
let jou ficteh up your wo-k. "
"Htvt a peg. Johnson' " cUd Major Jim
petting up from the table " 'We urr bury
und brcukfusi wont In on till wt finiEh
Sorry I cun't nsk you to buy in the room
but we'r makinp the handicaps , yet
know "
"I say , you lejlowt" exclaimed one n :
tbe otherr. , UF tht captain hipped Iclr.urelj
at his whisky und Boda , "Johnson llktil :
knows something about thir Simpktn thcy'vi
ent up Irom Jupnat. He knows eve-T pet-
per in the country "
TeE. " added the major "what abnu
his brute Harvey has entered for Jngnat' '
We've pot none of hi * performances ti
po on. "
" 0 , thut crock , " r.uld the captain , vltl
fine Bnorn. "stit-k a jiostape Btump on nil
buck bhove him in ut anything you like :
Beven Btoue ten poundE. Quod morning ;
gentlemen , " hi udded , UE he set kit plus
under the rtund , where Johnson WUP rut
ting on lilt elim ridlnc bno and colors.
| "Set here. Trunk" he Buid. "l'\e got L
' Zigzag In c\cry lottery , und I Btand towin i
a bic pot o cr him Do 3't > u want uny oj
it" Tou haven t taken a hit of it jet. "
Johnson was noted lor two thiagf hit
f > -idinc uud hiE esquiisite cynical 1
JD ihe merry Hades tolfi you to bacl :
! my horbe" " he ubked
"I backed him li"cauf.e I thought he could
win , and you were riding him , " uniwcrtfl
Layton coloring bltghtly
; " \Tell. be. hasn't the ghort of n chanct , "
' suid Jobniion , tlghtenlni ; the r.tringt in hii
racing cap. ' und 1 don't want u bit ol iin
1 in anything He hasL't t. thouEand-to-tmi
I chunce"
. | Layton v , as dumhfounded
I i "If he doBen't win , " he nuid , "I chul
t come a crotwcr. "
1 i Johnson looked tt him gueerly for i
1 mlnutt. then he said "Now go btjuari
yourself on Sirnpkln You cun buflse 01
him. tor he's a sure winner "
4 And if he's beaten , " saad Lnyton ulmor
uncrily , "I Ehull be in u worse hols the :
j ever T won't do it. I'll rtand or fan to :
Zlrzac , and I'll lay you D ODD rupeer ti
{ nothing ucainBt his w inninp "
r "I won't do it that way , " suid Jobnnon
r QUiLkly "for thut itn't u bet. if I can' .
P lose I can't win , that's the rult tn betttng :
. but I'll tukt * f. 000 rupees to 1ft "
! "Here DiLk , " hi culled sharply , "yoi
t vitnear this bet Mr. Layton lays ; me MIQ
" rupees to 10 agnlnBt Zigzag. If the host
D wlnt he pays me fi.ddO , if he dos'jn't I pi ;
him 10 That's a clear underEtcnaing ;
a isn't if"
E "Yet , " anrvered Lnyton , cheerfully.
. "It'e the only bet I'vt got on my nouiit. '
, ndded Johnson , "utid it's just throwing 1
s rujiees in tht sea , '
§ fe *
fW . L
-"W. 4 f " " "
and oj > ened the door. "Don't put a
loud of bricks on Zlrsap's buck . "
As he wulked uwuy from hlE burcnlow
he whistled softly under hiE breath "May i
I tall in love with Kcll , if ever I EUW. a
chunce beat . "
to thut. i
When tbe handicap was posted that rvetn- )
Ing on the notice board on the course. Zli- !
zap hud the rather heavy imjioRt of ten '
stone.while Simpkin hud u weight to plud-
den Huneys bean , he wus in ut elpht
Harvey assured Johnsoc that the home
couldn't lose at that weight I
To make the peed thing c greater cer- j
tcinty Johnson let tht trainer have hlE
own Jockey Richmond Jor Simpkin , end j
determined to ride Zlpsug himself. I
If the pome hud been Zigzag , this -would
not have muttered BD very much. Jor he ]
was one of the Ix'Bt riders in India. i
That the owner was riding Zigzag confirmed - I
firmed Lcyton in hit determination to huve '
a plunre on thr horse. !
At the lotteries , tbe nipht before tbe
nice. . Luyton bought Zipras in the nrw
When the 8 eretary usLfd if the owner
elaimed unjtblnp. JohuHon unswefed ,
Nothing thankt. "
"He'll eome to me titter it's ull emir "
thought Lxytntx. "unt atk Jar a huU
throughout Ht Vuews I'M have to pv i
s * tt to him. KID. It wouldn't 1 * ccte H > have
hU horse running with none of the owner s !
* '
jjjonev on ,
When Simpkin was sold Johnson bought
h.n throuch another jiar'T I
And M > it wur through ferr lo"eT nnfl j
As they rode over to the pont , Johnso
said to DlcL "I'll cjjry them UOCE Jc
you half a mile , lor nith your Hcht weicl
it will bt better Jor notni thinE to make tb
runnlup "When I'm done Jor jou ccn p
to the front md canter home. 1 thlnt you'
have un eary job "
"I d rather be on Zlpzts , Bir " replied tb
Joctey. "I lnow vhat he can do. end
dont' Jil.e the leul of this fellow under mi
hc't Ehify "
The rurf was n mflc und a Quarter. / i
the horsei , mode their wny over to the star
inc jiofit acroHE the course frotn ihe ,
Gaiety came up to Layton and haid "There
a tremendous rush on SiinpUln "
And no there war Tht etahle mom
being iJl on Harvey had told u Jew o : h
friendE. and the ring vas floodine the bool
maLers with money Jor Slmptin
At the mart Johnson WUE playing to p
uway in front to maht the runninc anfl Lw
a nice jilace Jor Simplnn to drop into vht
hit horse ar beaten
At the third atiempt they cot twty , v
much UE the taptr.tti Awitrei.
"They're of" went ui > trom tbe crani
utond in & hoarse err , und duisee ve
l > * etvfi ) u the bright pjilntlf at color ivts
iuc in end out. as the uicht hartw eeraa
blefi Jor plaeefc
A bind , jaetet.rtth TA uurt yoJl
ldtne that to the Irani imnHtdintolj-
"ZiEiec le&db , " somebody erclumed ta
Leyton ri.bbi d hjc FUH. ! ( , ' n.h hit fri'i
, heThle * und Jo"U8se2 Jiem on iht jcud
of the rushlnc irti r
Ht caufl wfr hs red tj-fl r3cw cw.
thf viAer * ( ti
if bic bt ? Te * U w * * Ztfmr
' Be t pen feT K ll ' Mid LaytM t >
. Irwennc ha plaKipt , ' Het
UTtnr atrwa * and If r. come * tt > any ) < aan
wort at tbe ntiinb . ) eton toc can clve all Jit
boy * M > ven pound * at that pan ) '
"W'lirB tbrr bsfl travoM t quarter of a
wile the black Jnckrtwar a teurtb in tnm ;
of rvarrthteR Luytou s heart tar Ukf ) * d
in hit breata That w t not Jnhtimiti r tac
tic * wbn h * wa out ti > v It a alle-auO-u-
gnatiM race "With ton r.ont up , he
vtmldti't 1 * making hif own running
Lcytoti ktiev. then thut he hot lo t It
was ulnibBt u relief to know juitt where he
ntdOft. He had cant the die unfl lotit
Some fool near him vac croaking "Zig-
i zap'll win all tht wcv Ht lelt pltv ia
hie hsort for the nine s utter ignorance of
racing I'erhupn. tliouch after bit it wee
Irstter thut way h * Utnotrt envied him. It
was the knowledge of racing that broke no
many of them
At the ihret-Qtmrtec * Zigzag mill
"He'll win' he'll win' " the other man
j v us Haying etuhantly. "I tool : te It te l
t ubout hitn " 1
! Then something crejrt up on Zigzag crept
tip until the borsee were lapped head utifl
hBdfl The plaitME shoved the vhtte Jacket t
und red ccp of the Jupnat E stable
"Stmptin is coming nov ' went up & cry |
Iroai many throats the throats of the many
vht > hud hacked him vhen the tip vus
rpreafl ubout
At the hblf-mfle Simpkin r Aruh head
mwefl la front The two were a cJiur
easts in front of the field
The Btand was wild vith delight , lor
SimplOn hufl Btarted fuvorlte
Over on the horsu Johnson und Dltk
were rifllnr ; BO clout tocether that they
could rjwafc ia slio-t ptiBping wo'dE ur the
vlnd cut at thek breuth
Three furlongr from home thevwere to-
pcrther , nose and nos Simpkln had
dropped back & head
Johnson could hear something closing up
on them trom behind
"Go tin Dick' " he pupped "I'll pull bat/k /
und let you up next the rail"
"I cun t , " uns-wered Dick , helplessly. " 1
can't go uuy faster , I'm doae for '
A preut rape came into the heart of the
captuin This was the "sure thine" they
hud put him on to. Beaten t Quarter of a
mflp from thi finish und the othert closing
tip on them , ulready a chestnut head vus
lapped on the quarters of Slmpkin
was r.tlll full of runnlnp fiebtinc.
for his head Slow IT inch b } inch the
chestnut was crepinc up. his nose var ut
Dick's plrths now *
"I'm done " he heurd Dick EEV again
and then he crlppcd the saddle with hit
Iraeer , . und rode for Luyton's t.OOD rupees
A Jut long from home he WUE clear of
SlmpUin , but tht chestnut was Btlll ttiere
lapped oa hi quartern now. and besidi the
chestnut , tin the outside , WUE un iron-prty ,
coming * ery Just. too.
How he cursed the Jolly that hud mafle
him tahi BD much out of Ziprug to inuke
the ruuninp for Simpkiu.
If the pallunt old horse would otly lust
home the LOUD rupees would pay his
In the stand the cry of "Zipzui ;
went up. us the horses ulung to each other
tip the straight
Luytoa war aigclns ut hlE blonde must-
uche , and eiea Galety't face WOE solemn
cud EtUl us he realized what thut struggle-
meant to Che two of them meant niort to
them than to ull the others in the Btaud
together Not onlj tbe mone'y , tout honor
I life itself WUE at stake.
As they flashed past the Etund , Zlpzcr's
big bony head , vith lit vide red nostrllE ,
WOE utill in front
And so 'they ( .audit the judge s eye.
The stout heurt of the pullunt horse and
the cool head of 'Jie --iierved ] rider had
, won the race that inu j.13 Lut xhruwn cwuv
lij n Prominent Mctb-
odikl lUlniKlfr.
l It uffordE me muc.h pltasuro to recom-
1 mend Chamlie-lua s Colic Cholera und Dl-
urrhoea Remedy ' SUIB I.r J M Tinp-
' ling , pastor Bedfort1 St Methodim ProteB--
E ant cnurth. Cumtif-land Md 1 have used
it and known others wbp buve done BD ]
hi-e ne\er known it to fui It m u fcttrt
cure when in time.
j CbtrrjCrifV * Sonilf. . Strj.j. < . , rd t *
I Alxiuud with Gold , found to
He Without Color * . .
DENTER. Sept B CSpeclul ) Sinit the
1 pioneer days of Colo-uao when fortunes
awere beinp taken out of the mountains and
r the streams of that suction were making
0 men weclthj in u duj , Cherry cretk hai
been the reputed depository of millioas it.
J- yeillow metal It was common talk among
1 the old-timers yeari upo , uud even to thlf
- flay more or ICBE. thut the sunds of this
famous cretk. near the bed rock ure becv-
u ily imprepnuted with pold Tune und upaln
iO flcrlnp placer miners hcvi uttempted to rob
e the erratic ntreum of its precious burden
? but without Euceess FuUure bus b en tht
, rerult of the quicksands v hich ubound in
j tbe i treum Not until the present bus ucy-
.thing llki a leusonuble depth tieen reached
in the rundE of Cherry creek. Now lh <
0 mjth hus Inten esjiDFea acd the famous
cU'efc'F bed roi-k IE known to be UF void
of pold at tbe red clay bedr of the"tiuBtern
Htuteb , But it WUE only dex eloped after a
costly erperimeut Howeier the erperiment
was not mude by miners hut was inci
dental to the construction of a bridpe over
thut e treum One of the old-timeri who
"knew" there VUE ull kindr of pold in
Chenry creek , secured pe-rmiBEion of the-
contractor to ezumine tht suad whit-b vus
taken from the bed rock of the rtreum Tht
man kept his name u secret but is be
lieved to be the representative of u vculthy
syndicate that intended to profit by tbe ex
periment if it developed thut thi creitwai
UE full nf pold us WUE commonly believed
Tins mutJ fulled to p-ne his name to uri
ent on the premises and the contractor hai
too many trouble * of his own to care to usl
It He wet u most mysterious individual
howetes- , this prospective placer miner uni
seemed to be workinp cautiously , us if feu-
ing that others Eight pet on to a
peed thing
in This mysterious individual noted tha
or O'Rourke s pump v us throwing 4,000 to & no
bt pall DUE of water ; > er nrmute out of tbe coCe
ae domB and he WBE allowed to oppropnat
o the Btreum in udditios to the bed rock can
11 i und gravel
I He oonBtructefl u ten-font Hluite box c
ae 1 rough piae plank und placed tt under th
I Btrtam from the pump Friday morning H
, ) Planted a receptacle containing quicksvi !
I at the lower end. Then he commented t
B I fcho\ l the grovel into the box nt tbe uppt
. end. The water washed it praduully dow
,4 tbe idnicevuy und colo-s we-re oocaEionalJ
j , i visible , reeunp in the hung naile that th
I plant contained
ry j Thf most prominent stuff caupht by tb
, hot however was old type broken un
Bpotted with rust It had lain in tbe deptl
of the creek tltioe May IfcDl , wheia tht ft
et mout flood vushed a Denver newsjiapeir offit
l off a lot oa Lurimer ntroet dlrecUy OPIKWII
BE l tbe Biteof the pree-ent city ban Type M
I press dt appe > are4 ia the water und v ei
never upain ntm D txne ry of the tyj > ea
l > tit rouk ooaurmed the tbewry always pri
mulpateid that thw property vms ouruUed i
the gtuekBuiidr of the creel * ery quicUlv
a-e Jew of the letteirs only weire found iatue
They ( lOtumaudtiC some revecenet from tbcx
who looked bt them , beteuute they wect u e
la jirinut-c the JirEt newnjiapes- Dewvnr
The niytitBTKiueTHUD'S tduiet l x htc lt
mntdac wT L uhort nme whem hit opeiri
nfi twncwere noticed br ull pcEBerabv A if
fof , thras Jeuirmc lost of u peed thiui
lor i tlx ) > pt > C itto tit pnifl Inaiunc c < ant und I
| noon -Jief tre lorty or ifrr nf thea-
uri i tntl hf . tht
raes s roLht tafl jts ]
blrf for rt l TUry rnrt all dtr Tht.
i ittbt UH Hlntrcnn WM rw-fv bud it > i
i - t puflht-1 ID * UK ptt tt tb IPT - t-n-
vbiih pmuaiatilr curried quukiuHe" 't <
e-a'tb : Ji pold Then tbe ruvme-iour t ni
cant it i * n Kifl < wltlioui commef. H-
tolfl .lokt : Qaffiio'emnu 1or CoutrartDi
O Rourke , that hir run tit th' l -etiun.ct .
him (20 ' I km twaii > fl1e tc tMive tovti K.
uiebi. ' be explnimHl "and v&tt u ! > ' ibe
box '
, NolK fl.r expretM < 4 uuv Aeaite * i > tutr
ant it was yet Tejiemiite Just wh * i the a-K
teritittc men left it He had nor ttkec tbe
pma-utloti to burn tht bottmn plank whrb
finch tscTieriMicefl plttcer miners as Geneul
Dcre Ottek vitulfl have been holding
fine paid if tht ere veil watibed hbfi contained
much Olweru'rs of tbe operatiotis eoulfi
uot re-noaefle the myrtorloui mtn s ituie-
nient of hir returns lor one fluy E lalm * wltttj
hit fllnptifiltHic te B ll eul Jor uny p-irr and
his uipurent uhnndotiment of the projert
when ht could tint htifi L purchaser lor hit
i property
j The tern hafl proven thut thr bed roth Cist
dot * not car-y pold to uny preuUer crtent
1 than the Bandr tbovt yhlth hate be-en B *
fretjuonilt- > Bt d and Jound to pouttm
quite larce Quantities of t ery fine flukx < 11-
Icw pold particles many of which art uir
llpht tc Btve by uuy known pro-i-st ut u
Afte-r the recent rtto'tn but one wiufl mill
ia tht whole tow a of Abilene vut left iituad-
Sin en hundred tott of whiutwere shipped
from Tnptku to Liverpool by wuy of Gultes-
tun lust we-eh.
"Whta miulBters rtnop to lying it Ir no
wonder their cuapre-cutiotr go to . .be devil , '
lemurkt the Atchison Champion
A Douglas county farmer vhlle returning
rom murketmp his y < ur r v hi-ct crop v us
ebbed of the v hole prozcedt J400
The Wichita people art BO polite thut it
s Euid tbe Topeuu EiUs ball teata tbut we-at
there receatly wus jiermitted to vie ull thi
ptitaes out of sheer courtesy
The "apathy" of the public bus roused
hre-e big cirruper to dlsbuud ia KUUBUE
his yeur Tbe war excitement is couBid-
red tbt reuson why tht attendance wus BD
Two years t.po in KanBur tbe pnpultrte
lad u recrultlup station on eve-v street cor
ner Now the > ure devoting ull their en-
rpier to cornering the bolters uad pre\ eat
ing desertions
F D Arnold , the onlj sun.or of tbe
loiter Springs musbucrc v us u prominent
scurt tt u reunion in that town lust week
ie v as shot all to pieces 1-j QuuBfel ! s
; uerrillas but munuced to Ine
The cool snap caupht about oae-hulf of
the- citizens of Wollmptoa living in teau in
the shady nookt urouud that uertiou. The
camjierB weie HO unxiims to pel home after
the weeither changed thut they puid a pre
mium for wupotir ,
A Lubor duy upltutor ut Emjioriu totpui
hie Rpeeth to u number o ! rapped und hard-
vorked minc-s thut "When I went to
ied in my sleeping t r lust nicht and d'ew
he sheets up uround me I speculated upon
.he condition of the working man of ttidut
vus boated JUBt UE BOOB as tbe miaerr
could cutcb their bre-utb over his audacity.
( ontii Dakota Arwi.
Arnuua Mudison the yitld of tmull prnln
t ! ( ' jier tent larper than usual
The pralL elevator at Mission Hill var de-
Ktroye'd by fire und muny thousunds el )
mshels of "grain ruined
There has been more placer mining In tht
Black Hillr country this year than for the
lurt ten jeurs combined
The total valuation of L.BW renre couutr w
re'turned by tbe state board is J4iliE.CS. . .
of v hiLh S25J..17C IE roilrroud aasee-sments
Captuin Dotsnn of SpearfiBh has returned
from u lenpthv tour of Motr.unu jilucer mines
und has severul hundBome nupgf.s to show
for his w ork.
The populists declared that they had Bonie
sensational e-barpef to iiprinp on the rejmb-
llcans rlpht uftw the Mitchell convention.
hut thuf far they hLi e n-it been made
The return of L.ouc.kR to the republican
pcrtv aftc- his rwirt care-er among tbe i > np- is not p-eeted with atiy eitruordinar'
leirre'e of enthuiioEni ucioug his old politics. !
It is the penerully rrpreah d opinion of tbe
South Dakota press that the lute rtate re
publican convention -was as fre-e from
"boBtiEm" UE nny convention that ever con-
it-ned in South Dukotu.
At Salem .lohn IW-us was threthlnp a lurre
Ctld ofwheat when a rpurk from the cnptnf
communicated vith tb" wheat stucl _ de
stroying the separator und scverul thotiEouB
dollars worth of prain.
Charles Pelhum ( if Spearfibh v us struck by
lightning and remained UUCOUBCIOUS JUt
veeks He- recovered consciousness at BUd-
fle'tJy at ; he was ptrlc.ken und fee-lr llttlf tB-
conveniesice f-ots hiE remurkuble experience
Seventy bushels of Wai k oatB per ucre U
the uverare vield in O-epon
Orepon lambs uf now held ut K 2H , an in
crease of fit' ' cents mer sjirlnc prices
Hitle cnllecto-r are sluuphterinp deer with
out mercy around tbe Urapgua divide. .
Tbe r.heep und cuttle men uround Izce ure
having confiietE o\er tbe ranpc question
Btfr is selling at 10 cents a pluiE in the
Btute since the wur tur became operative.
MerLhunts in ull towns of thi rtute com
plain that insurance rutes must come oowr
at least 30 per ctut Litigation is thrLatenefi
The pruin fleet out of Oregon portr carries
tv-lte ur muc.h prulti this year as lurt thoupl
tbe price it one-hulf less in revenue to tbe
With the demand for labor In tbe pruir
fields o-churds und hop patches , b quick
strouc mun can cotnmund S u duy in unj
jjurt of tht stutt
Oreron tiaiiers urt at present enpaped it
a controvert } as to Just why tbe uvert.p <
mut's htiir turnr pray before- the cvt upt
womacs Experts on tbe rubjoct ure writ
ing lone ediio-iuU ulong thut lint. .
tie it due not onJy to the orir-intlity und
eunpliuty of tbe coTntuuut.on. uat u.Ko
to tbe curt und bkili with which : t as.
muiiniuetttred ucientdic ,
to by procebuet
er know to tbe CiurousriA PJG Srurr
Ca onir , and vre ivisi U > orapreKS tijKn
Jy ull the importanceof parcliutdnp the
tie true uud oripmul renie/dr. At the
pennine ? .vrnp oi P pi it ruuntilncfared
be by tbe CA.uroitKiA FJC. fcvuri1 Co.
ad < njy. b knowjudpe of that fuct will
he & ! * ist one in uvoidinp tbe worthJefat
oce mtmafuctarod l > y other ptr-
ce Tbe hiph Kttndinp of tbe CAJJ-
roKKiA FJG Sritrr Co with tbt tntidi-
L.U proiobtion. uud tbe bu.tifcfutrt.ion
ot which the peuttine Syrup of Pipt lni ! >
0- fivtto ts > nilUiorib of futnibeifciuket
01E tue name of tb * Compsioy u ptitirunty
1EA of tbe eretdlcne-e of itt remt-dy. It u ,
ct fur ID btlrunue of ull other liliUUvet. ,
ufc it ticu on tbe kidncyk , liver end
Impels witboBt irritbtinp or weaken
ing tUeau ai.d n doeb tun grijt * nor
es In orow u > pen ru Ittanfiu&iZ
pltitt remttmlier tbe asae ui
tit Coa paty
t o. rrii. > .ciK'fi. tii
IJg-TtTTT 3 - gf m XCV 1VL.C.r T.
* > nrw FPWL of lipht wcipbt clo b in Mack now t > KtUiHb for autumn vcaIE
icnde-efl ierv rcriking bj the ncldtuoa tif a funtiful vut t el vet ter.t in ropptr color ,
oter which fulls front and back t. fine pleating o ! shaded tuBeita silk in lighter tones.
Tbe uloM-htttlug etiat-shapea boditt wuich ji"omlnes to in one of tbe distinguishing
features of the season , routias dow n from tbe shoulder to under tht urm like a boluro.
which IE also eflced vith u finely pleated frill. The cout opens ut tbe nec.k on a
square plastron und & neat cruut bow of coppery tinted mull und is forteneid between
thi ruffles of the bolero front with pold-rlmmed opal buttons The coat IB cut to
fo-m tiny epaulets o er the tleetec uud tbe divisions of the ojicn back below the
wulM ure caupht topether by the same linked butiotis. while tbe narrow pointed plrdle
IB attached in front with nltaflcr Jeweled buttons A shaped collar finUibet the neul : ,
Eince a coat or vnist without a very hlpb coUar is the exception The clo e-flttinR
ble > eve& . ojteninr ut tht VTBI in bull thajie , ore trimmed vith u lun frill of tufleta uud
little buttons.
The skirt cut in the fashionable three-tier mude Is attached to u foundation Ulrt of
t.llk u new mtidel tbe pattern ol whicb is furnished in connection with that of the
i tirt. The skirt bus deep pleats at the back uud its vidth at the foot Ir three und
three-quarter yards The only trimming emplojed is a double mnch'ue-stitchlug on
tbe eflces The pricier cut of this pown cun only lie obtained from the cut putteinis
publuhed by Harper's Bosar. where the flesipn of the pown uppeun. .
The hut whlib turnr b-cmdlv imt.L on the luft Bltle und it fured with chirred black
satin , if ornamented vith a p-eat nwe'tte of topperftiloreidvelvet fastened by a
jeweled pin und the crown ii eiiciruled by btuvj bluck plumes
Quuntltj of material Jor eostume eiplit a-dt oJ cloth fifty-two lULhes wide , one
yard of - > eJU't , two unfl one-hulf yurds o ! BilU.
ravures Expositli
Sorae flay it will te ti reni > irvft' ' tbe t inip.e claisic beatitr of fbe
Grand Court , the Plaza w tii its mus. * ' the broad rihta of the BIuS Tract uad
the iutbbub aad pitiety of the Midvruv If yob want fut'turss of the Esjnibitioa
to brim : it til back to roti ju want t > a bzitt Every building atifl all the bplen-
cor of the Erjosiuoa views > f the whcue effopt ana vjew * bhowicr , til
have been reproduced in Tut
Thirty-Two Views Now Ready
THI rou-owivc virvs inn CLE * ISSUIP
1 Opening DiT. June 1 1BUS. ! 17 Grand Court from Restau
2 Northeast Corner of Court. rant Tower.
3 Government Buildiui ; . ! IS Administration Arch.
4 Main Entrance Agricultural ! 19-Liber l Art Building.
buildmc , . 20-Government Building and
i _ Life Bo a.
5 Sssne in Streets of All Na.
i Manufactures Building.
22 Interior Manufactures
G-firund Court , LooVinc West. Bmldinc
7 HHcenbacW's on Children's 25 M ithmerj and Electricltv
Buildmc' .
S Grand Court , Looking South- 24-llhnoi . Building.
H ct-t.
- 2 * > \r b ol Mates
9 1O Fine Nebraska Art * . Buildin Ruildin ? ; . . 26l W. J. Bryan and Regl-
ncnt MiLtarv D IT.
11 Gran2 Court , LtmLinc Eaf.t 27-AcriculturAl
- Building.
12 section of Fine
Arts Bldg. 2S-Wnjonsin Building.
13 Grand Court .
at Xitht. 29 Looking North from Administration -
14 Min Ilorticul-
* Lntraoc : -
> ministration Arvh.
tural Buildmc. 30 Section of Last Midway.
15 Sssneon Nortfa
Midvaj 81 Streets of Ciro.
10 Murlnc Band Grand
at 32-
Plaza. 32Group of Orientals-Streets
ot A 1 Nutions.
Three for 10 cents. Eight for 25 cents.
Thirty-Tv\o with a Portfolio for $1.00
TLe - ofJtj-etl to Bee reaaert on he y fiu c m.UL e lor Iranune or for
u ooliartioc of LxpriUo views
A Portfolio Cover for 15 Cents.
nisi viiW jn vit mtu vt L li ' , iiu iiu , , r
ned * ocnit extra T < tin * ' .
p i .intern r rt H } lVli
The Orsiha Daily Bet Omaha Sauth Oatha CounaJ B'uSi ,