Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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    Til 13 OMAHA DAILY HER : Fill DAY HKH ! , ft
Chief Redell Takes His Working Corps to
Defeat the Visiting Experts.
I'll In Out the Pin * nt n Cinlt Which
the IvniimiH II ) iiml Den
ser CrnrkH ! " " IhHr Ujfn
Viiliuilcrri *
Yesterday was Omaha day nt the tourna
ment of the National rirtmcn'a association ,
for tuo euectacular roles were almost ex
clusively assumed by local companies
Omaha had no nidi , tlthcr , of being
nsbatned of Its representatives , for despite
the fact that they have not gone Into nnj
eort of training for the tournament , as thej
liad not expected to tnko part , they made :
decidedly creditable showing a fact tcatl-
lied to by the applause with which theli
exhibition * we-ro urcetod
Hnglnc Company No .1 assumed the luavj
task of extinguishing the lire. It was :
tnoro dlfllcult part to play than the Denvc :
company had set before It on Wcdnesdi.
Thcru was a heavier wind , and It wai
blow Inj ; directly from the north , throwltif
the llames and the Btnoko right In the v.a ;
of the firemen. On the day before the wine
blow the smoke to the north nnd awn ;
from the gallant fire laddies. Moreover
! . ' there was a hitch on the part of the Judges
the Urn being allowed to get a much bette
Btart before the word was given to th
company to go On top of this was nddci
the fact that the company was entirely tin
used to the engine house , not having usn
It In practlco like the other companies. Ye.
denplte. all these hindrances only thre
minutes and twenty seconds elapsed fron
the time that the men Jumped Into thel
boots and slid down the poles until wate
was turned off as a signal that the fire wa
out. Chiefs Hale and Roberts of Kansa
City and Denver paid the Omaha bojs j
rompllment by getting their eompanle
ready for action , because ? they believed th
lire had gotten too big a start before th
Omaha company was allowed to get nt It
The local boys , however , fully demonstrate !
the stuff they are made of by putting th
fire out In an Incredibly short time , al
though they badly blistered their faces an' '
hands In doing It
Home lied Hot Itiiniilnn.
This hosu company also gave nn exhibl
tlcm In the sprinting line It was urged o :
to do this by n feat of the- Lincoln companj
The beautiful pair of dapple grays thn
represent the state capital ran 250 yard
down the track In the time of 0 23 1-1
Chief Wild man grow somewhat hoastfu
over this and offered to bet anjbody thai
no other team on the grounds could ben
litB horses Chief Itcdell did not tak u
the bet , but In older to take a bit of th
starch out of the Lincoln chieftain , he r.i
the ) pretty ba > s of No 'I over the course
The Judges failed to catch the time of th
first lun and Chief Iledcll sent the teat
ugaln. This time they made 0 2.1 Hat , nc
cording to the Judges , but according to th
wntchoH of Chiefs Halo nnd Iledell the tltn
was 0 22' ' . Chief Wlldman wanted and wii
given another chant o and after his teui
had hail n good rest ho had them drive
over the course again They made a tlui
of 0 22. The sight of the wildly runnln
horseH IIIng with the he.ivy hose wage
at their heels and the firemen clinging I
the vehicle was decidedly exciting It
qullo possible that n hub-and-hub race be
twecn the two teams will bo arranged be
fore the close of the tournament.
Hook and Ladder company No. 1 gave >
splendid exhibition of pompier work on th
seventy-two-foot building. The compnn
went up In a body and as Individuals , o
five ladders and on one. It also went agalui
tln o In Healing the structure and did goc
work. The last man of the company i
live- reached the top Just one mlnuto an
eight seconds from the time the llrst mn
had raised the llrst ladder This was be
ter than the Denver company did In comp <
tltlon , but not BO good .is Kansas Cit >
K u M * UK C'llj'K niiutierx.
The Kansas City company also did exce
lent work with the ladders and guvo son
llnet exhibitions of life saving on the II
line. After scaling the structure a coup
of the men stationed themselves In thli
and fourth-story windows and the rest wei
te > the top. The latter slid down the roj
nnd picked up the men at the windows e
the way nnd brought them safely to tl
ground. The most thrilling feat was tl
slide of one of the men headflist down tl
rope with a man clinging to him
The races wore again of first-class iiuallt
Vhere was a disagreeable side to them In tl
fact that the decisions of the Judges ai
other otllclals proved to be unsatlsfacto
In almost every case There was more-
less reason for the complaints , as the- oil
cliils appeared to become mixed at time's
One of the pretty events was a 100.i
dash for members of the volunteer eompa
les. The- first prize win a gold medal wor
} Jf. and $2-r > in cash , the second $ JO In ca ;
and the third $10 In cash \ Held of elg
started H L Clark and I L Sanderson
Carroll. One of York , J Mcnlman , J Kell
11. Hess and 1' Lambert of Harlan nnd
Deuland of Central City , Cole After a 1
of jockcving thft bunch got off , but the ra
soon developed Into a struggle between He
and Sanderson The former had gotten
ruther unfair start nnd was ahead of t
whole bunch thrcu-eutarters of tlu dlstam
At this point , however , Sanderson made
great spurt ami apparent ! } struck the strl
MX Inches or "o ahead of Koss. The Judgi
however , decided It a dead heat nnd we
unable to name the thlid man. The th
was given us 0 10 1-5.
This decision was greeted with Jeers , I
It went , and lions anil Sanderson were call
upon to run on the tie Per some reas
lloss filled to leave the siratch and Sande
son trotted along the courses the Jud ?
dirt not Know who the third man In t
original race was. they did not award t
prize and another row lesulted No less th
three ) claimants are afu-r the money.
There was another 100-ard sprint not
the program between Chief K Skimmerhc
a } the I'olo hook and ladder team nnd
colored man who gave his name as Or
hut who Is supposed to bo a "ringer" fn
New York "C.rcy" challenged the flreni
the day before ) when ho won the danh , I
111 * challenge' was unhe Me-d YesteTday
wns on the track with' his defls again n
llnall } was picked up. I'olo backed hkl
nicrhorn for $30 , the amount "Cirey" put i
The two men made a great race , but at I
middle of the course the I'olo man forj
ahead and won by two feet Time 0 10 a
Nn\elt > llouU unit l.iuliler Itnee.
Another Interesting event on the curd v
n novel ! ) hook and ladder race. In \\li
there were three entries I'olo , 111 Ceu
Ct | ) . Cole , and Itcd Oak , la. Kach tci
ran separate ! } as follows Truck placed
jimls nwa ) , company run 125 } arda to
hitch and run back 1.5 jarcU , set ladder s
man to climb to the top round. There vv
three prizes JCO , J < 0 and } . ' 3.
The Central City team walked away vv
the big prize The } made a good r
hltchod with swiftness and were back r
had n man on the top round of the ladi
In 0-43. Heel Oak v\a a tntlc ( .lower .1
mailo the run In 0 U but were barred ,
tlio money localise the ladder was drawn
the truck before the limit allow oil 1'
conteijuentl } took scvond mom- } with
time of 0 45 1-5 L'olo was the enl > ro
PRIIV that ran on the line and tht rre
was that when they were half wa ) to tb
truck one of the middle tueu fell i
the whole tpum down with him.
Several fteeondi were loit while the men
were KettltiK untanKldl ami on thHr feet.
An event nan oftrrrd for the hoao trams
that had neO won prize. It wan a straight
away with prlreg of jr.n , no and $ . ' 0 The
entries were Mnrysvllrc , Kas , CornlnK , la ,
Yoik , Neb , nnd rartnlnKton , III There
was norc of a fugs over this rare than over
any go far rtm , no let-g than three protests
being lllc l on thd grounds that the teams
had non-members In the rnnks. York pro
tested against all three and two protests
were filed against Corning.
York made a splendid showing In the
race , running In the second heat against
rnrmlnglon The Ncbraskans set n pace
from the start that almost carried the
Illinois company off Its fcot and crossed
HIP chalk line an easy length and .1 half
ahead of their rivals Thrlr time ) was
0 2 < 1-3 , % ery excellent ; nnd sufficient to
glvo them first mone-y rnrmlngton's time
was 030 3-5 , which gave It third money
Second mono ) was won In the llrst heat
by Corning , which nlo ran their rivals ,
.Marysvllle , off the'lr feet. When Marvi-
vlllo croa ed th" mark a length and a half
behind not more than half a dozen men
were left on the line Time Corning ,
0 2D 1-6 , Maosvlllo , 0 TJ
MMM : i\r MCIIT.
llrlef I'm iiinlltleM Iinliilneil HolMeon
Arts at lliMil'i 'I heater.
The boiated ceremonies of wclcomlnc the
visiting lire-men look plaio at lloyd's theater
last night between the aets of "The
Mikado" President Tied A Wood of the
National association , Porter Hill of Car
thage , Mo , secretary of the Southwestern
no'oclatlon , Vice President H. S Salisbury
of Whitewater , Wls , and n V Stamates
of Clinton , 111 . statistician of the Illinois
association , had boxrs to the tight of the
stage , nnd Chief Gewge C Hale of the
Kansas Clt ) lire depirtment occupied a
box with Major Moores to the left Many
llicmen were In the bodv of the thcatet
As goon ns the cut tain ramo down on
the first aet Maor Moores stepped onto
theBtnge and delivered the address of wel
come he had Intended to give Momlaj but
for the rain That It had not been de
livered nt the schedeuled time ha at
tributed to a freak of the weather bureau
In suddenly suppllng the city with nn
abundance of water thp firetmn's best
friend All MH succih was In u hlghlv
complimentary ve > ln nnd the mavor managed
to < ; et 'n n good word for Chief Iledell
of Omaha nl = o Continuing , ho said-
We are glad to see to man ) gentlemen
hero representing volunteer and pule ! 11 rn
departments. Man ) men hi're hive ) pet-
fcimul deeds of as true' heroism as 1 =
colle < l foi on thn lli-lds e > f battle Iheie Is
no olhi'i class of men to whom the public
so trusting ! } confldc's lives nnd proport ) as
to the fltnmcn of out eiuntr ) , and no mot ]
servo the public Interests more faithful ! }
and elovotodly than tbcj
righting Ilrc baa become n science- dur
ing the last thlrtv ) ears As property In
terests have Increased and the das of the
coiiHtiuc'lim ef gicat buildings have prog
ressed the science of fire lighting has kepi
pace ) with the advance In the value of prop-
rrty Jeopardized by lire and to lay nothlnp
will sotlsfv our metropolitan ) cities but the
vor ) best flro departments conducted on up-
to-dato lines The y demand the best mei
In e-ver ) WAV nnd polities and lire lUhtlnt
will not 'nix nt nil
( lentlemcn , 1 bid } ou welcome and as r
pn of of in ) Klncorelty I present to voi
thcEc golden kovs of our city Take tlu-n
and use them constnntl ) What one o
thorn will fall to unlock tljo other wll
sintlselcliiii Majiiiatoi UesponilN.
President Wood took the patriotically dec
orated mammoth kes of gilded wood am
delegated to Statistician 11 r Sta ) mates o
the Illinois association the duty of maklni
a fitting response. Mr Stamates provei
quite an orator. Ho said In the course o
his worls-
Speech falls us when wo attempt to shov
our appreciation of the hospitality o
) our progressive ) city to the flro army of thli
nation Coming across the span of state :
ns wo do to view In the light of vour match
le s exposition the arts sciences and Indus
tries which speak fa well for the progresi
of the age- and im > ie purtlculnrl ) of tin
e-nturpriso of the transmlsslsslppl countr )
wo feel our subllmo mission now to be tin
Inaugmatlon of a series of national tourni
i.-ents and meets which will Impress tin
nation with the Importance of the llremnn'i
oall'ng ' The Hieman's part In our munlclpa
' , I economv 1 us arisen to the ellgnlt ) of a ctil
1 nnd embodies the application of the science
3 I eif electricity , chemistry nnd mechanics ami
' nbovo all. the illicit sBtem rf athletics li
1 .tho world Compared with the contests o
t illmblng and coupling In n hose race , pol
3 nnd tennis become eftcto nmunoments of th
i lawn , base Inll a mere pastime , nnd fee
. , * ) ! n combination of childishness nnd bai
I Mr M.oor the armv which } our city en
„ I tertalnt U an arm ) engaged in a war will
I tbe > most relii-tlnss fee man has , a wa
l which novrr ceapes , In which there in n
8 tleig of UUCP ! IO-P nightl ) bivouac know
1 no sentinel but the flreni m's watchful eve
> but the mortality of whrso heroes Is grente
r than that of nnv other war
I In conclusion ho said the firemen her
I represented nn aim ) of TO n < V > fire fighter
1 ' whose athletic stamp of ehaiactor Ind It
. start In the icckless races of the Homa
h hippodrome J.OOO ) e > ars ago
I , i _ _ _ -
Clerk * riiilHlt I l > Tlielr IliiMliienh.
Letter t nrrlerw llniliiBT u
AViinil 'I line.
DETROIT. Sept 8 At the final sesslo
of the National Association of Postollk
Clerks todav the following officers wet
' | elected President , Thomas Donncll ;
ll I Hiookl ) ! ! . flretlco president , H. I
B i Sehnumloffel , Kansas ClU , senond Me
' president. John I" Uclnlckcr , Ilaltlmore
Third vice ? president , Miss Mary M Lawle
0 Waterbur ) . sccretar ) , William Agnev
Cleveland treasurer , Uobeit M Powell , Di
, troll chairman legislative committee Oti
' _ I" Weiss. New York , chairman finance con
n mlttee , Walter Hurnon , Memphis , chalrmn
organization committee. August H. Miss
' " I Now Orleans.fter choosing Memphis :
" I the next place of meeting , the convcntlc
" adjourned until next yfir
n TOLIJDO O , bopt S The National Le
tcr Carriers association wns in executl'
se'sslon today. The opponents of John ;
Parsons for reolcetion raised tl'o questie
that ho Is not eligible under article 4 of tl
constitution , as he is < io longer an aetu
loiter carrier. A hot fight will bo the n
Detroit entered the race today for tl
10 o-vptt'e- < < IMVt Th - proposition to ho
" ' ion In mid-winter and
c m i i -
' " , > \ htBgion . .ii le longrcss Is in session h
11 I be'cin sprung nml has many supportets.
' llnipltiil for ( HIM alexeenlN.
5. SAN ntANClSCO. Sept. S The conv
leacent hospital of the Oakland Ked Cro
society U the first hospital of the kind
be opened on the coast. It Is located ne
Piedmont , and contains twenty-eight p
lltnts , nearl ) all from the Fifty-first Io\
regiment , who are In charge ) of Corpot
JctTerson of Compan ) M The Iowa volu
tecrs have Just received their pay tor Ju
and Auzust. Thlji was $32 for each c
listed man The total ; > ald the regime
wa 155.000
Hail stolen llariltvare.
Corbin le'r and Key Jones , two bo
under li .vcars of age , wanieJ In , I
for "he robbery of the Malvtin IlarJwa
nd Itupleuifnt company's store vwre c
reutoil here veiterda ) They had corao
Onialn to dlspeue of the stolen goods , vnlu
u $ i" Cnnstablt * Talbot of Mulveiu w
\\us nc tilled of the urrest arrived in t
u ) last e-vening and ouk the bu > s bark
the sci'iio of the robluroung It-IB
the sen of a member of the firm robbi
The1 robbery was ( .omuiitieU Saturday lust
Great Fraternal Order Hai a Tremendous
Celebration Under Way.
ixiTclicnt : i\poillloii : firoiimlfl
Toiluj to lie PolldMcil li ) n Mon-
ntrr I'liriulion ( he
Tim Indications are tint from S.flOO to
10000 Woodmen of the World will be In
Attendance upon the exposition today and
tlmt they will make the occasion one of the
rc'd-lettcr c\cnts of the hen on The fes
tivities , will open this morning and will
continue until the Knt > > s close for the night.
During the inornlng there will be a recep
tion to the visitors nt the lodge rooms In
the Crounse block , Sixteenth street nnd
Capitol inenuo , the members of the local
lodges netliii ; as the hosts After this Is
oxer , the delcRntlons will RO on special
motor trains to the exposition ( grounds , ar
riving there during tin- forenoon Promptly
at 1 o'cloik all of the Woodmen will ns-
hi'inble In the Mclulty of the Auditorium ,
where they will form and , bended by n band
of music , will march around the Oraml
Court Upon their return , ns many as pos
sible will crowd Into the Auditorium , where
the program will be continued
Minor Moores Is down for the address of
welcome to be Uell\ered to the members of
the order After the address of welcome ,
J. C Hoot , sovereign commander nnd
founder of the order , will respond , speak
ing upon the subject of "Woodcraft" With
i the exception of homo selections of music
rendered by the Woodman band , thin will
cloip the exercises In the Auditorium.
I The interesting features of Woodmen day
will occur later In the afternoon on the
I'l.tra , where there will be a band con
test , a do/en bands participating Aftei
I the awarding of the prUes , the uniformed
drill teams of the order will contest for
prl/t > s , which will consume the remalndci
of the afternoon.
In the eveulnR the Woodmen will have
sundr > and divers ways of amusing them-
! celvcs Those v.ho are not In for fun will
, congregate at the hall downtown , where
I home of the best teams will exemplify tut
degiec work Others will visit the Midway
where reduced ratpt linvr been mnile bv
nearly all of the concessions. There will
also be llrowoiks on the North tract al
S'iO o'clock. John Due having added some
Woodmen features to the regular display
One of the set pieces will be a large portrait
trait of Sovereign Commander Root am
another will bo a Jeweled emblem of the
TlioiioiinilH of WonilnuMi Here.
Dclegittons of Woodmen have arrlvee
from nearly even state In the union , tin
ncMihy states having sent In thousands
Pully" twenty bands will be upon the
grounds and will furnish murlc from mornIng -
Ing until night All of the bands and nl
will bo admitted
of tl'o uniformed drill trams
mitted to the grounds free of charge
Comnnnder Houder of one of the loca
camps has worked unceasingly for mon
thnn a month In shaping up the detail !
for Woodmen d-ij , and speaking of the re-
suits , said "Wo ha\e succeeded In arous
ing n great interest In this occasion tha
members of the order
means , so much to the
We have been sending out tons of llteratun
brought fruit All o
and our work has
the great men of the order will be hen
and most of the 3,000 tamps will be rep
resented "
On Saturday evening the Woodmen of tin
World will make a grand dcmonstratloi
down town Under command of Chief Mar
slial II K McKtlvy the column will torn
ns follows4
Vorms on Capitol nvemi.h ° l" < ' 0" 'I'1 ' '
toenth and Blxtoenlh ttreIs ; , r K > 1 rest n
nn sixteenth street W TVetzel , umc
. Xeb I Bueky O Nelll camp No
o. No 141. l.rr
'cnder. Nfb , Kmer on camp
iAnn. Neb - "anrroft cump No m Jtat
rreift. Neb . Logan camp. No OMJim
T.-katnali. Neb
Nel , , Tekumuh No 117.
lllalr Oak. No 2 % Hlnlr. Neb \\oodcllffi
No 121 , Uf Sulo Neb. Uoblnhond , No .
I'lore.nce Neb . tloat tif Omiitm C.rene , Ni
1 Woodmen circle and members In cat
rlnges , Ladli s aii\lllarj , \ \ O W
Terms on Capitol inenue. between Sh
tee nth and S. venleenth slreets , right res ,
ing on Stxlecnlh slreel , John C. Kuhi
.lido Hand , Omulia tamp Noi 10 , Oman.
Neb , KansiH City. No 21. Kansas C :
Mn . Harmon * i amp , No . I. Kansas i it
Mn , Kallvvnv r unp. No 7H , Kansas Clj :
M. . . . Oiikwood tamp. No W , Cit ;
t-'uleni Neo , Libert v camp No 11 , \ ei
, lon Ni b Ste lla c.imp No 12 Stella. Neb
Olive tamp No II. Ntm.ih.iCltv Neb
\ \ alnut ramp No r , llovve. Neb , Shubc :
< amp No X Sliubi rl Neb . \ \ hlteO i
t.nnp No Tl. Auburn N > b : Klin e.imp , N
2' < NMiraska C'lly. Neb. Kvrrsreen cam :
No Til 1'liittnmonlh , Neb , Ilarnua cam
No 10" ) liarnda , Neb
Perms on Uivenport Htreft , between PI
teenth and Sixteenth ctrtels ileht rcath
on Sixteenth street , .lohn Slmp on , aid
Hand. Willow tamp , No 11. , Omaha Net )
elniinl Island camp , No. 111. Grand Islnn
Neb , Lone Tree camp , No 10 < j , ( entr ;
( "Mlv Neb Columbian camp , No. v , < j
luinbus Ntl ) . Svornost camp. No
H < Imj le > r , Neb . Premont camp. No 32 , 1 r
inont , Neb : Valley ramp No U Valle
Neb , V.illev camp , No 100 Norfolk. Nol
Heemer ramp , No 111 , Hoenier , Nel
Dowev camp No Ml We t Point , Ni > |
Nltkpt.on | camp , No 129. Nlckerson , Nel
\\anlilimton i amp No eJ WanhltiKto
Nib , Harnrslon ciinn. No 0 llarnexlo
Neb , Oarlleld c.imp , No 83 , Wvmore , Net
Wishlntton tamp No R Hcalrlce Nel
Svvanton camp No M Svv.uiton , Neb
Perms on D.nenport between Sixteen
nnd Soventeenlh streets rlKht restlns i
SKIcenlb slreet , W M I'arter aide Han
Druid rump , No 21 Omilm Net ) , Pore
camp , No f Lincoln , Neb , Hcevhwoi
tamp No W , South Otn.iha Neb , Hos
wood tamp , No 27 South Omaha , Nel
Illne > TUver camp. No S7 Wllbfr. Nel
\ \ lilto Forest camp No is Crete , Nel
llavtloik eamp. No 117 IIjolock , Nel
Ashland camp. No I Ashlaml Neb We
ster iMinp , No " 7 Webster Neb , Idlewl
tamp , No t > Cedar Hluffc , Neb , Oerma
Ainerltan tump , No 101 Om iha , Nel
Visa camp No 'fl. Lincoln , Neb , Greslu
CTtnp , No 2 ( Ireshnm. Neb
Perms on Chicago slree l , bttvveen P
teenth and PIMeenth atneltt , rluht resli
on Sixteenth streels , James lJ Hraellt
aide H.ind Count U camp No II e'oun
HliifTx , In . Hlrkorv camp No 11 Ottumw
la . t iskaloosa camp , No 2J , OsKaloosa , li
Albla tamp. No lir. Albla. Li , Mam hi si
t inn' No 110 , Charltnn , la , D.ik tamp , >
rd , Woodlnirn. In , Osccola camp No 1
s Oxioida , la . Murray lamp No lf > " Mi
o ' ray , la . Cosmopolitan camp No ' ! ' Cn
ton , la : Gtrmanla camp , No 117 Crentt
r la . Nodovv iy tump No in , Cnrnlne I :
Hed OaK tamp No 73 lied Oak. la : llou
Oak ramp , No lt > 3 Hasllngy , la O
ramp , No triu , M.ilvern , la . Pair I'l
tamp No 1W , 1'ncltlc Junction , la.
Perms on e hlcago strcel between S
tcenth and Scv enteenth , right resting
Slxtt'onlh Mrci'i. Frank Swobodn , al
Hand , Woodmen of llu ) World lloat , l
Iambus ramp , No e.3 Omaha , Neb , (
menlus camp , No 7fi Omaha. Neb i
lileskv camp. No 7fi. Omaha. Neb , Cei :
Wood rump , No 13 Soiilh Omaha. Nc
Xlzkuv Dub camp , No 115 South Oma !
Nfli Def. Moltus inmp , No I' , Desi Moln
I i Atlantic ramp , No 33 , Atlantic , I
.Marno camp. No 62 Mnrnt > , la
Ptirms on Cass Hlreel , between Pift e'
ind Slxlt'nth atrt-etH rl llt reBlIng on S
ttenth ureet Lot,1 HI band Lugan iar
N. ts Logan IT Sjlvin tump No 1
Mmdtn la Acorn ramp No 71 \ \ o
binelu ( edar Rapids rump , No Jl I ei
la , Sumar-in camo. No , SL Ct <
ItnplilK , In ProcrciiKlVp cnmp No joe
i pdnr Ilupldfi In , Purist eanip. No . ' (
Marlon , la , Miipln Leaf tnmp. No V > Mar-
NhiilltnVMi la Vnlli'V ealll | ) . No U1 Mis-
soul I \nllev , la . Hontii tump N s
H.iolie. . la \\hllc Oak e.itnp. No 7J V ill ,
li Wnlnut ( iillii Nn . .Unlliiit , la ,
Norwoiiil ramp , No IKS , Nrula la
Thn line of march will be north ou Six-
tienth street to Webster utrcet , counter
march ( n Sixteenth , Eouth to Douglas , cast
to Thirteenth , fouth to Pnrnam , west to
Eighteenth , countermarch on Pnrnam , eat
to Sixteenth , south to Howard , east to Fif
teenth , north to Doustas , west to Sixteenth ,
north to Woodmen of the World hall After
the parade there will be an entertainment
at Woodmen of the World hall.
Chief rinllimhcr IHreetn ( lint I'aiit
Itueliler lie Kit en UN I.llirrlr
After He N Arrrntetl ,
Another case of pollco protection of crim
inals has come to light In which a notorious
pickpocket and thief taken In the tolls
has been turned loose by the reform police
on order of Chief Oallagher
Paul Huehlor , alias Lewis , arias "The
I'oratello Kid. " but better known in Omaha
j ns the brother-in-law of one of the editors
, of the World-Herald , an adept pickpocket ,
grafter und all aionnd crook , was picked up
b > M. J Conway. a Plnkerton detective ,
Monday In the Roveminent } building on the
exposition grounds nnd turned our to the
police HP was detained nn hour or so
and then liberated by order of Chief ( lalla-
. ghcr to prey on the public unmolested.
The pollco say rhey believe Huehler's
j storv that he has reformed and Is In Omaha
simply on n visit to his relatives after n
i five > ears' absence. As a matter of fact
his release Is due entirely to influence
c-xerted for him over the reform police
Huchler came to Omaha fresh from the
San Pranclnco workhouse , where hi ) under
went a sU months' sentence. He was
released Juno 27. Ho Is about 20 jears old
j nnd lived oft and on unfit the jears age
In this city In those dajs the police
picked him up on sight on general princi
ples. They made It s > o unpleasant for him
that live veais ago he left the city for
good. This Is his Drst visit here since that
' time. Hv turning him loose ho Is giver
i notice that he can ply his vocation not
only without fear of pollco Interference
but with assurance of police protection.
.lolni II. AuiliTNini Me-ctn AVI 111 nn
Acc'lelfiit ( lint Mie > l'ro\ -
Till n I.
John n AnderBon was badly hurt nt II
o'clock last nlRht In alighting from a Rtree
car at Sixteenth and locust streets An
derson Is emplovcd nt the Omaha. White
Lead works In Hast Omaha ami was on hl !
way to his lodgings mar the works vvhei
the accident occurred. Ho Intended to stoj
at a drug store at Sixteenth and Corbj
streets before taking tliu Locust street stut
and had signalled to the conductor to stop
The ofllclal , however did not observe ) tht
action and when the car had gone almost
block fuithor Anderson tried to aliRh
ith the train at full si-ecd. Ills fee
aught on the platform , however , nnel hi
as thrown on his head Ilvstanders car
i'J Anderson to the ollleo of a nclghborlnf
urgeon , where It was found that n blooi
In the head had been ruptured Hi
consclousnchs several hours later
nit was very weak from loss of blood am
10 phvslclaus at St. Joseph hospital are
neertaln regarding his recovery.
A stubborn cough or tickling in the throa
'loldn ' to Ono Mlnuto Cough Cure Hnrmles
n effect , touches thn right * pot , reliable nui
ust what Is wanted It acts at once.
n K. 1'itts of Topeka is at the Millarel.
H. L. Wllbon of Alva , Okl , la nt the Mil
J S. Anderson of Seward , Neb , is at thi
C. L Sweet of Massachusetts Is at ) tin
K L White of Chicago Is stopping a
ho Mlllard.
Cleorgo T. Odell of Salt LaUc City Is a
he Mlllard.
L J. Price of Dillon , Mont. , Is stopplm
t the Miirard.
A I ) linker of Lincoln , Neb , is a gucs
f the Mlllard.
Mrs I ) F Hurd has returned from n. vlsl
f two months In Chicago.
Miss Anna L Porter of Hudson , Wls. , lef
or Chicago last night ) after a visit vvitl
Irs Henry S Jajnea.
MUs Maud Mcrrinm , who has been th
guest : of Mrs II r Teal for a month , re
urnsd to Chicago last night.
W. K How en and family have returne <
rom n three months' outing at Mlnnehaha
ontheHuton , Manltou , Colo.
Mrs J H Ilrandt of Kearney , Neb , am
Mrs. Angelberger of Cedar Ilaplds , la , ar
ho guests of Mrs. W I" . Lorenzen.
Mr nnd Mrs James Ollroy of Montlcellr
a . are visiting Mr and Mrs A W Tullrle
t West Omaha and taking In the e\posltlot
C. C. La/arus , superintendent of the Ka
Omaha street ratray , has resigned his posl
Ion to go to Chicago , vvhcro he lnt nds t
go Into business for himself
Miss Kdna Harnoy returned last nigh
rom a summer's vacation in Colorad
Springs , Colo. She was accompanied by Mis
thc'l HawKs of that cltj , who wilt bo he
guest foi several weeks.
c-in5re1iSn32A\ ! sT/ITn.
liM oo1 n e' ssfsarsEoa
At the adjoiiniisl meeting of the cltv
council held I nt night the tivirs.lnn of ittv
ofllres was aettlexl b ) the nrteptnnce of the
bid of John ! ' Plnley This bidder offered
suitable apartments In a new building to bet
erected on Twentvfifth street between M
i nnd N streets foi JU" > per moii'h This In-
, eludes ! ters nnd a commodious Jail
l When the committee' tin public buildings
' through Its chairman , Itnrrett. reported in
favor of accepting the Plnlev bid \\ear ob
jected. Ho sMil that ver > few members of
the council had been given an opportunity
of looking over the phi'is submitted and he
thought further time ought to be granted
Harrett fought a postponement of action
saving the lease * of the present auarturs
would soon expire and It would take from
now until December 1 to erect the proposed
structure Wear InsleKM upon the taking
of a vote on bla amendment , which wns to
postpone action , and It was lost by a vote
of li to J Darren's committee ) report was i
then put and was carried by the same vote , |
Wear and PanferllK voting against It.
Pndcr the provisions of this resolution the
city will enter Into n tontiart with Mr Pin-
ley for a live jears' lease of the building he
proposes to ere'c-t with the privilege of ex
tending the lease five > ears more If desired.
Mr Plnle > promises to have the new cltv
otllces renelv for occupancy by November J"i
Clerk Carpenter was Instructed to return
the bids and certified checks to the unsuc
cessful bidders.
Major Knsor announced the transfer of
IM Hanlcj from the lire department to the
pollco force nnd the appointment of I ) J
Campbell as a fhemnn to Uiko Hanlcv s
place1. Hanley goes on the police force to
tnko the place of McICeon , who was re
quested to resign. i
The bond oidlmnce for the funding of
$1.,000 of Intersection p.ulng bonds and of
$ ? 3,000 general Indebtedness bonds were In
troduced , read and passed under suspension
of the rules The major and finance com-
mltteo were authorized to negotiate the bale
of these bonds when ready to issue These
bonds will bear Interest at the late of 6 per I
cent. I
\n ordinance ) was read for the fust time '
authorizing the- Issue of $21,000 in funding
bonds to take care of district matuiltles
These' bonds me to bear date of November
1 nnd will mature in I'i03 The ordinance )
went to the Judiciary committee as there lane
no particular huriy about this Issue.
An ordinance providing for the Issue of
district guiding lionets In the' sum of $ % 0
and bearing 7 per cent Intercht was read for
the first time and refened This Is to pav
for the- grading of II street from Twentieth
to Twontj-llrst streets.
Notice was i evolved from the water com
pany that flio h > chants had been located at
Twentj-second and K and Tvventjsecond
and L streets.
Postmaster McMillan bent In a communi
cation asking tint the houses be numbered
I The postmaster asserts that suburban mall
1 carriers have a gicat deal of dllllrultj in de
livering mall on account of manv of the
houses having no numbeis. The matter was
referred to the stieet and allej committee
and the city attorney.
Adjourned until September 20.
Itoaril < if IMiiriitloii IltiNltii'ftN.
An iidjourncd meeting of the Iloaid of
Education was held last night and a number
of bills were allowed Treasurer Ilro ulw ell
rcportrd a balance of $ Jl,7'lt ; Among the
bills submitted was the salarv account of
Thomas J Nolan , attorney The republic
ans objeeted to allowing this claim , making
the assertion that the boaid ah cad j had a
contract with another nttoinej for n jcar.
As the democrats were In the majority Mr
Nolan's claim for August &alaiy went
Hebe > cca Oehon , one of the teachers.
asked foi a j ear's leave of absence In order
to perfect herself In ceitaln studies and the
request vve'iit to the teaeheis' lommlttie
Se'veral of the teachers with whom con
tracts have been made objected to the bal-
arle's offered and the protests were' icferred
to the teachers' committee.
Contracts with all of the janitors were re
ceived ami placed on file.
Superintendent Mnnro reported on the
course of study mapped out for pupils of the
High school. According to this arrange
ment there will be only two courses , the
English nnd Latin Thn HnglHh course In
cludes one jear of Get man
An assistant to the Janitor nt the High
school Is needed and the proper committee
will see to emplojing one. Three hundred
hand books will be punted , also 300 copies
of the High school course of studj- .
i inn ririHUM. .
The fire anil waler committee of the
council Inf peeled the new- file haH on In
dian hill jesterday and ordered the fur
nishings for the rooms Caipets will bo
supplied for the men's sitting and sleeping
rooms and the furniture will all be of sub
stantial make This building Is Hearing
completion and It is stated that It will be-
i I one of tlie- best equipped lire ) halls In this
| section. Hverything is new and of Iho
. falcst pattern nnd when .1 now team is
1 provided the company will bo In first class
' shape.
I - .
1'iHir I nr Srr lf < - .
On account of the exposition crowds the
single car on the Q street line is unequal
to ihe task of earing fet ihc iraillc and the
old question of having a conductor on these
cats is being agitated again Under ordi
nary circumstances the Q street car leaves
lipautlfnlly pnttorncd rugs nnd onr-
'ls that u ro innilo of honest niatotlttls
mil t-oltl nt nn honest price cnniets
uxlit from us nwy cost the same as
churned l > .v other dealers hut the addi
tional s-ervlce you pet from what vvo
sell you helps to miiko your pin chase
liere much cheaper In the end.
Omaha Carpet Co
Omtilm'.s Exclusive Carpet House ,
1515 Dodge St.
ir- 71. Special Piano Offers
Due new Krell plnno , In elegant Clr-
ensslan vvnlnnt , elaliorato ease , retails
nil at 51110 now only $ - < . " on terms of .y.M
* > oiihli nml Sin per month.
One Preneh walnut extra large size
Ir upright rnlted Makers' piano former
on prlfo ? 425 now ? UTO on very easy pay
'o- ments.
'o- niulit Hinnll si/ed Klmlmli pianos In
ar maheiKany , oaK ami Preneh vvaluut on
b , vvhleh we will cut $ V ) oft Horn our reg
es i.i. , ular selling pi lee to elo-e out , as wo
a , have too many of this style they will
KO fast , ns this e-ut 1 unpre'cedented.
IXnp ill ! A. HOSPE ,
Iar id- Music and Art. 1513 Douglas
Some tiny It will be plua-inc to rcMiiembi-r the ltnplo. clnssie * beauty of the
Grnntl Court , the Plarti with its music' , the broad vistu of the HlulT Trnct atul
the hubbub nnd irulpty of the Midway. If you wnut pic-turiM of the Kvponltlon
to brinir it nil Luck to vou yn > i mint fn * b / I'VCM-J liulldln r atitl nil the splon-
aor of the Exposition , vlovvs iif thn vvholo ofTcet nud MOWS showins : dotnll , all
have boon toiu'oclucctl In l'ln l'h'to jrii < u > i
Thirty-Two Views Now Ready
1 Opening Diy , June 1 1SD8. 17 ( iraiul Court from Kebtnti-
'J Northeast Corner of Court. rant Tower.
IS Adinlmsti atlon Arcli.
; i Government ltiileluie ! > .
1-Liberal ! ) Art Hnilelini ; .
< 1 Miiln r.ntrdncc AKi'icnltnral Goxeriinicnt Ittn iling and
biiildini ; . Life Ho t.
5 Scene in Streets of All Na 21Al imif.ictnres ItuiUllns.
tions. 212 Interior Alaiinfticturus
( i-ir. nd Court , Looking West. Itiiileling.
7 HajAcnbaek's on ClulJren's 23 M ichinery nnd Electricity
ii iy. Ituikliii' ' ! . '
8 ( ir.eticl Court , Looking South- -Illinois Hnilding.
went. 25 Arch of States.
) Fine Arts HulKllng. 2(5-Col ( W. J. Hryan and Regiment
10 Nenr.iskii Hiillelin- . mentM1IU irv Iy. I - .
11 OiMiid Ceinrt , LexikitiR Kast. 27 Acricultnral liuiUllng.
t'2-Section of Fine Arts Hldt ; . -Wisconsin Htindln ) ; .
lit Grand Court nt Nijlit. 2 ! ) Lookini ; Noith from Ad
14 M tin Entrance Horticul- ministration Arch.
tnrnl llttllcllnti. no Section of Kast Midway.
ItS beetle on North Midway. ! U Streets of C uro.
10 .Marine H.nui nt ( Jratul U2-Group of Orientals-Streets
Pla/\ . of A'l Nations.
Three for 10 cents. Eight for 25 cents.
Thirty-Two with u Portfolio for $1.00
These nro offered to Bee reader * on honvy paper suitable for framing or for
a collection of Exposition views.
A Portfolio Cover for 15 Cents.
iST/n ordering by mail * tute which picture * yun it'i'sbillic / ; / title or number , and
enclose 3 LCnts extra for mailiwj. For tltc Jull tktily-tno in < .lo.c 10 cents cxtiajo
The Omaha Daily lice Omaha South Omaha Council
Twenty-fourth nml N Btrcetu for Omlnhj's
plant every tvie-nty minutes , but Kith the
increased trntllc it is impobsibre to make1
more than two trlpi nn hour Visitors i
staml at the cornet of Twentv fourth nml
N' stieeta until tliey become tlre-il nnd thin !
start to vsnllv. With only n motorman in
of thi cnr a Rront deal of time is
consumed In eeilleetint ; fares und Iransfe'rs ,
thus incrciisltiK the time between trips. It
IH thought that with a ( onductoi in charge !
the reRUlnr trips coulel be made1 without
any trouble nnd the crowds could bo hun-
ille-d without ( lllTlculty
'I'o Text UKHIIMC. .
Chief Smith of the flio dcpnitnient IB
imklnK anaiiKcmcntH for the te'stliiK of
the ) new hoie > recently purcliased. It la
expected that the tests will be made the )
first part of the- week The host ) will first
be- tried bj water pressure nnd then by .ill
pumps The water pretsure' will' be for
leaks only , but theall will test for
strength. Chief Smith pioposcH to put on .1
pressure of 100 pounds of air to tht ) hquaro
Inch ns this much Is Kiiaranteed by the-
makers of the hose When the ) testa are
completed and the hose Is nccei tc'd It will
bo equally distributed between the two Ilro
halls here There Is a quantltv of old hose
which will be placed amotiK the ic-scrvo
Hupp ! ) when this action Is taken.
U > < .OIMI. |
The walls of the Armour gltio factory are
Miss Pel l > , the prlnelpil of the IIlRli
will bo at the building today from
0 until 12 to me'et patents .mil chlldu'ii vvhn
wish ID consult her about next ycnr'x vv iK.
S A Vnlliibl.y eif 'loionto , Out , Is . ! ia
( jtiest of JiiiU'eli v > .
Allicrt Hani ) of St Uiills , Mo is lie'relsil -
Ilih' his blolhiM , Ilui l.n ib
( juito , i number of sloi Umen vseie nt thei
jards je sti > relny li klni ; f r fei lii
Mln Annie Hush eif Colfnx , l.i I- . \l ! TK
Njm Ijoni ; , Twrntjiininth imd N' Btiir H
Ch.irlea riiini'ilesB his tiiKun out a pctnitt
for .1 $1IUO cotliiRo , U I'orlleth and 1C stt > s.
1'iio iliivini ; fcr the fmmiliitlons nf tin new
lie < ; eooler at Armoui'H will Lommenee to
Miss I'nsKii of Mmoln. nnd Mrs Shetllelil
of Denver uro tin1 Eiie'sU of .Miss Jennie )
Mrs llctha \ Stein and Mrs ( luusle Ilinn of
Woodbine * OKIa , aie hero vIsllinR ' el r o
Trench and Joe Hlpo
A carpentci n until llevnolds emplojel nt
Armour's , f II down , n i-ltvntoi shaft jestn-
ela > but VN.IH not Injured.
It Is imilci. stood that the Armour company
will < reel a ilo/i n mule COII.IIHH on Q stieet
to accommodate voikmen In UK c'liiplnj
TemlKlit Liwn I'ete 2Utn nml Dod o Rts ,
Tor be in 111 of the CrecheUIIKO dancing
pavilion Kaufman H orenestru.
IIHlllllKf lill-CIIM-M.
The follow IIIB mairlnie ; lleemes v\ero Is
sue-el ly County Jud o Daxler jchteriluy.
Name and Hesulence ARI' .
Jiieob Koppel , Omaha . .t
Anna Louise South Omaha . Jd
Isaac Itetse- , Victor , Cole . II
Mrs Marv Livingston , Vletoi , Cole , . . . 41
Lewis Hrkle , Noith Andover , WIs . . . . iS
Mrs. I. in. ! I a Moiland , IturlliiKton , la . 34
Have You Seen Tl'cm ?
The iiinv fall shoos that is , the now
st.vlcs If > on have'll't been holes yet
> OH haven't se-pii thi'in-vvo show ladieV
shoes tills season In all the styles even
c'xticmo fashions -hioad and round
Ire's-the man last , oto. Iho welled
soles so loint'oitalile nt all times IIM- :
tleuhllly sei nt this exposition time-thi'
Ideal fall anil winter shoo thN setisou
we1 sliou all the new Iocs In our -S'iOO
line nnd this Is the best S. " > CH ) line vve'vo
eve-r had-not a 4 > "iM ( ) nlioo v\o sell lint
that is dupllcntetl In UH-M. at . > . " . t ) -to
see them Is to buy to buy is to come
heie always.
Drexel Shoe Co. ,
Ouuilm'n I | i-lo-iliili > Mior llouar.
1410 FAKNAM Sl'ltKCl'
The Oldest Inhabitant-
Will tell jon that he owes the jwsor-
vatlun of his e.voslglit till extreme old
age to his wisdom In middle ago nt
"taking time by the fotelock" and com
ing le > us on the Hist nppioai-h of falling
ejoslghtWo will lit the eye with
glasses te > stionglhon and pre-erve tlio
( lljlit at nil Mages of life to extiume
old age'-I'lee eje eMiminatloiih liy nn
expeit gradunit > opthlan that has had
> oars of \iiorloin o , thus gnaiantc'i ing
.satlsfi < lion
l.rutllnir Irlenltno Oitlrlnn .
KM Farr.m B/r - . OAiAHA