10 TJIE O IATTA DATLV HKlSi SUXDAV , STCPTI'TMllKIl , 1808. SPORTS OF THE LAST WEEK Boco for the Big League Pennant Shows Little Obango in Position , LEADERS STILL CLOSELY BUNCHED Cincinnati , Ilonton nnil Ilnlllmorr In n TrrinrmlotiH .StnmKlr for Stiprpiu- > U pNti-rn Al o Slum * 11 Vi-ry Mcc liner for I'lint 1'lnee. Tor over a wcnk now the present thrco lenders in the big league race have re mained on practically the Batno footing. On lant Saturday tight points covered the dif ference between thorn , find exactly the same difference existed yesterday morn ing Of the Rcvtu daya Huston has been In the lead four day a nnd In second place thrco days , the Huls have ltd thrco days , been cccond thrio da)8 and third on one day , whllo the Orioles have been third all the while except one day , when they were second. In the week the Boaneatcra have inado the poorest showing of the trio , for their two ulna nnd two fosses lia\u re sulted In n JOBS of fl\o points in percentage. Cincinnati's thrco victories and two defeats have added one point to their percentage1 , whllo the Orioles' two Josses nnd two wins have cut down their percentage a single point. Tha prospects nro bright for the Dlrdlings ( luring tbo coming week. All of llanlon's men nro In the best sort of shape and his pltchorH arc In excellent form Besides that the aggregation goes up against but a second end division crowd In Plttsburg , Philadel phia nnd Brooklyn. Louisville , however , but llttrc moro than n tnllcnder , succeeded in getting two out of thrco from them dur ing the last week , nnd It may bo the Birds will stack up against a surprise party ns they did then. Neither the Ucancaters or the Reds bavo ns well-conditioned n set of men on hand just now na the Orioles , nnd their schedules during the next seven days do not look aa easy To bo sure , Boston ntarts the week with Washington , but winds up with the tough Giants Cincin nati starts In with Cleveland , follows with Chicago nnd winds up with St. Louis. There Is no telling bow the end of the week will find the trio , for the lower clubs Imvo fallen Into the hnblt of playing liorso with the lenders at times. Tnko the late I'lttsburg-noston nnd Loulsvllle-Haltlmoro norles for example. Not ono of the thrco has n hold on anything A week may push the leaders even Into fifth place nnd place Iho fourth club nt the top of the list. The margin between the four reading clubs for Cleveland must still bo counted an clement la so small that a llttro lucky spurt by either Just now may place the fortunate team In the lead. Never before In the his tory of the league has there been such nn exciting chase for first honors as la on now. The race In the Western league still con tinues hot , although the light has narrowed down to practically only thrco clubs In dianapolis , Milwaukee nnd Kansas City. With only n llttlo moro than two weeks of the season left , Columbus nnd St Paul now nppear to bo too far in the rear of this trio to bo dangerous pennant nsplrants. Thcro seems to bo nothing left for them except to light It out between themselves for fourth place , unless ono of the leaders takes n terrible slump and fnlls bick. A dozen points separate Milwaukee In first place nnd Kansas City In third Of the three Kansas City looks Into the brightest future. After concluding with Minaenpolla today , the Cowboys play n series of three with St. Joe , and on Thursdny open their final stand at homo , for they will remain Jn Kansas City during the rest of the sea son. On the other 1mml both Indianapolis nnd Milwaukee conclude their homo playing on next Tuesday nnd finish up the season on the final tour of the western circuit. If the two have good luck on this trip It may be that the championship will not bo set tled until the very last six days of the sea- won , for on the sixth day before the wlndup Milwaukee commences a series of three at Kansas City , nnd on the last three dnys In dianapolis plays In Kansas City. It Is being freely prophesied that there will bo nn Inevitable split In the present twelve-club circuit of the big league In the near future , although It may not como next year A proposed plan Is a return to the old league-association circuits ono com posed of all the better towns In the present circuit , nnd the other made up of the towns left over nnd pieced out with the best of the available , minor league cities. It Is claimed that two circuits of eight clubs each , liullt on the lines of those of 1SSI , would cause n boom In the game , which has been dying of dry rot slnco the amalgamation. A hotter race , the result of n smaller cir cuit. Is believed to bo a sure cure for the pmall attendances In many ot the circuit cities. Jimmy McOulrc , the veteran catcher of the Washington team , has another reason for the disruption of the dozen-club combina tion. Ho said the other day : "This twelve- club league will never do. There nro too many clubs and not enough first-class ball playcra to fill the teams. There nro several thousand ball players In this country , but I tell you there nro not enough first-class men among them to till up twelve teams nnd mnko them nnjthing UKo oven so fnr as strength Is concerned Under existing cir cumstances only four or five teams nro In It. The others nro not strong enough to hold itholr own. I nm willing to bet that there'll l > o no twelve-club agreement ns soon ns the ten > ears expire. They will mnko n change. A six or eight-club lengue would \ > o better for base ball " In the olden times It was considered a great thing for a club to retire another without allowing It to score n single run. Nowadays , however , shut-outs are of dally occurrence. Up to last Friday sltthree phut-outs had been played so fnr this season Brooklyn leads In being shut out. It having been blanked nine times Boston Is next with eight nnd St. Louis , Cleveland nnd I'lttsburg next with seven each to their dis credit. Washington has been blanked Iho times , Cincinnati , Baltimore nnd Philadel phia four times , and New York nnd Louis ville three times Chicago hna been the luckiest of nny team , having only two shut outs ngnlust It Powell of Cleveland and Pratt of Phila- Staunton.Vn gays"Ivosnniicteil | with Contagious Blood Poison , ami the best doctors did mo no good. In fact , I seemed to get \vorso nil tin while I took almost every so- called blood remedy , but they did not rench the disease. At the nil vice of a friend , I then took 8. S S . and began to improve. I continued the medicine and it cured me com pletely , and for ten years I have never had a sign of the disease tote to return " ( Swift's Specific ) is the only remedy which can eradicate Contagious Blood Poison. It is guaranteed purely veqttable , Book on self-treatment mailed free b/ fitrift Specific Company , Atlanta , Ga. dclphla have pitched the most shut-out games , having each five Then comes next with four each Huslo of New York , Hughes of Baltimore , Nichols of Boston , Griffith ot Chicago and Tatmeblll of I'lttsburg. Haiti- more twlrlcrs have shut out moro teams thin others , with ten games to their credit , In which their opponents did not get a run. The ethers arc as follows : Chicago 0 , Now York and Cleveland 8 , Philadelphia and Boston 7 , Plttftburg C , Cincinnati 5 and Louisville 3. The pitchers of Washington , St. Louts nnd Brooklyn have not succeeded In blanking a team. At this time last year the first division ot the big league race was composed ot ex actly the same teams , but In slightly dif ferent positions. They were running aa follows Boston , Baltimore , Cincinnati , New York , Cleveland , Chicago. The second divi sion was about ns It Is now Philadelphia , Plttsburg , Brooklyn , Louisville , Washington and St. Louis. The Drowns were ICO points In the rear , while this year they arc Borao eighty points behind. GOSSIP FROMJHE GRIDIRON Sonic PnrtlicT limlKht Into the Hiilen for JSDS tHiriiNUii'N Tcnni for tilt * \ oar. A couple of weeks ago The lice printed n rcsumo of the work of the foot ball rules committee. It was stated then that the rules of the comlnc season would stand almost na they did last year , except In the matter of scoring , and n perusal of the rules shows that this Is the case. The principal Im provement consists of the Indexing of the rules and of explanatory footnotes , which will ho of Inestimable service to both of ficials and Dlajcrs The duties of the referee , umpire nnd llnesmnn nro nlso specifically set forth , so thnt In the future there should bo no conflict of authority. As to the gcnernl effect of the changes nnd Improvements Walter Camp sajs "Tho play this jear should not differ materially from that of 1S97 In Ha general char acteristics. It Is possible that there maybe bo a still further advance nlong the line of conccntrnted plays where ns many ns flvo men succeed In getting Into the Inter ference. There will bo the same progress as for the lost flvo years In the better direction of punting nnd good ends will mnko this especially vnlunble. It la doubt ful If Individual running will mnko nny npprcclablo ndvance , but development of special positions will continue , especially that of tackle and guard. " In the rule covering the "scrimmage" nnd "snapping the h.ill back" the explana tion Is made that the ball must be declared in play , If , nfter the center rush takes his position , ho voluntarily moves the ball aa If to snap it , whether ho withholds It al together or momentarily. In kicking a goal from a touchdown a provision Is made that If the ball , after being kicked , strikes an opponent and then passes over the crossbar It still counts ns n goal. A coal from touchdown counts one point Instead of two , whllo the \aluo of a touchdown has been Increased from four to live points. The other points are the same. Another rule of an Important explanatory nature provides thnt if the ball strikes nn official It is not to be regarded ns dead , ! mt play continues exactly as If the ball liad struck a player who la on side. Another Important rule is Ilulo 12 , which covers dnrkness. This has been wanted jadly In the past. It reads as follows "Tho game may bo ot shorter duration by mutual iigreement between the captains of contest ing teams. Whenever the commencement of a gnmo Is so late that , In the opinion of the referee , there Is nny likelihood of the game lielng Interfered with by darkness , he shall , before play begins , arbitrarily shorten the two halves to such length as shall Insure two equal halves being completed , and shall notify both captains of the exact time thus set. nithcr side refusing to nbldo by tht opinion of the referee on this point shall forfeit the game. " Hule 13 nlso does away with n trouble that was rampant In a number of games last season. This Is"At kick-off , if the ball Is kicked across the goal line and is there de clared dead when In the possession ot ono of the sldo defending the goal. It Is a touch- hack. If It Is declared dead thus In pos session of the attacking side , It Is a touch down. " The mass play proposition remains as It was last year. Ilulo 18 requires that flvo men must bo In the line until the ball Is put Into play. Thcro Is a difference In the placing of the ball after a field trial goal Inside the twenty - llvo jard line and a touchback because ot a goal failure. The lineup heretofore has been on the twenty-live yard line , hereafter It Is , to bo on the ten-jnrd line Touls ha\o been radically dealt with. For holding with the hands and arms , offside play , tripping or tackling below the knees , the penalty shall be the loss of ten yards , If the offender Is not in possession of the ball , If the offender have the ball , the penalty la the surrender of It. In case neither sldo Is In possession of the ball when the foul Is committed for example , If the ball Is In the air from a kick or Is free upon the ground after a fumble , kick or pass It shall go to the oftemled side. In case of Interference of nny kind with the snapperback and unnecessary delay of the game , the offended side shall be ad vanced flvo yards. In case ot piling on a player who Is down , the penalty shall bo fifteen yards. Interference with n fair catch Is penalized with n loss of fifteen ynrds or the cholco of putting the bull In piny by a. free kick or a sciimtnage. If a player mak ing a fair catch la thrown , his sldo shall re ceive fifteen yards and be obliged to take a free kick. Charging before the ball Is put In play will result In a loss of flvo yards. Another provision declares that If a team refuses to play within two minutes after having been ordered to do so by the referee It will forfeit the game. Also a team , whllo on the defensive , that commits fouls so near the goal that they are punishable only by halving the distance to the line , the object being. In the opinion of the referee , to delay the game , shall bo regarded as re fusing to allow the game to proceed. The refcreo shall , In such case , warn the offend ing sldo once , and If the offense Is repeated shall declare the game forfeited to the opponents. Thf > duties of the various otllclals are defined mere explicitly than In the past. As a general rule the referee Is the king boo upon all points not specified In tbo duties of the umpire Ho must see that the ball Is properly put In play and ho also is solo judge of Its place and progress. He rules on forward passes and the advance- the ball by the player who first receives It from the snnpperback. He Is solo judge ol the score of the game und Is judge ol forfeitures under the rules He may appeal to both umpire and linesman for test'mony ' on nil points In his jurisdiction The umpire Is responsible for the en forcement of all rules whose Infringement Is punishable by n distance penalty or by the surrender ot the ball by one team to tbo opponents except In certain speclnec ! cases. Ho Is the judge ot the conduct o ! the players and his decisions are final re garding such fouls as are not specifically placed lu the jurisdiction of the referee He Is judgu of charging and of the positions of the players whenever the ball Is put In play. Ho may appeal to both the referee and linesman for testimony. Ho has the power to rcmovo from the eldo lines any coachers. The linesman Is to mark the distances gained or lost In the progress of play unde the supervision of the referee He must Veep the time nnd notify the captains of the time remaining for play , not more than tea nor lees than flvo minutes before the end of each half. The linesman must give tes timony whenever requested to do BO by the umpire nnd referee , and must volunteer It In case at unnecessary roughness by the play-era , striking or hacking. Toot ball practice will commence at the University of Nebraska about the middle of this month , this being the time when the fall term of the university opens , In all probability hard work will begin Imme diately , or very shortly nfter the candidates are called together , as the team play a Its first game within a short time after it comes together , and baa n. long , hard schedule bcforo It during the remainder of the season. The prospects for a winning team thla year ore brighter than they have been at the opening of several past seasons. With the return of the Second Nebraska regiment to the state , a couple of prospective vacancies may bo filled. As a consequence , Captain Mclford will find at hand pretty nearly the same team thnt won the Western Intercol legiate championship last fall and had such a nlco string of victories to Its credit. A bit of reconstruction may be necessary n the line Hanson nnd Turner , last year's guards , will be back and they are almost sure to retain their positions. The tackles urnlsh practically the only problem Hayward - ward and Pcnrse occupied these positions ast year , but , whllo they will bo back In ho state when the Second regiment Is nustcrcd out , It Is somewhat questionable \hctlicr they will play. Pearse Is suffering torn n scvero attack of fever , which is Ikely to keep him out of the game during ho early part of the season nt least , lay-ward Is talking of going to nn eastern mlverslty If both these men should be missing Captain .Mclford will bo confronted vlth his ono serious problem. In such case , If another man can be found to take ils place at center , ho may (111 ( In one of ho places. Otherwise lie may hnvo to rely upon new mnterlal coming In this year to fill the \ncancles. The new men most prominently talked of for line positions are 'Ishcr , a man who wns In the Doano college Ino for three years , and Hamer , n promls- ng candidate from the Kearney High chool. Thcro will also be a hole to be filled atone ono of the ends Stringer will be back and will be located nt the left end of the Ine , but Wiggins , who has done so well at the other extremity , cnnnot play this ear on account of the five-yenr rule , he laving played live years on the team. If atlsfactory tackles are found Mclford moy move to right end and then again some satisfactory man may bo found among the ncomers. The difficulty found hero will > o materially lessoned from the fact that \Vlgglns , whllo ho will not bo able to play , vlll bo nt the university nnd will give the candidates some valuable coaching. The back-of-the-llno men will all be back. Cow gill will bo at quarter , Mont gomery , Williams , Swartz and Benedict will ) c at the halves and Shedd will bo at full- all old men. The Incoming class will prob ably furlsh other material for the half positions. Among the more promising who will be on hand will be Hnlfback Halley and 'ullback Irwln of Wesleyan. Wesleyan -will lave no team Jhls year , as the faculties a month or so ago placed the stnmp o dis approval upon football. The conch this year will bo Yost , nn eastern foot ball player of wide experience. lo has had a Princeton training nnd dur- ng the last two years has been engaged as conch by the West Virginian team. In hose two yenrs ho turned out nn excellent eleven , made up largely ot light men. He vas recommended highly by Alonzo A. Stngg of Chicago. The longest schedule that has been ar- anged In many seasons has been made up hla year. It Is as follows- September 1C Iowa State Agricultural ego nt Lincoln. September 24 Ames at Lincoln. October S Grlnncll at Lincoln. October 22 State University of Missouri at Columbia. October 24 Liberty college at Liberty. October 29 or November 5 Minnesota at Lincoln. November 12 Kansas at Lawrence. November 14 Kansas City Medics at Kan sas City. November 19 Wisconsin at Lincoln or Omaha. November 23 Iowa at Omaha. It Is very likely that games will also bo p4aycd with Knox and Tabor colfegca on ettmo of the open dates. The University of Kansas commences Its practice tomorrow. Captain Mosse has summoned the candidates to meet at that time , but Dr. Wylle Woodruff , last year's coach , who lias been re-engaged , will not return until the middle of the month. The prospects for the- season are not very bright , for but three of last year's regular players are sure to be back , but it Is expected that much good material1 will be found in the ranks of the now students and some good men can bo picked out of last year's scrub most of the members of which will return Mosso and Avcry will probably be the only members of last year's 'varsity who will occupy positions In the line. Mosse will take his old place as right guard , but the man who will play left has yet to be chosen. Illg Nat Foster , who filled the place for two years , Is a volunteer In the Twentieth Kansas , and will not return to school. Simpson and litizzl , members of last year's team , who showed great ability In the practice games and In the few others In which they were called upon to play , are practically sure of the end positions , so weP filled last year by Volgts and Games. The fact that "Sal" Walker , for several years ono of the best centers in the west , has completed his course at school and will not be permitted to play again pre sents n serious problem bcforo Captain Mosso nnd Coach Woodruff. The position is a hard one to fill and candidates for the place are few. Wheeler , lost yeai's sub stitute , would have titled well In the center of the line this year , but ho Is now n lieu tenant in the regular army. Silver , a newman - man , from Morganvllle , Kan , may get the place , but It Is more likely that lie will bo made fullback "Shorty" Hnmlll , who captained the ' 96 varsity , has announced his intention of taking a postgraduate course , and he is assured of his old place at tackle. Tin ) mighty Hamlll's re-entreo will strengthen the line wonderfully , for there are very- few players In the west who are able to give him pointers In the manner In which his position should bo plryod. Ulockbergcr , one of last year's tackles , does not expect to be In school this season , but If he does decide to resume hla studies , and , Inci dentally , do a llttlo work on the gridiron , he likely will be shlftc'd to ono of the posi tions behind the line , probably as half back Poorman , ono of last season's halves , will not bo In the university this year , but Hess will again bo In school , and will take hla old place. Hess was ono of the best ground-gainers of the "J7 eleven Bert Kennedy , the ' 97 captain , Is not likely to return , and ho will bo sadly missed. There are a number of candidates for quarter , however , and Captain Mosso is confident that from among them a fast man can be selected. Owens , who played the position last year with tbo Arkansas City Athletic club's team , Is a promising candidate. Another ' 97 player who may bo In busi ness this year la Fred Speak , the little Kansas City , Kan , boy who played a great game at full. Should Speak return , how ever , ho will , In all probability , bo callci upon to fill ono ot the vacant positions of half. Silver Is the man who probably will take the place farthest behind the line , although It it seems best for him to play "Sal" Walkrr'g old place , Speak may np pear In his old position , provided ho re sumes his studies. Moulton , who took the university prlzo for fast sprinting nt the spring field day contests , s.iys ho will don n , uniform this year , nnd ho may beat out some of the other candidates for posi tions back of the line. Of the eastern universities Cornell seems to bo starting the season with the best prospects It will begin with moro veteran material than It has had for several years post. Termer Captain McKcevcr will bo the only ono whoao loss will really bo felt , ns , asldo from his Importance ns n player , his running of the team lost year wns a great factor In Its success. Shock , center , will not return , but Tangeman will fill his posi tion \ eryacceptably. . Thcro Is sonic doubt nlso whether McLnughllu , tackle , will bo back , ne ho resigned the cnptnlncy of the team because It was uncertain whether ho would return to college Lnudcr and Hackett , however , are two capable guards nnd Cornell will not bo weak In these positions. Tracey , who played such a bril liant game at left end last season , will bo In his old position , as will the entire back field , with Young , quarter , Captain Whiting and Wilson , backs , nnd Perkins , fullback. With the available freshman material Cor nell should bo able to make no. even better than that of last year. The mustering out of the volunteer regi ments makes Pennsylvania's prospects brighter than they seemed n couple of weeks ago nnd thnt university stands next to Cornell In all probability In point of vecran material on hand. The return of Ovcrlleld , Morlco nnd Goodman Insures Penn nlno veteran players , who have all had the experience of ono or moro cham pionship battles They lose , however , thrco of their best last year's players Former Captain Minds , Boyle nnd Jackson. To fill these men's places will bo no small tnsk. The most difficult Job will bo to replace Minds at fullback , whoso work In the posi tion last year wns nlmost phenomenal at times. Wnlker , the most promising man it the close of last year , is uncertain about returning. If ho comes ho will probably 10 found In the position , If ho docs not re turn Captnln ( Jutland may eventually bo ilaced at full. Except In n kicking Dense 10 ought to be a success In the position , ind his kicking , which now Is far from nferlor , will undoubtedly Improve with practice. Ynlo probably comes next. Such of her Inesmen , outside of the ends , as will not re turn can readily be replaced with substi tute material. A pretty tight proposition presents Itsilf at the ends , however. Doth llazcn nnd Hall were graduated last spring and win not bo back. There are a number of candidates for the positions , but none of them are very strong The tram will be ns strong back of the line as last year for It will have the same force Half Hacks Ben- lamln , Corwln nnd Dudley , Fullback Mc- Urldo and Quarterback DeSaulles , together with their substitutes. The most serious loss sustained by Har vard Is thnt of Shnvv , Hnskell and Doucetto , the center men. While none of them was a star , stlir they knew the game , and , having jeen In several championship battles , were valuable for their experience. Boat Is about the only man In sight to fill one of the guard positions , nnd the diameter of his work last year gives the Impression that 10 should develop Into ono of the best men of the year. Young Richardson will with out doubt bo found on the end , left vacant by ex-Cnntnln Cabot's graduation , and amore moro worthy successot could hardly be 1m' aglncd. His work against Yale and Penn' syfvanla last year , when Cabot was Injured , stamped him as a fast youngster. Garrison will probably play quarter , Captain Dlbblce , Warren nnd Parker backs , and Hnughton full. These men with Saw in , Mills nnd Cochran , who all played last year , should provo a good back field. The weakest of the big five Is easily Princeton. Kclley wlH bo back , but Coch- lan , Baird and Holt go. The Tiger coaches will bo compelled to develop material for four positions right end , left tackle , quai- terback and a half. Probably quarterback will glvo them the most trouble , because there Is not a man with experience for the place except Hurke , who substituted for Balrd last year when the ratter was hurt In the Yale game It Is doubtful if Buike pos' sesses the necessary qualifications Gecr and Palmer ot the substitute material , are the most promising for the tackle and end positions respectively , although they are not star men by any moans Boolli , Crowdls and Edwards will most likely constitute the Princeton center nnd ns they are fnr from being Ideal linesmen the Tigers will bo Httlo stronger In these positions then they were last year. Moreover they have no such captain us Cochran to got great work out of comparatively poor material. Spaldlng's Official Foot Ball Guide nas Just been Issued It la the most complete foot ball guide yet published Outside of the rules for 1S9S recently revised by the rules committee and the rules adopted by some of the western universities , tic fcnturcs of the book are the numerous pho tographs ot teams from nil over the coun try. The publication furnished fast year's records of the moro or less prominent teams of the country and has the usual chapter for beginners and nn nrtlclc on the All- Amcrlcnn team of last season by Walter Camp and an article on "Foot Ball In the West , " by A. A. Stagg PALAVER OF THE PUGILISTS Corlic-tt'n ItPiiiiPNt for n further PoKt- IioiipiiKMit OiK'iix the Giitc for Another ( ialifesl. Jim Corbett has said in rather emphatic words that he will not be able to go on with his proposed flght with McCoy until at least October 15 , and perhaps not until November 1 October 1 ho declares to bo a date out of the question under the cir cumstances Thus , If the fight comes on at all It will not take place for another two months anyway. The matter la up to McCoy and the Hawthorne Athletic club , but It is likely that there will be no final determina tion until Corbett gets back ear.t nnd puts himself Into personnl communlcntlon with the other parties to the agreements. Critics every where seem to believe that the differ ences will bo arranged and that the bout will finally be pulled off. McCoy has not said a word about taking up Fltz's offer to take Corbett's place In the scrap , and the return of the pompadored pugilist Is undoubtedly calculated to relieve htm of plenty ot embarrassment. Fltz , how ever , baa succeeded in getting himself Into another squabble , this time with Tom O'Rourke O'Rourko was the virtual bearer of a challenge from Sharkcy to the cham pion , Inasmuch as ho offered a $15,000 purse for a fight between him and the sailor lad , which the latter promptly agreed to box for. Fltz , however , came out with a homo what acrimonious epistle In which ho stated that under no circumstances would ho box under the auspices of any club with which O'Rourke had anything to do In response Thomas delivered hlmstMf of a communtca tlon , also , In which he charged Fltzslmraons with being afraid to meet Sharkey , and aa proof of such fact offered willingly to let ! go of the match In case another club put | up a bigger purse. The Australian has aa yet failed to reply to this effusion ' I Ne-lthcr will he , probably , In a very satisfactory - I factory manner. But It would bo Interesting to have those two knights of thu padded mil go up against each other In a way , such a bout would bo as Interesting as the I Corbett-FltzBlmraons flght. In the latter I the red-topped pus beat out boxing master with hid ability to tnko punishment , his hard hitting abilities and perhaps n pinch of luck. In a bout with Shnrkey he- would light ix nmn with pretty nearly no science nt all arrayed against his own limited knowledge , nnd OIIP who IB na hard a hitter as himself and who can take moro punishment. Thcro Is llttlo likelihood of McCoy taking on Fltz or of Fltz picking up Shnrkey , and the admirers of the' ring will have to content thcmsclvea until the Corhett-McCoy affray. Until that event happens their greatest In terest will In all probability lay In the com ing fight between Erne and Lavlgne , for this will settle the question whether the Corbctt- McCoy mill will be allowed to tnko place In the Hawthorne Athletic clubhouse. Thla Is scheduled for a week from tomorrow- ulcht. In the last two or three fights of rome account thct have taken place In New Yoik there hnvo becu murmurs over the decisions of the referee. That wns the aftermath of the bout between Jack Daly nnd Kid Me- Parlland ouo night lu the early part of last week. 'Tla said that the vvotRt that the rcfcrco could have Justly given to Daly wns n draw , whereas Mct'artland was given the better of It. The fae-t that such a criticism Is following the decisions In the metropolis of Into with increasing fre quency Is followed directly by the report that rcnlly enormous sums of money nro being wagered on the result of the goes that are being pulled oft In NewYork. . These two facts put together appear de cidedly suspicious , for big bolting ordi narily Is succeeded In a very short time by crookedness In ring nffalis. It wns so on the western coast , for things reached such a pass In San Frnnclfco nnd there abouts thnt almost every light wns really- decided by the pool rooms. But may bo conditions nro not so bad , and If that bo the cisc , the' decision thnt Me- Partland gained over the Wilmington lad la certainly very cieditable. Although Kid Lavlgne Is perched nt the top of the light weight class by hundreds of the1 followers ot the squared circle , there Is quite a respectable contingent that pins Its faith to Daly The veiy fact that Lavlgno has apparently had enough of the Delaware boy , as signified by his disinclination to meet him ugiiln , seems to be some pi oof of this When Lavlgno had his great and tenlfic battle with Joe Walcottt he was fearfully pun ished , and yet ho consented to meet \Valrott again and once moio wtiti. But he has positively refused to take on Jack Daly again for any consldeiatton or nny sort of a. purse. Therefore If the decision was on the squat e Kid McPuitland is entitled to a good bit of credit for his showing More over , the.ro Is now not a prettier struggle for the premiership In any pundage than could bo offered by the quartet of nspliants for the lightweight championship Daly , Mc- Paitland , Spike Sullivan nnd Lavlgne. Of thd bunch Lavlgne will have the next op portunity to show what ho Is made of In all probability , as he has a match with Dick Burgo of England , that Is scheduled for this month The other night in Philadelphia old Joe Goddarel nnd the negro. Boh Armstrong , met In the ring for six rounds and the re ports say thnt the nffnli was the barest kind of a barnle. Goddarel had nil the appear ance of having Just completed n tussle with old rye and fought like a washerwoman lianglng out clothes on a gutty morning , but nt that ho stood off the big black It was a slug nnd a bang nil the wny through with GoddnrJ having the best of It In the infighting nnd Armstrong better at the loiifi range , but neither tdiovvcd that ho was worthy of a place in the t-c coml division This Armstrong , It will be remembered , is the ono of the two that the big boy. Jeffries , was to put out in the same even ing It will bo lemembered , too , that he could not do It in ten rounds By keeping thla In memory , together with a few other facts that have occuned in the ring re cently , here's a question that will etun any of the followers of the flstlo dope Goddnid at least stands off Armstrong , Armstrong sets the woist Just tlio shade the worst of the decision In his bout with Jeffries , who Is supposed to bo a wonder , Jeffrlca gets a decision In twenty rounds over Shnrkoy , Sharkry puts Huhlin to sleep In two minute * nnd twenty-five seconda , It takes Kid McCoy twenty rounda to secure a over HuhlinVhero aio wo af WITH HORSES AND HORSEMEN loutli of Marion lllllH Hi IIIKN Out 11 Mor > of I In- Origin of the Nn Amiller. . The recent death of Marlon Mills , the beautiful bay mare who stood ns tin r-remler guldelcss wonder , with a record of 2 Ol i , brings to attention the fact that fcuch animals thla ytar are the popular special attractions at light harness meetIngs - Ings It nlso linds a western horseman to flvc ) the following account of how the Riildeless wonder originated " 'There was a man out In a little country rnwn who owned a rattle-headed pacer a f < > w years ago. This pacer was fast , but ho to > vAi cmr win u race on account of his tfJntK. m > Ms ovuir Rare U up and ILUQ c'tfi. 03 tbr Ti3TnH of bin lialf- nilte Uitt. VffcTi oliicr horses irero being tralnt-d and driven on the track the pacer In the Infield would sometimes square away on the path ho had worn next to the rail , and would try to bent the horse In harness down the straight side of the course One day It occuned to the owner to tnko him out on the track nnd see If ho would do the trick there So they rigged him out In lioprtes nnd put an overdraw check on him and tried the experiment. It succeeded be yond their expectations , for the pacer got excited and went two miles ns hard a's he could go before they stopped him. A few days afterward they tried It again. By this time everybody In the vllfago had heard about the horse that would pace without a driver , and half the population turned out to see the second tr'al ' Of course , they were scattered out around the track moio or less , and they helped to make him ; ; o by bhoutlng as ho passed them Within a week the pacer was the talk of the town and the country for miles aionnil. The secretary of the county fair heinl ' about him , and paid the owner $20 to take his horeo to the show and exhibit him in the fall of that year. It got Into the papers , and the man who owned the horse received several thousand dollais for exhibiting him the next year Within a few weeks after the Original drlv ericas pacer put in appear ance another one bobbed up to bid for patronage , and before the end of the year the rivalry was just about as spirited among Marlon Mllte , Happy Jaek , Earth quake , Pilot , Pacing Johnny and Iho rest of the guldclcss wonders as It was among the legitimate performers. Star Pointer , John H. Gentry , Joe Patchcn and Hob- crt J. " Marcus Daly's champion of the 3-year- olds , Hamburg , will never again bo seen In active service , If reports from headquar ters bo true. The offer was made by the Saratoga Racing asso-lation last spring fnr a special race to include the great son of Hanover Lady Reel , but the owne declined to send his great running star to face such an Issue. Horsemen Immediately jumped at the conclusion that Hamburg would be raced in England , but that Idea had been exploded , at least to far as this neat on la concerned Hamburg has been shipped west to his owner's Bitter Root stud , accompanied by hU stable companions , Ogden and Isldor This trio have proved good winners for Mr Daly ever slnco the season was Inaugurated , and their retirement , If permanent , will cause no little surprise and disappointment After his unexpected defeat In the Belmont stakes Hamburg becan to show his true For all results of youthful - § ful errors or later excesses , such as Drains , Impotency , NeryousDebility.Lame Back , Varicocele , etc. , 1 usi theap- pliance shown in cut to left. & There is no experimenting * necessary. I know what has been accomplished and I know what my Electric Belt will do. Remember , in the first place , that Electricity is nerve force or strength , and if you are weak you require Electricity , not drills. Now , Iclaim I that my treatment is common-sense and scientific , and when 1 tell you how I apply the current , you will , 1 think , * agree with me. Referring to the third cut from top , you will notice 5 two plates of the belt ( positive - * tive pole ) rest at small of ft back over kidneys. The J negative pole is in front , and 2 applied by means of the J attachment for men not § shown in cut of belt J which causes the electricity g in going from back to front ft to pass directly through the 5 weakened glands and' parts , j * The belt is put on when you ft retire to bed and allowed to * remain on all night. You f thus are literally cured without - * out effort while you sleep. Send for free book"Three 5 Classes of Men. " It is mailed in plain sealed en velope and explains all , or if you live near by drop in and consult me free of charge. Over $ ,000 cures Call or address during 189/ . | Dr , T , ASanden 826 Broadway.New . York , N , Y. I > form , nnd his name will be treasured In racing history us the winner of the Realiza tion stakes nnd the Brighton cup Ogden ran second in the latter event , nnd prior to thnt won nn owner B handicap at Brighton Beach , nnd the Long I.slaml handicap and nn overnight event nt the Sheepshcad Dayspring - spring meeting. Tte latest reports show that ncaily TOO horses bavo entered the 2 30 ( letting list since the opening of the beacon. These figures nro n revelation of the wealth of the breeding interests of the country. They have never been equalled 01 approached In any foimei yeai Within the Inst three weeks two mole additions have been made to the 2 10 trotting list , neither of which stands to the ciedlt of the grand circuit Tho&o make a total of twelve 2 10 trotteis so far this season The two newcomers an * Cald , br h , foaled In 1S9T , record , 2 09'i , ni.idu at Jollet. Ill , August I'l sireHlsh - wood , 2 21U , by Nutwood , 218 % , dam , Nt KiU Cosatk. by Uon Cossnclt , 2 28 Bingcn , d h foaled in ISO. ! , ritord , 2 09i , made .it Poitlnnd Me , Angus' 22 , Hire , May King , 2 20 , by Electioneer , dam , Young Miss , by "idung Jim FOR LOVERS OF GUN AND ROD I'rillrlc ( lilcl.lMi Slioollnur WnH * on I \linli-iiicne of UK * Mot ' pi'll riNliliiK Too Miirh I.llic AVorU. The season for prairie chicken shooting opened legally last Thursday , that being the first of the month , but It can hardly be said In fact that it has really commenced yet , ns fnr ns actual shooting goes. A few of the local shooters went out during the latter end of the week , but they did not have- much luck , nor did they work very hard The weather has been lee con foundedly hot for tramping over the open praltlcH It has been too much likn work Even if the liuntci , has been Inclined to try for n bag , however , the conditions hnvo not been such as to make big success pro bably. A dog can work but llttlo In such hot weather ns this and will teen fag out. Moreover , the atmosphere has been dry In addition to being heated nnd the result Is that the animal finds It Impossible ! to scent tlie birds Even morning shooting about this sccl'on of the country has been poor , for there Is no dew , and It Is as difficult to s'-ent the game as In the daytime Hunt- em can rest In the ( satisfaction , however , that there is plenty of chicken nnd that the sport will bo of the finest when the weather gets eooler Several parties , how ever , propose to make n try for a hag dur ing the coming week Judge Davis nnd M L Learned have gene to North I'latto and Wnltor Watt Is going to the neighborhood about Nellgh During the past week Tom Klnbnll , John Humphrey and Jack Hallo- well wire nt AtkliiEon nnd found nlco huntIng - Ing when circumstances are considered Con Young nnd Oua Ickcn went up about Herman nnd bagged about 100 birds. Followers of I auc Walton have alno been listless during the lost hevcn dnys on ac count of the hot weather , which takes nil the K'lniencss out of fish like bass Re ports from the resorts about Omaha nro to the effect that the Ilsh nro not bitting nt all The feature of the week was the catch of the slx-poundcr by Albert Edholin at Onnwa Inst Similar. This wns a monster bass , the biggest ever exhibited hereabouts In the memory of the oldest Inhabitant It was n l > onuty In every way and tipped the scales nt exactly six During the Inbt week the * Dupont Gun club has decided to add HOMIO attractive featured to the program of Its tournament on September 21 , 22 and 2.1. Among these are thrco live bird events , ono to bo shot off e > och day On the first two days the shoot will bo nt ten birds , entrance fco $5 nnd $20 udded On the third day there late to bo n fifttcn-blrd match. J10 entrance and $30 added Finally , the shooters will bo Invited to compcto for the Inanimate cham pionship of the transmlsslsHlppl country- Tills will bo a twenty-target event The prlzo U a handsome silver cup to cost | U , which will bo emblematic of the champion ship This tournament promises to be one ot the blzccat ever held In Omaha. The entry list will bo very large and Die shoot' ers will Include some of the crack nmateun from all the states In this neighborhood. Commencing on Tuesday Kansas City will have another competition in the shape of tha Schraclzer tournament It Is to continue ) for four days SevernI of the shooters from this city propose to nttend. In the week following , on September 11 and 1.1 , there la to be-n shoot nt Glenwood , nnd thla Is to be attended by a consideiable number of the local shots. At Hot Springs , on September 12 , 1.1 nnd II , the local club will glvo Its second nnnual tournament , which will draw a few- men from this vicinity , lu all probability. Although everybody probably recognizes Iho fact that IIciKcs IH shooting now an well IIB ho ever did In his career nt the traps , It la also as probable that no ono ex pected to see him win the Cast Iron modnl nnd the championship of America nt llvo birds so decisively as he did a week ngo. Ho made the really wonderful score of 19 out of ICO Iive pigeons , losing his eleventh pigeon ami then finishing with a run of 9 straight. Gilbert himself shot n great race with 91 out of 100 , but his performance wan overshadowed by Helkea' phenomenal wore. This victory makes four eonsc-cutlve wins for Hclkes In contests for this medal On December 6 , 1S97 , ho met C M Grimm of Char Lake , the then holder of the medal , nt Wntson's park , Chicago , nnd defeated him easily Grimm Immediately challenged Hclkes to another match for HIB trophy , but met the same fate , the match taking plaeo at Dayton' , O , on January 1 of thH year. Grimm wns followed by C W Budd of Des Molnes , In , who challenged Ilelkcs , but Budd met the name fate thnt overtook Gilmm , as Helkes heat him easily in a lunaway match nt Dayton , O , on Wash ington's birthday From February J2 until lie challenged Gilbert for the E C cup , Helkes wns allowed to wear the medal un challenged , hut as boon ns ho went after the E C < up and the championship nt Ill- animate- targets Gilbert challenged him fni the Cast Iron medal , with the result ahova mentlomd. Two weeks ngo Heiken look the target championship nnd the E C. cup from Gilbert , defeating him for the trophj nt Chicago , v\lth the great score of 141 targets out of ICO shots nt. "Helkes' double championship win Is victory for the small load crowd , " declared a local shooter of some prominence nfter the result of the contest was announced. "At targets Helkes never usea more than three drains of powder , whllo he Increases to thrco and a qunrtci for live birds Jn this respect ho la different from nearly nit the other celebrated llvo bird shooters of the country , the majority of them plnnlnff their faith on the killing powers of a largo load und n long shell Fulford , Brewer nnd Elliott nro striking examples of the men who shoot 'Hainan candles , ' na the hey a call the thrcc-imh nnd the three und a quarter-Inch Hhclla used by these men. Dr. Carver and Marshall , the latter the winner of the 1897 grand American handicap , are I I members of the Inrge load crowd. Helkea ' \i \ never uses a shell of greater length than two nnd three-quarters Inches. Gilbert , who Is about the only real rival Ililkei has for championship honors , Is In favor nt a medium heavy load for live birds and hla consistently good work shows that an exces sive ebarge of powder and an extra length of uhc'll are not at all necessary to insure ducccsa , If the gun Is pointed right. " A week ago the biggest amatucr live bird event of the season , the Grand National handicap , was shot off at Long Branch und was won by Al Ivlns , who grasnecl 49 out ' of a possible CO birds Eight markarncn took i i art In the race , each paying an cntrnncei \Jt i fee of tno. The handicaps ranged from if I twenty-five to thirty yards. Ivlnswas Kt placed nt the twcnty-nlne-yard mark Only ( Kdgar G. Murphy of New York nnd Phil " ' Daly , Jr. were placed on scrateh The j former was last year's winner and camei 1 second In this year's event with forty six ] killed Ivlns lost his twenty-second bird i U wag a slow right quartcrer and died out I of the fifty-yard bounds.