\ir.v AV _ n. 0 m E3 A -Repetition of the Performance of Last Monday Night , Grand Spectacular Fantasie , Entitled , Si Band , tfie The Grand Finale will be a Magnificent Display of Pyrotechnics. a ta\ \ \\HLLLLR \ \ ( Li \ i HE SITUATION ( Cuntinucil from I'irat Page ) Ip a state-of wroik You can't Imagine the destitution on the Islnni1 of 'Juba. " "Whnt troops arc ; left to KarrLan San- "Tho only tronps of the rifth corps that wcra loft wcio the Twenty-fourth Infjntry , tlio remainder nt the Ninth Massachusetts , about 100 recruits an 1 the Jnst of the BlcH and wounded. These were to have lett on tie ) , day after the Mexico sailed and urc to reach here totnotiovv or next day. This completes the withdrawn ! of the army of Invasion which was composed of tlio rifth cotps. Tliu garrison duty la In other hands. The rifth army corps Hog will llo.it over Camp Wlkoff todav. " ( OMHTIOVS AT FlMI' W1IC01T. SIMITH ! l.alillrntliM HcporliMl lu Ciuii- ITII | mill Ill-trillion HosplliiM. CAMP W1KOFK. MONTAUK POINT , Sept. 3 The deaths in the general hospital today wore IMvvIn Kugeno Casey , troop clerk , Hough Itldiin , Abraham Hobertson , Com- I > any D , I'olirtli regiment Infantry ; Frank Hngfvrman , Company r , Rlgbth Ohio ; Hub- bard White , Company A , Seventy-first New York , Daniel I' . Conover , Compnny K , Ninth Massachusetts ; Ir.i Iebold , Company V , Twelfth Infantry , William A Shake , Company - pany D , First Illinois , Clarke IJ. 1'rnzlcr , Compnny U , Klghth regiment , II. C. Kaaton , Company K , Klrst Illinois ; Isaac Hottle , Company D , Seventh Infantry. In the detention hospital Charles Gcnslic , Company I ) , Thirty-third Michigan ; Morris Dolan , teamster , Third regiment Infailtiy ; Carlijton Das , Company II , Thlity-thlrd Michigan ; A , D Clay. Company U , Ktghth Ohio , Hny 1'ardee , Company 13 , Thll ty-fourth .Mlchlgnn ; William I ) . H > an , Company A , ' /irst Illinois , John L Slilclflx ; , teamsfor , Twentieth regiment Infantry. At the general lioqnltul there nro 1,270 Pick , nt the detention hospital , 230. Ono Iiundied men were furloughrd today. C.ltOI Ml IM'ni Tii > WITH IIMl\Sn. f.iiti'riMir IIIni'K Hnjs Too Wnn > TroopH An * Kept at < rhlcl.uiiiinii.vn. WASHINGTON. Sept. 2 Governor 1'rank S Hlnck and patty of Now York arrived in Washington lalo In thu afternoon ftom n tilp during ivhlih they visited the mobll- 1/ntlon camps at ChlcKamauga Park , Lex ington , Ky. , and Huntsvllle , Ala. Governor lllaok'H Idea In visiting thu camps was to ascertain thulr conditions , particularly as UIPV related to the Now York troops loc - c a toil thete , ntul he dealt oil from personal ohsuv.itloa to ho In a position to recom mend to the War department what New- York regiments should be mustered out of the hervlto nt once. "The conditions of the camps wolsltcd , " said Governor Illackvero really better than I expected to IIml them ; that Is , they were better than they had been pictured In the newspaper reports I had read before visiting Iho camps Many things , doubt less , could bo remedied , but on the whole. | ho camps we found to bo not in bad condi tion. " Sliufli-r Will Not \rKiif. CAMP WIKOl'K. N Y , Sept. 2 ( Jcnoial Sh.ifu-r declines to enter Into a controversy , lie says , with Ur Senn , In regard to jcllow fever among the soldiers at Santiago , and " its he was slightly Indisposed today , denied himself to Intervlowois. No Drnllix nt Mtiitlauo \ < ( ( > rilny. WASHINGTON , Sept. 2. The following Is General I.avton's dally report of health conditions at Santiago : Total Elck , 220 , total fever , 139 , tolnl now cases fever , 7 , total returned to duty , 22 ; no deaths , Homo on Mi'I. . I'urloiiulix. MKAmVGOn. S. I ) , Sept 2 ( Special ) Three more of the soldiers from Grlgsby's Hough Ulders liavo u'turncd from the south on a sick furlough They arc Prl- j [ The Omalia Bee Map of Cuba Coupon Present this Coupon with lOc for A Map of Cuba. A Mtxp of the West Incllos. And a Map of the World , By Mnll 14cctite. 3t J The Omaha Dally Bee _ 74 I ttHEXPOSitlON f 9 ImN I | PHOTOGRAVURE J * COUPON. A . . . | fy This coupon and 10 Cents will A ubt.iiu tlirc photogrnvurcs A jL of the Exposition. 9 IIY MAIL , 2c EXTRA. Y > - - jl \ates L C Llnnrt and Chris Anderson of Troop A and 13. J. Smith of Troop C. All three were In n \ ciytaK condition and gieatly emaciated. Ohrls Anderson la In a dangcious condition. 'I riuififiT 'iluU from ( iinip 'Mi-iulc. CAMP MUALli ; , MIPDLTJTOWN , Pa , Sept. 2 Prhato PccU , Company K , Thirty-third Michigan , died tonight of tjpliold fever. Thu Medlco-Chlruglcal hospital train left camp for f Philadelphia tonight vvlth 100 conval- CBcenta and a few houts later the University of Pcnns > lvanla hospital train left vUth 100 nddltlonnl sick soldiers. The.ro .ire less than 100 patients tonight In the illusion and Hqil Cros- ? hospitals and | these will probably bo moved to the city | hospitals 1 during the next forty-eight hours Sixty men of the Third Missouri were made sick last night by eating corned beef from a cnn which was opened fccvoral hours and I partly used. None of the cases arc serious. Con'crnuM * of SnrKfoiin nt WIKofi . CAMP W1KOPF , N Y , Sept. 2 General Young while walking along the road near the ' railroad depot this afternoon trlppeil on a plccu ofslro and foil , breaking his right arm. There was a conference of the surgeam today ' with General Wheeler mid a general j dlscuralon of affaire , including the danger I of an outbreak of typhoid fovcr. J General Wheeler announced aftervvardn that [ on Monday ho would Issue a. set of older1) that would regulate many things' \vhlch needed regulating In relation to the 1-ospltals and thu general health of the camp. SIcU lit ( 'nuip \li ; 'r. WASHINGTON , Sept. 2.Oenoral Oobln left Camp Alfior today for Camp .Mcade. Pa. , his position ns commandant" the camp lieJu/r / abBumed by General Plume. No deaths occurred In the camp today. The. hospital report showed sixteen new cases received and twentj-nlne men leturncd to duty. There nro 207 men In the hospital. lOMIl llllll llll-H III HllNllHlll. SAN \NCISCO , Sept. 2. Since the laht report theio has been one death from t > - phold fever nt the division hospital that of PiHato W. J. Holden of Company I , riflyi first loiva volunteers. The total sick roll Is no330 , of which foity arc cases of ty phoid. FIRE RECORD. HITIIH HiiriKMl. 1'KNDRR , Neb , Sept 2 ( Spoclal Tele gram ) The fine largo barn of Swan Olsen , nn extensive farmer and stockman living three miles east of this place , wns burned to the ground this afternoon , together with all Its contents. Theio were three mules and two horses , harness , Implements and i about 1,500 bushels of wheat In the bain I at tl'e tlmo and all wcro consumed except I possibly Borne of the wheat , which ma > bo avcd. No clue as to ho\v the lire orlgl- nated , There was no instilance on any of the property. Loss will approximate $2,500. DAVID CITY , Neb. . Sept. 2. ( Special ) Last evening about 9 o'clock the flro de partment was called out to a fire , which was caused by the breaking of a lantern In the barn of L J. mowers. In going into the hay loft the lantern struck against a ! pitch fork , breaKIn/ ; the globe and center- Ing tlio oil over the hay In an effort to smother out the fire Mr. mowers' ImniU weie severely burned. The barn nnd contentn and a set of harness wcro entirely consumed. Loss about $350 , no Insurance. HUMIJOLDT , Ni-b , Sent. 2. ( Spo clal ) Fire destiojed the new barn on the farm of Henry Myers , eisht ; miles north of this city , and took with It the contents , consisting of machinery mid ginln. Insurance - anco u.ia carried to the amount of $600. The oilgln of the Iho Is a mystery. W13ST POINT , Nob. , Sept. 2 ( Special. ) Late jcstetday afternoon the barn at tached to the City bakery of C. Kropcla , In the southwestern patt of the city , was discovered In llamcs. Loss almost total- about $200 with no Insurance. I'liiiiiillnii Miiiliullillnir | VnrilN , i TORONTO Ont. , Sept. 2 Tlio Hertram ' shlpyaula worn dcstrovcd by flro early this morning The strainer City of Toronto , lu tliu final stages of construction by the Her- itrun iom ; > aii ) . was saved with great diffi cult ) The loss la placed nt about $70,000. iiiorgc Hertrnm , M. 1' . for Center Toronto , is ptesldent of the company , which employs I ovir 2i 0 men. I i I'liilrlc I'lri * * . 1'inuui : . S D , Sept. 2. ( Special Telegram - gram ) -An extensive pralrio flro burned over the llig Ilcnd country Wednesday night and Thursday Uenldcs destroying a laige ( .mount of winter range an immenoo amount of hay was burned , along with tlio Comes Backjo Hood's Whenever the Blood 13 Impure or i Honlth Poor. I "I have used Hood's Snrsnpnrilla ns a tonic and blood purifier for n number o ( j ears and I u o H believer I become tic- I I bilitntod or my blood Is impure end It haa never failed to bring mo back to my nor mal condition. It always strengthens nnd invigorates the FJ stem. " li. M. PitATiiEit , 010 South Street , Atchlson , Kansas. Mood's SarsapariHa lslxfori. ; Hood's Pll3 ! euro ail liver 111 $ . i3ceuu. ! 1'aylng ' ImpIomentB There has been trou- Mo about hjy cutting on the line of the re'ervatlon nnd It Is rcpoited that the flro was started by two Indians , \vho rode up near the line and attar ( starting the me roclo rapidly away An attempt Is being made to discover who thcso Indiana were. DEATH RECORD. Hi-mi of "Unrni" ; ; ( tiiiroli. SAN KUANCISCO , Sept. 2 President Woodruff , president of the Mormon church , dlrd at the icsldenco of Colonel Isaac Trumbo ; hero this morning , ngcd 01 years. Mr. Woodruff was first oidalned to the apostloshlp In the Mormon church at the village of Far West , Mo , In 1831. Prior to this time ho was n traveling missionary. Ho was nlso Identified with nearly every public movement nnd organisation for the advance ment of the territory. Ho was appointed church historian In 1875 and held that posi tion until his succession to the presidency. Upon the completion of Uio St Gcorgo temple - plo In Washington county , Utah , ho was niiu'o resident of the temple Upon the accession of President Taylor to the presi dency of the Mormon churcu Mr. Woodruff became president of the twelve apostles , which position ho held until iSS9 , when ho bovine president. 1'ioin 'tho ' beginning of his ministry In 1834 Mr. Woodruff traveled 172363 miles , held 7,633 meetings , preached j 3 ; 270 discourses ' , organized seventy-one biancTics of the churches and seventy-seven preaching stations. Ho traveled In England , Scotland nnd Wales and In twenty-three Elates and Ilvo territories of the union. Ti\o . KOIIT DODGn , la , Sept. 2. ( Special. ) [ Private : Bert Hunger , -agcll { ycare , died i this afternoon at the residence of his 1 parents , Mr. and Mrs. J T. Hanger , South ! Second avenue and rifth street , this city. Ho was brought to hlH home last 1'rlday with sixteen ether sick and convalescent comrades. Since his return ho has been totally unconscious Last Trlday Corporal John Webb Hlfen- bary died at his home In this city , Just pno block from where young Hunger was mus- tcicd out. Colonel Ttli | > lT , I . * . A. , JU'tlrod. CLIVILAND : , o , sept. 2 colonel T. c Tnppcr , a retired officer who won distinguished honors In the civil and Indian wars , Is dead at his late homo In this city , ngcd CO. Death was duo to heart failure. Ho was for thirty-three jcars with the Sixth United States cavalry. During the war of the rebellion and Indian wars fol lowing Colonel Tupper took part In forty- Rev en battleti and was never bounded , Ho was nn especial favoilto with Guneral Sheridan and acted as nldo to the latter during the Shcnandoah campaign. roriniiIvnnxiiN Ollloliil. TOPHICA , Sept. 2 General A. M. F. Uan- I ! dolph , for many years supreme court ro- J ' porter and vell known over Kansas , was found dead In bed this morning. Cauao thought to bo heart failure. 31uili'i * ami Suit * ! ! ! ! * . CKDAR HAl'IDS , la , Sept. 2 At Orcely tonight John O. Cookslpy , a boy who llvec with nn old man named Glover , shot am : j killed mover and killed himself after the house hud been surrounded by neighbors who demanded admittance. TO ci in : A roLii iOMI iivv Taku Laxative Ilromo Quinine T.iblcts. AK druggists lefund the mom y If It falls to ciin1 2oi The genuine haa L U. Q ot inch tabkt PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. It. II. Jontiess , receiver of the I'nltei- Stntes land ollko nt O'Neill , was visiting old friends In Omaha jestcrday. C 13. Adams of Superior , republican can didate for congress in the rifth district ' v\as a visitor In Omaha yesterday. r. L. DluKor.ni.tn , chief clerk of the rail wny mall "ervlco at Milwaukee , accompanied by his wife , \lxltlng the exposition. W. II Appold and son , S. A Appold , bust ness men from Baltimore , arrived In Omaha this morning to spend n few dajs at the f < position Major W. II. Hammer , U. S. A , pay master In Department of Missouri , nr rived In Omaha vesterdaj and Is registered at the .Murray. Miss r K. Pentrlck , 1' 13 Dentrlck , . . II. Slgler anil CharlcH S. Trumfe and wife all of MartlnsUurR , West Vu. , are at th Millard and visiting thu exposition. Governor Holcomb and Adjutant Genera ' Harry came up from Lincoln yesterday t assist In welcoming the Second Nebraska but as the soldiers did not come the olll clals returned home 13 W runilmm of Chicago , chief of th clcctrlial department of the llurllustor : road , Is In tho'elti visiting the exposition Ho Is accompanied by his wife and boy an they are registered at the Murray. J. n. Megeath , forratrly of this city , bu now In the mercantile business In Wvom Ing , is in town for a few dajs. vlsitlni friends and attending the exposition Mr. . Megeath la accompanied by his family. Howard J Ball , general western passengc agent for tin Lui-Kawanoa route , with head fjuartors at Buffalo , N Y , stopped over It the city veetcrday. w.hllo on his way woat , t attend thu exposition. Ho Is accompanlri by Mrs Hall and eon. Ncbraskans at the hotels1 T. A. Yearn Ehaw. Clearwnler , 1'elU Ilalon , I.ponnr nnd Harvuy Ijaltn , Tllden : T. 0. Irvvln. Gordon , 0 i : Samuefrpn , Hll.lreth ; 11. It. DIcKson , O'Neill ; A. A. AJilmann , Norfolk ; W. 13 Herd. Madlton ; Mr . 0. H. Schmcltz , Lincoln ; John G. Maher , Chadron ; Kathbuh , Lincoln. CARE OF RETURNED SOLDIERS i Senator Allen of Nebraska Looki After Interests of Second , Regiment , WAR OFFICIALS MAKE PROVISION FOR THEM Ailjiiliint ( iriu-ral of ( lie Klnlr In to Take ClinrK < * uf Slolt and I'liu'f Thrill 111 ifoMilfiilfl nt I'oil- ernl WASHINGTON , Sept. 2. Senator Allen of Nebraska was nt the War department today looking after the Interests of the sick sol- dlcrs of the Second Nebraska. Ho had n telegram from Omaha that thcso soldiers nro arriving there'without provision for their care. Secretary Alger nt once di rected that the adjutant general of NoCi ] braskn take charg6 of the sick soldleis and place them In hospitals , the- expense to bo borne by the United States. Subsequently n , general ordun was Umuod to the adjutant generals of different states Instructing them to take charge of flick soldiers on the same basis. The Instructions ns sent In full by tele graph to commanding officers of nil camps , departments jiud general hospitals are as follow B. "It having been reported to the War de partment that many convalescent soldiers who have received furloughs and started for their homes , have been taken 111 on the way , nnd to avoid further occurrences of this Kind , It la suggested In the strongest possible terms that all soldiers traveling homeward on furloughs will exercise their hcst Judgment In earing for themselves and especially those who have been 111 In hospi tals with fever. Their appetites are \cry keen nnd unless they deny themselves of all except necessities they are In danger ot n relapse. "This Instruction Is sent hoping that it may reach the eje of those men enrouto I and also for tbo Instruction of suigeons at ospltnls. It Is ordered that no tncu shall ocelve a furlough whom the surgeon In harge believes to be unable to travel alone , nd that no furloughed soldier shall leave a oapltal without receiving full Instructions .s to his diet , while enrouto to bis home , rom his surgeon , " oi.ninns START run IIOMH. I < > \ cinrnt of Troop * from Cnmp Vli'iiilr in : \oii UntieAVn > . CAMP MEAD , Middle-town. Pa. , Sept. 2. 'he movement of the troops from Camp ileade , which have been ordered to their iiomo stations for muster out , will begin unday , the detachment of the Ninth Massachusetts being the first to start. The ' detachment of the Thirty-third and Thlrty- fourth Michigan will follow Monday and ho Third Missouri nnd One-hundred and Ifty-uinth Indiana Tuesday. The muster oils of the Sixth Pennsylvania and Twenty-second Kansas a.ro completed and ho regiments are awaiting orders to starter or their state camps. The troops will bo ( given a thirty-days' furlough before they ore mustered out , In order that the ofllcers may prepart the accounts and get the papers In hape. Major General Graham was advised by he War department tonay that the Third ' I Connecticut , would be sent hero from Nlan- 'lc. Conn. Major Wright , commissary of subslstance , las been ordered to Camp Algcr to relieve Inptaln Brooks to receive thu quarter master and commissary property which will bo turned in by the regiments ordered 1 o bo mustered out. A detachment ot the Third New York was arrested last night by the prorost guards , aud thaiilTourth Missouri came to heir rescue , Arrowing four guards intp the canal. V" General Ornttam has not yet appointed a court to try First Lieutenant Dowers of the Sixth PemiBlvnnlii rcglmpnt , who was oidered under arrest jesterdnj without an assignment of the charges. The men In the hospital carpi will be discharged on application when their regi ments are mustered out. A hospital train from the Medico-Surgical hospital , Phila delphia , took away this afternoon 200 sick soldiers from the division hospitals. MONTAUK POINT , N. Y , , Sept. 2. The Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth Michigan oluntecrs left Camp Wlkoff , homeward- bound , on n. sixty days' furlough today The trains carrjlng the Michigan volun teers had been oiraiiged for by Governor I'lngree A few men not fit to travel are eft In the general hospital. It Js expected that when the president and Secretary Alger come here tomorrow aiders will be Issued sending home many more of the volunteer troops General Shatter la familiarizing himself with the condition of affairs in camp. He lias held consultations with Generals Wheeler , Young nnd Ames. The last named 1 has been carefully looking Into the affairs of the camp at General Wheeler's sug gestion and advised General Shatter as to the condition of the hospitals , the methods of caring for the sick and the sanitary condition of the camp. I Today the- camp Is being cleaned up all around , BO as to have everything In the best possible shape tomorrow when Presi dent McKlnley and his party arrive. The special train having on board the presidential party will arrive during the forenoon. There vvill bo no formal parade or review of the troops. When the presi dent arrives a salute will bo fired In honor ot the prcsidcut , nnd General Shatter and staff nnd Generals Wheeler and Young will receive the distinguished visitors , who will enter carriage. , nnd be escorted Into camp by a detachment of cavalrymen. In ac- conlanco with the president's desire , not much display will be made over his arrival in camp. INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , Sept 2. Colonel I"Studebaker's "Tigers , " the Ono Hundred and rifty-soveiith Indiana volunteers , reached hero from the south this morning. The regiment left 110 camp at Tcrnandlna Tuesday evening. This regiment left Indianapolis Sunday , May 15 , for Chlcka- mngun park. All day jestorday the train , In Its four sections , traveled across Ken- lucky It was on nnnovlng journey , with many tedious ilelnjw , anil when the first Section of the train carrying troops reached Cincinnati at n o'clock last night , an im patient army was on board , worn and anxious When , the troops crossed the In diana line this moruinc every man was I out of bis berth If ho had the ntrcngth to As the tralni drew Into the city the switch englnfH and factory whistles screamed out a joyful welcome with all their might There wait a continuous string ot people from the belt to tlio union uta- tlon , tl'u crouilrf becoming thicker nearer the center of the city Employes In the factories and other buildings left their work and waved their hats and handkerchiefs. The men closer to the train shouted nnd some ot the women could be seen crying. TIIII3 IV IU'Mtiil > i Ol' THAVSI'OIIT. Iliitclin rioxril ninl hick Solillorn KlKIIV llllllIK Of It. NI3W YOHK. Sept 2 Tbo transport Cata- llna , which arrived this morning from Mon tauk , landed a number of sick soldiers of various regiments from Santiago. During the voyage from Santiago to Montauk the engineers of the transport found the coil in the after hold to bo on lire The hatches wort ) closed and the Ore was kept under con- tiol until the steamer reached Montauk and discharged Its Blck troops , when the chief engineer reported bis coal again on tiro. The transport vvn then ordered to | irocei.d to this port to unload the btirnmr coal Ir haa on board 300 cases of cartridges , whl h wilt be discharged Imtncdlalclv Tiiiitii OP AUMjitMTr.r.r : ) 01 r. Tliroi * OruiiiiliillloiiN "f Viit- or * A\lll < < IMIII Hi * llUliiuulcil.n WASHINGTON. Sept. 2 A statement prc- jnred at the War department allows that In- eluding today elRhty-three of the orguilzanA ntlom In the volunteer niniy hove lecelvcd orders looking to their being mustered out of the service. This number Includes llfty- th regiments and a number of minor or , such as batteries ot artillery , Independent companies of cavalry , etc. , and probably represents almost one-third of the approximately 220,000 men galled for by the president lu two proclamations Issued by n | HrturnliiK lo A\IIH lit I'rnri" . PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 2. The auxiliary cruisers St Paul and St. Louis today at Cramps' ship jardi were returned to the ! International Navigation company by the government. There wni no ceremony at tendant upon the transfer , hovond the haulIng - Ing down of the American Hag and the rais ing of the ensign of the International Nav igation company. The olllclals of the com pany were notified that the Harvard and Ynle , now In NcvV York , would also bo turned over today to the company. lionSpnnlNli llrni'li Homo , SANTANDUH , Spain , Sept. 2 The Span ish transport Covadonga , which sailed from Santiago do Cuba on August 11) ) with 2,1 is Spanish soldiers , 103 Spanish olllctrs , forty- four women nnd forty-five children , a total of 2,316 passeugcis , arrived here eafely to day. Ilotiirn Ili-Kiilum to Million * . WASHINGTON , Sept. 2 Orders have been Issued by the War department that all regular army regiments now at Montauk which were previously stationed east of the Mississippi river , shall return to those same stations. END OF THEJ-IRST RUUND .lolnt Iiilcruntloiiul Arlilti-nlorN 'I'liKu n Ili'splti- from Tlirlr I.ahor * I iitll Si-ptcmlii-r i ! ( , QUnHKC , Sept. 2. The Joint high com mission of the United States , Canada , New I foundland ( nnd Great Britain , after ten days' work , adjourned at 2 o'clock this afternoon to meet again In this city September 20. All of the American commissioners excepting Mr. Kasson will return to their homes or to Washington. What the commissioners have nccom- pllsher to this point or what they arc likely to accompllfch in the future can only bo Inferred from outward Indications. Abso lutely nothing has been revealed from with in the meeting rooms of the commission. Three powerful Industries of the United States , by their representatives , have ap peared hero praying the American members ot the conference to make no change In | the duties now Imposed on the Canadian products of lumber , fish and pulp paper. . The lumber Interest Is the moat Important ' of the three and it Is known that between this and the reconvening of the conference active steps will be takou by the United | States lumbermen to forestall any action on ' the part of the commission In the way of opening the United Slates markets for Caiia dlan lumber. Another powciful Industry jet to he hedrd from Is the agricultural Interest. The farm ers of the United States will vigorously op pose an adjustment which will involve the reduction of duties on Canadian products. Ycit these aio some of the concessions the Canadian government desires. DYNAMITE KILLS FOUR MEN riflh li riitully Hurt anil S.-\rraI OtliiTH brrlounly Injured from a IlliiNt lu 11 ( luarrj. 1 INDIANAPOLIS , Ind. , Sept. 2. A special to the Sentinel from Hloomlngton , Ind. , says : A horrible accident occurred nt Stlncsvlllo this afternoon , In which four men were In stantly killed by 11 dynamite explosion and many others seriously Injured. The men were blasting rock for n now pike , when a terrific explosion ot dynamite occurred. The dead are : JOHN W. WILLIAMS. JOHN GUUHB. BUCK WAMPLCR. EDWARD WATTS. The fatally Injured : Ben Tjffe , Milton Hike , Willie Liford. The Injured were brought to Stlnesvllle. The mun killed nnd injured were woil known citizens of this county all had fam ilies and some grown ehlldien. The/ ranged In ago from 40 to 50 years Hike lost an arm /ind leg and ho Is dying tonight. NORTH SIDERSJAKE UP ARMS Improt pmiMit Club OrKUiilruH ami AlllllVN ( ' ( llUltlltllTrt to I.OOk AfllT tin' hccllon'.i flrlcv IIIIOCN. The North Knd Impiovemcnt club has organized again , u meeting for that purpose - pose having been held at Thlrt-second f I street i nnd Ames avenue , which was at tended by quite a number of the property owners lu that section of the city. Isaac Sylvester was elected president and Thomim P. Thornton secretary Among various mattcis discussed were the THE EXCELLENCE OF SYRUP OF FIGS is duo not only to the originality nnd simplicity of the coinbitwtlun , but also to thu caru nnd skill with which it ib manufactured by hciutitific iirocc. > sc8 knoivt. 10 the CAi.iroit.MA FJO Si nui1 Co. only , and wo wish to impritst > upon all the importnnco of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Hyrup of Figs is luiinufnc-tured by the C.u.iroitN'iA Fie Hvitui1 Co. inly , a knowledge of that fact will n.sbist one in avoiding the worthless imitation ! ) manufactured by other par- ties. The high standing of the CAM- FHIINIA Fie Svui'i' Co. with the medi cal profession , and thu satisfaction which thu gunuino Syrup of Figs has given to miihon < - of fniniHvs makes tno name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It Is far in advance of all other laxatives , as It acts on the kidneys , liver and bo-rel& without irritating or weaken ing them , ar d it does not gripe nor imui.cnte. In ordertoget its beneficial effects. , please remember the name of the Coin pany CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. MAN rUAM'ISCII , Cjl. LOL'UVILLC. Kj. XL.W VOUK. ft.T. I street cur tltua 'on ' , md t'1' nict i'y fur tldcwnlK nnd i.tr < tt tnprmi iinuV com tnlttee f te" w in JtirM J Pin 'h ' m chair- mun w.is chOMti to < oufir with the man- OKon ent of the Omaha Stioet Hallway company with a view to Inducing the com pany ' to rtwumi' the rttnnlnjc of the Sher man > avrntto rtirs out Amen avenue to Thirty-sixth street A llltlo over a. wrek j 1 ngo ! n stub cur was nut on the Ames avenue Uro from "ie > cnr barn to the ter- 1 minus. ' The north untl people oh'oct ' to j this arrangement The committee was also [ I Instructed ] to nmka an effort to peraundo j ' the company to run the Twenty-fourth \ street cars out to Ames avcnuo Instead of stopping nt the exposition grounds Another committee wns appointed to go i nftcr the1 elty council nnJ auk for sevrral I sidewalks considered essential and nl o to 1'BAe something done about the cutting of tl'i > weedt Thrro nn > said to be n fi-w holi's In tlip streets of that neighborhood which iniuIro Immi'dlato ' attention , nnd thr | council is to be asl.cd to older them flllid EDGAR KANE SHOOTS HliWSELKh Cnllril tin < o Aimlxt n ( oiiMlalilr Hi- ' 1 ill's lo Draw n ItiMolvor ninl > > Hurl. . Whllo assisting n constable In an attempt to ' arrest \Vllliim Orltohlleld , a colored nun wanted on a criminal charge In Justice Ilaldi win's court , idgar : Kane. Known also a- "Icy" Spencer , shot hlmfelf In the right wrist. The hammer of Kane's revolver , which ho had placed In his pocket muzzle upward , when called out of n IIOUEO at Twelfth nnd Capitol avcnuo to assist In thr arrest , caught In the lining of his pocket and exploded the cat ( ridge. The ball went clear through his wrist. Kane wns placed under arrest by the po- llco when hl3 wound was dressed charged with discharging firearms within the city limits. The accident occurred nt the corner of Thirteenth and Davenport streets nbout C 30 last evening. Kane alleges that the reason ho reached for his revolver was that Ciitth- fii-ld when he demanded his surrender bought to draw n revolver on him. Despite the fact that he was wounded , ' Kane Hied tv.o shots at Crltchdeld , who ran away when the accident ouurrcd. Kane lives at I'ouiteenth and Williams btrcct. Happy , hcalthv child hood ' T.very cliijdlcss woman ft els n tugging at her heart ( .trtngi vv h t n she fees - another woman's . happy , healthy n linking baby. Motherhood iswo- , man's suprcmcst , duty and her su- promest happi ness Kveti in childhood she show "show deeply tins sentiment is implanted in her breast when HIC nlays with her dolls. There are thousands of 1 crvvise liv iy \ cs in tlii world who only " " ' < /-i lack the thrilling touch of a first boru's fingers to complete their happiness livery wife may be the mother of happy , robust children who will , Thousands of notnen who had lived years of cheerless. , childless wedded life , or whose bibics have been born to them weak and sicUy , soon lo die , are now happy mothers of healthy children , _ ancl bless Dr Pierce's I'avonte Piescription for the wonders it has accom plished for them. This great medicine act3 _ directly and only on the delicate and im portant onjans that bear the burden of ma ternity. It makes them strong , healthy , vigorous and clastic It allays inflam mation , heals nice-ration , and tones and strengthens the nerves H banishes the discomforts of the expectant months and makes baby's advent easy and almost pain less. It insures a healthy child nnd an ample supply of nourishment. Honest dealers will not offer worthless substitutes for the Sake of a little added profit. " I ciuuot ay enough in praise of Dr Tierce's favorite Prescription , ns it Ins undoubtedly saved mv life , " writes Mrs. I'loreuce Hunter , of Corlcy , Ixifran Co , Ark " I miscarrU.il four times could get no medicine to do me nny good. After taking seviril bottles of Dr 1'ieree's 1'a- vorite . . . . „ ! - . 1'rescriptiou , r , , , . . , , ! ri I made my husband a prcs- Free ! Dr. Tierce's Common Sense Med ical Adviser I'or paper covered copy send 21 one-cent stamps , to cover ttiaitniif only. Cloth bound it htatnps. Address Dr K V. Pierce , Buffalo , NT Y A whole medical library in one icoo page volume. MIDWAY AT . ' Oriental i.i'i m JIHU show on the Midway. Ride the Cnmnl. i ; Soi > the Fuyptiivn OF CAIRO Daiiouiff Girls , i I DUN T FAIL , TO i ' I SHOOT the | j CHUTES I I.nrKest nnd most AS'ondcrful In- A cllnu in the World \\i8T ; MIDWAY T VISIT THR And see the Kffl ptlnn Panrlng Girls. Al o see the Great MYSTIC MAZE ON KAST MIDWAY. VlblT Till ! DESTRUCTION or IIIE MAINE. The two main features of tin Kxpi sl- tloii nrn 1h rncidt I of th. Main. In th ( Ouverntnint liullllni- and the D. Btrurlliin uf HIP .Mmne on th' " Mldwu > , next tu tin cJviiHj j iriun * Tillers F.wirT IJY cooi. Tin ; PLACID run soriUTY. German 1 oi1 * vi nivii.i.ia. o C-CCOCCCO CCOO30SCOCOO J.3 C CQ , Streets of Al ! Nations Grandest , Best Amusement Pldce on Lxposition Grounds. 250 People Kcprcscntiiig DlfTcrunt Ntitlons nuj NEW Q East Midway Oasino > JE [ Now Management , A ' ewP oplt V ' I ' New Scenes. C T fl ! TLEIf. M r | DARKNESS AMD DAWN TIIH Magnificent Novelty 01' THR .MillWAY AMI HiMiJvr , Tclf phone KIT . . . Lcntstnllnms , I'ropo. nnd MS" , \ \ . \ \ tOUi : Act. Manager. r IN MP.HIT . . . f.itr. vii'.sr i > port i. tnrrV A\ r.r.ut fi. - ' - . * < | iri < liil tlrliirit I'liunurnuMH < if 11011riV. . .v llltur.lts , lii ilu-lr Intrs * " travel ) } , on 'I Inllritrt < > ( Miirv limit. Tin * oiirclniMiltir 'I'rliiiupli. Into lit I'lllllllT f ll\ ' "llllHlOMIlll'B. . " fill \M > N VM. . II VLI.r. I. Illlf.Mllll'lllU ID Ill-llllllflll V. Oil UK l.udlfN , Si'iMili * unit n l l.d/l I 1,11iMlnllit. . siioitMirr : A . .or.itMi vi.i : . < in. i'n I ninl Itrtlnrd VliuiliMtl Ailil ( * < , .llissr.s HU Xl'l.lt A f.\\IM. v i csi.ti : , 'I lie lltllllllll I'lltli'l 11- , 111HS 1,11,1 IN I MIS Vliil Her f linllciiuilnu t Irrus , 111,1.1 , ; . VDIM.I : : , simiiim mmiiiiii. Kit IIP l.nsi.n ; , ) | > iltHUi. \ < .rall , ( . IliitlriiM'H ' mi dm , \ \ cihii-Niln t ninl ' n.niriin ) . itin'it U.li" . JISi' , mill nilo. ' BOYD'STHE ' ATRE PA3tt ? * i Season of Comic Opera. ' 'ion\ > ii.ii : TONH.HT si : : . 1 I Dorothy Merion Opera Co , "FRA " DIAVOLO. j 30-ri'onu of 31 j 1'arKnln Mitlnnh ' ' ilinnd Saturday . 2"n i n I " c | Mj.li ! l'i li ! . - ' . - . < , r.lliT..c. . MVI' u iiu : : "MiKno. . " | " I I , SCIILITZ ROOf GARDEN , j i Kith ami H.irnc ) Streets. Tlio most pnpulai ii'smtin the city. Thu nit t notion f'ir ' tl.tsvoek f/iiss / Isabel Hendsrson Great Operatic Vor.illst. Adml siiiii frto I ' r ' ' " ' " " * I > M'-K - innas.ri TM USL O \\noil\Mird , Aiiiiiirmriit Dlrntor. TOI\\ UiltllniMf.ll l < sj : ; ( . TIIK waumvAiin iiocic co. NKXT Are you K < iing to the Omalia Museum and Theater K15-1.517 rarnain BIGGEST SHOW IN TOWN , Admission lOeents. Big Reductions in Brass Band Instruments , Drums anj 1 nttorms Wruc fur cviloj ; , 41 iiiusfran ns rKlHI ; n elves HanJ MusK Instru I ns fur Am ueur Banjs LYON4 IIEALY.49 Adams St. , Chicago. IIOTKI.S. THEMILLARD 13th it ml Ioimlm Jits. , Omnlni CnNTllAULY I.OOATLD AMCItlt IN AMI KLIIOl'i : V % IM < V\ ) J. i : . .M Ulltii , .V SON , l-ropi , . 14th and Hnrnpy Sf American Plan 3 to I dollnrn per day. Street cars from depots nnd from hotel to Exposition Grounda in flftoon minutes 15. S1LLUWAY. Alunager 3IIIIWVYTTHCTIONS. . V 1S1T JAPANESE TEA GARDEN CURIO STORE , N. of Music Ilnll-H.ist . Midway. { * bOUTIILKN CALirtJKNIA { * g Ostrich Farm g -\\nST MIDWAA * . M ea62 Gigantic Birds 62 H Old Plantation | 100 Smitliorn N''Bfo Dinoiri Hlnr rs , | and Cttlfoall crs I'll kanlmi ) Quarts t , liiniiibomo Th' ater , Sou tin- VIWITollS WILL riND AT J The "coolest bror" and the best muslo on the fTmiinlH Ui.'hurHur.lMili pututo ealad , 10 LlatH TIIC LIBBY 01 ASS BLOWERS AMD IXKAVKUS. : ; ON THU U I > T tlllW\V. Ilnj your oncrnv d Rlu" s mvpnlrs at our vvorl < H HMnu r < < i\a tlio prlii of udmlsHinu tin k un < a < h pur- 1 I Q THU OMI I ( 01' Till ! AIP WOULD n g LAST AUDVlAYItlCts J 4 ( J B BB Bl B mt tX Om 101 IB Wd In ( CJ | d VH HH Bta Don t fall to talto a rlilo on ( GRIFFITHS' ' SCENIC RAILWAY ( on tbo Mil WAY , un-1 si e n rci > risi > ntnt un of II i J3ATTLrr MANILA /nth / ! J. ! ! l'c ? ! . ! . . . . . , .rf ' . ' . " j.- . . ? , ' ? . . . . " . . } /.I1-11.1 * , , o VIlllLU , r. ' ! ! ' 9 ra.i . i- i DIUlfU I by J. A. Orimtha , at hlM olhte on the IT Midway j ; I Trained Wild Animal Show. \ ? " 33F : ' h impiun ItIii r filter 0 ( JIMTON lu Di'ii of LI..U- M ( U tn H tH fM ttM Ml I M n U9I m KM U | iM Do Not Forget to Visit the Tea Garden , Bazar and Joss 4 House on West Midway. & ] t J