PART II. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE. ESTAttT/TSTTTVn .T7TXK 19. 1871. OMAHA. SUNDAY MORNIXG , AUGUST 28 , 1898. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS' THE * /J Leading Dress Goods House OF THE WEST. Over 30,000 Styles to Select From. We can show 25 styles In high grade dress foods to any other merchant's one. Our early fall dress goods now on exhibi tion and we challenge any other house In Omaha outside of it to come within 60 per cent of our prices. Special Sale for Monday Only Coverts 4 lines of Coverts , 42 colors , sold else where at from 11.25 to $1.50 , our price only 6Sc. 4 Lines Poplins 3S colors , all this fall of ' 08 others sell them at $1.60 , our prices , 9Sc. Novelties 2,600 pieces , all new , just In , and worth $1.00 per yard , Monday only C5c. T..ilor Suitings for Ladles 250 styles English Suiting from $1.50 up to J7.50 per yard. JJr i.idclotlts French Velours $1.25 French Doeskins 12.50 French Ladles' Cloth $1.50 None Genuine unlew rolled on th Domestic Cloths 75c "VARNISHED BOARD , " - . These goods are only half what others ask AND STAMPED EVERY FIVE > ARDS WITH I for them. THE MANUFACTURERS' NAMC.j Astrakhans In blacks , reds , cream , grey and other colors , from 9Sc up to $7.50 per yard. Military Cloth- New fabric for fall In three lines and 30 shades at from 65c up to $1.50 per yard. CHEAP DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT Cashmeres , lOc , 15c , 19c , 25c. Novelties , lOc , 15c , 19c , 25c. 29c , 39c , 49c. BLACK DRESS GOODS. Priestley leads them all. We carry o\er 1,000 styles of his goods Fancies , Plains , Eudoras , Cravcnettcs , etc. , at from C9c up to $6.25 per yard. We also carry the pro ducts of Sir Edward Rlpley , Lupin , Ecrold , Walker & Sons , all of Bradford , England , and known as the most renowned manufacturers In the world. CONTAIRES Celebrated Silk Crepons , the most stylish In the world are confined to us for Omaha. We have them at from $2.25 to $7.50 per yard. A fine line of American and Foreign CHEPONS at 59c , 75c , OSc , $1.25 , $1.50 , $1.75 , up to $6.25 per yard. \ SHOPPING BY MAIL Samples sent free on application. Every dress guaranteed to glvo perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Send In your orders. Wash Goods Department Special Prices on Cottons for Monday. 1 yard wide Sllkollne , worth 12&C 8e Fine French Printed Sateen , all dark , yard lOc Big bargain Standard Calico , yard SL&C Best Calico made any color or style , yard 5c All standard , fine quality Dress Ginghams , yard lOc Double fold Novelty Cotton Dress Goods , 30-ln. wide , all new and pretty effects , yard 15c Nobby line of Washable Plaids , 30-ln wide , yard 15c Fleece Suiting , all sorts of patterns , yard lOc 25-Inch Dark Percales , all new stjles , yard Oc All the new colored and silk Moreen Skirtings are now being shown at our Lining Department. Grand Cut Price Sales on Ribbons , Laces , Sashes , Notions , Etc. Great bargains to clear up stock and introduce new goods. The lowest prices ever made. Grand assortment of plain and fancy Ribbons , worth 25c yard , only 9c Special sale Ladles' Teck Ties a bargain at 25c for only 5c Ladles' Sashes , fringed , 4 yards long , all gcod colors , worth $3.00 , only 7Sc Ladles' Leather Handbags , large size , double pocket outside , worth $1.25Vonly. . . . 4Sc Ladles' Pockctbooks and Chatelaines , seal leather , worth $1.25 , only 4Sc EXPOSITION SOUVENIRS. Large assortment pretty and useful presents at lOc , 15c , 25c You pay twice us much elsewhere. A table full pf Notions Curling Irons , Fancy Elastic , Curling Kids , Fnlshlng Braids , nickel plated Safety Pins , Rubber Hair Pins , full cards ; Fancy Box Hair Pins , each worth up to 25c. on sale at only 4Vic. 200 yards eoH finish Spool Cotton , white and black , all numbers only , spool . . . . 2c Crochet Silk , all colors , full size spool , good quality , only , spool 4&c Full size , double and twist Sea Island Cotton Hammocks , worth $2.75 , only $1.43 Beautiful art studies of fatorlte subjects by celebrated artists , worth up to $1.00 , only .each lOc Special bargain table of Laces , worth up to 25c yard , on sale at 9c Flannel Department. Now Is the time to take advantage of low prices. Largest stock to pick from. White Wool Flannel at , yard 15c , ISc , 25c 35c and 40c Striped and Checked Shirting Flannel at , yard 25c Double fold Zephyr Flannel at , yard 25c Striped and Checked Outing Flannel at , yard , 3V4c , 5c , Sc and lOc Shaker Flenncl at , yard , 4c , Sc" G'jc. Sc and lOc Outlug Flannel Skirt Patterns , each 25c Striped and Checked Shirting , big line to pick from at , yard , 5c , 6 > c , S c , lOc , 12Vic and 15c Summer Blankets at SOc , 49c , 75c , $1.00 , $1.25 and $1.35 pair Bed Comforts at 75c , Soc , $1.00 , $1.25 , $1.50 , $1.75 , $2.25 and $2.50 each New lot of Wool Eiderdown at low prices. Linens. We have the only Linen Department in the west. We buy direct from the leading linen weavers of the world and can sell you linens at one-half what others ask you. 72-Inch extra heavy double Satin Damask , $2.00 quality , Monday , yard $1.23 72-Inch fine quality Double Satin Damask , $3.00 quality , Monday , yard $1.87 72-Inch heavy Double Satin Damask , $1.75 quality , Monday , yard $1.00 70-Inch full bleached Double Satin Damask , $1.39 quality , Monday 75c 70-Inch full bleached Irish Table Damask , $1.00 quality , Monday 69c ' CSInch Silver Bleached Scotch Damask , 90c quality , Monday 55c 60-Inch Sllrer Bleached German Damask , 75c quality , Monday 49c 60-Inch Silver Bleached Austrian Damask , 55c quality , Monday 39o 68-Inch Cream Damaak , 49c quality , Mondry 274e fcS-lnch full bleached Union Damask , 40c qvallty , Monday 25c 36-Inch Bleached Butchers' Linen , 40c quality. Monday , yard 25c Sofa Pillow Linens at lOc , 12Hc , 15c anu ISc SC-lnch round thread Art Linen , 75c. quality , Monday , yard 57Uc 36-Inch Fronting Linen. 50c quality. Mond-y. yard ; 300 DOO dozen Bleached Napkins , size 20x20 , wotth $1.39. Monday 9Sc All Linen Crash ( worth double ) at 5c , 7Hc. lOc and 12Vic IS-lnch Check Glass Toweling , Monday 4c 16-Inch Cotton Huck Toweling at , We are the Leaders in Sheeting and Muslin. 5 bales heavy L. L. Muslin , 36-ln. Klde at . . 3Vic 10 casea Soft Finish Bleached Muflln , 30 in. wide , at 4Uc 6 cases Lonsdale Cambric , 36-ln. wide , at . . 10 bales heavy brown Sheeting. SI Inches wldo at , yard 15 cases bleached Sheeting , SI Inches wide , 2 : Vic quality , Monday . 17c Ready-to-use Sheets , large size , torn , not cut ; at . < 42Hc Ready-to-use Sllpa , at 7Vic , lOc and . 12 He Bed Spread Spacials for Monday. Crochet Spreads , large sizes , at 39c , 49c , 65 c and C5c Extra heavy and i-atra large Spreads at 75 c , SSc and $1.25 Large slie Spread , Marseilles pattern , frin ge on all sldei , worth 11.50 , Monday . . . . $1.00 Blf ( . Jock of Marseille * Sprewli at $2.15. I 2.60 , $3.00 up to { 5.00 ' t \ * * ' " * " " 'diirlnsr"conJlnemeBt."Bable * aoD HAYDEH Greyest HAYDEN Bargain Sales of the Entire Year Final reductions have been made on thousands of dollars \vorth of summer goods in stock and they must be sold at once. You can buy them now for less than one-half the regular price. w - "We are holding special advance sales in every department on large lots of fall goods , made up for us for spot cash and immediate delivery at a discount of fully 30 per cent from what the prices will be in another month. The best opportunity to select from great assortments of stylish goods at a big flnal discount. Such values will never be offered again. Visiting Bohemians should make the Big Store their trading headquarters. It will pay to take advantage of the special railroad rates to attend these sales. Agents for the Butterick Patterns and Publications. Nowhere in America will you find Greater Values than at HAYDENS' in Monday's Big Silk Sale. Thousands of Bargains we mention but a few Cttccks , Stripes and Plain White Funcv Stripes Changeable Silks Washable Silken and Chucks , on sale on sale fine grade on sale Monday Monday Monday Fancy Silks-over 100 pieces in ChaiigcHhle Brocades , Moire Velonr , Printed Silks , Fancy Stripes at.49c and many other styles , worth up to 91.oO , on sale Monday at. Plaids , Checks and Stripes , and many beautiful Novelty Silks , the very latest styles , over i00 ! pieces 75c to select from , worth up to $1.75 , on sale Monday. Plain Indin , in either Plain Satin , either Plain Taffeta , the very white or black , finest white or black , spec- boM quality in over 20(1 ( prrndo , on sale QQx ially on sale * AQn shades , on sale * J Kp Monday. Ot7U Monday X 7U Monday * 1 > LAI.AM ) FIGURED HLACK SILKS. Black Figured Black Bayaderes Black Silk and Satin Gros Grains , all silk , and Satin Brocades. Brocades , very heavy , on sale /LQr worth 81 , on fiQp worth $1.50 , on Monday ± uC sale Monday O * ? sale Monday Plain Black Taffeta , none better , 75C on sale Monday Big Sale op PlaiT * Black Satlp TSuehesse The finest grades of all pure silk and guaranteed to wear. 20 pieces of all silk Black Satin Duchesse , worth Sl.OO , on sale at 78o 30 pieces of all silk Black Satin Duchesse , worth S1.50 , on sale at $ J | OO i 16 pieces of the very finest prade of Satin Duchesse. full 24 inches wide I and worth 82.10 , on sale Monday at Plain Black Peau dc Sole Dress Silk , our special leader , guaranteed - anteed to bo the best silk value in America the finest grade and nowhere but at Hayden's at such a price The largest stock of Black Silks we carry every known weave , in none but the most reliable makes-black silk at 49c , 69c , 75c. 85c , $1. $1.25 , S1.50 , S2.00 and S2.5O. Buy your * Hlc * toy TVIall if out of town We guarantee to please you or money refunded. , Sheet Music McKlnley edition of TEN CENT MUSIC is unsurpassed by any edition published , irrespective of price. The edition is music ally correct , elegantly printed from new and specially engraved plates , on best qual ity paser. This catalogue contains over 1,000 pieces , one-third of which are copy rights. There is no dead wood In this catalogue. Every composition is a seller. The selec tion has been made by competent musicians who have had years of experience in filling the orders of thousands of music teachers residing In every section of the United States. Among these are some of the very latest waltzes and two steps , only lOc per copy. Call or send for catalogues. Monday Big Towel Sale 500 dozen large size Towels , worth lOc , at So 630 dozen all linen Huck Towels , worth 15c , at 9c COO dozen extra larce Turkish Towels , worth 15c , at 9c SOO dozen Damask Towels , fancy bor ders , knotted fringe , worth 25c , at. . . . 15c 200 dozen Huck and Damask Towels , size 24x43 , worth 39c , at 19c Wall Paper Specials After inventorying the wall paper stock we find a great number of remnants of all grades of goods , from 2 to 30 rolls of a kind. These we are compelled to dispose of at a very low figure and you can buy them now for one-fifth factory price. Our regular line of white blanks on sale at 4c end Be ; 9-ln. borders l4c ! and 2c yd. Gilts at 6c , 7c , Sc , lOc , 12Jic , 15c. one- third less than regular ; IS-ln borders at Sc , 6c , 7c. Sc yard. Best ready mixed paints , $1.00 gallon ; 55c half callon. Our Star Bath Tub Enamel resists hot and cold water ; 1 pint 75c. Specials in Carpets If you buy carpets here you select from the largest stock in the Transmlsslsslppl country and get the low-eat prices. 0 pieces wool faced Brussels carpet at SOc yard. Two other special lots at 60c and 65c. Extra super naif wool Ingrain carpets at 35c. 35c.All All wool Ingrain carpets at 45c. 20 pieces best all wool Ingrain carpets SOc. New Persian Wilton Rugs , $1.50.- Reversible Brussels Rues , 65c. 30-Inch Smyrna Rugs , $1.25. One of the best makes of Carpet Sweepers on sale at $1.75. Furniture i Sit down In this Rocker and read these prices ; It will do you good. Just in as the result of our July buying , car loads of new Furniture , new Iron Beds , new Extension Tables , new Sideboards , new Bedroom Suits. 5-drawer , Polished Oak Chiffonier. . . . $4.S5 5-drawer , Polished Oak Chiffonier , with French plate mirror 6.25 Mahogany finish Music Cabinet , 9 shelves for music 6.95 Bamboo music racks , $1.25 , $1.75 and.$1.95 $ Oak Easel , 75c ; another , S5c ; adjustable rests. 3-panel , 5-ft screene , filled 1.S5 4-panel , 5-ft screene , filled 2.85 Oak Square Extension , $3,25 ; another , $4.50 and one at 5.50 See our new line of Tables. Oak Sideboards , Bevel Mirrors , Top Shelf and Side Shelves , at (11.00 , $11.50 and 12.50 Bedroom Suits , new styles , 3 pieces , at $12.25 , $14.00 , $15.00 , $16.00 and. . 16.50 Swell front drawers , double tops. Large double Folding Beds , $7.85 ; other . Folding beds at $9.50 and $9.75 , all fitted with springs. Oak Stands and Center Tables at Soc. $1.00 , $1.45 and $1.75 Oak Chairs , 75c , Sac and 95c ; Cane seata , brace arms. New Office Desks , new Combination Cases , new Rockers , new Couches , new Center Tables , new Pictures , all at bottom prices for first-class goods. If it Is a question of saving money on really desirable goods you will have to come here. Big Jewelry Sales ANOTHER OFFER ON STERLING SILVER SPOONS. .lust purchased the entire stock of a sterling silver manufacturer. We place the goods on sale all this week. Sterling silver Spoons , worth $6 00 per set , on sale at $2.98 per set of 6. Why pay auction houses $2.50 for cheap plated spoons ? A creat asortment of elegant Souvenirs Spoons. Special designs at 25c up. Expo sition Souvenirs In Turkish Jewelry , etc. , at very lowest prices. Men's stem wind and stem set Watches , clckel cases , good timekeepers , at 9Sc. Gold filled Watches , Elgin or Waltbam , warranted 15 years , at $ S.95. Gold plattd Watches , good timekeepers , only $2.98. Our Exposition Sale Fresh roaster Rio and Santos coffee , per pound No. 1 sugar cured picnic hams Small hams , best sugar cured "He Bologna sausage , only &c Campbell's soups , 15c cans only 7V4e 10 bars Armour's soap , White Russian or Cudahy's Diamond C soap for. . . . 25c Primrose breakfast cocoa , per can. . . . lOc Parlor matches , 12 boxes for S&c large bottles pure tomato catsup. lOc China Department Our china department Is the largest In the west. We carry the finest and biggest line of goods. Buy direct from the manu facturers : thereby giving our patrons goods from first hands , saving them the middle man's profit of 25 per cent. Decorated cups and saucers , EC per pair. Decorated dinner plates 5c Decorated wash bowl and pitcher , cov ered chamber , soap dish and brush mug $1.63 Solid ntckle night lamp , with revolving reflector 25c China egg holders 6c Decorated lamp , with 8-ln. decorated globe 9Sc 10-In. crystal berry dish lOc Japanese tea pots , with patent strainer. 29c 10-Inch bisque figures ; worth 150 each , for 25c Pin trayo with mottoes 15c Drug Department Prices $1.00 Swift's Specific 75o $1.75 Swift's Specific $1.25 Warner's Safe Cure 90c Fellows' Syrup of Hypophosphltea . . . . $1.15 Mennen'e Talcum Powder 15c Cutlcura Soap 20c Duffy's' Malt Whiskey S5e Malted Milk . ' 45c , SOc , $3.25 Ozomulslon SOc Scott's Emulsion 75o Quinine Capsules , 2-graIn , per dozen , . 5c Quinine Capsules , 3-graIn , per dozen. . Sc Butter Butter Butter Good dairy butter lie to 12VS Good country butter 12Victol4 A fine dairy butter 14c to 16 A nice creamery at 1C Separator creamery 17 to 10 Strictly fresh eggs 12' < Great Sale iti our Cheese and Fish Department Fancy full cream cheese ' . 11 Wisconsin full cream , very fine 12 4 Herklmer Co. double cream , only 14 Ohio Swiss chceese 14 Young Americas , the best 12 4 Edam cheese SO Pineapple cheeese , only 50c Club bouse 30 Neufchatel 3 Bargains in fish : Snow white codfish , only per Ib 4Vz Blood red Alaska salmon , per Ib 7 Fine large mackerel , each 02 Family white fish , very fine , per Ib. . . . 3 Look at these Prices for Monday in the Big Cracker Department A. B. C. Soda Crackers 6c A. B. C. Oyster Crackers 6c 4-pounds Ginger Snaps 25c Graham Crackers lOc Oatmeal Crackers lOc Bremncr's Lunch lOc Shredded Whole Wheat lie Animal Crackers lHc Sultana Fruit Crackers 14c Grape Nut Food He Bremner's Hlsh Tra 25c Boyle's Celery Pretzels , per box I5c The finest line of Cookies and Cakes In the west. These roods are all nice and fresh. We also carry a laree assortment of fancy wafers and package goods. A complete stock of health foods from the cel ebrated Battle Creek Sanitarium , and out prices are the lowest. HAYDEN BROS. t a ted. r EiT 1IM nin-rtfl T . ul Milk , , . . rh alft . B. .vm > I I "train > > . vi farm . ; Arizona - . . - a VHIaf r T.O.TChurcKT . . . . . - I I WEW'wheeli . . .i cAa. ftt.SO'to" . $36f _ a tnd'ttihd . 1898 New Styles 1898 Ladies' Jackets Capes and Suits For the past four months we have cen tered our ability , the- power of our cash and the wisdom of our experience In the Cloak Department. Our aim , to open the fall sea son with a superb stock of jackets capes and suits that can bo ranked as ono of the world's finest In quality and exclusive styles , Is successful almost beyond our expectations. Our stock comprises English Kerseys , French Boucle , Irish Friezes , Scotch Twcedi Persian wool Astrakhans , Amsterdam , West of England clay diagonals and all others. Ladles' tailor made suits In Imported cloth , all new shades , made and cut lj very latest style , perfect fitting , at 1250 Ladles' Dress Skirts In black and navy serge and Sicilian cloth ; new flounce effect , lined with flnc percallne , at 4.98 Ladles' new flounce * skirts In plain brllllantlne at 3.98 Ladles' Dress Skirts In serge , brllllantlne , plain and figured and all colors , novelty mixtures , well cut and finished at 2.98 Ladles' figured brllllantlne skirts , seven gore at 1.49 Great clearing sale of ladles' linen skirts , at OSc. Ladies' Capes Capes In fine figured materials lined with farmer's mtln at 11.25. Ladles clay worsted capes , empire pleats In black , lined throughout , full sweep , 26- luches long , at 12.50. Ladles' clay worsted double capes , 27 Inches long , worth $7.00 , at $3.50. Ladles' silk capes in brocades , peau de solo , and gros grains , all silk lined , trim med with chltton , jet and satin ribbon. These capes have sold at $ S , $10 and $12 , on sale now at $3.98. Fashionable materials , domestic and Im ported In all the up-to-date garments In the greatest variety ever shown In any one house In the west. Ladles' winter Jackets from $1.98 to $50. Ladles' Capes from $1.50 to $75.00 , Ladles' new fall suits In serges and cov erts , jackets all silk lined , skirts full 4 yards wide well lined and stiffened at $4.98. Ladles' new fall suits , box coat and cut away style , Bill ; lined jacket in black and navy serge and mixed cheviots , worth $10 , at $6.50. Ladles' new fall tailor made suits In fine coverts and tailors' cloth , new skirts , new military sleeve In mode , brown and four shades of blue at $10.00. Clearing out all Summer Goods Final Reductions. Monday morning the greatest waist sale Ladles' fine taffeta silk underskirt * , 2- f the jear starts at The Ills Store corded ruffles on flounce , all shades , at $5. 29c for Waists worth 75c ; 75c for Waists Ladles' Wrappers In One lawns , percales worth J1.50 ; OSc for waists worth $2.50. and organdies at 49c. Ladles' underskirts in fast black sateen Ladles' extra , quality percale wrappers , at OSc. fitted waist lining , extra wide at hips , for 9Sc. Special Sale This Week on Men's Furnishing Goods. Men's flno Suspenders , worth 25c at lOo Men's black , brown and fancy colored Sox , worth 23c at 8 l-3c Men's fine Percale Shirts , with laundered collars and cuffs , the regular 75c qual ity , at zZc Men's Bow Ties , in all the latest colors , worth 15c , at 3c Men's SOc and 75c Night Shirts 330 Men's White unlaundered Shirts , with reinforced back and front , worth 75c , at . . 35c Men's One Shirts , In madras and cheviot , in all styles made , worth up to $1.50 , at 50c Men's balbrlggan Shirts and Drawers , In plain and fancy colors , worth 50 , at . . . . 2.c Men's black , brown nd fancy colored Tlose , at 3 pairs 2jc Ladies' and Children's Furnishings Ladles' four-button Kid Gloves , all desirable shades. Including blacks , at Too Ladles' black Hose , full seamless , and warranted fast colors , at 3 pairs for 23c Ladles' black , brown and balbrlgpan Hose , In full seamless , worth Joe , at IS'.o ' Ladles' Vests , In plain and fancy colors , worth 25c , at jjo Ladles' Summer Corsets at ; 5C | yjc 50 , , Ladles' Night Gowns , worth 7."c , at 33,3 Children's Bicycle Hose , In black , with double knee , and toe , worth 25c , at I2t e Curtains and Draperies 42 inch lace curtains , 75c pair. 18 inch lace curtains , 95c pair. Some rare bargains in lace and muslin curtains at 91.35 , 81.50 , 81.75 and $2.00. Beautiful effects in Brussels and fancy net new goods arrivinc daily. Oriental coiu-h covers at ? 2.75. The best tapestry curtains on earth for 82.93 a pair. Big line of rope portieres fvom 82.75 up. Hats ! Hats ! Hats ! You can get any style hat you want In this department. Prices are as low a ths lowest and a little better hat for the low est price. A Good Hat for SOc. Great Values in Hats at $1.00 and $1-50. A very complete line. hardware , Stoves and Housefurnishing Dept. When We Cut , We Cut Deep. Can Stave , 4 OP. 7c. of. Folding Ironing Boards C9c 26'lnch Hand Saw 390 Steel Shovels and Spades 49c 50-pound Flour Cans , decorated & ? c 25c Carpet IIrooms ISc 20c Wash Boards So Wood Wash Tubs 25c Solid Iron Frame Wringer $1.00 Galvtnized . , „ . _ „ Horse Hair Clippers 790 Iron Water Palls I3c Woo I < Smooth Planes 39c Gallon Tin Oil Cans 10a' ' $1.00 Steel Squares 490 Good Polished Claw Hammer 9c Electric Door Bells c Set Six Bits and Brace $1.13 i Fine Steel Hand Ax 590 Stoves ! Stoves ! Stoves ! Carload of Hard uml Soft Conl Ktove * 1ml reefl eil Will cell at price * netrr before made In . Oiunhn. Call and er. 6-Hole Steel Range , large oven , low i No. 8 Cook Stoves , 4 holes , large oven $7.05 warming closet , high shelf with , water c-hole Cast Range , with reservoir $11 95 front ' $23.95) ) Kneclal lav orlcm on Gasnlln * SLav * - JUtrlir orators. Hoxa. Reel * and Summer