8 TTTE OMATTA DAILY TVEE : SATTTfDAV , SEPTEMUEH 10 , If NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS- Smoke "J A II" Co cigar. rinest work. Hluff rity Laundry. Ktockert Carpet Co. 205-207 Ilvvy. C. IJ. Jacnuetmn / _ Co , jewelers and op ticians. 27 South Main strict. IM I. Moffott mid wife of Hillings , Mont , tire visitors to the exposition who arrived tn the Hltiffa yesterday. Mr. and Mrs W. J Lawrence and two children ef 'In-uton , Mo , arrived In the city > e-sturday on a vlnit to the exposition J C. Illxby , healing and ( military engineer. Plans and specifications for heating , plumb ing and lighting. 202 Main , Council Illuffs. U. P. Btpplmn has ictuiried from a trip through Now Mexico , Arizona and other points. Parts of the trip were made overland by wagon Don't you think It must bo a pretty good laundry that ran please HO many hundreds of customers ? Well that's the "Uaclo , " 721 nioadway. John Covalt of Alliance , Neb , accompa nied by lila wife , Is visiting his brother , Prleiid Covalt of 110 Hldgu Hticot , while tiiklng In thu exposition Contractor \\lckham commenced work yes terday on relaying the brick paving nf the alley bouth of thu city hall beyond Dry ant urul North Main streets C E Ilrown of Cadiz , O , arrived yesterday on a visit to his uncle , Captain O M. Uro.ui , city ticket agent of the Burlington system , und to take in the exposition. The trial of the suit of J W. Squire ngalnst the Omaha National bank , Involving the ownership of IbO acres of land In Silver ( 'reck township , wan commenced In the dls- tilct court ycsteiday. 1 ho funeral of the latu Luclen Uunnel , who died suddenly Thursday morning at thu homo of his son , i ; L Ilunnel , 612 South Sixteenth , will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the result nee and interment will bo In Palrvlew cemetery. The principals of the city bchools will meet with Superintendent Haydcn this morn ing at 9 o'clock In the Illuomer building At 10 o'clock there will bea general teacli- JIH' meeting at which Secretary itoss will be prcsc-nt with the contracts for thu tcach- cr to sign Mrs Lucy 13 fillmcr of IliiRsell county , Virginia , who has been visiting her sister , Mrs. M M Ilendrlcks , died at the hitler's resldem i > , 150J Avenue A , yesterday morning hiiddcnly from heart failure Deccaseil was fit years of age and the wife of 1'ayctte O Ollmer No arrangements have been made yet as to thn disposition of thu remains The "Public Sdiool" will be given special attention at the evening sen , Ice to morrow at thu rifth Avenue Meth- udlat church. The pastor , Kov. ( I P I'ry , will deliver ti sermon perti nent to the subject The teachers have been Kpeclally invited to attend this service and u largo number have signified their Intention of being present The funeral rf the late Mrs W. S Swanson WIIH held ye-st Tday afternoon from the Ilroadway Mcthrdiat chinch , the services be ing conducted by the pastor , Hev J. II Hensenoy. DeceaFcd had boon a member for many years of the church and the funeral vuis largely attended P. C Lougee , J II Pace , I'mory Williams and J II. Pace acted ns pallbearers The i cumins were laid to test In the family burial plot In the cctnu- teiy at descent City. County Superintendent Sawyer was proba bly the. happlcut man In Council Illufts yes- totday Ile > received a telegram yesterday morning from Ms son llarlln In Chicago con taining the Information that Heine Sawyer , his youngest BOH , a membei of the Plrst Illinois volunteers , had not dltd of thu yellow fovcr as repented In response to u cable- giam bent liy Hailan Sawyer to Slboney an aiisvui liad TMU'H leetfved stating that herne was convalescent In the hospital there and will ho sent home to the United States on the next transport leaving Santiago Ladles dPHlrlng valuable information con cerning thult nllmcntH should send or call for "The Vlavl Message. " Vlavl Co , S'.6 Men mm blk N. V. Plumbing company. Tel. 230. Co's's Air Tight heater means comfoit those cold mornings. Huy one today of Cole & Colo. Wanted Cilrl for general housework. Small family. No ehlldien Cojil wages , liefer- encm required Mis W S Dimmock , 219 South Suventh stiect. Council Illuffs. lilfiilllliu llnlilicr. Mlsi Maty Nelson , a young woman em ployed In the family of Mrs. Catherlno Sulli van , 321 Tenth aveme. has Identilled Wll- Ilmn Trnsk , the prisoner at the city jail , charged with being one of the gang that broke Into Mta I'aldweH'n icsldeme several nights ago , as the man who assaulted and lobbed her about a week ago Miss Nelson ono evening aLeut a wtek ago got off the motor at Pifth avenue and Sixteenth street to go to hei Koine A man who allghtel from the car at the samu time followed her and on reaching a dark place where there wcr no residences , assaulted her , threw her down and took her pocketbook containing hororal dollars The young woman Informed Mrs Sullivan of the atlali but no n | iort was made to the polUv until yestenlay moinlng v\hcu P 11 Sullivan asked Miss Nelson for a description of the robber and at once rec- ngnlzed It as that of Trask , In custody at the city Jail 'Iiank was taken to the Sulli van icslilcnco yesterdav morning by an olll- eer and Mlst > Nelfon Immediately Identi lled him aa hei assailant. The matter was laid before the > grand Jury yesterday after noon. Oeorgo Kci'llup used Colo's Hot Ulast licatev last winter. Prco piano recital bv Miss Nora McCabe nl the Conservatory this evening. Music lovers Invited. f Will 'I in1.11Tn \ lpt ) . i The Hoard of County Supervisors will iin tackle the lax levy for IMis at the session n this morning after which It will probably adjourn The tax for school purposes In Council Hindu will he as follows Teachers' C 01 fund , 9 3-s mills , producing ? lj.2JS 20 , contingent 01ol ol tingent fund , t'4 mills , producing JU'.SSl US , ( chool house fund , l-\ mills , producing ; n4G.'ill Th" sosslon yesterday morning D v\aa devoted to routine matters and In the K afternoon the members went to Omaha and visited the exposition riin < > ) llrlll li > rirriiicn. thIn Twenty-eight members of the Ottawa , thM Kan , file department who are attending the M tournament in Omaha eamc over to the In HHifts yesterday morning at the Invitation of ) Mayor Jennings and Alderman Atkins and Fl gave a very pretty fancy drill in front of the firaml hotel The team , which la In da Hit charge of J. T Hlack. assistant chief , went th < through a number of Intricate movements , thCo much to the admiration of the crowd that Co liad gathered to watch them tn. tn.Bt. Hriil i : lnli * rran f * r . Bt. 8 The following transfers were filed y enter- P * day In tr-0 abstract , title and loan cilice of I'll 101 Pearl street cat J W. Squire. Ch.irlis 11 Vimdruff and wife to e.\- St. nuti.ru und dovh-ecH of Prank C , Mil sttvvnrt , dc'eiMsed , nlj nw j K-75-39 , Miln l J 1 n vv Ii nil H White and vvlfe to Slgel Me- Mil liiUM H nvvlt nvv * , SO-71-4" , v\ el 5i3 iimm Sim" und John Ste-vens and iiri tn I'lmrle * llittelle , lots 1 ami Ind ; * > n bUiK o Heurs add. Council Kat ' ' ' 1,000 ItlulTs nVl/Vns Stitcluiik U O' . Clll/ ' " Colv p , , rt nei , He 23-73-H. s. Bt. LOOO Del lt > r * < liml > ' . to John M Hiick- Mir i' 4 ncll < 7-74-33. w. il l. 0 Bt. HtHlitiiii and wife to Mrn Bt.a T ot out lot 4 , a it- li'l ' in. part 75 npo St. ; - - , 1' 20i.lil . J. to 5 ? CT3 ' .Total transfers , . IOWA DAY AT EXPOSITION Council BlufTs People Asked to Take a Prominent Part in It. MEETING OF THE COMMITTEE OF FIFTY Clinlrntnii Crnlinin full * Thrill To- Ki'llirr lit tin * lliMiu-Nt | of Vloe I'leNlilrnl UrlKlit Unit A nieiitM Vlnj Hi * Jl At the suggestion of George P Wright , vice president for Iowa of the Transmls- slsslppl Imposition , President A C Graham will Issue ) a call for a special meeting of the executive committee of fifty of the Council Illuffs PxiKwitlon association for next Tuesday night at the Grand hotel The meeting Is for the purpose of making ar rangements to take part In the- parade and exercises on Iowa da > , Wednesday , Sep tember 21 , at the exposition Everybody will be Invited to attend the meeting , as It Is desired that Council Illuffs shall he rep resented by a large turnout on Iowa day acrosH thu river Mayor Jennings will also bo requested to lay the matter and the objects of the meeting before- the city coun cil at the session next Monday night. Iho Iowa exposition commissioners have urged Mr Wright to take the Initiative In arousing the interest of the people of this city In the matter. At the meeting Tues day night committees will be appointed to make the necessary arrangements The commissioners expect that the delegation from this city and county will furnish at least ono uniformed band for the parade and other features that may be deemed ap propriate Among other things It has been biiggcsted that n lloat he prepared with a miniature fac simile of the Pottawattamle Wigwam on It and several real live In dians could bo boriowed from the number now at the exposition to accompany it on the morning of the parade Another sug gestion made Is tint the people from this county bo supplied on Iowa day with a distinctive badge to be worn In the parade I'x-Governor Packard and n. 13. Markley of thu Iowa Exposition commission were In the city yesterday confertlng with Mr Wright and they state that advlcrs from all over the state Indicate that thousands of Iowa people will be in attendance at the exposition on Iowa day An effort Is being made to induce all the rail loads In the state to grant a special rate of ono fare or even less for the round trip for Iowa day- anil the commissioners arc hopeful that It will be granted Elaborate preparations have boon made by the commission for lown day and they hope to make It the bannei day of the exposition. Governor Slnvv and his staff and all the state officers are ex pected to be present with an Immense dele- gat'on ' from the capital city Governor Shaw ls bonked for an address as Is lion U G Cousins the eloquent congressman from the Plfth district At the meeting Tuesday night Mr. Wright will suggest that an Invitation bo extended to all the fraternal orders and civic so cieties in the city to turn out on Iowa day and help swell the crowd from Pottawatta- mle county In the parade and on the ex position grounds. It has alco been suggested that an effort be made to get the McKinley guards , with their natty white uniforms , to tin n out on that day. Piesldcnt Graham Is anxious that the Pottawattamle Wigwam shall be specially decorated on Iowa day and will ask that a committee be appointed Tuesday night to attend to this Ho feels that on this diy above all others the Wlgwnm should be made to look Its best , as It will doubtless be visited by thousands of people , not only from this county , but from all over the state. liny Cole's genuine Air Tight heater and have comfort. Cole & Cole linSTIII t'TION OP .IH'NM'NfiS' \HV rir 'inon HIM * * a llrmurKnliM llo ( Pin to ( "nilnilvriiliist. . The fire which destroyed the extensive livery barns and feed stables of Mavor Vic tor lenn'ngH ' Th imlay night was the hottest conflagration that the fire department has been called on to light since the memorable Iiie > of the winter of iso.'i when several larfo Implement houses on Main stieet were con sumed bv tlames Owing to the Inflammable nature of the hay and btraw , tons of which were stacked up in the bains and sheds , the flrr spread rapidly and by the time the fire men reached the premises the entire yard and buildings , which cover almost a whole block at Hioidway mil Henton btieet , were a seething mass of ( lames It was only by the hardest work that Wheeler S. Hercld's cold storage house on the opposite side of the street was saved , and the scorched ap pcaranco of the building yesterday showed how close It had been to going up In smoke- Mayor Jennings' grocciy store being built of brick escaped the llaraes although the windows on the side next the yard were broken bj the heat and the wooden shed In which the oil tanks stood was burned to the ground In this little wooden shed were stoicd two galvanized tanks full of oil and although the solder on the tanks was melted the oil In ' .oino peculiar manner failed to explode The wooden Jacket was burned off a largo can of gasoline standing In this shed , but It also failed to explode Search among the ruins and debris yes terday sho.ved that eight horses had per ished In the llames. Two of these were the pioperly of M Clark of Boomer township. while two others , thoroughbreds , belonged to a vcteiinary surgeon mimed Miller of Shelby. Thu other four animals wore owned by Mayor Jennings , among the number being one of his black carriage team , the los > s of which Mr Jennings regrets almost more than anything dae The horse was cut I lee e at the commencement of the lire , but became frightened and crazed and ran back from the street Into ihe tlames and perished. \mong the vohliles burned was the hand some new phaeton which the mayor had re cently purchased for the use of his family. Mayor Jennings figured his loss yesterday at something over J4.000. with * 1 600 Insur ance Ho contemplates having the barns anil sheds rebuilt as coon as possible. Mayor Jennings VMUS loud In his praise of the man ner in which the fire department kept the flip from spreading to the surrounding property. I. * . ( inuit riiiiiiiinnilrry 'No. II. fnlfonn Hank. Knights of Pythias , will Rlvo their Hist select party of the season at their Armory KnlRhtx of Pythltts hall , tn the M rr'am ' block on the evmtn" o' - t 10 , 1M S These select parties will be on the sic nd and tcunh tau.uu , mjti < , . j month All of their friends nra cordially in vited to bo present Wanted Girl for general hou-vwork. Mrs | O. Keullno , tns South Seventh street t unlit * * n WiirtlilfXH ( lif * k. 0 W Smith , the North Main street liv ery man , has reported to the police that he cashed a check for $ . ' 9 for a man giving his name aa Louis Low cry , which proved to bo worihliss Tin check was drawn on the Pirsii ional bank of Omaha signed by J \ \ HuKs whom I.owery sa. 1 was a real estate dealer In Omaha. Thu check oa re turned marked no account I.owery , v ho was stopping at the Scott house on North Main street his left town and when last heard of was at Oskaloosa i i\Minits : V.SHJNP.D TO nit vnns , NIIIIIOH of Hit * IVrvoiiN Who Will Train tin * tiiiinu lilrn , At the adjourned meeting of the Board ol Education held last night Chairman Sims of the finance committee presented n report fixing the salaries of the teachers , which was adopted The report Includes the fol lowing assignment to grades High School Principal , W. N. Clifford ; Lydla A. Webster , Anna Z Iloss ) , William J Pliut , Louise A Hocsche , S L. Thomas , John M Sylvester , Kate II Heed , Jennie O. Itlce , J. C. Grason , Prances Dalley , Maude M Pierce Washington Avenue Principal , Mantle Mangum , Clara Meyers , Joslo Clausen , Hob- crta Hattcnlnuer , Adi Howard , Miry Dale , Helen Tyler , Anna Vnmlercook Grace Pos ter , Cora Gretzer , Anna Landon , Mlttlc Pile , Winifred Ilrsley. Ethel } n Barclay , Nellie C. Parsons , Anna Stevens , Mrs. A D. Card and Cora Trey nor. Hloomei Principal , May Sims : Margaret Whistler , Plora Van Order , Maude Smith , Margaret Wallace , Amy Hoblnson , Annie Williams , Jessie Alsworth , Neva Ilusaell , Olive Thompson , Carrlo Morgan , Nannie Martin , Laura Coleman , Ethel Shepard and Kmma Prederlck Twentieth Avenue Principal , Kate Payne ; Birdie Anderbon Emma Howard , Mary Oar- rlty , Llz/le Crocker , Mltinle Cvcrs , Bertha Marsh , Paula Krcldler , May Van Brunt , Llllle Ghernlsa , Luella M. Wllllts , Anna Stevens. Prances Wright and Mrs. 13. M , Peabody. Pierce Street Principal , Vermont Rey nolds , Kittle Connor , Teresa Coyne , Huth Wallace , Kathcrlno Trey nor , Mary Swire , Mabel Thompson , Jennie Pile , Kato Gerncr , Ethel Shepard , Ida Casady. Eighth Street Principal , Wlllanno White , Mamie Norene , Minnie Clay , Plor-'ncc Storms , Elfle Miles , Aurclla Tlnlcy , Dora ( rasa , Mollle Schahlll , Laura Coleman , Mrs A. D Card , Grace Amcnt Third Street Principal , Mrs M. II Cur tis , Klttlo Connor , Mrs. Dora Churchill , Julia Walker , May Perry , Florence Cailey , Dora Lyon , Jennie Howe , Kato Gernm , Prances Wright , Annette Wallace. Second Avenue Principal , Elizabeth Graves , Mamlo Noreno , iMary McMlllen , Lucia Young , .Mrs Kato Sprague , Minnie Wllliarnscn , Myrtle Bnrndt. Avenue. II Principal , Ellen Mclntosh , Laura Dodge. Hattle Perrler , Etnnu Bocscho , Loulso Bohnlng , May Caldwell Anna Mikcsell. Eighth Avenue Principal , Myrtle Cutler ; Louise Carson. Lllllnn Hart , Nellie Jacobs Madison Principal , Sue L Badollct , Mrs Edith I'rout } . uMar > Oliver , Edith Pleld. Thirty-second Street Principal. Mrs Liz zie Glenson , Agnes Drake , Julia Tullcys , Minnie Johnson Harrison Stiect Prlnclnal , Minnie Han son. Ona Kondle Carrie Wells. Coiirtland Mrs Lou Graves. Gunn Ll7/le Holm. Windsor Park Josephine Shea , Woodhuiy Annie DcGroat. Clark Minnie Wallace. Substitutes Ho'-a Drake , Ella Albright. Supei visors Penmanship and drawing , Miss Harriett Hlood , klnderearteiib , Mis. Hardman , music , Lucllu Porterflcld. Miss Kate Gerner was elected ono of the directresses of the kindergartens The contract for biipplylng the school district with coal was let to R. N Williams on his bid of $2 for Centervlllo lump. Bids were also received from Stecpy- & Sleepy , Wilson & Thompson , II A. Cox , Carbon Coal eomimnv , Council Bluffs Coal and Ice company. The contract for wooil wns awaided to W. S Keellno on his bid of $27. per cord. The only other bidder was Spencer Smith Superintendent Havden reported that he had arranged bo that kindergartens will be conducted at the Washington avenue , Bloomer and Third street schools In the afteinoons and at the Pierce street , Twen tieth avenue- and North Eighth street schools In the forenoon. Office boy wanted H. A. Woodbury , 3 ( Pearl btreet. Part 2 of The Bee's photogravures of the exposition Is now ready and can be had at Iho Council Bluffs office The Evans laundry Is the leader In fine work for both color and finish. G20 Pearl stieet. 'Phone 2 ! > 0 SmaU Till * * * * * * * ' 'up n llnr fst. Sneak thieves luv * 1 ecu reaping n harvest In Council Pli'f for the last few days , Judging from ' ! < complaints made to the police II t ; Edwardi , a loonier at the1 Scott house on North Main street , reported yesterday that h's ' brand new- fall overcoat had been s'olcn from bis room D Clark and E. Dor = ey , two Jockeys a ( the Driving paik , complained yesterday ol having had property btolen from their stalls Claik lost a pair ot hoots and racing pants and Dorsey a now pair of racing boots and Biuirs J Mclloberts of 20" > Broadway reported ha' his trunk had been broken open dur- 'ng ' bis absence from his room and two watches , several articles of Jewelry anil come clothing had been taken W J Stevens , a guest at the Metropolitan hotel , reported that a thief had entered hlfi room by breal Ing In the rear window and as a result of his visit a new suit ol clothes was missing The store of Christopher Loseth at 618 Sixteenth avenue was broken Into some time dm Ing Wednesday night and 200 cigars stolen The police were called Wednesday even ing to the residence of George Gcrner on Glen avenue The servant girl on going to her room discovered a burlv negro hiding under the bed The fellow when discovered Jumped through the opnn window and made for the woods at the back of the house. Otllcer Weir and Chief Blxby chased the negro through Palrmount park and the sur rounding country for about two hours , but finally lost all track of him. Plnils for tin * Drfrinliint. The trial of the damage suit of Pannlc Dtltchler against Harry Hoist was concluded In the supeilor court yesterday morning and the case given to the Jury shortly after noon After being out seven hours the Jury brought In a verdict last evening finding for the defendant. Miss Deltchler , who sued for JIO.OOO damages for alleged seuluctlon. There is a criminal case pending against Hoist on the same charge In the district court whlcL Is set for trial at this term. Iowa \I-UH Vitff , . The Association of Iowa Colored Baptlstf is tn annual session r.t Ottumwn with a very largo attendance Creston Is the last Iowa city to declare fn a street fair this fall It was decide * . ! upon at a maxd met ting , In which all citizens hail a voice. Ottumwa will build a wc-oden track nm ! have some race meets this fall The ( > cllt > ts of that section are very enthusiastic ant ! havp raised the ncnessaiy funds The members of the Daughters of th ( American Revolution throughout Iowa hr.vi arranged receptions In each locality lor the returning boldlers of that state Mahaska and Monroe counties are trying to rival each other In the discovery of nw coal fields Recently both counties have un earthed new deposits of bbicK diamonds Tramps trc booming dangerous ib'ig tin Burlington lines in southern Iowa vt ( 'res ton Hreakman Leonard ejected two tramp ! and received a bulltt through hln hat f r his trouble Au inch lower would have rcaultcc lu doatb . ! CROWD COMING FROM IOWA Many Des Moines People Will Visit the Exposition - position dunday. SPECIAL RATES GIVEN IDE EXCURSIONISTS l.n l of Hie .M * n or the IMft-Scconil IIMMI ltit\ * Ciiiuii Mrlvlnlo 'Io- ilii.i 1'l rili-lli A No lit lie Ollt. DKS MOINES , Sept. 9 ( Special Tele gram ) A special rate of J2 50 lor the roiin 1 trip to Omaha h.aa been advertised by the Milwaukee road iiiul from present Indica tions aerj largo crowd \\lll go from this vicinity to sptnd a day tit the exposition Sunday. The last of the rifty-second Iowa will go homo tomorrow and Camp McKlnlcy will again bo deserted except for some twenty- flve who will remain In the hospital for a few days. Word was received today that the Fiftieth Iowa will leave Jacksonville , Pla . for Des Moines next Monday. It haIng been decided to muster out that regiment also. The Iowa delegation to the International convention of the Hrotherhood of Locomotive Firemen , left this evening In special cars for Toronto , Canada , whcro the meeting Is to bo held The Iowa delegation will work for the next meeting two jears hence for Des Moines and ns moot of the lodges In the west ha\e passed resolutions fa\orlng this city , the Iowa delegates hope to win. Itr.l'OHT ON COMHTIOOP CHOI'S , lottii Wen < li IT iiiul Crop St'i\ lee Null- DNS MOINiS , Sept. 0. ( Special ) The regular crop report , September 1 , inndo by the county and township correspondents of the Iowa Weather and Crop Service , has been tubulated and the results arc gl\cn below. The report gl\es estimates of the condition of the unharvested crops , and the yield per aero of the ceieal crops so far as may be ascertained from thresh ers' returns and other bources of Informa tion. Coin. The condition of this Important cror Is shown to be unusually \ariablo 01 "spotted , " as some of the reporters describe It , as a natural result of the unequal dis tribution of rainfall In the critical stage of Us growth. The estimates of condition bhow a very wide range in different counties and distiicts , the llguies ranging from lit to 120 per cent The average of all the estimates of condition Is i > 6 per cent for the state at large. Tills is a reduction of 5 per cent as compared with the August re port. 'I ho crop reporteis were asked to make ii caieful estimate ) of the probable yield ol coin In their respective localities and the result accords with their estimate of condi tion The average of the estimates bv coun ties Indicates an average yield of , il bushels per aero for the state at laige , 01 5 bushels per , ure above the average output in 1817 If their estimates a/e pustalned b > the linal returns of the harvest the corn crop of lown for isys will bo slightly abov the average of the last fifteen years , which Is about 3' bushels per acie This report , however , Is ( i only u piellmiiiary estimate by the ciop re- I irtcis , neailj all of whom arc practical 1 f imers , and It may be materially reduced ; husking returns ' It is Intel eating , however , as showing thai , standard of estimate Is hlph and th trago crop repot te : understands 100 per nut to signify a crop of 10 bushels of sound torn per acre. As showing the-rarlnble conditions cf corn , the fact may be noted that the reports from seventeen counties Indicate a jlcld of 21 to 30 bushels per acie , Mvtj-si\ counties : give promise of 30 to , 10 bushels , and sl\- ti n counties make a showing of10 to 43 bushels pei acre If the estimates of the crop reporters arc sustained bv the husking returns the corn crop of Iowa this > ear will be about 2SO- 000,000 Iwbels , or 40,000,000 bushels In e\- ccst of the total in 1W Wheat Threshing returns from the coun ties that produce winter wheat show an average > ield of 18 bushels per acre ami the imports indicate an avenge of 1C bushels Tier acre * of spilng wheat These figures , II boi no out by thi > later returns , will give the state a total wheat harvest of 21 137.S1I bushels Tills amount Is 1,1 j | 760 bushels In xctas of the wheat output of last vear Oats The yield of oats appears to be 31 bushels per acre IIP the state average Till" indicates a total vleld of 141S7. > 000 bushels or 'I,10 1,000 bushels more than in 1S' 7 Iarle ) > Average yield pei acre2S bush els , total vleld , 112 ,402 bushels Hve Average yield per acio , 17 bushels , tot-l vMl 1 T 2'J bushels Timothy seed averages 42 bushels per acre Tame bay y Iclds 1 S tops per acre- , which will give a total of 1,011,819 tons , whl-li amount Is GVJ C3J tons In excess ol the output last jear Wild hay will average 1 1 tons per acre , making n total of over 2. 000,000 tons The condition of the minor crops is rated as follows Millet , 'ii pel cent buckwlrat , Sfi. potatoes , " . " > , apples 5S : pastures , SI. Missonirsvsriv ( . wTIHS > . DIM nitatlii ) ; CurrtMit TlirtMitt'iii Prop er M In Northern Iowa. SIOUX CITY , la , Sept. 9 ( Special ) The Missouri river is playing havoc with the Iowa bank near the foot of Pterce , Douglas and Pearl streets. Thousands of dollars worth of accretion land has crum bled and fallen Into the river , and the current still Is making serious Inroads The velocity of the current Is very great , and Is thrown with force agilnst the Iowa bank by a big samlbir which has formed on the Nebraska side of the river , extend ing fiom a point above the Combination brldgo nearly to the Omaha bridge The current hits the Jiar and then runs In a direct line to the Iowa side , striking the bank most severely between Pierce and Pearl streets At this point forty feet of land has fallen Into the river , and the prospects are that a great deal more will bo washed away The1 river has nearly eaten Its way to the dog pound property , and Poundmaster Crulckshank has removed the south fence of the pound to save the lumber before It i might fall Into the stream Not much bank I remains between the water and the llttlo house where the uutaxed ilogo have been Incarcerated At the foot of Pearl street close to the river Is a big Ice house , the property of Boyer & Lockhart. This structure is threatened The bank Is cracked all around the south slilo of the Ice house. The cracks In the soil extend within llvo feet of the structure , anil the situation Is critical. The only thing that has saved . the Ice bouse thus long Is several barges and a sand boil which are moored about [ forty feet up stream. These boats throw the current out to some extent anil keep It from hitting the bank opposite the Ice house with full force The hank Is crumbling at an alarming rate , and every few moments can bo heard ! | a loud splash as a section of soil Is swept away Hoys with sticks amuse themselves prying chunks of cracked earth from the bank. The bank at the foot of Pearl street , he- fore the river began to cut , had a gradual Blopo at the point whcro the old pontoon brldgo used to .span the river. People who used this approach years ago would not know the place Thu hank has a sheer drop of twenty fee * The bank abutting the pound property has a drop of about fort ) feet The river is said to bo thirty - five feet deep on the Iowa side and the strong current makes easy work on the accretion land 1 Ihu current has destroyed some of the THE TWO GREAT BATTLES OF . Yf Ii I * f * JTTB fW 1Z7 * I Irt > S\ 1 Iv Ji REPRODUCED AT - - lJ t Sun Jay , Sept. ! ! ; Tcesday. Sept. 13 ; Thursday , Sept , 15 ; ; fitorday , Sept 17 , and Sunday , Sect. 18 , The prodiu'tiou is ol'siuli great inaguitutlr that 1 houiW time N required to arrange for each performance. 'J,000 pieces of various kinds of explo-mes used each night. S llr Pounds of rod fire. Two submarine mines exploded during each poiiormanro , ' , tlirowiuff water 100 feet in the air. ) , All Under Management of Captain HoSert Cook. government revetment work , hut the exact loss is not known Iinlfalr I'rot li * N a GREELEY , la , Sept 0 ( Special ) L G Glover , the old man killed at Greeley Prl- day , was burled here Mondav J ( J Cock- ley , the young man who killed him and then committed suclde , was bulled Sunday The tragedy has created a great sensation In GrecIcy. Glover was Connelly a lesldent of Dyersvllle and was n preacher lie married a rich widow from Rlckardsvllle and bho willed htm all her propelty She died about twenty yc.us ago and he moved to Greeley , whcie ho purchabcd a large tract of farm land. He wa * > neatly 70 years of age and was feeble and decrepit Cockley was his nephew and the two lived together alone Cockley was a worthy young man and Glover thought much of him anil had made him his sole legatee Cockley became enamored of a gill in the nelghboibood and Glover objected to their piospectlve mar- ilage He and Cockley had had several fiuarrels over the ma'ter and u neighbor , who had occasion to visit the house , heard them quarreling the night before the tragedy. When found Prldav morning It was evident Cockley had endcavoied to lesuscitato the old man The theory of the neighbors Is that Cockley had became en raged and struck the old man , and then regretting his action , tried to revive him Palling In this , and realizing the onormlty of his cilme , when the neighbors sur- lounded the hoiibc , he shot himself. Home oil Me I * I , < * IIM * . SIOUX CITY , Sept. 0 ( Special ) About fifty men of the Pifty-sccond Iowa are now In Sioux City on sick leave Three men , Will Shepard , Jamcb Vanderpool and James Hamilton , who nre suffering with typhoid fever , are very sick men , but most of the others , while weak and many unable to leave their beds , are getting along nicely Sioux City has lost two men by death in the regiment Preparations are being made to receive the two Sioux City companies next Tuesday. StorniN on Tilul for Murder. BURLINGTON , Sept. fl ( Special Tele gram ) Storms , the murderer of Mrs Iiath- burn and her daughter here last winter and who barely escaped lynching at the handset ot a mob this spring , ( t new on trial at Wapello A private detective named Jones is lu Jail for attempting to bribe a witness on behalf of Storms FIGHT IS AGAINST THE UNION I'llllll OpITlMllPHl > Kll < MllllK < * hcalc IN Not Mm-li n Mullrr of Con t roN > . I'ANA , 111 , Sept 0 Ocorge V IVnwell , president of the I'enwcll Mining companv , gave notice today that he would open his mine Monday , but would pay only J5 cents per ton , the price the non-union negroi s are being paid at the Sprlngside mine. He said. said."I "I prefer white miners if they will deseit the union , otherwise I must operate the mine with negroes and foreign labor " The mlncis say they will not accept his offer and will not work under the scale of 33 cents , neither will they desert the union This means the Importation ot several hundred additional mgioes and the retention of 2CO deputies to guard them. Captain D II Hartu , the controlling stockholder In the 1'ana Mining compaiiv , today sa'd ' "We I'nnn operators are op posed to the union as a national body dic tating to us howwe shall run our biiPlness and wo propose , unless they will accept our terms , to put In negroes " The captain virtually admitted that the object of the I'ana operators Is to break the union , the price not being so much In question as the union. Piesident Cravens of the miners today said "Tho miners will never accept the I'enwell offer , ns the result would be a gen eral dissolution of the union , Just what the opeiators have all the time been working j for , and would provoke trouble between the I miners and operators of not only Illinois j ' hut Indiana , Ohio and Pennsylvania , for the operators would bo compelled to cut i wages In order to miei the competition of . the four big I'ana mines This Is a question I of life and death to the miners' union or- I ganUatlon and we will fight It out on this line If It takes all winter" National Vice President John Mitchell of Spring Valley and State Secretary W. D Uyan of Uraldwood , who arrived today , en- j dorsed President Cravens' statement Mitchell and Hyan go from here to Indian- , apolls to attend a meeting of the national .executive board of thu United Mine Work- I ers Monday. A mammoth Blockade and quarters for Imported negroes has been , i built and completed at the Penwcll colliery Clint on-lire \IIOIIIIIIIIN. | | | DnADWOOD. S D , Sept. 9 ( Special ) The Methodist conference of the Ulack Hills has just closed a successful session In this city No changes have been made In the pastorates for neu year The ap pointments made are- Hello Dourche , J. C. B Peck. Ileulah. J. L Murr. Custcr , I < U. Perguson , Deadwood ( First church ) , C II. Clark , Oeadwood ( first ward , Central ) , C. K. ( ilddlngf ) , Kdgcrnont. John Hall ; Ualena , to bo supplied , Harding county circuit , J. M. Gardner , Ilermosa , Clarlo Hoyden , Hot Springs , A II Chapln , Keystone and Hill City , J. C Dnval , Lead , II C Harman ; Oelrkhs and Prlngle * . O W Iluttorlleld ; Hapld City , I ) W Tracy , Spcarllsh , J I ) . Skaggs. Sturgls , William J Pylo , Sun dance , I. H Ilalley Tllford and I'le Imout , H L Hobinnon Terry supplied by Martin Thomas Whitewood W I ) Atwater r R K Clough was re-elected presiding cider for this district. , L r-rfA fcfa l * ; > America's pavorite Cigar aTZG3v TOJ jfr * + V JOHN s34 . J s V/OODWARft / &CO.t Distributers , 3 tor 25c lOc Straight COUNCIL 2 lor 2oc BLUFFS , IA CHAS. SUI TOEB. 5 Per Cent Money on Sov/a Farms- AVu are prep iixd to pliicu loans on improved Western lovva farms t 5 per ent Mo'iev on Ii iul , no do ny. \V-liivefor -.He several choice 1'Hl II. ' ( = A vMIA , dUAlS AM ) b'l Ol K I'AKMS. VI KV ( IM'Al' . Cheap mom-j w ill iniiUe luiul go up. Investigate our Iii'i > tins DAY & HRSS , 39 Pearl Si. , Council B'uffs ' , Iowa. Searles & Searles. SPECIALISTS. Guarantee ( o run * Np < * < -ill ! ) iiiul rn < ll cnlly all MJltVOIs , ( HIlOMr VM ) PHIV A'l 12 IIMUNIN | of men anil guinea SYPHJUS BPtTALLcured for life Night Lml-H ons. Lost M mho id , Hy- flroi ele * , V < * r n < Hi > Oonorrlit-a Olfct , Syph ilis , StrltJii1'llcs I Istula und IlCLtnl Ulceifl , Did l < Hrlfi.M a Dlseasicured. . rinr. . Stricture by new method without pain or cuttinr. Cnll on or address with stamp Treatmant by mall. j iv ti.HHt .si. , , mm s SJIRIES , u M ttiA , .1/jfl , FOOS and Gasoline Engines 2 * to 25O Horse Po 73 i > . .1 Ii. , . i * . of Ml IvIniN. all o n n MI vvi t > l > i | 1 1 < i -i A. d i Iptlons. J ) \V III lilt VIII l.\ A. < O. . ( onni-II llliil'.M lin\u. ChlcbiilfrI'rctJil , iiumouil llrand. PILLS l yn Only Grmilitc ft ( " " ' mti ' " At I'ru.f ! H I rn te. . _ 'V In .1 i I r | -tic lit l Miiunglt . n 1 VWS "ll'llif for InrtlM , ' < il i" b'rHtt/u _ A > J _ ji' 5'ull lO.lltll I .tlmicl.il Hmiitlapir b4 | bf .Jl Ixn-M I rutd.li Yll.l VDA. , I'.V CLAY'S MARRIAGE A FAILURE DrrriM * Illlliilril Don n | ) | NNO | t Inc 'I li-x Hint lllnil III in lo IIU ( . .IrlVlfc , Iliiia Illrlilll iNoll. LOlTlSVILLi : Ky s-pt 9 \ special to the Evening Post from Hidimond. Ky , hays Utneiul CUBBIUH M Cluy , the Bagi of Whitehall , has been granted a divorce trom hU girl wife , Uora lUchardnon Clay , by Judge Scott of the Madison county circuit court. The decree restore * to the defendant her maiden name The suit for divorce won filed t urul weeks ago ami til It vvai not lontctuid by the defendant every effort was maiii to hurry It through the courts , with thn rn ult that u decree was handed down thu nioin- Ing. No reference wa inudo to ulimoiiy. it * It was understood by the attorneys aud the court that General Clay had already made ample provision for his nifc by ihi * puiiha- ! of a largo und produc'm farm neat h r old home. The marrtugf * contract whl'h cxittel between them wan dissolved I Illlll- Sllillllll'lllN. \DWOOI : ) S I ) iinpt 'i cr | ial I - Kievcn trairiioiiiin f buf i i l > no shipped f om Ik liefoun hr on S' . mli > Ii t , which < s the large siiipuiin male ttiia m ouo clay , Q.W.PangeM.D. ! . . , . . ' 111 ! ' ( ,0'JI ) \VIAKIT\N 25 YEAR'S EXPERIENCE. Header of IIsrnnon of it.cn and women. I'Ttoi'iui rui < oi' Tim World'H Iltilial IHxpiiiKury of lMccllcl v > . I CI ur-dtunli ol Head , Throut mid Iiini-i" , DIM.IMII ol l'\o nnil iur : , J'llH mid | " * , 't I 'vi i mid Kidtiiy lllsciiM'H , Dialn H h. Ill i III hi < ii-iM \ HUH IHH : o Kin Hiiiiill-in t-cn 1'iln , lnopH ) en i ril without liilil'iim lip WiitiM" irnovcU , ull chimilo tMrvoiifl mil I'rlviiU IIIMM-IH S fQTT PJ5 5S tt K fl fl R _ m J0" f nni1 uxJO ) 9 ItlMil'cUUu middle UK'I ! men. OVEVIfG I ? Olll > PliysUmn who fan O rnll. ! a piopcrly euic stl'IIII IS uiiltonii MIOJ ing Ii i ill mid bunev Noimi * rui v > < r IIII'-HM ' ihinf'i il IM d I hi- only I'hIrian who < an U II what mil joii v.nlmiil n-l.intr a iiu | Hllua lli'im' nl a distiinio si nd fnr qucatlon blank No I Inr im u , No 'i Inr wotm n AH < ' ! ! -I'i'Mil' mv btrictly conlldcntiul Mcdicin i bcm by c'piipp. Aildr ( .sull letters to G. W. PANGLE , M. D. , 555 llnui-luiiy. COI'NCII. ' HI. I ITS , IA -iV Scinl - c cm "Uiinnor rcuir " \\ANTii : ) TAH.M AND INKIDIJ C'lTV LOANS THAT Altn OlI/r-KDUi : AM , LOANS MAIM : ON oru OWN i'Ai'iits : , urnt 01 'I ION \ | . 1'AV.MKNTB AND I'UINI- 1'AL AND INTIUIKST I'AYAHI.iT : Ol It OKI H'lJ \ \ K ALSO WANT Uil II I Ilti : IXSt'ItANCi : ON IK BINI.htl I'HOJ'iniTV l > \ \ KLLIN'IIS AND Hot Sl- IIOI.D IIOOJJH JIAIUJAIN'S IN HI Ah Ls'lATR , llo'lll IN I'AK.M AND < I'l V I'HOl'KHTV : CAN SLLL V. Ol V IH.Mi : CIIIIAP ON H.MALL 1'AYMLNIri. ' 'i ' ) ACULS OK UOTTOM LAND IN 'IIHH ( Ol'NTV Toll 8ALI3 IN IJNIJ THAf T Oil IN SMALL TUAf'TS ALSO 2IU A ( Ifl.H AT A LOW I'ltH'j : I'AIITIKS IIA\lNi } ( JJOD KAHM OH CITY I'HOI'KH'l \ lit SKLLILL DO WKLL TO LIH1 I I' WITH i'8 MONIY LOANIU : rou LO CAL INKSTOHB \\K HAVi ; A UKSIIlAULi : PI.A'l OP Trv RUOMS rou UINT -IJU 1 1 u MONTH. Loi-jii ; A Lorui i 1W Hontli Miilii Kt THF"NEUMAYER .1 \COII NRim\r/f > . ) I'UOI * HI 'lf . " .10 Liiiidweiy Cijiiii II Illuffi liatiH t 'ifriluy , iu luniua iimtilasi 1 1 < vil > I- ( i el Mm , r Inn to nil iji | > ul3. I in I I ' I lur I til ( < I , in iff j ,1 | o U A H ( , ' iver 1 irMt-i luai Liir in con- in i iii n ' A'3 > S ' * * " * * * i l CtJIlZ YOURSELF ! I III - ' < t5W ' " " " ! ' " "u ' ! I . i. , \ I l i i II in u , in in , , lr. IJ III ill I. , ur II III 111 101 . ir r , I I i u in , " > o 1 ' m I t I ( v.tllll- > SC M " 1 * ' ' ' ' IJI"