Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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Vili crllieiiieiits ti r Uipsr coliiniiin
Kill lie tnl.iMi until 12 m. ( or 111'
4-M-n I nut mill itnill HI.UJ for tiKiriilnu
anil Minilit ) eiiiiinin.
Hiitt'i. I l-'Ji' 11 word flrsf limerMotn
Itu iniril IliiTi'iirerr. Vilhir . ; ( nUru
for less ( linn U. > i > lor the lint Inser
lion. these advertisement * must tin
run consecMi 11 \ tl ) .
Vdi rrllst-rs . ! > > refiii-stlnu | n nnni *
In-red I'lierl. . t'lin himunsworn nil
drrsned tit n ntiuilieri-d letter III ciiri *
of tin * llee. Vimiert o nililresseil
will In * delivered on prrsiMilutlon lit
tlir rliHI-I. only. ]
u vvrni > n VMS nr.i.i' .
. VLKSMEN for rlznrs $1-3 v month ami
< i > entjes old firm , c-xperlen' ' a mnei es-
.if t. C Ulnhnp & i-o . dt Louis. Mo.
it GO
. ' V'i ' \ itr-lnir tilexnvn willed n f > maha
i i I onin each count } in every state to
ik irderi for ouf S3 m to WW made-to-
in i-r , dill's tnrl overtoil * , live men
with. MI exnertenie can make HW'iO ' per
month , of you will furnish satlafaitor/
r 1 rr-nrr we w'll furnish i complete sam-
l > ! i in- and outfit and start ynu ut work
.i' mre For particulars address Amerl-
in Aiolon Mills Co. , Enterprise Buiid-
, i hli Ago B WiuJ - *
f < it'N'i ' men to learn barbnr trade , only 8
' i t week * required : we. give oar gr.ulvr-
INS mploymene till tliey rei elve In wage' '
i i mui h is they pay for tuition and ex-
i mi s while learning. St Louis Barber
' ileai , Odd Fallows' flirt ! ? . Cnr. Dodge
i id Mth. Omaha , Neb Prof S Randolph.
Instructor B MW33-'t
vv A vrm , a few more bright young men
'rum Iowa and Nebr to prepare for tim
'ill railway mall service examinations ;
i i .Men . opportunity Addr"ss it once
i i stafd Correspondence Institute , Car-
- II la ' B-M3IS T
\\TKD , reliable salesmen to sell nur
I ibrl AntH- and special tie * ; liber il com
mission or aalarv to Rood men. The Cham
pion Rellnlng Co , Cleveland , Ohio
. . B-M3G2 3
rr. _ . _
v.VTEO , otllce boy ; state age. Address
V 4" Bee B 218 tt
x WANTED ; the Standard Cattle
' > it Amiis. Neb , 45 miles west of
1 11 ' on L" P Railway , want 100 men
iut and shock corn , alao men for
* ul ir farm work. R M. Allen , Oener il
M i i i er B 211 U
t AIM IRS , attend Dyhr s cutting + liooL
li rt II. . B-OMDec2
WANTED. brainy man to manage estab-
liHhcd olllce business at DCS lloinea ,
low i ; salary 51 SOU ami Interest In buM-
H.-IM < .ipltdl required. J4UO 420 N-w Toi It
Life u _ 11H22 o\
U ANTED , mnn who wants to make money
ix ni inu c'r e * < tibllHhei | business at
w- < city , salary , ll. * K ) yearly , i apltal
roiiulrtMl , J30'.0a ' ) A II , Boe. B 11015 SJ5
v \VTED. reliable traveling salesman to
Hell i full und complete llnu of lubrloatlns
mi mil spei tiiltieu , tmnil pimitlon and llb-
.Dd t'Ttr.for the right party Address
Vtiiintlc Tletlnlnif Co , Cleveland. O
B 31227 11
VNTED three pressmen and thrco press
' -eili rs. , il o shi-i't i utter und sheet jo -
t ; > r for sfadv employment In our new
.rUa at .Jlammoml. tnd hlsh st WUITPH
paid apply Immediately W B Conkey
1 imp.iny , Printers , Hammond. Tnd
B-M254 S
t'KPI TTES w intid , bnth loral inrt stite ;
-t eption il oipnrtunltles for uoi"l men
N > 1 contni-tH both life und a'-ndent '
r. . ! l < iei , wisuKly bi-n < jrlt8 frnt-rnnl rder.
W j StTi.irt , l-i , Dee bldf , Om.h i
B M253
100 niRLS.Jorall klniH of work , $3 to J7
week. Canadian utlli'e , 1522 Douglas
" \V VNTCD 150 girls. 1521 Dodee Te' ' . 470.
C-M511 Ot t-20
'j'X'U ' coolt S. C. Cor. Jones and Wo.
C ilii4Q
1. 1 HI for freneral housework ; good wagta.
> i % ( ) rf 33th ave. C M119 7 *
U'HI. ' w.inteil for gunoral housework 2020
Fmmet. C M20S
O'Rl. ' wanted for general housework , H 30
- k * S3 Sflaml St. C 217
.V VNTED , competent girl foi general
housework. roferencea required. 2804 St.
Marv s uve C 211
\ \ VNTELa cook and a second girl witf
references. 1S21 Pouglas. C-M228
IV v\TED , girl for general housework. 71 !
S ' , nth. C 11221 7.
fl xNTPTD girl for Rcneril housework
r.mily of throe. Apply 2522 Poppleton av ,
C-MJ31 S
IV VNTKD , ladles and gentlemen to learr
i m ike cnyon portraits at home , $ S tt
' > i week after you learn , work ng foi
it your home , vvrlw quick for pur-
' I'irs ' M'-LauKhlln Art Co . box 191 Mil-
" i iltfe. VVIa. C M.3S 7'
' vt.'KTENT clrlS for general hou . > work
: d wages Jlrs. Weaver , lli ( S 11-t TV
C MJIi ! s
\ \ \\TI2D. potnl cook und laundress. wv' i
$ i wi-ek. Mra. J. S Brauy ! 7 > h , xni
J kson C-.M.M3 a
.V . ' 'i ' 'D ' srlrl to do plain wiahlnit mil iron
UK , .u the Crei-he , tor lOlh and H irni v
C M214 U'
KOIl HI3 > T
i HiMi'E housesnnd cotcngea all over city
JO to } 73. Fidelity , llrat floor , N. Y
D ! jj
HI > T SES. Benevvu & Co. , 10S N. IStlj St
, stores. Bemls , Paxton block.
MI'VINO ' household goods and pianos
< 'in ilia Van & Storage Co , 1SU' Firnam
T I 15S9. D * o6
Ft i-.NITUnB and leasehold of a 7 and 13
r m modern flat for sale , Imrgain ; gooi
I'M ition , rent low Bemla 1'aiton
A 1 CVV COTTAGES1 $38 Board Traif . "
- D-S37
F"K 1JENT Several ffood houst-s. .1 to
r im U. I , . Gr en. Jii Barker Blm k
Bl'M.VVAS residence to rent , i230 B m-t
. DTMb3S
H > I SES & stores ranted & rents cell iteil
j > n i VV Bobbins. 1SU2 Farnara (
El F.CiANT ten room brlcls , modern Di
Snartxlandur. 2001 Capitol Ave.
10-Ri'OM ' house all modern improvement
I "j Uouglaa , innuire next door. D-OIM
A .U'AI'TIFUL 4-rnnm Hat , partly moderr
. .r Jtth an 1 Ham.Iton. Apply 251 $ I'ald
Fi-H RENT very desirable Hut. all con
v -ni nres iloml r < | a r R C Peters t
I 1' S Nat I Lank bldg D Ulsfl 10
t'OTTAOE on monthly payments dni Dec
D 21(1 (
NICELY furnished rooms. 2010 Davenpori
ICU rooms , housekeeping ins 3 ntl ;
_ _ _ _
FURNISHED rooms , faclnit xpoattlo
Crouiuls. board If desired. J U N 2"Mh Si
B Mr4 SIT'
kNT'Tl Y furnished rmuna for tranglent ;
: : i.U Sp < nccr t. Kountsa Place , nnitr e
liositoji E-1143
TUVNSISNTS. cool rooms , bath _ _ M4 Ji
B nltely furnished front rooms ; ver
cheap Vpply Jnd tloor , J4J3 Diwlife t
,1 AR . room pur day modern t
t muv bloi k fr-im dlri-rt ear lln , H ;
. --i * 'II i.ul dep itsJ1S Njrtli i'.i'J
SITIOV \ ' t - > Pan p-t ilaM
f r'-r ! n > ri „ i i b > t 3 -
lai w tt at th Offl
lur'iu , 1JU farnam st thi
u .J r 'hi urert si n f fi > , nil *
manliK nifit 'in. e oreu , 'ay aid r >
no itj'uo tr i.\i Tta. . ' . in. E-
FOII HUN r-rt iiMMinn
( Coatlnuwl. )
, tranilenta accommodated. 1
Timin : furnlsh-d rooms for light house-
itpint ; or tranalenW JW3 Diwge st.
NI' ELY furnlahud room * , private familv.
one bloi k from exposition. Siiis N 2it ,
or Manderson. E M218 7"
TIIK MKRR1AM. fllrst class family hotel ,
JJth.ind Dodge Sti F 880
_ _
THE BENEFIT HOfSE. Jlct and Plnkney
Sts , fiftv daintily furnished room * one-
squarH from the Arth oC the States ;
everything new and flrit da s , terms
reasonable F 883
MRS E L SPr/TTS , "S2 N tnih St. nice
ruul rooms , gas , bath , first ( .las * board ;
raten reasonable F M4S5 S23
TAKE down that "for sale" or "tor rent"
sign in your window The Bee reaches
morn people in a dav than will pass your
window In a month , and they consult
these , columns when they want to buv or
rent. F sfiO
hotel , European or American. Jl m ind
up. adjoins the irrounds. Sherman avenue
i ar line passes the houne , summer resort
style , families i > cted. modern , cool ,
homelike baths , gas , piano itnd library.
Telephone 1934 ; double parlori , liam-
moi k , vast veranda * , park , seats in the
street cars no dust , jolly people and
croquet. Write or phone this minute ,
special offer for ihose who do. F Slil
WANTED for board , a married couple no
children , In private family , centrilv
lot uicU on West Farnam at. Addr-st A
> Be . F 147 S7 *
RUOM , board , good location. 513 S i"i .we.
F-212 11 *
- ' HDOMS.
Ft'tlNISHED or unfurnished single or
ensulte by dav or month. b21U S llth
G 42U-S1U *
FIVE elegant rooms. 1S09 Farnnm.
p 393
KOIl IIR > T ' 1'OUI > VM ) OPKirn
FOR RENT the 4-story br'ck ' building at
! ili ! Farnam St. This building has a tlre-
cement basement , water on all
oors gas , etc. Apply at the olllre of
The Bee 1-910
DESK room. O. Q. Wallace , 313 Brown Bllt.
N1 ( E store. Corner 21th and Hamilton. Ap-
pv | SIS Caldw 11. 1 8(53 (
FOR RENT , a good burn box -nail , cheap.
1902 Cass St. I-M74U
IN U S. Nafl BkTBldg Inq. 604 Bee Bldg.
AGENTS and bninth managers , salarv or
commiSBlon. Hunter Tailoring Co . Cin
cinnati. O. J-MS47 Oct-U *
AOENTS Wanted. "Our Naval War With
Spain. " complete book. Including terms
of peace , now ready , over 700 pa es. Illuu-
trated. outfit free Address National Pub.
Co , LnketjIUo Bldg. , Chicago.
WAR \VITII SPAIN , 700 pnccs complete ,
now ready ; outnt freo. W A. Hlxen-
baugh & Co. , II Ware Block , Omaha.
J-2-13-7 *
Henry F Ketnnn , the only genuine his
tory of the war. over (500 ( pp , over 15U
lllus , authcit e , accurate , orllclal. com-
pletof thrilling Interest , outfit now
ready , agents wanted. 1'beral terms P
W Zlecler & Co , J2ti Dwirborn st Chl-
o. 111 J 1IS3 7 *
yuu < % an make big money taking
orders for our 1 idles' and gents' m.n kln-
toshiis. establlsliHil twelve } tMiri relia
bility guaranteed wo sell only through
agents , buy .it he.nlnuarteri. send for
terms Pen Rubber Co. , 4SS Wash ncton
st . Boston. Maaa J M.S. ! 7 *
u TO un.vr.
HAVE sexinl choice tenants wanting
houses , various sizes. Room 60-1 Bcu b'dg. '
WANTED , permanent board by gentleman
and wlf > . nrst-class room and bed , pri
vate bath , must bo in good location , give
terms and refr-rem o as to respectability
and table. Address A 39 , Bee.KM207
K-M207 7'
WANTED , three or four nicely furnishei !
housekeeping rooms In strictly first-class
neighborhood ; permanent. Address A 4J
Bee. K SI203 X
PACIFIC Storage ind Warehouse Co IDS-
i 910 Joncd. general storagu and forwarding
OJI. Van & Storage , 1311's Farnam. Tel 1K59
11 563
wv.vrun TO ncv.
IF YOU are In need of anything try thi
Want Columns of The Beu , they wil
1 bring you what > ou want. N S07
OWNERS wishing to sell their propertj
should list with us. have numerous inqui
, rles foe cheap homes. Byron Reed Co
I N 207-S13
THE best homo , J2.0CO will buy on eas :
terms. Mall full descriptions. X HI Ree
_ _ _ _ _
i 2ND-HAND blcyclog. Omaha Bicycle Co.
! N 11764
i THJE BEST HO1IE ; J2.000 will buy on eas :
I terms. 1 am no auunt x hi , >
HIGHEST prlco for aecond-hand housenoli
poods. Large lota a. specialty Brown. Ti :
N l th N 11JOO O3
WILL pay cash for paying cigar stand
centr'illy lornti'd otllce building or hote
preferred. Address A 4i. ( Bee N 212-3 *
CHICAOO Furnltura Co will sail furnltnn
and stoves below e > st cot bei'j ' "c
mattrsssos , 50 ( , pilluna , iOc . S-l'Dodge '
C -11S21 S3
FOH PALE , f'rrnlture of T 1 - oem houao
all new. sell iheau A 10 , 3t-e
O-1I340 7 *
FOR SALE , horse , buggy harness (19 N 1
P B19 3W
LARUEPT t rn h irdwnod l ! iher. ho )
fence , waxing brushes , etc. Choa. R Lee
Qth and CHiuwlus. Q S'jq '
HOG , poultry and lawn fences , all wire ; t
be t. Wire Workj. Uth and Harnuy.
! Q-Su7
_ _ _ "
B. HAAB. Florist. 1813 Vlnton St. , Tel.77a
plants , cut flowers , bouquets , hall , rest
dence , wedding and grave decorations
Orders by mull or express promptly nlU U
B CAHN and alto Cabn cornet. Mnrowltj
418 N. l th. . Q t ti9
FINE ) youns ao-quart cow. grade Holstetn
also nice little family cow. grade Jersey
great bargains. Frank Hurt. 53rd am
Center Sta. Q 313 d-S
FOR SALE , ten R.IPA.NS. for 5 cents
at Urusslu. ono gives relief. Q S70
I HAVE 2 Remington typewriters that
will sell cheap Frank B. lloures , Clt
HalL Q-S71
_ _ _
IW KINDS mineral waters Sherman .
IdConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Do.U < - St
OmRha. Q 1IJW SI ?
FOR SALE , reliable patent for state c
Nebraska. Adilr" m A , B < M offlca , Counc
BlufT * . Q-i43
_ .
- - - -
FOR SALE. St. Louis flra brick , : n.0-30 pt
' M. Wm. J. WsUhans. 'Phonu 2 7.
in B < x > il second hand mirrev
. i ont ord.s and end spring to
it A J S.mi son s Ul' I > icrl IM S
U -4 , J
S VI H " > r Tra ! m.1 htnery , engine :
i rllmrs Sprag . .ullxriunurlt3 , 121 1 jrnn- > !
' i < -j.c ' :
, ns , be ti..t , sell Sr' -
N 4J'u Q-1UIS S-g
\ljK-MISCKI.I..VM501 ! .
( Continued )
PIANOS' Hnrdmnn. Hurrtnuton and eight
other different makrs at low prices , one
Hardman. siuhtlv UHed. at a bl ? din-
count. Mueller Piano and Or an Co . ! il
South 13th street , Omaha , N'eb.QM180
Q-M180 8
FOR SALE , aabler Piano , $30 3012 Sh
man ave Q 213 11
FIRST-CLASS family cow and calf
1BI Van Camp Ave. , or 201 3 13th
FOR SALE , family horse , will trade for
piano A 44. Bee . Q 237-9"
ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co. clcana
cesspools , t privy vaults 821 N 1 Tel 1773
TWENTY-FIVK cents will buy thu latest
publication Illustrating the U. S. and
Spanlxh navies , naval commandurs , etc. ,
almost 200 photographic reproductions ,
with a. large map of the East and West
Indies , at the. ofl < e of The Bee. If or-
der-d by mall , address Navy Photograph
Department , Omaha Uee R S70
Truthful In her predli tlon.s , reliable in her
advice It matters not w'iat your belief
mas' he nor what > our experience with
so-called palmists and rlalrvovants may
have been. Ismar will eonvlme you that
the past , present and future can be told.
She can bo consulted dally at her olllce ,
rooms 20 and 21 , Douglas block , cor Kith
and Dodge , opposite Hayden Bros.
S M174 °
_ _ _
1IME. Gvlmer , genuine palmist. 1603 Dodge.
VIENNA fortune teller. 18 years in Omaha.
Past , present and future 1411 Howard St.
MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , 803 N. IGth.
IF YOU wanf revelations of the past , pres
ent and future consult the only clairvoy
ant and spirit medium In Omaha who can
and does prove hla wonderful power every
Sunday night to hundreds of people , ad
vice daily on all affairs of life changes.
1me troubles and disease , can do more
than all others in his line , as he has had
13ears experience , dally consultation.
Id Dodge Dr Fr-derkk M Itnn. satis
faction or no charge , readings bv mall.
S-1I2J5 9
BATHS , ludles only Mrs. Porter , 203 Doug.
Blk. T-120-S9
MASSAGE and baths , ladles ind gentle
men , magnetic treatment. M. Brlsson ,
107 N 12th. T-M315-S13 *
LAURA ELLISON , baths , massage and
magnetic treatment. 119 N. loth , room U ,
upstairs. T tbl-S2U *
BEATRICE HAULOW , elegant new maa-
sage tub , Egyptian treatment. 1701 t.-av- ,
enworth. Attendant. T M32I 7 *
1IME. AMES , 307 S. 13 , room 10 , masfcage ,
baths. T 951-7-
MRS. DR LEON , electric massage bath
parlors , restful and curative 117 S. 11th ,
upstairs. T-lLm 12'
MADAM SMITH. IIS North 15th street ,
massage and buths. room 2. T J9-U *
VIAVI CO . 146 Bee building. U-S72
A LARGE Map of thu World , ono of Cuba
and inother of the entire West Indies ,
showing Cuba , Porto Rico , Havtl , San
Domingo , Martinique and all the other
VV at Indian Islan.k , 10 cents , at Thu Bee
olllro Bv mall , II cents. Address Cuban
Hap Dept. . Omaha Bee. U d >
J30 RCPTCRE cured for $30. No detention
from business G years In Omaha. Caller
or write for circulars. Empire Rupture
Cure , 932-933 New York Life bldg. , Omaha ,
Nub. U S73
PILES curpd In 7 to 10 days , without pain ,
one treatment does the work call or
send for circulars The Empire Pile Cure ,
932 New York Llfu building , OmahaC874
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and
during confinement. Babies adopted. Ex
perienced physician m attendance Hit
N 17 at. . Omaha. L' M1G4 Sll
HOW to become lawful pnysiclans. law-
| yers. dentists or pharmacists Lock box
19li , Chicago U M7.J ( Ao'
DOCTORS If you have money , brains anil
enterprise , but few patients , I may hell
you. Write to X 24 , Beo. U M'Jsfl
i THE Omaha Social Club Introduces strnng-
i ers and makes them at home , furnishes
I correspondence. Call or address , wul :
stamp , R 2. 520 S. 13th. Allie Turnev nigr
U Mlsl SU
PRIVATE hospital , babies adopted con
Hnement cases taken. Mrs RittiT. J21
Stjward , tel. J231. U M.UO Sit )
MARRIED ladles should send 10 cents toi
valuablu secrets. Box 321 , Omaha
U 11001 S23"
LADIES' Bath Parlors. 220 Bee BliU
Cabinet treatments Jl , electrical baths liic
Telephone 1710. U M333
MISS MAYER , leading chiropodist , mani
cure. 4uO Paxton blk , has reduced pr'cvs
on account of expo visitors , manicure
Sic. shampooing , &e , foot treatments
half price , with directions how to effect i
permanent cure. Infallible foot pciwdei
positively cures odorous perspiration nm
tender feet. IT M J5 S29
SHOES soled and heeled , 50c. 71U N luth
BOOKS written up by the hour , dally 01
weekly Address Expert , A 43 , Bt e.
U 211-S'
JIOMY TO i.ovwunit nvrvrc.
WANTED , choice farm and ilty loans R
C Peters & Co , U S Nafl Bank Bids
\ V75
lOOiH'O X ) spec'al fund to loan on first e1 iss
imnrivd Omaha properly , or for build-
iiiri purposes l idellty Trust Company
515 per cent money Bem.s , Paston Block
W S77
11.000 and upwards to loan on Improvet
property VV Farnura Smith & v.o , uj
Famam St. W S7S
G PHR rent city and furm loans. Garvir
Bros , Ibl3 Farnam St W 879
ANTHONY Loan & Trust Co , 315 N. Y L
quick money at low rates for cliouc fain
lands In Iowa , Northern Sliasour' ' , ast
ern Nebraska. \V s 0
MONEY to loan an Improved Omaha ra
estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 S. loth.
PANY of Omaha. Neb. , has money ti
lend on Improved farming lands Ove
Commercial National Bank , loth and far
num Sts. W 9tfi-S-7
REAL ESTATE and mortgage brokers an <
promoters should writs for circular. In
veators' Directory Co , New YorkWSS2
MORTGAGES Wallace , 213 Brown Blocli
TO LOAN , } 273 on Improved real esta'
i security at S per cunt Address Y TI Be *
I W-353
MONUY TO 1.0 V.N CIIATTE1 , . ' .
DIAMOND loan olllce 1315 Douglas , unre
. deumed diamonds , watches , etc sold ' hea
| X 445-S-iO
MONEY loaned on life Insurance pollcie-
! pianos furniture , warehouse receipts
jewelery , hem ts , cows , etc. Duff Ureur
' i room J , Barker Blk. X l
etc . at lowest rates in
Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bin IT :
No removal of good * , strictly conndentta
sou can pay thu loan off at any time a
In any amounts
; * SITTH 'i/"H
I t'MAHA X-4S3
MONHY 1-a-ed sa'.a-S-'l prcpia b''l "
p rma"Tt r' .t'ons w'th rMponslblc i r
cerns "jnrn thSr own name w h-v
i ? jiHf i" tuym-rta. T iraan U
N. V Lift } fcWff.
WILL erect building on lot AT 1 150 on Jlth
St , So Omaha , Neb , across from thi
new postolllce , for any llrst clasd busi
ness. F. J. Lewis , room No. 2i , War * Bl k.
PRINTING. Quick , clean , cheap. 1S10 Cass.
WANTED , partner I want a sober en
ergetic man with JOO. to manage busl-
neas in Omaha , J15 per week wages and
H Interest In business , permanent situa
tion. tbls Is a good business chance ref
erences required. Address H Wllmerlng ,
Peoria. 111. Y Ml4fi 12 *
GOOD salary and Interest In business to
capable man as manager of excellent
paying business In Lincoln , capital re
quired. J2W. 424 New York Life
Y M646 S25
WANTED , partner with cash In stock
ranch , good profits assured. A 43. Bee.
Y-MStt 12
FOR SALE , millinery and ladles' furnishIng -
Ing iroods business , Al location. A Idrcss
A 47 , Bee. Y-MJ60 9-
IF ! VTEPR TEr > in n w exposition
novelty address Willoy Mayer & Co . 122
Chim-ers M New York , tetnnorir l\ - > t
lllllard hotel. Omaha. Y MJI7 7 *
IF YOfR mortgage is due t will trade
clear lot for equity. X 4i > , Bee
SO-ACRE rnrm , well Improved. .1 pleasant
home adjoining a good railroad town the
\erv hest of neil , will etchangu for an
Omaha residence a rare chance. II J
Kennurd & Son. 310 Brown Blk ZS2 ;
FOR SALE OR TRADE for stock prop
erty bringing 13 per cent pr innunv also
liin acres deeded land and J cltv lots Ad
dress A 47 , Bee Z 11249 J *
HOUSES. lo q. farms , lands , loana. alao
lira Insurance. Bemta , Paxton Bloi k.
HAVE you some lots to Bell" Now Is th
time to dispose of them , lot the people
know that you want to dispose of them.
The Bee reaches the people vMio have the
money. RE 68
J350 00 FOR 8 full-sized lota on elui trio car
line. J. N. Frenzcr , opp. old P. t )
FOR SALE , desirable residence lota. 121x
ISO : In tlrst class location : ton minutes'
walk from court houao , cheap for cash.
Address O 81 , Bee. RE-SSI
FOR SALE. Dullon 3 place. 15th & Martha
Sts , i'1,001' ' , line corner lot Address WIG
Chicago St RE MSti9-SS *
TO BUY or e | ] houses lots or lands. Call
on J W Uobblns , 1SOJ Farnam.REM7G3
i. os r.
LOST , gents gold watch , made by James
Kahn. No 101IKI left In closet at Union
Puiflc depot l.benl reward for return
to U P ticket otlli e. Lost 799
VAN SANT'S - > . liool. 717 N Y Life. The
school wlios studentb get employment.
Conducted by an experienced reporter
AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th At Douglas.
SHORT-HAND , up-to-date , taught by court
reporters. Boyles School , 4iu-o-7 Bee bldg
.tr : ) n n VND KtnMTtnn.
WE HANDLE the best furniture nnd
stovea. highest market prices paid , sold
at small profit. David Brodkc-j 110 S. II.
M-ll)6-Nov. II
WE will sell good woven wire cota with
mattress for il 23. Letyla , 14H Dodge.
TYPEWRITERS for rent. J4 ( X ) per month.
Thu Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1H25
Farnam St . telephone 12i4. 831
WE rent and s'll the best typewriters
made ; largest stoek of good supplies In
Omaha United Typewriter and Supply
Co , 1C12 Farnam St. S92
SECOND-HAND Smith Premier and Rem
ington typewriters repilrs for all makes ,
western is nts for W'lliams typewriter
Deright i Co lllo Farnam. Tel 131
M 424 319
ALL women who can t nise family should
consult the renowned German spec .tllst ,
Dr Pries , 1513 Dod e St. Letters . ' ( ents.
M > 9 S2J
MAX Focel makes , cleans , repairs clothes
J07 S. 17th. 119-8-9
JOE YOUSEN , the tailor Bovd'3 Theatei
B dg lovely suits $13. clothes c eaned am
mi m'ed at most r non ible nrlces. worli
called for and delivered. Tel 1S2S.
HMD S-10
YARD room , or stoniro with trickagi
centrally lei atd. Address box 52 , City
MOV mi.
W COY. removed to 1716 St Miry's AV
S. II. COLE , signs. 703 S 27th 211-S-13
WE Si LICIT and furnish posltons foi
stenngri-ihersj fr-e The
Typewriter Co Telephone US4.
yrTUARV. .
GONNELLA manufactures artistic statu
ary Inside ornamental work a specialty
U7 S. tflth. Mb21 Nov-21
CAGLC Loan otllee 1211 Douglas ; oldes
established , most ri-hublc. ai commodat
ing- business ; selling out J40.
ono rtfl stoek of unredeemed diamonds a
big bargains. -9G3 Oetl
J R. MAXCY & CO , auctioneers , room 51 :
Paxton block , w int v "ir a u t'on ' sales o'
real estate , men handlse. furniture , llvi
stock , etc. -493
DR. LIEBER , cancera. female diseases
UI12 Leavenworth. M 117 Oct-19
LIFE insurancepolli ies bought for cash
RUhard Hersfeld , 171 LaSalle St , Chi
n.viinvv oou LI Munu.
OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Cn , oak. hick
ory. ash , cypress , poplar , etc13 & Call
NEW wheels. J17 50 to $2.1 2nd hand wheels
$3 to $10. Omaha BICJ LB Co , 1G & Chicago
PLUGENO stops punctures fully guann
tend , dealers send for terms. Model Ufa
Co , 1004 Ca B 179 U3
LATEST tailor system , diplomas awarded
Mrs Martin , general agent , teacher. 123
Charles M-JU7-S-IS
CUTTING ami tilting school. U. S. system
SCHOOL f'r cure tit these defterta. Ju' ! :
\aughin , Jt > N Y L fi bldirM996
M-996 313
KARLING S f irclt art repair shop l
11-lU.u 6J'J
II S STARK A co. llio Douglas
ONLY . -or * , t mu le 'ia1nvnlst ' line Room
10 , Cr. Igl.tin Blk 13th ft UoiU'l.v
C A. CASE , violins r-paired. 4in Phe-ly
1:1.1:1 THO IM. VTIMI.
WESTERN Plating Works 1112 Dodge St.
\ Ot VLTI mo.
MISS BEYMER.oril studio. 512 Karbnch
block. 735 8-27 *
IM VNO * I'l M31J.
PIANOS tun d. $130 Rose 1521 Dodge
777-S !
MASuNWoRK Jobber E Healy K.'i.-iar
Street. -n77-tb
rtllMTLItn PllIvHD.
M. S. WALK1N. : ill Cuming. Tel. 1TT.1.
EYES tested tieOpt > a. Institute ! Sheely
CO. ,
. .PATENT. .
Bee hltirj , Omahd. Srb.
fri u or ir fie * l \ , it
Client ! Io vti Turin * ror " ulc
in Hadlson county I hive the heipest
and mo-it desirable larma in soutnein
Iowa. i'cei i uigin : runi J J to J i ) r
acre. Come anil sef them or send tor Hat.
Mention Om.iha hue Adilreas
A. VV CRAWFORD VV Inters . la.
\OTIt ! > .
rials , L" S Indian Service Pine Hldgt
Atrency , Pine Ridge. S D , August Jl. IM'S '
Sealed proposals. Indorsed "Proposal toi
Building Material. ind addressed to tin
undersigned i Pine Ridge. S D , Will b >
received it this a encv until 1 o clot k p m
of Thursdu.v , September Jl. IV. * . for furnish
in r and delivering at this agency a quantit ;
of nviterlal. consisting of ussortet
lumber lime , cement , doors , hardware , etc
a full list and description of which may b (
obtained by making application to the un
deralgned. For any idditlonal Informntloi
applv to Major \V H. Llapp , Acting L" d
Indian Arfent. b > 2d0t
( Should bo read dally oy all interested , a ;
changes m.ij occur at any tlnn ) )
l-orei n inahs fjr the wec-u ending S > p
t mber li ) , li1)- ) . will dose ( PROMPTLY 111 U
cases ) at the Uenc-nl Pustolllce us follows
PAHl'ELS PJST ( MAILS < lose one hou ;
earlier than closing time allow n below.
Trillin-Atlantic .Mall * .
WEDNESDAY At 3 a. m. ( aupplementarj
1(1 ( Ju a , m ) for CL'ROPE , P r s Brl
tann.c , via cjuaenstown , at 10 JO a. m
for BELGIUM direct , uer s i. South
wark via Antwerp Uetleia must be ill
rectcti "per Southwnrk ) .
THURSDAY At u a m. for EUP.OPE , pe
s. s Au uste Victoria , via Cherbourg
Southampion and Hamburg.
ISli INDIA , per s s La Champagne
via Havre ( letters for other parts o
Europe must be directed "per Ln. ham
puiftui > . at o JU a m. for tL UuPli , , pi
s. s. Htrurl.a , via Queenstown ( letters to
Frame , Switzerland , italj , Spain , Per
tug.U , Turkey , hgypt anil British Inu.i
must bo directed "per Ktrurla > , at
u. m. for Ng'l'UERLANDb direct , per s
s. Statendam. via Rotterdam ( letter
must bo directed "per Statendam ) . a
3 a. m. for ITALY , per 3 H. Alter , vl ,
Naplei ( .letters must be dlrei ted "pe
Aller ) . at 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND dl
rect , per s s City of Rome , M.I Ulas
gow uettets muat bo directed ' per Clt ;
of. Rum < ) )
After the closing at the Supplementar
Tranaatiantic Malls named above , addi
tlonal supplementary mails are opened o
the piers of the Anieric an. En 'lol :
Frem n ind German steamers , and remai :
open until within ten minutea of the hou
of sailing of steamer
Malta for < outh and Central Aniericn
West Indies. Utu.
LANL ) , per s a Portia , at U p. m to
JAMAICA , pi-r steamer from Baltimore
THURSDAY At 11 u. m. nuppi
11 ji a , mi for PORTO KILO , VENE
2LKLA and CURACAO , per s. s. Pn.ia
deipnta ( letters for Colombia , via cum
cao. must bo directed "pur Philadel
phi i ) . at 12 m. ( supplementary 1 p. m
fur CE.N I'UAL AMh.HlCA ( * xc-pt Cost
Ulca > and isuLTH PACIFIC POKl'S. pe
s. a Advani-o via Colon Uoiteis tor Gun
temaiu must bo directed "per Advance >
at 1 p m ( supplementary 1 Ju p m > to
1JEK.MUUA , p r a. a Orinoco , at I i
m ( supplementary 1 JJ p. m. > for NAs
bAU , N P , per a. s. Ant.lia.
SAlLi.uAt At - M a. m for NEW
FoUNDLAND , per 3. a Corean. trur
tnilauc'luma. , ut U.JU a. m. tauuntemcnl
ary 10 a. m > for ST. THoMis1 1
ISLANDS , per u. s Macuunu ueuers iu
{ Ureniuia , Trinidad and Touuyu must b
d.rtrded ' i/4.r .Madiuna ) , ut 10 a n
( supplemental y lu Jo u. m ) fur KOi (
'lU'.Nt ; loc-A.ND , JAMAICA , SAVA.N
IvU.A , per s , s Amne , at U a. m. isut
piementary 10 oO a. m ) for HAITI , pr
s. s Ho.siHin , at S.JO p m. fur NBW
FoUNUuANU , per steamer from Nort
Malla for Newfoundland bv rail to H ill
fax. and thence by .ueumer. close at th :
olhco dally at S o p m. Mails for M
queion , by rail to Boston , and thence b
steamer , close at this otttce daily ut 8 ,
p. m. Mails for Mexuo City , overlani
unless specially addressed for despatch b
Steamer , < lcme at Ul.H ui : ! u > .a. j at . . .
a. m. and 2 JO p. m. Wesistered ma
cloaes ui a.uu p. in. prev.ouit ( Jtiy
TruiPiuillo Jlulls.
Malta for China and Japan , per s. i
CnengyUi ilrom Sun Francmco ) , close h ° i
uony up to aepiember 4tn ai u.Jo p. eMails
Mails for China and Ju * > au. uer s. i
L mpre d of China- ( flora V un.ouvcr ) , clo >
huro daly : up to tteuteinoer ' h at 4 ,
p m. Atails ior China and Japan , per
u. Olympic urum liu-omaj , ciunj hui
daiiy up to b piembir tin at o Ju p n
Maim for Austral.a ( eiueutV i _ t AUI
tralia * . New Zealand , Hawa.l an
Fill Islands , per s a Miueit , ,
Vancouver ) close here dully after be |
tember Jd and up to Bupteniber * 13th .
tf Ju P m. ii.uis lor me bou-uty I , , anu.
per uh.p Tropic B.rd < uuin ban Kram i
coi , i lose hiTa daily > ip to Sept , mui
24th at (1 ( 2' > p. m. Mails for .tustnll
iexiept thosu far West Australia , i\i ! ; ,
nr torvvard d via Europei , New ZeiUni
Hawaii. Fill and Eumoun tslandu , per
s Aiumeda ( from San Franuncu ! > elm
here dolly up to September ' 30th at r
u m. , U a. m. and a 30 p m. ( or on u
rival nt New York of s 8. Etrurla wit
British mails for Australia )
Transpacific mails are forwarded to port i
I suiting 'Lilly and ( hu schedule of < losir
I la arranged on the presumption of the
uninterrupted overland transit. "Regl
tired mail < loses at H 00 p m prevlot
day CoRNfcLlUS VAN < ' < Ml
PoHtotlli New York , N Y , Sept J , Wll
At Pai iflc Railroad ' TI
Great Rock Island Route
< .ty Tiiket Olllce , n
F irnam Street Telephoi
42H D pot. Tenth ir
Mason gtreeta. TeUplui
(23 (
Leave A'rlv
Des M .ines . Locil . 7 1 am " 11 2S a
Chicago I xpr-as . " 1130am " S 00 a
CliK igo Fast Ex-
pns 5 00 pm * I 25 p
3t faul Fast Hx-
1 pre s 5 10 pra ' 1 23 a
LJno.n , C lorrlo
apr'lB3 , Den-cr
Pucbio aid \ \ -at 110 pm \ 25 p
Des Molnea. R ck
Is and and f hl-
cain r 'TJSrm .JSOp
Colorado Flyer 8 40 rip i M a
Daily. ' Dally except H " "
\U.\V VY T11114 C
( Conttnunl )
neinnHs A. Omnhs Railway
- i.eperal Otrlces. Nebraiku
Division. Fifteenth and
Webster Streets City
14UI Farnnm Street. Tele
Depot. Fifteenth ami Webster
Telephone , 1,450
Leavo. Arrlv .
Sioux Cltv Accnm . ' * SO am s 35 om
Sioux City Aceom " 9 JO am " S.S6 pra
Blair , Emerson
? loux City Ponca ,
Hartlneton and
BloouitieM I'OO pm " 11.53 si
Sioux City , Man-
kato. ? t Paul ft
Mmneu polls fl.oo pm * oo am
No j. st Paul Lim
ited Makes no
stops In Neb S 00 pm
No l Exposition
Limited-Maltha no
stop In Neb 9-iB am
Noa Jl and
Exposition Local ,
11 Emerson , stops
nil stations except
Br'ucs * 0 16 pm S nm
Dally " Dally except Sunday " Sun
day onlv * * tSoes not stop at DeSota or
lift ! ern Rallwav City Ticket
Ottice. 1401 Farnam Street.
Telephone. 561. Depot ,
Tenth and Mason Streets.
Telephone ,
Leave. Arrive.
Dayllcht Chicago
Special GtO : am ' 11:55 : pm
Mo Valley , Sioux
Cltv St Paul &
Minneapolis 6 00 am 10:43 : pm
Mo Valley. Sioux
City 7:13 : am 0:00 : pm
Benne , Dennlson ,
Council Bluffs 10 10 pm 10-05 am
Eastern Ex DPS
Molnes , Murshall-
'uvvn. Cedar RapIds -
Ids and Chii ao . 11.03 am 4 20 pm
Atlantic Fiver Chicago
cage and East 4.53 pm 4 20 pm
Fast Mull. Chicago
to Omaha 3:15 : pm
Northern Express 5'30 pm 3:10 : am
ONI ilia-i hliugo Spe
cial Dallv 6-33 pm 3:25 : am
MIsHourl Valley Railway-
General Olllces. United
States National Bank Bide ,
- . . Southwest Corner Twelfth
and Farnam Streets Ticket Otllce. 1401
Farnam Street Telephone. 5t > l Depot ,
.jin md W bst T Str-eta Telephone 1.4x1
Leave. Arrive.
Bl.u k Hills , Deud-
woi.d Hut Springs. 3.00 pm " 5.00pm
Wyoming. Casper.
and Douglas " ' 3 00 pm " " 3 00 pm
Hu.stinus , York Du-
\ld cltv Superior.
Oer.evi , Exeter &
Seward . . . . 3 00 pm " 5.00pm
, Norfolk. Verdlgre
nnd Fremont . " 3:15 : am " 10:43 : am
Lincoln. Wahoo &
Fremont . . * S 15 am " 10:43 : am
1 F-1 niont Lei al . . s 15 um
York Pisseneer 0 10 pm * 3-40 am
Daily " Dully except Sunday * Sun
day only " " Dally except Saturday.
Railroad 'jeneral ' Olllces
United States National
Bunk Bulldlmr , S W Cor-
uer Twelfth and Farnam
dl Vii Uot Otllf" Itul Firnam Strea
T'lephon i.l Depot , Tenth and Mason
Telephone , uJV
uJVLeave. . Arrive.
Lincoln , Denver ,
Colorado Utah ,
California , Black ,
HiilK Montana & "
Putret Sound 4 03 pm 4 00 pn
Hastings Local . . 7 00 pm " 7 40 pn
Lincoln Fist Mall " 2.63 pm " 11.10 an
Deincr. Colorado ,
Utah. California
and Pusi't Sound. 11 50 pm 2 15 an
Dully " Daily except Sunday.
Overland Route" Genera
Olitces N. W Corner N'ntl
and Farnnm Streets. Clt ;
Tiiket Otlli e , 1302 Farnan
Street. Telephone 316. De
pot. Tenth and Masui
Streets. Telephone 023.
Leave. Arrive
"Tho Overland
Limited" for Den
ver. Salt Luke ,
and wi stern p ts 3:50 : am 1:43 : pr
The Colon , dc Spo-
cia1. for Denver &
all Colorado p'ts. ' 11:53 : pm 6:10 : nr
Fast Mu'l ' Train for
Denver. Salt Luke.
Pac lie east and
all western points 4-3.ri pm * 6:40 ar
Lincoln Keatr ' e &
toiromsburs Ex . 3.SO pm " 12:20 : pr
Fremont , 'Colum
bus , NorfolU Or'd
Island and North
I.vie . 4'S. pm ( IB pr
Columbus local. . " 0.50 pm 1 9:10 : ut
t o nl Pi javeh. .
m . 7 00 a. ni. ; 3 10 a. m , 3 05 p m. A :
riv es. 10 30 a ra. , 3 30 p m. . A p m.
Council Bluffs Lot al Leaves 0 40 a m.
.50 u r.i 7 40 a. m. , " 'J 40 a m. ; 10 30 ti
ra , 12 10 p m. . 2 15 p. m. . 4 30 p. m . 4 :
p. m . 4 r.S p m , 5 55 p. m , N JO p. m. Ar
rives , 7 20 a m . 8 25 a. m , 9 10 a. m , 11 :
a. m 1 (6 ( p m. . " 3 30 p m. , I 20 p m ,
5 40 p m ) 30 p. m : " 0 50 p. m. , 3 05 i
m 11 " 5 p re.
Du.iy " Daily except Sunday
r nid tjeneral Otlli es an
Tli kct Otlli e. Southeast Cor
nn ' 4th and Douglas St re i
Telephone , 104 Depot , lot
and Webster Sts. Telophun
Lcavo. Arrive.
Kansas and Neb.
L mlted 3.05 pm IS.K pr
Ivinaaa City '
Louis Express . 9 30 pm no at
Nebrmka Lei ul " 30 pro " 3 la at
Dally * Dally except Sunday
Daily "Dally except
St Paul Runway Clt
Ticket otlli e. 1504 Farnur
Street. Telephone , 234. D <
pot. Tentr and Mu o
irueta. Telephone. 23.
Leave. Arrlvt
i Chicago " Limited
Express . 5 15 pin S 20 at
Omuli i & Chicago
"U 00 am " 1 15 pr
) pm
von iron.
lie Wai > l iioiiieul. | ( mi Ills Hrrnl
I'oriiitutllt ) Wits 1'iiliMil.
Yet it seems M If but reatentftr when last
I ( iitv him. In the heydnv of am glory , ad
German ? s idol , holding a parliament spell
bound and the nation fairly hanging on bIJ
lips , writes C Dewey in the Yale Weekly.
In the old Reichstag building on I.clnzlgor
straiSB I have often listened to his Iiiir-
anxups. for Bismarck never was nn orntor
llho Conklins or Blalno But though h
made no prptenslmis to being .1 sptfnker hit
was such. In rpalltv aa Is shnxva by the
fact that on Important occasions * he bold
the floor for several hours at a tlmo. I re
call that on one o-caston. so mo years ago ,
ho held thu tionr for nn hour ami three-
It was more intercut ing to observe Ills-
march when making ono of his greal
pot'clu-d tbnn to listen to him. His wdnh
were far stronger and rn.tdo much more ct
n Impression in cold type than wlum they
ell from his lips. T'lls shows their fnhcr-
nt force and welht. Ills delivery wan
low hp alvvavs used the exact word and
its facts were marshaled lu clear anil lucid
rdcr When he tlrst ros to speak a great
iknu-o uaed to fall upon the RetchaUg ; not
ven a whisper was heard , and the depu
tes of nil shades of political opinion
rowdpd ( is i-lost'lv as posalblo around htm.
caful lest they might lose a single syllable
( what ho said. Bismarck had llttlo or no
hetortcal action Hid motions were not
graceful , his voice was husky nnd
ind some of hts-aeutenct'a worn as Toni ; as
hosi of our own Evnrts. When attacked
some keen opponent he srew nervous ,
hlfted hla seat , his pen shook between his
Ingers aidery often his band would fo
menacingly to hid aword hilt , for Bismarck ,
while he was the tlrst civil oillcer In the
empire , was at the same tlmo a general of
avalry and used to wear uls uudress unl-
orm In the Rclchatng.
When aroused his ebullitions of pnsaloit
vere frequently terrible' . Hla sreat framis
quivered with emotion , and his gr.iy-hliio
eyes flashed lire as he turned toward the
benches of his adversaries and demanded
o know \\tto it was that ul ed him.
Scenes of this character , however , were
of rare occurrence in later years. He wart
ncrctlesa in retort , unsparing of persons ,
no matter their a u , their personal serv-
cea to himself or to the emnlrc. Hn
possessed a caustic humor , which he used
vlth ureat effect. A mauler of Invective ,
ila coarseness of speech very often de-
'eated ' his own abject.
Prince- Bismarck was seen to best ad-
? antaeo in liia celebrated Infortnnl recep
tions in his home life. Ho was a mini
of atrlkinc personal appearance. He was
six feet two Inches in height , and of
splendid proportions in every respect. His
head was very lariio. of crcnt breadth and
well shaped , and rested on a ereat neck ,
which rote flrmly abovehla slant frame.
Thu forehead was lar o and bold , thu
ewer half aenmed and furrowed , the up
per portion bald and shiny The eyes
were full , stcel-bluo In color and pro
truded far out from the. brows , which
weri covered with sreat bunches of hair.
Thi > nose was Inrse and arlatocr.itlc-Iook-
, tbu mouth tirtn and covered by n
iieavy grizzly mustache. the laws , which
appeared to have the solidity of Iron , were
onalderably caved In , and conversed in a
finely-cut chin. The expression of the face
was solemn , earnest. Inexorable , Implao-
able No charity , no leniency , nothing but
the Iron vll. .
In the studio of Prof. ? chaper t aaw thn
busts of Biamnrck. Moltko and Richard
Wanner To my inquiry Prof. Sehaper
said "Of the three heads Wanner has
much the largest. Moltke's Is remarkable
for Us beautiful symmetry and perfect
poise , while Bismarck's is remarkable for
Its rugged bulk and strength , and for Ito
abnormal breadth above the ears , which ,
according { b phrenologists , would Indicate
rombatlvenesa. At nny rate , a Berlin hat
ter tells me , as the result of his cranl-
glcal examinations , that of all Gorman
tribes , thu Mocklenburgors have the broad
est heads , but that no Mecklenbiirger
wore so large a hat as the landlord of
A stubborn cough or th kllng in the throat
vlelds to Ono Minute Cough Cure. Harmless
In infect , touches the right ' pot reliable and
Just what la wan ted It nets nt once.
Mldnhliininn of tinVI iMiyn
to ! ! In "Spnlii Noiv.
When , in February laat. the now wrecked
and stranded but then powerful Spnnlah
cruiser Vlzcava paid a visit to New York ,
relates the Sun. the naval authorities took
the most careful precautions to Insure its
safety. The Mnlno , It will be remembered ,
had bean blown up only a faw days before
Its arrival. The commander of the Vlzcaya ,
Captain Eulate , protrated agalnat these pre
cautions , declaring In the strongest terms
that ho was willing to trust his ship un
guarded In this harbor To the reporters
vho visited him on the ahlp he recalled thu
many years of pcaco and amity that had
existed botwr n the t-vo nations and then ,
struck by an tnaplration , he ordered to thi
quarterdeck a young midshipman nnd.
pointing to him , asked the reporters ho-.i
two nations could ovar be other than
frtonOa whc-n each had raised a Farragut.
Ono was already immortalized , tiu said ; thn
other had yet to sliow Ijy deeds of valor
that the real Farragut blood was In him.
Captain Eulate , becoming enthusiastic rrt
tbo picturegqueness of the situation devel
oped , went on to explain that Ills j'oun *
midshipman waa Sanchez Farrajjut , who
was bora In Minorca , off tha coast of Spain ,
whence the great American admiral's pro
genitors had come. Ho had no doubt that
hla young aallor was of the real Farragut
The Vizcaya sailed away and In 1ho os-
citemant of the war that followed Mr. Mid
shipman Farragut waa all but forgotten.
Following the destruction of Admiral Cer-
vera's squadron and the capture of ao
many prisoners , the few who remembered
thu Farragut Incident looked lit vain for a
line about the fate of young Farragut.
Weeks paanud and tbu gront naval battlu-
bade fair to pass Into * history without tliu
mystery being solved , until gnu vvhn re
membered tbo Incident on tao daoit at thu
Vlzcaya in Now York harhrr wrote an In
quiry to Admiral Corvora < u the naval acad
emy , Annapolis.
The Incident doubtless Interested thu ad
miral , for ho took pains to make Inquiries.
The result was that hu replied , through tin
medium of Lieutenant Commander E. 1C
Moore , assistant to the superintendent of
the naval academy , that upon the Arrival
of the Vlzraya at Havana , to which port
the war ship went after leaving New York ,
young Farragut was taken HI. Later bo
was acnt to tbu naval hospital In Havana
and the Vlreaya null ml for ( he Capo Verdi
iBlnniU to Join Admiral Cervnra's squadron
and Farragut was left behind To the best
of thu admiral's knowledge and belief Lieu
tenant Moore wrote , FararKUt wns acnl
bnck to Spain. At all events he did not
rejoin his ship and consequently waa not
In thu battle of Santiago tl.
You Invite disappointment when you ex
periment. DoWltfs Little Karly Rliers ar-l
, pl n ant. ensv thorough little pills They
rurnnn < ti | > atinn and sick headache just al
aura an you take them
ii AIL WAY c.ino. a
fCnntlmied )
Ti. kct t IP e iuj Karnam
Street -lephone S02 L e-
ien'h - -
pot i-d Ma-rn
titreeU. T ! eyHone , bil ,
Arrlv * .
I St Louis "Canon
Ball - ELxpresa . . .