Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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    o Til 13 OMAHA DAILY ttUTCt THIrHSDAYf HKPTKMHEtt 8 , 1808 ,
' fin ntiit in win It WHH noM < nl tlmtirv
ii.iuiy . who WOM > tin- uniform of tlin ordir
v\i-ru IIIIIOIIK Km Riurtntom along Mir | lni >
nf innnli Mont of thi-m did not fi-i-l nidi-
to pnrado , althnilKh Ihe day wan u > ol nnd
tirnrltiK. n In Noxctnlxr The pnnde was
jmnly one of thf Drnnd Army an the naval
> finr nn gave tin-It gtn-et elrmoiistrnilon
j'-sicrday ' , nml the usual float * nnd daylight
fire-works and othe-r attraction ! ! were re
served for th" pence Jubilee tomorrow.
The Denver Drum icrps , with llftthree
pli-res ntid the band of Rough Illdrrs from
iJayton , O , with 100 pieces , were the leadIng -
Ing nllracllons In thflr line The I'ltts-
burg liiticl , which alternated Instrumental
v.lth voral musle , posslbl > caught the crowd
morn than cithern , and I ho Rlnpf-tH - from
Kansas were loudly npplandi-d While thn
Ohio division outnumbcrpd others , jet the
Illlnoli department , headed by Ooneral John
r Hhck nnd staff , mule nn excellent showIng - -
Ing , us the first division of tha great pro-
trsBion. It ranked next In numbers to tha
Ohio division which brought up the rear.
In the Illinois di-pailmi-nl was Columbia post ,
Irom ( 'hkngo whlih , w It Ii u combination ot
the military nnd naval Jackets , mndo n very
tine appearance 1'OBl SSI from Detroit np-
jioared with all members In I'rlnce Alberts
nml as erect m If In pnrlors.
The potts from Louisiana hail tmgar
cinen , with cotton ornaments , Ihobo from
the Dakolns , lov.a and displayed
with nttractUo tffecl their smples of torn
nnd grain.
The Orand Army mo\ed at 10 a. in. In the
following order Patrol wagons , mounted
police , 1'ulton ( Junrds' Military band , Colo-
ni-l Philip IleltHch and btutT , company ol
policeOrand MiirMinl General A. Hlckcn-
lopir anil fitaff Old ( ilory , color guard , cav-
nlry , Commander-ln-Chlef J. 1' . S
fiobln and staff , Srhvvebel Military band ,
Geueral II It Cow en nnd RtulT
Plrst Division Uep.irtment of Illinois ,
Hsberrior'i Military band , General il. A.
Corhran and staff
Second Division Departments of WHcon-
pin nnd Pennsylvania , Weber's Military
band , Colonel I. M I loosen nnd staff
Third Division Departments of New
York anil Connictlctit , Marino Military
band. Colonel Max Mosler and Staff.
I'ourth Division Departments of Massa
chusetts , New Jersey , Maine , Nevada , Cali
fornia , Hhode Island , Vermont , New Hamp
shire , Potomat , Vliglnla , Maryland and
Nebraska , Cincinnati Military band , Dr. F.
G Gross nnd staff
riftb Division Departments of Michigan
nnd Iowa , Central military band , Major
1'rnnk J Junta and ntnlf
Sixth Division Dipartmcnt of Indiana ,
Ltncnm military band , General Thomas T
Heath and staff.
Seventh Division Departments of Colorado
rado , Wyoming , Kansas. Delaware , Minnesota
seta , Missouri and Origan , Hill's mllltarj
band , Major Janus Stewart nnd staff.
nightb Dhlslon Departments of Ken
tucky , West "Virginia , South.Dakota , Alaska ,
Washington , ArkantaH , Now Mexico and
1 tali , Plonicr military band , Captain A. C
Kt-mper nnd stuff.
Ninth Division IkpnrtmenlH of Tcnnes-
FCO , Louisiana , Mlselxslppl , Florida , Mon
tana. Texan , Idaho , Arl7ona Georgia , Ala
bama , North Dakota , Oklahoma and In
dian Territory , C'oncordla military band
Gcncial I'rcd W Moore and staff.
Tenth division was composed of thu posts
nf Ohio , arranged b > the eight ) -eight coun
ties , with their rcspcetlvo bands and with
Majoi Grorgo H I'oand staff In com
inund The. posts from the lountles were
followed by Ohio regimental and other as-
pollutions .nut thu whole comprised n great
1-orlloti of the piratic This division of the
jiarndo was over n mile In length.
ATI along the long line of march Ihe'c
vere casks of Ice water and lemonudo for
Iho , nnd In home places Uie > werf
liberally served ullh inoro Riibstanllal re-
fu shim nti Them weie seals for thou
sands along Washington park on llacc
ptreiH ami around the po'totlca nnd ate
o her plicea , while the home tops as well
nthe window a and rvi-iy placQ for re-
% lnvvliijr the parndo nlont ; tbo lln < of march
vaa occupied
ItiMliMiInu tin * I'm mlf.
The line of march was leas than three
miles , with the rt viewing stand nt Wash
ington paik , near the end of the course.
\\ltb tin ) parade star'lng promptly nt 11
n m. the rtviewing stind was reached
Bboitly before noon Here Comm.indcr-ln
Thief Cobln wat surrounded b > Vice v om-
innndcrsj Alfred Lvtlu and P. U Allen
f hnplnln l0. . Uruner. Quartcrmnsloi Gen
eral Chailcs IHinouB , Inspector General A
13 Williams. Judge Advocate General Kll
lorre-1-ce , Surgeon David Mackny
nml otl-cts of his stiff Mavor Tnfclmil
otlur ollliers of flnelnnatl , Governors I'ush-
nell of Ohio , Plngrce of Michigan , Atkinson
of Wist Virginia nnd other state oillceis i ml
their staffs , National Hxecutlva Committeeman -
man Wllll-un II Aimatrons. ! ' . M jttrrett ,
Thotrnu W. Scott , \\l.liam II. Hill , L/mun
1 , Caldwell , 13 U Montford , T.lwood Cralr.
Pact Cornmandi ra Louis Wngncr , S II
lie ith , John S. Kount ? ? . John P Itei Wil
liam Wnrnei , John Palmer , A. 0.oiseit ,
J G. 1) ) Adiinib , Thomas G Ll.vler , D C
Glnsser , C. II. Grosvcnor. Colonels .1. II.
Smith. II II Klngslcy. W P Orr , J. K
Hamilton. I ) . L Cockloy , C II Wing , jullus
rielschinnn , Charles H risher , II II Petti-
man , D D Knox , L. K. Anderbon , U C1
MtKluuoy , Albert lre.ver ) , S A Athciton ,
Grorgo W Ilealy nnd otheis
\\hllo there was marked demonstrations
nil along the line of march , > ot the scencb
In Its thousands o ( forms Is the most ter
rible aflUctlon of the human race. Bait
rheum , sores , eruptions , boils , all humors ,
swellings , etc. , originate In its foul taint
nml nro cureil by the great and only Trii'
Blood Purlflcr , Hood's Barsnparllla. TL
advanced theory of today that tuber
culosls , or consumption , la curable b
proper nutrition , cans and purifying th-
blood , Units confirmation in the ex per I
cnco of mnny who have been cured by
JMqod's SarsaparHI ?
Hood'l Pl" i -v I i ich/j ;
The Omaha Bee
I Map of Cuba Coupon \
Present this Coupon with
Hk for {
A Map of Cuba. 4
A Map of th3 West Indies.
And a Map of tbo World ,
By Mnil 1 locate.
The Omaha Dally Bee y
. . .
f This coupon and 10 Cents
a obtain three photogravures
g ot the Exposition.
I I1V MAIL , 2c liXTltA.
of Hit Rroirti fttui ! | ln m
an iln > illffi nut duinlonn pnnurd tl.n -MIH- i -
Inx nund nnd < Tn unltilid liy Ihe dlitln-
Kiildhiil Knitlcrmn on Ihr plntfntin Soiti
Imil bim ( iruvlih-d fur a dlslatv u nf thrrn
xiiiare-K | MmiK tiniirh ( nml In luldltlon tlu-ro
wcro tnany thousands In them.
The upatlu-r today uas tint only fair , hut
( julto cool , cooler than nny day kno < vn IHTU
for > uir nt this season. There wai much
less demand Ihun tibiml for the nater und
other ftUppllc-H that worp In readiness alone
the line of march , and the-ro were- none tlmt
dropped out from exhaustion , nt | g usually
tin- case II VNBB a typical autumn day In
mery rcspi-ct , and the \oterans RatliDicd
early for the great de-monsirallon with un-
urual cheer nnd enthusiasm. The crowd *
nlont ? the way ucrc also Kept comfortable
hy the cool hre e7c8.
The first thlnK lo mar Ihe proceedIngi of
the morning naa n scrlout nccldent to Oen-
e-ral Cnrey , one of thu police commissioners
of Iluffjlo Ho uai riding with thu police
commissioners of this city and of other
cltlci , who were on the Btaff of the chief
In charge of the police that licntleel the
procession His horse Bllppod and fell , nnd
In the fall Ihe animal fell nn General Cnro >
In such n way ns lo Injure his spine. It
wns nt nrdt thought that ho would not r
cover , but later In tha day he wns Im
proved Still It Is bcllc\cd that Ocncral
Carey Is erlpple-d for life.
I'lci'llon * iinil ItriiiilotiH.
Previous to the parade there were many
reunions today and some biislnens sessions ,
Including the Ladles of Iho ( Jrnnd Army of
the Hepubllc nnd the Women's Relief corps
Iho National Army Nurses' association
elected the follow ing olllccrs I'resldi'til ,
Mrs. Hwlns , Virginia , senior vice president ,
.Mrs. Chapman , Illinois , Junior \leo presi
dent , Mrs Ta > , New York , se-crotary , Miss
Kale Scoll , 1'ennsjlvanla , Ireasurer , Miss
Whitman. Philadelphia , chaplain , Mrs. Mor-
rlll. Michigan.
The National Association of Naval Vet
erans today elected the following olllcers
Hear admiral. J r H Foss. MlnnenpolH
Lommoilorc. 13. D Ullss , Hrookbu ; national
captain , William Larclcre , Zanesvlllo , O ,
Commander , Hcnjauiln I ) . Illnnchard , New
York , lieutenant commander , lames A
Miller , Athens , O , lle-ulenant , Wlllinm Me-
Intosh , New York , master , Walter K Jacobs ,
N'evv Haven , cnBlgn , James Kennedy ,
Portsmouth , Vn , fleet surgeon , J L cilley ,
Cincinnati , paj master , K. K IJustln ,
Providence , U I , fleet engineer , Terrier V
Christian , Chicago licet chaplain , Alex
ander S McWIlllams. Detroit , judge ad-
vocnte , Judge I'reel C. Hnrve > . Minneapolis ;
secretary , Prcdcrlck 13 Hasklus , IJiooklyn ;
' ) oats\vnln , IMward WIggliiB , New York
' { ear Admiral Kelley ofxPhiladelphia was
piesenlcd vvllh n diamond and gold badge
by the naval veterans The prescntnliou
Ails made by Commander Archer of Penn
Tim r toil Six-ale * .
After mliinlght Governor Atkinson ot West
Virginia nnd Senator Thurston of Nebraska
Iropped In at the Oobln reception at the
St Nicholas Speeehes were c.ille-d for and
Governors Bushncll , Atkinson and Lieuten
ant Governor Haggard responded Then
Senator Thurston of Nebraska was foiced to
the front b > vehement calls He eon
branched out upon the recent acquisition
of the Unltrd States fiom Spain and quicklj
armed up Into an iloqucnt argument
ignlnst annexation of Cuba nnd the Philip
pines He gald the war started out pledged
n a coniiue-st In Ihe interest of hnmaiiity
and could not honorablj be permlTled to
Icgcncrato Into .1 war of territorial con
quest Ho did not spoelflcallj oppose tl o
ipproprlatton of Porto Hlco and smaller
West India Islands , but was unrqnlvorally
i-aliist ; making Cuba or Ihe Philippines
United Stati s territorj.
lilnzc In ii DucllliiK IloiiNt * at I'rN -
oott ( HUNCH I In- Injury of
Si\irnl l't > rNiiiN.
PHKSCOTT. Arl7 , Pcpt 7 A fire oc-
Jtirrcd at S 30 n m today , rcsnltlnK In the
leath of t\\o pet tons nnd the serious InJury -
Jury of thru ? olhers. The dead aro.
The Eerlouslv Injured arc : Mrs. K. W.
Mllcher and James Austin , slightly Injured ,
Dennis A Birker nnd 1 , S. Hunt. The
asualtus occurred while nn effort uas
ocliiK made to sa\o the furniture from the
HirnlnK duorllni ; of Judge H. T. Andrews.
helctlms Ivclng btiffocaled. The property
loss was slight.
House mill C < inti > iin.
HARVARD. Neb , Fept 7 ( Special )
\bout 1 o'tlotk this nfteinoon lire w.ts dla-
oxeied In .1 remote .iait of the house oc-
upled b ; Mrs Marcus Ui nnett. Most of
he household goods and faintly cloth'ng '
* ere s > a\cd , hut the house tntlrcli con-
timed Neither house or contents were In
Ht-1. r. . II. Criiliniu.
\VH on T ( Jraham received word last
night of the death of his brother , Rev fl.
D Crahnni , .it Sioux City No cause of
death nor an > of the details are known.
' ! eOr.iham was for n long time pi tor of
the I'lrst I'nlted Presbjtcrlan church of this
oltj , Icnxlng hero about three jinrs ago to
so to Chicago , whcro he took edltotlnl
oliirgo of the Midland , a church paper He
was reecmly sent by the church board to
Sioux Cltv lo lnl > e > the pastorate of the
I'nlted Presbyterian church then' for a
> ear Rev Graham was about 46 jeara old
It is quite likely that he will he Interred
here , ns ho has children bulled here.
' * .tlrii LliloknninuKn
for Oninliii ( < i lie Alunleii-il
Hut of Son lot. ,
Ins to present planb two regiments will
lca\e Oamp Thomas tomorrow These 010
the Plrst and Second Aikansas. who will
go lo Little Hoik to be musteied out. The
Firal Mississippi U scheduled to KO to
Lauder.'ale Springs , Miss , Prlday for the
same pu-pose , bul may bo ordered eUe-
whire on nccount of Iho jellovs fo\cr
Grltsb > a Hough Ulders will lea\e either
Triday or Satuida > . No mo\emenls oc-
curicd today The paymasters will begin
work tomorrow Onl > .1 half doien regl-
nu-nts are to be paid , and thu work will
not n-qulte more than two dajs Colonel
Njo commissary of hitbalstencc of the Chat-
arooga armj supply depot , with len clciks ,
lift this mornliiK for tluntsMlle. Fin . where
ho will h.i\o hla headquarters hereafter
Fho comtnls ai ) supplies now in the ware-
homes In C'hitlauooga will nol be moved
CM i pi as ihe > are needed by iho various
cam pi
General Ilrechlnrldse will move his headquarters -
quarters to Iexlng'on , Ky. , early ne\t week ,
lie Intends to see nil Iho reglmenls rooveil
from iho camp before he leaves himself.
Orlgsbj'a regiment comes lo Omaha to bt
mustered out
I ItlllN ( IllflllMl.
I \V\SIII.VOTON. Sept 7-Special Tele
gram ) Hids were opened In the odlce o :
the supervising architect today for placlnf
steam hi-atlm ; nnd ventllalinB apparatus it
the South Omaha public building. The low
esl bid was from Ihe Korsmejer Plumbltif
and Healing company of Lincoln nl $3.565
Other bids were. J Hose & Co , Omaha
JI72I. I lore Manning Omaha (6 64' '
An order lus been Uut-d raising the fol
lowing postotlkes from fourth to third class
Nebraska Oae-eola Iowa Madrid , Dysart
Rcmsen. South Dakota Alexandria.
Atll I'P * I\AIIT ! ' IVTPIIlIPIIfr <
jlILhS ADlinS lMER\Ih\\S \ \ \
Sajs They Are Oorrect Except in Oaso of a
Few Minor Particulan.
.No Animcrvt lo Itrooiniucndlilloti
tin tn Ciiinplnu Near NIM >
> VIII ( in lo AViinli
In n IVu DMJI.
NEW YOHK , Sept. 7 The United States
transport Obdatn , hiving on board Major
General Ncleon A. Miles nnd his staff , Major
Grtcnleaf , Captain Whitney , the Second reg
iment of Wisconsin \oluntters , consisting
of thirty onicers nnd SOD men , and the- hos
pital corps from Porto Hlco , nrrlvtd here
today Mrs. Miles , son nnd daughter wcic
nfao on board the transport , which aalltd
from Ponce on September 1 The surgeon
In charge reported all well and no sickness
or deaths during the voyage. The troops
were In the best of spirits. The big trans
port was decorated profuselv with palms
and draped with Hags. Trout the fore truck
was ll > lng the American ensign , over a
large Spanish flag , while long strings ol
InKrnntlonnl code Hags were lloatlng from
each masthead to the rails.
General Miles admitted to the Associated
Press reporter , who Initrv lowed him whllt
the Obdnm was lying off Liberty Island , the
substantial accuracy of the statement at
tributed to him bj the u.insns City Star's
correspondent at Ponro , Pot'o ' Hlco.
"Then * are , " General Miles said to the
newspaper men about him , "a { LW mlnoi
Inaccuracies in the published reports , sucli
as usually occur In stn.h Interviews. 1 dc
not care to point out the Inaciutacles re
ferred to nl this time , they nro uulmpoi-
"It Is true that I requested that mj
troops In Porto Hlco on their return homi
should bo allowed to camp somewhere neai
New York , preferably Brooklyn Heights
Port Wadsworth or Governor's Island. :
also requested of the War department tna
the troons be allowed to march throngl
Now York City I never Intended to paradi
injaclf , as I shall go to Washington in :
few days nnd would not be hero at the tltin
of the contemplated parade.
Mill. CM II IllMIUCNt ,
"I nsked that the Wisconsin mem aboan
the Obdam be permitted to stay In thli
vicinity for u Unv or two to elvo them i
chance to HOC the city. It would do no harn
to let thtso western bojs get n glimpse o
New York Surely they merited It Man ]
of them , I think , have never st-t'n the clt ;
nnd perhaps v\lll never have another oppoi.
tunlty to see It.
"To mv first request namely , that mj
troops bo permitted to camp hereabouts It
thf neighborhood of Brookljn Heights am
that they be allowed to parade I have rt- '
iHvnl no rcplv To my si cornl request 1
received a reply at quarantine this morn
ing ordering the Wisconsin bojs homi
forthwith The men will go from the trans'
ports direct ! } to the iars
"I shall stay in the city a day or so tc
transact some business and will then pro
ceed to Washington. General Wilson's dlvl
son will reach New York In a day or so , 1
think They will tome on the transport"
Mississippi , Manitoba , Alamo and Concha
The last will carry General Wilson anil
his headqtiarteis "
Gencnl Miles said that he did .lot de'Irc
to erltlclso the conduct of any oHlcer en
gaged In the late war. He expressed thr
opinion thcio had been too much jriUchm
romplaint nnd condemnation published al-
rcad > and that the public had lost sight ol
the success and glories of the v , ( r. He ilk
iot care to enter Into any geneial dlsius-
< ion of the events of the war booi.d the
vilttcn statement which he had prepared
lining his VO > BKO on the Obl.itn and w ild
ie has given out for publication.
Ho will go to Wellington tomorrow
naming GI ncral Miles declared that the
lealth of the tioops still in Porto Hico if
good , llo said that he consldeied the Islam
a most charming country , but that he Is
; reatly pleased to return to the Unltet
KMiC from MUCH.
General Miles ga\o to the representnthc ;
of the press a tvpowritteu document treat
ing of the prosecution of tin- war will
vpaln. 'Ihe paper is vvilttcn In the torn
of an inlet view with the geno-al In II
the general Is represented ns rctaHlng tc
nind that In a p-iblic statement made ai
iho beginning of the vni , mftrrlng to thi
.alk ot a rush for the fever-stricken cltj
of Havana , he said "No ofllcer Is fit tt
command troops who fiom any mothi
whatever would needless ! } risk the life ol
a single soldier , either from disease or thi
bullets of the enemy. I have nt\or sacri
ficed the lives of the men under ray com
mand and no not propose to subject then
to anunnccesbJry risk In the prcstnl
cam ] algn. "
I' tlu-r along In the Interview , the docu-
mint Kiveii out toJn > snjs "Owing to tin
fact that the season suited for campalgntuf
In C.iba had ln.ui exhausted In debates and
dela ) In congress , and in necessary prepa
rations , Geneial Miles wag opposed to rush
ing nn Ill-prepaied. undisciplined and un
equipped army In a movement against tin
capital of Cuba , defended by 100,000 trainee
SpanMi troops , and in this position hi
stood practically alone for several wcoks
Havana , Matun/as , Santiago and a few
other points were drawn on his mllltar }
map as hotbeds of disease , destructive tt
an arm } and places to bo avoided , espe
cially during the sickly season Wher
finally called upon to submit a plan of canv
palgn , he did so and put It In writing. Ir
substance , he took the atand first , thai
every effort should be made to equip the
Cubans and thereby enable them to harass
the S-'panUh foicea Tl-e cry of 'On to Ha <
vana" should be encouraged , but when tin
transports , loaded with tioops. were ou
of sight of land the } should sail as straight
as steam power covld bear them to tin
gate of the Antilles and the Key of thi
whole position Porto Hlco then , ha\lu {
seized and occupied that Island , n move'
ment to Cuba was to follow by means of :
strong cavalr } force , which was to bo or
ganlzed and equipped by August or Sep'
tembei Ho contemplated that vUth 20,00 (
cavalry thrown to the center of Cuba , cut
ting the Spanish forces In two and movluf
west to Havana by the t'-ne the rainy sea
son was over nnd it would bo possible ti
maneuver an army , we could move agalns
I that city a well organized , well equlppei
I and vvell disciplined army nnd completi
the capture of the Spanish forces
What Miles \Vllllloil.
The enclosureof Ccrvern's fleet in the
hr.rbor of Santiago changed the condition'
nnd nnde It lit tn-siry to move n milltnr }
force to tlat point. General Miles , vvhlit
al Tampi organizing the expedition , felt thi
'mportanct- tha enterprise BO greatly thai
Mo reautsted permission to accompany thai
expodlt'ou ' 01 to Immediate ! } organize nn <
other to Join It This permission was no
granted ss far aa necompanln ! ; that t > X'
pcdltlon was concerned , but authority wni
granted to tqulp a second "for movement
nnd opeu.uoa against tbo enemy in Cubt
and Poito Illco "
However , before this expedition wai
equipped , calls were made foi additions
forces to go to Santiago , and they were n
once forwrrded On the 3d day of Jul ;
General Shatter telegraphed that his low
had been grcatl } underestimated , that hi
met with stiongcr resistance than he lui
anticipated und that he was serious ! } con
siderlng the ndvUabilit } of falling back ti
a position five miles to the rear and tha
he had been unable to be up during the uea
of i ho tin ) for four da > s. Under Midi
olmitimUtircn , Urncnil Mllm telegraphed
( Unoral shitfltr that lui would bo with him
within n wipk with strong reinforcement' ,
of lotirm' tnklng the troops prepared for
the cerotiil expedition , which had been
ordered by the president to operate against
the enemy In Cuba ns well ni In Porto Hlco
These reinforcements wore pushed rnpldly
forwnrd and come of them arrived In ad
vance of the commanding general nnd were
put In priMMon in the trenches around San
tiago Under \crbal Instructions of the
president General Miles wan directed to go
wherever ho deemed his presence wns re
quired and tlmt he should gl\e such direc
tions ns In his opinion were best for the
army and the government.
( 'iiniiiilKii | nt .SnnUimo.
These were the circumstances undci
which General Miles left Wnahlngton , ar
riving nt Santiago July 11 , not aa a private
Individual , nor ns a vlslloi. Any pretense -
tense that ho went there disrobed of hi !
authority or official capacity Is too childish
to be considered by sensible men. Troir
the moment ho arrived at Santiago he was
responsible for what might occur. He nr-
rived there with the Ynle , Columbia nnd
Rita , loaded with Infantry and three shlpt
loaded with artillery , besides those al
ready disembarked. He designed to dis
embark the troops and artillery named or
the west aide of Santiago , as was under
stood before leav Ing Washington , nnd be
fore he went ashore ho made the neceasarj
arrangements according ! } . He then pro'
ceoded to the front and after consultlnf
with Geneial Shafter a note was sent to the
Spanish commander by General Shatter
s.i } Ing that the commanding general of thi
United States nrmy had nrrhcd In his cami
with strong reinforcements and would meci
him between the Hues at any hour agree'
able to him The reply of the Spnnlsl
commander was that ho would meet hln
nt 12 o'clock next morning.
The meeting was held and after sonn
conversation between General Shatter am
General Toral , General Miles frankfy atV
milled to the Spanish general that ho hai
left Washington six dns before and tha
It was then the determination of the goV'
ernmcnt that this portion of the Spanlsl
army must be captured or dwtrocil. Hi
also Informed the Spanish general that hli
reinforcements had arrived with him , tha
some had already disembarked and the re
malnder would bo disembarked on the wcs
side of the harbor nnd that It was uselesi
for him to contend against the Inevitable
These transports could also be plainly seei
by the Spanish from Morro castle and othe ;
I-olnte General Toral replied that so Tonj
as ho had rations and ammunition he hai
to fight In order to maintain the honor o
the Spanish army. In response to that hi
was Informed that he had already main
talned the honor arid that further effort :
would bo useless nnd would result In i
wanton sacrifice of human lite. He thci
said that he was waiting to hear from hli
government and WHS Informed by Genera
Miles that he had already taken much tlnn
for that purpose nnd would be given unti
davlight of the following night to submi
his final answer. He begged for longei
time nnd earnestly requested until 1 !
o'clock next day. This was finally ngreet
to by General Miles , the meeting dissolve !
and the officers separated.
Tc'leurniu from Alicer.
On returning from this conference n ills
patch was received by General Miles fron
Washington as follows.
WASHINGTON , July 13. Major Genera
Miles You ma } accept surrender by giant
Ing pirole to officeia nnd men , the officer :
ictalnlng their side arms , the officers nm
men after paiole to be permitted to icttiri
to Spain , the United States assisting. If no
accepted , then assault , unless In } our judg
ment nn assault would fall. Consult wit !
I SampFon nnd pursue such course ns to tin
I assault n } ou jointly agree upon. Mntte
should be settled promptly
H. A. ALOIS ! ! . Secretary of War.
This , the statement sas , does not look a ;
If General Miles was there ns alsltoi
He was charged with the responsibility o
oulering an assault upon the entrenchment !
and fortifications of nn aimy which , If sue *
ccssful , would huvo codt at least 5,000 lives
01 with withholding the assault if in hi :
judgment such assault would fail.
No gieater discretion was over given ti
any general commanding nn army and wha
Is more , as will bo observed , he was author'
led to accept the surrender , which In tin
Interest of hit subordinates ho generouslj
declined to do nnd went away leaving al
the honor to hla next la rank , Genera
On the morning succeeding the first Inter
\lcvv n letter was received from Genera
Toral. of which the following Is a lltera
'J < irnl HepHeiH to UciiiiiiulN.
SANTIAGO DK CUBA , July 14 General
in-ChUsf of American forces Honored Si :
Hia e'Xculleucy , the general-ln-chitf of tin
I nrmy of thu Island of Cuba telcgiaphs fron
Havana yeatciday at 7 p. m. the following
Ileliovlng the business of such liaportanci
i us the capitulation of that place to be knovvi
and decided upon by the government of hi :
majesty , I give } ou notice that I have sen
the conditions of > our telegram , asking ai
immediate answer and enabling > ou alto ti
n ! ovv thla to the general of the Americai
army to see if he will aciee to await tin
answer of the government , which cannot hi
us soon ns the time which he has decided , n
communication by way of Ilcrinuda U slowe
than by Key Weet In the meanwhile you
honor and the gciioral of the American arm :
may agree upon capitulation on the basis o
upitnatlon , returning to Spain " I hav. .
the honor to transmit tht to jou that ii
case } ou may consider the foregoing satis
factory that ho may designate pe-rsons Ii
u > presentatlon of himself , who , with these Ii
my name , may agree to clauses of the ca
pltulatlon upon the basis of returning ti
Spain , accepted nlicady In the beginning t > :
the gcneral-ln-chlef of this army , Awaltlnj
a icply , I am , very reapectfull } , } ou :
servant , JOSE TOHAL , etc
At the meeting on the following day Oen
ernl Toral atated that ho was prepared t <
surrender with the approval of the captnli
general of Cuba but It would require i
little time to have hla acts aBlrmed by hli
home government , that In the meantime hi
TV as prepared to appoint commissioners ti
arrange the clauses ot capitulation No
only this , he offered to surrender the balanci
of his command , which had not been undei
fire during the campaign. The remarkabli
offer was on hla motion nnd was In tin
nature of a surprise to the American gen1
erals present. However , nt the conferenci
of the day previous. General Miles had re <
minded him that ho had been tendered th <
iroat liberal terms ever offered to an enemy
that his fleet was de reed and that the ]
r.cro 3,000 mlle away from home Toral'i
offer could bo accounted for In one of tw (
ways either that the troops were wanted a
home to meet a threatened revolution o ;
that they wanted to get home and regardci
this ns the on ! } means nf doing so at thi
expense of the United States Whethci
Dlairo and the rest of the Spanish forcei
m Cuba would have Biirrendered on thi
same terms la not now and pernaps ma ;
never be known
Chant- Porto Itleun 1'lnnn ,
The place of landing the Porto Hlcai
expedition has been so thoroughly advcrtlsei
In communications sent o r the Krencl
cabe ) and In the newspapers ot our owi
Country and telegraphed to Madrid am
from there to San Juan that not having re
cclved the necessary appliances with vvhlcl
| to disembark. General Miles decided afte
leaving the Windward passage lo chang
j his course and land on the south Bide o
Pqrto Hlco. where the Spaniards were th
least prepared and the least expecting t
receive him and where he knew that th
disembarkation of the troops and supplle
could be ino i easily effected , i'roni th
time ot that disembarkation , during ih
following nineteen Java of tbo campaign
bo kept the Spaniards guessing what tb
| next move would be When they withdrew
along the line of the great military roa
bttwrrn 1'oiiip nnd Sin Jimn tbrv dr * to rd
the bridge * obtruded the io.nU nnd for
tified strong positions In the mnuntnln
imssaKo nnd then were nut prised that one
column of Ills nrmv vvns sweeping around
the west mil of the Island , capturing the cltlcd nnd towns , while nnoUier
had pnftsnl over the mountain * over the
trail which the Spaniards had supposed Ini-
passable ) nnd therefore had not
fortified or guarded It nnd the
first they Knew of the inarch of the- Amer
ican nrmy was the appearance of a strong
brigade vvllhlu twentv miles of the north
ern const nt iho terminus of the railroad
connecting San Juan with Are-clbo T1
Island of Porto Hlco was fairly won by the
right of conquest and bus become n pnit
of tbo United States The sentiment of the
t .ople v > ns In no sense ( titrated bv Invad
ers , but ou the contrary was successful ! }
piopltlnted A people who have endured
the severity of Spanish uile for four cen
turies hall with Joy the protection of the
great republic One of the richest section"
of the country over which our ling t.ow
lloata has been ndded nml will bo of lasting
\nluo to our nation , politically , commer
cially nnd from a military or strategic point
of % lcw. Possession of that Inland has nlsc
rendered nny further resistance of the
Spanish fotces In Cuba hopeless nnd Gen
eral Miles firmly believes that by fair anil
just treatment the people of Cuba fan be
ns easily contiollcd cither ns ti friendly nlly
nnd neighbor or to become n pait of out
own country ns the people of Porto Hlco
General Miles remained In Potto Illco ns
long as he deemed his presence i.ecessnt }
for earning out the wishes of the pri-i lent
and now returns to the' United Stales ,
bringing with him nearly u.OO ) men who arc
no longer lequlred , there being some IJ.OOl
still remaining , amply sufficient for nil put-
poses. He returns at once to Washington
whcro ho believes he can bc > most useful
as he considers the most Important need ol
the hour now to bo the Iniuiedu'e reduc <
lion ot war expenses and the return of n :
largo u portion of those In the military
sen Ice aa possible to their former
lions , whcio the } are moat needed.
Iloth Slilcn In the Donx-r I'olltlfii
L'lmiciitlim 1'lnlit Di-t-lilc lo
Let It Co li > CoinproiiilHC.
Ecema tonight that nil danger of furtlic
se.loua trouble between the two factions o
the alher republicans has been removed
This afternoon the Blood faction made np
plication before Judge Harris of the ilia
trlct court for a writ of mandamus com
pelllng Sheriff Hoynton to turn over tin
oper.i house to them. Tonight citizens o
Colorado Springs took the matter In ham
nnd the result was a compromise by whlcl
both sides relinquish all claims to the ills
puled room. My this agree ment Judgi
Harris issued nn order to Sheriff Hoiitoi
to let neither faction have possession of tin
place. The Dread faction have secured tin
Coburn library of Co orado college nnd Ihi
Blood wing will meet ut Durkee hall.
It Is Impossible to learn anything abou
the man alleged to have been wounded it
the opera house fight , except that John L
Hussell of Denver Is not the man.
Late tonight the chances of fusion do no
appear nt all bright. The populists bold ou
for the head of the ticket , to whlih then
Is a strong opposition from both the silve :
republicans nnd the democrats.
Ul'E.tS TII13 MIN.M OTA C.\MJ'AIfi >
I'cncc CfiiiiiulNNloiKM' lnIt , ' Wordi
on the I'lCNrnt Mtmition.
MINNEAPOLIS , Sept. 7. The Lceun
theater was filled to Its capacity thla even
ing nt the formal opening of the lepubll at
campa.Elt and to welcome Senator Cusln
man K. Davis on his first public appearanci
* nce his appointment ns H member of tin
peace commission. In the couisu ot hi :
i speech the senator said-
j "I do not wish to dwell too harshly upoi
the deeds ot those who oppose us The ]
] have tamed our icspcct Individually bj
their conduct In our recent need , for o
I every party men responded like heroes t <
the cnll of arms , mid for that we must re
member them kindly ns brothers am
friends. "
Senator Davis then reviewed the tarif
legislation of the last few } cais , compar
Ins the Wilson and McKlnley laws am
dwelling at some length on present In
dustrlal conditions in thla country. Hi
"But there Is a new field opening
Gradually the Chinese Orient , with its pop'
ulatlon of ono-quartcr of fie globe , hni
been opened to trade nnd Hu sl i , Tinnce
England and nil the rest nre after Its com
nicrclal interc-ts ! .mil perhaps Imperial Hj
right Aincilca has the fiist call there. Then
Is but one ocean between us and tha
Oilental , while between It and Europe then
nre Iwo. We will have something to sa ;
about that.
"My nroscnt cosltlon will not admit o
my airing my views on our present posltlot
In the Pacific I will say this , however
j that this government will secure whatcvei
j American honor , American commerce nm
i AmerKan philanthropy dem mil. ( Cheers ' ,
War IB a terrible thing , fellow citizens , bu
In this shortest and most successful wa
ever waged , there has brtm much to gratify
It baa wiped out that hateful line along ihi
I Potomac and the Ohio ; the gray has dlsap
I peared In the blue like the passing storm
j as It merKCs Into the canopy of the nzuri
sky ; nnd like the shower , to have the tear :
dried up , unlll all thla land is clasped in out
fond and evcrlaating embrace. "
insii/r or Mimo.vr KLUC TIO.V
Dt-moi-rntM Cialii In ( ioriior'x A oti
mill Unto ; tt ; lti-rcn-iitnll > CM.
The rcaulta of jesterday'a biennial eleC'
tlon ID Vermont show many suiprises , tin
, republican \ote having fallen off quite inn-
I terlally from four > ears ago , whereas thi
. party managers expected it would equai
If not exceed the vote of UfM. The dim'
ocrnta have not only made a gain for gov
ernor , but have elected thlrt-three repre
sentatives In 179 towna heard from , while
enl } eleven were- seated the last off jcar
Although the question of high ficenso hif
bren the principal Issue , the prohibition
vote shows a falling off of over 40 per cent
One prohibitionist baa been elected to the
house of representatives Returns from 17J
cities and towns give the following vote
for governor Smith ( rep. ) , 0,038 , Malone }
( dcm ) , 12,380. Wyman ( pro ) , 781. Thi
same towns In ISM gave Woodbury ( rep ) ,
33C91 ; Smith ( dem ) , 11,014 , others , 1035.
i Congressmen Grout and Powers are re-
i elected by substantial majorities The re
publicans have elected their candidates foi
Henntora In every county.
j Uiiiila Iti-piililli-an l
PITTSUUHG Sept 7 The eleventh an
nual convention of the republican league o
the state of Pcnn } lvunla was called to or
der shortly before noon by Pitsldcnt Shobe
of Ere | Ma ; or Panl of Pltt/Omrg , Majoi
Geycr of Allegheny and James 1'rancl * Uuiki
welcomed tbo delegates , and J Hamptoi
Moore of Philadelphia nnd President Shobi
responded After the appointment of com
mittees on resolutions and ortdentlals am
the reading1 of letters ot regret from promt-
speedily cured by the tiso of
HorsforcS's Acid Phosphate
Pleaianl to take. Sold only In bottles.
tint | liiilin'lnr I'tiMlin' \li
Kinliv , \ii-n lrr tdint Hot-art t * > < r < t rle
DRV ntnl Algvr nnd SiMintorn IVnrino nnd
( } unv , the eotnentlnn adjoin nod until tu-
> iMitiln Drmui'rnt * Mccl.
Itr.Nd. Nov. Sept -Th" dim
etatu rotivontlon wn < called to oi.lcr tcxliv
bv J llrjnn nf Storey county , rhnirm.ui "f
the itste' i-ontrrtl roiumtttcp. Prlir Webber
of White Pine was oil-Mod temporary ohalr-
n tn and Mr. leh of I3lko Mttnty tempo
rary secretary A re-eoss was taken to give
the chairman time to appoint committees
Thcro wcro about 100 delegates present.
on n I'unliitt 'I loUrt.
, \\Vnh. Sept 7 The pop
ulist , ( Irmxntland nllvi-r n-publlcnns met
here today with the objoit of noiiilnatlnc a
fusion composed of t\vo eonttvenien
nnd two nupre-mr Jitdgea The1 entire morn-
ItiB sessions were rou uiniM In effecting n
temporary orRnnlratlon
lo\riiiclHn of Oi-i-nn \ I'vHt'N , Soit. 7.
At New York Sailed Pouthwnrn. fet
Antwc Hiltannlc , for Livirpool Arilvexl
\mslctd.ini , from Holterdam , Majestle ,
from Liverpool , Aller , from Mediterranean
At Hamburg : Sailed Assyrian , for llnltl-
moi e.
At Quecnstown : Sailed Scuda , for New
At Rotterdam : Arrived Hottordnm , from
New York
At Liverpool' Arrived Teutonic , from
New York
At Southampton Arrived Saalc , from
New York for Hremcn.
At Llvetnool Arrived Hclgenlntid , from
rio < t in : v < > ! . i ) ior. n vv
Tnko Ln\ntlvn llrnmo Quinine Tablets All
di UKKNtN priuul the mum \ If It fila to
cim * ; "i The Beiiulne Ims L. I ! Q on
i ieh tnblet
I'or the
Hcnclit of
a nil thu
. . .
At the resilience of
( i. M. Hitchcock ,
20th and Dodge Streets ,
Band and Orchestral Music ,
llefreshnieiits and Beautiful
Admission , - 25 Cents.
Tl < Ki ti for ' -.ilo at Chants boolc stoic ,
lulb 1 bluet
Kith and 11 irncy Streets.
The m st popular resort iti the city.
The ti ti action I t week
K.lss l bc ! Kentierssn
Great Operatic Vocalist.
\\iiu s'i imui"i : : IIVIN 11.1 T . TU
will 1m gi\.n In Mn M irn Cr'tllth
rlo\clind O In V M C' A hill on Done-
Ins , nenr Ihth , I tidif < | > t. n , at 3 p m
riieme"How to Knpuuni ; , thu Joy 01
I'ti pi tu il } oulh to 1 ind '
All Indies ait1 eordlilly liulUd.
Nor'.hol Music Hall E. M.duay.
( / , fJViThc Only
SJinvv on
the . .
! ' .Midway.
Rldo the Cnrnol.
&eo Datiolnc the Eirv Girls. tion OF ( JAIBO
Lnrgest and most Wonderful In- A
cllno In Hitorld WJ-ST MIDWAY V
I OO - OO -
And see the n ptlnn Dinclns Glrli.
Alao see the Great
Vlbll 111. !
01 nit MAIN-d.
The two main f' itur- of tin Kxpoil-
tlon are trinod > -l of the MJ i i In the
aovcrrinieiit bui 'llntf and Ihe De-
atructlon > t th Maine on the Midway ,
next to the O > ps > Fortune Tcllfis
Streets of All Nations
Grandest , Best Amusement
Place on Exposition
250 People Representing Different
Magnificent Novelty
lor. Mil
Hani * ) 111
TclFphonc ill ?
Lrntr * v\ Prop * nit Murs.
W \ \ ( . l L 13 Ai-t Mmtager.
Ciiiiiiiii-iii-lnii nidi Stiiiilnt MnUiicc.
fprilnl i ng igrnir-nt of the
TinIJUPCIH nf Scuip
ne-enB.tgement of the Hpeitncnlnr
Triumph ,
Atigniontcil wllli Speilnl Accessories.
.VISION I V-M ) III MllN I , . Celt-billlei
1)1)1 I.I VSM ) I Ultl ) .
. . Singing nnd Dancing l\pert .
i.o/ii.i : , VDIII.K.
Aeriallst. Shadow guiiihlst.
i , \ i * v < sn MSI . .
It.-n.-- \ IN ION. > < MMill t.
nnur.n , Minimi .IHKKU-I- .
MatlneeB Suiulafdnesdny nnd Hntur-
Jay. uinu : > iiMn\TS
OIMIH | | | | < - tin * -Olli strt-ct nnlrniHT
of the 'I rnii > , iiil > i < < lN liit | r.\in- |
Mltliiu ( .riiiinil * ! ,
C oiii-linlliiK Midi n Krniiil rxlillill IDII
"f UKl liiKiilslilliu of llri-s oil lull ll-
IHK liullilliiitM nml roinpli-r liulitrr
MiirK In the Oinalui tin * ilrpnrl ini-n t
unilcr the | ii-r i > iiiil NIIIITNlon | of
( Illcf .liilui Itcili-ll.
The Kxposit'on MnnaKeniont will Issue le-
1uin iheils to all desiring to \l lt
the riremati ? Tourn.iment ( lioumN nt the
-0th street I'litrunciof Ihe i\poslllon
Tnko Slicrmnn nvenuo eais to riiemen's
groumN ,
roiiMnt aoTiiM > \ MISnrn : ,
Two blocks perth of Imposition grounds.
Se.ison if Comic Opur.i.
Dorotliy Morton Opera Go.
30 Chorus of 30.
Bnrgiiln Mutlnei-s Thui-ieliiy nnd Saturday
-Jji nnd ilk Night 1'rU i > s - > rn , 6i' ' ( , Tli
M\ iioi\vs
Thn Hpfiicrhrnn I ' ' " " < " ' * ! ' " '
mo ui aiyuiuu | Matlotr , TH 1WL
O. \\iionwiril , A-iiuseiiu-dt Dlree-tor.
IOMC.UT sito. :
TUB Avoomviim HTOCIC co.
Arc you L ; iliii ; to the
Omaha Museum and Theater
lU : . = 5-1:517 : i'.iriiain
It )
no i ni.s.
I.HIi .nul Dun. : , ts Ms. , Omuli.i
MnilllN AMI Ml Hill'lN IM\V
. ! . i : . \KUJ.I , .V M > \ , rroi > .
UK Y 110 T
14th nnd Ilnrney Kt
lh < - - " < bin rt i ins Irnm di-ot | )
to hut 1 .ni'l cin'\ ' 15 uilnuKs iidet to l xpo-
ilion H lies $ J < W In * l l
ti. blUKOUAY MamiBcr
ffl a EJ y ra n ra n n rs ir o ss u n
| Ostrich Farm
aG2 Gigantic Birds G2
j B a a a a H P cj a rj a 1:3 : u a a
I Old Plantation
ijlv ij
lv 100 Rniithern N"f'ro n nrrri Plnrui ,
! \ an 1 L.tUo \ tU'i Pi k M nny
| . l iiu-1. i 1 ! in I i 1 Ii uur ,
rl Sto tlin \ i ih < -
I3i y > o ir rn raxid eliiKH ' ) ll\cnlrl
at our \vorki .is von recil\p Ilia
prlco ot aJinlralon bii k on each pur-
ch it-K
The "coolest beer" and the best rnuulo
Ol ) III1 * l I K J *
\\elnerwurat wltb potato ealud ,
15 C'cnls
TUB WOMlliH 01 Till. AI'T
Don't fall to talcn a rl1 on
on the MIDUAY nnl atu roprebentailon
of th HA'ITLB < > r MAMLA In the Orfat
Tunnel 'J Me patent rlcht for Hi one tall-
v\u > n In nny pan r-f the tmttd btalev fur
Bulo by J A ( jiltlHlu , ut Ills ollicu on thi
Trained Wild Animal Show.
Pf ? I hi'iipton Kollnr Skatr
In Dun of Lions
Do Hot Forget to Visit the
IBlWB \ _ H HUilD al lj
Tea Garden , Bazar and Joss
House on West Midway. . *
< s > - n
f H ffc
Krw Minanemtnt , A
KewFeopIc 0
NawSccnek C T BUTtr. ! ? , M r.