Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 09, 1898, Page 12, Image 12

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I'J TIIK ( TMAIIA DAILY 111-312 : VIM DAY , SHPTTCM ni5ll ! ) , 1J35H.
Oitizens of the Centennial State Hero to See
the Exposition.
llnrn llcln ocii Oiniiliit unit Di-nvcr
AllniiHt MMIIIII | < . | | lij ( In * I'looil of
'I'rutrl Hint Iti-Niilln from
Colorado ln ) > ItiitcH.
The citizens of Colorado are such a lot of
hustlera lhat they have rorao to Omaha n
day ahead of the time set for the celebra
tion of their state day nt the exposition.
1'rlday Is to bo Colorado day , among other
ei'lPbratlonB , but most of the pcoplo from
that gtato arrUod hero on Thursday. They
began arriving heie at 7 o'clock on Thurs-
duy morning and are still coming In. Care
ful1 ( sllmalefl phico the number of the rep
resentatives of the Centennial Btato now hero
at 3.000.
The traffic swamped the regular trains of
the Denver-Omaha Hue's and crowded the
special trains that were placed In service lo
hfr ! , handle the crowds The travel was
about evenly divided among Iho L'nlon
1'aciflc , the Iliirllngton and the Hock
Island. The first train to pull In was the
t'nlon 1'aclllc regular express from Denver ,
arriving nt 7 o'clock , nnd It was quickly
followed by a second section of Iho same
train. Tlio two tralus wore run ns one as
far as Julcsburg , and cut there In order
to make good time. There were sixteen cars
> n the t\so trains , nnd all of them wcro
filled with Colorado arrivals. The afternoon
train of the Union I'acillc nlso cairles n
heavy traffic from Denver and Is run In two
sertions on that account.
The special train of the Hurllngton ,
filled with Denver nnd other Colorado
folk , pulled Into the new station shortly
before noon. It was a long train , canylng
twelve curs , and everyone of them was
crowded to the doorh. There were about BOi )
people on this train , nnd the regular train
arriving here at I o'clock has about as
many more visitors. In addition lo Us reg
ular equipment the afternoon train carries
four extra lars
The Kock Island's regular train arrived
nt s GO a. m with three extra cars , nnd
wn followed an hour later by n special In
rhnrgo of Traveling Passenger Agent Clark
of Denver. The Irain had four sleepers and
nix coaches and carried about 700 people.
The moinlng was ono of the liveliest that
has beili Keen about Iho two neighboring
Htatlons. There were lots of Omaha people
down to see some of their filends who came
In on some of the Colorado excursions , but
the chances weie against their finding
them. The excursionists appeared In n
liurry to reach the exposition grounds , ami
most of them boarded slreet cars running
In thai direction. Some of those who In
tended to rttnnln nwhlie with nn eye lo
thilr future comfort nt once began the
Honrch for rooms , boarding houses , or hotel
accommodations The greater part of the
Colorado piople will remain until the
last of the week They have secured round
trip tlcki Is for $ , a cent a mile rate ,
nnd Intend to get their monej's worth.
Aiinoiineenient friiin CnnniUait I'nellle
< HUNTS Soiiir | ( . | . | Ill-re.
The announcement of the Canadian Pa-
clfl ? that It will restore rates on September
15 ! Is causing some speculation nmong pas
senger men l'i Omaha. It Is not known here
vvho'her the Canadian line Intends to reslorf
rales to what they wcio btfore thb rale war
btarted , or ivhcthor It intends to do away
with the d'ffercntiaK ' It enjovcd long before
the rate war begin. Tl-o latter 13 hoped lei
1)0 ) tUo cao , and Is In accord with thu de
cision of thu Interstate Commerce commis
sion ,
The restoration of rates by the Canadian
1'nclllc , most passenger men think , will al
oncQ be followed by a general restoration ol
passe'igcr rates by the American lines II
this takes place the present rate of $ ti 2 > be
tween Omaha nud Chicago will probably be
withdrawn and the regular rate of $12."r
again put Into effect. This course , however
may not be adopted until after November 1
The local passenger men will use their In-
lluonce to have the $0 2.i rate kept In to hel |
the exposition nn-l to protect the round trij
tickets from Chicago from being scalped
The latler tickets arc no-v sold on two days
each week for $14.71 , but with the one waj
rate cut to $ H 2ii there Is not much Induce
ment for the scalpers to handle the excurslot
tickets The local men argue that If tin
one way rate of $023 between Chicago am
Omaha i.i 1 ept in effect until the close of th (
exposition the excursion tickets will bo wel
I'oiixiilliliitliiK I'll N I 1'relmlil II lie * .
The consolldalion of the Vandorblll fas
frelghl lines will bo cflectlvo on Oetonei
1. This announcement was made to fin
rc.re6entnltves | of Ihesc lines at a confer'
once held lu Chicago this week. Tlio rearrangement -
arrangement of olllccs of the Vanderbil
faat freight linen lhat will follow the con
holldatlon was : IFO made known at thi :
time. Omaha will piollt , rather than sunei
from Win new araingement , but It Is tin
only western cltj , cxcepl Chicago , In whirl
home of Ihe oftlccs of the Vandcrblri fas
freight lines will not be closed.
The Hod line , does business be.
tween Chicago nnd New York eve
thu Lake Shore anil the Nev
Central roads. will continue ti
be represented here by D. Fred Hurd. Ti
Ills olllco will nlso bo added the agencies o
the West Shore fast freight line , operallni
over Ihe I.ako Shore and Ihe Wesl Shor
roads , and Iho While line , which irnnsael
business over thu lllg Kour sjstem Nelthc
of the latter fast frelghl lines have hereto
fore been repiesenled In Omaha. The con
eolldatiun of the Vandetbilt fast freigh
fines , Intttead of reducing the agencies hen
will Ihereforo add Iwo lines The Nlckc
1'lnlo line vvlir continue lo be represent
by 11. 12. Morgan , western freight agent.
The change takes out only rhc Nort
Shore dlspalch , which operates over th
MUhlgnn Central road This will bo cent
t > olldated with the Illuo linn , nnd the Intel
I'sts of both will bo in ehatgc of Agon
Mitchell. Ho will remain nt Kansas Clt
with jurisdiction over both Omaha an
Kansas dry tralllc for the Illue line.
I'liNlrrn Koiulo anil I < \i < t ltl < > ii.
The Omahn general passenger ngcnl
Imvo not yet been advised of any action ti
the part of the lines east of Chicago cor
rernlng reduced rates to the expojltlc
from i.ii-torn territory. As the mntter
lw ns handled there directly between tt
general passenger agents of lines east i
Chicago and these of the roads this sIC
of that city there Is n prospect of the ran
tor belnn adjusted without notification I
the passenger men hero.
Thu eastern lines are at present voting c
propositions to make rates of one-faro fi
the round trip for Pennsylvania day and f. .
Georgia day at the exposition. The Ind
cations arc said to bo favorable to nn ngrei
went on these rates. If they are pl.ici
In effect they will apply only from the
stales and not from any intermedia
btates. ll > lilt-mi.
NiW VOUK. Sept. S. The directors
the Chicago , Milwaukee { . St Paul rallwi
have declared the regular semi-annual dlv
dend of Vj per cent on Its 'common slot
und 3' < i per cent on Its preferred stock.
Tie.el ! llroUemrrexleil. .
CINCINNATI. Sept s Fourteen rallron
tlCKct brokers , arrreted under a city ord
nance regarding scalpers and probiblUu
i '
hawking ticket * on direct * , hnvo lirrn
brought befora the police court. They
pleaded KUllty and were fined } 2. nnd
leasts. Tlio lines were i > nd ! tinder prolc t ,
It being the Intonilon of the brokers to
test the validity of thu ordinance.
it Itellrei UN ( Irnnil Miinli-r.
CHICAdO. Sept. S. Frank P. Sargent ,
the grand master of the International
llrotlierhood of Locomotlvu Tlrcmen nnd
nppolntoo on the Industrial1 commission ,
says ho will refuse a ro-eloctlon nt the
International convention of the brother
hood , which meets nt Torontti next week.
Mr. Sargent nays "I shall retire from the
grand lodge nt th" end of my present term ,
December 31. The work on the Industrial
commission will require nil my time In
leaving the grand lodge I shall not lose
sight of my obligation ns n member , but
Ehall perform my part with a full apprecia
tion of what ) the order hns done for me. "
( inillVeNtern Illeellnii.
CHICAGO , S | it'.S The stockholders of the
Chicago & Orent ) Western railway have their
annual meeting today nnd rc-cletVed A. H.
Stlckney , I' . Wejcrhnuser and ArnolJ Knl-
; man directors for three jears. The re
maining directors hold over another year.
The board of directors re-elected ofllccrs
thin afternoon.
Iliillroml Not - mill I'rrnoimla.
Phil Doddrldgo , general ngcnt of the Den
ver A Ilto flrande at St. Louis , Is hero renew -
new Ing old friendships
I A T. Wells , general freight agent of the
! Denver Klu Urnnde , nnd Mrs. Wells are
' In the city from Denver.
Chief Clerk Howard of the Ornnd Trunk's
I passenger olllco In Chlcngo Is enjoying the
imposition enroute to Colorado.
Traveling Passenger Agent Cundcy of the
i Denver & Illo Orando and Mrs Cundey nro
i In the city visiting the exposition.
1 James Wnrrlck , formerly of this city nnd
now slnlloned nt Denver a > traveling
freight agent of the Union Pacific , Is In thu
On account of the heavy travel to the ex
position reported for Friday the Missouri
Pacific has arranged to run two sections of
its Auburn local train.
'Iho Plttsbtirg & Gulf has Increased the
salaiks of Us Iralnmen from n to 10 per
cent , effective September 1 The Texas ft
Paclllc ha.s uls-o Istued an order allowing an
Increase to trainmen.
J. O. Ilrlnkeihoff , who was superintendent
of the Kansas 1 nclllc bolorc H was pur
chased by the fnion Pacific. , was thu first
conductor on the road. Ho went to work a > *
conductor on thu lirst train December Iti ,
1S 3.
Krank Grllllth , for > cnrs conductor on the
main line of the L'nlon ' Pacific between Kan
sas City nnd Hills , succeeds Conductor W.
O Ililnkeihoff on the Solomon & Ilelolt
brnucli Conductor Ilrlnkerhoff goes on the
main lino.
On account of n washout on its line lo
Kansas City the Hurllimton is running Us
trains around on one of Us brunches. The
main line Is e.\pectod to be lepalred fxion ,
but in the meanwhile travel Is delayed.
Thur.ida ) morning's train > i.u nn hour und
a half late Into Omaha.
Jacob Schlfl of N-ow Yolk , who was n
piomlnent member of the Union Pnellie re
organisation committee nnd is now a director
of the company. Is In the city. He came In
on n bpeclnl train fiom the west with Presi
dent Hurt and General Manager Dickinson
nfler Inspi cling Ihe Nebraska division and a
part of Ihc W > omltiB division.
According to the annual report of Presi
dent Spencer of the Southern rallwnv for the
jcar ending June 20 lust , the general Im
provement in buslni'ER conditions thioughotit
Ihe country was > olecled ! In Ihe earnings uf
the coinpR ij luting the je r. Theie was a
marked lucre i e in the movement of ncailv
nil classes of freight , while thu number of
passengers can lei also lncr"a < .ii < l substan
tially , nbt ! from the movement of United
States troops. Prom Ajiill 20 to June Co ,
about G5.00U United Stales. Iroops were
handled lu special trains.
TinIlIuKiNl ltle > ole In Hie World.
A Gorman has ju t completed a bicycle
that has one wheel nine feet In diameter
Two people ride It ono on each sideof
the monster wheel. It runs ns easily ns a
smaller bicycle because of Its scientific
canst ! uctluu. The scientific formula ol
Hosteller's Stomach IHHers Is Ihe reason
of UB great viitues In making the weak
strong nnd in curing most nil of the every
day ailments of men nnd women. If jour
health Is poor , try n bottle
Police Tlilnl. Ilnrr.v l'n\ler unit M. V. ,
IMvjcr Are lic Much Wiintcil
1'nlr of " .Mniiiij lien. "
In the persons of Harry Master and M. 13.
Iwtr the pollre btlievo Ihcy have Ihe two
burglais who hav bccom known as the
"jlmm > men" from the fact lhat Ihey used
in their robberies a jimmy to foiee entrant
through windows and doors of buildings se
lected for their operations. In nine out elI
I ten of HIM robbetlos committed during the
two weeks m rks of thi trol wcr-1 f.und ,
The two ini'ii were bten yesterday at 1 'M
a. m prowling about th" saloon of Henry
) sthoff , SUttcnlh and Cal fornia stnets , nnd
were watched by two otncera. 1'iom On-
holt's they were followed to Henry llohlf's
saloon. Sixteenth and Webster slroels Hen
ono of the men entered a small outbuilding ,
while his companion watched on the outside
As soon ns he came out the otilccrs arrested
both men '
A so rch of the ou house revoMcd a Jimmy
which the suspected burglar had hidden be
neath a rafior.
Tonight. Lawn Pole. Come and be
by the mock courl LOlh and Ondge.
.South Oiiiiilui Salooiuiiiiii ( ielH
the fount ) Court for Trial
After All.
When the case against Mike Mnrkeson
the South Omaha saloon keeper accused bj
Justleo Albert S Whlto of bribery and o
trying to Influence ) the justice In the Josept
Thomas and oilier gamollng cases , came u [
before Jusllco roster vesterdoy , to whlcl
tlmo It had been continued Iwo weeks ago
a change of venue was taken and 'he mat
ter went over to Justice Houek's court
Justleo Ilouck dismissed It wilhout prejir
dlco In the afternoon.
.M.irkeaoii , however , was nt once rear
rested nnd taken before County Judge Hav
ter nnd aiialmied. To bolh the counts o
the complaint ho pleaded not guilty um
Judge llaxter set the preliminary hearlni
for lu ! > 21st lust. . Mnrkeson being allowei
his liberty until then on $1,000 bail.
-MAt.MTU r.VITKAI.N.s. .
Oiiiiilui to Chlenuo.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Piul rail
nay has Just placed In service two mag
nlllcent electric lighted trains Jctweei
Omaha and Chicago. leaving Omaha dull
o at D-4f. p in , arriving Chicago at S 2.1 n m
( and leaving Chicago 6 15 p. m. and arrlvlni
B Omaha b ' . ' 0 a. in. Koch train Is llghtoi
throughout by elcttrlcity. has buffet smok
Ing cars , drawing room sleeping cars , uln
ing cars and reclining chair cars and run
ever the shortest line and smoothest road
n I bi'd between the t o cities
r Ticket ofllce. 1504 Tarnatn street and a
r Union dcpol
KxhlMtors wishing pnotographa and lln
i culs of their exhibits published may pro
d euro them by calling upon J. R Knapt
o og3iu Omaha Dee southwest corner Manu
0 factures building
In Vour Oun Itooiu ,
New compartment sleeping cars leavln
Chicago ! > 15 p. m via 1'ennsylvanla Shoi
Lines for Cincinnati and Laulsvlllo affor
pa wnger exclusive privilege of prlvat
rooms or compartments. Ask H K. Unrini
A 0 I' Agt , : 1S Soulh Clark St. , Chlcngi
about them
Omaha lo Chicago. J' ' . o.
Chicago. Milwaukee & St Paul Ry , Farnnm ! 't
Raymond s auction , 10 a. m. and 7:30 : p , m
Victim Beaten , Bound and Thrown on the
Railroad Tracks.
lie PriiNlrnli'N nn A Kempt at llolilicry
Olid SulliTN front a TorrlliliM -
Nltlllt III ( III * Illllllll ( if
'l'uo Men.
Gustavo .7ahn , nlcht watchman for tlio
Henry Hlx Grocery company at Calhoun , n
small suburban vlllace twenty miles north
of Omahn , was brutally beaten with re-
| \olvcrs by two robbers whom ho had frus
trated In an attempt to rob the store shortly
before midnight Wednesday night.
After Jahn fell unconscious from the
beating the men bound him hand and foot
with strips torn fiom a horse blanket nnd
carried him a quarter of a mile to the
tracks of the Chicago , St. I'aul , Minneapolis
& Omaha railway and laid him across the
rails to bo ground beneath the wheels of the
train duo within the hour from Omaha.
When Jahn returned to consciousness a
short time later ho managed to free himself
from his bonds nnd aroused the town. Al
though several posses of men scoured the
country In all directions no trace of Inliu's
assailants could be found other than a
small laprobe found on the main road to
Omaha , which it Is believed fell from the
buggy In which the men aio supposed to
bavo left Cnlhoun.
The men arc supposed to have been froin
Omaha , nnd It U the belief that n plan
had been formed by them to loot the town ,
but was spoiled by Jahn's Interference. Jnhn
is lying nt his rooms In KU's building In a
\cry serious condition.
Ills st.iry Is thai about 11:13 : , as Is his
custom , bo made his way lo the rear ol
UK's store , Intending lo enlcr that way to
go lo his bedroom , which Is slluated In
lln > rear of the state He said ho had
barely turned the corner of Hie building
when two men sprang nt him with re
volvers. Instend of leveling Iho weapons
at him ho says both men attempted to
strike him , and as they struck demanded
the keys of the store. Instead of com-
plvlng with Ihe demand , ho says he
throw the keys away and attempted
to run , but HIP men were lee quick for him.
One of them struck him on the head with
revolver and he fell unconscious , lie knew
no more until ho awoke bound hand anil
foot on the railway tiacks.
Jahn Is an emplo > c of an adjoining lumbei
yard but alwaja sleeps nt the store as n
Tred II. Kralim , manager of the store ,
came to Omaha al noon and roporled Ihc
matter to Ihe police and asked their cooperation
ation la hunting down the men , who ho Is
conlldent are residents of this elly.
n IIoo\or llniosi'H ot n Xuin-
IMT of second NolirnsK'n Con-
\ uloii'ont \
Seven of Iho sick soldiers lefl last week
at Port Crook were given 6'ek ' leaves yes
terday and senl homo lo lecuperate. George
Hurst of Company M , who hns been at the
Imnunuel hospital since the arrival of the
Iroops , was declared well enough lo RO home
yesU'iday morning and was given a sick fur
lough for thirty davs Aside from these no
othcis have left Iho hospitals. Two moie
additions went to St Joseph's hospllal yts-
ttrday , both suffering with malaria fever.
M. or Hoover , surgeon , reports
thu. Ihe boys nt the hospitals arc conva-
Ichclng rapid ) , and ho e.xpecls to send &omo
home nearly every dnv.
M.U.Mril HVr TIltl.NS
To All rrlnclplilVcMti > rn I'olntN Vli
Inloii I'IK-IIU- .
TWO trains dally , I 3ri p in. and 11:55 : p. m
Denver and Colorado points.
TV.'O trains daily. S "ifl n. m and 4 33 p. m
Utah and Cal'fornla points.
ONC train dally , 1 r , p. m.
Ulnh , Idaho , Montana and Oregon points.
Tor full information call at City TIcKe
ofllcc. 1302 Fiirtmm St.
12\Mirsli > n to Hot Spring's S. ' TI.
September 10th the nil.horn will run
a chiap excursl n to Mot Springs , S. D
This Is Iho pleasant season of the yiar tc
visit this charming : eort und the surround
ing places of Interest , notably the Oreal
Wind Cave.
Cheap rates , elegant car equipment , gooc
lintolri. unequalled climate and the tin-
esl plunge bath In Ihr world are Ihe in
ducements nnd attractions offered Let us
oil laKe a few days off f. . r i f creation nnd re-
tupei.ition Ixnve onuh.i at S 00 p m. bj
the Klkliorn read be In Hot Springs at S U
ne\t morning
Iowa Urn I'nj Ihc I iclullt.
John Smith , a guest at the Morchousc
lu tcl , John Rogers and Heiibcn Rarnhoune
nil from Iowa , ronti United $120 lo Ihc grafl
Ing women of Iho dlslrlct Wednesday night
'Jporglu Taj lor , vvli m Smith Idcntltlei
as the ono vvhr tork SCO from him , was or-
lesled. but Smith refused lo proseculo because -
cause of Ihe notoilcly It would bring him
She was discharged
Harnhouse whose first name Keuben. 111 !
him perfectly , when ho called ut the stalloi
to report bis loss , saw a Wrild-IIerald re
porter and p slllvely Identified him as th <
man who lobbed him. U took n long tlmi
to convince him of hl.s error. The com
I lalnt fiom him was not entertained , ns hi
showed lhat ho was faulty In Identification
The vvrmnn who got Hogers' $50 could nebo
bo located.
IIoliocH < ; < < HIP DrlnliN.
Two hoboes , 13. A. Buchanan nnd II. N
Conk , tried to pass n bogus check for $10 01
the bartender nt the Hrunswlci
hotel Wednesday night , hut failed
nnd are nowIn Jail. They aic
however , two glasses of whisky aheail
The two entered Ihe saloon nnd asked fo
two whiskies , which they drank They leu
dered a cheek Kilned "K. Cudahy , " in pay
ment. Instead of handing them the ehang
the bartender called up the police , but be
fore an olPccr could reach the place th
men left the place.
I aler they were found by the police , bu
the check was not They how over , admit
| ted trying to pass Ihe chock
When you mil for DoWltt's Witch HOT'
Salve , the great pile cure , don't accept any
thing else. Pon't bo talked Inio accepllug
subslllnle , for piles , for sores , for biulBCs.
CcruilliiH anil ( lie n\pi > nlUoil.
Preliminary plans for a mammoth celebra
tlon of a German day at the exposition ar
l being arranged. A Jolnl meeting of nil th
German node ties and lodges In Omaha nn
, vicinity hns been culled for Saturday evenIng
Ing at Turner hall , Eighteenth and Harne
streets. The dale of Iho special day nt th
exposition has not > et been decided upoi
I but It is thought some day In the curly pai
of October will bo chosen.
Tin * Onl ) Hiillriinit to
With a daylight train. Leave
Omaha 6 1C a. m. every day ,
nrnvlng Chicago Ihc sam *
evening at S 15 , when close connections
are made with all lines
beyond. This train la EO years
ahead of the times and Is proving
Iramonaelj- popular with Omaha
perplc Other fl > Ing
trains leave for Chhngo at 4 55 and 6:55 :
p in. Jally. City tloUct o.Tlce ,
HOI Farnain St. .
"The Northwestern Line. "
The firnnJ court ot me bxposltlon I
wonderfully beautified at night. N
picture f f It Is so gi o < 3 as The Ileo pho
togravure. Stop ut The Ik'f office for on
anil some others 'inre lor trn cents.
Omaha to Chicago 19 25.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul njr.
1301 Farnaiu St.
itAMi : > nuns.
| icclnl SHU
Lining Allki , odds and ends of nil kinds of
plain Ellk. uortli up to f > 0c ; all In ono lot
on Fiilo nt 1ie. !
Plain colored Rllks In surahs , Inillns , gating
nnd tnftetns , worth tip to 76c ; on * RO , 39e.
Plain or brocade black rjro grain , line
prnile , on RI eclal unle nt 40e.
Tancy silks , nil l.lnds of brocades nnd
novelty silk , worth up to J1CO ; on onto at
IJIg pale on black dress
dressIUVU13N HUGS. ,
Head Hoyden's school suit sale.
Tlnio of ( Alnriilnu hoNslini Devoti'il
to tin * DlxciiNolon ofnrloiii
.Tintern of rrnedoi' ,
After reading n few proposed amendments
to Iho constllullon , which tire to llo over
llll the next meoiing , Iho Amettcan Veter
inary Medical nsenclntlon yesterday de
voted nearly all of Its tlmo to the prosenln-
tlon and discussion of n paper by Dr. Hos-
coo U. Hell of New Yoik on "Acuto Indi
gestion In the Horse. " The discussion
showed that the treatment used by ono
doctor with satisfactory results Is looked
upon by another as next to dangerous.
After the debate on this paper had been
eloseil Dr. I , . A. Mcrlllat of Illinois pre
sented his \ie\vs on "Arytcnoldornphy : A
New Suiglcnl Treatment for Hearing. " H
WHS the purpose of the doctor to give n
practical demonstration of the operation ,
but this being Impossible , ho explained the
working of his principle orally.
In the * afternoon there were more papers
as follows "Itadlcal Operation for Con
tracted Hoof" by Dr C. C. Lyford of Min
nesota , In the course of which ho Introduced
u number of photographs to Illustrate the
points he wished lo make ; "Practical Points
In a Counlry Pracllce , " by Dr. S. S. Whit-
beck of low a , and "Tho Practicability of
Immunizing Urecdlng Cattle by the Tick
Method , " by Dr. Jojin W. Conoway of Mis
souri. The discussion of these pnpeis was
pnssed over owing to lack of time. Late In
the afternoon the association adjourned.
The mooting plnco for next year will bo de
cided by the oxectitlvo committee.
The United States Uxpcrlmont Station
Ve'erlnnry Mcdlcnl association held Its second
end annual meeting last night In continua
tion of the regular session of veterinarians.
This inner clicle ot the regular body la
made up of members of the faculty of dif-
fcient state unlvorsllles and similar insti
tutions nnd meets to consider questions
which have been Investigated during the
vear by private research. These in nt-
tendance were Dr. White , state veterinarian
of Missouri ; Dr. Mcrrllat , McKilllp Veteri
narian college , Chlcngo ; Dr. Mitchell , Kv-
ansvllle , Ind. , Dr. Salmon , chief of the
Kurcau of Animal Industry , Washington , D.
C. ; Dr. Law , Cornell university ; Dr. Con-
nnway. University of Missouri ; Dr. Peters ,
University of Nebraska ; Dr. Gary , Alabama
Poljtechnlc institute ; Dr. Nelson , Washing-
ion Agricultural college ; Dr. Ucynolds , Uni-
verslly of Minnesota.
Papers woto read upon the following sub
jects. "The Tubercle Bncllll and Making
Tubercullne , " Dr. Cary "Kiling Ileports oE
Labornlory Kxpcilments , " Dr. Nelson , "The
Value of the Kxperlmcnt Station Veteri
narian being Connected with the Stnto
Hoard of Health , " Dr. iJcynolds ; "Tho Kx-
hlbit of the United Stales nxporlment Sta
tion \eterinarlans at the Paris Exposition
In 1000 , " Dr. Peters.
At the conclusion of the program Iho fol-
.owing ollicers were elected for the ensuing
> ear : Dr. James Law , president ; Dr. John
Connnway , vice president ; Dr. A. T. Peters ,
oecrclnry. Other business was completed
and the general session of the veterinarians
was brought lo a close.
hi-MMitccii AVlio IKCIIIICI : ] from .NnMh-
villc Arc Captured al ION AiiKclcs
'VVatcIiliii ; Oiiiiilui CoiKlnucnl.
Word has been received here by govern
ment olllclala that seventeen Chinese , con
nected with the Nashville exposition , and
who disappeared after that show ei'osed ,
have Just been anestcd at Los An&clcs ,
Cal . and will be departed. It Is announced
lhat Iho government will keep a close super
vision of the Chinamen connected with the
Transmisslsslppl Kxrosllion , lo sec that none
of them are diverted lo other channels than
that for which they were allowed to como
lo this country. It Is known now lhat the
concessionaires hero were on titled to buu
celestials , and that the recent Importation
of forty-one was nil right , and they should
have been lecelved without question In
fact , twelve more are duo on the allotment
for Omaha , but It is not expected they will
be tent here vvllh the exposition In its pres
ent advanced htuge.
Tonight. Lawn Tele. 20lh nnd Dodge Sts
Musical Union band. Ik'iielU of Visiting
Nurse association.
Visitor * ) lo the i\pi > Kl < loil
Are cordially Invited to inspect Ihe exhibi
tion car of Ihe Chicago , Milwaukee & St
Paul railway. The car stands Jus > t north ol
the Transportation buiM'ng. '
' " ' . "
Yesterday b ° inn the advance sale for Ho
Ron's Alley , nnd the Indications are that
they will bo greeted by large houses n *
Ilo > d's all next week "Hogun's Alloy" la
the mosl tuneful of nil th" come lies now
before the public. It is wrilten to rag-time
uiusli , nnd H built for amusement purposes
It is full of prelly songs , graceful dances
and humorous slluallons.
Ill * niit'ounlcr vt llli Her.
OMAHA , Sept. S To the Editor of The
Hee : Any one who has the misfortune tc
como In contact with tome of the poln-o nl
Omaha cannot help but think all The ! ! < . <
hn said about them Is about 0. K A few
dn > s ago I went out in the woods In Ihc
western part of Omaha with a target gun
looking for "bar , " but the first thing 1
knew I was run down by Sergeant Her ( they
call him Dan for short ) nnd was told In an
uncivil way to "git. " He had on n t.ii |
that advertised some brand of cigars , an
undershirt , dilapidated pants nnd n head ful
of br excuse me , I ni"nn authority As 1
was not very good on Dan O'Loary business ,
I attempted an explanation , but I was EOOI :
given the well known phra > o "Whotevei
1 say jou say nolhlng. " It Is needless tr
mention that ho did not own the land 01
any other ns far as lhal Is concerned. Now
I claim lo bo a law-abiding citizen. I an
also nn American citizen by blith , but I dr
not know all the law that Is on our boo ! t
and If I violate any law all I usk Is to bi
told in a civil way. It was too bad tn hpol
Danny by making him sergeant. He niigln
to bo made plenlpotenli.iry at Cut Off lak <
when the duck season opens Ho vvouli :
have room there to spread his auihorltj.
To MllKc Vour I'milll ) l. < n c Von
lluy "Oarlind1 Stoves and llauges.
Worl , of a I'rlKnt ' ( Illlccr.
J. A. Newton , n stranger , and n frlenil
quarreled whilit taking a walk on Six
teenth slreet nnd the friend left Newton's
side and hailed an otllrer , with' "Say , Mr ,
Ofllcer , do you Bee thai man , " pointing tc
Now ton , who hart continued on his way ,
"Well , he Is a postolllce robber and is
wanted for the robbery of a poatollleo In
Wjomlng , committed some time ago. " Tin
otllcer , without asking the stranger hit
name or further particulars , left him anil
arrested Newton. The stranger faded from
Now ton was surprised at his arrest ami
Indignantly protested , bul was taken lo J
cell. Ho insist * that he Is Innocent of the
crime charged and that It was trumped UF
by his erstwhile friend for spite He refuses -
> fuses to toll hU friend's name , and as the
police do not know It or where thostianger
came from , the > cannot substantial the
Her Grand European hotel now open ,
Hlrgant rooms ladles' and gents' cafe cud
ulll room , Cor ICth and Howard.
Thousands of Yards Now Silks , Satins , Vel
vets and Dress Good * in Remnants.
Ainu Ovi-r 10(1,0(10 ( ( tiiriN WfiNli ( iooilx ,
riimiK'N , I'laiiiii-lfftcn ,
N , OrKiiml ! < - < , li lull lilts
lit ii Frni'Uoii lit Their \uluc.
$1.00 VKLiVUTS. 25C YAUU.
2,000 ruimuinis ot silu velvet In all colors
of the rainbow , in lengths from ono to live
jnfuH , on null' iii _ . < ( jard.
Ni\V : HL'.MNANTS { J HO SILK , 35C.IOC. .
ti.liiii yards of pure sill ; g.ttin duchcsso , In
nil colors , plain und brovaded tultuina ,
Blnpts , large and munll plains , albo bro
caded bllK , bluck and all ioloi , nnd fancy
drapery silk , many of thebo worth up to
JL'.uu jard , go In remnants Irani 2 lo S jards ,
at Sue nml IS'c ' jard.
Short lemnants , 'i jnrd , ' { . jnrd and ono
yard In Ifiigth , lor fancy wnrK , millinery
purposes and thousands of other uses , at 2c ,
[ PC and lei' entire reimunl.
7.iC DltnSH GOODS 25C YD.
10.000 jnrds of puio wool goods tn
plain and fancy novoltUs , ladles' cloth ,
Klorm strgu and cheviots , In lenglhs from J
lo 7 yards , and actually worlh up I" "So
yard , on bargain square at 2. > c jnrd.
1'laln Knglish cashmeres , all ono yard
wide , black , navy , brown und all colors ,
fancy broc.idiH , changeable diesw goods In
beautiful combination ! ) of colors , In IciiRths
from 1 to 5 yards , many to match , and at
lOo yard.PHI
Today wo olTer thousands and thou
sands of yards of remnants of wash goods
at u mcic fraction ot llioir real value.
Ono Immense lot of short remnants of all
Kinds of wash goods , go today at Ic
T\o case1) best standard prints , go at
2M..C , worth Sc.
2,000 jaids organdies ) , lawns , jaconets ,
batiste and lapeltcs , worth up to 2oc , go
at 3lie yard.
Two cases Scotch nnd chambrny gingham
remnants , regular l&c grade , go nt 3'e
1 Ono ImmeiiKO counter of flannelettes In nil
1 tlio now fall shades , worth up to J5c , go ut
C'ie jard.
D.uOO jards 36-Inch pcrcalo In all the lat
est patterns , none better at any price , go
tonujirow nt CMiC jurd.
Two cases swans down flannel , regular 2.1c
grade , on sale today for the flist tlmo
nt SM.C jaid.
Thousands of yards outing flannel In light
and dark pallet ns , none bolter , nt any price ,
go at S'.c jnid.
Ono Immense case of bleached musln | , nil
Kinds , ln long remnants , nnd worth up to
12Hc , go ns long as they last at 3c yard.
N. W. Cor. IGlh und Douglas.
C. X. Dletz's lumber olllce and yards will
bo ol sod Trlday to celebrate Lumbermen's
day at the Transmlsslsslppl Imposition. All
visiting lumbermen are Invited to call at
olllco of Sheridan Coal company , lCOr. Kar-
nam slrcet , In Hie Doaid of Trade building ,
whcro they will bo furnished with enlertalu-
"Nor < liv eNtiTir' lU'Utircn Itnic-n.
Only $9 25 to Chicago on and after August
9. The Northwestern Is the ONLY Una
with a daylight train to Chicago , leaving
Omaha nt 6 10 a. in. arming at Chicago
S.15 same evening. Alto ' - > st trains east Jt
4.35 p m. and 6 ! i p. m. dully. City ticket
culce , 1401 I'.irnam St
All lumber yards will close on the Oth
month , Oth dnv nt 0 o'clock and 9 minutes.
Omahn to rnlcngo JS :5.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul lly.
ISP-i Farnain St.
For face ache
there is nothing
inoi ° cort-iin ° r
. - . . : :
" '
- ' . giving imine-
'f"jf * $ , 1 > < : fdi'terelief : than
i"H ! , $ * i' * ' 'Uer'o ' -
: ' ! nt'j' ; ' " ! r 11
> . > ? , ' ° nc
which is war
ranted , for f > 0c
jjostpaid OOc
Write for our
( I t.iliinuc.
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Co
l-M.'l D iltfu St. Oinulia , Neb
I wwyffi $ % } ( ) ? LU ! ; 9
V K. oS..y.lwiiifck . . , , . . . ? ? A OtU T
n \Vu liuvc them in fuicy ,
T Iron , Porcelain , ( itt .uul McKul
.ill prices.
ft Von ou lit to take lioinc
X with you o.ic 01 our .
0 Souvenir Spoons.
1 S. W. LKiDSAY , ?
0 The Jeweler. 15l ( > DOUGHS. 9
o-oo-o S tie at Cut Prices.
ItiMiitiftil Dihplay
rinust GooiU , incliulnig liis
Parisian Rose and
Parisian Violet.
Call aiul snnip'e ' them Prices ! ; ?
less than regular.
J. A. FULLER & CO. ,
Cut Price DriiK fits ,
rith .uul Dun-las Sis.
A set of l th thit fiiw and a Bold filling'
that sta > H 'ti ' r i i.iinfurt . to the puSHesHur
nnd u jn > f < > n vi r
A di'iitlHt vvtm r > KiiriU hi.s n put.itlon will
inako every plic- of work he does n lasting
iidverllKement for him , nnd It'H the beat
advertisement any ilenil.-u can have ,
DII. iiAiun ,
3rd Door I'axton Dlock. Telephone 1083.
Lady attendant. IClh and Furnara Su.
lit y.
* , mm. .
Hurrl woven doth , every thread wool , every pocket
stayed , every button riveted , every seam jaj ed.
Piped facings , canvas stay ? , elastic waist band ,
double seat , perfect lilting , full stoi1 , full measure
and every button sewed on with linen thread
these are some of the merils of our latest. . 2.50 knee
pants suits. They arc nobby handsome styles made
to look well and to wear well , made to win trade and
to hold it , made lo show the sensible women of Neb
raska thai goods can bo t-old as cheap at the begin
ning of the season here as they can anywhere else at
the j-Mid of the season when they are "marked down. "
For Saturday's trading we will have ready four great
lines of theho L',50 school suits for boys -i lo M and
another great line of long pants suits up to 10 years
atJJnvo dollars of which you will hear further from
us later on.
Grand Reduced Price Sale on
Friday > UltS
"When you buy a boys' t-uit at Ilayden Bros , you needn't
watch the boy. You can let him romp. His clothes will
stand the wear. The school suits on special sale are from
some of America's best tailors and the fabrics were selected
with special regard to durability wnile still showing all the
neut niul fusliiomiblu patterns. If every mother in the Trans-MiisUslipi | Ciiuntrj
bought her b'iys' clothing here they would h.ivo "tived million * of dollars ) .
In boys' and youths' long pant suits , we of
fer for Friday and Saturday a very good suit
for $2.75 , nicely made ; up , guaranteed to
wear well and a regular $4 value.
At $3.50 , $3 95 , $4.50 and $5 you can
select from the largest range of patterns ! , fab
rics and styles ever put on sale. These boys'
and youths' long pant suits are elegantly fin
ished in Planish fashion and will satisfy boys
| | /1 / who are tasty dressers. The prices are lower
' by J50 to 50 per cent in this sale than you can
get equal qualities for elsewhere. Hoys' and
youths' long pant suits at $6.50 , .7.50 ,
$8 50 and $9.50worth from § 10 to § 15.
Come in and see them.
Boys' good knee pants school suits at 75c
The greatest bargains in Omaha in boys'
short pants suits at $1.25 and $1.50 ,
These are strongly sewed , well lined ,
neat suits , worth up to sU.OO.
A grand line of stylish knee pants suits ,
in vestee , double breasted and reefer
styles at $1.75 , $2.25 , $2 50 , $2.95.
$3,50 , $4.75 and $5.95. IVANilUVA" ' '
Special Sales
for this Week
Men's and boys' Fall Caps at 5c , 20c , 25c , 35c and 50c
Attend the big sale on Men's JJats at $1.00
Trunks , Travelling Bags and Valises at lowest pricey.
Make the Big Store your trading headquarters.
cr the Most Clot him ; in
Special Carly Fall
Carpet Sale Of mnj Rno
poods al prcatly refluccd prices.
Tapestry Bni cls , best quality niarlo , over
iii'ty patterns to select i'roni , 75c.
A Velvet Special.
Two complete lines at uuequaled values ,
8ric and $1. 15
250 iiieces new \miiister Carpets , not to
he duplicated anywhere , yard , 85c.
There aie ftoods HMially told at 1.2r ) .
All wool , guaranteed , 5C. ( )
lixtra super l > e > t all wool sold every day
in Omaha J'or Hfic butnoonu pays us
more than 65c.
These goods are all bargains in fact.
Orchard & Williehu Carpet Co
14M-1G-18 Douglas Streut.
hy our rull irr in.n of Tuikl U | .e- ! < '
. in 'uinl h 1
< jr iw ) Mph lx > r r . Illy IxttTTB ) ikitli
. f"a > > t h rr t |
r frw ra , IVi < o k our o n < ,
. I lilluu ncUlklo i ul
nione nr < lr. iireUnir ! wtll '
orltK-n . tfuaranle . * with full rur * bl HAHN'R I'HAMMAOY.
II O.II.T nitl * HAIIV i I'lURtfirr
- -