Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1898, Part II, Image 13

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Garments Our own importations and direct purchases from manufacturers. Omaha's recognized bargain center the Big Store is again to the front with the lir t complete showing of Fashion's Fall Apparel , Fabrics
and Household Goods of every description at llayden Prices always lowest and vastly lower now than later on. Innumerable attractive
lines closed out to us by manufacturers at great price concessions are i I- on special sale. Summer goods are being sold at about one-lifth their
regular price. Exposition visitors should take advantage of the great clothing sales , and the reduced prices in every department. Bundles
decked free. Writing and waiting rooms. Make ths Big Store your trading headquarters. Agents for the Butterick patterns. Mail orders liilled.
The Leading Dress Goods
House of the West.
To Select From.
More Dreis Goods ) all the other
stores in Omaha com
Come in and ex
amine our Black
Goods , our Cov
erts , our Poplins ,
and our Novelties
and we will con
vince you that we
SllOW 25
None Ocnuino unices rolled on tha Cilll yOU
-v utMsiini ) nouiD. " styles to any other
n , p\ ,
10 Special Sales for Monday 10
COVnilTS Mlltonettes , Whipcord , two-
toned 1'oplln and all coverts that wo sold cts
at $1 CO In this sale an go at .
1'OI'LINS Two-toned , plain and all Pop-
line that sold up to $1.GO , all go at .
MILITARY CLOTH , Ornnlte Cloth , Vclour
and nil cloth that sold up to $1 75 per
jard , at .
Coverts , Granites , silk finished Henriettas ,
CO-lnch Serges and other cloths , that sold up
to $1.25 wllf go at .
Covcits , mlxUues. novelties , Henriettas ,
French Serges , Stoim Sorg-s and all goods
that sell for 7Uc , will po at .
Silk and wool mlxtu cs , Jamestown goods ,
Coverts and 1,000 other weave : that usually
sell ( it C'Je will go at .
36 Inch silk and wool , 38-Inch an wool mix
tures , 3C-In. all wool Serges , 42-ln. novelties
and 500 other weaves that sold up to 59c ,
nil go at 29c .
250 pieces N > cities
250 plcceH Henrlo'Us Storm Serges ad
other weaves .
SSIn. Jacquards and 3C-ln. Cashmere ; 31-
ln novelties and 250 plec s other
vv eav es .
2r,0 pieces 3C-lnch wool novttlles.
250 pieces 31-Inch wool novctllcs.
250 pieces 30-Inch Cnshmercs.
250 pieces Jncquards
Black Goods.
To ever , ' well dressed rady the following makers are all
well known H PlUiSTLiY S. CO , Arthur Walker & Sons ,
Lupin. Sir IMward Rlpley , Hcrold , all of Brad
ford , Hnglnud. C' > mn ard examine their productions for
fall of ' 98 See th lines line of high art black novelties that
ever was placed und i one roof
COI'IIKUS ' celebrated Silk Crepons. made In Lyons , Trance
me recognized ao the Btandaid In London , Paris , Berlin am :
Vienna They are strictly confined to us for Omaha. They
have no equal. There arc none as good.
SHOPPING BY NAIL This Is one of the reading features
of our Dress Goods department We send samples free on ap
plication. Wo guarantee batisfactlon or money refunded.
FSannel and Blankets.
Hod nnd whlto Wool Flannel , nt yard , 15c , ISc , 23c and 35c.
Ficneb Wool IMnnrel nt Mini , l-iV
OutliiK Fliinni'l , b cached 1,1 brown Cotton 1 lannel nnd
Shaker Kluniii-l thu ' irgcht stoi k , the lowest prices 3Vic , 5c ,
CU , , M nnd lOc jard
Shirting Denims. Ticking , etc , 6c , C'tc , Sc , lOc , 12 < ie nnd 15e
> al <
Plnln whlto or silver grav Blankets on sale Monday 30c pair.
\\c > are showing 'ho line of Cotton Blankets , In whlto
nnd giay. at I'Jc. 75c and Jl 00 pair. . . .
20 jliucn 72\s < tlr > silkollno covered Comforts-note the size
nnd cvimlno the quallt > none better , none larger , nnd only
Jl 00 and $150 each at the Big Store
Bed Comfoits. 7ti sSc. $100. $125 , $1 M , $1.90 and $250 each.
Fancy Wool itderdovvn nt , > aul , 30c.
The following prices nro In every
casu low , and considering tliu lilgli
giado of the goods are lower than
am where else.
( ) k ChlftonlurH , polished , 4x9 wide ,
4\i , hlsh , 5 drawers , $1 S5 Same with
Fiomh plate mirror. $ l50 !
An unequnlod line of new. up-to-
date' Bed Hoom Suits nt $1. 25. $1400 ,
$ r , 00 $ lii 00 $17 00 and $1S 00
Iron Beds , In white- , blue , green
nnd copper flnlhh , innglng In price
f riiin K 50 up to $ . 00
fink and Bamboo Easels , 75c nnd
3-pnnel Oak Screens , filled nnd un
filled , at $1 50. $1 85. $ . ' 00 nnd $ . ' 50
. 'nrdlnori' Stnnds , In oak. mahog-
amnnd mallchlte finish , nt 95c and
$12' .
India Seats nt We and $ t 35
Sprlnc Edge Couches , fringed , al
$4 50 $5 60 , $ ii 50. $ i > 50 and $3 75
Onl. Intension Tables , square , nt
$3 5. $1 TO. $5 50 nnd $0 50
Onk Chairs , cano seat , hraco nrm , nt 75c , S5c and Sue.
Large and Mirloil assortment of Sldt boards , China Closets ,
Hook < asps , Desks , Itockers , Ce-ntor Tables nnd Lounges , new
goods and thu lowest possible prko on each nnd every piece.
Paper Specials.
After ln\t utorjiMK the Wnll Paper stock we find n great
numtii r of icmiianis of nil grades uf goods , from - to 39 rolls
> f n Kind TluMvvt arc ( ompillcd to dispose- nt n very low
Jlgurt und > i > u inn bus them nnvv for one-llfth factory price.
tun regular lineof Whlto Blanks on sale ntIc and 6c ; 9-
Im li burdors. 1'ji nnd "v ynrd
Uilts at tc 7i. Si iik ISH < 15ionethird less than regu
lar Ivlm'h burdtis at 5o , u , 7c , Sc > nrd
Hint lloailv I'nlnts , $100 Ballon : Kc half gallon.
our Star Bath Tub Enamel resists hot nnd cold water , one
pint , 75c
Grand Carpet , Curtain
and Drapery Sale.
The lowest prlco over named on Cnrpets An elcgnnt as-
Bortment ( iood A I Wool Innraln Carpets , 45o yard Best
eel Ingrains , 50c y ird 4-4 Hevcrslblu Brussels , new goods
nnd new stjlis. nx 7 54-Inch Pcrslnniltou Uugs at $ l.W.
SixtQ lujriia Hu s a1 Jl 25
\\livluw Shulc" > . miilcto with spring n Her nt Me
Dot < 1 Swiss CurtU . 4i > UK lies wide b > 3 vards nt $1 25 pair.
v-lilid i 'kt I'ol-i do T-irit full si : d Curtains , $300 pair.
Itri I viKii-3 In NHi BUUJI Curtains from 7 c pair up
1 t-hroMcnd Swls f r Hh curtains , JI'.c , 1'c and ISc
SifKoiinc , f \ < r 1
1 str > 1'oru-r $17" Double fringe Ilcverslble Tapes -
os rPortdns $ V
Uxtru ht\-\y Tuptry Curtains , new styles , new- goods , at
" ' Curtain Role , Be. ,
The Big Linen Sale
Is on in Pull Blast ,
Thousands of dollars worth of hlch class Linens
gathered fiom the Railing linen weavers of the world-a
combination at bargains such as Omaha has never be
fore Known.
DS-lnch full bleached Damask 22c
Turkey Red Damask , fast colors 12c }
68-Inch Cream Scotch Damask at , yard HOC
GO-lnch Slhct Illeacheil German Damask ( W
72-Inch extra heavy Damask 49c
Hlg line of colored fringed Table Cloths at
4c ! ) , 7oc. Sl.OO up to $2.50
Cl-lnch lllcached Irish Damnsl. , > nrd 4c ! )
CS-lnch extra heavy Oerman Damask 55c
70-Inch Double Satin Damask 75c
CO-lnch Oriental Damask 25c
0inch ' C'olobi'iitptl Gorman H.ima k fl- '
? 1 33 Itlcac'acd Napkins , 20x20 , at 'JSc
$2.50 Double Damask 3-1 Napkins at $1.75
Special Sale on Towels.
5c for extra largo Cotton Iluck Towels , worth lOc.
Cc for Dleacho 1 Turkish Towels , worth lOc.
7' ' c for extra largo Bleached Towels , worth 12',4c.
7 c for extra largo Turkish Towels , worth 12' c
lOc for . \11 Linen Huck and Tmltlsh Towels , worth I7c.
Ific for Satin Damask , fancy borders , knotted fringe ,
worth 2ric ,
19c for Double Satin Damask Towels , worth up to 39c.
Muslin and Siieetino.
We are Headquarters for Muslin and Sheeting.
3a-In extra , heavy L L Muslin , worth Gc , at 3c }
36-inch soft finish Bleached Muslin , worth
V& < " , at , yard 5c
4-1 Heavy Drown Sheeting , 81-ln. wide ,
worth IGc , at , yard He
4-1 best quality Bleached Sheeting , 81-ln.
vvido , worth 22Hc , at 17c
3G-in Pillow Caae Muslin , worth 14c , at , yd lOc
Heady-to-use ShceU. * orn , not cut , sko
81x90 , worth 60c , at 'tSc
Ready-to-uso Slips , at V&c. lOe and I2ic
Special Sale on Bed Spreads.
Crochet Spreads , largo sizes , at 39c , 49c , C5c , 7Ec and $1 00.
Big stock Colored Spreads , with or without fringe , at
$1 00 , $1 50 and $1 75.
Hxtra largo C ochet Spread , Marseilles pattern , fringed all
around , worth $1 50 , Monday $1.00.
Marseilles Spreads at $2 00 , $2.50 , $3.00 , up to $5.00.
Grand Sale on Millinery.
A complete line of Straw Hats , In all new fall styles ,
' " " " "Commodore. " and
Including the' Cruiser , "Volunteer"
the new felt crushers Special prices for Monday.
The balanci of our Summer Millinery will bo closed
out at less than cost. Cut prices on "The Dewoy" Sailor
new and chic.
Sheet Music.
All the ver latest hits always on our counters at
greatly roluio' prices. Hero are n few of our big sellers.
He Certainly /as Good to Me , I Want a Real Coon , I
Want My Lul i. Cinderella White , etc. Two Steps-At a
Georgia Camp Meeting , Night on the Levee , Rivals , Belle
of the Season , stars and Stripes , America Forever .M.uch ,
etc. We als > carry two elegant catalogues of cheap
editions Eold at 5c and lOc per copy. Call or send for i
catalogues , vvilch arc free.
Jewelry department.
Special Sale on Souvenirs.
Sterling Silver Tea S > eons , each /J-flc
Sterling Silver Coffej ? ' > oi ns , each 25c
Hundreds of Sterling Sliver Manicure Articles , regular
value 75c eac SALK I'HICE , Jjc each.
Ladles' ami Gents' Gold Filled Hunting Case Watches ,
fine Elgin Waltham works , regular value $15.00 ,
SALE PlllCn $8.95.
Our celebrat d 9Sc Watch Is a wonder stem wind and
set reliable timekeepers a world beater for 98c.
Rogers Bros. 1S47 Knives and Forks , strictly first
quality , $2 93 for set of 12 pieces.
Hundreds of Cake Baskets , Sugar Bowls , Cracker Jars ,
Berry Dishes , Syrup Pitchers , Plcklo Castors , etc. , etc. ,
gold lined and hand engraved , regular $3.00 articles ,
SALC PKICi : $1.48 each.
3-picco quad'uplo plated , gold lined , hand engraved
Ten Set , creamer , sugar , spooncr and tea pot regular
value $8.50 S VLB PRICK , $3.95.
Remarkable Values in
Newest Silks.
A Special Sale til it will prove to you th it this is
the one place in all O.nalia to buy your Silks.
Over 1,000 plncos of the finest and newest Silks on
sulo lit prices that extremely below the ordinary.
Chn'ittcablo I ft - . I CHUCKS and
SILK and Plain IUf S I KIl > iSWnsh :
Sal in , on bale I U U | able Siitt , on tale
Our qualities are positive y tl > e best judge not
by tlu price.
Plain Dniblc Warp Surah , in one of the very best
Ki'tidos. in in * tly all shadlnjjn : also one of fines qual
ities of Japanuhu VVashsiblo Silks , in plaids and checks
and htripo- ' , worth 0c ! ) and "ou , QQr >
Onspi-dal Mile at . Ot/O
Fancy Silks , a l.irfio collection in the taost exquisite
Btvlcs and cninbiiia i''ns ' , exclusive designs , onl. one
pici'o of a kind , vvo-tli up to $1.50 , A Qp
all fjo in one lot , at . TI/VJ
N\w Checl.s An excellent quality of talTcta
in chocks all the new col rs , special at . . .
fsv Stripes A surprNinirly pro'ty stripe
in the verv beM ( jinOe of * ilk , special at .
NeIMuids Pro tie-it plaids in Omaha , all the new-
tot qn so. orange , reds and greens , Qf r *
spcoialat . t/CJO
Lnr est Stock of Black Silks in
New S.itins , New Pcnii de Soie. NewGros Grain.
New Taffetas. New Black Dress Si ks , N w
B ck bkirtin" SilU.s , New Black Trim mini ;
I'l. in BlncU hilk Extremely fine and beauQQp
tifnlly finished , ( n stieclal sale at . Oc/v
B ack Broc.ide Ilandsuine designs in all A Qp
&ilk gros tn'ains , on special sale at . TTi/w
Plain Black Satins are Ex.
tremely Popular.
Plain Rlnck Satin , \vorlh 9dc , on pale at . 50c
Plain Blai-k antin. worth $1.10 , on bale at. . . . 75c
Plain lilnck Satin' worth $1.)0 , onale at . . . . Sl.OO
Plain Black Satin , worth VI 15 , onale at . $1.50
1'iaiii B ack 1'c ui de Soie , the Finest of
BlacU Dress Silks
Peau du Sole , worth 1.50 , onalo at . $1.00
Peitu do S .io , vvorih 81.00 , on s.ilo at . $1.25
PeaudeSoie , worth $11.10 , on bale at . 'nl.SO
Peau di > Solo , wor h ? . " 5 , i n sa o at . $1.)8 ! )
P. tin Black Gros Grains A M jst
Reliable Silk
Gros Grain worth 89c , on sale at . 50c
Gros Grain worth $1 , on sale at . 75c
Gro- Grain worth Sl.oO , en sale at . $1.00
Gros Grain worth Jl. 75 , on sale at . $1.25
Our Black Silks are giuiruiitucd to b < i absolutely
perfect in every respect bought direct from the rnnbt
reliable inakei-s in the world. \ \ e warrant every
yard of silk we sell.
Mail orJer.s receive prompt attention when se
lections are left to us. Thovato made with the ut
most euro sale silks order im
Fumishitig Goods.
The largest line of nun s ruinlshlng Goods In Omaha.
Mi-n a whit . nl.iuiiu. i < d him is , with ulntorced
front uud Imo and four-pl > .ill linen bosom , worth
7."i < at . . . 35c
Mim H Hue fcimpcndcrb nssoi ted colors , worth 23c , at lOc
Jlun s line Colored Sh'tts , In all the latest styles and
makes the Griffon brand and the Stanley ,
worth Jl 00 and $100 , at . BOc
Men H Half Hose , In black nnd brown , full seam
less , worth 13c , nt . Site
lien's Bow and String Ties , in all the latest colors at Be
Men s l'our-1 uuiui. 'Kelt and Bow Tics , worth
BO cents , at . 2oc
Lad e ' rurnishim Goods.
Tlio largest and most complete line of ladles' Furnlsh-'es Seaml ss Hose , in black nnd brown , nt . lOo
Chllrcn's BIcyMo IIo o , with double knee and heel
und toe , vvnith 23c , at . 12Uc
I .idlcs' line H bbed Vests , aborted colors , at . lOc
Ladles' line Vests , worth 2r c . 12' ' < , c
1'all Koods nro all In and ready to show. A beautiful
line at very low prices ,
China Department.
. . Our China Department is the larsest In'tho west. Wo
carry the line < t and blKgest line of goods. Buy direct
from the man iti rnu > e MUK our patrons
Roods from first hands , sav Ing them the middleman's
prollt of 25 pr cent
Decorated Guns nnd Saucers , per palr. . . . Be
Detorated Dinner I'latos . 5C
Decoiatfd Wa"h Bowl and I'ltcher , covered chamber ,
oap dish nnd brush mug . $1.60
Solid Nickel N i'ht Lamp , with revolving reflector. . 2.10
C'hlna Kgg Holders . 5c
Decorated Lamp , with 8-Inch decorated globe . 9Sc
10-inch Crj'st.v Berr > Lilsh . joe
Janini".n Ti'u nnts uith tntont wtrnlneiB . iv
10-Inch Blscjue Figures , worth $150 each , for . 23c
Pin Trays wit h mottoes . j5C
Special loi'iday ealc on
Notions ,
Ribbons ? Laces.
7&c , Jl J3 $1 r > 0 Handbags , special prlco Monday . . 2Gc
DOc to J100 l'otk"thooKs at r . ' 5c
40c and "iOc Black Satin and Gros Grain Illbbons , all
silk , at , > ard ISO
Checks , Stripes , 1'laln and Fancy No. 7 IMbLons on
sale at Cc
1,000 holts , 3G > aids each , finest Imitation Torchon ,
I'olnt de Kspilt , oriental nud vnlcnclenncs laces ,
regular prlco " ' < c to COc , till nt one prlcc-.yard Cc
1,000 papcis N ccdlea , tegular prlco Bo package , either
gold or fllllvcr c-jes , on sale at Ic
Special sale on fancy pleated and figured chiffons , for
dress price $1 to $123 , our special
price is 4"c
Ladles' f.Oc Wash Veils , at 25c
Closing out Ladles' Belts , worth BOc to 75c , at ISc
Exposition souvenirs
Special sale on Tran mlsslsslppl Souvenirs , worth
from BOc to $1.00 , at 23c
Double fold novelty Dress Goods , Monday , jard S'.fcc
Double fold plaids , all new and nobny , } aid 7'/4c
rieeco SultlnR the newest style and extra heavy
llecce , jard 10e
36-Inch dark percales , choice styles , all colors , yanl. . 8c
Printed Sateen , neat , desirable patterns on black
ground , yard lOc
Twilled Suiting , n now heavy printed cloth , both sides
allkq , dark colors 10'ic
Standtird Dress Calicos , yard 3'fcc
Damasquo Red Quilting Calicos , best goods made , yd. Cc
Apron Check Gingham , standard qualltj , jurd 4o
meat sale Monday
No. 1 Breakfast ISacon 7Hc
3-pound palls Lard , any brand 20c
\\oincr Wutst 7'jc
California Hams OMic
No. 1 Hams , sugar cured Sc
Salt Pork Gc
Potted Ham , pur can Cc
Itologna Snusago Cc
Best German Summer Sausage 12'jc
Choicest Lean llacou lUc
Plate Corned Reef Cc
Chipped Dried Ueef 15c
Roast Beef , per can 15c
Lunch Tongue , per can 28c
C > rncd Beef , per can lie
Pickled Pig's Feet and Trlj > o Ic
Skinned Ham. for slicing 9VsC
Monday's Prices in Our
Cracker Dept.
A. n. C. Soda Ci ackers Gc
A. 11. C. O > ster Crackers Cc
New port Klokcs lie
Shredded Who it Biscuit lie
Bremner's Lunch luc
4-pounds Ginger Snaps 2"ic
Preston's Health Biscuit 25c
Graham and oat meal Crackers lOc
Dayles Celery Pretzels 15c
Sultana Fruit cake and Grape Nut Food lie
Remember wo cairy In stock a complete line of Battlu
Creek sanitarium health foods.
Drttg Dept.
2-graln Qulnlr.o capsules , dozen 5c
3-gruln Quint no capsules , dozen Sc
Laxative Bicmo Quinine Me
Klnse Headache capsules iBc
Castorla Sic
Syrup of Figs 40c
Hood's Sarsapniilla 75c
Lydia Plnkham's Compound 75c
Scott's Hmulslon of Cod Liver Oil 75c
Ozomulslon goc
Warner's Safe Cure aoo
Duffj's Malt Whiskey 83c
Sham's Malt Whlaliey S0o
Thompson's Beef , Iron and Wine , $1 size 30c
Hardware , Stoves and House Furnishing Department
300 Cases STEEL ENAMELED WARE 300 Cases.
Wo have just received 300 cases of the finest nnd most beautiful Steel Enameled Ware , In green , blue and brown , white spotted nnd fancy patterns : white Inside.
Very heavy , 3-coated , the best mndo. Wo place it on sale Monday at prices less thaa tja | common gray C'omo und see
T , , ° A'rsic've ' Department Is running over with bargains e have Just received two carloads of Heating Stoves nnd onoof Steel nances A\e rnn sell you n good
Hound Oak from $450 up We have the finest nnd best double-heater Base Burner made Come and see the Mason & Davis Itango we have In nil hlzes the finest
nnil best made See what wo can sell > ou for $3395 complete , high closet , water front largo oven , G-hole all hand made , so t s it i a t an c wn-i reser-
vo'r mnko comp you buy i-te $ U S5 $ Js Cabinet Reliable Gasoline Stoves , $ ib 9o ( .losing out of. Ice Boxes , Refrigerators , Gasoline Slov o Ovens , Iloje , etc , at prices that will
A well dressed voinan is the envy of Hie
women , and the- admiration of men * . This
eloak question is an important ono to every
woman. To have handsome cloaks that will
add to their beauty and comfort with but
little expense is truly a serious question. We
can fill the bill. Our cloaks no matter
how inexpensive are masterpieces of the
tailor's art. Below are a j'ow items. 1,000
more equally good could bo mentioned , but
these are sulliciont to point the way to econ
iOO Lmlics's All Wool .Tackots , high storm or coat collar ,
bilk lined throughout , "
worth slU.uO , at
iOO Jackets , In boucle. kersey , friezes nnd dozens of other ma
terials , nil silk lined throughout ; worth fimnr
j ,
1,000 Jacked , In tans , browns , modes , reds , greens , navy , ca
dets and black. In Persian lamb , astrakhan , fric/e , bouclo. kor-
scjs , whlpchords , coverts anil diagonals , with storm nnd coat
collars , nil lined vv Ith taffeta silk and satin. The largest as
sortment of Jackets ever sho\vn by ono
house , worth $2000 , on sale nt .
100 Jackets In the newest I/ondon nnd
Berlin stjles , nt $2000 , $3000 and .
Ladles' Silk Plush Capes , elaborately embroidered with jet nnd
nnd mohair biaid , trimmed nil around
with fur , lined with silk , nt .
Ladles' Crushed Plush Capes , 30 Inched
long , nil silk lined , worth $1260 , nt. . . .
Ladles' Boucle Capos , Inverted pleat In hack , 30 Inches long ,
lined with heavy satin , thlbet trimmed ,
worth $1S 00 , at .
Ladles' Coat Suits , In serges nnd homespuns , Jackets silk lined ,
pklrts lined with peicallnc
Ladies' Blank and Navy Serge
Suits , bilk lined , box c at
and hkirt llnibhcd with tail r
nt 7.50
Ladles' tailor-mado Suits , In co
verts and tailor cloth , box coat and
double-breasted Btjlcs , in all new
shades of blue , gray 1 O
and brown , at . l.\J.
Ladles' tight-fitting tnllor-mado
suits , In the new fashionable cheek
and covert cloths , tnftetn lined
flounced skirts -i e
Ladles' brocaded silk Dress Skirts ,
double lined
at .
Ladles' new flounced Drrsa Sklrtb ,
In serges and mohnlr
flt $3.98 nnd .
Ladles' Silk Petticoats , In nil new
shades and black , two Coidcd rnf-
lles on llounco tr r\f\
nt . .
Silk Petticoats , with ncocrdeon pleated
ruMlcs , at . . . . . < . . . .
Ladles' Dressing Sacqucs
at 50c
Ladles' extra heavy wash taffeta silk Waists , fitted lining , Block
collar , all colors O
LndleV Wrappers in medium dark percale
cale at
Ladles' Wrappers , In flno lawns and organdies , tilmmcd
with Insertion
at 49c
Ladles' heavy Percale Wrappers that have sold nt $1.25 , $1 50
and $200 , to make loom for the llccco lined Wrappers com-
iB.n.n".B. ! ° 98c
? . : . . . . . .
25,010 , IBS BUTTER
Minnesota wins the contest. Hayden Bros , bought all the
creamery butter from Minnesota , Iowa , Illinois , Kansas , Wis
consin , Nebraska , and all the states that wore In the con list ,
Mr. W. 1) . Collier , the butter expert from Chicago , awarded the
diplomas yesterday. Mr. Collier said "IT'S AS FINi : A LOT
IS EXCKLLKNT. " Mr. James A Harris , superintendent of the
exhibit fiom Minnesota ( speaking to Hayden Bros. ' buyer ) said
In all his experience as a butter expert , which Is over thirty
> cars , that the state of Minnesota never had a liner Tut of butter
on exhibition Minnesota ought to bo proud of It.
Mr. S. C. Bassctt , superintendent of the Dairy building , de
livered the butter to Hayden Bros , yeateiduy. Ho only awarded
diplomas to those scoring 95 And over , the average being be
tween 9G and 98 The whole lot will ho on sale at Hayden
Bros' Butter dcjartment
Creamery Butter at 18c , 19c , 20c and 21c.
Dairy Butter , lie , 12'X ' c , lie.
Best Country Uuttor , He , ICc , 17c.
Exposition Sale
Fancy High Patent Minnesota Flour , pack $1 00
10 bars Armour's h'st Laundry Soap " '
New Valencia ItaUins , per pound 3'ic
Fresh Roasted Santis Coffee , per pound S' c
Fresh Roasted Java Coffee , per pound 12' ' c
Fresh roasted Java and Mocha Coffee , per pound 1. o
High grade Java and Mocha Coffee , per pound 30c.
Campbell's Soups , ono can makes six quarts 7Hc
2-lb. package Brcakfist Hollcd Oatmeal only , pkg 4lto
Largo jar home-made Jams . . . . . . " /
Cc ran Domestic f-'urHnee , per can , 3'in '
lOc can Mustard Sar linen , per can , 4o and Sc
Largo bottlt- Tomato Catsup only . . . . , itio
Tnll can Salmon , only ion
Can Mackerel In tomato bauco I..Q
Can Brook Trout , iuo
Spouml can Baked Beans In tomato sauce GO
S-vcct Chocolate UOc size ) only Cc
Ye.ifct Foam , ( Hrnwi nnd On Tltro Yeast , per pkg 2 <
Larpo fire Wool Soip , lOc size only C"
Pearrinl"70 e'c , "cr paclcago . 3 1 So
Hack I piled Corn M al ( whltu or yellow ) , fie
Fancy j.emong , doze , He , 17'ic and 20o
1'arlor Wittches. C hoxen , , , . , , Co