Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 08, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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\ll I I'llMMIII-lllN Ilir Mil-HP Cllllllllllll
it III lie liiLi-n until I- in , fur tilt
i-xe-nliiK niul until MitlO lor inor.'iltiu
niul Siiinlii ) cnittiiii * ,
Itntio , I l--'o u word ( Irnt Inxcrllout
li' u mini llnTcnrit-r , > olliliiM InUi'ii
fin * l < i I lilt a U , ( ! fur ilit ! first IIIFHT-
llnn. I III'NI * nit vrrtlKC'i'ii'Hl * niiiNt liu
run i-iin ci-iillicl ) .
\il > < Ttlscii , li > ' I nitiritliiK n until'
lirri-il chri-li , can lnicniinfti'ri nil-
ilrrnncil lo a iiiuiilii-i < < ! letter In euro
( if tin * Hi r.iiNnrrn xn aililrcN nt
Mill IIP ili-llt i-r < il on im-M-ntatlon nf
Ilin rlii'i-U niilj' .
AVVM ii > S
\\AVI1.D , sltiintlun b > i Hrnt < luss ,
xli.nU iolnlil ! > all ruiinil muds mnkir
on a n i < - lltu of countir guuilu , with licwt
of references Address A 5i > , I ! >
UAvi ni > MALI : IMII' .
' for tlgnrs , { 125 n month and
es , old llrrn , experience unneccs-
snry. C C' . Ulshop iv , Co , St Louis , Mo.
TWO clothing piilostnen vvii.itrd In Otnulu
nnd one In onch county | n r-very stntc to
tuko ortlt ra fur ur Jj W to $ lu 00 made-to-
inr-usuru Hiiltn niul overcoitH , llvo men
without ( \ptrlnmf cm make $15000 i r
month , of you will furnish mtlHfnctor/
refeienco v o will furnish u complete snm-
pin 11 no ami nutllt ami Hturt jotl at work
nt onto' Tor partli tilarn address Atnerl-
i nit Woolen Mlllii C'o , enterprise Hulld-
IMK , Cliliaffo H MiyJ-a-3'
YOl'NC m n to lenrn Inrber trade , only fi
to & weeks required we glvi- our Kiudu-
ntf employ mrnl till tiny n-ielvi In wages
IIH much un th y pay foi tuition ami QX-
POIIHI s whllilinrnlni * St Louis Itartwr
( oilier Culd IVIInWs' HltlK , for Dod n
and llth , Omaha , Isvb 1'rof H Hamlolph ,
Instructor. IJ-M103S-9
I D rellnbl" pniisnipn to Hell our
Inlirl' iintH nnd Hpculaltli-s , lllxTiil ooin-
mlHslon or salary to good men. The Cham-
plfin Ucllnlng Co , Cleveland , Ohio
11-M9C.I 8
300 MiN : WAN'THn. the Standard Cattio
t'o , nt ArnfM , NVh. l'i inllos vu-st of
Oniah i on U P Hallvviiy , want I'M men
to iiit and shuck corn , also nun for
icgular farm work II M. Allen. General
Malinger P.-211 U
TAII.OHS , attend Dyhr's cutting nhonl
i ' -
AVANTIiD. brainy man to m uingr * i st ib-
llHhid olllnliuslness at Dis Molnei ,
Iowa , uil iry iStfrt nnd Intinst In biHl-
111 F , eapltnl riquired , $100i.'G New York
Life- 11-MJ22 Ol
AVANTIH ) , man who w nils to iaaku money
UH in in Igor i HtabllHluil business ut Kan-
HHS ( Ity , fi\ \ try $1 SOO ycailv capital
tcciulruij.V'OrtdO A II , Hec U-M&13 faj ;
AVANTIin reliable traveling silesman tn
mil a full and mmpltte llni * of lubrli itliiM
oils ami .iixclaltlvs , good position and lib
eral ti nn < > for tint tight paltv Addres0
Atlantic , lie lining Co , Cleveland O
1J-M2J7 11
WAN'l HO , three pr > ismon ami tlnpo piess
fi-idiiM alHo sheet i nth r and Hheet jog-
gcr fur sloady i mploj nn nt In 0111 m w
works at Ilitnmond , lint , high st VVIIKII
julil apply Imnmlluti Iv W II dinkey
Company , Printers , Ilammund. lud
H-M21I S
HITTms wniitrd , both loinl and stitc ,
PM i pt oiuil oppiirtunltles foi KOO 1 men ,
No 1 loiitmts both life and anldmt
polli las VMvkly bpnctlts. frat rnal older
W J Htu irt , 40 < ) .S H II bldg , Oul iln
TWO NKAT appepirlng young nun toi
the irtul , rifoiPnro tcciulrod , pxpcimtH
adv lined Call tomotrovv , a m U iy-
liionil , \ ietorl.1 hotel I52G1 b *
nXPniUUNi ni ) vvltulcnv trimmer anil
i ud vv liter Nebraska ClothhmCo
It-21.1 . 0
HALP8MI3N1 millcltors to travel , ox-
pi us s adv nn id Ilbeial Induct in nts tc . inoti Call toinoiiou , Thur"day ,
UlnMnk , Vlilolln hotel U-'i27 *
AVANILD , mill to Inarn barbel tindi1
Ciiininlssion allowed tb s month iigbl
wiiks i iiinpli'li" * I'at.'iliiKiHmailed fite
Molor's Uarber College , Chlciuo
11-MSTO 11 *
SAI.DSMKN wanted for Lulu citliiu Oil
and ( ! roi es I'alntH , Varnishes am
npidaltlis Compli te line , viiv lib ia
triniH ' 1 lui Detiolt llelinliig Co IViroit
Mhli 15 M.1,3 S
\\AN'll'D a few nurnetli nun vxitl
rifprinces , at ii2l Su. ICth St II MM U *
01 O1IU.B for all kinds of work , $3 to J
week Canadian Olllie1522
\ \ \MI.D-UO gills lo.'l Dodcp Ti'l STlj
GOOD cook S 13 Cor. Joiittt and 3Sth
< * MnlO
05I11L wanted for gonernl housework 202
nmmet : , , C-M2DS
_ _
GIRL wanted for KPn iul housowoik , JIG
week 22J2 Miami St C 217
\ \ ANTI'U competent j lil for Kfnrra
liousework lefcrUices lequlred 2o > l St
M irs uve i _ 2H
AN'inn n rook and n second glilvlt !
referem es 1521 Douglas C M222
\\ANTI.O girl lor Riiipr il lioiibovvork
family of thrtc Apply 2522 Popplitni uv
C-M211 S
COMPP.TKNT ( drN foi Rfneral housewoik
good wages Mrs " \Vea\er , 111 ! S ilst av
C-M2H , &
. good cook nnd laundress wagt
$ "IIKI a week Mrs J S Hrauy J7th niv
Jaiksotl C M2I3 J
A GOOD girl to do plain washing and lion
Ing nt the Creche , cor 19th and Iliirmv
C-M2II ' !
AV A NT I : D , at Ni-br Music Hull a KOO
plants t Lady pieferred C M275 S
WANTKD , young Klrl to li lp nt house
woik , small family. ISIS Webster St ,
' O-M27I b
STiVoaHAPlliil : wanted , m ilo or fc
in ile with m u hintfalato Wildes want t
Address A 4'J. Heo C M272 S *
WOMAN for gener il bousevMirk on ranch
fimlly of 0 Inquire room t : > Millar
hotel , between 12 and 2 on Prldav
C M2bS S'
rou ur.vr IKH'MS. ' :
CHOICn housi s nnd cottages all over ity
Ji to J75 PUellty. llrst lloor. N L'fi '
Renew a & Co. 103 N 15th SI
11OUSKS. stores liciulH , Pnxton blotk
MOVING house-hold goods nnd piano ;
onuilm Van A. Storage Co , 15lP'j Parnan
T . 1 lj5U D S53
PPRNITt'Ri : and leisehold of u 7 and II
room modi rn ilat for sal * ; birgaln , KOO
location , rent low. Uumls Puxton blocl-
A PUW CO1"1'AGP.S 43 Hoard Trade
POR UfiNT Several good houses , a to
1-oonn. G. L Gree-n , 2b Darker Hluck
UBNUWA'S residence to rent , 32JO Hurt
llul Sis & stores rented & rents collfctei
John W. Rnbbns | , iSui Pnrnam st
_ _
131 PI A NT ten room brick , modern D
Swurtzlnnder , 2wl ) Capitol Ave
_ _ _ _ _
10 ROOM house , nil modern Improvement
2109 Douglas ; Imiulru next dopr D-M9 ,
A HI APTIPULroom ( Ilat. partly moderi
cor 2ltli and Hamilton Apply 2JU Call
FDR KENT very eleslinble Hat , all em
v m mes Goud repair R C Peters
1 o US Nat 1 Bunk bid * D Ml"b 10
CuT 1 AGE on monthly payments &M lit-
TOUR tV'troomcil steam heited Hats fi
rent , HoivarU Rnmk , utjt , MC'hlnu \
BU D-M27J 07
pint IIIM-PI tiMsini : )
NICELY furnished room * . 2010 Davenport.
_ _
3 NICK rooms , housekeeping 1112 S nth
K-Mlit ,
_ _
I'L'RNISHKD rooms , fuclnt ; exposition
grounds , board If desired. 311 N 20th St.
_ _ Hl1371 sn *
NIPIJLY furnished rooms for transient * .
2.'no Hpenctr St , Kountzu Place , near ex-
potltun. U-M141
TRANSIUNTS , cool rooms , bath 611 N.
13th LSJ.-O I
LARGI3 nirriv furnished front rooms , very
cheup Apply 2nd lloor , 2123 Dodge Ht
I2-M220 $
EXPOSITION \l-lto rs cnn nePrellable In
formation In regard to hotels , room ? ,
board otr , at the Olllclnl Information
Uureail H19 Parnam st , this bureau Is
under the suptrvlslon of the exposition
management Olllie open day and night !
no iliui > , i ) for linortnution L jJj
ROOMS transients acconnnod iti d , lOlo
I'umings i-M25 < ! o
Pu"llNlSlIUD rooms hTTsouth 2ub ave
U-.M2T1 H *
Pt IIMSHP.I ) KODMS AMI 11(1 ( Vltl ) .
Till : MIJRltlAM , rtlrst fclass family hotel ,
23th and Dodge St" F-SCO
TIM ? UnNHPIT Iiorsn. 21st and Plnkney
Sis , Hftv daintily ltirtilshnl rooms , one-
uuare from the Arch of the Stitt-H ,
eviry thing IK vv and llrst clnhs , terms
reasonable P bVj
MRS K L SPO1TS. 522 N 19th St , nlco
< eel rooms , gas , bith. llrst t lass board ,
lutes reasonable P M455 S23
TAKE down Hi it "for sale" or "for rent"
sign In yout window The Hee reaches
more peopleIn u day than will puss vour
window in a month , and they consult
thrso columns when they want to buy or
j-e-iit. P-SC3
hotel , Euiopeun or Anierliiin. $100 and
up. adjoins the fnomuls , Shi rmnn avcnun
< nr line pa-w-s tin- house , sumtnei resort
style- , families snlleted , modern cool ,
hoimllkc , baths , gas piano and llbiary.
'I If phone 19 M , double pirlors. liaiii-
tnofks , vast verandas park , seats In the
street e irs no dust , jolly people und
iroiiie-l | Wrlto or 'phone this mlnuto ,
special offer for vhoso who do. P 801
WANTED for board , a married couple , no
( hlldren In pilvato family , < entnly
lot ittd on West Parnam st Addr SB A
5 llea P-S47 S7'
ROOM , board , good location. B19 S 25 ave
P-212 11'
WELL FURNISHED rooms , line bond
TWD Caliltol n\e F M2SI O7 *
rou IIP.N r i MM IIM.SIIII ) itoo ts.
i FURNISHED or unfurnished single or
ensulte , by day or month. b21'.j S 1'jth
. G 12J-S1U'
run itnvr s'lonusM >
FOR RENT , the 4-story brick building at
! dfi Parnam St 'Ibis building bus a tlre--
proof te-mcnt basement , vvnti r on all
Iliiois ias , ote Apply at the otllce of
The Ret- I-)10 )
DESIC room G G. Wallace , 313 Brow n Rlk.
NICE store. Corner 24th and Hamilton Ap
ply 251S Caldwell 1 SGJ
FOR RENT , a good barn box stall , cheap ,
1102 Cass St 1 M740
IN U S Nat I Rk. IHdff Inq 604 Ree RIdg
AGENTS nnd branch manigers , sal irv 01
rninmlbslon Hunter TalloiliiK Co , Cin
cinnati O J M017 Oct-11 *
AGENTS Wanted , "Our NuVnl War \ \ Ith
Sp iln , " complete book , Inclndlnv ; terms
of pi ace , now r adv. over 700 pages Illus
trated , outfit free Address Nat'onul ' Pub
Co , Lake-sldo Illdg , Chicago
J-M12G 10"
WAR WITH SPAIN , 7W pages complete ,
nou roadv , outllt free W. A llixe-n-
buigh & Co , II Wait ) RIock , Oinih t
J-2U-7 *
'inn TO uivr.
HAVE sevcial ehilro tenants wantlnfi
houses , various sizes Room 601 Bee b d ,
WANTED , three or four nicely fuinlshei
housi Het plmr looms In stiltllv llrst-clas-
neighborhood , | icrnu\ne-nt. Addit'-s A 42
Reu K-M2J-J S *
WANTPD cottuue or sm ill bouse , modern ,
vtb turn prefetrcd , good lontlon Ad'
( lre s W. Clarkson , earo E P Rrucc
. Co K-M270 S
PACIFIC * Stor.iee and Warehouse Co 10S
U10 Jones , btorage- and foivvanllng
OM Van & Storage. 1511' ' . Farnum Tel 1TO
Jl iuo
IF YOU nro In need nf any thins try' thi
i Want Columns ot 'Ihe Dee , the-v vvll
1 bring you whit you want N " 07
OWNERS wishing to sell their properti
Dhoiilil list with us , have numerous Inqul
lies for cheap homes Uyron Reed Co
2ND-IIAND bicycles Om ilia Ulcvcle Co
| THE REST HOMF. ; J2.000 will buy on cas ;
terms I um no igtul X ut , i
HIGHEST prlco for second-hand housPboli
goods Large lots a specialty Urovvn , 71
N IGth N-M2i > 0 O1
WILL pnv cash for invlnpr elcrni stand
tentinllv lo ited otllci building or hole
preferred Address A 4C , Bee. N 242-9
run S\Mn HMTI HI : .
CHICAGO Furniture Co will sill furnltun
and stovm below test cot beds 75e
mattrtsses , & ) o , pillows , 20c 14iifc-10 Dodge
0-M2 S O7
j FOR s\ii : uoitM > , WICONS , me.
FOR SALE , horse , bugKy. harness 2203 N 1
FOR SALli Cheap line carriage Inqulr
at 2oo.s St. Mary s ave. P 23J U *
"iOUNG mare phaeton , cart and liarnc s
cheup J711 N Itith , south of .Mm hi son
P-2b3 h'
poit SAM : Mist 1:1,1 : , VMOU .
LARGEST stock hardwood lumber , boi
fence , waxing blushes , etc. Chas. II Lee
9th and Douglas Q Sbt
HOG , poulty ! and lawn fences , all wlro , t
best WireWorkj , 14th und Harmy
B HAAS , Florist , 1S13 Vlnton St , Tel 77C
plants , cut flowers , bouiiucts , hall , resl
deuce , wedding and giuve decoratlou-
Ordc-rs by mall 01 uxpresis promptly Illlic1
Q boi
B CAHN nnd nlto Calm cornet. Marovvlt :
418 N loth Q-bb9
FOR PALE , ten R 1 I' A N S for 5 cents
at druggists , ono gives relief Q-70
I HAVE 2 Remington typewriters that
will sell cheap Frank E Moore * , Clt
Hall Q-871
100 KINDS mineral waters Sherman i
McConnell Drug Co , 1513 Dodge St ,
Omaha Q-Mis9 SIP
FOR SALE , reliable patent for state c
Nebraska. Addr-iss A , Bee ollk'e , Counc
Hlurfs Q-543
! f OR BALE , St Louis tire brick , J14.000 pc
M. Win J. Welslmns 'Phone 2u7
r _ _ _ _ _ I , _ i . _ . _ . ! -
BARGAINS In good second hand surrey
, phateons. concords and end i-prlns. to
, ' bUKKles at A. J Simpson s , 1409 Douglas
SALE or Trade , machinery , engine' '
pumps bprngue Machlno U rk 121b Jone
y iii2 O2
STAMPS coliifc. bought , sold Mortensin
I > 4 N Ibth Q-.MJ4S bSO
PIRST-CLASS family cow and calf Boyi
1S2 Van Camp A\e , or 201 S 13th
1 Q 210-11 *
I'Oll HAI.E Mist EI | , VMIOt S.
( Lontlnued )
PIANOS' ' Hnrdman IlnrrliiRton nnd eight
other illffeunt makes nt low prices , one
Hardtnun HlUhtly use-d , nt a big dis
count Mueller Piano and Orirun Co , 214
South ISth street , Omaha , Neb
NebQM190 S
POR SALE. Clnbler Piano , WO. 3012 Slur ,
man ave y-213 11
FOR SALE , family horpo ; will trade for
piano A 41 , Bee Q-237-9 *
2 FRESH Jersev grade family tows : rich
milkers f35 and MS Turner 13Ji5 S
24th , aftir 5 p m. y LeO S
TWO FRESH , line prude jersev cows rich
milkers tit ) and $45 iiuh. Dr Lttnt oft-rO
o t toi k , US' ' ) So 24th Q M2 2 9
ANTI-MONOPOLY GarbaKO Co . cleans
cesspools i privy vaults 621 N If Tel 1779
H M512-S2U'
TWENTY-FIVE cents will buy the luttst
publication Illustrating the V S and
SpinNh navies , naval toinminders ett ,
almost 200 photographic rcpioductlmiB ,
with n large map of the East nnd West
Indies , nt the olllre of The Bee If 01-
d < r"d bv mull uddre s Navy Photoaraph
Department , Omaha Bee R i > 70
ci , vnpx oAvrs. .
Truthful In her predictions , rc-llablo In her
advice It mutters not what vour belief
niiiv be nor what vour oxperlcmo with
ho-eullcd palmists and clairvoyants tmy
have been , ( Miiat will convince- you that
the past , prestnt and future tun be told.
She tun be consulted dally nt her olllce1.
rooms . ' 0 and 21 , DoiiKlns block , ror 16th
and Dodge , opposite Hay den Bros
S-M174 O3
MME. Gylmcr , genuine' palmist IbO" Dodge.
S-M1M 03
VIENNA fortune teller IS years In Omahn.
Past , present and futuie. 111 ! How aid St.
S237S13 *
MRS FP.ITX , clairvoyant , SOS N llth
IF YOU want revilatlons of the past , pres
ent and future consult the only clalivov-
.int und splilt inidlum In Omah i who can
nnd docs prove his vvondirful power every
Sundnv night to hundreds of people , nil-
Nice dully on all affairs of llfo ilmnge" < ,
love , troubles and disease , can do moro
than all othtrs In his line , as be has had
15 years' experience , dallv t onsultntlnn
Ib23 DodKC Dr Prederitk M Iton. satisfaction -
faction or no linage , readings bv mill.
S-M225 9
UATIIS , mr.
BATHS , ladles only. Mrs Porter , 2UT Doug
Blk. T-120-P9
AIASSAGE and bubs , ladles nnd gentle-
nun , magnetic- treatment M nrlsson ,
107 N 12th T-M313-S15 *
LAURA ELI ISDN , bath" , massage and
magnetic treatment. 119 N Ibtb , room 12 ,
upstairs T 1,1-S20 ( *
MME AMES. 507 S 13 , room 10 m
baths T 2 J 11 *
MRS DR LEON , electik massage bath
pallors , restful und cuiutlvu 417 S llth ,
upstairs T M231 12 *
MADAM l Hfl7 ! nT Nortli istli "sTreeTt
mu s ige and baths , room 2 T 239-1 ! . *
VIAVI CO , 346 Bee building U-S72
A LARGE Map of tbo World , ono of Ciiln
and unothei of the entire West Indies ,
showing Culn Poito Rlio , Haytl , San
Domingo , Mui tliikiue und all the1 other
\V il Ind au Islinds , 10 cents , at The lite
olllce Bv mill , 14 cents Address Cuban
Map Dipt , Oinnliu Bee- U inS
$30 RUPTURE cured for $ " 0 No detention
from business , b yc-ars In Ormha Cull
01 wilto for Empire Rupture
Cure , W2-U3 New \oilc Lift ) bldg , Omaha ,
Nib U-S7J
PH ES curfd In 7 to 10 diys , without pain ,
ono treatment docs the work , call or
send for circulars The Empire Pile- Cure ,
932 New \oik Life- budding , Om iliaUS74
PRIVATE hospital foi ladles before anil
during i ontmeinont Pablt s adopted. Ex-
PC united pbvsttiun In attendance 1130
N 17 st , Oinalu U-M10I fall
DOCTORS If vou have money , brains ami
tnteiprlse but few patiunts , I may lieli |
you Wrlto to X 24 , Bco U M'jai ,
THE Omaha Social Club Introduces strung-
eis and makes them at home , lurnlsht *
corn spondeme Cill or addre-ss , witli
stamp , R 2. 520 S Uth Allle Turney , nnr
U-Mlil S12
PRIVATE hospltil. babies adopted , eon-
tlneme-nt t T-es taken Mrs Rltter , 2.1 !
Suwnid , tel .251 U M230 bib
MARRIFD ladles should -end 10 tents foi
valuable ) secrets. 13ox o2l , Omaha
U-MbOl S23'
LADIP"1 Bath Pulois 220 Ree Bid- ?
Cablm t treatments ? 1 , electrical baths rOt
Telejiliono 171b U MJJ3
MISS MAYER lending chiropodist , maul
cine 4(0 ( Paxton blk , has reduced pr'ct' '
on account of expo visitors , muniruio
, Rc , shampoolnm , 35e , foot treutine'iits ,
half price , with till eel Ions how to effect n
perm iinnl euro , Infallible foot powdu
posltivelv cures odorous perspiration anc
tender feet. U-Mb23 S2U
SHOES holed and heeled , 30c710 N l th
I U M i > J S ! J
BOOKS vvr'tten ' up bv the hour , dally 01
weekly. Addtcss Expert , A 43 , Ree
U-211-S *
WAN'ILD , Lady and ruitltman iroin
| v tst I hive 2 tickets for Colorulc
. Springs Address A 50 , Omah i 15.
I U-M2 > 1 9
nun bt , are elohlns out copvrlht book
at j t and 75c to make room fur nt w hoi-
May foods V-M279 10
WANTED , choice farm and cltv loins R
C Peters. Co , U S. Nat'l Bank Bids
JlPil.OOOOO special fund to loan on llrst class
Improved Omaha property , or for build'
ins purposes Fidelity Trust Company
6l.f per cent money Bem.s , Paxton Block
i W-S77
{ 1,000 nnd upwards to loan on Improvei
property U' Parnam bmlth i. Co , 1 , J
Furnam St. W S78
I 6 PER tent city and farm loans Garvli
j Bros , Ibl3 Parnam St W-S79
I ANTIUJN Y Looil .V Trust Co , 315 N Y L
quick montv at low rates for choice farn
lands In lovvi , Northern Missouri , Bast
ern Nebraska W SsO
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha reu
estate Brennan-Love Co , 219 S Ibth
PANY of Onnhn , Neb , has money tt
lend on Improved farming lands Ovei
Commercial National Bank , Ibth and Fur
nnm Sts W-96J-8-7
, REAL ESTATE and mortgage brokers am
Promoters should write for circular In
v esters' Directory Co , New YorkWSS2
MORTGAGES Wallace , 213 Brown Block
W M73J
MONEY to loan at low rates on Improvei
! eltv property In South Orouha , Count 1
1 Bluffs and Omaha U S Mortgage A
Trust Co W H Thomas , Tirst Nut
Bank Bldff W-M277
Jin TO $10t > 0 TO LOAN ON
I ett , at lowest rates in
Omaha , South Omaha and Couiu II Bluffs
, No removal of Froodh. strictly conlldeutial
you ran pay tlio loan off at any time o
in anv amounts
i MONEY loaned salaried people holdln
permanent positions with responsible tor
i rns upon their own name , v. it hou
security , easy payments. Tolman , R 70i
1 N Y Llfo BIdg X-Sbt
' 10 I.OAmT1 EIS.
( Continued )
DIAMOND loan olllco 1315 Douglas , unre
deemed diamonds , watches , cte cold cheap
MONEY loaned on life Insurance policies ,
pi-inns , furniture , warehouse receipts ,
jewelery , hor'is rows , etc. Duff Green ,
room s , Barker Blk. X-M416
WILL erect bulldlUK on lot COxtuO on 24th
St , So Omaha , Neb , across from tlio
new po toini e , foi any llrst e lass bu l-
ness F J Lew Is , room No. 22 , Ware HI k.
PRINTING , Quick , tlcnn , cheap 1610 Cas
WANTED , partner , 1 want n sober. en >
ergetlc man with { 250. to tninnge busi
ness In Omahi , J15 per week wages nnd
H Interest In business , permanent situa
tion , this Is u peed business chance , ref
erences n quired. Aidless II Yt tlnuilnj ; ,
Peorla , 111 Y MHO 12
GOOD salary and Interest In business to
capable man as manager of excellent
paying bu lness In Lincoln , capital re-
ejuiied , J200. 4.'j New Yolk Life
WANTED , partner with cash In stork
lanch , good ptollts assured A 41 Bee
Y-M22b 12
FOR SALE mllllneiv and 1 idles furnish
ing Knolls busInnAI locution Addiess
A 17. Bee Y-M250 i )
IF YOLR mortgage Is due I will trade
clear lot for equity. X 46 , Bto
& 0-ACRE tnrm , well Improved ; n pleasant
home adjoining n good ratlrond town , the
very best of soil , will exchuiiKO for an
Omaha residence , a rare chance M J ,
Ke-nnard H Son , 310 Brown Blk 7. M
FOR SALE OR TRADE for stock prop-
ertv brliiRlm ; 15 per cent pi r annum , also
IV ) acres deedtil land and 2 cltv lot Ad
dress A 17 , Bee X-M249 9 *
POR s VI.E-HIAI , E rvrE.
HOUSES , lo's , farms , lauds , loans , also
tire Insurance. Bctuls , Paxton Bloc k
HAVE you t-onie lota to sell' Now Is the
tlmo to dlspo o ot them , let the people
know that vou want to dispose of them
The Bee reaches the people who have the
money RE 6C6
jr > 0X ( > FOR G full-sired lots on electric cat
line. J N. Frenzer , opp old P. O
KOH SALE , desirable re"ldcrice lotr , 124\
130. In llrst cln s locution , ten minutes , '
wi'k from court hou e , cheap foi cash
Audi ess O 61 , Bee. RE-SS5
POR SALE , Dallovv's place , 15th & Martin
Sts , JJOuo , line corner lot. Address lull
Chicago St RE-MHC3-SS *
TO BUY or sell houses lots or lands Cat
on J.V. . llobblns , 1802 FarnamREM769
highly Improved farm in Greeley county
Nebrask i ono mlln from O Connor live
miles from Grceltv Centei , the- county
seat all under rulttvitlon all fencrd mi :
cross fenitd with birbetl wire , house
two storks , 9 rooms cellar , two cisterns
wells and wind pumps , tanks and pipes
two birns enrh 30x40 ft et , box utalls-
griniir'ts ' , coin cribs and all necessary
outbuild IIKS , IIH ludlng cattle nnd linple
inent shed" This Is i < trhaps the best 1m
proved farm In Grieley county title per
fei-t no cncumbrinres Terms will bt
mule reason ible- and will be sold ut t
sucilflte Death of recent owner e-aimt
for selling Address Joseph J Kelly , 12 (
North Uth street , Lincoln , Neb
RE-M267 1
LOST , pent's prnld watch , made by Jamei
Kahn No 10100 , left in closet at Unloi
P.itllle depot llb < nil rowurd for returi
to U. I' ticket olllce Lost-79J
VAN' SANT S school , 717 NY Life Tin
school whoSitudents ! get employ mint
Conductetl by an experienced reporter
AT OMAHA Bus College , Ibth & Douglas
SHORT-HAND up-to-date , taught by coui
reporters. Boy leb School , 403-5-7 Bee b'd ' (
" \VE HANDLE the best furnitute am
stoves , highest inarki t prices paid , soli
at btnall prollt David Brodkcy , no s U
M 100-Nov 11
AVE will sell eood woven wire cuts will
mattress for { 123 Lewis , 1414 Dodce
TYPEWRITERS for n-nt. { I 00 per month
The Pnillh-Premler Typewriter Co , II.
Painum St , telephone 1284 SJ1
WE rent nnd sell the best typewriter
inid e , largest stork of good supplies li
Oma'ia ' United Typewriter and buppl'
Co , 1C12 Painam St j > 32
SECOND-HAND Pmltb Premier nnd Rem
iiiKton typewriters , repairs for all makes
i wcsttrn UK nts for Williams typewriter
DcrlslU & Co , 111C Farnam Til VI
M Ul S19
of nnv ilfHlr" mmle to on'i r ol
pi nos ovtrhiulcd and mudo equal t
new , second-hand pluncm alwavs 01
hand C Sonunei , prop , 321 b. 10th St
263 O6
ALL vvmnen who can t raise fnmllv shouli
ton * > ull the rinowned Gerinan spec UIM
Dr. Pries , 1513 Dodje St Letters 2 teiitsi
-M' ) 9 K21
LADIES Ch'ehe ter's English Pennyroy.i
Pills ( Diamond Brand ) are the best , s ifi
reliable take no oth r , Hend 4c , Ktnmps
for particulars , "Relief for Ladles , ' I
lettei by return mail , at druggists Chi
Chester Chemical Co , Phlladelpht i Pa
MAX Focel makes , cleans , repairs clothes
307 S 17th 119-S-9
JOE YOUSEN , the tailor , Boy el's Theate
Bldr lovely suits { 15 clothes cleaned nn
mrndcd at most reason ible prices wor
called for and delivered Tel lti2S
Til VCKACi : .
YARD room , or storage with trnckng
centrally located Address box 62 , Cltj
W. COY , removed to 1716 St Mary s Ave
WE SOLICIT nnd furnish posltons fo
stenographers free The Smlth-Premlc
Typewriter Co lelophone 12 > l i > 9t
STVH tin.
GONNELLA manufactures artistic ntnti
ary Inlde ornamental work a speelnlt ]
317 3 10th Mb21-Nciv-2t
KAGI E Loan onice 1211 Doufjlas ; oldei
established moet reliable uccommodu
Ing busings i onfldentlal , selling out JIG
onooo stock of unredeemed diamonds i
big birgftlns. -5b5 Octl
J R MAXCY A CO , auctioneers room 5
Pnxton block want vour auction Pules <
real estate , merchandise , furniture , Uv
stock , etc & 93
I'll I \ ATE
DR LIEBER cnnccra , fcmalft disease
1912 Leavenvvorth M 417 Oct-19
LIFE Insurance policies bought for casl
JUc-lmra HcTZfelJ , 171 LuSallo fit , Ch
OMAHA Hunlwood Lumber Co . oak hit k-
ory , ash , evpresj , poplar , etc I'&Call
NEW wheels } 17 50 tn { 25 2nd blind wheels
K to ? 10 Omaha Bicycle Co . lb & Chicago
PLt'GENO stops punctures , fullv Ruarnn-
teed , dealers send for terms Model Mfg
Co , 1601 Cflss F9-O1
LATEST tailor njstem , ellplonns awarded
Mrs Mirtln , general agent , teacher 2233
Clmrlr-s M-S37-S-1S
CUTTING nnd lilting school , T P sv teni
IblT Douglas M 1 0 S-12'
SCHOOL for cure of these defec Julia
E. Vaufchun , J * N Y Life bide
M mr
KARLINGS furniture re-pall shop 1220
Harnev P. Mill SSO
H. S 8TAKK * . CO , 1110 Douglas
ONLY corset made hav Ini ; waist line Room
10. CrelBhton Blk , luth tx. Douglas
C A CASE , \lollns repaired 410 Sheely
block -21S-N14
WESTERN Plating \\oiks 1112 Dodso Pt.
vocvi , si i mo.
MISS BEYMER , vocal studio , 512 Karbnch
bio. . k 7S27
PIANOS tuned , Jl 50 Rose , 1521 Dodge
MASON WORIC Jobber. E Healy , 1SL2 Clark
Street b77-S2b *
M. S. Vv'ALKIN , 2111 Cumlnif Tel , H3V
S II. COLE , blglis , 703 S. 27th 211-S-13
FYES tested ftee Optical Institute Sheely
block 3lu NovSO
SUES & CO. ,
. .PATENT. .
IA\\MI > S AM ) SOLItllU'iS
bee. Hdg , Umatia , Neb.
Clint for our fn < Intuit-
orb duuto Icl 1U2.I
rials , U S Indian bcrvlcu , I'lntt Kldgc
Agency , Pine llldge. S D , August , U 1S9S
Scaled proposals indorsed "Proposal foi
liulldlng M.Ui.rlnl , ' and addressed to tilt
umletsigned nl Pine lUdRf S D , will lie
received U this agency until 1 o clock p m
of Thursday , t-t-pteiuber 24 IMlJ , for furnish'
Ing and delivering at tins agi'iiey a qu intlty
of bulldlt g ip'iteiial , consisting of assortti
lumber , lime , cement , doors , hardware , tt (
a full list and description of whlih mny i
obtained by making appU < utlon to tin * 1.11
del signed Per an\ add tlonal Intormatioi
upplv to Major W II Clapp , Acting L'
Indian Agent.
( Should bo rear dally by all interested , as
chants nmy occur at any tinio )
ioieihtl lllalii (01 inu we-i.iv eiijillg Sop-
Umiier JO , liSo , will Clowe U'P.U.Ul'lLl in at !
tascs ) at HIP General Postolllce us follows
1'AUCLLS I'O&T MAll.h close ono houi
curlier than closing tlmo bhuwn below.
Tiiins-Atliinttu .llnlU.
THURSDAY At C a n7 for HUROPK , pei
b a Aufcusiuiiioiia , via Liicibouig
bouthampton and llainburi.
SAIUIUJAV. At b U .1 m lor KHANCI' IIAL , SPAIN , Pull-
'll'GAL , ' 1UKKUY , Lu 1 PT and HIIIT
1S1L INDIA , pei a s La liuimiahn | < -
\la , Hivio ( .loiters for other pans 01
Kuropo iniibi bo dliirtted ' i"-i La t Main
p.ihiui ) , ai b uu a in lor LIUul i. , P'-i
s a Cuuii.i , via Qtiecnstovsn ( It-tiers lui
1 ranee , bvviizeiialitl , liny , bjiam , Per
tutal , lurKe-y , l. Jl't ' and lil.tHil Inch.
must bo illrtt teu p r Liruna ) , at i
a in for MjUmtlLANDo direct , pel s
S btuteiiduiu via UoUerttam dclter'
must Ijo ulioitcd 'pel btatcnUain > , u
9 a in toi 11ALY. pr B s Allel , vi.
Naples UciUM must be directed 'pel
Aiier ) , at lu a in for bCUJLAND dl
rtet , pei s s CHy 01 home , via ulu- .
gow ( ulttis must be directed 'per uuj
o ( Ituniu )
After the closing ot the Supplemental
'liuiibutlaiutc .M.Ula named aboveauui
tlonal supplemental y mails uie- opened 01
tin ; piers ot tin A an Lnclt li
1 rcnth and Lic-rnnm E'eumeis und i email
01 en until within tin ininutca ot the hou
of bailing of steamer
MullH for South and I'piitrul Aincile-ii
\\t-Ht liutlm , lile- .
THURSDAY At 11 a in ( supplciwntnr1
11 n .u in ) lor Pull'lO 1ULO , ALNL
XUuLA and CUUALAU , pel s s In a
delptil i ( letttrs lor Loiombi i via c uia
can must bu cliitcted in r i'lllladel
jihii ) at 12 m ( MiiipleniHiiUuv i p m
for UUN1HAL A.MuJlli.A ( except Cos > ti
Ulca ) and faobllt PACU IL PUI11S , pe
t B Auv into v'i ' Colon Uetteis for Guatemala
te-mala must bo dlncted "per Advance I
at 1 p m tMipplcuiunlury l M p in ) fo
IU3UMUDA , per s H Orinoco , nt 1 | i
m ( supplnnenlary 1 30 p m ) for NAh
8AU , N P , pe-i s 8 Ant lla.
SA'l I KUAV. At > M u m for NIJW
KuUNDLAND , Jnr s s Corean , fion
Phlludtliihla , at a JO a m ( supiileme-nt
ary lu u in > for ST Tilt MAS bT
IbLANDS. per s B Madlnna ( letters lo
Uien.idi , 'lilnldad and 'loinigo must b
directed ' per Madlaiia ) , at 10 a m
( supplementary 10 3D a in ) for POlt
1LLA , CAinilAGiNA and CU&J ,
HlLA , pel s s Alone , at 10 u m isup
pleiuentary 10 JO a ni ) foi 11A11I , IHs -
s s lioHtUu , at & o' ' ) p m fur NLVV
KOUNDLAND , per steamer from Nortl
Molls for Newfoundland by rail to Hill
fax , and thcnto by steamer , dose nt till
ollho dally at bop m Malls foi Ml
quelon by rail to Boston und thence b
steamer closeat this olflee dally at 8 . !
p m Malls foi MexKo Citv , ovcriant
unless specially aduieastd for despatch b
mcitimr , i losu at tn s grin euauy ul i J
u m nnd 2 JO p m 'Hcvlstered ma
closes at o Uv p. in pievmiM day
TruiiH-Pm-illc .Mull * .
Malls for China nnd Japan , per s >
Olengylc ( from San Francisco ) , close her
dally ui > to heptembei 4th ut ( > M p ir
Malls for China and Japan , per s i
l.'mprcss of c lilnii ( from \ nneouver ) , elos
hero dally up to September 5th ut b :
p. m Mulls toi China and Japan , per i
s Olyinpla ( from 'lacoma ) , elosci her
dally up to H pii-mlur 'nth ut fiTO p n
Malls for Australia ie\iept West Au *
tralta ) , New Zealand , Huwii'l ' an
FIJI Islands , per s s Mlowera ( fret
Vancouver ) , clone here daily after 8e (
tember 3d and up lo September * 15th
b M p in Malls for the Society Island :
per ship Tioplc li'rd ( trom San Pruiult
to ) , tlon litre ilullj up to Septcmbc
Clth nt C 30 i ) m Malls for Australl
( extept these for \\e t Australia whli
J are forwordrd vln Luiopu ) , New Xealutx
Hawaii. I Ijl xnd barnoan Islands pe-r i
1 s Alums-da ( from ban Fruntinco ) , tlob
1 here dully up to September * 20th at 7 (
a in , 11 a in and i , 10 p in tor on in
rival at Now York of g a JJlrurta wit
British mails for Australia )
Trancpaclllc malls nre forwarded to port <
hailing daily and ihe Mbetulu of < losln
Is arranged on the presumption of the
uninterrupted overland transit Regn
tercd mall closes at C f ) p in prevloi
Putitofflce. New York , N T , Sept J. lb )
rlUCACIC ' ' .Ol't : ISLAND
> e. Pacitle Railroad llln
Great Rock Island llouto '
lily Tliket Oltlce. 1321
rariiBtn Street Telephone
s Depot , Tenth and
Mason Streets Telephone
Leave Arrive
Pes Mulnes Lonl 7 15 nm Ml 25 nm
I hi ago Express 11 30 am S 00 nm
I MI-UK , , Fast Ex
press 5 00 pm 1:25 : pm
Si Paul Fast Ex-
5.00 pm lls : am
Lltii otn Colorado
bprliiK Dtnvt-r ,
Pueblo and \ \ cut 1 30 pm L23 pro
Des Molnes. Rock
Island nnd Chl-
cage 7.r > pm S 50 pm
iiln Plver ' 01011111 b,50 lira
Dally Dallv except taunday.
VV A R sTr Tl A 1 LROAD-
Tlikc-t onice 1115 Pninam
Hirect Tolcphnno , i2 De
pot , lentb und Masuii
lilreets Telephone , 1)29
Lcav tX A i rive
St Louis "Canon
Hill Express 1 SO pm 11 30 am
neapolls 1.x. Omaha Railway
General Olllces , Nebraska
Division , Flftetnth and
\ \ ebsti r Slice is Cll"
Ticket Olilce 1401 Farnnm Street Tele
phcne Cbl Depot , Fifteenth nnd Webster
Streets Telephone , 1.43S
orn Railway City Tlckc't
Olllce , HOI 1'nrnnin fit ! eel.
Tele-phone , 561 Depot.
Tenth and Mason Streets.
Leave. Arrive.
Special . . 6:40 : am * 11:55 : pm
Mo Vulli-y , Sluut
Cltv bt Paul & .
Minneapolis 6 00 am M0:45 : pm
Monlkv , Sioux
City . . . 7 13 am 9 00 pm
13ootuDi unison ,
Council RlutTs . MO.10 pm ' 10.03 nm
Kustoin 12DPS
.Molina , Mutslmll-
town , Cedui RapIds -
Ids and Chlongo . Ml.03 am 4 20 pin
Atlantic Plver , Chicago
cage and Knst . . 4:55 : pm 4:20 : pm
Past Mall. Chicago
to Om ilia , . 3 15 pm
Nortbei n Express 5:30 : pm 8:10 : am
Orrnh i-l'lilcjiBO bpe-
clal 6 53 pm 8.25 am
Missouri Valley Rallwav
General Ollli es United
States National Bank Uldp ,
Southwest Corner Twelfth
Streets Ticket Olllce. 1401
Farnam btrcet Telephone , 5bl. Depot ,
luth and Webster Stieets Telephone 1,4 iS
Leave. Arrive.
Black Hills , Deadwood -
wood , Hot Springs. 3.00 pm 5 00 pm
Wyomlm ; , Casper ,
and Douglas 3.00 pm 5.00 pm
Hnstlnns , Yolk Di-
vid City , Supeiior ,
Geneva , Exeter &
Sewnrd . . " 3.00pm 6.00 pm
Norfolk , Veidlgro
and Frcmo t . 8:15 : nm 10.45 am
Lincoln \ \ ahoo &
Fremont S-lr > am " 10.45 nn'
Fi niiiiil Local . . Si 15 am
Yoik Pas'-enccr G-lOpm 9-40 air
Dnllv Dillv except Sunday Sun
day only ' Dally ii.c-ept Saturday
rorx cm & PACIPIC ( Olllces
t'nited Statts Nitlonal
Hank nulklln ! : , S W Cor-
ntr Twelfth and Pnrn nn
btieet TlcVet Otllce 1101 Pnrnnni Site 1
' 1 elcphone , 5bl Depot , Tenth and Mason
fatieeta Iclephono , C2sLeive.
Leive. Arrive
Llnryln , Denver ,
Colmado Utah ,
California , Rl > ck
Hills Montana &
l im < t bound . . . . 4 33 pm 4 00 pn
Hastings Local . . 7 00 pm 7.40 pn
Llmnln Pist Mill 2 55 pm Ml. 10 an
Denvi r , l olorado ,
I'tuh California
and PugeU Sound. Ml 50 pm 2 15 an
Dallv Dallv except Sunday ,
Overland Route" Genera
Oll'ces N. W. Corner Nlntl
and Parnam Streets Clt
Ticket Offlie , 1302 Furtmt
Street Telephone 310 Du
prit Tenth and Maeo
StrcoU Telephone 629
Leave. Arrive
"Tho Overland
Limited" for IKn-
ver Salt Lake ,
and western p ts . 8.50 am 4:45 : pr
The Spe
cial for Denver &
all Colorado p'ts 11 55 pm 6:40 : nr
Past Mull Triln for
Denver , Salt Like ,
Pacilk i east nnd
all points 4.35 pm 6.40 nr
Lincoln , lleairlee &
Stromsburg Ex . 3.30 pm M2.30 pr
Premont , Colum
bus. Norfolk Gr d
Islind and North
I'lllltl ) 1 4 r , pm " 4 15 pr
Columbus Incul. . " 6 50 pm ' 9.40 or
bomb omuha I oral Pimti l * avcs o u n
m , 7.00 a. m , 9.10 a. m : 3 03 p m. Ar
rives Id 30 n m , 3 30 p in , C p in.
Council Hlurfs Local Leaves 6-40 n m
li W n m 7 40 n m , * 9 40 a in ; 10 30 o
in . 12 20 n in , 2 15 p m , 4 ' 30 p m , 4 :
p m , 4 5j p m , 5 65 p m , 8 20 p. m Ai
riven 7 20 a in , S 25 u m , 9 10 a. m , 11 :
u m . 3 05 p tn , " 3 30 p m . 20 p m
5 40 p in b TO p m , C.M ) p m. , 9 03 |
m , 11 53 p m
Dully. Dally except Sunday
nud General Olllces un
Tliket Olllco , Southeast Coi
nir Jtlli and Douglus Slro t
Telephone , 104 Depot. 151
and V > cbster fits Telephon
Leave. Arrive.
Kansas and Neb
L lulled 3.03 pm 12 55 pr
Kansas City . St
Louis Express 1 9 30 pm 600 at
Nebraska Local 1 4,30 run 9 15 nt
Dally Dally except Sunday.
Dally 'Dally except bur.aay.
ARMY AND NAVY RETIREMENT \\lll UorK lntiortniit | ( liniiKri
In IVi nimiH'l In tin1 Ni-ur
I'll 111 I !
WASHINGTON . . ' - Mnny Important
changea will occur In thi nrtny ituil navy
during the lemalnlng montln of the > present
year. Tl.ese ro due to the natural court- *
of evrnts nnd are In no wise tlio result of
lite wnr with Spain Two brigadier gen
erals of the in m > nntl four roar ml ml nils
of the navy will go on the retired lint by
opeiatlon of law on account of nee , making
vaenn 'es which will result In promotions
all along the line In both set vices The
two armv otncirs who will retlio are Major
( iiMietnl William M ( Uahnm , now In com
mand of the Second arms- corps In camp
nl Middle-town. 1'a . ami Major (3ener.\l J.
J. Copplnger , In lommaml of thu Fourth
nrmy totps with headquarters ut Hunts-
\llle , A hi
The icnr udmlnls who retire this year
are Admlinl M Slcanl. looently president
of the Na\al War Dorttd. and now presi
dent of the Nuvnl Honrd of 1'romotlons ,
who H-tlres on tlio oOth lust ; Admiral K.
0 Matthews , formerly chief of the Hureaii
ofnnls niul Docks , and nou prcBldent of
the Examining and Retiring hoards , who
1 rill is October 24 Admiral Joseph N. Mil
ler , tlio ranking otllior of the navy , now In
command of the Pacific station , who retires
November 22 , and Admiral P. X. Bunce.
commandant of the New York na\y yard ,
who ictlres September 23
1 ho principal heroes of the Spanish war
retlie in tlio following order : Admiral
George. Dew ex , commanding the Asiatic
station , December , lil't. Ailmlial W. S.
Schley , on the 1'orto Hlcan c\acuatlon com
mission , October , 1101 , and Admiral W. T.
Sampson , on the Cuban evacuation com
mission , February , PJ02.
Yon Invite disappointment when jon ix-
perlmont. DoWltt's Little Karly Illsors nre
pleasant easv. thoiough little pills They
cine constipation and sick headache just as
Hiiro as you take them
in A HUT 11-n n I'lniit o L'umiiote v lth
tin * EniclNIi MnUrrn.
Pittbbtirg proposes to enter Into compe
tition with Worcestershire , England , ami
bring forth the nation's supply of needles.
Options ha\o already been secured on a
tract of laud lying along the Monongahelu
and indications are favorable for thojoitnb-
lUhtnent of a plant within a few mouths.
The Industry Is to bo Introduced Into thlfl
city , says the I'lttsburg Dispatch , nud at
the aamo tlmo Into the United States , on
u much larger and more modern scale than
that of English plants , enabling the Iron
City to compete laslly with European fac
tories that have thus far maintained a mo
nopoly of iho worlds otitnut. The com
pany Is to bo known as the American Nco-
dle company and It Is the Intention to hav
at leabt three plants In the United States ,
with an aggregate capacity almost double
that of the old world factories
All grades , from the dcllcatn cambrlo
ncedlo to the hugo darning and sailors'
needles , will IK > turned out. The steel
needle was first shown to the world nt
Nurcmburg nt the close of the fourteenth
century An oldtlmo Spaniard Improved
slightly over the pattern then In use , after
which nn Enullshmnn conceived the Idea
of grooving the thin steel wlro and pol
ishing It Then the Industry became cstab-
llnhid at Rertdltch. In Uoriestershlrc , Eng
land. This was over 200 years ace , slnca
which time the English manufactory baa
been supplying the Inhabitants of the globe.
Ucforo Emiioror Wllhelui was ever
thorgbt of , even before Bismarck had re
ceived his fiist slash at a fencing tourney
in HclJelbcrg , the Germans WCTO concerned.
In the luanufacturo of needles. In the cel
ebrated Wcstphallnn dlbtrlct , near to the
pre cut locality of Krupp's gicat gun
works , they set uy a plant for thti manu-
factuie of the sharp-pointed steels. Hut
a clever englishman came along , bought
the outfit and removed the entire works
to his own land. This , to an extent , Is the
history of the ncedlo Industry Today Eng
land Is turning out thousands of boxes ot
the shining steels and shlpp/ng them all
over the world ,
Neodks are made of cruclblu steel of tbo
finest quality. Their ninnufactuio requires
Lrcat bklll on the part of the opetatlves
olid all machinery used must be of bpuclul
construction 1'rom the meittrs the tteel
comes In small pots , the molten metal beIng -
Ing Immediately transfeired to gauges ,
which bilng It forth as wire , from one-
flftleth to one-scvcntloth of nn Inch In thick
ness This wlro Is delivered to the next
process and by the aid of gauges tbc colla
arc cut with precision Into proper lengths ,
each BUillclent for two needles. Thcso
lengths , having the cuivaturo of tbo roll
and other Inequalities , arc next straight *
ened. The bundle thus to be equalized con
tains from 4,000 to D.OOO lengths , packed In
strong iron rings It la then heated and
pressed on nn Iron plate having two parallel
gtoovcs In which tbo rings lit. Over thli
plate the bundle works backward and forward -
! ward by the picssuro of nn oblong , slightly
curvtd , iron tool , having two longitudinal
, silts through which the edges of the rlngi
project. Hy combined prrshiire and rolling
the lengths become straight.
The pointing of the needles IK done on a
dry grindstone and Is attended with great
danger to the operative , arising from th
sparks and dust created One operative In
ten hours Is able to point 100,000 needles.
Iho pointing machines consist of wheels ,
to the periphery of which the wires to bo
pointed are held by a rubber band In eye-
tng the needles they are again heated Each
Is separteb stamped by nuans of a die , with
the grooved and round Impressions of two
needle beads set end to end Through these
stamped heads the eyeholes are perforated
by a screw press , working a pair of flue
steel punches or prongs The poHuhinff
process Is done on an emery wheel. Acid la
alee used In this process
I The projectors of the plant have not com-
j pletcd their plans , but It Is stated that 'h
' New Yorkers Interested favor ono of tin
Pltlsburg sites The matter Is to bo decided
at a meeting to bo held In New York on
September 19
Itiiel.leu'w Arnlfti Salve.
TIIR BEST SALVE In the world for Cut ,
Drulsee , Hores , I leers , Bait Rheum , Fever
Sores , Tctu r Chapped Hands , Chilblains ,
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cures Pllen , or no pay required. It Is guar
anteed to glvo perfect satisfaction or money'
refunded I'rico 25 cents per box , Tor Kale
by Kuhn & Co.
( Continued }
lntte * Bt Paul Railway City
IMnwAin/crl Ticket Olflic. 1501 Farnam
inllLWAuKctl Btroct. Telephone , 244 De-
kj" ? fttl , , I pot. Tentr and Mason
Streets. Telephone , 829
ro.-ul Omunu , Kunsag City &
Lavt rn Hullnuil 'Ihe Port
Arthur Routci' Tlckot Otllc
1415 Farnam Street Tele-
T pbniiii J22 Depot , Tenth und
btre-ets. Telephone b29
Leave. Arrive.
St Louis Cannon
rH ! l Impress 4 33 pra 11.30am
Quint y I.ou | 7 10 am 9 05 pm
' Kansas City Express -
' press i 7:29 : ura
Port Artnui Ux-
press , 8.30 pm