OMAHA DATLV 111315 : P1UDAV , S.I3PT KMHIiJIl 9 , 1808. COMRCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Market Generally Pirra and Pricca Olosn Strong and Higher , SEPTEMBER IS UP THREE-FOURTHS HIGHER Corn Iturn nn I'lKblli of n Cent , Pro- vlnlon * Arc I'lrin , .Ilimt Coiiinioil- ltlr AilrnncliiK Srtcrnl I'olntn nod Iliillim Htroiiu , CHICAGO , Sept. 8. Hail reports of the Ku.Mslun wheat crop and heavy export ship- im tits for the day , together with fresh Mules for export at New York , gave a strong closing today to a generally lirm wheat market , and September left oft D-Mf V higher and December rose 3-S5t' c- Corn Just 1-Sc ; cats are up 1-Sc. Provisions were linn. Pork advanced 20c , lard 17'ic. and ribs 15c. Heavy northwestern receipts of wheat , a knowledge of which was In possession of the traders before the. session opened , went a long way toward neutralizing the llrm- niss with wheat Blurted at Liver pool. The recent heavy and qullo steady dedlne and the comparatively low price to which wheat had already SUIIK , however , apparently made friends for thu grain and r.-stralned the ardor of thu bear ! ) . Chicago K-M'lvpil 227 ears , against 2l > 5 a yenr ago , while lh < ! receipts at Minneapolis and Du- lutli wre 92J carloads , compared with 072 lust year. Liverpool , notwithstanding yes- I. rdny's dec-lino here , was l-8d higher lur H.-lembcr ] and 1-Sd lower for December , lie-ports concerning the Russian wheat crop were quite bullish from a market point , of \ K-W , as disappointing harvests were the ti-nc-ral tenor , ho far this season thu tnove- inc nt of new wheat In Russia has been Mi.ull . enough to give what appears to lie 11 rroboratlun of the poor crop reports from i nat counlry. Wheat future's were udcll- milly strengthened near the close by n . : -i > tih from New York to tbo effect that I : Ionian grain exporters who had sold win-lit for shipment In September to tbo 1 riled Kingdom were trying to have the f iititract'i cancelled , presumably because of c iMIculty In getting the grain. It was also M i ted that thirty-nine boatloads had been worked for export at New York and 175.000 1m v.ero sold for shipment from here. The j.retpts nt western primary markets wcro 1 l.M.OoO bit. , compared with 1,289,000 bu. the ---vlous year. September opened lnifhi-r nt ( i2c weakened . , to 017-.V , Im proved to 02B-Sc and closed at ( ,2''jTi62 B-8c. Ii'oembcr ' started unchanged to l-8e up at ii" 1-8c , sold off to H0f(001-8c , rose to ijo fj1 w 7 8c and closed at Oo c sellers. Speculators In corn were for the most pnrt bearish on account of the llstlessness , .i the shipping demand. Prices were Btcad- l < d somewhat by the strength of wheat 'I predictions of frost In Iowa tonight. 'I hn market ruled heavy , however , the - " i mlngly strong spots in it proving to bo only a delusion and a snare for the bulls. I in- small reports , compared with those of i \oir ago , were Ignored , and heavy sblp- i . ats from the seaboard were equally clls- r > warded. December started um-h ingeil at ' l-Sc , sold up to 30 l-8ij30'ic ' , weakened to L' . ' T-Se and closed at 30c buyers. oats followed wheat. There was a fair amount ot business transacted , but tbo i..nge was never wider than HC- . There \\.is some Inquiry for rash , but bids were } u t enough out of line to hinder the work- In ; of any lines. May opened unchanged to 1 v higher at 21 B-8ii2l-\ic , declined to 21's.e , then firmed up to 21'ie , the closing figure. Provisions made further recovery from 1m- effect of Tuesday's yellow fever shake- > > p and ruled strong. The strength was f ( umled on the healthy legitimate basis ot un excellent demand for the cash article. December pork opened Be higher at js.45 , advanced to $8.60 , the closing price. De- umber lard started unchanged at , ' 1.87' . , nml sold lip to $5.05 at the close. October libs began 5c up at fi.20 , weakened to $5.15 , then rallied to $3.30 sellers , the closing Ilg- m c cKstlmatcd receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , riu c-ats ; corn , 260 cars ; oats , 350 cars ; hogs 19.UHO head. The lending futures ranger ! as follows : . , . . . W II HAT No. 3 Bprlnsr , 5SfG3c ; Xo. 2 red "I'/citCc. ' ' c-OHN-No. S ! , SOVitfSO 5-Se. OATH-NO. : . : ouraue < : NO. 2 white , :3' ' Ci-'l' , No. 3 white , i2'iiS3 ! ic. " ' ' . . SKICnS-No. l tlaxseed , SSOSSe. Prime timothy socil , J'.MO. " > s pork , per libl , , JS.50 ' ix.u. i.ard , per 100 IbH. . $4. < iOii4. ; iA. short ii s Rltlos ( loose ) , J.Vir,17o.40. Dry" Halted Khoulders ( boxed ) , $4.501)4.73. ) Short clear . 114 > > i i/xe > 4 . . 'i , , , ki. SL'iJ A HH-lInehaneod. KollowliiB are the receipts and shipments for today ; Articles. Rcccfpts.l Shlpm'ts. in the I'rodneo exehuiiBo today the but. ter market was steady ; creameries , 130 lie ; dairies , H'snBc. KKK . sternly ; U c. voiuc MAHKIJT. liiu < ntloiiN fur I lie- lny oil fieiu-ral CoilllllOllltlfN. . .MJ'JW YOHK , Sept. S.-KI.OUn-necelpts , U'HJ bbls. ; exiKirts , 23.711 bbls ; sale.s , .tjinj S C5ccilpt for okl "l'rnK | Patehla lAHLlCY MAI.T-Dull. . . . ' ' * ' u- : e l > orts , Hnj7 bu. Spot , llrm ; No. 2 red. 70o f. o b tilloat , to arrive. Options opened barelv Kto.idy. Influenced by spring wheat receipts unit Kcneral dullncKs. A later rally devel oped on advancing northwestern rush , . N Hecciptsi , 172,375 bu. ; exports , SSI. . dl4 bu. Spot was lower at llrst beiauxo lit fu\orable weather prospccta , but subsc- tliu-ntly recovered on bis clearances , later j' tions of frost and export demand < loMnir unchanged. September closed 311. c- : U , . ember. 34\43U-Sc | ; closed , 31 7-Se HATS Hecelplx , 1 ,400 bu. ; exports , 01. . T3S bu. Spot , ciulct ; No. 2 , 25V e ; No " vhlte , new. 27c. Options steadier with oi ! eil' " * 1"SU hlKhcr : S'-'J'teinber ' 1 4 c ifoi'S-Uull. . wooij null. UUTTHU-HocelptH. 4.7SO pkcs. ; market ' K1KII1S- mnrkct c-MUESU-Slendler : larco white. 7Vfl ! 73-Nc ; small white , 7 silarsu : colored , in ( uT . .lc ; small colored , "V-c. TAl.l.OW-Duli. roTTON81-i-u : OIL-null - ; prime yellow , * > itC ? OfcKftl. lllCISteady. . MOLASSI-S-Steady. : MICTALS The market seems to have lapsed back into the old-time dullness To day's dolnRS were small and of u local char acter. News from abroad wns about ut expected , uiul the situation generally wa- . destitute of InterestltiR new features. Al th" close the Metal Kxchange called plu ' lr..n warrants dull , with O.SO bid and $ 'io : uhk-d ; lake copper unchanKed , with $122. bid and J12.37Iasked ; tin ciulet , with Jltf.K bid and asked ; lead nutet. w Hi f4. bid and Jl.07'a asked ; spelter quiet , j | si bill and SI W asked. The llrm llxiim- the set. tllnK prlco for leadliiK mln-rs and smelt- rre In the west cjuotes lead t'iM. Itiiltlnion * DALTIMORE. Sept. S.-FLOl'R-Dull nni unchanged ; receipts , ! > , S21 bbls. ; exports 12S bbls. WHEAT Firm ; spot und month , C < i6G > , e October. 65 i-54i S 1-vc ; hteamer No. red f.n4c ; receipts , 32..T3 bu ; exports. 133,771 bu. southern wheat , by sample , GOJiGSc CORN-Eusy ; October. XIT-Sfntc ; steame No. 2 mixed , 32 > , 327-Sc ; receipts , HS.S1 bu ; export * , 67.2fiS bu. ; southern white , c-irn. 3njTS'ar ; .niltllfril yellow , 3SV4e. fiATH-Dull ; No. 2 v.-hlle. wc tc-rn , 2M1 21'icNo. ' . 2 mlx'-d , SI Sl'sc ' ; receipts , 10 , IK bu ; exports , l,3 i bu HI'T'I KH Sti-ii'lv nml unrhanBed. 1-i'if.S I-'Irm and unr-hatiRod. C1IIJKSK Stc-ady nml unrhatiBccl. OMAHA < ii.Mit.M , .IIAHICnTS. Ciiinllllon of Trnde mill ( liiotntlcnn on Sdiplr nml I'ntiey I'roiluee. irns ; ncu i stuck. i.r : UfTTKH rommnn to fair , 10fM2c ; scp- nrat'T. l < e ; uathon-d r-reamery , lofilCo. I.IVI-3 I'OlTLTity liens. i/Wjc ; old rooat- rn4 < - ; Hiu'ltiK chicii-ii ! ' , Hi , ducks , oc ; 7'irJKorNS-r.lve. per iloz. . Jl.OO. VIAL choice , snap. VEOUTADLES. rin.KHY-l'or doz. Imnchxji. 25 330. ONlONS-New. per bu. . 40Tj50c. 11KANH Hniid-picked nnvy. per bu. , $1.25 , I'OTATOIOS-l'er bu. . 30'ol'Jc. CA HAfi-I'er ! lb. . 1C. TOMATOES-1'cr four-basket cr.itc , 2SO noc. noc.CUCUMUEHS CUCUMUEHS Homo grown per doz. , 103 20c. TIIOPICAL FUUITS. OUAXOKS - SpfcllliiRM. J2.75 ; Valon- tias , per box. J3.00 ; Mediterranean sweets , J2 , : .r\ > hHMONS-fallfornlit , J6.Wtifi.aO ; fancy M'-sslim. $ ( i..V t70f | . ItANANAS-Cholco , largo stock , per bunrli. t2.t'0y2.20 ' ; medium sired bunches , fl.75tf2.00. rnuiTs. AI'1'I KS-l'er bbl , } 2. ; iI2.73. WATKH.MElOXS-CratCl , llffloc ; loose , IKd.ic. CANTAI.OL'I'K Home grown , per crate , Jl.0rtll.25. PBAPIIES-fnllfornla. tO-lb. case , 90c. IM.UMS-Cullfornlns. J1.25O1.50. I'KAHS Wnrtlett , jL'.20''i2.uO. nUAI'KS-Natlvc , per "basket , 15o. CUANUKHltl KM- Wisconsin , per box , J1.25 ; per bbl , JS 00. ' MISCILIANIOUS. NUTS Almonds , per lb. , largo size , 121 ? 13e ; Htmill. lie ; Hrazils , per lb. . 3filOc ; Kn- gllsh walnuts , per lb. , fancy soft shell , 110 12c ; standard ! ! , SfJJe : filberts , per lb. , lOo ; pecntis , polished , niidium Cii'c ; extra lareiSfnc ; large Ir.korv nuts. Jl.OO/ii'l.lO ' IM r bu. ; small , J1.13''u'.2.j per bu. ; co'-oanuts , per ion , j | ; per.titils. raw , Gfi6'.c ; roasted , 7c. MAl'I.K ; ' each SVIui'-Flve-gal. can. , f2.4j ; K'H. c-ans , pure , per doz. , { 12 ; half-gal. cnti-J , Ji2 ; , " , ; ciuart cans , J3.HO. IIUNiY-Cholce white , W15c. HATES Ilallowee , CO to 70-lb. boxes , 5Hc ; Salr. Be ; Kurd , 9-lb. boxes. U' % . Fins Imported , fancv 3-crown. 11-lb. boxes , ll\'j 3-crown , 4-1-lb. boxes , 13c ; 2-lb. boxes. 22'jj23c per box ; California , 10-lb. box. II. CI1JKH Per half bbl. , M.23tjUO. : HIDES. TAhLOW , ETC. 1IIDK8 No. 1 green hides. 7c ; No. 1 grec-n li'ib's , Cr ; Nc3. 1 salted hides , 84c ; No. 2 salted hides , - : ; ; No. 1 veal rnlf , S to 12 Ibs. , flc ; No. 2 veal ealf , 12 to IS Ibs. , 7c. TALLOW , O UKASE , KTC.-Tnllow , No. 1 , 3c ; tallow , No. 2. 2'i.c ; rough tallow , l .c ; white grease , 2'.i.ti2-Ur ' ; yellow and brown grease , I'j.'if.I'ic. SHEEP PEI/rS-C5reen palled , each , 1343 TDc ; grcf-n salted shearings ( short wonleil early slcliiHt , eaeh , I5c ; dry shearings ( short wcioled curly skins ) , No. 1 , eaeh , fie * ; dry Hint , Kansiis mid Nebraska biltc-her wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4ti3c ; dry Mint , Kansas ami Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , liiitc ; dry Hint , Colorado rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight.Ii3c ; dry flint , Colotado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3tj4c. M. Louis 3iirUc4. ST. LOUIS , Sept. S.-Ii1I.OUU-Dull , de pressed , but quotably unchiingcd. WHEAT Closed nt the top rate because of offerings , with an advance of 5-8fi ( Ic over yesterday : spot , better ; No. 2 red , cash , elevator , liije ; track , ( fifu& i < ; ; Srp- tc'inber. 111 7-Sc : bid ; Dec-ember , Gl 1-Sr asked ; May , l7-Se bid ; No. 2 hard , cash. Kib2e. CORN Futures fractionally higher ; spot , dull and higher ; No. 2 , cash , 29'sc ' ; Sep tember. 2v ! > je bill ; December , 2s > t < ii2S7-bc ; May , M' e askc-d. OATH Futures Irregular , September be ing off 1-Se and December and May 1-Sc higher ; spot , lower ; No. 2 , cash , 20'e ' bid ; track , 23c ; September , 205-Sc bid ; Decem ber , 205-Sc ; May , 22\c bid ; No. 2 white , 22ie bid. ItVE-Hlgher at )2c. SEEDS Flaxseed , llrmcr at RCe. Prlmn timothy seed , easy , but unchanged. roUNMKAl-Jl.fi5il.70. Hit AN Unchanged ; sacked , east track , HAY Prime timothy. J3.00tf8.00 ; prairie , J5.00ifjli.00. HUTTER Firm ; creamery , ICTflSUc ; dairy , 13fil7'Ac. EOOS-I Uglier nt 13c , loss off. WIllSKY-Steady at J1.23. COTTONTI HS-Unchnnged. UAl.OINO-Unclmnged. M1CTAI.S Lead , weak nt $ .1.53. Spelter , steady at $1.70 PHOVISIONS-Pork , better ; standard mess , jobbing , $ s ii2'i. I/inl , higher ; prime steam , $ I.S2' ' < . ; choice , JI.S71Dry salt ments ( boxed ) , shoulders , J5 ; extra short clear and ribs , ' $3.ti2 % ; shorts. $5.73. Huron ( boxed ) , shoulders. $5.30fjj.G2V > ; extra short clear and ribs , Jii.23 ; shorts , JO.Si'i. ' UICCEIPTS Flour. B.oOfl bbls. ; wheat , 33- 000 bu. ; c-orn. 17,000 bu. ; oats , 24.000 bu. SHIPMKNTS-Flour. 7.WHJ bbls. ; wheat , wheat , 30,000 bu. ; corn , 51,000 bu. ; onts , 19- 00) ) bu. K a ii MIS City ( irn ' " ' OATS- Finn ; No' . 2 white , 23c. HYK No. : ' , 40o. HAY About Htenily : choice timothy , Jfi.OO : cliolce prairie. $5.2i3.rjO. ( ( _ MUTTHH Firm ; separator , IGtJlSc ; dairy , KOns-FIrm : fresh. IHic. UKfEIPTS Wheat , 118,000 bu. ; corn , 5,200 bu. : oats. 3.000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 133,000 bu. ; corn , S.450 bu. ; oats , none. \IMV . NEW OUKEAXS , Sept. S.-SUGAU-No onci ) kettle ; centrifugal , strong ; seconds , 2'fi ; I n-li"c. Mfll.ASSKS Easy ; centrlfueal. 417111' . N'EW YOHK. Sept. S.-SUOAU Ilnw. KlVnng ; fair rellnlng , 3 15-liic ; centrifugal , ! ni test , 1 3-Sc. Molasses , 3 9-lCc ; rellned strong. 'I'olcilo ItlrUi-l. TOM-IDO , Sept. S.-WHEAT-FIrm ; No. 2 cash and September , Ii4c ; December. C3' , c. t'OUX Dull and lower ; No. a mixed , Sic. OATS-Dull mill steady : No. 2 mixed , 20c. HYK Quiet : No. 2 cash , 43'Ae. CLOVKHSKED-Aetlv , . and firm ; prime cash. $ : t.j : ! ; October , $3.3. OIL Unchanged. Ciiltrorlllii Dried I'l-ulln. NEW YOHK. Sept. 8.-CAHFORNIA DHIED KIU'ITS-Dttll. Evaporated up. pies , common , CfjSc ; prime wire tray. 9e ; choice , 9Vic ; fancy , 95if(10c. Trunes. 4pSc. Apricots , Hoyal , lljilSc ; Moor Park , 131 ? ICe. Pcaclies , tinpeclcd , 7fUc | ; peeled , 12Q ICc. t 3rnrl < t > < . MINNEAPOLIS , Sept. S.-WHEAT-Dull ; September , BS'-jc ; December , 67V-C ; May. 59 B-Sc ; No. 2 northern. fi7c- FLOUH First patents , $ ? .90tf4.00 ; second patents. $ J.7IW390 ; llrst clear , $2.9iW3 00 miAN-uuik. $7.50 7.7 : . . l.lvi-rpool ( iriilu .llnrkpt. I.IVEHPonL. Sept. -\VHEAT-Market ciulet , 1-Sd lower ; September , Esd ; Do- cfmber. 5s IS. I. COHN Market ciuiet , unchniiged to UfE > ; d lower : Septeiiiber , "s d ; October 3s 15-Sd ; December , 3s 2 7-Sd. I'eorln . . PEOHIA. Sept. S.-COHN-Market quiet ; .No. 2. 'JlWi\ OATS-Markct llrm ; No. 2 white , 22UI ? WHISKY Market llrm ; on the basis ol J1.2o lor llnlshed goods. l'1illiiili.iililn | - | iirl > ( . PHILADELPHIA , Sept. S.-nUTTEH- Steady : fancy western creamery , 19c ; prints , 20i\ EUGS-I'Mrm ; fresh , nearby. 16c ; western , lmc ! : southern , He. CHEESE-Steady. ( irulii MILWAUKEE , Sept. R. - WHKAT- Mrmcr ; No. 1 northern , C4c ; No. 2 northern tl' i' . UYE Firm : No. 1 , 44V'.c. HAHLEY-Steady ; NoT 2 , 42isc ; sample , I'Miiur Outiiiit of l-'iuir Cltlos. MINNEAPOLIS , S.-pt. S.-The Northwestern - ern Miller reports the Hour output nt Min neapolis. Duluth and Superior and Milwau kee lust week nt 374,630 bbls. Sun Praiii > | - > i < o Wlic > at Mnrkrt , SAN FIIAN01SCO. Sept. S.-WHEAT-N , . HAHLEY Inactive ; December , JUG. \v AorK Dry ( inoiln . NEW YOHK , Sept. S.-Tradlng has Im proved slightly In dry goods centers today owing to the return of cooler weather The buyers In the city are somewhat free ! In their operations. Mall orders nlso shov fair returns from day to day. There Is m Improvement In the demand for woolen am worsted goods , either men's wear fabric ! or dress goods. Staple cottons have beet the subject pf some speclllc attention Ii various lines on the part ot buyers durlni the current week , print cloths hnvo shown little artunl movement , with extras quciti-c ) at 2 1-liic and odd goods nn about the sulnu basis. STOCKS AMI IIOMIS. Ml. Paul Occupies tin ; Outer of tbc MIIKC * Tlirouuli Day'n ( Ipi-rntIIIIK. NEW YOHK , Sept. v-St. Paul made , the markc.1 this monung and broke It this nft- prnoon. Tiadlng w is not i > n a large scale during the clay and all Intrrc-st centered In the meeting of the St. Paul directors to act on the cllvldt-nd. The rumor mongers llxc-d thu dividend rule on the common all tin- way from 2'j to 3 > 3 p < r cint. Those who said that It would be 2'2 found little credence and the- continue 1 ilriiimss of the stock In faces ot recent heavy tone of tin ; market and the conlident and heavy buy ing of the early hours of the cluy sc-mi-cl to Justify this IncrMlullty. There wns large buying of Ht. Paul here for London ac count and there was \ery active trading on the London curb after the close theie , according to cabled reports. The price \\as rushed up to 113 without any attention being given to warning statements very powerful Interests In the dlrectorati were oppoaed to anything more thun the 24 per cent rate. . Tne tager bulls pointed out ttiat the recent increase in the Hur- llngton dividend was kept enshrouded in the samp mystery up to tne moment of Its declaration , when tno stork led a violent upward movement. The showing of the company tor the List llscal yenr was cltul as continuing the confidence In an In creased dlvloend dlsbutsement , the earn ings applicable to the common stock hav ing amounted to S 3-10 per cent after ex traordinarily heavy expenditures for Im provements charged to operating expenses. When tlu ! announcement , .line about 2:20 : p. m. thut tilt- directors had nr.idc u semi annual dividend of only 2 per cent the prlco dropped without check except for mo mentary pause at each even number to 110U , which was 4-4 below the best. Numer ous blocks of many thousand shares were thrown on the mark--t with precipitate eagerness and the market speedily took on panicky condition * . Hock Island tell lu sympathy .1 points , Uurllngton 2 points. I'eople's CJas 2' * points , Northern i'.utllc preMred 2'n ' po.nts and nutiKTous other stocks , botli In the rail road and industrial lists , between 1 and 2 points. There was n quick rally of 1 to 1'j per cent in these stocks which surfer d most severely , but St. Paul was kept back by apparently endless offering * about 111 and closed only 5-3 above Hit- lowest with u very weak tone. The demor.illzutlon caused by the break In Ht. I'.iul came on a market showing considerable- strength and at a level ma terially above yesterday's close. Most of tins strength , to be sure , was due to the early .ulvuncu in St. Paul , but a sharp r. - io\n-y In bugar and some other evening stocks which hud shown cany weaknch.s and an advance of nearly 6 points from the. lowest In Metropolitan Strict Hallway were also factors. The rate for call loans , after going to 1 per cent , eased off to : t , under the Influence- the engagements nt jlW.Cvio gold for export and Hit ; prospi-i ft- ; measures for mllivlng the money nmti.i-t by tinTreasuiy department. Tne hea\y Increusew in thu amount ol tno government bonds deposited to secure public money showed measureh of nll-t from the coo- stunt absorption by the treasury of cash lor bond sulncriptions. The dulliu-SH ot tuo local time monev market indkatus that the present stillness of rates will not long continue. ( in the other hand discount * hardened today In London. Monetary con ditions , however , were entirely lost sight of In the late demoralization of the stoek market. Bonds were dull and llrm for most ot the day , but yielded In sympathy with stocks In the late trading. Total sales , $ 'J,8iAiOOU. United States old 4s registered , the is and the 3s , when issued , advnm-e.d 4 per cent In the bid price. The Evening Post's London ilnanclal cablegram says : The stock markets here opened Hut to day. Consols and most other stocks weru otitired , but the fall was most marked in Americans , which weru treely sold in thu drtiino In New York exchange and on the bullet that liatvr n.f ney is at hand in New York. The decline , however , was short lived and the general smart play which has taken place all mound confirms ) yesterday's cabled statement us to this strong undertone ot the market. The re covery in Americans was accompanied by rumors that thu St. Paul company will de clare ) a t'2M dividend and a $1 bonus. Mainly on this report and on the big urbl- trago houses picking up stock prices closed lirm. A Hharp drop In Portuguese securi ties on the Delagoa Hay report , which Is still believed In many iiiarters. | and thu upward movement in Kaillrs were again features. Tne followlnu arc the closing quotation * ot the leading stocku on the New York market today : Total sales of stocks today , BSG.SOO shares , Including : Atchlson preferred , G,9nO ; Haiti- more .t Ohio , 5,749 ; Canadian 1'aclllc , 4M ) ; Hurllngton , 31,700 ; Illinois ) Central , n.osij ; Louisville & Nashville , 8S.0 ; JIanhattnn , 15.120 ; Metropolitan , 6,420 ; Missouri raclllc ? , 4,015 ; Northern I'acitlc , 21,520 ; Northern I'a- ctllc preferred. .T.OaO : Rock Island , 27.2SO ; Vnlon 1'acillc , S.s-'O ; St. I'nul , 1KI.3M. South ern preferred , 4.U50 ; Union Pacllle preferred , 17.J-.V ) ; Union Pacllle , Denver & Gulf , 3,512 ; Cotton Oil , 3,420 ; Tobacco , 14,720 ; Chicago Oreat Western , 10,225 ; People's Gas , 20,220 ; Sugar , OG.020 ; Tennessee Coal & Iron , 5,022 ; Leather preferred , 4,420 ; Rubber , 3,100. > i'\v VurU Miinpy Mnrko ( . NEW YORK , Sept. S.-1IONEY ON CALL Firm , nt 3 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-401'A per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE-Steady. with actual business in bankers' bills at $ I.S4I4 4.8Ha for demand , and $ I.S2'/4 | ! \ for sixty days ; posted rates , tl.S3MM.h4 , and $4.$5'i ! 5J4.Sfi ; commercial bills , $ l.blVTI.M-'Vi. SI LVEU CERTIFICATICS GO'ilijCO'JtC. HAR SILVER-COV. MEXICAN DOLLARS-4G'ic > . GOVERNMENT HONDS-Flrm ; 3s. 103U ; new 4s , reg. and coupon , 127 ; 4s , reg. , no ; coupon , lll'/i ; 2s reg. , OS : Ds reg. and coupon , 112 : Pacllle Gs of 'P3. 102'5. Closing quotations on bonds were UB fol lows ; 1 LONDON. Sept. -The weekly statement of the Hank of England bhows thu follow ing changes as compared with tlm previous account : Total reserve , decrease. r77.0uu ; circulation , decrease , rlTl.uOO ; bullion , do rrfi- , JUJM.KM : nthrr serttrltles , C'tW.i'lflother ' deposit * , decrease. JL12.S.OOO , public dcposlm , clec r , use. JJ715.0"0 ; notes n-st rve , dnc reane , Jtl'iiiiH ; ' > . government He- c-urltlc-s uni-hnnged. The proportion of tlm Hank of England's reserve to liability , which last Week was 4V7 per cent , Is IMW 49 per c-c nt. The rate of discount remains unchanged. lloitciii Sioolt ( luotntloiK. HOSTON , Sept. S.-Call loans , 2'iff.ljj ' per cent ; time loans , "Hi ! per cent. Closlns 1'iotntlons on Mucks , bunds and mining Blmres ; _ _ A. , T. fc S. I-\ 1J'j ' ; , | , > "i.M T 57 Am \ wvi5. . central l'i l i pfil US liwton l-'A" 6 4 I'ny ftatccn H , ) M * on Ulw 1 1 11 TrlrpliuliP Svj'fi CUnfi-al Kle-e. pM. . . ! ' Morton & AUxiny.1. ; : , 'Atelilnon ' pM K\ Ikxtfiti & Miilti . . . .n Alctilson 4 * J i' . . li. .t Q n& i Alloutz Mlnlni ? Co. . ; ' ritonlMirg 104 4 .M.antlf 2 > > flc-n. Klertrlo 43'i lloston ft Mnnt to Illinois Hicol 71 imtto & llojton . . . . ii Mexlcin Central . . . , -,14 , Cnlnnic-t & HIK-I.I..SW N Y. & N. 17 98 c .m < MUilal IT'i OU Colony iw llYinklln 13' ' ! , < ie Short t.lntt 3'i ( ' old Iniinlnlon . . . . " 7 4J cij-c-pola M'i ' fnlon Pnoitlo 1 1 j ( julniry 1U West iml : STU TamnMlck 170 do pf I Kiel . \\oh-crlne 2 * > Wpntlnnhi > u > p IClcv. rf > i > , I'nrrott S3 Sim I'rnnc'l ro > | | IIIIK | lliiolntlonx. SAN KRANCISCO , Sept. S.-Tho oniclal closing ciuolatluns tor mining stouts today were us follows ; A1 in , . . . . " 7 RTiTaTcT Norcross. . . . . . S3 Alpha Con : iK | Ttu.l < x Cnn It Anrtwi 10 Mexican IS llc-lchc-r n iciccdt-ntnl Con 72 Ili-st & liclchcr 24 iQplilr IS " Hulllon 3 n oi-m n > C-ilP.liml.i 3 IMtoM It rinilleiiKe Con 10 Savajv 13 Clmllar 17 -orplon 4 Cunllilcnce < 3 K'erra ' Novnda 7rt Con. Cal. ( Va fH I'nlon Con 17 Cnn. Now York. . . . . . . 2 t'tali Con 7 Crown 1'olnt id Yellow Jacket 22 ixclie < iijer 2 stumtiml 1C9 C.nulil & Ciirrle : ol Silver bars , fiO'zc ; Jlexlcan dollars , 4CliT 40'ic. ' Drafts , sight. 15e ; telegrnph , 17'4c. ' I.oiuloii "Sdii-li ( l LONDON , Sept. S. 4 p. m. Closing : C , nsilp. monry 110 | \ . Y. Central 1111 ! c'Mrs'M ? , aucnimt. 110 3-16 ! pcnii ylvanU Cl'i C.innillan IMc-lllo . . . at' , liluullni ; 94 Ilrle i4 iif. P. pfd t' ' t iln 1st pfil iM ; Atc-lil'nn US IlllnMs Central IITill , . * N fli'i Noiihi-rn I'.ic. pM. . M\jUranil Trunk 7 i Ht I'nul , cotntnan. . 17'i _ _ _ _ HAH SILVEIl-Stcnily at 27 7-Sd. MONEY ' ,4f ! ' ( , percent. The tale of discount in the open market for short bills , 1 l-KWii per cent ; for three months bills , 1 l-lGfali per cent. \ < MV York Mlnlnu ( Inotntlon * . NE\V YORK. Sfpt. S. The following nro the closing quotations on mining stocks : c'ti-ilnr ir > | Omnr1o 370 Crown Point 12 ci | hlr 2H Ton Cal. .V Vi 4flPlymouh | U I > fi < lv.uoil ro ; Qnlcksllvrr IS" . ( ioi.lil & Curry 17' ' I'M pfd 3."i" Ilal & Norcru'M 77'Scrr.i ' N"i nula ft' ILiirppliko 4.Tn < l I sin n lanl 1.V Iron Silver ii" ll'iilon Cnn 13 MfXlc.m 12 I Yellow .Indict 1S I'llllllicllll lltl'H. OMAHA. Sept. S. The clearings today were $1,143,751 GO ; balances , $ l jKO : 71. hast year the clearances were$1,0)1,303 ) 03 ; bal ances. $ lliS.I3.7S. ! Incrciise In clearings , $ I41.2.)1 57 VVASlIINnTON , Sept. S. The net gold In the treasury today Is J'J.:9,924,7fll : , a gain ot tl,4ii,71u since yesterday. CllICAClO. Sept. S. Clearings , $17.022,91ii ; balances $7MOrl ; New York exchange , 4f > e clisi-ount ; Sterling exchange , posted , $ l.s't : ! ffil.SS'is ' ; actual , $ I.K > ti > ! . | . ; sixty days , $1.V2T(4.S3'1 ( | . Stocks active ; Hlscult , 32 3-S ; Hlsiult preferred , 9fi ; North Chicago , 22'ii West Chicago. 35 ; Diamond Match , 139'AI Strawboard. 30'i. I'HILADEMMHA , Sept. 8. Clearings. $12.iy,2l2 ( : balances , $1,809,229. HAl/riMOHE , Sept. S.-Cloarlngs , J2.53S , . 731 ; balances , $15-1,891. NEW CHILEANS , Sept. R. Clearings , $6WBONew ) ; : York exchange , 50c premium ; commercial. $1.2,1 discount. ST. 1.OU1S , Sept. S. Clearings , J3,557,12G ; balances , $19G,349 ; money , 4517 per cent ; New York exchange , 21c discount bid , par asked. NEW YOHK. Sept. S.-Clcartns * . $ U7ti- ! 79:1 : ; balances , { 9 , .23,774. HUSTON. Sept. S.-Clearlngs , $17,702,101 ; balances , $ l,95liOtVj. NEW YORK , Sept. R.-Kulm Loeb & Co. have engaeed $400,000 in gold for Import. I'ori-lun Klnnnolnl. LONDON , Sept. 8. The market for Amer ican securities opened dull , but later the feeling Improved. I'rlces then fluctuated scmewhat , and after a slight decllno were rather better at the close. The closing tone was llrm and the demand moderate1. The nirount of bullion withdrawn from the Hank ot England on balance today , 15,000 , Hold bars , 77s 10'id ; American eagles , 70s 7d. Gold is quoted at lluenos Ayres at 1C..40. ! HEHL1N , Sept. S. Apart from the firm ness of Spanish 4s. International securities were dull , being unfavorably Influenced by llu ; rioting In the island of Crete. Local securities declined on realizations. Cana dian I'acltlc securities were In good demand curly In the day , owing to the bcttlcmcnl of the rate war , but they afterward reacted on profit-taking. Northern I'ecullc securi ties wereweak. . 1'AHIS , Sept. S. On the bourse today business was dull , until near the close ol the market , when It Improved. Govern ment securities were Irregular. L" > Heers irines rallied and shares of the Hrltlsh Chartered South Africa company were ac tive and higher. Three per cent rentes , 10'f ! 35c for the net-aunt : exchange on Lcn- den , Kit Me for checks. Stati-mciit of Iliuilc of I'raiicc. PAIHS. Sept. 8. The weekly statement ol the Hank of France shows the following changi-s as compared with the previous ac count : Notes In circulation , decrease , 24- ] 15,0110 francs ; treasury accounts current , decrease , 55d50,0 < Xi francs ; gold In hand , de crease , 5,100,000 francs ; bills discounted , de crease , 100.400,000 trancs ; bllver in hand , de crease , 1,725.000 francs. L'otloiiMarket. . NEW ORLEANS , Sept. S.-COTTON- Futurcs , steady : September , $5.19 ; Octo ber , J5.23S-5.24 ; November , $ .r > .2i > Yi5.x ! De- nury , 49-lGc ; low middling , 115-16c ; mid dling , 50-lGe ; good middling , 55-Se ; mid dling fair , Ul-lbo ; receipts , 3u4 bales ; stock , D4.72. , bales. NEW YORK , Sept. S.-COTTON-Steady ; middling , 5'l-li'ie1 ' ; net receipts , none ; gross , S7t ! bales ; forwarded , Vf ! bales ; sales , Stiij bales ; spinners , ( ilO bales ; stock , -JGi'i35 bales. Total today ; Net receipts , 7.1SS b.iles ; Block , l&fi.M.i bales. Consolidated : Net receipts , 3i ,572 bales ; exports to ( Jrc-at Urltaln , 1G.1S5 bales ; Franco , SG5 bales ; continent , 6,230 bales. Total since Septem ber 1 : Net receipts , lObftS billet , , exports to Great liritaln , L'j.531 bales ; France , SG5 bales ; continent , 4,230 bales. LIVERPOOL , Sept. S.-COTTON-Spot , good business done ; prices unchanged. American middling , 30-32d. Sales. 19,000 b.ik ( for the day ) , of which 500 bales wrro for speculation and export and Included 10,000 bales American. Receipts , 1V ( bales , Including MU American. Futures opened iiulet with a moderate demand and closed i steady at the advance. American mid dling , L. M. C. , September , 3 13-G4d buyers ; September and October , 310-G4-1 sellers ; October und November , 3 Os-CM value ; No vember and December. 3 0"i-C4i/3 OS-GId sell ers ; December and January , 3o7-GlIi3oi sellers ; January und February. 3 OT-Mtf .Os-G4d Kellers ; February and March , 30G4d buyers ; March and April , . ) 09-Gld sellers ; April and May , 3 W-iKd310-Gld buyers ; May and June , 3 10-64143 11-old sell- era ; Juno und July , 3 ll-M'itt 12-64d sellers. Wool MarUc-l. LONDON , Sept. 8. A sale of sheep skins was I.eld hero today. There was a fair attendance and the offerings 2,717 bales- were practically all sold. The demand was good and prices were better , being helped by the smallness of the olferlngs. Merinos 3-SfV.-d ) lower ; special combings of line cross breds l-S3-kd | higher ; cross grades sold well at unchanged prKcs. Following are the sales and prices obtained for clothIng - Ing and combing ; New South Wales , 211 bales , IHf(7'-s' ( ' . , Melbourne , 31 bales , G'/iiG'id ; Queensland , 2ii bales , 4 1-Sfjf , l-Sii ; South Australia , St39 bales , Sl-SfcGS-Sd ; Swan River. 557 bales , SfiG d ; New Zealand , 2S1 bales , 3'ijf7d ( ; Tasmania , 619 bales , S'ifiGl-Sd. A sain of Cape of Good Hope and Natal sheep skins will bo helit tomorrow. CofTcf Market. NEW YORK , Sept. -COFFEE-Optlons opened steady at unchanged prices , rub-d Inactive and featureless , with weak under tone , partly on account of Rio and Mantua holidays , with European markets showing weakness and local demand for spot coffee' . Inactive ; helling arrested by moro liberal warehouse deliveries In this country ; closed steady and unchanged to 5 polntH lower : sales , 4.1W bags. Including No\ em ber , $ . * > .55 ; spot coffee , Rio , dull and nom inal ; No. 7 , Invoice , fi3-Sc ; No. 7 , jobbing , G 7-Sc ; mild , quiet ; Cordova , SfllSc. Iron Ciinipiinj'H Dlvldc-inU , NEW YORK , Sept. 8.-The directors of the Minnesota Iron company have declared tlm regular quarterly dividend on the preferred - ferred mock of 14 per cent , payable Octo ber 10. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Better Peeling in Cattle and Hogs Go Almost a Dime Higher. RUN FOR THE DAY SOMEWHAT LIMITED OITrrliiK" of Cat Cnttlr Itonillly Ali- , lull llutchcr * ' Mull In Hlinv oi-Uri-M Flrmi-r 1I"K at | Iu > A ( I vn ncc. SOUTH OMAHA , Sept. S. Cwt.ic. HOB * , btiecp. Receipts today 2.183 C,13l 55J Oillctal Wednesday . . . . 4,211 7.7M r., Olllclal Tuesday 5Ju ; > 11,112 S.SJ ; Olllclal Monday t.27I l.sill 4i2l Four days this week . . lR,9Mj 21,401 21,3 Snino diiyn last week. . . li.lUl 27,029 13UiS Same days week before 10,101 2MSi 12'JiS Asorujjc. price.paiu , L. ' . . * < ; t llu' " " ' several days ultn kumpurlsuin1. * Indicate * Sunday. The offlclnl number of cars of brought lu today by each road was : Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. C. , M. & St. t > . Ky. . . . II u. vt SI. L. Hy 1 Missouri I'ncltli ! Hy. . 4 I ! U. I' , nysti'in 1C 13 15 K. . K. & M. V. H. 11. . 8 22 S. r. & I' . Ky C. , St. P. , M. & O. Ry. 5 11 11. Ac M. R. R. H 13 31 I ! C. , H. & Q. Ry U K. C. & St. J 1 C. , R. 1. & J' . Ry. , E. . . ! I C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , W. 2 2 Totals 93 01 13 ! Tliri disposition of thu day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purcliaslng tno ntim- ( > er of head Indicated : Uuycrs. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha. Packing Co ul U. H. Hammond Co 50 1,319 . . . . Swift and Company 151 1,111 . . . . Cudahy Paqklng Co 5G1 l.l.'lS . . . . Armour & \'o lib 2,191 R. Hecker and Degnn. . , . 15 . . . . . . . . J. L. Carey ; s Lobinnn & Rothschilds. . 112 W. I. Stephens 197 Huston , t Co 02 Kreblis 4.V : Co 215 L. F. llusz 7. ! Livingston & Schaler. . . . B3 llumiltoh .t Rothschild. . 11 ! ) Swift from country GO . . . . . . . . Cudnhy from country 221 Planklnton , Milwaukee 1GS Other buyers 203 . . . . 1,41 ! Left over 130 ISO 4OK Totals 2,312 B.10I 5.GK CATTLE Today's supply of beet cattlt consisted of about ten loads of cornfed steers and fourteen loads of South Dakota Texas and two cir three loads of westeins , The balance of the receipts was made up ol butchers stock und feeders. The market on fat cattle was just about steady all around and still It would have been hard work to have sold westerns yesterday ot the clay before nn high as Home ot them Hold today. Good cornfed branded cuttle averaging 1,470 pounds sold ( is high as $5.15 , but they were very fat and well llnlshed. At the same time cattle that were not so fat. but weighing about the same , sold for $1.75 , thus showing the wide difference be- twc'on well finisher ! beeves and those only half fat. The demand was quite active and the' cuttlo all changed hands early in the morning. Hutchers' stock was slow sale. The re ceipts wcro Homewhat larger than usual and the quality rather common on an aver age , to that buyers were Inclined to bu bearish and they succeeded In buying the cow stuff 15 to 2.1 cents lower. In the stoeker and feeder division the situation considerably Improved to what it has been for several days past. The break In values has started up the country demand and speculators all sold n good many cattle yesterday. This mornIng - Ing early the country demand was strongly In evidence and under that Inlluence and the moderate receipts buyers all took hold and the pens were soon cleared of fresh receipts. The best kinds of heavy feeders were a ll'tle Btronger and very active at that. Medium grades did not show any Im provement , but the market was fully steady. Representative sales : STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2il..iriS $4 13 13..1201 $1 IT 12..1507 $1 90 21..12K ) 41.0 . Ib..l323 475 33..H70 513 1..1150 3 no 3..1100 3 ( H ) 3. . 7S3 3 00 17. . 02 > 3 15 1..1240 3 20 1130 3 50 1. . 1ISO I 00 1. . 740 L. fflO 3 15 HULLS. 1..1IOO 2 23 1..1310 2 00 1. . 9DO 3 23 STAGS. 1..1000 2 50 CAT.VK3. L. 330 H 00 1. . 200 4 1. . 110 G 25 STOCKERS AND KBED15HS. 1 bull 1110 _ IDAHO. 1 steer 1040 3 23 Crawford & Moore. 4 rows 1012 425 12 cows 1047 3 00 1 cow 17GO 250 1 feeder..1110 3 50 1 cow S90 2 75 31 feeders. . 1101 4 05 UTAH. Webster Cattle Co. 169 cows. . . . 9'17 3 10 LATE YESTERDAY. WYOMING. 37 feeders. . 022 4 05 21 cows 1110 3 4" 94 feeders. . 709 4 30 0 steers..1322 4 00 7 feeders..10HO 4 00 1 eows 72(5 ( 3 20 4 feeders. . CG2 4 r.O 13 feeders. . 7..ii 4 30 13 feeders. . 712 4 20 12 feeders. . C77 4 30 21 steers..1275 4 05 HOOP Today's market was active and BftlOe higher , that Is it waa active ami higher at the opening. The most of the hogs void on the early market , so thut the average advance amounted to about 7'sc , as will bo noted from the table at head of column. Later on the market eased off under the Inlluence of unfavorahlo reports from other markets and closed rattier slow and easier. The Bales ranged from 53.GT to JJ.C5 , as against $ H5'ii3i yester day. Heavy packing hogs sold very largely at Ji.D7 ; ? , and up to Jt M ) . while some rouBhlsh and trashy loads had to bell at $3.B5. flood mixed loads for the. most part said at li.CO , while thu best hi'axv am ) best Unlit both brought $1(15. ( Quito n siring of Cirrgnn tines fldlil at $1 tVi A ort Kold iis nigh an $ S.,0. I'rai-llinlly everything unx sold and weighed up at an Mirly hour , and the market as a wlmlo was generally satisfactory to the selling Inter est Today's advance wipes out a gond slmro of ycitteiday'i * decline , but leaves the mar ket still u shade lower than It w.ts on Tuesday , or Ir. about the mi me tmti'h as on Monday. A week ago hogs sold at about the same range ns today. Repre sentative sales : No. \v. h i'r No. Av. Sh I'r . . . . IM 120 M 511 S7 KS 160 MRS M . . . .233 Ml 3 [ ,7Uj 11 2U1 . . . .1 B7U. 54 .1U' > 120 3 57's 49 2SO 40 .167' * U 215.1 120 3 57 > i fil 2-iS HI .1 B7'i 51 2 2 . . . 3 tt' ' * 03 271 40 3 f,7 , i t53 2''d 80 3 67 > i 07 WO 160 3 57 > v S3 270 ICO 3 t > 7'a 09 ; ti ) 40 3 57S 01 297 . . . 3 57 > ii 00 270 40 3 fiT'-j 71 2W SO 3 67'i ' 82 225 210 3571.3 S 303 K,0 3 57'i ' 71 211 40 3 67's CO 20 ! ' 40 3 B7'ii ' Bo 315 40 3 C7U 61 311 200 ,1 57"j CO 242 SO 3 B7 > .j 59 2M 10 3 B7h CJ 22 80 3 5- ' . , Bil 323 80 3 B7(3 ( 5S 203 120 3 B7's ' rl ! 30 120 3 57KJ 61 200 1(50 ( 3 67'i 73 237 100 3 B7'i 71 297 300 3 f.iU OS 2J9 80 3 rlt | 40 32(5 ( 200 3 B71 * 3 < 2C 40 3 G7'i ' ( i2 2S1 100 3 B7U 91 232 200 3 f,0 00 2J1 80 3 00 87. . . . 211 40 3 CO 21 2l ) . . . 3 00 59 20 160 300 63 24S 40 3 t50 71 ZOt ) 210 3 W > Bl 243 80 300 OB 280 80 3 RO 69 233 40 300 22 231 SO 360 01 209 40 360 03 279 100 300 89 213 120 3 TO 51 307 100 360 62 277 120 300 SI 215 160 300 )9 ) 311 120 300 73 200 100 300 Ol 250 . . . 300 BS 2 3 . . . 3 60 7il 25i ! . . . 300 7. ! 291 320 300 77 2W 40 300 00 231 . . . 300 01 22(5 ( . . . 360 71 20S 120 360 7S 211 So 3 CO 70 S31 40 300 til 271 80 300 70 220 . . . 360 71 235 40 3 Co 71 250 40 360 72 212 200 3W CO 200 80 3 GO Bt 270 40 300 CO 253 40 3 W ) 58 272 2(0 ( SCO 174 L'25 120 302' ' , . 63 273 . . . 365 74 272 SO 305 B09 2i l 100 8155 01 317 . . . 305 70 2'W 10 3 03 87 173 . . . 365 03 302 10 3 G5 50 3IS 10 3 65 ASSORTED. 60 275 . . . 3 70 WAUON LOTS-IMOR. 1 200 . . . 2 00 1 ( M . . . 200 1 200 . . . 2 no 1 170 . . . 2 25 1 190 . . . 325 1 240 . . . 3 B.-4 10 Ill . . . 325 8 140 . . . 325 11 153 . . . 3 40 1 110 . . . 3 45 4 3RO . . . 345 II 3' ' ) . . . 345 1 420 . . . 3 15 1 340 . . . 3 47'i I : ! 75 . . . 3 BO C 305 . . . 3 BO 2 310 . . . 350 5 302 . . . 355 10 310 . . . 350 4 320 . . . 355 0 1(00 ( . . . 3 5714 1 Kit . . . 300 1 2 0 . . . 3 00 1 Sfi'l ' In 3 OH .SHEEI' Fresh arrivals of sheep were small Unlay , but there were some hold overs that arrived rather late yesterday , MI that the market was not entirely bare , iiood mutton sheep were in very fair de mand and the market was without change ] of material Importance , so far .is values were concerned. There Is a steady demand for mutton sheep and lambs , which on many days Is far in eveess of the supply , and It Is only onaslomilly that enough ar rive to satisfy the requirements ot the market. 1'eeder sheep and lambs continue In active demand and arrlvels of sin h meet with ruuly wile. Today th-ie were a few on sale mid they changed hands very early , showing the active demand. I'rlces continue llrtn in the face of the light sup ply and good demand. i wethers , 2-year-olds and over. $3.75liN oo- 1 feeder yearlings. $1.00 4.25 , and feeder lambs at $1.23t I.I3. Representative sales- : i'- , , Av , I'r. : ii ewes , feeders Ta J.i ii ) 01 western ewes Hw 3 5 230 wc-tern sheep , feeders 102 4 o > i 121 native feeders , wethers 80 4 10 CHICAGO I.IVH STOCK .11 VIIKHT. Cnltli * SnlcH I iirliniiKvil ( o I.oiver , Whilethe Hour Trnilr IN ItrixK. CHICAGO. . S.-CATTLE-It Sept. - - took a good deal of peddling of the supply of cat tle today to dispose of the offerings ; sales _ HOS . ! Tracle h hogs was brisk , sales " " " " ' - - - - choice , butch- light , " ' ' " and lambs were dlsposed"o'f at ruling prices ; other grades moved slow at slightly lower values ; fat sheep. $3.85t4.25 | ; mixed yearlings , JI.SOji 1.50 ; choli e lambs. S6 ( ) ; ; "oes2t - - IVIIIINIIN City l.lVISlOCk. . KANSAS CITY , Sept. 8.-CATTLE-Re. ceipts , 5,000 natives , 250 : ! Texana ; gojd quality coin fed and fat range stei'rs ac- llvo ami stiong prlies ; butchers' slock and well bred stock and feeding cattle steadv ; common quality rattle slow and steady tea a shade lower ; choice heavy Meers , $5.2311 5. . ! . ; medium , J4.S.Virr .23 ; light. $ l.4i5.B3 : Miockers and feeders , $3 30t ( 4.150 ; butcher cows and heifers , { 2.MJti3.BO ; western steers Sl.&i'it ' 4.155 ; Texas steers , $2 il.Vcf3.9i : Texas butcher cows , J2.SVnl.3i > ; canners. { 2.40ft JV ) HOGS Receipts. 0,770 head ; packers mid shippers were active buyers at BfclOe higher i'-ras3-703-10' / ' ' ' mixc" ' m- SHEEI'-RttPliits. 9,260 head ; demand fairly active ; large supply well cleared up ' . ' .f-81'1 : * ' I"00" ' ! lambs , $5.0M < 5.00 ; muttons , Ji.cOfjl.2u ; rangi ! muttons , $3.80fil.10 ; range St. l.oulH l.lvc Stock. ST. LOUIS , Sopt. S.-CATTLi-Recelpls. : 2.200 head , including U'OO Texuns ; ship ments , l.COO he.-ul ; market steady for na tives and stronger for Texans ; fair to fancy native shipping and export steers $ l.X.ti.ri.n.bulk ( ; of sales , $ I.S35i5.50 ; dieased beef and butcher steers , $ I. O0' ( < 5. no ; bulk of sales , l4.1fiftG.35 : steers under 1,0m ) Ibs $3 50 J5.20 ; bulk of sales , $1.05-1(5.TO ; stockers and feeders , $2.50ft4.73 ; bulk of sales , $2.75ii4 5.1- cows and heifers , $ > .OJfi)5.00 ; bulk of cows , Ki.uOfta.fifi ; Texas and Indian steers , $3 fujjf 1.15 ; bulk of sales , $ .5.10' < i.S3 ! ; COWK and helf- eis , $2.00fi3.25. HOGS-Hccelpls , 4.6W head ; shipments , 1'jOO head : market r.e higher ; yorkers , $3.75 ft3. > .0 ; packers , $3.75fi3.85 ; butchers , $3.So/ / ' _ KHEEP Receipts , 2,700 head ; shipments , Ii rri-1- ' ' " 11"l , < c't str-ady ; native muttons , $3.50f/4.1a / ; lambs , $ I.15(5.23. ( \ < MV York llvn Nlnok. NEW YORK. Sept. S.-HEEVES-Rc- ceipts , 9GS head ; nothing doing ; feeling steady : cables unchanged ; exports , B50 cat tle and 2,210 quarters of beef ; tomorrow , none. CALVES-Reeelpts , 227 head ; quiet ; vnils , to-OOfn. , : , ; buttermilks. $123 ; westerns , $4.eO. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Reeeipts. 1.671) ) head ; sheep steady ; Iambs 10fiI5i ? higher ; shc-ep , tlGcVTiLna ; lambs , $ .1.0i > 5ifi 35 HOGS-Receliits. 2MG head ; nominally steady at $4.10fH.40. .scic-k In Record of receipts and shipments at the four principal markets for September S : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha . 2,180 0.131 'V Chicago . 11,000 2l. ( i'l ' I6HOQ Kansas City . 7,910 0.770 < t iio ; ; St. Louis . 2.200 4,900 2.7W Totals . 31,299 41.801 2S.51.I OH MarKfl. OIL CITY. Pa. , Sf-pt. s.-Credlt balances , Jl ; certlliiates closed. 99'.c bid fir cash no sales ; shipments , 89,932 bbls. ; runs , 7s - 031 bbls. Ciiliiriiilo I'ri-nclirr IIIHIIIIP. CHICAGO , Set. 8. Rev. Wesley M. Price , pastor of the r'lrst Presbyterian church at WalEenliurg , Colo. , was consigned to Kankn- kec insane asylum today by Judge Carter. Riv. Price's condition Is due to the fnct that he was overcome by the heat last Friday. Doctor Tnki-N theWroinr Medicine. WAIWBNSIH'RG. Mo. . Sept. 8. Dr. K. J. Scruggs of Montserrntt , Mo. , accidentally poisoned himself today , taking aconite In stead of rjulnlno. H" was Ihe loading phy- slcmn of the county and was a brother-in- law of State Geologist John A. Gallagher. JAMES E. BOYD & 00 , , Telephone I ( ) ; } ( > . Omaha , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS ami S'J'OCKS HOAHI ) OF TRAUK. Dlre't wlrt to CliKayo jnil NmYork. . Corr > 3pc > ndrnti- John A. Warrtn A Co. H R , PENNEY & CO. , Ilocnii , .V. V. Life Illilif. , Oniiiliii , .Veil. StocksGrainProvisions Direct AVlr'xe r York , Clilrnco and n'c l ru I'olnt * . The battle of Ne braska that will culmin ate in an election next November is on. The opposing polit ical parties are already lining up and strength ening their organiza tion. The candidates pre sented to the favor of the voters are entering O the field and the active work of the campaign about to be begun. For the latest reli able news of the battle of Nebraska in 189S.THE OMAHA BEE will be unex celled Although a republi can newspaper voicing the principles of the republican partyTHE BEE prints all the news of all political parties. No one who wants to keep informed re garding the progress of this great political bat tle can afford to do without THE BEE. From all newsdealers I5c a week. By mail 50c iicr month tfitliout Sunday. $2 for three months vith Sunday. THE DEC rilDLISIIING CO. , Omalic ,